Why you can’t write a wildberries competitor on Bitrix. What is Bitrix - a non-random review. Brief history of occurrence

  • 13.11.2019

The 1C accounting methodology allows you to organize a product catalog using simple goods and goods with characteristics. Let's figure out the difference between simple goods and goods with characteristics.

So. A simple product is an element of the Nomenclature reference book that corresponds at the physical level to a specific product that can be described by a finite list of properties. And these properties, for this particular product, have specific single values. For example: Boots - Color: Black, Size: 45th. In the case of organizing a catalog using simple products, the 46th size of black shoes is already a different product and another element of the Nomenclature directory.

If all products in the catalog are simple, then, if we consider the hierarchy of the Nomenclature directory, the product can only be nested in a group, but not in another product. In our example, the path to the black shoe will look like Group:Catalog->Group:Boots->Product:Boots - Color: Black, Size:45th. Size 46 boots will be placed in the same "Boots" group, next to size 45 boots.

A complex product, or a product with characteristics, in itself, in fact, is not a product, although it is in the Nomenclature reference book. Real goods, in this case, are the characteristics of such goods. The characteristics of such a product are sold, not the product itself. Such an organization is convenient, for example, if a product has one Article or one Model, but several sizes and colors. In the case of boots, this option looks like this. Product - "Boots for workers" Model "Ivan Dulin"; Colors: Black, Brown, Pink; Sizes: 44, 45, 46. Here, the product properties "Model", "Color" and "Size" should be divided into properties that unite all units of the product and properties that distinguish them.

The uniting property here will be the "Model" property, the distinguishing properties will be the "Color" and "Size" properties. Thus, the "Model" property should become an additional attribute of the NOMENCLATURE, and the properties "Color" and "Size" - additional attributes of the CHARACTERISTICS of the nomenclature.

Now the product from our example will look like this in the catalog hierarchy: Group:Catalog->Group:Boots->Product:"Work boots" Model "Ivan Dulin"->(Feature1: "Work boots" Model "Ivan Dulin" Color:Black , Size: 45; Feature1: "Work boots" Model "Ivan Dulin" Colour: Pink, Size: 46; etc.). Those. product characteristics are nested in the product, and the product belongs to the catalog groups, as in the case of simple products. Here the product has turned into a grouping element of the catalog.

The use of goods with characteristics is usually somewhat unusual, and at first glance complicates accounting. However, such an organization of the catalog in 1C, firstly, is natural for 1C, and secondly, it allows you to display the product catalog on the site more ergonomically and understandably for the buyer. The buyer sees all product modifications in the product card on the site, and does not look for them throughout the catalog.

If you have any difficulties with determining the variant of the organization of the catalog - please contact us, we will try to help.

1C-Bitrix - This is a professional "Site Management System" CMS- Content management system and web project management. In other words, it is a platform for creating and managing a site and is also called the Bitrix framework, because 1C-Bitrix has a special API. Programmers can use the Bitrix API to create their own goals and create components, modules, or for other tasks that are not included in the boxed version.

You can create several sites on one Bitrix system - you can create 2 sites on one Bitrix license and you can also buy additional licenses for additional sites

Compared to other CMS systems, "1C-Bitrix: Site Management" is paid and on a paid basis, system updates and assistance are provided. technical support clients

on 1C-Bitrix you can create a practical site of any complexity, such as

  • Website business card
  • landing page
  • Personal site
  • Website blogs
  • Corporate websites
  • Online shopping
  • Informational portal
  • Community Sites
  • social network
  • Website for a medical clinic
  • For government organizations
  • and much more

1C-Bitrix is ​​available in different editions

  • Start
  • Standard
  • Small business
  • Expert
  • Business
  • 1C-Bitrix: Enterprise
  • Bitrix24: Corporate Portal

The site created on the basis of "1C-Bitrix: Site Manager" supports all modern browsers: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome

All versions of the product, including the trial version, are supplied in open source!

The Bitrix system can be installed, tested or launched finished project on operating systems Windows, Linux, Mac i.e. where there is an Apache web server or IIS (Internet Information Service) IIS is a web server for Windows, PHP, MySQL, Oracle, MsSql

Minimum technical requirements

PHP 5.3 and above
Apache 1.3 and above or MS IIS 6.0 and above
MySQL 5.0 and above

Any hosting that meets the technical requirements is suitable for hosting sites.

