An example of a sales plan for a company. Plan to increase sales. Promotions and special offers

  • 11.04.2020

Creating a sales plan is an important procedure for every company. The sales plan is the basis for the formation of the entire planning system at the enterprise, because other components of planning directly depend on the sales plan (purchase plan, production plan, cost plan, personnel plan, etc.)

Chinese folk wisdom reads:

If you don't know where you are going, how will you know that you have come?

Having determined the direction of movement, we understand how we can implement and what will be required on the way to our goals.

We want to note right away that it is not possible to fully disclose the topic of planning at an enterprise within the framework of this article, because. This question is quite voluminous in content. A lot of good literature is devoted to this topic. We will only touch on the most important aspects planning.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how a sales plan is formed in any enterprise.

How to prepare for a sales plan?

Planning starts with input. If your company has been on the market for more than a year, then you have statistics for the previous period. If a company is just starting out, then it can rely on the statistics of the work of existing companies whose activities are suitable for a particular market segment, of course, if such information is available.

Let's assume that we have data. After analyzing the figures with reference to months, we can assume the presence or absence of seasonality in this type of activity.

Products 1 /month Wedsale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total
Sales in units 2013713 500 560 710 720 740 720 694 772 762 802 800 780 8560
Sales in RUB 20133589 2500 2800 3500 3750 3800 3500 3420 3910 3860 4010 4100 3920 43070
Coef. seasonality 20130,7 0,78 0,98 1,04 1,06 0,98 0,95 1,09 1,08 1,12 1,14 1,09
Sales in units 2014 787 360 380 410 736 810 870 920 986 932 964 1050 1020 9438
Sales in RUB 20143941 1800 1910 2100 3580 4100 4300 4750 4980 4710 4870 5200 4993 47293
Coef. seasonality 20140,46 0,48 0,53 0,91 1,04 1,09 1,21 1,26 1,2 1,24 1,32 1,27
Sales growth in % 9,8 -28 -32 -40 -5 8 23 39 27 22 21 27 27 9,8
Wed coefficient seasonality 0,58 0,63 0,76 0,98 1,05 1,04 1,08 1,18 1,14 1,18 1,23 1,18

Let's consider how the cell values ​​are obtained. In line Sales 2013 columns 1-12 contains information on sales of goods for each month of 2013 in rubles. In column Total contains the total sales for the entire year.

Our calculation formulas:

Wed sale = total / 12 months

Coef. seasonality \u003d Amount per month / Avg. sale

Sales growth in % = ((Prod. 2014 / Prod. 2013) - 1) * 100

Wed coefficient seasonality = (Seasonal factor 2013 + Seasonal factor 2014) / 2

With the naked eye, we see that the first three months of the year in 2013 and 2014 are not the most successful for this type of product, because. values Coef. seasonality

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the number of units sold in 2014 increased by 10.3% compared to 2013, while the amount of revenue increased by only 9.8%. This fact tells us that the difference of 0.5% was compensated by the profit of the enterprise. It is necessary to carefully monitor this proportion in order to prevent a significant decrease in marginality both for the product and for the company as a whole.

In our case, only two years of information is used. For qualitative analysis this is not enough, because within these time periods (2013, 2014) there could be managerial and operational miscalculations that affected the final result. It is better to take statistics for more than 3 years. The more data for analysis, the smaller the final error in the calculations.

To fully calculate the sales plan, we need to get the following numbers:

  • Market size in the sector of your company;
  • Market share of your company;
  • The volume of increasing the range and (or) quality of products;
  • Purchase price of products;
  • The average market price of products;
  • Percentage of your company's sales growth (coefficient);
  • Average company expenses per month;
  • inflation rate;
  • The percentage of devaluation of the national currency.

Market size it is quite difficult to calculate, because Not all companies disclose information about their sales. You can order an analytical note from Rosstat, but the quality of the information provided will be very difficult to verify and will have to be trusted. Let's take the value Market volume = 25,000 rubles.

Having received the approximate volume of the market, you determine by a simple calculation Market share occupied by your company:

Market share in % = (Total sales in rubles for 2014 / Market volume) * 100 = (8560 / 25000) * 100 = 34.24%

The volume of assortment increase and (or) product quality we will consider as part of the calculation of the sales plan.

Let's take the value Middle Purchase price for Products 1 = 1.5 rubles

Let's take the value of the Average market price for the Products 1 = 6.2 rubles

Company Growth Percentage we will determine as part of the sales plan calculation.

