Professional socialization as a process in joint activity. The essence and social significance of secondary professional socialization in modern society. Correlation between the concepts of "socialization" and "professionalization"

  • 18.04.2020

The ascent of a person to professionalism is called professionalization. In the literature (9), professionalization is defined as a holistic continuous process the formation of the personality of a specialist and a professional, which begins from the moment of choosing a profession, lasts throughout the entire professional life of a person and ends when a person stops his professional activity. The results of professionalization can be considered the formation of a professional, the development of new professionally important qualities, the transition of a person to the next level of professionalism, etc. The stages of professionalization are called: vocational guidance, vocational selection, vocational education, vocational adaptation, the inclusion of a person in professional activities, specialization, professional development, retraining for another specialty, flourishing professional activity(acme), completion and withdrawal from active professional activity. The effectiveness of the professionalization process is determined in the literature (9) by a number of indicators: objective indicators that make it possible to judge the degree of compliance of a person’s personality with the requirements of the profession (productivity, reliability, etc. of human labor), and subjective indicators that reveal the degree of compliance of professional activity with the requirements of the individual ( the degree of satisfaction of a person with work, attitude towards oneself as a professional, etc.). To determine for each type of professional activity adequate objective and subjective indicators of the success of professionalization - important task professional psychologist.

Professionalization is not only a long, continuous, but also a “multi-channel” process, it goes in several directions at once. The process of professionalization is the approximation of the state of professional activity to the professiogram, to the standard of the specialist model. If we accept that the professiogram reflects the space of the profession, then the process of professionalization there is a development of this space vertically and horizontally. In other words, the process of professionalization has at least two vectors. The first vector - along the vertical of the professiogram - consists

in the fact that there is a mastery of ever new tasks of professional activity, and hence new modules of the profession (see above). Initially, a person sets and solves a limited range of professional tasks, that is, he implements one or two modules of the profession. Then the range of these tasks and, accordingly, the number of modules is increasingly expanding. Another vector - along the professiogram - is that there is a development of means, techniques for solving each new professional task, the strengthening of psychological qualities, necessary for a specialist to solve these problems. Moreover, the vertical movement of the professiogram and the horizontal movement of the professiogram can go in several directions at once. For example, a person undertakes to master several new functional professional tasks (vertically) and at the same time strives to master several levels, positions at once, and also works on several of his professional qualities. Thus, the content of professionalization depends on the interpretation of the professiogram and on the degree of human activity in mastering the profession.

The process of professionalization, although it has the general features outlined above, in reality always proceeds very individually, depends on many external conditions and, most importantly, on the activity of the subject of the professionalization process itself.

Let us turn to the relationship between socialization and professionalization.

Socialization is the process of becoming a person's personality. This process involves: the assimilation by a person of socially developed experience, attitudes to the world, social norms, roles, functions; active processing of this social experience by the person himself from the point of view of his internal positions; the formation of a person’s image of the Self and the development of one’s own worldview as a person, a member of society, the realization of one’s worldview in own experience interactions with other people; participation and contribution of a person to the further development of spiritual values; in the literature (see 4, in 2, 6) it is also noted that a person reproduces social ties in his active activity, the transformation of social experience by a person himself, his advancement to a new level (p. 338).

Professionalization is the process of becoming a professional. This process includes: a person's choice of a profession, taking into account his own capabilities and abilities; mastering the rules and norms of the profession; formation and awareness of oneself as a professional, enrichment of the experience of the profession due to personal contribution, development of one's personality by means of the profession, etc.

In general, professionalization is one of the aspects of socialization, just as becoming a professional is one of the aspects of personality development. Personal space is wider than professional space.

In the literature (6) it is noted that "professional" and "personal" can be in a person in different proportions:

- existence side by side, without crossing, when a person functions formally, serving time at work and considering it lost;

- full combination, when a person does not think of himself outside of work and "squeezes" his personal into a professional framework;

- partial identification of a person with his professional role;

- full inclusion of professional values ​​in personal space, much broader and multidimensional (p. 270).

The most optimal and harmonious is, apparently, last option when "professional" fits into "personal" as one of its sides.

In an adult, in the course of his development, these two processes, two principles - socialization and professionalization, either harmoniously approach each other, then come into conflict, then diverge along different vectors of development.

