Birthday in the style of Athena. New Year's script in the Greek style. Archery Competition

  • 26.03.2020

Party in Greek style

Heavenly halls in a golden crown.
In them the gods take on the life of Olympus.
Mighty Zeus reigns on the throne of light,
Possessing power, divine secret.
Plays with the fates of people, their lives,
In a series of good and evil, the threat of feast.
Olympus a gift for happiness or misfortune
Hands he accomplishes overnight.

The gods feast in golden palaces.
Under the dome of the blue vaults of heaven.
Great Zeus on a golden throne
With a beautiful proud and calm face.

Hera sits next to the throne,
Her beautiful face shines in the rays.
She shines with reverence for Zeus,
I admire the greatness of his features.

Irida swift-winged next to her,
Follows Hera's every gesture, glance,
Ready to land with a message
With another divine task.

In Olympus, eternally joyful summer,
Does not know cold, rain and snow.
Above him is a blue sky
For the welfare of the gods, peace.

Once Zeus saw a beauty among the nymphs of the sea,
he stole her sleeping, warmed her with tender words.

And in the morning the radiant Iris put on magnificent clothes on her,
Charites sat at her feet and sang, glorifying existence.

And Hera sits next to Zeus on the throne of light at times,
merging in a passionate kiss, becomes his wife.

And mother Earth from her bowels gave an apple tree with golden fruits.
Having united them forever, and glorified the union of heavenly power.

Hera - the supreme Olympic goddess, sister and third wife of Zeus. Hera was considered the patroness of marriage.


Women participate in this pair competition. It is carried out in the form of a verbal duel. You need to convince your opponent of your superiority. One of the participants begins with the words: “I am the most beautiful!” The other answers her: “But I am the smartest!” The first objected: "But I'm the kindest." And so on, avoiding repetition. The one that provides more arguments wins the competition. Get ready for the fact that the competition can go on for quite some time. To complicate the task, we can suggest naming arguments that begin only with a certain letter of the alphabet.

She is a huntress... She
Deeds glorious and strong.
She built a temple in Ephesus,
He is known throughout Hellas.

Goddess glorious first
Was known as the head
Protector of living beings -
For them - the kindest of deities.

Artemis - Goddess of the moon and hunting, forests, animals, fertility and childbearing.


  1. chickens
  2. Turkey
  3. Fox
  4. A monkey
  5. Kangaroo
  6. Bat
  7. Marmot
  8. Jerboa

To you, the goddess of light-eyed,
I give away my unsteady verse.
To you, the goddess of light-eyed,
I entrust the fragile boat.

You, born without blood,
I pray for clear silence!
To the tune of timid praises
Hear, bowing your forehead to me.

Athena - the daughter of Zeus, born from his head in full combat weapons. One of the most revered Greek goddesses, the goddess of just war and wisdom, the patroness of knowledge.


Who will hit the pins with the ball more.

From the foam of the sea, Aphrodite stepped to the ground,
Leaving traces of violets on the wet grass...
The gods saw - no one can compare with her!
No one even envied her beauty.

Her golden curls are loose...
She is wrapped in them as if in silk.
Eyelashes fluttered! Below them are blue eyes.
In which, as if, the wave froze.
Goddess of love that has magical charms.
Not like people, and gods makes love.
She creates and herself destroys those couples
who have not learned to love.

Aphrodite - Goddess of love and beauty.

The most beautiful women of the 20th century... admired by millions. In the same rating - the most beautiful women of the 20th century - I would like to take into account all those generations who admired their beauty. Of course, now these beauties have either long gone to another world, or are not in their prime. And perhaps today their names are not so often remembered.

However, at one time crowds of fans followed them, and posters with their images dispersed fleetingly. Currently, other faces, other stars, but the women of the 20th century left the most indelible mark on the history of beauty and femininity, and it is simply impossible to imagine the past century without them.

Sophia Loren

Marilyn Monroe

Brigitte Bardot

Elizabeth Taylor

Vivien Leigh

Anna Samokhina

Elina Bystritskaya

Irina Alferova

Natalya Varley

Tatyana Vedeneeva

Fateeva Natalia

Lyubov Orlova

Scene "Apple of discord"

Goddess of darkness, omnipresent Hekate,
We are happy to be under your auspices.
Goddess of three roads, three-faced Enodie, *
For the glory of the Mother, we roam the world.
Goddess of sorcery and dark magic,
Selena, Artemis, Moon you and Urania, *
And the kingdom of the shadow you are Queen Chthonia, *
Relentless as an abyss and bottomless.

Hecate- goddess of sorcery, patroness of sorcerers.


The participants of the competition are given chalk in each hand and the task is voiced: it is necessary to draw a vase with the left hand, and a flower with the right hand. You need to draw at the same time and do it very quickly. The winner is the one who does it faster and more beautifully.

The goddess came in the evening
Lit a million candles
And it became brighter in the world
From her good rays.

Goddess of family love
Bringing warmth to the house
The only one in the universe.
Distinguished good from evil.

Hestia- goddess of the hearth and fire.

