Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom script reworked. Scenario of the New Year's party "Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom". We believe in childhood we calendar

  • 01.07.2020

Staged by Vadim Korostylev


Fun music sounds. The voice on the soundtrack is:

PHONOGRAPH: In an ordinary city. On an ordinary street. In an ordinary library, one day an unusual story happened!

The librarian comes out.

LIBRARY: If you're looking for fun,
If you howl from idleness!
Stop jumping and jumping
Stop running and screaming!
It is better to take a book from the shelf,
Quietly sit down and read!

Sits down at the table. 1 girl appears, her face is covered by a wide book, she does not see where she is going, moves to the table and sits on the table, the librarian gets up and coughs hinting that the girl should get off the table. The girl turns away in the other direction, the librarian moves in the direction where the girl turned and repeats the cough again, the girl sits down at the table, the librarian knocks on the table. The girl hugs the librarian.

GIRL 1: Terrible! Don't ever give me a book like this again!!! (runs away)

Three boys appear, they shout at the interruption.

BOYS: Give us the detective - "Bony Hand"!!! (one pushes the other)

BOY 1: Give me the "Bony Hand" Very much!!!

BOY 2: No, let me! I need more!

BOY 3: The "boney hand" is mine!

LIBRARY: Unfortunately, all copies of The Bony Hand have run out, but according to my information, there is still one book left in the neighboring library!

BOYS (shouting): She's mine!!! (run away)

2 girls appear. She is dressed in her mother's clothes - high-heeled shoes, she is clearly too big, a hat, glasses.

GIRL 2: Please give me a book - "Passionate Love"!

LIBRARY: This is a book for adults!

GIRL 2: Can't you see that I am an adult!

Makes a circle around the table, demonstrating - what an adult she is! The librarian pokes her finger at the girl, she falls, shoes remain in her hands, the girl leaves crying.

Vovka appears with a book of fairy tales. The music is over.

VOVKA: Hello, do you have any other fairy tales? Preferably with pictures.

LIBRARY: I have a much more interesting book for you. It's called "Do It Yourself"!

VOVKA: Well, no! All by myself. Go to school, learn lessons, solve problems! I don't want to do anything myself! Whether it's in fairy tales: ask what you want! Everything will come true!!!

LIBRARY: Then you just need to get to Far Far Away. Remember, in a fairy tale there was such a kingdom!

VOVKA: Are you kidding, aunt! How do I get into the book!

LIBRARY: Look, stand here. What do you see?
(Vovka notices his shadow)

VOVKA: It's my shadow!

LIBRARY: Now I'll take a miracle pencil and trace your shadow. And this little Vovka will live in a book, you understand, only little boys can live in books, but you are the same with him, right?

VOVKA: Fact! Are you a sorceress?

LIBRARY: No. Well, what are you, I just regularly read the book "Do it yourself"! Well, go, my friend!!!

Music of transformation sounds. A poster unfolds on the wall, which depicts the big Book fairy tales. Vovka gets into the Fairy Tale! He wears a caftan and a hat.

VOVKA: Wow, that's great!!!

The Tsar appears, without a crown, with a molar brush and a bucket. He approaches the poster, which depicts a book with a gate to a fairy tale, and begins to paint them and sing a song:

I have mountain cakes!
And eat what to eat, and eat what to drink.
But I paint, I paint fences,
So as not to pass for a parasite!

VOVKA: King! And the king!?

KING: Oh, Lord! (music sounds - a commotion, on which the Tsar puts on a crown and sits on a throne, which is carried out by two servants.)
Oh! How scared I was! I already thought our fairy tales who took to read! And I'm like this!

VOVKA: No, it's me! And why are you painting the fence, you are the King!? Am supposed to do nothing!

KING: I know, but you will die of boredom from idleness!

VOVKA: You don't understand anything about Tsar's life! Tsar, you want a cake, you want ice cream, and he paints the fence!

TSAR: Oh, that's it! Parasite, then appeared? Hey guard! Cut off his head!

The guard menacingly attacks Vovka, he backs away. Sounds like a musical accent. The LIBRARY appears and turns this page of the Tale, running from one end of the stage to the other. The song "Sea - Sea" sounds. On the right side, two unfold a blue cloth, which represents the sea. An old woman appears with a broken trough.

VOVKA (acts out that he escaped from the guards and ended up on another page): Brrr! Hello grandma! I would like to see the golden fish!

OLD WOMAN: Yes, here it is the sea, nearby. Would you ask my dear, the fish has a trough!

VOVKA: Well, yes, first give you a trough, and then a washing machine ... You'll manage! (Vovka turned to the sea) Hey, Goldfish? You don't hear, do you? I want you to….

A doll on a wire appears from behind the cloth. Goldfish.

GOLDFISH: What? And you wove a net, did you catch me? Finger on finger did not hit, but there too! Well, get off this page!

Music of transformation sounds. The LIBRARY appears and turns this page of the Tale, running from one end of the stage to the other. The two who made the sea make a circle with the cloth and disappear. Vasilisa the Wise appears.

VOVKA (acting out that he got to another page): Just think, unfortunate sprat! (notices Vasilis) And who are you?

VASILISSA THE WISE: (in turn) Vasilisa the Wise! We flew from different fairy tales. Because we have a gathering of young Vasilis. (together) By the exchange of wisdom.

VOVKA: What?

VASILIS WISE: (twirling a finger at the temple) (together) Wisdom!

VOVKA: Eh, I wish I could also learn some tricks by exchange.

VASILISSA THE WISE: Well, what will the girls teach? Listen!

The song Vasilis, on which they dance, sounds!

VOVKA: Study again! I do not want!

VASILISSA THE WISE: (in turn) Then you, you see, you need to go to the Far Far Away Kingdom there are Two from the casket - the same from the face. Whatever you order, everything will be done for you! (together) Go straight, good riddance!

Music of transformation sounds. The LIBRARY appears and turns this page of the Tale, running from one end of the stage to the other. Music of the appearance of two. Two from the casket appear - identical from the face.

VOVKA: Are you really going to do everything for me?

TWO: (barking) YEAH!

VOVKA: Well, then make me cakes, (Two bend his fingers) What are you going to bend my fingers to?

TWO: It will be done!
Cheerful music sounds, on which the Two exchange fake sweets. Vovka runs around the stage with his mouth open and tries to catch these sweets, but he can't!

VOVKA: Stop, stop! What are you? Will you eat candy for me?

TWO: (with fear) YEAH!

VOVKA: Well, no! Then get back!

The music of the appearance of the Two, they disappear.

PHONEGRAM: For whom are hot pies with jam, cabbage, meat ....

VOVKA: (runs and looks backstage) Stove1 Let me eat soon! I'm hungry!

PHONOGRAPH: Please! Just chop wood, melt me, and knead the dough!

VOVKA: Well, two of the casket - the same from the face, chop wood, knead the dough!

Cheerful music sounds, on which Two run for props - firewood and a bucket with an ax. One - cuts the dough, and the other kneads the wood!

VOVKA: Stop, stop! That's not how it should be done! On the contrary! Got it?

TWO: (barking) YEAH!

Fun music sounds. The two changed places.

VOVKA: Stop, stop! Give me myself!

Fun music sounds. Vovka kneads the dough and the firewood takes everything backstage. There is a hiss and an explosion on the soundtrack, Vovka flies out with black pies.

VOVKA: What is this!? Black!?

PHONEGRAM: Well, why are you grimacing? Help yourself, bake it yourself, eat it yourself!

VOVKA: Thank you, I don’t want something!

TWO: laugh

VOVKA: What are you laughing at?! Do you think I can't do anything like you?

TWO: (barking) YEAH!

Music of transformation sounds. A LIBRARY WORKER appears and tosses Vovka a book "Do It Yourself"

VOVKA: Yes, I'll prove it to you now! I want to do everything - at least a tub. Though the trough! (He runs backstage, sounds - the noise of working with instruments. All the heroes go on stage and look backstage.
Vovka takes out the trough.

OLD WOMAN: Fathers! Not really, Goldfish took pity?

VOVKA: No, Granny is me!

OLD WOMAN: Well done! And now build me a hut!

VOVKA: I still don't know how!

ALL: laugh.


(Everyone stopped laughing)

VOVKA: Well, come on, let's read how the huts are made here!

LIBRARY: If you want something to do,
You must try hard
So people don't laugh!
Don't be afraid, don't be shy
Go to the bookshelf!
Take the book off the shelf
You will find any answer in it!

