How to organize your first exhibition: tips from a professional artist. Take care of the lighting of the booth

  • 23.04.2020


Dear colleagues!

"The exhibition is a public, cultural, scientific

an event for readers and at the same time a professional holiday

librarians, so it is a unique, extraordinary, one-time phenomenon"

O. P. Zykov

I bring to your attention interesting material on exhibitions, which can be useful in work. It is presented in the form of a glossary. What is a glossary?

The word "glossary" comes from the Latin phrase "glossarium", which means a collection of gloss, and the word "gloss" itself is translated as "an incomprehensible or foreign word." In the modern language, the glossary has an almost identical meaning, namely: a dictionary of specialized terms with an interpretation, with comments and examples dedicated to a particular field of knowledge. Sometimes such dictionaries are equipped with a translation of terms into another language.

The methods of creating and compiling glossaries are called lexicography and belong to the linguistic discipline. The very first glossary, which is known to history today, refers to the 25th century BC. and is represented by religious and literary texts of the late Sumerian period. Until the middle of the fifteenth century (the era when printing was invented) lists of foreign and little-known words were compiled by well-educated people, usually monks. Such words were most often found in writings and manuscripts written in Latin and Greek. As soon as the scribe or the scientist working with the text determined the meaning of an unknown word, he wrote an explanation for it either between the lines or in the margins. There are many examples of glossaries. For example, in England, a glossary was created for the works of Homer. In India, a glossary was written for the Vedas, and in the Middle Ages for the writings of Papias and Isidore.

The proposed glossary is dedicated to the exhibition in the library.

Library exhibition is an information product created for a specific group of users and presented in a special demonstration form.

The main form of visual representation of literature is a set of specially selected and systematized printed works offered to readers for review and familiarization with them.

Public demonstration of book collections, contributing to the most complete disclosure of the contents of these funds.

Exhibition-vernissage (mini-gallery) - an exposition involving the demonstration of paintings, reproductions, applied art, children's drawings, etc. Includes materials about authors, trends and types of art. It is designed taking into account the color of the era to which the exhibition is dedicated.

Exhibition-quiz is an unconventional exhibition based on a block of books that can be used to answer quiz questions. Information with questions is placed at the exhibition itself, handed out on leaflets.

Exhibition virtual new form exhibitions and a way to exchange information in the virtual space of the library, created in accordance with general rules preparation of expositions using telecommunication and computer technologies.

Exhibition "question-answer" - a kind of exhibition-dialogue, a kind of correspondence fulfillment of specific requests from readers, with further design of the exhibition with relevant literature and a bibliographic list on the topic.

Exhibition-herbarium - a kind of exhibitions of a new generation, implies the presence of the herbarium itself and various publications about the plants presented. For example: "Medicinal plants", "Between the pages of your favorite books."

Exhibition-dialogue- an unconventional exhibition based on questions from young users, asked on various topics in writing and dropped into a special box. Specialists unite questions on certain thematic blocks, from which sections of the exhibition are formed and whose names will be questions from readers.

Exhibition-dispute (-discussion, -polemic) – an interactive exhibition, a way of reflecting relevant printed materials expressing different points of view on controversial issues. Visitors are invited to express their opinion, including in the format of a discussion following the results of the exhibition.

Exhibition-dossier is an interactive exhibition of a new generation, a kind of personal exhibition endowed with new properties and created with the active participation of readers. Most often, this is the reader's autobiography (“Literary dossier of the reader”, “From the reader's form”), reflected in the exposition in books read, quotations, reviews, answers to questionnaire questions, tips and recommendations. It is advisable to organize a meeting with the author at the exhibition, with his story about the books he has read and the opportunity to answer questions from interested parties. Such an exhibition is also called a "reader's benefit exhibition".

Genre exhibition - an exhibition designed to reveal the contents of the fund fiction or literature on art by types and genres.

Live exhibition - an unconventional exhibition that combines a text series, illustrative materials, as well as living creatures, be it fish, hamsters and other representatives of a living corner. In the future, such a variant of a “live exhibition” consisting of “live books” is also possible, such as an exposition of interesting people following the example of "living book" and "living library". The goals of such exhibitions are similar- to acquaint with all the diversity of nature, the world of living beings, including the complex and unique world of man.

Mystery Exhibition — an interactive exhibition that includes such an element of the game as the presence of a riddle that is proposed to be solved after familiarizing yourself with the exposition materials in advance.

Exhibition-game— an interactive exhibition that includes elements of the game, whether it is a theatrical performance of book characters, solving riddles about literary characters, situational games. Books, toys, crafts related to a common theme are placed on the exhibition. The purpose of the exhibition- encouraging children to read.

Exhibition-impulse , as a kind of societal (related to society, considered as a whole), is devoted to acute problems, sudden social topics, ideas, the desire to draw special attention to them, to induce action. It is designed in poster technology - catchy and emotional.

Exhibition-installation is a view of the exhibition exposition as a work of art. The exhibition in this context is seen as a spatial composition built on an extraordinary combination of books, everyday things that give rise to new images and meanings. At the same time, the exposition is given volume, three-dimensionality, a kind of 3D format, inside which the visitor is located.