Competition "Drying clothes"

This funny contest will reveal all the complexities of the well-known process of hanging up washed clothes. For the competition you will need: different rags, clothesline, blindfold (2 pieces), clothespins.

The essence of the competition is this: divide all participants into two equal teams, blindfold the first participants, give a clothespin in one hand, a rag in the other and send him to look for a rope. Teams can loudly suggest the direction of movement of the participant. When the participant gets to the rope, he needs to hang the cloth on the rope and secure it with a clothespin, then remove his bandage and return to the team. For each hanging rag, the team earns a point.

The team that scores the most points wins.

Soon Demeter descended to the earthly plains
And she was horrified when she saw the conflagration traces,
Rocks stuck out everywhere in the river to the rapids
An eternal reminder of a great misfortune.
This is the legacy of the battle of gods and titans:
Gaia suffered from severe burns and wounds,
Much over it swept from the fire of hurricanes,
A hot mist lurked in the dark gorges...

Soon the girl saw deer in the valley:
A beautiful couple rushed to the spring to drink.
Looking at them, Demeter leaned against a mountain ash:
“A marvelous place will dispel any melancholy!
I will not return to Olympus! – suddenly decided goddess. -
But I will restore the beauty of the scorched earth!
I will follow the earthly fertility now,
So that the plants of Gaia do not die in the darkness ...

Demeter is the goddess of fertility and agriculture.

This competition on March 8 is specifically to test how good the hostesses are in the kitchen. It will probably not be difficult for them to roll up a couple of cans of cucumbers and tomatoes. But not everything is so simple. The host selects several participants and puts several cans of different sizes on the table at a distance of a couple of meters. Participants are given scissors and cardboard. Now their task is to cut out the lids for each jar so that they fit exactly into the holes of the jars. The winner is the participant who has more lids coincided with the holes of the cans.

Muse of the heroic community,

Mother of Orpheus, in her name the tramp of horses,

In her appearance - courage and courage.

That accompany the procession of heroes,

In her lips, the courage of weathered lips,

Her tunic flies like a warrior's flag.

calliope - the muse of epic poetry.


Each team will have to compose a spring burime. Burime are short poems that are built according to a given rhyme. Rhymes will be next.

Spring is red

Blizzard drops


Dream roses.

Metis - the goddess of wisdom, the first of the three wives of Zeus, who conceived Athena from him.

Competition. Explain the meaning of phraseological units that came to us from Ancient Greece.

1. Sisyphean labor - useless, repeated over and over again efforts.

2. Pandora's box - a source of misfortune, disasters.

3. Sink into oblivion - disappear without a trace, be forgotten forever.
4. To sing praises - to praise excessively, exalt.
5. The navel of the earth is a person who considers himself the center of the universe.
6. Temple of Melpomene - theater
7. The cornucopia is an inexhaustible source of various benefits.

8. Bonds of Hymen - matrimony.

9. Nectar and ambrosia are delicious food and drink.

10. Achilles' heel - a weak spot (

12. Tantalum torment - ongoing suffering due to the inability to achieve the desired, despite its proximity

Mnemosyne- mother of nine muses, goddess of memory.


Mother and daughter are invited from each team. They will be asked questions. Let's see how well you remember and know each other's habits and interests.

Questions for mothers.

How many lessons does your daughter have on Tuesdays? (6)

What does your daughter dream of becoming?

Name your daughter's favorite school subject.

Does your daughter love to dance?

Your daughter's favorite food.

Favorite toy.

Questions for daughters

Mom's favorite flower.

Your mom's favorite phrase.

Can your mom skate?

What is your mom's dream?

Your first word.

What song does your mom like?

Magic Hat Contest

Bypassed Nicky's clothes
Fragrances of strawberries.
Blows sea and ozone
Wet cloak her green ....
Blizzard curls to toe
The winds are friendly.
Caught, flew
Blizzards swirled them
Scattered them in the snow
Ripped to dust and dust...
Like black flags
To the sky foamy-swept
tangled curl
Her swirling hair ....
Violent strands of darkness black -
Like a ferocious mountain stream….
Like a raging waterfall...
Like a playful leopard….

Nika is the personification of victory. Often she was depicted with a wreath, a common symbol of triumph in Greece.


Make as many words as possible from the word WINNER

Easy on the air
dawn flower
so pretty
now to you
come down here.
muse of dance,
in tender respect
because the dance
facial expressions art,
and you
do you know this feeling?
wrapped in ivy
thin mill
always with a smile
on the lips
then a resounding song
playing the lyre
will surprise
bringing everyone
in silent delight
(with wonderful
bargaining is not appropriate)
and for the soul
health in the body
try it in action!

Terpsichore - Muse of dance art. Terpsichore was considered the muse of choral singing and dance, portrayed as a young woman in the pose of a dancer, with a smile on her face. She had a wreath on her head, in one hand she held a lyre, and in the other a plectrum. She is "enjoying round dances".


Tyche is the goddess of chance, a happy occasion.


The word SPRING is written on the board. The box contains an object whose name begins with the letter of the given word. Whoever guesses the item wins a prize.

