Scenario of the solemn event anniversary of the school. Anniversary of the school: a scenario for an interesting and solemn holiday. Musical gift from schools

  • 13.11.2019

The anniversary of the school is a significant event for everyone who is somehow connected with it, and therefore the scenario of the event should be thought out taking into account the age and status of all those invited.
To make the holiday a success, take care of solving all, including minor organizational issues, in advance.

The anniversary of the school is not only pride, respect and joyful smiles, but also the hard and painstaking work of the entire teaching staff, which is preparing the script for the event.

Such celebrations are celebrated on a special scale, they invite students, the parent committee, employees, as well as former graduates.

Teachers apply maximum imagination so that the celebration of the anniversary takes place at a decent level and is enjoyed by all those present.

Where to celebrate an anniversary?

Traditionally, the anniversary is held in the assembly halls of the school.
There is a stage where students can demonstrate prepared performances to the public, and the friendly atmosphere of the educational institution sets the appropriate mood for the whole celebration.

After the end of the official part, you can continue the evening in a restaurant or cafe located nearby. In this case, in addition to the entertainment part of the program, guests will enjoy pleasant communication for festive table.

  • If you are nostalgic for the times when you were a pioneer, if you love Soviet films and cannot stand still when you hear a hit from the distant 80s, then thematic is what you need.
  • Do you want to wish your loved one a happy birthday? Then surprise the birthday man and arrange a real holiday for him.

Preparation for the holiday

Given the seriousness and scale of the event, the preparation plan for the anniversary of the school must be carefully thought out and prepared in advance.

It usually includes:

  • solving organizational issues with the administration of the school and, if necessary, a restaurant or cafe;
  • development of a scenario for celebrating the anniversary of the school;
  • fundraising for the event;
  • distribution of invitations;
  • decorating the school auditorium.

Solution of organizational issues

Although the director usually does not take part in the development of the script, his word becomes fundamental when choosing the date of the celebration and the venue. Therefore, preparations for the anniversary of the school should begin precisely with the fact that to discuss with the administration those important issues, without which the holiday will not take place.

If you plan to continue the evening in a relaxed atmosphere, reserve tables in advance for a planned date, discuss the menu and, possibly, the musical program.

Scenario Development [Official]

Official part a school anniversary scenario may include the following steps:

  • Congratulatory dance of students.
  • Leader greetings.
  • School anthem.
  • Song dedicated to the school.
  • An "anniversary" bell (bell) given by a first-grader and a school graduate.
  • Congratulatory speech of the director.
  • Congratulations and a song from teachers.
  • Congratulations from high school students.

Alternatively, the children can read the poem:

Happy anniversary today
We congratulate the school
Good luck to all teachers
And we wish the students.
Calls are louder today
And more laughter at school
And we are after school
Let's stay longer.

And after that, dance an incendiary dance.

Humorous scene from graduates of past years

For example, according to the script, one of the graduates became a TV presenter and reads the news:
Due to the absence of electronic diaries, the 20th century was marked by a fierce struggle for paper diaries. By tradition, teachers wrote something bad in them, and the students made every effort not to provide this “book of complaints” to the “enemy”. Puzkin Vova has been considered an unsurpassed master of this technique for 25 years. Over the course of 11 years, citizen Puzkin came up with 2048 excuses, including:

  • the diary was torn by a one-year-old brother;
  • Mom took it to check and forgot to return it;
  • the dog spilled water on the diary - now it dries, etc.

News can be continued in the same spirit, supplementing them with other funny stories and reports.

Theme songs, poems and dances

For example, reading a poem by L. Fadeeva:

On Monday, I tried, and lasted without deuces.
Tuesday too - well done! Walked with a beaming face.
But Wednesday...Thursday...And Friday!!!
Whoever sees the diary - backs away ...
My poor dad devoted a day off to me.
We wrote, we read, we divided, we subtracted!
We didn't watch football! We forgot that we were tired!…
And I thought - well, honestly! – what to study is INTERESTING!

After that, you can add a few words of gratitude to the school, principal and teachers.

Script Development [Unofficial]

After the end of the official part, the celebration continues at the festive table. But this does not mean that the thematic entertainment finished.

The evening script can be filled with the following elements:

School video

For example, one official and informative one - with the history of the school, its first graduation, etc. In order to create it, you will have to delve into the archives, but the result is guaranteed to be interesting job. The second video can be designed in a modern humorous style and called, for example, “Our school through the eyes of students.” The video should be kind and harmless.

Concert “Two Stars”

Each pair has one teacher and one teacher. Such a tandem always evokes violent emotions in the viewer, especially if each pair has a cheerful and active school figure.

Fun themed contests

For example:

  • collect a briefcase faster than others;
  • write 10 explanations why you were late or did not learn the lesson;
  • answer questions about the school (year of education, number of students and teachers, etc.);
  • competition for the funniest story from school life, etc.



In the classroom, the usual environment for a change. A small guy with glasses enters.
- Oh, new one! Dratute!
- Che for a nerd?! Repeater?
- Not simular.
- And he's nothing, cute ...
- What is your name?
- Stepanov Ilya Maksimovich.
- Hello! I am Nastya!
- Hello, man! Antokha! (chews gum, holds out hand)
The newcomer blushes, crumples and takes off his glasses.
- Girls, he's shy! Mi-mi!
- We love glasses!
- Listen, this, along the way, is Dimka Stepanov's bro, the one who studied with us in the sixth grade!
- Dimon is beautiful, he taught me to move my ears.
- Can you?
- I do not know how!
- You, in general, where did you hobble to us from?
- I, in fact, ... hobbled from the teacher's room. I am your teacher. By physics. Hello children!

On the lesson
Option number 1
Pyotr Stepanovich, did you have a tablet as a child?
When I was a kid, there were no computers!
What were you playing then?
On the street!

Option number 2
Kudryashkin, I remember you promised that you would fix the deuce?
Yes, Marina Nikolaevna.
And I promised to call your father if you don't fix it!
Yes, Marina Nikolaevna, but since I did not keep my promise, then you have the right not to keep yours!

Option number 3
Estimate, the teacher told me to name the simplest, which reproduces by division!
So what?
And then! I'm not good at math at all!

Where to get money for the event

These can be voluntary donations, as well as financial resources from the school committee.
Alternatively, you can place an ad in the newspaper. In this case, the text of the ad should be informative and positive.

There is a high probability that former graduates of the school will want to donate money for the celebration.

In practice, most often fundraising occurs through a simple phone call to graduates and agreeing with them the required amount.

It is worth noting that it is not customary to take money from invited teachers, and even more so from veterans.

Sending invitations

Invitations received by mail are now very rare, and therefore they themselves cause pleasant surprise and interest.

Especially if there is an intriguing text inside with brief description what awaits guests. The main thing is to fulfill your own promises and live up to expectations.

Invitations are sent to veteran teachers and other honored guests who did not take part in the organization of the event.

Assembly hall decoration

Is it worth talking to teachers about how to decorate the hall for the anniversary of the school?

Balloons, crayons, dry leaves - all this is relevant at any school event.

Here it is important to take care of more serious organizational issues:

  • serviceability of the equipment;
  • proper lighting;
  • a sufficient number of seats;
  • correct seating arrangements for guests;
  • comfortable room temperature, good ventilation;
  • Availability drinking water and disposable cups
  • the presence of a first-aid kit, and better - a medical education from one of the invitees.

How to celebrate the 30th anniversary

It is worth noting that the birthday of the school is not celebrated every year. Usually these are large dates - 30, 50 or 100 years.

30 years old is a fairly young age for the school, despite the fact that by this time it had already released many students.

The anniversary can be celebrated in the appropriate mood: with KVN numbers, jokes and enthusiasm.
Even congratulations from the administration can come with a fun surprise, for example, in the form of an unexpected flash mob in the middle of the director's official speech (of course, stipulated).
This approach always causes a storm of emotions in schoolchildren and encourages trusting relationships.
And the school thus shows that it keeps up with the times, and its leadership supports modern youth trends.

If the educational institution has an internal radio, congratulations, funny thematic poems and songs can sound throughout the day.
As an experiment, you can create a leader board, which will contain photos of the most diligent students. This will be a great motivation for everyone else.

And the best gift will be a memorable symbolic gift - a charm made by the hands of students.
It turns out interesting when each class develops and manufactures one element of the amulet, and as a result, individual puzzles are assembled into a finished picture.

If the school does not yet have a museum, it's time to create it and place the first gift in it - a children's hand-made masterpiece.

Another option for celebrating could be a thematic theatrical performance for the anniversary, for example:

  • “Around the World in 30 Years”, where there is a captain, cabin boys, a storm, a riot on a ship, etc.;
  • “Fairytale Palace” with full immersion in the magic of each academic subject;
  • “Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession”, where the director of the school suddenly becomes a king, etc.

In fact, you can beat any topic that is directly or indirectly related to your studies. It all depends on the imagination of the organizers and the state of the material and technical base.

50 years is a solid date. This is half a century, and thousands of vivid memories.
Such an anniversary is worthy of a larger and more serious celebration with sincere congratulatory words from the hosts:

  • We are proud of our graduates.
  • - For 50 years, our school has graduated from ... ... students.
  • “Today in the hall there are graduates of past years, respected people, many of whom live and work in our city. It is impossible to list all of them, but each of them is worthy of kind words.

