Birds have arrived from warm countries. Spring. Migratory birds. How to Attract Helpful Birds to Your Garden

  • 13.11.2019

Nature has arranged the lifestyle of birds in such a way that many of them constantly migrate from one habitat to another, and this happens due to changes in weather conditions. Because temperature regime greatly affects the life and reproduction of birds, they usually leave their native lands when winter comes, and return back in the spring, in March-May.

Arrival of birds after wintering always means one thing: the cold receded and made way for the heat. And here it becomes interesting for many to find out which birds arrive first in the spring.

Which birds arrive first

Many do not even suspect that all migratory birds follow a certain arrival schedule, and each species strictly follows it. It is also interesting that they all return to their former place of residence and even to their previously built nests. If something happened to the nest during the absence of feathered hosts, then the latter settle down again, after which they breed offspring in them.

So, In what order do the spring birds arrive?

What other birds fly in the spring

Speaking of spring feathered messengers, one should not forget about such like a nightingale and a swallow.

First, it is worth mentioning the nightingales, because these are the ones that are recognizable by how wonderfully they can sing. And despite its very inconspicuous appearance(this bird is gray with a brownish tint), the nightingale has a charming voice that captivates everyone without exception.

Another bright symbol of spring is swallows. These birds do not know how to sing like nightingales, but they are very fond of settling closer to people, often equipping their nests in the hallways, under the balconies and eaves of houses. They can also often be seen in the gorges above the rivers.

Arrival calendar of spring birds

For many, many years, people have been watching the arrival of birds from the warm lands of their native places, and ornithologists, thanks to scientific research, were able to make a calendar of the arrival of birds:

  • from March 18 to March 20, rooks return;
  • March 25-April 6 - starlings arrive;
  • April 1-10 - during this period finches, larks, swans and blackbirds arrive;
  • April 11-20 - ducks and geese, cranes and gulls return to their native lands;
  • end of April - redstarts, forest pipits, foams;
  • first half of May - swallows and flycatchers arrive;
  • in mid-May swifts and nightingales usually return;
  • Orioles return at the end of May.

In addition to certain periods of time in which birds return to their native lands, there are also certain routes along which they travel.

Interesting signs associated with the arrival of birds in the spring

Arrival of spring birds - it is always a sign that winter has receded and spring and warm weather are ahead. And it has long been customary to associate their certain behavior with some signs, for example:

It is with the melting of snow and the cheerful whistle of birds marks the arrival of spring. Schoolchildren begin to make birdhouses at labor lessons, and the first swallow nests begin to appear under the roofs of houses.

It is so provided by nature that some birds migrate from one continent to another due to changing weather conditions. Usually the return of birds to their native lands is observed from the end of March to the middle of May. This behavior of birds is due to their nature. After all, birds belong to a variety of warm-blooded. Their temperature regime reaches 41 degrees. And this greatly affects their activity, ability to reproduce.

In the cold season, many birds have difficulty with food. Indeed, in temperate latitudes, winters are excessively severe, so they forced to spend the winter in warmer climates not to die of hunger. The return of the birds home indicates the end of the cold. But, it is important to know which birds arrive first in spring in their homes.

What is the order of arrival of birds in spring?

Oddly enough, but birds always follow a certain flight schedule. And each of them arrives at the allotted time. In addition, feathered friends return to the place that they left in the fall. Usually, they occupy old nests. If the dwelling was destroyed, zealous newcomers equip it again and prepare to breed. Now it is important to find out which birds come to us first in spring.

by the most wagtails are considered early birds, as they delight with their cooing already at the beginning of the parting of the ice. They can be observed when they float on melted ice floes on the river.

Rooks were noticed by no less early birds. They also fly into their possessions as soon as the snow melts in the fields. Rooks tend to ennoble previously abandoned nests, after which they are engaged in laying and incubating eggs. Rooks are among the first to breed chicks.

The next aliens are seen to see starlings and larks. Starlings occupy the nests already built for them and also rush to produce offspring. And the larks sing sonorous songs that mean the arrival of spring. At starlings, males arrive first and equip the nest, and females join later.

A little later you can meet handsome finch. It can be seen by its peculiar coloration: the head is blue; the forehead is black; on the cheeks, throat and chest brown-reddish color; the back has a reddish-brown edging; tail green; the wings are yellow at the edges, black-gray inside.

