Trends in the development of the marketing research market. Analysis and trends in the development of the services market. expanding the flow of goods, technologies, financial resources

  • 01.12.2019

Participants in the global research market sum up the results of the year twice: in December (“like all normal people”) and in September, at the next ESOMAR congress. It is at this time that external observers can see the development trends of this industry, which is rather closed to the general public.

Back in 2010, the charts for the development of the research industry looked very menacing: the growth curve sloped sharply down and it seemed that the market would soon fall "to below the floor," as Alice in Carroll's fairy tale said. For example, we present data for Europe below, however, the prospects for researchers in other regions of the world looked no less pessimistic.

Source: ESOMAR

However, this year the researchers cheered up. Yes, and there was something: the market clearly began to recover. This followed not only from the official data (see the diagram below), but "was in the air" of the 2011 Congress hall, held in Amsterdam. Moreover, the Russian marketing research market has become one of the fastest growing among European countries.

Source: ESOMAR

“Of course, researchers are afraid of a new crisis, but these fears have not yet come to fruition,” says Tatyana Barakshina, ESOMAR Board Member and Research Director at Bazic AG. “Trends of returning to growth, reaching positive indicators clearly prevail not only on paper, but also in the conversations of Congress participants.”

The bright hopes of the researchers were based, of course, on the state of the world economy, or, more precisely, on the expectations of positive changes. Whether they are justified, time will tell. It is possible that at the next congress, in Atlanta (USA), which will be held from September 9 to 12, 2012, we will see a sinusoidal growth curve.


However, already now the moods in the companies are heterogeneous, which was expressed in their actions at the Congress in Amsterdam. According to Mikhail Zarin, CEO of Mobiety, representatives of Moscow Russian companies studied the proposed solutions with interest, actively negotiated with old customers, but their colleagues from the regions looked puzzled. Maybe the trends of the global research market from Russian province see something unrealistically far away? “They can be understood: globalization leads to the fact that the standard research projects according to established methods, they are managed from central offices,” says Zarin. “However, for local players, this does not mean defeat at all. One of the possible ways of development is specialization, either by industry, or by the tools used, expertise.”

However, globalization has been and remains an important trend. Successful specialized companies, a kind of “trendsetters”, are actively expanding, as BrainJucer and InSights do, for example, by opening new offices in the USA, China, and Eastern Europe. However, it is no longer necessary to open offices, since a virtual office model has appeared, says Barakshina, and not as a substitute for real, personal communication, but as a catalyst for such communication. Ray Pointer, perhaps the most famous virtual world researcher today, has convincingly demonstrated that the productivity of the researcher, the efficiency of working time, the ability to interact with clients and colleagues from different countries, attending and organizing industry events grows to the point where every Starbucks in any country can become an office.

The concentration of the market is increasing, as once again reminded of the largest recent takeover by Ipsos of Synovate. What are its consequences in Russia is still unclear. As Synovate Comcon told R&T, Elena Koneva will remain CEO of this company for another three years, while with the advent of the new year 2012, the Synovate name is falling into disuse at the global level. The Russian office of Ipsos confirmed the information that the situation in Russia is frozen for the next three years and during this period the Moscow offices of Ipsos and Synovate Comcon will operate as independent companies.

Integration processes are going not only horizontally, but also vertically. “How will the merger between GMI and Lightspeed work? What signals does this give to the market? Will large full-cycle companies now integrate the entire chain, including panel companies? — Alexander Shashkin asks questions, CEO Online Market Intelligence (OMI). “We, like, probably, all panel companies, build business processes, focusing on the long term, however, in the conditions of high dynamics of changes in the market structure, the pricing policy of customers is not clear even for the next year.”

Growth points

The ESOMAR award was given to Jon Puleston and Deborah Sleep of GMI's analysis of the use of game elements in online surveys. Gamification, the increasing use of game elements where they, it would seem, should not be, is increasingly entering our lives. This trend is irreversible, as it is associated with a change in lifestyle, which is increasingly influenced by the Internet as a breeding ground for various subcultures.

Another ESOMAR Best Paper Award was given to David Bakken, (Senior VP, KJT Group), author of the report Value Shift in Marketing Research. Only the paranoid survive." In his presentation, David stated that Resech is now at a "strategic breakpoint," the point on the growth curve after which the rate of growth begins to slow down. Such changes were illustrated in the computer market, where, in the late 1980s, new companies found ways to supplant the vertically integrated computer giant, IBM.

Indicators of the state of "breakpoints" are the commoditization of data collection and analysis services, the emergence of a large number of do-it-yourself "do-it-yourself" tools available, a shift to online information collection as the main tool (once, a similar transition was made from personal "kvartirnikov" to surveys by phone, - Tatyana Barakshina recalls, - and now the same process is taking place with the participation of online methods). Thus, the once profitable specialization of companies in one or another method of data collection, and with it the widespread “field” model, when the “field” is the main cost component of the services of a research company, is becoming a thing of the past. Barakshina sees several options for the development of research agencies: a shift towards consulting; clearer industry specialization (pharmaceutical, finance, IT, etc.); provision of services as a system integrator - a link between consumers and information providers.

Industry boundaries are blurring

“The most important moment in the development of the industry in 2011 was not just an understanding, but an open recognition of the need to expand the boundaries of the marketing research industry,” says Tatyana Barakshina. — Previously, both in 2009 and partly in 2010, companies involved in Web Analytics, Web Scraping, Social Media Monitoring were treated as interesting phenomena, but not directly related to marketing research. Moreover, these companies were not even considered by the researchers as serious competitors in the field of information collection and analysis. Today the situation has changed. Research associations (for example, MOA - an association of Dutch researchers) openly declare the expansion of the interpretation of research in the traditional sense, inviting "internet newbies" into their ranks.

Social networks are becoming competitors of online panels. In this context, it can be considered that the emergence of MROC (an online community whose members are recruited by researchers specifically for a specific project) is an attempt to "revenge" such networks as Facebook and Vkontakte for "pulling the blanket over themselves."

Another practically obvious technological trend is the increasing use of mobile phones in research technologies. The pioneers, of course, included mobile phone surveys in their toolkit a few years ago (for example, let's call the company Bojole Research), but along with the growth of penetration cellular communication There is also a growing understanding of the “inevitability” of using mobile phones for data collection. Mikhail Zarin of Mobiety called the current situation "the calm before mobilization." “Technology and its active use by consumers have stepped forward so much that researchers are kind of scared and have not yet fully figured out what they need,” says Zarin. - Yes, it is possible to determine the coordinates of a person, yes, it is possible to record voice, images, video. But there are no methods. There are isolated (albeit very interesting) cases and there are many discussions.”

Forrester Research experts in their report on trends in the research industry pay attention not only to technological changes, but also to the shift in the role of research departments in companies (we are talking about manufacturers, i.e. from the point of view of research agencies - customers - R&T). Researchers will face in 2012 that shareholders and company management will raise their expectations for research data, in terms of its timely delivery, improved data quality and the relevance of consumer insights identified. To do this, researchers will have to invest more and more time and effort in the development of new emerging technologies SMM and using mobile communications. As emphasized by Forrester Research, the skills joint work with other structures of the company, especially with those who analyze the client base.

import trends. The Russian market of marketing research grew in 2011, but life will not be easier

According to an official statement from the OIROM secretariat, the volume of the Russian marketing research market increased in 2011 by about 12% in rubles and by about 16% in US dollars, thus amounting to approximately $370 million.

Actually, nothing surprising happened. A year ago, researchers expected their market to grow, and they did. However, even taking into account the record low inflation in 2011 of 6.1%, the growth turned out to be small. For comparison: a year ago, in 2010, the market grew by 20%, however, here we must also take into account the low base associated with the crisis.

Despite the positive figures, representatives of medium-sized companies did not experience positive emotions from the results. Dmitry Ponomarev, Business Area Director Analytical Center Leancore, describing the details of the meeting in a corporate blog, notes: “I had a feeling that growth was significantly weaker. Apparently, this is another confirmation of the increasing concentration of the industry.”

However, this is not a new trend. Large companies have been getting bigger for at least five years, as shown in Chart 1.

