36 native advertising in relation to the Internet. Native advertising: a complete overview and good examples. Benefits of native advertising

  • 13.11.2019

Turning pages in glossy magazines, you can periodically come across direct advertising, and sometimes hidden.

With the first case, everything is immediately clear, they tell you directly what, where and when to buy. And in the second case, everything is much more interesting, since the material does not look like advertising, it is even useful in some way and you want to study it without a gun at your temple.

native advertising without smarties

But in order to achieve it, you need to clearly distinguish between the idea and “. To get results here and now, you need to focus on the second.

Examples of native advertising

Let's now see how this is applied in practice and consider different types native advertising. I am sure that you will have a couple of ideas on how to adapt them to your business.

Moreover, all examples are fully suitable for ordinary classical business, so the phrase “Everything is specific with us” can immediately be put aside.

1. Product reviews

Feedback example

What this article was born from, and what every more or less active user of the social network Instagram sees every day.

It seems to be an ordinary post of one fit girl who “boasts” with a sports corset to reduce her waist. True, links to accounts give out an advertising message in it.

I am sure that some of the readers who subscribed to her followed these links and ordered corsets to be just like her.

After all, if you see an expert or trust a certain person, you will also be loyal to the company for which he put in a few words. Therefore, the very idea of ​​moving through the leaders is very strong.

2. Sponsored articles

Sponsored article example

You can negotiate with a certain platform so that they write an article on a topic suitable for you, and you would tactfully fit between the lines with your proposal.

For example, as they did in the example above, pills for abdominal pain. And as you may have guessed, the article was written specifically for the request “Stomach hurts”.

Article from a partner

Or another example of a custom article above. But where it is no longer embarrassingly announced that everything was written by the partner / sponsor of the resource.

Native advertising in a magazine

The final example from the theme “Native advertising in magazines”. By the way, this is our leader in the photo more than 4 years ago. You can even see our very first logo at the end of the article. In the material itself, there are no calls to come to our company, but we simply talk about a non-competitive business model.

3. Advertising in the news feed of social networks

Advertising in Lena

For example, the picture shows a native ad in social networks, namely on Facebook and this is also native advertising.

The fact is that I recently looked through promotional camp sites on this discount site, but I never bought it. And here is the result.

They are catching up with me with the offer that I watched. But we call this ad native for a reason, it is shown in the news feed in groups about holidays, where I visit from time to time, and there it looks quite logical and not aggressive.

4. Product placement

Product placement example

Here we are not talking about 100 thousand rubles of the advertising budget per month. Such projects and prices can be afforded by large companies with huge budgets.

This video ensured sales of talking hamsters to the E5 online store for six months in advance (for example, 6,000 units of goods were sold out on the first day of its release).

And as you can understand, the video was filmed literally for 3 kopecks and there is not a single call for the purchase of this toy in it.

8. Video embed

Video embed example

In the example above, you can see how the Binoma company embedded its ad in another author's video on the topic “Stock Market for Beginners”.

Briefly about the main

Yahoo research says that by 2020 the share of such advertising will be 56% of the share of all advertising in Europe.

And I completely agree with them. She is invisible, natural and unobtrusive. And at the same time, it is everywhere: in books, the Internet and films.

If you give advice on the use of native advertising for business in Russia, then I would advise you to make part of your advertising just like that.

The main idea is the right choice of a native advertising site so that it is at the junction of regular advertising and. Then the result will exceed all expectations.

But you also need not to be crazy about the idea of ​​making all advertising as invisible as possible, because you can’t be ashamed of what you are doing.

You need to look for a fine line so that people do not swear at “pushing in”, but at the same time clearly realize that they need to take action in the direction of your product.

Despite the apparent diversity, it is rather monotonous. Standard banners, pop-ups, email newsletters, advertising posts - all this is rather annoying for the user, so often an advertising message posted in this way does not cause a proper response from It is quite difficult to find something really new and attractive on the Internet, so native advertising, which has been gaining momentum lately, seems to be very promising area of ​​Internet marketing.

