Leading countries in natural gas production. Leaders in gas production in the world - World natural gas production. Development of hydrocarbon resources abroad

  • 03.12.2019

Summed up the results of natural gas production by country in 2015.

In general, natural gas production in the world in 2015 amounted to 3538.6 billion cubic meters (about 3.5 trillion cubic meters), the growth in production compared to 2014 was 2.2%.

During the reporting period, production in the EU countries decreased by 8% to 120.1 billion cubic meters. Production in the CIS countries decreased by 0.6% to 751.6 billion cubic meters.

Gas producers in the world, 2015


Change for 2014


Saudi Arabia








Great Britain

Trinidad and Tobago










May 27-27, 2016
Russian gas market. Exchange trading
St. Petersburg, "Kempinski Moika 22"

Exchange gas trading can become an effective tool for improving the gas supply system in Russia.


Economy Blog

Iran is rushing to the European gas market through Syria.


Oil and gas field Khurbet-East

Author block

A. A. Paranuk

Press releases

Laboratory non-destructive testing ISK PetroEngineering conducted more than 13 thousand inspections in 2018
In 2018, the non-destructive testing laboratory of ISK PetroEngineering conducted more than 13 thousand checks of equipment parts and revealed about 100 hidden metal defects that could lead to accidents. Quality control passes all the equipment involved in drilling wells in various regions. The largest number latent defects are detected in equipment that is being developed in the Ural-Volga region, which is due to the geological structure of local deposits and equipment operation modes. There are several methods in the arsenal of the laboratory: visual-measuring control, ultrasonic control and magnetic-powder control.

It is impossible to overestimate the role of natural gas, which is in great demand and is declining catastrophically, given the global consumption volumes, it is impossible. The United States and Russia have become the leaders in gas production in the world, constantly competing for superiority and having hundreds of deposits of this wealth on their territories.

The annual production of shale gas by these two countries is 40% of the world's volumes. The United States has practically abandoned imported gas and is actively developing its territories by converting part of the gas production facilities for export purposes.

The instability of the world gas market, an increase in its exports to other countries and, as a result, a decrease in prices, forces Russia to cancel long-term gas supply contracts, constantly make concessions in prices to importing countries and develop new fields with less intensity.

The extraction of this raw material, although at a slower pace, is carried out on the territory of Qatar, Iran, SAO, Algeria and other countries.

The tendency to increase gas production, which began in the middle of the 20th century, has increased tenfold in our time. This is due to the increase in aviation, road, sea transport, the development of the chemical industry, which has increased tenfold in demand for electrical energy resources. The possibility in the near future to transfer a number of vehicles (including most of the cars) to a relatively inexpensive gas fuel has increased its world production several times over the past eight years, and has occupied the minds of scientists with the discovery of new deposits, accumulation forms and methods of gas production.

Data on gas production of conglomerate states vary. Each country maintains its own statistics, which are summarized for the year and published in printed publications. According to the reports of statistical agencies, over the past few years, the United States has quadrupled gas production in shale deposits, overtaking Russia, and is not going to slow down.

Only data on gas sold and actually consumed in the country can be recorded, the costs and utilization factor associated with production (losses during gas emissions into the atmosphere, combustion during production, etc.) are not taken into account. The utilization factor is the greater, the greater the degree of development of the gas industry.

By 2030, shale gas reserves (for which the standard deep well drilling method is used) will be at a critical limit in many countries. According to scientists, the world's reserves of this fuel are decreasing exponentially every year, and the rate of production predicts the depletion of the resource in 50-70 years. The issue of extraction of hydrated and mine methane gas becomes topical. Both varieties are currently only beginning to enter the field of study. Their production is associated with the construction of new drilling rigs and the development of new methods of gas purification from impurities.

Gas is the safest fuel in terms of environmental impact. When it is burned, a smaller amount of harmful volatile compounds is formed than from the combustion of other types of fuel. The main danger threatening humanity with an increase in gas production is a reduction in the species abundance of animals due to deforestation in the territories of gas fields, as well as erosion processes occurring under the influence of drilling.