Diagram 1. Market shares of the six largest companies

Source: ESOMAR

Examples biggest deals M&A is on everyone's lips. In December 2010, an M&A deal was completed, which resulted in the appearance on Russian market the combined company Synovate Comcon. And about six months later, Synovate itself became part of Ipsos at the global level. True, in Russia they decided to freeze the situation for three years, but from the point of view of global players, this is of no fundamental importance.

Prospects for the development of the Russian market are largely related to global trends, because foreign companies have a prominent place on it. In this context, it is especially interesting to look at the main qualities of industry leaders.

In December 2011, the Global TOP 25 report, compiled annually by Jack Honomichl, the founder of inside Research, a well-known publication in research circles, appeared in the public domain. The report contains data obtained through a survey on the world's largest companies: income, number of employees, etc. It is these figures that ESOMAR uses in the corresponding section of its annual compendium. In addition, the report contains a description of the profiles of leading companies, the study of which provides a lot of food for thought.

The list of leaders is quite stable. In any case, in 2010 there appeared only one new company— ICF International Inc, led by Indian native Sudhakar Kesavan. Such rapid growth, in many respects, is explained by the M&A deal she carried out. But the growth potential, of course, was laid down earlier. The company owns a wide range of techniques and operates in various industries. Their set may seem exotic from the Russian point of view: aviation, public opinion, community development, defense, education, energy, healthcare, household safety, transport, etc.

The ICF example illustrates well one of the trends identified in the Global TOP-25 report: diversification. Successful companies today must have large databases, use the synergy effect from the interaction of their departments, which, among other things, adds to the company's resistance to negative changes in the external economic environment.

Work on international market, globality is another feature of the leaders noted in Honomichl's report. All five of the largest companies in the world receive more than half of their income (from 51% to 91%) outside their countries and have an extensive network of subsidiaries and representative offices in other countries. This, in turn, means the ability to quickly transfer methods and technical equipment from country to country, reducing the time to launch projects. There are already examples of such activity, let us recall the expansion of the range of research products of the Russian office of Nielsen declared not so long ago. There is no doubt that we will see other examples in the near future.

Publicity. All five leaders are either themselves public companies, or such is the structure in which they are included. This, first of all, means the transparency of their financial transactions, including income.

Finally, another important feature noted by the authors of the report is that the leaders of the five leading companies from the Global TOP-25 list (with the exception of Ipsos) have Significant experience outside the research industry. In contrast, the CEOs of almost all smaller companies have "grown up" in the research industry. Most likely, this is due to the fact that at the time of the creation of the company, its founder and head are often the same person, at least in the field of marketing research. However, the situation will change as the company matures, the authors of the report note.

The practice of inviting top managers from other industries may well spread beyond the headquarters, let us recall, for example, Alexandranr Pismenny, who a few years ago led the Russian office of Nielsen, having joined the research company from Tetra-Pak.

Creating a balanced portfolio of research products is becoming a market research market trend

The ESOMAR data presented in Table 1 shows that over the past five years, none of the leaders has managed to make a breakthrough and get ahead of the “neighbor in the rating”.

Table 1. Income of the leaders of the global research market over the past 5 years


Currency unit

The Nielsen Company

Source: ESOMAR

At the same time, as can be seen from Diagram 1, the growth rates of all leaders in the last 5 years exceeded the average market indicators (2%). This is not a new conclusion - it is known that the concentration of the global marketing research market is growing; “big ones get bigger” and most often through the acquisition of small and medium-sized companies.

Chart 1. Growth rates of leading global research companies

Source: ESOMAR

It is likely that the new strategy will also require new people - researchers, analysts, account managers and business development managers. Considering that the MR market traditionally experiences a shortage of qualified personnel, one can expect an increase in the activity of the HR departments of the leading operators in the Russian market of marketing research, both in terms of attracting and retaining personnel.

Smarter, bigger, more mobile! 10 Market Research Industry Trends in 2012 (according to L. Murphy)

2012 is unlikely to be the end of the world, as one might say, looking at the completion of this very year of the Mayan Calendar. But in 2012, we will witness tremendous changes in the field of marketing research. In a sense, this will be the "industry" end of an era.

1. Research gets smart!

There is much more to research than just a "redecoration". This is how we move away from discrete ad-hoc surveys to broad tracking systems. They will be able to create dynamic and targeted questions based on the synthesis of user information from social media, panelist profiles, CRM systems, POS and any other sources of information that we can use. Applying the same logic processing principle used in modern video games, the research will be based on a "decision tree" that will link the respondent to a sequence of questions corresponding to their past actions or observed behavior. Forget about 30 questions in one questionnaire. In the next 3-5 years, their place will be taken by "smart super-omnibus" (uber-omnibus) systems with 2-3 questions on various topics of concern to the consumer on a regular basis. Such systems will also combine the visual and structural elements of games and allow consumers to receive special offers from the brands themselves as a reward.

2. Quality "play" connects the dots

Rejoice, "qualitatives", your time to shine is at hand! Telling stories, connecting disparate data to form recommendations, and applying the social sciences to understand human behavior will only grow in importance. Driven by brand demands to truly understand consumers and growing communities, "virtual ethnography", Big Data (R&T) analysis, and so on. Someone will have to take this step to understand the meaning of what is happening, and the researchers involved in qualitative methods well suited to such a task. Of course, this will require learning new tools and the ability to think much bigger than before.

3. Once again, only with feeling!

As the technology to understand consumer emotions improves, the use of behavioral economics models no longer looks strange. And no matter what they will be based on: biometric, neuro, facial or cognitive modeling. Brands will actively invest in finding the "Holy Grail" of understanding the drivers of consumer choice and learning how to optimize companies' product offerings. Gathering opinions and preferences will still be important, but only as one element to help fill information gaps, as fuel for a Big Data machine capable of predicting the future. Anything that can help brands get into the minds and hearts of consumers will increase in value at a tremendous rate, and those techniques that are measurable and easy to apply will win.

4. Google takes control of data collection

Let's look at the giants of the IT industry. Google, Salesforce, Facebook, Microsoft, IBM, Adobe, Amazon, Yahoo, HP or Zynga continue to acquire and invest in order to capitalize on their huge information resources to make sense of what is happening. Perhaps this will happen with various models forecasting, text and video analysis, micro-research and other methods. Regardless of the methods, the end result will be the same - the destruction of the traditional value chain in the field of marketing research. Honomichl Top 10 will be acquired for its data-and-service capabilities or partner with these big companies and prosper. Small companies from special offers, with their own data or technologies, will also be able to successfully enter the new ecosystem. "Insight" consultations will also help brands understand "what it all means." As for data collectors and field agencies... well, some niche professionals will remain viable, some will be bought, but most will have to struggle to find their place in the "new world order".

5. Reading between the lines

The development of text analysis techniques and research in this area will change the rules of the game, both in online research and in the analysis of large amounts of data. Computing power, depth and breadth of analysis protocols, and access to large amounts of information will determine the winners and losers in this race. Simple opinion analysis and sampling on a limited data channel will be completely replaced by analytical algorithms for insight into information, including its emotional impact. The application of these methods in research will be truly grandiose! The application of text analysis to group and community transcripts, social discourse, CRM data, research transcripts, and other sources of textual information will only be the beginning. Connecting data, no matter how structured, with some other model will be a transformative factor in many industries, but especially in the field of marketing research.

6. Brands leave their money where it's talked about.

In 2011, we saw many leaders of global companies such as P&G, Coke, Microsoft, Volkswagen, PepsiCo warning the market research market, urging the industry to evolve to better meet their needs. They backed up their words with action by working with companies outside the market research market such as Wayin, IntoNow, CrowdTap, Tiipz and, of course, Survey Monkey. In 2012, this trend will intensify, and brands will look for other partners that can offer value beyond data collection and analysis. They will place their budgets on platforms that will allow them not only to understand consumers, but also to actively engage them in communication with them and transform their relationships.

7. Global! More local!

Social media and mobile technology will continue to work in tandem, connecting herders in Africa, Wall Street managers, factory workers in China, shopkeepers in Germany, and farmers in Brazil to each other and to the outside world. The limitless space of digital communications creates unprecedented opportunities to carry out research that combines global scale and local focus without the need to conduct many separate projects. There will be no need to conduct tracking studies in 18 countries, consisting of several waves of data collection worth millions of dollars. Instead, we will be able to construct socialized projects that, once deployed across all networks, will be able to collect massive amounts of data, both at the macro and micro levels, much faster and cheaper than ever before.