Cheerful music sounds - bows !!!


Old woman
Gold fish
Princess Nesmeyana
Three Vasilisa
Two from the Casket


I meet a new day over a bookshelf,
Books give beauty, warmth and light,
Here they stand, sparkling with bindings
And the covers shine back at me.

Inspiration blossoms on the pages
Behind the covers is a dream
I read these books eagerly
Because they have love and kindness.

These books are important
Bold, courageous,
Whoever reads will understand!
They have a calling
Books give knowledge
A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!

VOVKA and ALENKA, pushing and chatting, enter the library.

LIBRARIAN: - Young people! You can't make noise here. You have arrived at the library! (VOVKA and ALENKA laugh). Keep quiet! Books love cleanliness, peace and order! So, what would you like to read, my friends?

ALENKA: - Yes, we just passed by ...

VOVKA: We decided to take a look...

ALENKA: - Do you have anything like that, adventures?

VOVKA: - Heroes or all sorts of miracles ...

ALENKA: - And that about love is obligatory!

VOVKA: - In general, so that everything is like in a fairy tale!

LIBRARIAN: - I have just what you need! Here is a wonderful book: "Do it yourself."

VOVKA and ALENKA giggle.

VOVKA: - What are you? Who reads this these days?

ALENKA: - "Do it yourself"? We are no longer children, it seems!

LIBRARIAN: - Of course, you are no longer children. But it only seems. So what do you have to offer?

VOVKA: - So that everything is like in a fairy tale!

ALENKA: - Aha, royal life! Just do it, don't do anything!

VOVKA: - Self-assembled tablecloth, magic wand, walking boots!

ALENKA: - A hut on chicken legs and a flying carpet to boot!

LIBRARIAN: - O! Then you just need to get to the Far Far Away Kingdom.

ALENKA: - Where? In the Far Far Away Kingdom?

VOVKA: Will you get there?

LIBRARIAN: - Why not? Where do we have a fabulous section here? Ah, here it is, I found it! (She flips through a book.) So, let's write a few words ... What is your name?

VOVKA: - Well, I'm Vovka ... And this is Alenka.

LIBRARIAN: - Vova and Alena. (Gives them a large envelope.) It is for you. Submit to destination.

ALENKA: - To whom to pass something?

LIBRARIAN: - By appointment! For those who will need it.

VOVKA: What's inside?

LIBRARIAN: - One magical thing!

ALENKA: Are you a magician?

LIBRARIAN: - What you! There is no magic here. It's just that I regularly read the book "Do It Yourself". Well, go, my friends, go!

The LIBRARY suddenly vanished as if she had never been there.

ALENKA: - What a strange aunt. Once - and disappeared!

VOVKA: - "Far Far Far Away!", "Pass it to its destination!" She invented everything, and we believed.

ALENKA: - Well, Vovka, let's go home?

VOVKA: - Let's go!

VOVKA and ALENKA opened the door, but instead of the street, they were surrounded by a fairy tale.


If you are not so afraid of Koshchei,
Or Barmaley and Babu Yaga,
Come visit us soon
Where the green oak is on the shore.
There walks a black cat scientist,
He drinks milk and does not catch mice,
This is a real talking cat
And on the chain sits Gorynych the Serpent.
Come visit us
Hurry up and visit us
the cat will tell you everything
Because he saw everything himself.
Oh, how quiet it is dark
Oh how wonderful and wonderful
Oh, how scary and funny
But in the end everything will be fine!

Royal mansions. On the throne are a mantle, a scepter, a crown. There is not anyone.

VOVKA: - Nobody there. Hey! And where is who?

ALENKA: - Quiet you! Listen!

Singing is heard from afar. TSAR with molar brush and bucket, half-dressed, paints the fence.


I have mountains of gold
And eat what to eat, and eat what to drink.
But I paint, I paint fences,
So as not to pass for a parasite.

ALENKA: - Vovka, this is a real king!

VOVKA: - Come on! It's probably a worker. Would the Tsar paint the fences!

ALENKA: - Tsar! And the King!

TSAR: - Oh my God! (He rushed to the throne, dropped the brush and bucket, wrapped himself in a mantle). How scared I was. I already thought someone took our fairy tale to read, and I was in this form ...

VOVKA: - No, it's us. Why are you painting the fence? Are you the King? Are you supposed to do nothing?

TSAR: - I know I know. My position is this: do nothing but do nothing. And you will die of boredom. And besides, I'm not a real king, I'm fabulous. Let me think, while the fairy tales are on the shelf, I'll paint the fence. Benefit and workout. Do you approve?

VOVKA: - No, we do not approve.

ALENKA: - You do not understand anything in royal life. The king - you want it, cakes, you want - ice cream, and he paints the fences!

TSAR: Yes, yes, of course. (Vovka, who sits on the throne). I would give way to the elder. Ali is not trained in school?

VOVKA: - Please!

TSAR: - And you, beautiful girl, give me a crown!

ALENKA: - Please!

TSAR: - She is too big for you. So cakes...

VOVKA: Yeah.

TSAR: - And who will work for you?

ALENKA: - Well, since we are in a fairy tale - so some kind of magic wand.

VOVKA: - Or this one, the wizard from the jug: fuck-tibidah ... and - please!

TSAR: - So, so, fuck-tibidah, so ...

ALENKA: - I suppose you don't know such magic words?

TSAR: - Why not know, I know one magic word. It helps a lot with laziness.

VOVKA: - Yah! Will you tell us?

TSAR: - Wait a minute… Hey! Guard! Cut off their heads. Parasites!

VOVKA and ALENKA rush in different directions as fast as they can, find themselves in different fairy tales.

VOVKA in the fairy tale "By the command of the pike".
Emelya works hard.

VOVKA: - Hello, friend!

Emelya: - And you be healthy, brother!

VOVKA (holding out hand): - Vladimir! I travel.

Emelya (shaking her) - Emelya! Working…

VOVKA: - So you are Emelya. I don't know! And where is your famous "Reluctance!"

Emelya: - It has become impossible now, to say such words!

VOVKA: - Why is it impossible? Before, in a fairy tale, as it was: “Go, Emelya, for water!” "Reluctance!" “I would chop wood, Emelya!” "Reluctance!"

Emelya: - And now, brother, everything is different.

VOVKA: - What has changed? Or did the Pike deceive? You say the magic words, and everything happens by itself ...

Emelya puts her hand over his mouth.

Emelya: - Hush, brother, hush! I can't say them now! The hour is not even - he will hear ...

VOVKA: - Yes, who will hear something?

Emelya: - My wife, Princess Nesmeyana. She doesn’t love passion if I mess around ...

VOVKA: - Are you scared of the girls? Think Princess!

Emelya: - Don't tell me, brother! She is not just a Princess, she is also Nesmeyana. Better help me with a bucket...

VOVKA: - I'll carry buckets! Come on, "By pike command, according to my desire, go the bucket itself home!

Emelya: - Eh! I warned you, fool! Well, now hold on! (Princess). Here I am, honey!

PRINCESS-NESMEYANA:- What are you thinking, Emelyan? (Sobbing).

Emelya: - And what is it, the sun !?

TSARENA-NESMEYANA: - The floors are not swept, the firewood is not chopped, the fish soup is not cooked, and you are loafing? (Sobbing).

Emelya: - What are you, my dear, how can you?

PRINCESS-NESMEYANA:- You are a disgrace to our family, Emelyan, and even in front of a dear guest! (Starts to cry).

Emelya: - Yes, I, berry, share everything that you are ordered to, I work tirelessly.

PRINCESS-NESMEYANA: Who said magic words? (Crying). "At the command of the pike ... At my will" ... (Sobs).

Emelya: - Honey, honey, don't cry! It just kind of happened by accident... (Gives her a handkerchief.)

PRINCESS-NESMEYANA: - Oh, you don't love me, Emelya, you don't love me! (Blows his nose).

Emelya: - Yes, I don’t like it, my dear!

PRINCESS-NESMEYANA: - When did you take me as a wife, what did you promise the father of the Tsar? Do everything with your own hands!

VOVKA: - Why work if you know the magic words?


(to the motive "Duet Riccardo and Federico")

Being a man is not easy these days.
The wife sticks her sensitive nose everywhere!
But God save us from objections,
And women's tears, and women's tears, and women's tears!