(Fork, spruce, sugar, socks, orange)

Capricious ... - all persuasion is futile ...
Euterpe if you really ask,
And inspiration will open your eyes,
And ligature lines - a poetic thread.

Euterpe poetic slumbers
And, wrapped in a fleecy warm blanket,
The insidious one does not heed my prayers.
Pale, moonlight flickers in the bedroom.

Around the mysterious darkness. And I'm up to date
I won’t call the muse, even with her on - “you”.
Wake up... and divine lines
Shed poetry on clean sheets.

Euterpe- muse of lyrical chant. Depicted with a double flute in her hand.

The participants are divided into teams. The task of each team is to remember as many songs as possible, in the texts of which there are female names. The teams take turns singing lines from the songs they remember. The team with the most "musical vocabulary" wins.

There is a goddess of justice, Themis.
In a judicial robe, a well-known portrait.
Bandage on the eyes. Law in hand. Like an idol.
More Libra. "Guilty" - a cup, a cup - "No."

The law in the hand, as a symbol, is judged by the law.
The eyes are closed. Regardless of the persons to judge.
There are no pockets on the mantle, so in style.
In the process, honest judges have nothing to hide.

Themis - goddess of justice and law, second wife of Zeus, mother of mountains and moira.

The participants are divided into teams. Each of them receives a symbolic "jug" - a box of matches. Participants take turns with a “jug” on their heads and run to the finish line and return to their team, passing the “jug” to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins

Spin your spindle
Goddess of Eternity Ananke.
Stretch the canvas of life
Three Moiras having prepared a frame.
Lachesis will choose lots,
Clotho will spin the beginning of the thread.
Anthropos will find the future,
Fate, made up of events.
Holding all the threads, on the hands
Giving work to sensitive fingers
With a smile on silent lips
Prepare for the fate of the wanderers.
Not destined to predict
The water is dark, there is no bottom in the well.
And only they can decide
When the sun goes out for the eyes.
Winding up another ball
Spindle turns count.
Tied a new knot
What will happen next? Moira know...

The word "moira" in Greek means "share", "part", with the meaning "fate", which each person receives at birth. In ancient Greek mythology, the Moira are the goddesses of fate. According to Homer, three sisters were moira spinning the thread of human destiny - Lachesis ("giving lots" even before the birth of a person), Cloto ("spinning" the thread of human life) and Atropos ("inevitable", steadily bringing the future closer). They were presented in the form of stern old women: Lachesis with a measure or scales, Clotho with a spindle in his hand, Atropos with a book of life and scissors - breaking the thread meant death.

Each contestant receives a ball of thread, inside of which a note with a task is attached to the end of the thread. The participant who first rewinds the ball, reads the note and completes the task becomes the winner.

Neptune comes out with a trident.


Each team receives a hoop. The first participant gets into it up to the waist and runs on command, touches the trident and runs back, passes the hoop to another.

I fell silent - in reality I saw a wonderful dream.
A head rose from the water in the moonlight
And another, and a third, and after her,
On the surface of evenly running swells,
And far and near, a whole swarm
They arose from the depths of the sea.
They were all Naiads. In the silver haze
Their sketches were drawn; quietly onet
They swayed and floated like foam towards the ground.

Naiads are nymphs who keep water.


Near each team there is an empty jar with a volume of 1 liter. At a distance of five meters from each team there are buckets of water. Each team has one sponge. At the command of the leader, the first team members run to the bucket, dip a sponge into it and run to their jar. They squeeze water out of a sponge into a jar. Then they give the sponge to the second participant, and he does the same. And so on, until some team does it first, that is, fills the jar completely.

Forest nymph, spirit of nature,

Look between the branches secretly!

I hear you walking in the forest

Your laughter flows like a stream.

Birds fly into the palm from the branches

Bathe in your tenderness

And a ray of sunshine strives

Get into the flow of your curls.

Above your head flock

A wreath of butterflies is spinning.

Spring, whispering a forest tale,

Playfully splashing at the feet.

You walk through the forest with a vision,

Birch spit pulling,

Disappear in the glare of chiaroscuro

There was and now you're gone

flower meadow

nymphs - the lowest deities in the hierarchy of the Greek gods. They personified the forces of nature.


From blanks of paper flowers to make a bouquet.

Beautiful day of the calendar -
March 8 - women's holiday.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Beautiful ladies, we wish you happiness!

Warm weather to you in the family,
Love, kindness and understanding,
Comfort, tenderness in the soul
And daily attention!

Let there be a joyful spring
And the sun shines endlessly.
Let your eyes burn with happiness
To be great!

Majestic, pompous - a party in the Greek style. Immerse yourself in the era of immortal gods and great heroes.
And so where to start - of course, with the choice of venue. Although you shouldn’t hesitate here for a long time, almost any cafes, restaurants, you can have a party in nature or at home.
After you have chosen a place, take care of invitations, decoration ... well, in general, read, everything is in detail there

Each of us loves to have fun. But the eyes yearn for variety. As a result, we decide to create something special. The idea of ​​​​creating a party in the Greek style will be extraordinary.


