Magic feather fire bird lesson technology presentation. We draw the Firebird (summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group using ICT). Thank you! Here she is the Firebird through the eyes of the guys

  • 19.09.2020

Sections: Primary School

Class: 2

Target lesson: formation of the emotional sphere junior schoolchildren by introducing them to artistic work.

  • educational
  • - be able to convey the fabulous image of the Firebird, using non-traditional techniques when working with paper and paints; know the concepts of warm and cold colors;
  • developing
  • - develop imagination and the ability to creatively stylize the forms of the animal world into decorative ones;
  • health-saving -
  • to preserve the health of children by alternating work and outdoor activities, using TCO and visual aids, creating a comfortable and trusting atmosphere in the classroom.

Short description:

  • Lesson visual arts"Fairy Bird" was developed according to the program of V.S. Kuzina, E.I. Kubyshkina. By thematic plan is 1 lesson per section.
  • "We are painting a fairy tale." By type - this is a lesson in learning new material. Looks like a fairy tale lesson.

Educational material:

Multimedia projector, computer, presentation (Appendix 1), illustrations depicting fabulous birds, samples folk paintings with the image of birds, samples of pedagogical drawing, blanks for work, the message "Birds of Paradise" (Appendix 2), an envelope with small coloring pages, music for the song "There are many fairy tales in the world", "Voices of birds", books about birds.

During the classes

1. Organizing time. (Slide 1)

Well check it out buddy
Are you ready to start the lesson?
Is everything in place?
Is everything all right?
Paints, pencil, landscape sheet?

I want to start our lesson with a smile. You smile at me and I smile at you. Think how good it is that we are all together today. We are kind and friendly, affectionate and friendly. I wish you Have a good mood, creative discoveries, respect for each other.

2. Determining the topic of the lesson.

Today we have an unusual lesson. I suggest you take a trip. But where, guess. (The music of the song "There are many fairy tales in the world" sounds.)

We will take a trip to a fairy tale, or rather to a fairy forest.

Stand up and pretend that you are birds.

(A picture of a forest opens on the board.)

Here we are in the fairy forest! But what happened?

Do you like this forest? Why? Does it look like a fairy tale?

(The forest is quite ordinary and does not look like a fairy tale.)

Yes, indeed, the forest is empty and not at all fabulous. What is wrong with it?

(There are no birds or animals.)

What needs to be done to make the forest fabulous, beautiful?

Do you think ordinary birds live in a fairy forest?

And which ones, you will find out by guessing the riddle: (Slide 2)

I shine like the sun
There is nothing more beautiful than me
If I look out the window
The whole earth will be illuminated. (Firebird)

So what is the topic of our lesson? (Fairy birds) (Slide 3)

3. Actualization of students' knowledge. (Slide 4)

Folk masters (paintings, whistle birds) loved to depict birds. (Slide 5)

In folk beliefs and fairy tales, the bird is a symbol of light, joy, happiness. Heroes of fairy tales often go on a journey for the Firebird. (Slide 6)

What do you know about the Firebird? Why is she called that?

Looking at the amazing images created by craftsmen, listen to how writers describe the Firebird: (Slide 7)

"Heat - A fire bird, its feathers shine with silver and gold, its wings are like flames, and its eyes glow like a crystal. It reaches a peacock in size."

In Russian art, all kinds of ornaments were often used, where figures of birds and animals were skillfully woven. But these figurines were simpler or more complex in shape, color, and details of the subject than in real life. In the visual arts, there is such a thing as stylization.

Stylization- This is a decorative processing of forms of flora and fauna. Stylization is especially typical for ornament, where it turns the object of the image into a pattern motif.

AT decorative arts the artist can style the subject in different ways. He can change the shape of the depicted bird or make it a completely different color than in real life. You can also change the shape and color scheme of the depicted bird when inventing a fabulous bird. The main task for you today is to create a colorful magical bird that no one has created before you. (Slide 8)

What technique can be used to do this?

