Cutting wooden boards with carvings. tribute to tradition. What can be a cutting board

  • 28.05.2020

Today, more and more people are inclined to build country houses and summer cottages from wood. And despite the fact that these buildings bear little resemblance to their progenitor - a hut, many owners, as in the old days, decorate them with carvings, making the buildings unique.

Each of us has heard more than once about the churches built without a single nail, which are now in the Museums of Wooden Architecture, for example, in Kizhi or Small Karelians. These objects are rightly called masterpieces of wooden architecture. However, few people thought that the well-known Russian hut deserves such an epithet. Yes, don't be surprised. The most ordinary hut is the same architectural marvel as the mentioned monuments, only smaller. To understand why this is so, let's take a closer look at its design.

Without a single nail

Cutting down a hut is not an easy task. After all, these are not just four walls covered with a roof, but an ingenious and very functional wooden structure, assembled from the basement to the ridge without a single nail. So not everyone was able to put up a hut - only a good, experienced carpenter. And he needed only three tools for this: an ax, a scraper and a chisel. The craftsmen did not use the saw, because it cuts the fibers of the tree, and does not crush them like an ax, which reduces the absorption of moisture by the wood.

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1-4. The tradition of decorating the front, and often the rear end of the roof ridge with sculptural carvings in the form of the head of a horse, a bird, and even a deer with real horns, did not die with the disappearance of the hood. True, now a carved wooden figure is attached not to the cladding, but to the rafters or a special comb on the roof.



5-7. According to the tradition of Russian wooden architecture, wind boards in a modern cottage are carved and consist of several boards arranged one above the other, like a layer cake. But almost no one observes the rule to cover the junction of two prichelins with an elegant lace towel. More often it is attached under the berths - it's easier that way.

The basis of the building was a cage assembled from crowns - squares of four logs, at the ends of which so-called cups were cut - connecting nodes that firmly hold the logs in a given position without any additional fasteners: brackets, nails, wooden pins, etc. Having cut down the first crown, they laid the second on it, on the second - the third, etc., until the log house reached a certain height. At the same time, a longitudinal groove was made in the lower part of each crown so that the vertical connection of the logs was denser, and it was filled with moss. Further, triangular log pediments were assembled above the end walls of the log house - tongs, into which longitudinal horizontal logs were cut every two crowns - slabs, securely fastening the pediments to each other. Kokors, or chickens, were attached to the legs across them, either uprooted or twisted in the form of a hook, young spruces. A long log with a hollowed out groove was laid into the curvature or on the parts of the kokor bent upwards - a stream that served as a drain and at the same time a support for the lower ends of the roofing gorges. Then, boards were laid tightly to each other on the roof - not sawn, but boards hewn with an ax, with a shallow longitudinal groove on the upper layer. To prevent such a roofing from leaking, it was made two-layer, but the tesins were laid in such a way that the gap between the two gorges of the upper layer was exactly above the groove of the gorge of the lower layer located under them.

1. Porch porch - a porch resting on one (one-pillar) or two (two-pillar) wooden pillars.
2. Valance - carved board, located horizontally under the eaves of the porch roof.
3. Potok (vodochnik) - a beam with a hollowed out longitudinal groove for a drain; the lower ends of the tesa covering the roof rest against it.
4. Portage window - small window, which was closed ("clouded") from the inside by a sliding board.
5. Chimney - a wooden pipe for the exit of smoke in a chicken hut, usually carved.
6. Chicken (kokora) - a curved spruce trunk or a trunk cut down together with one of the rhizomes growing perpendicular to the trunk. It is attached to the slabs of the male roof and carries a water flow.
7. Crown - a horizontal row of logs in a log house, connected at the corners of the cage they form with the help of cuttings.
8. Sleg - a horizontal log embedded in the pediment.
9. Brush - an openwork end part of a prichelina or towel.
10. Okhlupen (ohlop, with a helmet) - a hollowed out log covering the ridge of the roof.
11. Magpie - a dowel that fastens the horse's slug and okhlupen.
12. Prichelina - a board covering the ends of the bed.
13. Horse leg - upper leg lying under the ridge.
14. Towel - a carved board covering the junction of the berths.
15. Ridge - the upper joint of the roof slopes, covered with okhlupny, as well as a figure that adorns the end of the okhlupny.
16. Male (tongue) - self-supporting triangular pediment. The upper part of this pediment was called the forehead (ochelie).
17. Help (fall) - gradually lengthening the release of the upper rims, allowing you to increase the removal of the roof.
18. Earring - a carved board covering the ends of the felling logs.
19. Portal - the main doorway.
20. Baluster - a small voluminous or flat column that supports the railing of the fence.
21. Corner cutting - a method of connecting logs or beams in the corners of a log house without the use of auxiliary elements.
22. End board - an ornamental board covering the ends of the releases of the logs of the log house.
23. Window oblique - a window, the jambs of which hold the ends of the crowns emerging into the opening.
24. Frontal board (red board, scarf) - a carved frieze on the main facade, placed above the windows. With the frame structure of the pediment, it closed the transition from the logs of the wall to its plank sheathing.
25. Platband - framing a window or door opening, closing the gap between the wall and the window or door frame. Visually highlighted and emphasized the opening.
26. Balcony - a platform protruding from the wall and fenced with a balustrade (parapet) on cantilevered beams.
27. Balustrade - fencing of balconies, stairs, consisting of a number of balusters connected from above by a handrail.
28. Shutters - single or double carved shutters for oblique windows.
29. Chairs - wooden or stone supports of the log house, which are the prototype of the modern foundation.

