Job description of a furniture designer. Job description of the designer of the advertising department. What are the designers

  • 13.05.2020

1. General provisions

1.1. The designer is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the established current labor law by order CEO.

1.2. The designer reports directly to the General Director (Deputy General Director, Head of Advertising Service, Senior Copywriter).

1.3. A person with an average professional education without presenting requirements for work experience or initial vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years.

1.4. The designer must have computer skills at the level of a confident user.

1.5. The designer must know:

  • basics of advertising organization;
  • the order of registration of premises and showcases;
  • resolutions, orders, orders, other guidelines and regulations concerning the work of the organization;
  • rules and methods of organizing customer service;
  • foundations of aesthetics and social psychology;
  • labor legislation;
  • the rights and obligations of employees and the mode of their work;
  • Internal labor regulations;
  • rules and norms of labor protection, safety regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire safety, civil defense.

2. Functions

2.1. Implementation of the acceptance of orders for the development of the graphic part of the original layouts advertisements and elements of original layouts, as well as the wishes and requirements necessary for their creation; together with the customer and the responsible manager, agreeing on the timing of their manufacture.

2.2. Creation of the graphic part of the original layouts of advertisements and other materials and documents.

2.3. Creation of a graphic part of a commercial advertisement designed to present advertising opportunities to potential advertisers.

2.4. Monitoring the compliance of the produced original layouts of advertisements and graphic elements of original layouts with the requirements of the Law on Advertising, the requirements of the customer, the responsible employee of the advertising service, internal requirements existing in the organization, quality requirements.

2.5. Creation and transfer of plans, reports on the work done and other documents to the immediate supervisor and receipt of the necessary documents from him.

2.6. Interaction with employees of the advertising service to perform joint tasks.

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. The designer creates:

3.1.1. Informational, commercial, trade announcements.

3.1.3. A web page in a given style, arranges the elements of the page, and also formats them accordingly *.

3.2. The designer develops:

3.2.1. Design layouts for printed advertising materials and magazine covers.

3.2.3. General style of the site*.

3.2.4. An interior designer develops design projects for residential and office premises. Living room design ( design-gostinoy .html), kitchen, bedroom, complex design of a country house or apartment. When creating a design project office space corporate style, colors and other paraphernalia are taken into account.

3.3. The designer does:

3.3.1. Prepress preparation of original layouts in accordance with technological requirements printing production.

3.3.2. Carrying out design work in the premises of the organization.

3.3.3. Studying the requirements imposed by customers on the designed products, the technical capabilities of the organization for their manufacture.

3.3.4. Selection and analysis of scientific and technical information required at various stages (stages) of artistic design.

3.3.5. Comparative analysis similar domestic and foreign products, assessment of their aesthetic level.

3.3.6. Analysis of the experience of other organizations in decoration premises, advertising.

3.3.7. Interaction with the technical service in order to maintain computer technology used by the advertising department, in working order and ensuring the modernization of equipment and software.

3.4. The designer complies with labor and production discipline, labor protection rules and regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene requirements, fire safety requirements, and civil defense.

3.5. The designer executes the orders and orders of the administration of the organization.

3.6. The designer informs the management about the existing shortcomings in the work of the organization and possible measures to eliminate them.

3.7. The designer is prohibited from disclosing information and information that is a trade secret of the organization.

4. Rights

4.1. The designer has the right:

4.1.1. Give orders and take appropriate actions to eliminate the causes that create obstacles for the designer to carry out his functional duties.

4.1.2. Make proposals to the administration of the enterprise to improve the work related to the functional duties of the designer and the entire organization as a whole.

4.1.4. Get acquainted with the decisions of the immediate supervisor and senior management regarding the activities of the advertising service and the designer himself.

4.1.5. Reach out to managers and employees of all structural divisions organizations for the information they need to perform their tasks, functions and official duties.

4.1.6. Require immediate supervisor and senior management to assist in the performance of tasks, functions and job responsibilities.

4.1.7. Require timely purchase from the technical service technical means, components and software necessary for the functioning of computer equipment in the department.

