Make a personal financial plan. Enterprise financial plan. Analyze your current financial situation

  • 17.11.2019

On a daily basis, a person is faced with making financial decisions.

Private financial plan(LFP) is needed to minimize errors, as well as to achieve their goals as a result.

When deciding how to spend their money, a person acts based on the situation, often under the influence of emotions.

He assesses current needs, makes monthly payments, incurs planned and unplanned expenses, and also takes care of funds that will be needed in the future.

There are many such solutions, for example:

  • purchase of goods, services;
  • investing in financial instruments;
  • loan processing.

In addition to everyday worries, a person thinks about how to set a financial goal, for example:

  • buy a car, an apartment;
  • pay for tuition;
  • organize a wedding.

Exist two main ways achievement of the financial goal, namely:

  • , to achieve goals quickly, or
  • use financial instruments with the help of which the delivered goal will be achieved in the future.

In both cases, a person has to manage their personal finances.

Financial Management Approaches

Allocate two main approaches:

  • spontaneous;
  • planned.

In this case, he acts without a plan and a system.

So, a person can make an investment in a business only because his neighbor does it, although in the end it will turn out to be uninteresting, unprofitable and unprofitable for him. Or he, because a colleague took him and advised him, without taking into account the large expenses in the near future.

The result of such actions may be the impossibility of repaying the loan.

An example from life. A man was going to buy a car in 2 years, to buy a house in 4 years, but he did not provide for the costs of his son's education, which will be needed in 7 years.

The man successfully saved up for a car, but transportation costs increased, which did not allow him to collect a down payment on a loan for an apartment.

As a result, a person bought an apartment smaller than he wanted and without a down payment, since he simply did not have enough money for more.

Due to the very large loan payments, the person could not save for his son's education at the desired university. And if at the time of the son's admission, education is paid, then he will not be able to get an education.

Conclusion: the person misunderstood investment terms, so there was such an unpleasant situation. If he took into account all investment goals, he would correctly place his savings in investment instruments, or he could save up for an apartment, and he would take a car on credit. In other words, the person has not analyzed in which case it would be better to take a loan, and when it is more expedient to save money.

Mistakes with a spontaneous approach

Allocate three main mistakes and, which are allowed by people who do not have a clear plan:

  • wrong goal setting;
  • inaccurate assessment of the current situation and its development in the future;
  • wrong selection of performance tools.

Therefore, with an incorrectly defined financial situation, goals and instruments, the possibility of achieving such a goal is zero.

Therefore, it is better to act not spontaneously, but in accordance with the financial plan.

What is a personal financial plan?

Personal financial plan (PFP) is a strategy for achieving financial goals using the most effective financial instruments in the current situation.

Here is another definition.

LFP is a person's business plan that is needed to achieve financial goals with the least effort and using the most effective tools.

There are no standards for writing a personal business plan, but, nevertheless, it is worth including the following sections in it.

  1. Income and expenses. In this part of the plan, the composition and structure of income and family are considered, preferably item by item.
  2. Assets and liabilities. This part of the plan looks at the family's assets and savings (real estate, etc.), as well as existing loans.
  3. Risk protection. It involves an analysis of the protection of a person and his family from various adverse future events that may become an obstacle to achieving financial goals: damage and loss of property, damage to third parties and their property, disability, illness, etc.
  4. financial goals. This section of the plan describes all the goals that the family wants to achieve, their time frame and approximate cost. For example, it could be buying an apartment in 2 years, buying a yacht in a year, expanding own business and even the birth of a child.
  5. Plan calculation. This section contains a list of actions by years, a table with calculations for the entire period, and, if desired, an accumulation schedule for the entire billing period.

Everything in the world is changing very quickly, and at the same time, the situation in the family is also changing. As a result, and The family's financial plan needs to be changed. It needs to be reviewed at least once a year. Desirable personal plan adjust as the situation changes. So, for example, during a crisis, the plan may be reviewed quarterly.

By making a plan, a person can determine whether his goals are achievable and what needs to be done to achieve them.

Such a financial plan does not give a 100% guarantee of achieving the goals, since it is impossible to predict everything:

  • income in the future;
  • inflation rate;
  • unexpected expenses and other factors.

But the existing plan will allow you to quickly respond and correct actions when the situation changes.

Goal Achievement Strategy

LFP is compiled for one year, and preferably for several years in advance. Ideally, such a plan is drawn up as long as the person has financial goals. The due date may be subject to change. An example of compilation and a sample in excel can be downloaded from the link.

You can make LFP both for yourself and for the family as a whole. to manage all family finances. Do not forget that any financial plan must be adjusted depending on changes in family income and expenses.

Summing up, we recall that there are two main approaches to financial management - spontaneous and planned.

With the first approach, there is almost zero favorable outcome. A person does not clearly imagine the financial situation, therefore he sets the wrong financial goals and chooses the wrong tools to influence them.

With a planned approach a person analyzes income, savings, loans in detail and builds detailed plan to achieve the set financial goals, while selecting suitable financial instruments .

Additionally, check out a short video on how to create a personal financial plan:

How to draw up a personal financial plan and what is it? Personal Financial Plan (PFP) is a long-term forecast of income and expenses of the family budget. Like any plan, LFP allows you to realize any goals.

This can be: paying off all debts, saving up for a major purchase: a vacation trip, car, cottage, apartment renovation, etc., or creating a family reserve fund for a rainy day, investing in financial instruments, and so on. Before, do some big financial solution- make a plan.