It is impossible not to admire such a peculiar bird as the thrush, which flies after the chaffinch. In size, it resembles a dove. But, its color is much more attractive. It has a yellowish-white breast and brown spots on the belly. The color of the back is grey.

In April redstarts return from the warm regions. This bird is slightly smaller than a sparrow and has a bluish-gray color. The eyes are outlined with a black stripe, a white spot on the forehead. The neck is painted black. The tail is red-orange in color.

Another feathered friend that flies after the redstart is bluethroat. This bird is small. Its distinguishing feature is bright blue spot on chest, which separates from the belly into a black half ring. The back and wings are brown in color, and the tail is striped red.

The month of May greets the nightingale in forest embraces. This bird pleases others with its unusual singing. There were legends about the trills of the nightingale. No one can resist his singing, even though in appearance the nightingale is completely inconspicuous, has a gray color.

end of spring marked by the arrival of swallows. These beauties usually nest near human dwellings. Swallows often build nests under balconies, in hallways, in gorges above the river. These birds are black with a white breast. Usually swallows choose a place for a nest once and build it themselves. Every year they come to the old nests.

All about the arrival calendar of feathered relatives

People have already noticed a certain feature of the flight of birds from warm lands in spring to their native places. And over the years, this order has not changed. Therefore, even the approximate dates of their return to their native land were noted. So, the calendar for the migration of birds from warm countries looks something like this:

Each bird has not only its own arrival schedule, but also specific itinerary. Each family travels along its own path. The calendar shows which birds arrive first in the spring.

What signs mark the return of birds in the spring?

As you know, among people, the arrival of birds is always heralds the coming of spring, and hence the long-awaited warming. On this occasion, signs and superstitions have already been added. Here is some of them:

So, the birds that flew to us in the spring are very rejoice with their singing and fuss. Every time you can observe their concern for their own offspring and this inspires joy. After all, such small creatures are overflowing with energy and strength. Every day they spend in flight, ensuring their existence on this large planet.

Russia is a country famous for its long winter, which can sometimes last until the end of March. Year after year, people look forward to the arrival of spring, because this time of the year is an excellent time to start new achievements. The arrival of spring has long been symbolized by the first birds arriving from the warm regions. In Russia, there are approximately 59 species of birds that fly from the places where they nest to the wintering grounds and back.

The first arriving bird, which appears already in March, is the starling. The people say: "The starlings have arrived, so spring has come!"
The common starling is a small bird reaching a length of no more than 20 cm, but having a wingspan twice as large. An interesting feature This bird has a long, slightly curved and sharp black beak that changes color to yellow during the breeding season.
The plumage of birds is dark black in both males and females. In winter, starlings appear white spots on the breast, wings and head, and in the spring after seasonal molt the bird turns brown. The singing of the common starling may include squeaks, whistles and rattles, and the starling is also able to imitate the singing of other birds.

Almost simultaneously with starlings, rooks arrive in early March. There is a sign: “The rooks have arrived, which means that in a month the snow will come down.” and as a rule it always happens.
Rook is a bird of the genus of crows that lives in Eurasia. In the southern part of the range, this bird species is sedentary, in the northern part it is migratory. The male reaches a length of 45 to 47 cm, in young birds the beak is surrounded by feathers, in adult males there are no more feathers.
Rooks nest in trees in large columns. In winter, rooks try to keep together with birds of their own kind. (Photo 2)

By the end of March, finches begin to arrive. They say about them: "The finch flew in, brought spring on its tail."
The finch is a songbird of the finch family. On average, these birds live only 1.5 years and are very small in size, reaching no more than 15 cm in length. The plumage of the male is bright, and the closer to spring, the brighter: brown-red breast, brownish with green back, bluish gray head, large white spots on the wings. In the female, the color of the female is duller.
The finch lives in deciduous and coniferous forests, as well as artificial plantations. Chaffinch nests in forests, gardens and parks. Prefers sparse spruce forests and areas of mixed forests, as well as pine forests, especially if there are groups of deciduous trees and shrubs nearby. Avoids deaf overgrown places, as it often descends to the ground for food.

A little later, around mid-April, thrushes arrive. There is a sign among the people that says: "The thrushes have arrived, the frosts have disappeared." Thrushes are birds of the thrush family of the passerine order. They reach 25 cm, move on the ground exclusively in jumps. They migrate south for the winter in large flocks. They nest singly or in small columns. The birds are easily recognizable by their gray back and yellow breast.