The junction of two slopes on the roof was covered with a hollowed-out heavy log - an okhlop (another name is a shell), which was attached to the upper (horse) slab with special wooden dowels - they were inserted from above, through an olap and a slab, and fixed from below with wooden wedges.

It should be noted that in order to protect the log house and gables from rain moisture, they tried to move the edges of the roof beyond the wall line by a meter, or even two, thus obtaining something like a canopy. They supported the removal of the roof with help - the release of the upper logs of the longitudinal walls.

So, the hut is assembled. It remained to cut windows in the log house, which were divided into portage and oblique ones. The first ones were low and were cut in two adjacent crowns, provided that no more than half of each of them was sampled. They got their name because they were closed with a latch-drag - a wooden shield mounted from the inside of the house. Skewed windows were much larger than portage windows - they were cut down in several adjacent crowns of the log house and, in order not to violate the strength of the wall, the ends of the logs going into the opening, cut into a wedge, were fastened with massive jambs (hence the name - skewed). These windows belonged to the main façade and were therefore also called red windows. And now think about how simply and wisely all its parts are connected in the design of the hut! Isn't this an architectural marvel? And what names - colorful, ancient: streams, kokors, helmets ... Not names - a song.

Protect and decorate

Despite the fact that the described design of the hut, as they say now, was 100% maintainable (it could be disassembled and any of the elements replaced), both the builders and the owners of the house tried to push back the repair time as much as possible, for which they protected the critical parts of the building, exposed to rain and sun, with the help of special parts, each of which received its own name. And over time, these seemingly purely functional details turned into elements decoration, or rather, a carved decoration of the hut. Let's start with the roof.

11-13. Modern and reliable gutters and pipes have not been able to completely displace the gutter-water drain, along with the poles holding it, the ends of which are decorated with the heads of skates or chickens. The gutter has turned into a kind of flower pot and now, along with chickens, decorates the perimeter of the veranda.

The far protruding outer ends of the helmets were decorated with carved figures. Most often it was the head of a horse. True, for the manufacture of such a helmet, it was necessary to use a thick log with a part of the butt, on which the carving was performed. If the log was without a butt, then the heads of birds - a goose, a swan, a duck, symbolizing a good beginning, were carved right on its end. It should be noted that the figurine on the skate was the subject of special pride of the owners of the house and the creative competition of builders: whoever has it more beautiful has a better hut, and the master is more skillful. The dowels connecting the okhlop with the ridge slab, which were often called magpies, also turned into decorations. Why? From a distance, the outer ends of the dowels, rhythmically arranged on the helmet, really resemble magpies sitting on the roof - these cautious birds never sit in one dense row, like swallows.

carved tassels

This openwork element, which once adorned the ends of carved porches and towels, is now practically not found in the design of facades. Which is quite understandable - the thin wooden lace of the tassels is destroyed first of all under the influence of rain, wind and ultraviolet radiation. Well, those who do use brushes often turn them into an easily replaceable part that is simply fixed to the ends of the boards.

The ends of the kokor - hooks that hold the water drains also gave an elegant look to the roof. In the simplest version, they were decorated with a chicken head, which could also be cut on a rather thin rhizome (hence the second name kokor - chicken). If the owners could afford to purchase more massive cocoons, then instead of a chicken head they depicted a horse's head.