What is native advertising?

This content is almost indistinguishable from regular content, it does not catch the eye, does not cause irritation and rejection, like regular advertising. Rather, the user sees in it a certain useful information for himself, good advice, and already subconsciously wants to put it into practice. It can be a review article, a post, a non-promotional review, questionnaires or tests that raise current issues.

Native advertising format (from the word native - natural) should be stylistically similar to the site on which it is placed, and look like one of the resource materials. In this case, the blocking plugin simply does not recognize it and will not cut it out of the display, which means that the information will reach the user.

According to research by AdBlock Plus (one of the most popular inappropriate content blocking extensions), native ads are among the last places to annoy users. Users most often pay attention to it, they unconsciously often share it with friends and relatives, of course, if the material read is really unique, useful and interesting.

All the advantages of native advertising

As already mentioned, the world experience of native advertising shows that it is the least annoying and causes negative emotions in target audience thereby increasing brand loyalty. In addition, there are several other advantages of native advertising:

  • it is always located where they want to read or see it;
  • the more interesting the content, the higher the likelihood that the advertisement will “go to the people” - the effect of the so-called “word of mouth”;
  • it is almost impossible to block it, which means that the advertising message will definitely reach the user;
  • it can exist on almost any multimedia device.

A few shortcomings

Any, even the most effective advertising, is not complete without negative aspects. The disadvantages of native advertising include the risks of losing trust if the user realizes that an interesting information resource was paid for by sponsors. Another drawback is the complexity of creating and adapting content for a specific Internet site, as well as the high cost of these processes.

Native advertising on the mobile web

Today advertising in mobile internet especially important, since the average user spends many times more time on the phone than on the computer. Chance to be seen mobile phone only “disguised” advertising has it, since its usual types (banners, pop-up windows, etc.) are blocked in half of the cases, and in the other half they simply annoy the user, taking up most of the small screen.

The main difficulty lies in the fact that native advertising is of interest to the user, and for this the content provided must be of really high quality. To do this, experts go to the creation of new formats of advertising. For example, creating a viral video, a non-standard questionnaire or a mobile application with a disguised advertising message.

Native Ad on Instagram

The whole direction is the placement of advertising in in social networks Instagram and Facebook. It is enough to place an original attractive photo using the advertised product, and do it on behalf of an ordinary user, not a company. The person who sees the image will perceive it not as a direct advertising message, but as “he has it, and here's what you can do with it (or here's how it will look)”. And, perhaps, he wants a thing for himself. Such advertising is often used by sellers of handmade, designer items, children's toys and clothes.

Let's talk about the successful use of native advertising in more detail.

Examples of “disguised advertising”

Native advertising is often used to promote the film industry. Here is a prime example of this. Netflix is ​​sponsoring an op-ed in The New York Times dedicated to the problems of imprisoned women, what they face in prison and what awaits them after their release. In the material, the journalist seeks expert opinion from the author of the memoir “Orange is the New Black” Piper Kerman, who inspired Netflix to create the series of the same name. Thus, both advertising sounded, and the company appeared in a favorable light for itself, as understanding and focusing attention on the topical problems of society.

Another example will explain how important Feedback with an audience and an entertaining moment. When Buzzfeed published another "How Would You Die in Game of Thrones?" poll, the final episode of the series was watched by more than 8 million users.

The usefulness of the advertised product can be more effectively represented in a visual form. Design magazine Styling Home published an article on "The 10 Most Useful Kitchen Items" featuring 10 fantastically beautiful kitchens designed by a kitchen furniture manufacturer.

Gradually, Native Ad is also developing in the domestic advertising market. One of successful projects You can call a series of materials “The Second Half”, where the characters talk about interesting places in Kyiv and from time to time are photographed against the backdrop of the Volkswagen Polo.

Popular platforms

1) (example with kitchens) - the consumer is given interesting stuff from which he can derive any tangible benefit for himself.

4) Mobile applications- a device related to the mission of the company. For example, a series of workouts from Nike or playlists from Pandora.

