Why are featherless chickens bald? Why do chickens drop feathers. Difference from seasonal molting

  • 21.05.2020

Kira Stoletova

Every person who breeds poultry wants his animals to be healthy and the productivity from their breeding to be at the highest possible level. But sometimes it happens that birds fall out feathers in different parts of the body. This process has received the scientific name - alopecia. The causes of the phenomenon can be different, therefore, before starting to take any measures, the owners should find out why feathers fall out of chickens. Only then can you begin to fight alopecia.

It is important to remember that self-treatment of animals, as well as self-treatment of people, can be carried out only after coordinating the methods with a specialist. It is also important to remember that the use of official medicines does not always give an immediate effect.

Distinctive features of the problem

It's no secret that chickens, like any other birds, go through the season. During this period, feathers from the tail fall out of the birds, foci appear on the neck, and feathers fall off the wings. Therefore, a person who first encountered such a phenomenon as feather loss may confuse the change of plumage and alopecia.

During the loss of feathers in chickens, which is not due to the seasonal change of plumage, certain parts of the body of the bird fall under the influence of the problem, namely:

  • neck and chest area;
  • less often - back and tail.

If the fallen feathers are discolored, this clearly indicates that the bird has come under the influence of alopecia. Also, due to the development of a problem situation, fluff may also fall out, which does not occur during seasonal molting.

Chickens go bald due to alopecia at any time of the year. This is one of the main distinguishing features, helping breeders to determine the moment when it is worth worrying about the health of their birds.

As soon as the owner notices that the feathers of his pets began to fall out too abundantly, discolor and cause baldness in certain areas of the body, it is worth finding out what is the cause of the alopecia and taking measures to eliminate the problem, otherwise the chickens may completely lose their plumage. In most cases, it can be argued that complete baldness due to alopecia threatens representatives of meat or meat and dairy breeds, for example,.

What causes feathers to fall out

In order to provide timely and proper assistance to your household, it is important to correctly determine the cause of the loss of plumage from the many possible ones. At the current time, the following reasons for the development of the problem are known, due to which plumage may fall out in laying hens:

Feathers fall out in domestic chickens due to the fact that the diet of birds is not balanced enough. Deviations in bird feeding become the main reason why such a problematic situation as alopecia develops, the skin rejects the feather. Here you can draw a fairly simple analogy with a person: if in the human body any vitamin or important element is present in insufficient quantities, this begins to affect its state of health and appearance, the skin becomes pale and dry. Chickens with a similar deficiency begin to lose their plumage on the neck, chest or tail.

Baldness of a bird on the neck and other parts of the body can develop in case of a lack of the following elements obtained through nutrition:

  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur.

However, in poultry, feathers fall out of the tail or other part of the body, not only when it is not properly fed. In the conditions of keeping laying hens, there is another reason why plumage is rapidly falling out. Chickens can lose their plumage if, when kept at home, the owners provided them with insufficient lighting, not well organized, or did not maintain the proper level of cleanliness.

If, in the conditions of keeping and caring for birds, there are no violations that can cause a problem, and feathers continue to fall out on the back, neck or priest, it is worth considering whether the pets receive enough food, maybe they have a lack of vitamins. During the period of seasonal change of plumage, birds eat 2 times more than in the rest of the time. It is for this reason that with insufficient feeding, the chicken may lose those feathers that she needs.

Symptomatic picture of alopecia

The fact that a bird is prone to plumage loss can be recognized by several signs. As soon as they are identified, it is worth starting to determine the cause of this phenomenon and appropriate therapeutic measures, otherwise the health of the bird will weaken so much that it will become vulnerable to all possible diseases.

The presence of alopecia is indicated not only by the deprivation of feathers and fluff, but also by a decrease in the egg production of pets, a decrease in immunity and weight loss. There are also known cases of chicken due to the development of this problem.

With alopecia, basically the desired cover falls on the neck, back, root of the tail, on the stomach and chest. Running cases can lead to feathered. The initial examination of a sick animal also shows that in the affected areas of the code it has become inflamed, sometimes bruising may even appear.

Why feathers fall out of chickens, how to get rid of a feather-eater (tick) at no cost

disease - feathers fall out


What are the ways to solve the problem

In order to cure your pets, it is important to understand as clearly as possible why feathers fall out on the butt or neck of both the chicken and the rooster. Each specific case of alopecia development requires individual measures, so the owner needs to clearly know what to do when plumage falls out on the back, neck or tail, depending on the cause.