Nightingales return in the first half of May. There is a sign: "The nightingales sang, so spring has blossomed."

Distributed in Europe and western Asia, they belong to the thrush family. They reach 17 cm in size, have a brown color with a reddish tail, they prefer to make nests closer to the ground, usually in small shrubs. The nightingale winters in Africa. The nightingale is famous for its wonderful singing, polyphonic with many different sounds. In May, the nightingale sings all day, but his songs are especially beautiful from the dawn until the morning. Thanks to such wonderful trills of this bird, Nightingale Day was celebrated on May 15, and it was from that day that it was believed that spring was filled with warmth and sunny weather. After the arrival of the nightingale, you can really consider that spring has come!

Daria Trubitsina

Alla Salamatina

Topic « Spring» , « Migratory birds »

Reminisce with a child migratory birds(starling, swallow, crane, nightingale, swift, lark, rook, cuckoo);

View pictures of these illustrations of birds, discuss their appearance and distinguishing features;

Tell us where they came from, what benefits they bring migratory birds;

See life as much as possible migratory birds in spring while walking in the park, teach the child to recognize the rook and starling, to find common and distinctive features of these birds;

Teach your child to take care of wildlife;

Together with the child, make a birdhouse and install it in the park;

Pay attention to seasonal changes in nature.

The grass is green, the sun is shining

Swallow with in the spring in the canopy flies to us.

With her the sun is more beautiful and spring mile.

Chirp from the road hello to us soon.

I will give you grains, and you sing a song,

What did you bring with you from distant countries?

(A. Pleshcheev)

Task 3. "Give me a word".

On the pole - a palace, in the palace - a singer, and his name is -. (starling).

Task 4. Didactic game "The Fourth Extra" (from pictures or by ear).

Lark, sparrow, rook, starling.

Crow, duck, dove, sparrow.

Rook, tit, swallow, cuckoo.

Magpie, sparrow, woodpecker, swift.

Dove, swan, heron, crane.

Task 5. Didactic game "Who has arrived?". (Adult calls bird, and the child answers: Yes or no.)

Task 6. Didactic game "Learn by description". (An adult describes the appearance of some migratory bird, and the child recognizes and calls her.)

Task 7. Writing a descriptive story

1. Color. (Color bird plumage) .

2. Parts of the body. (Name the parts of the body).

3. Nest. (Name her chicks).

4. Autumn. (When birds fly to warmer climes.

5. Insects. (what do they eat birds) .

6 people. (What is the benefit to the person).

An exemplary story according to the table.

Rook - bird black with white beak. The rook has a head, body, wings, tail, paws. Whole body bird covered in feathers. spring rooks arrive from warm countries, build nests and hatch chicks - rooks. Rooks feed on insects, worms and plant seeds. In autumn, when it gets cold, rooks gather in flocks and fly to warm countries until spring. Rooks help people, they destroy insects and caterpillars - pests of fields and gardens.

Task 8. Learning to compare. Learn to compare living and non-living things.

a) what is common between a real bird and a toy, and how they

are different;

b) what is common between animals and birds, and what they

are different;

c) what do they have in common? bird and plane and how they differ.

Task 9. Didactic game "One is Many"(formation of the genitive plural of a noun): one rook - many rooks, one cuckoo (swift, swallow,.).

Task 10. Cut out pictures with an image migratory birds and paste them into the album.

Task 11. Didactic game "Call it sweetly" (word formation using diminutive suffixes): nightingale - nightingale, crane - crane, swan - swan. .

Task 12. Didactic game "Who - who" (an exercise in word formation in the singular and plural).

At the rook - rooks, at the starling -. , at the rook - the rook, at the crane -. .

Task 13. Complete the sentence. Have the child complete the sentence with the words "long-legged crane"

I saw in the field. (long-legged crane). I have been watching for a long time. (long-legged crane). I really liked this beautiful and slender one. (long-legged crane). I wanted to approach. (long-legged crane). But he got scared and flew away. He flew beautifully, spreading his wings, and circling in the sky. (long-legged crane). I told my mom about. (long-legged crane). Mom said that you can not approach and scare. (long-legged crane). I promised my mom I wouldn't go anywhere else. (long-legged crane). Now I will only watch from afar. (long-legged crane).

Task 14. Choose a preposition that makes sense (from, to, to, over, on, by).

The rook flew out. nests. The rook has arrived. nest. The rook flew up. nest. The rook is circling. nest. Rook sat down. branch. Rook walks. arable land.