Consider the possible stages and options for the dynamics of the relationship between the social and professional on the example of personal and professional self-determination and self-development,

- Personal self-determination is formed earlier than the professional one; on the basis of personal self-determination, the requirements for the profession are formed. Personal self-determination is a person's definition of who he wants to become, what he wants, what he can, what society wants from him. Without such personal self-awareness, if it has not developed, professional self-determination is difficult. Here the process of socialization has an impact on professionalization (social-professional); Further in the presentation, we will denote the influence of socialization on professionalization by the combination "soc-prof", and the combination "prof-soc" - the influence of professionalization on socialization).

- Further professional self-determination of a person is specified depending on individual psychological, including natural characteristics, on age (social-professional).

- Having strengthened, professional self-determination begins to influence personal. For, mastering a profession, a person begins to represent and evaluate himself more maturely. The criteria of professionalism affect the criteria for evaluating a person. There may be a reassessment of a person's attitude to himself as a person (professional socialist).

– As a person achieves high levels of professional activity and success in it, a person’s general motivation increases, potential abilities are updated, and the level of claims increases. The profession begins to influence all spheres of the psyche, the personality of a person (professional socialist).

- The nature of interpersonal relationships that a person enters into in his work activity affects personal development and the polishing of a person as a professional (social-professional).

- Professional activity, depending on how it proceeds, affects individual personality traits. As professional motives and orientations differentiate, certain personal qualities develop. For example, it is noted that when focusing on students, a teacher develops diagnostic abilities, when focusing on colleagues - organizational and communication skills, when focusing on administration - didactic (professional social).

- The type of profession can determine the personality of a person. The works (3) summarize the results of studies showing that the participation of people in professional activities that have significant common features can lead to the formation of similar personality traits in them. General professional goals, similar working and living conditions, close living conditions, the same ways to improve material well-being, professional and social growth - all this determines the similarity of professionals in the manners of activity, communication, behavior, forms interests, attitudes, traditions that are common in content, which affects the formation socio-professional type of personality. People of the same profession have close value orientations, character, features of intergroup and intra-group communication, even the manner of dressing. Thus, the author notes, representatives of science and culture have developed curiosity and interest in human relationships. On the contrary, representatives technical professions interest in human relationships is low, but interest in intellectual activity is high, etc. Thus, the profession itself leaves its mark on a person. Let us cite a situation that we encountered in one of the newspapers, which may amuse the reader: “It has been noted more than once that those who study physics, natural history, physiology or chemistry are usually distinguished by a mild, balanced and, as a rule, cheerful disposition, while authors of essays on politics, jurisprudence, and even morality are gloomy people, prone to melancholy, etc. This is explained simply: the first study nature, the second - society; the former contemplate the creations of the great creator, the latter peer into the work of man. The consequences cannot but be different” (Nicolas-Sebastien de Chamfort). (professional socialist).

- The means of the profession is the self-expression of the personality of a person, work is certainly the main way of self-realization of the personality (professional social), but in some cases the personality self-realizes itself in non-professional hobbies (family, hobbies), here professional and social exist, as it were, in parallel.

- Failures, failure in professional activity can lead to its deformation, provided that the person seeks to realize himself in work. Such a person is upset, upset by his failures in the profession (professional socialist). If a person does not seek to realize himself in professional activity and only serves in it, then failures in the profession touch him less. There are not so few people who work and even work successfully, but not for self-realization of their personality, but only for material earnings and maintenance of their existence.

- Throughout a person's life, a person corrects his professional activity from the point of view of his value orientations. If the attitudes and motives of the individual change, this also affects Professional Development human (social prof),

- In some cases, a person's revision of his personality or the emergence of new needs in a person can lead to a person changing his profession (social profession).

- The way a person builds the scenario of his professional life, how he reaches professional peaks, how his professional aging proceeds, how he leaves his professional activity - all this also depends on the individual (social prof).

- In general, the personal space is wider than the professional one, the personal one underlies the professional one, the personal one determines the beginning, course and completion of the professional one. Thus, socialization determines the content and course of a person's professionalization. At the same time, professionalization throughout a person's life affects the personality, can stimulate it, and vice versa, destroy, deform.

Here are consonant provisions in the literature (4, in 2. 6): There are stages of socialization: pre-labor - before the start of labor activity, early socialization; the labor stage of socialization covers the period of maturity of a person, continues throughout his working life; post-labor stage of socialization, suggesting that elderly age can make (taking into account the specifics of the activity of the individual during this period) an important contribution to the development of social experience (pp. 344-347).

It is interesting to trace the individual variants of the relationship between personal and professional in the lives of individual specific people.

The effectiveness of professional activity is significantly influenced by two factors; professional motivation and professional abilities. We will consider them in the next two paragraphs.

