Virtual exhibition in the library. Virtual exhibition library lesson. "Dear Honor, Dear Glory"

  • 02.05.2020

"Creating a virtual exhibition"

With the release of the library into the information space, along with book exhibitions, electronic (virtual) book exhibitions have become widespread in our time. The electronic exhibition is a synthesis of the traditional (book) and the latest (electronic) ways of presenting information. It can be placed on the site, and now this area of ​​library activity is very relevant and in demand.

There are several definitions of a "virtual book fair":

"animation depicting paintings, books, other resources, press releases, information about works and authors"

"3D animated journey with detailed information about authors, artists, lists of references, additional information from other Internet sites".

Virtual Exhibition- public demonstration on the Internet using Internet tools and tools of virtual images of specially selected and systematized print works and other media, as well as publicly available electronic resources recommended to remote users of the library for review, familiarization and use.

Purpose of the virtual exhibition– public Internet presentation various kinds documents. Such an exhibition is mobile, compact, meaningful and is an up-to-date guide in a vast flow of information. Each exhibition is made with the help of an original multimedia design that simulates being at an exhibition, facilitating navigation and perception of information.

An essential advantage of virtual exhibitions is that virtual exhibitions are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What tasks does a virtual exhibition solve in a library?

By creating virtual exhibitions, librarians solve several problems at once:

master the new kind work using digital technologies to the exhibition work of the library;

keep the exposition for a longer period than a traditional exhibition provides;

support the safety of the library fund by submitting the material in electronic form;

enable the remote user to use the information resources of the library.

Types and forms of virtual book exhibitions:

One book exhibitions

Presentation of covers and brief annotations for books with musical accompaniment

Collection of book trailers

Collection of audio recordings

Exhibition of books in the form of an interactive poster

Exhibition of books in the form of a mind map

Exhibition of books in the form of a 3D book.

What is the algorithm for preparing and organizing electronic book exhibitions?

Thinking about creating a virtual exhibition, you need to be prepared for a long, painstaking, but interesting work. On the material of any exhibition, you can develop its electronic version. Thus, the exhibition will take the form of a computer presentation.

The creation of electronic bibliographic resources is necessarily based on the traditional methodology and includes new features of the electronic computer environment (Word word processor, preparation system PowerPoint presentations, HTML markup language, etc.). In a virtual book exhibition, as in a traditional one, sections, quotes are used, there is a design (this includes covers and open books, placement aesthetics, colors, etc.). Application possible additional elements, inherent in a traditional book exhibition (this is, for example, a factual information about the author or subject, a list of additional literature) and distinguishing a virtual book exhibition (hypertext links to full texts or fragments of documents, multimedia effects, interactive user interaction, etc.).

When organizing virtual book exhibitions, it is mandatory to strictly follow the standards for presenting traditional book exhibitions:

- artistic presentation of the book (image of the cover, open book, including the possibility of interactive page turning, the ability to read a fragment of text, etc.);

– bibliographic description of the book;

– annotation of the presented book (what kind of annotation - recommendatory or reference - to use depends on the target and reader's purpose indicated in the preface).

Development of an electronic book exhibition model:

Choose a theme for your e-show;

Analyze what material you will need to organize an exhibition;

Select the books and illustrations you need;

Plan the exhibition.

Technical preparation of the project:

Scan illustrations, prepare text materials;

Create a separate folder on the disk in which your preliminary materials will be stored.

Most often, the following programs are used to create a virtual exhibition: Microsoft Office Power Point, Windows Movie Maker - a program for creating a site and Web - pages, Picassa Web Album.

Power point program serves to create presentations using an ordered set of slides, for graphic explanation of speeches at seminars, conferences, etc. The program helps to create a development electronic documents special kind, which are characterized by complex multimedia content and special playback capabilities. Power Point allows you to create compelling presentations with graphics, animations and other multimedia elements, and provides a more convenient way to show them. Convenient means of showing presentations. Use of graphics.

Windows Movie Ma ker is a video editor from Microsoft that is very popular among users. It does not belong to the class of professional editors and can be used even by the most inexperienced users. With the help of Windows Movie Maker, we can create a video with relative ease, or, for example, a slide show. In general, all work with the program consists in dragging video, audio and photo onto the timeline, and adding effects. With this simple video editor, we can trim the video, or overlay it on its audio track. You can also add effects, titles and titles. All effects can be previewed "live", and only then apply them. Titles and titles can be used, for example, when creating a slide show. Windows Movie Maker is designed primarily for creating simple, but sometimes very effective videos from videos or photos. Many video formats are supported: AVI, ASF, DVR-MS, MPEG, MPG, MP2, WMV, M1V, WM, MPV2. But you can only save the final video in WMV format.