Task 15. Retell the story"The Rooks Have Arrived" on questions.

The rooks arrive first. There is still snow all around, and they are already here. The rooks will rest and begin to build nests. Rooks make their nests on top of a tall tree. Rooks hatch their chicks earlier than others birds.

Explain the meaning to the child phrases: "harbingers spring» , "to nest", "top of the tree", "Bring out the chicks".

Questions. What kind birds arrive first in spring? What do the rooks immediately start doing? Where do they build their nests? When do they hatch chicks?

Retell the story"Harbingers spring» on questions.

The cold winter has passed. Coming Spring. The sun rises higher. It heats up more. The rooks have arrived. The children saw them shouted: "The Rooks Have Arrived! The Rooks Have Arrived!"

Questions. What was the winter like? What comes after winter? How the sun warms spring? Who arrived? Who did the children see? What did they scream?

Explain expression to child "harbingers spring» .

Task 16. Retell first person story.

Sasha decided to make a birdhouse. He took boards, a saw, sawed planks. From them he made a birdhouse. The birdhouse was hung on a tree. May the starlings have a good home.

Explain to the child the meaning of the word birdhouse.

Task 17. Didactic game "Finish the sentence".

There is a nest on the tree, and on the trees. (nests). On a branch of boughs, and on branches .. There is a chick in the nest, and in the nests -. . There is a tree in the yard, and in the forest -. .

The onset of spring brings with it significant changes in the feathered population of our gardens, forests and fields. With the appearance of the first thawed patches and until the middle or end of May, one after another, our migratory birds return to their homeland, spending the winter in the more southern regions.

Since their arrival takes place in a certain sequence and stretches for two whole months, an attentive observer, who has already looked a bit at the birds that winter with us, in the spring can gradually replenish and expand his acquaintance with the world of birds, as they appear in our edges; consequently, the end of winter and spring create the most favorable conditions for the study of our birds.

The first of the migratory birds to return to us are the rooks, appearing in the central zone of the USSR around mid-March, when the ground is freed from snow cover in places and the rooks get the opportunity to dig in it with a large and strong beak in search of worms, larvae, slugs and plant seeds. Approximately a week later and the second in line is the starling - one of the most useful birds, exterminating many harmful insects and their larvae.

In early April, field larks arrive and begin to feed on the thawed patches with last year's seeds of various herbaceous plants. Soon after them are siskins, and then finches and linnets. The appearance of finches is also easy to observe in the city: a chaffinch is a noticeable (slightly larger than a sparrow) and beautiful bird with a reddish neck, gradually turning into a lilac shade of the chest, and with two wide and sharp stripes on the wings, settling not only in forests, but also in gardens and on the boulevards of the city and enlivening them with her melodic song with a characteristic flourish at the end.

This song (which can be roughly translated as “chiv-chiv-chiv-chiv-chav-chav-chav-chav-chav-chi-chew”) is a characteristic sign of a well-established spring, when all the birds that find feed on the surface of the earth, just freed from the snow cover. Most often these are granivorous birds, but only the larger ones with a long and strong beak (rooks, starlings) are able to dig in the ground and extract slugs, worms and insects from there.

We do not yet have birds that feed on crawling and flying insects in the first period of spring - at this time they could not yet find food for themselves. Of the insectivorous birds, the earliest to emerge are the white wagtails, easily recognizable by their long tail, which they swing up and down at every stop; they arrive by the time when flies and other overwintered insects, which make up the only food of the wagtail, are already basking in the sun, awakened after the winter stupor.

Shortly after the appearance of white wagtails, the so-called gross arrival of birds begins, which occurs in our country in the middle and end of April and the beginning of May; at this time, thrushes (several species), robins, redstarts, ducks, geese, cranes, gulls, waders, great snipe, snipes, woodcocks and many others, mainly marsh and waterfowl, fly to us.

There are still few insect-eating birds at this time: the world of insects in April still gives too little prey, especially for birds, which, by the structure of their bodies, cannot rummage through trunks and branches or dig in the ground, but must grab insects on the fly.

These birds - swifts, swallows (Fig. 232), nightjars, warblers, bluethroats, cuckoos, nightingales, flycatchers, warblers, orioles, warblers and others - arrive only in the last period of spring - from the beginning of May to half of June, that is, at that the time when spring finally comes into its own and insects appear in abundance.