Markova A.K. Psychology of professionalism. Publisher: International humanitarian fund "Knowledge", 1996

1 The President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in his "Message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation" (May 26, 2004) clearly believes that "today vocational education does not have a stable connection with the labor market" and with a sufficient "number of graduates, we still have a shortage of qualified personnel badly needed by the country. It is quite obvious that the origins of these problems are related to the far from optimal functioning of the system of professional lifelong education in Russia, including the subsystem that trains specialists for consumer cooperatives. To implement this problem, we are solving the issue of professional socialization of the individual in the system of consumer cooperation. Socialization is the process of becoming a person. Professional socialization as a process of self-determination and entry of a person into a profession is defined by us as a process that includes professional orientation, professional self-determination, professional adaptation, development of professional self-awareness, professional and labor socialization. The professional environment in which a person improves himself in specific working conditions greatly influences the professional development and formation of a person. The systemic process of professional socialization, the essence of which is professional gradual self-determination and "entry" of trainees into the profession during their professional educational development. At the same time, we will consider professional socialization as a system of interrelated and interdependent subsystems (structural elements), some of which are described in the pedagogical and psychological literature as locally isolated, and the educational complex "lyceum - college - university" as a subsystem of the overall system of continuous education and an associated construction it contains pedagogical work on the professional optimal socialization of students during their professional educational development. Vocational orientation is the starting point of professional socialization. Even later, changing the trajectory of his professional development, a young person will explicitly or implicitly feel the influence of professional orientation and more confidently, deliberately and carefully choose a profession or field of activity if it was carried out qualitatively. So, interrelated and interdependent with the previous stage, professional socialization can continue as a dynamic process of becoming a person in a professional field - the most important area of ​​\u200b\u200bsocial life. The second stage of the basic school (8th - 9th grade) - the beginning of the formation of professional self-awareness. Schoolchildren correlate their ideals and real opportunities with the social goals of choosing the sphere of future activity. At this stage, they are involved in active cognitive and labor activity, but at the same time they are assisted in mastering diagnostic methods in the interests of choosing a profession.

Complete secondary educational institution - professional orientation based on in-depth study of individual subjects. Special attention is given to the formation of professionally significant qualities, correction of professional plans. Students are assisted in self-development and self-preparation for their chosen professional activity. Professional self-determination is carried out in the process of teaching the basics of science, in the course of economic, labor and professional training. For the purpose of professional self-determination in the schools of the Russian Federation, the course "Fundamentals of Production. Choice of Profession" is provided, as well as - from 1994/95 academic year. d. experimental courses such as "Man. Labor. Profession" (8 - 9 cells) and " Professional career"(10 - 11 cells), containing information about the world of professions, features of adaptation to them, etc. Promising in professional self-determination is differentiated education in specialized classes and schools, as well as the activities of educational and production complexes of various profiles, creative associations, etc. Adaptive management requires each subject of self-government and co-management, reflection of their activities, resulting in self-awareness of their own actions and positions of other participants in the pedagogical process.In the context of the implementation of adaptive management does not exist and cannot exist universal technology. The interaction of a leader and a teacher, a teacher and a student is always situational, depends on the individuality, cultural and social experience of all subjects of the pedagogical system. This does not mean that there is no place for managerial and pedagogical technologies, on the contrary, a higher level of information about existing technologies, methods for their implementation and their competent use is needed. What remains unshakable from classical didactics is that the student becomes the subject learning activities only when the goal of their own activity appears. "The learning process should be focused on the cultivation of this goal", therefore, when choosing technologies, building his didactic system, the teacher should highlight one of its main characteristics, for example, mastering the student with guaranteed, final learning results and methods of activity. The main criterion in the choice of technology in the formation of an adaptive educational environment is how much it can help achieve the following goals: the development of the natural inclinations of the student, his abilities. So, in the "lyceum-college-university" complex, students in the lyceum, in the 1st and 2nd years of the college, undergo professional optimal adaptation that develops their professional, creative, and organizational skills. As a result of the experiment, the enhanced psychological and pedagogical influence on the adaptation of students in the university complex lyceum-college-university, students of 1-3 years of college have widely developed such professional abilities as communication, observation, theoretical thinking, its integrativity, the will to win, mobility , entrepreneurial ambition. At the same time, the truth of the results obtained during our Student's experiment was confirmed by the t criterion of the ascertaining experiment, which amounted to: communication skills +5.34, observational skills + 3.69, theoretical, integrative thinking + 1.6, will to win + 8 .85, mobility + 5.5, entrepreneurial determination + 1.31.