Statistical overview of the leading countries in gas production in the world

Volume share of production, billion cubic meters m.

Percentage of production among the leading countries

The largest deposits

Territorial location

Total reserves of trillion cubic meters m.

gulf coast



Western and Eastern Siberia

South Pars

Persian Gulf

North Pars

Persian Gulf

rainbow lake

Newfoundland islands

Southwest China


Troll West

North Sea

Saudi Arabia

Eastern part of SAO


North Africa



Southeast of Turkmenistan

    1. USA - the volume of production has grown over the past three years by 4 times and tends to increase. Due to this, they stopped almost completely importing gas into their territories. Main deposit:
  • Gulf Coast Basin Mining occurs in the rocky mountainous regions of eastern Texas and southern Arkansas. The depth of the gas is more than 3 kilometers.
  • Russia - the main deposits are located in Western Siberia and the Far East, they are unique in size, often associated with oil fields (gas is a by-product of oil production). Leaders among deposits:
    • Urengoy field - Western Siberia - the third largest in the world - reserves - 4.5 trillion. cube m., more than a thousand wells. Today, it is possible to extract gas only from very deep layers of sediments.
    • Markovskoye field - Eastern Siberia - 2.4 trillion. cube m.
    • Bovanenskoye field - Yamal Peninsula - 3.2 trillion. cube m., despite the recent development period, and a small volume of production, is considered very promising.
    • Ust-Vilyuiskoye deposits - Far East - 1.5 trillion. cube m.

    Russia is the main gas exporting state in the world, and it has advantages over other producers due to two ways of supplying raw materials: by sea (gas is transported in liquid form) and through a gas pipeline.

    Gulf countries

    Development is carried out on the territory of the Persian Gulf, which is divided by a tectonic fault into 2 parts. Both deposits different ages origin and separate from each other.

      1. Iran - South Pars, - the northern part of the Gulf.
      2. Qatar - North Pars - the southern part of the Gulf.
      3. SAO - Gavar - the eastern part of the Persian Gulf. The depth of occurrence depends on the rock of the gas-bearing layer and ranges from 1 to 3 km.

    Raw materials are exported in large quantities to most European countries.

    1. Canada - the main reserves are located in the northern province of Newfoundland, capture part of the Appalachian mountains - several gas fields. Most of the produced gas is exported to the United States.
    • Rainbow Lake is the southern part of the Canadian state.
  • China - the largest field is being developed in the southwestern part of China, in the Sichuan depression, which is located in highlands. 50% of the extracted fuel is used to meet their needs
    • - Dazhou is one of the administrative centers in Sichuan province. Active importer of fuel - about 25 billion. cube m per year.
  • Norway - ranks second among European countries in the production of blue fuel - the Norwegian region of the North Sea is being developed at a fast pace.
    • - Troll West - the occurrence of fossil raw materials occurs at a depth of 400 meters, from at least three sources.
  • Algeria - one of the five largest exporters in the world, gas fields are separated from oil fields. The gas is clean chemical composition(includes the minimum amount of impurities).
    • -Hassi-Rmel - location - north of Algeria.
  • Turkmenistan - has giant deposits. Actively exports gas fuel to Europe.
    • Galkynysh - location - southeast of Turkmenistan, includes three large deposits.

    Our top 10 countries by gas production for 2017 are based on OPEC data published in the 2017 Annual Statistical Bulletin of World Energy.

    10 Turkmenistan

    This country is located in Central Asia. There are two oil and gas provinces on the territory of Turkmenistan: the Turan oil and gas province and the South Caspian oil and gas basin. There are over 220 gas, oil and gas, oil and condensate fields in these provinces. In 2017, this country produced 81.765 billion cubic meters. m of natural gas.

    9 Algiers

    This country is located in North Africa. Most of Algeria is located in the Sahara desert. In the depths of the country are oil and gas reserves. In the autumn of 2009, a gas condensate field was discovered in Algeria, which was named Ain-Tsila. In it, gas deposits are located at a depth of 1.5-2.0 km. In 2017, this country produced 93.152 billion cubic meters. m of natural gas.

