Scenario winter musical fairy tales for preschoolers. Scenario of a musical fairy tale for children of the senior group "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Wave a little flower

  • 13.11.2019

Musical fairy tale for older preschoolers. Music by O. Galakhov; script by V. Stepanov "The most beautiful"

Fox fox.
Katya is the forester's granddaughter.
Forest people (hares, birds, butterflies, dragonflies).
* * *
The action takes place in a forest clearing. Belka comes out of the door that says "Barbershop". She has a fashionable hairstyle, beads made of fir cones around her neck. From the door opposite, where it says "Forest Studio", the Fox comes out. Fox is wearing a dress with lace, long gloves.
The "Intro" is being performed. Fox and Belka meet.

Squirrel. Oh, how elegant you are, Lisonka!
Fox. And you, Squirrel, just a feast for the eyes!
Squirrel. This is what else! I will soon be invited to act in films, in the title role. Just listen to what song I composed for the movie.
Squirrel song
I am beautiful and smart
And I'm not more fashionable.
At the conference ... (2 times),
On chocolates
Nariso... (2 times),
My portrait is drawn.
At the conference ... (2 times),
On chocolates
Nariso... (2 times),
My portrait is drawn.

I'll comb my hair - I'm not in a hurry,
I sit down and look in the mirror.
And according to ... (2 times),
And I do not jump on the branches,
And in the cinema, (2 times),
And I want to play in the movies
And according to ... (2 times),
And I do not jump on the branches,
And in the cinema, (2 times),
And I want to play in the movies

Fluffy fur in curls,
I am the most beautiful in the forest!
With the beast ... (2 times),
I'm friends with animals
Visit everyone (2 times),
I ask everyone to visit me!

With the beast ... (2 times),
I'm friends with animals
Visit everyone (2 times),
I ask everyone to visit me!
Like this!
Fox. Just think, on sweets... Just think, in the movies. And they showed me on TV. And in general, the most beautiful in the forest-. this is me! Who needs your song? Here, listen to my romance.
Lisa's romance
According to foreign magazines
I chose the style.
This dress is unusual
I look from all sides.
From ears to tail
Not a Fox, but beauty.
Because the dress is
Not clothes, but a dream.
So as not to dirty your paws,
I put on gloves.
On ice cream, lemonade
I will be in this outfit.
From ears to tail
Not a Fox, but beauty.
Because the dress is
Not clothes, but a dream.

Hedgehog appears in the clearing.

Chorus of little animals
Gray Hedgehog, prickly Hedgehog,
You have been living in the forest for a long time,
You answer us quickly
Who is the most beautiful of all animals?
I? (Squirrel.)
Or me? (Fox.)
Hedgehog. Who is more beautiful? (Looks at them, walks around from all sides). Yes, both of you, in my opinion, are not very beautiful. What beauty is there in an animal if there are no needles on it? They help out in trouble and help in work. (Turns to Lisa.) Do you want, Lisonka, I will give you a needle? Learn to sew and embroider.
Fox. Needle? Yes, you will tear all the gloves about it.
Hedgehog. And you, Squirrel, don't need a needle?
Squirrel. Here's another, I'll scratch myself all over - and I won't act in films, in the title role.
Hedgehog. As you wish, it's up to you. Then decide for yourself which of you is more beautiful. And I have nothing more to add, and there is no time: things are waiting ... (Exit.)
Fox. This, Squirrel, he just didn’t pay attention to my earrings (points to earrings).
Squirrel. No, Lisonka! He just didn't notice my manicure.
Bear appears in the clearing.
Chorus of little animals
Judge us, Bear,
Answer us honestly
Who is the most beautiful of all animals?
I? (Squirrel.)
Or me? (Fox.)
Bear. More beautiful? (Thinks.) See, there is a snag on the road?
Fox and Squirrel. We see.
Bear(referring to Belle). Come on, take her out so she doesn't get in the way.
Squirrel(reluctantly tries to pick up the snag). Here's another, raise ... So the manicure will peel off.
Bear. So-so. And you, Lisonka, try.
Fox(also reluctantly tries to pick up the snag). Oh well ... And the lace does not get dirty for long.
Bear. Oh you can't. (Throws the snag aside.) Clumsy ... Only he is handsome who is strong! Got it?
Squirrel. Oh, I should add pine cones to the spruce cones (plays with beads).
Fox. And I can sew bells instead of buttons.
Katia. Hello girlfriends!
Fox and Squirrel. Hello Katya!
Fox. We are here with Belochka ...
Katia(interrupting Lisa). I know, I know what you want to ask me. The Hedgehog and the Bear met my grandfather, the forester, told him about your dispute, and he told me. We decided this with him: let the magic baskets judge you.
Fox and Squirrel. How is it magical?
Katia(mysteriously). Find out ... On you, Squirrel, a yellow basket. Put some nuts in it. And here you are, Lisonka, a red basket - for berries. If you manage to pick up full baskets, then you will get an answer. Collect, and while I sing you a song.
The sun is shining in the dew, everyone got up to work.
The sun will dry the dew, everyone works in the forest.
Those who are not lazy are the most beautiful.
The Hedgehog and the Bear appear in the clearing and continue to sing the third verse with Katya.
Never get tired
Because they love work.
Those who are not lazy
Most beautiful.
To the slow music, the tired Fox and Squirrel with baskets come out into the clearing, wander dejectedly, barely moving their legs. The squirrel is without curls and ornaments, and the Fox is in the most ordinary “fox clothes”.
Katia(looks into their baskets). Here it is good fellows! Full baskets of mushrooms and berries scored. And how messed up! Beauty, look! I will tell you now even without magic baskets that you are both beauties.
Fox. And what did the Bear say to us?
Squirrel. And what did the Hedgehog tell us?
Katia. Everyone considers beautiful in himself what is most useful in life: Hedgehog - needles, Bear - strength, and you - sharp teeth and nimble paws. And now (Katya takes a camera out of the basket) I will take a picture of you and show the guys at school. I will tell them: look what beautiful friends I have in the forest!
Friends song
Our cheerful friendly forest
Full of fabulous wonders
My friends live here
You and I are friends!
Squirrel and Fox are friends,
Ant and dragonfly,
Hedgehog and Bear - friends,
You and I are friends!