Professional socialization in the educational environment, in addition to the functions considered, performs a very important strategic task: it lays the foundations for further professional socialization of a person in the process of implementation. labor functions. This one is largely based on and develops the functions of professional socialization received in the educational environment, and is studied by such scientific fields as personnel management and personnel management. Such attention to the organization of personnel, its professional optimal further socialization, is due to the significantly increased importance of personnel in market economy (human factor organizations). So, in the system of consumer cooperation, the professional socialization of the individual is solved through its conscious professional self-determination, professional choice, feasible and promising in terms of employment and further development of her career, which is facilitated by a stepwise system of training specialists in professional educational institutions from working to secondary specialized and higher qualifications, as practiced in the Krasnodar Cooperative Institute (lyceum-college-university) and the use contract system employment in the regional consumer unions of the Krasnodar Territory.


  1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 26, 2004
  2. LEVITES D.I. educational violence. Public education. -1997. - No. 10, p.64.

The work was presented at the II scientific conference of students, young scientists and specialists with international participation " Contemporary Issues science and education”, February 19-26, 2005. Hurghada (Egypt)

Bibliographic link

Krasnoperova A.G. PROFESSIONAL SOCIALIZATION OF THE PERSON IN THE SYSTEM OF CONSUMER COOPERATION // Successes of modern natural science. - 2005. - No. 5. - P. 70-72;
URL: (date of access: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

After birth, absolutely every person begins his integration into social society. This is a very important moment of formation, which gives the personality necessary experience and knowledge to help him in the future. Also, socialization can be attributed to the practical and theoretical skills of a person received by him in the process of growing up. It is an integral part of a fulfilling life for any person. Let's take a closer look at the types of socialization. How do they differ and what features do they have.

What is the socialization of the individual

This term usually means a process that involves the assimilation by a person of a certain social experience of the society in which he constantly resides. Thanks to this, thinking and the ability to logically build communication with the outside world develop.

During his formation as a person, a person not only assimilates all the information received, but also transforms it into his own concepts and various values. The socialization of an individual in society, in fact, is an adaptation, that is, an experience that gradually develops from a variety of components. This includes cultural values, communication provisions and much more. Thus, socialization directly depends on the society in which a person was born. Accordingly, the norms of behavior can differ significantly in a given country.

Socialization of personality in psychology

Every person needs to belong in one way or another to the society in which he grew up. Accordingly, he identifies himself with his environment. In psychology, socialization is defined as the fulfillment of the requirements of the community, due to which one's own line of behavior is developed in a wide variety of situations. In this case, it all depends on the nature of the individual and its characteristics.

It should be understood that socialization is a two-way process. In addition to the fact that the person himself forms his own norms, he also adapts them for himself. As a result of this, small changes occur in the world around us. If we consider examples of socialization, it will become clearer. Suppose a person has basic knowledge in the field of physics. Having processed this information and received the appropriate education, he developed a new formula that influenced the future of this science. This is a global example. There is a simpler analogy. Suppose a person was instilled with some norms of etiquette, but for one reason or another, he considered it inappropriate. As a result, he acquired his own moral values, which can influence his environment. These examples of socialization allow us to better understand the very process of becoming a person. It must be understood that in any case, each individual in one way or another interacts with a group of people around him, regardless of their status or other characteristics.

What contributes

Socialization and adaptation make it possible to form in the human brain the necessary set of values ​​and rules that he will apply to the world in the future. These processes begin from childhood, when the parents of a young child begin to lay the foundation for the first mental and physical skills. After that, a person is trained in a kindergarten, school and institute. During this period, he receives more knowledge from other people, continuing to explore the world. Thanks to this, a person learns to communicate with the people around him and understands that the form of interaction with them can be different.

In addition, the socialization of the child is very important, as it teaches him self-control. Gradually, a person begins to learn how to react to certain events in his life. Thanks to this, he learns to distinguish between the inner and the outer world.

Types of personality socialization

There are several variations of this process. They differ depending on many factors. However, these mechanisms are conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • primary socialization. This process begins from the moment the child begins to perceive society. At the same time, he focuses exclusively on his family. The child begins to perceive the adult world. Primary socialization directly depends on the parents of the child. More precisely, on how correctly they can show him the world around him.
  • secondary socialization. This process has no time limit and lasts until a person enters one or another social group. This mechanism starts when the child starts going to kindergarten. In a new atmosphere for himself, he can try on new roles and evaluate which one suits him best. He also has the opportunity to evaluate his actions from the outside. In the process of secondary socialization, a person often encounters certain inconsistencies. For example, at the moment when the child understands that the values ​​of his parents may not coincide with the interests and norms of other people. In this case, the child goes through the stage of self-identification and chooses one side or another based on their feelings and experiences.
  • Localized (directed) socialization. In this case, we are talking about the comprehension of certain values. Here, socialization is divided into a number of specific areas: early, gender, organizational and others. It is also an important stage in the formation of personality.

