What are the hotel staff called? Requirements for hotel staff. Who is needed in the hotel

  • 01.07.2020

The presence of a close-knit team of qualified specialists is the key to successful business in any industry, including the provision of hotel services. When selecting staff, hoteliers must rely on a careful selection process to ensure they don't miss out on qualified employees. After all, one should not forget that hotel employees are essentially the “face” of the establishment and a lot depends on how the staff looks, whether they behave tactfully in stressful situations, whether they perform their job duties with high quality. The right team of professionals can ultimately have a positive impact on the profits, profitability and development of the hotel business. What are the basic principles that must be followed in the selection process and what should be paid attention to when hiring an employee to work in a hotel, we will consider below.

The process of selecting hotel staff. Main steps.

Experts advise when choosing an employee to carry out several stages of his testing:

  • The first stage is carried out by specialists of the personnel department. During the interview, it is necessary to find out how interested the candidate is in getting a vacancy and whether he meets the personal and business requirements for applicants.
  • The second stage of testing is carried out by direct supervisors. For example, when selecting a waiter, the interview at this stage should be conducted by the director of the restaurant and the general manager of the hall. The main task is to test the highly specialized skills and abilities of the candidate.

When recruiting staff for any position in a hotel, it is important to remember that qualified employees must meet a number of requirements for employees in this field of activity. What you need to pay attention to first:

  1. Candidate's Stress Level

This quality is essential for people who want to work in the service sector. The hotel staff in all situations must behave with restraint, in accordance with the standards of behavior established in the institution. For example, when communicating with guests, it is necessary to adhere to etiquette; violation of subordination is not allowed. The staff must be able to competently conduct telephone conversations, respond kindly to customer requests, follow the procedure for registering guests.

You can check the level of stress resistance of a candidate by putting him in an uncomfortable position by provoking and checking his reaction.

  1. Appearance

In the hotel industry, the appearance of staff plays an important role. It requires strict adherence to standards governing hair (we are talking about the color and length of hair), makeup, shoes, the amount of jewelry, the presence of tattoos, and so on.

  1. Candidate Questions

Employees of the personnel department always pay close attention to what questions applicants ask during the interview. This approach allows you to determine how motivated a candidate is to get a position, what goals and objectives he pursues.

  1. References from previous jobs

Requirements for personnel in temporary accommodation facilities

The basic requirements that candidates for the positions of hotel employees must meet can be conditionally divided into 4 categories.


All employees must have the appropriate training, that is, be qualified specialists in the field for which they are applying. During the interview, it is necessary to clarify whether the candidate has a specialized education, which must be confirmed by the relevant documents. An important factor is the experience of the applicant.

Level of knowledge of foreign languages

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​for hotel employees is a prerequisite. The required level of knowledge and the number of languages ​​depends on the position for which the applicant is applying. For example, employees of a five-star hotel must be fluent in at least three foreign languages.


One of essential qualities, necessary hotels is the ability to demonstrate hospitality. Hotel workers should be, first of all, friendly, discreet, calm and patient.

physical health

All categories of employees in temporary accommodation facilities are in contact with clients and are required to regularly undergo all the necessary medical examinations to obtain a sanitary book. Without it, an employee cannot be allowed to work.

In conclusion, we note that the more carefully you approach the staff selection process, the less staff turnover in the hotel will become over time. A well-chosen team of professionals helps to avoid difficulties in the event of conflict situations, which affects the overall impression that guests receive about the institution. Staff can help build a positive reputation for a hotel, so it's worth focusing on recruiting Special attention.


In the field of inbound and domestic tourism, hotel service includes a whole range of services for tourists and is the most important factor determining the prospects for the development of tourism. Market experience in the hotel industry shows that the relationship between the consumer and the employee accounts for 75 to 90% of the emerging "abnormal" situations, which result in consumer dissatisfaction with the quality of service. For this reason, the professional training of hotel staff and the application of effective human resource management concepts come to the fore.

1. Requirements for hotel staff

Professional standards allow the employer to clarify and expand the list of job responsibilities, to select and place personnel, taking into account the characteristics of a particular hotel.

The highest energy potential

Enthusiasm at work

Exceptional ability to interact with people

Patience in dealing with clients and self-confidence

Neat appearance, good diction, knowledge of a foreign language

Ability to work independently

High performance and endurance

Rationality of work style

Ability to overcome crisis situations and find the right way out of the situation.

Qualification requirements are regulatory documents designed to determine the job responsibilities of employees, plan their professional growth, organize professional training and advanced training in accordance with the development of requirements for the quality and productivity of services, selection, placement and use of personnel, as well as justification of decisions.

Qualification requirements have been developed for two sectors of the tourism industry: “Tourist activities” and “Hotels”. Several sub-sectors have been identified in the “hotels” sector:

reception and accommodation service;

maintenance of the hotel fund;

catering service.

Employee positions included in qualification requirements, are grouped into three qualification levels depending on the direction of the employees' activities, the complexity and volume of the duties performed, the degree of independence and responsibility in making and implementing decisions.

So, in the reception and accommodation service:

The first qualification level corresponds to the positions: telephone operator, porter, porter;

The second qualification level corresponds to the positions: reception and accommodation manager, guest service manager, administrator, porter.

The main activities of these employees are meeting and registering guests, settling, paying for accommodation and services provided, as well as performing other duties related to the activities of the reception and accommodation service.

At the same time, the level of education can be different. This is both primary and secondary, and for managers - higher professional education.

The third qualification level includes positions: head of the reception and accommodation service, senior administrator, etc.

The activities of these employees are connected with the management of the reception and accommodation service of the hotel, monitoring the performance of duties by employees of this service.

The level of education of workers of the third level should generally correspond to higher professional education.

In the subsector "Servicing the hotel stock":

The first qualification level includes the following positions: maid, janitor of service and common areas, housekeeper, laundry and dry cleaning workers;

The second qualification level includes positions: head maid, tailor, etc.;

The third qualification level includes positions: head (manager) of the hotel fund service, floor attendant, heads of linen and dry cleaning.

All these workers are employed in servicing the hotel fund of the hotel and have different levels of education.

Requirements for hotel staff.

Requirements for hotel staff can be divided into 4 groups:

Qualification (for all categories of hotels)

1. All service personnel and managers must be professionally trained.

The degree of training should be appropriate to the services they provide.

2. Knowledge of a foreign language.

For hotels of category 1 star, it is sufficient for the employees of the reception and accommodation service to know one foreign language (the language of international communication or the language most used by the clients of the hotel complex in this region).

For 3-star hotels, all personnel who have contacts with residents must have sufficient knowledge of at least two languages ​​of international communication or other languages ​​most commonly used by hotel guests in this region.

2. Behavior

The staff of all categories of hotels must be able to create an atmosphere of hospitality at the enterprise, must be ready to kindly fulfill the request of the resident, and must show patience and restraint in relation to the resident.

3 Medical requirements

4. Uniform

Personnel of all categories of hotels that come into contact with residents must wear uniforms, in some cases including a personal badge indicating the name and surname. The form must always be clean and in good condition.

In hotel complexes of any category, separate conditions for recreation and meals for staff should be created. The scope of such conditions should correspond to the number of personnel.

The number of staff in the services depends on the size of the hotel complex and the volume of services.

2. General requirements for the staff of catering establishments serving hotel complexes:

1. Cooks, waiters, head waiters are accepted on a competitive basis based on the results of qualification tests and tests.

2. Head waiters, waiters, bartenders must know at least one of the European languages. The brigade includes waiters who speak different languages.

3. Regularly, but at least once every five years, re-certification of production, maintenance, administrative and managerial and technical personnel is carried out to confirm or improve their qualifications.

4. At least every three years should be carried out professional retraining employees of a tourist enterprise in advanced training courses under a special program.

5. All employees must be dressed in uniform, special or sanitary clothing and footwear of the sample established for the given enterprise, which is in good condition without visible damage.

6. All employees of catering establishments serving tourists must wear a personal badge with the emblem of the enterprise, position, surname and name on their uniforms.

7. The headwaiter's uniform must be formally finished or include a tailcoat or tuxedo.

8. Service personnel must be outwardly neat, cheerful and have a smart appearance.

9. Employees serving guests must be polite, attentive and helpful in dealing with visitors. In the event of a conflict situation, the employee must invite the administrator on duty, the head waiter or the director of the enterprise.

10. Employees should not engage in extraneous activities in the workplace.

11. Employees of the kitchen, technical services and support staff (cleaners) should not appear in the premises for visitors in sanitary and special clothes, if this is not related to the performance of their direct duties (carrying out urgent repairs).

Hotel staff is the face of any hotel. The people who work in the hotel form the client's attitude towards it no less than the interior or the menu. Among the most common positions presented in hotels: concierge, porter, maid, technician, head waiter, cook, waiter, security guard, hotel manager. Large hotels hire animators, doctors, masseurs, croupiers as permanent employees.

When traveling abroad, no one is immune from problems. Even in such a quiet place as a hotel, some kind of trouble can arise, or even just a question - in which case the tourist usually does not know who to contact. It is also complicated by the fact that it is difficult to understand abbreviations and incomprehensible English words, and if the knowledge of a foreign language is poor, then it is even harder.

To figure out which hotel employee is responsible for what, you just need to know the list of positions in foreign hotels - in almost all, and sometimes beyond, this list is the same.

Top managers

People in these positions answer the most serious questions that are related to accommodation or tours.

This person is the most important person in the hotel. Generally he CEO, but this person often combines the founder, sponsor and owner. Of course, he may just be a hired person, but it is this person who signs the documents, makes various decisions, concludes contracts and generally monitors all the activities of the hotel.

executive housekeeper

A person who is an executive director. He voices the decisions and interests of the owner of the hotel, is an intermediary between him and the rest of the staff.

Help Desk Staff Motel (hotel) manager

A hotel administrator who oversees how the staff perform their duties. Responsible for issues related to food, household needs and resettlement of tourists by rooms. For these questions, feel free to contact him. He has an assistant assistant manager who can be contacted for the same questions.

travel clerk

This person is responsible for all excursions. You can find out more about them from him. Often these excursions are ordered from him. Of course, this only applies to excursions organized by the hotel. With the help of this person, you can still order a ticket to the theater or cinema, he also takes a transfer.

Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 2, 2012.
Registration N 23681

In accordance with subparagraph 5.2.52 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 No. 321 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 28, Art. 2898; 2005, No. 2, Art. 162; 2006, No. 19, Art. 2080; 2008, No. 11 (Part 1), Article 1036; No. 15, Article 1555; No. 23, Article 2713; No. 42, Article 4825; No. 46, Article 5337; No. 48, Article 5618; 2009, No. 2 244; No. 3, item 378; No. 6, item 738; No. 12, items 1427, 1434; No. 33, items 4083, 4088; No. 43, item 5064; No. 45, item 5350 ; 2010, No. 4, item 394; No. 11, item 1225; No. 25, item 3167; No. 26, item 3350; No. 31, item 4251; No. 35, item 4574; No. 52 (p. 1), item 7104; 2011, No. 2, item 339; No. 14, item 1935, 1944; No. 16, item 2294; No. 24, item 3494; No. 34, item 4985; No. 47, item 6659; No. 51, item 7529), order:

Approve the Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees, section " Qualification characteristics positions of employees of tourism organizations" according to the appendix.

Minister T. Golikova

Note. Ed .: the order was published in the Bulletin of Normative Acts of Federal Executive Authorities, N 29, 07/16/2012.


Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees

Section "Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of organizations in the tourism sector"

I. General provisions

1. Section "Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of organizations in the tourism sector" of the Unified qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and employees (hereinafter referred to as CAS) is intended to address issues related to the regulation labor relations, providing effective system management of employees of organizations in the tourism sector, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

2. The section "Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of organizations in the tourism sector" of the CSA contains the qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of organizations in the tourism sector engaged in excursion, travel agency, tour operator and hotel activities (hereinafter referred to as qualification characteristics).

3. Qualification characteristics are used as regulatory documents or serve as the basis for the development of job descriptions containing a specific list of job duties of employees, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of work and management, as well as the rights, responsibilities and competence of employees. If necessary, the job responsibilities included in the qualification description of a certain position can be distributed among several performers.

4. The qualification characteristic of each position has three sections: " Job Responsibilities', 'Must know' and 'Qualification requirements'.

The "Responsibilities" section contains a list of the main labor functions, which can be fully or partially entrusted to the employee holding this position, taking into account the technological homogeneity and interconnectedness of work, allowing for optimal specialization in the positions of employees.

The "Must Know" section contains the basic requirements for an employee with regard to special knowledge, as well as knowledge of legislative and other regulatory legal acts, regulations, instructions and other documents, methods and means that the employee must apply in the performance of official duties.

The "Qualification requirements" section defines the level of professional training of an employee necessary for the performance of job duties, certified by documents on education, as well as requirements for work experience.

5. When developing job descriptions, it is allowed to clarify the list of work inherent in the relevant positions in specific conditions.

6. In order to improve the organization and increase the efficiency of the work of employees of organizations in the tourism sector, it is possible to expand the range of their duties in comparison with the established relevant qualification characteristics. In these cases, no change job title an employee may be entrusted with the performance of duties stipulated by the qualification characteristics of other positions, similar in content to work, equal in complexity, the performance of which does not require a different specialty and qualification.