Picassa Web Album.

viewing photos in normal and full screen modes, including as a slide show

photo editing, cropping and straightening

apply various effects to photos, including red-eye correction

assigning labels and keywords to photos

photo printout

creating photo collages

send photos by e-mail publishing them on blogs

create screensavers and photo slideshow CDs from your photos.

Explanatory note

Most often, librarians use a virtual exhibition in the form of a cover presentation with annotations. This is not always convenient, because the reader cannot look inside the book, scroll through it, or look at the illustrations. Deciding to move away from this option, I decided to create a virtual exhibition where you can not only leaf through the book, but also listen to the audio recording of the book and even read it all. The virtual exhibition will include not only books, but also audio recordings, video files, which may not even be in the collection of this library.

Step 1.

Exhibition theme selection: « I love you, my native land." Quote selection.

The relevance of the topic is also determined by the fact that local history is nothing but an important means of connecting the school with life. The cultural tradition of any nation is the study of nature, history, economy, life of their region . wrote that "local history teaches people not only to love their native places, but also to know about them, teaches them to be interested in history, art, literature, to raise their cultural level. This is the most massive type of science."

Step 2

Collection of information, material on this topic, analysis of the material necessary for the organization of the exhibition. It was decided to present new books about our region in a variety of ways. The purpose of presenting books at the exhibition is to attract the reader, to interest him with the information presented at the exhibition, not just to inform the reader, but to include an emotional component, to arouse interest in the book and the author. And for this it is necessary to use the possibility of Web-design, among other means.

Step 3

So, having thought over the design of the exhibition, we begin the artistic presentation of the book (the image of the cover, an open book, including the possibility of interactive page turning, the ability to read a fragment of text, etc.).

Be sure to add a bibliographic description for each book; brief annotation.

Step 4

The arrangement of slides according to the scheme of the exhibition, the use of hyperlinks to return to the main page.

The virtual exhibition "I love you, my native land" can be viewed by clicking on the link:

https://drive. /file/d/0B7J8sIEAaNh1YzhkeVpLODBGSTg/edit? usp=sharing

Virtual book fairs

Dear friends!

October 14, 2018 marks the 80th anniversary of the famous children's writer Vladislav Krapivin. The works of V. Krapivin are included in the "Golden Library of Selected Works for Children and Youth", "Library of Adventures and science fiction”, “Library of World Literature for Children”, in the Japanese 26-volume series “Selected Works of Russian Writers for Teenagers”.

We bring to your attention an electronic presentation of his books.

On July 19, the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky turns 125 years old.

Children's poetry occupies a special place in his work. We bring to your attention virtual exhibition "Mayakovsky for children".(2.18Mb)

April 23 is World Book and Copyright Day.Books are one of the greatest legacies of mankind.Thanks to the book, first of all, we get access to knowledge, ideas, spiritual and moral values, to the understanding of beauty and human creative achievements.Present to your attention e-exhibition "Gallery of Geniuses".

September 17, 2016 marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkova. One of her most famous books is the story "The Girl from the City".

This piercing story tells about a girl who was orphaned during the Great Patriotic War, about a difficult military childhood, when grief, tears, loss of loved ones, loneliness are miraculously compensated by mercy, kindness, understanding, affection from completely strangers, but not indifferent people.

We bring to your attention the presentation of the book "The Girl from the City".

Great war - great victory (2.71 MB) - the name of the virtual book exhibition dedicated to the most important memorable date of our country.

We present to your attention an electronic exhibition of books P. Astakhova "For Children about Law" (3.9 MB). The books in this series are addressed to schoolchildren aged 11-12.

From them they learn about their rights and about who in the state is obliged to protect the rights of children, a lot of useful legal information in an accessible form, as well as about the possible consequences of certain actions.

We invite you to get acquainted with the encyclopedic series of books “Know the World” of the St. Petersburg publishing house “Baltic Book Company”. These books are kind of guides to the most different topics: history, science, natural history, literature, etc. The Explore the World series will become not only an indispensable assistant to the student in preparing reports and essays, but also a storehouse of useful and entertaining information for the whole family.

Reading, thinking, growing up

The exhibition presents the books of the publishing house "Aquilegia-M" of the "Modern Prose" series. The publishing house publishes fiction and educational literature for children and youth. Your attention is offered to the books of the publishing house of the writer Elena Gabova, written in different years: from the 80s of the last century to the 2010s. All these works are united by the recognizability of the images of the main characters, because the issues of friendship and first love excite young souls at all times. The world in her works is recognizable, romantic, filled with subtle psychologism.