For the convenience of calculations, we will analyze one nomenclature position within the framework of this article. In the future, you can combine information into item groups and then combine all the received data into a single sales plan. When calculating, we accept the fact that all costs of the enterprise (variable and fixed) are distributed in proportion to the sales volume of the nomenclature unit.

Wed expenses per month per unit products = ((Unit sales per year / Total sales per year) * Total costs per year) / 12

It is necessary to raise your company's data on average costs per month in order to determine the required margin per unit of production. We will assume that you have already found this number and take the value of Cp. expenses per month (variables + constants) = 550 rubles.

Now let's talk about the work schedule.

After seven years of studying people, we have identified several main postulates:

  • During the working day, you can productively make calls for no more than 2 (very rarely 4) hours.
  • On the basis of human biorhythms, it is possible to draw up days on which it is better for a manager to do paperwork than to call, because. damage from violence against himself will affect his long recovery.
  • Be sure to hold planning meetings every morning, where the head of the department. sales will encourage employees and inspire to accomplishment (without threatening or criticizing). Within the framework of these meetings, positive and negative cases in the company are considered. Conducted training calls to clients.
  • Every day, you must devote at least 1 hour to training according to a pre-created program.
  • Every day you need to devote at least 2 hours to business correspondence with clients.
  • At least once a week, the head of the sales department should devote time to work on bugs with each sales manager in his department (at least an hour).
  • According to a pre-developed individual program, face-to-face meetings with clients should be held (this depends on the specifics). It is important for people to have live communication, because it helps a lot in developing sales skills and helps to expand personal contacts.
  • All planned activities and information received should be entered into a system that will help to centralize all data and allow you to quickly retrieve the necessary data. For this purpose, a CRM system is best suited.

Using the Bitrix 24 CRM system as an example, we will look at how you can calculate a sales plan for a manager.

The functionality of Bitrix 24 is quite extensive and allows you to solve a lot of questions that arise both for the head of the sales department and for an ordinary manager.

  • The CRM system has a database of contacts, which is presented in the form of Companies and Contacts (individuals). This database is well protected from theft by unscrupulous employees. Your employees, changing the status of the Company, will systematically create an up-to-date picture of all your customers. So you can quickly analyze all stages of customer relationships, filter out those who require special treatment right now.
  • IP-telephony is built into this CRM system and your employees can make calls to customers directly from the program. In this case, (if required) all call records will be saved and you can listen to them directly from the history of communication with the client.
  • The system has the entities Lead (contacting the company or going to the company's website in order to clarify any issues) and Deal. These entities allow you to systematize the entire flow of information on each contact with the company or track all the stages of a transaction with your customers.
  • The system has the Tasks functionality that will help transfer information from management to employees and between employees to perform any actions aimed at concluding a deal, conducting a deal or others. This functionality also allows you to make temporary measurements of the execution of the task. This is especially valuable in service companies where pricing is based on time.
  • An email client is built into the Bitrix 24 CRM system and now all incoming and outgoing important letters will be in one place. You can not ignore the most important functionality - automatic analysis of the content of the letter in order to determine the person responsible for its execution.

This is only a small list of the functionality of the Bitrix 24 CRM system, which allows you to calculate the sales plan of a manager within a working day.

More information about the functionality of modern CRM-systems can be found in the section of the site “CRM Opportunities” .

Monitoring the implementation of the sales plan

You have made a sales plan. They distributed it among the managers. Now it is necessary to control the implementation of all activities. The sales plan is not only the numbers in the table. This is a whole list of activities and tasks that need to be completed in order to get the coveted figures in the report at the end of the reporting period.

It's good when all your employees are independent and conscious, in terms of work, people. If you have not very experienced or negligent employees, then constant monitoring is necessary. You can control all activities and the achievement of goals in different ways:

  • Hold permanent meetings;
  • Force employees to prepare reports;
  • Call and clarify matters by phone;
  • Write letters or require employees to send them to you;
  • Constantly generate reports in accounting programs such as 1C;
  • Keep paper journals, etc.

Most of the methods I have listed are morally and professionally obsolete. It takes a huge amount of time to carry out such methods of monitoring the implementation of the sales plan, which means it is reduced working time employee to achieve the plan, i.e. using such methods, you will inevitably not help, on the contrary, even interfere with the achievement of your financial goals. I propose to consider in detail what, at present, there are tools for monitoring the implementation of the sales plan.