How to deal with malnutrition

As mentioned earlier, the causes of feather loss begin with an improper diet. An auxiliary symptom in this case is that the feathers do not shine enough. Egg laying levels may also decrease. In this case, you can fix the problem as follows:

  1. Add more minerals to the feed and. You can do this by buying special additives in the store.
  2. In addition to vitamins, add sulfur to the feed in the amount of 0.3 g for each meal. Instead of sulfur, Glauber's salt can be used.
  3. The use of solutions of iodine or potassium permanganate will help restore the balance of minerals. To prevent the loss of plumage, such solutions are watered in the morning 1 time in 2 days.

What will help stop the loss with the wrong content

If the reason for the development of feather loss lies in the conditions in which birds are kept, it is quite simple to correct the situation: all pollution should be removed from the premises for keeping birds, and then carried out. Also, checking and adjusting the ventilation system and airing the premises will help fix the problem.

In order not to carry out regular disinfection with chemical agents, it is possible to provide for the natural destruction of infections with the help of sunlight.

To do this, it is enough to make a window of a sufficiently large size in the building where the chickens are located. A large window will allow sunlight to freely enter the building for natural disinfection.

The use of ash will help protect your feathered pets from falling feathers on the neck and other parts of the body.

What else can help

It is important not only to stop the loss of plumage on the neck and other parts of the body of the chicken, but also to restore the lost cover. It is also necessary to return the fallen indicators. To do this, you can purchase lamps that emit ultraviolet light, with sufficient financial capacity. This will increase the level of egg laying in the winter, as well as replenish the missing amount of vitamin D.

Also, in restoring the state of health with alopecia, the use of the following foods helps:

  • legumes;
  • bone flour;
  • cabbage;
  • roots;
  • cake;
  • oats.

Also, the stabilization of adult hens and chickens when feathers fall out will help reduce the amount of fatty foods in the diet. Sometimes a disturbance in the feeding system of birds can cause molting.

To understand what exactly causes molting, you need to monitor pets, observing whether a change in food helps. If a change in diet does not help, you need to look for a specialist veterinarian.


Alopecia is a rather serious problem. It leads to the fact that birds not only lose their feathers on the neck and elsewhere, they go into a state of general weakness and vulnerability to disease due to weakened immunity.

Before doing anything to stop this process, it is important to distinguish alopecia from normal seasonal shedding. The distinguishing features are as follows:

  • feathers lose their luster, and the fallen plumage is discolored;
  • with alopecia, not only feathers can fall out, but also fluff;
  • the skin in the affected areas turns red, bruising is possible;
  • the level of laying eggs decreases, immunity is weakened.

So, if the pets are going bald, and the skin at the place where the feathers fell out turned red - it's time to run as fast as you can to the veterinarian for advice, although there are many folk remedies that will help eliminate the problem and stabilize the condition of feathered pets. However, before applying them, it is important to correctly determine the cause of alopecia, otherwise the measures taken will not be effective enough and will not be able to completely eliminate the problem. In the event that all of the above methods do not help, you need to change the place where the birds are kept.

The question of why feathers fall out of chickens is relevant for the owners of these poultry. It is difficult to immediately give an exact answer: they go bald for completely different reasons. The owners will have to determine what is the main factor in this phenomenon and how to protect chickens from baldness and a disease such as alopecia.

Chickens in the household

People who run a household sometimes face the problem of feather loss in chickens. The most common affected areas are the neck and chest, sometimes bald Domestic bird and on the back. In addition, feathers become brittle, sometimes the chicken even loses fluff. Such a phenomenon can occur at any time of the year and, with its signs, is completely unlike the seasonal molting of chickens. This is a disease called alopecia.

If you are careful, you can notice the development of alopecia at the very beginning. How to distinguish the disease from seasonal molting? Everything is quite simple: natural molting does not discolor feathers, but only feathers fall out from the lower layers. If a chicken's neck is going bald, then there is a serious reason to worry.

What can this disease lead to? In case of untimely assistance to the bird, it may lose all its plumage in a short time. Such baldness most often occurs if the chicken is a meat or meat-and-egg breed.