Invitations are an important part of any party. They, in a certain sense, are the face of your holiday, even before it starts. What should they be? There are two options. The first one is bespoke. Designers will create an appropriate style, placing all the most important points in the right places. As you know, the Greeks did not particularly amuse themselves with clothes. This means that you will need to dress simply and elegantly. Invitations, in turn, should be the same. Accordingly, if they are custom-made, then it is enough to add a few beautiful images.
The best images will be Greek symbols. So, the image of a bottle of olive oil, which spreads throughout the postcard, will add appetizing and sophistication to the aroma. Also, do not ignore the philosophers of ancient Greece. Their “conversation” in the invitation will give the future incident more coziness and comfort.
It's a good idea to give your future guests an olive branch along with the invitation. This will give the future party elegance, fun and in line with Greek culture.
If you are a fan of amateur performances, then it would be a good idea for each of your guests to come up with an image and find a corresponding character from Greek history and myths. The Internet allows you to find a lot of photos and pictures, print them and paste them into the invitation. The result of such work will be a joint discussion of each guest and his similarity with the chosen hero.
In general, the main thing is that the invitation was made from the heart. With this, you will make 50% of your Greek party comfortable, fun and original style.


Your Greek party should "radiate" greatness, pomposity, pathos. It is better to distribute the roles of guests in advance, who will be what deity or hero, so that it is easier to choose costumes.
Classical music plays at the Greek party and, of course, Sirtaki
A Greek-style party can be held indoors, or outdoors, the decoration of the venue will depend on this.

hang printed images of Greek gods, Greek landscapes and architecture on the walls.
Hang decorative vines and bunches of grapes.
Arrange a lot of flowers, you can scatter rose petals on the floor.
Lay out a variety of sea shells.
Any palm trees (whatever you find) are perfect for decoration, you can balloons.

If, when meeting guests, you put decorative laurel wreaths on their heads, this will help you immediately immerse your guests in the atmosphere of a Greek holiday.


The most famous and simple costume for a Greek party is the costume of the Greek gods. It will not be difficult for you to look at examples of Greek attire on the Internet. Moreover, in ancient Greece, dresses were not cut and you do not have to sew something complicated. You can buy a costume or make your own. All you need is a piece of rectangular fabric and a belt.
The usual Greek dress is a chiton. Noble girls wore clothes in white and light colors.
A tunic with a lapel was a rectangular piece of fabric sewn together. At the places of fastenings, the lapel was draped with several folds and girdled with a belt. The excess length formed a kind of overlap over the belt, the so-called.
The shoes of the Greeks repeated the shape of the foot. Sandals were made of colored, gilded leather, decorated with metal plaques and embroidered with pearls. Sandals were complemented by lacing, which sometimes reached the knees.

Greek cuisine

As the saying goes: “Greece has everything”, so almost any dish is suitable for a Greek party. These are meat, fish, poultry, fruits, vegetables and, of course, Greek wine.

Recipes of the most famous and beloved Greek dishes:
"Dakos" or "Kukuvaya" - a traditional round Cretan cracker "dakos", slightly soaked and crushed tomatoes and soft cheese "anfotiro" (sometimes replaced with grated feta) are placed on it. All this is seasoned with olive oil and oregano.
"Saganaki" - baked cheese in batter.
"Tirocroketes" - cheese croquettes, as well.

"Dzadziki" - based on yogurt of special density - "strangisto", grated and well-pressed fresh cucumbers and garlic (salad pasta).
"Kunupidi" - salads from boiled cauliflower (hot salad).
Brocola - made from broccoli (hot salad).
All this is poured with Greek olive oil and lemon juice.
Greek salad (horiatiki) - tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, bell peppers, feta cheese, olives, dry origan and olive oil.
"Angurodomata" - cucumbers, tomatoes, onions.

Hot dishes
Moussakas is a kind of casserole made from pre-fried layers of eggplant, potatoes, minced meat, custard (bechamel) and cheese.
"Briam" - something like a vegetable stew, cooked in the oven from coarsely chopped zucchini, bell pepper, potato, tomato and greens.
"Imam Baildy" - baked eggplant halves stuffed with onions, tomatoes, garlic, herbs.
"Bamies" is something between small peppers and green beans, cooked in the oven with tomatoes, onions and herbs. The Greeks love to pair bamies with chicken.
Melizanes papuzakya - eggplant halves with minced meat, tomato sauce and cheese on top. Almost like “imam baildy”, only with minced meat.
"Suzukakya" - small meat patties with spices.
"Dolmadakya" - small cabbage rolls made from grape leaves and rice filling.
The most common meat dishes in Greece are grilled pork, beef, chicken and lamb.


At the party, you can put an oracle. A large, non-transparent vase containing notes with various sayings and quotes famous people. Each guest can go to the oracle, get one piece of paper from there and read about what awaits him in the future.
For example:
At the beginning of the party, divide the guests into teams of 4 or 8 people and, in the course of the holiday, arrange the Olympic Games among these teams. Name the teams with the names of the ancient Greek cities: Athens, Sparta, Delphi, Thebes, Corinth, Mycenae, Syracuse, Heraklion. It is important that each team has an approximately equal number of men and women.
Each participant of the competition will receive not only a prize, but also earn points for their cities. At the end of the event, the team with the most points will receive additional prizes.

