Lesson on literary reading "Staging the fairy tale" Fox and Crane.

  • 20.05.2020

Russian folk tale for reading and presenting

Characters: Fox; Crane; Narrator.

Previously, animals lived in the world,
They met and became friends.
We will tell our story
About a fox with a crane.
Once upon a time in the swamp
The fox went hunting
Met a crane.

Oh! I've been dreaming for a long time
Invite you to dinner
And royally treat.

Why not come.
Treat semolina,
I like her very much.

I will try my best!
I'll see you tomorrow at three o'clock.

I'll be on time, fox!

Day the crane did not eat, did not drink,
Everyone went back and forth
Worked up a serious look
And an excellent appetite.
Looking forward to dinner
He was talking to himself.

There is no better friend in the world!
I will order a fox portrait
And hang over the fireplace
As an example for a daughter and son.

Meanwhile, the fox
After thinking for half an hour,
Boiled semolina porridge,
Yes, I smeared it in a cup.
Prepared and here
Waiting for a neighbor for lunch.

Hello, little fox, my light!
Well, bring your lunch soon!
I smell manna porridge.

Help yourself, welcome guest!

For a whole hour the crane pecked,
The fox nodded his head.
But, even though there is a lot of porridge,
Not a crumb went into my mouth!
And the fox, our mistress,
Licking porridge slowly
She doesn't care about the guest
I took it all and ate it!

You must forgive me
There is nothing more to feed.

Well, thanks for that too.

It is a pity that there is no more porridge.
You, godfather, do not blame me.
And by the way, don't forget
Your turn neighbor
Invite a friend for lunch!

The crane held a grudge.
Although he was polite in appearance,
But he conceived a fox
Treat like a bird to a bird!
He prepared a pitcher
With a neck length of arshins,
Yes, I poured some okroshki into it.
But neither bowl nor spoon
He did not store for the guest.


Hello dear neighbor
You are not a homebody at all.
Come on, sit down at the table
Enjoy, don't be ashamed!

The fox began to turn
Rub your nose on the jug,
So it will go, then like this,
No way to get food.
The smell of the treat is teasing
Only the paw does not crawl through,
And the crane is pecking at itself
And his soul sings
A little from a jug
He ate all his okroshka!

You must forgive me
There is nothing more to feed.

Nothing? You yourself ate everything!
Did you want to deceive me?
Here I'll show you!
I will tell everyone in the forest
About your hospitality.
This is not lunch, but disgusting!

For a long time they argued
And biting and throwing
Everything that was at hand
And since then their friendship apart!

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An open day is usually held at the end of April, in May. And for any private property enterprises, this is more than a responsible event. Here I used "live" numbers and edited videos. The installation was done by me. Naturally, I connected two VCRs, I connected the sound of the outgoing VCR to an audio mixer, and a computer with various music there. Output from the mixer to the VCR recorder. Thus, the sound from the video and the music you choose are combined.

educator - Islamova Lyudmila Alekseevna.


To involve children in active participation in theatrical activities, to cause a positive emotional perception.

preliminary work:

Telling a tale

Examining the illustrations

Watching a cartoon based on a fairy tale « Fox and crane»

OD "clay pitcher", "painted plate"

Teamwork with children - Playbill for the play« Fox and crane»

Manufacturing children invitation cards for performance.

Material: Fox Costumes, crane, sun, butterflies and beetles for children; design of living areas crane(swamp) and foxes (glade); earthenware jug, wicker box for crane; a wooden table, a painted plate, a mirror for a fox; blue fan (cloud) for the sun; samovar, table and pastries.

Characters: Educator-storyteller, Fox, crane, sun, beetles, butterflies.

The progress of the performance.

The children go out one after another, holding hands, under the Russian folk. They lead a round dance and stop in a semicircle after the end of the music.

(The sun comes out into the center of the hall).


Previously, animals lived in the world,

They met and became friends.

We will tell our story

About the fox crane.


Once upon a time in the swamp

The fox went hunting

met crane.