Causes of alopecia

First, let's look at the reasons why laying hens lose their feathers. The main cause of alopecia is always the wrong diet. Have you noticed that when a person has a lack of vitamins in the body, this immediately affects appearance? So, the same thing happens with poultry, only the main indicator is chicken baldness. If the body of the laying hen lacks such minerals and vitamins as iodine, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, then this will certainly cause the development of alopecia in the bird.

Bald neck is a clear sign of illness

In the process of seasonal molting in chickens, their body requires twice as much food, if the latter is not enough, then the feathers needed by the birds may well fall out. To sum up the factors, the reasons why chickens lose their plumage are:

What to do if birds fall out of feathers? The key to correct treatment is to correctly identify the cause of your poultry disease. Therefore, we will consider each of the factors separately, as well as what symptoms are possible and what treatment to give the bird.

Chickens are losing their feathers

Unbalanced diet

A sign of malnutrition in chickens is the lack of shine on the plumage, feather loss, and the level of egg production may decrease. In such situations, you need:

  • add more vitamin and mineral supplements to the feed (they can be easily found in stores);
  • sulfur must be added to vitamins in food (about 0.3 grams with each meal), sulfur can be exchanged for Glauber's salt;
  • to restore the level of minerals, use a manganese or iodine solution (they need to drink in one day in the morning).

Symptoms of alopecia

The main affected areas of this disease are the back, neck, tail root, chest and abdomen. Often the disease progresses so much that the chicken becomes completely naked. When they begin to examine a sick bird, it is noticeable that the skin has become inflamed, sometimes even bruised.

Why is it so important to notice alopecia in time? When ill, chickens not only lose all their plumage, they begin to lose weight, egg production drops to a minimum. In rare cases, it happens that cannibalism develops between birds; immunity decreases, birds can easily pick up any disease.

Treatment for alopecia

Here you can turn to traditional medicine, because organic remedies are best. If the hooves, horns of any domestic animal are wiped to the point of flour and constantly added to the food of chickens, then this can prevent feathers from falling out and resume their growth. You need to use such a remedy until the result becomes obvious (instead of horns, you can collect the same feathers and add them chopped into chicken food).

Conditions violated

If the reason for the loss of feathers is precisely the wrong keeping of the bird, then everything can be fixed quite easily:

  • remove all dirt, disinfect the room;
  • check ventilation, ventilate the room;
  • make a window larger so that the sun's rays can enter the room (sunlight is an excellent natural disinfectant).

Well, your chickens should spend at least an hour outside every day, this gives an excellent hardening to the body, helps to stretch the muscles and so on.

To combat the disease, it is necessary to improve the conditions for keeping chickens.

With an affordable financial opportunity, you should install ultraviolet lamps in the chicken coop. Why is this needed? In winter, thanks to the lamps, chickens will begin to lay well, and ultraviolet light will make up for the lack of vitamin D in the body of birds. Good prevention against alopecia are bone meal, cabbage, legumes and root crops (these products help restore the plumage of laying hens). It is recommended to introduce oats, cake, and reduce fatty foods into the diet.

There are a number of reasons why feathers in chickens may fall out. Depending on the factor, the treatment of the bird changes. It is important to notice the developing disease in the early stages (and feather loss in chickens is a disease - alopecia). If you notice an ailment, you need to determine the cause of its development as soon as possible, eliminate irritating factors and begin treatment of a sick bird.

A caring owner will always remember about prevention, and then his household will not be in any danger. Be attentive to chickens, and then there will be no need to treat them for feather loss.


Livestock breeders are often faced with bird baldness. Feather loss in chickens is manifested by the occurrence of alopecia. Areas of baldness appear first on the neck, then on the back. Poultry farmers notice that the cover of laying hens becomes brittle and disheveled, thins out. Skin spots appear without feathers. The harmfulness of baldness consists not only in the untidy appearance of the bird - the development of the individual slows down, egg production decreases. Gradually, chickens fall out feathers on their backs, wings, belly, tail, buttocks. Egg laying stops. It is necessary to understand why feathers fall out and eliminate the cause of the anomaly.

Causes of baldness

The process of feather loss in a bird is called molting. Why do chickens go bald? This happens for the following reasons.

Juvenile molt

The juvenile feather change begins in chicks of one month of age and continues until the laying of hens begins. With full feeding, this natural process is painless, the bird peels off and overgrows again.