Failure to fulfill the sales plan

Failure to meet the sales plan is a serious nuisance for any company. It is better to predict such an event than to deal with its consequences. Let's use the Bitrix 24 CRM system as an example, let's look at how you can predict the failure of the sales plan in your company. Bitrix 24 has a very good tool - “Company Pulse”. With it, you can monitor activity (creating tasks, calls, chat messages, transactions, etc.) in the system for different periods of time.

The first and rather approximate harbinger of this event is the low activity of users in the CRM system. If everything is done a little bit or just nothing is done, then you must figure out why this is happening.

The next Important report in the Bitrix 24 system is “Executed by managers”. This report shows the number of phone calls made (provided that calls were made through the system or events of the “Call” type were created), emails created, appointments made. This information for the head of the sales department is simply priceless.

Let's try to analyze this report. Let's imagine that Vasily Petrov, Petr Skvortsov, Sergey Voronov are new sales managers who are currently being trained in the company. Of course, for them, the zero values ​​​​of calls made, letters sent and tasks completed are normal. They have not yet been admitted to full-fledged work and you should not worry about their work.

Olga Belova is on sick leave and for her, too, low activity is quite natural. Nikolai Drozd is the leader in the number of actions performed in the system. At first glance, everything is fine with him, but you need to take a closer look. Why doesn't he have any incoming emails? Also, the head of the sales department should be alerted by only one scheduled meeting for the reporting period, when, according to the plan, he should have 3 meetings scheduled.

To Ivan Rudov, in general, a lot of questions arise. Here, either the fact of non-use of the CRM system, or a frank disregard for their job responsibilities, is obvious.

As we can see, such a simple report gives serious food for thought for both the head of the sales department and the head of the company.

This is only a small part of all the reports that are available in the Bitrix 24 CRM system.

Let's talk about the reasons for not meeting the sales plan.

Analyzing hundreds of employees for more than seven years, we came to the unequivocal conclusion that most people do not do what they really want to do in life. This is the real scourge of our modern society. Naturally, in this situation, one should not expect great productivity from such specialists. If every day a person forces himself to perform a function that he does not like, then the results will not be very impressive. CRM-systems will help to reveal most of the hidden facts, and much will become clear to you, as a leader, even at the implementation stage, because there are employees who furiously prove that such a system will greatly complicate the work and will only interfere. This is our experience. Not all of them are bad workers. It often happens that people do not fully understand the essence of the issue and simply draw hasty conclusions.

The Bitrix 24 CRM system is an excellent tool for identifying signs of non-fulfillment of the sales plan even at the early stages, while you still have the opportunity to adjust the final results, but it does not solve all problems. Only an integrated approach will allow you to bring your company to a new qualitative level of work.

Sales increase plan

Let's move on to the final part of our article. We told you how to prepare for the sales plan, how to calculate the sales plan for the year and break it down by months and managers. Showed the tools that will help implement the plan and monitor its implementation. Now let's talk about the technology to increase sales.

To increase sales, you need to follow the following strategy:

  • Make sure that all employees of the sales department correspond in their moral and professional qualities sales manager positions. Ideally, they should just love their job. Only with such an attitude to work can outstanding results be achieved.
  • All employees must receive ongoing training in sales and communication skills. To do this, classes are held as part of daily morning planning meetings and third-party sales trainers are invited to the company. The learning process must be continuous, because. in modern world methods very quickly become obsolete due to the rapid penetration into the masses. It's a good idea to involve psychologists in the company in order to help the sales staff overcome internal barriers and complexes.
  • It is necessary to get rid of the constant criticism of employees. If you are sure that professionals work for you, then you need to help them, and not constantly “kick”. Forcing the situation, you only worsen the results and contribute to the development of a negative mood in the team. If only “random” people work for you, who came by acquaintance or just passed by, then it is necessary to blame the one who hired them, i.e. all questions to yourself. If you are unable to understand people, then we advise you to turn to professionals. Saving on recruitment, you only lose money and time of employees who will be forced to train newcomers.
  • Don't skimp on motivating your sales staff. If a person works qualitatively, then he should earn appropriately. There is an old adage: "Greed begets poverty." It is better to develop a motivation system together with employees. So it will take root better and be more effective. Non-material motivation no less important than material. Praise, sometimes, is more necessary than a coin.
  • It is necessary to get rid of the postulate: "There are no irreplaceable people." It is a very vicious practice to fire a person at the very first conflicts. Enormous sums are spent on recruiting, training and growing an employee, which will pay off only if the employee has been working for at least two years. According to our calculations, in manufacturing enterprises and in companies in science-intensive industries, the payback period generally reaches five years. Try to calculate how much a sales employee costs you.
  • Use CRM systems in your work, because the level of customer service increases significantly, because employees will understand that they are being controlled and will make fewer mistakes and negligence.
  • Let employees feel needed. Show concern for them. Collective events should be held regularly, and it is desirable if there are informal ones among them.
  • Don't set overly high sales targets. They greatly demotivate employees and encourage them to leave.