4.1.8. Within the allocated budget, acquire independently the necessary literature and specialized software.

5. Responsibility

5.1. The designer is responsible for:

5.1.1. Failure to perform or improper performance of their duties.

5.1.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the received tasks and instructions, violation of the deadlines for their execution.

5.1.3. Violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising, regulatory legal acts, regulations, instructions and other governing documents relating to advertising activities.

5.1.4. Failure to comply with orders, orders of the administration of the organization.

5.1.5. Actions and omissions committed in the process of performing tasks, functions and job responsibilities, resulting in the loss of advertisers, transactions, damaging the reputation of employees and departments.

5.1.6. Violation of the Internal Labor Regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established in the organization.

Goals of the work:
  • 1. increase in the total sales volume of the Factory's products in accordance with the planned indicators;
  • 2. ensuring the specified parameters financial indicators companies;
  • 1. development of the image of the salon;
  • 2. maintenance and development of Internet commerce;
  • 3. maintaining and developing sales of third-party goods passing through the company's distribution channels;
  • 4. participation in the development of new types of company products;
  • 5. maintaining high labor discipline
  • 1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a consultant designer.
  • 1.2. The designer-consultant is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the general director.
  • 1.3. The Design Consultant reports directly to the Salon Director.
  • 1.4. The designer-consultant may receive additional orders from the general director.
  • 1.5. If necessary, the designer-consultant can replace the director of the salon.
  • 1.6. Acceptance and delivery of cases when appointing to a position and dismissing a designer-consultant are carried out in the prescribed manner.
  • 2.1. A person with a secondary education and experience in working with kitchen furniture for at least 1 year is appointed to the position of designer-consultant.
  • 2.2. The design consultant should know:
    • regulations, regulating trading activity Internal regulatory documents (orders, work standards, forms, instructions and methods) of the enterprise regulating the activities of the retail network.
    • Requirements and content of the functions of a cashier-operator
    • Rules of communication with the end user.
Design Consultant:
  • 3.1. Starts and finishes work according to the daily routine of the salon and the weekend schedule.
  • 3.2. Doesn't leave workplace without the permission of the director of the salon.
  • 3.3. Ensures the safety and integrity of the salon equipment, excludes cases of unauthorized removal of goods from the salon.
  • 3.4. Provides and controls customer service, creating comfortable conditions for them when visiting the salon;
  • 3.5. Advise visitors on the availability of available goods and services;
  • 3.6. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations;
  • 3.7. Controls the provision of perfect cleanliness and order in the premises;
  • 3.8. Complies with the rules of industrial discipline established for employees of the rules of communication with visitors and customers;
  • 3.9. Ensures the safety of the inventory items entrusted to him;
  • 3.10. Provides operations for receiving, accounting, issuing and storing Money and material assets with obligatory observance of the rules ensuring their safety;
  • 3.11. Carries out the processing of pre-orders for the manufacture of kitchens received from the website of the online store via the Internet via messages Email or through a dynamic site update system.
  • 3.12. Knows and performs the functions of a cashier-operator;
  • 4.1. The designer-consultant in the performance of official duties interacts with the following employees of the company on the following issues:
Executive Interaction on issues
Salon Director
CEO implementation of department plans retail sales aimed at organizing the sale of products on time, in quantity and assortment, planned sales, work standards, reporting, measures to improve the quality of the trading process
Department for receiving and processing orders registration and transfer to the technological department of orders
Department transport logistics order delivery
  • 5.1. Report to the director of the salon about all identified shortcomings within their competence.
  • 5.2. Submit proposals for consideration by the management on improving the efficiency of customer service, as well as raising the image of the company;
  • 5.3. Make decisions within their competence;
  • 5.4. Make suggestions for improving the work of the salon.
  • 5.5. Use the rules and benefits established by the Internal Labor Regulations in force in the enterprise.
  • 6.1. The designer-consultant is responsible for the fuzzy and untimely performance of the official duties provided for in this instruction, negligent attitude towards customer service;
  • 6.2. The designer-consultant bears full financial responsibility for the safety of the inventory items entrusted to him;
  • 6.3. The designer-consultant is responsible for violation of the correct execution of documents, disclosure of confidential information.
  • 6.4. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties under this job description, the designer-consultant is liable to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • 6.5. For offenses committed in the course of its activities, the designer-consultant is liable to the extent determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • 1. Fulfillment of the annual plan for sales and development of the salon.
  • 2. Compliance with the "Code of Business Conduct and Ethics" of the company.
  • 3. Improving your skills (trainings).
  • 4. Compliance with the standards of work with the end client.
  • 8.1. The designer-consultant is given the right to sign documents regulating the economic activities of the entrusted department, documents on issues within his competence.


