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Once upon a time, potters, blacksmiths, spinners were in demand, and their work was vital. Over time, such crafts became irrelevant, and the knowledge accumulated over the centuries went underground.

Today, we are increasingly returning to the roots and trying to revive the experience of folk craftsmen. And if what was originally just a hobby begins to delight and surprise others, then over time it brings profit. What crafts and crafts are relevant today and what you can earn extra money on, we figure it out together with ForumHouse!


Ancient crafts and crafts are a good help in the household. Our members of the forum are convinced of this, who create wooden furniture, wrought iron railings and earthenware with your own hands.

Supple clay that has recognized the master's experienced hands, gone through fire and water and become a milk jug, a coffee set, a beautiful tile or a fun toy... Pottery craftsmen share the secrets of the magical transformation of clay into household utensils.

How to turn boring monochromatic canvases into bright fabrics with a unique pattern, is it possible to give a second life to a boring tablecloth and an old dress - masters of an old Russian craft tell about simple and affordable techniques for hand-painting fabrics.

Forged products are real masterpieces, they give the house and the site a special charm and uniqueness. But if you don't have enough money to buy such items or the skill to forge them yourself, you can learn a simpler craft.

funny toys, original jewelry, amazing paintings and items of clothing - folk crafts allow you to make a variety of things out of wool for yourself, for interior decor and as a gift to loved ones.

Window casings can tell us many interesting stories. Photographer Ivan Khafizov has been unraveling their secrets for several years.

Baskets, caskets, trays ... What had not been woven from wood rods before! Forum users tell how to make something similar from old newspapers.


Baking rye bread in a Russian oven. Rye bread is a primordially Russian product, and you can’t buy it in stores: yeast-free dough for this bread can only be made on your own. Own sourdough recipe and step by step instructions novice baker Oleg Kovsh shared with us how to cook. Try it and you will know the smell and taste of real bread straight from the Russian oven!

Carving ideas in the Slavic style. With my own hands. You can walk around this house for hours, looking at how it is decorated. If you go inside, you will experience no less delight. But all this is done by hand by the owner himself!

Artistic forging . Forged products are able to give a unique charm to any interior and exterior. How to understand the level of skill of a blacksmith, the possibilities of modern artistic forging and the features of painting forged products, we learn from the famous blacksmith Pavel Kumushkin.

Tiles. Production and differences. Decorating houses and stoves with tiles is one of the oldest and most beautiful traditions. In order for this decorative element to serve for many years, delighting posterity with color and shape, you need to know the technology of their manufacture and a couple more craft secrets. Try to master these types of crafts!

Crafts at the Festival of Masters. Many visitors to the Festival of Masters expected to see an exposition related to construction and wooden architecture. But besides this, the guests also managed to immerse themselves in childhood, as if they were in an old Russian fairy tale. And the masters of traditional Russian crafts and arts and crafts helped them in this.


A brutal man creating paintings with a hammer in his hands. Carving master who practices on slate pencils. A hairdresser who cuts works of art on his clients... Sometimes an amateur becomes a craftsman, then a Master, a hobby develops into a new business of life and begins to make a profit.

It is difficult to imagine a solemn feast, a friendly party or a romantic dinner without a glass of good wine. But good wine, like a precious stone, requires a decent setting, that is, a decent place to store it. And it’s easy to create if you have woodworking or cold forging skills.

Whether you know wood carving or just want to learn this art: both in the first and in the second case, you can practice on a more pliable material. See how this Polish designer does it.

Forum topic:

Stone polishing, welding of forged products, antique painting ... The forum member tells how to make a beautiful and modern fireplace for the home. And even if you do not know how to work with stone and forge, you will be able to do it!

Everyone sawed, swearing and puffing, clumsy products at labor lessons. But for some, these works did not go unnoticed - now the forum users are creating amazing vase stands, home decorations and gifts with the help of a school jigsaw!

Artificial stone, like a real one, looks chic, but costs a lot. You can do it yourself, you just need to study the technology. Summer residents share their experience.

The house, decorated with carvings, should sing - members of the forum believe. In order for carvings to be made artistically and tastefully, you need to “overcome” technical side question and hone in yourself a sense of rhythm, measure and proportion.

. BlacksmithOF all his life he worked with metal: he was a milling machine operator, a welder and, finally, a blacksmith. How this business became his bread, and what is needed for the equipment of a modern mini-forge, the forum member tells in this thread.

