Radchenko L.A. Organization of production at catering establishments. Timing of working time - sample filling Order for timing

  • 07.05.2020

All observations consist of four stages:

1) preparation for observation: setting the goal of observation, selection of the object of observation, selection of the subject based on the purpose of observation, familiarization with the organizational and technical conditions of work and working conditions at the selected objects, filling out observation sheets and checking technical means for measuring time or registering processes, as well as explanation to the performers of the work under study, the goals and objectives of observation;

2) monitoring: fixing the sequence of elements of the work performed, identifying the compliance of the actual operating modes of the equipment with the recommended technologies, determining the duration of breaks and their causes, filling out the observation documentation;

3) processing the results of observations: deciphering and checking the correctness of recording, when filming - developing materials, calculating the duration of each of the elements of the work performed and the duration of each of them, determining the duration of breaks and their causes, filling out observational documentation;

4) final stage: analysis of materials, identification of opportunities for streamlining processes, development of measures to eliminate failures in work, proposals for improving workplaces.

The processing of the obtained data is a rather laborious process, especially when the observations are carried out by the method of direct measurements. It is exacerbated by the need to assess the quality of observations. It follows from this that the complexity of processing is determined by the type of observations, the accuracy of time measurements and the form of data recording.

According to the form of recording the results of observation, digital, index, graphic, combined methods and filming are distinguished.

With the digital method, the record of the current work execution time is made in numbers. If you need high accuracy of the observation results, this method is preferable.

The index method involves recording data with previously known conditional abbreviations (indices). It is used for group or team photography. However, it is necessary that the objects of observation be homogeneous (workers of the same profession, performing work of the same composition).

In the case when digital and index are inconvenient, a graphical method is used. Its essence is that the amount of time spent is fixed in the form of straight horizontal lines, the length of which, on a certain scale, corresponds to the amount of time spent on a particular action. The graphical method gives a visual representation of the duration and alternation of certain types of work, however, if the number of workers exceeds 6, then the quality of registration of actions decreases sharply.

Combined recording is a combination of digital and graphic recording, in which segments of horizontal lines are applied in the observation sheet, and a digital designation is placed above them.

However, a detailed study of labor methods by these methods is difficult, and sometimes impossible, because. the observer does not have time in the short periods of time during which some actions take place, to follow the readings of the instruments, while simultaneously recording their readings on the form.

In this case, filming helps, because. it allows you to accurately capture the labor process, and when playing back, view some details in slow motion. This type of recording is used when choosing the most rational methods of observation. However, filming is very laborious and costly compared to visual observations. A large amount of time is spent on preparing the equipment, processing the film, deciphering the footage. High material costs are due to the high cost of filming and auxiliary equipment, film, equipment for viewing and deciphering the footage. Therefore, it is expedient to use filming with repeated use of materials generalized and developed on its basis.

Modern means of studying labor processes include video-magnetic recording. Its advantages are:

1) high level remote control;

2) the presence of a synchronous sound signal (for explanations of time signals);

3) no need to process the film, use appropriate equipment and a special room;

4) the possibility of playback immediately after the end of the recording;

5) the possibility of synchronous demonstration on several screens at once;

6) the possibility of playing several takes on one screen;

7) the possibility of computer processing of the recording, which, in particular, facilitates the editing process.

Timing is the study and measurement of individual, cyclically repeating elements of an operation.

It is carried out, as a rule, at works that are characterized by frequent repetition and constancy of the degree of influence of factors on the time of their implementation. The main task of timing is to determine the factors that affect the duration of each element of the operation under study in order to design its rational structure as a whole and the normal duration of its individual elements.

With the help of timing, only the actions that are part of the operational work are determined, because. of all types of productive work, only this is cyclically repeated.

Although the duration of the operations studied in the course of timing is not theoretically limited by limit values, it is not advisable to use it to observe an operation of a long duration. Such data is accumulated by means of a photograph of a working day, which we will consider below. It is most appropriate to use this method to study short-term operations that cannot be measured in the process of photographing a working day.

Timing is divided into individual and group (brigade) depending on the number of observed workers.

With the help of individual timing, the time spent by individual performers is determined, which allows you to study the work with the maximum degree of detail.

With group timing, one observer studies the work of a group of workers performing one production operation. It is used to study the composition of the group and the rational distribution of work among the workers in it. To achieve greater accuracy, two timekeepers are set up to observe independently of each other, and at the end of the work, the data obtained by each of the observers are compared.

Chronometric observations of all varieties are carried out only by the method of direct measurements of time.

