Analysis of macro-environment factors. Analysis of the external macro environment of the enterprise Analysis of the factors of the macro environment of a scientific enterprise table example

  • 04.11.2021

Usually, the term "external environment" refers to the totality of subjects and forces outside the organization and exerting any influence on its activities. There are many points of view in the scientific literature regarding the structure external environment. But the most widely used approach is that in the external environment of any organization there are two levels: micro- and macro-environment. We will consider and analyze them separately.

The macro-environment of the enterprise is the factors that the enterprise does not face directly, but which, nevertheless, have a serious impact on its activities. In the macro environment for market players Catering the main role is played by the political, economic, social and technological aspects of the external environment. Legal, natural and ethnic factors do not cause a significant impact on the enterprises of this industry. Therefore, in order to assess the situation on the market, it is advisable to conduct a STEEPLE-analysis, an analysis of the influence of environmental factors on the activities of the Munich bar enterprise.

The main characteristics of the demographic environment are the number and general permeability of the population.

Our company has no direct relationship with this environment. Products are not designed for a narrow specialization, i.e. bar visitors can be both young and old people, can interact with both individuals and legal entities.

The main characteristics of the economic environment include the general purchasing power of the population. Which is connected with the level of current incomes, prices, savings, unemployment, but also among the economic factors affecting the work of public catering enterprises, inflation should be considered first of all.

According to various forecasts, the inflation rate may remain approximately the same as in 2011, slightly increasing, or there will be a sharp jump.

For example, according to the IMF forecast, inflation in 2012 in Russia will be one of the highest in the world and will amount to 7.3%. Based on this, we can say that 2011 was a positive year for the company in terms of inflation, as the cost of purchasing products, rent, utility bills, etc. increased slightly, and the company had a stable income. However, in 2012, rising inflation may lead to an increase in costs, and, consequently, the cafe management will have to look for various solutions to normalize the situation. One of the ways out may be to increase prices, which will negatively affect the company's image, because the main selling point is the relative cheapness of services, inflation will also affect the purchasing power of the population, which in turn will affect the demand for catering services, the cost of services will increase and demand will fall.

And yet, the relative stability of the economy is a positive factor for any enterprise, including cafes.

The economic situation in the country is not stable, but even due to the decline in the solvency of the population, the dynamics of growth in the market for the provision of catering services increases annually by at least 20%. High growth rates of the market are ensured by the emergence of new cafes, bars and restaurants.

The scientific and technical environment can be attributed to the development of science and technology, which is the main factor economic growth For three centuries, any scientific and technological innovation can cause serious long-term consequences.

The scientific and technical environment has a significant impact on the activities of the enterprise. The management of the enterprise should monitor the main trends in this area. Only modern technology is used - these are complexes of automatic machines controlled by computers, which allows the introduction of new technologies in the catering industry, and entails an increase in labor productivity and the services provided.

Highly qualified personnel are recruited to work with advanced equipment. However, the lack of support and funding from the state makes it very difficult to use the developments in science and technology in full.

The political and legal environment includes laws, regulations public institutions, the demands of public groups that influence the enterprise and limit the freedom of action.

An important reason for government regulation is the need to protect consumers from unfair business practices. The head of the enterprise should be well aware of the republican and local laws, under which the activities of the enterprise in a particular region fall.

For the activities of public catering enterprises, the election of the President of the Russian Federation on March 4, 2012 was a significant event. As a rule, after the re-election of the president, the legislative framework changes somewhat, and some bills may directly affect this industry and be both positive and negative for it. This year, V. V. Putin, who had previously held this post, was elected to the post of President of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is possible to predict his actions regarding new bills. Most likely, the situation will practically not change, and no cardinal changes will occur. This will have a positive impact on already functioning companies, as they will not have to reorganize under new laws.

The main requirements imposed by society and the state on public catering enterprises include:

  • 1. Availability of the necessary licenses established by law.
  • 2. Certification of catering products.
  • 3. Sanitary and hygienic rules.
  • 4. Rules for the provision of public catering services.

In accordance with Russian law, licensing means obtaining legal or individual(registered as individual entrepreneur) a special permit (license) to conduct a certain type of activity.

Activities for which a license must be obtained are listed in article 17 federal law dated August 8, 2001 No. 128-FZ "On licensing certain types activities” (hereinafter - Law No. 128-FZ).