A personal financial plan is a course that allows you to correctly go to the intended goal, but it can be adjusted taking into account changes that have occurred in financial flows families.

The effectiveness of the plan depends on its term - the longer the term, for example, 5-10 years, the higher the result will be from it than from a plan drawn up for several months. True, the longer the period, the more difficult it is to make forecasts, for starters, you can try to make a plan for 6 months - 1 year.

Always leave a certain amount as a reserve for unforeseen expenses - this is the financial security of your family.

Accounting for income and expenses

In order to draw up a personal financial plan, experts advise starting to track income and expenses. And only after 2-3 months of accounting, draw up LFP. I believe that one month will be enough to determine the correct family budget statistics.

With income, everything is simple, usually it is a small list - wages, bonuses, scholarships, pensions, child benefits, income from renting real estate, and so on. Income is easy and pleasant to track, but expenses are more difficult.

If monthly expenses are of the same type, then they can be identified by elimination. For example, calculate the amount utilities(housing rent), kindergarten, internet, mobile communications, loan payments, travel. These amounts are repeated from month to month.

If there are no other expenses (entertainment, recreation, clothing, and so on), then everything else is food and household chemicals. The main thing is to be honest with yourself when accounting for expenses, not to reduce them. Spent half your paycheck on a handbag, cosmetics or computer games- reflect this honestly in your accounting.

So, we figured out the income and expenses. If you can break down your monthly budget into items and clearly define the amounts for them, then you can move on to the next step.


You need to define and clearly articulate goals for the period for which you will draw up a plan. For example, pay off a mortgage loan as quickly as possible and save money on interest, and invest money that used to go to the bank.

Or save up money for the car of your dreams, a cool computer or a vacation in the Canary Islands. There will most likely be several goals: both large and small, here you need to decide what is more priority, in what sequence to fulfill them.

The plan will help to find out how achievable the set financial goals are, after what time the goal will be realized. If the goals are unattainable, for example, buying an apartment, you need to think about a loan or give it up for a while until your financial condition improves. When drawing up a plan, the interests of the whole family should be taken into account.

How to make a personal financial plan: LFP example

For an example of drawing up a plan, take the following data:

Family of 4 with two minor children. Husband and wife together earn 100,000 rubles a month. They purchased an apartment with a mortgage, the payment per month is 25,000 rubles. For the purchase of an apartment, the spouse receives a property deduction for personal income tax.

The family has set goals for itself:

  • Partially pay off your monthly mortgage ahead of schedule.
  • Save up for a vacation trip. Accumulate the amount of 100,000 rubles. So that in six months, the amount does not depreciate, the monthly savings are converted into dollars.

The amount that the family saves for vacation also serves as a reserve capital. If there is an emergency with the money, they can be used.

Month September October november December January February
Income (thousand rubles)
Salary 100 100 100 100 100 100
Prize 15
Tax deduction 10 10 10 10 10 10
Compensation for kindergarten 1 1 1 1 1 1
Total income: 111 111 111 126 111 111
Mortgage repayment 25 25 25 25 25 25
Communal payments 7 7 7 7 7 7
Kindergarten 3 3 3 3 3 3
Children's mugs 4 4 4 4 4 4
Internet, mobile connection 1 1 1 1 1 1
Food 30 30 30 30 30 30
Household chemicals 3 3 3 3 3 3
clothing 2 2 2 4 2 2
Entertainment 3 3 3 3 3 3
Present 2 6 3
Total expenses: 78 78 80 86 78 81
Remainder 33 33 31 40 33 30
Mortgage early repayment 25 25 25 25 25 20
Vacation trip 8 8 6 15 8 10

Following this plan, the mortgage debt in the amount of 145,000 rubles will be paid off ahead of schedule within six months. An amount of 55 thousand rubles will be accumulated for the rest.

Who needs a financial plan

All people with a modest income believe that making a personal financial plan is pointless for them. Practice shows the opposite, the lower the income, the more a person must control his expenses in order not to get into debt. Especially, this applies to those who have.

Planning is what will help him not to make meaningless spontaneous purchases, to clearly understand how much he can spend per day on food or clothes.

A wealthy person controls not his expenses, but his income. He needs to draw up a plan for investing personal income so that income is not only preserved, but also multiplied.

A personal financial plan will be useful to every family. Try it now, take control of your budget.

Nina Polonskaya

A couple of months ago, we analyzed in detail how to compose . Look at 6 simple steps, after which you can describe your goals in detail, allocate money for them, and even know exactly when your desires come true.

If you have completed these steps or are just about to take on your PFP (personal financial plan), the question before you is how to create it quickly and functionally.

You will no longer worry about the question: where to get the money? You will be wondering: Where to write even more goals? How to make the budget accessible to everyone in the family? Where to enter interest on investment? And in general, how to connect all this so that it is convenient and understandable? 🙂

You can make a LFP template yourself, use the formulas that are convenient for you. Or you can download my template. Use it as is or customize it according to your needs. Get creative, it's your money!

Since the template is stored in my Google Drive, you cannot change it. To use the LFP table, copy it to yourself. To do this, go to link and select "File" - "Make a copy" (or "File" - "Make a copy") from the menu.

Now let's look at all the tabs in detail and I will describe how to use the table.

