Maintenance of equipment and Vehicle maintenance and care. Types of preventive measures

  • 10.03.2020

Maintenance equipment TO-1, TO-2, EO - these are the regulations that determine the frequency and scope of maintenance of technological equipment.

Industrial equipment, like any other, needs timely maintenance, since only in this case can the uninterrupted operation of the enterprise be guaranteed. Forced downtime results in enormous costs. Timely maintenance allows you to avoid such overlays.

Maintenance Tasks
The maintenance procedure is carried out at the frequency recommended by the manufacturer. In fact, it is a preventive measure designed to protect the production site from downtime. Planned maintenance is carried out in accordance with the approved schedule and includes a standard set of operations repeated over and over again.

Sintez TMK recommends taking care of the condition of the equipment on a regular basis and offers the following services:

  • Regular inspection, constant monitoring of the performance of equipment, which can be carried out once a day, week, month;
  • Scheduled maintenance, provided for by the technical documentation for the equipment, usually includes the replacement of oil and consumables;
  • Emergency maintenance caused by equipment failure.

Specialists take care of maintaining the equipment in good condition, carry out inspection, adjustment, and other required manipulations.

The workshop uses equipment for various purposes, differing in the principle of operation and design. To be well versed in the maintenance of equipment, you need to have knowledge of a particular machine, and it is difficult for the mechanic responsible for the work of the workshop to keep track of the constantly updated equipment. In order not to maintain a large staff of narrowly focused craftsmen maintenance of specific equipment, it is easier to entrust its maintenance to a professional equipment company.

At Sintez TMK, employees follow the latest technology and are constantly trained to work with new equipment. People who are able to assemble the unit from scratch are well versed in its design and immediately notice malfunctions. Such specialists will ensure that the equipment is maintained in good working order and will carry out routine maintenance or repair work in a timely manner.

All specialists have the necessary permits. A guarantee is provided for the work performed, and the price is much lower than the payment of an additional full-time employee. Even if the equipment documentation is lost, our specialists will be able to restore it.

Depending on the timing and scope of work, the Regulations provide for the following types and frequency of maintenance:

  • Daily (every shift) maintenance (EO) - once a day (shift);
  • Maintenance 1 (TO-1) - for each type of equipment, as a rule, once a month (includes SW);
  • Maintenance 2 (TO-2) - for each type of equipment, as a rule, after 6 months (includes EO, TO-1).

The main purpose of the EO is the general visual control of the technical condition and appearance equipment and structures, aimed at ensuring their trouble-free (accident-free) operation.

The main purpose of TO-1 and TO-2 is to reduce the wear rate of parts, identify faults and prevent failures due to the timely replacement of some component parts of products, carrying out control and diagnostic, lubrication, fastening, adjustment and other work, usually performed without disassembly products and removal of their individual units.

Maintenance of SW, TO-1 and TO-2 of the main structures and technological equipment is carried out by the personnel of the fuel and lubricants service, with the exception of work that must be performed by other services in accordance with applicable documents.

Types of maintenance

You can order the following types of maintenance of industrial equipment from us:

  • Current. It includes inspection and control over the operation of equipment with a given regularity (every shift, daily, etc.);
  • Planned. Performed according to specifications, passports of specific industrial equipment. Examples of scheduled maintenance are: changing oil, filters, components, etc.
  • Emergency. The need for it arises spontaneously when the equipment breaks down. The reasons are often errors in operation, hidden defects of individual components, parts, structures and other reasons.

The first two types of service can be provided on a scheduled basis, when both the customer and our specialists know in advance when, to what extent and what specific operations will be performed at the client's enterprise.

Emergency maintenance is impossible to plan and predict, but you can make an urgent request for emergency maintenance at any time, we guarantee the shortest turnaround time.