7. The CSA does not include the qualification characteristics of derivative positions (senior, leading specialists). The duties of these employees, the requirements for their knowledge and qualifications are determined on the basis of the qualification characteristics of the respective positions.

The official title "senior" is used provided that the employee, along with the fulfillment of the duties stipulated by the position held, manages the executors subordinate to him. The position of "senior" can be established as an exception and in the absence of performers in the direct subordination of the employee, if he is entrusted with the functions of management independent site work.

Employees with the official title "leader" are assigned the functions of a manager and a responsible executor of work in one of the areas of activity of a structural unit or duties of coordinating and methodological leadership of groups of performers created in structural units, taking into account the rational division of labor in specific organizational and technical conditions. The requirements for the length of service of such employees are increased by 2 - 3 years compared to the requirements for employees who do not have the official title "leading".

8. Persons who do not have special training or work experience established in the "Qualification Requirements" section, but who have sufficient practical experience and perform their official duties qualitatively and in full, on the recommendation attestation commission are appointed to the respective positions in the same way as persons with special training and work experience.

II. Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of organizations engaged in excursion activities

Leadership positions

Director (manager) of the excursion bureau

Job responsibilities. Carries out general management of the main, administrative, economic and financial and economic activities of the excursion bureau. Organizes work and interaction structural divisions excursion bureau, directs their activities to ensure a high culture and quality of the provision of excursion services. Defines the concept and development strategy of the tour agency. Approves current and prospective work plans and controls their implementation. Determines promising areas of activity of the tour agency, participates in business negotiations with partners in order to agree on tariffs and conclude cooperation agreements. Determines the conditions and concludes contracts related to the activities of the tour agency. Organizes the development of programs and technological documents excursion routes. Controls the implementation of these documents and the conditions for the implementation of contracts. Takes measures to staff the tour desk with qualified personnel, to provide material and moral incentives, to make the best use of the knowledge and experience of the tour desk employees, to improve their qualifications, and to create healthy and safe working conditions. Approves staffing and cost estimates of the tour desk and ensures their economical and rational use. Ensures the introduction of innovative technologies into the activities of the tour bureau. Organizes work on identifying and analyzing problems in the work of the tour desk, considering comments and suggestions from customers, managing and resolving conflict situations. Organizes the preparation and timely submission of established reports. Ensures the strengthening of labor and production discipline, compliance with labor protection rules and fire safety. Carries out forecasting and planning of sales volumes of services, management of marketing and sales of excursion services, organizes and conducts business negotiations and advertising campaigns, organizes presentations.

Must know: Laws and other regulations legal acts Russian Federation, regulating activities in the field of tourism; priority directions of tourism development in the Russian Federation; specialization and features of the structure of the tour desk; organization of financial economic activity tour desk; culture interpersonal communication; fundamentals of psychology, ethics, aesthetics; tour desk economics; organization of labor; organization of marketing and promotional activities; labor and civil legislation; internal rules work schedule; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, tourism management, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations; economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises, museology and protection of cultural and natural heritage sites) and work experience in the provision of excursion services for at least 3 years or higher professional education and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, tourism management, management of tourism and hospitality organizations, economics and management tourism and hospitality enterprises, museology and protection of cultural and natural heritage sites) and at least 3 years of experience in providing excursion services.

Specialist positions

Translator (in tourism)

Job responsibilities. It translates scientific, technical, socio-political, economic and special literature related to the field of tourism, patent descriptions, regulatory and technical and shipping documentation, correspondence with foreign tourism organizations, as well as materials of conferences, meetings, seminars, etc. Performs oral and written, full and abbreviated translations, while ensuring that the translations correspond to the lexical, stylistic and semantic content of the originals, compliance with the established requirements for scientific and technical terms and definitions. Edits translations. Prepares annotations and abstracts of foreign literature and scientific and technical documentation. Participates in the preparation of thematic reviews related to the tourism sector, based on foreign materials. Conducts work on the unification of terms, the improvement of concepts and definitions on the subject of translations in the field of tourism, excursion business. Keeps records and systematization of completed translations, annotations, abstracts.

Must know: laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating activities in the field of tourism; specialization of the activity of the excursion bureau; foreign language; translation methodology; translation coordination system; terminology on the subject of translations in Russian and foreign languages; terminological standards in tourism and excursion activities; basics of literary editing; grammar and style of Russian and foreign languages; fundamentals of economics and management, labor organization; basics labor law; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements.

Interpreter of the 1st category: higher professional education (humanities) and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, tourism and excursion business), work experience in the field of tourism as an interpreter of the II category for at least 3 years.

Interpreter of the II category: higher professional education (humanities) and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, tourism and excursion business), work experience in the field of tourism as an interpreter for at least 3 years.

Translator: higher professional education (humanities) and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, tourism and excursion business) without presenting requirements for work experience.

Guide-interpreter (in the field of tourism)

Job responsibilities. Carries out activities to familiarize sightseers (tourists) with display objects in the country (place) of temporary stay. Accompanies excursions with explanations and stories in a foreign language. Provides translations of protocol events. Conducts briefings on the observance of precautionary measures when sightseeing, expositions, etc. Provides translation during excursions, conversations, meetings, as well as travel information, etc. Provides sightseers (tourists) organizational services. Informs sightseers (tourists) about the rules for the stay of foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation. Provides assistance to foreign tourists in the passage of passport, visa and customs control. Participates in the development of new forms and methods of conducting excursion and information work. He studies the experience of other guide-interpreters, participates in conferences, seminars, etc. Applies a differentiated approach when working with various categories of foreign tourists. Collects and studies historical materials, archival documents, statistical and other data on excursion objects, culture, traditions. Participates in the development and development of new topics for excursions, compiling information thematic materials. Makes proposals for the development of new excursion and tourist routes. Takes measures to ensure the safety of sightseers (tourists). In case of diseases of sightseers (tourists), injuries, provides first aid and informs the management of the tourist organization and insurance company about it, organizes the call of ambulance services, rescuers. Coordinates the actions of sightseers (tourists) in cases of emergency, provides first aid, takes measures to eliminate panic, informs the relevant authorities about the occurrence of emergencies. Prepares excursion vouchers and other necessary documentation in a foreign language. Analyzes the comments and suggestions of sightseers (tourists) regarding the quality of services provided, makes suggestions for their improvement.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; regulations organizations in the field of tourism; foreign language; translation coordination system; terminology on the subject of the tourism industry; abbreviations accepted in the tourism industry in Russian and foreign languages; terminological standards; grammar and style of Russian and foreign languages; principles and methods of conducting excursions; business protocol and etiquette; theory of interpersonal communication; technique of public speaking; basics of psychology; first aid rules; action plan in case of emergency; rules for paperwork and reporting; fundamentals of migration and labor legislation; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements.

Guide-interpreter of category I: higher professional education (humanities) and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, tourism and excursion business) and at least 3 years of experience in the field of tourism as a guide-interpreter of category II for at least 3 years.

Guide-interpreter of category II: higher professional education (humanities) and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, tourism and excursion business), work experience in the field of tourism as a guide-interpreter for at least 2 years.

Guide-interpreter: higher professional education (humanities) and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, tourism and excursion business) without presenting requirements for work experience.


Job responsibilities. Provides excursion services in accordance with the routes approved by the head of the tour desk, technological maps in accordance with the methods of conducting excursions, control texts and other documents provided for by national standards. Constantly updates the "portfolio of the guide", collects and studies historical materials and documents, studies materials from archives, statistical data, other documents and materials containing information about the objects of excursions. Prepares individual texts for excursions, public speaking. Participates in the development of new topics, excursions, masters new topics and options for excursions for various groups of the population. Participates in the work of methodical sections and creative groups of guides, in the work of conferences and seminars. Develops the technique of excursion stories, public speaking, answering questions. Receives information about the place and time of arrival of sightseers (tourists), organizes their meeting at the agreed place. Sets the number of excursionists (tourists) in the excursion (tourist) group. Certifies the belonging of sightseers (tourists) to the excursion (tourist) group, conducts protocol events. Selects the optimal location of the excursion (tourist) group for the excursion. He reads excursion lectures on culture and history, talks about the traditions and customs of the region, acquaints sightseers (tourists) with sights. Conducts a tour of a museum or cultural center, accompanies tour explanations and stories for viewing and displaying museum expositions and other objects of display. Conducts briefings on the observance of precautionary measures during the tour. Organizes careful attitude of sightseers (tourists) to the sanitary and ecological state environment on the route. Answers general and professional questions of sightseers (tourists) on the topic of the excursion. Fills out excursion vouchers and other excursion documentation. In case of diseases of sightseers (tourists), injuries, it provides first aid, organizes the call of the relevant ambulance services, rescuers. Coordinates the behavior of the excursion (tourist) group in the event of an emergency, informs the relevant authorities about the occurrence of emergencies. Analyzes the comments and suggestions of sightseers (tourists) regarding the quality of the provided excursion services, makes suggestions for their improvement. Maintains established reports.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; regulatory documents of organizations in the tourism sector, establishing the rules for conducting excursions; history, culture and geography of the region; sightseeing objects in the context of history, geography and culture; museum exhibits and cultural centers; principles of organization and methods of conducting excursions; foreign language within the framework of excursions in a foreign language; business protocol and etiquette; theory of interpersonal communication; technique of public speaking; basics of psychology; rules for working with sightseers (tourists) on routes (pedestrian, transport and combined, urban and out-of-town); rules of conduct for sightseers (tourists) on transport; first aid rules; action plan in case of emergency; rules for paperwork and reporting; fundamentals of economics and management, labor organization; fundamentals of labor and migration legislation; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements.

Category I guide: higher professional education (humanities) and additional professional education in the field of tourism, work experience as a category II guide for at least 3 years.

Guide: higher professional education (humanities) and additional professional education in the field of tourism without presenting requirements for work experience.

Tour organizer

Job responsibilities. Determines and satisfies the needs of sightseers (tourists) in excursion services. Communicates with sightseers (tourists) within the framework of professional duties, conducts business correspondence on the organization of excursions. Accepts and analyzes applications for organizing and conducting excursions. Develops new forms and methods of conducting excursions: walking tours to museums, park ensembles, gardens, etc.; sightseeing and thematic bus tours; excursions along rivers, canals, etc. Analyzes excursion programs. Determines the key positions of the excursion program, the special needs of individual excursion (tourist) groups or individual tourists. Plans excursions: standard sightseeing, local attractions, museums or cultural centers, out-of-town, special. Develops excursion programs, organizes protocol events at the beginning and end of the excursion, develops methods for inspecting, showing and studying objects of the sightseeing tour. Receives and verifies the necessary documents. Provides timely and high-quality communication to guides (tourists) of information about excursions through advertising materials, catalogs, brochures, guides, publications. Organizes use various kinds transport for the transportation of sightseers (tourists) during the excursion service, instructs on the rules of conduct for a certain type of transport, takes into account the physiological needs of sightseers (tourists) when traveling on a certain type of transport. Provides support for excursion (tourist) groups during the implementation excursion programs; provides full information about the tour; instructs sightseers (tourists) about the generally accepted and special rules of conduct when visiting museums, cultural centers, attractions and other display facilities. Controls: excursion support, compliance with excursion programs, the quality of excursions, compliance with protocol events. In the process of excursion service, he maintains contact with the main office of the excursion bureau to resolve current organizational issues. Ensures the safety of sightseers (tourists): conducts safety briefings and precautionary measures; takes measures to ensure safety during the excursion; maintains contacts with the security service, local law enforcement agencies. Organizes the return of sightseers (tourists) from the excursion, organizes the return of personal belongings, conducts protocol events at the end of the excursion. Interacts with interested organizations in the region in the creation and further development of excursion activities. Organizes work with complaints of sightseers (tourists) (receives and analyzes the information contained in complaints, takes action on complaints, maintains established reports).

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; regulatory documents of organizations in the tourism sector, establishing the rules for conducting excursions; principles of organization and methods of conducting excursions; historical, cultural and geographical sights of the region; social foundations tourism; business protocol and etiquette; theory of needs formation and interpersonal communication; basics of psychology; foreign language; rules of service on foot, transport and combined routes; rules of conduct for sightseers (tourists) on vehicles; rules for the preparation of commercial documentation; business standards; methods of information processing using modern technical means communications and communications, computers; modern Information Technology in the field of tourism; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises, museology and protection of cultural and natural heritage sites) and work experience for the provision of excursion services for at least 1 year or secondary vocational education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the provision of excursion services for at least 3 years or higher professional education and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural services and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises, museology and protection of cultural and natural heritage sites) and work experience in providing excursion services for at least 1 year.