Intricate carvings began to decorate another prominent attribute of the roof - a wooden chimney, or chimney. With a helmet and magpies, he crowned the structure, bringing the finishing touch to its silhouette, and these three elements together looked extraordinarily beautiful against the sky.

Well, now let's move on to the really protective elements. So, the ends of the under-roofing sheets were covered on the facades with inclined boards - chasses, the ends of which protruded beyond the drains and ended with openwork tassels. The gap at the junction of two berths under the ridge was covered with a vertical board - a towel, its lower edge was decorated either with a brush or a carved round rosette - a symbolic image of the sun. Decorative and protective towels were also nailed to the ends of the logs of the help (poval), supporting the release of the roof.

Earrings and end boards

If earrings, designed to protect the ends of the supports (tumbles) that support the roof from the weather, can still be found in the decoration of modern cottages, although occasionally, but still can be found, then the carved end boards that protected the ends of the logs of the log house have practically disappeared from use. And it's understandable why. After all, the end board is a fairly large element. And if on a one-story house it had a height of about 3 m, thanks to which it looked organically on the facade, then on a modern two-story building it should reach 5-6 m.

Often, with the help of carved vertical boards, the ends of the outlets of the crowns forming the frame were also protected from atmospheric action. Such elements were also often called prichelins, although, perhaps, it would be more correct to call them end boards.

Another carved board - a frontal one - was attached above the facade windows. While the roof structure was male, this element served only aesthetic purposes, but after the transition from a nailless roof to a rafter, the frontal board began to perform very well. important function. She visually smoothed the transition from the log wall to the plank sheathing of the pediment and protected the gap between them from rain (often the frontal board was covered with a low tide). And one more little secret- why was the frontal board needed. Together with the chapels, it formed a triangular composition, reminiscent of a pediment in classical urban architecture.

The visors were also decorated with carvings, protecting the slanting windows from rain and snow. From below, such a visor was usually supported by two side carved brackets. Later, visors and brackets were replaced by overhead trims with rich lace tops - an ochelie. And at the same time, the shutters protecting the windows also acquired openwork patterns. Gradually, it was the platbands that became one of the main elements of the decorative decoration of the facade.

The second most important decoration of the house was the porch. For example, in the north it was usually made big and tall and placed on one or two massive pillars covered with intricate carvings. Carved columns also supported the roof of the porch. The beams connecting these columns were necessarily supplemented with light openwork gaps.

This is how usefulness and beauty were harmoniously combined in a traditional Russian hut - structural elements with protective and decorative ones. It is not for nothing that the external decoration of the log walls of the hut from time immemorial was called not somehow, but an outfit.

Thread types

According to historians, the tradition of decorating dwellings with carvings arose in Russia long before its baptism. True, the first attempts to do this were quite primitive - notches were placed on the window and door jambs, which served as amulets that protected the house from all sorts of troubles, hardships and evil spirits. The notches formed into simple patterns-signs: crosses, triangles, stars, and over time they united into more complex shapes. Gradually, the laws of their location were formed, not only on the facade, but also in the interior. True, later the symbolic meaning of the signs was lost and they turned into nothing more than decoration.

17-19. Modern carved platbands are not only in no way inferior to their progenitors, but in terms of beauty and originality of design, they often significantly surpass them. Designers achieve such an artistic effect mainly due to a somewhat non-standard arrangement of overhead elements.

By the nature and technique of execution, all house carving can be divided into the following subspecies: three-dimensional (sculptural), deaf relief, slotted (cut) and invoice. Moreover, in different regions of Russia, preference was given to any one species. They also developed their own ornaments there. But still, it was rare to find a house where only one type of carving would be used in the design - non-through patterns certainly coexisted with slotted ones, and at the same time decor plots were necessarily combined and even intertwined. Both the craftsmen and the owners of the house themselves were engaged in the manufacture of jewelry during the winter months free from worries about the harvest, which is confirmed, for example, by the expression “to sharpen balusters” (balusters), and still means doing a business that you can spend time on, if only you do more there is nothing.