Why chicky books

As you know, all children are naturally "why". Growing up and learning about the world, they ask adults a huge number of questions. In the Children's Library of the Republic of Karelia named after V.F. Morozov, you will find books in the “Why Books” series, in which everyone will find the answer to their question.

Poetic dance

How to diversify family leisure and what is useful to do with your children, full of strength and energy? We invite you to get acquainted with the virtual exhibition "Poetic Dance" with your children. In an incendiary rhythm, the poems of the best authors of children's poetry of the 20-21st century will swirl you. As you read poetry, you will encounter kindness, humor, fantasy, rhyming, and verbal creativity. The subject of children's poems is so diverse that it will allow you to unobtrusively, while reading fascinating books, solve many issues of raising and educating children: feed the child, put him to bed, help overcome fears, teach him to speak and write, introduce him to the world of nature, technology, literature and art.

Walk into history

Do you want to know how people lived in different historical times? What games did they play, what did they wear, what did they eat, how did they study, what language did they speak? The answers to these and other questions can be found in the educational books of the Moscow publishing house "Walking into History". Each book in the series is dedicated to a specific era - from the Stone Age to the present day. Stock up on courage, patience, curiosity and go on exciting walks through ancient cities and countries. So, forward - on foot in history!

Reading, thinking, growing up

The exhibition presents books by the publishing house "Children's Literature" of the series "Laureates of the International Sergey Mikhalkov Competition". These are novels and stories about teenagers that raise important issues of growing up and becoming a person. They are recommended reading for both teenagers (12+) and adults.

We invite you to read

In the sea of ​​children's literature, it is very difficult to find books for an older child. school age, especially if he is already an "experienced reader" and is familiar with many works of children's classics, and the family has a tradition of reading together. The virtual exhibition will introduce you to books that will be of interest to both children of 7-8 years old and preschoolers.

Artists draw a fairy tale

Did you know that “almost every children's book has two authors. One of them is a writer and the other is an artist." (Samuel Marshak). It is the artist who designs the cover, creates illustrations, thanks to which the book comes to life. We present to your attention the new books of the NIGMA publishing house with illustrations by two wonderful artists Petr Petrovich Repkin and Anatoly Mikhailovich Eliseev. Young readers will be happy to meet their loved ones fairy tale characters your parents.

Tuzik, Murzik and others...

2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology and the Year of Specially Protected Natural Territories. This means that adults and children should pay attention to the protection of forests and parks, rivers and lakes, wild and domestic animals. We advise you to read books from the series "Tuzik, Murzik and others ...", the main characters of which are animals with their joys and difficulties. These entertaining stories and stories will help you learn to take care of the natural world and its inhabitants, take care of pets, and be responsible for their lives.

Books from an early age bring up good feelings and noble thoughts in a child, encourage good deeds, make their life fuller and more interesting. When choosing them, one should proceed from the age of the young reader, bearing in mind that the book should stimulate its development. The virtual exhibition will present an overview of the books recommended for reading by children of primary school age by our library specialists.

The exhibition presents a part of the historical collection of the Children's Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan. V.F. Morozov - books that turned 60 this year (published in 1956). They are the same age as the grandparents of today's readers! Here you can see the books of such representatives of the immortal classics of children's literature as V. Bianchi, Y. Olesha, S. Marshak, G. Kh. Andersen, etc. However, many names will be discovered by visitors for the first time.

2016 has been declared the Cross Year of Russia and Greece. Children's Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after V.F. Morozova did not remain aloof from this event. We present to your attention the virtual exhibition "Once Upon a Time in Greece", in the first part of which you will find a description of books dedicated to the role of Hellas in world history and culture. You will see that the responses of this ancient unique civilization are still present in our lives, and its cultural heritage incredibly large.

Myths and legends, what could be more exciting? Captivating stories about deities and heroes that the ancient Greeks once believed in still fascinate both adults and children. The virtual exhibition of the SB RK continues to acquaint the reader with books dedicated to Greece. In the second part you will find publications that tell about the mythical world of antiquity in an artistic and accessible form for children. The virtual exhibition of presentations of books about one of the main traditions presented to us by Ancient Greece - the Olympic Games - is coming to an end.

June 20, 2016 marks the 95th anniversary of the birth of the famous writer Markushi Anatoly Markovich. Anatoly Markovich wrote the bulk of his books for the younger generation. It is difficult to count how many young men, having read his stories, made a decision for themselves to forever link their fate with heaven.

Books from an early age bring up good feelings and noble thoughts in a child, encourage good deeds, make their life fuller and more interesting. When choosing them, one should proceed from the age of the young reader, bearing in mind that the book should stimulate its development. The virtual exhibition will present an overview of books recommended for reading by middle school age children by our library experts.