In addition to beautiful congratulations on the holiday, there is also a place for laughter and fun. For the fiftieth anniversary, you can prepare:

  • a tour of the school with interesting funny stories from the guide;
  • theatrical performances;
  • Mind games;
  • funny performances of graduates of past years;
  • concert with songs, dances and poems;
  • various competitions;
  • congratulations from kindergarteners and, of course, a bow to veteran teachers.

Here are some more helpful tips:

  • In order for each student to feel the atmosphere of the holiday, appoint attendants who will verbally congratulate and give everyone from the very morning memorable gifts. School activists can also take interviews and take unique photos here.
  • Let the schoolchildren write an article about their holiday and their native school in the city newspapers, and at the event, read this article to everyone present and indicate the numbers of the newspapers. This will unite the whole team and emphasize the importance of the celebration.
  • Make easy creative business cards for each school subject and the teachers who teach it. This will help parents and students understand the value of education in general and a particular school in particular.
  • Turn on the room program with parents. So they will feel the atmosphere of the holiday, get to know their children and teachers better.
  • Come up with your own script. Examples from the web can serve as the basis for new original productions. Adhere to the rules of good manners, do not let the participants inappropriate jokes.
  • The musical arrangement must be of high quality, all songs and melodies that will be played must first be downloaded and installed in the correct order.
  • Set up and check all equipment before the event. Pay special attention to microphones and playback devices.
  • Students participating in skits and dances should think over their costumes in advance. It will be spectacular if the participants in the dance are dressed the same. To do this, you can either sew costumes or rent them.
  • Staging any scene requires scenery that should not be neglected. They will allow the audience to tune in the right way and understand what the actors wanted to convey and convey.

And the last thing - the anniversary is a whole year. It will be great if the holiday is felt more than one day, and not even a week. Let each quarter have a place for a colorful event, surprises and discoveries that will help children feel like members of a large school family.

Original script for school anniversary: ​​video

The anniversary of the school is an important event for both the teacher and the student. To make it unforgettable, you need to be creative and serious about the preparation. In the first video, you can see the idea of ​​a film prepared specifically for the round date, and in the second, you can see an example of an anniversary evening.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SCHOOL! (1 leading Sabina 2 leading Anya)

1 lead: Happy birthday, beloved school!
2 Vedas: Happy birthday, each of us!
Veda 1: It will be joyful and cheerful
Lead 2: Every day, every year, every hour!

Lead 1:
Warmer for a person on difficult roads,
In harsh lands because
That somewhere in the world there is a sweet school,
There is a good school for him.

2 led.:
Perhaps there is in the world other than
And the yard, and the garden, and apple blossoms,
Yes, only better than our school
For us, it was not and is not!

Song school anthem

Lead 1:
We congratulate you on your anniversary
Everyone involved in this school:
Teachers - universal nannies,
Children - sufferers involuntarily,
All staff that washes, feeds,
Changes locks, heals bumps.

2 led.:
And also - the former boy,
A girl in bows with a pigtail,
All of my students
Native walls remember strongly,
Go through a thousand centuries!
You are young...

Together: You are half a century old.

Song Merry Country / Liza

Lead 1: Today we celebrate the anniversary of our school, which turns 50 years old.
2 Vedas: For world history, this may be just a short moment, but for us it is a whole life.
Veda 1: The anniversary of the school is not only a kind of historical milestone, but also, as it were, a milestone that makes it possible to evaluate the path traveled, remember with a kind word those who dedicated their lives, their pedagogical talent to their native school, and, of course, clarify plans for future.
2nd Veda: Anniversary is smiles and flowers.
Vedas 1: Music and toasts.
2 ved.: Congratulations and wishes.
Veda 1: And, of course, guests (names)

Lead 2: The floor is given to the head of the administration of the Novoburassky district ___________________

Lead 1: If the stars light up,
So somebody needs it
So it is necessary
To every day over the city
At least one star lit up.

Lead 2: If schools are being built,
So somebody needs it
So this is necessary...

Veda 1: We were destined to be born under a lucky star. A star lit up in the predawn sky... Happy birthday, school!
Vedas 2: And here is the first document - a birth certificate.
Lead 1: Name ...
2 led.: Secondary school with. Elshanka
1 lead .: Date of birth ...
2 leading: September 1, 1962.
1 lead .: Place of birth ...
2 leading: S. Elshanka

Music screensaver "Crying child"

Part 1: Happy birthday to you, baby!

Presentation of the birth certificate to the director

(Music intro "Fanfare")

Lead 1: The word for congratulations is given to the head of the education department of the administration of the Novoburassky municipal district Burmistrova Natalya Viktorovna

Scene "Three girls

Ved1 Alena K. 2 Ved. Ulyana P.

Lead 1: How does school begin? You will say, our dear teachers, what of us students. And we, your students, will tell you in response, what's wrong with you, teachers! And from those who are not indifferent, living by the fate of other people.
Lead 2: The floor is given to Valentina Gerasimovna Popova, the former chairman of the Bolshevik collective farm, a person whose life is directly connected with our school. Thanks to her perseverance and diligence, today we study in this wonderful building. Almost 30 years ago

Popova's word to Valentina Gerasimovna.

Song "Magic Land"

2 led.: School bell. 50 years ago, it rang for the first time for dozens of boys and girls in our village.
Lead 1: And today again this call invites those who were the first to cross the threshold of our school in the early 60s.

The bell rings. The word is given to students and graduates of ____ years

Lead 2: 50 years have passed. And still the hospitable doors of our school invite children to the Land of Knowledge. The floor is given to the director of the school Karinova R..N.

1 led:

At first glance, a little - 50!
But how many joys and troubles have been experienced here!
Meetings, partings, victories over yourself,
And how many joyful and bitter tears shed!
And on this anniversary day
We gathered to remember again
Those who have gone down in history now
And who filled this day with himself.
There are many of them - old and young,
Whose work is akin to the work of a hero,
Who, not sparing his strength, raised the future,
And he has no rest...

On this significant day for all of us, it is impossible to remember those with whom the school began and who are no longer around. We remember their kind look and friendly smile, lessons and writing in the diary. Over the years, leaves are swept up on the path leading to the school, left by those who will never come here again, because their hearts were generous and responsive, containing the joy and pain of their students. May your bright names be blessed.

Presentation "Years will pass ..." // O.A // Song against the background of the presentation

Scene based on the fairy tale "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"
Muses. splash screen
Three maidens by the window
Were spinning late in the evening.

1 girl:
If I were a queen
That is for the school for the native
I would have thrown a feast with a mountain.
I would feed the teachers
Delicious, joyful and a lot.
And not just pies -
Kalachami and pancakes.
I would give them honey
And at the same time she said:
"You took care of us
Every day and every hour
Now drink your fill
And then start dancing!”

2 girl:
If I were a queen
Then for the school one would weave canvases
And favorite teachers
I would dress up a little.
Everything about teachers is great.
Faces are bright, thoughts are clear,
They have a good soul.
Only no money.
I will try and dress
All in suits from Cardin,
In English tweed, Chinese silk -
They will be more beautiful than May roses!

3 girl:
If I were a queen
Many words without saying
I would give birth to a rich man.
For the baby to be healthy
Everything would be done sensibly -
He would grow beyond the clock
And he taught himself everything.
And how long would it be in the first class
And to your teachers
I would say: “Here you are!
You are such an obedient
Not seen, the right word:
Will come to school on time
Listen to you with your mouth open
Listen to everyone's sound
Everything as it is to remember.
There will be books and notebooks
He's always fine
And no mistakes
And fives - a whole swarm.
And at all the Olympiads -
All prizes and all awards.
To teachers - with respect,
And attention and respect.
He will love school
And pour a balm for the soul!

Just had time to say -
The door creaked softly
And the king enters the room,
The sides of that sovereign.
During the entire conversation
He stood behind the fence -
These speeches, throughout
Loved him.

Would you, dear girls,
Made everyone a queen!
After all, this is about everything
I thought the way myself!
Yes, our life is not bad!
Whatever the release is just a miracle!
Someone sings songs
Who gnaws the granite of sciences,
All girls are majestic
They act like peahens!
And the young guys
All beauties are gone!
Only in this diva is not ...
I found this answer:
Where is the teacher with a passionate heart -
There efforts are not in vain,
Where is the teacher with the soul -
There, the result is high,
The teacher did not spare strength -
The graduate is smart and nice.
Teachers honest work -
Here is the most valuable emerald!
Therefore, I give an order:
This day and this hour
Praise all teachers
Valiant my school!

1 Vedas: Dear teachers! Strict and affectionate, patient and sensitive, wise mentors of the guys! There is no more responsible and nobler calling than yours: after all, you bring to your students not only the gift of knowledge, you give them the light of kindness from the heart.
The sparks of their hearts and the warmth of their souls were given by teachers - veterans who gave their whole lives to children. One by one they left their battle post to rest their restless heart. And we are in a turmoil of affairs, and on holidays we often remember you, our dear veterans. Many of you stood at the origins of our modern school. Present in this hall today... Valentina Viktorovna Tarasova, Vera Nikolaevna Bondarenko, Valentina Viktorovna Litvinenko, Nina Ivanovna Sosnovtseva...
Word to teachers - veterans

2 Vedas: From all veterans, we invite you, dear Nina Ivanovna, to light the flame of the candle of Wisdom.

2 Vedas: To everyone who has devoted his whole life to school and children, a deep bow to the earth.

Readers: 1.3 cells //Karimova A.N.
1. Teacher ... how much is said for you
Words of gratitude and words of recognition!
On this day you understand every time
What is not a profession of a teacher, but a vocation.