(The sun sits on a chair on the sidelines, comes out Fox to the center of the hall to the music towards crane).


Oh! I've been dreaming for a long time

Invite you to dinner

And royally treat.


Why not come.

Treat with semolina!


I will try my best!


I'll be on time Fox, I!

(They wave goodbye to each other and disperse to the music in their "homes").


Day the crane did not drink, did not eat

And lost some weight

Worked up a serious look

And an excellent appetite.

Waiting for dinner

He was talking to bugs!

(Beetles come out to the music).


I want to eat so much

Can you distract me?


We are bugs, bugs, bugs,

We are Beetles - FUN!

We love to buzz

Fly, dance!


Buzz, fly -

Crane you entertain!

(The bugs do their dance to the music, crane looks and dances).


Goodbye bugs

It's time for the crane to go.

(The bugs fly to their chairs, crane thanks and waves to the bugs).


And in the meantime Fox,

After thinking for half an hour,

Boiled semolina porridge,

With butter, milk

Yes, I smeared it in a bowl.

Prepared and waiting.


Well, when the neighbor comes!

(Comes crane to music knocks, takes off his hat and bows).


Hello, little fox, my light!

Serve dinner soon!


Help yourself, welcome guest!


whole hour crane pecked,

The fox nodded his head.

But, even though there is a lot of porridge,

Not a crumb went into my mouth!

BUT Fox, our mistress,

Slowly licks porridge -

She doesn't care about the guest

I took it all and ate it!


You must forgive me

There is nothing more to feed.


Thank you fox on this one.

(The crane thanks the fox, bows in the belt).


Your turn neighbor

Invite me to dinner!


So tomorrow

I am waiting for you at the same time.

(Crane waving to the fox and going home with his head down).


And went crane home,

Head down....

And the fox of butterflies called the beauties,

to help clean up the table together.

(Fox comes out and waves - invites butterflies, butterflies "fly out" to the center of the room).


Will you help me?

Will you take it on the table?


We are now a little circled,

Let's start a wonderful waltz,

We'll take everything off the table.

(Fox goes to his house, and the butterflies dance a waltz to the music;

and at the end of the dance they clear the table and sit on the chairs).


hid crane resentment.

Although he was polite in appearance,

But he conceived a fox

Treat like a bird to a bird!

He prepared a pitcher

With a high neck

Crumbled some crumbs in there

Yes, quite on the bottom.

No plate or spoon

For the fox did not cover.

(The fox goes to the crane and preens, looks in the mirror, powders the nose, combs the tail).

fox knocking:


(Crane invites the fox to the house).


Hello dear neighbor

Come on, sit down at the table

Enjoy, don't be ashamed!


Beginnings fox twirl,

Rub your nose on the jug,

So it will go, then like this,

No way to get food.

The smell of the treat teases

Only the paw does not crawl through,

BUT the crane is pecking at itself

And his soul sings

A little from a jug

He ate all his okroshka!


You must forgive me

There is nothing more to feed.


You yourself ate everything!

Did you want to deceive me?

Fox and Crane:

Here I'll show you!

(They threaten each other and disperse to different sides of the hall).


For a long time they argued

And they scolded and rushed,

Run around the corners

They hid in towers.

They were sad together

Bored in your house.

(The sun peeks out from behind the clouds).


The sun frowned,

Seeing such a disaster!

Who do you wish

In the house sit alone!


I know a magic song

She will help reconcile

Who is in a quarrel, in sadness, resentment.

Help each other to forgive!


Dear sun, come out!

Call bugs and butterflies!

beloved sun,

We are glad to you!

Help us sunshine

In our trouble!

Illuminate the hearts with warmth

Let Love return to the house!

The sun waves its arms - beckons bugs and butterflies. Takes the fox by the hand and crane and becomes the center of the room. Butterflies and bugs bring treats for everyone. They put it on a table in the center of the room.


We will cover the feast with a mountain,

Any guest will be full!

All together sing a song "Song of Friends" music by Gerchik, lyrics by Akimov. On the last chorus they dance around the table.


