Feeder from 2 liter plastic bottle. DIY bird feeder: a selection of ideas. Video: original ideas brought to life

  • 18.11.2019

Creating bird feeders is not only an interesting pastime with children, but also an opportunity to help smaller brothers with your own hands and explain to your child the importance of caring for fauna. Plastic bottles are an ideal material for creating a feeder, as they come in a variety of sizes and are also resistant to various types of weather conditions.

What tools and materials will be needed

When creating a house, the following materials are needed, which can be found in almost any house:

  • an empty plastic bottle of suitable volume;
  • electrical tape or tape;
  • cutter;
  • rope.

These materials are suitable for creating a classic feeder.

For more original and interesting products, some other tools may be needed, for example:

  • hot glue;
  • drill;
  • decorative ornaments;
  • screws;
  • Bowl;
  • "perches", etc.

Also, when making a feeder, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Bottles should only be used clean. If there were sugary foods or household cleaning products in the container, they should be thoroughly rinsed. The most optimal way is to soak the bottle in a solution of lemon juice and water (no more than a day). After that, the bottle must be thoroughly washed first with soap (without fragrances and dyes), and then with clean running water.
  • Do not use toxic items and items with chemicals. additives.
  • The edges of the feeder must be carefully processed so as not to harm the birds.
  • It is necessary to ensure that seeds that are harmful to feathered comrades, such as fried sunflower seeds, do not get into the bird's "dining room".
  • Before placing the "dining room" you should make sure that the birds do not fall into the trap and do not damage the wings, feathers.
  • Do not place feeders near roads and other places with high sound noise. It is best to do this near forests or a large cluster of trees, in yards, in the country.

Bird feeder from a 1.5-liter bottle: step by step instructions

The simplest option for making a "dining room" for birds is made from a 1.5-liter bottle:

  1. Laying the bottle flat, cut symmetrical holes from 2 opposite sides so that there are “walls” of at least 1-2 cm. The shape of the holes does not really matter, but an oval or rectangle is usually used.
  2. The sharp edges at the slots must be pasted over with electrical tape so that they do not harm the feathered comrades.
  3. At the bottom of the bottle, it is recommended to make tiny holes so that the food does not deteriorate from excessive moisture.
  4. It is necessary to drill a hole of small diameter in the lid: it is necessary to thread two edges of the rope into it so that a loop forms on top. Then the ends of the rope must be tied into a tight knot. Make sure the rope is strong enough to support the weight of the millet and birds.
  5. Having twisted the cap on the bottle, it remains only to find the most successful tree and hang it, not forgetting to leave food.

Feeders made from such improvised means have several advantages:

  • Accessibility and economy;
  • ease of use (plastic is a fairly flexible and thin material);
  • cold and moisture resistance;
  • impervious to wind and dirt.

Bird feeder from a 5 liter bottle

5 liter plastic bottles have enough volume to make your own feeder for more large birds, for example, doves, cuckoos or crows:

5-liter bottles have a special handle next to the lid - it is advisable to get rid of it, as birds can get stuck in it.

Bird feeder from 2 plastic bottles

With the help of 2 plastic bottles, you can make a so-called bunker feeder.

Despite the name, making it is quite simple:

This type of bird feeder plastic bottle do-it-yourself is the best for the following reasons:

  • Most of the food is protected from dirt and excess moisture, which means it will stay fresh longer.
  • Birds, due to the peculiarities of eating food, often scatter part of the feed. Thanks to the hopper feeder, spilled feed will be kept to a minimum.
  • In case of accidents (feeder falling, rain or snowfall), only part of the food will be spoiled, while the rest of the food will remain intact.

Original winter feeder made of plastic bottles

Winter is the time of the adverse conditions for birds: most of the food (which in the cold is already not very much) that birds can get is hidden under a layer of snow, and strong gusts of wind and snowfall do not make the task easier. That is why it is very important to make feeders for the winter period.

However, not each of the feeders can be suitable for the cold season and the "winter feeders" have a number of features:

  • The presence of a canopy that protects food from snow.
  • The walls of the feeder must be of sufficient height to protect the feed from sudden gusts of wind that can blow it out.
  • In order to avoid the product falling from the tree, it is necessary to provide the feeder with a sufficiently strong latch.
  • The basis of the feeder should consist of a material with high frost and moisture resistance.