The components of the socio-cultural environment are the basic views, cultural values ​​and norms of behavior that determine the relationship of people with each other.

If you correctly assess the situation and think through communications with target audience, then a cafe or restaurant will be a success. Otherwise, it will be empty, no matter what delicious food and cozy interior there are.

This environment has a direct impact on Bar Munich as dining out becomes more and more popular every year. Visiting a catering establishment during a lunch break, meeting friends or sitting alone in a cafe, reading a book over a cup of coffee has become a lifestyle for many.

The external environment is the environment in which the organization operates, and consists mainly of market participants. The well-being and efficiency of the business to a greater or lesser extent depend on their behavior, goals and interests. Analysis of the external environment allows you to identify and understand the opportunities and threats that may appear at any stage of business development, as well as develop strategic alternatives. As the intensity of changes in the external environment intensifies, such analysis becomes a vital factor for business. The external environment appears before the analyst in a generalized form, and his task is to identify the factors of the external environment. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that when developing a market strategy, not all factors are equivalent, since among them there will be both controlled and uncontrolled. Some external factors are outside the zone of constant control by the management of the organization, but their influence on the activity is significant, so they should be quantified.

Analysis of macro-environment factors

Among the factors of the macro environment, the most important are economic ones. They determine the trends in the development of social production, the purchasing power of the population, inflationary processes, the level of employment, and so on. The cost and availability of input resources for business organization, production volumes, availability of production capacity, jobs, etc. The analysis of the economic component makes it possible to assess the general changes in the state of the economy and makes it possible to predict their impact on the organization's activities.

Political factors characterize the stability of the political situation, the attitude of authorities to business, the direction of state regulation, etc. Due to an unstable political environment, an organization can move from the zone of acceptable risk to the zone of increased risk and become on the verge of ruin at any stage of business development.

Legal factors determine the legislative system that regulates economic activity organization and creates certain rules of the game in the market.

Scientific, technical and technological factors affect the modernity and degree of obsolescence of the equipment, technology and products used, as well as the efficiency of their use. Low government spending on science and technology leads to technological stagnation. Poor patent protection discourages entrepreneurs from acquiring the latest technology. All this reduces the competitiveness of products and can lead the business to a crisis situation.

Socio-cultural factors characterize the level of education and culture of the population, the prevailing system of values, customs, traditions, norms of behavior shared by all in society, etc. They affect the nature of the products produced, the method of production, working conditions, the attitude of personnel to work, the behavior of the organization in the market, the demand for goods and services, etc. The conditions and opportunities for the economic activity of organizations, their placement, and, consequently, the costs depend on them. A number of social factors that contribute to the emergence and development of a business crisis - crime and corruption - unfortunately, are becoming increasingly modern Russia increasing weight and are becoming an insurmountable barrier for many organizations. This set of specific characteristics has led to a special predisposition of many Russian organizations to the crisis and pre-bankruptcy conditions in the context of economic reform.

Natural geographic factors are natural and climatic conditions, the state environment, the availability of raw materials and energy, the availability of roads and other means of communication, etc. They determine the conditions and opportunities for the economic activity of organizations, their placement, and, consequently, the costs of delivering raw materials, production costs and the selling price of products.

International factors represent various economic, socio-political, cultural, legal, scientific, technical and other features of those countries with which the enterprise has business relations. In addition, major events and major trends in the international environment can have an impact on the organization's microenvironment.

One of the methods for diagnosing the macro environment is PEST-analysis, which allows analyzing the main groups of factors (political-legal - political and legal; economic - economic; social-cultural - socio-cultural; technological - technological). Some factors can be quantified (unemployment rate, interest rates on capital, income level of the population, etc.). For them, diagnostics is reduced to establishing their dynamics and assessing its significance for the choice anti-crisis strategy. In cases where quantification not possible, you can use expert opinions by filling out the special forms presented in Table. 2.1, 2.2.

Table 2.1.

Table 2.2.

The score and weighting coefficients are determined by the experts. The rating scale can be set from 1 to 5 points. However, the most effective of the common methods for diagnosing the business environment is SWOT analysis, which involves assessing the external environment and comparing it with the capabilities of the enterprise. The latter should be viewed as positive trends in the external environment that can help increase business profitability (change foreign economic policy, tax cuts, changes in the investment climate, growth in household incomes, etc.). Threats are negative trends that can lead to a decrease in business profitability (changes in the demographic situation, rising unemployment, etc.). Diagnostics of the macro environment is only part of a single methodology for SWOT analysis of the entire enterprise.