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a. Volumetric, or sculptural. Characterized by the fact that the object is depicted in volume. It was this type of carving that was used to decorate the ends of okhlupneys, dowels-forty, kokor and supporting pillars of the porch of a wooden house.
b. Deaf embossed (ship). It has a high relief of the pattern and a solid, deaf background. Can depict geometric ornaments, plants, animals, as well as fairy tale characters. Decorated doors, shutters, and often platbands.
in. Slotted, or sawn. The drawing is cut with a jigsaw or saw. It was this technique that was used in most cases, since it is much cheaper than blind threads and gives more interesting game light and shadow.


d. Multilayer welt. It imitates blind carving by stacking boards with a slotted pattern on top of each other. The number of connected carved boards is from two to four, and the pattern on each of them can be different.
e. Invoice. The elements of the pattern, made with a slotted carving, are fixed with nails (glue) on a solid or carved board. It imitates a blind thread, but it is much easier and faster to manufacture, and the image is clearer.

Modern Jewelry

Lost traditions today artistic carving on wood are recreated almost anew, bit by bit. Each of the masters works mainly in any one technique, and only a few take on several types of carving at once. Wooden lace is usually made to order and at contract prices. At the same time, as in the good old days, single craftsmen most often offer products with sawn threads, made from boards with a thickness of 15 to 30 mm in the old fashioned way - with a jigsaw.

But do not think that progress has not touched the process of creating carved decorations. In addition to individual masters, there are also small firms who make products from the board with the help of computer programs and laser. And this is not bad at all - the laser beam, “cutting through” the pattern in the tree, simultaneously burns the cut, as a result of which the product lasts much longer. Ornament or drawing can be made in any of the traditional styles or made according to the sketches of the customer.

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20-23. Carved balusters, as before, are able to turn the railings of stairs, balconies and terraces that seem to have a purely functional purpose into decoration of the facade. Recently, designers are increasingly using a rather original technique - thick tree branches are used instead of balusters.

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24-29. A one- or two-pillar porch is not able to fit into the architecture of every wooden house. And so this element is almost forgotten. But such a structure as a “hanging” porch, based on the release of logs of a log house, and even decorated with type-setting or carved columns that support the roof, still does not give up its positions.

Among these technologically advanced firms, there are those that have gone even further, starting to produce highly precise carvings with intricate patterns from a wide variety of materials. We give three specific examples.

waterproof plywood. Design Bureau Switch has developed a technology for making carved products from moisture-resistant plywood. This multilayer material, according to the company's specialists, is much more resistant to external factors(moisture, sun, frost, etc.) and durable than wood, provided, of course, that the finished product is treated with an antiseptic and covered with modern varnishes or paints. In addition, plywood allows you to make patterns of high complexity - with a large number of tiny through elements. Using this technology, it is possible to make not only wind boards, towels and architraves, but also decorative linings, skirting boards, screens for radiators, screens, interior partitions, inserts, panels, ceiling sockets, etc. The proposed method has some technological limitations. So, the maximum length and width of products is set by the size of a plywood sheet - 2x3 m, so long elements have to be assembled from short ones, fastening them end-to-end, but due to the high precision of manufacturing parts, these joints are almost invisible. The area of ​​the treated surface does not exceed 1.5x1.5 m, and the thickness of the material is 10 cm. In addition, there are restrictions on minimum size elements that can be attached to the equipment. The cost of a complete set of products can be found out only during a comprehensive and detailed discussion of the order.

Wood composite. According to the method developed by the Art Gorodets company, all elements are cut from boards made from wood shavings by hot pressing. The binder is a substance of natural origin - lignin. Finished goods treated with eucalyptus resin and coated with acrylic paint. As a result, the material retains all properties natural wood, but surpasses it in moisture and frost resistance, as well as resistance to microorganisms. The cutting of plates is carried out on machines with a numerical program management, which ensures high quality processing and accuracy of pattern reproduction. Under the order, products can be painted in a color selected according to a special table. It is proposed to select the necessary decorative elements and the style of their design from an extensive catalog, which presents hundreds of details and dozens of design options (created on the basis of surviving historical carving patterns). The volume and variety of decor can be provided both by performing layer-by-layer milling, and by laying blanks on top of each other in several layers (each of them is pre-treated and painted). So, to reproduce patterns typical, for example, of the Kalyazin style, up to five carved layers are sequentially combined, and three are enough to obtain even the most ornate pattern of the Tver style. The price of products depends on the complexity of the carving - the more openwork option you choose, the higher the cost. Let's say, a standard-size casing in the style of "Red Hill" will cost 27 thousand rubles, and a similar "Assumption" style - 18 thousand rubles. Accordingly, samples in which several carved layers are used will cost more than single-layer ones.