Svetlana Balagurova
Scenario musical fairy tale for staging in kindergarten with children aged 5-7 years "Scarlet Flower"

musical fairy tale« The Scarlet Flower»

Developer: Balagurova Svetlana Vladimirovna, musical supervisor the highest category School 10 GDDV, city of Rybinsk

Sounds like music. Leshy enters.

Goblin: Well, the weather today. Real spring! And you I look already here? Well then! Move closer. Don't be afraid. I won't offend you. I am an educated goblin. Do you hear the noise of evil spirits in the forest? She keeps arguing over who has the best songs.

Sounds like music. Enter Kikimora and Baba Yaga.

Kik: What's there to argue? My song is higher and louder.

Baba Yaga:– No, mine is brighter and lighter.

Kik: no mine

Baba Yaga:my!

Goblin: stop fighting. We are being listened to.

Kik: Are you listening?

babayaga: Are they listening?

KhoromKikikmora and Baba Yaga: Who?

Goblin: Kids and adults

Horom Kikimora and Baba Yaga Q: What are they waiting for?

Goblin: fairy tale.

In chorus on the rise Kikimora and Baba Yaga: A_A_A!

Kikimora and Baba Yaga sing to the tune?:

This means what?

What miracles began?

What are the kids today

No wonder they gathered

What about you will see a fairy tale

You yourself try to find out

How flower on the hill

Blossomed by chance

He was scarlet beautiful

Grew up in a magical forest

The evil spirit sits at Leshy's feet.


I'll tell a difficult story

Believe not fairy tale, but true

The dark night covered the red sun

Pouring out star dust.

It just happened and everything went round

The moon has risen to heaven

They wondered for a long time and people did not know

Like scarlet the flower has blossomed.

In the mirrored castle

Beyond the forest beyond the distant

Scarlet the flower grows

You will forget everything and you will not remember

If a pick that flower.

Rules the palace is not a king not a princess

A monster with a dumb look

Looks in the morning, looks in the evening

Evil spirits dialogue:


Ai. Yes goblin well story

There really aren't many miracles!

If you believe in this fairy tale

It means to be cowardly of all!


Hear the steps?

it the fairy tale is coming. Well, I'm tired.

Evil spirits sit aside.


The merchant's house stage, under stage - meadow, the girls come out.

round dance: "Galya walked on the water" (music. Kostroma) with wreaths

Nastenka in the center of the round dance.

1 girl: What are you, Nastenka, sad that you are sad?

2 girl: about what, girl. Beauty, are you dying?

Nastenka: The father is leaving for distant lands.

2 girl A: So will be back soon, it doesn't matter!

Father: Nastenka, Varvarushka, Kapushka!

Nastenka: it's time. Friends, father is calling

The time has come to say goodbye to the father.

Sounds like music, round dance, Nastenka goes behind the curtain and goes out with the merchant and Kappa and Varvara to scene where there is a room with benches and a stove.

Merchant: Dear daughters, it's time for me to go

Long-distance roads of a Russian merchant are waiting

Selling all goods, immediately toss and turn

(Nastya): Do not be sad Nastenka away longing and sadness!

What can I bring my beautiful daughters?

Varya: They say that's the father that there is in the world

The necklace is marvelous, there are no stones in it

Magic sparks they all burn

It contains red rubies and a large diamond.

Merchant: I will find Varvarushka! Heard about this!

What will you ask Kapushka? Your turn has come.

mouth guard: Bring me father from overseas countries

All blue sundress embroidered with pearls.

Merchant: Of course, I will find such a Kapushka

And now let's listen to our daughter Nastenka.

Nastya: I do not need a father, velvet and brocade

Wonderful sundresses, gold, pearls

Bring, dear to me scarlet flower

Like a scarlet dawn, each petal.

Song fragment: « The Scarlet Flower» , Nastya sings sadly.

Merchant: Will try, Nastenka, I'll look for a flower

How to find out what is more beautiful than all, I will never know.

Sounds like music, the curtain closes.


Sounds like music, Baba Yaga, Kikimora jumps into the clearing, Goblin sits in "corner of scenery".

Baba Yaga: I can smell the human spirit.

Goblin: What are you saying?

Baba Yaga: you search everything around. You snore all day long.

Someone I hear, wandered into the reserved forest.

kikimora: Looking for scarlet flower daring merchant.

Baba Yaga: it would be necessary to lure into the thicket, intimidate and whirl.

kikimora: I'll tickle him.

Baba Yaga: I'll drag you into the swamp!

Goblin: I'm to the magic flower I won't let go for anything!