Positions of employees

Tour booking agent

Job responsibilities. Carries out work on the reception and processing of orders for excursions. Advises the client on the rules of acceptance and the subject of the order. Checks for the availability of order details and identifies the type of order. Sends an order to the relevant structural units of the tour desk. Coordinates the work of the tour desk departments involved in the implementation of the order. Corrects the terms and conditions of order fulfillment and, if necessary, informs customers about changes in order parameters. Maintains an information base (archive) on incoming and completed orders. Prepares required reports.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; regulatory documents of organizations regulating the implementation of excursion activities; functions of structural divisions of the excursion bureau; the content and rules of the excursions; requirements for registration and accounting of orders for excursions; the procedure for controlling the passage and fulfillment of orders for excursions; technology of computer processing of orders for excursions; basics of office work; ethics business communication; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Office administrator

Job responsibilities. Ensures the preparation of the office for the working day (deactivation of the system burglar alarm, connecting office equipment and preparing it for operation, providing the office with stationery and consumables). Makes estimates for the logistics of the office. Prepares documents for the conclusion of contracts for the supply of stationery, consumables and other inventory items necessary for the operation of the office, organizes maintenance and repair of office equipment. Controls the design of the office premises, monitors the preparation and release of advertising and other information materials intended for distribution to customers. Ensures cleanliness and order in the office. Controls the proper operation of office equipment and the rational use of stationery and consumables. Establishes contacts with operational services, utility organizations for resource provision of office premises, carrying out repair and other works. Ensures proper maintenance and operation of office premises in accordance with fire safety requirements. Organizes office administration, managing incoming and outgoing calls. Orders air and railway tickets, arranges ordering vehicles for office workers. Organizes effective and cultured customer service, ensures the creation of comfortable conditions for them, advises them on administrative issues, provides information and other materials (business cards, price lists, booklets, etc.). Provides negotiation with partners, clients. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations, prepares the office for closing (turns off lighting and office equipment, activates security alarm systems).

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; layout, location and rules for the design of office premises; rules and methods of organizing office work; ethics of relationships in the team; office work standards (list of documents to be stored; classification of documents, procedure for their execution, registration, passage, storage); the procedure for concluding contracts; organizing the supply of office supplies, consumables and other inventory items; methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communication, computer; foundations of aesthetics, ethics and social psychology; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Secondary vocational education in the specialty "Tourism" without presenting requirements for work experience.

III. Qualification characteristics of employees engaged in travel agency activities

Leadership positions

Travel agency director

Job responsibilities. Manages the administrative, economic and financial and economic activities of the travel agency. Manages the activities of the structural divisions of the travel agency. Organizes activities for the sale of tourism products and the provision of individual tourism services. Manages the development of current and long-term plans realization of tourist products, study of served directions and volumes of rendered services. Plans and organizes marketing research, logistical support of the structural divisions of the travel agency. Negotiates with the tour operator, agrees on the terms of interaction for the sale of tourist products. Determines the conditions and concludes contracts for the provision of services for the implementation of the tourist product. Ensures that the travel agency fulfills its obligations to the tour operator, third-party organizations, customers of tourism products and tourism services, as well as employment contracts. Carries out quality control of the execution of contracts and the work of the travel agency; control over the use of material, financial resources of the travel agency; evaluates the results of the travel agency and the quality of services provided. Organizes work to identify and analyze problems in the work of a travel agency. Approves the staff list, internal labor regulations, vacation schedule, job descriptions, production instructions and other organizational and legal documents. Makes decisions on the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees, on their material and moral incentives. Ensures the strengthening of labor and production discipline, compliance with the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; priority directions of tourism development in the Russian Federation; regulatory documents governing the activities of the travel agency; foreign language; market conditions for tourism products; organization of financial and economic activities of the travel agency; the procedure for concluding and executing civil law contracts; rules for the formation of financial statements; taxation in the field of tourism; marketing of tourism products; systems for booking hotels and other tourist services; the procedure for working with local and global telecommunication systems, email; geography of the countries of the world; fundamentals of the theory of statistics and analysis of statistical data; basics production management; financial management; personnel management; business standards; rules for issuing tourist documentation; basics of psychology; theory of interpersonal communication, conflictology; organization, systems and forms of remuneration; labor and civil legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) and at least 3 years of work experience in the field of tourism or higher vocational education (economic) and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) and work experience in senior positions at least 3 years in the tourism industry.

Head of marketing and sales department of a travel agency

Job responsibilities. Organizes the sale of a tourist product and individual tourist services. Organizes the marketing research, work on maintaining, analyzing and systematizing the client base. Negotiates with tour operators, agrees on the main terms of contracts for the provision of tourist products, prepares draft contracts and ensures their conclusion. Develops proposals for the development of a new tourist product; participates in familiarization with new tourism products. Determines the price of the tourist product in agreement with the tour operator. Provides training to department employees to ensure the quality of tourism products sold and services provided. Maintains personal contact with VIP clients. Keeps statistics of tourism products and individual tourism services, maintains established reporting. Provides the creation of a database of tourism products and services. Provides, in agreement with tour operators, insurance and visa services for tourists. Examines the complaints and claims of tourists to the quality of tourist products, sends requests to tour operators to explain the reasons for the violation of concluded agreements. Prepares proposals for filing claims against tour operators, as well as for the suspension or complete cessation of work with tour operators that systematically violate the terms of concluded agreements.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; concepts and principles of organization of the tourism industry; schemes of work with hotels, carrier companies (air, rail, bus, cruise, etc.) and other organizations; techniques and methods of sales of tourist products, methods of formation, principles and procedure for determining the cost of tourist products and services; the procedure for drawing up contracts; negotiation technique; geography of the countries of the world; theory of interpersonal communication; foreign language; fundamentals of marketing and management; business standards; requirements for registration of tourist documentation; methods of information processing using modern technical means; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) and at least 3 years of work experience in the field of tourism or higher vocational education (economic) and additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) and work experience in senior positions at least 3 years in the tourism industry.

Specialist positions

Tourism manager (outbound, inbound, domestic tourism)

Job responsibilities. Analyzes the motivation of demand for tourism products sold, organizes the study of the needs of tourists. Negotiates with tour operators, agrees on the main terms of contracts for the provision of services, prepares draft contracts and ensures their conclusion. Based on the results of marketing research, he develops the concept and program of the tourist product. Determines the price of the tourist product in agreement with the tour operator.

Organizes events to promote the tourism product ( advertising campaigns, presentations, including work at specialized exhibitions, distribution of promotional materials, etc.). Advises tourists about the rules of entry into the country of temporary residence and the rules of stay in it. Concludes agreements on the implementation of the tourist product. Provides tourists with information about essential conditions an agreement concluded between the tour operator and the travel agent that sells the tourist product formed by the tour operator. Prepares reviews, reports on the work done. Examines the reasons for sending complaints and claims by clients to the quality of the tourist product or other conditions of the concluded contracts. Takes action to correct deficiencies in customer service. Maintains contact with regular customers. Manages the profitability of the direction.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; the procedure for drawing up contracts for the provision of services for the sale of tourist products; principles for determining the cost of tourism products; rules for booking tickets and services; travel insurance rules; the order of work of consular and visa services; schemes of work with hotels, carrier companies (air, rail, bus, cruise, etc.) and other organizations; basics of management; theory and methods of marketing research of tourist products; terminology and abbreviations accepted in the tourism industry; geography of the camps of the world; foreign language; rules for issuing tourist documentation (tourist vouchers, vouchers, insurance policies, etc.); business standards; methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communication, computer; reporting methods; basics of psychology; theory of interpersonal communication; conflictology; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) without presenting requirements for work experience in the field of tourism or secondary vocational education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the field of tourism for at least 3 years.

Booking and sales manager

Job responsibilities. He studies the conjuncture and development trends of the market of tourist products and tourist services. It studies and analyzes the demand for tourism products sold, the needs of tourists. Organizes the reception of requests from tourists, processing of payment documents. Organizes negotiations with tourists, harmonization of the terms of the contract for the implementation of the tourist product, the provision of tourist services: the program of stay and travel routes; start and end date of the trip, its duration; the procedure for interacting with accompanying persons and obtaining additional services; prices for tourism products and services; the minimum number of tourists in the group; ways of informing tourists about the occurrence of circumstances that impede the fulfillment of obligations. Ensures the conclusion of contracts for the sale of tourist products, the provision of tourist services. Manages the booking and sale of travel tickets, hotel reservations. Maintains the established documentation and prepares reports in a timely manner. Organizes control over the implementation of tourist products and after-sales service, the fulfillment by the tour operator of obligations under the concluded agreements. It studies the complaints and claims of tourists regarding the quality of tourist services, conducts a statistical analysis of complaints and claims, and takes measures to eliminate shortcomings in servicing tourists. Instructs employees of the travel agency on the need to ensure the quality and safety of the tourism products sold and the individual tourism services provided.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; basic concepts and organization of the tourism industry; terminology adopted in the tourism industry, market conditions for tourism products; fundamentals of the theory of statistics and analysis; reporting methods; theory and methods of marketing of tourist products; tourism management; standards for organizing work with tourists; systems for booking and issuing services; travel insurance rules; transport systems in tourism; geography of the countries of the world; foreign language; database technology and computer systems booking hotels and other tourist services; the procedure for concluding and executing civil law contracts; schemes of work with hotels, hotels, carrier companies (air, rail, bus, cruise, etc.) and other organizations; basics of psychology; theory of interpersonal communication; conflictology; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the field of tourism for at least 3 years.

Tour group leader

Job responsibilities. Controls the implementation of the approved travel program and the terms of service for the tourist group. Organizes the passage by tourists of passport, customs and other control at the point of destination at the entrance to foreign country and exit from it. Assists the host in carrying out organizational measures for the reception and service of the tourist group. Informs the tourist group about the rules of entry into the country (place) of temporary stay and the rules of stay in it, the rules of import and export from the country (place) of temporary stay of property, goods, souvenirs, etc., about the currency and customs control, about the customs of the local population and religious rites, shrines, monuments of nature, history, culture and other objects of tourist display, about the state of the natural environment, about the sanitary and epidemiological situation, about the conditions for ensuring personal safety and observance of consumer rights and the safety of property of tourists, about the rules for issuing a car rental in the country (place) of temporary residence, on the conditions for obtaining an urgent medical care. Controls the quality of service for the tourist group by the host. Issues in the prescribed manner vouchers for servicing tourist groups, questionnaires. Receives special instruction from the official responsible for the operation of the route along which the tourist group is sent. Takes measures to resolve conflict situations with the local population, representatives of law enforcement and other bodies. Carries out storage of documents transferred by tourists. Organizes the return of the tourist group to the starting base. Prepares a report on a tourist trip to the director of a travel agency.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; rules for the stay of tourists in the countries along which the travel route passes; travel program and conditions of service for the tourist group at each point of the travel itinerary; terms of contracts for the provision of tourist services; schemes of work with consulates, hotels, hotels, transport organizations; the language of the country through which the travel itinerary passes, or English; terminology and abbreviations accepted in the tourism industry; the theory of interpersonal communication, the rules for processing documents related to servicing tourists on the travel route, and compiling reports on a tourist trip; safety rules on the travel route; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) and at least 1 year of work experience in the field of tourism or average professional education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the field of tourism for at least 3 years.

booking agent

Job responsibilities. Works with Russian and foreign organizations(receiving party). Makes reservations and confirmations of services (tickets, hotel rooms). Advises tourists about the rules for placing orders and booking, about the categories of hotels, the level of service in them, about the rules for entering the country (place) of temporary stay and the rules for staying in it. Coordinates the fulfillment of obligations for the accommodation, accommodation and meals of tourists; transport, visa, excursion, medical (treatment and preventive) services; provision of additional services (cultural and sports nature, services of guides-translators and accompanying persons); travel insurance for the period of a tourist trip. Prepares, draws up and endorses the documents necessary for the conclusion of contracts for the provision of tourist services with tourists. Interacts with tour operators, tour agencies, ticket offices and other organizations. Carries out record keeping, established reporting, work with business correspondence.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; systems for booking hotels and other tourist services; techniques for working with databases and computer reservation systems; schemes of work with hotels, carrier companies, other organizations; assortment, classification and features of tourist products sold by a travel agency; prices for tourism products and individual tourism and excursion services; terminology and abbreviations accepted in the tourism industry; geography of the countries of the world; foreign language; the procedure for drawing up contracts for the sale of tourist products and individual tourist services; rules for issuing tourist documentation (tourist vouchers, vouchers, insurance policies, etc.); basics of psychology; theory of interpersonal communication; rules for processing commercial correspondence; software, use of computers, e-mail, and global and local telecommunication systems, etc.; rules for using office equipment; reporting methods; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Tourism agent (outbound, inbound, domestic)

Job responsibilities. Carries out the sale of a tourism product by interacting with tourists and providing them with information about tourism products. Provides the tourist with information about the terms of the contract concluded between the tour operator and the travel agent that sells the tourist product. Provides the tourist with the necessary, reliable and complete information about the tourist product, ensuring the possibility of its correct choice and safety on the tourist route. Advise tourists on the peculiarities of the socio-demographic and natural and climatic conditions of the place of rest, on the possibility of natural and man-made disasters in the area where tourist industry organizations are located, emergencies and situations (including those related to the state of public order in the country (place) of temporary stay) . Gives necessary recommendations on compliance with safety rules in the country (place) of stay. Provides guides, maps, diagrams, plans of the area. Concludes a contract for the provision of tourist services. Prepares necessary travel documents. Provides an opportunity for additional voluntary insurance of life, health, property and risks of tourists in the presence of a security threat. Provides advice on how to comply with safety regulations

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; rules for entry into the Russian Federation and exit from the Russian Federation; the range and features of tourist products sold by the travel agency; prices for tourism products and other tourism services; terminology and abbreviations accepted in the tourism industry; schemes of work with hotels, carrier companies (air, rail, bus, cruise, etc.) and other organizations; rules for working with databases and computer systems for booking hotels and other tourist services; the procedure for concluding agreements on the sale of tourist products and processing the necessary documents (tourist vouchers, vouchers, insurance policies, etc.); geography of the countries of the world, culture and customs of countries and peoples; foreign language; basics of psychology; customer service rules; theory of interpersonal communication; information technologies used in tourism; rules for using office equipment; reporting methods; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the field of tourism for at least 1 year.