Exhibition interactive - a new generation exhibition, the main feature of which is interactivity - the presence of a dialogue between all participants in the exhibition processes, the mutual exchange of information. As a rule, it is used in a children's audience for educational purposes. Includes game elements, exchange of opinions, joint creativity.

Exhibition-study — an interactive exhibition presenting the results of a study of reader interests. Readers are invited to make their own "Golden Shelf" best books or “grow a tree”, on the leaves of which favorite books are indicated. The purpose of such exhibitions is to encourage reflection, search, and joint creativity.

Exhibition for significant and memorable dates - a thematic exposition for the "red" days of the calendar, the purpose of which is to remind about the event, to provide information about its history, traditions, to create a certain mood for the holiday.

Perform creative tasks - draw an illustration for a book, make crafts, a homemade book

Prepare the exposure creative works, summarize, award participants and winners.

Conceptual exhibition according to the content, it is thematic. A conceptual exhibition is the art of translating an idea into an exposition space from disparate elements into a single hypertext, which allows one to get acquainted with information in any sequence. The exposition can be created in the gallery, in the hall, on the landing or "on the ground". Paintings, illustrations, texts (books, their fragments, quotes), objects and exhibits, performance (representation), installation are the main forms of implementing the ideas of conceptualism in an exhibition format.

Local history exhibition (local history) - a kind of thematic exhibitions designed to reveal the content of the fund of local history literature. The central place in the exposition belongs to local history publications. At the same time, they contain materials and attributes of museums and organizations, examples of literary local history, memoirs of old-timers, antiquities, photographs reflecting local exoticism and the history of the region. Includes guided tours of the exposition. Can be part of a tour itinerary.

Crossword exhibition (Chineword exhibition) — an exhibition of a new generation to help the educational process. The main element is a crossword puzzle (chainword). Literature with answers and multiplied leaflets with crossword puzzles are placed around it, which can be filled out at home.

Exhibition local is an exposition placed in the local space of a department or subsection of the fund, designed to reveal funds by industry or limited to a narrow topic. It is informational or advisory in nature.

Memorial exhibition - a variety of thematic. An exhibition dedicated to the life and work of the person whose name the library bears. It is designed as a museum exhibition.

Museum exhibition - a kind of thematic, the main element of which is the exhibit - be it a document, object, photographic material, while the library exposition is built around the book as the main attribute of the exhibition.

Exhibition-mood - an exhibition of a new generation, according to the content, it is thematic. Its meaning is to create a special atmosphere, a special mood. Therefore, it is most often part of the program of events, although it can be organized as a separate independent event or as a series of exhibitions. Exhibition-mood is a rejection of the Text. The only text allowed on it is the title. The main thing in it is the visual range, which should be accurate, expressive and make a deep emotional impression. The exhibition is complemented by items of attributes and musical accompaniment. The books in it may not have an independent meaning, becoming an element of an illustrative or attributive series.

Exhibition of undeservedly forgotten books - one of the varieties of thematic, the purpose of which is to remind and promote the best examples of literature that contribute to mutual understanding of generations and the preservation of continuity.

Exhibition non-traditional is a new generation exhibition containing new, non-trivial approaches to the concept of the exhibition, its content and design. Its distinctive features are interactivity (an open dialogue between all participants of the exhibition processes), original interpretation of the theme, bold design solutions that enhance entertainment.

Exhibition of one book, one magazine, one newspaper or one publication - an exposition, thematic in content, built according to a general methodology in order to interest the user in a particular document. A variety of material attracts attention, reveals the meaning of the document, its significance, encourages reading.

Exhibition personal - a variety of thematic, related to the life and activities of a certain person (person): prominent cultural figures, politicians and poets, local celebrities who have shown themselves in creativity or work. The materials of the exhibition are devoted to a specific person, tell about his life and work, include his works and works.

Exhibition-portrait - the same as the personal exhibition.

Exhibition-caution – an interactive exhibition, societal in content, in terms of design – poster. It is called upon to answer the pressing questions of the present, taking into account the opinions of users who express their attitude by signatures on blank sheets of the stand.

Exhibition-provocation - an interactive exhibition that includes such an element of the game as conscious errors. Readers are encouraged to find these errors and inconsistencies in the details of the exhibition and report them to the organizers.

Exhibition-view is an exposition that reflects the fullness of the publications available in the library and selected according to certain criteria. According to the content, they can be universal (exhibitions-views of new acquisitions), sectoral (to help professional reading), thematic.

Exhibition-disintegration (book collapse, thematic collapse) - a kind of exhibition-viewing, unsystematic (spontaneous) exposition as a way of indirect recommendation and a means to enterin a dialogue between the reader and the librarian or other reader. collapseincludes the bulk of books handed over the day before by other readers, as well as publications "planted" as a bait by the librarian himself.

Exhibition-Reflection - variety interactive exhibition, thematic in content, including readers' reflections on the proposed occasion in the text series. Placement of leaflets with reflections can take place during the work of the exhibition as they are collected. The goal is to exchange opinions and indirectly promote literature.

Exhibition-situation – a kind of exhibitions of a new generation, hallmark which is the opportunity to create an exposition by the readers themselves, depending on the proposed situation: “I will take this book with me to a desert island”, “I will take this book on a space journey”, etc.