6) Viral videos on YouTube channel.

Instead of a conclusion

Native advertising can rightfully be considered a modern discovery. marketing promotion brand on the market. It is unique, useful and does not cause a negative reaction from the buyer. It is invisible, but it is everywhere - in our phone, in the computer, in a conversation with a friend, in our head. We perceive natural advertising on a subconscious level, and the product that it advertises as something we need, useful, important. In other words, Native Ad is the most effective way to influence a person without his consent.

At the same time, the creator of the advertisement should not forget that the message that the message carries must be heard by the user, otherwise the expensive project will not bring any results. Keep a fine line between and recommendation based on authoritative opinion. Collect the opposite opinion, check if you are heard, only in this case you can get the desired effect from the advertising campaign.

Using concrete examples, we explain what native advertising formats are, how much they cost and what to expect from each of them.

In 2017, 36% of Russian brands want to try native advertising. They talk a lot about her, but the situation with the native can be described something like this:

Even Answers to Mail.ru is already native advertising.

To make life a little easier in 2017, we tell you what native advertising formats actually are and what are their specifics.

  • Working with major media
  • Ease of purchase
  • the beauty

What to expect?

You can advertise any content

An ad unit can lead to a landing page, text, promo page, collect subscriptions, etc. Native-display ad is a replacement for banner formats that have completely stopped generating traffic for brands.

According to statistics, users are more likely to interact with ads that are embedded in the feed. According to research by Sharethrought, 80% of users prefer ads that are organically embedded in content and don't ruin the user experience.

Where will your ad be shown?

In Russia, native advertising can be placed in most top media. RIA Novosti, Drive2.ru, Ekho Moskvy, Russian newspaper, Life, TJournal, Dirty, Relap expert partners. To advertise on them, write to us.

How it works and how much it costs

A client comes to us with targeting and placement tasks. Brands want to show ads to an audience that will be most interested in buying.

1. Preparation for launch:

Depending on the content that needs to be promoted, the type of placement is selected.

For selling pages, the standard placement in the recommendation block in the body of the article is suitable.

If a company wants to increase brand awareness, an ad block embedded in the text of the publication works best.

Example of placement on the page

Example of placement on the page

2. Cost:

The average cost of advertising in a recommendation widget (CPC) is from 20 rubles. for unique. This is the price with a customer discount, but without targeting. In the display native, as in special projects, standard seasonal coefficients are used.

In the case of videos (CPV), the brand only pays for fully watched videos. The cost of guaranteed inspection - from 1 rub.

If a brand buys a “PR package” - an article in a publication + display of an advertising widget that generates traffic to this article, the cost for a unique item goes from 20 to 30 rubles.

3. Launch:

Among the sites on which our widget is located, we select those that are relevant to the tasks of the client, and determine the target audience among readers.

1-2 days we prepare and coordinate advertising materials with the brand - pictures and headlines for each publication - and launch the campaign.

4. Evaluation of results:

After 2-3 days, we check the results: we analyze the CTR of each ad unit and the post-click - how users behave on the advertiser's website. This data is needed to adjust the campaign: change the appearance of ads, placement or segments.

After that, we suggest customers turn off less effective advertising and leave only options with best performance CTR and post click.

We conduct such an analysis of the effectiveness with each client 1-2 times a week during the entire campaign. This allows you to increase the conversion of pages.

How do we find an audience

To place ads, we combine two types of audience segmentation - by user behavior and by site content.

First, we analyze the pages that people look at, the content of the texts they read. We take into account geolocation and the device from which the user came and other factors.

Secondly, for each site with the Relap block, we combine publications similar in content into thematic arrays. For example, business or cooking. We know where and what articles users read. Thanks to this, we can distinguish audience segments by interests.

For example, we single out the “real estate” segment: these are readers who have recently been interested in housing prices and related topics.

So, by analyzing user behavior, we will bring to the client's website people who are interested in buying an apartment.

How is the result evaluated?