Assistant for the formation of excursion (tourist) groups

Job responsibilities. Participates in the planning of excursions. Accepts and analyzes applications for organizing and conducting excursions. Conducts business correspondence on the organization of excursions. Provides preliminary negotiations with sightseers (tourists) on excursions. Classifies sightseers (tourists) by groups (age, social, interests, etc.). Conducts interviews with sightseers (tourists) in order to form excursion (tourist) groups. Determines the key positions of the excursion program, the special needs of certain types of excursion (tourist) groups or individual excursionists (tourists). Prepares primary accounting documentation. Brings to sightseers (tourists) the information they request through promotional materials, catalogs, brochures, guides, publications. Coordinates the use of various modes of transport for the transportation of sightseers (tourists) during excursion services. Serves the audio and video equipment used during the tour. Contributes to the provision of security measures for sightseers (tourists). Ensures the return of personal belongings deposited to excursionists (tourists), conducts protocol events at the end of the excursion. Analyzes the results of the excursion, prepares proposals for the formation of excursion (tourist) groups.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; principles, rules of organization and methods of conducting excursions; principles and rules for the formation of excursion (tourist) groups; schemes of work with consulates, hotel, transport and other organizations; social foundations of the tourism industry; terminology on the subject of the tourism industry, abbreviations adopted in the tourism industry; rules for paperwork and reporting; rules for booking tickets and services; the program of the excursion and the conditions of service for the excursion (tourist) group during the excursion; rules for the operation of audio and video equipment used during the tour; rules for processing documents and compiling reports related to the excursion; forms of primary accounting documentation and rules for filling it out; foreign language; methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communication; theory of interpersonal communication; internal labor regulations, labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Secondary vocational education in the specialty "Tourism" without presenting requirements for work experience.

IV. Qualification characteristics of employees engaged in tour operator activities

Leadership positions

Tour operator organization director

Job responsibilities. Manages the administrative, economic and financial and economic activities of the tour operator organization. Defines the concept and development strategy of the organization. Approves the current and prospective directions of the organization's activities. Carries out forecasting and planning of sales volumes of tourist products. Organizes the work and interaction of structural divisions of the organization, directs their activities to ensure the quality of formed and sold tourism products. Provides the creation of a database on tourism products, the calculation of the cost and determination of the price of tourism products, the creation and development of an agent network. Carries out planning of material and technical support of structural divisions of the organization. Organizes and conducts business negotiations with tourism service providers, organizes events to promote tourism products. Ensures the fulfillment of the obligations of the tour operator organization to third-party organizations, customers of tourist products. Carries out control over booking (hotels, tickets, transport, etc.), confirmation and execution of contracts, rational use of material, financial resources, evaluates the results of the organization's activities. Approves the internal labor regulations, job descriptions and other organizational and administrative documents. Takes measures to staff the tour operator organization with qualified personnel, to provide material and moral incentives, to make the best use of the knowledge and work experience of employees, to improve their skills, to create healthy and safe working conditions. Approves staffing. Makes decisions on hiring, moving and firing employees. Organizes the identification and analysis of problems in the work of the organization, work on the consideration of comments and suggestions of tourists, management and resolution of conflict situations. Organizes the preparation and timely submission of established financial statements.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; priority directions of tourism development in the Russian Federation; normative documents regulating the activities of the tour operator organization; basic concepts and organization of the tourism industry; foreign language; conjuncture of the market of tourist services; the procedure for the development and approval of plans for financial and economic activities; the procedure for concluding and executing civil law contracts; rules for the formation of financial statements and taxation in the field of tourism; rules and methods for conducting marketing research of tourism products; economics and organization of tourism activities; systems for booking hotels and other tourist services, rules for issuing tourist services; the procedure for working with local and global telecommunication systems; geography of the countries of the world; fundamentals of the theory of statistics and analysis of statistical data; production and financial management; personnel management; business standards; rules for issuing tourist documentation; basics of psychology; theory of interpersonal communication; conflictology; systems and organization of remuneration and labor incentives; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, tourism management, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) and at least 5 years of experience in tourism years or higher professional education (economics), additional professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, tourism management, management of tourism and hospitality organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) and at least 5 years of experience in the tourism industry.

Head of the department for booking and sales of tourist products of a tour operator organization

Job responsibilities. He studies the conjuncture and development trends of the market of tourist products. It studies and analyzes the motivation of demand for tourism products sold, the needs of tourists and other customers of services. Creates databases on tourism products. Determines and coordinates prices for tourist products. Organizes and conducts business negotiations. Ensures the conclusion of contracts for the sale of tourist products. Manages the booking and sale of transport tickets, hotel reservations. Coordinates the fulfillment of obligations for accommodation, accommodation, food and insurance of tourists for the period of a tourist trip, their transport, visa, excursion, medical care, provision of additional services (cultural and sports nature, guide-interpreter). Controls the booking of services, their confirmation and execution. Provides interaction with travel agencies, tour operators, tour agencies, hotels and ticket offices and other third-party organizations. Maintains documentation and prepares reports in a timely manner.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; basic concepts and organization of the tourism industry; terminology adopted in the tourism industry; methods of collecting, processing and analyzing information; market conditions for tourism products; reporting methods; theory and methods of marketing of tourist products; tourism organization management; standards of work with tourists; systems for booking and issuing tourist products; rules for working with databases and systems for booking hotels and other tourist services; travel insurance rules; geography of the countries of the world; foreign language; the procedure for concluding and executing civil law contracts; schemes of work with hotels, carrier companies (air, rail, bus, cruise, etc.), other organizations; basics of psychology; theory of interpersonal communication; conflictology; rules for the formation of financial statements; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, tourism management, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) and at least 3 years of work experience in the field of tourism years or higher professional education (economics), additional professional education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the field of tourism for at least 3 years.

Head of department for tourism products of a tour operator organization

Job responsibilities. Organizes work to study the requirements of tourists to tourism products, analyzes marketing research on the demand for tourism services. Searches for the most profitable partner organizations in terms of payment, terms and quality of service (hotels, airlines, etc.). Negotiates with contractors (service providers), agrees on the main terms of contracts for the provision of services, prepares draft contracts and ensures their conclusion. Concludes agreements with representatives of the host country on the promotion and sale of tourist products. Takes part in planning activities to promote tourism products (exhibitions, advertising campaigns, presentations). Organizes the development of standards and procedures for providing information about tourism products to travel agents and tourists, prepares guidance documents and instructs managers and agents selling tourism products. Organizes and participates in the development of techniques and methods of sales of tourist products. Organizes control over the implementation of tourist products and their after-sales service, the fulfillment by the receiving party and counterparties of obligations under the concluded agreements. Analyzes complaints and claims of tourists to the quality of tourist services, prepares proposals for filing claims against the host and contractors. Prepares reviews, reports on the work done, ensures their presentation to the management of the organization.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; basic concepts and principles of organization of the tourism industry; methods for determining the cost of tourism services and pricing of tourism products; schemes of work with hotels, carrier companies (air, rail, bus, cruise, etc.), other organizations; methods of formation of tourist products; the procedure for drawing up contracts; rules for accepting counterparties and conducting negotiations; geography of the countries of the world; abbreviations accepted in the tourism industry; theory of interpersonal communication; foreign language; fundamentals of marketing and management; business standards; requirements for registration of tourist documentation; methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers; fundamentals of labor and civil legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, tourism management, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) and at least 3 years of work experience in the field of tourism years or higher professional education (economics), additional professional education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the field of tourism for at least 3 years.

Specialist positions

Tourist product manager

Job responsibilities. Provides selection of reference materials on tourism. Organizes the search, collection, primary processing and analysis of information on tourism, geography, history, architecture, religion, places of interest, socio-economic structure of countries, etc. to form tourism products. Based on the results of marketing research of supply and demand for tourism products, he develops the concept and program of the tourism product. Negotiates with contractors, agrees on the main terms of contracts for the provision of services, prepares draft contracts and ensures their conclusion. It studies the requirements for issuing visas and develops schemes for visa service for tourists for a specific tourist product. Develops proposals for the development of a new tour, including an internship in a foreign language for employees of a tourism organization in countries in which the tour operator organizes the implementation of a tourist product; organizes the implementation of introductory tourism products. Accepts orders from individual tourists or persons authorized to represent a group of tourists for the formation of tourist products and draws them up in the prescribed manner. Develops schemes for booking tourist products, their confirmation and processing. Determines the value of the tourism product. Keeps statistics of sold tourist products, prepares reports and submits them to the management of the organization. Provides the creation of a database of tourism products.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; basic concepts and principles of organization of the tourism industry; methods for determining the cost of tourism products; schemes of work with hotels, carrier companies (air, rail, bus, cruise, etc.), other organizations; methods of formation of tourist products; the procedure for drawing up contracts with service providers; rules for accepting counterparties and conducting negotiations; geography of the countries of the world; foreign language; abbreviations accepted in the tourism industry; theory of interpersonal communication; fundamentals of marketing and management; business standards; requirements for registration of tourist documentation; methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers; fundamentals of labor and civil legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Tourism product manager for tourism destinations (outbound, inbound, domestic tourism)

Job responsibilities. Carries out the formation of its own information bases on tour operators on the basis of tourism guides, catalogs and other sources of information. It studies the requirements of tourists, analyzes the motivation for demand for tourism products sold. Participates in the formation of tourism products. Develops proposals for changing the components of the tourist product, taking into account the individual and special requirements of the tourist or searches for tourist products that best meet the requirements of tourists in terms of terms, price and quality of service. Develops standards for providing information about tourism products to tourists. Provides training to managers and sales agents of tourism products. Provides managers and sales agents of tourism products with printouts, photocopies, catalogs, brochures, guides and other promotional materials necessary to inform customers about tourism products. Provides booking of services, their confirmation and execution. Participates in the development of methods for selling tourist products. Controls the implementation of tourist products, the fulfillment by the tour operator of obligations under the concluded agreements. It studies the complaints and claims of tourists regarding the quality of tourist services, conducts a statistical analysis of complaints and claims, and develops proposals to eliminate shortcomings in customer service. Prepares reports on the work done, presents them to the management of the organization.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; the procedure for drawing up contracts with service providers and for the sale of tourist products; the procedure for determining the cost of tours; rules for booking tickets and services; travel insurance rules; the order of work of consular and visa services; schemes of work with hotels, carrier companies (air, rail, bus, cruise, etc.) and other organizations; geography of the countries of the world; basics of management; theory and methods of marketing of tourist products; terminology and abbreviations accepted in the tourism industry; theory of interpersonal communication; foreign language; rules for issuing tourist documentation (tourist vouchers, vouchers, insurance policies, etc.); business standards; methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communication, computer; reporting rules; basics of psychology; theory of interpersonal communication; conflictology; fundamentals of labor and civil legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, tourism management, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) and at least 2 years of experience in tourism years or higher professional education (economics), additional professional education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the field of tourism for at least 2 years.

Exit Visa Manager

Job responsibilities. Carries out interaction with diplomatic and consular institutions of foreign states, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Provides paperwork for tourists to obtain visas, passports, vouchers and other similar documents. Provides additional services to tourists related to obtaining an exit visa. Brings to the attention of tourists information about the rules of stay in foreign countries, the rules of conduct for tourists in the event of circumstances that seriously impede the adoption of measures to protect citizens of the Russian Federation and provide them with protection from the Russian Federation. Advises tourists on visa and visa-free entry to the territory of foreign states, obtaining transit visas, on the features of the customs legislation of foreign states. Maintains the established documentation and prepares a report on the work done by the management of the organization in a timely manner.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; fundamentals of migration and customs legislation of the Russian Federation and foreign states; international treaties of the Russian Federation and intergovernmental agreements on visa-free travel; the order of work of consular and visa services; the procedure for processing and issuing documents for exit from the territory of the Russian Federation and entry into the territory of the Russian Federation; the procedure for transit through the territories of foreign states; addresses of diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation abroad; addresses of diplomatic missions and consular offices of foreign states on the territory of the Russian Federation; foreign language; basic concepts and organization of the tourism industry; geography of the countries of the world; methods and organization of management in the field of tourism; business standards; methods of information processing with the use of modern technical means of communication and communication, computer; fundamentals of labor and civil legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, tourism management, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) and at least 2 years of experience in tourism years or higher professional education (economics), additional professional education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the field of tourism for at least 2 years.

Corporate Account Manager

Job responsibilities. Develop proposals for corporate clients and calculates the tourism product. Conducts business correspondence with partners in English. Organizes booking of accommodation, transfer, visa and insurance services for large groups of tourists (from 100 to 1000 people). Organizes the development of corporate training programs and entertainment programs(evening programs and banquets) at the request of a corporate customer. Accompanies tourist groups at conferences, seminars, congresses. Controls on the spot the accuracy of meeting the deadlines and schedules of the business, excursion and entertainment parts of the tourist program, accommodation of tourists and transfers. Participates in exhibitions and seminars on tourism. Works with the media.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; terminology on the subject of the tourism industry; abbreviations accepted in the tourism industry; social foundations of the tourism industry; partner market - tour operators, online systems for booking hotels and other tourist services; hotel base around the world; features of registration of visas, air tickets, insurance, transfer to different countries; English language; basics of negotiation business correspondence; methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers; rules for using local and global telecommunication systems, e-mail; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, tourism management, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) and work experience in the field of tourism at least 1 year or secondary vocational education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the field of tourism for at least 3 years.