To make a suitable feeder, you will need Zbutyl: 2 x 1.5 liters and one 5-liter:

  1. A bottle with a large volume will become the basis for the feeder. On three of its sides, it is necessary to cut out 3 holes in the form of the letter "P": 1 large and 2 smaller ones. Bend them up to make a canopy. In the lid, it is necessary to make a hole slightly larger than the neck of a small bottle.
  2. In the bottom of one of the small bottles, you need to make a couple of holes, and then insert it inside the base bottle.
  3. "One and a half" No. 2 must be cut in such a way that a funnel is obtained. It must be inserted into the neck of the first 1.5-liter bottle.
  4. In conclusion, it is necessary, after filling the food, to tighten the bottles with lids.

Automatic bottle feeder

Those who are going to make such a "canteen" for birds will need 2 bottles (their volume does not matter).

First bottle:

  1. Cut off the bottom of the bottle and one of the sides like a child's spatula.
  2. Stepping back at least 3 cm from the cut end, cut a hole slightly larger than the neck of the second bottle.

Do-it-yourself bird feeder from a plastic bottle is very simple if you follow step by step instructions.

You don’t have to do anything with the second bottle: you need to rid it of the lid and pour food inside.


  1. Insert the second bottle neck down into the opening of the first bottle and secure them with hot glue.
  2. On the bottom of the second bottle, make two tiny holes, at a short distance from each other. Insert one end of the rope into the hole and pull it out of the other (loop down). Tie the ends of the rope together into a strong knot.
  3. Do the same operation with the bottom of the first bottle.

Feeder with dispenser of 2 plastic bottles

To make a bird feeder with automatic feeding with your own hands, you need a couple of plastic bottles: 5 l. and 1.5 l. For larger bottles, large holes must be cut around the entire perimeter, which must be located at least 2 cm apart and from the top and bottom of the bottle.

A small bottle must be filled to the brim with food and passed inside a large bottle, neck down (without a lid). Then, at the "one and a half" it is necessary to cut the bottom. Close the large bottle with a lid, with a threaded rope. It will be possible to replenish food supplies by unscrewing the lid of a large bottle and pouring grain into a small one. Sharp edges must be sealed with electrical tape.

Every time the amount of feed in the large bottle decreases, it will begin to pour out of the small one.

Bottle and spoon feeder

For such a "dining room" it is necessary to do in 1.5 liters. the bottle has several holes: 2 on each opposite side (spoons should be placed perpendicular to each other). Moreover, the size of the holes is also distributed in pairs: 2 of them should be no less than 2 times larger than the others. The size of small holes is selected depending on the volume of the handle of the spoon.

Insert a spoon into the holes in such a way that the handle is in the small hole, and the “spatula” peeks out under the larger hole. In the lid of the bottle, it is necessary to cut a small hole for the rope. Then you need to pour food into the bottle and close the lid. The principle of operation of such a feeder is very simple: food for birds wakes up in a spoon as it is lowered.

Feeder from a bottle and a plastic plate


How to decorate a finished feeder?

There are several ways to make a product more attractive:

  • Color, paint with patterns using non-toxic paints;
  • wrap with colored twine or ribbons;
  • stick various applications;
  • attach materials found in the forest: spruce branches and cones, bark, rowan branches, etc.;
  • instead of standard cutouts on the "dining room", you can apply artistic carving.

In fact, you can make the feeder more attractive in a huge variety of ways, the main thing is to show your imagination.

For example, you can make a cute house feeder using some materials:

  • Broom made of dried twigs;
  • non-toxic paints;
  • adhesive mass;
  • rope.

Coat the bottle over the entire surface with glue, and then wrap it with twine so that there are no gaps left. Place the broom rods evenly at the neck, not far from the lid, and tie tightly with twine. When the product dries from the glue, beautiful carved windows can be drawn on top of the twine.

For feeders lined up for the cold season, you can use unnecessary clothing, such as socks or a T-shirt (depending on the size of the bottle). However, it is necessary to ensure that the clothes are clean and do not emit strong odors that can scare away the birds.

For such decoration, you just need to pull the item of clothing on the feeder, sew it at the bottom so that the clothes fit snugly against the bottle, and cut out the holes corresponding to the holes in the bottle. For the safety of the birds, glue the bottle with clothes at the holes, otherwise the bird may fall into the trap.