The term of execution of the order, depending on its complexity, is from 3 to 8 weeks from the moment the drawings are approved and payment is made. Products are delivered completely ready for installation, the assembly diagram is attached, but branded installation can also be ordered.

The original design of the house

Progress has affected not only the technologies for making carved ornaments and the materials used for this, but also the options for arranging decors on the facade of the house. For example, windboards made of Plexiglas and equipped with LED backlighting are proposed to be fixed under multi-layered carved porches made of waterproof plywood. In this case, during daylight hours, only the "wooden" part of the decoration will be clearly visible, and the transparent plexiglass will remain almost invisible. At night, on the contrary, the luminous carved contour of plexiglass will come to the fore.

Plexiglas. A rather original proposal from the already mentioned design bureau Switch: a carved wind board is made of 1 cm thick plexiglass and is equipped with end LED lighting. The color of the glow can be static (blue, red, orange, white, green) or change according to a given program (using RGB LEDs controlled by the controller). The light sensor is responsible for turning on the backlight. Energy consumption is minimal - approximately 50 watts. The backlight does not require professional maintenance (it is enough to wash the plexiglass elements once a season or as they become dirty) and can work without replacing light sources for up to 30 years (50 thousand hours), provided that the supply voltage is stable. Guarantee period- 5-7 years. The cost of a luminous decoration is about 3 thousand rubles. for 1 running m., of which 1.5 thousand rubles. for 1 running m. will cost the plexiglass product itself, the rest - the cost of waterproof LED lines and their control equipment.

Observe the measure

Unlike Europe, with its inherent sophistication and minimalism in design, in many parts of Russia there is a clearly visible craving for decorating houses with wooden lace. And this is wonderful, because a truly modern home should be comfortable in every sense - not only be practical and meet the requirements for energy saving, but also be distinguished by high aesthetics, characteristic of such well-established architectural styles as Russian, Art Nouveau, Empire, etc.

32-34. The use of carved wood composite elements will not only transform the building, but even visually change its proportions. And you can use them to place or shift accents and thereby make the facade of the house more attractive. But in both cases, a professional design project should be guided.

But no matter what style of carving the owners of the house choose, it is very important that they do not change their sense of proportion in the process of implementing their plans. After all, the abundance of decorative details is extremely tiring for perception, and the use of complex and intricate carved patterns is far from always justified. So, very thin lace, which admires the elaboration of the pattern from a distance, can merge into a continuous, indistinct mass from a distance. In turn, too large decor will dominate other architectural details of the building. You should not overload the facade with excesses, because any annoying embellishment irritates the eye. And most importantly - the dimensions of the wind boards, valances and platbands must be correctly correlated with the proportions of the wooden house as a whole and the dimensions structural elements porches, windows, balconies, cornices, overhangs, etc. And then even the simplest pattern will look elegant and stylish.

Responsibly, you need to approach the choice of color in which wooden lace will be painted. It must be in harmony with the tone of the log walls of the house. At the same time, light patterns will look spectacular against the background of logs painted in dark colors, while dark ones, on the contrary, will benefit from a combination with light wood.

House carving has been known in Russia since pagan times. She not only served as a talisman and decorated the house, but also solved practical problems: platbands closed the gaps between the window frames and the log wall, and the ceilings prevented the roof from overgrowing with icicles

Over the years, the cult significance has been lost, less labor-intensive methods have been used for thermal insulation, and it would seem that it is time for “wooden lace” to go into oblivion, but to this day it is in demand.

Today, for the construction of country houses, profiled timber and rounded logs are often used. Monotonous, as if lined with a ruler, the walls depersonalize the house, make it expressionless and boring. Carved cornices, platbands, balusters and friezes, like nothing else, can give it individuality and style. Moreover, the master's hand can turn an unpretentious wooden "box" into a real work of art. Of course, this type of decor cannot be called mass. Not everyone can afford carving, especially when it comes to exclusive work made to order. Nevertheless, facades decorated with intricate wooden patterns are by no means rare.

There are a great variety of threads, so you can find an option for every taste. The most ancient is considered a flat, or deaf, thread, in which recesses and grooves are made on a wooden surface that make up a geometric pattern. So in the old days, the ends of logs, platbands and shutters were decorated.