Competition Wrestling
We call one contestant from each team. All participants are divided into pairs. We take and fasten, with the help of clothespins, a piece of paper to each participant on the back just below the neck. At the command of the leader, the participants try to tear off a piece of paper from the back of the opponent. The losers are eliminated, the winners fight the winners. The winner of the competition receives a prize and earns a ball for his city.
Archery competition
Buy a children's toy bow and arrange an archery competition.

High jump competition
Call the contestants to the dance floor or any other spacious area. Launch as many balloons as possible under the ceiling. At the command of the leader, all participants begin to jump after the balls, catching them and bursting. Whoever pops the most balloons wins. Warn the participants in advance that they would not throw out the remains of burst balloons, they will be counted at the end of the competition.

Competition with olives
We call the participants from each team and give each a saucer, on which lie 10 or even 15 olives. Participants stand in front of a visually drawn line. The task of the participants is to distribute all the olives to the rest of the guests on a signal to cheerful music without dropping a single one. Guests are not allowed to touch the olives with their hands. Each participant can eat only one olive.

Siren Contest
A women's karaoke competition, and call it a siren competition. Which, with their beautiful voices, made men go crazy.

Race walking
We call several tipsy men from the hall. We tell them that, at the command of the leader, you need to reach the chair, go around it and come back, but not just like that, but according to all the rules of race walking. One foot should always be completely pressed to the floor, from the tips of the pols to the heel. You can complicate the competition - the participants will have to hold a spoon with an egg in their teeth. Your guests will be very pleased with the funny gait of the contestants, especially the erotic wagging of the hips.

We call the participants of the competition and give each a fishing rod (fishing rod: a meter stick, we tie a rope a little longer to it, we tie a small magnet to the end of the rope), we mark a line for which the players cannot step. At a small distance from the anglers, we scatter coins, only in denominations of 10 and 50 kopecks (others are not magnetized). The leader keeps time. On command, the participants begin to fish, throwing fishing rods. Whoever pulls out the largest amount in the allotted time wins.

Arrange a dance competition (possible in teams) to the music of "Sertaki".

In nature, you can arrange a team competition in tug-of-war or a badminton championship, calling one participant from the team.

Greek party outfits for your guests

Gods of ancient Greece
Hades - god - the lord of the kingdom of the dead.
Apollo is the god of sunlight. The Greeks portrayed him as a beautiful young man.
Ares is the god of war, the son of Zeus and Hera.
Asclepius - the god of medical art, the son of Apollo and the nymph Coronis
Boreas is the god of the north wind, the son of the Titanides Astrea (starry sky) and Eos (morning dawn), brother of Zephyr and Nota. Depicted as a winged, long-haired, bearded, powerful deity.
Helios (Helium) - the god of the Sun, brother of Selene (goddess of the moon) and Eos (morning dawn). In late antiquity, he was identified with Apollo, the god of sunlight.
Hercules is an ancient Greek hero, the son of Zeus.
Hermes is the son of Zeus and Maya, one of the most ambiguous Greek gods. The patron of wanderers, crafts, trade, thieves. Possessing the gift of eloquence.
Hephaestus is the son of Zeus and Hera, the god of fire and blacksmithing. He was considered the patron saint of artisans.
Hypnos is the deity of sleep, the son of Nikta (Night). He was depicted as a winged youth.
Dionysus (Bacchus) is the god of viticulture and winemaking, the object of a number of cults and mysteries. He was depicted either as a fat elderly man, or as a young man with a wreath of grape leaves on his head.
Zagreus is the god of fertility, the son of Zeus and Persephone.
Zeus is the supreme god, the king of gods and people.
Kronos is a titan, the youngest son of Gaia and Uranus, the father of Zeus. He ruled the world of gods and people and was overthrown from the throne by Zeus ..
Morpheus is one of the sons of Hypnos, the god of dreams.
Pluto is the god of the underworld, often identified with Hades, but unlike him, he owned not the souls of the dead, but the riches of the underworld.
Plutos is the son of Demeter, the god who gives people wealth.
Poseidon is one of the Olympian gods, the brother of Zeus and Hades, who rules over the sea element. Poseidon was also subject to the bowels of the earth, he commanded storms and earthquakes.
Satyrs are goat-footed creatures, demons of fertility.
Thanatos is the personification of death, the twin brother of Hypnos.
Typhon is a hundred-headed dragon, born of Gaia or Hera. During the battle of the Olympians and the Titans, he was defeated by Zeus and imprisoned under the volcano Etna in Sicily.
Triton is the son of Poseidon, one of the sea deities, a man with a fish tail instead of legs, holding a trident and a twisted shell - a horn.
Cyclopes - giants with one eye in the middle of the forehead, children of Uranus and Gaia.
Erebus is the personification of the darkness of the underworld, the son of Chaos and the brother of Night.
Eros (Eros) - the god of love, the son of Aphrodite and Ares. In ancient myths - a self-arisen force that contributed to the ordering of the world. Depicted as a winged youth.