It is not always easy for birds to find their own food, so a person should help them with this.

Making bird feeders with your own hands from plastic bottles is not only a good deed in relation to the fauna, but also a great pastime with the family. In addition, this hobby will help to conduct an educational conversation that is so necessary for modern children about the importance of preserving nature.

Video: do-it-yourself plastic bottle bird feeder

How to make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle, find out in the video clip:

Original DIY bird feeder ideas in a video clip:

The cold is coming and many birds fly away to warm countries, but many remained for the winter. It's time to think about our smaller brothers and make bird feeders with your own hands. After all, in winter it is much more difficult for them to find food.

And in warm weather, the birds will be grateful to you for your care. And how much fun your children will get from the assembly process and from watching the birds through the window.

When hanging a feeder, try to place it opposite the window, so you and your children can watch the life of birds. But do not hang too close, so that the birds are not afraid of movement behind the glass.

Watching the birds on the feeder from your window, you can captivate and interest children with stories about birds flying to it, give the task to count them or determine the species from an illustrated guide.

The edges of the holes can be pasted over with electrical tape or adhesive tape - they will not be so sharp and it will be more convenient for birds to hold on to them. At the bottom of the bottle, again for the convenience of the birds, we make two holes and insert a straight branch - we get a perch.

Now, such a bottle feeder can be fixed on a tree trunk by one of the jumpers, wrapped with electrical tape, tape, twine or wire.

If you want, you can make a hanging bird feeder. To do this, make a hole in the cap of a plastic bottle, pull the ends of a string 15-20 cm long into it and tie them, then pull them over a free loop.

Screw the cap on the bottle and hang the finished feeder on a branch opposite the window. Done, changing the feed in such a feeder is very convenient - just unscrew the feeder from the cork, add food and screw it back in, or remove the entire feeder from the loop.

It is advisable to make several holes in the bottom of the feeder with a red-hot knitting needle - they will allow water not to stagnate in it during thaws.

Option two: bird feeder self-filling (automatic)

This is a very convenient feeder - it fills up the food for the birds on its own, as it is eaten. You do not have to run out into the yard every day to add grain.

To make such a feeder, you will need two plastic bottles with a volume of 1.5 - 3 liters, but both are the same (the larger the bottle, the larger the feeder will be)

We cut the first bottle in a circle in the upper third, cut holes at its bottom - windows. First make a drawing on the bottle with a marker. The shape and size of the windows is up to you, the main thing is that the birds can easily fit in them. The best option- 2 or 3 holes 5-7 cm wide.

We make holes in the bottom of the plastic bottle to let water out, which can get inside during a thaw. In the upper part of the bottle we pierce two holes opposite each other and pass through them a rope or ribbon on which the feeder will be hung on a branch.

Leave the second bottle untouched. Using a funnel, fill it (about halfway) with food and insert it into the first, cut bottle. The neck should not reach the bottom by about 0.5 cm.

It is more convenient to do this in an inverted position. As an option - at the bottle - grain receiver we leave a screwed cork, but in the narrowest part of the neck we cut several holes in a circle.

Option three: bottle feeder with spoons

A very original idea of ​​​​a bird feeder from a bottle, which I spied from one author. In a plastic bottle, two pairs of through holes are made perpendicular to each other and wooden spoons are inserted into them.

Then, the hole near the scoop of the spoon is slightly expanded upwards so that the birds can get food with their beaks. We fill the feeder completely with cereals and hang it by the lid.

Now, birds, sitting on a spoon, get their food with their beaks, and those grains that get enough sleep remain in the scoop.

More voluminous and capacious bird feeders can be made from 5 liter bottles, and original and noticeable ones can be made from multi-colored bottles.

An interesting video from "Crazy Hands": A feeder from a 5 liter bottle

Bird feeder from a milk or juice bag

Such feeders are made in the same way as the first version of the feeder from a plastic bottle. I will present some interesting, in my opinion, solutions:

Classic cardboard box feeder

You can take any boxes for making a feeder with your own hands: from under shoes, small household appliances etc. The main thing is that the cardboard should be dense and laminated (so it will last longer).

But all the same, a feeder made from a candy box is more beautiful, brighter and more familiar to the eye. It is enough to tie the laces and hang on a branch. You can use both halves of a candy box to make a bird feeder with a roof to protect the food from rain or snow. Working with material such as cardboard is very simple and this activity can be entrusted to children.