Page One - GOALS

Of course, at the very beginning we have GOALS. This is done so that in the first place we see the desires for which we work!

Enter goals, consider how long it will take you to achieve them. How to enter goals correctly, as well as how to correctly calculate the time to achieve is described in detail in the article: “ ". Look at the article, in it you will find useful life hacks on what to do if the desire is delayed or vice versa, it is completed faster.

In the “Income” cell, enter your monthly income, in the currency in which you receive it. I have rubles everywhere by default.

We turn to the second page of the Template and see a sheet that often discourages people -


Only at first glance it seems that everything is complicated. But no, everything is simple and the table will count everything by itself 😉

Numbering: the first column, where percentages are shown at the bottom. I don't use numbering in the categories to be able to rearrange them as I see fit. But I put down percentages on desires and goals. It’s more convenient to navigate if the percentage for goals is different.

Monthly expenses: the categories of expenses you spend or save. Now the categories are by definition from the article , but you can change them.

Plan: planning your expenses. How to plan so that everything is enough is described in the article.

Fact: here the formula calculates the average value for all months.

Dates: now the table starts from November, 2017.

How to use:

Enter the income for the month in the cell below the date. In the first month, the formula is not worth it, but then be careful. You must enter the amount of income not in the cell itself, but in the line with the formula. Look at an example.

Now I have set an income of 34,000 rubles. And you, instead of the blue number, enter your income for the last month.

Fill in the lines with expenses. And in the last line you will seeremainder, which you have left for a month

It is automatically carried over to the next month and added to income.


We turn to the third and last tab of our table - Assets and Liabilities.

Assets- the money that brings us more money. Bank deposits, profitable investments, securities, an apartment for rent, etc. I filled in the line with one bank deposit so that you can see an example.

Enter the deposit amount, if any. Then enter the percentage and the table will automatically calculate the annual income for you.

Liabilities- the opposite part of your money to the asset. Here enter the currency (in rubles) in cash, real estate, car, savings that are stored at home, etc.

Total- the sum of assets and liabilities. That is the amount you own.

Life hacks for using a spreadsheet

Get creative! Set the design in your favorite colors, use google emoticons to label your categories. Bring your personality to the table and you will notice how you start using it with pleasure.

If you want to update the template usefunctions and formulas Google spreadsheets. Simplify your life and do not calculate everything manually!

If you did everything right, then you will not have a question: How to plan a budget? In just one evening, you will understand what, how much and where to put aside in order to achieve your financial goals.

Also, I have a recorded webinar on creating a Personal Financial Plan. In it, I tell personal life hacks, the experience of students and, of course, I give an updated LFP table. You can join the webinar at any time. Sign up via the link.

Most importantly, don't delay!

And that is not all! Do you want to participate in free trainings in finance and earnings marathons? Then subscribe to my Instagram. There, among other things, I tell and show how I achieve my goals with the help of a Personal Financial Plan and crazy motivation. AT join our Success Club and know that you will succeed!

Greetings! I noticed that personal finance management is becoming a mega-popular trend in Russia.

Increasingly, people are turning to professionals for financial advice. Maintain records of household income and expenses. Invest money in something. But many are sorely lacking in consistency!

And today we will talk about what a personal financial plan is, and how to correctly compose it.

LFP disciplines, motivates and helps to achieve goals. This is the very first step to!

A financial plan can be compared to a detailed travel itinerary. There is a start and end point of the path. There are intermediate landmarks and time constraints. There are helper tools (compass, map, navigator). And the route itself from time to time will have to be adjusted to the current situation.

Do not like the comparison with the route sheet? Another good analogy is a weight loss chart.

There are two ways to lose extra pounds.

  1. Start running in the morning. For two weeks, eat germinated wheat sprouts, drinking them with clean spring water. Lose 3 kg. Be happy. Celebrate this business with pizza with sausage and a liter of beer. Berate yourself for being weak. Sleep through your morning workout. Slowly return to normal life. Gain 5 kg in a week
  2. Seek professional help from the very beginning. Think over a complex of trainings and a balanced diet. Lose 10 kg in a year and maintain that weight all the time. Stay healthy, balanced and self-confident after losing weight

People in a panic run for advice to the “money specialist”. And for some time follow his recommendations. And then the situation in the market levels off. And the financial plan "moves" as unnecessary.

A few years later, the situation repeats itself.

What is a good adviser? Competent specialist:

  1. Objectively assess the current financial situation and your opportunities (income-expenses, assets-liabilities). Even at this stage, you will learn a lot about your personal finances.
  2. Highlight strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Adjusts financial goals in terms of their reality and achievability.
  4. Will prescribe a clear step-by-step algorithm for achieving.
  5. Describe several possible scenarios for the future.
  6. He will select the right instruments taking into account the specifics of the client (income level, risk appetite, investment period, etc.).

All this, of course, you can do yourself. But, most likely, due to inexperience, you will make a lot of mistakes and lose a lot of money and time. For example, I did it myself, but after I was checked by a consultant.

Option number 2. On your own

However, no one bothers you to independently work out the “materiel” and draw up a financial plan yourself.

Hint options:


Educational materials on the Web - the sea. Almost all of them can be downloaded for free in fb2 or epub format.