    8 Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia is located on the Arabian Peninsula. The country has large reserves of oil and gas. In February 2007, a gas field was discovered in the Rub al-Khali desert, which was named Tukhman. Its deposits are located at a depth of 5-5.5 km. The initial reserves of natural gas in Tukhman amount to 1 billion cubic meters. m. Also in the Persian Gulf basin is a large oil and gas field Gavar. The deposits in it are located at a depth of 1.5-3 km. The geological reserves of natural gas in Gavar amount to 1.01 billion cubic meters. m. In 2017, 110.86 billion cubic meters were produced in this country. m of natural gas.

    7 Norway

    Norway is located on the Scandinavian Peninsula, the Svalbard archipelago and many islands. The country has large reserves of oil and gas. The largest natural gas reserves are the Troll, Oseberg and Frigg fields. The troll stores 1287 billion cubic meters. m of gas, Oseberg - 60 billion cubic meters. m of gas, Frigg - 225 billion cubic meters. m of gas. In 2017, this country produced 120.193 billion cubic meters. m of natural gas.

    6 China

    China is located in East Asia. In the depths of the country there are large reserves of oil and gas. Among the well-known gas fields in China are Clameli (gas field), Liuhua (offshore gas condensate), Sulige (gas), Changbei (gas), Shiyugou-Dongxi (gas), Yacheng (offshore gas condensate). In 2017, this country produced 136.628 billion cubic meters. m of natural gas.

    5 Canada

    Canada is located in North America. The bowels of the country have large reserves of natural gas. There are several gas-bearing basins in Canada. The main basin is located in the province of Alberta. It includes deposits such as Rainbow Lake, Pembina Forks and Medicine Hat. The Taylor field is located in the province of British Columbia, and the Christopher Bay field is located in the province of Nunavut. In 2017, Canada produced 174.051 billion cubic meters. m of natural gas.

    4 Qatar

    Qatar is located on the Qatari Peninsula, which is located on the Arabian Peninsula. The bowels of the country are rich in natural gas. In the central part of the Persian Gulf there is Severnoye, a large oil and gas field. In 2017, this country produced 182.83 billion cubic meters. m of natural gas.

    3 Iran

    Iran is located in Western Asia. The country has large reserves of oil and natural gas. In the central part of the Persian Gulf there is a large oil and gas field South Pars. Iran also has such gas fields as Kengan (gas condensate field), Sardar-Milli (oil and gas), Foroz (gas), Khayyam (gas), Khangiran (gas), as well as the Predzagros oil and gas region. In 2017, this country produced 226.905 billion cubic meters. m of natural gas. USA

    USA is located in North America. The bowels of the country have large reserves of oil and natural gas. As of 2013, there were 383 drilling rigs located in the United States that produced natural gas. There are 38 oil and gas bearing and 14 presumably oil and gas bearing basins in the country. In 2017, this country produced 751.063 billion cubic meters. m of natural gas.

    Natural gas is necessary for mankind for many purposes: heating buildings, cooking, heating water, obtaining certain substances in the chemical industry, and also as a fuel for various equipment.

    The article presents current and official data for 2016, based on the statistical information provided by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.

    Modern conditions of human life cannot be imagined without the presence of natural gas as a fuel. Ecological cleanliness, good thermal conductivity, easy transportability, relatively low price and other positive properties make it indispensable in many areas of human life, industry and power industry.

    World leaders in natural gas production in the world

    The main consumers are geographically located outside the districts. This is due to the geography of the distribution of industry and the electric power industry, as well as the population density in a particular region.

    Since the 1970s, the largest volumes of consumption have been in three regions of the globe: North America, Foreign Europe and the CIS countries. Of these regions, only the United States of America and Canada can fully supply themselves with the necessary reserve of the fuel resource. In other regions, large consumption is not at the expense of their own resources - exports from producing countries prevail.