Time studies are distinguished by the completeness of coverage of the elements of operational work, as well as by the method of fixing time. Based on these features, continuous and selective timing is distinguished.

With continuous timing, continuous study and measurements of the duration of all elements of the operation in their technological sequence are carried out.

With selective timing, the duration of not all operational work, but only its individual elements, is studied and measured.

Since during timing they encounter unevenness in work, it should be determined at what number of cycles the deviations will be mutually canceled. It is obvious that one cannot limit oneself to a small number of observations, since the results may be random, however, starting from a certain number, an increase does little to increase the degree of reliability, while at the same time increasing the complexity of observation in direct proportion.

There are several most used methods for determining the number of observations:

1. The number of measurements is determined by calculation, using mathematical methods, according to statistical tables.

2. The number of measurements during timing is set depending on the required accuracy of the norms as a percentage of the normative coefficient of stability of the time series (table 5).

3. The number of observations is set depending on the type of production and the duration of operations (table 6).

4. The number of necessary measurements is determined depending on the duration of the operation under study, the nature of the work and the participation of the performer in it (table 7).

5. The number of observations required for each selected element depends on the type of production, the duration of the manual work and the total duration (Table 8).

Table 5 - Required amount timing observations

Table 6 - Approximate number of observations (at least)

Table 7 - Number of observations required for timing

Table 8 - Required number of observations during timing and allowable stability factors of the timing series

Type of production

Duration of operation elements, s

Permissible coefficient of stability of the time series K y

Number of measurements

For machine work

For manual work

Observation accuracy, %

Machine work






There are also no unified recommendations for determining the required number of observations in the practice of foreign enterprises. Thus, at the enterprises of the General Electric Company (USA), it is considered necessary to make the number of observations dependent on the duration of the operation (Table 9).

Table 9 - Dependence of the number of observations on the duration of operations

Another company, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, takes into account not only the duration of elements and operations, but also their frequency during the year (table 10).

Table 10 - Influence of the duration of operations and their frequency during the year on the number of measurements

Number of operations per year

Number of measurements at the duration of operations, min

Preparation for it significantly affects the quality of timekeeping. Determining the content, volume and timing of the preparatory work, the choice of research objects, proceed from the goals of timing. Its main goal is to obtain scientifically based materials that allow for the rationalization of production, increase the efficiency and content of labor. Subgoals include:

1) accumulation of data on the duration of individual elements of the operation in order to use them for the subsequent development of time standards, the calculation of reasonable standards in the absence of standards or their insufficient completeness;

2) adjustment of existing and establishment of new standards in large-scale and mass production, assessment of the time spent on performing an operation in terms of their rationality and expediency;

3) studying the achievements of production innovators, selecting the best methods of work before designing rational labor processes based on them;

4) identification of irrational, redundant methods for determining the optimal composition and sequence of elements of the operation;

5) assessment of organizational and technical conditions and their impact on the time spent in the performance of individual elements of the operation.

When choosing objects, it should be borne in mind that they must have a certain generality and comparability.

In all cases, except when it is used to identify the causes of non-compliance, workplace should be carefully prepared in terms of equipment, order, lighting and work safety.

Having chosen the object of observation, they make up a detailed description of the operation under study. A special place in the description is occupied by the organization and maintenance of the workplace. You should carefully understand the layout of the workplace, the location of the tool, and the supply of the workplace with everything necessary for work.

The operation under study is divided into constituent elements.

The degree of division of the operation depends on the type of production, the purpose of the observation, the design of the measuring device, the method of measurement, and the qualifications of the observer.

To correctly determine the duration of each element of the operation for each measurement, they are clearly delimited by fixing points.

Fixpoints are distinct external signs that determine the start and end points of each of the measured elements of the operation.

If continuous observation is carried out, the final fixing point of the previous element is at the same time the starting point for the next one.

Consider the measurement of time spent and the analysis of its results on the example of the timing of the operational time of the cashier (table 11).

Table 11 - Chronocard

Organisation: ZAO Gradient

Department: Showroom

Operation timeline

Date of observation

Start of observation

End of observation

Observed Kuznetsova S.A.

Cash payment processing


Kuznetsova S.A.



Experience in the specialty

Experience for this job

Kuznetsova S.A.


Cash payment processing

The stability coefficient, which characterizes the degree of fluctuations in the time series, is calculated by the formula, where t max is the maximum duration of the operation element, and t min is the minimum.

We determine the normative coefficients according to table 12.

Table 12 - Standard values chronological sequence stability coefficients

In our case, all coefficients do not exceed the standard, therefore, the observation was carried out qualitatively. The average duration of each element of the operation is determined as the arithmetic mean of all valid measurements of the time series.