To increase sales, you must perform the following tactics:

  • A plan is developed for the number of calls for the manager per day, week, month, etc.;
  • A plan is being developed for the number of meetings with clients;
  • A plan is being developed for the number of deported commercial offers, letters, etc.;
  • A system of continuous training of employees is being developed;
  • A plan is developed to regularly call all customers;
  • Exemplary scripts for communication between employees and potential clients are being developed;
  • The logic of phone calls is being developed (not to be confused with scripts). How many times to call, at what time, after how much to call back;
  • Introduced into the company and regularly used CRM-system;
  • All tasks and instructions for employees are transferred to the CRM system;
  • Need to start writing telephone conversations employees to work on errors or resolve conflict situations;
  • Regularly (every day, every two or three days) it is necessary to hold planning meetings, which should not be confused with the “morning of the archery execution”. They should be as comfortable as possible and charge with positive;

Selling is the main activity of any business, so making a profit is directly related to sales volumes and set prices, and these indicators can be due to various factors. In order for a business to grow and develop, this activity needs to be studied, improved efficiency, and therefore planned.

The sales plan provides for setting certain goals and setting the direction of activities to achieve them. Let's see how this is implemented in the practice of sales planning.

Why you need a sales plan

In addition to improving the overall efficiency of the enterprise, sales planning solves serious issues for the well-being of the entire organization as a whole.

Forecasting future sales is the basis of all settlement activities in the enterprise. Based on the sales plan, other forecasts and calculations are made:

  • production planning;
  • plan for the purchase of raw materials;
  • establishment of personnel policy;
  • advertising planning, etc.

Thus, sales planning is the cornerstone of all planning activities of the company. It allows you to set short-term goals for business development, which determine the direction of the application of efforts.

NOTE! There is an expression: "The map is not the territory." The plan is not the actual sales volume. The element of risk, random factors, the unpredictability of the market has not been canceled. Nevertheless, planning sets the "bars", that is, the boundaries to which the development of the organization strives, expanding its capabilities and resources.

What to consider when planning sales

When compiling a preliminary sales plan, it is necessary to rely on factors that can affect the dynamics of their volume. Sales are influenced to varying degrees by 10 factors:

  1. Personnel (employees providing production, sales, transportation, and other sales procedures).
  2. Ways of sale - those channels that are used by the company for the implementation.
  3. Prices are very important factor, which includes the following components:
    • pricing policy at the enterprise;
    • the dynamics of prices for similar goods in the industry;
    • application of the system of bonuses (discounts, credits, etc.).
  4. Position in the market - there is an increase or decrease.
  5. Legislative justifications - the adoption of new laws, the abolition or amendment of old ones necessarily affects the business, and therefore sales.
  6. The range of goods - its size, tendency to expand or decrease, demand, liquidity.
  7. Seasonal – sales of many products are very susceptible to seasonal demand or its fall.
  8. Competitor activity – the counteracting and stimulating influence of similar companies should not be overlooked.
  9. The activities of the company itself are advertising, marketing, promotions, contests and other activities to stimulate sales.
  10. Customers are the other side of the sales process, so target audience you need to know as much as possible, considering these data when planning:
    • their approximate number;
    • solvency;
    • the need for a product planned for sale (including fashion), etc.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! In addition to the above factors, the volume of sales can be influenced by the belonging of goods to groups of interchangeable (then an increase in the price of one will cause an increased demand for the other) and complementary (here the dependence will be direct - less one of them is needed, which means that less “pair” will be needed) . For example, if the price of desktop computers increases, the demand for laptops will increase. And with a drop in sales of dishwashers, they will also buy less specialized household chemicals - “pills” for them.

Preparing for Sales Planning

What should you rely on when drawing up a sales plan? The preparation process depends on how experienced this company, that is, on whose mistakes she will have to improve - on her own or on others.

What will be the first step to drawing up a sales plan? Studying past sales figures for your company (if it exists and has been operating for several years) or similar ones in the industry. It is necessary to analyze the information taking into account the above factors. For example, the influence of seasonality is easy to determine by examining the breakdown of sales volume by months; the dynamics of the market and the enterprise itself as a whole are just as obvious.