Web Environment - Environment for website development

For development and testing, 1C-Bitrix has a Web environment - a ready-made web server (Environment for developing sites), BitrixVM - a virtual machine on operating system Linux - CentOS which is already configured for Windows and Linux, all this can be downloaded on the official website of 1C-Bitrix for free

Features and functionality

The functionality and capabilities of 1C-Bitrix is ​​very large

  • Documentation: Fully documented for both administrators and developers
  • Site management: Easy site management through the administration panel and the public part of the site
  • Multilingual: based on the 1C-Bitrix platform, you can create sites in different languages
  • Modules and components: The 1C-Bitrix system includes more than 40 modules for creating and developing practical sites of any complexity
  • Web security: The system provides a high level of site protection from hacking, The quality of the implementation of the Proactive Defense complex: a proactive filter, a built-in web anti-virus, a security scanner, one-time passwords (OTP) and other security technologies provide confidence not only in the reliability of the system core
  • High performance: The performance of your site is always under control. The system automatically diagnoses the work and issues recommendations for improving the performance of the Internet project.
  • Integration with 1C: The product is fully compatible with 1C: Enterprise 8.2, thanks to which you can create an online store integrated into the company's information environment: automatically publish product catalogs from 1C, price lists on the site, upload orders, their statuses, as well as data on stock balances from the site to 1C and back.
  • "Cloud" services: "1C-Bitrix" provides its customers with a free opportunity for automatic "cloud" backup. The Website Acceleration Service (CDN) allows you to download all static content (images, css style files, js scripts) through the content distribution network (Content Delivery Network or Content Distribution Network, CDN).
  • Mobile administration: Manage orders and get basic store performance reports from common mobile devices. Quickly add a product and ship the order by barcode from your smartphone.

What sites work on 1C-Bitrix?

Sites such as Euroset, Eldorado, Sportmaster, Svyaznoy, MTS and other large sites operate on the 1C-Bitrix platform.

Yes indeed, why? If you look at the reviews about Bitrix, then there a lot of negativity. This is partly true, partly contrived. I will not argue that Bitrix is ​​ideal, it is not, I am familiar with its jambs firsthand, but nevertheless I choose bitrix.

What do critics repel?

Slow operation and high hardware requirements

Here I will disagree. First would-be developers do mountain site, without bothering with optimization, they stuff standard, often complex components. If you need special functionality - write wild crutches, for the work of which it is necessary disable caching. Or at all, without understanding caching, don't include it, and they say that it works crookedly. And then shit on the forums that Bitrix is ​​slow. If a do everything right, for complex sites write their sharpened components, competently configure caching, then everything is working! An example of this are such sites on Bitrix as: www.eldorado.ru, www.securitylab.ru, www.rostelecom.ru, www.panasonic.ru, and others. If Bitrix was as slow as they say about it, then such giants would not choose him.

As for high hardware requirements, here I also do not quite agree. Why is it considered that Bitrix has more high requirements to hosting than other systems? First, because Bitrix allows you to create a backup with one click. And then also just expand it. Of course, this procedure requires resources, and cheap hosting limitations won't allow it. But what other system makes it so easy to make and deploy backups? I don't know such. But in general, Bitrix sites work great at the usual, cheapest rates.

Marketing mismatch with reality, documentation problems

What can I say about marketing? it's marketing. It is nowhere and never 100% true.

Documentation problems? Yes, they are. Documentation is not perfect. But, compared to other systems, there is documentation, and yet not too bad. As well as there is a support service that responds to user requests.

Critics cite the thesis: "1C advertises Bitrix as a system no programming knowledge required", and then they challenge it. I can challenge the critics: buy Bitrix, buy the necessary solution, or a template, templates, by the way, there are also free, use. And no programming knowledge is required. And if you need to make any changes, how would you like to do without " programming knowledge"? But it's rather related to marketing.

And marketing at Bitrix, quite nothing, testifies to this widespread use of Bitrix so the goal is achieved.

There are no modules required for operation in the starter kit

It's not the same for everybody. I love doing projects at the editorial office "Start". Because expensive editions are more suitable for use out of the box, and are poorly suitable for modification. Again marketing. But for other systems, everything is the same, if you use a module (even if it's free), be content with its capabilities, if you need special features, write it yourself.

Advantages of Bitrix

I attribute it to the main advantage of Bitrix admin panel, editing options in the public part.

What are the criteria for a good site?