Job responsibilities. Studies and analyzes the cultural processes taking place in society in order to determine the needs of different social groups population and further organization of their leisure. Establishes contacts with cultural institutions, creative organizations, public associations. Develops and implements zonal and targeted cultural and leisure programs. Organizes sports and tourism activities, uses the latest achievements, modern equipment, develops tourist leisure programs. Organizes sports and recreation activities from the standpoint of modern achievements of psychological and pedagogical science and best practices, develops individual and group leisure programs for the population and tourists. Organizes entertainment and entertainment events, develops and implements entertainment and entertainment programs for the population and tourists. Develops and implements innovative technologies organization of socio-cultural activities. Takes measures to ensure the safety of tourists.

Must know: laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of culture, sports and tourism; theory and methodology for ensuring the safety of participants in organized events; methods of analysis, collection and generalization of information in the field of culture and art; techniques and methods for developing cognitive and creative initiative in the socio-cultural sphere of people of various social groups; history and theory of culture and art; tourist animation, the basics of theatrical art, directing and other special disciplines; history of world and artistic culture; excursions, religious studies and local history; the content of the disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle; innovative technologies for organizing socio-cultural activities; fundamentals of labor legislation; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements.

Culturologist-animator of the 1st category: higher professional education (humanitarian, pedagogical) and work experience as a culturologist-animator of the 2nd category for at least 2 years.

Culturologist-animator of the II category: higher professional education (humanitarian, pedagogical) and at least 2 years of work experience as a culturologist-animator.

Culturologist-animator: higher professional education (humanitarian, pedagogical) or secondary vocational education (humanitarian, pedagogical) without presenting requirements for work experience.

Order Processing Specialist

Job responsibilities. Gives the customer (tourist) advice on the rules and the subject of the order (design, price, parameters, terms and place of the order). Verifies that all order details are present. Identifies the type of order. Sends the order to the appropriate department of the tour operator. Coordinates the work of the tour operator's departments involved in the implementation of the order. Controls the timely execution of the order. Corrects the terms and conditions for fulfilling orders and, if necessary, informs customers (tourists) about changes in order parameters. Maintains an archive of completed orders. Compiles a report (daily, monthly, quarterly, annual) on the fulfillment of orders for subsequent analysis and adjustment of the system for working with orders.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; normative documents regulating the organization of tour operator and travel agency activities; the range and characteristics of the offered tourist products; service booking system; technology of formation of tourist products; methods of motivating tourists to purchase tourist products; organization of work with the requests of tourists; requirements for registration and accounting of orders; the procedure for monitoring the passage and execution of orders; types of technical means for collecting and processing information, communications and communications; software for the activities of tourism organizations; foundations of social psychology; ethics of business communication; business standards; internal labor regulations, labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Secondary vocational education in the specialty "Tourism" without presenting requirements for work experience in the field of tourism.

Tourism instructor

Job responsibilities. Develops the technique of tourist trips. Examines the list of tourist routes with a description of their features, evaluates the suitability of the route for a particular tourist group. Prepares route documents and cartographic material. Develops a tourist route, a tourist trip schedule and action plans that are supposed to be carried out on a tourist route, outlines checkpoints and deadlines for completing the stages of the route, studies difficult sections of the tourist route, determines ways to overcome them, registers the tourist route with the territorial bodies of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Affairs defence, emergencies and disaster management. Participates in the formation of a tourist group. Organizes comprehensive training of participants of the tourist trip. Conducts briefings on the observance of precautionary measures on the tourist route. Prepares a cost estimate. Accompanies a tourist group on a tourist route. Advises tourists on life support issues on the tourist route. Organizes the preparation and selection of the necessary equipment, equipment and food, identifies the possibility of replenishing food supplies on the tourist route. Participates in the organization of events to strengthen and develop the material and technical base for tourism. Conducts systematic accounting, analysis, generalization of the results of tourist trips. Passes a special briefing at the route responsible for the operation, along which the tourist group is sent.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; social foundations of the tourism industry; methodology for organizing and conducting tourist trips; the history, culture and geography of the region through which the tourist route passes; sanitary and epidemiological state of the area of ​​the tourist trip; rules for compiling tourist routes; basics of topography and orientation on the ground; climatic and other features of the area along which the tourist route passes; basics of physical culture and health-improving work; the basics of medical control over the condition of tourists; rules for ensuring the life of the group during the hiking trip; rules for providing first aid to tourists; rules of orientation on the ground; rules for the operation of tourist equipment; rules for the operation of radio stations; ways of communication with rescue services, voluntary sports and other organizations on tourist routes; rules for the passage by tourists of tourist routes (hiking, water, mountain, etc.); action plan in case of emergency; theory of interpersonal communication; basics of psychology; conflictology; foreign language; rules for paperwork and reporting; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the specialty " Physical Culture and sports", "Recreation and sports and health tourism", courses of instructor-guides in accordance with the type of tourist route, at least 2 years of work experience in the field of tourism or secondary vocational education in the specialty "Physical Education", "Tourism", courses of instructors - guides in accordance with the type of tourist route, work experience in the field of tourism for at least 3 years.

Tourism Consultant

Job responsibilities. Organizes a survey of tourists in order to identify the most convenient tourist destinations, tourist routes, the time of a tourist trip; assists in their selection. Provides information to tourists about the location of museums, tourist sites, events, weather conditions at the intended place of stay, as well as tourism services and tourism products. Advise tourists on the conditions for visiting tourist sites, on visa provision, the rules for passing through passport, customs and other control at the point of destination when entering the country, as well as leaving it; about religious rites, shrines, monuments of nature, history, culture and other objects of tourist display that are under special protection; on the state of the environment; sanitary and epidemiological situation; about the history of tourist sites, safety rules on a tourist route or on a tourist trip, as well as actions in case of unforeseen situations at a tourist site. Prepares requests for booking services, tickets. Distributes promotional materials (brochures, booklets, maps, etc.). Keeps records of tourists' appeals based on the results of tourist trips. Prepares a progress report for the management of the organization.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; geography of the countries of the world; assortment, classification, characteristics of the offered tourist products; features of tourist routes (sights, monuments of culture, architecture, nature, etc.); conditions of concluded contracts for the provision of tourist services; the program and conditions for servicing tourists on the tourist route (rules and procedures for travel, transfers, accommodation and meals for tourists, excursion service plan); rules for the stay of tourists in the countries through which tourist routes pass; schemes of work with consulates (embassies), hotels, transport organizations, other organizations; foreign language; terminology and abbreviations accepted in the tourism industry; theory of interpersonal communication; rules for issuing tourist documents and reporting; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of tourism (tourism, socio-cultural service and tourism, tourism and excursion business, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) and at least 2 years of work experience in the field of tourism.

V. Qualification characteristics of employees engaged in hotel activities

Leadership positions

Hotel director

Job responsibilities. Plans the activities of the hotel, manages the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the hotel. Organizes the work and interaction of all functional and supporting departments and services, directs their activities towards the development and improvement of the hotel's activities, taking into account social and market priorities, increasing the efficiency of the hotel, increasing the volume of sales of services, increasing profits, improving the quality and competitiveness of services, their compliance with world standards, meeting the needs of tourists and other guests in hotel services. Ensures that the hotel fulfills its obligations to the federal, regional and local budgets, state extra-budgetary funds, suppliers, customers and creditors, including bank organizations, as well as employment contracts and business plans. Organizes the production and economic activities of the hotel based on the use of new technology and service technologies, progressive forms of management and organization of labor, scientifically based standards of material, financial and labor costs, market research and excellence(domestic and foreign) in order to improve the quality of services, economic efficiency, rational use of spending all kinds of resources. Takes measures to provide the hotel with qualified personnel, rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, creation of safe and healthy working conditions, compliance with the requirements of environmental protection legislation. Provides the right combination of economic, administrative and socio-psychological methods of management, unity of command and collegiality in discussing and resolving issues, material and moral incentives to increase production efficiency, applying the principle of material interest and responsibility of each employee for the results of the work of the entire team. Together with the labor collective, on the basis of the principles of social partnership, it ensures the development, conclusion and implementation of a collective agreement, compliance with labor and production discipline, contributes to the development of labor motivation, initiative and activity of workers and employees of the hotel. Entrusts the conduct of certain areas of activity to other officials - deputy directors, heads of departments and services of the hotel. Ensures compliance with the law in the activities of the hotel and the implementation of its economic and economic relations, the use of legal means for financial management and functioning in market conditions, strengthening the contractual and financial discipline, regulation of social and labor relations, ensuring the investment attractiveness of the hotel in order to maintain and expand entrepreneurial activity. Protects the property interests of the hotel in court, arbitration, bodies state power and management.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; normative documents regulating hotel activities, including registration and passport and visa regime; rules for the maintenance of residential and other premises of the hotel and the organization of safe living conditions for guests; profile, specialization and features of the structure of the hotel, taking into account its category; prospects for technical, economic and social development of the hotel industry; production capacity and human resources of the hotel; guest service technology and organization of production; tax and environmental legislation; the procedure for drawing up and agreeing on business plans for the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the hotel; market methods of managing and managing a hotel; a system of economic indicators that allow the hotel to determine its position in the market and develop programs for entering new sales markets; the procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts; market conditions; advanced domestic and overseas experience organization of hotel business and service; foreign language; international rules etiquette and business communication; managing the economy and finances of the hotel; organization of production and labor of workers; the procedure for the development and conclusion of sectoral tariff agreements, collective agreements and the regulation of social and labor relations; labor and civil legislation; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education (economic, technical), additional professional education (hospitality, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) and at least 5 years of experience in senior positions in the hotel industry.

Head of hotel fund service

Job responsibilities. Organizes the work of the hotel fund service and supervises the preparation and organization of work on guest service, room preparation, room replacement, washing and cleaning guests' clothes, cleaning common areas and administrative premises. Organizes the work on the disinfestation of rooms. Plans the work of employees of the hotel fund service to carry out non-standard cleaning procedures. Organizes the work of employees to provide first aid to guests and act in an emergency. Considers complaints and claims of guests and makes decisions on them. Monitors the compliance of employees of the hotel fund with the requirements of labor protection at the workplace, the transfer of cases at the end of the shift. Conducts production briefing of employees of the hotel fund service before the start of the shift. Provides assistance to subordinate employees in resolving problems that have arisen in the course of work.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; normative documents regulating hotel activities; rules for the provision of hotel services; rules for the maintenance of residential and other premises of the hotel; rules for the provision of household and other types of services; organizational structure of the hotel; the structure of the hotel fund service; theory of interpersonal communication; basics of psychology; basics of hotel management and personnel management; methods of service quality control; methods of cleaning technology; range and characteristics of renewable materials for guests; types of equipment, instruments and materials used; characteristics of chemicals and insecticides; characteristics of accidents and rules for providing first aid to guests; how to deal with guest complaints; fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor; labor legislation; inner order rules; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education (hotel business, management of tourism and hospitality organizations) and work experience of at least 1 year or secondary vocational education in the specialty "Hotel Service" and work experience in the hotel industry of at least 3 years.

Head of reception and accommodation service

Job responsibilities. Supervises the preparation and organization of the work of the reception and accommodation service. Supervises the work of the reception and accommodation service for organizing meetings, greetings and serving guests, for their registration and accommodation. Organizes work on support and maintenance of the information database of the reception and accommodation service. Carries out the organization and control over work on urgent orders, provides the necessary level of interaction with other services and management. Controls the organization of storage of valuables. Oversees guest complaints handling. Organizes work to provide first aid to guests and carry out actions in an emergency situation that requires immediate decision-making. Supervises the organization of work on settlements with guests and the procedure for the departure of guests. Monitors compliance by employees of the reception and accommodation service with labor protection measures at the workplace, monitors the procedures for transferring cases by employees at the end of the shift. Plans for needs material resources and staff of reception and accommodation units. Carries out an analysis of the difficulties in the work of the reception and accommodation service, makes changes in the work of the service. Provides assistance to service employees in resolving problems that arise in the course of work. Carries out the distribution of duties of employees of the service. Conducts production training for employees. Creates a system of motivation and disciplinary responsibility of employees of the reception and accommodation service, monitors the functioning of the incentive system, analyzes its effectiveness and improves it. Manages conflict situations.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; regulatory documents governing the economic and economic activities of hotels; rules for the provision of hotel services; organization of the activities of the reception and accommodation service and other hotel services; the procedure for calculating the departure of guests and the technology for organizing the departure of guests; technology of interaction with other hotels, including the transfer of reservations; the layout of the hotel premises; sales psychology; methods of promotion of hotel services; theory of interpersonal communication; rules for maintaining the file system, text editors and spreadsheets for working on a personal computer; list of services provided by the hotel; organization of the hotel security system; security alarm systems and rules for working with them; rules for the safe storage of guests' valuables; basics of conflictology; standards for dealing with guest complaints; rules for providing first aid to guests; emergency procedures; fundamentals of physiology and pharmacology; rules for paying for hotel services; fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor; methods of planning the work of employees of the reception and accommodation service; foreign language; labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education (hotel business, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) and work experience in the hotel industry for at least 1 year or secondary vocational education in the specialty "Hotel service" and work experience in the hotel industry at least 3 years.