IMPORTANT! Explore financial information sales need for a long period, at least three years. Data for a shorter period may have insufficient reliability for planning, since they may contain errors of an operational and managerial nature, and also not exclude an element of chance.

Formation of indicators for planning

What information needs to be “pulled out” from the analyzed data? For an adequate sales plan, you need to know the following indicators:

  1. Market Coverage your industry – can only be estimated as it is not possible to obtain data on all companies in the industry. An order from Rosstat for an analytical note can help, but its reliability will be approximate. The volume of the market is measured in rubles.
  2. Degree of participation in this market share of the planner. Calculated as a percentage of the total market volume. To calculate, you need to divide your company's sales for the year under study by the market volume for this year and multiply by 100%.
  3. Commodity dynamics- how much the assortment and quality of goods has changed (and in what direction).
  4. Product cost- if it does not change from year to year, the price will still have to be increased to compensate for other factors, such as inflation.
  5. The average price of such a product on the market.
  6. Average monthly expenses of the company per unit of goods. To determine, you need to divide the sales volume for this product by the total sales volume (in rubles) and multiply by the amount of total annual spending.
  7. Your company's sales ratio(growth or decrease in volumes) - for the last few analyzed years, it is better to break it down by months.
  8. inflation rate in the country is determined according to Rosstat.
  9. The position of the national currency(devaluation) - taken into account if foreign currency purchases or imported components and parts are planned.

Sales Planning Perspective

Before proceeding with the specific preparation of the plan, it is necessary to clearly determine the time within which the tasks should be solved:

  • strategic planning determines the direction of the company's development for 5-10 years ahead;
  • ongoing planning allows you to build forecasts for no more than a five-year period, thereby adjusting the strategic plan;
  • operational planning sets tasks for short time periods - year, quarter, month.

Future factors

We obtained all the necessary indicators for calculating the sales plan from the analysis of previous periods, that is, from open statistics. In addition to past information, it is necessary to take into account some forecasts for the future:

  • whether the company is going to significantly expand or, conversely, curtail its activities;
  • whether it is planned to increase the assortment or remove the goods from production;
  • what will happen to non-price factors of demand (customer base and its features).

Sales plan calculation

For the correct calculation of indicators and budgeting for the sales plan, you need to calculate what profitability per unit of goods (marginality) we plan. For this, all the above calculations are made.

The calculation plan is based on statistical calculations and economic laws. Exceeding the indicators of the calculated plan will be optimistic planning, and understating - pessimistic. optimistic plan allows you not to set a "ceiling" of sales, but pessimistic- to outline the boundaries of difficult, crisis periods.

Features of sales planning

When implementing this large-scale action, we recommend not to forget the following nuances:

  1. The sales plan for the next year should be drawn up no later than 1.5-2 months before the end of the current year.
  2. The entire company is responsible for the plan, and not just the sales department, so the heads of all structural divisions are involved in planning.
  3. If we are talking about expanding the range, you need to draw up a plan for those goods for which there are clear data on their production, transportation, direct sale.
  4. The best sales plan cannot be realized without efficient and professional sales managers.
  5. If the goal is to surpass previous indicators, it is necessary to qualitatively change the fundamental factors (production volume, cost of goods, sales market, etc.).
  6. The key planning factor is the needs of the market, only secondarily - the organization's own capabilities.

This book will primarily be useful to professionals who implement sales planning. The book describes the most common sales forecasting model that is used when building plans in trading companies.

Any budgeting process trading company It starts with a sales budget. This budget should be as accurate and accurate as possible. The main method for creating sales budget targets is the method of seasonality coefficients.

Important! Calculation of target indicators of the budget for sales should be calculated for each direction (brand). If the company has additional structural units - branches or stores, they should also be used to calculate planned sales in each direction.

First step in the development of the sales budget - the calculation of seasonality coefficients for each direction. Consider an example.

We have monthly sums (in USD) of actual sales for 2008 in a certain direction (in table 1 - the second line "2008").

Table 1

In the column "Average value" (Table 1) we calculate the average monthly value of sales for 2008 (the sum of sales for the whole year divided by the total number of months, i.e. 94,000 c.u. / 12 months = 7836.6 c.u. ).

According to the formula (1), we calculate the seasonality coefficients for each month (in table 1 - the third line "k season.").

Formula 1:

k season. = Ni / s.z.,

where Ni is the actual amount of sales of a certain month;

s.z. - the average monthly value of the amount of sales for 2008 (table 1, column "Average value").

That is, the calculation of k seasonality for the first month will be as follows: k season. = 5500 c.u. / 7836.6 c.u. = 0.702. The seasonality coefficients for the remaining months are calculated in a similar way.