The first, and most important, is ease of use of the site by visitors. This is a usability issue, and it has nothing to do with CMS.

No bugs in custom scripts and overall operating speed site. This is on the conscience of the developers, as for the Bitrix itself, it can work quickly.

Ease of site administration. And here I do not know the possible competitors to Bitrix.

Why Bitrix?

Summarizing everything written above, I will say that all criticism of Bitrix for the most part contrived and overblown. Yes, it's not perfect, I have a whole section Pitfalls dedicated to jambs of Bitrix. But you can make good websites on Bitrix, which work quickly and which are convenient and pleasant to operate.

Well, besides everything Bitrix living system, it is constantly being developed, updated, new features are added. Let's hope that in the new versions of Bitrix, known jambs will be eliminated and new ones will not be added. Then critics will have no arguments against.

Also, do not forget that for each specific task, you need your own tool. Somewhere you can get by with a simple constructor, somewhere a free CMS is perfect, somewhere bitrix, but somewhere you need to look towards frameworks.

1C-Bitrix is ​​convenient to use for large projects that require stability and a high level of protection. The platform is optimized for Runet, which is manifested not only in the localization of the interface, but also in the support of domestic services: both other 1C products and solutions from third-party developers.

1C-Bitrix also offers built-in tools for monitoring site traffic, studying referral sources and user behavior. In terms of its functionality, this module is weaker than Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics, but it can also be used to collect basic information about the success of the site.

A large number of marketing tools are available on the engine by default. Among them:

  • System for sending notifications to registered users.
  • Widgets for communicating with customers on the site and beyond.
  • Authorization through social networks and social bar for sharing links.
  • Analytical data showing a portrait of the audience and showing attendance.
  • A/B testing to study the effectiveness of a sales offer.

The standard functionality of the engine is extended by installing applications from the Marketplace. Here you can find ready-made websites, integrations with third-party services, applications for managing and interacting with visitors. For example, there is an application "1C-Bitrix: Administration", which allows you to manage orders, edit product cards, and monitor statistics.

Another solution is the 1C-Bitrix: Demo Store program, which eliminates the need to order the development of a mobile version. With this application, you can create a catalog that will be available to customers from their phone. They will be able to make purchases through it, as well as subscribe to notifications of new products.

In older editions of 1C-Bitrix, the possibility is implemented joint work, which automates the process of interaction between employees. For example, product description cards prepared by the content manager are not immediately published in the public domain, but first go to the site administrator for verification, who receives a notification about this. After studying the material, the administrator decides to add it to the user part of the site.

The system also offers handy tools to manage and communicate with users. You can create groups and give them statuses that will determine access to certain features - for example, participation in promotions or the use of promotional codes. To resolve emerging issues, you can connect an online consultant or set up a separate module for customer support. It collects requests through a special form and groups them by topic. To manage the module, you need a manager who will answer questions or redirect them to other employees. At in large numbers support requests can grow to an entire department that will only work with customer problems.

Almost unlimited scalability is one of the main features of 1C-Bitrix. You can start with a small site run by one person and eventually grow to a large portal with a bunch of employees and different ways to interact with buyers. And all this can be implemented within the framework of one system - only the editions differ.


Sites are created based on templates that define their structure and how content is presented. One layout can contain several themes, but the difference between them will be mainly in colors. All templates have an adaptive layout that provides excellent display of content on different devices. You can customize the design using a visual editor, editing template files, as well as uploading solutions developed by yourself or ordered from specialists.

The possibilities of the visual editor are limited. With it, you can edit content, change photos, place links and banners. The editor is available in the "Site Management" module, which adds a universal constructor to the engine. It has more than 35 thematic templates and about 200 blocks that can be freely moved to pages and changed.

However, the builder is more suitable for launching landing pages within marketing promotion individual goods/services. Sites created in the constructor are located on the same hosting as the main project and are available as its subdomains. Such a connection allows you to quickly pull up the necessary data - for example, place a product from an online store on a landing page and use the functionality of the main site to place an order.

For deep customization of the site interface, you need to edit the template files. The visual editor is not an assistant here, its prerogative is setting up related pages. If you have never edited templates yourself, then the most effective solution there will be involvement of a web designer and layout designer to solve this problem.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO parameters are located in the "Search Engine Optimization" section of the admin panel. Inside you will find tools for adding search engines in which promotion will be carried out, as well as for generating sitemaps and indexing rules. To get more detailed reports on the site and its further optimization, you will need the "Web Analytics" module. It is available in business editions.