2. Not sparing your heart,
Time, health not sparing,
Give warmth
Children in this difficult time!

3. The mind of the world, the meaning and essence of the Earth
You put children in the palm of your hand!
You are a stronghold of hope and love,
With the beauty of the soul you will save the world!

4. Let the years fly like falling leaves,
More often than life, bitter losses,
But your kind relentless gaze
A child's heart will always warm with warmth!

Song "My teacher"

1 lead Sitnikova T.V.. 2 lead. Abramenko V.N.

1Ved.: Today, all of us present in this hall will witness the birth of the flame of the candle of Maturity. After all, maturity implies experience, professional excellence and the eternal pursuit of excellence - all these qualities are brought together in our colleagues.

2 led. : Dear teachers! Each of you is a bright unique personality who has been protecting and preserving our school for many years with the warmth of his soul. May the paths by which the disciples leave you be glorious! May they glorify your name with glorious deeds!

Readers: Lisa S.
1. How time is mercilessly fleeting
And the country seems to be sinking...
But only the teacher lights the candles
When others curse the darkness.

2. And let the speeches not subside,
Let the eyes of the students shine
Then we just light the candles
When love doesn't stop.

3. And only the teacher is honest, kind, cordial,
And only the teacher is sincere and bold,
That's why he lights the candles
To keep the darkness out.

A candle is lit to the sound of music

1 Vedas Today we welcome those who want to connect their lives with school, study at higher educational institutions.____________________________________________ We invite you to light the flame of the candle of Youth! So let the warmth of this flame accompany you all your life, protecting you from sorrow and troubles. And may there be more glorious deeds to be proud of.

A candle is lit by the sound of music

1ved. My friends, our union is beautiful!
He, like a soul, is inseparable and eternal -
Unshakable, free and carefree,
He grew together under the shadow of friendly muses.

2. Wherever fate throws us,
And no matter what happens later,
We are all the same: the whole world is a foreign land for us,
Here, at school, our homeland, our home.

1. Cherished dreams come true:
Half a century of school. How old are we now?
Oh, how many tears, and how many exclamations,
And how many bowls raised to heaven.

2. Keeping our youth in these walls,
To all honor, both dead and alive,
Raising the cup of memories to your lips,
Remembering no evil, we will reward for the good!

Song of teachers


Flowers, smiles, congratulations
And phrases are warm - for you!
Beautiful holiday moments
And everyday life is long every hour.

But the holidays are beautiful,
What is collected in the circle of friends
And make you believe in happiness
By the timid flame of candles!

And understanding is the reward -
Words, support, just a look...
Friends! How little we all need
Someone to make you happy!

And let this evening
Gives you the will to live
Sing, dance, prepare speeches,
Teach others to always create!

On the anniversary of the school, we congratulate all its employees. Thank you for your hard work and patience. Health to you and all the best! All the very best to you!

Number School wisdom 6 cells Pastukhova I.A.

1. We come to school as naive, inexperienced kids.
2. But every year we are gaining intelligence, cunning, resourcefulness.
3. And gradually we begin to understand that all the lessons cannot be learned ...
4. And all homework cannot be redone.
1. And then wisdom comes.
2. There are 3367 ways to confuse the teacher and get out of any situation ...
3.If you haven't done your homework...
4. If you were called to the board, and you have absolutely nothing to say ...
1. If you were sitting in class and didn't hear anything.
2. Because I was busy with more important things.
3. Even if you didn’t do anything and don’t know anything, you can still get out and avoid the “deuce”.
4. After all, lessons are an endless intellectual duel between a student and a teacher.
1. And teachers, it turns out, also have their own troubles.
2. And sometimes they use them!
3. And then it comes ...
All: Complete bummer!

Song to the motive "This trouble ..." 6.7.kl9

Scene “The boy Vova lived in the world.

Teacher 1:
The boy Vova lived in the world.

Vova: Educators, great!

Teacher 2:
We are in trouble with this Vova!

Yes, I'm difficult, gentlemen! I would like to sing and have fun, if only not to study.
Behavior "failed" - two. What can I do, I'm an owl.
Hurrying to the lesson - that's dregs, you immediately want to take a nap.
I do not recognize order - I have a mess in my notebooks.

Teacher 1:
Look, my friend, around, even to the north, even to the south,
People strive for knowledge.

But they are afraid of me!
Books, knowledge, discipline are nonsense. And I'm a man!
You don't need to know anything to give someone in the eye.

Teacher 2:
And you're not offended? Everything in the class - you can not be seen.
The class is like a friendly family.

I am the leader in the class.
Although I rarely appear, I am not lost.
I stole the magazine. Our director did not sleep the night!

Teacher 1:
We fight not the first year. And think, friends, because a decent family ...

It was good for them to learn - in life - it will not come in handy!
School, college, work. And how much is the salary? That's it.

Classroom teacher:
You have assignments. Take a look at your notebooks. Dirty, really, yes - but it doesn't matter! Five, four, three, two...

Yes, my head hurt ... Well, give me a notebook, I will now decide on five.
Since childhood, it immediately went: Vova is this, Vova is that.
The image was created like this: I am always everywhere - bad!
And they always check everything, they never trust.

Teacher: How can you trust us? You really love to lie.

Teacher: We gave you a case, but you got tired of it right away!

Vova: I would like something for the soul ...

Teacher: You think and decide. It's not too late to start everything again. You're a good guy, Vova. All the same, dear to us, because there is a whole class outside the door.

Veda 1: In our difficult time, the school more than ever needs wise, understanding friends - our beloved parents. Without them it would be very difficult for our school house to survive. Today we want to thank board of trustees schools for their great help in the professional implementation of our projects and bold ideas. Thank you.

2 Vedas: Our school has something to be proud of: for all the years it has given a start in life to thousands of boys and girls. Doctors, teachers, engineers, builders, lawyers, economists, military men. Our school has made _______ issues. We are very pleased that the school is remembered and loved, that former graduates came to its anniversary and recall their school years with trepidation.

1 led. Graduates of different years are present at our celebration. I ask you to welcome the graduates who graduated from school on 30,25,20,10,10.5…. years ago.
Word to graduates / optional


2Ved.: It's nice when grown-up former students bring their children to school. But it is doubly pleasant when your students themselves come to home school, but already colleagues. In our school, ____ teachers are its graduates. This is the highest mark for the teaching staff.

Vedas: The word is given to a graduate of the school
Once I came out of these walls,
For some reason, I was sad
I left ... but not for good
And I knew that I would come back here again ...
I'll be back to take a deep breath:
Here the air is dear, and we love it so much.
I found a worthy path for myself,
What we rarely talk about.
I am happy with these children's voices,
And I'm glad for the radiance of children's eyes,
I believe in miracles with them
And I know it won't be the last time!
Hello, school, many, many, many years!
Let restless hearts beat!
I wish you light and victories!
And I will stay with you until the end!

Song " magic bird»

Veda 1: How wonderful that there are guys in the school,
Whose minds and knowledge bring glory to her,
After all, it is about them that they will once say:
You are the pride and hope of our days!

2 led. The school is an amazing house! Everything is mixed here: childhood and maturity, youth and romance, science and art, dreams and real life. In this house, joy and tears, meetings and partings.

4. The first teacher ran her warm hand over the unruly whirlwinds, and we fell in love with a big and noisy house called the school.

5. Growing up, we went hiking and learned to love the forest, the river and the field, the path - everything that is called the Motherland.

6. They argued, made mistakes, rejoiced at victories and discoveries, learned what friendship and lies, loyalty and cowardice, victory and defeat are.

Muses. splash screen
Students take candles lit by teachers //Ulyana, Alena, Lisa

Ulyana. Teacher! Many, many years
lit by you,
The light won't go out
And the heart, I know, will be young,
While the fire is sacred in friendship with him.

Alyona.My soul from all sorts of adversities
The healing flame will save.
It will help me along the way.
The trickiest riddles to beat.

Lisa It will help, more than once.
my teacher,
In business to continue you
After all, there is no more beautiful burden for me,
Than this flame, this light of fire...

All: Teacher!
Even after many years
Lighted by you, the light will not go out.

The song "We must believe the young"

1: Dear school! You take a bow
From those who are loyal, honest and loved,
Who from an early age is in love with you,
Thank you for everything, thank you for everything!
Because my land is good!
For the fact that hearts beat joyfully!
For the fact that there are my teachers,
And there is probably no end to life!

2: Let's bow to the native hearth,
Here they gave us an invaluable heritage.
We will forever be indebted to the school
From the first call to the last.

3: So light the rays and stars
You are in every little soul!
Don't let it cool, don't let it freeze
Good you never, nowhere!

4: Wherever fate casts
And the lives of your students
We know - you are our beginning!
The foundation of all foundations!

Song to the motive "We wish you happiness" Final song

Export of the cake


Song to the motive of S. Trofimov's song "Doves"

1. Your carefree childhood remembers
How did you come to school hand in hand with your mother,
And the autumn wind blew the sail
Sending knowledge ships.
Now you are sitting boldly at the desk
And draw the letters on the blackboard with chalk,
And teachers are always with you
And you are not happier these days!