(Drawing, application, collage:)

4. Explanation of the task of independent work.

I invite you to work in groups today. Let's remember the rules of working in a group. (children's answers)

Each group will create their own fabulous Firebird. Look, you have blanks on the tables. These are the "feathers" for the bird. If you make a bird out of them, will it be beautiful?

(Slide 9) What should be done with them? (Colorize)

Which color scheme is better to use: warm or cold? (Warm)

Why? (The firebird glows, burns with fire) (Slide 10)

What color is the brightest? (Red) Therefore, it is better to use it for those details that need to be highlighted. It can be the ends of feathers, beak, paws and other small details.

How can you position your Firebird? (Slide 11)

(Various options are being considered.)

Pedagogical drawing.

5. Practical work children.

Children choose one of the proposed options for the image of the Firebird or come up with their own.

Musical exercise.

Hands raised and shook -
These are the trees in the forest.
Hands bent, brushes shaken -
The wind knocks down the dew.
To the sides of the hand, gently wave -
The birds are flying towards us.
How they sit down, we will also show -
Fold the wings back.

Tell me, is it just fabulous birds can be so bright and beautiful? Maybe in nature there are birds that look like fairy tales? What birds do you know?

(Slide 12)

(The message "Birds of Paradise" is read by the student.) (Slide 13)

"To the family birds of paradise includes about 40 species of birds. They inhabit New Guinea and Australia. They are forest birds. Some species feed on fruits, but most species feed on insects, small tree frogs, lizards, which birds gather on tree branches. These birds are usually kept alone or in pairs.

6. The result of the lesson.

It's time to bring our forest to life and make it truly fabulous.

Let's put our wonderful birds in it.

(Children hang out their fabulous birds)

Did you like our lesson? What did you like and remember the most? Assess your mood with which you finish the lesson. What did you learn in class today? What difficulties arose during the work?

Today we talked a lot about the beauty of birds, and you tried to make the birds colorful and bright. In the next lesson, we will continue to talk about fabulous birds, and each of you will try to create your own bird. (Slide 15)

I thank you all for Good work on the lesson. It was easy for me to work with you. Look, our forest has really become magical. What kind of envelope appeared? Yes, it's a gift for you. These are small coloring books. Did you like to portray fabulous birds? You can color these magical birds at home. They can be colored with colored pencils or watercolors if you want the task to be more difficult. Remember which colors must be used.

Today you learned about birds of paradise. For the next lesson, you can prepare a message about some other unusual birds.

(Individual tasks)

In different cultures, the image of the Firebird acquired its own details and shades. The Slavs have the Firebird, ptak Ohnivak (Czech and Slovak) - a fabulous, fiery bird, its feathers shine with silver and gold (Ognivak has reddish feathers), wings like flames, and eyes glow like a crystal.

It is about the size of a peacock. The Firebird lives in the Garden of Eden of Iria, in a golden cage. At night, it flies out of it and illuminates the garden with itself as brightly as thousands of lit fires. The Firebird has a favorite food in the garden - rejuvenating apples, which give her beauty and immortality. The Firebird has a healing song, and when it sings, pearls fall from its beak. A blinding light surrounds her. Every year, in the fall, the Firebird dies and is reborn in the spring.

For all famous fairy tale Ivan the Fool found a feather of a fire bird in the forest on a stump when he passed by at night. This feather glows in the dark, it burns as if glowing with fire. At first, Ivan even decided that it was a fire burning in the darkness of the night, but, coming closer, they saw a feather of unearthly beauty.

The feather of the heat of a bird can illuminate any, the darkest room, so that at night it will be light, as it does not happen on the clearest day. According to legend, over time, the feather of the fire bird ceases to glow and burn with fire, hardening and turning into gold. If you find a few of these feathers, you can get rich pretty well, if only you knew where to look. Also, they say that with the help of the feather of the heat bird, you can find treasures, since like attracts like. And so the golden pen attracts the gold stored in the earth.