The visual editor functionality is used to manage standard SEO parameters. It allows you to write key phrases, according to which the section will be promoted in search engines, as well as register title and description meta tags.

Among the special optimization tools, a composite site can be noted. When this technology is enabled, the site content is defined in two parts - dynamic and static. Static content is loaded immediately after the user clicks on the link, and the dynamic part is loaded gradually. This allows you to save resources and at the same time speed up page loading.


An online demo for 3 hours is available to test the system's capabilities. If you want to learn Bitrix a little deeper, then download the trial version for a month. For permanent use of the system, you must purchase a license. If you select several editions at once, then a discount of 5% to 15% will be calculated upon purchase.

The minimum edition of "Start" allows you to create two sites. The number of pages on them is not limited. In addition to the 1C-Bitrix core, it offers a built-in constructor, a structure management module, information blocks, and site search. On the "Start" you can make a small company website with news, a list of vacancies, galleries, catalogs.

To add interactivity in interaction with users, you need to switch to the "Standard" tariff. It removes the restriction on the number of sites, and adds the "Forum" and "Blogs" modules, plus some marketing tools and an additional security module. Creating a store is possible only in business editions that have the appropriate names.

The maximum configuration of the engine is available when purchasing an Enterprise license. Its price is not indicated, as it depends on the type and complexity of the project. But the calculation of the cost starts from 1.5 million rubles. The power of the editorial office is emphasized by the projects that were created on it. Among them are the Euroset store, RIA Novosti, and the websites of large banks.

Each edition has templates with ready-made solutions for launching various sites: landing pages, stores, information portals. In addition, along with a lifetime license, the buyer receives an annual subscription to updates. After 12 months, you can continue to use the engine, but updates will no longer come. The cost of renewal of the subscription depends on the time of payment, the maximum value is 60% of the original price of the edition.

Advantages and disadvantages

1C-Bitrix is ​​a powerful system on the basis of which you can build a site of any complexity. By purchasing the appropriate edition, you will be sure that the engine is ready for the task at hand - for example, creating a store. This allows you to speed up the development process, since in fact the user only has to adapt ready-made solutions for his project. We note other advantages:

  • An editor with a visual mode that simplifies interface customization.
  • The system of user groups with the separation of rights.
  • Built-in security tools and the ability to purchase extensions to protect the site.
  • Ability to connect modules developed independently.
  • Engine updates and expansion of its functionality.
  • Own system for speeding up page display.
  • Marketplace with applications and ready-made sites.
  • Deep integration with other 1C products.

Using 1C-Bitrix implies a serious budget. Specialists who will monitor the system's performance and set up integration with other services will have to pay for updates, the subscription to which is valid only for a year. In addition, the engine is quite demanding on resources, so you need to lay high costs for hosting. You can get by with shared hosting only for very small projects. The bulk of sites on 1C-Bitrix are located on VPS and dedicated servers, and this requires rather big investments.

You can create your own website on 1C-Bitrix without the help of specialists, but it will take much more time to solve this problem than to master a free CMS or website builder. The same visual editor that simplifies site management is only suitable for adding and changing content. When it comes to administration, ensuring smooth operation, timely updating of components, technical support is required from those who are professionally involved in projects on 1C-Bitrix.

Developers also find flaws in the work of CMS. One of the main complaints is the complex code and the lack of detailed documentation in the public domain. To understand the features of the system, you have to take courses, most often paid ones, conducted by 1C and partners.

Reading time: 10 minute(s)

Up to this point, all the success stories of our clients have been related to online advertising or website development. For the first time during my work at the Web Center, I interviewed about the implementation of the Bitrix24 cloud corporate portal. Gathering all my will into a fist and clutching a sheet of questions, I went to the headquarters of the Premium Project company.

Leading specialist Sergey Artikulenko kindly agreed to talk about the process of using and the results of working with the system.

About company

Direction of work: sale of housing and commercial real estate in Bryansk

Business age: 9 years

Bitrix24 is used by: 6 months.

- How long has the company been operating in the real estate market?

The company has been building and selling apartments in residential areas since 2007 (including in the Bryansk region). We help people realize their dream of buying an apartment. Since 2015, we have been building up a microdistrict called DesnaGrad. It's perfect new project and differs from the rest in that we sell ready-made apartments with high-quality finishes, designer renovation and good furniture.