Specialist positions

floor attendant

Job responsibilities. Reception and accommodation of guests. Supervises the cleaning of common areas and administrative premises located on the floor. Provides first aid to guests in an emergency. Analyzes complaints and claims of guests and makes prompt decisions to eliminate them. Monitors compliance by employees with labor protection rules at the workplace. Supervises the transfer of cases by employees at the end of the shift.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; regulatory documents regulating the service sector; rules for the provision of hotel services and rules for the maintenance of residential and other premises of the hotel; theory of interpersonal communication; basics of psychology; basics of hotel management; methods of service quality control; methods of cleaning technology; sanitary and hygienic norms and rules for the maintenance of hotel premises; foreign language; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Reception service manager

Job responsibilities. Prepares jobs and organizes the work of the reception and accommodation service. Coordinates the work of employees of the service for the meeting, registration and accommodation of guests at the hotel. Coordinates the work of storing and retrieving information from the file system. Supervises the work on the issuance and storage of room keys. Coordinates the work of escorting guests to their rooms. Organizes work on the transfer of information for guests. Coordinates the work of storing guests' valuables. Works with complaints and claims of guests, makes decisions on them. Provides first aid to guests in an emergency. Coordinates the work of service employees for settlements with guests upon departure. Handles handovers at the end of the shift.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; rules for the provision of hotel services; foreign language; theory of interpersonal communication; systems of reception and accommodation services; layout of the premises of the reception and accommodation service; fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor; rules for using office equipment; methods of promotion of hotel services; principles of maintaining a file system, text editors and spreadsheets for working on a personal computer; organization of the work of the reception and accommodation service; rules and procedures for the functioning of other hotel services; list of services provided by the hotel; security systems and safe storage of guests' valuables; types of depository cells; methods of dealing with customer complaints; the theory of first aid; emergency procedures; fundamentals of physiology and pharmacology; rules and procedure for settlement with guests upon their departure; technology of interaction with other hotels, including the transfer of reservations; security alarm systems and rules for working with them; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education (hotel business, management of tourism and hotel industry organizations, economics and management at tourism and hotel industry enterprises) without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education in the specialty "Hotel Service" and work experience of at least 2 years.


Job responsibilities. Provides guests with information about the hotel, services provided, events held on the territory of the hotel. Contributes to the achievement of maintaining a high level of customer service. Daily controls the list of arriving guests, highlighting the VIP category (special attention), and provides this information to the interested services. Provides check of rooms intended for guests of the VIP category, meets guests during check-in, accompanies them to the room, informs them about the services provided at the hotel. Accepts and fulfills guest orders for booking travel (air, rail, bus, cruise) tickets. Receives mail, checks it, sorts it and organizes delivery to guests in the room. Receives messages, ensuring accurate transmission of information to the destination. Accepts orders from guests for car rental, taxi call, draws up outfits and waybills for drivers. Accepts and fulfills orders from guests wishing to visit theaters, circuses, etc. Provides assistance in obtaining information regarding excursions, entertainment. Provides facsimile services upon request. Provides detailed information about sights, museums, exhibitions, etc. Fulfills the instructions of the guest. Performs cash transactions, ensuring the correct maintenance of financial reporting documents.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; rules for the provision of hotel services; the layout of the hotel premises; organization of the work of the hotel, reception and accommodation services; rules and procedures for booking hotel rooms, receiving, registering, accommodating and leaving guests; service standards; rules for using office equipment; security measures; security alarm systems and rules for working with them; foreign language; basic norms of international etiquette; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Secondary vocational education in the specialty "Hotel service" without presenting requirements for work experience.


Job responsibilities. Meets and greets guests. Performs registration and accommodation of guests. Enters guest accommodation data into the hotel management system. Contacts with guests in a foreign language on the subject of his service. Carries out work on the issuance of keys to the rooms. Issues permission for guests to stay in the room upon presentation of a passport or other identification document. Monitors compliance by guests with the rules for using the hotel, organizes the storage of guests' valuables. Connects long-distance and international communications to the room and organizes the provision of other paid services provided by the hotel. Tracks the balance of the deposit for telephone connection and other paid hotel services. Reviews guest complaints and takes action to resolve them. Makes settlements with guests upon their departure. Organizes the departure and seeing off of guests. Provides first aid in an emergency. Receives mail and messages. Receives and delivers correspondence to guests. Informs guests about additional services provided by the hotel paid services. Keeps a journal and a book of delivery of duty.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism; regulatory documents and instructions relating to the work performed; foreign language (vocabulary on the subject of the reception and accommodation service); rules for receiving and serving guests; rules of registration and passport and visa regime in hotels; location of rooms and standards for equipping rooms and hotel rooms; the procedure for booking hotel rooms; rules for the operation of cash registers; methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communication, computer; rules for using the file system (storage, retrieval of information, etc.); types and systems of keys; rules for settlement with guests upon their departure; technology for transferring reservations to other hotels; the layout of the hotel premises; organization of hotel services; security alarm system and rules for working with it; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Secondary vocational education in the specialty "Hotel service", without presenting requirements for work experience.

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The hotel industry is a rapidly growing tourism industry, in which the quality of service largely depends on the culture of behavior of hotel staff, the nature of interaction between hotel staff and guests, and their professional training.

Service quality is an essential component of a service culture. The quality of a service is understood as a set of properties that determine its ability to satisfy certain needs(needs) of customers. Currently, in connection with the transformation (transformation) of the country's economy into a market one, there has been a change in views on the culture of service. Therefore, the relevance of my topic is to show how important and significant the role of staff in a hotel enterprise is. After all, it is the enterprise that has created all the necessary conditions for a high culture of service that will win in a fierce competition.

For example, a service culture is also characterized by the fact that a trusting atmosphere should be established when communicating with a client. Therefore, the success of the service largely depends on the nature of the relationship with the consumer in the process of providing services. For a competent service worker, the rules of good taste never remain on paper, but are constantly and fully used in customer service. Such an employee enjoys creating a joyful mood for the client. What is a service culture (service culture)? The word culture in Latin means "processing, improvement, upbringing, education." Culture characterizes both the degree of development of a particular sphere of human life, and the person himself. Culture shows how much a person's creative potential is realized, how much his behavior corresponds to social norms of morality. Consequently, culture is such a characteristic of human society that determines the level of its historical development.

Speaking about the culture of behavior of hotel service workers, we distinguish two sides: contacts with the client and contacts with the staff, which primarily imply the organization of accommodation and, most importantly, communication with the client.

my goal term paper, to show that the culture of service is an integral part of common culture society.

The subject of my course work is the culture of service by an employee of the reception and accommodation service.

The object is hotel staff.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. To study the culture of behavior of the personnel of the reception and accommodation service;

2. To study the ethics of business communication and the style of guest service;

3. Learn the basic rules for conducting telephone conversations.

In the hotel business, the ability to communicate with customers is given particular attention. All staff undergo special training, the main tasks of which are to learn how to communicate with different clients; conduct telephone conversations correctly; learn to listen to complaints.

The basis of the activity of the staff should be based on the principle: "The client is the king." In other words, it is necessary to know the needs and wishes of the client, eliminate his fears, help to feel the benefits of this service, make it regular customer. Therefore, the activities of all staff should have a goal - taking care of the client.

Currently, for successful activities in the service sector, the hotel needs to get competent answers to two questions: "What is the benefit for the guest from the services offered?" and "What needs to be done to make the client satisfied with the service received?"

1 . Hospitality enterprise , as the main accommodation

1.1 Classification of hospitality enterprises

The beginning of the hotel classification was laid back in those days when there were very few establishments that were trustworthy. The classification was intended to provide safe and quality accommodation and food services for travelers. With the tremendous development of international tourism over the past 50 years, the hospitality industry has matured and the purpose of the classification has shifted from consumer protection ideas (usually guaranteed by national regulation and legislation) to consumer information ideas.

For hotels, classification is a way to provide the consumer with information about the quality of service, infrastructure and other capabilities of the enterprise, thus helping potential customers and demonstrating their loyalty to them.

For consumers, the classification means greater transparency, greater awareness and greater consistency in the evaluation of hotels.

Hospitality enterprises are classified according to various criteria. The most used among them:

1) comfort level,

2) room capacity,

3) functional purpose,

4) location,

5) duration of work,

6) food supply,

7) length of stay,

8) price level,

9) form of ownership.

1. The classification of hotel enterprises according to the level of comfort plays a huge role in solving the issues of quality management of hotel services. The level of comfort is a complex criterion, the terms of which are:

the state of the number of rooms - the area of ​​​​rooms (sq. m), the proportion of single (one-room), multi-room rooms, suites, the availability of utilities, etc.;

condition of furniture, inventory, sanitary and hygienic items, etc.;

availability and condition of catering establishments - restaurants, cafes, bars, etc.;

condition of the building, access roads, arrangement of the adjacent territory;

information support and technical equipment, including the availability of telephone, satellite communications, televisions, refrigerators, mini-bars, mini-safes, etc.;

provision of a number of additional services.

These parameters are evaluated in almost all hotel classification systems available today. In addition, a number of requirements are imposed on personnel and their training, education, qualifications, age, health status, knowledge of languages, appearance and behavior.

Currently, there are more than 30 hotel classification systems in the world, and each country has its own national standards, which is why there is no single hotel classification in the world. The World Tourism Organization (WTO) has only proposed a standard classification of accommodation facilities.

The most common classification systems are:

The star system is a European classification system based on the French national system classification, which is based on the division of hotels into categories from one to five stars. Such a system is used in France, Austria, Hungary, Egypt, China, Russia, Brazil (with some overestimation of the star rating in independent hotels) and a number of other countries.

In Italy, the prefix "luxury" (luxury) has been introduced for the highest quality five-star hotels.

The higher star rating of the hotel corresponds to a wider range of services that it can offer its customers. So, guests are offered the services of beauty salons, a massage room, motor transport services (delivery of clients to the airport or railway station), catering service;

Letter system - a system used in Greece, according to which all hotels are divided into four categories, denoted by the letters A, B, C, D. Top category The quality of hotels is designated de luxe. The approximate correspondence of the quality category to the five-star system is as follows: de luxe corresponds to a five-star level, category A hotel - to a four-star level, category B - to a three-star level, category C - to a two-star level, category D - to the level of a one-star hotel category. At present, along with the letters on the facades of the hotel, you can also see the usual stars;

The crown or key system is common in the UK. To move on to the usual stars, you need to subtract one from the total number of crowns, i.e. in comparison with the pan-European star, the crown is one unit higher.

Point Indian system, which is based on the assessment of the hotel by an expert commission.

Thus, each country has its own classification of enterprises in the hotel industry. Therefore, hotels belonging to the same category, but located in different countries, may have quite significant differences.

2. Classification of hotel enterprises by size (capacity). The capacity of hotels is determined by the number of rooms or beds. Both of these parameters are often given in statistics.

According to the capacity of the room fund, hotel enterprises are usually divided into four categories:

1) small (up to 100-150 numbers);

2) medium (from 100 to 300-400 numbers);

3) large (from 300 to 600-1000 numbers);

4) giants (more than 1000 numbers).

The classification of hotels by size allows you to compare the results of the production activities of hotels of the same type. In addition, the size of the hotel indicates, as a rule, the completeness and quality of the service (volume and quality of additional services), and also indirectly characterizes other parameters.

3. Classification of hotel enterprises according to their functional purpose. The following hotels are distinguished here:

1) target hotels, which include:

Business hotels - hotels for tourists whose main purpose and motive for travel is professional activity(business, commerce, meetings, meetings, symposiums, conferences, congresses, exchange of experience, training, professional exhibitions, product presentations, etc.). This category includes business hotels (commercial hotels), congress hotels, congress centers, professional club hotels and departmental hotels;

Leisure hotels - hotels for tourists, the main purpose and motive of travel of which are rest (passive, active, combined) and treatment (preventive, restorative). This category includes: resort hotels, boarding houses and rest houses (for stationary passive recreation), tourist and excursion hotels (tourist complexes), tourist and sports hotels (tourist complexes), casino hotels (hotels for gambling enthusiasts), specialized (with a system Maintenance personal vehicles of tourists, mobile, self-service);

2) transit hotels that serve tourists in conditions of a short stopover. Such hotel enterprises are located on air routes (hotels at airports), on highways (motels), on railway routes (railway stations), on water routes (hotels located near ports);

3) hotels for permanent residence.

4. Classification of hotels by location:

1) hotels located within the city (in the center, on the outskirts). Almost all business hotels, luxury hotels, middle-class hotels are central;

2) hotels located on the sea coast. In this case, the distance to the sea is very important (50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 m);

3) hotels located in the mountains. Usually these are small hotels in a picturesque mountainous area on a tourist route in the most convenient vacation spot. A mountain hotel, as a rule, has the necessary equipment for the summer and winter holidays of its guests, such as climbing and skiing equipment, access to the ski lifts.