  1. Vladimir Savenok “How to compose LFP. The Path to Financial Independence. The author literally "on the fingers" tells what, how and why. Savenok even provides an Excel sample at the end as an example to fill out. Another huge plus of the book is that it is based on the author's experience with Russian clients!
  2. Another excellent book: Andrey Paranich “LFP. Compilation Instructions. But I must say right away that just reading such books is not enough! Useful recommendations should be put into practice as soon as possible.

Educational "live" format (webinars, open lessons, trainings, courses)

During the course, you will work out a lot of useful things: from personal finance planning and time management, to business relations and investment loans.

Stages of compiling LFP

How to make LFP on your own? As usual - "eat the elephant in pieces."

Here is my short guide to step-by-step self-compilation of a financial plan.

First stage. We formulate financial goals

I am sure that this phrase causes a gag reflex in many. But without goal setting, alas, can not do. In order not to be scattered on global or secondary goals, answer three questions first:

  1. What monthly income do you want to receive in the future?
  2. At what age do you plan to retire?
  3. What tasks need to be solved within the next 5-10 years?

I promise it will clear my head a bit. And you can prioritize everything.

Second phase. Assessing the value of your goals

An example of the distribution of funds among different assets:

  • 20% for the purchase of financial instruments to create an additional source of income (stocks, bonds, mutual funds)
  • 25% in real estate
  • 25% in pension savings
  • 20% to own business
  • 10% to the bank on the account and deposits

Sixth stage. Creating an airbag

Before embarking on active investments, you need to “insure”. The road ahead is long and difficult. And during this time, anything can happen. will not let you retreat from LFP even in the most difficult periods! Below I will briefly analyze so that you understand that free cheese only happens in a mousetrap.

How to implement LFP taking into account force majeure? Consider risk management from the very beginning!

It includes four items:

  1. Insurance
  2. Creation of a reserve
  3. Risk diversification
  4. Liquidity care


To be honest, I am opposed to insuring "everything against everything." In Russia, the institution of insurance is expensive and not always honest. But at a minimum, it is worth insuring the life and health of the main breadwinner of the family. And expensive property (apartment, house, car).

financial reserve

Frequently asked questions and life hacks

In what electronic program to make LFP?

LFP can be easily compiled in the good old Microsoft Excel or Google Doc (for access from different gadgets). And you can use special software.

I also advise you to download budgeting applications to your phone or computer - they greatly simplify life and automate the accounting of income and expenses. Good feedback e.g. about " Home bookkeeping and EasyFinance. I am using CoinKeeper.

What information is needed to compile the LFP?

At a minimum, the figure of monthly income and expenses divided into categories. Before you draw up a document, you need to clearly keep home accounting for at least 2-3 months.

What is more important: cutting costs or increasing income?

Theoretically, both are important. But as practice shows, the total economy regime is incompatible with the thinking of a wealthy person. Achieving monetary goals, denying yourself the most necessary for years, is not the best way.

Current income should be enough to maintain a comfortable standard of living (everyone has their own)! Plus, there should still be something left for the stash, insurance and investments.

Hence the conclusion: it is possible and necessary to optimize costs. But the main focus should be on increasing income: active and passive. Constantly ask yourself the question: where and on what can I earn extra money?

TOP 9 mistakes in LFP development

Fuzzy financial goals

The blurring of goals is the leader of the conditional hit parade of mistakes in the personal financial plan. It is very important to form them as specifically as possible: with amounts and terms.

Just in case: "become rich", "get rid of debt" and "achieve financial freedom" - but sweet dreams.

Excessive optimism in assessing one's own capabilities

Do not set yourself too ambitious and obviously impossible goals. Especially in the short and medium term.

Such Napoleonic plans are doomed to failure from the outset. You should not once again convince yourself that "this nonsense does not work" or "I'm a complete loser."

Excessive pessimism when setting goals

Underestimation always leads to a delay in the achievement of goals. This is not as scary as overestimation, but it also greatly weakens motivation.

Financial goals, deadlines and ways to achieve them should be realistic and a little difficult for you personally. Agree, “earning 100 rubles a day” is more than a real task. But do we need such a small goal?

Alien targets

Why financial advisers do not welcome "amateur" in the preparation of LFP? Not only because they lose income from their paid consultations. Most often, Russians draw up a plan based on ready-made examples from books and publications. Why is it dangerous?

The LFP of a Russian is fundamentally different from the LFP of an American or a German. The plan of a Muscovite is from the plan of a resident of Ryazan or New Vasilki. LFP of a single employee - from a LFP of a private entrepreneur with a wife and three children.

Well, and besides, it’s not a fact that a stranger financial goal suits you basically. The plan, first of all, is developed for yourself!

Force majeure expenses are not taken into account in LFP

The life of each of us is full of surprises and surprises. 90% of them give an additional burden on the family budget. And it is worth taking into account force majeure costs even when compiling the LFP. Be sure to save up a stash for a rainy day.

Yes, yes, I'm talking about a stash, which for some reason many do not consider as a "must have" thing. With it, you will feel much more comfortable, and if force majeure does happen, you will be ready for this both economically and psychologically.

The plan does not include an increase in daily expenses

Statistics show that as we age, we spend more and more on household chores. An apartment, a car, having children, helping elderly parents and grown children, spending on their own health.

But even if for 20 years you buy the same thing every month, the level of spending will be . Therefore, when compiling the LFP, we assume an increase in current costs by at least 10% annually.

Calculation for passive income

is the dream of every investor. But you can afford a comfortable life “on interest” only when you have solid capital and practical experience in the field of investment. Getting both takes time, patience and discipline!