The brand pays for impressions (CPM) or unique users (CPC) who have moved to the site. All indicators - clicks / impressions / ctr - are verified by Relap with the client's data. Sales Generator

Reading time: 16 minutes

We will send the material to you:

Native advertising is becoming more and more famous due to its advantages: it helps Internet users find interesting content on the Web, and brands themselves tell about their products without unnecessary intrusiveness. However, due to native ads, it is not uncommon for users to experience frustration when they realize that the content was actually ads.

What does native advertising mean?

Native advertising (from English native advertising) is the so-called natural advertising that adapts to the platform on which it is placed. Unlike ordinary advertising, it is not intrusive, like banners, and does not cause negative feelings among Internet users.

Here are some examples of native advertising: positive reviews about the products of the sponsoring company on the radio, expertise or reviews of random passers-by on the product in commercials, advertisements disguised as editorials on Internet sites, relevant posts on social networks, YouTube videos.

Analysts have predicted active development of native advertising. So, in the current year, spending on native advertising will amount to $8.8 billion. According to statistics, the majority of Internet users prefer native advertising to banner ads - 53%. Many viewers are ready to purchase a product just after they get acquainted with native advertising.

Native advertising appeared 100 years ago

For example, the founder of Deere & Company, John Deere, advertised his agricultural products to farmers in his magazine The Furrow in this way. He published articles on agriculture, interspersed with advertising blocks about the goods of their company. This tradition is continued by Deere & Company today on the Internet.

The most successful example of native advertising was created in 1915 in a collaboration between the automaker Cadillac and The Saturday Evening Post magazine. When rival Cadillac Packard Motors launched cars with a more modern engine, the automaker responded by developing its own model. However, the novelty failed, which hit Cadillac's reputation hard.

Then the concern published an article "Payback for leadership", about outstanding deeds. The name of the company was mentioned only at the top of the publication along with the motto "Cadillac. World Standard". The article was a great success and enabled the engineers of the automaker not only to correct the mistakes, but also to maintain the reputation and leadership of the company.

Another example of native advertising is the mention of canned spinach in a 1929 cartoon about the sailor Popeye. Thanks to the main character, who, by the way, did not sell or impose this product, sales of spinach in the United States increased greatly.

The first was the oyster guide. It consisted of small texts in twelve cells of the advertising field. The guidebook was beautifully designed and contained concise but comprehensive information about each type of oyster.

Thanks to the development of radio and television, native advertising has acquired various formats, such as sponsorships. In particular, this is how the expression “soap opera” appeared, when advertisements for Procter & Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive, Lever Brothers soap appeared in the series.

Native advertising in Russia

Submit your application

  • publishers can and want to sell native advertising, and some sites do this on their own;
  • there are advertisers advertising agencies those who show interest in native advertising and understand its prospects;
  • DSPs are working, which, thanks to the single OpenRTB 2.3 protocol, are in theory technically ready to work with native advertising;
  • there is no SSP player that can provide fast and convenient access to the inventory of native advertising;
  • a unified system of measures and performance evaluation parameters is needed of this type advertising.

What is native advertising confused with?

Native advertising is often misrepresented as content marketing or "jeans". Therefore, it is worth making a distinction and understanding that native advertising is not related to brand journalism, although a brand can use this type of advertising in its media strategy.

Also, native advertising is not content marketing, as it is paid and the consumer knows that the publication is advertising. The latter also distinguishes native advertising from "jeans" or custom materials, when the fact of payment for the publication is hidden or it presents events in a distorted form.

Types of native advertising + examples

Native advertising in search results

According to the results of the study, 40% of Internet users do not understand that sponsored links highlighted with color and caption are advertisements. In addition, two-thirds of teenagers aged 12-15 cannot distinguish sponsored links from organic search results.

Native ads in the news feed

Sponsored materials are also found among the usual materials in news feeds on social networks or on various Internet sites. At the same time, an advertising entry is similar to a regular entry and is focused on the characteristics of a particular user.