75 years ago, on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. The list of references is intended for preschoolers and schoolchildren of primary and secondary grades. The material may be of interest to teachers, educators, librarians working with children. We hope everyone will find their book here. The books will tell the harsh truth about the war, about the terrible tragedy of the peoples and the individual who carried his share of the burden of those days on his shoulders.

The virtual exhibition presents books whose anniversaries we are celebrating in 2016. Works created hundreds of years ago and books that are only a few decades old are presented. But all of them entered the treasury of literature, passing from generation to generation. They imprinted the tastes and views of not only the authors themselves, but also the people for whom they worked...

The exhibition is devoted to the review of the books of the series "The most beautiful and famous" of the publishing house "Avanta +". Museums, treasuries, pantries, priceless collections of precious items - all this will be told by the collection of books presented at the exhibition "Pantries of the Beautiful".

A series of books "The most beautiful and famous." Release 3

The exhibition is devoted to the review of the books of the series "The most beautiful and famous" of the publishing house "Avanta +". The books in this issue will reveal the secrets, tell about all the splendor of the most beautiful places on Earth. Each book is a professionally written captivating text in a highly artistic layout with magnificent illustrations.

A series of books "The most beautiful and famous." Release 2

The exhibition is devoted to the review of the books of the series "The most beautiful and famous" of the publishing house "Avanta +". Visitors to the exhibition will get acquainted with the books of the series dedicated to the many-sided, amazing animal and flora our planet. Each book is a professionally written captivating text in a highly artistic layout with magnificent illustrations.

A series of books "The most beautiful and famous." Release 1

By visiting a virtual exhibition, the reader will find out which books are the most interesting and in demand. according to our readers. Virtual exhibitions will soon be released, featuring titles recommended by parents and librarians.

Release 1

These are novels and stories for teenagers and about teenagers, raising important issues of growing up, the development of a child as a person. They are recommended reading for both teenagers and adults. We hope that librarians and reading supervisors will use this material in their work.

Release 2

Swedish writer Annika Thor was born on July 2, 1950 in the small town of Gothenburg. I dreamed of becoming a writer since childhood. Some works of A.Tor are obligatory and are included in school curriculum many Swedish schools, and are also very popular in different countries, including Russia.

May 9 - Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic war 1941-1945. The exhibition will present readers with publications devoted to the history of military operations and works of art reflecting the events of this period in the history of our Motherland.

War is not only "woe to the vanquished":
She and the winners in full
Gives a storehouse of troubles and bottomless torments:
Forever be damned, war!

Alexander Dybin.
From the collection "Earthly and Heavenly Russia"

A wide range of literature on the history of Russia is presented. Books acquaint with the brightest events of our country.

"History ... is the sacred book of peoples ... a mirror of their being and activities ... a tablet of revelations and rules, a testament of ancestors to posterity, an explanation and an example of the future."

Karamzin N.M.

The book exhibition consists of two sections. The first section "Through the book - to peace and harmony" contains books about ethnography and regional studies, as well as about some states (China, the Vatican, Versailles).

The second section "Another, Others, About Others" presents the books of the series with the same name ( children's project Ludmila Ulitskaya). These are books about everything that surrounds a person: about family, about communication, about professions, etc.

The virtual exhibition is a review of contemporary literature for teenagers, revealing their inner world. These are novels and stories for teenagers and about teenagers, raising important questions of this difficult age. They are recommended reading for both teenagers and adults.

Release 1

A few years ago, a new name appeared in world literature - Eustein Gorder (JosteinGaarder), famous Norwegian writer and publicist, author of novels, short stories and books for children. Books by Y. Gorder have been translated into many languages ​​and published in different countries of the world with a total circulation of more than ten million copies.

Gorder's books, originally intended for children, will be of interest to adults as well.

The exhibition presents a unique series of books of the Russian Geographical Society -

"Great Russian Travelers". You will get acquainted with the travels of famous Russian geographers to the Arctic and Antarctica, Siberia and China, the Tien Shan and other distant and unexplored lands. Books will tell you about how new countries and entire continents were discovered over the centuries, how the world map changed, acquiring its modern shape.

CBS of the Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod. Creation and use of electronic exhibitions in the library

Karzanova, A. Creation of electronic exhibitions in the library / A. Karzanova // Panorama of library experience. - Minsk, 2012. - S. 80-93. - (Library offers).

Examples of virtual exhibitions:

Children's and Youth Library Anapa Resort City. Virtual book fairs

Creation of electronic exhibitions in the library

The objects of innovation in the library are as technological processes, so products and services. Usage multimedia technologies allows you to introduce innovations in the traditional activities of the library - the exhibition. What is an electronic book fair?