More complex, and therefore more expressive, is relief carving with a convex, three-dimensional image.

sculptural carving

sculptural carving, as the name implies, involves the creation of independent figures separated from the background. An example is the traditional horse head crowning the roof of the hut. Well, the latest, moreover, the most popular at the present time - through (openwork, slotted) thread, performed by cutting boards with a thickness of 5 to 50 mm. Compared to other types of wooden decor, it is the easiest to perform, and it is cheaper. But its popularity is explained not only by this. The through carving is amazingly beautiful. The effect of fine openwork weaving is greatly enhanced by the lace shadow, the pattern of which changes depending on the angle of incidence of the sun's rays. And if the decorations are multi-tiered (that is, the boards of platbands, piers and valances are superimposed on each other) and even painted in contrasting colors, the decorative effect is enhanced even more.

Platbands, piers and balusters should neither "fall through" into the facade, nor protrude, but organically fit into the overall composition, creating a single whole with other decorative elements

Glossary of terms

The main elements of house carving

Baluster- a small volumetric or flat post that supports the railing of the fence.
end board- an ornamental board covering the ends of the logs of the log house.
Frontal board(red board, scarf) - a carved frieze on the main facade, placed above the windows. With the frame structure of the pediment, it closed the transition from the logs of the wall to its plank sheathing.
Chimney- a wooden pipe for the exit of smoke in a chicken hut, usually carved.
Brush- openwork end part of a prichelina or towel.
Skate- the upper junction of the roof slopes, covered with okhlupny, as well as a figure that adorns the end of the okhlupny.
Chicken (cocora)- a curved trunk of a spruce or a trunk cut down together with one of the rhizomes growing perpendicular to the trunk. It is attached to the slabs of the male roof and carries a water flow.
platband- framing a window or door opening, covering the gap between the wall and the window or door frame. Visually highlighted and emphasized the opening.
Okhlupen (clap, helmet)- a hollowed-out log covering the ridge of the roof.
Valance- a carved board located horizontally under the eaves of the porch roof.
Stream (water pipe)- a bar with a hollowed out longitudinal groove for a drain; the lower ends of the tesa covering the roof rest against it.
Towel- a carved board covering the junction of the berths.
Prichelina- a board covering the ends came down.
Male (forcep)- self-supporting triangular pediment. The upper part of this pediment was called the forehead (ochelie).
Earring- a carved board covering the ends of the felling logs.
Sleg- a horizontal log embedded in the pediment.
Magpie- a dowel that fastens the horse's slug and okhlupen.
shutters- one- or two-leaf carved shutters for oblique windows.

material question

It's obvious that carving material is primarily wood. She has many advantages - she is beautiful, amenable to processing, plastic and durable. All this allows you to create complex sculptural figures of fairly large sizes. But there are also enough shortcomings - fire hazard, susceptibility to weathering, susceptibility to attacks by fungus and insects. The monuments of ancient architecture have come down to us only because the tree, before being put into use, was dried naturally for several years and only those rocks that were able to resist decay were taken. But now, with the development of the chemical industry, almost all types of wood can be used on facades. Here are the most popular:

Aspen and linden. These rocks are more workable than others, durable and resistant to chipping. Aspen, in addition, is almost immune to moisture, and products from it are suitable for staining with water-soluble paints.

Maple and oak resistant to chips and dents, solid, and therefore difficult to work out details. Another disadvantage is the high price. Pros - strength and respectable appearance.

Larch very hard and difficult to machine, prone to chipping and flaking. But on the other hand, it is resistant to moisture, and therefore durable. Over time, the wood acquires a very beautiful silver hue.

Pine elements

Spruce and pine- resinous rocks, when dried, prone to cracking. Working with them requires skill and extreme accuracy. The advantage is affordability. Spruce and pine wood is most common in the central part of Russia, and therefore is popular. With proper care, jewelry from it can serve for many years.

Only high-quality solid wood boards are suitable for house carving (adhesive seams are primarily prone to cracking when using products outdoors). Humidity of wood - no more than 8-12%, geometric parameters of the board: thickness 18-20 mm, width up to 190 mm. It is not recommended to take very long lamellas, 1.5-3 m - it is quite enough to make it convenient to work both when carving and when installing products. It must be remembered that the shorter the board, the less likely it is that the carved decors will break during installation. Yes, and it is easier to replace such an element.

Lumber is selected with a minimum of knots on the front of future products. And all of them must be alive and not fall out.