Calculation for a constant return on investment

Fixed income on the market is guaranteed by just a couple of conservative instruments! For example, highly reliable bonds or deposits in a state bank (often even nominal).

In all other cases, income is a variable and floating value. And this point must be taken into account when compiling the LFP. Do not start from the maximum possible profitability! Always aim for the average.

LFP is not implemented in practice

One of the most common mistakes! LFP is a map-route to achieve your dreams. The plan is absolutely useless if you just print it out and hang it on the wall. Every day you need to take tiny steps towards intermediate "destinations".

Imagine that you have compiled an excellent route for a three-day ascent to a mountain peak. We bought everything we needed, packed a backpack, but never left the house. As a result, the cherished intention is as far away as before.

It's the same with LFP. If the plan is to "increase monthly income by 20%", then you need to look for another job or create your own business. If you planned to set aside 10,000 rubles for investments every month, then you will have to do this not “when you remember”, but every month.

Otherwise, the plan will remain a beautiful sample table in Excel.

Summing up

It's actually not that hard to come up with a basic plan. It is much more difficult to strictly adhere to it for years. However, I still recommend showing your first LFP to a professional!

Unfortunately, any plan is not a panacea and not a "secret tool" of millionaires. This is just the first step towards financial freedom. Tested on myself: it really helps to take personal funds under control and achieve goals without spraying on nonsense. Only in this way you can avoid blunders and immediately move in the right direction. After all, the most important thing in this life is time. Is not it?

Do you already have it? Subscribe to updates and share links to fresh posts with friends on social networks!

The calculation of the financial plan helps to understand how much money is needed to open a business: what income and expenses a business project or company expects in the future. It helps to determine at what investments and in what terms the business will reach the break-even point (it will work at “zero”) and the payback point (begins to make a profit).

From this article you will learn:

What should be done before financial planning?

Before you draw up a financial plan for your future business, you need to define two goals:

  1. Your personal goal as a business owner. Why do you need the business you have in mind?
  2. The purpose of your business. What benefit will it bring to the world?

Your personal goal and business goal are ideologically united, but they should not coincide.

Story. Christina went dancing to a studio not far from home. She fell in love with dancing, but she did not like the studio: it had a holey floor with worn linoleum, a small hall, a cramped dressing room with a curtain instead of a door, and poor ventilation. The coaches did not stay long, the students left after them.

Then Christina decided to open her own studio, but a good one. Her studio has high ceilings, dressing rooms with lockers and mirrors, clean showers and toilets, towels, and a hair dryer. Training room with sofa and coffee machine. This was appreciated by teachers and students - the groups are full, parties are regularly held in the studio, and after a year of work, Christina organized her first reporting concert in a restaurant with a huge stage.

Christina's personal goal is to grow as a dancer and coach. To do this, she needed a good studio in which professionals would want to work - this became her business. Now Kristina is 22 years old, she teaches dance in her studio and performs at competitions.

Define the target audience

Who needs what your business does? Why will they buy it? Much has been written in marketing about analyzing the target audience, but at the initial stage it is enough to designate the audience in “broad strokes”.

A tool called “5W” will help with this - this is a list of 5 questions about the target audience: what (what are you selling), who (who is buying it), why (why is it being bought), when (when is it being bought), where ( where to buy it).

Suppose we want to open a cafe at a car wash. Let's describe our customers using the "5W" method.

Target audience analysis, 5W method

Initiatives: what needs to be done to achieve the goals?

So, we want to make a cafe at a car wash. What kind of initiatives will be required for this? Without what our cafe cannot exist?

  • organize a cash desk;
  • make a menu;
  • rent a hall with showcases, a refrigerator, tables and chairs.

The implementation of initiatives will require you to spend money, but in the future, it may promise profit. The next step is to draw up a work plan.

Project work plan, or "road map"

We decompose each initiative into a list of tasks. Each task must have a result: buy a cash register, buy tables and chairs, hire a cashier, create a menu, negotiate with suppliers, etc. For each task, a period of its completion must be determined. Some tasks (for example, buying consumables) need to be completed regularly - this is also noted in the roadmap.

Roadmap example

Performance indicators (KPI - key performance indicators) and their meanings

Performance indicators are the criteria for evaluating the results of work, by which you understand whether your result is good or bad. What is important for our car wash cafe?

KPI cafe at a car wash:

  1. Quality customer service;
  2. Servicing the maximum number of visitors;
  3. Visitors should be pleased to be in a cafe.

Now we need to define what "quality service" means to us, " maximum amount” and “pleasant to be” and how to check that this is so.

As a result, we get a KPI table for a cafe:

Cafe KPI table

The values ​​of the indicators determine how well the project, department or the entire business performs its work. The choice of performance indicators and their values ​​will also require costs from you: if we want to sell delicious coffee, then we will have to buy a good coffee machine and coffee beans. Cheap 3-in-1 bags are indispensable here.

Each business may have its own KPIs, but in businesses of the same type, KPIs will coincide. According to KPI marketing research, to understand what are the normal performance values ​​for the industry - this is called a "benchmark" (benchmark).

Description of the business or project

Now that you've collected the key information about your business, it's important to summarize it in a visual way.

To do this, record the answers to the questions:

  1. What are we doing?
  2. In what mode are we working to do this?
  3. How do we know that we are doing a good job?
  4. Who will do the work?
  5. What is the maximum number of customers we need to serve at the same time?

