What positions are there in an advertising agency. Advertising agencies: structure, classification. Features of choosing an advertising agency. You will be interested

  • 22.05.2021

CEO- is developing strategic planning activities, concludes contracts, attends exhibitions and conferences, establishes contacts and connections for successful work agencies; is the main fund manager.

Executive Director- controls and coordinates the work of the agency, controls all management decisions at all levels of the agency, makes decisions on hiring or firing employees, develops programs to improve internal production relations, conducts internal investigations into violations of labor discipline.

Media director- manages the departments of media planning and placement, achieves maximum discounts and establishes relationships with the heads of related advertising agencies.

Media Department- planning - media planning managers are engaged in the development of media plans and the rational distribution of the client's budget.

Accommodation department- includes a press advertising manager, a radio and television advertising manager, an outdoor advertising manager, a printing manager;

Art Director- manages and supervises the work of the design bureau.

Design Bureau- develops design layouts for the press and outdoor advertising and development corporate identity by order of clients.

Chief Accountant- controls the work of accountants and cashiers, is responsible for the entire area of ​​accounting, including accruals wages, preparation of reports for the needs of management accounting and tax authorities, development of other relations with banks and financial institutions.

Accountants- keep accounting records, organize internal audit, keep accounting records, prepare reports.

network administrator- Ensures smooth operation computer network and information security agency.

BTL Division- "promotion" is engaged in the promotion of goods, the organization of promotions.

Sales department- deals with sales advertising services, conclusion of contracts with clients.

Office Manager- deals with organizational issues, controls the work of the secretary, drivers, security guards, couriers.

Secretary- answers phone calls, works on a fax, prepares documentation, serves clients in the office.

Personnel service- is engaged in the selection of employees, sets standards for work, compensation to workers, develops and trains personnel, determines standards for candidates.

Courier- Carries out the delivery of documentation.

Security- Responsible for the safety of employees and property in the office.

Drivers- carry out transportation advertising posters, carry out the delivery of correspondence, carry out the transportation of employees.

Figure 2. presents graphic scheme organizational structure of the enterprise.

Figure 2. Organizational structure agencies "Aitera"

The agency is dominated by an alienated type of worker, a high level of inconsistency of actions is manifested, and the behavior model is divisive. Employees develop a narrowly professional vision of work, which creates fields with fenced off communications. Their result is the growth of "inconsistencies". This model of organizational orientation corresponds to certain socio-cultural relations: "mice in holes."

Table 2. Consolidation of the main management functions of AITERA LLC

When considering the organizational structure of AITERA LLC, the following points can be distinguished, as a result of which the gaps shown in Table 3 were identified.

Table 3. The main "gaps" in the organizational structure of LLC "AITERA"

Possible positive points

Possible negative points

Ranges of responsibility between CEO and executive director clearly distributed, but sometimes overlap, and some functions are not performed

Possible operational interchangeability

Sometimes there is duplication of functions, disagreements in decision-making, untimely resolution of issues

No approved firm strategy

The CEO is actively involved in shaping the strategy

Lack of strategic plans, high inertia in adoption management decisions and uncertain prospects

Absence of a marketing manager in the company

The marketing function is performed by the media planning department. Operational docking of pricing policy

Marketing functions are partially performed, there is no prospective development

As follows from the data in Table 3, the organization of the enterprise management structure is not effective enough, because there is a duplication of functions, untimely resolution of issues, differences of opinion, as a result of which a situation may arise when the performers do not clearly understand whose orders they must execute. One of the drawbacks of the management structure can be singled out - this is the lack of a position of a marketing manager who would study the market segment promotional activities, the pricing policy of competitors, would develop a clear marketing strategy. In this case, it would be possible to increase the number of possible customers, in connection with which the profit of the enterprise would increase. To do this, it is necessary to develop a set of measures to eliminate or reduce activity in activities, pricing policy competitive firms.

The services of advertising agencies are resorted to even by firms that have strong own advertising departments. Agencies employ creative and technical people who are often able to carry out advertising functions better and more efficiently than the firm's full-time employees. In addition, agencies bring an outside perspective on the problems facing the firm, as well as a rich and varied experience of working with different clients and in different situations. The agency is hired to contribute its own unique ideas to the development of the client's business.