From cardboard you can make a lot of unusual and original feeders using only scissors and PVA glue. You can extend the life of the cardboard and protect it from getting wet by “laminating” it with transparent tape.

Hanging edible bird feeders

Edible feeders are made directly from bird food and are hung. In the first case, you can use dried fruits, pieces of bacon, nuts, dried mushrooms, bread (but not black bread - it is harmful to birds), etc.. Products are strung on strong threads and hung out like garlands on branches.

In the second case, feeders are made from melted lard or margarine filled with seeds, cereals, pieces of dried fruits or nuts. Melt lard or margarine in a deep saucepan and pour in the filler, mix the resulting mass.

It is convenient to use disposable cups or halves from a rubber ball cut in half as forms for feeders. We insert a curved wire or a rope loop into the center of the mold and fill it with food soaked in lard and put it in the freezer or put it in the cold. When cooled, the fat will harden and the finished feeders can be removed from the molds.

Now we hang such edible "pendants" on the branches in front of the window. For the reliability and convenience of birds, feeders can be placed in vegetable nets.

Similar bird feeders can be added to make so graceful that they can become a decoration of your garden. To do this, it is enough to spread the prepared feed mixture into cups from a tea set and hang them on a thread. It looks just great and the birds are grateful for the care.

And tits, for example, can eat right on the fly, so for them you can just hang pieces of fat on a thread.

DIY bird feeders made of wood

And of course, the most reliable, beautiful and comfortable are wooden feeders. In their manufacture, you will have to tinker, but the result will justify the time and effort spent.

As a material, you can use any pieces of wood at hand, pieces of plywood, elements of wooden boxes.

And you can buy a ready-made kit for assembling a wooden feeder in the store. The price of such feeders varies from 300 to 5000 rubles. They are assembled with a screwdriver and a hammer.

Video: Simple do-it-yourself bird feeder

What to feed the birds?

I'll tell you a little about feed that can be used in feeders. Use millet, corn, oatmeal, buckwheat, pumpkin seeds, sunflower, melon, watermelon, oats.

In winter, lard (melted or raw), pieces of margarine, butter, and various nuts will be useful for birds. they are the most high-calorie foods.

When breeding chickens, a very important point is a properly balanced diet of the bird. as well as its timeliness. But it is not always possible to feed the chickens on time, as there is a lot of work in the private sector, and it can be difficult to keep track of the time of feeding.

To simplify this procedure, you can use homemade feeders. They are filled with food once and then allow for several days without worrying about it. The design of the feeder allows you to consume food gradually.

What should be?

Feeders for chickens have the following requirements:

From bottles: pros and cons

Plastic bottle feeding chicken design has the following advantages:

  • Ease of manufacture. The feeder is a container with holes at the bottom, from which the chickens receive food.
  • Can be used to feed small chickens.
  • Stable round base. The chicks are evenly spaced, do not choke.
  • The use of plastic construction reduces feeding costs by 20%.

The design has few disadvantages - it has sharp and uncomfortable edges, and during wind and bad weather it can fall, so they use this design indoors.

Options you can buy

Each farmer has the opportunity to purchase a ready-made plastic feeder for chickens by contacting the following manufacturers:

Where do you need to start?

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the feeder, it is necessary to prepare materials and make sure that each bird has free access to food. During feeding, they should not crowd or interfere with each other.


In order to make do-it-yourself feeders from a 5 liter plastic bottle, you will need the following materials:

  • plastic bottle - 5 l;
  • a tray (you can buy it in a store with separators or use some kind of basin, the diameter of the tray should be 20-30 centimeters larger than the diameter of the bottom of the bucket);
  • nails;
  • scissors.

How to do it yourself?

A plastic bottle feeder is the most budgetary and easiest option in terms of manufacturing.. You can do it like this:

  1. Select and prepare containers. Use a 5 liter bottle with a shorter narrow end (neck). Take the container, remove dust and other contaminants from it, if any.
  2. Run markup. Use a marker to draw holes on the bottle. There will be 5 of them, and the diameter will be 1.5-2 cm. This size is suitable for young animals, but for older birds, make rectangular windows 5x7 cm. This is enough for the chicken to stick its head in and peck at the food. They are located in a circle where the stiffeners begin.
  3. Run dispenser. Cut off the neck with scissors, install it in the second part of the bottle with holes. The installation is carried out with the neck down, but not all the way, but leaving a small space (3-5 mm). So that the neck does not “walk”, fix it with tape.
  4. Fix the bottle in the tray with liquid nails.
  5. Pour compound feed inside the feeder until the container is completely filled.
  6. The weight of home-made plastic structures is small. They are quite large in size. So chickens can easily flip such a device. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to fix the structure to the wall through the holes made in the plastic bunker.