Being a woman is a simple science,
Each of us will learn it:
Get your spouse to work
Free time, free time, free time!

Cooking, laundry, ironing and cleaning -
For a woman, everything is ashes and vanity.
Any whim can only be fulfilled
Telling her yes, telling her yes, telling her yes!

What could be better than a picture:
Break the jackpot in family life.
And grow from an idle man
Reliable husband, reliable husband, reliable husband!


Being a woman is a simple science...

Being a man is not easy these days...

While Emelya and the NESMEYANA PRINCESS sing, VOVKA escapes from the fairy tale.


ALENKA: - "His old woman is sitting on the threshold, and in front of her is a broken trough." Ah, that's where I am! Grandmother! Hello!

OLD WOMAN: - Hello, dear, hello!

ALENKA: - Grandmother, how would I see the Golden Fish? You are already in the know.

OLD WOMAN: - Yes, here it is, the sea is nearby. You know, I don't recommend going. Now listen to what happened to me...

ALENKA: - She will tell me more! Like I didn't read it! Why, I’m not you, I don’t want to be the mistress of the sea at all. I'll deal with her quickly.

OLD WOMAN: - Hey, honey, honey. Would you ask her for a new trough, would you?

ALENKA: - Well, here's another! Great again! First, she has a trough, then give you a new washing machine ...

OLD WOMAN: - No, no, where is it ...

ALENKA: Okay, let's see. Hey! Golden fish! Hello, can't you hear?

GOLD FISH: - What do you need, old man? Ouch! Who are you?

ALENKA: - Goldfish, don't be afraid, it's not the elder, it's me!

GOLD FISH Q: What does "It's me" mean? What's with the familiarity? Please introduce yourself!

ALENKA: - Well, I'm Alenka.

GOLD FISH:- Rainbow Triangle Anscitrus! Or the Common Goldfish.

ALENKA: - Why, just call it that?

GOLD FISH: - Just like that. And please contact me on "you".

ALENKA: - Why is it immediately on "you"?

GOLD FISH: - I, with Pushkin himself, one might say, was on a friendly wave!

ALENKA: - Well, once with Pushkin, then of course ... So, yes, this is Citrus ... I want you ...

GOLD FISH:- What? Have you wove a net? Did you throw him into the sea three times? Did you catch me? I didn’t hit a finger on a finger, but there too: I want!

OLD WOMAN: - You, killer whale, don't make Rybka angry. If she gets angry, it will be hard for you!

GOLD FISH: - Listen to the Old Woman! She is right!

ALENKA: - Come on, grandma! The fish is a sorceress, she must fulfill my three wishes!

GOLD FISH:- And I heard this: “Without labor, you can’t even catch a fish from a pond!”

ALENKA: - Have you heard this - “Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest”?

GOLD FISH:- Alexander Sergeevich would have heard it! (Floats off).

ALENKA: - Wait, wait! Hey you, unfortunate sprat! And who will fulfill my desires!?

GOLD FISH: - Pushkin! ..


VOVKA: - Alenka! Finally!

ALENKA: - Vovka! Where have you been!

VOVKA: - I met Emelya!

ALENKA: - And I - the Golden Fish!

VOVKA: - Well, order in these fairy tales!

ALENKA (mimicking): “You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without labor!”

(to the tune of "Good Girls")

magic girls,
wise friends,
For all the wonders in the world
We know the right words:
Work hard
Like a jack of all trades
And then surely
Miracles will happen.

Every Russian fairy tale
Find two differences:
Employees are open
All roads and paths
But if you are a bum
Then in a fairy tale you will be superfluous,
Because lazy
Good luck not to be found!

We have a magical palace
And a self-assembled tablecloth,
The hut itself flies
And the trees speak.
One is the right way
He is known everywhere:
Work for glory
And you will become rich!

VOVKA: - Who are you?

FIRST: - We are Vasilisa the Wise.

ALENKA: - Who, who?

VASILISSA: - Vasilisa the Wise.

VOVKA: - Where did you come from?

SECOND: - Arrived from different fairy tales.

THIRD: - Because we have a rally of young Vasilis.

FIRST: - By the exchange of wisdom.

ALENKA: - How?

VASILISSA: - Wisdom.

VOVKA: - Eh, we should also learn some tricks "by exchange"!

SECOND: - Well, girls, will we teach?

ALL: - Let's learn!

Chastushki Vasilis


Let's work together
Finally, let's calculate
How many bricks do we need
To build a palace!


Do you want to make a self-assembled tablecloth,
Solve the equation -
We take bagels for x,
And square the cabbage soup!


With this magic wand
Don't rush to manage
Certainly in a line
Design blueprints!

VOVKA: - Stop! I don't want more!

ALENKA: - At school they teach, they teach, they also piled up in a fairy tale.

FIRST: - Yes ... you, you see, you need to go to Far Far Away.

VOVKA: What didn't we see there?

SECOND: - And there are Two of the casket identical from the face.

THIRD: - Whatever you order, everything will be done for you.

ALENKA: - All-all?

FIRST: - Everything.

VOVKA: - And how to get there?

SECOND: - Go all straight, straight and straight.

THIRD: - I suppose you won't get lost!

ALENKA: - Bye then!

VASILISSA: - Good riddance!


VOVKA: - Hey, Two from the casket are identical from the face!

TWO: - Hello! ..

ALENKA: - Hi. Oh you are the same...

TWO: - Yeah!

VOVKA: - So what are you going to do everything for us?

TWO: - Yeah!

ALENKA: - Then make us, firstly - cakes!

VOVKA: - Secondly…

TWO FROM THE CASKET bend the fingers on his hand.

VOVKA: - Are you going to bend your fingers for me?

TWO: - Yeah!

ALENKA: - Here is the service!

VOVKA: - Great! Second, candy. And thirdly ... Well, bend down!

ALENKA: - And thirdly - ice cream!

VOVKA: - And faster, faster!

TWO: - Will be done!

TWO FROM THE CASKET put VOVKA and ALENKA between themselves, begin to throw food from one to the other, VOVKA and ALENKA get nothing.

ALENKA: - Hey! Ale, stop! Yes, on the contrary!

TWO: - Please!

TWO FROM THE CASKET switch roles, but VOVKA and ALENKA still get nothing.

VOVKA: - Stop! What are you, and will you burst sweets for us?

TWO: - Yeah!

ALENKA: - Well, no, then get back to the casket!


VOVKA: - All fairy tales yes fairy tales! And there is something you really want!

ALENKA: - Only the appetite was teased with sweets!

Past VOVKA and ALENKA passes OVEN.

STOVE: - But to whom the pies are hot! With jam, with meat, with cabbage!

VOVKA: - Oven!

STOVE: - Hello, dear!

ALENKA: - Stove, but Stove, give us something to eat?

STOVE: - Yes please!

VOVKA and ALENKA sit down to eat.

STOVE: - Only you, boy, chop firewood first, and melt them. And you, beauty, knead the dough and make pies. And it won't work for me!

VOVKA: - Okay! Will be done!

ALENKA: - Well, two from the casket ... (TWO get out). Appeared?

VOVKA (pointing to the dough and firewood): - Knead and chop!

TWO: - Will be done!

TWO FROM THE CASKET are chopping dough and kneading firewood.

ALENKA: - What's again?

VOVKA: - On the contrary!

TWO: - BUT? It's clear!

THE TWO FROM THE CASKET change places, but do the same thing.

VOVKA: - What are you? Do you want us to stay hungry on purpose?

ALENKA: - Are you kidding me? Get back to the chest now!

VOVKA: - They don't understand anything.

ALENKA: - Better then we ourselves.

VOVKA: - How is it "themselves"?

ALENKA: - And so. You chop wood, and I'll take care of the dough.

VOVKA (jumping with a log): - Yes, why is it not cut? Okay! And so it will! (Pushes the logs into the stove).

ALENKA: - Now how do I get it all done! Why is this dough so sticky? Okay, fry something! (Pushes all the dough into the oven.)

OVEN starts coughing and sneezing, VOVKA and ALENKA hide. Finally, black as coals "patties" are ready.

STOVE: - Here you have pies.

VOVKA: - What is it? Black?

STOVE: - Why are you grimacing? Bake it yourself, eat it yourself!

ALENKA: - What are these, pies? No thanks, I don't want anything.

TWO FROM THE CASKET roll with laughter.

VOVKA: What are you giggling about? Are you laughing at us?