There, there, high
A flock is circling above the earth,
Looking up
The head is spinning.
In childhood, everything is easy,
Like you're flying in a dream
And next to it, only the sky is blue.

2. Affectionate glances,
Kiss in the lobby
First timid love at school
Holidays, trips, discos sea
Will always remain in memory.
And it seemed as if in the blue sky
The birds have written your friends name,
So that this memory of the school years
Kept in my heart forever.

Chorus is the same

Song to the motive "Dialogue at the Christmas tree"
- What's going on today?
- It's our anniversary.
Dear, beloved faces are visible at school.
Believe that something miraculous will happen
Life will turn its best side to us.
- What will be behind all this?
- Fun hour.
An hour of congratulations to the dear and beloved school.
The hour of understanding, faith, single hope.
And we will remember this evening again and again.
- How will it all end?
- Friendship forever.
- Friendship forever, are you sure?
- Yes, I am sure.
My school friend, he has been tested for years of study,
No matter what happens, I will never forget him.
- What follows from this?
- One should live.
Believe in luck, achieve success in everything!
_ Do you think we can wait?
- I believe that it is possible, and we must hurry.
We must hurry, because time will circle us.
Everything is fast. Now life is just the beginning.
Allow me, in honor of our anniversary ball
Hand to the dance, ma'am, to offer you.

Song to the motive "Closing the Circle"
1. There is one of all professions,
We will sing about her in a song
Through the sparkle of inspirational lines.
Walk through life, think boldly -
There is no nobler deed in the world -
What the teacher will teach!

We go with the whole class with you
On the paths of important knowledge,
Not forgetting anyone at the start.
We got into a fairy tale with you,
Know that your work is not in vain,
We know - there is nothing more important than knowledge!

Chorus: Completed cruise.
A warm breeze over our school
Words of wishes of happiness, joy, kindness!
May you always be lucky
Let a true friend not betray
And may the star of teaching always burn!

2. You, not knowing fatigue,
Enveloping everyone with love,
You give yourself completely to your children.
We love you, respect you
On the anniversary day we wish:
Stay young forever.


Song to the motive "Everything will be fine"

If they tell us that it's time to go to school,
We'll get together quickly in the morning.
And so as not to be bored in the lessons,
Let's learn the lessons and we will respond!
Good! Everything will be fine!
Everything will be fine in your favorite school!
Good! Everything will be fine!
We will all be great students soon!
At my favorite school!

Song to the motive "This trouble ..."

1. We are sitting in the lesson, the sun is shining through the windows -
How good it is to live in this world!
If suddenly we get a deuce somewhere,

2. We learned to write, and we write notes,
And we don't seem to hear the teacher.
If suddenly we don't answer the question,
We will survive this adversity!

3. We love to chat about everything good,
And bullet gum, and gum, too.
If they suddenly throw at us as a greeting,
We will survive this adversity!

Song to the motive "We wish you happiness"

1. In a world where crazy snow is spinning,
Where the seas threaten with a steep wave,
There is only one - the only island of childhood.
Here they will always help in difficult times,
Here we will always be greeted with a smile,
And the miracles of the mysterious are countless here.

School gives us happiness
Happiness in this big world
Jump in the morning
We come to this house.
We are nowhere and never
Let's not forget our school friends.
Let's remember forever
We are our teachers.

2. In a world where there is no rest for the winds,
Where there is a sunny dawn,
Where on the long road to us
The school house is dreaming.
Where always in a thunderstorm and snowfall
Someone's very, very kind look,
Someone's very kind look
Warmed up with warmth.


Song to the melody "There is only a moment ..."

Everything is ghostly in this raging world,
There is only a moment - and hold on to it.
There is only a moment between the past and the future
This is how our school life went.
Let me not always complete the tasks,
Maybe I met love for the first time,
And then, according to knowledge,
I got the result at the blackboard.
Time will pass and generations will come
We will have a new idol again.
But the moment will still be eternal
And, as always, will live school world.

Natalya Karpusheva
The script for the celebration of the anniversary of the school "Our school is 65!"

Music, photo on screen schools...

Behind the scenes:

Moments of happiness and strange excitement,

And children's laughter, and the work of teachers -

All this, as if lived anew,

Merged today in a word « anniversary» !

The uniqueness of every moment

Just the school remembers,

And today is her birthday

What will unite adults and children.

On the glorious and joyful holiday

We gathered our friends

We are celebrating a birthday schools,

Her sixty-fifth anniversary!

musical number

Leading: Every day we come here,

And we meet familiar faces,

Every day, every hour, we always

We won't stop being proud of you

Our school you are our home,

You are the support, hope and faith!

We will always be by your side

You will be our example in everything.

Leading: Three words - our school-65!

We, as one, speak with delight

Three words: but try to weigh

Mind, soul and heart appreciate them!

Leading: There are no such measures to evaluate by right

All that has been invested by people over so many years!

We share a common glory to our school

And multiply the total number of victories!

musical number

Leading: Our sweet home, which is on the seven winds,

You are open to everyone.

And you come here.

Here we forget unnecessary fear

And again you take with you to childhood.

Leading: Today we will find out together with you what is beautiful School number 2. For what deeds we are known. For what deeds love. What qualities are loved school students and their parents, for which teachers respect our school.

Leading: School. Second school! What is she?

Leading: The second one means patient.

Leading: It has a permanent teaching staff, there are a lot of smiling faces.

Leading: So - happy.

Leading: Graduates are always welcome here.

Leading: Means - hospitable.

Leading: Here we are ready to help every student.

Leading: So - good.

Leading: Former students bring their children and grandchildren here.

Leading: Means - favorite.

Leading: Here she is, our school!

musical number

Leading: Home - not yet school, no palace

Its creator was not an architect.

And so as not to turn into ashes

Spaces of closed captivity,

You can probably revive him.

And you will instill an eternal soul.

And everyone will be happy in it

Then only it will be a house.

Leading: Here I see all his signs,

Where humor is not a hindrance to knowledge,

Where is my comfort and my success,

Where is the teacher's kind smile ...

Jokes, laughter settled here,

Everything is firmly here in this unsteady world.

Leading: We propose today to build our virtual school: brick by brick, brick by brick.

Leading: Of course, every building has its own architects. Our virtual project will not be an exception. school number 2. Here, to lay the foundation, the chief architect will now come out

Leading: The floor is given to the director schools.

At the end of his speech, the director "lays the foundation"

Leading: Well, the foundation has been laid - of course, this is the teaching staff schools, these are our teachers who pass on to you all their knowledge and skills, all their wisdom. It is impossible for any institution, enterprise, and even more so, school without such a capacious philosophical concept as wisdom.

Leading: 65. Too little or too much?

It is not enough, if you measure a century,

He keeps a strict account of the years,

But the string school years

There is an era in everyone's life.

Leading: Accept, dear school,

hello and congratulations

From our old timers

On your birthday!

Leading: The floor is given to a veteran of pedagogical work ___

Leading: So, the first brick in our there will be WISDOM on the wall, we ask you, on behalf of all veterans of pedagogical work, to lay a brick "Wisdom"

The phonogram turns on

musical number

Leading: Let this not pick up a name,

But the milestones passed say:

You created the Land of Education,

Where there are no barriers to creativity.

Leading: Second brick - "DISCIPLINE"

Leading: The right to pledge it is granted to those who manage the educational and educational processes in school.

Leading: Of course, friends, these are our head teachers

The phonogram turns on (attach it to the frame of the building)

Leading: Today you are greeted and honored,

And therefore doubly solemn

On the get out the stage who is traveling

For this amazing country.

musical number

Leading: The third brick - "HEALTH".

Leading: Of course, the right to pawn it is given to teachers physical education.

The phonogram turns on (attach it to the frame of the building)

Leading: For you, the performance of our charming kids

Dance and song of children "Sport"

Leading: Fourth brick - "HONOR AND CONSCIENCE"

Leading: We conferred for a long time who would lay this brick, and decided that it should be done by a psychologist and a social pedagogue.

Leading: We ask you, Lilia Kazimirovna and Olga Mechislavovna, to lay the next brick.

The phonogram turns on (attach it to the frame of the building)

Leading: In our common holidays we are with you,

School a year is short - but where does the year come from?

May the light of kindness and cheerful smiles

Illuminate your path at all times!

musical number

Leading: Teacher!

Leading: Your name is proud of your dear school.

Leading: Teacher!

Leading: There is no more beautiful profession in the world.

You bring the light of knowledge to children.

Not for money, fame or titles -

This is your high calling.

Leading: We want to bow low to you

And apologize for our failures.

Leading: Fifth brick - "ERUDITION"

Leading: On behalf of all teachers, the right to lay this brick is granted ___

The phonogram turns on (attach it to the frame of the building)

Student performance 9 "B" class - poems in English. lang.

musical number

Leading: Today is a special day for us-

Are there many such days in the world?

Like gold of the highest standard -

Generous hearts of teachers.

Leading: Sixth brick - "MUTUAL ASSISTANCE"

Leading: Where do we run when we lack teaching materials and who do we turn to for help?

Leading: That's right, in our school library to Lyudmila Petrovna. Please lay a brick "Mutual Aid" and we want to assure you that you can always count on us.