Electronic exhibitions (virtual) is a synthesis of traditional book and the latest electronic ways presentation of information. The virtual exhibition is mobile, compact, meaningful and is an up-to-date guide in a vast flow of information. The virtual exhibition is mobile, compact, meaningful and is an up-to-date guide in a vast flow of information. The concept of "virtual book exhibition" is also understood as the presentation of books in electronic PowerPoint format, and an electronic exhibition of fully digitized publications, and complete digital author's collections of works.

Thanks to the possibility of organizing permanent exhibitions, libraries can create cycles of virtual book exhibitions that operate simultaneously.

Using the capabilities of hypertext allows you to focus on each book. Note that moving around the exhibition using hyperlinks requires active participation from the user; the user has the opportunity to ignore sections that do not meet his interests, and to get to know the publications of interest to him more deeply. Hypertext links allow organizers to organize the space of the Internet page in such a way that the user can at any time get an idea about the exhibition as a whole and about each book shown in the exposition.

An e-library exhibition can be created in PowerPoint format - electronic presentation. This format is currently widely used by us. The possibilities provided by this program allow you to create electronic exhibitions of literature, where the first slide represents the entire set of exhibited publications, and all subsequent slides represent individual publications or authors.

The main elements that make up the electronic exhibition are visuals and text.

The visual range is represented by illustrative material (book covers, spreads, illustrations, maps, photographs, etc.).

The text that accompanies and reveals the visuals consists of quotations, annotations, biographical notes and bibliographic descriptions.

Conditions for visual comfort:

  • the brightness of the object should be within reasonable limits;
  • the contrast of the image relative to the background must be chosen taking into account the size of the object: the smaller its size, the higher the contrast should be;
  • the size of the symbol should be consistent with the visual acuity of the person. It also affects the speed and correctness of perception of information, the visual sensation rises and falls for 0.5 seconds.

When using animation effects in text fragments, it should be taken into account that an electronic library exhibition can be implemented in two modes: a random demonstration mode and a user-controlled demonstration. These modes offer different viewing times.

It is more expedient to use animation effects in relation to the entire text or its large fragments. The appearance of the text on the principle of "typewriter" - by letter - slows down the viewing time of the exhibition and, if the text is large enough, tires the eyesight.

When using traditional (static) drawings and photographs, it is important to choose the right scale for the image. The size of the details must match the resolution of the screen and the acuity of human vision.

Electronic representation of information involves careful handling of colors. When choosing a color, experts recommend following the following principles:

  • red and blue colors attract the most attention;
  • however, the blue color is of little use for coloring small graphic objects that require maximum image clarity; for these purposes, the colors yellow-green, yellow and orange are used, and the blue color is used for an accentuating substrate for highlighted graphic elements;
  • it is advisable to use color rather than light (brightness) contrast;
  • dark purple, dark green, lemon yellow, yellow green and pale pink shades and combinations cause negative reactions and should be used very carefully

Electronic exhibitions for children also have their own specifics. The ability to use not only animation, but also game moments makes this form of work especially attractive for children and adolescents. An exhibition in a children's library may contain a literary quiz, which will allow you to fully use the possibilities of information technology.

Exist various models electronic exhibitions:

  • exhibition-question;
  • exhibition-quote;
  • chronicle exhibition;
  • exhibition-quiz;
  • crossword exhibition;
  • exhibition-illustration.

Their basis is the same - a set of bibliographic descriptions, illustrative material.

The virtual exhibition provides librarians and readers additional features, namely:

  1. The use of information technology. The very "participation" of the computer in the conversation, the presence of book characters on the monitor screen, animation - all this is very popular not only for children, but also for adults. Perception through a computer serves as a kind of bait for readers, especially children. Bright, colorful, with animation, using game moments, switching the attention of children from animated screensavers to a static page - all this makes the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic. Taking a book as a basis, creating electronic resources for children, it is possible not only to provide the user with quick access to materials and information about documents, but also to present the value of the book at a new level of understanding.
  2. The exhibition is designed for different audiences. And one person and large group readers can get acquainted with the books either on their own or at an event with a librarian. And if you present it on the Internet, everyone can get acquainted. The use of electronic exhibitions makes it possible for librarians to communicate remotely with readers, without being tied to the inevitable formalities in service.
  3. It can be displayed a large number of books.
  4. At any time, you can change slides and their location in a matter of minutes, remove unnecessary ones or insert new ones, vary color scheme, or overall design.
  5. The work of such an exhibition can be launched automatically, equipped with a voiced text and demonstrated without special accompaniment.
  6. The possibility of developing electronic exhibitions as traveling ones. It is very convenient to demonstrate them in different educational institutions, auditoriums, classrooms, classrooms.
  7. Electronic exhibitions save space. There is no need to work with racks, stands, exhibition cabinets.