ALENKA: - You think we can't do anything, just like you?

TWO: - Yeah!

VOVKA: - Well, I do not! Yes I! Yes we are!...

ALENKA: - All right, Vovka. They are right. We can't do anything.

VOVKA: - And we will never learn anything!

ALENKA: - Let's stay in this Far Far Away Kingdom!

VOVKA: - And we will not pass the letter to its destination ...

ALENKA: - Still, I wonder what's in this envelope?

VOVKA:- Let's open it, now it's all the same!

VOVKA and ALENKA open the envelope. From there, the book "DIY" falls out.

ALENKA: - "Do it yourself"!

VOVKA: - Hooray! This book is our salvation!

Reading a book, VOVKA and ALENKA cover festive table, invite all the CHARACTERS for him.

VOVKA and ALENKA:- Take our job!

Everyone sits down at the table. The OLD WOMAN takes ALENKA aside.

OLD WOMAN: - Did the Goldfish really help?

ALENKA: - No, granny, we did it ourselves!

OLD WOMAN: - Well done! And now you know what?

ALENKA: - What?

OLD WOMAN: - Build me a hut!

ALENKA: - Hut? We still don't know how...

VOVKA: - Well, Alenka, let's see how the huts are made here? (Opens book).


They say that nowadays children are idle and lazy
Everyone is used to making smart cars for them,
They say that everything once
Was better than now
They say, don't listen!
They say, don't listen
They say, but you do not believe!

They say that at first everything was wonderful,
But the wizards disappeared with the mammoths,
And in the land of wonderful fairy tales
Forever closed the door
They say, don't listen!
They say, don't listen
They say, but you do not believe!

Colorful, huge, cheerful,
Not subject to days or years,
This world is blindingly young
He is as old as we are!


new Year

"Adventures of Vovka from Far Far Away

in the New Year's forest "...

(junior link)

Place of work: Samara region, city of Oktyabrsk GBOU secondary school No. 9

Position: teacher elementary school

New Year's songs:

    « A Christmas tree was born in the forest” Balagan Limited;

    The blizzard swept up;

    Father Frost;

    Christmas story;

    There is a new year in the world;

    We believe in childhood we calendar

New Year's dances:





    boogie boogie;

    gypsy girl

      cowboy, Dance of the Snowflakes

New Year games:


    Father Frost;

    Snow Maiden;



    Red Riding Hood;

    Vasilisa the Wise;

  1. Baba - Yaga;

    Damn angel;

    Jack Sparrow;

    Yagin is the grandson of Babi - Yagi;

  2. Two from the chest

Musical accompaniment

    The children enter to the music Christmas toys»;

    Sounds of music enters Little Red Riding Hood;

    Dance "Boogie Boogie";

    The song "We believe in the childhood we calendar";

    Gun shots are heard, Baba Yaga runs in;

    Weeping is heard;

    Dance "We will now go to the right";

    Music sounds dancing Baba - Yaga and Yagin;

    The song "There is a new year in the world";

    Vovka enters on a children's bicycle;

    Song The blizzard swept up;

    Music sounds. Enter Vasilisa the Wise;

    Dance with handkerchiefs (under the Russian folk song “Kalinka”);

14. Musical game "Lavata";

15. Enter the king;

16. Baba flies in - Yaga and Yagin grab Vovochka;

17. Enter Damn those what;

18. Song New Year's fairy tale;

19. Shrek enters;

20. Dance of the Gypsy;

21. Music two from the casket;

22. Baba-=Yaga runs in and chases the Christmas tree;

23. Song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest";

24 Enter Jack Sparrow;

25. Disco music with a soap gun sounds;

26. Dance "Twist";

27. Song Santa Claus;

28. Entrance of Santa Claus;

29. Dance of the Snowflakes;

30. Dance Letka-enka;

31. Music for the game Freeze and Mitten;

32. Song;

33. Chimes.

Event progress

(Children enter to the music of "Christmas toys")

Malvina Hello everyone in this room!

I hope there are no indifferent people here!!!???

Pinocchio- So you are a cheerful people

And our holiday will pass at the level.

Malvina - I ask you, my friend, be free

Sing, dance, don't be lazy today

Pinocchio- Let's open your eyes wide,

Now you will see miracles.

1, 2, 3 fairy tale come to us.

We repeat everything after me.

(Music sounds, Little Red Riding Hood enters)

Red Riding Hood:If long, long, long

If long on the track

If long on the path

You can jump and jump...

- Today my most cherished dream will come true. I'm going to the New Year's party.

I even learned the New Year's dance, if you want, I'll teach you. Well, repeat after me.

(Boogie boogie dance)

Here you go! You yourself know this dance, but why didn’t they say right away. Okay, then we'll learn a new New Year's song.

Hold hands together

Get into a round dance.

And let's show you

How little people dance.

(song "We believe in the childhood we calendar")

(Shots are heard from a pistol, Baba Yaga runs in)

Red Riding Hood: Guard, help, save.

Baba Yaga: What a disgrace, gold, yell, make noise. Grandma is disturbed from sleeping. And this, what a miracle - Yudo.

Red Riding Hood:(cries, stretches out his hands to Baba Yaga) Granny Yagusenka.

Baba Yaga: Wait, how do you know me? Who is she?

Red Riding Hood: How from where, because I'm your great-granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood.

Baba Yaga: Ai, ai, ai ... Shame on you girl, you lie and don't blush. My great-granddaughter has a red hat and pies with jam.

Red Riding Hood: And what's that?

Baba Yaga: Here the hag did not recognize the old native blood. Come to me, my yacht, I will kiss you. She grew up like that, got prettier then like a beauty. Why were you screaming like that? Who scared you so?

Red Riding Hood: Don't know! Something was scary.

(heard crying)

Baba Yaga: Well, here it is again burst into tears!

Red Riding Hood: Yes, it's not me crying, but someone else!

Baba Yaga: Boy it's not you crying? Girl, why are you crying? Who hurt you? Not you?

Red Riding Hood: Oh, it's like our Christmas tree is crying!

(run up to the Christmas tree and unfold the package)

Baba Yaga: Oh, another relative! Yes, how small, but how grimy, and how pretty. Well, all in me!!! My dear granddaughter! M-ah! (kissing on both cheeks)

Yagin: Grandma, why did you leave me! You don't like Al at all. Ah-ah!!! I want to eat, I want to mess around!

Baba Yaga: On you dear little candy! Oh, with these children one hassle! Am I a babysitter? Malvinochka, Pinocchio, you calm him down!!!

Malvina: What would be fun with us,

Let's go to the dance now.

Let's dance a dance just class.

(Dance "We'll go right now")

Yagin: How many guys are here! And I didn't say hello. I'll go say hello.

Begins to greet and get to know each child

Little Red Riding Hood: (pulls Yagin by the hand): What are you doing? So you will say hello until retirement.

Yagin: So how should it be? I can't do it any other way.

Red Riding Hood: Learn! You go to the middle and shout loudly: “Hello!” Clear?

Yagin: Yeah. I'm going to try now. (Goes to the middle and shouts) Hello! Clear?

Red Riding Hood: And "understandably" could not be said.

Yagin(to some child): And "clearly" could not be said.

Red Riding Hood: Here is the nonsense. Yes, I'm not talking to him, but to you.

Yagin:(to another child): What a mess. Yes, I'm not talking to him, but to you.

Malvina: Dear guests, you don’t know where is our New Year’s fairy tale, where are the gifts, where are Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga: Where! On your beard! What stupid questions you ask! We need Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. We are just fine without them. Now let's have a party and hang out with the kids.

(Music sounds dancing Baba - Yaga and Yagin)

Red Riding Hood: Ouch! Look, we have a telegram under the tree. (read together with Malvina and Pinocchio together)


Dear residents of school number 2.

If you want to New Year's holiday go to the distant kingdom, find a magic Christmas tree and ask her for the voice of a fairy tale.

Then Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will come to you.

Pinocchio: And who will go to this kingdom now!? BUT?!

Yagin: Here you are and go nosy !!!

Pinocchio: Why are you calling yourself a little pot-bellied!

Red Riding Hood: Well, stop swearing at you! Let's better sing a New Year's song and decide which of us will go to the distant kingdom.

(Song "There is a new year in the world")

( Vovka enters the hall on a children's bicycle, all disheveled)

Baba Yaga: Oh, guys, who came to us? Some kind of slacker? Our friend!?