This is how our story ends!

Everyone reconciled and began to live together!

Live, live, and make good!

And now we will introduce our actors.

(We introduce the actors, then the children join hands and make a deep bow to the guests, go backstage to thunderous applause).


Let's be

Be friends with each other

Like a bird with the sky

Like the wind with the sea!

Grass with rain!

How the sun is friendly




Previously, animals lived in the world,
They met and became friends.
We will tell our story
About a fox with a crane.
Once upon a time in the swamp
The fox went hunting
Met a crane.


Oh! I've been dreaming for a long time
Invite you to dinner
And royally treat.


Why not come.
Treat semolina,
I like her very much.


I will try my best!
I'll see you tomorrow at three o'clock.


I'll be on time, fox!


Day the crane did not eat, did not drink,
Everything went back and forth -
Worked up a serious look
And an excellent appetite.
Looking forward to dinner
He was talking to himself.


There is no better friend in the world!
I will order a fox portrait
And hang over the fireplace
As an example for a daughter and son.


Meanwhile, the fox
After thinking for half an hour,
Boiled semolina porridge,
Yes, I smeared it in a cup.
Prepared and here
Waiting for a neighbor for lunch.


Hello, little fox, my light!
Well, bring your lunch soon!
I smell manna porridge.


Help yourself, welcome guest!


For a whole hour the crane pecked,
The fox nodded his head.
But, even though there is a lot of porridge,
Not a crumb went into my mouth!
And the fox, our mistress,
Slowly licks porridge -
She doesn't care about the guest
I took it all and ate it!


You must forgive me
There is nothing more to feed.


Well, thanks for that too.


It is a pity that there is no more porridge.
You, godfather, do not blame me.
And by the way, don't forget...
Your turn neighbor
Invite a friend for lunch!


The crane held a grudge.
Although he was polite in appearance,
But he conceived a fox
Treat like a bird to a bird!
He prepared a pitcher
With a neck length of arshins,
Yes, I poured some okroshki into it.
But neither bowl nor spoon
He did not store for the guest.

Scenario "The Fox and the Crane" (based on a Russian folk tale) Compiled by the "Musketeers" team Characters: narrator fox crane The action takes place in a forest clearing and on the shore of a swamp. Narrator: The fox made friends with the crane. And I thought one day...

Scenario "The Fox and the Crane" (based on a Russian folk tale) Compiled by the "Musketeers" team Characters: narrator fox crane The action takes place in a forest clearing and on the shore of a swamp. Narrator: The fox made friends with the crane. And once the fox decided to treat the crane, she went to invite him to visit her. Fox: Come, kumanek, come, dear! How can I feed you! Narrator: The fox went to great lengths for the crane! All day she chalked the yard, watered the flowers, washed the floors. To make the porridge tasty, the Fox went to the well for spring water. The hostess Lisa washed the dishes, rubbed the plates to a shine. It is necessary to meet a dear guest! Lisa cooked semolina porridge, so tasty that all the birds from neighboring yards flocked to the smell. The Crane came to the invited feast. He smells delicious smells, looks forward to treats. And Lisa smeared semolina on a plate, served it and treats it. Fox: Eat, my dear kumanyok! She cooked herself. Narrator: Crane knock-knock with its beak on a plate, knocked, knocked

