Marketing consulting - advising on the promotion of all areas of business. Marketing Consulting Marketing Consulting

  • 30.04.2020

Marketing consulting

Marketing consulting from SCM Consult will help your company achieve unique business results and leave your competitors far behind, regardless of the geography of your activity, in Russia or abroad.

In response to harsh economic realities, modern business acquires new features, looks for alternative ways and methods of solving problems, rebuilds the system of guidelines and values. Standard canons and matrices are no longer valid, and the consideration of the business environment through the prism of art and creativity is being updated. It is intellectual improvement that is the key to success in the current economic environment.

If you need to bring your business to a new, higher quality level, increase revenue, profit and value of your brand, then as part of our marketing consulting service, a marketing strategy for the company will be developed that is effective for effective management market behavior of the maximum range of customers.

The key condition for success in developing an enterprise marketing strategy according to the TMS℠ model is the investment of strategic meaning both in the system for selling goods and services, and in each individual contact with a potential or current client.

Marketing consulting from is built on innovation strategy transformative marketing TMS℠ (from English - Transformational marketing strategy). Transformational marketing TMS℠ is a complex strategy that can surprise you with its possibilities. Developing a TMS℠ marketing strategy according to the organization's requirements will help to achieve success in promoting new products and services, establish effective communication and improved integration between functional disciplines, contractors and sales channels, and, as a result, increase sales, profitability and brand loyalty.

Marketing consulting - stages:

  • Creation of a strategic plan of the company with the ability to minimize and predict risks.
  • Definition of a strategy, including the development of market promotion, a holistic positioning of the company, the creation of a pricing policy, assortment, as well as sales tactics for the services and goods offered.
  • Formation of a loyal system of relationships with the client base of the organization.
  • Creation of the distribution system of the enterprise.
  • Personnel consulting in the formation or restructuring of the functional departments of the organization.
  • Branding, rebranding, consulting in the company's advertising promotion, creating an external image image of services and goods, naming, creating promotions, media planning, etc.

In the field of Internet technologies, TMS℠ aims to generate and attract targeted traffic, effectively collect data on leads, whenever possible, and then channel these leads through a custom-designed and content-rich sales funnel aimed at conversion.

In our work, we adhere to an integrated approach to building effective marketing.

Marketing consulting services

The study of the functional service of the enterprise in terms of increasing the value of the business. Conducting an audit to evaluate current practices, brand performance and existing customer analytics of the organization.

Conducting the market and surroundings. Definition of market orientation and analysis of assets. Assessment of potential opportunities and preparation of a business case for a brand or company for the development, retention and involvement of different markets.

Understanding the consumer– consulting in the field buying behavior, market segmentation. Formulating, testing and optimizing the organization's communication programs.

Implementation of the mix - services for the development and use of an arsenal of means of information impact, development commodity policy companies and innovation processes, pricing strategy, building a successful brand, integrated communications.

Customer relationship management- here you can order marketing consulting on working with key customers, managing the company's sales channels and assessing the level of satisfaction of the organization with the quality of service, services for evaluating and monitoring performance according to the developed KPIs to increase the profitability of investments.

You can order the development of the entire complex from us strategic work. Our marketing consulting experts can help you put a value perspective on this functional area and understand how enterprise assets can be used to create value for customers and profit for your organization.

It should be noted that the set of tools is selected by the consultant individually for each client, based on the main tasks and requirements. Intellectual business support is no longer a novelty, but a rational tool for optimizing the work of an enterprise, its successful development and promotion on the market.

From this article you will learn about such a type of consulting services as marketing consulting. What is it, what works and additional services are included in it, and what is the essence of this service in general. When is it inappropriate to order marketing consulting. And a useful video with a case on marketing consulting on the Internet.

Marketing consulting is a variety. It aims to develop and implement effective marketing strategies in business. It includes several additional services provided by consultants. This allows you to diversify the business and analyze it. And based on the information received, select effective tactical decisions and business strategies.

Marketing consulting services are provided by independent consultants, better known in the business environment as marketers. The work of these specialists is to analyze the market, conduct PR campaigns, develop marketing strategies, organize advertising campaigns, marketing planning, brand creation and development.

Marketing consulting is purely advisory in nature. That is, the consultant will give recommendations and help introduce something into the company's activities, but he will not become its employee. The work on the implementation of the developed strategies and the implementation of the recommendations will be carried out by the head of the company or the person responsible for this.