Vovka: Who's the slob? Is that me? And don't be a slob at all!

Yagin: And who are you?

Vovka: I am Vovka Morkovkin and I am going to the distant kingdom. I want a "royal life"! Just do it and do nothing. Here life will come ... And what do you need.

Malvina: You are exactly what we need. We need the voice of a fairy tale from a distant kingdom. And then at our holiday there is no Santa Claus, no Snow Maiden, no gifts.

Vovka: Yes, it's easy to say - go. And where to go?

Pinocchio: Well, something, and it's as easy as shelling pears, you have to say the magic words. Guys, let's help Vovka read the magic words.

Children read: ENE, BEN, SLAVES.

Malvina: Oh, guys, we can’t leave Vovka alone, in case he still needs our help. He doesn't know anything, he can't do anything. And the road to the distant kingdom is long, with obstacles, will we go with him? Let's ask Little Red Riding Hood to help him.

Baba - Yaga and Yagin: Yes, we spend it together with the Red hat. Let them travel. We will clear the path for you with panicles, and you follow us. Don't turn anywhere.

(Baba - Yaga and Yagin run away)

Red Riding Hood: And to make it more fun for us on the road, we will take a New Year's song with us.

(Song "Swept up a blizzard")

(They walk around the Christmas tree with Little Red Riding Hood)

Vovka: Oh, I'm already tired of walking! I'll get to the distant kingdom and ask the magician if he would teach me all kinds of magic.

(Music sounds. Vasilisa the Wise enters)

Vovka: Hey, who are you?

Vasilisa the Wise: Vasilisa the Wise!

Vovka: Who, who-oh-oh?

Vasilisa the Wise: Vasilisa the Wise!

Vovka: Where are you from?

Vasilisa the Wise: From the distant kingdom of the state.

Vovka: Blimey!!! That's where I need it. Come on, teach me some wisdom.

Vasilisa the Wise: Yes please! Let's start with the simplest. We will teach you how to build geometric figures.

Dance with handkerchiefs (to the Russian folk song “Kalinka”)

Vovka: Is that so what? (walks with a headscarf and dances)

Vasilisa the Wise: You have not mastered this wisdom. Let's move on to the next (singing)

Let's work well
We need to do the math
Where to multiply, where to add,
Honor to arithmetic.

Vovka snorted, snorted, nothing! It will be… (shouting) Two hands! No, two legs!

Children give the correct answer.

Vasilisa the Wise:(praises children) See how your friends count, learn from them.

Vasilisa the Wise: And you, my friend, still need to learn.

Vovka: I do not want! I won't! They teach me, even here, in a fairy tale, they piled on! ...

Vasilisa the Wise: Oh man! You didn’t hit a finger on a finger, but you’re aiming for wizards in the same place. Don't be like this!

Vasilisa stamps her foot, turns and leaves.

Vovka: Well, it’s not necessary, I can do without your wisdom, Vasilisa, unfortunate-ah! (grimacing, sticking out his tongue). I will learn how to spell myself.

Red Riding Hood: I'm not a magician yet, but I'm learning. But I know the game "Lavatu". Repeat after me!!!

Musical game "Lavata"

(Sounds of music appears King)

The Tsar appears, without a crown, with a rag and a bucket. He approaches the Christmas tree and begins to wipe it and sing a song:

I have mountain cakes!
And eat what to eat, and eat what to drink.
But mine, I wash everything in the house,
So as not to pass for a parasite!

VOVKA: Tsar! And the king!?

TSAR: Oh my God! (music sounds - a commotion, on which the Tsar puts on a crown and sits on a throne, which is carried out by two servants.)
Oh! How scared I was! I already thought our fairy tales who took to read! And I'm like this!

VOVKA: No it's me! And why are you cleaning everything here, you are the King!? And kings are supposed to do nothing!

TSAR: I know, but you will die of boredom from idleness!

VOVKA: You do not understand anything in the Royal life! Tsar, you want a cake, you want ice cream, and he paints the fence!

TSAR: Ah, that's it! Parasite, then appeared? Hey guard! Cut off his head!

(Baba flies in - Yaga and Yagin grab Vovochka)

Baba - Yaga and Yagin: Yep, you got the fool!!! I decided to help Malvinochka and Pinocchio and the kids. You will not have a holiday and a spectacle. Knit him.

Malvina: What's going on, somebody help me.

Pinocchio: Boys stomp your feet. Girls clap your hands.
Red Riding Hood: I'm not a magician yet, but I'm learning. Now I will help Vovka the carrot.

One, two, three, come to the rescue.

(Damn angel flies )

Red Riding Hood: This is what I made!!! Who is this!?

Damn angel: No, well, what are you fighting about!? I didn't know you needed it. Well, what was my name. What do you need. Who's in charge of the party here?

Yagin: Like who we are!!! You saw how I decorated the hall!! All by myself.

Damn angel: Baba Yaga rules the holiday!!! (rubs hands) Cool. Well, then I'll hang out with you (dancing) Madam, I invite you. (sees what a terrible Baba Yaga)

Baba Yaga: Well, don't! I'm shy!!!

Damn angel: Okay, let's sing a better song.

(Song "New Year's Tale")

Red Riding Hood: Wait, wait! Help our Vovochka.

Crap: Who is Vovochka?

Red Riding Hood: Morkovkin. We are going with him to the distant kingdom for the voice of a fairy tale.

Crap: What does Baba Yaga say? You need help or you don't.

Baba Yaga: What are you!!! Beleny ate too much. You help us, you idiot!!!

Malvina and Pinocchio: Help, save!

(Shrek enters)

Shrek: Who called for help? Hello inhabitants of fairyland.

Children say hello

Baba Yaga: Ouch! Moms! Hey, who's so green!

Yagin: He turned green with anger. He is angry with us, probably, save yourself, who can.

(throw Vovochka and run away)

Shrek: Happy New Year!
With new happiness!
Congratulations, friends!
We wish you gifts
Lots of happiness and warmth!

Play with me a little guys. And then I'm all alone and alone.

Shrek is playing

"On thehotsouth"

Playing on the motive of the song "Fried Chicken".
We are in the south
in the hot south
The sun shines all year round.
And everyone is dancing
Everyone is having fun
When they celebrate the New Year!

Everyone sings a song, and then the host says: "Right hand!" And this means that they still sing this song again, but at the same time they will shake their right hand. With each successive performance of the song, new tasks are given: right shoulder, left arm, left shoulder, head, left leg. With each new repetition, everyone should "shake" more and more parts of the body.

N, well done! Well pleased me.

Redbeanie: Guys, let's teach Shrek "Gypsy Girl" to dance.

(Dance "Gypsy Girl")

Shrek: Guys, Santa Claus dreams of me at night! Such a thin, bald, hunchbacked, bow-legged and blind.

Vovochka: What are you!!! Our Santa Claus is written beauties. With a white beard and a warm fur coat. Only now we do not have it on holiday.

Vovka. Hey, two from the casket are identical from the face!

Two from the casket: (jumps out of the box). Hello!

Vovka. Hello. So are you really going to do everything for me?

Vovka. Aha! Then make me: first - a cake,

Second: what are you? What will you bend your fingers for me?

Two from the casket: Aha!

Vovka. Good! Second, candy!

And thirdly: well, bend down! And thirdly - ice cream! Well, hurry up!

Two from the casket: Will be done!

Two from the chestin the casket they throw dummies - sweets up, imitate to Russian folk music that they "eat sweets"

Vovka. Hey, hey, ale! Are you going to eat candy for me?

Two from the casket: Aha!

Vovka: Well, no, then get back to the chest.

Red Riding Hood: What are you! Why didn't you ask them about the Christmas tree? What are we going to do now!!!

Vovochka: BUT! Well, we're fast. (opens chest)

Two from the casket: (jumps out of the box). What do you need!

Vovochka: Find us a Christmas tree from a distant kingdom.

Little Red Riding Hood and Vovochka: Please!

(Music sounds, Baba-Yaga, Yagin run in and chase the Christmas tree)

drives the Christmas tree

Baba Yaga: Stop camel thorn!

Christmas tree - stick! Hedgehog granddaughter!

Brought me to the edge!

Christmas tree: Help me!

Baba Yaga: I will kill!

The new year will come soon.

No one will buy me a Christmas tree!

Christmas tree: Ouch! She will kill me!

Baba Yaga: We know, I'll kill you!