Exhibition-dictionary - a kind of exhibitions of a new generation to help education in order to explain new terms and definitions. Organized for pupils or students. The text series consists of dictionaries (encyclopedias, reference books) on the topic and factual information that explains the most difficult concepts.

Exhibition-advice, -recommendation - a kind of exhibitions of a new generation. Books are selected on a specific topic, problem: "How to become rich and happy", "How to quickly learn English", etc. The text series includes factual information and recommended lists of literature.

Societal exhibition — a thematic exhibition dedicated to social issues: politics, ecology, drug addiction, crime, white spots of history, etc.

Exhibition stand- a kind of stand exhibition, limited to the theme of a specific event: Open Doors Day, Information Day, educational seminars, conferences, round tables.

Surprise Exhibition - non-traditional (non-standard) exhibition, a kind of exhibition-installation, original in execution, with an unusual arrangement of exposition elements - on an overturned rack, with an installation of books in the form of a house or a spiral staircase, with a slide of old computers, with unusual subject accessories. The purpose of this exhibition- attract to reading through surprise and play.

Thematic exhibition — an exhibition dedicated to topical issues related to public needs in the field of politics, economics, science, technology, culture and art. Target- to present the most valuable literature on a particular topic. Thematic exhibitions are prepared as separate expositions, cycles or as part of the event. They also include new generation exhibitions: question exhibitions, crossword puzzles, dictionaries, advice, facts, discussions, conceptual exhibitions, etc.

Exhibition-test- a kind of exhibitions of the new generation, designed for teenagers and young people, includes tests and related literature, where you can find tips and recommendations based on test results.

Exhibition traditional - an exhibition, the main element of which is a book, and main goal — disclosure of the content of the library fund in various aspects. Most often, these are thematic and genre expositions, exhibitions-views.

Vernissage "Seasons"

Dolidze Galina Nikolaevna - teacher primary school MBOU Lyceum No. 8 of Stavropol, Stavropol Territory.

Photo report from the vernissage "Seasons"

Material Description: Dear colleagues, I invite you to get acquainted with the exhibition of paintings made in various techniques by our students and parents. In our lyceum, parents responded with pleasure to the offer to take part in the family competition: "Seasons". According to the results of the competition, an exhibition of paintings was arranged. This form of work allows parents to be involved in joint activities with a child in a family and school environment, gives parents and children the opportunity to demonstrate their creative abilities.
Purpose of the exhibition: involvement of parents in the development of children's creative abilities, identification and promotion the best experience creative activity.
Leaves. Yellow pencil -
This is an autumn landscape.
Whiteness, snowdrift, aspen -
This is a winter picture.
Snow melts, streams, drops -
It's spring in watercolor.
The sun, the meadow, the flowers are full -
This is a summer canvas.
And here is your artist,
Who did all this beauty
And arranged a vernissage!
It is no coincidence that our vernissage is called "Seasons", the paintings made by parents together with their children reflect spring and autumn, winter and summer.
During the vernissage, the children got acquainted with various techniques for creating paintings. Picturesque canvases attract the eye not only when they are painted in oil on canvas. No less worthy of admiration are the products that came out of the hands of needlewomen.

A three-dimensional picture made from various improvised materials will turn out to be very effective.

You can make volumetric paintings with your own hands literally from anything - the main thing is to give free rein to your imagination.
Autumn gives material for creative creative work very generously. The variety of colors and shapes that can be found in nature cannot be compared with any artificially made kit for creativity: dry leaves, cones, acorns, pine needles, ash and maple seeds, lionfish, nuts and seeds of watermelon and melon, rowan and rose hips , poppy boxes and other dried flowers, moss and tree bark. You should try to collect all of the listed materials on every walk, when going out into the forest, hiking for mushrooms, walking in nature. You have to be careful, sometimes a whole wealth can lie under your feet. In addition, such gathering is very interesting, it develops a logical and creative vision in a child. Children love crafts natural material, they themselves come up with new options for work, with enthusiasm and for a long time they can sit behind the creation of the next masterpiece.
If you think that you can only sculpt various figures from salt dough, then you are mistaken. Nothing prevents you from making a picture out of the dough.

It will decorate any interior and create a cheerful mood in your home. And you can also present such a work as a gift - the hero of the occasion will not remain indifferent to your work - that's for sure!
This art has come to us since Ancient Russia. In those days, it was believed that handmade gifts from dough bring prosperity and wealth to the house. Therefore, our ancestors gave each other such New Year crafts with their own hands for the New Year. Products from salt dough were considered traditional symbols at the wedding.
To create a real masterpiece, you will have to try hard, but absolutely everyone can master testoplasty, especially since this technique does not require any unique abilities and expensive materials. If you set a goal, you can find everything you need without leaving your home, there would be a desire. For children, making pictures from salt dough will become not only interesting, but also a very useful activity, since fine motor skills of the hands are directly related to the development of speech, thinking, attention, imagination, visual and motor memory, and any joint creativity brings together. We can safely say that modeling from salt dough is a tremendous pleasure, which, in addition to this, gives an amazing result.

Bead paintings on glue are a much simpler technique, accessible to a wide range of needlewomen.