8. Big data is big money

Most of my predictions relate to the idea of ​​"Big Data", the concept of synthesizing and processing large and disparate amounts of information in order to deeply understand the essence of what is happening, as well as to develop more effective models for predicting the outcome of events. "Psychohistory" in the universe of the famous writer Isaac Asimov, as well as the novel (and film of the same name) "Minority Report" by Philip Dick - scientific facts about players such as HP, IBM, Google, Apple and small companies like Palantir. Data collection, aggregation and analysis are cheap, but synthesizing Big Data and building predictive models is priceless, and someone who can separate the signal from the noise will be worth more than gold. The concept of "Big Data" is in line with the Business Intelligence Industry, which is currently valued at $300 billion and will grow even larger in 2012.

9. Mobility, mobility and again mobility!

If you don't think mobile will be the defining technology of the next five years, then I just don't know what else I can tell you. We live in a digital world and the future of this digital world is in mobile devices. Every marketing research needs to be considered in this context.

10. Redefining research

The narrow definition of research operated by the marketing research industry last years, is simply no longer true. New customer requirements, new business realities, social trends, technology, business models, competitors, and advantages in understanding human behavior are redefining not only how market research should be done, but its fundamental application. Protectionism or elite positioning are no longer viable responses to sustain growth. We must develop and evolve, and this means that we must be open to new trends and ways of thinking. Tensions will reach a breaking point in 2012 and the industry will never be the same again. Our most progressive trading companies help pave the way, but the main push will come from a mass audience stimulated by social media apps.

Now a few remarks. First, about economic uncertainty, especially the threat of another recession caused by the sovereign debt crisis in Europe and America. In the short term, this may slow down the development of the industry, but in the long term it will only stimulate change. Secondly, new explosive technologies can appear at any moment and significantly affect the balance of power in this game; the pace of change and innovation is only accelerating, and who knows what tomorrow will bring? And thirdly, I could certainly misinterpret trends or underestimate the power of entropy in this game. Well, time will tell.

Alexander Shashkin, CEO of Online Market Intelligence (OMI)

There is no doubt that in the West, especially in certain industries, the systems referred to in paragraph 1 of the article are being developed. However, this process will not be fast, since any industry has its own specifics (up to the complete impossibility of unifying systems). In addition, setting up such a "smart" system, its adaptation and support in a separate company will cost big money, including the cost of permanent consultants (as is the case with SAP, for example). For a long time to come, standalone ad hoc projects with a more understandable ROI will be preferred - risks are increasing, business conditions and processes are changing rapidly, and turning the river back is much more difficult than redirecting the stream.

There is no doubt that IT giants have a huge potential for working with information, but their capabilities in the field of market research should not be overestimated. The main limitation is the difficulty of working with predictive models (logic breaks down on emotions). Yes, they can analyze an object in its development, but non-existent products have no history. In addition, knowledge of the stages of development of an object does not always make it possible to understand the reasons for the turns and the accompanying emotions of the people involved in the process.

Do not forget that people do not speak on all topics and do not often discuss something that does not exist. Text analysis is extremely important, but in combination with other sources of information (including surveys).

If we talk about the global nature of emerging systems, then I would not underestimate the importance of the local and overestimate the ability of even the most smart systems to adaptation. It is possible to collect large amounts of data "on a global scale", but their interpretation is often difficult without understanding the cultural specifics of a particular region, historical experience and so on.

Of course, research technologies and understanding of the applicability/value of marketing research will change. But I do not believe in universalization and generalization, nor in the "broad masses" in a time when target audiences are constantly narrowing down and large social communities are fragmenting. In this sense, the concept of "long tail" seems to me more adequate. After all, the same social network has no unity other than technological.

There are various areas of marketing research. All of them are based on the same theoretical and methodological principles and pursue a common goal, which is to give an objective description of the market, explore the capabilities of the enterprise, identify its strengths and weaknesses, help strengthen competitive positions and make a profit. In marketing, there are nine main areas of research (Fig. 4.2).

Rice. 4.2. Main directions of marketing research

Let's take a closer look at these main areas of marketing research:

  • 1. Market research and forecasting. This is the most common area of ​​marketing research. The purpose of market research is to analyze data about the market situation in order to determine the most efficient operation enterprises. Market research includes:
    • determination of the capacity (size) of the market and its forecasting;
    • analysis of market development trends and the influence of seasonal factors;
    • analysis of the distribution of market shares between competitors;
    • studying the characteristics of the market (analysis of opinions, motives and desires of consumers);
    • determination of the composition and structure of consumers (by age, regional distribution, social affiliation, gender, family composition, buying behavior);
    • analysis of prices and volumes of sales in the markets, the structure of turnover.

The results of market research are a forecast of its development, assessment of market trends, identification of key success factors, determination of the most effective ways of conducting a competitive policy in the market and opportunities to enter a new market.

2. Research of consumers. This line of research allows us to determine the whole complex of incentive factors that consumers use when choosing goods (income, social status, gender and age structure, education). The purpose of the study is to identify and segment consumers, model their behavior in the market, forecast expected demand and choose target segments market. The subject of the study is the structure of consumption, the provision of goods, the trend of consumer demand, the analysis of the processes and conditions for satisfying the basic rights of consumers.

The objects of study are individual consumers, families, households, as well as consumer organizations.

The main results of the market research are:

  • forecasts of its development, assessment of market trends, identification of key success factors;
  • determination of the most effective ways of conducting a competitive policy in the market and the possibility of entering new markets;
  • implementation of market segmentation, i.e. the choice of target markets and market niches.
  • 3. Research of goods and assortment. This direction is aimed at determining the compliance of technical and economic indicators and the quality of goods circulating on the markets with the needs and requirements of buyers. The purpose of the study is to obtain information on what the consumer wants to receive, what parameters of the product he values ​​the most: design, reliability, price, service, product functionality.

The objects of research are the consumer properties of analogous and competing products, the reaction of consumers to new products, product range, packaging, level of service, product compliance with legal norms and standards. The aim of the research is to develop own assortment products in accordance with the requirements and desires of customers, the development and production of new products, their modification, the improvement of labeling, the development of corporate identity, etc.

  • 4. Price research. This direction of research involves the identification by the enterprise of opportunities and reserves for obtaining highest profit at the lowest cost. The objects of study are the costs of developing, producing and marketing goods (costing), the impact of competition from other firms and analogues, the behavior and reaction of consumers to the price of goods (demand elasticity). As a result of the research, the most effective ratios “costs - price” (internal conditions) and “price - profit” (external conditions) are selected.
  • 5. Competitor research and external environment. The main objective of this area of ​​marketing research is to obtain data to ensure competitive advantage firms in the market for goods and services.

This direction involves the analysis of strengths and weaknesses competitors, studying their market share, consumer reactions to competitors' marketing tools (product improvement, price changes, trademarks, holding advertising campaigns, service development), as well as the study of material, financial, labor and human resources competitors.

The ultimate goal of this study is to choose ways and opportunities to achieve the most advantageous position in the market, to determine a strategy focused on providing a price or quality advantage of the product.

  • 6. Study of the structure of market participants. It is carried out in order to obtain information about possible intermediaries through which the company plans to be present in the selected markets. For the correct choice of intermediaries, an enterprise must have information about the activities of these intermediaries, as well as about freight forwarding, advertising, insurance, legal, financial, consulting and other companies that together create the marketing infrastructure of the market.
  • 7. Research of commodity circulation and sales channels. This direction is aimed at finding the most effective way to bring the product to the consumer and its successful implementation. The main objects of research are trade channels, intermediaries, sellers, forms and methods of sale, distribution costs. The analysis of the functions and features of the activities of various types of wholesale and retail enterprises is also subject to research. retail, identifying their strengths and weaknesses, the nature of the existing relationship with manufacturers.

The purpose of the study is to identify opportunities to increase the company's turnover, optimize inventory, develop a criterion for choosing effective channels of product distribution, and choose methods for selling goods to end consumers.