So, I had an idea to expand the functionality of my site with a kind of bookshelf. On it, I decided to collect books on furniture making, woodworking and other related topics. I think a lot of people will find it interesting.

I decided to systematize by titles, and not by authors, because. There can be several authors, but one name)). Happy reading.

If you have something interesting - send it, I will definitely post it.

The library will be updated periodically, visit, download, read, comment!

The book reveals the technology of sawing three-dimensional animal figurines out of wood. There is no translation, but everything is clear. There are drawings.

Big book of wooden toys

The book contains drawings and assembly diagrams of rather original wooden toys. Unfortunately, there is no translation, but pictures, detailed drawings and diagrams make it possible to do without knowledge of the English language.

Wooden architecture of the Russian north

The book is devoted to some little-studied pages of the history of the wooden architecture of the Russian North in the 17th - 18th centuries. It is entirely built on original written and pictorial documents. This feature makes it possible to offer graphic reconstructions of both individual monuments and entire ensembles that have not survived to this day. Thus, the book expands the reader's understanding of the variety of types of residential, religious and fortified buildings that existed in the past. The materials involved allow for the first time to tell in detail about the organization and course of construction works, about the "good workmanship" of the carpenters of the North.
The book is illustrated with reproductions of old drawings, miniatures and photographs.

home craftsman

The book introduces a number of crafts that everyone can find application in everyday life.
The material is presented in such a way that anyone can use it without difficulty and avoid many
excessive costs for the purchase of those necessary items that you can do with your own hands, as well as
will give an opportunity, after acquiring practical skills, to engage in the manufacture of these items and to order.
Almost all the types of work listed are available to be done at home, during leisure hours and with minimal equipment; moreover, counting specifically on the novice worker, we have strictly separated the equipment that is absolutely necessary in this craft and those tools that can
be acquired later, upon the acquisition by the reader of practical skills, for the preparation of more
complex products.
For all types of crafts, instructions are also given on the final, elegant finishing of products.

DIY furniture. Design, production, repair.

The book provides constructive solutions and technology for the production of furniture at home using a variety of materials, common furniture fittings, as well as the most common fittings. Softwood furniture Special attention. In addition, the book provides recommendations for working with hand power tools.

Working with milling cutters

Enough detailed illustrated encyclopedia devoted to milling. It all starts with the basics: what is a router, and ends with complex technological processes that can be done with it. The edition is translated, but very interesting. I recommend reading.

Hand milling and vertical milling machine

Another wonderful publication dedicated to working with, as well as a vertical milling machine (that is, a milling cutter built into the table and its industrial counterparts). Detailed description types of tools, working methods and various adaptations will help you in mastering this complex and very interesting tool.

Homemade machines and tools

The book provides various devices that can facilitate the work of home craftsmen. Some are in the form of finished drawings. Others will have to be finalized directly for their tool (which is available), that is, a general idea is given.

Wood carving secrets

Products made of wood and materials imitating its texture surround us in the usual way in everyday life, so we treat it as something ordinary. But as soon as the skillful hand of a wood carving master touches it, a work of art is born and such qualities of wood as rich texture, variety of colors, special warmth are revealed. This book will help the reader discover the wonderful world of creativity and learn the secrets of woodcarving. The author hopes that novice carvers will find in it interesting and useful material that will allow them to become masters. The application contains drawings of ornaments and various patterns, which at first can be copied, and as you acquire the skill, develop your own patterns based on them.

What does it cost us to build a fleet

This book will come in handy for moms and dads who want their baby's arms to start growing just above their feet. It contains a bunch of examples of toys of varying degrees of complexity (starting from the simplest) made of paper. As a child, I had such a book, it is still stored on the shelf, and not just stored, we are trying to make things together with our son.

Encyclopedia of woodwork

Handbook of many professional masters. It contains materials on the types of wood and their characteristics, as well as alternative materials (glass, plastic, etc.), on the tools necessary for their processing, types and methods of fastening parts, as well as finished projects furniture.

Ministry of General and vocational education Sverdlovsk region

State budget professional educational institution Sverdlovsk region

"Verkhneturinsky Mechanical College"

creative work

« Artistic sawing with a jigsaw »

nomination " Creative person »

Made by student group 14Buldakov Vladislav

Head: Khisamutdinova V.I.