First of all, the customer's products or services are studied to determine their strengths and weak sides, as well as analyze the existing potential markets for this product. In addition, before proceeding with the creation of advertising, it is necessary to conduct research on the application and benefits of a product or service, analyze existing and potential consumers and identify factors that influence purchasing decisions.

After that, using its knowledge of the distribution channels of all available media, the agency draws up a plan for placing advertising materials for consumers, wholesale buyers, dealers and contractors. And, finally, the turn comes to the implementation of this plan: texts are compiled, advertising is prepared, time and space are purchased in information media, the actual production of advertisements and commercials takes place, they are transferred to the media, they are checked for publication or broadcast, and bills for their services are identified. and media services.

The agency also works with the client's marketing department to improve advertising effectiveness through appropriate packaging design, marketing research, training, production of literature and displays for sales personnel.

Most of the advertising is largely based on the textual material that makes up the headline and advertising message. Writers usually work closely with the artists and the promotional production service.

Large advertising agencies that perform a wide range of advertising services feel the need to combine various specialists into departments. Typically, the activity of the department is focused on the performance of a specific function. There are five main functional divisions:

  • - creative or art department;
  • - order fulfillment department;
  • - Production Department;
  • - marketing department;
  • - financial and economic department.

The work of departments is not like an assembly line, where a moving part is subjected to various technological operations. As a rule, representatives of the first four departments are included in the working groups to fulfill a specific order. After setting the task for the working group, its employees, in close cooperation with each other and with all departments, develop the concept of an advertising message (advertising campaign plans, etc.). The concept is approved by the client and representatives of the top management of the agency or the editorial and artistic council. After that, the process of final development of appeals and production of advertising media begins.

The creative department unites text writers, artists, graphic specialists, directors, editors and other creative workers. They generate the idea of ​​an advertising appeal, find the right means of their implementation. Due to the fact that the role of the psychological factor is very large for advertising appeal and given the certain proximity of advertising to art, the role of this department is extremely high.

The art department of the agency consists of artists and designers whose main job is to develop the layout of advertising, to illustrate in sketches how various elements advertisement will look together. When artists are given the task of creating a TV spot, they prepare a series of comics called a script.

Most major advertising agencies have their own art departments. Others prefer to use paid services independent studios or freelance contract artists working on a one-to-one basis.

After the original layout of the advertisement has been developed and the text has been drawn up, and the client has approved everything, it goes to the production department. This department coordinates the production of advertising at all stages, controls the quality and timing of work, and also ensures that all advertising materials are received by the media before the established deadlines. This is where the agency's print ad production managers or on-air advertising producers and directors work.

For print advertising, the production department purchases fonts, photographs, illustrations, and other items necessary for the finished product. artistic material. The staff of the department cooperates with the manufacturers of photoclichés, coloring elements and other materials required for transfer to the media.

The production department also deals with the production of advertising media and in some cases combines departments such as a printing house, production workshops billboards etc.

The order fulfillment department, in addition to the head, includes the head of the working groups. The team leader, referred to as the project lead or contactor, is the central figure in the entire order fulfillment process. He represents the interests of the customer in his agency and is the representative of the agency in relations with the customer. The head of the working group coordinates all work within the agency for the implementation of the order from the beginning to its implementation.

In this regard, the level of requirements for the contactor is quite high. He must combine such qualities as professionalism in advertising and marketing, the ability to establish business relations with the customer and absolute communication skills, the ability to generate ideas, efficiency and accuracy, erudition, good taste and many others.

The employees of the marketing department marketing research, analyze the markets for advertised goods and the market for advertising services, organize the collection of information about the client company and its products, control the effectiveness advertising campaigns. In some cases, the functions of the department include the purchase of space and airtime for advertising.

In addition to implementing specific advertising features, an advertising agency must effectively conduct its financial and economic activities, have a material and technical supply corresponding to its level. Busy with these tasks financial and economic Department.

  • 1. The account director is responsible for working with a group of clients, customers and reports to the board of directors for the profitability of work.
  • 2. The account executive manages the interaction between the agency and the client, but it is not a simple mediation. Such an employee must understand the needs of the client, as well as his business and production, and be able to convey his knowledge to the agency staff. This is a delicate, diplomatic work, its goal is to retain the client. The employee leading the client must be well educated in the field of advertising and be able to work with all employees of the agency, coordinating their efforts in the interests of the client. This may be a graduate working in an agency as a trainee; a person pursuing a managerial career or seeking best work in another agency; finally, his goal may be to create his own or joint agency or division in the company.
  • 3. A marketing manager working in an agency performs a number of functions. Marketing services are offered to clients who do not have their own employees of the same profile. If an advertising agency specializes in marketing, the client's managers can consult with him. The agency employee in charge of marketing research can also order research independent organizations. Possible topics of custom marketing research can be product development, name and brand preparation, packaging development, target consumer groups (market segmentation), trial sales and delivery of goods to sellers.

