Presentation on social studies good and evil. Presentation on the topic good and evil. Class hour "good and evil"

  • 07.03.2020

"The Consulate and the Formation of the Napoleonic Empire".

The purpose of the lesson: Describe the development of France from 1799 to 1810.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Learn the reasons for the transition from republic to empire in France;
  2. Show the bourgeois character of the Napoleonic reforms. Their significance for the further modernization of France;
  3. Show the aggressive nature of Napoleon's warrior, the territorial changes that have taken place in Europe.

During the classes:

Organizing time.

Guys! Today we will get acquainted with how France developed in the period from 1799 to 1810, we will find out how the republic and the consulate in France were replaced by an empire. Let's try to formulate the topic of our lesson together and draw up its plan.

Lesson plan:

  1. From revolutionary France to bourgeois France
  2. Biography of Napoleon
  3. Domestic policy of Napoleon in the period of consulate and empire
  4. Foreign policy of Napoleon in the period of consulate and empire

December 1799 - adoption of the new Constitution of France.

Senate - Supreme Legislative Chamber.

Three consuls – executive power (term 10 years):

First Consul:

  • The right to make laws;
  • The right to declare war;
  • The right to make peace;
  • The right to appoint ministers and officials.

Second and Third Consuls- advisory vote.

The regime of personal power was established in the country. At the end of his life, Napoleon will say:"Revolution is the misfortune of the generation that makes it."The French were tired of the revolution, and the regime of personal power was approved in a plebiscite (popular poll):

1.5 million against

4 million abstained

Consulate - the period in the history of France, when power belonged to Napoleon Bonaparte, which lasted from November 9, 1799 to May 18, 1804.

Biography of Napoleon Bonoparte (student's communication).

And now, guys, we will work with the textbook (pp. 94-96). Your task, after reading the points of the paragraph, is to write down the main reforms carried out by Napoleon during the consulate period.

Consulate Period Reforms:

1) Confirmation of the right of property acquired during the years of the revolution;

The slogan "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity" was replaced by "Liberty, Equality and Property"

2) Encouragement of entrepreneurship.The big bourgeoisie were given favorable government orders. In March 1801, an industrial exhibition opened in Paris, which demonstrated the products of 150 factories.

3) Bonaparte carried out a monetary reform, including the creation of a French bank and the strengthening of a new monetary unit, the franc.

The policy pursued by Napoleon was aimed at appeasing the nation.

4) The emperor paid special attention to strengthening the police. Joseph Fouche, who created a powerful police detective machine, was placed at the head of the police ministry.

5) To strengthen the prestige of believers, Bonaparte negotiated with the Pope. The Catholic Church was declared the religion of all the French.

August 1802 Napoleon becomes consul for life.

In 1805 Napoleon was crowned in Milan at the Duomo. Napoleon was crowned as Emperor of Italy. He himself placed on himself the crown worn by Charlemagne. “God gave me this crown,” said Napoleon.

For some time, France was still called a republic, but later the word "empire" squeezed it out. This is how the bourgeois monarchy arose.

Napoleon sought to unite all the French around him and therefore showed an interest in reducing poverty among the population. He said: "I can fool both a politician and a military man, but I am not able to deceive the hostess who goes to the market every day."

Napoleon in March 1804 year published the famous Civil Code, or the Napoleonic Code, which proclaimed equality, inviolability of the person, freedom of conscience, etc.

And now let's work with the document. Open the textbook to pages 100-101, read the document and answer the questions about the document.

Let's summarize:

1. Canceled everything that came beforecivil legislation ,

2. Secured the conquestsFrench Revolution , became the first such legal document of the European bourgeois era: it guaranteed civil liberties: the equality of all before the law, the inviolability of the person, property, inheritance law, divorce, including freedom of religion, and secured the equality of all before the law. (the birth of a civil and legal state)

3. The Napoleonic Code had a huge impact on the development and codificationcivil rights throughout continental Europe, he also influenced the law in North America and throughoutFrench colonies .

4. Designing Special attention appealed to the clarity and consistency of the wording. Many of these articles have never been amended in 200 years. To adapt the code to the changes of time, four hundred laws were adopted in France, but at the same time the number of articles in it increased by only two.

5. “My true glory is not that I won forty battles: Waterloo will erase the memory of all these victories. But what cannot be forgotten, what will live forever, is my Civil Code.”

Foreign policy of Napoleon Bonoparte:





  • Battle of Ulm
  • Battle of Cape Trafalgar
  • Austerlitz, battle of the three emperors

Defeat of the Austrian army

Defeat of the French fleet

The defeat of the Russian-Austrian army (recognized for Fr. freedom of action in the German and Italian states)


Battle of Jena

The defeat of Prussia, which

1. joined the continental blockade,

2. lost the territory from which the Duchy of Warsaw was created

3. contribution


Tilsit peace treaty with Russia.

Terms of an agreement:

· Russia recognized all the conquests of Napoleon.