Early socialization

In this case, we are talking about a certain "rehearsal" of a particular stage. good example this type of socialization is the beginning of the cohabitation of a man and a woman. Before marriage, partners must learn from each other and compare their life positions. In that situation, each of them takes over some of the values ​​from their soul mate.

A long stay within a small group (in this case, consisting of two people) leads to the formation of more stable behavioral and sociocultural models.

Gender socialization

It is also often referred to as gender role. In this case, we are talking about a type of socialization, which involves the identification of personality differences between men and women. During this period, a person is identified according to a number of standards and generally accepted norms. At the same time, this type of socialization can last throughout life.

This mechanism implies the realization that the individual begins to realize the fact that in case of deviation from the norms, he will face censure from other members of society.


This phenomenon proceeds in an absolutely reverse order. In this case, we are talking about the fact that the person "falls out" of the generally accepted framework and begins to identify himself with a detached unit. It is not uncommon for people suffering from desocialization to deliberately break boundaries and try to oppose generally accepted values.

Most often, this phenomenon is observed in those whose families practiced violence. Alcoholics and drug addicts also fall into this category.

family socialization

In this case, the child observes the members of his family and learns from their experience. Such socialization of a child depends on several factors:

  • The composition and structure of the family.
  • The position the child occupies in the family hierarchy.
  • Chosen model of education. For example, parents and more distant relatives may impose their values ​​on a child.

Much also depends on the moral and creativity family members.

Occupational and labor socialization

Another adjustment of a person's values ​​occurs when he begins his career and gets to know colleagues. In this case, he is forced to adapt to a new environment. The fact is that at work he must adhere to business etiquette, without which the individual will not be able to move further up the career ladder or, for example, receive the necessary certification and advanced training.

In addition, a person must learn new labor skills for him.

Subcultural group socialization

In this case, we are talking about the environment in which the person stays during the holidays or in any other period of his life. The person can communicate with different people and have many friends, each of whom will contribute to the accumulation of experience.

At the same time, a person gets acquainted with new cultural characteristics of society, religious and cultural characteristics, etc. In addition, a person communicates with people different ages or status. All these factors allow the formation of new behavioral models that will adapt as they get to know new comrades.

Functions of socialization

This mechanism is of great importance for the formation of personality. Among the main functions are:

  • Normative-regulatory. This means that absolutely everything that surrounds a person can have one or another influence on him. In this case, we are talking about the family, the politics of the country, religion and much more.
  • Personally transformative. In the process of communicating with other people, a person begins to show his individual qualities and characteristics. Thus, he is separated from the general mass.
  • Value orientation. This category resembles a regulatory one. However, in this case, a person adopts from everything around him not experience, but certain values.
  • Information and communication. In this case, the way of life of the individual forms his way of life on the basis of the experience of communication with various representatives society.
  • Creative. If a person is brought up in the right environment, this will help a person learn to improve the world around him.

Stages of socialization

The formation of personality does not happen immediately. Each person goes through several stages:

  • Childhood. According to numerous studies, experts have come to the conclusion that a child perceives his "I" 70% better at a young age. When the baby grows, he equates himself more with the environment.
  • Teenage years. At the age of 13, the child begins to take on more and more responsibility and a variety of obligations.
  • Youth. This is another stage of the type of socialization that begins at the age of 16. During this period, the teenager begins to make important and more serious decisions. This means that he begins to take responsibility for his life. In addition, during this period, he begins to equate himself with a certain group of society.

  • Adulthood. This period starts at the age of 18. At that time, all the internal instincts of the individual are aimed exclusively at the formation of personal life. During this period, a person truly falls in love for the first time and discovers new emotions.

The ascent of a person to professionalism is called professionalization. Professionalization is defined as a holistic continuous process of becoming a person and a professional, which lasts throughout the entire professional life.

The stages of professionalization are vocational guidance, vocational selection, vocational education, vocational adaptation, the inclusion of a person in professional activities, specialization, professional development, the flourishing of professional activity, completion and withdrawal from active professional activity. In general, professionalization is one of the aspects of socialization, just as becoming a professional is one of the aspects of personality development.