At Sintez TMK, you can order maintenance of the following categories of industrial equipment:

– Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy
– Mining industry
– Oil refining industry
– Oil industry
– Heavy and light engineering
- Chemical industry
– Petrochemical industry
– Oil and gas industry

Benefits of contacting us

When ordering services from Sintez TMK, our customers enjoy the following benefits:

  • Experience of specialists in each of the areas of industrial production.
  • If the technical documentation for industrial equipment is lost, we will help restore it, and, if necessary, develop it again.
  • All types of service are carried out under a contract with a guarantee.
  • We guarantee real prices and offer mutually beneficial cooperation.
  • All professionals are licensed to work with industrial equipment, the company is a member of SRO.

§ 1. Types and frequency of maintenance

Vehicle maintenance is carried out according to the so-called preventive maintenance system. The peculiarity of this system is that all cars undergo maintenance according to the schedule without fail. The main purpose of maintenance is to prevent failures and malfunctions, prevent premature wear of parts, and timely eliminate damage that prevents the normal operation of the car. Therefore, maintenance is a preventive measure.

A failure is a violation of the vehicle's performance, leading to a temporary cessation of its normal operation (stop on the line, violation of the traffic schedule, etc.).

All other deviations of the technical condition of the rolling stock and its units from the established norms are malfunctions.

Maintenance includes cleaning and washing, control and diagnostic, fastening, lubricating, refueling, adjustment and other work, which is usually performed without disassembling the units and removing individual components from the vehicle.

According to current regulation maintenance according to the frequency, volume and labor intensity of the work performed is divided into the following types:

daily maintenance (EO);

first maintenance (TO-1);

second maintenance (TO-2);

seasonal maintenance (SO).

Daily maintenance includes cleaning and washing operations, as well as general monitoring of the condition of the car, aimed at ensuring traffic safety and maintaining a proper appearance.

Carrying out daily maintenance, they perform cleaning and washing work, control inspection, refueling, coolant and oil. EO work is carried out after the end of the car on the line and before leaving the line.

The first maintenance includes all work carried out during daily maintenance. In addition, it includes a number of additional fixing, lubrication and control and adjustment works performed without removing the units and devices from the car and disassembling them.

The second maintenance, in addition to the complex of operations included in TO-1, provides for the performance of control, diagnostic and adjustment work of a larger volume with partial disassembly of the units. Separate devices are removed from the car and checked on special stands and control and measuring installations.

Seasonal maintenance is carried out twice a year and provides for the performance of work related to the transition from one season to another, while trying to combine it with the next TO-2. Typical works for SO are: flushing the cooling system, changing the oil in the engine and lubricating the crankcases of other units, according to the coming season; checking the fuel supply system and flushing the fuel tank. Before the start of autumn-winter operation, the operation of the starting heater and the heating system in the vehicle cabin is checked.

The frequency of maintenance work on the rolling stock is set according to the mileage, depending on the operating conditions.

In table. 1 shows data on the frequency of TO-1 and TO-2 of various rolling stock for three categories of operating conditions in accordance with GOST 21624-76 (since January 1, 1977).

1. Frequency of car maintenance

Maintenance intervals for vehicles of different types, km




2. Characteristics of the categories of operating conditions

Typical groups of vehicle operating conditions

1. Car roads with asphalt concrete, cement concrete and similar pavement outside the suburban area

2. Roads with asphalt concrete, cement concrete and similar coatings in the suburban area, streets of small towns (with a population of up to 100 thousand inhabitants)


1. Roads with asphalt concrete, cement concrete and similar pavement in mountainous areas

2. Streets of big cities

3. Roads with crushed stone or gravel

4. Automotive dirt profiled and logging roads


1. Roads with crushed stone or gravel in mountainous areas

2. Unprofiled roads and stubble

3. Quarries, pits and temporary access roads

For the uninterrupted and reliable operation of the vehicle, manufacturers have developed a regular maintenance schedule. The main goal of scheduled maintenance is the trouble-free operation of all vehicle systems, which in turn is a fundamental factor in ensuring the personal safety of the car owner.

For this, Opel, Chevrolet, Cadillac manufacturers have developed special plans for periodic inspections and maintenance, which must be carried out at a certain time.

Vehicle maintenance check intervals are indicated in the "Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Manual" received by the owner of the car upon purchase. Previously, for any model of Opel, Chevrolet or Cadillac cars, you can find out using online calculator THEN.