  • 8. Study of the internal environment of the company and its capabilities. The ultimate goal of this area of ​​research is to determine the real level of competitiveness of an enterprise based on a comparison of the relevant factors of the external and internal environment. The result of the research is developments that contribute to the adaptation of the enterprise's activities to dynamically developing environmental factors.
  • 9. Study of the system of sales promotion and advertising. This direction of research involves identifying the means of the best promotion of sales of goods, studying and solving issues of successful implementation of promotional activities. The objects of research are the behavior of suppliers, intermediaries and buyers, the effectiveness of advertising, contacts with buyers.

The purpose of the study is to develop a policy of relations with the public, create a favorable attitude towards the enterprise and its products (formation of the image), determine the methods of forming the demand of the population, ways of influencing suppliers and intermediaries, increasing the effectiveness of communication links and advertising.

This study assesses the impact of advertising on the consumer, as well as the decision to activate advertising campaigns, search for new means of influencing the consumer and increase his interest in the company's products. The study covers not only advertising, but also activities aimed at stimulating sales by end users and intermediaries. These include the study of the effectiveness of the use of competitions, lotteries, discounts, bonuses, awards and other benefits provided to buyers of products.


The article presents the key trends that characterize the retail market. As the main directions for conducting marketing research for retailers, the authors propose to consider increasing the importance of the level of depth and quality of analytical marketing research, increasing the importance of analysis within the marketing mix of distribution channels, as well as increasing the integration of the functions of marketing and sales departments within trade enterprises. The attitude of the retail consumer to private labels is analyzed. As a result, it was noted that due to the adaptation of marketing research methods, effective brand management and high-quality monitoring that provides knowledge target audience, the merchant can respond more flexibly to consumer needs. As promising areas for conducting marketing research, the authors consider areas related to the preparation of information for the selection and implementation of important decisions through the use of Internet technologies. On the example of the regional trading network "Meridian" of the Belgorod regional retail market, the situation of inadequate application of marketing research methods, which is a typical, systemic error, is analyzed. It is shown how the lack of practice of systematic marketing research and analysis of market trends can lead to the closure of a large retail chain. The authors note that the successful practice of preparing and conducting marketing research of the regional retail market forms the basis for pricing processes and optimizing the sales structure. commercial enterprise.


marketing research

research areas

private label

1. Agaeva A.N., Vasilchenko T.Z. Comparative characteristics of marketing research methods // Bulletin of the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law. - 2011. - No. 1 (37). – S. 146–154.

2. Korokoshko Yu.V. Marketing research in the market of services: features, methods and practice of the organization // Marketing services. - 2010. - No. 3. - P. 194–212.

3. Mozgovaya Yu.A. Development of a constructive model of marketing goal setting as a basis strategic management organization // Bulletin of the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law. - 2013. - No. 1 (45). - S. 162-169.

4. Nemykin D.N., Zaikina K.V. Formation of a marketing information system in an organization // Bulletin of the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law. - 2012. - No. 3. - P. 207–211.

5. Rozdolskaya I.V., Ledovskaya M.E. Conceptual foundations of the organization's marketing capabilities management system // Bulletin of the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law. - 2008. - No. 1. - S. 27–33.

6. Rozdolskaya I.V., Ledovskaya M.E. Functional content and practice of applying the algorithm for assessing the market potential of economic entities // Bulletin of the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law. - 2008. - No. 4. - P. 53-61.

Retail trade is one of the significant subsystems of the social infrastructure of the region, being one of the most important areas of life support that directly affects the interests of the population, since the degree of satisfaction of the needs of the local population in goods and services and, after it, the level of quality of life of the population depends on the current state of retail trade in the region. region.

The previously dominant systemic approach has allowed the retail market to reach saturation level, providing an increase in sales volumes, while an increase in the level of analytical marketing research is designed to ensure the preservation and increase in profits of trade enterprises.

Research scientists confirm that the search for reserves to maintain the current level net profit and its further increase, along with the obvious cost reduction, predetermines the increasing role of marketing research in the retail trade and the corresponding change in the requirements for their methodological support.

Thus, in the current market situation, conducting an in-depth analysis of prices for the goods sold as part of the marketing mix and, as a result, the level of their profitability by combining the classical approaches of functional cost analysis with a detailed distribution of overhead costs provides trading enterprises with the opportunity to get often unexpected conclusions about the actual level of profitability of various product groups.

In the context of a saturated retail market, marketing research of the current state and subsequent monitoring of the sales dynamics of private brands becomes relevant. By private label we mean a trademark legally owned by a retailer. Private labels provide retailers with greater control over production quality, final product quality, pricing, and distribution channels.

After the last economic crisis, the researchers noted that the situation with the demand for private labels has changed. A cluster of so-called “hybrid buyers” has formed, which are consumers with a fairly high income, who, at the same time, make bulky purchases in retailers from the category of discounters. To date, it has been established that the attitude of the retail consumer to private labels is influenced by the price of these goods and the number of family members, since the larger the family, the higher the savings through the purchase of such goods. In addition, buyers who are familiar with that format or market segment are positive about private labels, knowing that such products are often created by well-known manufacturers to high manufacturing standards.

Based on this, the adaptation of marketing research methods for effective management trademarks, both external and private in modern conditions of a saturated retail market is designed to ensure that the retailer's commodity items correspond to a certain segment of buyers. Through timely marketing research and quality monitoring that provides knowledge of its audience, the merchant will be able to respond more flexibly to consumer needs.

Thus, one of the key trends characterizing the retail market has become an increase in the importance of the level of depth and quality of analytical marketing research related to sales. According to Agaeva A.N., Vasilchenko T.Z. , the performance of a trading enterprise largely depends on the choice of the optimal method for conducting marketing research.

The next feature of the preparation and conduct of marketing research in a saturated retail market is to increase the importance of analysis within the marketing mix of distribution channels. Rigorous research and analysis of the state and trends of distribution channels allows modern retailers to create a base for increasing the profitability of their sales. As we noted above, in the current conditions of the retail market, increasing the profitability of sales acts as an actual guideline for the operational activities of trade enterprises. It is important to note that in the general structure of trade enterprises in the regional retail market, large retail chains with their own distribution centers have an additional reserve for reducing logistics costs associated with sales, in contrast to trade enterprises from the small retail segment.

The results of marketing research in a saturated retail market should provide retailers with the opportunity to fine-tune their marketing and sales policies: change pricing for a number of product groups, remove certain product groups from the assortment, shift the focus in promotion between separate categories outlets.

In addition, in order to ensure the growth of sales profitability, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of a saturated market, which implies a transition from extensive growth through the expansion of territories and new distribution channels to systematic point work with each existing trading enterprise within the network. The noted transition to a different sales model entails the need to change the organizational support for its implementation, since such a transition often requires a change in the psychology of the work of specialists from the management and sales department. The transition in a saturated retail market from quantitative sales indicators as a key benchmark to qualitative indicators implies a similar change in the mentality of specialists performing marketing research and sales functions, and since not all employees can quickly reorganize, it may be necessary to change personnel in marketing and sales.

At present, the importance of scrupulous work with the specifics of each trade enterprise is increasing, and an important addition to this should be a comprehensive analytical marketing unit that will allow the management of the trade enterprise to deeply understand each type of client, product sold or features of the enterprise, analyzing the final profitability indicators, providing fine-tuning pricing and assortment management policies.

Concluding the review of the main directions of marketing research for retailers, it should be noted that despite the serious discrediting of marketing at the regional level, either by its excessive utility or, conversely, by excessive theoreticism, we can state a trend associated with an increase in the integration of the functions of marketing and sales departments in within commercial enterprises.

In our opinion, the development of marketing research areas for retail trade enterprises is justified by the fact that, due to the combination of the previously described reasons that led to the change, saturation and partial stagnation of the retail market, many, even very successful companies discovered their limits of natural sales growth. As a result, for management retail businesses the urgency of the tasks associated with the search for such products and markets that could give a new impetus to the further development of a commercial enterprise has increased.

As the most obvious modern direction in the development of marketing research methods, let's imagine that in the near future the main task that requires close integration of marketing and sales departments will be the development and effective use of Internet technologies and Internet space, moreover, which has not yet been fully disclosed. the question of what the Internet space is to a greater extent - a marketing tool, a sales channel, or something more extensive.