Introduction 3

1. Artistic processing of wood with a jigsaw 5

  1. Historical sketch of the artistic processing of wood 6

    Material and tool preparation 8

    Material and tool preparation 10

    Basic rules for working with an electric jigsaw 13

Conclusion 14

References 15


If you put your smartphone aside or release your computer mouse for a while, it turns out that, in addition to information technologies, there are many more in the world exciting activities, which not only diversify the spending of free time, but also bring tangible benefits. Fashion for products self made in the home interior, it revived the craving for many forgotten technologies, one of which is sawing crafts with a jigsaw. This painstaking work, which requires great patience and precision, allows you to make unique things from simple materials. Handmade wooden crafts will please the whole family and bring kindness and warmth to the atmosphere of the house..

Artistic processing of wood was known as early as the 9th - 10th centuries. In countries rich in forests, wood has always been loved and used by many generations of craftsmen. Masters are also able to reveal the beauty of a tree, use its plastic properties. different countries. For the manufacture of art products and souvenirs use wood of various species, which lends itself well to finishing and processing, taking into account the artistic features of the wood texture, the natural curves of the trunk, and the structure of the knots. In addition to wood, burl, birch bark, vine (willow, bird cherry) are used.

Among the many artistic crafts associated with woodworking, artistic sawing with a jigsaw occupies a special place. One of the popular crafts, deeply connected with the traditions of Russian folk art, jigsaw carving developed in parallel with turning, mosaics and woodworking, often complementing these art forms or acting independently. Sawing with a jigsaw is a type of artistic wood processing. Wood is an affordable material, its processing does not require complex tools. Details of ornamental decorations are designed to reproduce products on them. A novice lover of artistic sawing needs to know that plywood is the material with which it is desirable to start learning the craft. At first, it is necessary to learn at least one way of cutting out, one way of connecting parts.

What makes people, who devote most of their time to their main work, to engage in sawing, carving? To engage in human creativity is prompted by the desire to express oneself, the desire to capture in one's creations the attitude to the world around. Despite the seeming simplicity of cutting out, doing the simplest thing is not easy. But in any case, a person does a thing that adorns life, and most importantly, does it with pleasure and desire. Many visitors to antique shops and museums look with interest and pleasure at decorations and antique furniture. People like products that are comfortable for everyday life and delight their appearance. Increasingly, handmade elements are found in the decoration of modern furniture. Many people want to have furniture, household items that exist in a single copy. Sawing with a jigsaw is close to woodcarving

I chose artistic sawing with a jigsaw as the theme of my work.Relevance themes is expressed in the fact that the sawing process captures, since personal labor is invested in every detail and ready product evaluated as own work. And if you put something of your own into the product you worked on; make your own amendments, change the design or pattern of the ornament, resort to imagination or fiction, such a product is especially expensive, such items are at home in the most honorable place. Recently, the demand of society for handicrafts or hand-made products has also increased.

My topic is also relevant for the versatile creative development of students in technology lessons.

aim my job is to master the technique of artistic carving with a jigsaw in the manufacture of a carved vase.

Tasks research:

Collection of information on the artistic processing of wood and artistic carving with a jigsaw;

To study materials, tools, methods of wood processing and types of artistic wood carving;

Mastering the technology in the process of making a carved vase.

Object of study - the technology of artistic sawing with a jigsaw.

Subject of study - manufacturing technology of carved products.

Stages of my research:

The theoretical stage is the definition of materials, tools, methods of wood processing, types of woodcarving.

The practical stage is to manufacture products based on theoretical knowledge, using the described wood processing operations.

1 Artistic processing of wood with a jigsaw .

Artistic sawing out of wood is one of the most common types of decorative and applied arts accessible to the general public. Sawmill masters create wonderful patterns and drawings on wood, and also make artistically designed products that adorn our everyday life.