Basic information about your business

How to draw up a financial plan for a project or company for a year?

To make a financial plan for the year, you need to calculate all the expenses, determine the resources, study the market, predict the income, and consolidate all the data into a budget. To do this, you will need a spreadsheet in Excel.

We offer the following structure for maintaining a financial plan in Excel:

  1. Make sheets with the names: “Employees and jobs”, “Resources” (reference sheet), “Expenses”, “Market Monitoring”, “Income” and “Budget”;
  2. In each sheet, fix the left column to indicate the articles of the financial plan;
  3. Make 12 months-columns - so your data will not “go”, even if expenses or incomes change at different intervals.

For example, let's take the same cafe at a car wash. We will have employees, competitors, services and prices - everything, as for real.

Before counting expenses

So the costs are:

  1. One-time - what you need to buy or pay once for the analyzed period. These costs include registration legal entity, purchase of furniture, etc.;
  2. Recurring expenses - salaries of employees, payment for communication services, the Internet, rent of premises, etc.

Sheet "Employees and jobs"

Recurring expenses are most affected by employees (salaries, taxes and contributions), so we recommend that you make a separate sheet before “Expenses” - “Employees and jobs”.

An example of the "Employees and Jobs" sheet. The column numbers "1", "2", "3" and so on are the months. If you plan to layoffs or hire new employees, this fact will be reflected in the “Changes for the month” line.

In our plan, there is no dedicated workplace for the head of the cafe at the car wash. Suppose that at first we will not allocate an office for him, buy furniture and a computer - at the start he can do paperwork remotely. This will reduce costs.

Reference sheet "Resources"

Another preparatory stage is the "Resources" reference sheet.

It is important to determine in advance what resources you will need and how much it will cost. How to define a list of resources? Sit down and think. How to find out the cost? Find on the Internet.

To make the task easier, divide the resources into categories and put them in a reference sheet with links to stores or supplier companies and prices.

  • human resources are required by the project employees: programmers, managers, operators, cashiers, sales specialists, accountant, System Administrator, cleaner, etc.;
  • material - these are the items and equipment that you need for work: a table, a chair, an office, a computer, a printer, a car, hygiene items, servers, machine tools, telephones, etc .;
  • technological - Internet access, mobile communications, CRM (client relationship management) system and others;
  • internal resources are the time and capacity of your company that you spend on developing your business, and not on selling: fund for monetary motivation of employees, development of internal software, creating a company website, etc.;
  • external resources, or outsourcing - what you transfer to someone to manage: marketing, receiving calls, sales, Express delivery and etc.

Resource Directory example. Resources are divided into categories vertically so that each list can be replenished endlessly. "Human resources" is a link to and search results for a specific vacancy on this portal. " Material resources» — link to Yandex.Market

Further, when calculating expenses, we will build formulas, referring to cells with prices from the Resource Directory. Then, if some prices change, it will be enough for you to change it in the “Resource Directory”, and the data in the costs and budget will be recalculated automatically.

We consider expenses

Some things need to be bought for each employee: a computer, a desk, a work chair, in our example, a cashier's uniform. In this case, multiply the desired expense items (cells on the Resources sheet) by the total number of employees per month (cells on the Employees and Jobs sheet).

One-time expenses

Plan for one-time expenses and reflect them in the plan in the desired month.

Recurring expenses

Periodic expenses are taken into account when they need to be paid. Due to the fact that the table is built by months, it is easy to take into account not only monthly, but also quarterly payments, and payments every 6 months.

To correctly and quickly fill out the table of recurring expenses, copy the list of items from the "Resource Directory" sheet and paste it into the leftmost column. In our example, this is a check tape, rent for a room, a subscription fee for the Internet, etc.

If comments are required, enter them in a special column. In the cell with the expense, make a link to the cell with the price from the Resource Directory. To make Excel always refer to the same cell (and not move to the next when copying), anchor the column and row of the cell with a $ symbol - $D$15 - and drag horizontally from the 1st to the 12th month inclusive.

In the far right column, the amount of the expense item for the entire year is calculated = SUM (C18: N18)

The line "Recurring expenses for the maintenance of the company" counts the sum of all expenses in each month and in the last cell - how much you need to spend in a year.

In this example, we take into account the payment for a subscription to for three months, then we consider that this is an extra expense. We take into account the increase in the salary of the head after 6 months of work. It is useful to record these comments in a special field so as not to get confused later.

Don't forget to take into account wages, taxes and contributions to social funds:

Personal income tax + social contributions \u003d (GP on hands) / 0.87 × 1.302 - (GP on hands)

Count salaries in the same way as other expenses: multiply the reference to the cell from the “Resource Directory” by the number of employees in a given month from “Employees and Jobs” - then nothing will be lost.

Payroll preparation

If you sum everything up, then the generalized result for expenses will look like this:

In total for the year you will spend 7,111,952.41 (seven million one hundred eleven thousand nine hundred fifty-two rubles, 76 kop.)

Revenue and market monitoring

Income forecasting is the hardest part of a financial plan. There will be a lot of calculations and formulas in this part, get ready!

Table with income by months, not yet completed

To predict possible income, you need to calculate average check and understand how many customers you can serve, incurring already planned costs (number of employees, quality of equipment, etc.). Note that your task is not to understand how many customers you need to attract in order to reach payback, but how many customers your business can serve.