How to feed?

So, the feeder is done. Now, when the chickens want to have a snack, you just need to scroll the bottle by the neck so that the tray is filled with food. Chickens can come and eat grains. Chickens will uninterruptedly receive food throughout the whole day, not pushing and crushing weaker individuals.

The importance of a proper diet

Basically, chickens are kept for eggs. In order for their number to be large, it is not enough just to choose a breed with high egg production rates. It is important to properly organize the diet. Breeds that are distinguished by a high number of eggs at wear present high requirements regarding care and feeding.

Egg production is also affected by the age of the chicken. She begins to lay eggs from the 26th week of life, and the peak productivity comes at 26-49 weeks. With the right feed, you can delay the process of reducing the productivity of birds.

To do this, they should have vitamins, proteins and other useful substances in their diet. The food should be light, complete and well digestible.

To increase egg production, the course in the diet should be legumes. So stock up on:

  • peas;
  • lentils;
  • beans.

Chickens are not accustomed to such feed, so at first they need to be given grains steamed in advance, and then added to regular feed or mixture. It is enough to feed adults 2 times a day, and young animals up to a month - 3-4 times a day.

Do-it-yourself plastic chickens have many advantages, including ease of manufacture and use, low cost.

Every owner will have all the materials necessary to obtain such a design, and even a person with no experience can make it. It is enough to spend only 20-30 minutes of free time, but your chickens will always be full and will thank you with generous egg production.

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Most birds migrate to warmer regions for the winter, where there are no problems finding food. If you want to help the remaining birds, you can make a bird feeder with your own hands from a 5 liter plastic bottle. Such a device is made very quickly from improvised materials, but has maximum efficiency. In this material, you will receive all the necessary information on how to make a feeder and what tools you will need to use for this.

Main Features of Bird Feeders

You can create a bird feeder from any materials at hand. However, such devices will have low efficiency and reliability if they do not meet the basic requirements:

You can create your own types of feeders, give them a unique design and use various mechanisms, but the main requirements must be met.

When creating a feeder from a plastic bottle, bird features and preferences must be taken into account. For example, pigeons love to find food on the ground or any other flat surface, which means they often ignore feeders.

Sparrows and tits are frequent visitors to the feeders, but they also have different preferences. Sparrows love static buildings. For example, houses nailed to a tree or securely fixed structures. Swinging bottles scare them away, and they feed from them on rare occasions.

For tits that do an excellent job of balancing, plastic bottle feeders suspended from tree branches or tied to them from the side are suitable. It is these birds that will be the most frequent visitors to the plastic feeders that you made yourself.

What are the feeders from a five-liter bottle

Using ready-made bases does not leave much choice for making feeders. To date, three main variants have been seen in use. Let's consider them in more detail.

Horizontal design

This type of feeder has a number of positive features, including higher availability for birds. To make it, you need to complete a series simple actions, and photos will help you quickly understand the process:

For the convenience of birds and their safety, the finished design can be improved. To do this, we eliminate all sharp corners after cutting the bottle. Glue electrical tape around the perimeter of the cut and cornice. It will hide all sharp spots. If there is no electrical tape, then you can use a simple adhesive tape.

You should take care of the perch, as it will be much easier for the birds to peck food from it. The easiest way is to use a wooden skewer of the desired length. Two holes are cut in the sides of the cut out window in the bottle. They should be 1-2 centimeters above the bottom of the hole. We thread a skewer into them, and a simple perch is ready. You can also make transverse poles, but then they will pass under the bottom line of the hole.

A 5 liter plastic bottle, even when filled with food, is a very light material. It sways easily in the wind. To make the structure more rigid, it should be weighted. To do this, several stones are placed at the bottom of the bottle. It is necessary to take into account the increased weight and hang the feeder only on reliable branches.