Children and adults are engaged in artistic sawing with great enthusiasm, making various crafts that decorate their lives. Artistic sawing with a jigsaw develops self-demanding, accuracy and accuracy in work, diligence, perseverance, ingenuity and at the same time instills labor skills in many tools. Artistic patterns in manufactured items can reflect artistic taste, national identity and thematic focus. In works cut with a jigsaw, one should always strive to ensure that the purpose of the item being made and its ornament (pattern) are consistent and form, as it were, one whole with the content. In the drawings of manufactured items, patterns and drawings of folk craftsmen, motifs from the past of the people, folk tales, as well as thematic drawings showing the events and affairs of the present.
Learning how to cut wood is not particularly difficult. Cutting is not only for children, but also for adults. For many, this activity is a cultural entertainment in free time, fills leisure, and every sawer, having made this or that thing, receives inner satisfaction.
First, you should make objects according to the drawings that are offered by special albums for cutting out, in the future you will be able to show independent ingenuity in drawing up a drawing and making the things you need. By sawing, you can make a wide variety of openwork and useful things: caskets, shelves, caskets, frames, ink devices, lampshades, pencil holders, vases, etc. Sawed parts can be used to decorate home furniture in the form of overlays, paneled inserts in the doors of cabinets, sideboards, bedside tables and other items.

  1. Historical sketch of the artistic processing of wood

Since ancient times, houses have been built from wood, utensils, dishes, and toys have been made. The artistic processing of wood among many peoples is the most developed and most ancient type of folk art. decorative arts. Archaeological research has also revealed previously unknown wooden sculptural images of animals and birds of the Altai of the 5th century, Novgorod utensils of the 9th-15th centuries, decorated with carvings and paintings. Old Russian carpenters and joiners built mansions and towers, put valleys and brackets for kvass and honey drinks, and made beautiful household utensils, for example, flat and wide troughs for dough - bowls. Coopers from oak planks-staves collected barrels, jugs, turners from soft wood turned cups, bowls-staves. Dowry boxes were bent from the bast, graceful sonorous spoons were cut from maple.

The palaces, chambers and towers of Ancient Russia were generously decorated with finished carvings. Painted with cinnabar, verdigris and gold shone in the bright sun. relief carving platbands and porches. For the beauty and splendor of the palace in Kolomenskoye, contemporaries considered it one of the wonders of the world. In the XVII - XVIII centuries. the art of artistic wood carving was developed in the design of iconostases, palace interiors, and furniture, where volumetric, high relief, laid on and sawn carving prevailed. Multi-colored carvings adorned cargo sailboats, in particular, the sides and superstructures of the Volga Belyans and embroidered, as well as warships - galliots and corvettes, under the bowsprits of which there were sculptures of birds, animals and sea deities.

Everything created by man from wood has always had a practical purpose and at the same time expressed a spiritual meaning, since the most characteristic feature of applied art is that things created for practical use become carriers of the master’s mood, his feelings and thoughts. A person improved a thing in form and perception, and in the process of labor his hand improved, a sense of form, color, material, proportion, symmetry, rhythm and, in general, “a sense of a thing” was brought up.

Until now, in the Russian North, in the Volga region, in the Urals and in Siberia, peasant houses have been preserved - the works of unknown sculptors and carvers. The high pediments end with powerful logs, one edge of which is carved in the form of the head of a horned deer, round-maned horse or bird. Boards-prichelins and boards-towels descending from them are filled with floral ornaments or sawn geometric patterns.

Speaking of a carver, one should keep in mind not a performer, but an artist-carver, so such a master needs to have an idea about fine arts, however, easel painting should not be transferred to decorative carving, since the brush and knife have completely different possibilities in creating works of art. Only tireless creative work, and not blind copying and imitation, will allow in a short time to perfectly master the craft of a carpenter and the skill of a carver.

An electric jigsaw is essential for any household. With this versatile tool, you can cut various intricate shapes on flat surfaces made of wood, plywood, steel, plastic, plexiglass, stone, and even drywall. Using a jigsaw, you can give a beautiful oval shape to a home-made table, cut a sheet of steel figuratively, make neat holes in any material, saw wood, make cuts of any shape and complexity. A jigsaw is indispensable in the work of a furniture craftsman, carpenter, drywall worker and any person who likes to make things for home and summer cottages with their own hands.

Until recently, manual jigsaws dominated the households of home craftsmen. It took a lot of time and effort to work with them. Today, simple tools are gradually being replaced by their electric counterparts, thanks to which sawing surfaces of any strength has become a matter of minutes.

The maximum thickness of materials that a jigsaw can handle is 65 mm.

Items with carved inserts or entirely made of sawn-out elements can decorate not only the home interior, but also the appearance of a summer cottage or garden plot..

