New Year at the behest of a fairy tale. Scenario of the New Year's party “At the command of the pike. Dance of the forest animals

  • 13.11.2019

Scenario " New Year- 2014, or at the behest of a pike "
While the children are gathering in the hall, cheerful New Year's music sounds. The ringing of a bell is heard from afar, the music changes to Russian folk and Emelya enters the hall. He walks around the Christmas tree and stops in the center.
Emelya: Well, it’s necessary, now winter has come, snow has piled up, apparently, invisibly! Only me, Emelya, you won't take it! I'll take advantage of any situation! Here you guys, what are you doing? Do you study at school? (children's answers) But I'm not studying! I'm lying on the stove day and night! I'm too lazy to study, but I'm so good! And I also love to dance!
Well, well done, well, cool guys have gathered here, with such people you can go anywhere, even on a hike, even on a fishing trip! Do you know how to fish? Now we'll check it out!

To ONCURS "Fun fishing".

Emelya: Well, who's fishing like that? Is this a catch? Oh, you don't know how to fish! Here I will show you a master class. See it right!

Emelya takes out his fishing rod with a thick rope and starts casting it, first in one direction. Caught nothing, then in the other direction, the same without results. Then he spins the rope over his head and throws it away. The pike grabs the hook, and Emelya happily pulls it into the center of the hall.

Emelya: Blimey! That's luck! Almost bent the rod. Who are you?
Pike: I'm a pike! I am not a simple fish, I am magical. Let me go Emelya back to the river, I will thank you for this.
Emelya: Yeah, I found a simpleton, I'll let you go now, you wag your tail, and that was it. This is where your gratitude ends.
Pike: Let Emel go, you won't regret it, I will fulfill any three wishes.
Emelya: Are you talking about three wishes? You have to think, you’re here with the guys singing a booty, and now I’ll go on the stove, lie down, think, otherwise you think, this is such a hard job that you can’t do it right away.

Emelya leaves, and Pike sings New Year's songs with the guys “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, “Snowflakes are falling”, “Grandfather Frost”, etc. After a while, Emelya appears.

Emelya: All! I thought! Fulfill three wishes!
Pike: Well, what is your first wish!
Emelya: I want an apartment in Moscow, or at least a house!
Pike: Eh, Emelya, Emelya, well, be your way.
Pike takes out a magic wand.
Pike: At the command of the pike, at my will, a hut appears, with a residence permit in Moscow!

Music sounds with clucking, a hut on chicken legs runs into the hall, she quickly rushes towards Emelya, he runs away from her around the Christmas tree out of fright.
Emelya hiding behind a pike: Pike, what have you done, who did you send me?
Pike: What he asked, he did.
Emelya: It's not a house, it's some kind of monster.
Hut on chicken legs: I'm not a monster, I'm a designer. You are retarded Emelya! Learn better mind the mind from the guys!

The hut makes riddles for children, they guess. Then she performs the "Little Ducklings" dance with the children.
A hut on chicken legs: So, Emelyan, will you go to Moscow with me? Will you live with me?
Emelya: No, thank you, I'm better at my stove, and you go, let's go home.
A hut on chicken legs: Well, as you know, my business is to offer, and yours to refuse, ciao!
The hut goes away.

Emelya: Something with the first desire did not work out for me. Looks like the second wish will certainly be successful, I want a personal plane! Come on Pike, do it!
Pike: Oh, Emelya, why are you like a small child.
Emelya: Execute, I say and that's it!

The pike again took out his wand, the music sounded generally alarming and menacing, then there was a roar of an approaching aircraft and a powerful roar. From this roar, Emelya fell to the floor and covered his head with his hands. In the meantime, the Serpent Gorynych entered the hall, he stepped over Emelya and poked him in the side with one head, which was in his hand. Emelya looked at him and crawled to hide behind the pike.
Dragon: Well, who ordered me here?
Emelya ( softly): Me! I ... just wanted to ride a little! ..
Dragon: You can ride it! Let's arrange everything now!

COMPETITION "Roll the Egg". Two soccer balls need to be rolled around the chair with your hands, whose team can do it faster, she won.

Dragon: They amused me, cheered me up, but, frankly, I wanted to, it was already to eat this Emelya, but oh well. It's time for me to fly, the Zmeigorites are waiting for me, I'll tell them about you, let them rejoice.
Emelya: Wow, I almost lost my life, maybe there is no need for a third wish, in general to think?
Pike: Well, no, let's guess, there's nothing to change my mind, I want to go home, to the river.
Emelya whispers something in Pike's ear.
Pike: What-oh-oh-oh?!..
Emelya whispers again.
Pike: Mary beauty!
Pike covers his mouth with his palm. Emily nods her head. Pike waves a magic wand and Marya Krasa enters the hall to the sounds of modern music.
Maria beauty:
— Hello! Hello folks! Some Emelya here, like he wanted to take me as his wife. Have you seen who it is?
Children point to Emelya, who, meanwhile, makes various negative signs. Mary comes closer to him.
Maria beauty: Are you like my fiancé, betrothed-disguised?
Emelya, looking around: Ma'am, I'm sorry...
Maria beauty: I'm not a madam, I'm still a miss! I am Miss Scary Charm, winner of the Planet in Horror 2014 contest. And so, listen, here are your duties. You will cook for me, wash dishes, do laundry, walk my dog, clean up and so on.
Emelya, stammering: And you, you, dear, miss, s, s, what do you want to do?
Maria beauty: Like what? To lie on your stove, look at fashion magazines, and, well, lead you!
Emelya: No, that's not how it works! It is necessary to do something with this ... bride!
Emelya takes out the phone. The phone beeps, Emelya calls Santa Claus and asks him to help in trouble.

Emelya: Santa Claus! Help me before they marry me to this monster!

Santa Claus appears.
Father Frost: Disorder! The Christmas tree is not lit, the children are not dancing, the music is not playing! Yes, things are running, it is urgent to take action!
Emelya: Santa Claus, dear help, I don’t want to get married, I can’t fly on an airplane, I don’t need an apartment in Moscow!

Father Frost: Okay, calm down, I'll help! Come on, Pike, get ready, go to the river again! And take this beauty with you!

Maria beauty: You have no right!

Father Frost: Come on, come on!

Pike: Let's go already! (leave)

Father Frost: Emelya, maybe you made the wrong wishes? First, it was necessary to make a wish that all children have a beautiful Christmas tree. Come on, tree one, two, three, light up the lights!
(Christmas tree lights up)
Father Frost:
The second wish is that all children have a joyful mood. What are we going to do now!
Father Frost: Well, the third wish is that the New Year come to us!

Father Frost: Come on, let's go, kids.

Get into the round dance!

Song, dance and fun

Let's celebrate the New Year together!


Father Frost: Guys, what, the Snow Maiden hasn’t come here yet? Where is she? I'll have to meet her halfway so that she doesn't get lost... Emelya, now you help me out! Have fun guys until I get back!

Emelya: Don't worry, Santa Claus! Everything will be OK!


Father Frost:(leaving) Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

(Santa Claus leaves, Baba Yaga appears)

Baba Yaga: Hello, kids, lazy, rascals! Hello, kids, hooligans and liars! What are you guys rejoicing about? Do you think they waited for Santa Claus, so they immediately became cool? Without it, you say, not a single New Year's holiday is complete? Yes, it can't do without me! Got it? Calm down, let's celebrate the New Year! Only to begin with, the lights on the Christmas tree must be extinguished, otherwise you see, they flared up here! And without them light! Electricity must be saved! Three-two-time! The light on the Christmas tree is out! Now it's ok!