Furniture designer is a common specialty in the furniture industry. But, not all of them have the necessary education. Many small companies that manufacture custom-made furniture employ specialists who do not have such an education.

How important is it? If we take the manufacture of furniture according to individual orders, no special education is required. Most professionals are confident PC users. Furniture design programs are quite enough, and if you have a desire, you can learn and perform your duties very well.
More important in this case is the designer's communication skills, the ability to work with a client, understand the desires of clients and learnability. Of course, mistakes cannot be avoided.

In this category of furniture companies, designers work according to the scheme - if there is an order - we work, if there is no order - we do not work. This often leads to the fact that the quality of work varies from order to order. Customers complain about inexperienced furniture makers working to order. On the Internet, you can find more than a dozen such reviews. The main problem of such specialists is that they do not have design technologies. Accordingly, the quality of work often leaves much to be desired. Clients make a lot of claims to the work, the requirements of customers stimulate them and make them work better.

Finding, testing and implementing furniture design technologies on your own is not so easy. It is difficult for designers of small companies who do not have special education. They are forced to control the entire process, from working with clients to disassembly with the masters.

Their responsibilities include measuring the premises, designing furniture, creating working drawings and a design project, presenting the project to the customer, selecting fittings and materials, calculating the cost, concluding a contract and transferring the order to work.
Focusing on your core responsibilities under such conditions is not easy.

Designers work in a completely different way. large companies. This category of specialists belongs to the minority. They work according to design technologies, for each specialist it is prescribed what and how he should do specifically for each project. At the same time, the personal opinion of the designer about the need to change something is not particularly welcome. The technologies themselves have been developed taking into account the practical experience of competent specialists in this industry. On the one hand, this approach allows you to avoid design errors, on the other hand, designers do not develop, since they do not need to look for ways to solve a particular problem.

What is industrial furniture design

Industrial design is a field of human creativity aimed at making aesthetically beautiful and functional objects from industrial products.
The development of industrial furniture design consists of the following steps:
Idea generation;
Development of the idea, including the search for a creative and innovative meaning of the idea;
Create a sketch;
Modeling (creating a model in a reduced size or in full size);
3D modeling;
Design, for launch into production;
Creation of a model prototype;
Product branding.

In order to protect their designs, designers or the companies that the designers work for get a design patent;
An application for a patent for an industrial design may be filed by an individual, legal entity or a group of people.

The main requirements for an industrial design are originality and world novelty. Essential features of an industrial design: configuration, shape, combination of colors, ornament. What does the concept of model novelty mean? Novelty implies the totality of all the essential features of a design that are not known in the world at the time of filing a patent application.

In order to determine whether the industrial design meets the requirements, a state examination is carried out.
In order to avoid refusal to register an industrial design, it is necessary to check it for novelty before filing an application.

What does the owner of a patent for an industrial design get?
He receives the exclusive right to an industrial design. The term of the patent is 15 years + extension for 10 years.

At the same time, a patent for an industrial patent can be sold by a legal owner, or licensed to use it. Licensing agreements are subject to mandatory state registration. Such registration is carried out in the Patent Office.

Famous designers

In every profession there are those who have reached the top and are recognized leaders. There are also designers. And, although they are not always known by sight, those who were interested in design certainly know their names.

Patricia Urquiola
There are more men in the world of design, but there are also women who have reached unprecedented heights, their work is recognizable and successful. One of them is Patricia Urquiola. Her work has received worldwide recognition and has received the following awards: Design Prize Cologne, W Designer of the Year. A distinctive feature of creative activity is a clear understanding of not only the form, but also the content of the entire product. Notable works are the SPACE Mangas collection, Rhombus, Plait, the Fjord Moroso chair.