The phonogram turns on (attach it to the frame of the building)

musical number

Leading: Our secret is simple - anyone will understand it,

And little things do not play a role here ...

To reach high notes

You only need to study our school!

Leading: Within its walls nourish their talent

Such Bachs and such Glitches,

That every yellow-mouthed amateur

It will reach the heights of any science in it.

Leading: Seventh brick - "MUSIC"

Did you guess? Of course, thanks to Yadviga Fabianovna, within the walls our school has music.

The phonogram turns on (attach it to the frame of the building)

musical number

Leading: Smile back at us

All of us school helmet hello

On her birthday

We do not regret anything.

Leading: Eighth brick - "SMILE"

Leading: Who smiled so charmingly when we first came to the first class?

Whose smile helped the first four years school life? (answers)

Leading: On behalf of the teachers primary school the right to lay a brick "Smile" provided ___

The phonogram turns on (attach it to the frame of the building)

Leading: You have been linked to school invisible threads

Your first discoveries and first worries,

After all, not just a teacher, but the first teacher

Gives the road to the distant tomorrow for everyone.

musical number

Leading: Our school is a temple of science,

House of comfort, bright light,

Good teacher's hands

Our first and last call.

Leading: Ninth brick - "LOVE"

Leading: Love is great, and even better when students love their teachers. And today we confess our love to our class teachers.

Leading: On behalf of all class teachers, the right to lay this brick is provided ___

The phonogram turns on (attach it to the frame of the building)

Leading: Let the light of the soul not fade.

We wish you not ghostly happiness.

And, on the path of untraveled roads,

God bless you from every misfortune.

Leading: So that you live under the shadow of cute eyes,

So that all dreams come true little by little,

And so that the fire of desires does not go out,

Good friends for you on the road.

musical number

Leading: Tenth brick - "Cleanliness and tidiness"

Leading: Thanks to whom in our school always clean and comfortable Whose work is so inconspicuous, but very, very necessary?

Leading: Thank you for your hard work our technical staff supervised by ___

Leading: You are granted the right to lay this brick.

The phonogram turns on (attach it to the frame of the building)

Leading: So many years as if by yourself

Today we are intertwined in the annals -

So school lived by you

Another great life.

Leading: And how much have you redone,

And how much is waiting for you ahead -

You are not trying for the sanitation station,

And for the health of the kids!

Leading: Sounds like ___ to you

musical number

Leading: Strong friendship will not break,

Will not fall apart from rains and blizzards,

Here in the cold and cold

We are friends with science

After all, science is the best friend.

Leading: Eleventh brick - "FRIENDSHIP"

Music sounds. On screen slideshow of life schools

Leading: So it reaches for warmth, goodness and light -

The soul of a child is a quivering sprout!

Amid the bad weather of life, the path to prosperity

And difficult, and disturbing, and distant ...

Leading: But the young heart does not know evil and boredom

And the world is drowning in wide-open eyes ...

And children's trusting hands

compresses school in hand.

Leading: Brick "Friendship" on behalf of all students lay graduates our school___

Alumni Word:

1. Our dear teachers! On behalf of the 65th issue our school We want to thank you for your hard but rewarding work.

2. Thank you for your love, warmth and knowledge given by you.

3. Thank you for your patience, for the ability to understand and forgive everything.

4. Thank you for being you.

5. We are sure that the best teachers in the city are teachers our school!

6. And let those that may meet on your life path, there will be only flowers!

7. And if there are thorns, then let them be only from roses!

8. Our dear, beloved, for you "bloom" grown by you "flowers of life"- Your children. Meet!

musical number

Leading: Under friendly panting,

Under a quiet sniff,

Under joyful singing

Is born into the world

Leading: Second the school is the best

With childlike talents

And with the kindness of a teacher

Is born into the world

Leading: What is missing? our virtual school? Correctly "Rooftops".

Leading: Brick "THE ROOF OF GOOD MOOD" our kids are laying, those who will have to live for many more years in these dear, dear walls of wisdom, discipline, health, mutual assistance, erudition, cleanliness and order, conscience and honor, music, love, smiles and friendship. In the middle school number 2.

Kids go out to the soundtrack, hang the roof

musical number

Leading: School is our common home.

Here we grow, growing beyond our years.

It is difficult, but then

We will go through life more boldly.

Leading: These walls truly protect us.

Here it is easy for us both in sorrows and in troubles

And here they are waiting for us, as mothers are waiting at home,

Rejoicing in victories big and small.

Leading: School is home, wherein live:

Happiness, friendship, hope and work.

The childhood of youth is the maturity of the spirit ...

And it seems uncloudedly cheerful

The time that gives generously School!

Leading: May you on your birthday, School,

A hundred times glorify, give thanks

And they will lift you to the throne of songs,

So that with every generation

Henceforth, you magically look younger!

Good mood song

Leading: Pass anniversaries like dreams

Like commas in life scripture.

And forward again, to the breath of spring,

To the heights of creative aspirations and knowledge.

Leading: Well, let the path be hard and rocky somewhere,

But summing up the past weekdays,

It's like we're starting a new leaf

Like a new day, which will be tomorrow.


gala evening dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the school.

Fanfare No.

Voice: The program of the gala evening dedicated to the anniversary of the general educational institution of secondary general education school No. 10 is being led by a former graduate of our school Alexander Sergeevich Sizov and a primary school teacher Natalya Vladimirovna Isakova.

Moderator: Good afternoon, friends!

Presenter: Hello dear teachers, veterans and graduates!

Moderator: Greetings, dear guests!

Presenter: Hearts are beating in unison in our hall,

The solemn hour is coming

Let the fanfares sound loudly, invitingly,

And our anniversary is opened.

Leading: Full house in our hall, there are so many guests,

Long-awaited and important for us.

All of you - veterans, colleagues and friends,

Welcomes the school on its holiday.

Presenter: Fives today in her diary,

Great date, we know

The school has a beautiful, big anniversary

We wholeheartedly congratulate her!

Performance 2 a class "Tenth"

Host: Today is our anniversary.

Day of joyful experiences

Let it be warm in the soul

From kind words and wishes.

Presenter: Dear guests came to us -

We're glad to welcome you!

It's good that on days like this

Friends are coming to congratulate us!

Host: We have a lot of guests today

Graduates, colleagues, friends,

We are all united again

Tenth school anniversary.

Presenter: But we have a special guest

He didn't go to first grade here,

But we are not indifferent to him,

And he congratulates us personally.

Moderator: The floor is given to the head of the administration of the Kineshma city district - Andrey Viktorovich Tomilin


Fanfare No. ___

(Speech by Tomilin A.V.)

Presenter: Birthday is a special holiday. On this day, each of us is waiting for special attention, warm words and wishes.

Leading: On a birthday, it is customary to comprehend the past years and make wishes for the future.

Presenter: On this day, our closest and dearest people are always with us.

Leading: And today is such a day at school number 10.

Presenter: Teachers who work in our school today, our esteemed veterans and graduates have gathered in this hall.

Moderator: Those who have dedicated themselves to the service of education.

Host: And, of course, people whose care and attention we feel every day and every hour.

Host: The floor is given to the head of the city department of education of the administration of the Kineshma city district Lyalyuhina Zoya Vladimirovna.

Fanfare No. ____

(Speech by Lyalyuhina Z.V.)

Presenter: A song sounds for you"Birth ... .. performed

Leading: If you ask a person what school means to him, you can hear what it is -

Presenter: Kind island of childhood,

Leading: Little life,

Host: The first joys and sorrows,

Leading: Reasonable, kind, eternal,

Host: Good teachers, faithful friends, native walls

Presenter: True friendship and first love

Host: One big friendly family

Leading: And like any family, ours has its head,

Presenter: Do you remember once in the newspaper

The page was like this:

What if I were the director

What things would I do?

Host: I would be fair and kind,

I would understand the soul of the guys

Morals would be tedious I even

Wouldn't read it anywhere.

Host: It would be simple and understandable,

Cheerful, bore out of spite!

And we believe, friends, that

We are lucky to have a director!

Moderator: The floor is given to the director of the school Moshkova S.V.

Fanfare No. _____

(Speech by Moshkova S.V.)

Host: In progress vocal studio"Solo" sounds the song "Teacher"

Presenter: I'm sure you all know the expression "be friends at home"

Leading: In our city dear to every heart, there are 16 schools, 16 houses of knowledge that maintain good relations with each other.

Host: The leaders of some of them are present at our holiday today.

School directors are invited to the stage: No. 1 - Evgeny Aleksandrovich Chastov, No. 2 - Elena Ivanovna Goryacheva, No. 4 - Elena Arkadyevna Smirnova, No. 5 - Marina Vladimirovna Aidarova, No. 8 - Nadezhda Nikolaevna Kulikova, No. 17 - Sofia Yuryevna Gorbunova and director of the evening high school No. 5 - Zhovkina Tatyana Alexandrovna.

Fanfare No. ___

Moderator: The floor is given to the chairman of the board of directors of municipal educational institutions Kineshma city district, director of secondary school No. 2 - Elena Ivanovna Goryacheva.

(Speech by Goryacheva E.I.)

Musical gift from schools

Leading: No matter how old each of us is, he remains young at heart.

Host: So is the school. She will be 60 and 100 years old, the building will grow old, but her soul will not grow old.