Most retail markets have already seen a shift in sales from traditional channels to online sales. At the same time, specialists in the field of marketing and public relations have long and quite actively used the Internet environment as an effective communication channel. But as such, retail sales via the Internet for most traditional segments of the retail market of industries, unlike modern Internet companies, marketing specialists do not manage seriously, treating them quite detachedly. This leads to the fact that a dynamically growing segment retail sales through the Internet, mainly new companies are mastered, initially focused on modern methods marketing research, other management norms and values.

Thus, to get effective solution For this task, we propose to consider an approach that involves the integration of customer knowledge of sales specialists and analytical competencies of marketing specialists. Consequently, the prospects for the development of marketing research methods will be closely related to the provision of this functional integration of marketing and sales areas within a trading enterprise.

On this basis, as promising areas for conducting marketing research, we propose to consider areas related to the preparation of information for the selection and implementation of important decisions related to the expansion of the retail sector through the use of Internet technologies.

The results of marketing research should provide information for the following types of choices: organizational and technical support for creating your own platform for online sales or working through multi-brand online stores, if they already successfully exist and are quite popular, is it worth assigning a special marketing manager or department, responsible for the development of sales via the Internet and interaction with online retail, and in situations where sales via the Internet are insignificant, can they become a strategically important sales channel in the future. Also, the results of a marketing study of the activities of retailers will help determine how to build the structure of sales via the Internet, where to start, how to effectively use the existing potential for collecting data about potential customers on the Internet to analyze consumer behavior and fine-tune marketing and sales efforts.

Let us present the results of the observation of the Meridian regional retail chain of the Belgorod regional retail market as an example of the fact that the lack of systematic marketing research and market trend analysis can lead to the closure of a previously successful large retail chain.

This retail chain was formed on the basis of a large regional logistics center engaged in the distribution of food products, and at one time became one of the first large regional retail chains. With its own distribution center, the Meridian chain of stores has long been a regional leader in the retail market.

In addition, at the beginning of the project to deploy the Meridian retail chain, a consulting project was carried out jointly with KonArt LLC, which included a comprehensive marketing study of the regional retail market, during which current marketing practices were used. Based on the results of a comprehensive marketing research, a marketing policy was developed for the Meridian chain of stores, which served as the basis for the subsequent work of the marketing circuit in the company's management system.

Thus, at the initial stage of the project, the company received a positive experience in conducting marketing research and the practice of using its results. As a result, the stores of this trading network sold a wide balanced range of products. good quality, in cooperation with local producers, created several well-known food brands in the region and received stable high profits.

However, in the future, due to the manifestation of organizational pathology typical of modern management culture in the form of a loss of sensitivity to the market, the company reduced the priority for projects for the preparation and conduct of marketing research. The practice of marketing research to conduct the current state of the retail market and consumer preferences in this company has come to naught.

Against the background of the crisis decrease in net profit from retail sales in the Meridian retail chain, a powerful competitor appeared on the regional market, the X5 Retail Group with the Pyaterochka chain of stores. At the same time, the management of the competitive Pyaterochka chain, having a carefully developed model of the retail business processes, formed a successful management team, offered customers a wide range of products and a higher level of service.

The specifics of the regional retail market in the Belgorod region is such that, even after realizing the problem of declining sales profits, management was unable to quickly clarify the essence of what was happening, relying on past experience in an unsaturated market and assuming in the usual way that the main reason for the decline in profits is related to changes in the demand of retail consumers, and not with changes in the competitive environment.

Management focused on the top level of the sales growth matrix shown in the table, in the new product segment for more low prices opening outlets in new locations. As a result, there was an increase in investment, along with a further drop in sales. Following this, the situation with the dynamics of net profit from sales in the network retail stores Meridian changed radically, and as a result, in three years the company turned from the leader of the regional retail market into a catch-up, and then it was completely decided to close it due to unprofitability.

Focus on Sales Growth Matrix in a Saturated Retail Market

As can be seen from the table, despite the stable position once achieved by a trade enterprise in the regional retail market, in modern conditions, when the priority of tasks related to maintaining the level of profit by increasing the profitability of sales is increasing, it is necessary to shift the focus back to the lowest level of the sales matrix , which is the initial foundation for the growth of a commercial enterprise, where the primary area is the field of marketing.

Consequently, the successful practice of preparing and conducting marketing research of the regional retail market in the future will form the basis for pricing processes and optimizing the sales structure of a trading enterprise, ensuring the successful formation of the foundation in a single matrix of sales growth of a trading enterprise.

It can be noted that the situation of inadequate application of marketing research methods described by us above is a typical and systemic error for the regional retail market. In our opinion, in addition to natural managerial pathologies that lead to a company losing sensitivity to market changes, one of the significant reasons for the inadequate practice of conducting marketing research in the Belgorod region is the frequent absence of a link of analytical functions in the field of marketing and sales, independent of the opinion of the owner or head of a trading enterprise.

According to the results of an expert survey of the owners of companies providing marketing research services in the city of Belgorod, it was revealed that the modern practice of conducting marketing research on the retail market involves their implementation by full-time specialists from regional trading enterprises, and for large retail chains, including in the Belgorod region, it is typical to receive ready-made analytical results of marketing research from the central offices.

As a result, due to a hierarchically subordinate position in the overall management structure of a trading enterprise, specialists responsible for conducting marketing research are limited in the completeness and impartiality of providing the obtained facts and conclusions to higher management.

However, in the case of an independent position, the functional connection of the employees of a trading enterprise performing research and analytical functions in the areas of marketing and sales could timely and impartially provide the results of marketing research, conclusions and facts, suggest top management, what kind management decisions will be adequate current situation in the regional retail market.

In conclusion, we can say that promising areas of marketing research will be closely related to solving the problem of effectively using the possibilities of the Internet environment for promotion and sales, searching for a new powerful growth impetus, potentially comparable, and possibly more intense than the multiple growth of consumer demand for retail market in the 1990s and 2000s.


Snitko L.T., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head. Department of Economics, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law, Belgorod;

Solovieva L.V., Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities and Social and Economic Sciences, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law, Belgorod.

The work was received by the editors on December 19, 2013.

Bibliographic link

Agaeva A.N., Vasilchenko T.Z. ANALYSIS OF TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MARKETING RESEARCH OF THE REGIONAL RETAIL MARKET // Basic Research. - 2013. - No. 11-5. – P. 970-974;
URL: (date of access: 11/24/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

One of the most important patterns of economic development around the world is the relationship economic growth and enhancing the role of services in the national economy. This finds expression in an increase in the share of labor, material and financial resources used in the service sector.

With the development of society, the growth of productive forces, a certain development of the service sector occurs. There is an increase in employment in this area, growth technical equipment labor, the introduction of ever more advanced technologies. At present, the role of services as one of the most important sectors of the economy is very large and relevant. This is due to the increasing complexity of production, the saturation of the market with goods of both everyday and individual demand, with the rapid growth of scientific and technological progress, which leads to innovations in the life of society. All this is impossible without the existence of information, financial, transport, insurance and other types of services. Also, services are an integral part of the trade in goods (especially technically complex), because. The marketing of goods requires an increasingly developed network, which consists mainly of services provided at the time of sale and after-sales services.

The Russian service market began to take shape in the first half of the 1990s, following the process of market reforms and privatization. Until that time, most service sectors were heavily regulated by the state, and in some of them the state was the main service provider.

The global boom in the service sector in the second half of the 20th century. little impact on our country. Along with others, ideological reasons played their role: for a long time the cult of labor (primarily physical labor) in the sphere of material production dominated in the USSR. Only the labor of those employed in this sphere was recognized as productive; only in it, according to the applied methodology, the national income is created. Accordingly, the sphere of material production included industry, construction, agriculture and forestry, transport and communications, trade, logistics and procurement. Work in the manufacturing sector gave not only high wages, but also a lot of other material things (such as the accelerated receipt of free housing, the opportunity to use children's preschool institutions, the infrastructure of medical and sanatorium services, etc.) and moral advantages. The labor of those employed in other sectors of the national economy that formed the “non-productive sphere” (covering: housing and communal services and consumer services; science and scientific services; education, culture and art, health care, social security and physical culture; finance, credit and insurance; management ), was considered unproductive, and the cost of the services they provided was not included in the national income. Nevertheless, during the Soviet period, in the sphere of material production of the country, there was a rather powerful infrastructure of services (including numerous research institutes and design bureaus, computer centers, etc.), which served, first of all, the needs of the industrial complex. However, these services were considered and accounted for in the respective industries as subdivisions that increase production costs.