The recommendation block or "Read also" block contains links to articles and promotional materials and is usually located under the main publication. In the screenshot above, you can see that the blocks are selected according to the reader's interests. In this case, the first link contains promotional material, and the second - editorial.

Sponsored content (sponsored article, branded content)

Sponsored content is an article that is written by the editors together with the advertiser. As a rule, but not always, staff members of the publication are involved in the preparation of such material. At the same time, the sponsored article should be of the same quality as the editorial materials, as well as interest the reader.

In the United States, the term "premium native advertising" is used. This is the publication of promotional materials in order to keep users on your site. Sponsored content is a good example of such native advertising, and its benefits are clear both for the site itself and for the brand.

Thus, the Meduza portal used native advertising in a test dedicated to the 20th anniversary of ICQ. He invited Internet users to remember the past and at the same time reminded that modern ICQ is very different from the previous one.

Special project

The special project is advertising campaign beyond the usual formats, namely an individual advertising solution for brands. For example, the platform and the brand work together on engaging projects: long reads, browser games, polls, tests, and “cards”.

This was not reflected in the news feed, but on the sides of the page there are attributes of this social network, by clicking on which you could get to the one-page dedicated to Odnoklassniki: https://vc.ru/special/ok-infographics

Native social media advertising

  • Native ads on YouTube.

Natural promotion on YouTube is associated with sponsored videos of short duration - amateur and professional - with minimal mention of the brand. As a rule, the mention appears in the last seconds or is completely absent due to the recognition of the product being filmed.

Native video ads have a significant advantage: they can go viral, especially on YouTube. This is well illustrated by such a video example of native advertising - video « tattoocoverUpmakeup:gobeyondThecover":

It advertises a new foundation from Vichy Dermablend Professional. The main character of the video was Zombie Boy - a man whose body and face are completely covered with tattoos. Makeup artists used a new foundation that hid all tattoos. This native ad video has been viewed by over 30 million users.

  • Native ads on Instagram.

The peculiarities of the Instagram format lead to the fact that, as a rule, custom content is used in this social network to promote the brand. This happens as follows: the company, based on the budget, selects the account in which it wants to advertise its brand.

The task of the account owner is to publish as natural a post about the product as possible with a link to the advertiser. Often, these posts have recommendatory content and are very effective, especially if an authoritative or popular Instagram account owner is chosen.

  • Native advertising VKontakte.

Native advertising in VK is placed mainly as a separate post in communities. So the material looks more natural. At the same time, not only the topic of the community is studied, but also the reach of the target audience, especially if the company wants to advertise some unusual product.

Do not forget about the method of presenting native advertising on VKontakte. One of the most successful examples is a post about thirteen unusual ways to use WD-40 industrial lubricant in everyday life, posted in the Men's Journal community.

This information spread beyond the target audience, including third-party disinterested communities that reposted this native ad on VK for free.

Offline native advertising

Native advertising is used not only on the Internet, but also offline, for example, in the media. Here it is also quite effective, as it is unobtrusive. Many firms work with native advertising both online and offline. The last sites have some features.

  • Native advertising in the newspaper.

One of the difficulties of placing native advertising in the media, for example in a newspaper or on news portals, is related to maintaining the reputation of the publication. Sponsored content must comply with the editorial policy of the newspaper or news agency, which may put the advertiser in certain limits.

  • Native advertising in a magazine.

Glossy magazines are also considered as a platform for publishing native advertising. It can be both print and online publications.

The format of native advertising, which can have a significant impact on the target audience, can be the following: special projects, sponsored content, hidden brand PR, carried out with the help of interviewed stars, models.

  • Native advertising in film and television.

Native advertising that appears in movies or on TV is sponsored content that is expensive and usually sold through product placement. Such advertising can be afforded by the largest and very famous brands e.g. Audi, Omega, Nike.

Product placement is a hidden PR technique. In such cases, the props for filming have a commercial counterpart. And if brands do not sponsor television shows or movies, then trademarks and logos are hidden from viewers.

However, despite the effectiveness and success of native advertising on the Internet and in the media, failures are also known.