  • average check - the amount you earn from each client (before taxes);
  • the average number of customers per month - this is necessary to understand whether your business is able to handle the existing flow of customers;
  • the number of customers that your business can serve at given capacities - will this figure coincide with the average number of customers per month in general? If yes, then everything is correct. If you can do less, reconsider expenditure part and increase power. If your supply exceeds demand, you are not optimally using your resources and spending more than you earn.

Parameters that we will calculate in order to predict income

Before predicting your own income, you need to turn to the market and analyze competitors. First of all - the product line and prices.

Market monitoring

Choose your top 5 competitors. It is important to understand that competitors are companies that compete for the same customer segment: Apple competes with Samsung, the restaurant competes with other restaurants, but not canteens and fast food.

Remember how you analyzed target audience. Who else is selling the same products or services to the same audience? These are your competitors.

Learn what services your competitors provide and at what cost. Their prices are your guide. You can sell your services for about the same prices. Evaluate the quality of these services and compare with yourself. Which of these do you do best?

If your business has one-time services and services on a monthly fee, then when monitoring the market and forecasting income, they need to be considered separately.

For example, let's make the following table for our cafe at a car wash:

Market monitoring and calculation of own prices

To calculate your own price, it is better to use not the average value, but the median - it calculates the value in the middle and does not take into account the extreme values: MEDIAN (C5: G5). Therefore, even if someone offers too high or too low prices, the cost of your offer will remain average in the market. If you offer something that others do not, then you can set the price for the market yourself.

Average check

We take the prices that we received as a result of monitoring the market and estimate the positions in the check. If you have experience in this area, then determining the composition of the check is not difficult. If not, you will have to go through competitors and analyze their checks.

So, in our cafe, a man most often orders:

What does a man order most often in a cafe?

What does a woman order most often in a cafe?

Hungry Man:

What is ordered most often in a cafe by a hungrier man

Comrades on the run

What orders most often in a cafe "on the run"

Average bill = (160 + 340 +320 + 100) ÷ 4 = 230 rubles

Average number of clients per month

Let's imagine a cafe at a car wash again. We need to count how many people on weekdays and weekends come to the car wash during its working hours and how many of them order at the cafe. If there is no work experience in this area, then we go to competitors, sit down and count. Having walked through several such cafes, let's not forget to count the number of tables and chairs so that our guests do not have to stand.

The car wash and cafe are open from 10:00 to 22:00, that is, 720 minutes. In total, the sink can accommodate 6 cars at the same time and washes them for 20 minutes.

This means that a maximum passes per day: 720 minutes ÷ 20 minutes × 6 parking spaces = 216 motorists.

There are also passengers who also come to our cafe - together with motorists, we counted 316 people. Let's say on weekdays an average of 100 visitors make an order, including motorists and passengers. And on the weekend - 60 people out of 150 who came.

Average number of clients per month = 100 weekday clients × 22 weekdays + 60 weekend clients × 8 weekends = 2,680 clients.

We take 2,680 customers per month as the upper threshold value - they don’t physically enter the cafe anymore, therefore, when forecasting income, we should not process more than 2,680 orders per month.

Total number of customers during peak hours

Let's assume that the weekday peak hours in our cafe from 19:00 to 22:00 are three hours, or 180 minutes. On weekends - from 16:00 to 17:00, that is, 60 minutes. During these hours, every 20 minutes we have a line of 6 people long - so many cars can be washed at the same time at the car wash.

Maximum number of clients during weekday peak hours: 180 minutes ÷ 20 minutes × 6 clients = 54 clients

Maximum number of clients during weekend peak hours: 60 minutes ÷ 20 minutes × 6 clients = 18 clients

We fix the parameters of the business in the sheet "Income by months"

Number of customers that one employee can serve

To calculate your capacity, you need to find out how many customers one employee serves. How long does it take for a typical order to be prepared and issued by one cashier in a car wash cafe? How many people can be taught by one fitness trainer at the same time in one session? How many typical texts does one copywriter write per month?

In a cafe at the car wash, one waiter-cashier issues and calculates the order in 4 minutes. This time is enough to pour coffee, warm up a bun and make a payment through the cash register. But the client needs not only to receive an order, but also to sit down at the table and drink his coffee. Then the service of each client from “sit down” already takes all 10 minutes, while on average each client has only 20 minutes of free time.

This means that only two people in line will have time to get their order and drink their coffee before their car is washed. If there are more than two people in the queue, then the remaining visitors will not have time to use our cafe to “sit”, because they will go to pick up the car from the car wash.

How many clients does one employee handle during weekday peak hours?

So, we have determined the order processing time - 10 minutes.

During peak hours on weekdays, a total of 54 people come running, but at the same time we have a queue of 6 people.

In 180 minutes, we have a maximum of 9 queues of 6 people each: 180 ÷ 20 = 9.

But one cashier cannot serve all six customers in line. It is guaranteed to serve only 2 people in each of 9 queues, that is: 9 × 2 = 18 customers.

Do not wait for their turn: 54 - 18 = 36 people.

How many clients does one employee handle during weekend peak hours?

Weekend peak times are only 1 hour (60 minutes). Let's calculate the maximum number of customers at this time: 60 minutes ÷ 20 washing series = 3 queues of 6 people.

Maximum number of clients during weekend peak times: 3 × 6 = 18 clients.