Dance of evil spirits with belts. (Music by Ruslana)

B. Ya. Why did you appear in our swamp?

1 night Strength: came on business. Are you on the hunt?

2 nights Strength: We protect the magical forest from people

We don't let strangers into it.

Kikimora6 Go man, pick me up, hello

Goblin: otherwise you will be lost, take our word for it!

Merchant. No. don't scare me, I've seen a lot of miracles

Disappear quickly clean strength. Make way for the dense forest.

Sounds like music, the curtain opens, palace scene. in the middle The Scarlet Flower., figures in wigs froze.

Merchant: Oh what a beautiful palace

BUT How many different colors

The right word, the Garden of Eden!

Dance "Old Minuet"(Muz Grebenshchikov, at the end the children in wigs are removed to the sides backstage.

The merchant goes to scarlet flower.

Merchant: Here he is The Scarlet Flower

What a wonderful scent

Requests to fulfill all daughters

Managed. How glad I am.

Rip off flower thunder sounds, lights flash. monster voice, "monster-decoration" comes to life.

Pick a scarlet flower?

Merchant: She asked flower my beloved daughter

Didn't want you offend I will pay with gold in full.

I will let you go home

When you don't want to die

Then let instead of you

The beloved daughter will return

To save his father.

Wave a little flower

And turn around three times.

At the same moment you will return to your daughters

Well, merchant, hurry up!

Sounds like music, the merchant whirls, the curtain closes.


In the meadow before sisters come out, go collect flowers. They sit together, embroider and sing.

Song "Oh, I got up early"

Behind is a merchant. Evil spirits carry behind him a chest with gifts, Daughters rejoice: "Father!"

The sisters run up to the chest, take out gifts from it, try on, admire.

Varya: A marvelous necklace, a cherished dream!

mouth guard: sundress with stars, well, beauty!

Merchant: Well, my light Nastenka, did you please?

Nastya: Yes flower this one was in my dream!


The news is bad.

In the enchanted forest flower plucked

And the owner of those lands was very angry.

Daughter Nastenka will return to the palace instead of me

And she was never destined to return home!


Father! Bless me on a long journey

For me you plucked the flower let the monster go to the forest!

Sounds like music, Nastenka is spinning with scarlet flower backstage, the sisters and the merchant wave to her and leave.

Goblin: Nastenka will serve the monster faithfully

Maybe his heart will thaw, he will be allowed to return home.

Baba Yaga: If Nastenka falls in love with Miracle-Yudo with all her heart

The magic spell will collapse, and he will return his appearance.


Sounds like music, Nastenka sings, walks along stage:

Song fragment "Will I go"


Hey, invisible master, do you hear I came to you

You are my dear sir, here brought a flower.

Plants flower in place.

I am your devoted servant

Whatever you say, I'll do it

I will never offend.

Nastya: show me my dear friend

Nastya: wait!

Is appearance, beauty so important for friendship?

I have long known your kindness, kindness!

Come out. Master, my dear, look into my eyes

My beloved friend, my gentle friend. Your Nastenka came1

Thunder sounds music from- a good fellow comes out of the tree.

Nastenka closes her eyes.

Well done:

Don't be scared, Nastenka, I'm your friend.

I've been turned into a monster. Enchanted garden.

You saved me from a terrible spell

She was so kind to the Terrible Beast.

Baba Yaga: Loyalty and love conquered evil

kikimora: Finally, happiness has come to this house!

Goblin: The Scarlet Flower. Small miracle

Scarlet Mote of Dawn

You can fulfill every wish

Give joy, peace and happiness to people!

Song The Scarlet Flower. Everyone sings.

Role presentation.

Tatyana Allakaeva
Scenario of a musical fairy tale for children on new way"Frost" (musical)

]Program content:

1. Raise a love of music in children.

2. To develop in children the ability to understand the content of musical works of different genres, to respond emotionally to the feelings expressed in them.

3. Develop pitch, rhythmic, timbre and dynamic hearing, creative activity.

4. To develop children's interest in modern music.

5. To teach children to understand the content of the songs and the mood of the characters.

6. .Arouse in children interest and love for dramatizations of a fairy tale.

Preliminary work:

1. Familiarization, reading with children of the Russian folk tale "Morozko".

2. Preparation of attributes for the dramatization of a fairy tale.

3. Making costumes.

4. Individual work with each character of the fairy tale.

5. Selection of music for songs.


1. Costumes: Morozko costume,

stepmother's costume, Marfushka's costume, Nastenka's costume, Matvey's costume, Babok-Hedgehog costumes (2 pcs., Lady Babka-Hedgehog's costume, Storyteller's costume.

2. Attributes: bed, table, chair, tablecloth, coffee pot, cup and saucer, stove, kitchen utensils: samovar, cast iron, tong, poker, antique iron; chest, bench; imitation of a snow-covered mountain, two Christmas trees, a wicker fence, a horse in a harness.

3. Music of songs: “From the Vagants”, “A Cup of Coffee” by M. Khlebnikova, “Be or Not Be” by A. Pugacheva, “Empty Bamboo”, “Lady Perfection”,

“My mother spoke quietly to me” F. Kirkovrova, “I'm flying away” - gr. "A-studio", "Stretch the accordion furs".

Scenario of a musical fairy tale for children in a new way

"Frost" (musical)



2 Grandmothers-Hedgehogs

Lady Babka-Ezhka


Storyteller: Storyteller: Hello, invited guests, invited guests, welcome guests! We welcome you to our chamber. We will tell you a glorious tale, but not a simple one, but a musical one, folded in a new way, called "Frost".