For example, The Atlantic magazine published in 2012 a laudatory article about the work of the leader of the Church of Scientology. Regular readers brought down all their dissatisfaction with the publication, and the material was removed 11 hours after publication. As a result, the reputation of the famous magazine suffered greatly.

Only numbers about native advertising

  • According to BI Intelligence forecasts, native advertising spending will increase to $21 billion by 2019.
  • In the US, native ad revenue will reach 74% of total display ad revenue by 2021. In 2016, the share was only 56%.
  • According to Enders Analysis and Yahoo! native advertising will take 56% of the market by 2020 media advertising Europe.
  • European advertisers' spending on native ads is expected to rise to $13.2 billion by 2020, according to eMarketer. In 2015, spending was only $5.2 billion.
  • In particular, in Germany, by 2020, spending on native advertising could reach 35.4% of total advertising spending. Compare with the data for 2015 - only 10.6%.
  • Business Insider is convinced that print media sponsorship will be the fastest growing advertising format over the next five years.
  • According to IHS Technology, 63.2% of mobile advertising will be converted to native by 2020, its market will be $53 billion. By the same year, spending on mobile native advertising is expected to increase sixfold. For comparison with 2015: from 1.5 billion euros to 8.8 billion euros.
  • Social media spending on native advertising is expected to rise to 6.3 billion euros (2015: 2 billion euros), and spending on native video ads to 5.1 billion euros.
  • The CTR of native video ads is 5-10 times higher than the CTR of traditional pre-rolls. The effectiveness of the latter is only 0.5-1%, since the vast majority of viewers (94%) turn off pre-rolls in the first five seconds.
  • According to Nielsen reports, brands that use native video ads have an awareness of 82%, compared to only 2.1% for pre-rolls.
  • According to MediaRadar, the leaders in terms of the number of native ads are brands of clothing and accessories. So, in the fourth quarter of 2015, the share of this type of advertising increased to 82%. The second place is occupied by food, retail, tourism - 33%. In third place are entertainment (19%) and technology (14%).
  • Facebook notes as of August 2015 that native in-app advertising on the Audience Network is seven times more effective than traditional banner ads.
  • According to the same data, native advertising increases customer retention by up to three times, and by up to two times - the effective cost per 1000 impressions and click-through rate.
  • According to the Benchmarking the Effectiveness of Native Ads study by the Sharethrough platform specialists and the IPG Media Lab IT laboratory, Internet users are 52% more likely to visually interact with native advertising than with a regular banner.

Experts compared the effectiveness of native advertising inside an author's article and a 300x250 pixel banner in the upper right corner of the page. The reaction of Internet users was analyzed using eye-tracking technology. 4,770 people took part in the experiment.

Of the study participants who had already purchased a brand mentioned in native ads, 71% identified with the brand after viewing native ads, compared to only 50% for banner ads.

  1. Sharethrought conducted a 2016 survey of 300 Millennials. The survey was conducted to find out their attitude towards digital advertising.

According to a study, 91% of Millennials have new content in the news feeds of Internet sites and in social networks. However, only 8% find such content in search engines. In addition, 80% of respondents called ads that are embedded in the news feed convenient.

Among respondents, 64% admitted that they use ad blockers because it interferes with them and distracts them. Among those surveyed, 44% said that native advertising affects their positive attitude towards the site where such content is placed and improves it.

  1. According to Gemius, only 10% of Internet users make 64 clicks on banner ads, and 34% of those surveyed ignore them altogether. At the same time, 50% of clicks on the banner are random.
  2. Polar and Google DoubleClick report that native CTRs range from 0.16% on desktops to 0.38% on smartphones, while conventional display ad formats have CTRs as low as 0.08%.
  3. Yahoo! reports that native advertising saw a 3.6x increase in brand searches.
  4. Bunnyfoot has done a study according to which 40% of Internet users do not realize that search engine ads highlighted with color and caption are native ads.
  5. In 2015, the industry association IAB Russia singled out native advertising as a separate format for the first time. This year can be called the year of the beginning of the development of native advertising in Russia.
  6. The Digital Advertisers Barometer survey conducted by Sostav.ru in the first half of 2015 shows that 29% of online advertisers in Russia have already used native advertising. At the same time, in 2015 this advertising format accounted for only 4-6% of the total volume of Russian interactive advertising.
  7. The 2014-2015 State of Inbound report shows that 30% of advertisers have difficulty evaluating native ads.