And since then she has been flying on the ground and spreading the fire of love. Happiness to the one who manages to catch her, but a hundred times greater happiness to the one whom the Firebird will honor as his master. After all, the Firebird is more like the molten metal of which it most likely consists. You can catch it only in mittens, it is very hot - you can get burned very badly. To the one to whom she submits of her own free will, she will give her beneficial warmth all her life. But as soon as she feels indifference, she will immediately fly away - she cannot stand it, and it's easy to kill her ... Put her in a cage and she will die. Her fiery body will cool down and instead of hot love, a cold piece of gold will be in the cage ... Such is the beautiful legend.

The description of the Bird is very similar for different peoples. “The air blossomed with all the colors of the rainbow, beautiful sounds came from the feathers and wings of the bird, a pleasant smell emanated from it ...” - this is how it was said about the miraculous bird Simurgh in an Arabic treatise of the 13th century. “There is another sacred bird there, ... and its name is Phoenix,” Herodotus wrote. “Her appearance and become very reminiscent of an eagle, and her feathers are partly golden, partly red.” “The cinnabar bird, the substance of the flame”, “its color pleases the eye, its crest expresses righteousness, its language is sincere” - the Chinese said, referring to Feng Huang, the ruler of the South. The fire bird, the Slavs believed, meaning the Firebird, you can easily get burned on its plumage. Each feather glows like a multitude of candles, and is sharper than damask steel. And she herself shines either blue or crimson light.

If we try to restore the story of the fabulous Firebird, or, as it is more commonly known, the Phoenix, according to the surviving legends, then we can tell such a legend. The beautiful Bird with dazzling plumage existed from the very beginning of the world, perishing and being reborn in the purifying flame at the turn of the eras. She herself sacrificed herself, and each time, rising again from the ashes, she turned her gaze beyond the earthly limits, through the stars, to the world of pure light, to the place where the once immortal gods were born, and where she went in those three days until her body turned to dust, and her soul became free. The bird knew what was, what is and what will be, and yet it kept the world in which it built its nest. People who heard about the Bird believed that, like her, they also have an immortal soul that only changes shells.

There lived a magical Bird far, far away, on the very edge of the earth. Exactly where, no one knew. Some said that her nest was hidden from human eyes on the top of a mountain, others said that she built it in the middle of an endless desert, in the thirtieth "other" state, perfect and far from worldly fuss. A lot of trials and dangers lay in wait on the way of those who dared to go in search, for any path to a creature that keeps the fire of the original creation in itself is thorny and unpredictable.

To get to the Bird, one had to overcome the Valley of Search, the Valley of Love, the Valley of Knowledge, the Valley of Separation, the Valley of Unity, the Desert of Amazement, the Desert of Annihilation and Death. Rarely have mortals been able to see the beautiful Bird in all its glory. For this to happen, peace and harmony had to reign on earth. Only a desperate daredevil with pure thoughts, led by a dream through life, could see her, having overcome many trials. No wonder the Bird was sometimes called the Firebird, because heat, fire is both creativity, and creation, and “burning”.

She was a perfect creation of the One, and everyone who saw her even from a distance became the owner of a wonderful gift. The light of the divine radiance that surrounded the Bird also fell on a person, endowing him with what he most wanted in his heart: talents, skills, happiness. And now the person who received the gift from the Bird himself carried a reflection of magical light. If you want - believe, if you want - check. If you want - listen, if you want - hear. But it was, the reality grew, and what was not - fiction. Only in one distant kingdom, the heavenly state once lived, the girls were red - they are all such needlewomen, their article is bright, pretty, the beauty of the soul is fine. Only with people, who of them was known, seemed to be a bird of paradise, a burning fiery bird, illuminating the world of the soul with light. Because they were all called Firebirds, expelling everything unclean, that's why it's not easy for all people to hear the songs of birds of paradise now. But a fiery bird is waiting for everyone, that you can’t take it with your hand, you can’t touch it, where the goblin hasn’t even walked, the Tree is one Life is true, the bird sits there, beautiful, radiates with heat and with a wondrous voice gives the traveler sweet peace and burns everything that’s wrong in it . It is unlikely to be able to reach the Tree on your own, dark forces do not let people in, strict guards guard from the eyes according to the decree from heaven above. For a long time, there were escorts who knew that they knew how to go around like dark thickets and impassable mountain ridges. But only those who were worthy and lucky could be brought to the Tree of Eternity, so that when they met with that bird-maiden, the fire would stop burning her. That's the whole tale of that marvelous one. Who was obedient, to feast - for that. for good, for health, but for the glory of living, and at the same time not to grieve !!!