Changes in the macro environment are intense, therefore, the complexity of the problems facing the FEA organization increases. However, the more complex they are, the more time it takes to solve them. Situations of delay are frequent, when already at the stage of solving existing problems, new ones appear. As a result, the delay in their decision is growing. Consequently, leading is becoming increasingly important, which implies the need to intensify analytical research, the ability to adapt FEA to the macro environment.

In order for the organization's management to be able to effectively study the state of the macro-environment components, a special system for monitoring the external environment should be created, carrying out both special observations related to some special events, and regular monitoring of the state of external factors important for the organization.

The analysis of the organization's immediate environment is focused on studying the state of those components of the external environment with which it is in direct interaction. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that an enterprise can have a significant impact on the nature and content of this interaction, thereby actively participating in the formation additional features prevent threats to its continued existence.

Analysis of the macro environment of the enterprise involves the study and evaluation of such factors: economic, political, demographic, scientific and technical, natural, socio-cultural and international.

Figure 2. - The main factors of the macro-environment of the functioning of the organization.

Economic forces. There are many economic factors that can affect an organization. For example, such as how affordable credit is, what effect currency exchange rates have, how much taxes you have to pay, and many others. The ability of an organization to remain profitable is directly affected by the overall health and well-being of the economy, the stage in which the business cycle develops. The macroeconomic environment as a whole will determine the level of ability of organizations to achieve their economic goals. Bad economic conditions will reduce the demand for goods and services of organizations, while more favorable ones can provide prerequisites for its growth.

Political and legal factors. Various legislative and governmental factors can affect the level of existing opportunities and threats to the organization. National and foreign governments can be for a number of organizations the main regulators of their activities, sources of subsidies, employers and buyers. This may mean that for these organizations, the assessment of the political situation may be the most important aspect analysis of the external environment. Such an assessment is carried out through detailing the political and legal factors affecting the organization. There are many such factors, even more of their various combinations, therefore, we will single out and list the most frequently encountered in the analysis of the external environment: changes in tax legislation; alignment of political forces; business-government relations; patent law; legislation on environmental protection; government spending; antimonopoly law; money-credit policy; state regulation; federal elections; political conditions in foreign countries; sizes of state budgets; government relations with foreign countries.

Social and cultural factors shape the way we live, work, consume and have a significant impact on almost all organizations. New trends create a type of consumer and, accordingly, create a need for other goods and services, defining new strategies for the organization. This is evidenced by increased environmental concerns among Western consumers, to which some organizations have responded by using recyclable packaging and phasing out the use of CFCs in their production.

In order to identify the most significant opportunities and threats from social and cultural factors, organizations need to take into account new trends in the late 1990s - early 2000 and beyond (for example, facts such as a more educated consumer, an increase in the number of working women, aging population). Thus, for example, an aging population with a large percentage of people over 55-60 years old means favorable opportunities (in terms of increasing demand for their services) for organizations working in those areas that are of greatest interest to older people - social protection pensioners and the poor, charity, patronage, healthcare, etc. Changes in the sex, age and national composition of the Russian population can also have an important impact on organizations.

You can list the main socio-cultural factors that organizations face most often: birth rate; mortality; coefficients of intensity of immigration and emigration; coefficient of average life expectancy; disposable income; life style; educational standards; shopping habits; attitude to work; attitude towards rest; attitude to the quality of goods and services; requirement for environmental pollution control; energy saving; attitude towards the government; problems of interethnic relations; Social responsibility; social welfare.