Socialization is the process of becoming a person. Socialization involves:

assimilation by a person of socially developed experience, attitudes towards the world, social norms, roles, functions;

active processing by a person of this social experience from the point of view of his internal positions;

the formation of a person's image of I and the development of their own worldview;

participation and contribution of a person to the further development of spiritual values;

reproduction by a person of social ties in his vigorous activity.

There are the following stages of socialization:




The characteristics of these stages are detailed in the works of G.M. Andreeva, I.S. Kona and others.

Let's consider the possible stages and variants of the dynamics of the relationship between the social and professional on the example of personal and professional self-determination and self-development.

Personal self-determination is formed earlier than professional self-determination; on its basis, requirements for the profession are formed. A personal definition is a definition by a person of who he wants to become, what he can do, what society wants from him. Here the process of socialization has an impact on professionalization.

Professional self-determination, having strengthened, begins to influence personal. A person, mastering a profession, begins to represent and evaluate himself more maturely. There may be a reassessment of a person's attitude to himself as a person. As a person achieves high levels of professional activity and success in it, a person’s motivation increases, potential opportunities are actualized, the level of claims increases, that is, the profession begins to influence all areas of the psyche and personality of a person.

The nature of interpersonal relationships that a person enters into in his work activity affects not only personal development, but also the polishing of a person as a professional. The social influences the professional.

The type of profession can determine a person's personality: common professional goals, similar working and living conditions, the same ways to improve material well-being, professional and social growth. All this determines the similarity of professionals in the manners of activity, communication, behavior, forms interests, attitudes, and traditions that are common in content. People of the same profession develop close value orientations, communication features, even the manner of dressing. Thus, the profession itself leaves its mark on a person. But in some cases, for example, when a person has new needs, a person can change his profession.

Based on the generalization of the empirical experience of interaction with different groups clients N.S. Pryazhnikov singled out typical variants of self-determination. Each option, the author emphasizes, is good in its own way for certain people, otherwise all options would not be so tenacious. The main thing in the work of a professional consultant is to overcome a certain stereotype and take a broader look at the available options for building your life and career.


Given the importance of the process of reproduction of professional potential in the life of society, in a period of profound socio-economic changes, the problems of professional socialization become especially relevant. Of considerable interest is the theoretical and practical study of the process of professionalization, which in many studies is considered as identical to professional socialization, which causes discussion among specialists. The author considers the approaches of scientists from various scientific fields (psychology, acmeology, sociology) to the study of the concepts of "professionalization" and "professional socialization", identifies common and distinctive features, allowing to designate the originality of professionalization in human life and the complexity of determining the place of this process in socialization. The author draws attention to the differences in the definitions by scientists of the chronological framework of professionalization, as well as differences in the definitions of professionalization in the works of foreign and Russian scientists. Based on the analysis of research by foreign and domestic scientists, his own research on the process of professional socialization, the author expresses a point of view on the relationship between the concepts of "professionalization" and "professional socialization", considering "professionalization" as a form of professional socialization, as a certain and very important period of professional socialization, which lasts from the moment of choosing a profession until the end of employment.

professional development

Professional Development

professional adaptation


professional socialization


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15. Tutolmin A.V. Professionalization of the bachelor primary education: monograph. M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Natural Sciences, 2016. 140 p.

Changes in modern Russian society actualize in domestic science the understanding of a number of problems, one of which is the problem of professional socialization, which can be called the basis of general socialization, which has a huge impact on sustainability economic system. With a stable process of professional socialization in society, continuity is ensured in the transfer from generation to generation of professional attitudes and value orientations, professional skills and abilities, mastery, and a gradual “entry” of a person into professional life is carried out.

Purpose of the study. Due to its significance, the process of professional socialization attracts the attention of scientists not only in pedagogical, sociological, but also in other scientific areas, such as psychology, philosophy, acmeology and cultural studies. But there are no certain traditions, approaches and schools in the study of this process. Even considering the practice of using the concept of "professional socialization" in research in various scientific areas allows us to see a variety of points of view on its definition. In addition, scientists use a number of terms and concepts that intersect with "professional socialization", such as "professional development", "professional education", "professional formation", "professional development", "professional education", "professional adaptation", "professionalization".

Within the framework of this article, we will present an analysis of the available approaches to the study of the problem, our point of view on the essence and relationship between the concepts of "professionalization" and "professional socialization". If the definitions of professional socialization in the scientific literature are rare and quite unambiguous, then the interpretation of the concept of "professionalization" is varied. The difficulty lies in the fact that representatives of various scientific directions include their own meaning in them, often simplifying understanding or considering them as synonyms, and in some cases they are sharply differentiated. Just like professional socialization, professionalization is still a subject of dispute between psychologists, educators, sociologists, acmeologists, and practitioners.