If you have a sales history for several more years, you should calculate the seasonality coefficients for them in the same way. After averaging seasonality factors for similar months, you will be able to smooth out fluctuations that could be caused in a given year by non-seasonal factors (supply failures, for example). However, you must remember that after summing up all the average seasonality coefficients for 12 months, you should get a sum equal to "12". If you violated this amount when averaging the coefficients, then you should manually correct some of the coefficient values.

It is also important to understand if one of the years of your existing history of actual sales was a force majeure (i.e., unforeseen sales figures in a given month caused by a change in legislation or, for example, the influence of crisis moments in the economy), then it is better to calculate the coefficient according to such year, as it can significantly distort the seasonal characteristics of sales in your area.

Second step in the development of the sales budget - this is the determination of the overall planned level of sales for the next year, which is determined by the marketing department (in its absence, the competent department) depending on the following factors:

  • market size,
  • company's market share,
  • planned degree of improvement of internal and external processes of the company,
  • planned expansion of the range

So, the result of the second step is the accepted indicators of planned sales for the next year in each direction.

For our example, let's say that we have determined the planned sales level for the next year - 15% more than the actual amount of sales for 2008. That is, with a turnover of 94040 c.u. in 2008 the planned turnover for 2009 will be: 94040 c.u. + 15% = 108145 c.u.

Third step- monthly breakdown of the amount of planned sales for the next year, taking into account seasonality factors. Table 2 shows the calculations:

table 2

So, you need to display the average monthly value of the planned amount of sales in the direction for 2009 (table 2, column "Average value", line "2009"): 108415 c.u. / 12 months = $9034.6

Then you need to multiply each seasonality factor by the resulting average monthly value of the planned sales amount. For January 2009, the calculation is as follows: 0.702 * 9034.6 c.u. = 6342 c.u. Similarly for other months.

It should be clarified that this calculation option is presented for budgets based on the base currency of the accounting program - USD, EUR. If the base currency of the accounting program is the national currency, it is necessary to take into account the planned inflation rate for the next year in the calculations.

Also, if you have a forecast of the growth (fall) trend of the market for the planned year, you need to take this into account using the trend coefficients. After all, the market can behave differently throughout the year - somewhere to accelerate in growth, somewhere to stop, and somewhere to fall. In the example above, you need to multiply each monthly sales forecast by this factor to get a sales plan.

Before doing the work, it must be carefully planned. The job of a sales manager is no exception. From proper planning activity depends not only on the level of sales of the company, but also on the bonus of the employee himself. In this article, we will figure out how to properly draw up a sales plan for a sales manager, and also give an example of a sales plan for managers.

Planning the activities of a sales manager is usually done by a person who is interested in achieving a high level of sales and development of the company (this is either the head of the company or).

Sales manager work plan can be divided into monthly sales plan and daily work plan.

Monthly plan

The monthly sales plan is set based on several indicators:

  • Sales level last month.
  • Potential increase in sales through additional sales existing clients.
  • Possible increase in sales by attracting new customers.

When drawing up a monthly plan, it is necessary to objectively assess the market situation and not set impossible tasks for managers.

Plan for the day

The daily plan of the sales manager should be drawn up taking into account the specifics and mode of operation of the company and its. But the principle of its compilation is universal and can be used everywhere.

"Hard" and "flexible" tasks

The essence of this principle is the division of tasks into rigid and flexible. "Hard" tasks are tasks that require urgent solutions and are tied to a certain time period. These include:

  • Morning and evening meetings.
  • Making appointments and making phone calls.
  • Conferences, negotiations.

“Flexible” tasks are those tasks, the execution time of which is not strictly regulated. However, they also have so-called deadlines - the deadline for completion. Therefore, it is still worth fulfilling them in advance, but in the time free from performing “hard” tasks. This type includes the following tasks:

  • Preparation of reports and documentation.
  • Communication with clients via email.
  • Creation and distribution.
  • Education and training (if required and permitted during working hours).

The first step in compiling a daily work plan for a sales manager is to enter all the "hard" tasks in the appropriate time intervals. It is most convenient to draw up a work plan in, as it allows you to save a specific task and not create it again in the future.

Introduction of "flexible" tasks

Before introducing “flexible” tasks into the work plan, they should be ranked by urgency and optimal implementation. In the next intervals between "hard" tasks, you need to enter the most important "flexible" tasks and only after that plan the less important ones.