However, making pictures on glue is not so much beadwork in the original sense, but “art”, one of the drawing techniques from non-standard material. To complete such a picture, you need to take a finished drawing, stick it on the base - cardboard, plywood, and then mark sections of each color and, covering them sequentially with glue, cover them with a layer of beads of the same color. The result is an amazing work of art!
There is another way to make a beaded picture with glue, also similar to appliqué.
The difference is that not pieces of paper with glued or sewn beads are glued to the base (cardboard, plain fabric), but individual details of the picture made using beading: finished flowers, leaves, butterflies, snowflakes.

This is a "synthetic" art form, which includes several types of beadwork at once.
But this is wonderful - especially if your daughter or granddaughter has mastered the simple techniques of creating separate flat figures from beads, they belong in the picture, and not in the drawer where no one sees them!
Embroidery is one of the most popular types of needlework. Craftswomen create the most amazing and beautiful things. In this case, different stitches are used - satin stitch or cross stitch. Just wonderful pictures from the tapes also come out.

Handmade things amaze with tenderness and natural beauty. Creating them is quite simple, and the whole process does not take as much time as when working with floss threads.
In ancient times, embroidery of pictures from strips of fabric did not look like it does today. Craftswomen used ropes woven from plant fibers. Later, when weaving began to develop, ribbons appeared in their modern form. The art itself, according to researchers, arose thanks to the French king Louis XV. But to this day, everyone is fascinated and intrigued by pictures from tapes. With your own hands you can create a real miracle!
At our vernissage there was even a picture of pasta.

Who would have thought that ordinary pasta is such a wonderful material for crafts! They are very conveniently glued with ordinary PVA glue, besides, they can be painted with paints and the colors will be bright and beautiful. And there are also a lot of pasta shapes and sizes, the most ordinary and not expensive ones will do. First, the outline of the drawing is applied, and then with pasta glue, it is better to do it on colored cardboard.
Paintings made using the quilling technique fascinate with their beauty and deserve attention from lovers of paper rolling and those people who like to create comfort in the interior.

On the English language this needlework is called "quilling" - from the word "quill" or "bird feather". Unlike origami, which originated in Japan, the art of paper rolling originated in Europe in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. AT medieval Europe nuns created elegant medallions by twisting paper with gilded edges on the tip of a bird's quill. When viewed closely, these miniature paper masterpieces created the complete illusion that they were made of thin gold stripes. Unfortunately, paper is a short-lived material and little remains of medieval masterpieces. However, this ancient technique has survived to this day and is very popular in many countries of the world. Paper rolling quickly spread in Europe, but because paper, especially colored and high quality paper, was a very expensive material, paper plastic became an art for ladies from the wealthy sections of society.

In England, Princess Elizabeth was seriously interested in the art of quilling, and many of her creations are kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. With paper, we have an idea of ​​fragility and fragility. But quilling refutes this statement - you can put, for example, a cup or a heavy book on a filigree voluminous stand, and not a single curl of paper lace will suffer. You can assemble a vase for sweets from paper elements and calmly use it for its intended purpose - it will not fall apart or break. In general, quilling is an opportunity to see the unusual possibilities of plain paper.

And these pictures are simply amazing in their realism. At first glance, it may seem that they are painted in watercolor. We come closer - and here we have a patchwork picture.

Kinusaiga is a patchwork technique where you do not need a thread or a needle.

Fans of patchwork paintings will love this technique. Its big plus is that you can create pictures with your child. The kinusaiga technique was created by a Japanese woman, Maeno Takashi, a professor at the University. The main material for creating paintings are pieces of silk. Of course, now you can buy them at any fabric store, but before the pictures of kinusaiga were great way"recycle" old silk kimonos. Silk was very expensive, besides, kimono silk is very beautiful. It would be a pity to throw away such a fabric or use it for household needs. Therefore, it began to be used to create toys and paintings.
Paintings in the kinusaiga technique are created like this. To begin with, the draft of the future picture is drawn on paper. The drawing is similar to a coloring book: clear border lines between elements, fragmentation of elements by colors and shades. Then the lines of the drawing must be transferred to the tree. Grooves-grooves are cut along the lines in the tree, 2 mm deep.
Then the drawing on paper must be colored in order to have an idea of ​​what fabric colors and shades will be required. Fragments of the picture (and there can be very, very many of them) are numbered (both on paper and on wood). Then a piece is cut out of the fabric, corresponding in shape to a certain fragment, but somewhat larger (one might say, this is a kind of allowance for seams). This allowance at the edges is just tiny, only 1 millimeter.
Each piece of fabric is glued into place, and the allowance edges are tucked into the grooves cut in the wood. The work is very painstaking, given that the size of some elements may not exceed half a centimeter. Such a picture can only be done by hand. It is not surprising that works in this technique cost a lot of money and are the pride of their owners.

“The exhibition is the same artistic product as the exhibits that are exhibited at it,” believes , who has 12 years of experience in the Kremlin Museum behind her, as well as the organization of large international exhibitions, in particular, the already legendary "Moscow-Berlin" (1995) and "The Great Utopia: Russian Avant-Garde 1915-1932" (1992). As part of a lecture for students of the RMA faculty, Zelfira Ismailovna spoke about how, ideally, the process of organizing an exhibition project should take place.