Goddesses of ancient Greece
Artemis is the goddess of hunting and nature.
Athena (Pallas, Parthenos) - One of the most revered Greek goddesses, the goddess of just war and wisdom, the patroness of knowledge.
Aphrodite (Kyferei, Urania) is the goddess of love and beauty.
Hekate is the goddess of darkness, night visions and charo - actions, the patroness of sorcerers.
Hemera is the goddess of daylight, the personification of the day, born of Nikto and Erebus. Often identified with Eos.
Hera is the supreme Olympian goddess, sister and third wife of Zeus, daughter of Rhea and Kronos, sister of Hades, Hestia, Demeter and Poseidon. Hera was considered the patroness of marriage.
Hestia is the goddess of the hearth and fire.
Gaia is mother earth, mother of all gods and people.
Demeter is the goddess of fertility and agriculture.
Dryads are lower deities, nymphs who lived in trees.
Ilithyia is the patron goddess of childbirth.
Irida - winged goddess, assistant to Hera, messenger of the gods.
Calliope is the muse of epic poetry and science.
Clio is the muse of history.
Melpomene is the muse of tragedy.
Metis is the goddess of wisdom, the first of the three wives of Zeus, who conceived Athena from him.
Mnemosyne is the mother of the nine muses, the goddess of memory.
The Muses are the patron goddesses of the arts and sciences.
Naiads are nymphs who keep water.
Nemesis is the daughter of Nikta, a goddess who personified fate and retribution, punishing people in accordance with their sins.
Nika is the personification of victory. Often she was depicted with a wreath, a common symbol of triumph in Greece.
Nymphs are the lowest deities in the hierarchy of the Greek gods. They personified the forces of nature.
Peyto is the goddess of persuasion, the companion of Aphrodite, often identified with her patroness.
Persephone is the daughter of Demeter and Zeus, the goddess of fertility. The wife of Hades and the queen of the underworld, who knew the secrets of life and death.
Polyhymnia is the muse of serious hymn poetry.
Rhea is the mother of the Olympian gods.
Sirens are female demons, half-woman, half-bird, capable of changing the weather at sea.
Thalia is the muse of comedy.
Terpsichore is the muse of dance art.
Tyche - goddess of fate and chance, companion.
Urania is the patroness of astronomy.
Themis is a Titanide, the goddess of justice and law, the second wife of Zeus.
Charites - goddesses female beauty, the embodiment of a kind, joyful and eternally young beginning of life.
Erato is the Muse of lyrical and erotic poetry.
Euterpe is the muse of lyrical chant.

Any event must begin with an invitation. In this case, you can create them from parchment, which will be folded into manuscripts and scrolls. Try to use the Greek alphabet in invitations, a font designed to either decorate text or capitalize each paragraph. You can draw a branch of an olive tree on the invitation. If possible, attach a real olive branch to the invitations and send them to the guests.

The room where the celebration will take place must be decorated. Turn the room into a Greek temple. All furniture (chairs, sofas, armchairs) should be covered with large pieces of purple, white or burgundy fabric. It is better that the fabric falls in tails, but it is necessary to fix it, otherwise it will slip. You can rent white large columns made of plastic, foam, as well as statues from the same material. They will need to be placed throughout the room and decorated with artificial ivy. The corners of the hall can also be decorated with ivy and dense white fabrics.

Themed party clothes

At a Greek party, the costumes of the guests are very important. All invitees can dress up as ancient Greek heroes and gods:

Apollo. He is the god of the arts and the sun. This is a man in a tunic who can hold both a staff and any musical instrument.

Aphrodite. She is the goddess of beauty and love. She can be beautiful woman dressed in a long tunic with flowers.

Athena. She is the goddess of crafts, just war and wisdom. The attributes will be a cape and a helmet.

Hades. God of the realm of the dead. It can be a middle-aged man in a tunic with a staff or bident in his hands.

Persephone. She is the wife of Hades, who tricked her into making her his queen. This image is suitable for a brown-haired woman - she should wear a tunic with green jewelry. The symbol of Persephone is the pomegranate.

Gera. Wife of Zeus the god of thunder. She is also the patroness of marriage. This is a woman dressed in a tunic, with a symbol of power - a diadem on her head.

Zeus. He knows the whole world, is the god of thunder, lightning and sky. A man depicting Zeus must have a shield and "lightning bolts" (they can be cut out of cardboard and painted gold).

Poseidon. This is the lord of the seas. He is a man in a tunic, holding a trident in his hands.

Dionysus. He is the god of agriculture, winemaking. They will be a young man dressed in a tunic, carrying a bunch of grapes in his hands.

Artemis. This is the goddess of fertility, hunting, female chastity. She may be a young girl dressed in a tunic, behind whom is a quiver with arrows and a bow.

Ares. Terrifying god of war. They will be a man holding a round shield in his hand, wearing a helmet on his head.