Pros and cons of native advertising

  • is perceived by the Internet user as part of the content of the site, that is, not as advertising, and therefore does not cause negative emotions;
  • takes into account the features of the site on which it is located and the interests of the Internet user;
  • has more opportunities to become viral advertising in social networks;
  • has a high level of involvement and immunity to "banner blindness";
  • lack of competition environment;
  • impossibility of blocking;
  • brings additional traffic to the site.

Despite such significant advantages over other advertising formats, native advertising still has a number of disadvantages that you need to consider before you start using it:

  • Lack of scalability.

For example, SlickJump prepares content on one site where the target audience gathers from other resources with the same topic. They come from native promo blocks that appear in the relevant material.

  • High cost.

Currently, native advertising is so expensive that only large and large companies can afford it. famous companies who are accustomed not to save on promotion. Although high cost is relative. When reduced to costs per content read, it can be compared to the cost per click from contextual advertising.

  • Lack of standards.

In other words, today, during the formation of the native advertising market, there is still no single standard for this type of advertising. Of course, there are IAB standards for native advertising promo blocks, but this is not enough.

  • There is a long gap between the emergence of an idea, its coordination and implementation.

However, some types of native advertising allow the launch of content in an advertising campaign within a day if the material is available. More complex native ad formats take longer, which can be longer than regular banner ads.

  • ethical side.

Studies show disappointing findings: at least two-thirds of Internet users are frustrated or feel cheated when they realize that what they read is actually an advertisement. However, this reaction is more typical for older users than for younger people.

Native advertising platform

Nowadays, the main platform for placing native advertising is the Internet, in contrast to the 19th century, where advertising content of this kind was placed only in printed publications which were later replaced by radio and television.

There are several types of platforms for placing native advertising on the Internet:

It must be said that native advertising is developing more actively abroad than in Russia. For example, such large advertisers as the American newspaper The Washington Post are introducing their own native advertising formats.

What is the cost of native advertising

The average price for placing native ads in a recommendation widget is at least 20 rubles per unique user. When it comes to video (CPV), the brand pays only for fully watched videos, while guaranteed screening costs from 1 ruble.

Naturally, the more complex the project, the more expensive it is and the more time it takes to create. As a rule, 65% of publications have sponsored materials that exceed the cost of traditional advertising formats.

  • News on Republic - from 75 thousand rubles.
  • Cards on Meduza - from 200 thousand rubles.
  • "Special post" in VK - from 250 thousand rubles.
  • PR-article on TJ - from 90 thousand to 200 thousand rubles.
  • Affiliate material for "Afisha Daily" - 540 thousand rubles.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of native advertising

  • If native advertising is represented by a clickable link, its effectiveness is evaluated in the same way as the effectiveness of banner or contextual advertising, that is, through CTR and conversions.
  • If this is a sponsored content format, editorial metrics, audience coverage, engagement, and conversion are evaluated.
  • If you are dealing with a special project, the audience coverage, engagement and conversion are evaluated.

Estimating return on investment from created content is a special moment. As a rule, about 30% of advertisers face difficulties in evaluating the effectiveness of advertising content.

LTV (Lifetime value) - the total income from one consumer for the entire time of cooperation with him; ROAS (Return on advertising spend) - return on investment in advertising.

How to run native ads

First of all, you need to decide on the platform where you will place native advertising. Now most of the major media outlets, such as Meduza and TJ, have the opportunity to do this.

The best option is if a publication that writes about the field of activity that is related to your company becomes a platform for launching native advertising. It can be media or print media that the target audience reads. A little research is needed here.