    The diagram shows the main areas of gas production in the world, individual countries are taken as the area. In total, all indicators are taken as 100%, not counting the rest of the territories, which account for a small amount of development. The unit of measure in the diagram is billion cubic meters.

    In terms of natural gas production, more than 25% of the world belongs to the United States, which occupy a leading position. The second place is occupied by Russia, which accounts for about 20 percent of the total production of the ten leading regions.

    The position of countries in the list of leaders in gas production does not at all mean the leadership of these states in the world fuel trade, that is, exports to other regions of the world. For 2016, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries compiled a rating of states that are export-oriented, of which eight are the leaders.

    About 1,200 billion cubic meters of gas are concentrated in the twenty largest gas fields. The geography of areas that are rich in this natural resource is confined to the territories of the following states of the world:

    1. Russia. 9 largest places fuel deposits out of 20 are located on the lands Russian Federation. Most of them were opened in the 60-80s of the last century. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, three new large deposits were discovered in Russia, which were included in the TOP-20: West Kamchatskoye, Leningradskoye and Rusanovskoye (read also -).
    2. USA. There are 4 largest deposits in the sub-region, which were discovered in the mid-1960s, and began to be intensively used at the end of the 20th century.
    3. Qatar and Iran. There are two rich places here, one of which simultaneously occupies the state lands of Qatar and Iran.
    4. Turkmenistan. Just one rich place that is among the leaders in terms of gas reserves.
    5. China. One large deposit, which was discovered in 2008 and ranked tenth in the TOP-20 states in terms of resource reserves ().
    6. Algeria. The last three lines in the ranking are occupied by regions of Algeria. Hassi Mel is the oldest in the country, discovered back in 1957, but to this day, and the largest in terms of its reserves in Algeria. Two others were opened in 2004 and 2006.

    The first place in the list of the largest deposits is occupied by North or South Pars, which is located within two countries at once - Qatar and Iran, as well as in the water area of ​​the Persian oil and gas basin and the Gulf. It was discovered in 1991 and currently its reserves exceed 270 billion cubic meters. The Persian Gulf is a world giant not only in terms of the presence of deposits, but also in terms of production in the Asian oil and gas region.

    After the opening in 2006 of a new place Galkynysh in Turkmenistan, it took second place in the list of world leaders. It owns 210 billion cubic meters of the resource, the deposits of which are located within the Murghab oil and gas basin.

    The third place belongs to the Russian Federation, namely the Urengoy region, confined to the West Siberian oil and gas basin. It was discovered in 1996, in 2016 its reserves amount to 10.2 trillion cubic meters.

    The main areas of gas production in the world

    Below is a map that reflects the geography of distribution of the largest gas fields throughout the globe. The main deposits of blue fuel are concentrated within the leading countries in terms of annual .

    The largest mineral reserves are located within the following deposits on the planet:

    • Gulf of Mexico and Alaska in the United States of America;
    • in the Russian Federation, the southern and northern regions of Western Siberia, the territories Far East and Sakhalin, the shelves of two seas - the Barents and Kara;
    • deposits located within Iran, Qatar and Saudi Arabia the Persian Gulf;
    • the southern regions of Turkmenistan, whose minerals are exported to three countries - Poland, Ukraine and Hungary;
    • Algeria and Nigeria are the only sub-regions in Africa with natural gas deposits. The fuel here is of high quality, in which there is no high content harmful impurities and slag;
    • in the North Sea of ​​Norway. The volumes of natural gas deposits are considered the largest in Europe;
    • on the lands of Canada there are several largest areas within the island of Newfoundland of the northern provinces, including the shelf of the Western Canadian Basin;
    • in China, the main areas of gas production are concentrated in the Tari Basin

    OPEC statistics indicate that with the growing consumption of blue fuel on the planet, the remaining reserves will only last for the next 65 years. In all state deposits, there are no more than 180 trillion cubic meters of combustible matter. More than 120 trillion are fuel reserves that have not yet been explored, since they lie at a very great depth in the earth's crust and are practically not available for global production.