Scenario "The Fox and the Crane" (based on a Russian folk tale) Compiled by the "Musketeers" team Characters: narrator fox crane The action takes place in a forest clearing and on the shore of a swamp. Narrator: The fox made friends with the crane. And once the fox decided to treat the crane, she went to invite him to visit her. Fox: Come, kumanek, come, dear! How can I feed you! Narrator: The fox went to great lengths for the crane! All day she chalked the yard, watered the flowers, washed the floors. To make the porridge tasty, the Fox went to the well for spring water. The hostess Lisa washed the dishes, rubbed the plates to a shine. It is necessary to meet a dear guest! Lisa cooked semolina porridge, so tasty that all the birds from neighboring yards flocked to the smell. The Crane came to the invited feast. He smells delicious smells, looks forward to treats. And Lisa smeared semolina on a plate, served it and treats it. Fox: Eat, my dear kumanyok! She cooked herself. Narrator: The crane knock-knock with its beak on the plate, knocked, knocked - nothing gets into the mouth! And the fox at this time licks herself and licks porridge - so she ate it all herself. The porridge is eaten, the Fox, and the Fox says: Do not blame me, dear godfather! There is nothing more to eat! Crane: Thank you, godfather, and that's it! Narrator: answered the Crane. Crane: Come and visit me. Narrator: He said so and went home with an empty belly. The Crane returned home from the guests hungry. It's good that the pond is near the house. He went to the pond, caught frogs, ate his fill, and thus calmed down. The next day, the Fox comes to the Crane. She is waiting for treats, licks her lips in advance. The crane greeted the gossip cordially, covered the table with a festive tablecloth, and prepared okroshka for a treat. Crane poured okroshka into jugs with a narrow neck, put it on the table and says. Crane: Eat, gossip! Right, there is nothing more to regale. Narrator: The fox started twirling around the pitcher. And so he goes in, and so, and licks him, and sniffs, he can’t get food in any way: his head won’t fit into the jug. And the crane pecks at itself and pecks until it has eaten everything. Lisa took annoyance. I thought to eat for a whole week, but I came home - not salty slurping. As backfired, so it responded! Since then, the friendship between the Fox and the Crane has been apart.

Olesya Emelyanova

Fox and crane

Russian folktale
for reading and presenting

Performance duration: 1 minute; number of actors: from 1 to 3.




Previously, animals lived in the world,
They met and became friends.
We will tell our story
About a fox with a crane.
Once upon a time in the swamp
The fox went hunting
Met a crane.

Oh! I've been dreaming for a long time
Invite you to dinner
And royally treat.

Why not come.
Treat semolina,
I like her very much.

I will try my best!
I'll see you tomorrow at three o'clock.

I'll be on time, fox!


Day the crane did not eat, did not drink,
Everything went back and forth -
Worked up a serious look
And an excellent appetite.
Looking forward to dinner
He was talking to himself.

There is no better friend in the world!
I will order a fox portrait
And hang over the fireplace
As an example for a daughter and son.


Meanwhile, the fox
After thinking for half an hour,
Boiled semolina porridge,
Yes, I smeared it in a cup.
Prepared and here
Waiting for a neighbor for lunch.

Hello, little fox, my light!
Well, bring your lunch soon!
I smell manna porridge.

Help yourself, welcome guest!


For a whole hour the crane pecked,
The fox nodded his head.
But, even though there is a lot of porridge,
Not a crumb went into my mouth!
And the fox, our mistress,
Slowly licks porridge -
She doesn't care about the guest
I took it all and ate it!

You must forgive me
There is nothing more to feed.

Well, thanks for that too.

It is a pity that there is no more porridge.
You, godfather, do not blame me.
And by the way, don't forget...
Your turn neighbor
Invite a friend for lunch!


The crane held a grudge.
Although he was polite in appearance,
But he conceived a fox
Treat like a bird to a bird!
He prepared a pitcher
With a neck length of arshins,
Yes, I poured some okroshki into it.
But neither bowl nor spoon
He did not store for the guest.


Hello dear neighbor
You are not a homebody at all.
Come on, sit down at the table
Enjoy, don't be ashamed!


The fox began to turn
Rub your nose on the jug,
So it will go, then like this,
No way to get food.
The smell of the treat is teasing
Only the paw does not crawl through,
And the crane is pecking at itself
And his soul sings
A little from a jug
He ate all his okroshka!

You must forgive me
There is nothing more to feed.

Nothing? You yourself ate everything!
Did you want to deceive me?
Here I'll show you!
I will tell everyone in the forest
About your hospitality.
This is not lunch, but disgusting!


For a long time they argued
And biting and throwing
Everything that is at hand...
And since then their friendship apart!