summary of other presentations

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"Vitamins" - Vitamin A. Substances that are biologically active. Vitamin D. Vitamin U. Vitamin E. What are vitamins. Vitamin B12. There are many vitamins. Vitamin RR. Vitamins.

"Ear" - Organ of hearing - EAR. There is another way: you need to pinch your ear with your finger and make a few light pressures. Ear care. The membranous labyrinth is separated from the bony labyrinth by a perilymphatic space filled with perilymph (sodium-enriched fluid). Some experts generally advise plugging children's ears when bathing, for example, with cotton wool. The inner ear contains the sensory apparatus as such.

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"Nature of Russia" Grade 4 - Forest as an image of eternal beauty. The largest seas, lakes and rivers of Russia. State natural reserves of Russia -. Volga river. Ecological balance. Nature Protection of Russia. The largest rivers of Russia: Ob, Yenisei, Lena. Puzzles. Everything is connected to everything. Nature of Russia. Natural zones of Russia.

"Menzelinsk" - Nevsky masterpieces. The first lanterns in Russia. Stages of work. Cathedral Mosque. Lanterns on the streets and in parks. Regular street lighting. Topics project teams. Own dwelling. Art on the streets of your city. Monuments of architecture - heritage of ancestors. Work plan. Flashlight. Birth, development, distribution. Content. Introduction. The oldest metal gratings. Objective of the project. Construction of palace and park ensembles.

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Presentation on the topic: Firebird

slide number 1

Description of the slide:

slide number 2

Description of the slide:

Relevance of the topic Listening to oral works in childhood folk art- fairy tales, we get acquainted with the firebird. In our computer age, the age of nanotechnology, the fabulous bird remains mysterious and attractive to us. Hypothesis The image of the mythological image of the firebird is in demand in various spheres of modern life.

slide number 3

Description of the slide:

What does the firebird look like and what characteristics is it endowed with? What are the fabulous birds in mythology similar to the Firebird? In what literary works is the Firebird found? What can be the explanation for the appearance of the mythological image of the Firebird from the side of the physical phenomena of nature? Is the image of the Firebird in demand in household and social spheres modern society? Problematic issues learning topic

slide number 4

Description of the slide:

What is the appearance and psychological picture Firebirds? The Firebird is undoubtedly the image of a mythological creature. Moreover, it takes its origins from North-Eastern Europe and the Urals. The Firebird is a fabulous bird, a character in Russian fairy tales, usually the goal of finding a fairy tale hero. The feathers of the firebird have the ability to shine and with their brilliance amaze the human eye. The Firebird is a fiery bird, its feathers shine with silver and gold, its wings are like flames, and its eyes glow like crystal. It is about the size of a peacock. The Firebird lives in the Garden of Eden of Iria, in a golden cage. At night, it flies out of it and illuminates the garden with itself as brightly as thousands of lit fires. Every year, in the fall, the Firebird dies and is reborn in the spring. Sometimes you can find a dropped feather from the tail of the Firebird, brought into a dark room, it will replace the richest lighting. Over time, such a pen turns into gold. To catch the Firebird, they use a golden cage with apples inside as a trap. You can’t catch it with your bare hands, as you can get burned on its plumage. The Firebird feeds on golden apples, which give youth, beauty and immortality; when she sings, pearls fall from her beak. The singing of the firebird heals the sick and restores sight to the blind. The Firebird embodies the dream of happiness. Finding her or taking the luminous feather of the Firebird means catching luck by the tail. Often, the Firebird is popularly referred to as the Fire Spirit. Mythologists (Afanasiev) explained the firebird as the personification of fire, light, and the sun.