5. Classification of hotels according to the duration of work:

1) working all year round;

2) working two seasons;

3) one-season.

6. Classification of hotels by catering:

1) hotels providing full board (accommodation + three meals a day);

2) hotels offering accommodation and breakfast only.

7. Classification of hotels by length of stay:

1) for long stay customers;

2) for a short stay.

8. Classification of hotels according to the level of prices for rooms:

1) budget;

2) economical;

3) medium;

4) first class;

5) apartment;

6) fashionable.

9. Classification of hotels by form of ownership:

1) condominiums - hotel complexes, premises and rooms in which are sold to individual owners who live or rent these premises to vacationers;

2) timeshare. The difference between timeshare hotels is that it is not the number of rooms that is redeemed, but the long-term right to rest in a hotel or in a chain of hotels.

1.2 Features of the provision of hotel servants

From the point of view of common sense, there can be no question of any kind of hospitality without satisfying the primary needs of a person - the needs for food, rest and sleep. In this regard, the most reasonable and quite logical is the following definition of a hotel, which was given by S.I. Bailik:

"A hotel is an enterprise that provides people who are away from home with a range of services, the most important of which are equally the service of accommodation and meals."

The essence of the provision of accommodation services is that, on the one hand, special premises (hotel rooms) are provided for use, on the other hand, services are provided that are performed directly by the hotel staff: porter services for the reception and registration of guests, maid services for cleaning hotel rooms etc.

Hotel rooms are the main element of the accommodation service. These are multifunctional premises designed for rest, sleep, work of living guests. Their most important function is to enable sleep. The significance of other functions of hotel rooms, first of all, depends on the purpose of the hotel and the needs of guests. For example, in business hotels.

Different hotels have different categories of rooms, differing from one another in area, furniture, equipment, equipment, etc. However, regardless of the category, a hotel room must have the following furniture and equipment: a bed, a chair and an armchair, a night table, a wardrobe, general lighting, a wastebasket. In addition, each room should contain information about the hotel and an evacuation plan in case of fire.

Other services complete the offer of accommodation and catering services. These include the offer of a swimming pool, conference rooms, meeting rooms, sports equipment, car rental, dry cleaning, laundry, hairdressing, massage and a number of others. . Depending on how they are designed and combined into a single complex, a certain type of enterprise is formed, such as a luxury hotel, a middle class hotel, an apartment hotel, an economy class hotel, a resort hotel, a motel, private hotel bed and breakfast, garni hotel, boarding house, gostiny dvor, rotel, botel, flotel, flaitel.

1.3 Guest service technology

The first impression that the guest receives from the hotel complex depends on the reception and accommodation service. The task of the head of this service is to control the entire process of receiving and accommodating guests, skillfully resolving conflicts from which the prestige of the hotel may suffer.

This service deals with issues related to the reception of guests arriving at the hotel, their registration and accommodation in rooms, the provision of various services, sending them home, and, of course, booking rooms.

The systems used to accumulate information in the reception and accommodation service are as follows:

non-automated (manually);

semi-automated (electromechanical);

fully automated (computer based).

The manual system is still used in many hotels today.

Before arrival. The booking agent writes in the register of applications for booking rooms (seats). The entry is made on the basis of telegrams, phone calls, letters that came to the hotel to book rooms (places).

Legal entities submit applications for booking rooms (places) in a hotel in the form letters of guarantee in free form, which are signed by responsible persons and certified by the official seal.

The following payment procedure for booking rooms (places) in the hotel has been established:

the booking agent first fills out the title page of the form (form No. 8-g) and sends it to the accounting department for preliminary calculation of payment;

after money from legal entity received at the expense of the hotel, the accounting department passes the form No. 8-g to the reception agent;

the final result is summed up after the departure of the guest.

Arrival. There are rules for registration of Russian citizens, foreign citizens, stateless persons.

The questionnaire is filled in by a Russian citizen who arrived at the hotel on the basis of a document that confirms his identity. The questionnaire is then handed over to the receptionist along with the guest's document.

After the guest is registered in the register of citizens who live in the hotel, the document is returned to the owner, and the questionnaire is sent to the file cabinet. There are two file cabinets in SPiR, one contains profiles of citizens living in a hotel, and the other contains profiles of retired citizens. The storage period is one month after the guest leaves the hotel. After that, the questionnaires are transferred to the archive and stored for a year, and then destroyed according to the act. Questionnaires in card indexes are placed in alphabetical order.

A foreign citizen or stateless person fills out a registration card upon arrival and submits it, along with a document confirming his identity, to the receptionist.

Registration cards are kept for a year, after which, together with the register of foreigners and stateless persons, they are destroyed according to the act.

Settlement. Upon check-in, the guest reception agent, on the basis of the completed questionnaire or registration card, fills in the guest's business card for the right to stay in the hotel.

A business card entitles a citizen who lives in a hotel to receive keys and to priority service in the service sector enterprises located in the hotel.

On the numerical grid of the guest's business card, the payment period, the length of the stay period are noted.

Eviction. Upon check-out, the guest pays his bill and returns the key. The SPiR cashier informs that the guest has left, and his profile is transferred to a file cabinet for citizens who have left the hotel.

Modern hotels serving tourists are practically becoming full-service hotels. Hospitality services include a wide variety of services. The list of services is constantly supplemented, modified and differentiated depending on the size of the hotel, its location, level of comfort and other reasons.

The development trend of the hotel industry is aimed at expanding the range of services in hotels for various purposes. Therefore, we believe that a business motel will be competitive in the Khabarovsk market and will be a worthy replacement and match for existing hotels and accommodation facilities.

The development of the hotel industry is in line with the increase and specialization of hotel enterprises. Traditional hotels with a wide range of services, specialized hotels (congress centers, resort-type hotels and many others) are offered. Against their background, the business - motel will take an honorable prominent place.

Today, the hospitality industry is the most powerful economic system of a region or a tourist center and an important component of the tourism economy. The hospitality industry consists of various means of collective and individual accommodation: hotels, hotels, motels, youth hostels and hostels, apartments, tourist shelters, as well as the private sector involved in the accommodation of tourists.

2. The culture of serving guests by the reception and accommodation service

2.1 Staff culture

Service culture is an important element of organizational culture aimed at serving customers based on certain rules, procedures, practical skills and abilities. The culture of service is dictated by the policy of the enterprise, supported by a system of rewards for service personnel and a number of other activities.

Today, it is common to understand the culture of service in the narrow sense as a set of rules of courtesy (ethics of conduct). However this concept should be considered much broader, in all manifestations of its elements.

The word "culture" in Latin means "processing, cultivation, improvement, upbringing, education." Culture characterizes both the degree of development of a particular sphere of human life, and the person himself.

The division of culture into material and spiritual is generally accepted. Therefore, culture includes a set of material and spiritual goods and values, as well as ways of human activity to create and use them.

The culture of service is often integral to the general culture of society. And it should be considered as a certain level of development (degree of perfection) of the service process, which is expressed in psychological, ethical, aesthetic, organizational, technical and other aspects. In hotels, all these aspects are interconnected and interdependent.

The culture of service is developed by each hotel. In one hotel it can be very low, in another it can be quite high. The manifestation of a high service culture is determined by the behavior of the staff, who clearly knows how to act in any situation and what customers and management expect from him, as well as the fact that a high culture makes all employees purposeful and makes them treat their hotel with respect.

Service culture is a complex concept, the components of which are:

safety and environmental friendliness during maintenance;

interior aesthetics, creation of comfortable service conditions;

knowledge of the psychological characteristics of the individual and the service process;

knowledge and observance by the staff of aesthetic standards of service;

knowledge and observance by the staff, establishing the order and sequence of serving guests.

Thus, one of the components of the service culture is the culture of personnel behavior.

Speaking about the culture of behavior of hotel service workers, there are two sides: contacts with the guest and contacts with the staff, which primarily imply the organization of accommodation and, most importantly, communication with the guest. Regardless of the interior and living conditions in the hotel, the level of service and communication with the guest remains extremely important.

The goal of the service staff is to create an open, friendly atmosphere, therefore, addressing the guest by name or surname, any hotel employee will be able to achieve the location of the guest. Guests and employees should build their relationships on mutual respect, becoming equal business partners. It is necessary that each guest can contact any hotel employee with his problems and work, and his expectations are justified. It is this level of service that is a guarantee of success and competitiveness in the hotel services market.

The guest is not the person with whom one should argue or who should prove who is stronger. The guest is always right!

Each employee must understand that quality is not an inaccessible luxury, but vigilant attention to the needs of guests. The staff of any hotel should be open to change and new ways to continually improve guest service.

An important role is played by the relationship of staff among themselves. If the hotel staff is multinational, employees should treat each other with respect, regardless of position and cultural differences.

Each member of the team becomes one with the goods and services provided by the hotel.

The culture of behavior of a hotel worker includes all aspects of the external and internal culture of a person, namely: the rules of treatment and treatment, the ability to correctly express one's thoughts, and observe speech etiquette.

Politeness testifies to the culture of a person, his attitude to work and to the team.

It is very important for a hotel worker to be tactful in relationships with guests, to always remember about respect for the person.

The tactful behavior of hotel workers is made up of a number of factors. The main one is the ability not to notice mistakes and shortcomings in the behavior of guests, not to focus attention on them, not to show excessive curiosity about their clothes, customs, and traditions.

You can not ask unnecessary questions, talk about your affairs, be importunate.

You can’t show a guest whether you like him or not, make unnecessary remarks, read moralizing, express various complaints, ask guests about their personal lives.

It is necessary to behave tactfully in relation to the visitors of the guests - you can not ask them about the purpose of the visit, and also enter the room without the permission of the resident.

Tact is also manifested in attention to the guest. If the guest is sick, you need to help him get the medicine, call the phone. It is necessary to be especially attentive and tactful towards the elderly, to forgive their weaknesses - after all, they are often absent-minded, forgetful and vulnerable. Dignity and modesty are obligatory traits of a human character for a hotel worker.

If modesty requires restraint and tact in communication, then discipline requires compliance with the established order, accuracy, accuracy. Modesty and discipline imply a high sense of responsibility for the assigned area of ​​work.

Long-term contact between guests and service personnel sometimes leads to familiarity that goes beyond the scope of official relationships. Service personnel must always remember that the floor or maid's room is, first of all, office space, and the personnel involved in the shift are on duty.

The culture of behavior and communication is also associated with the concept of a culture of speech. A hotel worker needs to be able to competently, clearly express his thoughts. The culture of speech, as well as tone, must be monitored constantly. The culture of speech etiquette implies not only the ability to speak, but also the ability to listen. Listening carefully to the interlocutor without interrupting him, and at the same time showing sincere participation is an art.

Much depends on the ability to properly meet the guest. The guest should be met in the reception area and on the floor with a friendly phrase: "Welcome to our hotel!".

He should be given a brief description of the hotel and accurate information about the order of residence, about the services that he can use.

When seeing off the guest, the administration and employees of the floor, in addition to a polite farewell, must necessarily wish the guest a good journey and invite them to visit the hotel again. Of course, this has nothing to do with servility and fawning over the guests.

The guest from the first step at the entrance to the hotel and until the very departure from it should feel respect for himself.

There are rules of conduct for hotel staff:

1. A hotel employee must always be ready to provide a service to a client.

2. The employee must demonstrate a positive attitude towards the guest: show respect, conduct a conversation politely, maintain restraint.

3. The employee must smile at the guest, maintain eye contact.

4. You need to be able to tactfully inform the guest and tell him even unpleasant news.

5. Not a single hotel employee has the right to argue with a guest, even over trifles. And if he is not very clear about the desire of the guest, then politely ask again.

6. Guest problems must be resolved quickly and without delay. The hotel employee must do everything possible to reassure the guest.

7. Every worker must demonstrate confidence and competence.

8. Hotel staff should practice "3 steps away" service.

9. Hotel employees must be responsible for the maximum level of cleanliness of the hotel.

2.2 Appearance and personal hygiene of hotel staff

The appearance of the staff creates an initial impression of the hotel for the guest.

Therefore, all hotel employees should take care to look smart and well-groomed, tidy.

If the girl's hair is longer than her shoulders, they should not fall on the face, they should be secured with a ribbon or hairpin.

Men's faces must be clean-shaven, mustaches and beards trimmed and groomed (wearing a beard is only allowed for staff not in contact with guests).

Shoes should be comfortable, in good condition and polished to a shine.

It is mandatory to use deodorants and antiperspirants, and when working with physical exertion, taking a shower. Personal hygiene products should be used in moderation and not irritate.

The breath of employees should always be fresh and not irritating.

If the hotel provides for the wearing of a uniform, then all staff must strictly comply with this requirement. The uniform must be clean, tidy and ironed. As a rule, washing of uniforms is carried out in the laundry of this hotel, so the staff can either give the uniform to a clean one.

Wearing a uniform includes wearing a name badge. Also, the uniform means for women neutral or black stockings, for men - black socks or in the tone of uniform trousers.

Employees in contact with guests must wear black, unadorned, closed shoes, heels women's shoes should not exceed 5cm.

Jewelry should be kept to a minimum. They should be small and discreet.

Women's makeup should be subtle. Nails - clean, short, manicured.

2.3 Business ethics and service style

Ethics is a kind of code of good manners and rules of conduct. A rich and beautiful inner world usually corresponds to a high culture of communication.