  1. Preparation of material and tools

A jigsaw is used as the main tool - a very thin nail file that allows you to make filigree holes in the canvas.For professional craftsmen, there is a special model for artistic purposes, but an ordinary electric tool is quite suitable for making large parts, and small elements can also be created with a hand saw. In addition to these devices, in the upcoming creation of wood crafts, you will need:

a supply of files with sharp teeth;

drill for drilling starting holes;

a sharp awl for drawing the contour of the cut;

file and sandpaper of several types;

ruler, square;

a compass for transferring dimensions from a drawing to a material;

vise or clamp;

PVA glue;

paint or varnish.

Plywood needs to be treated with sandpaper, using first a coarse-grained sandpaper, and then a fine one. The pattern chosen for wood crafts is printed on a paper sheet. You can transfer it to plywood in 2 ways. The first is to use carbon paper, through which the circuit is transferred to the right place. The 2nd method is somewhat more complicated, but it is good because it does not leave untidy traces of carbon paper on the material. The drawing is placed on the part face up and the main points of the diagram are pressed through with a sharp awl, then connecting them, drawing lines on the surface with the same tool and using a ruler.

The sawing process will be more convenient to carry out at a table or workbench, the tabletop of which is above the level of the belt. The workpiece is securely clamped in a vice or fixed to the work table with a clamp. If this is your first experience with the tool, or if it was last used a long time ago, it's best to make a few test cuts on a scrap piece of plywood. Making through holes begins with drilling a small hole with a thin drill, into which a jigsaw is then inserted. After the manufacture of all elements of the part is completed, its edges are cleaned with a file and carried out final processing fine sandpaper. In the finished structure, all parts are assembled with an adhesive method, if necessary, fixing in the right places with self-tapping screws. The work is completed by painting the product or covering it with several layers of varnish.

Carved animal figurines, funny cartoon characters, painted with bright colors and placed among the greenery, will make the landscape original and fresh.

Simple designs of flowerpots, a birdhouse, bird feeders or a mailbox - the skillful hands of the master are able to give magical beauty to all these crafts.

In combination with these things, a chandelier and lampshades, the lampshades of which are assembled from elements sawn with a jigsaw, will create a harmonious design in the room. Coasters for hot dishes, a plate for bread, funny fridge magnets - you just have to look around, and a lot of ideas will keep skilled hands busy.

And if you make small figures with your own hands, cover them with luminous paint and hang them on a New Year tree, this will be the most beautiful and unforgettable decoration of the holiday.

From plywood, you can make many interesting functional decorations for a summer residence. It can be: Funny figurines; Containers for flowers; Mailboxes; Bird feeders; Decorative fences. There are a lot of options for plywood figurines, and each of them is distinguished by originality and expressiveness.

pencil holder- stand for pens and pencils will be useful for adults engaged in office work and especially for children studying at school. Put a pencil holder on the table and there will always be order: I used a pencil, a brush or a fountain pen and put them in their place. Nothing rolls around, is not lost, and the lead of the pencils does not break.
Of course, you can buy some cheap Chinese-made plastic organizer in the store, where there is a place for pencils and any other stationery trifles, but it will become much more comfortable in the room if there is a beautiful, elegant pencil holder made by yourself on the desktop , by your own design; exclusive, such as no one else has, made in accordance with their preferences and tastes.
For example, I like to work with wood and I love to be surrounded by handmade wooden objects. And the second thing I love very much is fishing.

So the pencil holder on my desk is also wooden, made of birch. A vase for pencils and a small box for other accessories are placed on a wooden stand. On the lid of the box I placed a small carved fish, like thoseI do larger.
There are other options for homemade pencil holders. I spied them on the Internet and made myself out of wood in order to give to relatives. Here is an example of a pencil case:

I liked the ease of manufacture here: I cut outjigsawdetails by drawing them directly on the board and glued them with liquid nails. From myself to what I took from the Internet, here I added only a "saucer" on which you can put paper clips, buttons, an eraser, a pencil sharpener ...

1.3 Processing sequence

When sawing out, make sure that the nail file moves evenly and perpendicular to the plane of the workpiece at a speed of approximately 60 ... 80 double movements per minute. The jigsaw must be cut slowly and evenly. When sawing corners (especially sharp ones), it is more convenient to cut in two directions. The inner corners are cut along the side of the corner to its top (Fig. a), and the outer corners along the side of the corner from its top (Fig. , b). In this case, you do not need to change the sawing direction, and the corner will be sawn quite clearly. External contours should be cut out from the outside of the marking line, and internal ones - from the inside. This means that the marking line must remain on the workpiece for orientation during further processing.