Microdistrict "DesnaGrad", the city of Bryansk

The first step towards change with Bitrix24

- What are the tasks facing the sales department?

All clients are at different stages of communication with us. Some are interested general questions, others want to see apartments, and others are ready to conclude a contract for the purchase of housing. Each of them has different managers. And in this regard, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. Reduce employee time spent on transferring customer information from one manager to another,
  2. Ensure that all incoming calls or requests are handled without exception,
  3. Eliminate the loss of important data that affects the conversion of calls to sales.
To do this, information about all contacts should be in one place, from where it can be used at any time. So the time has come to implement a system that can unite the work of sales staff into a single space. Temporarily transferred the entire workflow to another cloud service. At the same time, we were looking for programmers to create our own CRM for our needs.
- Why did you decide to work with Bitrix24?

We communicate with many companies that use Bitrix24. One of them advised us to get acquainted with this product. It turned out that all the functionality that we need is already there and there is no need to reinvent the wheel. And if we compare the system electronic document management"in the cloud" (with which they worked at that time) and Bitrix24, then it's just heaven and earth.

- Was the implementation process painful for your company or was everything easy and simple?

At the first stage, Web Center employees helped set up CRM for the sales department and call center (reports to the manager, sales funnel, common work with documents). They would not say that everything went easily and simply, but it cannot be said that it was very painful. In principle, Bitrix24 has a support service, clear help. And the consultants helped. Implementation took about a month. During this period, employees got used to the system.

- Who uses the service in the company?

Employees of the sales department of the DesnaGrad microdistrict actively use Bitrix24. This is about 20 specialists.

- What problems did you encounter while using the system?

Forgetting to "start" the work day. Bitrix24 has a working time tracking tool. To do this, click on the appropriate button. And then "finish" it. There are times when an employee leaves for a meeting, and the working day is “not closed”.

Stages of system implementation:

  1. Employees of the "Web Center" set up the structure of the company, access levels.
  2. Helped to prepare a regulation on the use of Bitrix24 for employees.
  3. We set up the stages of the transaction and the lead for the needs of the sales department in accordance with the internal regulations of the organization.

About the results of Bitrix24 implementation

- How do you assess the changes in the work of the company?
- Sales department (CRM functions)

Over the past six months, we have completely rebuilt all work processes with Bitrix24 in the sales department. Breaking away from the old way of doing deals has allowed us to do more things in the same amount of time. Everything is in a single workspace, always in sight, without confusion.

Document flow has become easier, there is transparency in the work of the department - you can see the sales funnel, all stages of the transaction. Previously, reports were prepared manually. No one was immune from calculation errors (it was influenced by employee errors due to large amounts of data, significant time spent on preparation, and indicators could be falsified for various reasons).

Personnel management for the head (reports, planning and control)

The manager controls the sales department in real time (for example, how many apartments have already been sold and how many are booked, etc.), sees the effectiveness of each manager, his work result. Now there is no need to distract the employee from current affairs for this (as it was before) or come personally to the office.

All stages of the transaction are easy to follow from the moment a potential client appears in the office (or a call) to the conclusion of an agreement. You can analyze how the stages of the transaction move, in what order, how much time is spent on them, at what point a person refuses the transaction and why. As soon as problems arise, we immediately respond to them. Loss of customers due to " human factor". Also, for example, after the launch of advertising, we see how it affects sales.
Managing tasks and documents for an employee

Each employee sets himself tasks for planning working time: call, make, arrange a meeting. Our clients will no longer get into a situation where they forget to call back or do not send an important document on time. Each employee sees new incoming applications, current cases with existing clients and requests from our call center. For each client, the history of communications is visible from the first contact to the handover of the keys to the apartment.

- What do you plan to do next?

So far there is no strong need for new tools. But we are studying Bitrix24 and plan to implement some of them in the future over time. We are constantly developing and understanding the functionality.


I was convinced that Bitrix24 really helps to improve work processes in the company, bring work to new level. The product makes business processes transparent, understandable, fast, which positively affects the efficiency of employees and managers.
I am sure that very soon we will tell about many more successful implementations.

I thank Sergey Artikulenko for the detailed answers and the time spent! I hope that the experience of the sales department of the DesnaGrad microdistrict will help you manage your work more efficiently.

You can learn more about the capabilities of Bitrix24 on our website in the section /bitrix24/

Do you want to improve your sales force right now? Just send a request for a system demonstration and our specialist will contact you.