In the book "Exhibition Activities of Public Libraries" N.V. Zbarovskaya gives an algorithm for the preparation and organization of electronic book exhibitions:

  1. Development of an electronic book exhibition model:
    • select the theme of your e-exhibition;
    • analyze what material you will need for
    • organization of the exhibition;
    • select the books and illustrations you need;
    • plan the exhibition.
  2. Technical preparation of the project:
    scan illustrations, prepare text materials;
    create a separate folder on the disk in which your preliminary materials will be stored.
  3. Presentation of work in PowerPoint format:
    create 6-10 presentation slides by yourself or using templates;
    illustrate slides using prepared materials, as well as animation effects;
    spend preview Exhibitions;
    correct the shortcomings you noticed;
    prepare the e-exhibition for display.

On the material of any exhibition, you can develop its electronic version. Thus, the exhibition will take the form of a computer presentation.

Thus, an electronic (virtual) exhibition is a new type of information and library service for users. It is mobile, compact, informative, is an up-to-date conductor in a vast flow of information and allows libraries to keep pace with the times.

In the Age of the Internet Global network has become an important part of cultural life in general and the life of cultural institutions in particular. Today, library users are familiar with such services as electronic document delivery (EDD), virtual reference services, virtual guides to Internet resources, online access to databases and electronic catalogs, and thematic web projects. Library exhibitions are also experiencing an era of modernization, adapting to a remote type of user service.

The first virtual (electronic, interactive) exhibitions in the field of culture appeared in the largest museums in Russia - the Moscow Kremlin State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve, the Tretyakov Gallery, the State Museum of Architecture. A. V. Shchuseva. Today, all major museums in Russia are actively working to create virtual exhibitions on their own websites.

In library practice, virtual exhibitions began to be used for the first time in scientific and university libraries of the country. There are such exhibitions on the websites of the university libraries of the Udmurt Republic - the Scientific Library of the Udmurt State University, Izhevsk State Technical University, Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, Izhevsk State Medical Academy. As a rule, these are thematic annotated lists of new arrivals of books and magazines, which are accompanied by additional information: book cover photo, information about the author, the history of the study of this issue, etc.

A VIRTUAL EXHIBITION is a public demonstration on the Internet using web technologies of virtual images of specially selected and systematized printed works and other media, as well as public electronic resources recommended for viewing, familiarization and use by remote library users.

The virtual exhibition, in comparison with the traditional one, provides librarians and readers with additional features and benefits.

  1. The use of information technology makes the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic. Bright, colorful, with animation, using game moments, switching attention from animated screensavers to a static page, virtual exhibitions are attractive to readers, and especially to children.
  2. A virtual exhibition is not limited by place and time - from any computer, anywhere and at any time of the day, you can get all the necessary information on this topic in full.
  3. The exhibition is designed for different audiences. Anyone can get to know her. The use of virtual exhibitions makes it possible for librarians to communicate remotely with readers, without being tied to the inevitable formalities in service.
  4. At a virtual exhibition, you can present a large number of books without taking up the real space of the library; there is no need to work with racks, stands, exhibition cabinets.
  5. The work of the exhibition can be launched automatically, equipped with voiced text and demonstrated without special accompaniment.
  6. Virtual exhibitions can be used as traveling exhibitions - it is convenient to demonstrate them in various educational institutions, auditoriums, classrooms, classes.
  7. You can not worry about the safety of the publications presented at the exhibition.
  8. Virtual exhibitions can function indefinitely and even permanently.
  9. It is possible to redirect the user to other resources by placing links to online stores where you can buy your favorite book; on Internet book search systems (such as, libraries that also contain this book.
  10. Placing an exhibition on the library website, as well as advertising links to it on other sites, allows you to increase the number of its visitors, and hence potential readers.

However, the virtual exhibition also has some limitations.

  1. Creating and viewing a virtual exhibition requires a computer. Not every PC meets the requirements necessary to view the exhibition.
  2. Not every library user has the necessary skills to view a virtual exhibition.
  3. In case of technical failures, the presentation of the exhibition and its viewing becomes impossible.
  4. The producer of a virtual exhibition must have the necessary computer skills and artistic taste.

The identified advantages and limitations allow us to say that the development of a virtual exhibition requires a special method of preparation, which differs from the method of preparing traditional book exhibitions. The book "Exhibition Activities of Public Libraries" by N. V. Zbarovskaya provides an algorithm for the preparation and organization of electronic virtual exhibitions.