About exhibitions yesterday and today

“Exhibition work is one of the most spectacular and attractive trends in contemporary artistic life. An exhibition is always a spectacle. Today, when the demands of the public are constantly growing, the general standards of exhibition projects are gradually declining. This is happening, in the first place, because museums and galleries are facing problems that they could not even think of 20 years ago. People need to be actively attracted to exhibitions, which results in populism in the approach to presenting the material and negligence in execution - exhibitions very quickly replace one another and are prepared in a very short time. Now their main competitor is the Internet, which has spoiled people with a large stream of high-quality images, practically erasing the difference between the original work and the picture on the screen in their eyes.

Today's viewer, coming to the exhibition, first of all wants to experience a vivid impression and read a certain message. Therefore, if earlier it was enough to collect rare and unknown material and it worked, now the exhibition should begin with a bright and original idea, which will be read in the selection of exhibits, their location, catalog, etc.”

About where to start

“The curators come up with exhibitions. In the West, this position is one of the most honorable. The curator there is a king and a god. But if we talk about Russian museums, then the role of curators is often underestimated, and people in whose hands administrative resources are concentrated come to the fore. Of course, now the situation is changing, but if we talk about what happened 20 years ago, when I first got a long-term internship in the USA, the difference was striking. In our museums, the curator is a researcher, loaded with a lot of storage and administrative work to such an extent that he has practically no time left for creativity. In America and Europe, the one who comes up with the exhibition, and the one who makes it, is always different people. And this difference is clearly seen by the administration of the museum, which knows that how interesting and new idea The exhibition will be offered by the curator, which will depend on what opinion is formed about the museum as a whole.

The idea of ​​the curator should be embodied in the text, which will spell out a clear concept of the exhibition. With this concept, the curator goes to the museum management, which makes the final decision. If the project is approved, then in addition to the concept, a colorful presentation is created, proving that the exhibition will be significant and loud, with which the museum goes to the sponsor.

Almost all museum exhibitions are sponsored. In the US, in addition to publicity, sponsors receive large tax breaks, which is a significant incentive for them. There is no law on philanthropy in Russia, so sponsors must be treated with respect. special attention. They must be loved and, most importantly, appreciated the contribution they make to the development of the museum. It is important not to forget to place their banners, invite them to the opening, give the opportunity to write a welcome word to the catalog, etc. And if you follow all these rules, then this gives its results: sponsors begin to get really interested in the projects of the museum.”

About the main items of the exhibition budget

“Once the concept is formulated, it is important to present the preliminary budget of the project. It usually includes several main items of expenditure.

Firstly, it is the transportation and insurance of works of art, the requirements for which have increased significantly in recent years, especially when it comes to bringing exhibits from abroad. Any serious lapse in this area makes further work with Western colleagues difficult. As for insurance, this is a separate big conversation. There are many nuances and limitations when working with domestic insurance companies, many of which themselves undertake to insure no more than 5 million conventional units, and everything else is reinsured by reliable reinsurers abroad. Unfortunately, in our country there is no concept of "state guarantee" that replaces insurance, which significantly limits our capabilities. The patronage of the state allows foreign museums to collect exhibits under one roof with a total insurance value of several billion conventional units.

Secondly, this is the creation of exhibition design and installation. Today, people are sometimes more interested in not what they will see, but how it will be presented to them. And so that new technologies and intrusive design solutions do not infringe on the exhibits themselves, but, on the contrary, reveal the essence of this exposition, a talented and competent exhibition architect is needed. In Russia, such people who can think spatially and at the same time not clog the idea of ​​the curator and the exhibits themselves can be counted on the fingers. Fortunately, today museums already understand that the exhibition itself is a work of art, so they are increasingly inviting foreign designers and architects.”

How to organize everything

“The most intensive work begins when the composition of the exhibition is determined and there is a preliminary estimate. In the West, there is a profession of "exhibition project coordinator/registrar". This person, having received a list of exhibits from the curator, should draw up an appeal to the participants of the exhibition based on the text-concept, where its relevance and significance will be justified. This is an incredibly important point, as museums and private collections need to be persuaded to send you the items you need. In Russia, this, like everything else, is handled by the curator.

After confirmation of all the exhibits, painstaking work on the catalog begins. One of its important components are requests for the right to reproduce exhibits. Very often, the rights to reproduce works do not belong to the museums or galleries themselves, but to international associations or museum authorities (as, for example, in France). The use of these images in catalogs is monitored very closely, especially when it comes to living artists, or those. no more than 70 years have passed since their death.

Translation is important. A careless translation of the author's texts can greatly spoil the impression of the exhibition project as a whole. In Soviet times, there was an excellent school of translators that produced specialists who could adequately state the essence of the text in Russian and not be mistaken in terms. Today, there are very few people who can write about art and translate at the same time. Therefore, I personally prefer to involve highly professional translators who are fluent in Russian or to involve art critics who are fluent in foreign languages.

It is very important that the catalog has an interesting design and high quality printing - it will be nice to give it to sponsors or sell it on the shelves of a museum store.”

The most important part of the exhibition work is the preparation of all contractual documentation. Employees need to issue packages of documents for the issuance of exhibits from museums. At the same time, the conditions are dictated by the party that provides you with works of art. In addition, you should have on hand reports on the state of the building - fire extinguishing systems, security, as well as a state guarantee for the timely return of exhibits. About 20 years ago, this document was ignored. But after many Western museums had to part with the works in respect of which claims were made by the heirs of their former owners, from whom they were confiscated under Hitler, they began to treat him with due attention.