The protection of wood from aggressive influences is now provided by primers and impregnations. Flame retardants are capable of preventing fire, which give a long-term fire retardant effect. Antiseptic impregnations act as "medicines" for fungus, mold and woodworm insects. They must be applied in at least two coats, on a dry and clean surface. As a rule, craftsmen do this with a brush, roller or spray, and small parts are dipped into the solution. Special attention should be turned to the ends, which most intensively absorb moisture. It is desirable to process carved products before installation, otherwise the joints will not be protected by antiseptics. It is recommended to renew the protective coating every 3-4 years.

Well, after the carved decorations are installed in their places, they should be painted, protecting them from ultraviolet rays. If this is not done, the wood will age very quickly, crack and acquire an ugly gray tint. The market offers a huge amount of special paints for wood. There are glazing compositions that leave the natural texture of wood fibers visible, and covering ones that form a dense decorative and protective layer. Usually for relief carving take transparent paints, and for openwork - opaque.

Saving on protective and decorative compositions is at least unreasonable. It will be a shame to see how expensive wooden "lace" cracks just because low-quality cheap coatings were chosen

An alternative to wood can be wooden composite- sheet material made from wood shavings by hot pressing. The natural binder is lignin. Finished products are treated with eucalyptus resin.

This material is less susceptible to the vagaries of the weather than wood, and it is much cheaper. Among the obvious advantages, we also note the fact that large-sized decor items can be made from a composite supplied in fairly large sheets - openwork walls of gazebos, porch decorations, garden design elements, etc. But the main advantage of the material is that its strength allows you to cut very thin patterns. True, it can only be cut-out decorations. Relief or sculptural carving will not work - the composite sheet is thin, so the master's cutter simply has nowhere to roam. Process the material manually or on machines with digital control.

When decorating a house with carvings, it is very important to observe the measure. Having gone too far with decors, you can turn a respectable mansion into a gingerbread house

The price of wood composite products depends on the complexity of the carving - the more openwork option you choose, the higher the cost. And of course, products in which there are several layers will be more expensive than single-layer ones. Let's say a standard size platband can cost from 18,000 to 27,000 rubles. Decorative elements are delivered completely ready for installation, with the attached assembly diagram, but branded installation can also be ordered.

Ordering process and installation

Window design options

Facade decoration services are offered by both private craftsmen and a number of small companies. Wood artists working individually can create not only carved “lace”, cut in the old fashioned way with a jigsaw from thin, from 15 to 30 mm, planks, but also relief and sculptural decor items. But firms, as a rule, specialize in machine-made openwork products - using a laser machine and digitally controlled machines.

The choice of decors depends on many factors. This is the geometry of the building, and its number of storeys, and the design of the roof, and, of course, the shape of window and door openings. Obviously, there are very few universal decorations suitable for any building. Typically, house carvings are made to order, and the price is determined in each case, depending on the complexity of the products. The drawing can be designed in any of the traditional styles or made according to the sketches provided.

After the general concept is defined, a measurer visits the site. Based on the data received, the company's specialists develop a detailed design project, and the order is sent to work. It takes an average of one to three months to make a house carving.

Fasten the elements of house carving in a dry way - with nails or, preferably, with zinc-coated screws, which will protect against the appearance of rust streaks. Openwork decor items at the attachment points are recommended to be pre-drilled so that thin planks do not crack during installation. In some places, especially when installing light outer strips, it is possible to fix with outdoor glue. With proper installation and post-processing, carved jewelry will last for many decades.

  1. Material selection
  2. Made from solid material: saw cut wood, wide board or plywood sheet
  3. Step 1: Design
  4. Step 2: Preparing the Tools
  5. Step 3: woodworking
  6. Step 4: details
  7. Step 5: Protection
  8. How to make a board from fragments
  9. More ideas

The cutting board should be clean and sturdy. It can perform 2 functions: to be a decorative accessory, to serve as a cooking appliance.

Creating a kitchen board is a creative process that does not have a clear algorithm.

What can be a cutting board

The technical composition must be free of toxic impurities.

The groups are fastened with clamps, aligned with slats in the upper and lower planes (see photo).

When the glue dries, the group blanks are ground and planed to give evenness.

Dividing a large board into narrow fragments allows you to process workpieces on machines. They are guided by the width of the working areas of the planing equipment.

The processed group blanks are leveled in thickness, glued, lubricating the side ends with glue, and the structure is fixed with clamps.

Step 5: trimming and final sanding

When the glue dries, the board is cut to the desired size, the surface is sanded again. Corners can be rounded with a router.