· Joining the continental blockade against England (secret agreement). Russia must completely abandon trade with its main partner (in particular, the terms of the peace treaty prescribed Russia to completelyexclude the export of hemp to Great Britain) isolation of England!!!.

· Russia and France pledged to help each other in any offensive and defensive war, where circumstances so require.

On the territory of the Polish possessions of Prussia formedDuchy of Warsaw dependent on France.


The Peace of Tilsit lifted Napoleon to the pinnacle of power

Napoleon encouraged Russia to make territorial acquisitions at the expense of Sweden. By rewarding Alexander at someone else's expense, Napoleon had in mind to quarrel Russia with her former ally, to ultimately achieve the foreign policy isolation of Russia and make it dependent on France.

Russia received a reprieve in the war, because. from England was not real help, no allies left in Europe


invasion of Spain

"War of knives" 1808-1812

By 1810 Napoleon achieved unprecedented power and glory. France returned to a monarchical form of government, but it was a bourgeois monarchy, and her life was carried out according to new laws.

Let's sum up results of foreign policyNapoleon's activities by 1812

  1. Eliminated the threat of restoration
  2. Smashed the coalition
  3. Only one opponent left - England
  4. Expanded the territory of France
  5. The spread of the new order in Europe

So let's sum up our lesson. (Children try to draw their own conclusions).

Thus, during the period of the consulate and the empire, France achieved significant success in domestic and foreign policy: dozens of laws were issued that put in order state system. Bonoparte, having proclaimed himself the ruler of the "national", people, managed to eliminate many conflicts in society. As a result of military victories in these years, France became the strongest state on the continent.


  1. Read paragraph 11, study the notes in the notebook, answer the questions at the end of the paragraph.
  2. Differentiated task: answer one of the questions in writing in a notebook (No. 3, 5, 6).
  3. Prepare a report on the Congress of Vienna.

Event, result: Napoleon begins his plans to conquer Europe. His army enters Italy

Event, result: The battle with the Austrians at Hohenlinden after the French invasion of German lands. Napoleon's victory.

Event, result: The utterly defeated Austrian army surrendered to Napoleon. For this period, the war of the “third coalition” is already going on in Europe. England, Russia, Sweden, Austria, Prussia and the Italian Republic of Naples are already opposed to Napoleon.

Event, result: Napoleon defeated his opponents from the "third coalition" in the legendary battle of Austerlitz. In it, the Russian Empire and Austria-Hungary opposed Napoleon. The battle is called in history "the battle of the three emperors"

Event, result: With Austria, the Peace of Pressburg was concluded, according to which Napoleon, at his will, divided the lands of the Holy Roman Empire. He got part of western Germany and Venice, and the HRE ceased to exist. Also, Napoleon, at his own will, distributed part of the European royal and ducal crowns to his brothers and friends.

Event, result: Defeated Prussia in the battle of Jena and Aursted. He has now become the master of all Germany definitively. Soon solemnly entered with the troops in Berlin

Event, result: He defeated the Russian army of General Benigsen near Friedland (Kaliningrad region), which came to the aid of the German allies

Event, result: Napoleon put his protege on the throne in Portugal, thus subjugating himself and Portugal

Event, result:"First call" weakening the power of Napoleon. In Spain, subject to him, the Madrid uprising began. It is suppressed by the French, but others are coming to replace it. The uprisings in Spain would haunt Napoleon until the very end of his career.

The date: 1809

Event, result: Deprived the Pope of Rome of secular power and annexed his possessions to France

Event, result: Napoleon attacked Russia. His troops crossed the border river Neman without any declaration of war.

Event, result: Napoleon occupied Minsk and went further towards Moscow

Event, result: Battle of Borodino. Both armies suffered heavy losses. Napoleon's advance stopped.

Event, result: The commander of the Russian army, Mikhail Kutuzov, decided to surrender Moscow to Napoleon without a fight. The French enter the capital

Event, result: Napoleon and his weakened army leave Moscow, as they do not have the resources to spend the winter there. The retreat of the hungry and frozen French begins through half of Russia back to Europe.

Event, result: Battle of the Berezina in Belarus. Fleeing from the attack of the Russian army, Napoleon abandons 21,000 of his more weakened soldiers at the crossing of the Berezina River, ordering the bridges to be burned in front of them. With only 12,000 soldiers, he moves on to the border. Most of the French left died in the cold, the rest were captured.

Event, result: Napoleon crosses the Neman and returns to Europe. He has only about 5,000 soldiers with him. The great French army is destroyed.

Event, result: Napoleon's Battle of Waterloo with the Seventh Coalition of European Powers. It was opposed by Prussia, England, Holland (plus small principalities) Complete defeat of Napoleon. His power and power came to an end.

Event, result: The Treaty of Paris was concluded, according to which the throne of France was returned to the Bourbon dynasty, and Napoleon was sent into exile on the island of St. Helena. Where he died 6 years later.