Baba Yaga: Well, it is quite possible to do without Santa Claus and his granddaughter! Oh wait, wait! Something is getting cold! Looks like Santa Claus is coming back!

Well, nothing, I'll arrange it for him! ..

(runs away)

Father Frost: What, guys, is there no Snow Maiden here? Where did she go? I was already looking for her, looking for her, calling, calling ... Wait a minute, why is the Christmas tree not burning again? After all, I lit it when I arrived! Guys, what's the matter? (children talk)

Father Frost: That's it! Well, nothing, we will fix this matter! Let's say together "One-two-three, Christmas tree, burn!"

(Christmas tree lights up)

Father Frost: Well, here it is! Emelyushka, what should we do? How to find the Snow Maiden?

Emelya: Maybe we should all call her together?

(Children call Snegurochka, and Baba Yaga comes in disguise)

Baba Yaga: Yes, here I am! Tuta! Barely found a way. Everything around was so covered, you can’t get right through ...

Father Frost: Something you have changed, granddaughter. Last year, it wasn't like that. She seemed to look younger, and she was even more beautiful!

Baba Yaga: So a whole year has passed. Time is rushing forward - towards old age. Look at yourself! Your head is already shaking from old age!

Father Frost: Shaking? When did you see my head shake?

(walks around Baba Yaga And you weren't really like that. Has it really changed that much in a year?

Baba Yaga: What did you do? Like this, not like this... (As if offended) I am exhausted from my feet. Do you think it's easy to rush to your waist in the snow? Still nagging. I searched for you for a long time, I barely found you, so I changed from fatigue.

Father Frost: Maybe indeed the Snow Maiden. I began to see badly, maybe that's why it seemed that it was not her. Emily, what do you think?

Emelya: Yes I… (Baba Yaga shows him her fist) Well, she looks like...

Baba Yaga: Come on, I'll hold the bag, otherwise it's hard for you! (takes a bag from D.M.)

Father Frost: Guys, come on, help me, the old one, look carefully, is this the Snow Maiden or not? (children say no) Oh, you old hag, you thought of joking with me?! Yes, I am you now ... (chases Baba Yaga and both run away)

(Snow Maiden arrives)

Snow Maiden: New Year on earth has come,

And the frost began to bite on the nose.

Blue frost covered the trees.

And snowflakes fall to the ground.

The earth casts silver.

Everything is beautiful around, everything glitters!

Winter is knocking on our window with fun!

Happy New Year guys!

And where is Santa Claus? (children answer)

Snow Maiden: Everything is clear, again Baba Yaga excelled! And when she only gets better - after all, every year she promises, and again for her own! Well, until Santa Claus returns, I'll tell you a fairy tale!

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, and they had two daughters, one the daughter of an old man, and the other an old woman. The stepdaughter watered and fed the cattle, and carried firewood and water to the hut, heated the stove, chalked the hut - even before the light ... Only the old woman could not please anything. And my own daughter - whatever she does - is patted on the head for everything - a clever girl. So the stepmother came up with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgetting her stepdaughter out of the light, and hired robbers to be taken to the forest and left to freeze there ...

Fairy tale "Frost".

(The music of a blizzard sounds. The robbers lead Nastya to the Christmas tree into the hall and blindfold her).

1st robber: Well, it seems, they brought it far! To Santa Claus himself, over there and the tree is here.

2nd robber: Once - Frost, then he will freeze her. And our work is done!

1st robber: Villainy is not a simple craft,

Responsible business!

And we're always together for one

Let's boldly go forward!

2nd robber: You can't take us with your bare hands,

We harm honest people.

In the villainous souls of honor, not a penny,

And meanness three pounds!

Nastya: Well, at least now tell me why you brought me here?

2nd robber: And your stepmother and her daughter Martha will pay us good money for this.

1st robber: Well, stop talking! Let's run for the reward (run away)

Santa Claus is back.

Father Frost: Here I am! Oh, what is this miracle? Hello girl, what is your name?

Nastya: Hello grandpa. My name is Nastenka.

Father Frost: Are you warm, girl?

Nastya: Warmly, Santa Claus.

D.M.: What are you doing here alone?

Nastya: The robbers brought me here. They also said you'd freeze me.

Father Frost: Here they come across to me! And you, Nastenka, stay with me. Oh, looks like someone's coming.

(Ivan enters. Sings and looks in the mirror)

Father Frost: Hello, good fellow! Where are you heading?

Ivan: Well, what got attached, grandfather? What, do you need help? I'm tired of you all! Build a palace for one, defeat Koshchei for another, get the Firebird for the third! And so from fairy tale to fairy tale, from century to century! All Wan yes Wan! Found the fool! And I have no time to think about myself. And what a fine, yes, handsome. (sings):

Me on a sunny day

cute boy,

And on Sundays

Just a sight!

Father Frost: I don't need anything from you! Rude, you. And not pretty at all.

Ivan: And you look at yourself: Nose-red, beards - in!

And who is this? (Nastya turns away angrily.) Think! I need you! Pigalitsa! (leaves)

Father Frost: Well, I offended everyone! What do you guys think, should he be punished?

(He knocks with his staff. A bear roar is heard. Ivan enters in a bear mask.)

Father Frost: If you weren't ignorant, you wouldn't walk with a bear's face.

Ivan: What am I to do now?

Father Frost: Good deeds. As you learn to respect your elders, not to be rude, to help the weak, then you will become a man again. (Ivan leaves.)

Nastya: Grandpa, can I help you? Will I clean up in the hut, cook dinner?

Father Frost: Thank you, Nastya. How glorious you are! (Nastya leaves)

Santa Claus: (children) Here's what I'll tell you - a magical staff, only obeys me. And whoever touches a stranger will not wake up for a long time.

Nastya (runs in with a plate): Grandpa, try the porridge. Come on, I'll hold the staff. (He touches and sits down, then lies down on the bench.)

Father Frost: Oh, I'm an old fool, head with a hole! What to do now?

Enter Ivan: I heard trouble happened to you! What with her?

Father Frost: She is resting.

Ivan: How does she sleep during the day?

Del Moroz: She now sleeps day and night.

Ivan: What are you, grandfather, because miracles happen on New Year's Eve! It would be better if I remain a bear forever, if only Nastya wakes up. Solemn music sounds. Santa Claus knocks his staff, the lights go out. Ivan pulls off the mask and hides it under the Christmas tree. (Nastya, opening her eyes rises).

Nastya: Ivanushka, how beautiful you have become.

Ivan: Truth?
Nastenka: Better than it was.
Ivan: I am completely different now. Previously, as I lived, I served myself. And now I'm ready to do some good deeds. Nastya, come with me, I won't let anyone hurt you!

Father Frost: Take the children, from me as a keepsake (gives Ivan a painted chest, Nastya Pavlovsky scarf, they leave).

Snow Maiden: Hello Grandpa!

Father Frost: Hello, granddaughter! Finally you've been found! And I didn’t get lost, Santa Claus! I told the guys a fairy tale - yes, it has not ended yet!

(Thieves and Martha appear)

Marfa: Well, what about murderers, did you bring me there?

Rogues: Don't hesitate, Martha!

Marfa: Now, match up! ( the robbers turn in different directions) Attention! Listen to my command: get out of here! (run away) Cool ... Where is this Frost?

Santa Claus approaches her.