Scientific and technical factors. Their influence on organizations is often so obvious that they are considered the main engine of industrial - and more broadly - social progress. The revolutionary technological changes and discoveries of recent decades, such as robotic manufacturing, the penetration of computers into everyday human life, new types of communication, transportation, weapons, and much more, present great opportunities and serious threats, the impact of which managers must be aware of and evaluate. Some discoveries can create new industries and shut down old ones. The impact of technological factors can be assessed as a process of creating a new and destroying the old. Accelerating technological change is shortening the average life cycle product, so organizations must anticipate what changes new technologies bring with them. These changes can affect not only production, but also other functional areas, such as personnel (selection and training of personnel for work with new technologies or the problem of laying off excess labor released due to the introduction of new, more productive technological processes) or, for example, to marketing services, which are tasked with developing methods for selling new types of products.

demographic factors. Its main characteristics. The number and density of the population. For marketers, demographics are of interest because markets are made up of people. In this environment, the following important trends can be traced:

  • - World population explosion. This is population growth at an "explosive" pace. At current growth rates, by 2010 the world's population will be 10 billion people. The population explosion is worrying as the planet's resources may not be enough to sustain a high standard of living. The population is growing at a high rate in the least developed countries. Population growth causes an increase in human needs and markets.
  • - Decline in the birth rate in developed countries and in Ukraine. This trend can be seen as a threat to some areas of activity and as an advantage to others. It limits the prospects of some businesses, such as those manufacturing children's toys, clothing, furniture and baby food. Simultaneously educational organizations, the entertainment industry is benefiting from this, as young couples have more free time.
  • - Aging of the population in developed countries and in Ukraine. The reduction in the birth rate in modern developed countries and Russia causes an increase in the average age of residents. population age groups population is changing at different rates, so the capacity of individual segments of the market for goods and services is also changing in different ways.
  • - Migration of the population. In the 1990s, the migration of the population in Ukraine increased sharply. Many migrants from other republics of the former Soviet Union arrived in the country. The rural population has slightly increased. The annual migration of the population within the country has increased, its level has reached 50% of the level of migration in European countries. Migration increases the volatility of the consumer market.
  • - Raising the educational level and increasing the number of employees. An increase in the number of educated people increases the demand for high quality goods, books, magazines, tourist trips. The growth in employment in the service sector and the reduction in the number of people employed in the production of goods led to an increase in the number of employees.

natural environment. In the 1960s, there was growing public concern about environmental pollution. Legislators began to put forward various measures to protect it. Changes in the environment also affect the goods that enterprises produce and offer to the market.

  • - Shortage of certain types of resources and raw materials. Water and air may seem like inexhaustible natural resources, but there is a serious threat of pollution. Food supply can become a major problem as agricultural land is limited. The use of renewable resources such as forests and food requires attention. Acute problems arise in connection with the depletion of non-renewable resources, for example, deposits of metal ores (platinum, zinc, copper, lead, silver).
  • - Growth of environmental pollution. Industrial activity almost always harms the state of the natural environment. There are problems of dangerous levels of chemical contaminants in soil and food, radioactive contamination, pollution packaging materials that are not biodegradable. As an alternative to negative development trends, a market for anti-pollution products is being created.
  • - State intervention in the process of rational use and reproduction of natural resources. Entrepreneurial activity is under the control of both government agencies and from influential groups in the public. Business should be involved in finding solutions to the problems of providing the economy with material resources and preventing environmental pollution.

International Factors

While the environmental factors described While the above affects all organizations to some extent, the environment of organizations operating at the international level is highly complex. The latter is due to the unique set of factors that characterize each country. Economy, culture, quantity and quality of labor and material resources, laws, government institutions, political stability, level technological development vary from country to country. In carrying out the functions of planning, organizing, stimulating and controlling, managers must take such differences into account.

Table 2. - Environmental factors.

Group of factors



Possible actions of the enterprise.

1. Economic

1.1. Establishing high taxes

Outflow of money from the sphere of production to the budget, reduction of effective demand

Increasing the cost of production

1.2. The threat of high inflation

Difficulties in obtaining long-term loans

Search for financial resources

1.3. Depreciation of the national currency

Decrease in production

1.4. Decline in production

Scarcity and rise in price of resources

Decrease in sales

2. Political and legal

2.1. Strengthening consumer protection against substandard products

Improving product quality, improving technology.

Expanding the circle of clients

2.2. Improving relations between the state and other countries

Export boost

Profit increase

3. Scientific and technical

3.1. Emergence of new technologies

Improving product quality

4. Socio-cultural

4.1. Increasing the level of education of the state

Increasing the level of specialists at the enterprise

5. Demographics

5.1. Population decline and overall aging

Decrease in demand

The company will suffer losses

5.2. The problem of poverty

Decrease in sales

Performance degradation

6. International

6.1. Interest in introducing the project into the production of reinforced glass

Growing interest of foreign consumers

Table 3 "List of opportunities and threats of the macro environment for the enterprise", respectively, for each factor displays possible options decisions of the enterprise on the manifestation of factors.

consumer supplying managerial swot

Table 3. List of opportunities and threats of the macro environment for the enterprise.