Lived - it happened - the grandfather lived and with another wife. The grandfather had a daughter, and the woman had a daughter. Nastenka is an old man and Marfushka is an old woman.

To the melody "Stretch the accordion furs" funny Grandmas-hedgehogs run out, with an accordion,

handkerchief. Dancing, they sing:

Heard one legend - a retelling of two sisters,

It seems to be true, but it seems to be a fairy tale - maybe sisters are among us?

Nastya, the youngest, worked, toiled with all her strength:

The Lord and temper, and appearance, without stint, gave her.

Well, he gave character to the eldest - the punishment of heaven.

And everyone knew that Martha would not be the best of the brides.

Narrator: The old man had a hard time with his daughter Nastenka. Everyone knows how to live for a stepmother: if you turn over - a bit and if you don't trust - a bit. The stepdaughter watered and fed the cattle, carried firewood and water to the hut, heated the stove, chalked the hut - even before light.

Nastenka enters with a bucket and a mop and starts mopping the floor. (to the motive "From the Vagants")

I am an unfortunate child, a poor orphan, and it is not my mother who raises me, but someone else's aunt.

How long I miss - not to say in words,

Weep, dear friends, with bitter tears.

And a dear old father cannot give happiness.

You will not go down the aisle, orphan Nastasya.

Here I stand, holding a bucket - it is necessary to scrub off the floor. The poor heart was reduced with grief and sadness.

Quietly splashing water in the depths of the well,

And my heart - oh, will soon burst.

Stepmother enters (to the motive "Cup of coffee")

Stepmother: (to Nastya) Why, you slut, you like to dig, but there is soot in the stove!

And why do I have to live with you?

And why am I crying for everything?

For what you eat and what you drink, I pay more than

But I don't want to, I don't want to!

And they say about you: her soul is much purer than others.

Like, and smart, and sweet, good everywhere - But I know such quiet ones!

You still snarl, you still turn your back!

I'm not spoiling your life, mind you - although I could drink a Cup of black coffee I want to drink. and move you, slob - and would have given

Nastya sets up a chair for Stepmother and serves coffee.

Storyteller: But in her own daughter, Marfushka, the old woman did not look for a soul. His own daughter, whatever she does, strokes her head for everything: a clever girl.

Marfusha appears, chewing a French loaf.

(to the motive "Be or not be")

Where are my slippers, where are my T-shirts?

No one washed an elegant sweater, you didn’t cook my favorite kissel for me, I can’t do it - I’ll die of hunger!

Be or don't be, do something.

Be or not be, be or not be.

Marfushka sits down to the mirror, looks into it.

The stepmother approaches Marfusha and admires her.

Stepmother: Oh, you are my berry. Princess, as there is a princess. (Rubs Marfusha's cheeks with beets) No, not the princess. Princess!

Nastenka in response: (reciting "Be or not be")

Here are your slippers, here are your T-shirts

She ironed the jacket, washed the linen.

I cooked the soup, fried the meat,

A bun with compote has been in the kitchen for a long time.

Marfusha mother: I ask you, mother, drive this rubbish out, or send it somewhere - even into the darkness-cockroach.

Stepmother Marfusha: You are my child, I know that you can’t live with her. You have to be patient a little, we will kick her out!

Storyteller: You can't please an old woman - everything is wrong, everything is bad. The wind will make some noise, but it will calm down, and the old woman disperses - it will not soon calm down.

Matvey appears (to the motive "Empty Bamboo")

Tired of such a life, tired of poverty,

I feed four mouths!

And the wife, a bore, drives her daughter away - she strains!

The situation is tense, and a cow mooing in the barn,

The cold is pressing!

And the work does not bring me happiness - it's annoying!

Strain all the newspapers, TV, radio, cassettes,

Straining the horoscope.

They promise, they don't do anything - they strain!

Days of life melt without a trace, I do not have time

From problems in sweat all over the forehead,

And the back is aching again - it strains!

But I am a peasant, a simple peasant, a simple village peasant.

I carry my cross as long as I have the strength - I'm tired of such a life!

Matvey: Sit down, dear daughter, in the sleigh. Oh, Nastenka! My beloved daughter!

Forgive me your weak-willed father!

Nastenka: What are you, father

Matvey: Oh, my little blood (puts Nastenka in a sleigh, carries them in a hill with fir trees. At the hill

Nastenka jumps down and hides behind the Christmas trees)

No, Nastenka, this will not happen! Was their top, ours will be! (turns around and drives home)

Storyteller: Weeks flew by, snowstorms swooped in, the old man took his own daughter to the thicket of the forest, not of his own free will, but at the behest of his stepmother. She already reproached him, she already scolded him, she already pecked him, she sawed him already: “I am wooing Marfushenka, I am wooing, and everyone is looking at damned Nastya. Take her to the forest, useless, out of sight the snake under the pit.

Takes Nastenka to a dark forest. Babka-hedgehogs appear again:

And the weak-willed Matvey took his daughter, Nastya, into the dark forest.

And here is just the time of fabulous miracles.

And in that reserved forest our aunt lived

Oh, the cheerful girl Grandmother-hedgehog was that!

A young, energetic Baba Yaga appears (to the tune of "Lady Perfection")

I always easily and simply go out to the crossroads,

Geese-swans stand motionless in a row, and bears roar about my beauty!

Lady wat from yo name?