Karim Rashid
One of the most famous interior designers who creates non-standard solutions for armchairs, sofas and other pieces of furniture. Notable works include transparent chairs with expressive patterns. A distinctive feature of the works is a combination of natural lines, simplicity of forms and sensuality.

Philippe Starck
A French industrial designer whose work is widely recognized and highly acclaimed by the international professional community. It can rightly be called unique professionals. He accepts all styles at the same time, and at the same time denies the concept of style. Thanks to this, all his works express the individual style of the designer.

Alvar Aalto
A well-known Finnish architect, his innovative ideas in the field of architecture and furniture industry. His main position in his work is the harmonious union of man, architecture and nature. The objects created by the designer are an organic component of the natural and urban environment.

Werner Panton
Danish designer and architect, he revolutionized furniture design. When creating interior objects, he strives to create an atmosphere in which each item is an integral part of the overall concept. The craftsmanship of the designer can be seen in projects such as the futuristic CONE CHAIR chair, made in the form of an inverted cone. Noteworthy is his chair, made from a single piece of molded plastic. His work made everyone believe that a chair does not have to have backs, legs, armrests.

News posted Elena Vasilyeva, company Soyuzstroydetal

Before talking about the rights, duties and responsibilities of an interior designer, it is worth considering the main stages of working on a project. The project, of course, begins with getting to know your client, presenting your work to him, analyzing the plan of the room to be worked on.

After a preliminary acquaintance, the designer goes to the site and discusses the preferences and wishes of his customers. It is necessary to set a goal and draw up a technical task. At this stage, it is important for the designer to get the largest number information. At this stage, it is worth calculating the preliminary cost of the project.

This is followed by taking measurements of the object and compiling detailed plan premises. On the basis of the drawn up plan, 2-3 variants of sketches (visualizations of the room) are prepared. This requires knowledge of specialized programs and possession necessary knowledge in the field of composition, coloring, materials science, ergonomics, etc.

The next step will be to provide the customer with preliminary sketches, discuss them, make the necessary adjustments, after which final drawings, visualizations, specifications, etc. are prepared.

In some cases, customers order architectural supervision. This service is not always in demand, since, having a complete set of drawings in hand, the customer himself can control everything. But for an additional fee, a designer can do this. Then his duties include the selection of finishing materials, furniture, decor, equipment, lighting. and control over the execution construction works on site, making adjustments to finished project, if there are any difficulties in implementation.

Now consider duties of an interior designer which are indicated in the job description:

  • 1. Analysis of the client's desires, development of sketches and collages that reflect these desires, discussion with the client of the future interior;
  • 2. Measurement of the premises to be worked on, development of a draft design and 3D models of the premises;
  • 3. Selection of materials, selection colors, end of design development;
  • 4. Selection together with the client of furniture and small interior items that will have to fit into the overall design;
  • 5. Development of design solutions in cooperation with related specialists;
  • 6. Preparation of working documentation with all necessary drawings, specifications, sheets and sweeps;
  • 7. Calculation of the cost of the future interior, drawing up work schedules for builders and plans;
  • 8. Monitoring the progress of construction work, adjusting the project if necessary.

It is worth paying special attention to such services as drawing up a statement, architectural supervision and equipment of the object.

Drawing up statements. The statement must include the quantity and reference to the item or material. Within the framework of the project, the search service the best price does not appear. You can send your customers a table in Excel, in which they can substitute the found price themselves - the budget will be calculated automatically. The list does not include items such as article numbers for fabrics for curtains and other textiles, tinting numbers for wall paint and grout for tiles, article lists for all parts of complex technical kits, draft materials and items. Some of these things need to be selected on the spot, and some things are only done by trained specialists (store managers).

Author's supervision. Weekly reconciliation of the process with the project. That is, whether everything is controlled according to size and ideas. In the case when, for some reason, you have to retreat from the project, making a decision - in which direction to retreat. So that this decision does not affect the further implementation of the project and does not spoil the picture as a whole. Architectural supervision does not include technical supervision. The designer does not control the horizontal and vertical planes, the technology of applying plaster or installing gypsum structures. In the same way, the designer is not engaged in the work of the project manager - he does not organize the process. He does not compose calendar plans construction and supply, the time of meetings of all participants in the process, the purchase and supply of goods, and other organizational activities.