Seasonal feather change

Chickens lose feathers mainly in autumn. AT wild nature the bird incubates the chicks in the spring to ensure their survival in warm weather. The intensity of oviposition stimulates a lengthening daylight hours. Why do birds go bald in autumn? Shortening daylight hours inhibits reproductive function. Alopecia in chickens occurs due to the need to renew their plumage for winter.

Egg-laying during natural molting stops for 4–5 months. Zootechnical breeding has bred breeds of chickens in which the instinct of incubation is suppressed, capable of rushing at low temperatures, if they artificially extend the daylight hours to 12-14 hours.


Egg poultry farming cannot be profitable if the duration of the change of plumage is 4 months or more. Therefore, farmers use forced molting. In the conditions of poultry farms, after an 8–10-month laying cycle, the state of the livestock is assessed and a decision is made whether to change it or carry out artificial molting. At the same time, egg production will decrease somewhat, but it will not be necessary to spend time and money on raising young animals.


Observed in broiler chickens and laying hens. There are the following causes:

With pathological molting, the loss of luster and brightness of color by feathers is characteristic. The shell becomes thinner, becomes brittle or soft. The red beard and scallop turn pale, dry up. The intensity of oviposition decreases until it stops altogether. Violation of maintenance and irrational feeding, especially fluctuations in protein nutrition - today they gave meat or fish waste, tomorrow the bird did not receive them - make the rooster pluck the feather from the hens. Laying hens peck at the egg shell, drink them, cannibalism or pecking develops.

Control measures

What to do to prevent the appearance of bare priests in chickens? Needs to be done the following recommendations:

  • organization of the poultry keeping system;
  • feeding optimization;
  • carrying out artificial molting;
  • pest control.

Organization of the poultry management system

An amateur poultry farmer is obliged to ensure that chickens are kept in an insulated barn, if possible, heated. Otherwise, in winter there will be an overexpenditure of feed for heat production. The room should have natural or forced ventilation, as well as electric lighting to extend daylight hours to 12-14 hours in autumn and winter. It is required to ensure optimal planting density. Walking areas are equipped with a hard surface to protect the bird from getting wet in the mud.

Feeding optimization

The best way to prevent pathological molting is the use of complete feed. The disadvantage is their high cost. If the poultry farmer has grain own production, he can make a complete feed mixture by including PMMA in an amount of up to 15% by weight of the diet. If a farmer, in addition to grain, has sunflower or soybean meal, feed costs can be reduced by purchasing 3% Superconcentrate for laying hens. True, you will have to purchase calcium top dressing - shell or limestone.

Carrying out artificial molting

Natural or pathological molting lasts 4–5 months, during which time the bird does not produce eggs, which leads to overspending of feed and Money for livestock maintenance.

Schemes for the change of plumage have been developed, ending with the resumption of egg-laying 2 months after the start.

Chickens are deprived of food, water and light for 3 days, or other options for influencing the body are used. The feather reset begins, the birds become bald. For about a week they are fed with grain, starting with 20 g and gradually increasing to the norm - 110–120 g of dry food. Cereal components are replaced with complete feed. The duration of the light regime is gradually increased to 12-14 hours. On the 10th day, chickens are transferred to an enhanced diet with an increased level of amino acids, energy, and other nutrients to stimulate the growth of new feathers to replace the fallen ones. After that, the bird is given standard compound feed. A month later, oviposition resumes.


How to treat hair loss caused by lice? It is necessary to carry out disinfestation of the premises, freeing it from the bird.

Folk methods

Farmers who are accustomed to using non-traditional treatment should understand that it is possible to stop baldness of chickens using the achievements modern science. Amateur poultry farmers are offered to solve problems in alternative ways:

  • elimination of sulfur deficiency;
  • optimization of mineral nutrition;
  • providing chickens with vitamins.

Elimination of sulfur deficiency

The basis of the pen is the sulfur-containing amino acid cystine, which can be synthesized in the body from methionine. The drug is contained in BVMK or premixes. The need for methionine is reduced if sodium sulfate is included in the feed mixture instead of chloride ( table salt). Poultry farms use meat and feather meal from dead chickens. The use of chopped feathers or crushed ungulate horns as food is a thing of the past. The above methods are useful.