From each queue, we serve only 2 orders: 3 × 2 = 6 customers.

18 orders - 6 accepted orders = 12 customers we will lose.

Number of orders accepted by one employee per month

Calculate the maximum number of orders accepted by one cashier on a weekday. To do this, we divide the shift time (720 minutes) by the order processing time (10 minutes) and subtract from the result the number of customers lost during peak hours: 720 ÷ 10 - 36 = 36 orders.

On weekends - shift 720 minutes, order processing time - 10 minutes, the number of lost customers - 12 orders: 720 ÷ 10 - 12 = 60 orders.

However, we can't have 60 orders on a weekend, because on weekends we only have 60 people in total, and we definitely lose customers during peak hours. It is necessary to take into account the threshold value and subtract 12 lost customers from the maximum 60 customers: 60 - 12 = 48 orders.

Total per month: 36 orders on weekdays × 22 business days + 48 orders on weekends × 8 days off = 1,176 orders.

Check that the result is not less than zero and no more than the threshold value: a maximum of 2,680 clients visit us per month. We counted 1,176 orders, which is less than 2,680, so everything is correct.

Threshold values ​​are set in the formula: the amount of orders processed per month should not exceed the average number of customers visiting the cafe per month

In practice, a situation is possible when the number of processed orders will be more than physically entered clients: after all, the same client can break through several checks. But at the planning stage, it is wiser to stick to a more pessimistic scenario.

We calculate the profit from one employee and the total income

Income from one employee per month with an average check of 230 rubles and the maximum number of processed orders per month -1,176 will be 270,480 rubles

If we don’t do anything: we don’t improve marketing, we don’t increase the number of employees, we don’t optimize the order fulfillment process, we don’t increase the average bill, etc., then we definitely won’t jump above this figure.

We planned to hire three cashiers - let's see if our business can handle the flow of customers?

With three employees, the cafe serves a maximum of customers - everyone is waiting for their turn. This was one of our KPIs

We calculated revenue based on the average number of visitors. But if you're starting a business where you don't have much customer experience, try calculating the worst-case scenario for your earnings. Set for the first three months the maximum number of clients not 100%, but only 30% of the average number, and then gradually increase this figure.

Conclusion: income = average check × number of customers

Project budget for the year

A budget is how detailed expenses are combined with projected revenues for your business. Now that you have a plan for spending and income by months, it remains to subtract one from the other and see if you reach the break-even point and the payback point, which you will come to in a year.

Already at the planning stage, you will be able to estimate how much money you will need each month to maintain the company and what potential income it can bring. You will understand in advance whether the game is worth the candle.

In the budget, we indicate all expenses and incomes by months; in the financial result, we calculate the difference in each month and in total for the year

In general, the budget can be shown as follows:

Collapsed Budget View

As you can see, our example turned out to be a profitable business model, at least before income tax. In this article, we will not calculate taxes, because their amount depends on the taxation system you choose.

Conclusion: to calculate the financial result, you need to subtract expenses from income in each month. Don't forget to deduct income tax.

Is it worth starting a losing business?

If in a year the project not only does not reach payback, but also does not reach the break-even point, is it worth starting it? Sometimes yes.

Story. Children's Centers of Nadezhda Samoilova for disabled children. Nadezhda is the mother of the girl Lesya, she has cerebral palsy. Lesya did not take the state kindergarten: they cannot provide proper care and development.

Then Nadezhda decided to open her own garden. Find correctional educators, educators, rehabilitation specialists and gather them all in one place, instead of traveling to each of them separately. So special children have their own kindergarten, where they learn to communicate, play and simply live, and their parents have the opportunity to return to work and take care of themselves a little.

Children's Centers do not generate income and do not even go to zero. Renting premises, rehabilitation equipment, children's furniture, toys and benefits, salaries of employees - there is not enough money for everything. Funds are donated to the Centers, sometimes they manage to get grants, many companies help the Centers by paying for the education of children or buying the necessary things. This business is not about money.

Another case when it is important to create and develop a loss-making project is when you create a support structure within the company. Examples of such projects are: contact center, in-house accounting, system administration, etc. These projects do not make money for your business, but they help you incur fewer expenses.

If the contact center handles calls only for your company, then you support it, but do not earn anything. However, at the same time, your customers can quickly get the necessary information, solve their problem and remain your client, and not go to a competitor.

Your accounting department deals only with your taxes, income and expenses - you do not earn anything, you are forced to pay a monthly salary to an accountant and provide him with an equipped workplace. But on the other hand, you do not pay fines and penalties to the tax authorities for your mistakes.

Cheat sheet "How to make a financial plan for the year":

  1. Before drawing up a financial plan, describe your business model: formulate goals, objectives, analyze the target audience and determine the performance indicators of your work;
  2. In the financial plan, make supporting sheets: “Employees and Jobs” and “Resource Directory”. Do not count the costs in your mind! Always prescribe formulas with links to auxiliary sheets;
  3. Calculate all one-time and recurring expenses;
  4. Before calculating the revenue, analyze the prices and services of your competitors - your price offer should be in the middle;
  5. To calculate income, you need to calculate the average number of customers and the average bill, and then multiply one by the other;
  6. Calculate the budget: subtract the expenses for each month from the income in each month - this will be your financial results;
  7. Don't forget about income taxes;
  8. In some cases, it is worth opening a loss-making project: it will not allow you to earn, but will allow you to spend less.