The transition from a centralized economy to a market economy objectively necessitated the separation (singling out) of individual components of the service sector into independent structures capable of professionally satisfying the demand of the population and various sectors of the national economy.

This was facilitated by the transition of the Russian Federation since 1993 to the system of national accounts (SNA), jointly developed by the UN, the IMF, World Bank and Eurostat. According to the SNA methodology, a generalizing indicator economic activity country is the gross domestic product (GDP), at the stage of use, which is the value of goods and services intended for final consumption and accumulation. Accordingly, service-producing industries are directly involved in the creation of GDP.

The total share of services in the gross domestic product of the leading foreign countries is 70-76%, the number of employees in service industries in total strength employed 66-76%. In the Russian economy, the importance of the services sector has also been steadily increasing in recent years, and by now their share in the country's GDP has reached 58.6% (including market services - 48.2%), in the total number of employees - 57.6%.

Compared with 1995, the real volume of GDP in terms of goods increased by 38.3%, market services - by 39.6%. At the same time, since 2002, the growth rates of market services as a part of GDP have become outpacing compared to goods.

Firstly, in the sectors of housing and communal services; health care, physical culture and social security; education, culture and art; others (geology and exploration of subsoil, geodetic and hydrometeorological services; information and computing services; science and scientific services; non-production types of consumer services; organizations serving Agriculture; public associations; control).

Such a rapid dynamics of services is determined by a number of basic, long-term factors of economic development. First, the development of the service sector is conditioned by the internal, structural needs of scientific and technological progress. The creation and expansion of a number of service sectors (computer, communications, etc.) is associated with the most advanced areas in terms of science and technology. Telecommunications, transport, Financial services in fact - the basis of infrastructure for the entire economy. Computerization, new information technologies, means of communication, etc. led to the emergence and imminent approval on the international market of a whole range of new services, updating their traditional types, improving the quality of service.

Secondly, the progress of the sphere under consideration is directly correlated with the dynamics of the standard of living of the population. The share of expenses for services in the amount of consumer spending of the population for 1990-2004. increased by 8.1%. The demand for housing and communal services and the services of cultural institutions, as well as communication services, is growing more dynamically (Table 2).

table 2

Structure of consumer spending of households (based on the sample survey of household budgets; as a percentage of the total)

Consumer spending - total


Expenditures for the purchase of household food

Expenses for the purchase of non-food items

Service fees

including payment for:

Housing and communal services

Repair services (manufacturing)

Other household services

Services of cultural institutions

Services in the education system

medical services

Sanatorium and health services

Legal services

Passenger transport services

Communication services

Other services

Thirdly, the dynamic development of the service sector is explained by the change in the consumer psychology of society. At present, not only the opportunity to surround yourself with expensive things, but also to buy expensive services is becoming a symbol of well-being. This forms an increased demand for services, which becomes a factor in the deployment of competition in the sphere of their (services) production, forcing them to offer the market an increasingly differentiated range of them.

Fourth, the development of society involves the expansion of services aimed at improving the person himself, his intellectual and physical capabilities, the satisfaction of his socio-cultural, spiritual and other needs.

In the course of market transformations, the composition of service providers has undergone a qualitative change, which is evident when comparing the statistical indicators of various sectors of the economy over the past 10 years. First of all, this refers to the change in the form of ownership: if in 1991 the overwhelming majority of paid services to the population were provided by public sector enterprises, then in 2001 their share decreased to 39.5%. At the same time on On the consumer market of services, organizations of private (36.0%) and other non-state (24.5%) forms of ownership began to play a significant role. The volumes provided to the population in the private sector of the economy are mainly represented by services performed individuals involved in entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity. This year, their share in the total volume of paid services to the population accounts for 26.6%. The share of individual entrepreneurship is especially high in the market of personal services (64.3%), healthcare services (44.9%), legal services (95.2%).

In the process of market reforms, the number of enterprises increased significantly, and in the service sector (in particular, in trade and consumer services), the growth rate of the number of enterprises outpaced other sectors of the economy.

At the same time, the growth in the number of enterprises was largely based on a change in organizational and legal forms and the disaggregation of economic entities, which led to an actual decrease in production volumes and the number of employees. Thus, with an increase in the number of enterprises in industry, the number of people employed in this industry decreased, while the growth of enterprises in the service sector was accompanied by a real increase in the volume of production and employed in the respective industries (Table 3).

The increase in the number of people employed in the service sector indicates the importance of this sector of the economy in the course of market transformations as a stabilizing segment that absorbs the released labor force as a result of structural changes industries.

Table 3

The volume of paid services to the population by regions of the Russian Federation (million rubles; before 1998 - billion rubles)

Russian Federation

Central Federal District

Northwestern Federal District

Volga Federal District

Ural federal district

Siberian Federal District

Far Eastern Federal District

Southern Federal District

Republic of Adygea

The Republic of Dagestan

The Republic of Ingushetia

Chechen Republic

Republic of Kalmykia

Krasnodar region

Stavropol region

Astrakhan region

Volgograd region

Rostov region

In terms of its expansion, the service sector depends to a certain extent on commodity production and at the same time becomes an important factor its growth, which, in the first place, determines its importance as a full-fledged sector of the economy, making a significant contribution to economic growth.

The most representative branch of the service sector is trade, which organizes the process of commodity circulation in the market. For 1999-2004 the profitability of trade organizations increased by 6.6%, non-production types of consumer services for the population by 5% (Table 4, Fig. 3) . As part of GDP, the value added of trade is 21.8%. The second largest branch of the service sector is transport (including highways) - 6.6%. To the share of such industries as education, culture and art; health care, physical culture and social security; housing and communal services, communication accounts for 1.9 to 3.8% of GDP.

Starting from 1996, the retail trade turnover increased every year (with the exception of 1998-1999) and in 2004 it amounted to 5.6 trillion rubles, exceeding the level of the previous year in comparable prices by 12.5%. Sales of food products increased by 10.4%, non-food - by 14.4%.

In the development of turnover Catering a positive trend has been observed since 2000. In 2004 it increased by 10.1%.

The growth in the sale of goods to the population outstrips the growth in the volume of paid services provided to the population (Fig. 4).

To a large extent, this is due to higher inflation in the service sector, especially in the part where prices are regulated by executive authorities (housing and utilities, certain types of transport services).

Table 4

Profitability of the production of services by organizations (excluding small businesses) of individual sectors of the service sector, %

In 2004, tariffs for housing and communal services increased by 23.5% compared to 2003, and tariffs for housing services grew at a faster pace (by 29.1%). Among the observed types of utilities, in 2004, water supply and sewerage rose in price most of all - by 31.1% (with a general increase in tariffs for utilities by 20.9%), hot water supply - by 22.8% and heating - by 20, 2%. The smallest increase in tariffs for liquefied gas was 11.6%.

In addition, prices and tariffs for certain types of passenger transport increased significantly in 2004 (metro travel by 29.9%, suburban train- by 26.2%), for the services of organizations physical education and sports (by 19.4%), culture (by 19.9%).

The result of the lagging growth in the sale of services to the population from the sale of goods is the share of services in the final consumption of households that remains at a low level compared to developed countries.

The implementation of economic reforms in the Russian Federation has led to a change in the place and strengthening of the role of the sphere of paid services in the life of the population. In 2004, paid services were provided to the population for 1.8 trillion rubles, which is 1.8% more in comparable prices than in 2003. Four types of services steadily dominate in the structure of paid services to the population, the share of which was accounted for 72.5% of the total volume of services (Table 5). These include housing and communal services (22.2%), transport (22.2%), communications (17.6%) and personal services (10.5%).