The obtained values ​​of the duration of the operation element are recorded in the timing variation series, where the top line - option - is the measurements in ascending (descending) order of the measurement duration (t), and the bottom line of frequencies (p) - shows how often this option occurs in the timing series.

The total sum of frequencies must be equal to the number of measurements.

Inaccurate (defective) measurements are preliminarily excluded, and then the quality of the time series is evaluated using the following indicators:

1) coefficient of stability: Bush. = tmax / tmin(1)

If the actual stability coefficient is less than the normative stability coefficient, then the series is stable (not scattered), otherwise the observation should be repeated;

2) modality coefficient: Kmo = Pmo / ∑p (2)

where Pmo is the frequency of the mode (the most common variant);

p is the sum of all frequencies of the time series.

If Kmo > 1/3, then the series is modal and qualitative, and, therefore, it is possible to calculate the average duration of the execution of each element of the operation (which will be taken as the norm) using the weighted arithmetic mean formula:

tav = t*p / ∑p (3)

Time series processing methods cannot be uniform and constant for all industries and in all cases. In each industry, the most appropriate method can be adopted, depending on the nature and conditions of work.

Timing studies make it possible to study, first of all, operational time, and therefore, when using timing to establish standards, one has to use normative materials and photographs of the working day.

In addition, timing has a number of disadvantages:

1. The labor rate in the traditional order of timing is based on the average actual expenditure of working time by those performers whose workplaces were the objects of observation. Therefore, the reliability of the obtained materials also depends on the correct choice of the latter.

2. The method of labor is not fully fixed in the course of research, although it is he who determines the time and quality of work.

3. Fixing the real time of performing techniques, the researcher cannot claim that this level is comprehensively justified, because the rater determines the achieved level of productivity, which does not at all mean the productivity possible under the given conditions at each workplace with an average (normative) level of performers' abilities.

4. Because the norm of time is set according to only one criterion - according to the total duration of the execution of the elements of the labor process, then the data obtained through timing will always be more or less subjective.

5. Chronometric data on the time spent on performing individual operations usually contain time losses associated with shortcomings in the organization of labor. To identify them, you need to design a rational labor process.

6. A normative study can be carried out only after the start of production and the full mastery of the work operations.

7. It is almost impossible to avoid errors when measuring individual actions, especially in short-term operations.

It is also difficult to compare the timing data of the same operations that were obtained at different enterprises, in different production conditions and at different times. To some extent, these shortcomings can be reduced if more accurate methods of studying labor processes are used.

Working time photo - this is a type of observation, with the help of which they study and analyze the time spent by one worker or group associated with the implementation of a particular process throughout the entire working day (shift) or part of it, regardless of what this time was spent on. The PDF does not reveal the technology and methods of the process, but only fixes its flow.

The purpose of the PDF is to identify reserves for increasing productivity, improving the use of equipment. This is achieved by identifying the expediency, the sequence of certain time costs, their measurement, establishing the degree of possible compaction of the working day of performers, eliminating the loss of working time and equipment downtime.

The purpose of working time photography is to identify deficiencies in the organization of labor and production, causing losses or irrational use of working time, designing a more rational distribution of work shift time by time consumption categories, determining the actual production of products, the rate of its release and uniformity of work during the shift.

By the number of objects of observation, forms of labor organization, etc. PDF is subdivided into individual, group, brigade, mass, route, multi-machine, target, photo of the production process and photo of the use of equipment. A distinction is also made between dubbed and picket photography of a working day.

A duplicate photo of a working day is taken by two workers at the same time. This method is used when the visibility of the object of observation is limited. The observers work independently of each other, and at the end of the work they compare the results to get the big picture.

A picket photograph of a working day is carried out by several observers who are located at certain points and record the moment the observed object passes through this point. This method is most often used in the study of the operation of transport, because. according to the security rules, the observer cannot move along with the transport all the time. In the course of an individual PDF, the observer examines the time spent by one performer working at one workplace, or the time spent using equipment during a work shift or part of it.

Let's consider an example: FRV of a sales manager of a commercial firm.

Date of observation: 20.03.2009

Start of observation: 8 h 30 min.

End of observation: 17:30

Work: customer service, work with suppliers, sales analysis

Working conditions: normal

Sales manager: Novgorodtsev A.A.

Age: 28 years old.

Work experience: 4 years. Work experience: 2 years.

Attitude towards work: conscientious

Observer Kuznetsova S.A.