Leading: After all, as long as bells ring in her walls, crayons creak on the board, and children's laughter is heard, she will always be young!

Presenter: Like these guys who came today to congratulate their school.

(BACKGROUND "What they teach at school" is still coming out

1st class performance:

    We've been in doubt since morning.

Everyone wondered how and what,

The first time we were invited

For such a celebration.

    Well, what if it's a birthday

That gifts should be

We declare without hesitation:

Our gift is us!

    Gets two fives

Our school this year

Is it a lot or a little?

We need a correct calculation.

    Well, let's count:

Are they all seven years old?

Together we raise our hands, seven children are raised, and the eighth will either raise or lower)

Well, what about you?...

8) And I'm only six.

    A family of seven plus six ... count

Now it's your turn.

And congratulates from the stage

Anniversary of our people

    school number ten

We send our fiery greetings!

And now we want to confess

There is no better school in the world

    We are one big, friendly family:

Children, mothers, fathers and teachers

Together we will take any height,

Let's make your dream come true!

    What do you want on your birthday?

Of course, there are no two opinions:

understanding, inspiration,

Achievements and victories

    And more health to children,

Fresh strength to teachers,

School of our longevity,

Happiness and success to us!

    Finishing our speech

We wish you all peace and good

And in honor of our beloved school, we will shout three times

(together) Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

(BACKGROUND "What they teach at school" while leaving)

Host: Natalia, don't you think that something is missing at our holiday?

Presenter: Alexander, in my opinion, everything is enough: wonderful guests, many kind words and congratulations to our school, sincere performances of young artists, what else is needed for the holiday?

Host: Ah, Natalya, and also a teacher! What is a school without lessons!?

Presenter: What are the lessons on the holiday?

Leading: The most ordinary and unusual: festively abbreviated!

Let's turn back time. Let our respected adults feel like students again and visit the wonderful land of childhood!

Presenter: The idea is wonderful, it remains to announce the schedule of lessons and give the first call!

Host: So, friends, attention,

Check out the schedule:

Presenter: History lesson

Presenter: Lesson of statistics and mathematics,

Presenter: And biology, but with an element of sound statics.

Moderator: And, of course, looking forward

Looking forward to singing lessons.

Presenter: And in conclusion - a class hour:

we will do our best for you!

Host: And we just have to wish

Together: So that you all get 5 and 5.

Presenter: I look bright and illumined

I love the solemnity of minutes

When your favorite school is a symbol

floating on the waves of memory

(bell rings)

Presenter: Again calls, again lessons,

Today the school is noisy and cramped

Host: As usual: plans, deadlines,

Abstracts, tests, vanity!

Host: Ah, school! You are laughter and tears

The pain of failure and the brilliance of victory,

But we, passing thorns and roses

We all teach, because learning is light!

Host: In Russian tomorrow - presentation,

In chemistry - test tubes are waiting,

But all today's events

Traces in history lead!

(output by a history teacher - Murekhina S.B.)

History lesson (BACKGROUND "This never happens again")

December 1956 became a holiday for all residents of the Sokolniki microdistrict. On this day, for the first time, school No. 10 opened its doors to the land of knowledge. A 1st grade student cut the ribbon, and from that moment the countdown of school years began.

And the first question: What was the name of this student? (Vitya Lipin)

Everything then was for the first time: the first call, the first lessons and the first teachers of that distant 1956:

On this significant day for all, it is impossible not to remember those with whom our school began. They say that with the first cry of a child, a divine fire ignites in his soul, and the strength of this fire then determines his whole life.

The sparks of their hearts and the warmth of their souls for this fire were given by teachers who gave themselves entirely to children:

Cherkasskaya Lydia Vasilievna

Kapitonova Lidia Vasilievna

Smirnova Ekaterina Georgievna

Strahova Ekaterina Vasilievna

Preobrazhenskaya Dina Fedorovna

Konchikova Evdokia Dmitrievna

Komarovskaya Galina Nikolaevna

Romanova Nina Vladimirovna

Denisova Alla Alekseevna

Kiseleva Valentina Georgievna

Larina Lidia Alexandrovna

Perevozchikova Ekaterina Stepanovna

Rybakova Maria Ivanovna

The history of the school for 55 years is inextricably linked with the names of its directors:

Zubkov Vitaly Fyodorovich

Belov Vitaly Nikanorovich

Biryukova Anna Dmitrievna

Volkova Antonina Anatolievna

Tsvetkova Nadezhda Nikolaevna

Vinogradova Nina Gennadievna

Teplov Sergey Leonidovich

Didenko Vasily Vasilievich

Naumova Valentina Anatolievna

Solovyov Pavel Borisovich

Moshkova Svetlana Vasilievna

And the young and energetic Alexander Vasilievich Perevozchikov became the first director of the school. And even though 55 years have passed, he is still in the ranks, loyal to his school and its students, and any of us will envy his energy.

Alexander Vasilyevich, you have the floor.

(Speech by A.V. Perevozchikov)

60-70 years ... Turning the pages of the history of the school, one is amazed at the scale of the school's activities and the enthusiasm of the people of that time.

Within the walls of the school, students worked in the field of knowledge, but the lessons ended, and the activities of teachers, students and parents did not stop:

Creation of the summer labor camp "Unstroy",

School extension construction

Planting of Yury Smirnov Alley on Kotovsky Street and a birch grove near the Vodnik stadium,

Construction of a monument to Yuri Smirnov.

The school firmly held the championship in skiing and rhythmic gymnastics.

Boat and bicycle trips, annual tours, excursions to the cities of the Soviet Union.

School activity. Let's remember those unforgettable days when teachers together with students put on performances, performed with the propaganda team throughout the Kineshma district. School choir, a variety orchestra, a weekend club and, of course, a school ensemble led by Teplov Sergey Leonidovich.

From the beginning of the school Special attention devoted to the civil and patriotic education of the younger generation. Anna Semyonovna Khmyrova, Nina Gennadievna Vinogradova and, of course, the unforgettable Lidia Vasilievna Cherkasskaya, whose motto “If you exist, be the first” stood at its origins, became a life credo for all her students.

In 1966, the school became the winner of the All-Union review of a tourist trip to places of military glory.

The pioneer team is listed in the All-Union book of honor of the pioneer organization.

This is only a small part of the history of our school, its main milestones, so to speak, and it would take more than one evening to list all the events of the school life of that time, one thing can be said with certainty - the history of school number 10 is truly legendary.

Let me conclude our lesson on this solemn note.

(bell rings)

Presenter: The lesson is over, which means there should be a change.

Leading: Today, all the changes will also be festive.

Presenter: Musical pause.

Presenter: Solovieva Ekaterina Gennadievna performs a song

Presenter: Well, now let's give a call to a biology lesson.

(bell rings)

Biology lesson:

The science of biology, as you know, studies all living things, including the human body.

Memories of the events in the history of our school, I think, stirred up a variety of emotional feelings in your souls and made your hearts beat faster.

It is your hearts that will become the object of our study today.

We know, no, we are just sure that your hearts are overflowing with emotions, words and feelings, and we so want to hear your hearts. An ultra-sensitive microphone, a recent invention of our high school students, will help us do this. I ask for absolute silence in the hall… Thank you… So, what is ringing in your heart right now?

(The teacher directs the microphone to the hearts of the guests.)

(Heartbeat, turning into lines from songs.)

1. And the years fly, our years fly like birds, and we have no time to look back ...

2. For a long time, funny friends, we said goodbye to school ...

3. The team of our youth, the team without which I cannot live ...

4. How great that we are all gathered here today ...

(BACKGROUND "Cranes" quietly)

Beautiful music of your hearts. But of course, we noted the most rapid heartbeats when our microphone approached the hearts of those before whom we humbly kneel, who gave most of their lives to our school, who continued family traditions teachers who really deserve honor and respect, of course, these are our dear veterans:

Kovshov Viktor Nikolaevich

Samylova Alisa Alekseevna

Pribilskaya Galina Mikhailovna

Skryabin Nikolai Nikolaevich

Smirnova Ludmila Nikolaevna

Sazanova Galina Iosifovna

Filina Valentina Filippovna

Voronova Anastasia Alekseevna

Gruzdeva Nina Mikhailovna

Vinogradova Irina Anatolievna

Vinogradova Nina Gennadievna

Let bad weather not look into your house,

Failures will not find roads.

We wish you health and happiness!

And thank you for your good work!

But on this day of celebration, we have no right not to remember those who are not with us now in this hall, not on earth. But in our hearts the bright memory of them will always live.

(BACKGROUND "The earth was empty without you" medium)

Konchikova Evdokia Dmitrievna

Smirnova Ekaterina Georgievna

Potapova Anna Vasilievna

Denisova Alla Alekseevna

Zubkov Vitaly Fyodorovich

Ekhilevich Liliya Nikolaevna

Galanina Tatyana Vasilievna

Belyaeva Galina Ananievna

Allow me to give the floor to the chairman of the veteran organization of our school, a person who gave our school 43 years and went from counselor to director - Nina Gennadievna Vinogradova.

(Speech by Vinogradova N.G.)

With this, let me finish our lesson.

(bell rings)

Host: And again a musical change.

(Song "Horses, birds")

Host: Well, now the bell is ringing for a math lesson.