(runs with an ax)

Shrek: Grandma would be ashamed!

Baba Yaga: Let the ghoul bite you!

Away, not like I stomp,

Jump, spit, blow, slam...

Shrek: I'm bursting with laughter now!

Baba Yaga: Well, nasty well, hold on!

Bone with your foot

I'll bury you in a snowdrift!

Shrek: You're pissed off grandma. List of whom they fear, probably lost? BUT?

Baba Yaga: So now, now! (See list). Aha! Here is Shrek No. 1. I'm afraid of everything. Okay, I was kidding!!!

Shrek: The glorious holiday continues. We sing the song together.

(Song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest")

Baba Yaga- Well, all the darlings, now you will definitely dance with us. Well, fir-tree come here! We will now pull out all the needles for you, shreds will now fly through the back streets.

Enter Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow Something, gentlemen, you are not very similar to desperate pirates. Where did I end up? Isn't this the Bay of Lost Ships?? (frustrated) We're about to have the fourth council of the pirate brotherhood. Why are you here at all? What do you have here?

Children say new year

Ha, I see the whole gang is here. I suspect that the meeting of the new year will be pirate-like fun and easy. And, piranha by the scruff of my neck, I am glad to welcome adventurers and treasure seekers! Thousand sea devils, Baba Yaga and her granddaughters

And now, with great pirate pleasure, I announce the beginning of our New Year's ...


Yagin: We haven't hung out here for a long time. We need a cool soap party.

(Soap gun disco music sounds)

Herringbone: So stop the mess. Now Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will come to us. And you've caused a stir here.

Jack Sparrow: This is who the word was given here. Well, I went from here to my kingdom. Let's dance my favorite dance "Twist".

(Dance "Twist")

Herringbone: Well, you all pissed me off. Heed my order. And well, a song about Santa Claus, sing the kids.

(Song Santa Claus)

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter)

Father Frost:

Hello guys!
I remember exactly one year ago
I saw these guys.
The year has flown by like an hour
I didn't even notice.
And here again among you,
Dear children!
Santa Claus did not forget you,
Brought the winter game.
Guys stand in a circle
Listen carefully.
Let's play the game
Praise our tree.

The game"Christmas treesthere are"

We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest different Christmas trees grow, both wide and low, tall, thin.
Now, if I say "high" - raise your hands up.
"Low" - squat and lower your arms.
"Wide" - make the circle wider.
"Thin" - make a circle already.
And now let's play!
(The host plays, trying to confuse the children)

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, look, something is not all right with us here ... The Christmas tree is not on fire. And so I want the magic lights to light up on it.

Father Frost: Yes, you are right granddaughter, a mess! Now we will fix everything together with the guys!
Oh, yes, the Christmas tree is beautiful,
How fluffy, good!
To light up the tree
colorful lights,
Let's say together: one, two, three!

Santa Claus and children(chorus): One, two, three!

The lights on the tree are lit

Father Frost: So who spoiled the holiday here, who didn’t want me to come to the holiday, who was kicked out of the holiday.

Crap: It's not my fault, I just came here.

Yagin: We are not to blame either.

Jack Sparrow: I didn't go here at all.

Baba Yaga: No, well, it's normal again, as always, is Baba-Yaga to blame?

Father Frost: Well, admit it, who opened the station here bazaar???

Vasilisa: Confess in a good way, otherwise let's look at a saucer with an apple. It not only shows the present, but also the past, it has its own memory of 100 gigabytes.

Baba - Yaga, Jack Sparrow, Yagin fall to their knees and ask

everyone is forgiven and at Grandfather.

Forgive us assholes

And let us go on a holiday.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, would come up with a game
Entertain the kids!

Father Frost: There are not enough games in the world.
Do you want to play, kids?
The song sounds, everyone sings, Santa Claus shows the movements, the children repeat the movements of Santa Claus.

Father Frost: Oh how hot I got
I'm not used to living in warmth.
Snowflakes - chills, silver ice floes,
Hurry fly to me, cool Frost.

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's help grandfather and circle around him like snowflakes so that he doesn't melt with us!

(Dance of the Snowflakes)

You can ask girls (and boys if they want) to dance like snowflakes. It is important to choose gentle waltz music.

Father Frost: Well, thank you! Respect grandfather!
And now I'm in order
I'll give you riddles.

They come to us in winter
And circle around the earth.
Very light fluff.
These are white ... SNOWFLAKES.

Snow Maiden: Everyone is afraid of him in winter -
It hurts to bite.
Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,
After all, on the street ... FROST

We made a snowball
They made a hat on him
The nose was attached, and in an instant.
It turned out ... SNOWMAN.

Snow Maiden: He flies from the sky in winter,
Don't go barefoot now
Every person knows
What is always cold ... SNOW

And now in a fun dance

Let's stomp our feet,

Let the parents help

We will be clapped together!

(Dance Letka-enka)

Father Frost: Well done boys!
Frequent forest,
Blizzard field
The winter holiday is upon us.
So let's say together:
"Hello, hello, New Year!"
Songs were sung and danced
All riddles solved.
And now it's time to play.
Show your skill.

Games with Santa Claus

Father Frost: Come on, kids, make yourself comfortable, show your hands.

Children hold out their hands.

Father Frost: Since they didn’t let me sleep, I’ll freeze all the guys!

Runs in a circle trying to grab the children by the hands. Children hide their hands behind their backs.

(Dance music sounds for the game I'll Freeze)


Snow Maiden: Come on, Santa Claus, I'll take a look at your mitten.

Santa Claus gives.

Snow Maiden: And now - catch up!

Children pass the mitten around (or toss it to each other). Santa Claus her

is catching up.

(Dance music sounds for the game Mitten)

Jack Sparrow: So, attention! Everyone is getting ready to meet the scariest, scariest and most fire-breathing dragon in the world! Thunders rumble, lightning flashes, the lights go out, terrible, terrible music sounds in everyone's ears. Adults who are scared can close their eyes.

(music sounds dragon flies)

Father Frost: Don't be afraid guys! Jack the sparrow joked! Touch our symbol of the year, and the year will be fruitful for you by 5 and 4, happy and rich in good deeds.

Snow Maiden. Friendship is a great power! Hold on, guys, hold hands tightly and let's all sing a fun New Year's song together.


Father Frost: Sorry, friends
You need to say goodbye.
It's time for everyone to go home.
Good luck to you guys!
Goodbye, kids!

Snow Maiden: There comes a breakup
But we mean:
Parting - goodbye
In the new, next year!


Tsar: Everything happens in life
Happiness happens, trouble happens ...
All is well that ends well.
We must always believe in the good.

Jack Sparrow: Goodbye, Old Year!
It's sad to leave.
Here comes the new one:
The clock strikes twelve
Do not delay the shooter's run,
Faces brightened ... And on the old, gray snow
New snow falls.

Vasilisa: Time flies, hear the tick-tock

The arrows are not in our power to hold

And, saying goodbye, we say this:

Happy New Year with a new happiness!

Snow Maiden We wish you to have fun under the tree now. Well, it's time for us to say goodbye. Goodbye, in good hour.

Father Frost Solve difficult problems

Go ahead boldly

And may you new luck

Brings a Happy New Year.


Irena Kazantseva
"Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom". Holiday scenario for children of senior preschool age


Once upon a time there was a boy named Vovka. Everyone was good boy: cheerful, funny, but only a terrible lazy person. He loved to lie on the couch and do nothing.

Mother (because of the curtain):

Vova, did you do your homework?



Did you take out the trash can?



Have you fed the cat?


Let him catch mice.

Mother (comes out from behind a screen with a broom):

Raise your legs. (Sweeps). You could at least do something. Signed up for the choir.


I do not want. You have to open your mouth wide. I'd rather sleep.


Well, you're lazy with me!

A song is being performed "Lazy person" (Chichkov)


Strongly Vovka fell asleep,

He didn't even blink.

What is he dreaming about?

I will look into his dream.

Phonogram. Two children bring in a sign "Library". The Librarian comes out and sits at the table.


Hello friend! I have a good one for you book: "Learn to do it yourself".


Yah! All by myself! And what a book this is. (Picks up book, reads.)



This royal life! Just do it and do nothing.

Phonogram. The tsar comes out from behind the screen with a brush and paints it to the music. Then he sings.


I have mountain cakes

And eat what to eat, and eat what to drink.

But I paint, I paint fences,

So as not to pass for a parasite.