Macro environmental factors

Assessment of the degree of influence of the factor on enterprises (strong, moderate, weak)

Possible options for enterprise response

1. Opportunities (favorable factors)

1.1. Improving relations between the state and other countries.


Increasing profits, increasing exports.

1.2. Increasing the level of education of the state


Productivity improvements, team discipline

1.3. Emergence of new technologies

Reducing the cost of products, making a profit

1.4. Interest in introducing the project into the production of reinforced glass

Increasing exports, making a profit.

1.5. Strengthening consumer protection against substandard products


Expanding the circle of clients

2. Threats (factors of adverse influence)

2.1 Setting high taxes


Increasing the cost of production

2.2. The threat of high inflation

Search for financial resources

2.3. Depreciation of the national currency

Increasing the cost of production

2.4. Decline in production

Decrease in sales

2.5. The problem of poverty

Performance degradation


Strategic Management- this is a management that relies on human potential as the basis of the organization, orients production activities to the needs of consumers, responds flexibly and implements timely changes in the organization that meet the challenge from the environment and allow achieving competitive advantage which together enable the organization to survive in the long term while achieving its goals. The objects of strategic management are organizations, strategic business units and functional areas of the organization.

The subject of strategic management are:

1. Problems that are directly related to the general goals of the organization.

2. Problems and solutions related to any element of the organization, if this element is necessary to achieve the goals, but is not currently available or is not available in sufficient quantity.

3. Problems associated with external factors that are uncontrollable.

“Problems of strategic management most often arise as a result of the action of numerous external factors. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake in choosing a strategy, it is important to determine what economic, political, scientific, technical, social and other factors influence the future of the organization. The core of strategic management is a system of strategies that includes a number of interrelated specific business, organizational and labor strategies. A strategy is a pre-planned response of an organization to a change in the external environment, a line of its behavior chosen to achieve the desired result.

To solve the first question, an information base with relevant data is needed to analyze past, present and future situations. The second question reflects such an important feature for strategic management as its orientation to the future. It is necessary to determine what to strive for, what goals to set. The third issue is related to the implementation of the chosen strategy, during which the two previous stages can be adjusted. The most important components of this stage are the available or available resources, the management system, the organizational structure and the personnel who will implement this strategy.

Thus, the essence of strategic management is the formation and implementation of an organization's development strategy based on continuous monitoring and evaluation of ongoing changes in its activities in order to maintain the ability to survive and function effectively in an unstable environment.

Task 1. Analysis of the macro environment of the enterprise

Conduct an analysis of the macro environment using the PEST methodology (build a table, make calculations).

For the analysis we use the enterprise of the automotive industry AVTOZAZDEO.

To study the external environment, you can use a fairly simple technique (PEST analysis), which involves going through several steps.

1) We will develop a list of external factors that have a high probability of implementation and impact on the functioning of the enterprise. To do this, we will compile and fill in Table 1.

Table 1. PEST-analysis of macro-environment factors

2) Let's evaluate the significance of each factor for this enterprise by assigning it a significance level from one to zero. The sum of the levels must be equal to 1.

3) We will give an assessment of the degree of influence of each factor on the strategy of the enterprise on a 5-point scale.

4) We define weighted estimates by multiplying the level of significance by the degree of influence and calculate the total score, which indicates the degree of readiness of the enterprise to respond to environmental factors.

The results will be entered in table 1.

The total weighted score for AVTOZAZDEO is 4.5. This assessment indicates the insufficient readiness of AVTOSAZDEO to respond to the influence of environmental factors

As a result of the analysis, positive and negative influences external environment AVTOZAZDEO. In particular: the high development of the Internet and the emergence of new advertising media, contributes to the establishment of business ties at the state and international levels, contributes to a competent advertising campaign.

Task 2. Conduct an assessment of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, create a table and a SWOT matrix

Any segmentation begins with a comprehensive study of the market situation in which the company operates, and an assessment of the types of opportunities and threats that it may face. The starting point for such an overview is SWOT analysis, one of the most common types of analysis in marketing. Simply put, SWOT analysis

Allows you to identify and structure the strengths and weaknesses of the company, as well as potential opportunities and threats.