Name of working hours

Current time in hours and minutes

Duration (min)

Arrival at the workplace

Workplace preparation

Customer Service

Receipt and familiarization with email

Obtaining a list of paid invoices from the accounting department, familiarization with it

Checking the availability of paid goods in stock

Customer Service

personal care

Placing orders to suppliers

Customer service

Discussion of the order with suppliers by phone

Customer service

Customer service

personal care

Conversation with a colleague on a personal topic

Customer service

Making a plan for the next day

Turn off the computer, clean up the workplace

Leaving work




Conclusions and development of organizational and technical measures to eliminate unnecessary time costs are based on a summary of time costs of the same name, in which the total time is put down for each of their categories and the ratio to the total time is determined. The percentage of operating time is determined:

Ko.v \u003d (top / Tn) 100, (4)

where Tn is the observation time, min;

- percentage of loss of working time, depending on the workers;

Kpr = tot.f. - tot.r+tp.r / Tn * 100%, (5)

where tot.f is the time of actual rest;

tot.r - regulated time for rest and personal needs;

tp.r - loss of working time allowed by the worker;

- the percentage of lost working time, not dependent on the worker:

Kpn = tn.r + tp.o. * 100%, (6)

where tn.r. and tp.o - loss of time for production work and for organizational and technical reasons, respectively.

Losses of working time are a reserve for increasing labor productivity. To determine the possible increase in labor productivity, a normal and actual balance of working time is drawn up. The normal balance is drawn up according to the standards, without seeing the work performed, and the actual balance is based on photographic materials.

The percentages of a possible increase in labor productivity are established by eliminating the loss of working time, depending on the worker:

a1 = (100 Kp.r) / (100 – Kp.r) , (7)

as well as loss of working time due to organizational and technical reasons and unproductive work:

а2 = (100 Kp.n) / (100 – Kp.n) (8)

Overall possible increase in labor productivity:

a = a1 + a2, (9)

Group PDF

A group photograph is called a photograph of working time, in which one observer studies the work of several performers at the same time.

Preparation for observation differs from individual photography in only a few ways:

1. Set in advance and write down on the front side of the photo card the conditional abbreviations for the time spent.

2. Pre-select intervals of time records, which are noted in the observation sheet.

3. Establish a sequence for monitoring jobs.

Group photo features:

1. The observer determines in advance the types of costs and losses to be studied, since he cannot continuously record all the time spent at each location.

2. The observation time is divided into intervals. The accuracy of the results will directly depend on the size of the intervals.

3. To facilitate the entry in the observation sheet, the costs are indicated by easily remembered numerical or alphabetic designations.

In terms of completeness, detail and accuracy, group photography is significantly inferior to individual photography, however, the advantages of group photography include the possibility of simultaneous coverage of large groups of workers by one observer, as well as ease of recording and processing, which leads to a reduction in labor intensity.

Instant Observations

Since the method of direct measurements requires large expenses for their implementation, in the case when it is supposed to cover a large number of objects, the so-called momentary observations are expedient.

A characteristic feature of the method of momentary observations is that the observer is not continuously at the workplace, but visits them periodically at random intervals. With the help of momentary observations, it is possible to analyze the structure of working time at almost any number of objects.

Observations are carried out by sequentially bypassing the selected workplaces and marking the type of activity at the fixing points with conventional signs in the observation sheet. If there are special moment counters, the observation sheet is not used.

According to the results of momentary observations, you can:

1. Determine the degree of use of working time by a large number of performers and the degree of use of a large number of equipment in time.

2. To study the structure and establish the specific gravity and absolute values ​​of individual elements of the costs of the contractor's working time.

3. Establish the causes and determine the proportion and absolute values ​​of downtime for workers and equipment and develop measures to eliminate them.

4. Analyze the state of labor organization and develop measures to improve them.

5. Obtain the necessary initial data for the development of standards for the preparatory and final time, the time for servicing the workplace, as well as service standards.

To ensure the reliability of the results obtained, which should reflect the actual use of working time, the following conditions must be observed: observations of certain expenditures of working time must be random and equally possible; the number of observations should be large enough to reliably characterize the observed phenomenon as a whole.

The volume of observations is determined using the rules of statistics for sample surveys. It is found by the formula:

M \u003d a² * (1-K) * 100² / K * R², (10)

where M is the sample size or the number of momentary observations;

K - approximate specific gravity the cost of working time to perform the work under study or the approximate specific gravity of the equipment operation time in fractions of a second (its value is taken from the results of previous observations or is taken approximately on the basis of reporting data);

(1-K) - the proportion of breaks or downtime, i.e. the likelihood of finding a worker or machine inactive,

P is the predetermined accuracy of the observation results, i.e. the permissible value of the relative error of the results of observation (in the practice of studying working time, it is taken in the range of 0.03 - 0.1);

a is the coefficient associated with the confidence probability that the error P does not go beyond the established limits.