The success of an advertising campaign can be facilitated by a marketing manager, especially in dealing with product distributors. The demand for a product generated by advertising depends on factors such as the time it takes for a company's sales representatives to visit individual retailers. It is also possible to make it clear to everyone which market segment the product is addressed to, what its brand, packaging, price and assortment are. It is also necessary to justify the choice of the theme of the advertising campaign and the media necessary for its implementation. Any of the elements marketing work affect sales success. Therefore, if they are not coordinated with each other, the advertising campaign will be a waste of money.

  • 4. The layout artist prepares both the main original layout and its variants. The original layout of the advertisement is an exact sample of the advertisement, made in compliance with the metric requirements; you can print it out on a printer or take pictures on it. Usually the layout was made with an indication of what font and what size to use. For advertising media of different sizes, special versions of the original layout, or adaptations, were prepared. Computerization has greatly changed not only artistic, but also technological work agencies. Now all work can be done in in electronic format. The two main advantages of working on a computer are accuracy and speed. Electronic layouts are made just as carefully as traditional paper ones. It became possible to immediately change the image in the desired scale, without making proofreading notes.
  • 5. Media buyer negotiates with the media on the acquisition of advertising space and airtime. Acquisition depends on his skill and ability best place and time for advertising at the most favorable rates. Some media may be purchased several months in advance. In addition, prior to the approval of the schedule by the client, certain arrangements must be made. The purchasing manager must have a good relationship with media salespeople who contact him with offers from time to time. It does not matter if they correspond to a specific schedule.
  • 6. Author advertising texts, copywriter (copywriter) is responsible for the verbal design of advertising. He must be able to present sales offers in an attractive way, come up with new ideas, create themes or main plots of advertising campaigns, and transform arguments in favor of the purchase into the minimum number of characters required. His writing style is very individual.
  • 7. An art director in a large agency should have a team including visual writers, visualizers, graphic artists and technical editors. In a small agency, he, as the head of a design studio, must perform all these functions personally. If the agency does not have a dedicated buyer for creative products, they can be purchased through agents who work with the artist or from the artists themselves. Photos are ordered and models are selected, as a rule, through a modeling agency.
  • 8. The visualiser is the creative counterpart of the copywriter, a top-notch artist capable of visualizing the copywriter's ideas. They usually work together as a creative team and may collaborate with multiple clients. Using traditional techniques, the artist makes various blanks, sorting through many options until the ideas are well expressed with hand-drawn sketches and inscriptions. Visual materials are usually shown to the client in a non-final form, like a photo, drawing or typographical print. However, even semi-finished products can give a good idea of ​​the final version of the advertisement. If the client approves the found advertising solution, contracts are concluded.
  • 9. A print manager is basically a technical editor. The performance of its functions requires the knowledge of thousands of options for organizing the material and possible types of fonts, their skillful use to maximize the process of perception of the advertising text. Having received the text and the thumbnail of the ad, he decides to use fonts of a certain type and size. According to the manuscript of the text, he determines the number of words and messages and plans their placement in the empty spaces of the general layout. Modern high-tech printing also has computers and publishing programs containing thousands of different fonts, the scale of which can be changed at the discretion of workers.
  • 10. A television producer (televisionproduser) is an employee who develops television advertising campaigns and is also responsible for casting and inviting a person representing a product or service, for musical accompaniment and choosing an organization and individuals who will perform the work.
  • 11. The production manager monitors compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of work in the agency. If the advertisement involves the use of flexography, photogravure or offset-lithographic printing, he also places orders with the printing house and delivers the finished advertising layouts there. Since offset-lithographic printing is now usually used in the production of newspapers and magazines, printing houses are provided with an ad layout that meets modern requirements. technological requirements. AT major agencies general chores is supported by a traffic controller that delivers copies of orders to all departments. Since multiple orders can be processed at the same time, status information is often requested several times a day.
  • 12. Responsible executor of the advertising project (OIRP manager) - a person responsible for the entire complex advertising campaign as a whole. He communicates with the customer mainly. The plan for the advertising campaign is also largely the fruit of his efforts. He also distributes "pieces" of the advertising campaign for its implementation to managers and heads of internal production. Its task is to direct all financial and material flows, then collect all documents from all participants technological process Customer, check them and transfer them to the financial director.
  • 15. PR manager. Provides publicity to clients; acts as an intermediary between the client and the public; provides contacts with the press.
  • 16. Brand or product manager. Responsible for the marketing of a particular product or brand, including commercial activity and advertising.