(bell rings)

(output of a math teacher)

(BACKGROUND "Twice two four" quietly)

Good evening respected students. I think that such a subject as mathematics did not enjoy much love and the popularity of students of all times and peoples, caused delight among a small audience of students. But you are a completely different matter, for you the queen of sciences is your favorite subject! Okay, at least pretend it's true!

And, by the way, today this lesson will be held on a high note with us and will cause you, I hope, only positive emotions.

Today we will answer the question: does the dividend recognize itself after division if, before dividing, the dividend is multiplied by the divisor?

Let's prove the theorem on the interdependence of the life lines of classmates and their intersection on a time interval of a length of school life and beyond

Let us substantiate the postulate about the impossibility of equality of the sides of the school love triangle.

And, finally, we derive the formula for student happiness.

In the meantime, an easy verbal account:

What is the address of school number 10?

How many classrooms are there in our school?

How many steps will a student have to run if he was called to the director, and he is in the gym?

What theorem does even the most inveterate loser know?

What is the number of the longest quarter?

And how many graduates have left the walls of their native school in all these years? ()

How many medalists have there been in 55 years? (32, 7 - gold, 25 - silver)

(Background "School waltz quietly)

Of course, the school remembers all its graduates, both exemplary and mischievous.

All graduates have a different fate. Various paths have been chosen. Among our graduates there are doctors, builders, executives, lawyers, entrepreneurs, athletes, representatives of working specialties.

And among our graduates there are people whom we are rightfully proud of:

These are people who have dedicated their lives to the service of education:

Kudryavtseva Tatyana Ananievna - worked as a leading specialist of the Department of Education,

Matveeva Nina Nikolaevna - worked as the director of the main general education school No. 15

Kulikova Nadezhda Nikolaevna - director of the secondary general school No. 8.

Zinina Lidia Vitalievna - worked as the chief accountant of the Department of Education.

Krainik Marina Petrovna - head of the regional department of museums

Shimonenko Viktor Nikolaevich - employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Yakobson Leonid Romanovich - Director of the Ambulance Service, Kineshma

Smirnov Alexander Dmitrievich – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Egorov Vladimir Viktorovich - General of the State Security Service.

Lagunova Ruefa Iovna - prosecutor under the government of Moscow

Lipin Viktor Fedorovich (unfortunately he is no longer among us) - headed the nuclear power plant in Lyubertsy

I want to give the floor to Nina Nikolaevna Matveeva, and at the same time, Nina Nikolaevna, you will derive the formula for student happiness.

(Speech by Matveeva N.N.)

More than ever, today we understand:

Everything is based on hard work.

Many terms are needed

What will be included in the formula of Knowledge.

Let everything be calculated and weighed for a long time,

And yet every time new way

We choose the same terms -

Dignity, Patience and Talent.

Allow me to end our lesson here.

(bell rings)

Host: Well, it's time to start the next lesson.

Presenter: As already, but what about the change?

Leading: I think it is not necessary, because our next lesson is a music lesson.

(bell rings)

Music lesson:

Hello, let's start one of the most favorite lessons of students, as they say, of all times and peoples.

The laws of time are inexorable and, as the song says, people cannot always be near. But today we are together again and as before, your eyes are burning with Komsomol enthusiasm, and we hear the beating of your ardent hearts. Health to you, optimism, joy. May you feel lighter and warmer in your soul from a good song.

For this song we shouldn't

connect you karaoke

Her words are familiar to many

I ask you to sing along.

The cranes will return to us in the spring,

And they will blow over our roof at night.

And the memory of the heart, as if half asleep,

The coming holiday will repeat with your own eyes.

Oh memory, memory!

Fortunately, you were given to me on a long journey,

So that I can look back

To the past, to the light of that window,

Where I can return again and again.

Backing track "Cranes"

Thank you, everyone sang wonderfully and of course everyone was great for this lesson!

(bell rings)

Moderator: And now it's class time.

Presenter: And the theme of the festive class hour is “School Today”.

Classroom hour:

There is only a moment between the past and the future, as the famous song says, and we will turn over the next page of our school history.

They say we don't choose the roads, they choose us.

Our school has been standing for 55 years. A small island in the ocean of life.

Regimes changed, leaders came and went...

Ideals, values ​​collapsed...

The history of our country is reflected in the history of our school, like in a drop of water.

The story that pierced the fate of teachers, passed through the fate of students.

School of our days. What is she?

Today, 275 students study at the school, the basics of the universe help them to comprehend teachers, amazing, selfless and creative personalities.

Average age Our school teachers are 40 years old.

We are young, full of energy, always with our students: whether it's a sports ground or a theater, an exhibition or an evening of relaxation, a holiday or everyday life. Many guests always note the special warm, almost homely atmosphere of our school: we are really one, albeit not quite large, in comparison with other schools, but a friendly family.

(poems grade 4)

1. When the first day of winter comes

Nature freezes

And our school on this day

Celebrates its anniversary!

2. Everyone who lives in Sokolniki

He knows this school like his own.

In autumn, the baby comes here,

Young men meet graduation in spring.

3. Many winters and years will pass,

Only our school will not grow old.

And anyone among her students

Knows the name of Yuri Smirnov.

4. Here is our marina, here is our common home,

Here we grow beyond our years, growing up,

It is difficult, but then

We will go through life more boldly.

5 .These walls faithfully protect us,

Here it is easy for us both in sorrows and in troubles.

And here they are waiting for us, as mothers are waiting at home,

Rejoicing in victories big and small.

6. Our school is five and five

We want to wish her:

Stay young.

To be dear to all the guys,

Every year more beautiful to be

Forget all troubles!

7. Thanks to everyone who helps us

Thank you for your warm welcome.

From all the guys, let me wish

Great human happiness.

8. Good and peace to all our guests,

Diligent students to teachers,

And our school - long summers,

(TOGETHER) Success, creative growth and warmth!

The school worthily continues its traditions, focusing its attention on the civil and patriotic education of the younger generation. In 2011 academic year the students and teachers of the school were awarded the Diploma of the Department of Education for their active participation in the regional action "Spring Week of Kindness": the students, together with the class teachers, held subbotniks to clean not only the school territory, but also in the Center day stay pensioners and in kindergartens No. 27 and 44.

The Council of High School Students and teachers of the school came up with an initiative to patronize classes over veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers of the Sokolniki microdistrict, and for the second year now, students have been providing all possible household assistance, and most often, with their visits and warm conversations, they brighten up the loneliness of the elderly.

In 1998, guys in military uniform crossed the threshold of the school for the first time. Today the platoon of pupils is 13 years old.

Students and teachers reacted differently to the appearance of these children, and today our school cannot be imagined without them. "Discipline in everything!" - the main motto of the life of these guys.

School life is not only lessons, not only work at the school desk, but also work on the ground.

Thanks to the efforts of teachers and students, our educational and experimental site has repeatedly become the winner of city reviews. And this is the merit of our teachers Del N.V., Shatova M.Yu., Poletaeva Z.S., Bulgina S.V.

Many topical scientific problems annually researched by the guys of the scientific society

students, including elementary school students, who provide their interesting findings in the work of the "Little Scientist" section at the annual School Science Week.

Our teachers Gorozhankina Natalia Alexandrovna, Solenova Maria Alexandrovna, Tumanova Elena Gennadievna, Filina Irina Vladimirovna, Bulgina Svetlana Vladislavovna help them in this.

Among our students there are winners of Russian sports competitions, these are Viktor Vladimirov, Ivan Korolev, Yuri Potapkin, Vladimir Pelevin, Alexander Dolkin, Alexander Sirotkin. And, of course, they achieved their first successes in physical education lessons under the guidance of Zhanna Anatolyevna Dudina.

And what talents there are in our school among teachers! This year Murekhina Svetlana Borisovna and Krasnova Irina Leonidovna became winners of the V regional festival "Inspiration". And now I would like to invite S. B. Murekhina to this stage, who will present her poems to your attention.

(exit by Murekhina S.B.)

To match the mentors and their wards. Ivan Lebedev, a student of grade 11, is speaking.

("The old piano!)

"Time forward!" Life goes on! Very soon, the next graduate of now 2012 will leave the school, and on September 1, they will be replaced by a young, young and unfamiliar tribe in our common home. Here they are - our future first-graders!

(dance kindergarten)

Humane and good relations between students, teachers and parents have developed in our school. Parents are our first helpers. They take an active part in collective creative affairs, charity events, in the material and technical equipment of the school, in solving economic problems.

The next category of our guests is not as numerous as the army of parents. Let it not be an army, but it is, without a doubt, an advanced detachment of caring, generous people with an active citizenship, without their kind participation, many things simply would not have taken place in the life of the school, All of them are assigned a special, honorary title- Big friend.

Today in our hall we are glad to see the head of the company "El profile" - Lebedev Nikolai Vladimirovich, the head of the company "Spetsservis" - Spirin Leonid Vasilyevich, the head of the company "Kintek" - Shishmakov Alexey Alekseevich and representatives of the company "Technocom" -

The word is given

A real teacher gives himself undividedly to his work, sometimes forgetting about the closest and dearest people - such are the costs of the teaching profession.

Teacher's children ... They so often lack our care and attention, which we generously endow with our students, one thing reassures - they also have kind educators and teachers who love and educate them, giving them their warmth and attention, like us, to his students..

So, attention, at our holiday there are: Moshkov Alexander, Menkov Dmitry, Belova Elena, Isakov Alexey and Ermakova Irina.