slide number 5

Description of the slide:

What fabulous birds are found in the mythology of other peoples The prototype of the Firebird is a peacock. Peacocks are a kind large birds from pheasants. The elongated tail of peacocks is flat. Rejuvenating apples, in turn, can be compared with the fruits of the pomegranate tree, a favorite delicacy of Phoenixo. The Firebird can be compared with medieval stories about the Phoenix bird reborn from the ashes, very popular in both Russian and Western European literature. Phoenix - mythological having the ability to burn itself and then be reborn. It was believed that the phoenix has appearance, similar to an eagle with bright red or golden red plumage. Anticipating death, he burns himself in his own nest, and a chick appears from the ashes. According to other versions of the myth, the Phoenix itself is reborn from the ashes. It was generally believed that the Phoenix is ​​the only, unique individual of its kind. In a metaphorical aspect, the phoenix is ​​a symbol of eternal renewal. Simurgh - (literally "top", "bird from the top of a tree / mountain") - a fantastic creature in Iranian mythology, the king of all birds. It is also known in the mythology of the Turkic-speaking peoples of Central Asia and the Volga region. The image of the Simurgh has a different interpretation. More often, she is perceived as a prophetic bird of justice and happiness, but in some myths she is a watchman sitting on a mountain that separates the other world. Simurgh had the function of a benevolent patron of individuals and especially human groups. In Buddhist mythology, Garuda is depicted as a creature with a human body and an eagle's head, wings, claws and a beak. For the first time, images of Garuda appear on Indian coins of the 4th-5th centuries. In the future, they become a necessary accessory for any Vishnuite temple. The Bird of Life is sometimes identified with the Phoenix. She emerges from the egg already an adult and nests in the Tree of Life, which fulfills all desires. Fighting Nagas. In Indian mythology, snakes that often take on human form. In the "Guide to Indian Buddhism", its researcher A. Kern defines nagas as cloud-like snakes that live deep underground in underground palaces. The Firebird also has a "relative" - ​​the Slovak "fire bird", although it, unlike our Firebird, which does not carry evil, is one of the embodiments of evil and, like the Dragon, steals children and beautiful maidens and takes them to gave absurd. Rarog is a radiant fire-bearing spirit associated with the ancient worship of fire, the hearth. According to Czech beliefs, Rarog can be born from an egg that a person hatches on the stove for nine days and nights. Rarog was represented in the form of a bird of prey with sparkling, flaming feathers, a flame called out from its beak - or simply in the form of a fiery whirlwind.

slide number 6

Description of the slide:

The Firebird The Firebird is a fiery bird, its feathers shine with silver and gold, its wings are like flames, and its eyes glow like crystal. The Firebird embodies the dream of happiness. Only a strong-willed and kind-hearted person can catch the Firebird. . If someone wants to use it for self-interest, he will only get trouble in return. In fairy tales, the Firebird is always an unattainable creature.

slide number 7

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Peacock Peacocks are a genus of large birds. Thanks to the magnificent, fan-shaped eyed “tail”, the peacock is known as the most beautiful bird among chickens. Peacocks are depicted in many works of art of the East and West, in official and commercial symbols. The constellation of the Southern Hemisphere is named Peacock.

slide number 8

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slide number 9

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Simurg Simurg - (literally "top", "bird from the top of a tree / mountain") - a fantastic creature in Iranian mythology, the king of all birds. More often, she is perceived as a prophetic bird of justice and happiness, but in some myths she is a watchman sitting on a mountain that separates the other world.

slide number 10

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slide number 11

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The fire bird has a "relative" in the Firebird - the Slovak "fire bird". True, she, unlike our Firebird, is one of the embodiments of evil. She, likened to the Dragon, steals children, beautiful girls and takes them to utter distances.