The structure of advertising agencies fully reflects and is subject to the goals of the agency. The variety of agencies mentioned above predetermines the same variety of organizational structures of each agency. In some cases, the structure of the agency is affected by the traditions or customs of the country where it operates. However, despite the differences, there are common general methodological approaches to organizing the work of any advertising agency.

Good afternoon. With you "School effective sales". In the last article, we found out how the . Today we will consider advertising agency structure, his internal organization and the specifics of the work of various advertising specialists on the example of a large multifunctional advertising agency or an agency with a full cycle of advertising services. This will clearly present the entire technology of advertising production.

Organizational structure of an advertising agency

  • creative (creative) department;
  • customer service department;
  • Production Department;
  • marketing department;
  • financial and business department.

creative department

Creative (creative) department brings together artists, writers, directors, graphic artists, editors and other creative professionals. Employees of the creative department work on the idea of ​​an advertising message, find options for its implementation.

Positions of employees of the creative department of an advertising agency:

  • director of the creative department;
  • creative department manager
  • compiler of texts (copywriter) (writes texts for advertising);
  • art editor (develops ideas for print ads or TV commercials).

The creative side of the job is the most important of all. Company leaders should not downplay the role of leading creatives. They need to be well paid, cared for and respected as outstanding personalities.

Customer Service

Part customer service department includes the head of the department and the heads of the working groups, who are called the responsible project executors, or account managers.

The responsible project executor (accountexecutive) is an employee of the customer service department in an advertising agency who "leads" the advertising order of a particular client.

Upon receipt of an order from a client, a working group is formed, which usually includes representatives from all departments of the advertising agency. The head of the working group is the central figure in the process of order fulfillment. He coordinates all work on the implementation of the order from start to finish.

The head of the working group must be well versed in the work process, thoroughly know the client's case and understand all the operations that agency employees carry out to fulfill the order. He organizes, coordinates and coordinates the passage of the order at all stages - from initial planning to final execution.

In this regard, the responsible project executor is presented with sufficient high requirements. He must be a professional in his field, be able to establish business relationships with customers, achieve full understanding with customers, and negotiate. In addition, he must generate ideas, clearly communicate them to others, have erudition and good taste. good leader working group is the leader of his team.

Production Department

Here, a layout is developed - a drawing on which all elements of future advertising are placed, photographs, illustrations are included in it, the formation of the original page and the transformation of all these elements into a finished advertisement.

Marketing department

AT marketing department The advertising agency employs specialists in advertising distribution, marketing research and sales promotion activities. Most often, the marketing department is involved in planning, purchasing and research.

Employees of the marketing department monitor changes in the audience of advertising media, develop plans for the use of one or another advertising medium in each specific situation, they buy advertising space. Marketing department specialists prepare detailed recommendations regarding the needs and requests of consumers, their attitude to trademark the customer and how advertising could effectively respond to consumer needs.

Financial and economic department

In addition to the direct implementation of its functions, an advertising agency must effectively conduct its financial and economic activities and ensure effective management process. To do this, there is such an auxiliary service as financial and economic department, which may include a library, personnel department and other structural units.

The finance function must promptly issue invoices to customers for services, control production costs, ensure that expenses are correctly reflected in the relevant financial documents, keep payroll, pay taxes and conduct other financial transactions.

Please note that this structure is typical for an advertising agency that provides a full range of services. The structure of small and medium-sized advertising agencies differs from the one presented due to the abolition of some positions and consolidation.