All children (from seats):

But I paint, I paint fences,

So as not to pass for a parasite.


Wow! King, oh king!

The king nervously runs to the throne, quickly puts on the crown, holds the brush importantly in front of him, then, remembering, hides it behind his back.


Ah, it's you ... Oh, and I was scared! I thought that someone wanted to read the tale, and here I am in this form.


King, why are you painting the fence. You are supposed to do nothing.

The king gets down from the throne, puts the crown back on the throne.


Yes, I know! My job is to do nothing. Boredom! Let me paint the fence. Benefit and workout. Do you approve?

Vovka puts on the crown and climbs the throne.


Nope. You don't understand anything royal life. Do you want cake! Do you want ice cream! And he paints fences!


So, so… I see. I would give up my seat senior. Ali is not trained in school? Give me the crown. She is great for you.




So, cake?



Hey guard!

(boys of the 2nd group run in)

Cut off his head! Parasite.


It's possible!

Phonogram (traps). The king goes to his place. The guard is chasing in a circle Vovka, then sits down. Vovka runs behind the screen and peeps from there.

Phonogram (puss in boots song). Dance of a cat and cats.

I personally know the king

Lost the cannibal.

I dressed well

And married the owner.

I inspire fear in all mice.


Puss in Boots.


They live happily

Everyone dances and sings.

Phonogram. There is a change of characters. Appears old woman.


Grandma, hello.

Old woman:

Hello, honey!


How can I see a goldfish?

Old woman:

Yes, there it is, the sea is nearby. I just don't recommend going. Listen to what happened to me.


Yes, I know, I know. Like I didn't read it. I'll agree with this fish in an instant.

Old woman:

Listen, kitty! Ask her for a trough, otherwise mine has completely collapsed.


Well, here's more! First, a trough, then give you a washing machine.

Old woman:

Where is it!


Okay, let's talk.

Old woman:

That's good. Bon Voyage.

Phonogram. Dance of the goldfish and girls - waves.


Hey! Fish!


Well, what do you need older? (indignantly) What it is?


So, so… I want you first…


What! Have you wove a net? Did you throw it three times into the sea? Did you catch me? I didn’t hit a finger on a finger, but I still want to go there!

Phonogram. The wave girls are chasing Vovka he runs away. Vasilisa and the boys come out and line up in pairs for a dance.

Phonogram - Gypsy. Children are dancing.


Who are you?


We are the wise Vasilisa.


If only I could learn some tricks.


And we will teach.

Two boys bring attributes.

1st Vasilisa:

In the meadow by the river

May beetles lived:

Daughter, son, father and mother.

2nd Vasilisa:

Five boys - cubs

Mom put me to bed.

One can't sleep

And how many raspberries dream?

3rd Vasilisa:

And now the music lesson.

To learn to sing

We have patience.

And so that the lesson is not in vain with us,

Should we be:

1st Vasilisa:


2nd Vasilisa:


4th Vasilisa:

And attentive.


And learn all the notes well.

A song is being performed "Notes" (Oliferova). One of the girls plays the metallophone.


Enough! Tired! At school they teach, teach, even here in a fairy tale they piled on!

1st Vasilisa:

Well, then you need to Far Far Away kingdom.


What didn't I see there?

2nd Vasilisa:

There live Two of the casket, the same from the face. Whatever you want, everything will be done for you.


Everything is everything? Well, thank you! Well, I went.

All Vasilisa:

Good riddance!

Phonogram. Change of scenery and attributes. coming out Vovka, looks back.


Hey! Two from the casket, the same from the face!

Phonogram. Two appear from the box.

Two from the chest:


Two from the chest:


And you, really, do everything for me you will?

Two from the chest:


Well, then make me, firstly, cakes ...

Two from the casket start to bend Vovka finger.


What are you, and bend my fingers you will?

Two from the chest:


Well, then secondly ... Well, bend it, bend it. Candy and ice cream. Yes, more!

Two from the chest:

Will be done!

Two of the casket open the chest.


Phonogram (Duet Donut and Syrupchik). Two from the casket eat the contents of the chest, Vovka stands, closing his eyes and opening his mouth, then walks around, looking into the mouth of the Two from the casket.


Stop! It turns out that you and candy are for me you will?

Two from the chest:


Oh no! Then get back!

Two of the caskets back behind the screen and drag the chest behind them.


What do you want to eat! O! Stove!

It turns out the girl is a stove.


Cookie, let me eat.


Please! You chop wood, flood me, knead the dough, and eat your pies.


Hey, Two of the casket, the same from the face!

Two from the chest:


Did you hear what the stove said? Chop and knead!

Two from the chest:

Will be done!

Phonogram. Two of the chest are working.


Stop! Do you want me to stay hungry on purpose? Get out of here! I'll do everything myself! How am I going to put it all together! (Scratches in the back of the head) Something lazy. Come on, it's going to get fried anyway.

Brings firewood and dough behind the screen. Phonogram (4 chords). Sneezing, a girl comes out from behind the screen - a stove with a tray. There are black pies on the tray.


Enjoy your meal!


What is this?


Like what? Your pies. Well, why are you grimacing? Bake it yourself, eat it yourself.


Nope, thanks. Do not want something.

Two of the chest laugh out loud from behind the screen.


What are you laughing at? Are you laughing at me? You think I can't do anything like you?

Two from the chest:


Too bad I don't have the tools. I would make this!

Two from the chest (comes out with toolbox):

It's possible!


Eh, I just wish I could. The old woman would open her whole mouth.

Phonogram ( "The Locksmith's Song" Pinegin). Vovka works.

Phonogram (touch). Vovka comes out with a trough blowing on a finger. Everyone clap. The old woman approaches Vovka.

Old woman:

Fathers! Did the goldfish take pity?


No, grandma, it's me.

Old woman:

Phonogram ( "Two from the casket" Gusev). A general dance with bows is performed.


Vovka is preferably a young employee who has all of his career growth and the corresponding level of income ahead of him.
Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Vasilisa the Beautiful
Vasilisa the Wise
Two from the casket, identical from the face
An old woman - (an old woman - a young girl should be dressed as follows: a beautiful dress, high-heeled shoes, some old robe on top, large felt boots that can be worn directly on the shoes, preferably a mask of an old woman or a woman on her face - Yagi.)
gold fish
Sorceress Bastinda

Vovka:- They say on New Year's Eve that you don't wish - everything will always happen, everything always happens. Yeah, keep your pocket wider - how! Until the New Year is within easy reach, and then there are no miracles for you, not to mention the fulfillment of desires. Eh! To see Santa Claus alive, and they only happen in fairy tales.
Santa Claus appears
Father Frost: Why is it only in fairy tales? Here I am - the real one from Veliky Ustyug came. True, my Snow Maiden married Santa Claus and left for America. Here's the trouble.

Song of Santa Claus (to the music "Where can I get such a song")

I'm not old Santa Claus
After all, I'm only half a thousand years old
And I would like a young Snow Maiden
At seventeen or eighteen

And I would like a young Snow Maiden
And I would like a young Snow Maiden
seventeen to eighteen years old

To be with a long braid
With a radiant gaze of clear eyes
To her beauty
Made me crazy at that hour

So that with its beauty,
So that with its beauty,
That hour drove me crazy

Vovka:- How is it, Grandpa? And how are you without the Snow Maiden then?
Father Frost:- Yes, I feel bad, granddaughters, oh, bad. But there is still time before the New Year, and I need a good fellow to find the Snow Maiden in the distant kingdom.
Vovka:(enthusiastically) Far Far Away Kingdom! Yes, there are so many miracles! Here to visit! Grandpa, send me there.
Father Frost:-Can you do it?
Vovka:- Of course, grandfather, in kind, I can handle it, (quietly towards the audience) just to get there.
Father Frost:- Well, you will have 1 hour. But look, don't come back without Snegu-rochka.
Vovka:-Thank you, grandfather.
Santa Claus knocks with his staff. The light goes out. Santa Claus disappears. And Vovka finds himself in a distant kingdom

Vasilisa appears and sings (Song to the music "Yellow Leaves")
Do not live in the world
do not live in the world
No miracles, no miracles.
Everyone shows in it,
everyone shows it
Interest, interest.