Types of maintenance (technical inspection)

  • Daily maintenance (EO) performed by the car owner before each trip. It is recommended to independently check the level of engine oil, coolant; the condition of the battery, switches, tires, fuel level, outdoor lighting, rear-view mirrors, brakes; presence / absence of leakage of working fluids, etc.
  • The first maintenance (TO-1) includes checks: open service campaigns, outdoor lighting, windshield wipers, level and leakage of working fluids, condition of the engine air filter, brake system, tire pressure, wheel tightening, condition of drive belts of mounted units, engine cooling, transmission elements , parking brake, headlight adjustment; replacement of engine oil and engine oil filter
  • The second maintenance (TO-2) includes all the work from the list of TO-1 plus additionally: inspection of the condition of drive belts of mounted units, engine cooling system, transmission elements, parking brake, headlight adjustment; replacement of the cabin ventilation filter, fluid in the vehicle and clutch drive; remote key battery, spark plugs, attachment belt drive, timing belt and pulleys * a complete list of maintenance work is available in the maintenance calculator for a specific vehicle model
  • Seasonal maintenance
  • Short MOT (TO-1, TO-3, TO-5, TO-7, TO-9) is the unofficial name of the odd TO, the work schedule of which is described in clause 2
  • Long TO (TO-2, TO-4, TO-6, TO-8, TO-10) is the common name for an even TO with a work schedule in accordance with clause 3

Where to get maintenance in Moscow?

There are deadlines set by the automaker for scheduled maintenance: 15 thousand kilometers, but at least once a year.

As practice shows, most cars are operated not in “normal conditions”, for which standard service intervals (TO) are prescribed, but in “severe operating conditions”. That is, the car's engine often operates in cold start mode, the car moves for a long time in dense traffic (traffic jams), on cross-drawn terrain, on roads with poor coverage, etc.

This means that the main vehicle systems are overloaded and therefore require more thorough and more frequent maintenance.

Why get serviced?

What threatens a missed MOT or a “belated” inspection? In addition to the unpleasant opportunity to lose the warranty on the car, the wrong oil in the engine is threatened with slagging of the internal combustion engine and a complete engine overhaul; poor-quality functioning of the spark plugs contributes to the failure of the ignition module; Late replacement of the air filter can lead to costly replacement of the mass air flow sensor and other engine subsystems.

Why is it necessary to undergo MOT at authorized dealers?

Often, professional maintenance masters are faced with the opinion that “TO is actually just an oil change, and all routine checks are nothing more than a formality.” This approach to scheduled maintenance is fundamentally wrong. The importer's maintenance schedule is a holistic approach that minimizes any risks resulting in a reduction in safety and an increase in maintenance costs. Neglect a regular full check of the car, according to TO-1, TO-2, TO-3, TO-4, etc. it does not follow.

Do not look for "cheap MOT", look for "right MOT"!

Come to official dealer Opel, Chevrolet, Cadillac "Autocentre City" and get a full technical inspection of the car at the highest level!

2.1. Maintenance (TO) - a set of operations to maintain the operability of equipment during its operation, while waiting (if the equipment is in reserve), storage and transportation.

The TO includes the following work package:

  • maintenance of equipment in good (or only operable) condition;
  • cleaning, lubricating, adjusting and tightening detachable connections, replacing individual components (wear parts) in order to prevent damage and progressive wear, as well as repairing minor damage.

In the scope of maintenance, work can be performed to assess the technical condition of the equipment to clarify the timing and scope of subsequent maintenance and repairs.

The TOR system is a system of maintenance and repair (planned and according to the actual technical condition of the equipment).

The system of maintenance (TO) and repair according to technical condition includes maintenance, diagnostic monitoring of the technical condition, performance of work during routine shutdowns* and restoration of a working state in case of deviation of the values ​​of the diagnosed parameters from those established by the regulatory and technical documentation.

* Scheduled stop - stopping the operation of equipment for the production of work regulated by the current regulatory and technical documents (passports, TU, RD, etc.)