Vertical design

This type of design is less efficient in terms of the use of free space, however, it can be improved with automatic feed dispensers and has great design possibilities. To prepare such plastic feeder For birds, do the following:

Note! Electrical cable insulation can be used to eliminate sharp edges. The cable is cut to the size of the windows, and then along. The insulation is attached to the edges of the hole using a slot made in it.

If you do not have the opportunity to often change food, then the vertical design of the feeder allows you to put a homemade dispenser.

Feeder with dispenser

If you do not have the opportunity to often add food, but want to make life easier for winged birds, then you can make a do-it-yourself bird feeder from a 5-liter plastic bottle with the addition of a bunker dispenser to it.

As soon as the food starts to run out, the dispenser will add it required amount myself. Such a device can be made from a plastic bottle, but of a smaller volume than the base of the feeder. Usually, a liter or one and a half liter plastic bottle is used for these purposes.

Note! If you plan to install a dispenser, then you need to take this into account even at the stage of preparing the main part of the feeder. The dispenser holes must be cut in such a way that the feed does not spill out of the feeder over the edge, but also effectively fills the bottom of the feeder.

To consolidate the material presented, you should familiarize yourself with this video, which visually outlines all the steps for making a feeder from a plastic bottle:

Birds that do not migrate to other regions for the winter are forced to earn their livelihood in more difficult conditions. And human help comes in very handy. However, not everyone knows what to feed wild birds, and what products to give them is strictly prohibited. In order to understand these issues, we have prepared a few simple tips.

Feeder design

Many people want their creation to be not only practical and effective, but also pleasing to the eye. An ordinary plastic bottle does not look very good, but this can be fixed with a set of improvised tools, glue and acrylic paints.

The design of the feeder will depend entirely on the imagination of its creator. Below we give an example of a few original feeders. We hope that they will give rise to new ideas, and you will be able to come up with a completely new and unique way to design a simple feeder.

The easiest way to change appearance a simple plastic feeder - repaint it. Acrylic paints are considered the most successful means for painting, as they lay down in an even layer and dry very quickly. You simply apply the desired pattern to the outside of the bottle and wait for it to dry completely.

To give the feeder an original look, you can use ordinary twine for design. This method is more complicated than simple repainting, but visually the feeder will become more attractive. The order of decoration will be as follows:

How to make a bird feeder

Bird feeders are a great topic for both bird lovers and inventors of small architectural forms. How to do simple or fancy feeder from cardboard boxes, from plastic bottles, from cans, from a wooden block or a bucket of mayonnaise, as well as from packaging for a cake and from everything else, what to feed titmouse and what sparrows eat look and read - ideas fly in the air and land on this page.

The cutest and most beautiful "cafe" for birds

What a beauty!

Master Class
1. With a hot knife, cut the bottle in two places along the basting. See for yourself what width of the strip to cut, there are no exact dimensions.

Cut according to the mark

2.See the picture below. Cut out a wider strip, get a more squat figure, cut out less - the product will be higher.

The height of the feeder depends on the height of the cut piece

3. At the bottom of the bottle, cut a hole for the birds to land on, as shown in the photo. Do not forget to walk along the edge of the window with a hot knife so as to melt the cut and make it not sharp. The bird will sit on the edge of the window with its paws and should not be cut.

To prevent the birds from cutting their paws

Paint the bottom of the bottle with acrylic paint.
4. When the paint is dry, make two holes with a hole punch (or a hot nail) in the bottom of the bottle, on either side of the entrance to the feeder at the same distance.

Hole punch makes holes neater than a nail

5. Symmetrical holes must also be made in the upper part of the bottle, twine will be threaded into these holes, with which the upper and lower parts of the bottle will be connected and this beauty will be hung.

Connect the bottom and top of the structure with twine

6. Color the top of the bottle and don't forget the cork. Let dry.
7. The twine will be threaded according to the scheme:

The twine connects the top and bottom of the feeder, and the knots are pulled up through the hole in the cork

8 Make a hole in the cork, take the knots and pull the two ends of the twine by the knots through the hole in the cork.

Pass the twine through the hole in the cork

9Decorative detail. Make additional holes, as shown in the photo, on the bottom and top of the bottle and fasten the parts with decorative rivets. This will additionally fasten the details and give the look of a “brand item”.

Rivet holes

Align the rivet holes on the bottom of the product with the same holes on the top.