Lady - Baba Ezhka (2 times)

I am perfection itself, I am perfection itself

From a smile to a gesture - beyond praise.

Oh what a blessing, oh what a blessing

To know that I am perfection, to know that I am ideal.

Lady - Baba Ezhka (3 times, lady!

Matvey, heartbroken, walks through the forest towards Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Oh, he appeared, he didn’t get dusty. What are you, Matvey wandering around here, making my forest sad? Ali what happened?

Matvey: The old woman decided to kill my daughter, Nastya, from the world. Take her, take her, - he says, - wherever you want, so that my eyes do not see her! Take her to the forest, to the bitter cold.

Baba Yaga: (shakes her head and twists her finger at her temple) Other old women have fools too, but they are not like that. Well, it’s necessary, drag your own daughter into the forest. Santa Claus for fun, hungry wolves for reprisal.

Matthew: So am I.

Baba Yaga: (interrupts him) Me, me.

Old man: Shut up, shut up.

Baba Yaga: Oh, old, head with a hole! Let's go quickly to look for Nastenka, to help us out of trouble! Nastenka is sitting under the Christmas tree, rubbing her nose and cheeks with her hands.

Morozko appears. (to the motive "Mom spoke softly to me")

My mother quietly told me: why don’t you study, don’t freeze?

Why was Frost born into the world when you are so hot?

He sees Nastya, goes up to her and shakes her shoulder.

Waking up, or maybe dreaming? What is the girl doing here?

Are you warm, girl, are you warm red?

Frost: (Morozko runs around the Christmas trees, catching cold). Are you warm, girl, are you warm red?

Nastenka: Warmly, father, warmly Morozushka.

Morozko: What are you doing here? Ali what happened?

Nastya on the motive "I'm flying away" A-studio:

Impossible to tell

My story is very difficult for you.

I remember like a dream

And he worries the soul - how is it possible?

I do not blame my father

Here I sit in the forest and freeze.

Morozko: I can't express how I feel now.

But I am grateful to fate that brought us together at this hour!

Do you want to become a Snow Maiden, my faithful companion?

I won't offend you. Here, get dressed quickly.

(gives her a fur coat, takes her away, wrapping up)

Scene in Nastya's house. The stepmother and Marfusha are fussing around the Christmas tree.

They sing to the tune of "Malinka" Accident:

At the Christmas tree, at the Christmas tree, prickly needles We will decorate green needles with tinsel!

We sing enough, now we will live. Without Nastya there will be happiness, without Nastya it’s good!

Stepmother (pulls out a present): Hey hubby, here's a present for you. New Year hands Matthew a guitar.

Matvey: And what is it to me without strings?

Marfusha: You, father, learn to play, then we will buy the strings!

Matvey (in his hearts shoves the guitar back to Marfusha): Ugh

Marfusha snorts offendedly.

Matvey (waving his hand): Come on! Everyone, I'm leaving! Better than a tramp around the world.

Frost and Snegurochka-Nastenka, Baba Yaga and Matvey come out.

At the sight of Nastya's Stepmother and Marfusha, the stunned people faint.

Matvey (recognizes his daughter, hugs her): Daughter!

Nastenka: Everything is very simple, father. Morozko met me in the forest, greeted me in his.

Storyteller: There are many sad and funny tales in the world

And live in the world

We cannot do without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales

They give us warmth

May goodness forever

Evil wins!

We only have to say

Thank you all for your attention!

Well, we part with you until a new date!

Grandmothers-hedgehogs come out

Here's a fairy tale - do not judge us strictly

We played as best we could, we tried for you!

Time has flown by and spring has arrived.

Congratulations and we wish you happiness, joy, kindness!

Details Author: Yuzhanina Ekaterina Borisovna music director of MADOU " Kindergarten No. 247" RF, Perm region, city of Perm Category: Publications Published: October 28, 2016 Views: 2643


Cat (Vaska) - Timur K.

Dog (Polkan) - Parviz Sh.

The first mouse - Vanya S.

The second mouse is Julia Ch.

Crow - Rita K.


No worries and no hassle

Yes, there was a cat in the village.

He was chasing mice

I was afraid of the yard dog

Yes, purred all year round -

In general, there was an ordinary cat.



Meow! Meow!


What, thieves

Things didn't work out?

You can't fool me

Do not carry food past!

We will see this again.

First mouse.

All is ready?

Second mouse.

At its best!


What happened?

Look yourself!

Cat (scared).

Stop, Polkash, wait!


Stop, Vasily! Stop, thief!


Searched from all sides.

And where did he go?

First mouse.

Run away to the neighbor's cat!

Second mouse.

Look there, on the track!

Yes, as it should, not

You are not a dog, but a tail in a coat!


Wish me success!

First mouse.

By all means!

The dog runs away.

Second mouse.

Here's the fun!

And a lesson for kids -

There is no smarter than us mice!

First mouse.

The dog is pretty dumb,

There will be time to frolic!

Second mouse.

Yes, as long as he guards

The cat won't come back!

Mice (sing in chorus).

If the cat left the house,

The most important thing in the house is the mouse.

Not food - look for food,

Drag into the dark hole!

We walk on our hind legs.

If there is no cat in the house,

It's just beauty!

First mouse.

All she!

Second mouse.

We are with her!


Paws up! Stay where you are!

Second mouse.

But we do have rights!


First mouse.

Catch first!


All right! All according to plan!

I don't eat sour cream.

The cat is walking around the room.