Nika. She is the goddess of victory. This is a woman dressed in a tunic with a wreath and a bandage, with wings behind her back.

Hermes. This is the lord of trade, trickster and deceiver. They will be a man in a tunic, with a wide-brimmed hat on his head and winged sandals on his feet.

Hephaestus. He is the god of blacksmithing and fire. This is a bearded man who is dressed in a short tunic and holding a blacksmith's hammer in his hand.

Demeter. This is the goddess of agriculture, fertility. This image is more suitable for a mature woman. In her hands she needs to hold a bunch of wheat or a staff.

Morpheus. He is the god of dreams. This is either a completely mature man or a young man who should have small wings on his temples. He is dressed in a dark tunic and black cloak and holds a poppy flower in his hands.

Themis. This is the well-known goddess of justice. A young woman holding scales and a sword.

Amur. He is the god of love. When creating an image, you will need wings and a bow with arrows.

Eris. She is the goddess of discord. It would be better if the woman portraying Eris is a brunette. Behind her back should be black wings.

Festive Greek table

After the distribution of roles, you need to think over the menu. Wine, olives and bread have always been the basis of the Greek table. Better file different kinds olives, black olives, wines and freshly baked wheat bread. Among the traditional dishes of Greece, feta cheese stands out, as well as all dishes that are prepared on its basis. Among the varieties of other dishes can be:

Tarama is the caviar of sea fish, which is beaten with breadcrumbs, lemon juice and butter;

Horiatiko salad, which is prepared from cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, olives, origan, sweet peppers, flavored with oil;

Pies: tirapita - from cheese and spanacapita - from spinach;

Stuffed, baked, fried eggplants, tomatoes, zucchini;

Marinated cuttlefish and octopus;

Squid rings fried in breadcrumbs;

Various types of shrimp;

Lamb meat in yogurt;

Meat that is cooked on coals and a spit;

Greek salad;

Salad made from cabbage;


The main drink of the party will be wine. It is desirable that the guest who has chosen the image of Dionysus pour this drink to all guests.

Music, games and entertainment for the party

After compiling the menu of the event, you should think about the musical accompaniment. An excellent option would be if the organizer of the holiday can find discs with Greek music for the main background. Then you can also dance to them. On the big screen, turn on a movie about the gods, heroes of Ancient Greece, for example, films such as Clash of the Titans, Odyssey, Troy, Jason and the Argonauts are suitable.

Among the entertainment of the party can be miniature Olympic Games. Give the winners an olive wreath. Games are best played in a large room.

In order for the party to be remembered by the guests, pay attention to all the little things: from the distribution of roles to the decoration of the room.

Every person on Earth at least once dreamed of becoming a god, all-powerful and all-powerful. Unfortunately, in real life it's impossible. But you can transform into the gods, for example, of Ancient Greece and plunge into the world of majesty and Olympic pathos. Thus, it will turn out to organize a great birthday surprise in the Greek style. In addition, everyone has been familiar with ancient Greek mythology since childhood, and even general superficial knowledge is enough to feel the atmosphere of antiquity.

First of all, in organizing this event, it is worth dividing the roles and not forgetting. Fortunately, the Greek pantheon of gods allows you to choose the most suitable image for yourself with the corresponding characteristics of the hero and personal qualities. We provide a small list of gods to choose from, so that each invitee can find their own prototype of a god and create his unique image.

For girls:

  • Hera is the supreme goddess, the wife of Zeus. She is the queen among the Greek gods, so greatness must be shown in her image. A crown will complete the look.
  • Athena is a wise warrior woman. Fair and serious, her look is perfectly complemented by a red toga and a helmet.
  • Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty. Lightness and coquetry should be present in every movement.
  • Artemis is the goddess of hunting and patroness of animals. An integral attribute will be a bow and arrows, and a toga with an animal print (leopard, tiger) and fur is allowed in the costume.
  • Persephone is the goddess of the underworld. Against the backdrop of beautiful goddesses, she stands out with a black toga and aggressive dark makeup.
  • Demeter - goddess of fertility and patroness Agriculture. She is calm, her image is as close to nature as possible.

For men:

  • Zeus is the main Olympian god. The obligatory details of his image are a trident that shoots lightning, a crown and a chic beard, Zeus walked in a red or gold mantle.
  • Ares is the god of war, the most courageous and fearless. The blood-colored toga and helmet are must-haves.
  • Poseidon is the god of the water element. It has a changeable mood, like the water surface. Toga of marine shades.
  • Eros is the god of love and desire. Strong and beautiful seducer and conqueror of all women's hearts.
  • Apollo is the god of arts, light and the patron of the muses. Dreamer and romantic, he is always in his thoughts. A handsome long-haired young man with a wreath on his head.
  • Hades is the god of the realm of the dead. His image is not just gloomy, it is sinister and frightening.
  • Dionysus is the god of winemaking and the fruitful forces of the earth. With a vine wreath on his head, he sings songs and enjoys life.