The hotel staff must necessarily observe the ethics of business communication, as business etiquette determines the relationship between the boss and subordinates, between employees within the institution and visitors. This also includes the rules for using the office phone, the ability to conduct business correspondence.

The relationship between the boss and subordinates largely determines the atmosphere in the team. First of all, the head of the hotel must be respected by employees, be an authority for subordinates. First of all, this is reflected in the visitors of the hotel. In order for a friendly atmosphere to reign in the team, which helps to better and faster cope with the work received, the manager needs to know and follow some rules:

All employees should be treated equally by the boss.

if there is a need to make a remark to an employee, then you should not express it in the presence of other employees;

when entering a room with subordinates, the boss greets everyone, but one should not give a hand;

when meeting with the boss, subordinates should greet first, but if the boss is a young man, then he is the first to greet a woman and a man much older than himself;

leader - a man always lets a woman through at the entrance to the elevator, on the stairs, helps to open the door;

the leader must set himself specific tasks for handling and communicating with subordinates;

If there is a situation where one of the employees is a close friend of the boss, then at work there should be a restrained relationship between them and in the presence of others they should not conduct extraneous conversations. hotel staff service

There are also rules for official conversations between a boss and subordinates:

the leader must plan the conversation in advance;

choose the time needed to achieve your goal;

choose the place and time for conducting interviews, taking into account their impact on the results;

before starting a conversation, the boss needs to create an atmosphere of mutual trust;

from the beginning to the end of the conversation, the leader must adhere to the main direction leading to the intended goal;

the boss must be at the height of the situation;

the leader should stop the conversation after reaching the intended goal.

Such conversations invariably contribute to the success of the boss, increasing his authority among his subordinates.

Also, the success of the hotel depends on the relationship between employees. In their relationship, the same rules of conduct apply as in everyday life.

First of all, in relation to each other, everyone should be extremely polite and correct. The concept of politeness includes friendliness, attentiveness, courtesy. If a friendly atmosphere reigns in the team, then the mood rises, work goes smoothly, any business is done much faster and easier.

If someone makes mistakes at work, it is important to tactfully point them out to a colleague. At the same time, explain and point out shortcomings in the work should be calm and businesslike. If they ask for help, then you need to do everything possible.

Behave at work in a balanced and quiet manner. You need to learn how to avoid things that could interfere with the work of people working nearby.

An employee should not perform the following actions: shout, make noise, slam doors, engage in extraneous conversations that distract from work, make ambiguous and cynical remarks. The tone of conversation should be calm. In the event of any incident, you need to speak frankly and find out all the circumstances of the case.

The employee must remember that in no case should he get annoyed and lose his temper when talking. This will least of all contribute to the resolution of the conflict that has arisen.

If relatives or close friends work in the same team, they should not allow familiarity in conversations among themselves at work. In addition, it should be noted how the staff should behave if a visitor has come to the hotel.

Above all, visitors should be treated with the utmost respect. Whoever comes to the hotel, you need to show maximum interest. And if this is part of the immediate duties, then you need to fulfill them impeccably.

The staff should know that the person who has come must first be asked to sit down, and only then start a business conversation. If the request with which the person came cannot be fulfilled or resolved in the near future, then you need to try so that the person does not have a negative feeling towards the hotel.

Each of the hotel staff contributes to creating a good impression of the hotel for the guest. Therefore, when talking on the phone, communicating in person or in writing, hotel workers are required to behave "in style" both with guests and with colleagues. The idea of ​​"style" is carried out due to the observance of the following rules:

"Staff Face"

When talking with a guest or a colleague, the hotel staff should be polite, friendly, and friendly. A person should be greeted with the following words: " Good morning", "Good afternoon good evening".

You should be attentive to the requests of the guest. In this case, any employee of the hotel should give advice or provide the necessary assistance. When talking with a guest, the mood of the staff should only be with a "+" sign!

If the hotel staff knows the guest by name, then you should address him as follows: "Welcome to the hotel ... Mr. Miller, we hope that your trip will be successful ... We wish you a pleasant time. If we anything we can do for you, please feel free to contact us at any time."

When saying goodbye to a guest, it is also necessary to address him by name: "Goodbye, Mr. Miller. Have a nice trip, and we hope to see you again during your next visit to our city."

"Person in Correspondence"

The language of the staff in letters should also be stylish. All correspondence (faxes, letters, telexes, memos) demonstrate the level of efficiency and professionalism. All copies of outgoing correspondence must remain at the hotel. In addition, correspondence:

should receive a response within 24 hours;

must be printed on the correct paper or letterhead;

should be beautifully formatted;

must be addressed to a specific person, indicating his full name;

must not be handwritten;

must always contain a signature under the name and position of the sender.

The hotel staff should talk to the guest on the phone as if he is in front of your eyes. Answer the call quickly, no later than the 3rd call. This speaks to the courtesy and efficiency of the staff. It is necessary to answer in Russian and English, but first you need to introduce yourself and introduce the place that the guest called, and also offer your help.

When ending a telephone conversation with a guest whose name is known, you should address him by name and thank him for the call. You should speak calmly, slowly, giving the guest the opportunity to contact you with requests.

2.4 Rules for conducting telephone conversations

In hotels, there are certain rules for conducting telephone conversations with a client. They play an important role in the activities of hotel workers. Let us consider in more detail the concept of "telephone etiquette".

Many people answer phone calls haphazardly. Some call themselves by their first names, some by their last names, others by both their first and last names. Some don't show up.

Hotel staff should remember that the words that are spoken at the beginning of the conversation determine the tone of the further conversation.

It is necessary in a conversation to carefully ensure that the speech is literate, to avoid jargon.

There are certain rules on how to answer calls coming to the hotel, since the impression of customers about the hotel is formed precisely from what and how the staff says.

A telephone conversation should begin with the words: "Good morning", "Good afternoon". Then it is desirable to say the name of the hotel, the name of the person who answered the call.

Answer should be detailed, but short, avoid multi-ton enumeration.

Staff should be aware that when answering internal and external calls, they must provide their first and last name. If, when answering calls, an employee only gives his name, he risks being perceived as a person with duties, but not having power. This is one of the little tricks of conducting telephone conversations.

It should be noted that telephone etiquette requires that you name yourself even if you call. This frees the secretary or person answering the phone from the onerous duty of asking, "Who's asking?" When they answer you, you should not enter into an immediate conversation.

Staff should be courteous and ask if the caller has time to talk. The caller will appreciate that you consider his time.

If you accidentally dialed a wrong number, don't hang up without an apology.

Personnel must remember that if a worker is not in place and he naturally cannot answer the phone, then he should immediately call the person who called him back. Prompt responses to calls can pay big dividends.

When calling a person who cannot answer your call, explain when and where you can be found. The faster you explain everything, the more professional you will look in the eyes of your colleagues.

When talking with the person with whom you will need to continue the conversation, agree on the exact time of the next call. Be polite to administrative staff. Ask when is the best time to call back.

When your phone calls don't work, look for an alternative connection. Send the person a note or fax them.

Some tips for talking on the phone when someone calls you:

Prepare for the conversation ahead of time. Put other work aside before answering the phone. Smile when you answer the phone! The caller will feel the sincere disposition of your call. Do not interrupt the interlocutor during a conversation, learn to pause.

Don't make the person wait, and if necessary, make sure he or she will wait (usually no longer than 30-60 seconds). When you pick up the phone again, resume the conversation by saying, "Thanks for waiting." Your courtesy will let you know that you remember that the interlocutor spent his time waiting.

If you're drawn into a conversation that doesn't seem to end, then pause and try to end the conversation with words like, "OK, I don't want to take up any more of your time" or "Thanks for taking the time to talk to me. I know you're very busy, so..."

Five good tricks with which you can deal with an unpleasant person:

1. Do not interrupt the interlocutor.

2. Repeat what you were told - this means that you understood it.

3. Call the person by their last name several times during the conversation.

4. Explain what you intend to do and keep your promise.

5. If possible, write down the gist of the conversation.

Some tips for talking on the phone when you call yourself:

Before dialing a phone number, state in a few sentences the reason for the call. Then, if you are connected by a voice communication system, you can leave a laconic message.

Speak slowly. Remember that putting a message on paper takes more time than speaking it out loud.

Leave your phone number. This will save the time of the person you are calling and will not make them look up your phone number. This courtesy is especially valuable when the person you are calling is calling you back from outside their office and does not have your phone number handy. Do not abuse the key that puts the caller on hold - this technical innovation can be a source of frustration and resentment in the business environment.

The staff is an integral part of the hotel business. He plays a huge role in the operation of the hotel. The priority for employees should be customers with their diverse needs, tastes and wishes. Therefore, at the center of the hotel business should be the principle: "The customer is king." In other words, it is necessary to know the needs and wishes of the client, eliminate his fears, help him feel the benefits of this service, and make him a regular client. The activities of all departments of the hotel service should have one goal - customer care. The hotel must exist in order to satisfy the needs of the client. After all, guests are the people for whom the entire staff works and tries. It largely depends on the service worker that the client leaves both with a quality service and with a good, high spirits. Providing good customer service is no easy task. It requires both high skill of the employee and mastery of all the intricacies of interaction with customers. To do this, he must be well trained professionally and have a high personal culture.

As you know, customers are guided by a variety of motives when receiving services. The service culture largely consists in creating such a psychological climate in the hall that would contribute to the formation of appropriate motives for receiving services.

Therefore, the employee must be not only a subtle psychologist, but also an expert on the needs of each client. This is favored by the personal qualities of the employee, such as goodwill, calmness, sociability, accuracy. On the contrary, aggressiveness, irritability, ambition, talkativeness, stubbornness, and forgetfulness have a negative effect.

An important role is played by the appearance of the attendants and the rules of their behavior in extreme situations, since it will be more pleasant for the guest to start a conversation with a neat, tactful and thoroughly knowledgeable employee. Properly trained personnel should be well versed in force majeure situations, impeccably following the rules of conduct in extreme situations.

Phone calls are also important. After all, the telephone, along with fax and e-mail, are great inventions. But, like everything that concerns the human hostel, using the telephone requires compliance with a number of rules.


During the consideration of this topic, the solution of problems was carried out on the basis of the study of literary sources of foreign and domestic authors.

The theoretical basis I have considered allows us to highlight the following:

The culture of behavior of the hotel staff plays an important role in the field of hotel service, as the staff is the "face" of the enterprise. It depends on him the economic growth not only the hotel complex, but also the country. After all, than more professional worker, the greater the income of the enterprise, and hence the state, since part of the income tourism activities goes to the treasury of our country;

From the analysis of the literature I use, it is necessary to single out the ethics of business communication. Currently, every employee must be able to conduct business conversation, know telephone etiquette, know speech etiquette - this will allow him to competently, clearly and with understanding communicate with the client, express his thoughts, and this will also increase the status of the enterprise in which he works. All this is necessary so that the client has a desire to visit your hotel again. If the client likes your hotel, he will come again, and the next time, he will recommend it to his friends, acquaintances, who, in turn, are next, etc. In accordance with this, the income of the hotel is growing;

According to the material presented in the second chapter, I found that according to appearance service staff can see the hotel as a whole. Service personnel must work in branded clothing and with name badges. This allows you to really evaluate the quality of service provided by the hotel. Also, knowing and following the rules of professional hygiene helps to give the guest a good impression of you and your hotel. The hygiene of the staff is to always be neat, look fresh, have comfortable and shiny shoes, hair is collected, and the use of deodorants is allowed, but in moderation so that the smell does not irritate others

The solution of the tasks set made it possible to establish the following:

Currently, hotel customers want to receive high-quality service. It is also now increasingly understood that the hotel cannot do without qualified specialists.

The main direction of increasing the efficiency of service personnel in the hotel services market is:

increasing the competence of personnel;

increasing the importance of teaching intercultural, interpersonal communication skills;

increasing the level of cultural development and awareness of the staff;

increasing the willingness of staff to take on responsibilities in the international business sphere;

increasing skill through the complexation process.


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    Organizational structure of the hotel enterprise. Hotel services, the mechanism of interaction between staff and the client. Culture of personnel behavior. Technology of customer service of the hotel "Belomorskaya", ways to meet customer needs.

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    Determination of the essence of the corporate culture and its requirements for the personnel of the organization. Acquaintance with the principles of work of the head of the enterprise (employer). Consideration and characterization of the specific features of the complex methodology for personnel selection.

    thesis, added 08/28/2017

    Waiter training. Content professional ethics, its psychological aspect. Evaluation of the consumer in the service process. Service personnel uniform. Basic methods, forms of organization and mode of work of waiters.

    presentation, added 08/17/2013

    Analysis of the methodology of recruitment and adaptation of personnel in the reception and service in the hotel "Ambassador". Staff turnover in the hospitality industry. Evaluation of the economic efficiency of the developed proposals for improving the selection of employees.

    term paper, added 01/22/2015

    a brief description of Crowne Plaza St Petersburg Ligovsky. Hotel against the backdrop of major competitors. Methods of selection and training of hotel personnel. Methods of staff motivation. Reception and accommodation service. Trainings for employees of all departments.

    practice report, added 05/24/2014

    Location, organizational structure and services of the hotel "Pearl"; operation of the reception and accommodation service. Job responsibilities of the administrator, porter and maid. Characteristics and equipment of the room fund. Hotel cleaning standards.