Table 5

The structure of paid services to the population of the Russian Federation in 1995-2004 (in % of total)


All services rendered

passenger transport

housing and communal

education systems


tourist and excursion

physical culture and sports



legal nature

However, the decrease in the provision of paid services was so significant that even at the present moment, based on the situation in 2004, the average per capita volume of paid services to the population in comparable prices from the level of 1990 (the year of its maximum value) amounted to only 32.4%

The main content of market transformations in the service sector is not only a change in the form of ownership and principles of management, but also a change in management mechanisms. Thus, in the sphere of services to the population, regulation by the state has not only significantly decreased, but has also been transferred to the regional level, which is determined by the need to analyze the indicators of the service sector within a particular region.

An analysis of the volume of paid services to the population by regions of the Russian Federation in 2004 shows that the highest value of this indicator is observed in the Central Federal District - 700,172 million rubles. (39.1%), Privolzhsky Federal District - 273,278 million rubles. (15.3%) and only in fifth place is the Southern Federal District - 185,931 million rubles. (10.4%).

It should be noted that the service sector, which provides an increase in the degree of comfort of life for the population, is becoming increasingly important in the economy of the Rostov region. Thus, the largest volume of paid services in the Southern Federal District was provided to the population of the Krasnodar Territory for 55,601 million rubles and the Rostov Region for 40,191 million rubles.

In the first half of 2005, the population of the Rostov region was provided with paid services through all sales channels in the amount of 21,729.4 million rubles. (Table 6). The share of expenditures on payment for services in consumer expenditures of the population in January-June 2005 amounted to 19.6%.

Table 6

Structure and dynamics of the volume of paid services to the population of the Rostov region

January - June 2005,

million rubles

January - June 2004

Total paid services rendered





cultural institutions


Hotel and similar accommodation services

Physical culture and sports




legal nature

Education systems

According to the results of 6 months of 2005, the volume of paid services grew by 3.9% as compared to the same period of the previous year. The most significant growth in volumes was noted for communication services (by 19.8%), as well as such types of socially significant services as physical culture and sports services (by 16.4%) and services of cultural institutions (by 12.1%).

As can be seen from the comparison, the structures of the total consumption of paid services in the Rostov region and the country as a whole basically coincide, which indicates the typical dynamics of the service sector in the Rostov region. Of the 16 cities of the Rostov region in terms of the volume of paid services to the population in 2004, the city of Shakhty occupies only the 9th place. The leaders are Rostov-on-Don, Volgodonsk, Taganrog, Azov, Novocherkassk.

Considering the state of the service sector in the country as a whole and within a particular region, it is necessary to pay attention to the situation in the field of consumer services.

Household services perform important socio-economic functions, aimed at the gradual replacement of domestic work by its public forms, contributes to the economy of social labor, releases significant material resources ensures a more rational use of the free time of workers. Household service enterprises (studios, factories, household houses, workshops, salons) provide services for the repair of apartments and individual housing construction at the expense of the population, the manufacture and repair of furniture, laundry, dry cleaning and dyeing of things, individual tailoring and repair of shoes, clothes, fur and knitwear, prevention and repair of automobiles, repair of household machines and appliances, television and radio equipment, musical instruments, storage of things in pawnshops, rental of cultural and sports items and household items, cleaning apartments, performing various errands, photo and hairdressing services etc.

Until 1991, consumer services for the population existed as a specific branch of the national economy, which ensured the satisfaction of the most urgent needs of the population by an average of 70% of the rational standard. The volume of household services in Russia in 1990 reached more than 5.5 billion rubles, and its growth rate in 1988-1990 averaged 15% per year. About 1.2 million people worked in the industry and there were more than 130 thousand ateliers, workshops and consumer service collection points. AT countryside almost all central estates had comprehensive collection points, and in regional centers and large villages there were houses of personal services with a full range of services (repair of refrigerators, televisions, tailoring and repair of clothes and shoes, dry cleaning, laundry, hairdressing, repair and construction of housing and etc.).

Currently, consumer services have ceased to exist as an industry. The volume of household services in 1997 amounted to less than 7% of the 1990 level, and the need for them, taking into account the current level of income of the population, was satisfied by an average of 40%.

If earlier household services were used by almost the entire population, now the situation has changed. Only 5-10% of the wealthiest population receive all the services they need, and the majority of people are not able to clean clothes, repair shoes, TV, washing machine, etc. due to the lack of a network of consumer services with affordable prices.

In rural areas and northern regions, the situation is catastrophic. There is practically no service there. Previously, the life service of the village and the northern regions was subsidized by the state through the redistribution of profits received from consumer services. In 1990, it amounted to about 800 million rubles, or about 3 trillion. rub. in 1998 prices. Now the budget receives less than 1% of this amount from consumer services. This is the price of the social and financial policy of the state in the field of consumer services.

The real solvent need of the population for personal services in 1997 in relation to 1990 decreased by about 30%, and the level of production of services by enterprises of all forms of ownership fell by 75-80%. This situation indicates that enterprises and artisans cannot adapt to the prevailing economic conditions for seven years.

Public service is a professional craft, traditions, a way of organizing the life of our population, which must be reliably protected from any cataclysms: political, economic, man-made.

Like any professionalism, the craft of consumer services does not tolerate administration and formalism. It must exist as a self-organizing system that organically fits into the body of the state.

The state should not interfere in the economy, technology, organization, management of the service market, with the exception of issues related to the safety of the consumer, inflicting material and moral damage to him, protecting environment and encouraging the provision of certain services in a particular area.

Approximately 3,000 technological processes and about 1500 types of machines and equipment. Approximately 80% of the technologies used are such that their violation can lead to dangerous and very dangerous consequences for the consumer. So, in dry cleaning, components are used, of which 236 are poisons; hairdressing services are very dangerous in sanitary and epidemiological terms; 40% of shoemakers have fungal diseases and are potential carriers of these infections; repair household appliances is fraught with electric shock, and televisions, if not properly repaired and maintained, are prone to spontaneous combustion; dressing the fur of domestic animals with a deviation from the technology can lead to infection with bacteria that are very dangerous for human life; poor-quality processing of agricultural products can cause salmonellosis, etc. And this is just a small list of dangers that await consumers in case of non-compliance with consumer service technologies.

Earlier in Russia, 14 research institutes and design bureaus, 4 universities with three branches, 19 technical schools, 99 training and production complexes were engaged in consumer protection, technology development and training of professional personnel for consumer services, and in each subject of the federation there was a specialized production and technical consumer services complex, 10-12 industry associations, which included production, technological, metrological, and implementation services, quality management departments. Today, this whole huge professional-technological structure of consumer services practically does not exist.

Since 1992, only three new standards have been put into effect in Russia (and there were 155 of them), and since 1996, the household service has practically not had a single normally operating republican standard; out of 80 thousand technological norms and standards developed before 1992, more than 70% are completely outdated.

Until 1992, 26 sectoral rules for dry cleaning, ritual services, the work of hairdressers, baths, etc., approved by the Ministry of Life of the RSFSR, were in force in consumer services, which have now lost their legal force. There is simply no one to develop and approve new rules - there are no professional organizations that have the right to do so.

Thus, on the one hand, there is a complete separation of the public service from the state, and on the other hand, the elimination of professional and technological structures of public services that introduce regulatory documents, without which the existence of this sphere of activity within the legal framework is impossible.

Russia entered 2000 in the expectation of economic recovery, having overcome the most acute consequences of the financial and economic crisis of 1998. This was facilitated by the efforts of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Government to stabilize the economy and finances in the post-crisis period, as well as the external conditions favorable for Russia that have developed in 1999

The total volume of household services received by the population in 1999 (taking into account the informal economy) amounted to 71,844 million rubles, which is 133.2% of the corresponding period of last year, the volume index of the corresponding period of last year was 102.6%.

On the this moment the volume of household services provided to the population in the Russian Federation, the Southern Federal District and the Rostov region is presented in table 7.

Table 7

The volume of household services to the population of the Russian Federation in 2001-2004 (million rubles)

Total for Russian Federation in 2004, the volume of household services to the population amounted to 188,452 million rubles, in the southern federal district - 22,354 million rubles, and in the Rostov region - 7,857 million rubles. (Table 9) As in all regions of the Russian Federation, in the Rostov region there is a clear trend of growth in the volume of personal services to the population from year to year. In 2004, revenues to the budget of the Russian Federation from the Southern Federal District increased by 1.02% compared to 2001 and amounted to 11.86%.