About relations with the media

“Exhibitions are the most important area of ​​the museum's activity, which creates its public reputation and keeps it in the focus of media attention. I learned how to work with journalists during my internship at the Guggenheim Museum in the 1990s. They did not find a job and they put me in the office of the deputy director for exhibition work. During some important meeting in connection with the opening of one of the exhibitions, when a thousand issues had to be resolved at the same time, he received a call and was told that a journalist from the New York Times had come. So he dropped everything and took the journalist around the exhibition for two hours. Because the reputation of the exhibition will depend on what and in which publication they write about you. And in order for the press to write about you correctly, journalists must understand that they are working with them and they are given due attention., this is really something that should not be spared.

Answers to questions from RMA listeners:

Zelfira Ismailovna, and yet: the curator should, first of all, create meanings, or think about where to get money for the project?

Personally, I belong to the number of those people who are engaged in both the first and the second. Of course, in ideal model these should be different people: the curator creates meanings, and the registrar deals with contracts and all administrative work. But the person who goes to the sponsors should take with him a curator who will be better than others to substantiate and prove the significance of his idea. But, at the same time, it is always good when you know how the whole process is going on, which provides a number of advantages.

Should museums pay back sponsorship money?

No, exhibitions are always a losing story. In addition, the sponsor is not expected to return their investments. Almost no museum in Russia makes money from exhibition projects. In the West, this is possible if there is a museum shop, where certain products are ordered for each exhibition. Usually such goods diverge with a bang.

Why is the system of creating museum shops not developed in Russia?

Largely due to the inertia of the mechanisms of our museum, where most of the employees are not creative people, but the administrative apparatus. For example, we have a law that prohibits spending more than 400,000 per quarter on purchasing anything other than a tender, which makes it almost impossible to order a quality product that the museum needs. In addition, museums cannot sublease their premises. And on top of that, in our country it is very difficult to order the production of something for relatively little money, and if you set up production abroad, then a lot of money will be spent on delivery and customs duties.

Vera Khairutdinova

Artist, member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, designer. For 6 years of exhibition activity, she organized and held 29 personal exhibitions, 9 of which are in China.

Top tip for aspiring artists: don't be afraid to showcase your work. I am sure, following the further plan, you will fulfill your dream and hold the first exhibition.

How to tell about yourself

Write a resume

Include in it information about the place of study, about exhibitions indicating the time, place, name. You must have been involved in group activities. Constantly update your resume, add new art-related events, and delete less important ones. Also write about internships, master classes, prizes, awards, if any. Add your photo.

Write a biography

Briefly tell us about yourself. Literally half a page: write about who you are, where you were born, where you studied. Probably, some of your works are in private collections (even if you donated them) and, possibly, in different cities of Russia or abroad. Add this information as well.

Prepare a booklet

An optional item, but it allows you to brightly and colorfully present information about you. Post your photo, a photo of one or more paintings. Add brief information about yourself, what you write, contacts, mention your website or pages on social networks. A good option is a two-sided leaflet in A5 format. More informative than a business card, and also inexpensive.

Get social media pages

If there are, post photos of paintings more often. Very interesting shots in the process of writing, in the open air, pictures of paintings in the interior. Ask to be photographed at work. Shoot short videos.

Sign up for artist portals

Perhaps some of the other visitors will want to purchase your work. The main advantage of such sites is when your name will be entered into search engines, your paintings will be among the first links in the search results. You can use these sites to post your work:

How to prepare your work for an exhibition

Decorate the pictures

Paintings need to be framed in baguettes, for watercolors it is better to add a passe-partout. Don't forget fasteners. Recently, I switched to canvases with a gallery stretch, 4 cm thick.

With a gallery stretch, the edges of the image go to the ends of the stretcher and no baguette is required

I kill several birds with one stone: I save on decoration (baguettes are not cheap) and facilitate the transportation of paintings. The frames are heavy and fragile, they are easy to damage, it is necessary to protect the corners with special corners, and if, then we count every kilogram. And canvases with a gallery stretch are lighter and more convenient for transportation and packaging. In addition, in modern interiors, such works look stylish.

Put your signatures

Be sure to sign on the front of the work. On the back, indicate the last name, first name, title of the work, size of the picture (first the height is written, then the width), material (for example, “canvas / oil” or “watercolor / paper”), year. You can sign with charcoal, then be sure to fix it with a special spray or hairspray so that it does not crumble.

Take a picture of the paintings

The best thing to do is professional photography. A photo good quality can be used for catalogue, album, booklets, prints (creating copies) or when printing on clothing and accessories.

But such shooting is expensive, so at first you can take pictures yourself. For shooting, it is better to take the work outside and shoot in the shade. Then cut off the excess and process in a photo editor. Make sure the colors in the photo match the actual colors in the painting.

To store photos of paintings, create a separate folder on your desktop. Pictures can be pre-arranged into collections - so you can always quickly find the ones you need. For photographs of paintings in the interiors, also create a separate folder, as well as for pictures from the open air and your photos at the easel.