2.2. The specific content of work for each type of maintenance of the equipment of the enterprise is determined job descriptions and the regulations set forth in this document, by type of equipment.

2.3. Repair - a set of operations to restore serviceability or operability and complete or partial restoration of the resource of equipment and its components, ensuring operation with a given reliability and efficiency in the periods between repairs and diagnostic controls.

2.4. Maintenance(T) - repair carried out during operation to ensure the guaranteed operability of the equipment, consisting in the replacement and restoration of its individual parts and their adjustment.

2.5. Maintenance is assigned to prevent failures and restore the operability of enterprise equipment.

2.6. Medium repair (C) - repair performed to restore the operability and partial restoration of the equipment resource based on the results of diagnostics and the amount of its operating time with the replacement or restoration of components of a limited range and control of the technical condition of the components, performed in the prescribed amount.

2.7. Overhaul(K) - repair performed to restore serviceability and complete or close to complete restoration of the resource of equipment with the replacement or restoration of any of its parts, including basic ones, and their adjustment.

2.9. Operational diagnostic control - control of the technical condition of the equipment, carried out in accordance with the schedule, as well as the operational parameters of the equipment in this moment time and dynamics.

2.10. Scheduled diagnostic control - control of the actual technical condition of the enterprise equipment by parameters that allow assessing the technical condition of the equipment, making a forecast of its performance, operating time before repair or until the next diagnostic control, and determining the amount and type of repair.

2.11. Unscheduled diagnostic control - control of the technical condition of the enterprise's equipment, carried out in the event of a sharp change in the values ​​of constantly monitored parameters or in the case when, based on the results of operational control, a decision is made about the alleged development of the defect.

2.12. Operational state (operability) - the state of the equipment, in which the values ​​of all parameters characterizing the ability to perform the specified functions comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical and (or) design (project) documentation.

2.13. Inoperable state (inoperability) - the state of an object in which the value of at least one parameter characterizing the ability to perform the specified functions does not meet the requirements of regulatory and technical and (or) design (project) documentation.

2.14. The frequency of maintenance (repair, diagnostic control) is the time interval or operating time between a given type of maintenance (repair, diagnostic control) and the subsequent one of the same type or another of greater complexity.

The type of maintenance (repair, diagnostic control) is understood as maintenance (repair, diagnostic control) allocated (selected) according to one of the signs:

stage of existence, periodicity, scope of work, operating conditions, regulation.

2.15. Repair cycle - the smallest repeating time interval or equipment operating time, during which all established types of repairs are performed in a certain sequence in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.

2.16. Repair according to the technical condition - a repair in which the technical condition is monitored at intervals and to the extent established in the regulatory and technical documentation, and the volume and moment of the start of the repair is determined by the current technical condition, information about which was obtained from the results of diagnostic control or data on the reliability of the product or its components.

2.17. According to the degree of equipment failure, repairs can be carried out according to the typical scope of work for current, medium or major repairs.

2.18. Scheduled stop - stop the operation of equipment for the production of maintenance, diagnostic and repair work regulated by the current regulatory and technical documents (passports, TU, GOST, RD, etc.).

2.19. Operating time - the total duration or volume of equipment operation.

2.20. The operating time before a scheduled shutdown is considered to be the operating time until the work regulated by other applicable documents.

2.21. Labor intensity of maintenance (repair, diagnostic control) - labor costs for carrying out one maintenance (repair, control) of this type.

2.22. Spare part (spare part) - a component of the equipment intended to replace the same part that was in operation in order to maintain or restore the operability of the equipment.

2.23. The exchange fund is a stock of the most important spare parts located at specially designated storage bases for restoring the number of spare parts and promptly carrying out repair work to restore the operability of the enterprise's equipment.

2.24 TDiNO service - technical diagnostics and equipment reliability service

Maintenancethis is the list of works performed in the intervals between scheduled and unscheduled repairs of equipment, which allows to ensure the necessary level of reliability of the equipment.

Proper maintenance and operation of industrial equipment can significantly reduce the cost of repairing equipment and reduce downtime.