Works included in marketing consulting

The analyzed type of consulting includes several types of work at once:

  • Strategic Marketing. Development, coordination and implementation of a long-term strategy for the development of business promotion methods, distribution channels, pricing and product portfolio.
  • Pricing. Elaboration of the most optimal and beneficial pricing policy for the company and its customers.
  • Marketing research. Research of business performance based on its experience and practice, as well as market and competitor analysis.
  • Marketing consultations. Marketing consulting.
  • Establishment of a marketing department. Creation of a marketing department within the company or transformation of an existing one, as well as recruitment, training and consulting of full-time marketers.
  • Branding. Development of the brand name, logo, slogan, brand book, marketing kit, etc. Carrying out work to improve brand awareness.
  • Promotion. Carrying out activities to promote both the company itself and its brand, as well as separate category product.
  • Distribution. Solving all problems related to the expansion of distribution channels for goods or services.
  • Product consulting. Replenishment and formation of a product portfolio, development of a product strategy and advice on its further implementation.

And 5 more services included in marketing consulting

  1. Conducting a business audit to evaluate its performance, analytical data and current practices. The basis is the increase in the value of the company.
  2. Analysis of the market and competitors, in order to determine the competitiveness of the market, as well as the strengths and weak sides direct competitors. This service allows you to strengthen the existing advantages of the company and solve issues with shortcomings, which will allow you to win in the competition.
  3. Analysis of consumers of goods and services of business. Here is analyzed the target audience, her needs, objections, expectations and other indicators that affect the decision of the client.
  4. Broad spectrum marketing implementation: development pricing strategy, pricing and product policy, brand or product promotion, increased information impact, advertising campaigns, etc.
  5. Analysis of customer relationships. A marketer studies relationships with key customers and makes suggestions for improving communications. It analyzes the quality of customer service and their level of satisfaction with a product or product. Looks at the results of the developed KPI and advises on distribution channels.

The main stages of marketing consulting

The whole process of work of a consultant of a consulting company consists of 6 main stages.

Stage 1. Analysis of the customer's business and creation of a strategic plan to minimize and prevent possible risks.

Stage 2. Development of a strategy for the market promotion of the company, pricing policy, marketing of goods or services, expanding the range and holistic positioning of the company in the market.

Stage 3. Work on increasing customer loyalty and development effective methods relationships with new and regular consumers of goods or services of the company.

Stage 4. Development and creation of the most efficient and profitable distribution system.

Stage 5. Advice on personnel matters: selection and training of personnel. Analysis of existing units and their performance with further recommendations to address identified problems.

Stage 6. Carrying out work on creating a brand or rebranding, recommendations for advertising promotion of the company offline and on the Internet. Development of slogans, names, media planning, as well as creating an image for goods or services.

When is it inappropriate to use market research

When conclusions about the need to attract an independent marketing consultant were made hastily. In most cases, the head of the company or responsible department can independently solve specific issues, conduct a series of business studies and obtain the necessary marketing data.

When marketing consulting is ordered in order to check the regular marketing department of the company. In this case, the costs of the first have no good reason, and the content of their own marketing department is called into question "Why is it needed?". In this situation, consultants will not specifically help in anything, but simply give recommendations. Everything else will depend on the leader.

There are times when companies need marketing research not specific and narrowly focused, but some general ones, the results of which can be obtained in the form of finished material. Accordingly, buying such material from the same consulting company is much cheaper than resorting to the help of an independent consultant.

And finally, when it is inappropriate to use marketing consulting - the head of the company incorrectly identified the problems and the range of tasks that the consultant should solve.

Summing up, it can be noted that marketing consulting is a service for consulting company executives or individual divisions in the field of promoting business, brand, product, services and communications with customers. With its help, you can improve sales performance and increase the number of loyal customers.

Today our guest is Irina Khudyakova - marketing strategist and Internet marketer, project manager #kitchenmarketer andbusiness game “Living the role of the client”, author and creator of the “Project Diary”. Irina shared with us stories from her 12-year practice in marketing and sales and talked about everyday life marketing consultant.

What is a Marketing Consultant? What tasks does a marketing consultant help solve?

Let's just take an example. I had a client, a furniture manufacturer, who had his own . They were pros in their field, but, like any specialists, the eye “blurs” over time. There is an immersion in routine questions and endless reports. The company's specialists no longer saw an exit to other market segments, advertising had a wow effect, but no longer gave the same results as before. Then the management decided to find an expert consultant. The task of the consultant is to find weaknesses, analyze current situation in the company, look at the product from different angles. It helps to analyze well and performs many other functions, it all depends on the specifics of the business.