A small groove is cut around the perimeter of the board. There will accumulate juice formed when cutting products.

Step 6: oil treatment

The finished product is treated with oil.

In a similar way, a board is made from fragments of any shape.

More ideas

For boards, you can use snags, unusual fragments of wood. Sometimes clear forms are avoided, they manage with grinding and impregnation of the product with protective oil.

In the finished board, you can cut a hole to remove scraps, grind the cut, attach legs to the board, and so on.


Wooden boards absorb odors and accumulate bacteria. To prevent this from happening, grinding should be carried out, the product should be impregnated with oil at least 3 times a year. The service life of the board will increase.

Wind board (wind plank, frontal board, cornice board) is an indispensable element of the facade of a country house, cottage. The wind board is both a decoration of the facade and protects the end parts of the building from rain. According to the tradition of Russian wooden architecture, the wind board is made carved and consists of several boards, one above the other, like a layer cake. Also, the facade of the house is decorated with platbands on the windows, carved towels on the walls between the windows and next to them, chapels, carved roof ridges, and the latest fashion trend is the carved family initials of the owner of the chopped wooden house, with carved ornament around, under the roof ridge.

However, using even the highest quality pine board, it is difficult to carve a rather complex ornament in a tree. Traditionally used technologies, tools and materials do not allow making a complex pattern for many reasons. Too openwork ornament can cause the board to crack and part of the ornament will fall off during installation or over time.

What else can decorate a chopped house or bath? Of course carved figures of animals and pillars. The history of the creation of such a cute bear (), and at the same time the entire construction of this bath can be read.

A poorly dried board or low-quality wood can rot, even if it is treated with an antiseptic - the roof eaves get very wet in rainy times. But one way or another, over time, under the influence of the sun, air, frost, moisture, microorganisms, the wind board cracks, leads, rots and becomes unusable. Timely painting saves wood but not for long.

But there is a way out - in new technologies and materials. We have developed a technology for manufacturing carved wind boards from moisture-resistant plywood.

An ornament, a pattern of a wind board, can be very complex, with a large number of openwork elements, consisting of non-solid elements fixed at some distance from the main ornament on remote holders not visible to the observer.

Carved wind boards and rivets not only decorate the edge of the roof, but also protect the protruding ends of the logs from rain. The thread, which is used for wind boards and berths, can be through - imitating lace, or convex.

Ornament milled into multilayer materials such as plywood is much more durable. Treated with an antiseptic and covered with modern varnishes or paints, plywood is resistant to external factors (moisture, sun, frost, etc.).

Using this technology, you can make: carved wind boards, carved wooden towels, carved platbands, carved overlays, carved plinths, carved screens for batteries, carved decorative interior partitions, inserts, carved panels, chapels, carved rosettes and other decorative elements.

Ornament or drawing can be any: traditional Russian or any other national ornament, as well as an ornament design specially designed for you.

It is possible to use non-traditional materials: transparent and matte acrylic (up to 20 mm), MDF, CSP, OSB boards, artificial stone, plastics, glued solid wood.

As an example, a carved wind board (fragment) made of plexiglass 1 cm thick, with end illumination, the color of the glow can be blue, red, orange, white, green, the color is static or can change from one to another. The machine will turn on the illumination of the cottage, depending on the illumination outside the house. Consumption is minimal, approximately 50 W, depending on the number of light sources and their color. Warranty period of operation of the backlight without replacing light sources (does not require maintenance 5 - 7 years).

Restrictions: the length and width of any product is limited by the size of a sheet of plywood 2x3 meters (or other sheet material), respectively, any long element will have to be fixed in a joint

NB! The length of the wind board of the board should be 100 ... 150 mm greater than the distance from the ridge to the lower edge of the roofing material.

In a separate direction, it is worth taking out a more complex 3-dimensional (it is also volumetric) milling. Products obtained using volumetric milling are more complex, and the carving of the ornament, as previously said, is more ornate. From the outside, it looks like it is a very high-quality hand carving, we can say that it is perfectly executed, since high-precision computer-controlled equipment is used here without the help of a human carver.

But this method there are several important restrictions: the area of ​​the processed surface is limited to 1.5x1.5 meters, and the thickness of the material should not exceed 10 cm. In addition, there are restrictions on the minimum size that can be fixed on the equipment.

The accuracy of execution is so high that it allows joining products almost seamlessly.