As a basis for the analysis, we will take the Carpet Plant enterprise, which specializes in the production of carpets and rugs from natural domestic raw materials.

Conducting a SWOT analysis comes down to filling out a SWOT analysis matrix. In the appropriate cells of the matrix, it is necessary to enter the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as market opportunities and threats.

We define the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the enterprise and summarize the results in Table 2.

Table 2. SWOT analysis

Features1. Loading of production capacities at 100%2. Implementation new technology which will make the products competitive 3. Expansion of sales markets with their preliminary study4. Carrying out marketing research and concluding agreements of intent with potential wholesale consumers Strengths 1. Own production 2. Prices are lower than those of competitors by 10%3. Quality products from natural raw materials4.Verified domestic suppliers
Weaknesses 1. Outdated technology 2. Lack of qualified personnel 3. No own dealer network Lack of various forms of payment for customers4. Control of 5% of the market5. Dependence on exchange rates 30%

To establish links between strong and weaknesses enterprise, its opportunities and threats, we will make a SWOT-analysis matrix (Table 3).

Table 3. SWOT Analysis Matrix

Features1. Loading of production capacities at 100%2. The introduction of new technology that will make products competitive3. Expansion of sales markets 4. Carrying out marketing research Threats1. Increase in the price of energy resources2. High instability of financial institutions associated with political instability3. Possibility of new competitors
Strengths 1. Own production 2. Prices are lower than those of competitors by 10%3. Quality products from natural raw materials4. Proven domestic suppliers 1SI-1V, 1SI-2V2SI-2V, 2SI-3V, 2SI-4V3SI-1V, 3SI-2V, 4SI-3V, 3SI-3V4SI-3V 1SI-1U2SI-1U, 2SI-2U, 2SI-3U 3SI-3U4SI- 3U4SI-1U, 4SI-2U, 4SI-3U
Weaknesses 1. Outdated technology 2. Lack of qualified personnel 3. No own dealer network4. Lack of various forms of payment for customers 1SL-1V, 1SL-2V, 1SL-3V, 1SL-4V2SL-1V, 2SL-2V, 2SL-3V, 2SL-4V3SL-1V, 3SL-2V, 3SL-3V, 3SL-4V4 SL-1V, 4 SL- 2V, 4 SL-3V 1SL-1U, 1SL-3U2SL-3U3SL-1U, 3SL-2U, 3SL-3U4SL-3U

Comparison of strengths and weaknesses with market opportunities and threats allows you to answer the following questions regarding the further development of the business:

How is it possible to take advantage of the opening opportunities, using the strengths of the enterprise?

What are the weaknesses of the enterprise can interfere?

What strengths can be used to neutralize existing threats?

What threats, exacerbated by the weaknesses of the enterprise, should be most feared?

The final indicators of the SWOT analysis are used in the strategic and tactical planning of the enterprise.

So, in order to develop business, the Carpet Plant enterprise needs to increase the utilization of production capacities own production by introducing new technologies. Financing the introduction of new technology can be carried out by increasing the range and upgrading products in connection with the fashion trend. It is necessary to carry out marketing research and, based on their results, expand the sales market by entering the market with improved high-quality products created using new technology, or with a new product.

The factors of the microenvironment sometimes include not only the organization ( company), but also consumers customers), competitors ( competitors) and partners ( collaborators). According to the English names of these components, the company's microenvironment is designated as 4C.

On fig. 1.2 factors of the macroenvironment of the organization of direct influence are shown.

Rice. 1.2. Macro-environmental factors of direct impact of the organization

Consumers- an integral part of the business of any organization and the most important component of the organization's immediate environment. Any business exists insofar as it has consumers. The strategy of the organization should be focused on the most complete satisfaction of the needs and requirements of the consumer. Knowing the specific desires of its customers, their aspirations and hopes allows the organization to develop clear development goals and programs for their implementation.

Of course, an organization can influence both suppliers and intermediaries by offering them its prices, tariffs, offering discounts from prices, giving preference to some of them, etc. Suppliers- these are organizations and individuals that supply the resources necessary for the production of goods or for the provision of services. Market trends that affect suppliers can have a significant impact on an organization's implementation of a strategic plan.