The life of a domestic cat

Busy with important work:

Warm up near the stove

Rubbing against the legs

Chasing balls on the floor,

compose purrs,

Give everyone an ear

Be fluffy.

And anyone is ready to admit

That I am the best of cats!

Music. Cats appear.

First cat.

The best cat in the world is a cat.

You are the owner for now -

Just a waste of milk.

I have mice in my barn

All mice in the village are quieter.

Do you know why, my light?

Because they are not there!

Second cat.

If I took the job

Everyone would be caught and eaten.

First mouse.

If the mouse mends the ruin,

It's a disgrace to the cat!

Cats (sing in chorus).

In this house, the house of the mouse,

They are there, they are here

They drag, drag everything and devour.

Even though the mice scare you,

But you are not respected.

Who is ready to forgive them everything -

The worst of cats!


Yes, it does seem to be

Mice touched my honor!

First cat.

That's what we're talking about,

You better take care of the house.


Angry cat Vasily

And made some efforts

So that everyone in the house is imbued

Respect for him.


For intimidation and trapping,

I'll set up mousetraps.

They want to refresh

Here's rat poison for them.

The cat takes out a bottle of poison.


And now I'll take a little nap,

Like all cats... pretend...

First mouse.

Lie down…

Second mouse.

Closed my eyes...

First mouse.


Second mouse.

The path is clear! The cat is asleep!


How did I deal with them?

He barely survived!

It will go like this in two or three days.

Mice will leave me.

I won't regret them

Let them pack their bags.


Open up you bastards

You are not the mistress of the house here.

Thinking for two hours

Then I'll kick you out!


And while I sleep a little.

Second mouse.

Where is he?

First mouse.

Sleeping on the porch.

Second mouse.

From him we have no life,

You can't take crumbs from the floor.

Maybe we'll move

To the garden or to the neighbors?

First mouse.

A mouse is just a mouse everywhere -

You can't run from yourself.

Clear your mind a little

The neighbors also have a cat.

Second mouse.

How to be?

First mouse.

Salvation is

To not be a cat cat.

Our plan is daring and dangerous...

First mouse.

Let's spray varnish!

Second mouse.

And let's paint!

Mice (sing in chorus).

From the basement to the roof

Have some fun! Sit down! Sit down!

Away with cat tricks -

Have some fun! Sit down! Sit down!

There are mice in the house! Together

In gray coats, in gray slippers

The beauty! The beauty!

First mouse.

Good evening!

Second mouse.

How do you live?



First mouse.

Can't get off the porch?

Spread out here on the way

We can't get out, we can't get in!



What's going on, brothers?

Second mouse.

No need to be so worried!


I'm a cat!

First mouse.

No you are not a cat

Quite the contrary!



Second mouse.

Not! Sit where you are

And look at this.

First mouse.

To the advent of cats

Like you, the world is not ready!

Mice (sing in chorus).

Maybe a cat, no doubt

To be white and black

Red, gray, like smoke,

But not yellow and blue!


Is it really me?

My life is over!

The cat faints.

Second mouse.


First mouse.

Still alive!


Oh my God!

If I'm not a cat, then who is?

Maybe a mouse?


Probably not!

Second mouse.

He looks like he's crazy!

No matter how pissed off it is!

First mouse.

He almost agreed.

Get used to it, later

Doesn't want to be a cat.


Yet it's very strange

I'll call Polkan.

He will definitely understand


Hey who are you?


I am Vasily! Meow!


Not! Don't come!

Kill! Help!

Second cat.

Did you see? Polkan is flying!

First cat.

Old, but foolish enough.

Second cat.

He is now trembling in the bushes.

It's definitely not easy!

First cat.

Maybe he caught a cold?

Second cat.

Yes, while flying from here!

First cat.

You go down and check everything.

Second cat.

There is an animal in there!

First cat.

Second cat.

Ate and occupied Vaskin's yard!

First cat.

Even his death is a disgrace!

It would be nice to drink milk

Or drowned in the river

No - gobbled up by the devil!


Meow! Meow! Murka! Kitty!

It's me! Do not leave!

I won't harm you!

Second cat.

Lying! Eat and everything!


I won't eat it!


Ay! It's not fair!

First cat.

It's clear that it's not local.

Second cat.

These are the ones who eat everyone.

First cat.

There is nothing for us to do here!


Not even the cats recognized.

How will I live now?


Oh, you vile thieves!

First mouse.

You are not a cat!


Excuse me mice.

Second mouse.

We are friends, not enemies.


What should I do?

First mouse.

We will thank you.


Where is thanks?

First mouse.



I'd rather be a cat.

Why am I not a cat

But quite the opposite.

Couldn't be worse -

You don't need yourself!

Dance "Evil cloud".


Hey, Vasily, why are you sad,

Why don't you catch the mouse

Don't murmur songs

Do you sit and whine?

Even a puddle under you

Turned blue and yellow.


No more peas!

I! I'm a cat again!

Or rather, a cat again!

I'm not a cat - on the contrary!

be a regular cat

I'm more used to it.

First mouse.

Bring the bucket of cookies!


Mouse, I am a cat!

First mouse.

Well, welcome back!


Vasily the cat became a cat.

The story ended there.

They fought, then they became friends.

And anyone will understand the moral -

It's better to be yourself.



Cat (Vaska) - Timur K.

Dog (Polkan) - Parviz Sh.

The first mouse - Vanya S.

The second mouse is Julia Ch.