Father Frost: Here is a miracle! Again girl! Well, hello, dear, what is your name?

Martha: The name is Marfushechka-darling.

Father Frost: Are you warm, girl?

Marfa: What are you, old! Crazy, right? My hands and feet are cold! The tooth does not fall on the tooth, but he still asks !!!

Father Frost: And why are you being rude to your elders?

Martha: Will you teach me more! Give me a handsome groom and a dowry chest, but more!

Father Frost: Look what you want! Learn how to talk to people first! Come on, go home to your mother, and so that your spirit in my forest is no more! And now I'm freezing!

Martha: (roars) Ah-ah-ah! Just died in vain! And it's all Nastya's damned fault! (leaves)

Father Frost: How evil did not twist, but good, as always, won! now you can get up in a round dance with the guys!


VED: There were songs, games, dances,

We have all been in a fairy tale.

Can we ask a question?

CHILDREN: Where are the gifts, Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden: Yes, Grandpa, have you forgotten about the gifts?

Father Frost: Oh, trouble! So after all, Baba Yaga dragged them away!

Baba Yaga: Yes, I didn’t drag them anywhere ... they are already waiting for you in the classes. I just decided to help Santa Claus so that he does not carry such a heavy bag!

Snow Maiden: Oh, and you cunning, Baba Yaga, got out again!

Baba Yaga: I got bored alone, let me come to you for a holiday! I so want to dance around the Christmas tree! I'm sorry, I won't do it again!

Father Frost: Come on, me too, Snow Maiden! The very 300 years at lunchtime, but everything is getting younger!

Snow Maiden: Forgive her guys?


Father Frost: It's time, friends!
Need to forgive.
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids.

Snow Maiden: I wish you success in the New Year!
More cheerful ringing laughter!
More cheerful friends and girlfriends,
So that everyone laughs around with you!

Presenter: Thank you all for your attention
For enthusiasm, for ringing laughter.
Now it's time to say goodbye
We say to you: "Goodbye!
Until we meet again!"

Scenario New Year's party prepared KOROBKINA Elena Ivanovna, musical director of MADOO Kindergarten No. 29, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk region.

Scenario BY PIKE

To the cheerful New Year's music (at the choice of the music director), children with New Year's sultans in their hands run into the hall.

General dance "New Year's confetti"

After the dance, the children put the sultans under the Christmas tree and remain in a circle.


- The old year ends
Good, good year.
We will not be sad -
After all, the New Year is coming.


- The snow is spinning white, white ...
And trees and houses
Silver patterns
Gives Zimushka-winter!


- We meet the kindest,
Friendly, glorious New Year.
Spinning around the Christmas tree
New Year's round dance.

Round dance "Christmas Tree"

Winter: - Guys, let's play with our Christmas tree! And the lights on it do not burn.

- Our Christmas tree is standing,
Everything is on fire!
And the heels are stamped -
And the lights go out.

Children stomp their feet, the lights on the Christmas tree go out.

Winter: - Oh, look, the Christmas tree got scared, and the lights on it went out. Let's help her, let's say magic words together: "Clap, clap, say:" Our Christmas tree, burn!

Children repeat the words and clap their hands. The lights on the tree light up.


- golden lights
The Christmas tree is shining for us.
We'll stomp our heels
That's how much fun we have.


- I said goodbye to the dark forest
Christmas tree beauty.
To us from the forest in a hurry -
The holiday begins!

Round dance "Oh, what a Christmas tree"

Winter: Guys, do you want to play snowballs? (Children answer: "Yes!") Then grab some snowballs!

The presenter pours snowballs out of the basket, the children pick them up and settle freely around the hall, throwing snowballs at each other to cheerful music.

Snowball game

Winter: “I don’t understand, where did we end up? We played snowballs with you and probably got lost ... And how will we find Santa Claus? Maybe in a magical forest? Who would we ask ... Some hares and bears. And let's ask them.

Children dressed as animals come out and stand in front of the Christmas tree.

Dance of the forest animals

Winter: - Animals of the forest, have you seen Santa Claus here?


No, we didn't see Santa Claus.
We walked along the paths.

Winter: - Yes! Here, I see multi-colored caps flashing. So it's gnomes! Here we ask them.

Gnomes come out to the music, all with silver spoons.

Dwarf dance


- On the eve of the New Year,
And we have a lot of worries.
You, friends, are in a fairy tale -
Santa Claus is waiting for you


- We are five cheerful gnomes,
We live for hundreds of years.
Let's hurry to our hut -
We have a delicious lunch.

Dwarf: - And you ask the Snowmen, they know all the paths here.

They leave to the music.

Winter: - Well, then, let's ask the Snowmen! But where are they?

Snowmen (because of the Christmas tree): - We are here.

Winter: - Where? Stuck in a snowdrift?

Snowmen: - Yes! Help us!

Winter: - What to do? (takes out a rope and throws it behind the tree) Here, hold on.

Snowmen come out to the music and stand in their places.


We are funny guys
Our name is Snowmen.
We love fun
New Year's Eve.
And so for you
We'll dance now.

Dance of the Snowmen

Winter: — Friends snowmen, we were told that you know how to get out of the magical forest.


- You all get up on your feet,
Close your eyes together.
You spin around yourself
Find yourself in a new fairy tale.

Children perform movements, Snowmen sit down.

Emelya appears with a yoke and buckets, goes to the hole, scoops up water, pulls out a pike.


- What miracles!
Who is she? Here are those on...

Pike (recording):

- Let me go, Emelyushka, go home,
And I will give you a ransom dear.
It is worth saying to you:
"At the command of the pike, at my will" -
All wishes will come true in an instant.

Emelya stands and looks at the buckets.

Winter: - Guys, do you understand what kind of fairy tale we got into?

Children: - "By pike command ..."

Winter: Hello, Emelya.

Emelya: Hello, good people.

Winter: - What's the matter with you, Emelya? Why are you standing, not looking at people?

Emelya: Yes, a miracle happened to me. I caught a pike, and she is a sorceress. All my desires are fulfilled.

Winter: Why did you come to the forest?

Emelya: - So my mother sent me water to bring and firewood to bring, but I'm reluctant ....

Winter: So you know the magic words.

Emelya: - And that's true! Now let's check. At the command of the pike, at my will - go home buckets yourself!

To the music, the bucket children begin to dance. Emelya stands and is surprised. The buckets leave the hall.

Emelya: - Oh, yes, the pike did not deceive.

Winter: “Did you forget to bring firewood?”

Emelya: - At the pike's command, at my will - lay down the firewood in bundles yourself.

Christmas tree dance

Emelya cleans firewood behind a screen.

Winter: - Hey, Emelya, well done!

- New Year is at the gate,
And Santa Claus is not coming,
All this worries me.
Maybe you can help us?

Emelya: - So this grief is not a problem. At the command of the pike, at my will, Santa Claus appears here.

Santa Claus enters the hall to the music. Emelya at this time leaves the hall.

Father Frost:

- Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, joy
Bright life for a hundred years
And a hundred pounds of health.
Who are the guys for the New Year
Doesn't get tired of having fun?
Who gives gifts to children?
Did you bring a Christmas tree for the holidays?

Children: - Father Frost!

Round dance "Hello, Santa Claus"

Winter: - Grandfather Frost, have you lost anything?

Father Frost: “Oh, I dropped my mitten.

Game "Mitten"

To the music, the children pass Santa Claus's mitten in a circle, and Santa Claus tries to catch up with her. But he can’t catch up, and the presenter asks him to dance. Only then does he hand over the mitten.