Optimization of mineral nutrition

Laying hens need calcium supplements - shell or limestone. If you want to increase the amount of phosphorus, use tricalcium phosphate not more than 2% by weight. The use of chalk is not recommended, it worsens the structure of the feed, making it difficult to consume.

Providing chickens with vitamins

A poultry farmer who seeks to enrich the diet of a bird with any vitamin or microelement risks making a mistake and doing harm. It is recommended to use ready-made premixes for chickens, in which biological catalysts are contained in sufficient quantities at an optimal ratio.

Breeding chickens is quite simple and profitable. This poultry can become a source of income or be raised exclusively for the needs of the family. Regardless of the purpose for which they start laying hens, their owners periodically face difficulties. One of the most common problems is the loss of feathers in livestock. We will talk about what can cause baldness in chickens, how to prevent and cure it.

What is this disease

Complete or partial pathological loss of feathers is called alopecia. Even if the bird is not completely bald, the remaining feathers become brittle, dull and the down is lost.

Important! Meat and meat-egg breeds are more likely to suffer from alopecia than laying hens. This must be taken into account when planning a household.

Why do chickens go bald

The disease can occur for several reasons:


The disease manifests itself as follows:

  1. Feathers fall out near the tail and on the back.
  2. Baldness appears in the chest, neck and head of the bird.
  3. Skin lesions in the tail, neck and back.
  4. Decreased egg production.

What to do

Important! In order for the chickens not to get sick and rush well in winter, ultraviolet lamps in the house should burn for 6-8 hours a day. AT summer period birds should spend more time outdoors, getting their own food. Walking helps to saturate the body with vitamin D and strengthen the immune system.

Adjust feeding

Proper and balanced nutrition is essential. At the first signs of an illness, it is necessary to introduce complex mineral supplements into the diet of the bird, which can be purchased at veterinary pharmacy. You should also add blood and meat and bone meal, white cabbage and bean sprouts to the menu.

All these products are high in sulfur, and therefore necessary for birds with alopecia. In addition, it will be useful to feed pets with feather flour, Glauber's salt and sulfur. The presence of fats in the diet should be minimized, but the amount of proteins, on the contrary, should be increased.

You should also worry about calcium, because it is needed not only for bones and beak, but also for the formation of plumage. Calcium contains products such as chalk, gypsum, tricalcium phosphate or monocalcium phosphate. A solution of iodine or potassium permanganate is also considered effective, which should be given to birds every 2 days. It is also recommended to add vitamin B12 to the feed or inject vitamin B12 intramuscularly. Make sure that the chickens are full, as lack of food is one of the possible causes of alopecia.

Improve the conditions of detention

The dwelling of chickens must certainly be clean, warm and well ventilated. In the poultry house, it is necessary not only to maintain cleanliness, but also to regularly disinfect using chemicals, and absolutely everything needs to be processed: the floor, walls, perches, drinkers and feeders, nests, etc. If the bird is kept in cages and it is not possible to walk it, it is necessary to equip the chicken coop with UV lamps, which will help prevent vitamin D deficiency.


For preventive purposes, the feathers at the base are smeared with vegetable oil, and containers with ash are also installed in the house so that the chickens can bathe in it and remove pollution on their own.

How to treat

In addition to improving the quality of nutrition and living conditions, therapy will also be needed, which can be carried out with the help of pharmaceutical drugs and folk remedies.


In order to increase immunity and replenish the reserves of vitamins and minerals, the cows are given such vitamin complexes and supplements as Ganasupervit and Oprerin. Desi Spray will help get rid of wounds in bald areas. It would be useful to treat each chicken with 10-15 g of insect-actaricidal powder.

Folk methods

There are also folk recipes to combat alopecia. For example, you can collect feathers that have fallen from birds, rinse them thoroughly, dry them, grind them and add them to food. Ground horns and hooves of cattle are also considered an effective remedy. Such flour is added to the food of birds in order to replenish the reserves of vitamins and minerals in their body.

Did you know? A rooster from the USA named Miracle Mike lived for 18 months without a head, but with only one ear and a brain fragment. His owner made him a real star of America, while feeding him milk and grains from a pipette, and also cleaned his esophagus with a syringe.