In the next intervals between "hard" tasks, you need to enter the most important "flexible" tasks and only after that plan the less important ones.

Completing tasks at the optimal time for them allows you to reduce the duration of their solution. An example of the optimal time to complete such a task is to commit to potential customers in the morning. This rule will allow you to catch contact persons at the workplace. Do not put off calls until the end of the working day, when it will be necessary to solve other tasks.

After "cold" calling potential customers, you should switch to the presentation of the proposed goods or services to interested parties.

At the end of the day, you should leave work with papers: preparing contracts and commercial offers, drawing up call plans for the next day. This is justified by the fact that at the end of the day, employees will try to quickly deal with routine work. At the same time, the desire of employees to get home as soon as possible will not affect the quality of communication with customers.

Sales manager work plan

  • 9.00-9.30 - morning planning meeting.
  • 9.30-9.45 - preparation for calls.
  • 9.45-14.00 - "cold" calls to potential customers.
  • 14.00-16.00 - product presentations to interested parties, meetings with partners, conferences, seminars.
  • 16.00-16.30 - appointment of meetings and presentations for the following days.
  • 16.30-17.30 - filling out CRM, preparing commercial offers, drawing up a call plan for tomorrow.
  • 17.30-18.00 - evening planning meeting, summing up the results of the day's work.

Summing up, it should be said that work planning can significantly increase its productivity and avoid downtime. A well-established planning system in the sales department will teach managers how to manage their time, which will benefit both the employer and the manager himself.

Proper planning of the work of a sales manager is the key to the stable growth of an organization.

To be able to set up a sales plan correctly is very important. important function any leader. The plan should motivate the employee to work and help improve his performance. At the same time, the plan should coincide with the interests of the business and current situation on the market. It is not always easy to fulfill all these factors. In this article, we will talk about how to correctly set a sales plan for a specific employee, sales department, retail store. We will also touch on the issues of setting short-term and long-term plans a little.

Methods for setting plans

There are some common methods for setting sales plans. Each of them has its pros and cons, and each is applicable in a particular situation. It should be noted that the implementation or failure of the plan affects wages your subordinate. Long non-fulfillment leads to a lost bonus and negatively affects. Unreasonably low plans jeopardize the business, I have often come across that the business is working in the red, and at the same time all employees receive a big bonus.

In my opinion, the implementation of the sales plan should correspond to the success of the business. In this case, it is permissible to take into account the experience and qualifications of the employee. It makes no sense to put the same plan on the newly accepted seller and on the experienced one. The following are examples of setting sales plans.

Short and long term plans

The plan can be put up for a year or even a decade, or maybe for one day or even an hour. The method of setting it up depends on how long-term the plan is. Plans for short periods of time are considered operational and it is desirable that their exposure should be regulated. For example, all beginners are given the same plan for the first month. The development of long-term planning is carried out by the top management of the company, such plans are called strategic. Long-term plans are very individual and depend on variables such as the market situation, which is very difficult to predict over a long period of time.

ambitious plan

The essence of this technique is to put the plan twice as high as necessary. The calculation is made on the fact that the employee will certainly make 50% of the set plan. In short, this technique lays all the risks on the subordinate.

An ambitious plan is difficult to use consistently with the same employee. The employee will be in constant stress because of his non-fulfillment. Then the employee will get used to his lack of success and his motivation may decrease significantly.

Also, an ambitious sales plan is not set for someone who obviously cannot fulfill it for objective reasons. These may be: lack of resources or lack of competencies. You need to be very careful when setting an ambitious plan for newly hired employees. If an employee from the first days understands that he is not fulfilling your plans, either accustom him to constant failures, or he will simply quit.

Compare your plan with salary employee, in the case of constant ambitious plans, staff burnout often occurs, and employees leave due to lack of bonuses due to permanent.

An ambitious plan is good at startups when all employees have eyes on fire. It should be used only in conjunction with a highly motivated employee and the availability of the necessary competencies and resources. For the implementation of an ambitious plan, it makes sense to promise in excess of profit and put it on strong money-motivated sellers.

Always a workable plan

A plan that is always carried out is the dream of any subordinate. Many salespeople and managers will not believe that there are companies where employees are given a clearly feasible sales plan. But I came across such people, the seller in such a company has a bonus reminiscent of an accountant's bonus. I must say right away that I have not met many such companies and, as a rule, these are medium-sized firms.