Structure. A virtual exhibition, like a traditional one, should consist of sections that are accompanied by quotations, introductory articles, and illustrative material. The exhibition should be user-friendly in the web space and may contain the following information:

  • visual (cover image, digitized parts of the book: preface, introduction, etc.),
  • bibliographic data (bibliographic record and codes of the collection of the library presenting the exhibition),
  • analytical information (abstracts, abstracts to publications, reviews, reader reviews, etc.),
  • digitized parts of the book (chapters, most interesting excerpts, etc.),
  • links to the full texts of the book, if they are available in the library or on the Internet.

You can also place Additional materials on the topic of the exhibition:

  • links to Internet resources (biographies, critical articles, reviews, testimonials, thematic sites),
  • information about the availability of books in other libraries, online stores, etc.

Special requirements apply to registration virtual exhibitions. The first slide should contain information relating to the virtual exhibition as a whole. All subsequent slides are separate exhibits of the exhibition. The visual range of a virtual exhibition is represented by illustrative material (book covers, spreads, illustrations, maps, photographs, etc.). The text itself, which accompanies and reveals the visuals, should consist of quotations, annotations, biographical notes. It is recommended to place hints and help messages at the top of the screen.

When using animation, two options for the display mode are taken into account: a free demonstration and a user-adjusted demonstration. It is advisable to use animation effects in relation to the entire text or its large fragments. The appearance of typewriter-like text slows down browsing time, and large text tires the eyesight. When using traditional drawings and photographs, it is important to choose the right scale and use the color palette well. In this case, if a graphic image is displayed on the screen along with text, it is recommended to leave 1/2 of the screen blank: the size of the details should correspond to the resolution of the screen and the sharpness of human vision.

There is a certain set of conditions that visual comfort of the user when working with information in electronic form:

  • the brightness of the object should be within reasonable limits;
  • the contrast of the image relative to the background must be chosen taking into account the size of the object: the smaller its size, the higher the contrast should be;
  • The eye has the greatest sensitivity to yellow-green radiation, the least to violet and red;
  • the size of the symbol must be consistent with the visual acuity of the person; it also affects the speed and correctness of perception of information;
  • since the space of a virtual exhibition is limited by the size of the monitor, it should not be overloaded with special effects and color variety - the user's attention should not be scattered by distractions. The exception is exhibitions for children, who are attracted by colorfulness and animation effects. But still, you need to remember that the abundance of animation, photos, pictures increases the page load time.

It should also be noted that the creation of a high-quality, attractive and easy-to-view virtual exhibition involves the use of modern technology and software. There are a fairly large number of services that can help create virtual exhibitions on their sites. Here are some of them (in most cases, instructions for working with services are presented on English language with the possibility of automatic translation into Russian):

  • PhotoPeach. The service is good for creating simple but vibrant photo exhibitions.
  • bannersnack. Using this service, you can create a simple and bright book photo exhibition or "bibliobanner" that can be edited at any time. In the banner, in addition to pictures, you can embed videos. (See an example of an output banner.)
  • Sharesnack. The service allows you to create a voiced exhibition on the work of one writer or on a specific topic. The product is created in a simple way: links to YouTube videos are inserted into the proposed form.
  • popplet. The service provides opportunities to create a more complex and extensive exhibition, even if it is a single book exhibition (see exhibition example). It allows you to create detailed exhibitions with sections, quotes, illustrations. Here you can insert video, audio materials and text in Russian. In addition, the service is ideal for organizing the collective work of readers on the creation of an exhibition. Each of the participants can work on their own section of the exhibition.
  • playcast. The service allows you to create a small exhibition-postcard on a separate work, using text, photos, music. (See how to create a playcast.)
  • Calameo. Service for creating an exhibition-book. You can create both individual books and entire virtual bookshelves. (Cm. .)
  • Dipity. This service is an ideal option for creating an exhibition chronicle of the writer's work. Such an exhibition can be supplemented with illustrations, video materials, links, a map, and viewed in four modes to choose from: as a timeline; each event separately; list of events; event locations specified when the map was created. (See the description of the work in the service.)
  • Zoo Burst. Service for creating a 3D book. As an option - the joint creation of an exhibition-fairy tale. To insert pictures, the ClipArt library is used, but you can also upload your own pictures.
  • Prezi. A service for creating a new generation exhibition-presentation, in which you can collapse all the material into one picture, and by enlarging one or another slide, focus on a specific text, word, image.

The virtual exhibition can also be placed on the library website in HTML format. It is good if the librarian, when creating an exhibition, works in alliance with a designer, an information technology specialist with web design skills.