Material and research methods. Based on a number of studies of the definition of professional socialization, in our opinion, the interpretation of the definition of professional socialization as a process of development and self-realization of a person in the process of assimilation and reproduction of professional culture, that is, the assimilation of professional knowledge, skills, skills of professional activity, can be taken as a basis for solving the problem. , as well as a creative attitude towards them, a set of norms of behavior and relationships, a certain system of values ​​that correspond to the purpose and meaning of the profession. As a two-way process, professional socialization involves not only the assimilation of social and professional experience, norms and roles, skills and abilities in the process of interaction in the system of social relations, but also the process of active and creative inclusion in the professional environment. As for the concept of “professionalization”, introduced into scientific circulation by domestic scientists more than a quarter of a century ago, depending on the scientific direction, several approaches can be distinguished to determine the essence and content of professionalization, characteristic of research in the 1990s. the last century and the beginning of the XXI century.

In pedagogical research, professionalization is considered rather narrowly as vocational training or vocational education, and covers only the period of mastering the profession from about 15 years, including vocational guidance. In practice, professionalization is identical to professional training.

In domestic and foreign psychology, several approaches to the definition of professionalization have been formed: as the entry of a person into a certain area of ​​professional activity; as the development and self-development of the individual; as the readiness of the individual for labor activity; as an achievement of professional fitness.

It should be noted that the process of professionalization in domestic psychological science is studied mainly from the position of mastering a person. personal qualities, the problem of the life path and self-determination, the formation of professional consciousness and self-consciousness. According to A.K. Markova, professionalization is the process of bringing the subject of professional activity closer to the professiogram, the model of an ideal specialist. In the definition of A.K. Markova emphasizes the individual nature of the professionalization process and its dependence on a number of factors, primarily on the vigorous activity of the subject of the professionalization process. In the process of professionalization, the author includes the choice of a profession depending on abilities, mastering the rules and norms of the profession; formation of professional consciousness, personal contribution to the profession, development professional qualities personalities, etc.

The activity of the subject in the process of professionalization is also emphasized in the definition proposed in the acmeological concept. Professionalization appears as life path» professional, reflecting the process of self-development of a person throughout life. Psychologist R.M. Shamionov: as a process of self-determination and adaptation to a professional group, environment, mastering a certain "craft". As for the relationship between the concepts of "socialization" and "professionalization", psychologists consider professionalization as one of the sides of socialization, and the process of becoming a professional - as one of the aspects of personality development. For example, R.M. Shamionov, analyzing the relationship between professionalization and professional socialization, concludes that the process of professionalization itself can be represented as the socialization of an individual in a professional environment.

Domestic science has accumulated a certain amount of experience in the sociological study of the concept of "professionalization". So, in sociological (activity) definitions, professionalization is considered as identical to the process of professional activity, is interpreted as belonging to a professional community, as one of the forms of professional self-realization of a person. Sociological (stratification) definitions interpret professionalization as a process of acquiring social status by a person through a profession. Socio-economic definitions consider professionalization through the sphere of employment, as the development and implementation of human labor resources in the course of work. In a number of works by sociologists, professionalization is identified with the level of development of the professional qualities of a person and professional groups. In foreign sociological reference literature, professionalization is viewed from the standpoint of acquiring social status, professional privileges, as “the possibility of realizing an ascending social mobility which means more income and higher status.”

The approach to the problem under study by L.E. Probst, who, combining the approaches of scientists from various fields, considers professionalization as one of the main forms of professional socialization and, accordingly, indicates the presence of some common features of professional socialization and professionalization.

According to V.A. Tsvyka, professionalization is the adaptation of an individual to the professional community, professional environment, obtaining the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary in the profession. The scientist emphasizes the social nature of professionalization and considers it a component of the general socialization of the individual. In the narrow sense of the word, V.A. Tsvyk considers professionalization as professional socialization and identifies two stages of professionalization.

An analysis of the relationship between the concepts under consideration was reflected in the study by A.V. Morozova, which characterizes "professionalization" as a narrower concept that affects the psychological aspects of the process of professional socialization, drawing a parallel with the processes of vocational training and only to a small extent with the process of information transfer. At the same time, the spontaneous component of professional socialization in the term "professionalization" remains unaccounted for.