The biggest drawback of a plan that is always feasible is the lack of employee motivation to find and develop new sales tools. In sales, you need to constantly be on the lookout for new customers. In order to advance in this search, you need to try all the time. different methods and evaluate their effectiveness. By setting a plan that is always feasible, you teach employees to do the opposite. I actually saw a company that sold in, only sending it to the post office and waiting for a response. No, no, just a constant expectation that the client himself will find them. Managers were directly told that if the client did not call himself, then he did not need it. The company has already gone bankrupt and ceased to exist. The company died due to incorrect planning, but it happens that such a plan is set for individual employees. This does not destroy the company as a whole, but because of this, a separate link slows down the overall development. For example, the head of the sales department should be motivated to develop the sales department, and not just to always fulfill the same plan 100%

But if you thought that a plan that is always feasible is always bad, then it is not. There are times when it will help you. First of all, I recommend setting a feasible plan for employees who have just started working in their not highly qualified conditions. For example, if a salesperson with no work experience came to you, you should not set a big plan for him, set the plan that he will fulfill. Especially it concerns daily plans, for example, if your task is to make one sale per day, then demand from the intern 1 sale in 3 days, and every day he must collect 5 warm contacts. And you, or help make sales out of these contacts.

Also, more than once I came across situations when the company or the market changed dramatically in a negative direction for the seller. Such changes often lead to, in order to avoid it, feasible plans can be made and thereby support the staff. The plan is good because it can be gradually increased or decreased, it is very problematic to review the material motivation system every month.

tight plan

If the plan is always slightly higher than the previous fact, then it is called tense. An employee needs to do a little better each time. This is probably one of the most common methods of setting a plan. Everything is logical and the plan is achievable for the employee and growth is laid down. In general, such a strategy for setting a plan is good when an employee is just starting to work; growth compared to the previous period is quite logical and justified here.

But there are difficulties with experienced employees. Probably, you have met such a method of manipulation on the part of employees as purposeful non-fulfillment of the plan in order to reduce it. There is an opinion among sellers that if the plan is greatly overfulfilled, then it will be greatly increased, so it should not be overfulfilled. Experienced employees are well aware of the method of setting a plan and understand how to break it.

How to meet business needs

The above methods of setting sales plans do not take into account a very important thing - the needs of the business. Business lives with long-term plans and strategies, the budget is made for at least a year. , in which all actions are described in detail and a forecast of the results is made. And sometimes it happens that the laid plan ceases to be fulfilled and the backlog begins to accumulate. What to do with this backlog? The easiest way is to put it in the plans for the next months, but then there may be risks that we considered when setting up ambitious plans. At the same time, if you leave the plans unchanged, then all hope will fall on overfulfillment, and it does not happen so often.

There is no single answer to the situation described above, since there are a lot of additional criteria. However, it should be borne in mind that it is important to soberly assess the reasons for not fulfilling the plan and share responsibility between all participants in the process. It is important that not only subordinates involved in operational activities bear responsibility, but also strategic management who did the planning. There are situations when the sales plan is in no way associated with the resources that are available for its implementation.

Presenting the plan to the seller

A plan that is exposed to a specific seller is an example short term plan. And I recommend setting a plan not only for a month, but also for every day. As mentioned above, it is best to develop a clear regulation for setting sales plans and bring this regulation to all employees. This will give the seller guarantees and stability in the future.

Conducting interviews with experienced salespeople, I can say that every second complains about the correctness of the sales plan. Therefore, I recommend that you be very careful about setting plans for sales consultants and closely link this process with staff motivation.

Presenting a plan to the sales department

Presenting the plan to the sales department or retail store has its own specifics. The main point that should be paid attention to is bringing a long-term development strategy. Each month, the sales team must take a step to achieve a long-term strategy. Therefore, the presentation of a sales plan should coincide with the preparation of a plan of measures that will allow this plan to be fulfilled. The head of the sales department needs to develop, so he needs to be taught long-term planning and connect it with his career and professional growth prospects.

How to set a plan for high sales season

Almost all sales have a season and an off-season. The season of high sales is when the market comes to life and the demand for the goods sold increases sharply. For example, they buy more air conditioners with scrap, and heaters in winter. Naturally, seasonality is important to take into account when setting plans. An incorrectly set plan for the season can lead to too high or, on the contrary, low salaries for salespeople and managers.

Many executives find it difficult to set a plan during the high sales season. First of all, it is difficult for those who did not have work experience a year ago. Because if there was such an experience, then you can simply track the dynamics of sales last year. If there is no such experience, then I recommend talking with more experienced colleagues, as well as using open data on the Internet. For example, many large companies they publish data on revenue in the public domain, it’s not easy to find monthly data, but there is quarterly data.