The gap between the marking line and the cut should not exceed 0.5 mm. The marking lines after sawing will serve as the boundaries for processing the part with a file. If there are external and internal contours in the workpiece, the internal contours are cut first. When cutting out internal contours in a workpiece, it is necessary to make holes in it to install a nail file in them. They are made near the marking line, but so as not to damage it. Holes can be drilled or made with an awl. In both cases, a piece of waste wood or plywood should be placed under the workpiece to prevent possible chipping of the lower layers of wood.

For work, it is better to use an awl with a trihedral sharpening. The hole is made almost through until a tool mark appears on the reverse side. The workpiece is turned over and the hole is continued from the opposite side: this sequence reduces the risk of splitting the veneer on the underside of the workpiece when making a hole. After that, the frame of the jigsaw should be compressed in a special tool (see Fig.) and unscrew the nut of the upper clamp. The released end of the file is inserted into the hole made and again fixed in the upper clamp. Having removed the clamping device, the workpiece, together with the jigsaw, is carefully placed on the sawing table and they begin to work.

Minor work is carried out in the round hole of the table

Basic concepts

Openwork cutting- skillful sawing of a product containing many complex contours.

Defect- deficiency, defect.

Cavity- empty space.

Stencil- grid to quickly recreate the contour of the picture

1.4 Basic rules for working with a jigsaw

Scheme for sawing with a jigsaw.

The electric jigsaw connected to the network during contact with the base being processed creates a strong vibration, so any workpiece that needs to be shaped with this tool must be securely fixed to the work surface with clamps.

From a working tool, sawdust and dust fly in different directions, therefore, before turning on the jigsaw in the network, the master should wear safety glasses and gloves.

It is not recommended to strongly press the working jigsaw to the workpiece. From excessive pressure, the web of the unit is heated, and this can lead to its premature failure. If, without additional pressure, the jigsaw cannot move freely, then its saw has become dull and should be replaced.

For straight and long cuts, it is best to use a wide blade - in this case, the file regulates the direction of the power tool and makes the cut more even.

It is advisable to place the part on which the cut should be made on the work surface with the wrong side up, since the cut along the front side usually turns out to be smoother, without chips and bumps.

When cutting a thin metal sheet, it is recommended to place a piece of plywood under it. Sawing such material using a low feed - this will avoid vibration and achieve straight cuts.

You need to make cuts not strictly according to the markings, but next to them. In this case, the lines will be more even.

If the jigsaw is used in low speed mode, then its motor is under heavy load.

Jigsaw blades should be changed as often as possible. With prolonged use, they become dull and make sloppy chipped cuts.

When working with hard materials (plexiglass, various metal alloys), the tool blade must be moistened with water, and after work it must be lubricated with machine oil.

When cutting wood, the jigsaw should be moved across the fibers, otherwise the resulting edge will turn out to be uneven. If it is impossible to make a cross cut, then it makes sense to turn on the pendulum mode, in which the saw will not go to the side.


My work presents the production of products that can be performed by children aged 12 to 19 years. The work I have done is not mandatory. You can invent something of your own, recycle, pick up your drawing. Products from wood, and wood itself give us a wide range of ideas for the embodiment of our imagination and creativity in the manufacture of various products. Fantasy plus creativity and work - and a beautiful thing in your interior and an excellent exclusive gift to relatives, friends and acquaintances are ready.

Thus, the tasks set at the beginning of the work were successfully implemented, and the goals were achieved.

The materials presented in the work enable the teacher to conduct master classes with students on wood processing, and give a "field" for fantasies in the development and manufacture of their product.