More and more libraries, having mastered the traditional structure of a virtual exhibition, are trying to find new ways to publicly display printed works on the Internet in order to open their funds. Currently becoming popular playcasts(see above) and booktrailers.

Booktrailer- this is a miniature video, a teaser (teaser), in an arbitrary artistic form, telling about the book. It includes the brightest and most recognizable moments of the work, visualizes its content. When creating a booktrailer, you can use video, or you can get by with illustrations, photographs, book spreads.

Presenting books to the reader and promoting book reading in the global cultural community, book trailers have become a separate original genre that combines literature, visual arts and the Internet. Since 2012, the All-Russian booktrailer contest-parade has been held annually in Russia, in which libraries also take an active part. So, on the portal "Wiki. SibiriaDa", created in 2011 by the Novosibirsk Regional Children's Library as a free resource for the collective work of librarians, local history teachers, children, adolescents and youth on the creation, placement and preservation of materials from the Siberian region, today distance learning is organized to create book trailers.

Virtual exhibitions are widely used in libraries of all types - regional, municipal, special. Let us give some examples by analyzing the virtual exhibitions of some of them.

The simplest example of a traditional virtual exhibition (a list of new literature acquisitions supplemented with photographs of book covers) can be seen on the websites of many libraries: the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library, the Tula Regional Universal Scientific Library, the Bryansk Regional Scientific Universal Library. F. I. Tyutchev, Sverdlovsk Regional Interethnic Library, etc.

Central City Library. A. S. Pushkina, Kamensk-Uralsky, made the first virtual exhibitions in the Word program by creating documents with hyperlinks. Then the library staff mastered the simplest visual editor of HTML pages and began to produce more advanced electronic products. The Stilius portal was created, allowing you to get acquainted with the whole variety of virtual exhibitions of this library: the exhibition “The Legend of Letters. Secrets of the Russian alphabet”, an exhibition dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the book by N. V. Gogol “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”, an exhibition “A Star named Love”, dedicated to L. Orlova, etc.

There are many examples of creating virtual exhibitions in the libraries of the Udmurt Republic.

On the site National Library The Udmurt Republic in the section "Virtual Exhibitions in 3D" presents, for example, such exhibitions as "Modernization of Education. School of the 21st century”, “Legend about the writings: to the 1150th anniversary of the Slavic alphabet”, “Fashionable genre: literary biography”, “Accessible and fascinating about the achievements of science”, “Japanese literature: from the depths of centuries to the present”, “Russian language for everyone and everyone” and others. At these exhibitions, you can virtually “wander” around the hall, “approach” the exhibition racks, look at books, read annotations, sometimes flip through several pages of the books presented (these can be separate chapters).

The creators of the "Virtual Exhibitions" page on the website of the Central Municipal Library. N. A. Nekrasov, Izhevsk, offer the reader to get acquainted with a brief overview of the book exhibition on display within the walls of the library, and look at the photo of the exhibition as a whole. However, it is difficult to call this exhibition virtual: it is impossible to see the book covers - the photos are very small, there is not a single bibliographic description of the books, the text of the review looks more like an advertisement.

But the virtual exhibitions of the Central Municipal Children's Library. M. Gorky city of Izhevsk are very interesting and exciting. All of them, separated by target audiences(to children, parents, teachers, colleagues) are presented in the form of colorful, dynamic videos with moving pictures and good music that can interest both young readers and their parents: “Books that help to live”, “Knizhkin House”, “Together with I grow up with a book”, “Pet of the Muses, Pet of the Battle”, etc.

They create their own virtual exhibitions and small branch libraries, for example, the library to them. V. M. Azina CBS of Izhevsk. In the "Virtual exhibitions" section of the library's website, there is an exhibition of "Electronic optical discs in local history", which opens with a slide showing all the discs presented on it. Further information is given for each disc separately (photo, bibliographic description, annotation, table of contents). The exhibition is bright and colorful. Another exhibition - "Monisto - the national decoration of Udmurt women" - begins with brief history appearance of decoration, further photos of books, bibliographic description, annotation are offered. This exhibition is decorated in the same colorful way, but static, without animation. Both presented exhibitions can be viewed directly on the library website and downloaded for further use in your work.

An analysis of library sites allows us to conclude that virtual exhibitions have firmly taken their place in the activities of libraries to popularize books and reading. They are mobile, compact, meaningful and are an up-to-date guide in a vast flow of information. The multimedia nature of the exhibitions makes it possible to solve meaningful problems more effectively, and their interactivity allows to involve the reader in the world of books and create feedback.


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chief bibliographer of the department of information and
bibliographic service O. N. Goreva