In terms of the volume of household services per capita, the Rostov Region has been a clear leader for a number of years in the Southern Federal District. In the Rostov region in 2004, household services were provided for 630 rubles. more than in the Krasnodar Territory, which ranks second in this table and provides services per capita by 1176 rubles. (Table 8).

Table 8

The volume of household services per capita (rub.)

Republic of Adygea

The Republic of Dagestan

The Republic of Ingushetia

Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Republic of Kalmykia

Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Republic of North Ossetia-Alania

Chechen Republic

Krasnodar region

Stavropol region

Astrakhan region

Volgograd region

Rostov region

The sphere of consumer services is very diverse. Today it has 900 types of services. On the territory of the Rostov region, household services are provided by 6100 enterprises and individual entrepreneurs and this number continues to increase every year. Work has been successfully organized to stabilize the consumer market for consumer services in the cities of Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Novocherkassk, Shakhty, Volgodonsk, and Azov. Small business in the field of consumer services in the region is the basis of the market infrastructure or 82% of the total number of economic entities in the consumer market of consumer services.

Analyzing the structure of household services rendered to the population in the Russian Federation, one can note its stable nature during 2001-2004. largest specific gravity are services for the repair and construction of housing and other buildings (26.9%), maintenance and repair of vehicles and equipment (22.4%), repair and individual tailoring (9.7%) (Table 9). The smallest share is made up of rental services (0.5%), dry cleaning and dyeing (0.8%), laundry services (0.9%).

Table 9

The structure of household services to the population in 2001-2004 (in % of total)

Services list

All services rendered


Shoe repair and tailoring

Repair and individual tailoring, individual tailoring and knitting of jerseys

Repair and maintenance of household radio-electronic equipment, household machines and appliances, repair and manufacture of metal products

Production and repair of furniture

Dry cleaning and dyeing

Laundry services

Repair and construction of housing and other buildings

Maintenance and repair of vehicles, machinery and equipment

Services of a photo studio and photo and film laboratories

Bath and shower services

Hairdressing services

Rental Services

funeral services

other services

In 2004, the total volume of services to the population through all sales channels in the Rostov region amounted to 7.857 million rubles. The average volume of household services per inhabitant is more than 600 rubles. The highest rates are provided by Rostov-on-Don (1st place), Azov (2nd place), Taganrog (3rd place), Bataysk (4th place), Volgodonsk (5th place) (Table 7). Among the first, the following districts of the region were noted: Myasnikovsky (1st), Aksaisky (2nd), Yegorlyksky (3rd), Volgodonsk (4th), Bagaevsky (5th place), etc. According to this indicator, the Rostov region ranks seventh among the regions of Russia.

Table 10

The total volume of household services to the population in January-December 2004 (for all sales channels) in the Rostov region

In % to Jan.-Dec. 2003

From column 1 it is rendered


Total volume of services on average per inhabitant, rub.

Occupied space





Belaya Kalitva



Red Sulin





Of the 16 cities of the Rostov region in terms of household services, the city of Shakhty ranks 12th.

The number of SON enterprises in 2004 amounted to 328 units, which is 103 units more than in 2001 (Table 11).

Table 11

The number of consumer services enterprises in the city of Shakhty in dynamics

As in previous years, a significant increase in enterprises continues to take place in relation to the services of hairdressing salons, beauty salons (the share in the total volume of enterprises of the BON amounted to 24.4%), services for the maintenance and repair of motor vehicles (the share in the total volume of BON enterprises amounted to 16.2%), services of photo laboratories (6.1%). The growth of enterprises providing services for the repair and manufacture of garments, knitwear, leather and fur products, and footwear should also be noted.

The rapid growth of enterprises providing hairdressing services gradually leads to competition in this type of business and, as a result, the orientation of entrepreneurs to various market segments, primarily in terms of the income level of consumers of this service. That is, along with beauty salons focused on clients with a high level of income, hairdressing salons are also developing in the city, where prices for services are affordable to consumers with lower incomes.

The objective economic conditions for the development of society contribute to the fact that some types of household services today are being modified and transformed. Thus, rental services today are mainly represented by the rental of video products, wedding dresses and accessories, etc.

The flourishing of jewelry stores in the city is accompanied by a rise in jewelry repair and manufacturing services.

Development modern technologies, in particular new media, begins to influence not only the rapid growth of new types of services, but also the emergence of new forms of organizing the activities of service enterprises. Services such as installation, repair and maintenance computer technology, today it is in demand not only by organizations, enterprises, but also by the population. In this regard, there is a significant increase in the number of PBOYuL engaged in this type of activity at the place of residence of the consumer.

The improvement in the living standards of citizens has become a powerful impetus for the rapid development of non-productive types of household services, such as, for example, house cleaning services, babysitting services, design services, reference and information services, etc.

However, there are also “gaps” in the proportional development of the industry. Laundry and dry cleaning services are still underdeveloped. In part, this economic situation in the consumer services market is explained by an increase in the living standards of the population, and, accordingly, the ability to solve their domestic problems on their own, without resorting to domestic services. But here one should also take into account the fact that the development of these types of services requires high capital investments for small businesses, and the payback period is long. Previously operating since the 1980s. consumer services enterprises providing the listed types of services have a worn-out fleet of equipment and lack the funds to purchase a new one.

Describing the consumer market of consumer services in the city, it should be noted that in the course of economic reforms, the entire structure of the network of consumer services for the population has changed, which was reflected in the collapse of the state network of consumer services, a decrease in the number of enterprises ( legal entities) providing services to the population and a significant increase in the number of citizens engaged in individual entrepreneurial activities in the service sector.

An important role in the development of consumer services for the population today is played by small business, which forms the basis of the market infrastructure of the service sector, which is explained by the ability of small enterprises to respond flexibly and in a timely manner to changes in market conditions, promote competition and help solve the problem of employment.

Summing up, it can be noted that market economy, on the one hand, contributes to the growth of the social significance of services for the population, on the other hand, contributes to an increase in prices that limit the effective demand for services. Assessing the economic situation in the services market, it can be noted that not many enterprises operate stably, have funds to expand production, upgrade equipment, technology, and train personnel.

Most enterprises, especially in rural areas, are unprofitable, their profits do not always allow them to independently expand production, renew fixed assets, and carry out reconstruction. Certain types of services are unprofitable.

Even worse is sometimes the consumer, because does not have any guarantees against the rise in prices for certain services, not to mention the timeliness of the execution of the order and its quality. Differentiation of the incomes of the richest and poorest part of the population leads to the development of those service areas that are available only to high-income groups of the population. The commercialization of the service sector leads to underconsumption by the majority of the population of the most necessary services.

There is only one way out: to determine reasonable boundaries between the possibility of developing the socio-cultural service sector and economic realities. For the successful functioning of service organizations, it is necessary to determine long-term goals and a strategy for achieving them. One of the most difficult is the question of the possibility of effective management of the enterprise management.

An important factor in the successful formation of the service sector is the presence of a dense competitive environment, which determines the interest of manufacturers in expanding the range, in attracting new customers through advertising, providing more favorable conditions, trade discounts, which is accompanied by the improvement of activities and an increase in the existing market share of services.

To general principles predicting the development of the service sector can include:

  • – study of the main trends in demand for the type of service under consideration and identification of factors influencing it;
  • – formation of a harmonious network of non-production enterprises based on optimal combination large, medium and small structures and their rational placement on the territory;
  • - taking into account the socio-economic specifics of the region, the prospects for the development of its economic and demographic potential, as well as taking into account its scale.

The implementation of all of the above areas is possible only with state support provided by the enterprise, taking into account their specifics, types of services provided, local characteristics. At the same time, it is necessary to consolidate the efforts of all branches of government to create favorable legal, financial and economic conditions that ensure the wide and unhindered development of private initiative and the successful functioning of small enterprises in the service sector. Assistance to the service sector should in fact become an important and independent part of the state socio-economic policy as a whole. This is especially relevant in light of the complex problems in the service sector that have characterized it in recent years.