For mechanics, the question often arises:. I will try to answer these questions further.

To begin with, two state standards are considered the main documents regulating the use of the maintenance system: GOST 28.001-83 “Maintenance and repair system for equipment. Basic Provisions” and GOST 18322-78 “Maintenance and repair system for equipment. Terms and Definitions". According to these documents, maintenance is divided into types and methods.

Types and methods of maintenance
How is it classifiedTerm name
Types of maintenance
Stages of operationStorage maintenance
Moving maintenance
Operational maintenance
Standby maintenance
Periodicity of executionPeriodic maintenance
Seasonal maintenance
Operating conditionsMaintenance under special conditions
Implementation regulationScheduled Maintenance
Maintenance with periodical control
Maintenance with constant monitoring
Organization of executionLine maintenance
Centralized maintenance
Decentralized Maintenance
Maintenance by operating personnel
Maintenance by specialized personnel
Maintenance by the operating company
Maintenance by a specialized organization
Factory maintenance
Maintenance Methods
Organization of executionInline maintenance method
Centralized maintenance method
Decentralized maintenance method
Maintenance method by operating personnel
Maintenance method by specialized personnel
Method of maintenance by the operating organization
Maintenance method by a specialized organization
Factory Maintenance Method

A painful question for the chief mechanics is also that. On the one hand, it involves the supervision and maintenance of equipment, often without stopping it. On the other hand, it is included in the MRO or PPR system as a planned routine work, as an intermediate set of measures between scheduled repairs.

A good solution is to divide the concept of maintenance into current and planned.

Ongoing maintenance

Ongoing maintenance(hourly, every shift inspection and control, lubrication and other similar work) must be carried out production staff shop or area. Firstly, it is rational from the point of view of personnel (does not require an increase in the staff of the repair service). Secondly, this approach is useful for purely methodological purposes - it allows operators working on equipment to become more familiar with the device and the principle of operation.

Current or unscheduled maintenance includes:

  • strict compliance with the requirements for the operation of the equipment specified in the technical operational documentation of the manufacturer;
  • tracking the operating mode of the equipment with the prevention of overloads;
  • temperature control;
  • control of the frequency of lubrication at all points;
  • instant disconnection and de-energization of equipment that has failed;
  • visual control of deterioration of units and mechanisms;

Scheduled maintenance

Scheduled maintenance and repairs(if necessary) is carried out by the repair service personnel. Planned work traditionally includes work that requires the disassembly of any piece of equipment. Of course, such work should be performed by a trained rem. staff.

Planned or scheduled maintenance performed by maintenance personnel include:

  • diagnostics and control of equipment performance;
  • adjustment and adjustment;
  • cleaning of working bodies and other places prone to clogging;
  • topping up and changing oil, changing filters;
  • identification of violations in the operation of equipment;

All results of changes in the condition of the serviced equipment (both during routine and scheduled maintenance) should be recorded. For this, apply various methods: they start operating or repair logs, enter them into a computer, use inspection cards.

Has proven itself very well. They allow not only in an accessible form to bring to service personnel the list and frequency of work during maintenance, but also to control the execution of these works. expendable materials, drawing up a map of lubricants.

Model maintenance manuals does not exist. The bulk of such documents has a local status and is developed within the framework of any management system. In addition, each type of equipment requires its own list of repairs. In order to get rid of excessive paperwork, the equipment available at the enterprise is sorted into groups and maintenance methodologies are developed for them.

It is convenient to separate the equipment in two stages.

The first is according to:

Most often, mechanics are interested in the "technological equipment" group, as the most numerous and requiring constant attention.

It, in turn, is usually divided into:

  • metal-cutting equipment;
  • woodworking equipment;
  • foundry equipment;
  • forging and pressing equipment and so on.

Within these subgroups, it is much more convenient to single out objects for description and
carrying out repairs on them.

Below you can see the scope of work that is usually included in
maintenance for various groups of equipment:

  • The list of works during the maintenance of woodworking
    machine tools;
  • List of works during maintenance of forging and pressing equipment;
  • List of works during the maintenance of foundry equipment.

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