Father Frost:

- I danced with all my strength,
It got hot in the hall.
Snowflake, Zimushka, you invite
To dance.

Winter: - Grandfather Frost, how will the snowflakes dance without the Snow Maiden? Where is your granddaughter?

Father Frost: - My granddaughter is busy with ordering the forest before the New Year.

- Come on, my all-powerful, freezing staff,
Wrap around the earth
Show us the Snow Maiden.

The Snow Maiden leaves to the music (on a sleigh), sings a song.

Snow Maiden:

- I walked towards you through dark forests,
Large white fields.
And finally you, friends,
How glad I am to meet you.

— Hello, grandfather! Hello Zimushka! Hello dear guests! How I hurried to the holiday to the guys!

Winter: — But now the snowflakes can bring coolness.

Snow Maiden:

- Flock, snowflakes, rather in a round dance.
Fly, circle, cool guests.

Snowflake dance

Father Frost: Thank you for cooling me down. And then I was afraid that I would melt.

- There is one game for you.
I will start it now.
I'll start and you finish
Answer in unison:
It's snowing outside,
Holiday coming soon...

Children: - New Year!

Father Frost:

- Softly glowing needles
Coniferous spirit comes from…

Children: - Christmas trees!

Father Frost:

- The branches rustle faintly,
Beads are bright...

Children: - Shine!

Father Frost: - And the toys sway: flags, stars ...

Children: - Flappers!

Father Frost:

- And over this round dance -
Talk, songs, ringing laughter.

Children: - Happy New Year!

Father Frost: - Happy New Year everyone!

Winter: - Guys, where is Emelya? Santa Claus, have you seen Emelya?

Father Frost: - Now I will knock with my freezing staff, and he will appear in the hall. (Knocks staff)

Emelya enters the hall, stretches, yawns, then shivering from the cold.


- Hello Dedushka Moroz,
You froze my nose.
Oh, completely frozen, friends,
I'll lie down on the stove.

Father Frost:

Get up, don't be lazy
Yes, have fun with the kids!


- All right, Santa Claus, don't be angry.
It's in a fairy tale I'm lazy
Naughty and talkative.
And today I'm different -
Kind, smart, mischievous.
We have a beautiful Christmas tree!
Eyes pop!
We play under this tree
Everyone is ready for the morning!

After the dance, the children stay where they are.

Game "What are we doing now"

Emelya: Did Santa Claus play with children?

Father Frost: — Played!

Emelya: Did you dance near the Christmas tree?

Father Frost: — Danced!

Emelya: - Did you sing songs, make children laugh?

Father Frost: - Laughed!

Emelya: You forgot about poetry!

Father Frost: “That’s right, honey, I forgot.

Emelya: “I’m going to go and turn on the stove.” (leaves the room)

Children read poems to Santa Claus.

Father Frost:

- I am a cheerful Santa Claus,
He brought gifts for everyone.
But where did you put them?
No, I don't remember, I forgot!

Zhadina (a girl) appears, in her hands are baskets, bags, bags.


Are gifts given out here?
I see that they are not waiting for me.
Here are sweets, chocolates,
Hares, stars, horses.
I cheated anyway
You took them a long time ago.

Greed sits under the tree and nibbles on an apple. Winter and Santa Claus shrug.

Father Frost: No, we haven't had that yet. To steal gifts!

Greedy: “But I won’t give it up!” (turns to the tree)

Father Frost:

Who will help us, friends?
I'm powerless here.

Children suggest that Emelya can help.

Father Frost: - Where is Emelya? Children. At the behest of the pike, at our will, Emelya appears in the hall.

The oven enters the room. Emelya sits on it, sings songs.

Father Frost: - Oh, Emelya, help me out, help return the gifts.


- Do not be sad, Santa Claus,
I brought gifts.
And Zhadina in the basket
Only sand and cobwebs.

Greedy man checks his bags, baskets and starts to roar.

Father Frost:

It's sad to look at you.
Enough, Greedy, roar.


- Become good here,
If you dance a round dance.

Round dance "Goodbye, Santa Claus"

Father Frost:

- Well, you all danced,
I am very pleased with you.
And now my friends
I distribute gifts.

Santa Claus distributes gifts.


- To you on a holiday in a year
Santa Claus will come again.
And now it's time for him.

Father Frost: - Goodbye, kids.

Santa Claus and Emelya leave the hall.

Rodenko Maria Evgenievna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 25"
Locality: Pechora, Komi Republic
Material name: article
Topic: Scenario of the New Year's holiday according to the fairy tale "By the Pike"
Publication date: 23.04.2018
Chapter: preschool education

New Year's party according to the fairy tale "By the command of the pike"

Senior group - 5-6 years.

(Based on musical fairy tale"At the command of the pike", 1973).

Compiled by: Rodenko M.E.

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 25"

Republic of Komi, Pechora.

Characters: presenter, two buffoons, "herald", older brother,

middle brother, emelya, pike, girls with buckets, king,

Queen, Nesmeyana, courtiers, Nesmeyana's girlfriends, Grandfather

Two buffoons run into the hall.

Buffoon 1: - Come on, honest people,

Come on, be brave, don't stop

It's cold outside, take care of your nose.

It will be fun today on this New Year's holiday.

Buffoon 2: - Opens New Year's fabulous doors,

Let him enter this hall

Who believes in fairy tales.

Let him enter this hall

Who is friends with the song.

Let's start the winter holiday

There is none more wonderful!

(Children enter the hall to the music).

1 child: - Hello, New Year's holiday,

That's where we had to meet.

We all have fun today

Hello, tree, dear guest!

2 child: - What a miracle our tree is,

Eyes pop up.

Tinsel glitter needles,

That's the Christmas tree, beauty!

3 child: - You have become even more beautiful,

You became even more wonderful

On this long-awaited holiday

Let's warm the Christmas tree with a song.

(Children sing the song “This is the New Year” - “Barbariki” to the backing track. After that

sit on chairs. “Magic music” sounds, the presenter speaks under it).

Presenter: - New Year's Eve comes to us

A whole world of mysterious wonders.

Takes us to a fairy tale,

In the kingdom far away and in the forest.

Here it is on our doorstep

The Wizard of the New Year has approached.

Do you hear? Unknown road

The story is moving along with ease.

(The musical theme “Village” sounds. Two brothers are sitting at the table in the hut, tea

drink. Emelya sleeps nearby. The buffoons come out).

Buffoon 1: - The first picture is very nervous.

Whoever is timid, let him not listen.

Buffoon 2: - There is a hut, a pipe over the hut,

And in the hut three brothers do not live richly.

The herald goes past the hut,

The herald is coming, he is talking like that.

Herald: - The sovereign's daughter is sick!

She cries day and night!

Wept the river, wept the sea,

The king and queen are in great grief.

The one who cures will be rewarded,

Big honors and everything you need.

Elder brother: - I, the elder brother, means that I should be the first to make the princess laugh!

Middle brother: - No, I'm the first to go to make the princess laugh.

Emelya (wakes up): - Noisy who?

Middle brother: - Go for water, Emelya.

Emelya: - Well, well, where are the buckets?

(They leave. A buffoon comes out.)

Buffoon 1: - The second picture. Winter is gray.

Here is Emelya, here is the river,

And the brothers are far away.

(The Russian song “Ah, you canopy, my canopy” sounds - backing track. Emelya sings).

Emelya: - Now I'll scoop up some water and go home.

(The “magic music” sounds. A pike appears).