Complete set of the object. In this case, the designer takes over the search for the best price and conditions. He concludes contracts, checks all contractual conditions, controls that all wishes are indicated and all details of orders are signed. After the conclusion of the contract and placing an order, the designer monitors the delivery time of finishing materials and interior items and organizes the acceptance of goods at the facility. Checking all goods for quality and searching for defects also lies with the designer. Among other things, it may be necessary to search for materials and goods to replace those discontinued or greatly increased in price from the moment of the project to the moment of purchase

Now a little more about what the interior designer is not required to do. Sooner or later, each designer will have a dispute with a client or colleagues about what and to what extent is included in the design project and architectural supervision. The project does not include:

  • · Electrician. The designer indicates the location of sockets and switches, lighting schemes, outputs, manufacturers and models of equipment. All this is agreed with the client and further transferred to the electrical engineer. An electrical project is not the work of a designer, it is the work of an engineer. He calculates the cross section of the wire, designs the shield and the power reserve.
  • · Built in furniture(dressing room, kitchen, etc.). The interior designer only creates a draft design of the built-in furniture, i.e. specifies its configuration and appearance. The working design for furniture is designed by the contractor, whom the client can choose on the basis of the draft design, after calculating the cost. The contractor is already developing a detailed set of built-in furniture. On designer's supervision can agree on the color, texture and fittings for furniture.
  • · low current equipment. The designer specifies the location and type low current equipment(motion sensors, elements smart home) in the project on the drawings, which later becomes the terms of reference for contractors. After that, the contractor purchases necessary equipment. The designer can only specify in terms of reference wishes of customers and at the implementation stage to coordinate visible elements - outlets, sockets, gratings, etc.
  • · Plumbing. In the project, the designer must indicate the binding of plumbing equipment and, if there is a non-standard solution, describes the principles of conclusions that engineers should pay attention to. Everything else builders get from detailed instructions that comes with the equipment.
  • · Access hatch device. The builders will coordinate this item with the designer for architectural supervision. In the project, the designer can specify the desired location.
  • · Calculation of the construction estimate. The designer is not competent in calculating the construction estimate, so it is considered by the construction contractor, foreman or head of the construction team.
  • · Supervision of the construction team. This function should be performed by technical supervision. The designer is not obliged to check the curvature of the walls and the correctness of the technology for applying plaster, etc. If there is no technical supervision, then the customer himself is engaged in this.
  • · Project approval. This is done by the client himself or by a specially hired organization. The designer, for his part, must know and comply with the norms of the law so that there are no problems with the coordination of the project.
  • · The exact amount of purchased material. In the project, the designer can indicate the manufacturer, name, model and type of material, its quantity for the project. With this data, the client, independently or with the help of a designer, purchases the necessary material. In the store, the sales manager is required to help the customer with the calculation of a specific quantity and give advice on how much material to take.
  • · Executive drawings of complex technical solutions. Fireplace, aquarium, sauna, cinema and other elements that require development by professionals. When creating a project, the designer receives circuit diagrams and restrictions from contractors, takes them into account draft design. At the implementation, contractors agree with the client on the final equipment and estimate, and then create working documentation.

What is design?

Job description of a designer cannot be presented without defining what a given specialty and design area is as a sphere of human employment in general. A designer is a person who is mainly absorbed in development and design. Due to the fact that design is a multifaceted and broad concept, which includes a huge number of the most diverse industries, designers can choose any direction for themselves.

What are designers?

Thus, professionals in a certain field can be engaged in the creation of jewelry, men's, women's or children's clothing, shoes, hats. If all of the above provisions are somehow connected with wardrobe items, then this does not mean at all that this is the benefit of designers for modern world exhausted. Not at all! They are also engaged in the development of landscapes (landscape designer), the interior of an apartment or house (interior designer), and many of them are actively in contact with the world of computer technology (3D design). In this article, we will turn to the consideration of some of these areas, starting from their uniqueness, relevance and prospects.