How to prevent

To the main preventive measures include the following actions:

Now you know what can cause alopecia in chickens. Despite the fact that the disease is not deadly, it is better not to allow it, and when the first symptoms are detected, measures should be taken immediately.

Baldness of chickens or, in other words, alopecia, is a fairly common problem in poultry yards. Often the owners cannot understand why their pets are going bald.

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question, because there may be several reasons, and most often a couple of negative factors lead to such a consequence at once. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

To identify this disease will help determine the order of feather loss. So, at first, the chicken loses the feather cover on the back and neck, followed by the tail, chest and stomach going bald.

It can get to the point that the bird remains completely naked. Inflammation of the skin and bruising are also often observed. In addition, feathers not only fall out, but also become faded and inelastic. Fluff may also fall out. Chickens of meat () and meat-egg breeds are more susceptible to this disease, but this can also happen with laying hens.

If you notice these symptoms in your pets, then you need to immediately start looking for the cause in order to eliminate it as soon as possible.

Chickens can become bald if they feed on beef thyroid for a long time.

Why is it so important to detect and fix this problem in time? The fact is that with the loss of feathers in chickens, they do not gain weight well and the risk of various unpleasant diseases increases. It is also often observed among the herd that birds peck each other to the point of blood, and this creates favorable conditions for the penetration of pathogenic organisms.

However, alopecia should not be confused with seasonal. During natural molting, feathers do not lose their elasticity and silkiness, and only the lower layers of the feather cover fall out, like the undercoat of mammals. If you notice that the bird has begun to "dump" large upper feathers - this is a reason to sound the alarm.


Of course, baldness or alopecia can be the result of various diseases, but most often this phenomenon occurs in completely different cases:

Experience shows that the most common cause is a violation of the diet. Chickens, like people, need food that is rich in various and (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, cystine, potassium). However, this problem can arise not only from poor quality, but also when the chickens “do not eat up”, so the owners need to make sure that the birds are always full. You can calculate the required portion by experience.

The following tips will help you adjust the nutrition of domestic chickens:

  • add important vitamins and minerals to the feed (vitamin-mineral complexes for chickens can be easily found at any veterinary pharmacy or pet store);
  • at each meal, add sulfur or Glauber's salt - 2-3 mg for each individual (sulfur), 1 mg for each chicken (salt);
  • give the birds feather meal - it will help replenish the reserves of cystine, which is necessary for the qualitative formation of the feather cover). You can cook it yourself, just collect and grind the fallen feathers, you can also use the horns and hooves of a large cattle;
  • add greens to food in large volumes - free range will help in summer, and grass meal in winter;
    do not forget about important trace elements - manganese sulphate (6-8 mg per bird) and potassium iodide (3-4 mg per bird);
  • if alopecia is fatal and birds go bald by leaps and bounds, stock up on vitamin B12 - it can be administered both intramuscularly and with food. Such measures will help to quickly restore the feather cover, as well as improve the exchange of amino acids;
  • increase the doses of calcium, because it plays an important role in the formation of not only feathers, but also bones and a beak. For this purpose, chickens are recommended to give gypsum, chalk, tricalcium phosphate and monocalcium phosphate;
  • to restore the level of trace elements in the body of birds, you can give them a weak solution of potassium permanganate or iodine (once a day every other day);
  • reduce the amount of fat in the feed and increase the amount of protein.

These activities will help to quickly adjust the diet of broilers and layers, and restore their feather cover in the shortest possible time.

Improve the conditions of detention

Often, along with improper and poor nutrition, the cause of alopecia is a violation of the conditions of detention. Often, birds suffer from a lack of vitamin D, which is produced when exposed to the sun. This is especially true for those owners who keep chickens in. If it is not possible to organize at least an hour or two a day, then the house must be equipped with special ultraviolet lamps that will ensure the production of vital vitamin D. Installing large windows can partially solve this problem.

Another very important point regarding the conditions of keeping chickens is the installation of ventilation. It will provide a regular supply fresh air will remove the bad odor. There are several ways in which you can make good ventilation. They are described in detail in.

  • chicken mites;
  • fleas;
  • downy eaters;

Often, mice and rats spoil the beautiful feather cover of chickens. Try to close up all the cracks, and even better, make a concrete floor in the chicken coop - then the rodents will not be able to enter the home of your pets.

Are your chickens constipated? Find out what to do in this case by reading.