List of used literature

Domokeev A.G. - "Building materials" M. 1988 Publishing house - Higher school;

Martsenyuk P. - "Preparation and processing of wood";

Zhiltsov, Shalin - " Artistic carving on wood";

Heidi Grund-Torpe - "Jig sawing";

Frame with overlaid ornament - base - plywood 6 mm thick, stained, overlaid ornament - beech - thickness 3 mm. Photo protection - 2-3 mm plexiglass on all frames.
simple frame - plywood, thickness 6 mm, staining.
Photo frame with butterflies - material beech plank 6 mm thick - staining, to protect the photo - plexiglass 2-3 mm.
Desktop photo frame. Material - plank walnut 5-6 mm thick + staining. Drawing from Sokolov's first album.
Candy vase. One of the early works. Material plywood 4 mm (rather poor quality - then he still did not know how to choose the material), staining. Drawing from Sokolov's second album.
Hexagonal box - walnut material (wooden plank - about 6 mm thick). It is necessary to observe proportions depending on the size of the product, but due to the greater fragility of solid wood compared to plywood, I try to use planks of at least 6 mm thick. And stronger, and look more solid. The tree is still much more expressive than plywood and, when cut, does not give flakes at all (hard woods) that spoil the look of the product. Drawings from the well-known album Sokolov. Assembly on spikes, the side walls are beveled and glued.
Nut basket - material - beech (solid wood). Assembly - spikes and glue.
Triangular candy bowl - material - walnut (also solid wood). Drawings from the same famous Sokolov album. Assembly - the side walls are beveled and glued, fastening to the base with glue and spikes.
Sugar bowl- plywood material, made on the basis of a drawing from Sokolov's album. The motif used there is used in the wall shelf. Assembly - spikes and glue.
napkin holder- a famous product from the same Sokolov's album - plywood material. These are not new works, but those that have been serving for many years.
Another cracker from old works (two types) - a primitive ornament, the design was once invented by myself based on the motif of birds. Material - plywood, staining.
Lamp. Material - plywood 4 mm. Facing of the joints - light-colored veneer, followed by burning the ornament on it. The front wall from the inside can be pasted over with colored paper, but I arched thin plexiglass and painted it - it got the impression of pieces of glass in a mosaic, and not as cheap as paper. Looks pretty cool in the dark.
wall hanger - material plywood ten, staining. Although it was not worth it to stain - a light one would have looked better.
Basket with shaped handle - material plywood "ten", staining. Assembly - glue, two screws.
Candy vase - One of the early works. Material plywood 4 mm stained. Drawing from Sokolov's second album.
Casket- a famous piece from Sokolov's album. Quite popular among the people. This is a photo of my old work - plywood 4-5 mm, stained. Recently presented (no photo left) a more successful implementation. In it, the casket was slightly enlarged and made of beech plank.
Two-section tray for sweets and cookies "Dragon" - material - ten plywood, plywood bottom 4-5 mm. Staining (but you can not stain, the scorched ornament on the side wall looks even better. Author's work.
Basket "Snake" - the author's simple work - sawing + burning. Made from a wooden plank (an old work, it has been serving for many years).
Cutting boards - This is a series of boards cut from 10mm thick or 4-5mm thin plywood. Sawn in the form of leaves and decorated with pyrography. Boards are used for cutting bread, cheese (especially if the table is polished). When cutting, the back (unpainted side of the board) is used. One with a drawing "Swan" from Kostin's album. Sawing + burning + milling along the contour.
Vase from a growth on a tree - Almost did not finish. The tree thus "flowed around" the large nails hammered into it.
shoulder blades- The first shoulder blade is walnut material. 2 beech blades - I spied the idea in Moscow, there is a salon there at the All-Russian Exhibition Center "Culture", when I am in the capital I almost always go there. There are many interesting things to see.
crests- Combs from hard fruit tree - apple tree.
Burl products.

D For varnishing my products I use a glossy varnish. The technology has been developed for years. Although I agree that strong shine is not always good. However, over time, the shine becomes not so strong, and a thick film protects the product well and retains its presentation for years. I carefully varnish the slots, because in the absence of such, over time, they become clogged with dust and then it is difficult to clean it out, the appearance of the product deteriorates sharply. In the case of good varnishing - brushing (toothbrush or similar) easily removes dust.
FROM I read that the most difficult thing is not to cut it out, but to assemble it correctly, and most importantly carefully (especially when the product is complex and contains many details).
P After assembly, it is very important to finish the product well. Without varnishing - there is no presentation. And if there is (a fresh tree looks good), then after a while it quickly loses its attractiveness.
L polishing, like nothing, helps to emphasize the beauty of the tree. This is especially evident in the example of the cap. Nothing enhances its beauty like a good polish.