What is a designer job description?

After it has been established in general terms what the field of design is, it is necessary to dwell on the documents that accompany any employee in his working life. The designer's job description is a specific document that has a standard established form and assigns to each person the functionality of the activity assigned to him. The general provisions for any document of this kind will be the items listed in the section below, but their content will already vary depending on the specialty.

What does such a document include?

Provisions must be correctly drafted by specialists personnel departments and organizational services on remuneration, are painted completely, clearly and clearly. Job description items include:

  1. General provisions - so-called. theoretical base, indication of the main conditions of the designer's work.
  2. In his work, the employee is guided by the following knowledge, skills and abilities ... - here the company presents a list of certain requirements to the applicant, with which the candidate agrees and thereby confirms his own competence. Usually this item includes knowledge of the organizational foundations of advertising and marketing, methods and means of implementation and design artwork, printing design bases, properties and features of materials used in the process of work, various computer graphic programs(Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, etc.), rules for interacting with customers and customers, etc.
  3. Job responsibilities - here the organization determines the set of items that will regulate daily work designer. The duties of a designer include the development of artistic and technical projects on the topic set by the manager in compliance with the standards established for the task, advising the manager and the team on options for solving local design problems, coordinating product options created by the designer with other project developers, making corrections and adjusting the vector of product design development, etc.
  4. Official powers - this section includes items that regulate work with documentation, information and superiors.
  5. Official responsibility. It specifies the requirements for the profession of a designer as such and for a specific person, and also determines what consequences the designer’s failure to fulfill the tasks assigned to him, violation internal regulations work of the organization, negligence in duties, providing management with false information, etc.
  6. Working conditions, where, among other things, the system of designer business trips (regional and local) is prescribed.
  7. Final provisions, which indicate that additions and changes can be made to this instruction (of course, only after agreeing on all the innovations with the employee already hired for the position).

This instruction is fixed by the signature of the manager and the employee, who must carefully read all the points and the conditions offered to him. The duties of the designer, his rights and the general functionality of the activity, thus, is considered. Now let's move on to more narrowly focused areas and establish what features can be encountered in one direction or another.

Profession interior designer

One of the directions of design environment is interior design. It is the decoration of commercial and residential premises, the design development and practical implementation of harmonious, comfortable and modern interiors of halls, hotels, rooms, studios, galleries, corridors, bedrooms, offices, etc. The profession of an interior designer requires to some extent a person of the skill of understanding human desires (there is contact with psychology). This is due to the fact that the designer of this area is often forced to work with abstractions that exist only in people's heads: these extremely vague desires must be able to correctly interpret, coordinate with customers, clarify all the subtleties and nuances in order to create the products that customers wanted. get initially. Functional responsibilities interior designer, as well as the requirements for him, are very wide. Here are the most important ones:

  • receiving an order, understanding and processing all the wishes of the client;
  • familiarity with planning and technical parameters premises;
  • creation of the concept, style, general direction of the project;
  • development of the initial sketch, discussion with the customer and finalization of details;
  • modeling of the design of the premises in computer programs;
  • selection and purchase of necessary materials;
  • development of engineering drawings, plans, settlement documentation;
  • bringing the project to life, adjusting the work of the team;
  • purchase or creation of unique designer furniture (at the request of the client);
  • decorative stylization of the finished interior: adding accessories, paintings, vases, figurines, etc., making the final touches.

Furniture designer job description: what does such an employee do?

From the section above follows another interesting direction in design - this is the development of furniture. According to some reviews, anyone can come into this profession, regardless of their education; paramount are not starting skills, but the attitude to the profession and interest in it, the level of communication skills and the willingness to continuously learn. The general provisions of routine activities can be compared with the work schedule of the same interior designers: acceptance - discussion - development - delivery. Most often, furniture designers work on the creation of cabinet or kitchen products for residential premises - this is the most demanded direction in this area. This profession especially requires stability: both in terms of existing skills and in terms of overall physical and emotional state. The quality of work in this case strongly depends on the momentary mood (the designer can be angry, sick, or, conversely, joyful, happy), although knowledge of basic design skills is also necessary.