slide number 12

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slide number 13

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In what literary works is it found fairy tale character Firebird? The mythological character the firebird has been familiar to us since childhood from Russian folk tales "Ivan Tsarevich and Grey Wolf”, “The Firebird and the Tsar - Maiden”, “The Firebird and Vasilisa the Beautiful (“The Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess”)”, as well as from literary tales P.P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse", A.N. Tolstoy "Firebird". Only a person with a strong spirit and a good disposition can catch the Firebird. Because what the Firebird gives can bring true happiness to the hero. If someone wants to use it for the sake of self-interest, he will only get trouble in return ... In fairy tales, the Firebird is always an unattainable creature. Many kings and lords wanted to find it and use it. However, the Firebird, who came to the world of man from the thirtieth kingdom, gives a miracle only to the most deserving. Over time, such a pen turns into gold. The Firebird is one of the ancient Russian coasts, the embodiment of the sun, heavenly fire-flame. Serves good. It radiates an unusual, magical light that helps people in their earthly affairs. Her feather alone brings happiness to its owner. Arrives from the thirtieth kingdom, where she lives in the garden of the Tsar Maiden from the Russian folk tale "The Firebird and the Tsar Maiden". The extraction of the firebird is fraught with great difficulties and is one of the main tasks that the king (father) sets in the fairy tale for his sons in the fairy tale by P.P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse". Only the youngest son manages to get the firebird, and then only after a series of various obstacles. Due to the dazzling brilliance of her plumage, the heroes first close all the shutters of the windows, and only after that they remove the cover from the cage with the Firebird. “... At midnight sometimes the Light spilled over the mountain, - As if noon is coming: Firebirds are flying in ...” (quote from the fairy tale “Humpbacked Horse” by P.P. Ershov) There are plots where the Firebird turns out to be an enchanted beauty, who at the end fairy tale becomes the bride of Ivan Tsarevich. The firebird and the gray wolf are magical helpers, thanks to which Ivan Tsarevich completes difficult tasks and receives wealth and a wife in Russian folk tale“Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf” “The Firebird escaped and flew away, and Ivan Tsarevich had only one feather left in his hand” (quote “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”) The mythological character Firebird is also in the fairy tale “The Firebird and Vasilisa the princess "Suddenly the forest rustled, the waves rose on the sea - the Firebird flies" (quote, "The Firebird and Vasilisa the princess")

slide number 14

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What can be the explanation for the appearance of the mythological image of the Firebird from the side of the physical phenomena of nature? If you carefully read about the image of the firebird, then all these characteristics are a description ... Such and such a “bird”, flying through the air, glowing and shimmering with lights, was well known among the people. They knew and were afraid.

slide number 15

Description of the slide:

What can be the explanation for the appearance of the mythological image of the Firebird from the side of physical phenomena? If you carefully read about the image of the firebird, then all these characteristics are a description of ... ball lightning. Already such and such a "bird", flying through the air, glowing and shimmering with lights, was well known among the people. They knew and were afraid. They also knew her habits. They are described in detail in Russian fairy tales. The most complete description of the properties of the "Firebird" is given in the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse", which was recorded by 19-year-old student Pyotr Ershov, a native of the village of Bezrukovo: one of the bad habits of the Firebird (ball lightning) is to leave circles of fallen cereals on the field. Judging by Russian fairy tales, for a long time the peasants guarded the villain. However, from the frightened watchmen, apart from vague descriptions of either the FIRE-bird or the SHAR-bird, nothing could be achieved. "Fiery red and gold feathers, wings like flames, and eyes sparkling like diamonds...". Despite the blinding light, it has long been noted that the "Firebird" does not give any smoke or heat: "The field shines like in the daytime; A wonderful light streams around, But it does not warm, it does not smoke ... Eco miracle light! (quote from P.P. Ershov's fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse") And in the complete absence of lightning rods in those days, ball lightning continued to "stir" cereals. The English watchmen, unlike the characters in Russian fairy tales, approached the matter more thoroughly. They were on duty not with "pitchforks and axes", like sentinels in Ershov's fairy tale, and not even with a bird cage, but with photo and video equipment. And, finally, sensational photographs and video materials were obtained, showing with what tremendous speed ball lightnings fly over the field and what bizarre circles of fallen grass are left when approaching the surface of the earth.