Magic we learned, magic we learned
witchcraft, witchcraft
We will show in this hall, we will show me in this hall
Magic, magic
In the New Year, everyone especially wants a miracle
Today we will work wonders for you
By applying your skill and diligence
So that cherished desires come true

Vovka:-O! And just so lucky! Hello beautiful girls! What is your name to be called?
Vasilisa the Beautiful:- Vasilisa the Beautiful
Vasilisa the Wise:- Vasilisa the Wise.
Vovka:-Very nice! You really can work wonders!
Vasilisa:(Chorus) - We can.
Vovka:-Class! To order this? Can you make me a cottage by the sea.
Vasilisa the Beautiful:-Can. We have fabulous discounts. It will cost only 25 thousand dollars.
Vovka:- 25 thousand dollars? Yes you are! Stunned, right? And for free? Miracles in fairy tales are free.
Vasilisa the Wise:-Market. Free is only cheese in the mouse-sleight.
Vovka:-Yeees! (scratching his head) Bummer.
Vasilisa the Beautiful: If you don't want to pay, do it yourself.
Vovka:-Yes, I can't.
Vasilisa the Wise:-We will teach.
Get drawings, diagrams, calculations.
Vovka:- Nuuuu! It's so difficult! No, I'd better move on. Farewell.
The lights go out for a few seconds. At this time, either a box or a table behind which nothing is visible should be installed on the stage, with an attached poster of a painted chest.
Vovka appears.
Vovka:-O! And what kind of chest is this?
It pretends to open the lid.
From the chest (behind the table) two from the casket appear - identical from the face.

Song of two from the casket(to the music of "Pedlars")

Eh! We are good fellows!
Everything boils in our hands,
Does not threaten anything, perhaps, to us
Neither bankruptcy nor collapse.

We can all, we can all
After all, we are two from the casket,
And it is not in vain that we are in appearance
identical from the face.
Vovka: Hey! You are two from the chest, the same from the face. So tell me what can you do?
Two from the casket, identical from the face:- We can do everything for you.
Vovka: And you can organize a dinner for me, I'm hungry for something. Yes, there so that with good cognac, red fish, delicacies.
Two from the casket, identical from the face:(in chorus) Yeah!
They take out cups, cognac, sandwiches from under the table, pour, drink and snack.
Vovka: Hey! We didn't agree on that. What are you going to eat and drink for me?
Two from the casket, identical from the face:(in chorus) Yeah!
Vovka:-Well, I do not! Get back to the chest. Damn, something's wrong. What's next for us there? Where can I get lucky.
The light goes out again for a while. A chair must be placed on the stage and an old woman with a trough sits on it.
Vovka:- Hi, grandma! I know this tale, so there must be an old man with a goldfish somewhere.
Old woman: Hello granddaughter. A fish, that is, swims somewhere. Yes, my old man, the kingdom of heaven to him, has died. There is no one for me now to catch a fish.
Vovka:- Yes, business, how can I communicate with the fish?
Old woman:- And you shout it, granddaughters, maybe it will come to you. She doesn't want to see me. You ask the fish for me at least a trough, mine is completely split.
Song of the Old Woman (music from the cartoon "Flying Ship")

I would have a trough, well, at least from acrylic,
I would wash everything in it and soap
Didn't miss out on the jacuzzi
Here it is happiness, well, the smallest thing.
Chorus: Oh, if my dream came true
What would life be like then?
Ah, if the dream came true
What kind of life would then begin.
I would like a cottage in the center of the capital
There in the winter garden birds of paradise,
And the six hundredth Mercedes in the garage
The smallest thing that I want.
I would like to become an MP
And get their salary
Become young again, slender beautiful
You ask, granddaughters, my dear!

Vovka: Well, well, a trough, a little cottage, and then you want to become president too? I know you.
Old woman: Well, at least a trough and a little younger.
Vovka:(grinning) -Well, you have requests, grandma: look younger, hmm. I'd like to ask the fish for something. Okay, I'll try. Screaming. - Fish! Fish! Where did you disappear to?
The light goes out again for a while. (To simulate the sea, you can use the same table with the waves painted on the poster. A goldfish is sitting at the table. A crown is made of golden foil on the head, and golden tinsel is attached from the shoulder along the arm, attach gold foil tail fins to the brush. Hide the other hand a little With a wave of the hand-tail at the level of the table, it will seem that the fish is floating on the water.)
Gold fish:- What do you want, Vladimir?
Vovka:- Ouch! I want a lot: salary, like CEO, an apartment in the center of the capital with an underground garage, a cool car. Yes, the grandmother still wants to become young again.
Gold fish: -On a budget my deeds have been translated, Vladimir. The end of the year already, the entire limit of my miracles has been exhausted. I can only help the old woman, as a veteran of a fairy tale. So be it, she will be young, but that's all. Goodbye.
Vovka: Again a bummer. Well, at least the grandmother is lucky.
The lights go out again. At this time, the old woman should take off her outer clothes and mask. And become a beautiful young girl.

Vovka:-Blimey! That's the fish! Oh, but I can’t return without a snow maiden. Grandmother, pah, you are no longer a grandmother, a girl, but a girl, do you want to be a snow maiden.
Old woman:- No, granddaughters, it's troublesome. I am now young, but beautiful, and so I will not disappear. leaving
Vovka:- Well, that's where gratitude is, at least I would kiss goodbye. Ouch! And there is little time left. Where can I find a snowman?
And then Bastinda appears with an umbrella.
Bastinda:- I heard that you are looking for a snow maiden. Can I come?

Song of Bastinda (to the music of Strelka "I'm good ......")

Why, oh why are you unhappy?
I'm not a Snow Maiden, what of that

I'm the same and so I can melt,
But I'm only afraid of water, not heat
I am a sorceress and let me be very angry, 2 times
I couldn't be good in my life.

I'm a Sorceress, Sorceress Bastinda 2 times
Let me be angry, but I'm okay too.
Vovka:- Well, yes, only such an evil Snow Maiden was not enough for me. No. For the holiday, I need a good Snow Maiden. Goodbye.
Bastinda: Then I'll bewitch you.
Vovka:- Just try. Well she said how to fight with you. He took a bottle of water and splashed it on Bastinda. She disappeared.
Vovka: What am I to do now? Sings.

Vovka's song (A. Gubin "My dear")
My dear, my dear
Only five minutes left for me
Seek happiness in the fairytale side
Where are you, Snow Maiden, dear
Where to find you, where to find you
In the distance the foggy road is calling
Where are you, Snow Maiden, glorious
I follow you, I follow you, I follow you, I follow you, I follow you
My darling. Cute
Through anxiety and expectation
Through fairy tale and distance
I follow you, I follow you, I follow you, I follow you

My dear, where are you
Where to look for your traces to me
Where to find, find you
My dear long-awaited
Santa Claus has been waiting for you
New Year never comes
Nothing without you, my Snow Maiden 2 times
While he is singing, the Snow Maiden slowly appears from the hall. And he sings immediately after the end of Vovka's song. He looks at her admiringly.
Song of the Snow Maiden (Alsu "Winter Dream")

The stars are rising higher
The light is no longer crazy
New Year is getting closer and closer
Will be knocking at home soon
The winter holiday is so long-awaited
The new century will bring with it
Maybe someone unexpectedly
In life, suddenly everything is lucky
At the hour when, according to a winter fairy tale
Are you looking for miracles everywhere?
All you wanted was dreams, dreams
and even though I'm not a fairy at all
but I really want
one wish to fulfill you.

Vovka:-That's a miracle! Snow Maiden! And so beautiful!
Snow Maiden:- Hello, Volodya! What would you like me to do for you? But take into account the desire can be only one.
Vovka:- I had many desires. But I realized that I need to achieve everything myself, so I have only one desire left: I want you to go with me to Santa Claus, because what is the New Year without the Snow Maiden.
Snow Maiden:-Good. I agree.
The light goes out for a second. Santa Claus appears.
Father Frost: Oh yes Vovka! Oh well done! He brought such a Snow Maiden. It's time to celebrate the New Year.

All participants of the performance come on stage and sing in chorus:

Shiny and Amega(Text of the song " New Year»)

Lightly the old year goes by
In the distance the trace of his days will flash
A handful of wind will throw snowflakes at him
And the New Year is here


This year will be better than that
What will the New Year bring us?

Light up your windows
And let's call old friends
Maybe again, like a moment, time will flash
And the New Year is here

[Chorus 2]
New Year. He was born
New Year. Among the stars and planets
This year will be better than that
It won't work without us. New Year

[here solo]