Next, decorate the room. The hall for the celebration should be in bright colors (shades of white and gold), a lot of light is welcome. Gold and white candles, light flowing textiles with a geometric pattern specific to Greece, laurel wreaths and an abundance of fresh flowers and green branches will also add Greek flavor. For a complete "relocation" to Olympus, print out posters of Greek landscapes and attach them to the walls.

Greeks prefer light but hearty food. Therefore, there should be an abundance of vegetables, seafood, olives and lean meats on the table. And, of course, an abundance of wine in beautiful amphoras. It will not only look beautiful, but in earthenware vessels, drinks retain their freshness and coolness longer.

The ancient Greek gods did not like to be bored, they had a lot of all kinds of entertainment: the Olympic Games, theaters, gladiator fights, the battle of the gods for supremacy - this list can be made interesting contests appropriate for your company. It is desirable that guests during the entire event (when congratulating a birthday person, when participating in competitions, in a personal conversation) behave in accordance with the chosen roles. At the end of the holiday, you can learn the national Greek dance - sirtaki.

My daughter Agatha, like many of her group mates in kindergarten, this year I got carried away with ancient Greek myths: they listened to cassettes, watched cartoons, read books - everything about them, about the gods and heroes of Ancient Greece.

Therefore, the idea to celebrate the 6th anniversary in the ancient Greek style was born by itself. Months for 2 start training. Well-known competitions fit the scenes from ancient Greek myths quite easily. Our scenario was like this:

  1. Greeting - a short story about myths.
  2. Greek words: which are Greek, which are not. For the correct answer, a bay leaf was given, as part of the winner's laurel wreath.
  3. "Crossing the river - Styx": 2 teams run along two cartons, swapping them. The winning team receives prizes.
  4. The construction of Greek temples for a while - from boxes of juice, kefir and other "brick" boxes, the collection of which was started 2 months before the event, and the volume amounted to 3 huge packages. Whoever uses the most boxes wins. I must say that mothers also joined the construction with pleasure!
  5. "Cleaning the Augean stables": who, like Hercules, will quickly cope with cleaning those same boxes from the previous competition. The children gladly stuffed the former "bricks" into the garbage bags, and the problems with cleaning were gone.
  1. "Reincarnations of Zeus" is a well-known association game: one shows, everyone guesses. I have prepared several tasks for reincarnation - living (easier) and inanimate (harder) objects.
  2. "The thread of Ariadne" - chairs and stools were placed, one team tangled the ball between the chairs, others unraveled, then changed places.
  3. Drawing a labyrinth of snowflakes, sweets, stars, hearts, flowers...
    As prizes for diligence, the children received a gel pen.
  4. "Gods on Olympus" is also a well-known competition, when there are 1 fewer chairs than children, everyone runs to the music around them, when the music ends, they must sit down, whoever doesn't have enough space, leaves. For lack of a large number chairs, and for safety reasons, we replaced the chairs with pillows - it turned out even more fun.
  5. "Riddles of the Sphinx": in order for the children to rest from running around in the previous competition, I prepared a large list of riddles, the same bay leaf was given for the correct answer, whoever has more leaves is the winner.
  1. "Gorgon's head": tossing the ball around in a circle, as in the game "hot potato". Everyone says their name - the letter of the Greek alphabet.
  2. Amphora painting. Amphorae were made in advance from bottles from Aktimel and Immunele, pasted over with paper and glued handles. The painted amphoras were given to mothers as a prize.
  3. Collection of olives for oil. She divided the guests into teams, everyone carried red beans in teaspoons (most similar to olives), filled bottles from Aktimel, which would be filled faster - they won.
  4. "Tug of War of the Lernaean Hydra" - the usual tug of war; a nice sewn long kite was taken from a friend, and they pulled it.
  5. "Pandora's Box Reversed" is a box of good qualities that was written on the paper that I wrapped the prizes in. The guests had to name good quality(mind, honesty, endurance, etc.): whoever scored what quality, he got such a prize.

Here is such a program! When compiling, I tried to alternate mobile contests with "sit-down" contests. I prepared the prizes with a margin, knowing from the experience of previous birthdays that there may be more than one or two winners, and consolation prizes may also be needed.

The action took place under the Greek ethnic music. After that there was a treat - with olives and a special Greek dish "tzadzyki" (the easiest thing I could cook from their kitchen), and then, when the mothers also went to treat themselves and drink a glass of champagne for the birthday girl, the children were treated to cartoons about Prometheus and Hercules.

At the end of the celebration, all the guests on behalf of Zeus were presented with certificates of "the most cheerful guest", and the daughter - "the most birthday girl".

The guests left satisfied, with a bunch of prizes and, of course, balloons.

I hope someone will come in handy with my ideas, and I will invent and implement new ones!

Personal experience

Marina Ageeva

Comment on the article "Our birthday in ancient Greek"

Marina, thanks for the idea! Saved it to my piggy bank.

Marina, your script is great! Most of all I was struck by the fact that children at this age are already interested in (and know!) the myths of ancient civilizations. It is very interesting, informative (and for parents too!) and exciting. Your daughter will remember - that's for sure!

01/18/2008 04:39:44 PM, Elena Zlobina

Total 2 messages .

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