Pike: - Emelya, let me go!

I'm not a simple pike, it's magical.

Just say: "By the pike command, by my will ..." and that's all


Emelya: - At the behest of the pike, at my will, walk the buckets yourself home.

(A cheerful Russian melody sounds. Girls with buckets dance. Then comes out


Buffoon 2: - Ay, ay, ay, I'm ready to fly away,

Picture three.

The royal palace is like a rich casket.

And in that casket sits the king on the porch,

Sitting, crying, suffering because of her daughter.

(The king, queen, Nesmeyana come out).

King: - I, the great, formidable king.

Almighty Sovereign.

My daughter is sick

Who can help her?

Nesmeyana: (cries).

King: - Oh, you are my dear, my noble!

Nesmeyana: - Not funny!

Tsar: - Oh, you are royal, state!

Nesmeyana: - And it's not funny!

Queen: - And maybe a cheerful dance will make the princess laugh?

King: Everyone is dancing!

(The song “Conversation with happiness” performed by V. Zolotukhin sounds. Dance

king, queen and courtiers).

Nesmeyana: - And this is not funny, but sad!

(A phonogram sounds - the ringing of bells. The older brothers come out).

Elder brother: - Great sovereign, let the princess laugh.

King: - Allow.

Elder brother: - Funny song!

almonds, almonds,

Where were you? By Grandma.

Nesmeyana: (cries).

Middle brother: - Funny verse!

From the clatter of hooves, something flies across the field.

Oh no, it's not!

From the clatter of hooves, the horse flies across the sky.

Nesmeyana: (cries).

The music of G. Gladkov “How Emelya rode the stove” sounds.

King: - Wait, wait, it seems that someone is coming here.

(Emelya enters.)

King: Who are you?

Emelya: - I, Emelya, came to make your daughter laugh.

King: - Come on, make me laugh.

Emelya: - Here you need to know the secret,

Santa Claus to call us.

He will help the princess

Laughter will bring her back.

(Children call Santa Claus. Christmas music sounds. Santa Claus enters).

Santa Claus: - I fulfill desires best of all,

I return happiness, joy, laughter to people.

What happened to you here?

What happened to the princess?

King: - The third month of crying!

Santa Claus: - This grief is not a problem,

It's time for fun and laughter

And we all gathered here

And the tree here will be lit for us,

Let's just tell her...

Together: - Light up! (The lights on the Christmas tree are lit.)

King: - Nothing happened,

The daughter was not happy.

Santa Claus: - And funny ditties add laughter right away,

Let's make the princess laugh soon, I invite everyone, everyone,

(Children perform ditties).

We composed ditties -

Everyone tried.

Listen, Santa Claus, and don't be surprised.

We dressed up the Christmas tree in all our toys,

She does not have a single needle free.

I dressed myself for a ski trip,

But by the time I got ready, winter was already over.

Why does Uncle Dima's cheeks prickle so much?

This is a beard preparing for the role of Santa Claus.

All the guys, without looking back, went to dance squatting,

And our Santa Claus crushed the tail of the fox.

6. The moon shines, it shines bright, it shines, but not brightly,

Santa Claus walked through the forest, lost gifts.

Oh, what decorations the Christmas tree has hung,

We sang ditties for you to have fun.

(Music "The transformation of the princess" sounds.)

Nesmeyana: - How good ditties,

Laughed heartily!

Emelya: - Nesmeyanushka, my light,

I came to you, hello.

Look at me

Come out to dance.

King: - With such joy, I announce a big ball.

(The song “I am fire, you are water” sounds performed by Marina Devyatova. They dance

Emelya with Nesmeyana, brothers with girlfriends.)

Santa Claus: - Oh, and you have fun!

I want to start dancing.

But I dreamed for a whole year

Who will read poetry to me?

(Children read poems to Santa Claus).

Santa Claus: - So the good fairy tale ended,

But let the holiday never end.

Let goodbye in the hall

The song is sung for everyone.

(The final New Year's song sounds).

Santa Claus: It's time to leave. I have gifts to give

For songs, dances to award.

Presenter: - Grandpa, where is your big bag with gifts?

Santa Claus: - What have I done old,

I forgot the bag somewhere.

I will say by "Pike command"

And I'll ask the pike for a bag.

At the pike's command, at my will,

Put the bag in front of me.

Pike: - Don't lose your bag anymore.

Give gifts to children!

Santa Claus: - And now, my friends,

I distribute gifts.

(The song sounds Christmas toys". Santa Claus distributes gifts to children.

Santa Claus: - May good win in every fairy tale,

May there be joyful faces everywhere

And if you're sad, magic

Come to us with a new fairy tale

Will knock on the door.



Scene 1

Village hut. Bake. On the Emelya stove.

Like in our side
Known throughout the land
Emelyushka is lying on the stove.
And everyone tells him
And he speaks sternly;
"Your job is waiting, waiting."
Emelya scratches her nose first
And he will say:


It's frosty outside
And work in this cold
Maybe just a steam locomotive.

Brothers appear.

1st brother: Well, Emelya, we are going to the city, we leave you on the farm. Clean up the house, heat the stove and bring water.

Emelya: What are you, brothers! I'm never going to be able to handle this much work. Yes, and it’s not a man’s business - a house of revenge and a stove to heat.

2nd brother: Ouch! Well, can you bring some water?

Emelya: And what I get for this?

1st brother: We will bring you a gift from the city.

Emelya: Which one then?

2nd brother: And how much water you bring.

Emelya: Well...( shows a little) That's so much.

1st brother: Here is a gift for you as well.

Emelya: Yes? Well, then I'll bring two buckets.

2nd brother: Well done Emelya. Wait for us with a hotel.

The brothers leave. Emelya reluctantly gets off the stove. Sings.


If the ax itself chopped, and the saw sawed,
We shouldn't have gone to the forest for firewood.
If the buckets themselves ran up the hill,
They would quickly bring water to the house for us.

Getting dressed. He goes to the well. Draws water.

Emelya: Who is talking to me here?

Emelya: For the first time I see, that is, I hear that the fish speaks in a human voice.

Emelya: Of course, you will come in handy: you will make a noble ear.

Emelya: And you won't cheat?

Emelya: Magic is magic, but it's still scary.

Emelya: And all? Can't be.

Emelya: I'll take it and check it out. What is it to guess? O! At the behest of the pike, at my will, let me have a Mercedes (Mercedes appears.) But what do I need in our wilderness "Mers"? Take him back. ( Mercedes disappears.)

Emelya: Where to go? Will have to let go. Live, live, but don’t get into the bucket anymore. ( Releases Pike.) Well, I was left without an ear. Okay, time to go home. Oh, the buckets are heavy... But what am I? Well, I'll try. At the behest of the pike, at my will, go the buckets home yourself.

The buckets are bouncing. Bucket dance.

Scene 2

We have a princess
And her tears are uncountable.
She is in tears all day long.
And everyone tells her
And strictly says:
"Don't cry, don't cry, Marusya-beauty."
Maroussia sheds tears all the time,
From sadness, she roars all day.
Drip-drip-drip, from the clear eyes of Marusya
Tears drip onto a handkerchief.

Castle. King, princess, courtiers. Dance.


Oh, my unfortunate princess,
Your condition is terrible.
I will take care of you.

Princess: I do not want anything.


Your condition is hysterical
Eat, daughter, a dietary egg.
Or maybe see a doctor?

Princess: I do not want anything. (Crying.)

Tsar: Well, what about you, daughter?