    The list of countries in the world by natural gas production is based on official OPEC reporting published in the annual Statistical Bulletin of World Energy 2017

    Ranking of countries in terms of natural gas production

    Countrybillion m³/yearin %
    1 USA751,063 20,66
    2 Russia642,242 17,66
    3 Iran226,905 6,24
    4 Qatar182,83 5,03
    5 Canada174,051 4,79
    6 PRC136,628 3,76
    7 Norway120,193 3,31
    8 Saudi Arabia110,86 3,05
    9 Algeria93,152 2,56
    10 Turkmenistan81,765 2,25
    11 Indonesia74,026 2,04
    12 Netherlands50,543 1,39
    13 Malaysia64,428 1,77
    14 UAE61,084 1,68
    15 Uzbekistan57,7 1,59
    16 Australia56,293 1,55
    17 Trinidad and Tobago43,374 1,19
    18 Great Britain43,022 1,18
    19 Nigeria42,562 1,17
    20 Pakistan42,209 1,16
    21 Egypt42,102 1,16
    22 Mexico41,227 1,13
    23 Thailand38,929 1,07
    24 Argentina36,546 1,01
    25 Oman32,779 0,90
    26 India31,139 0,86
    27 Venezuela27,718 0,76
    28 Bangladesh25,512 0,70
    29 Bolivia23,501 0,65
    30 Bahrain22,351 0,61
    31 Kazakhstan22,004 0,61
    32 Brazil20,619 0,57
    33 Ukraine19,271 0,53
    34 Azerbaijan18,773 0,52
    35 Myanmar18,529 0,51
    36 Kuwait17,291 0,48
    37 Peru14,454 0,40
    38 Libya15,571 0,43
    39 Colombia12,935 0,36
    40 Brunei11,132 0,31
    41 Romania9,89 0,27
    42 Vietnam9,298 0,26
    43 Germany7,606 0,21
    44 Equatorial Guinea6,212 0,17
    45 Mozambique5,826 0,16
    46 Poland5,794 0,16
    47 Italy5,783 0,16
    48 New Zealand5,063 0,14
    49 Denmark4,505 0,12
    50 Japan4,175 0,11
    51 Philippines3,951 0,11
    52 Syria3,87 0,11
    53 Ireland2,998 0,08
    54 Tunisia2,18 0,06
    55 South Africa1,963 0,05
    56 Angola1,919 0,05
    57 Ivory Coast1,9 0,05
    58 Hungary1,841 0,05
    59 Croatia1,691 0,05
    60 Austria1,199 0,03
    61 Gabon0,551 0,02
    62 Ecuador0,53 0,01
    63 France0,034 0,00

    Leading countries in terms of natural gas production

    The leaders in terms of gas production are the USA, Russia, Iran, Qatar, Canada, China, Norway, Saudi Arabia. Arabia, Algeria, Turkmenistan and Indonesia. These countries account for more than 70% of world production.

    Modern conditions of human life can hardly be imagined without the presence of natural gas. Natural gas is what makes our life more comfortable. Even without listing the numerous positive qualities of gas, such as environmental friendliness, easy transportability, and others, every smart and sane person understands how important this product is and why there has been a struggle for its production for decades.

    In today's political and economic environment, the "resource" issue is on the agenda more than ever. After the lifting of sanctions against Iran, several more large sellers appeared on the gas market, which completely “turned the game around”. But the dynamics is such that almost every day the participants in this gas race change their status. Therefore, the monitoring up-to-date information, in this case, presented in our ranking of countries by gas production, will be of interest not only to specialists, but also to ordinary people.

    Lena's motto is "Fly, fly and fly again." She considers travel to be the meaning of life. Visited more than 30 countries. Collects magnets. I had to buy another refrigerator. Worked for a well-known trade magazine. WWF Volunteer. He studies the ratings of cities and countries, willingly shares with us. Loves Russia. He says that it is good not where he was born, but where he came in handy.