The first cat (Murka) - Sofia B.

The second cat (Kitty) - Polina G.

Crow - Rita K.

To the music, a Crow flies into the hall.


No worries and no hassle

Yes, there was a cat in the village.

He was chasing mice

I was afraid of the yard dog

Yes, purred all year round -

In general, there was an ordinary cat.

The crow flies away. It sounds like creepy music. The first mouse with a basket peeps out of the house apprehensively. A second mouse appears in the window and starts throwing food into the basket. A cat comes out of the house. He stops and starts sneaking towards the mice, makes a jump .


Meow! Meow!

The first mouse puts a basket on the cat's head, the second mouse puts sausages on the cat's neck.


What, thieves

Things didn't work out?

You can't fool me

Do not carry food past!

The first mouse appears in the window.

We will see this again.

A second mouse appears with a whistle.

First mouse.

All is ready?

Second mouse.

At its best!

The second mouse blows the whistle. There is a dog barking. Music sounds. The dog runs onto the stage.


What happened?

The first mouse (pointing to the cat).

Look yourself!

The dog with a growl steps on the cat. The cat backs up.

Cat (scared).

Stop, Polkash, wait!

All wrong! Trust me as a friend...

Chase music sounds. The cat takes off running. Song behind him.


Stop, Vasily! Stop, thief!

Music. The dog is chasing the cat across the stage. The mice giggle and dance. The dog and the cat run away. The dog is back. Runs up to mice.


Searched from all sides.

And where did he go?

First mouse.

Run away to the neighbor's cat!

Second mouse.

Look there, on the track!

Yes, as it should, not

You are not a dog, but a tail in a coat!


Wish me success!

First mouse.

By all means!

The dog runs away.

Second mouse.

Here's the fun!

And a lesson for kids -

There is no smarter than us mice!

First mouse.

The dog is pretty dumb,

There will be time to frolic!

Second mouse.

Yes, as long as he guards

The cat won't come back!

The second mouse blows the whistle. Calling the rest of the mice.

Mice (sing in chorus).

If the cat left the house,

The most important thing in the house is the mouse.

Not food - look for food,

Drag into the dark hole!

In gray coats, in gray slippers

We walk on our hind legs.

If there is no cat in the house,

It's just beauty!

Careful music sounds. The mice fill the basket with food. The cat watches the mice and then blows the whistle. The dog comes running barking. The mice back up and point at each other.

First mouse.

All she!

Second mouse.

We are with her!


Paws up! Stay where you are!

Second mouse.

But we do have rights!


First mouse.

Catch first!

Music. Mice rush to run with a squeak, a dog barking after them. Mice hide in the house.


All right! All according to plan!

I don't eat sour cream.

The cat is walking around the room.


The life of a domestic cat

Busy with important work:

Warm up near the stove

Rubbing against the legs

Chasing balls on the floor,

compose purrs,

Give everyone an ear

Be fluffy.

And anyone is ready to admit

That I am the best of cats!

Music. Cats appear.

First cat.

Yes, you are right, but only a little.

The best cat in the world is a cat.

You are the owner for now -

Just a waste of milk.

I have mice in my barn

All mice in the village are quieter.

Do you know why, my light?

Because they are not there!

Second cat.

If I took the job

Everyone would be caught and eaten.

First mouse.

If the mouse mends the ruin,

It's a disgrace to the cat!

Cats (sing in chorus).

We hear, we hear, we hear, we hear:

In this house, the house of the mouse,

They are there, they are here

They drag, drag everything and devour.

Even though the mice scare you,

But you are not respected.

Who is ready to forgive them everything -

The worst of cats!


Yes, it does seem to be

Mice touched my honor!

First cat.

That's what we're talking about,

You better take care of the house.

Music. The cat and cats leave. A crow appears.


Angry cat Vasily

And made some efforts

So that everyone in the house is imbued

Respect for him.

The crow flies away. The music of the chase from the movie "The Elusive Avengers" sounds. The cat leaves the house and sets up a sign with a crossed out mouse. Then he begins to arrange mousetraps.


For intimidation and trapping,

I'll set up mousetraps.

They want to refresh

Here's rat poison for them.

The cat takes out a bottle of poison.


And now I'll take a little nap,

Like all cats... pretend...

The cat lies down. Music. Mice come out of the house.

First mouse.

Lie down…

Second mouse.

Closed my eyes...

First mouse.


Second mouse.

The path is clear! The cat is asleep!

Sounds music from the movie "Pink Panther". Mice quietly sneak around the stage. The mousetrap works. The cat wakes up and chases mice with a loud meow. Mice run into the house.


How did I deal with them?

He barely survived!

It will go like this in two or three days.

Mice will leave me.

I won't regret them

Let them pack their bags.

The cat comes up to the house and knocks on the door.


Open up you bastards

You are not the mistress of the house here.

Thinking for two hours

Then I'll kick you out!


And while I sleep a little.

The cat goes to sleep on the porch. Music. Mice appear.

Second mouse.

Where is he?

First mouse.

Sleeping on the porch.

Second mouse.

From him we have no life,

You can't take crumbs from the floor.

Maybe we'll move

To the garden or to the neighbors?

First mouse.

A mouse is just a mouse everywhere -

You can't run from yourself.

Clear your mind a little

The neighbors also have a cat.

Second mouse.

How to be?

First mouse.

Salvation is

To not be a cat cat.

Our plan is daring and dangerous...