Intermediaries structures that help an organization advertise, market, sell, and deliver a product to a customer are called. All of them are usually related to each other. Whatever the organization does, no matter what product or service it specializes in, the most important intermediaries are transport, financial and advertising.

Any organization faces a wide range of competitors. Market theory says that in order to succeed in business, an organization must not only meet the changing needs of customers, but also adapt to the strategies of competitors. The organization must gain a strategic advantage by instilling in the minds of competitors the priority of their products.

In addition, various contact audiences of the organization can be attributed to factors that can be influenced. Contact audience Any group that has an actual or potential interest in the organization or influences its ability to achieve its goals. The contact audience can either contribute to the organization's market service efforts or counteract the market service organization's efforts.

Any organization operates in the environment of seven types of contact audiences:

1) financial circles (banks, investment companies, brokerage organizations of the stock exchange, shareholders);

2) mass media (newspapers, magazines, radio stations and television centers);

3) contact audiences of state institutions;

4) public organizations (groups of environmentalists, representatives of national minorities, etc.);

5) local community (local population);

6) society as a whole;

7) internal contact audiences (own workers and employees, voluntary assistants, managers, members of the board of directors).

An increasing number of organizations have to reckon with societal rights, values ​​and priorities, take into account and monitor laws and regulations, as well as many other factors that cannot be influenced.

It is the macro environment that determines many situations in business, its characteristic features affect the activities of all economic entities, regardless of the form of ownership and the specifics of the products offered on the market.

Political and legal, economic, demographic, sociocultural, scientific, technical, natural factors have an indirect impact on the organization's activities (Fig. 1.3).

Rice. 1.3. Macro-environment factors of organization of indirect impact

Political and legal factors- these are the political institutions in the country and their development; state of legislation regulating economic and economic activity; the consequences of the influence of foreign economic policy on competition and demand in the domestic market; the influence of the public on the nature of decisions taken by state bodies. There is a well-known aphorism: "You may not be involved in politics, you may not even be interested in it at all, sooner or later it will take care of you."

Political factors affecting business should include all legislative acts, presidential decrees, government orders regulating entrepreneurial activity, as well as similar orders of local authorities. Entrepreneurs should closely monitor the formation and development of the legislative framework in order not to make mistakes.

Economic forces is the economic situation of the country; purchasing power of citizens; dynamics and structure of consumption; financial, monetary, credit situation of the country. Strategic planners and marketers need to be aware of major income trends, as the general purchasing power of the population is determined by current income, savings and price levels.

Demographic factors is the population, its density; territorial location; age structure, fertility, mortality; the number of marriages and divorces; ethnic and religious structure of the population. There are many demographic indicators - all are not listed here. It is rather difficult to influence their development at the level of an individual entrepreneur, but it is necessary to track their change. After all, the market as a combination of real and potential buyers has a demographic fundamental basis. One of the leading demographic trends is the change in the age structure of the population, which is expressed in an increase in the proportion of older people and a decrease in the proportion of young people. This trend is typical for all countries of Europe, many countries of Asia and America. It is also characteristic of Russia.

Peter Drucker attached great importance to demographic factors, believing that there is nothing more stupid than ignoring demographics. The main suggestion is that the composition of the population is inherently unstable and subject to sudden, drastic changes. And this is the primary external factor that is analyzed and considered by those who make the decision, whether they are businessmen or politicians.

Sociocultural factors- this is the level of cultural development, forms of cultures, features of cultural and moral values ​​of consumer groups, the degree of exposure of public consciousness to the influence of external factors. The cultural environment includes institutions that influence the core values, preferences, and behavioral norms of a society.

Scientific and technical factors- these are the pace and scale of scientific, technical and technological changes, the intensity of innovations, the innovative potential of the organization and its main competitors, the requirements for the safety of innovations, the amount of R&D costs, and the qualifications of personnel.

natural factorsNatural resources countries (regions), prospects for their use, the degree of provision of national production with the main types of raw materials and fuel, the influence of state bodies on the intensity of resource consumption, the level of environmental pollution in general and in individual regions.

An organization needs to study the factors of the macro environment, predict their dynamics for a strategic perspective, and adjust its internal factors to this dynamic.

Strategic management should ensure such interaction of the organization with marketing environment that would enable the organization to maintain the capacity it needs to achieve its goals and enable it to survive in the long term.