Modern approaches to the definition of professionalization are mainly based on existing concepts. So, I.L. Levitskaya presents professionalization as a process of formation and development of professionalism, in which she highlights the psychological aspect - "professional development", and social aspect- proper professional socialization. Exploring the concept of "professionalization", A.A. Angelovsky defines it as a process of introducing the individual to the values ​​of the profession, including them in his inner world, the formation of professional consciousness and professional culture, real preparation for activity in a certain professional environment. In fact, the definition of professional socialization is given. Professionalization involves the stage of specialization and the stage of becoming a professional.

In the thesis of I.V. Kagitina, the study of professionalization is limited to the period of obtaining higher professional education, which the author characterizes as a specialized stage in the process of secondary socialization of an individual. It should be noted that in the works of I.L. Levitskaya, A.A. Angelovsky and I.V. Kagitina, the concepts of "professionalization" and "professional socialization" are used as identical.

The point of view on professionalization, proposed by M.G. Magomedova, based on the acmeological concept of the early 20th century. M.G. Magomedova considers professionalization as the fourth stage of an individual's professional development, consisting of two qualitatively different stages. Approach to the study of professionalization A.G. Petrova builds, based on the study of professionalization criteria characteristic of each stage of professionalization, and considers professionalization as a chain of successive changes in the professional consciousness of the individual, the development of new professional knowledge and skills, new forms of activity and professionally important and significant qualities.

The definition of the concept of "professionalization" in the works of V.A. Mansurov recalls the interpretation of foreign sociologists. Emphasizing the importance of status characteristics of an individual, the author approaches the definition of professionalization through the prism of group values, morality, norms of group behavior and lifestyle that determine sustainable development. social status person in society. Considering that the social status of a professional group opens up a number of opportunities for it in the system of power, distribution of material wealth and prestige, the author considers "professionalization" as a mechanism for transferring the "rare" (special) resources of these groups - specialized knowledge and skills - into socio-economic resources. rewards (benefits and privileges).

Unlike other authors, O.V. Reshetnikov, exploring the process of professionalization, draws attention to the period of socialization of schoolchildren, considers it as the initial stage of professionalization, the period of formation of a number of key elements of professionalization, which are already formed at school age.

In the monograph by A.V. Tutomlin, professionalization is the “shaping” of a subject that is adequate to the content and requirements of professional activity, possessing not only the highest level of knowledge, skills and results of a person as a subject of labor, but also a certain systemic organization of consciousness and psyche.

It is especially necessary to note the approach to the analysis of the concepts under study by S.G. Razuvaev, who proposes to consider professionalization as "the effects that affect the human psyche in connection with the" imprinting "on it of the specifics of the profession received or already realized in the labor process". According to S.G. Razuvaev, within the framework of professionalization, the formation of specific types of subjective activity of the individual takes place on the basis of the development of the activity of the individual and the structuring of the totality of its professionally significant characteristics. The author believes that it is the professional individualization of a person that can be interpreted as professionalization. Based on the analysis carried out by S.G. Razuvaev distinguishes between the concepts of "professionalization" and "professional socialization", shows the subordination of professionalization to a larger category of "professional socialization".

Results of the study and their discussion. Thus, the analysis of scientists' points of view shows that in almost all the considered studies, professionalization and professional socialization are considered as a specific form of labor activity of the individual, as a multidimensional process, represented by two interdependent and interconnected levels: social and personal, on other issues under consideration there is no unity of views. Based on the analysis of the definitions, we can say that we see more convincing points of view on the process of professionalization, which consider professionalization as the process of forming the subject of a certain profession, associated with the vigorous activity of the subject himself to master professional knowledge, skills and experience, moral attitudes necessary for work. in a particular profession.

Noting the diversity of points of view on the periodization of professionalization, reflected in the interpretations of professionalization, in our opinion, the chronological framework of professionalization can be considered from the period of vocational guidance of school education, the choice of a profession, and until the termination of professional activity, in contrast to professional socialization, which begins in early childhood and ends with the end of any work activity. Given the individual nature of professionalization, the scope of the processes under consideration may change.

If we compare the degree of impact on the processes under consideration of spontaneous and targeted means, then, in our opinion, at the stage of professionalization, socially controlled processes will have a greater impact on the individual.

Conclusion. Having studied and generalized various theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the concepts of "professionalization" and "professional socialization" and their relationship, we can conclude that in the Russian understanding of professionalization and professional socialization there is much in common, however, between the concepts of "professionalization" and "professional socialization" » You cannot put an equal sign, professionalization is only a form of inclusion in the social structure. Professionalization is more subject to its own motivation of life activity and is a purposeful process of acquiring qualities, values, professional experience, life strategy and tactics by a person in order to implement their professional and life plans, and can be considered as an integral part of professional socialization.

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