Music. Mice whisper and giggle. They run into a hole. Come out. In their hands they have cans of varnish and paint.

First mouse.

Let's spray varnish!

Second mouse.

And let's paint!

Music. Mice run around the cat. The second mouse whistles, calling the rest of the mice.

Mice (sing in chorus).

From the basement to the roof

The most important thing in the house is the mouse. Sasha, Anya T., Vika, Vanya S.

Have some fun! Sit down! Sit down!

There are mice in the house! Together

Away with cat tricks -

Claws, poison and mousetraps! Alena Sh., Ilya, Danil

Have some fun! Sit down! Sit down!

There are mice in the house! Together

In gray coats, in gray slippers

We walk on our hind legs. Sveta, Polina P., Julia, Varya

The beauty! The beauty!

There is no more cat in the house! Together

The cat wakes up and looks at the mice. Music. The mice, as if nothing had happened, come up to him and greet him.

First mouse.

Good evening!

Second mouse.

How do you live?



First mouse.

Can't get off the porch?

Spread out here on the way

We can't get out, we can't get in!



What's going on, brothers?

Second mouse.

No need to be so worried!


I'm a cat!

First mouse.

No you are not a cat

Quite the contrary!



Second mouse.

Not! Sit where you are

And look at this.

First mouse.

To the advent of cats

Like you, the world is not ready!

The second mouse holds out a mirror to the cat. The mouse whistles the whistle, calling other mice.

Mice (sing in chorus).

Maybe a cat, no doubt

To be white and black

Red, gray, like smoke,

But not yellow and blue!

There are no cats with pink polka dots

It's impossible to be a cat with a purple tail

Yes, even with a blue-striped hairdo.


Is it really me?

My life is over!

The cat faints.

Second mouse.


First mouse.

Still alive!

Mice fan the cat with leaves. The cat comes to life.


Oh my God!

If I'm not a cat, then who is?

Maybe a mouse?

The cat looks at itself in the mirror.


Probably not!

Second mouse.

He looks like he's crazy!

No matter how pissed off it is!

First mouse.

He almost agreed.

Get used to it, later

Doesn't want to be a cat.


Yet it's very strange

I'll call Polkan.

He will definitely understand

Who am I - a cat or not a cat. We are almost family.

The cat is whistling. Music. Polkan comes running.


Hey who are you?


I am Vasily! Meow!


Not! Don't come!

Kill! Help!

The dog takes off running. The cat is behind him. They run around the stage. They run away.

The cat is hiding behind a bush. Cats appear.

Second cat.

Did you see? Polkan is flying!

First cat.

Old, but foolish enough.

Second cat.

He is now trembling in the bushes.

It's definitely not easy!

First cat.

Maybe he caught a cold?

Second cat.

Yes, while flying from here!

First cat.

You go down and check everything.

Second cat.

There is an animal in there!

First cat.

Looks terribly bad - ate Vasily, probably!

Second cat.

Ate and occupied Vaskin's yard!

First cat.

Even his death is a disgrace!

It would be nice to drink milk

Or drowned in the river

So, so that decorously, without problems,

No - gobbled up by the devil!

Music. The cats are about to leave. The cat runs after them.


Meow! Meow! Murka! Kitty!

It's me! Do not leave!

I won't harm you!

Second cat.

Lying! Eat and everything!


I won't eat it!

The first cat takes a large basket and puts it on the cat's head.


Ay! It's not fair!

First cat.

It's clear that it's not local.

Second cat.

These are the ones who eat everyone.

First cat.

There is nothing for us to do here!

Music. The cats leave. The cat takes the basket off his head.


Not even the cats recognized.

How will I live now?

What should I do? Who to be friends with?

Music. Mice come out of the house. Fill the basket with groceries.


Oh, you vile thieves!

First mouse.

You are not a cat!


Excuse me mice.

Second mouse.

We are friends, not enemies.


What should I do?

First mouse.

Help! Bring home luggage

We will thank you.

Music. The mice give the basket to the cat. The cat obediently follows the mice into the hole. Leave the basket there and go back.


Where is thanks?

First mouse.



I'd rather be a cat.

Why am I not a cat

But quite the opposite.

Couldn't be worse -

You don't need yourself!

Dance "Evil cloud".

Music. The cat becomes itself. A crow appears.


Hey, Vasily, why are you sad,

Why don't you catch the mouse

Don't murmur songs

Do you sit and whine?

Even a puddle under you

Turned blue and yellow.

The crow flies away. The cat looks at itself from all sides.


No more peas!

I! I'm a cat again!

Or rather, a cat again!

I'm not a cat - on the contrary!

be a regular cat

I'm more used to it.

It sounds like creepy music. From the house the mice pull out a bucket of cookies onto the porch.

First mouse.

Bring the bucket of cookies!


Mouse, I am a cat!

First mouse.

Well, welcome back!

Chase music sounds. The mice run away from the cat. They run away. A crow appears.


Vasily the cat became a cat.

The story ended there.

They fought, then they became friends.

And anyone will understand the moral -

It's better to be yourself.


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Theater available both in kindergarten and at home! This informative section contains a lot of scripts for children's performances and theatrical productions - from Russian classics that have become eternal folk tales, to "old stories in a new way" and completely original dramatizations. Working on any of the performances presented here will be a real holiday for your wards, and the process of participating in the "revival" of your favorite characters and plots will be a real magic.

A real encyclopedia for teachers-"screenwriters".

Contained in sections:

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