There are media outlets that do this on their own. And this is one of the best options, since the editors of the media do this work more often than your company, which means that they have more experience and knowledge about the specifics of their own publication and target audience. In the end, the media itself will produce better material.

However, this does not mean that the work process can be completely entrusted to the media. It is necessary to control the project, if only because your company and the editorial office may have different views on some details, and it is better to resolve these controversial issues in the process of work, and not upon receipt of the finished project.

2 unbreakable rules of a native advertising agency

Many marketers are theorists in relation to native advertising. They often violate one or even both of the following rules.

  1. Only truth.

Consumers are very good at sensing fake content. For example, a post with the following content: “Girls, I want to recommend you my favorite clothing store”, posted on the blogger’s Instagram account, will provoke a backlash, that is, users will unsubscribe from this person. At the same time, the reputation of not only the blogger himself, but also the advertiser suffers.

  1. Know the places of congestion of representatives of the target audience.

In other words, the posted advertising content must match the interests of users and meet them at the most opportune moment, at the necessary stage of decision-making, otherwise all the efforts spent on preparing native advertising, including money, will be wasted.

How native ad format is marked

Advertising on the Internet is associated with a large number of gaps at the legislative level. If on the same television there are restrictions on the duration commercial, the number of advertising broadcasts, there is censorship, this is not on the Web. However, there are a few rules that should never be ignored.

Advertising banners, ads in search engines, “Read also” blocks must be marked “advertising”, “affiliate material”, etc. However, even if such a mark is present, advertising should not mislead the user. And this requirement is often violated.

Not only in Russia there are strict requirements for advertising. In Europe legal regulation promotional activities based on the European Convention on Transfrontier Television. According to this document advertisement should be separated from the general content of the page.

  • Mara Einstein“Undercover advertising. Native advertising, content marketing and the secret world of online promotion.

This is the first book in Russian that is dedicated exclusively to native advertising. Mara Einstein is a professor of media studies with extensive experience in marketing.

This book explains in detail why the market has focused on native advertising and what the future of this advertising format is. The author teaches how to create and design captivating advertising content that cannot be recognized as advertising itself.

  • Mike Smith"The Native Advertising Advantage: Creating Authentic Content That Revolutionizes Digital Marketing and Drives Revenue Growth."

This is a new book, published in October 2017, it has not been translated into Russian, so for now it can only be read in the original - in English.

In the book, the author talks about the effectiveness of native advertising as a marketing tool, gives advice on how to use it to generate new sources of income, provides arguments and ready-made cases for the implementation of native advertising. The book also contains interviews with leading marketers from GE, Intel, HP and ConAgra Foods.

  • Dale Lovell"Native Advertising: A Guide".

This book, like the previous one, was published in 2017 and is currently available only on English language. The author defines native advertising, talks about its types and mechanisms of action.

What is valuable is that Lovell draws on real life examples, interviews with marketing leaders and recent research statistics. The book also abounds. useful tips for both professional and novice marketers.

Native RTB blocks- ad units with Yandex.Direct ads, for which the application owner can independently configure the display of each element. Displaying native RTB blocks is possible only on mobile devices, in applications, strictly subject to certain rules and restrictions.

Real Time Bidding

To display native blocks in YAN, Real-Time Bidding (RTB) technology is used. Real-Time Bidding is a technology for selling and buying ad impressions based on the real-time auction principle. RTB allows you to maximize the income from displaying ads, as it automatically selects the most profitable offer from advertisers.

How Real-Time Bidding Works

YAN platforms with RTB impressions enabled participate in the auction as sellers. The buyers are DSP (Demand Side Platform) - advertising systems representing the interests of advertisers. The RTB system accepts bets from the DSP and announces the winner.

The auction takes place in real time. While the user is loading the web page, the RTB system manages to bid for showing ads. A request to display ads is sent to all bidders. DSP systems must determine in a fraction of a second how valuable this impression is and place a bet. The winner of the auction gets the right to show their advertisement.

Benefits of Real-Time Bidding Technology