The structure of the advertising agency fully reflects and is subject to the goals of the agency. The variety of agencies mentioned above predetermines the same variety of organizational structures of each agency. In some cases, the structure of the agency is affected by the tradition or customs of the country where it operates. However, despite the differences, there are common general methodological approaches to organizing the work of any advertising agency. We will consider the general structure of a full cycle advertising agency, the so-called backbone of the structure, which in certain specific situations can be either expanded or cut. Such an agency, as we know, fulfills the entire Advertising order, as they say, on a turnkey basis: from the inception of an idea to the teaching of an advertising product.

The structure and functional diagram of the work is shown in fig. 7.2. (Based on the scheme of the advertising agency "S-Media (Sovero Media)".

Table 7.3. the characteristics of the subdivisions included in the structure of the advertising agency are given. Conventionally, the divisions are divided into main (functional) and auxiliary.

Table 7.3 - Characteristics of the main divisions of the advertising agency


Department for work

with clients

Structurally, the department is divided into working groups, each

of which deals with a specific client.

The composition of the working groups for the implementation of specific

ordering customers include representatives of the creative, production and marketing departments. After setting the task, the working group prepares

budget proposal for presentation to the client. Then its employees, in cooperation with other departments, develop the concept of an advertising message, an advertising campaign plan, etc. The concept is approved by the client and representatives of the agency's management, and sometimes by the expert council

agencies. After that, the process of finalizing the advertising message and clarifying the details of production begins.

The team leader ("account executive", or contactor) represents the interests of the agency in negotiations with the client and the interests of the client within his agency. He coordinates all work on the implementation of the order from the beginning to its implementation and reports to the director of customer service

creative department

The role of the employees of the creative department is extremely high

juice. From their professionalism and envy talent

body. They carry out the generation of ideas for an advertising appeal, find the final options for the means of their implementation.

The creative department unites text writers (copywriters), art directors, advertising designers. Sometimes directors, editors and other creative workers are included in the composition. The department reports to the creative director

Media department

The department is engaged in media planning and media purchases, is responsible for choosing advertising distribution channels, conducts research on the media and other types of advertising media, and purchases advertising space.

The task of the department also includes monitoring the progress and execution of advertising campaigns, checking the real results of the distribution of advertising messages. The department prepares photo monitoring for clients, carries out all work with contractors (owners of outdoor advertising networks, media editors or their agencies)

Production Department

The department is engaged in the production of advertising developed by the agency. To this end, he maintains constant business contacts with service companies and organizations that own capacities, such as printing houses, metal and plastic construction companies, souvenir products, etc. The production department, if necessary, orders photo models from the relevant companies, the production of television and movies, audio recordings for radio, etc. The responsibilities of the department also include the preparation of POS-materials

* The name of the units in different agencies may be different: departments, departments, sectors, services, etc.

Sometimes in the structure of the agency stands out marketing department who carries out marketing research (by himself or orders research from specialized firms), analyzes the markets for advertised goods and the advertising market, organizes the collection of information about the client company and its products, and controls the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

In addition to these divisions, the agency may also have supervisory board, consisting of authoritative people of the agency, who analyze and evaluate all advertising campaigns developed by the agency.

To support units advertising agency include such as financial, business departments, accounting, courier service.

In large agencies, in the presence of a large number of clients, a position is introduced traffic manager, which monitors the progress of customer orders on a daily basis, coordinates the work of all areas involved in the development and implementation of advertising campaigns.

The staff of the agency

Let's talk a little more about those who work in an advertising agency, about its staff. The structure of the agency determines which professions should be represented in it.

At first glance, it may seem that everyone working in an advertising agency is engaged exclusively in creative work. In fact, more than 2/3 of the staff do not solve creative problems at all. The range of their activities is completely different: working with the media, research work, work with contractors and clients, etc.

But first of all, we need to talk about the creative staff working in the agency. They are the "generators" of the agency. They judge the level of his work. Such workers have creative professions: artistic, philological, journalistic education. They are responsible for developing advertising texts and graphic design advertising, they write scripts and develop an advertising concept.

The second group of employees are marketing specialists responsible for market and media research, specialists who have a good knowledge of the media business: planning and purchasing advertising space.

The third group of employees are those who work directly with the client. Here, such qualities as professional knowledge of advertising and marketing, the ability to establish business relationships with a client, communication skills, the ability to generate ideas, erudition, good taste and much more are important.

The agency cannot do without representatives of technical professions who deal with the production of advertising messages - printers, technologists, etc. They are directly connected with manufacturers: production companies, POS-materials production agencies, production agencies, souvenirs, etc.

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