What is the job of a marketing consultant and how long does it take?

The work of a consultant can take place in any format - a personal meeting, phone call, visit to the customer's company, email, and so on. The work can take from 1 hour until the issue is resolved. The consultant can develop a strategy for the needs of the customer, choose solutions, and even start doing them by hand. Reporting, of course, is always present. It can be a written report, audio, video with all indicators.

When should a business contact a marketing consultant? Is it necessary if you have your own marketer in the state?

I recommend contacting a consultant when you are at the start, so you will have less financial losses. Very often they do not turn to a consultant because they think it is expensive and will not pay off. But this is not the case, a good Expert Advisor will save budgets at launch. It happens to me every time. When startups come and want to launch their project, and in the end, after working with them, they realize that they almost made a mistake.

If the company already has a marketer on staff, then a consultant is needed, as I said above, to see weaknesses, to help grow both within the company itself and full-time marketers. In my practice, it often happens that full-time marketers begin to further reveal themselves, and this is important for me. With them we begin to work in tandem. True, there are those who are afraid of losing their place and in every possible way dishonor themselves and the invited expert. In that case II try to explain that I am not an enemy. My task is to help him grow as a marketer within the company. And together we work for a common result. The main thing is to talk, and not build gossip behind your back.

What to look for when choosing a consultant?

People do not expect you to show off in front of them, it is important for them to be heard.

If a couple of years ago it was safe to say that you need to choose according to cases, now the time has changed. Cases can be fake, and in some cases, customers bind the consultant with an obligation of non-disclosure, especially when you create a strategy for them. I always offer this option - get in touch via Skype, phone or arrange a face-to-face meeting. Just keep in mind that the consultant has a scheduled time and sometimes you have to wait to get to him. When I communicate with clients, as a rule, I listen more than I speak - this is the main difference between experts. People do not expect you to show off in front of them, it is important for them to be heard. After talking with an expert, you will understand that he does not speak in abstruse phrases, but explains on his fingers - step 1, step 2, step 3 .... An expert is always interested in bringing your project to new level, an amateur always thinks about how to earn a beautiful case.

Tell us about bright examples among your clients, what was the business mistake

Business is like a child, as you invest resources in it, it will grow like that.

I have many bright projects from different fields. But perhaps the brightest one is the wine store. When a client opens a wine boutique, before taking such a step, one must clearly understand who his consumer is. And many open and think that now friends and acquaintances will visit them. The first time after the opening, everything goes well, but then the business begins to make losses. Because the place is chosen too disadvantageous, from the position of traffic. A lot of money is spent on design, on the first PR, there is no clear business model, marketing is in its infancy. For many, marketing is cool stuff, posts on Instagram and “make me just a website with contextual advertising". The complete absence of a project development strategy. In general, I would give this advice: a business is like a child, as you invest resources in it, it will grow like that.

And at the end of the interview, I would like to add: a consultant is not an enemy, not an empty phrase, not a fashionable trend, he is needed to solve strategic problems in any project. With it, the project quickly reaches a new level.

If you need help in promoting your business on the Internet, then I invite you to my consultation.

Promote a business on the Internet, based only on own experience and knowledge is fraught with the fact that you can make mistakes, which can take you a lot of time and money to correct.

You should not promote yourself on the Internet without having an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow it is done. But to consult a specialist who knows the most correct solution is the best way out. Especially in a situation of uncertainty and lack of deep knowledge of Internet marketing tools.


Internet marketing is a set of classic marketing tools used on the Internet to increase sales of goods or services. That is, all the methods used in classical marketing are adapted to promote a business on the Internet.

Internet Marketing are actions aimed at:

    growing popularity of your company/brand/product on the Internet;

    growth in sales of your product/service.

In order to independently understand the issues of promotion on the Internet, you should immerse yourself in this topic in detail and spend many hours reading professional literature. Most likely, combining your business and immersion in Internet marketing (promotion on the Internet) will not be easy - it will take some time. Another person can do this for you, and you can use your time more efficiently, for example, to develop your business and improve the professional level in your field.

An Internet marketing consultant will tell you how to promote your business on the Internet, as well as help you avoid commonplace mistakes in these matters.

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