Princess: Oh, I'm bored.

Tsar: And you do something.

Princess: How?

Tsar: Well, read it.

Princess: I have already read.

Tsar: So what?

Princess: Boring.

Tsar: And you go for a walk.

Princess: Walked. Also boring.

Tsar: Let's call the buffoons.

Princess: Come on.

Governor: Buffoons to the king. (Buffoons arrive).

1st buffoon: Did you call us?

2nd buffoon: We came.

1st buffoon: Should we make you laugh?

2nd buffoon: I'm Ivan

2nd buffoon: And I'm Ivan.

2nd buffoon: Gather up, people!

Tsar: Babysitters, take her down! (The nannies run out. They surround the princess.)

Princess: Well, what did you swing? I'm cold now. Cold. (Nannies bring fur coats, blankets, cover the Princess.) Yeah, now I'm hot, terribly hot . (She is opened, fanned.) Well, now I'm cold again, completely frozen. Cold . (They cover again.) Ahhh, it's hot again, so hot that I don't have the strength. I want ice cream . (They bring ice cream.) Not like that! I want black!

All: Which?

Princess: Black

Nurse: Your Majesty!

Tsar: Since the princess wants, then get ! (The nannies run away. They bring ice cream.)

Princess: What's this?

Nurse: Ice cream.

Princess: It's also black.

Nurse: Well, yes! Black. As you requested.

Princess: I? Yes, are you kidding me? BUT? (Crying.)

Tsar: Babysitters, take her away! My strength is no more ! (The princess is led away.) Commander, what shall we do?

Governor: It's hard to say, Your Majesty. You can issue a decree.

Tsar: Decree? And what? This is a thought. Write.

"A royal decree. I, the King of the reserved kingdom, the thirtieth state, to anyone who amuses the princess, spares half the kingdom, the princess's hand and ... what would be welcome for good measure? Ah, a fur coat from the royal shoulder." Well, do you think it will work?

Governor: I think it will really work.

Tsar: Well, I'll go now, and you order.

Governor: All this does not suit me! As always, I was out of work! The hand of the princess, half the kingdom to some rogue! And I? Now we'll fix everything! Half the kingdom - to me, the hand of the princess - also to me! Well, let someone wear a fur coat, we will not be offended. And now I need to find someone to wear this fur coat on, so that I get everything else! (Servant runs in.)

Servant: Your Highness! What news! One eccentric showed up at our place, his buckets from the river go by themselves! Kicks! What to do with it?

Governor: Here is our client. What to do, what to do? It is necessary to take care of such people, invite them to the palace, but first you need to find out and scout everything, otherwise you never know what the women are talking about. I'll figure it out myself! Guard!!! (Guards appear.) Behind me! (They leave.)

Scene 3

Hut. Emelya lies on the stove, humming. Voevoda enters with guards.

Governor: By order of the king, you, Emelya, were ordered to get ready and fly to the palace with all your might.

Emelya: Che? By whose order? Why didn't I see it there?

Governor: You must cheer the king's daughter, for this you will receive a fur coat from the king's shoulder as a reward.

Emelya: And what is she to me? It's warm on the stove even without a fur coat.

Governor: What are you? Well from the royal shoulder!

Emelya: Does it make her warmer?

Governor: Oh, Emelya, Emelya, you don't know what you're talking about! Yes, for such seditious speeches I will order you to depart with a baton.

Emelya: And you don’t want to crush your sides ??? Come on! At the command of the pike, at my will, dance, club, on the sides of the war!

Governor: Spare me, Emelyushka! Sorry! Let's talk!

Emelya: Dumbass, that's enough! Well, Governor, what did you want to tell me?

Governor: Emelyushka, go to the palace! No life: tears in the morning, tears in the afternoon, tears in the evening! The walls are covered with mold from dampness! Help, we ask the whole world! The tsar will give not only a fur coat, but also his daughter for you and give half his kingdom in addition!

Emelya: Yah! Why should I have a princess as a wife? She really doesn’t know how to do anything: neither clean up nor cook. Although I don’t mind looking at the palace, and even at the moldy one.

Governor: Well, well, well, well! Get off the stove, get ready!

Emelya: No, I'm nowhere without an oven. You step aside, otherwise I'll hurt you. At the command of the pike, at my will, go and bake in the royal palace! (Domovoi appears.)

Brownie: What more!

Emelya: And who are you?

Brownie: I'm a brownie, I live behind a pipe, what do you need, Emelya?

Emelya: I want to go to the royal palace on the stove!

Brownie: Whose order is this?

Emelya: By pike...

Brownie: By pike? Well, then, okay ... Eh, I'll give it a ride! (They leave.)

Scene 4

Royal Palace. Emelya on the stove.

Emelya: Mother honest, what a beauty! And there is no mold anywhere. The cursed Voevoda has deceived! Wow I told him!!! (The Princess enters. She screams and jumps on the throne.) Who are you afraid of, red maiden?

Princess: Her!

Emelya: What?

Princess: Her.

Emelya: Well, it's an oven. Have you never seen an oven?

Princess: No never. Why is she needed?

Emelya: Warm up in the cold, bake pies, do you want to treat me?

Princess: I want... But I'm afraid of you too.

Emelya: Why should I be afraid? I am Emelya, I came to the palace to amuse the Princess, but she is not visible.

Princess: Yes? What if it's me?

Emelya: Yah. She, they say, is a terrible crybaby, but you won’t shed a single tear as much as I talk to you. Yes, is that really you? Well then, I'm sorry if I offended you.

Princess: Yes, I saw this stove of yours, so I forgot to cry. How are you going to make me laugh?

Emelya: Oh, but somehow I didn’t think about it ... Bad luck ... Do you want me to give you dancing buckets?

Princess: To me? Buckets? And what are they to me?

Emelya: And really, for what? And just like that, for fun!

Princess: For fun? I want, I really want!

Emelya: At the pike's command, at my will, dance the buckets to the dancing princess. (The buckets are dancing.)

Princess: Oh, how good! I've never had so much fun! Oh, someone is coming!

Emelya: Let's get out of here, shall we?

Princess: Yes, you can run away from here! How would I like to see the world...

Emelya: Tacts that, never left the palace?

Princess: Never ever.

Emelya: Well then hold on to me. At the behest of the pike, at my will, let us immediately find ourselves in the forest.

Scene 5

Forest. Stream. Dance.

Princess: Oh, what a beauty! Just kind of empty.

Emelya: At the command of the pike, at my will, let birds of indescribable beauty appear here ... (Bird dance.)

Princess: How I wish I could stay here forever. It would be nice to live here.

Emelya: But there is nowhere to put a palace here.

Princess: We don't need a palace. He bored me like this.

Emelya: Well, Princess, you surprised me. I imagined you completely different. And I'll put the house up in no time.

Princess: By magic?

Emelya: No, I'll build the house myself!

Princess: Can you?

Emelya: I can't help people! Truth?

Everyone takes the stage.

It's time to say goodbye
Finished our story
Everything in our fairy tale ends with good.
Emelya became smarter,
Stopped being lazy
Without Pike, everything works out for him.
Marusya does not shed tears from sadness,
Like a harp her soul sings,
And now with Emelya in a new house
Live happily and cheerfully.

Olga Novikova
Scenario of the New Year's theatrical performance "By the Pike"

Scenario of a New Year's fairy tale"By pike command»

2013 – 2014 academic year year


Maintaining and strengthening the traditions of celebration New Year in Russia.