Rivets especially decorate Raffia palm string bow

And from such bottles, funny feeders would also turn out.

minion feeder

From cardboard boxes.

Any cardboard box with a hole cut out, hung up and filled with food, is a feeder. For example, a box from Rafaelo or boxes from New Year's children's gifts, which are accumulated in every house in abundance after the New Year.
We use milk bags, paint and decorate with buttons and twigs. Glue with silicone glue with a glue gun. (I bought myself a glue gun at a hardware store, it was 3 times cheaper there than in a needlework store).

Feeder from a milk bag with buttons
Cardboard box feeder
Raffaelo box
Christmas gift boxes

By the way, if there is no balcony, but only a window, then the cardboard device will come in handy, it will not break the window when you lower it out the window onto the windowsill. My only fear is that in this house the neighbors are not happy to feed the pigeons so close to the cars. It would be necessary to make the hole in the box small, then the pigeons would not be able to feed on the windowsill, but the tits would scurry back and forth and delight the child and the kitten with their bustle. And so after all it's boring to look at the dove's ass sticking out of the box.

The girl hangs the feeder outside the window (So much effort, but only the pigeon's ass is visible).

Bird "bistros" from cans

Tin can feeders
To prevent the birds from cutting themselves, smooth the landing edge of the feeder.

Baby formula cans are very bird-friendly.

Lauren Martin, a French horticulturist, has set up a whole feeder garden in her home.

From plastic bottles, it's easy.

The simplest homemade bird canteen that allows you to pour a full bottle of seeds, as a small hole prevents the seeds from getting enough sleep.

The simplest bird feeder

We do this according to the scheme:

How to make the most a simple feeder from a plastic bottle
Make it easy

From other improvised materials.

From the packaging for the cake.

Cake for tits

wooden bar idea

bird bar idea

From plastic buckets for mayonnaise.

Bucket for birds1 Bucket for birds2

wooden blocks

It is quite difficult to make, but the look is very eco-friendly

From whole coconut.

When the holiday is over and the flesh of the coconut is eaten, the capacity of the coconut feeder will be filled with simple food in the form of seeds and the exotic restaurant will turn into a budget eatery.

Two options for one technology:

How and where to place top dressing.

This is actually an important question. After all, we live among people and our interests or the interests of our feathered friends should not conflict with the interests of the people around us.
If the droppings of birds that we bring to our window or balcony regularly fall on the lower balconies or on the cars of our neighbors, expect trouble. And do we need it?
Solving this problem is simple. You need to know a few things.
1 Feed pigeons only on the ground, away from parking lots, balconies and window sills, so that pigeon droppings do not harm us and our neighbors.
2 Sparrows, unlike tits, do not fly away immediately as soon as they take food, they sit in the same place where there is food and poop in the same place and throw the husks from the seeds in the same place. Such a fellow sits on the edge of a bottle or a perch, takes the seeds, pecks and throws the husk back into the seeds or next to them. Spit, brat, all around. Tits are afraid of him and wait, sitting on the branches nearby, when he is full. Therefore, a container with seeds should be hung away from the wall of the house,

1. Here's at least how my neighbors did, look at the video.

This is a Yurok, they are wintering with us. These birds are like sparrows, they sit until they are full and try not to let the tits in, and the titmouse fly up, take a seed and peck out a seed from a branch.
2.Or place inside the balcony so you can clean up after your guests.

Cup on the balcony
Titmouse love fat
Serious feeder
Titmouse on the slope of the window
We fix the feeder with a dowel
Feeder with lid - very convenient for filling with seeds "Bread pipeline"

A child living in this house called this structure a "bread pipeline"

What do tits eat

For feeding tits, unroasted sunflower seeds, unsalted lard, fat, nuts (chopped, with soft pulp, such as walnuts) and an exotic option - a sawn coconut suspended on a string, are suitable.

What not to give birds
You can not give salty fat, roasted sunflower seeds, smoked products, rye bread.
Titmouses will not eat either buckwheat, or millet, or rice.
But sparrows will eat millet and crushed grains and raisins.

By the way, wild grapes () on your balcony will also attract birds. An alpine jackdaw flies to us, see the video at the end of the article.
Fat treat

Treats for the birds

Salo can simply be hung on a thread or cut into pieces and put in a vegetable net, I'm on my feeder, which is both observation deck for my cats in the summer, I made such a design.