Make a list of jobs

Make a list of all your paintings in a table format. Can be sorted by collection or year. So you yourself will understand how many paintings you have, and put things in order. In the table, indicate the number, name of the painting, year, size, material, if necessary - cost, attach a photo. I add notes to paintings when they are sold or placed in the collection. Be sure to mark the paintings that you donate to an exhibition or somewhere else.

What else you need to consider when preparing for the exhibition


Come up with a name for the exhibition in accordance with the style and theme of the paintings. Select works according to the concept so that together they look good and logical. Make a separate list according to the principle described above, only include in it those paintings that you want to show at this exhibition. Write about how the idea of ​​painting came about, a story about the collection.

Site selection

There are many opportunities to exhibit for free: exhibition halls, galleries, business centers, libraries. Ask questions by mail or phone, come in and meet in person, ask if the staff can post your work or recommend who to contact. Show your paintings.

If you are in Moscow, you can contact Valery Senkevich, the head of the Art in Nature project, or at the Izo Art Gallery in the Romanov Dvor business center - for a small amount of money you can participate in a group or personal exhibition.

Packing and delivery of paintings

Take care of the packaging in advance. Of course, it all depends on where and how you are going to transport the paintings.

  • If the works are framed in a baguette, protect the corners - a small chip on the frame can ruin the whole look.
  • If you are delivering by car and not very far away, a layer of plastic wrap and bubble wrap will suffice.
  • If you are transporting long distances, transport companies suggest adding cardboard packaging or a rigid crate.
  • When transporting paintings abroad, do not forget to issue an export permit. In Moscow, this is done by the College of Experts on Cultural Property. The cost for artists is 500 rubles per painting, but sometimes there is an opportunity to cheat. Works from one series can be issued as a diptych or triptych and paid as for one painting.

The location of the paintings

Think in advance how your work will hang. From the floor to the center of the picture should be 140-150 cm. Check the lighting. It is best to use spotlights. If you exhibit in the gallery, they will definitely help you with hanging.

Press release

The first press release was helped by specialists. The text should contain the name of the exhibition, short information about you, what will be presented, the address, duration, date of opening, telephone number for communication. Further press releases can be done independently on the example of the first.


Issue invitations to the opening of the exhibition. Include the name, address, time, phone number, what other events are planned (I often invite fellow singers to perform). And send out! It is very nice. I prepare in advance a list of those whom I want to invite, and note who agreed to come and who did not. So you can roughly calculate the number of guests in order to determine the number of drinks and snacks for the buffet.


Be sure to invite a professional photographer. Pictures from the exhibition can be posted on pages in social networks and sent to guests and friends. These photos will remind you of you and your event.

Shooting video

A nice addition to your portfolio, although not essential. If you still decide to make a film about the opening of the exhibition, discuss with the operator in advance what you want to see in it, what close-ups you are important, interviews with what people. In general, write the script for your evening and the movie. When will you apply for next exhibition don't forget to link to it.

Your image

Think over your appearance in accordance with the concept of the exhibition and its venue. If necessary, contact a stylist who will take care of the hair and. Such details will help you create an integral image that will definitely be remembered by guests and will delight you in photographs for a long time to come.

Opening speech and communication with guests

Greet the guests, briefly talk about the paintings. Don't forget to thank the people who came to you. Pay attention to each guest, walk around the hall, get acquainted, communicate, find out how the person learned about your event. And be sure to enjoy your evening!


Of course, you can do without it, but usually guests come to the event after work, and a glass of water or a glass of champagne will not hurt. It all depends on your budget, you can add pastries and snacks. Guests will appreciate such signs of attention.


Conducted on request. You can invite those who did not get to the opening.

Of course, the organization of the first exhibition is an exciting and difficult event, but at the same time it is a way to new level professional development. Think about where you would like to see your paintings, tell your friends about your plans, ask people related to art for advice, send resumes. In general, knock on all the doors and show your creativity. And then the first exhibition will be the beginning of a series of exciting events that will open up new facets of your talent and give you many amazing acquaintances and discoveries. Good luck to you!

On November 3-4, 2017, Russia will host the annual Night of the Arts event. The motto of the action: "Art unites". The organizers promise interactive classes, master classes, performances, exhibitions, performances and other events in Russian cities. And we offer to arrange another collective photo exhibition!

Photo exhibition will open November 3, 2017 In addition to the virtual exhibition on the community website, we will arrange a real exhibition display in the hall of the Moscow Library No. 100. Needless to say, scrolling through the photos on the monitor and seeing them live is a completely different experience for the viewer. Yes, and the author looks at the prints differently than at the "number". Take a look at the previous exhibition about childhood.

Carefully read the conditions of participation and requirements for photographs. The deadlines are very tight, so you have to work hard to be in time for the appointed date. The deadline for accepting photos is October 12, 2017 (no later than 23:59 Moscow time on October 12, 2017)

What photos are we waiting for?

Choose one or more topics.

Theme 1 "Hommage" (curator ironrations )
Mass in the community interesting photos created for the briefs "Reconstruction" and "Photoduel". They are examples of homage. We offer you to tell about the works of art (and about the masters) that are significant for you, recreating them in a photograph. The viewer will guess or recognize the original work, or maybe get acquainted with a new author through your work. Let this collection of homages be a tribute to the masters of the past. Please indicate the title and author of the original work.