Main goals:

Form in schoolchildren vision of the new year as a cheerful and kind holiday, as the beginning of the calendar year;

To form the ability to bring joy to loved ones and to thank for Christmas surprises and gifts;

To evoke an emotionally positive attitude towards the holiday, to introduce children to popular fun.


Lead 1.2:

Emelya's mother



The presenter enters the hall to beautiful music

Presenter 1:

Happy New Year, congratulations, here today are all the guests,

Happiness to everyone, good wishes and frosty, clear days.

Let your cheerful sonorous laughter sound today in the hall

Happy New Year, Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone!

Lead 2:

There are many wonderful holidays

each comes in his turn,

But the best holiday in the world

Well, all together - this is ... - NEW YEAR!

Presenter 1:

AT New Year holiday anything happens

And on our holiday the fairy tale begins.

(the well is illuminated, a pike appears)


By - pike command, at my will, calm down the snow storms,

We will tell a fairy tale, we will tell a fairy tale, we will show miracles!

(fairy tune)

(At this time, Emelya comes out and lies down on the stove)

Scene 1:

Presenter 1:

Once upon a time there was an old man, he had 3 sons.

Two smart ones, a third, a fool, Emelya!

His brothers are working whole, (brothers in the background, chopping firewood)

and Emelya lies on the stove all day

Doesn't want to know!

(The presenter throws a scarf over her shoulders - she is a mother) .

(Hut. There is a stove in the room, a table. Emelya's mother sweeps the floor, sings. On the second verse, Emelya joins the song.)

Mother: It's not the wind that bends the branch,

It’s not the oak forest that makes noise,

That is mine, my heart is groaning,

Like an autumn leaf trembles.

Together: The torment has exhausted me,

Underarm snake.

Burn down, burn my torch,

I will burn with you too.

(Mother sings sadly, sits down at the table)

Mother: Emelya!

Emelya: BUT!

Mother: Emel!

Emelya: What, mother?

Mother: Yes, what! Are you all lying down?

Emelya: I'm lying, mother!

Mother: - So you will lie all the sides! You look at the street! Outside the window is white - white! New Year is coming soon! And we have!

Emelya: - And what about us, mother?

Mother: - And in our country - the hut is not heated, the linen is not washed, the tree is not cut down. You would go at least to the hole, but you would bring water.

Emelya: - Yes, reluctance to me, mother!

Mother: - Look at you, reluctance! And what do you want, couch potato?

Emelya: -And I wish, mother, that all our work be done by itself. That's what I'm dreaming about! It’s as if you and I are sitting by the window, and in our hut it’s tidied up, and the garden is cleaned, and the stove is heated. And we drink tea with sugar rolls, and with honey gingerbread. And they don't end! Here it is where life is fabulous!

Mother: - Eco, you've had enough, idler! He wanted a fabulous life! Well, take the buckets, and go for water, as your mother says, otherwise I’ll draw a twig for you, then I’ll draw gingerbread in the right place!

(slaps Emelya with a broom).

Emelya: (rubs the hurt area) Yes, you will swear - then! I'm on my way to tea! And the buckets have already taken! And then immediately with a broom! So you will beat the dream out of me!

(Mother threatens him after him, sighs, continues to clean the hut, sings the song again - the last verse. She leaves backstage.

Emelya with buckets comes forward, approaches the hole)

Scene 2.

Emelya: - And it’s really frosty outside, it’s like the paths are frozen! Well, okay (spits in the palm of his hand, water, so water. I’ll bring it quickly - quickly climb onto the stove to warm up.

Eh! (throws the bucket into the hole, pulls it out)

Good water - clean, cold. And another bucket! Eh!

Doesn't understand who is talking to him

Pike: Let me go, good fellow! Let go to my little children. I'll do anything for you, I'll do anything for you!

Emelya: Fathers of light! Yes, it really seems to me a marvelous marvel! Or is the devil making fun of me? Name yourself, show yourself, do not intimidate!

Pike: I'm talking to you - Pike, river fish, magic! Don't be afraid of me. Name your wish. If you let me go - everything will be fulfilled!

Emelya: That's a miracle - wonderful! Fish, but in our language speaks! To fry such a thing is a sin. Swim for yourself, that you can!

(releases the pike back into the hole)

Pike: Thank you, Emelyushka! For not ruining me, I will repay you as promised. As soon as you want something, say only the cherished words

"By pike command at my will" and your wish will come true.

Emelya: (sweeping away the hole) It's okay for you to think. Swim to your children, don't get caught again. Yes! What a joker - this pike is an entertainer!

(goes into the house lies down on the stove)

Scene 3:

Leading: - Here, the brothers went to the market, and the daughter-in-law began to send him for firewood.


Hey Emelya, wake up

Go get some wood.

Stop sleeping on the stove!

Emelya (yawning)

Come on, don't scream!

Reluctance for firewood -

This is not my job!

Better brothers you went.


They went to the market.

I will scold you

If you won't help.

If I bring tady,

What is the reward for hard work?


The brothers will bring from the market

A pair of boots for you.

If you sleep on the stove

Then you can’t see the guests!

Emelya: - Okay, I'm on my way.

daughter-in-law: - I'm waiting for you for dinner.


Smart will not go uphill,

Smart mountain bypass.

There is a fool on the stove

Good for him and so!

Mother:- Emelya, and Emelya, would you go for firewood?

Emelya: - I'm reluctant, I'm looking at a dream!

Mother: - Emelya, and Emelya, would you go for water?

Emelya: - Yes, I'm reluctant, I'm looking at a dream!

Mother: - Emelya, and Emelya, get up, the porridge is getting cold! (Emelya gets up, scratches her head)

Emelya: - I dreamed, mother, that I went on a trip to distant countries, I wanted to see how the New Year was celebrated there. Oh, mother, I didn’t let me see such a dream, okay, I’ll go for firewood.

Mother: - Go, or, yes, do not forget to grab an ax. (Emelya puts on boots and a hat and goes to the middle of the hall)

Emelya: - Oh, how cold, if only now in warm countries! That I grieve, because I have a pike (approaches the well) .

Emelya: - By- pike command, in my opinion I want to hot countries!

(the light goes out, Emelya puts on the captain's jacket and cap and stands at the helm of the ship - a planar model near the central wall. The light turns on)

Emelya: - Well, pike, thank you, I bow to you for such a gift, I will sail to distant countries, but what is it? (notices a balalaika, a barrel of kvass, a spyglass, looks into it) .

The light turns off. The leader and African children come out,

sit in a circle - the leader in the middle.

Emelya: - And why are you all so not funny? New Year is in the yard, and you are sad?

Leader - We have no joy. Favorite elephant is sick!

Emelya:- It does not matter - I will now bring Russian kvass, give the elephant a drink. You drink Russian kvass - you add strength.

(Emelya carries kvass, gives it to the leader) .

Leader: Thanks! Now we will have a New Year and we will dance.

Dance "Chunga - changa" 8th grade

Emelya: - Thank you for the dance, That's the miracle of miracles! Well, I climbed into the oven. (lays on the stove)


No! No time to wallow

You must go to the forest.

The house ran out of wood

The oven barely heats up.

Emelya (yawning)

Well, what are you here for?

Do this, do that.

Reluctance! Going to sleep!

daughter-in-law: - All! No gifts to be seen!

Emelya: - Wow, what a harmful -

Everyone grumbles and reproaches!

I will receive gifts

I really, really want them!

Scene 4.