(children's performance)

Each of us has a character

And the views, albeit sometimes inadequate

But at school we live as one family

Inspiring children to understand the truth

Not everyone will understand, but God is a witness,

We do not think of another share.

And we are proud of the title of teacher

And happy to work in our school.

Perhaps there is more beautiful in the world

And the yard, and the garden, and apple blossoms

Yes, only better than our school

For us, it wasn't, and it isn't!

(bell rings)

Anniversaries pass like dreams

Like commas in life scripture.

And forward again, to the breath of spring,

To the heights of creative aspirations and knowledge.

Well, even if the path is not easy and somewhere rocky,

But summing up the past weekdays,

It's like we're starting a new leaf

Like a new day, which will be tomorrow.

Well, well, coming to a conclusion

Our solemn part.

We believe the anniversary evening

Will remain in your hearts!

Host: And by tradition, we conclude the solemn part of our anniversary evening with the Anthem of our school.

("Moscow windows")

Holiday dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the school

1st leader.

Our school house by the road

Collected again at this hour

To all the teachers of our glorious family:

We have a meeting today.

2nd leader.

We see happy faces in the hall,

Don't regret the past years

How many of us are many, because this is not a dream:

We are celebrating our anniversary!

1st leader. Good afternoon, dear colleagues and guests, good afternoon, dear friends. According to the good old tradition, we have gathered in this hall today to celebrate the anniversary of our school in a solemn atmosphere.

Song birthday.

2nd leader.

25 - what a date!

It's a holiday, it's a celebration!

And we hope that everyone sitting in the hall,

It will be cozy and warm here.

From the choir.

We gathered together today

The joy of meeting each other giving.

Sing with us, we give you a song

Dear teachers!

The teachers sing the school anthem.

1st presenter. We are glad to welcome everyone who is present today at our holiday ... (introduction of guests).

2nd host. Memory takes us to a distant September day in 1919. On the threshold of the school stood a man who had to start everything from scratch. We pronounce his name with excitement and pride... The floor is given to the first director of the school...

Speech by the first director of the school.

1st leader. We are a whole family of like-minded teachers who love their profession. Representatives of the district administration and the education committee came to our holiday ... The floor is given ...

Suddenly, a gypsy melody is heard, and gypsies (teachers or high school students.) enter the hall.


Gypsy joke, cheerful song

Congratulations dear anniversaries.

With a ringing guitar, we all sing together,

And we will tell you the whole truth about them.

gypsies(in order).

Hello dear friends!

Good afternoon, good hour, diamond!

We ourselves are not local, but this house has long been noticed.

They say that the people who work here are good.

With a warm heart, an open soul, with great love for children.

This is a rarity these days.

And there was a rumor in Spartanovka that the most beautiful, black-browed and white-faced people had gathered here today for a holiday.

Yes, and men are a match for them: all generals, athletes and masters.

All of you are good, all are beautiful, all are bright like wonderful flowers.

In their honor today, table speeches and fire dances.

Gypsy. Beauty, dear, golden, give me a pen, I'll tell fortunes. O! your fate is very interesting...

A gypsy, whose role is played by a teacher who knows those present well, jokingly “learns the past” and “predicts the future” in the form of exams, checking notebooks, etc.

1st leader.

25 is a round date in life.

Our solemn anniversary.

So, a lot in life is taken,

Even more is given to her.

How can we not remember today about the teachers-mentors who, with their enthusiasm, their love of life, help us in our work even now! They are always friendly, always ready to help. How much kindness, wisdom and attention in these women! This is ... (the names of teachers - veterans of the school sound).

2nd leader.

You are considered, you are respected

And they call you veterans

For the experience, for being faithful to the school.

For the fact that they are full of spiritual strength.

Well, he has a young soul.

Who is always with the young,

We want to wish you all good health,

To bring up a worthy replacement for yourself.

1st presenter. Thank you for helping us overcome our first life school road. Thanks to you, we did not turn away from it and came to our native school no longer as students, but as teachers.

The song "Understand".

2nd host. Any school is famous for its students. For 25 years, our school has produced ... students. Of them ... with a gold medal, ... with a silver medal.

1st presenter. Our alumni have reached great heights.

2nd host. Among them... (representation of famous people in the city - former graduates of the school).

To the tune of "Wonderful School Years ..." teachers - former students - come out. Each holds in his hands an attribute of his subject (atlas, primer, etc.).


There are many different songs in the world,

Well, not all professions can be counted.

We entered the school world like a song,

And it was considered an honor to create in it.

The whole life of a teacher in work,

And at school, at home and away.

With heart and soul we care

And thinking about days gone by

Wake up in the morning - again excitement:

What will you be, new day?

Lessons, disputes, explanations,

Some people are too lazy to do anything.

You will agree that our work is difficult,

But behind the work - the result.

And help to overcome everything

Such a loving childlike look!

This is how we live, how we grow up,

Where we understand the essence of life.

Soul at school do not grow old,

We affirm only our way.

1st leader. On the occasion of the anniversary of our school, we invited a Russian pop star... Meet us!

Parody of the song "Madame Broshkina".

2nd leader.

Anniversaries congratulated -

Wishes are endless.

Wishing you happiness and love

And now it's time

Something more weighty

Reinforce congratulations.

1st presenter. The word for greeting is given to the director of the school ... (full name)

Presentation of certificates, gifts.

1st presenter. Dear friends, telegrams have been sent to our school:

1. Teachers! Sow reasonable, good, eternal.

Agrarian Party of Russia

2. School leaders! Let's make the first of September a red day of the calendar.


3. Head teachers! Remember that the school must move along the rails of knowledge, strictly following the schedule.

Ministry of Railways

4. Young teachers! If you're not sure - don't overtake high school students on your way to the cafeteria.

5. Physical education teachers! Be responsible for the goat, horse, log and horizontal bar.

Dzhigits of Dagestan

6. Dear teachers! Remember: happiness is not in money!

Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

2nd host. Speaking about the school, about its teaching staff, today we must talk about those people without whom the school would not exist, would not develop and would not move forward.

These are our permanent ones - the librarian (F. //. O.), deputy. director for economic affairs (full name) and, of course, the paramedic (full name). We welcome them!

How not to tell us today about the strong half of our school - about our men who have mastered in our school not only the profession of a teacher, but also related ones: a carpenter, a plumber, an electrician! Thank you, dear men, for your help. Where are we without you? Yes, just nowhere!

Song "Sing".

1st leader.

Days go by, years go by

But take my word for it

What will pull you here

From the life of the whirlwind.

And the school rooms are austere

It will be nicer at home

Here the spring sings of childhood.

And who will forget him?

The song Lanfra Lanfra.

2nd host. The solemn part of our holiday is coming to an end. All students and graduates of our school send musical greetings to their favorite teachers.

The song "Thank you, teachers!".

1st leader.

25 is so little

As they say, everything is ahead.

Still, the heart is not tired,

The fire still burns in my chest.

And with such a fire in the chest,

And with such fervent fire

We wish you to shine for 1000 years,

Warmth of the soul, full attention

Unite the hearts of the children.

Let the current years

Do not disturb the native school

Let worries and labors

The well-being of the school is multiplied.

2nd leader.

Let's wave our hands on this date,

It is non-refundable

And, not regretting the departed,

Forward to the coming anniversaries!


Additional material

The song is performed to the melody "A brass band plays in the city garden."

Spring plays outside the window

It got more fun...

Our school celebrates

Happy anniversary!

Students start the day every day...

The silence is only broken

School calls.

We are in school colors

Let's celebrate the centenary

And even the bicentenary

We will celebrate!

Pushkin plays with rhymes

Looks from the pages...

Years at school fly by

Like a flock of birds...

School, you are almost gray-haired,

We send you greetings!

Because of us you are young

You will be for many years!

We were told today

Who is in this room:

Here workers, students,

Even special correspondents

Nurse and seamstress

Even my mom is here!

Here is a scientist and a builder,

Doctor, driver and our teacher,

Turner, warrior, journalist

And a well-deserved artist!

Those who build, sow, plow,

Teaches, heals, sews, bakes,

Protects our Russia

All to whom we honor!

We unraveled the secret:

This is an edition of different years!

Why is there so much light

And smiles, and people?

There is, of course, no secret here:

Anniversary in our school!

Pupil (referring to the former graduates of the school - the military).

We wish you health and victories,

We wish you success, and considerable,

Serve the Fatherland faithfully for many years,

And so that all of you become ... generals!

Pupil (addressing former graduates, now scientists).

For you, science is a true friend,

Your experiences are backed by action.

You became candidates of sciences,

And we already see you... as doctors!

Student (addressing former graduates, now musicians):

Fans of the brightest talent,

We bow our heads low,

To you - composers and musicians -

Words of gratitude and love!

School people are surprised

It is difficult for us to master this science!

Like seven ordinary notes

Are you creating oceans of sounds?

Pupil (addressing graduates, now builders).

Comrade builders, you are still parents,

And the guys will tell you that the schools are crowded ...

Build schools new, comfortable, practical,

And we give you the word to study "excellently"!

Pupil (addressing graduates, now doctors).

Illness is always fraught with cunning,

Perhaps the medicine will help me,

But... better hands good doctor.

A three-gram syringe will not tremble in his hands:

It will make your heart beat again!