Photo riddle. Try to guess where is the original of Christian Coigny and where are the works of our amateur photographers: tey51 , ilsiyarz , lotos_tea

A photo 55nika homage "American Gothic" by Grant Wood

Theme 2 "Museum" (curator tey51 )
We invite the participants to present the Museum by means of photography. There is no need to engage in the usual photographic fixation of any object from the museum collection. But to conceptually connect the exposition with the audience, with the creators, with service personnel to show exactly the atmosphere of the museum space. I would like to see a visual reflection of the meaning of the presented expositions. At the same time, the museum can be absolutely anything, from a small school one to a landscape and park one...

A photo tey51

Topic 3 "Vintage postcard" (curator er_anna )
We offer to create an antique greeting card of any genre (portrait, still life, landscape). The theme for the card can be Christmas and New Year, Easter, Valentine's Day, birthday, wedding and other holidays. We expect kind, slightly naive photographs in the spirit of greeting cards of the 19th and early 20th centuries. A signature is allowed: a short traditional congratulation.
Examples of old postcards,,

A photo katharinaviplab

Topic 4 "Street Art and Man" (curator ironrations )
Street art, contemporary urban art - these are graffiti, sculptural installations, non-commercial posters, small "thrown" in public places objects. Street art is not only for the beauty and self-representation of the artist, not only for the design of space. The most interesting thing is how a person interacts with an object of street art: he stopped, thought, looked closely, played, photographed, what emotions he experiences, stores the object or destroys it. Or maybe the passerby himself becomes part of the work of art? The photographer sees it. Photographs are accepted not just of interesting street art objects, but of the history of people's interaction with these objects.

A photo faja_dar

Who can submit photos: Community Members If you have not yet joined our community, you can do so at any time, we are always happy to welcome new members.

Deadline for taking photos: 10/12/2017 (no later than 23:59 Moscow time October 12, 2017)

Where to send: The subject of the letter is "Photo Exhibition", address [email protected]

Photo requirements:

1. Type of photography (subject, interior, reportage, staging): at the discretion of the performer.
2. Number of photos: from 1 to 15
3. Appointment of photos (catalog, booklet, private collection etc.): photo exhibition, photo exhibition booklet.
4. Output format:
For selection JPEG, from 800 to 1000 on the long side, aspect ratio at the discretion of the artist.
For print TIFF or JPEG, A3 printable resolution
5. Picture Color: at the discretion of the performer
6. Level of retouching / processing: any kind of processing that meets the requirements is allowed.
7.Image requirements: Photos NOT accepted:
- in the form of polyptychs (diptychs, triptychs, etc.);
- with frames and passe-partout;
- with watermarks and signatures. The signature is allowed only on photo postcards in the form of a brief traditional greeting (for example, "Merry Christmas", "Merry Christmas").
8. Requirements for accompanying text
NECESSARILY indicate in the accompanying text to the photos
- Name of the author (as the photos will be signed at the exhibition and in the booklet, we recommend that you indicate the surname and name)
- Name tag in
- Indicate whether you are ready to participate in a live exhibition in Moscow. Below about the conditions of participation and the registration fee.
OPTIONAL specify:
- What country are you from,
- Photo title,
- Date of shooting, city of shooting,
- Quote or small explanation to the photo
9. Optional: Request to all authors to send a self-portrait for publication in the "Our authors" section. You can attach any text that you would like to publish about this exhibition to the self-portrait.

By submitting works to the photo exhibition, the participant confirms that he has copyright to the submitted works and agrees that his photos can be used by the organizers at the photo exhibition, in electronic and printed catalogs, advertising booklets indicating the name of the author to inform the audience about the photo exhibition without paying royalties rewards.

The procedure for preparing the exhibition:

After collecting photos, the curators will select those that meet the requirements and themes of the exhibition.

Photos of different authors must be combined with each other. It is possible that the photo will be rejected inappropriately. quality characteristics, but because it does not fit with the rest. If a photo needs to be changed slightly (for example, cropping, changing the aspect ratio) for inclusion in the exhibition, the curator will contact the author with a proposal by mail. To reiterate, a change may be needed to better blend a given photo with others, not to “improve” the photo itself.

The exhibition will be placed in the hall of collective expositions of virtual exhibitions. Participation in virtual exhibition free.

IMPORTANT: If the author wishes, the photographs selected for the exhibition can be exhibited in the exhibition hall in Moscow. The registration fee is 100 rubles per photo. Funds are used to print and frame the photo with a passe-partout. If there is no money at all, but you want to participate, write to us, we will think of something!

Conditions and procedure for participation in a photo exhibition in Moscow:

1. Indicate in a letter with photos that you are ready to participate in a live exhibition.
This means that you have large resolution photos for A3 printing and you are ready to pay the registration fee.

2. If your works were selected by the curator, he will discuss with you by mail what photos to print, tell you how to translate. Please be ready to send high resolution photos and payment promptly, within 2-3 days.

3. Community moderators will prepare a collective exposition for the opening, report on the progress of work.

We are waiting for your photos and hope to see you and your guests at the art night exhibition!

Ask questions in the comments to this post, directly to the curator and all moderators. We will answer with pleasure!