(The Royal Palace. The princess runs out with a wild cry. She sits on a chair. She shakes her head, her face is covered with her hands. Continues to cry loudly. The king comes next).

Tsar: Well, daughter, well, beauty! Well, why are you crying, what do you want?

Princess: I want nothing, nothing! I want to cry and everything! And I will cry!

(He covers his face with his hands again, and continues to sob).

Tsar: Well, can I amuse you with something? It can cheer, but then your eyes will dry out!

Princess: I won't have fun and that's it! And I do not need your fun! And in general ... I'm ... cold!

(The king covers her with a blanket)

Princess: (sobs and pauses for a moment): and now ... and now I'm hot. Hot!

(stomps feet).(The king takes off her blanket).

Princess (calms down again) And now... it's cold again!

(The king hides)

Princess: (Already smiling and dangling legs) Hot!

(The king takes off the blanket)

Princess: Cold!

(The king hides)

Princess: (she is tired, she is tired, starts sobbing again) Hot!

(crying loudly again)

Tsar: All! I can not! I have no more strength! It's time for you to get married! Maybe then you will stop being capricious and mocking your parent.

Princess: (Listens and stops sobbing. Sobbing and wiping tears asks)

Married? Married! And maybe really! We live here in the palace, we don’t go anywhere, we don’t take guests! No news no girlfriends! Married! And what, some prince, a handsome hand-written man, will come and take me away on a white horse to the thirtieth kingdom. Hmm!

(turns to the king and starts dancing

with him to the song “I want to get married, I want to get married…”)

Want to get married! Want to get married! (stomp feet) Want! Want! Want!

Tsar: Ouch! Just don't cry! I myself want!

(The princess looks at him in surprise)

Tsar: Not! I do not want to get married! I want you to stop crying! Hey! Governor! Come here, let's talk!

(Governor enters)

Governor: What do you want, king - father?

Tsar: Tell me, Voevoda! And do we have in mind any single princes - handsome men, but so that by all means ...

Governor: (Takes the king forward, to the edge scenes. speaks quietly)

What are you, the king - father? What princes? With her whims and tears, our princess doesn’t even want to stop by the merchants who scared away the princes for a long time. Soon there will be nothing to eat in the palace. Actually, I have only one option!

(Oriental dance grade 9)- in conclusion, the prince comes out, bows.

Princess: - Married? For this? Is this a prince, a handsome hand-written man! And what will he take me to the thirtieth kingdom? Horse de?

Tsar: - And what to do then? After all, there was no life with her! She cries and cries, but she doesn’t know why she cries! They even call her the princess - NESMEYANA! Eh! We would have a miracle, some kind!

Governor: Miracle, you say? And you know, father, there is a guy in the neighboring village. The name is Emelya. People talk about him all sorts of things. As if he wishes everything - everything is immediately fulfilled! Maybe he will help us make the Princess laugh, amuse?

Tsar: Yah! Or maybe it will actually work? Well, how, Voevoda, take this Emelya to the palace! Let's see what kind of goose, otherwise maybe people are lying - then.

(Voevoda leaves. The king returns to the princess).

scene 5.

Tsar: Well, daughter, maybe you’ll go for a walk in the yard, you’ll work up a blush on your cheeks, get some air?

Princess: - What are you telling me about the blush? Am I pale and ugly?

Tsar (scared)- No, what are you, you are my beauty! This is me so proposed, for variety.

Maybe it's time to sit down for dinner? Let's taste royal dishes, shall we?

Princess:(even more annoyed) We've already had dinner! Do you want to make me fat and ugly?

Tsar (sits on the floor, puts his head in his hands): All! I can't do it anymore, I don't have any more strength.

(music sounds. A tired, out of breath Voevoda comes out,

holding on to the sides, looking back)

Tsar: O! Governor! Did the dogs bite you, or did you climb into the bear's den by mistake?

Governor: Allow me to report, the Tsar - father! I found that guy, Emelya then! Oh, it’s not in vain that people talk that they are friends with evil spirits. I have never seen such a thing.

Tsar: Yes, you stop groaning - then! Just tell me how it was!

Governor: So, I went to that village. I took with me gingerbread and sugar candies to lure Emelya to the palace. I say, you, they say, the Tsar - the father wants to see! He even sent you presents.

Tsar: Well, what about him?

Governor: And he, "I do not want", He speaks, "Reluctance. Let the Tsar come to me himself, if he needs to!”

Tsar: Yes, where has it been seen that the Tsar went to visit the peasant!

Governor: Here I am to him the same. And then I say: “If you don’t want good, then I’ll take you by force to the palace!”

Tsar: Well?

Governor: And then he whispered something, as a huge club jumped out, let me knead my sides. She flies and beats herself. It flies and thumps. (holding on to the sides).

Tsar: So what, this Emelya, did not go?

Governor: Go then go, but I wish I hadn't seen it.

When he heard about the Princess, he decided to look at her.

Tsar: So Emelya is here! Well, let's see now!

Scene 6:

(Emelya enters)

Emelya: Hello, the Tsar - father! What did he call, why did he call? Ali, what's the trouble, Ali got bored?

Princess: - Who is this, father? What kind of a peasant is a peasant? He stands in the palace, speaks with the Tsar, and holds his hands in his hips!

Emelya: - Who is this peasant - a redneck! Is that me? Well, po- pike command according to my wish...

(Music plays, Emelya takes off her rustic outfit, and beautiful clothes underneath)

Emelya: - And you, you see, are the very Princess - Nesmeyana, that sheds tears in vain, but does not give life to everyone? Here you are! Nothing, pretty.

Princess (stomps feet in joy): - Wow. You are so pretty! Where did you forget the horse?

Emelya: (points to back horse scenes) - Yes, let him go for a walk!

Tsar (takes Emel aside): Help, Emelyushka, people say that you can do a lot, you work miracles. My Voevoda will never recover from your miracles!

Emelya: How to help?

Tsar: Yes, you see, Princess! Life is gone, it cries, it is naughty, it is naughty, it cries! Have some fun with her. Calm down. Please!

Emelya: Well, you can try! By pike command, according to my desire ... let the Princess become cheerful!

Come on guys and girls, show how Russian people know how to have fun!

(Grade 10 "Russian folk dance")

Princess: Ouch! Yes, how good - then, father! And I don’t feel like crying at all, but I want, on the contrary, something good do: spin, sing, dance, laugh! Oh, I remembered, I still really want to get married!

(Looks at Emelya)

And you are nothing, for nothing, that you are rustic, but what a cheerful (laughs).

Father, I want to marry Emelya!

Emelya: Aren't you going to be capricious anymore?

Princess: No no no!

Emelya: Will you be picky and picky?

Princess: No no no no! Promise! Never ever! I will now be obedient, but hard-working! You'll see, Emelyushka!

Is that you? I don't believe!

If so, marry Masha

And take all our kingdom

Just don't kill us!

I don't hold a grudge against you

Finally, I'll just say:

What is it in pike command,

Yes, according to my desire

For the New Year to happen

Let the people call

Father Frost and Snow Maiden,

I found my happiness!

Let everythnig will be alright!

Come on, one, two, three! Santa Claus, Snow Maiden!

(Everyone calls Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, they go out)

Father Frost:

Hello my friends! I am your guest New Year!

My beard is gray and eyelashes in the snow,

If I came here - let's have fun!

Snow Maiden:

I'm in new I wish you success in the year!

More cheerful, sonorous laughter

We have a lot of fun living with you here

Get up, let's all sing a song together!

(final song)