In mass and large-scale production, they are usually satisfied with a confidence level of 0.64, which corresponds to a2=2.

In medium- and small-scale production, in order to obtain greater confidence in the reliability of the observational results, a confidence level of 0.92 is used. Depending on the type of production, special tables have been developed to determine the number of observation moments.

The duration of one bypass Tobx is determined by the formula

Tobx \u003d Lbx / 0.6 * 0.01, (11)

where Lobx is the length of the route bypassing workplaces, m;

0.6 – average length of one step, m;

0.01 – average duration of one step, min.

The number of moments M "fixed in one shift will be:

M" \u003d Volume * p / T * m, (12)

where p is the coefficient taking into account the discrepancy between the round trip times (deviations), 0.5< р < 0,7;

m is the number of observation objects during one round.

The number of work shifts C required for observation is determined by formula (13):

Cn \u003d M / M", (13)

To obtain objective and accurate results, you must adhere to the following rules:

1. Each detour must be carried out along the intended route, in a uniform step, without accelerating or slowing down the walk, and begin strictly at the appointed time.

2. Only being in the fixing point for these workers, the observer can register what is happening at the workplace. Even if the observer, being at one point, sees that the worker is idle at another point, he has no right to make a mark until he arrives at that point.

3. If at the moment the observer approaches the object of observation, one state of activity has ended and another begins, then the first state should always be recorded in the observation chart.

The results of momentary observations serve as the basis for the development of measures to eliminate the loss of working time. For their implementation, a plan is drawn up, which indicates the timing of its implementation and those responsible for carrying out the activities. The results of the analysis and the activities developed on its basis are discussed at production meetings.

Thus, the method of instantaneous observations gives very reliable material at a much lower labor input.

self photography

The method of studying labor processes, in which the performers themselves record the duration and reasons for the loss of working time on special forms, is called self-photography.

Self-photography may be due to various circumstances.

First of all, the successful and comprehensive implementation of NAT requires the involvement of all workers, because involving them in the study of the labor process provides an inexhaustible source for improving the organization of labor and production.

The conclusions drawn on the basis of a photograph of a working day may turn out to be characteristic only of the observed object and the corresponding time interval. In order to obtain generalized conclusions about the state of labor organization and production, an objective idea of ​​the use of working time, it is necessary to cover at least half of the working section, department, workshop with a photograph of the working day. The study of working time will be effective only if it is carried out systematically and covers large group workers and if the workers themselves take an active part in it. It is the workers who can suggest what exactly causes the loss of time, what reserves of labor productivity growth are at a given workplace.

Although self-photography characterizes the loss of working time due to organizational and technical reasons no less objectively than the FS, it does not give an idea of ​​the loss of working time due to the fault of the performer himself. Therefore, along with self-photography, it is also necessary to carry out PDF.

Self-photography is divided into individual, group and brigade.

The most common is individual self-photography, with the help of which they study the loss of working time from one performer. With the help of group self-photography, they study the loss of working time for performers serving one unit. Less common is brigade self-photography. Unlike individual and group self-photography, not all of its members, but one person, record the loss of working time in a brigade. The map of the brigade self-photo shows not only the loss of working time, their cause and duration, but also how many people from the brigade were idle at the same time.

Depending on the object of study, a self-photograph of the working hours of workers and working hours of employees is distinguished.

Employees consistently take into account all the costs of working time throughout the working day, especially those that are not related to their immediate duties. This is due to the fact that the labor process of employees has hidden phases that can only be revealed by participating in the study of the performer himself.

When preparing for self-photography, the areas where losses and unproductive costs are the highest are most often chosen as the object of observation. The following procedure for taking self-photographs is recommended. By order of the enterprise (or its division), they approve the dates for the self-photography and designate those responsible for its preparation.

Then they make a list of performers who will be engaged in self-photography, distribute them into groups of 30-40 people, each of which is assigned instructors from among specialists.

A few days before the appointed date, instructors are given lists of participants for self-photography and observation sheets. On the eve of self-photography, instructors distribute forms and explain in detail the purpose, tasks and technique of observations.

On the day of the self-photography, the instructors periodically help the members of their group to correctly and promptly keep records of data on breaks in work, and after the end of the observation, to formulate and formalize proposals for improving the organization of work. Then the instructors collect the completed cards and hand them over to the administration of the enterprise.

Based on the proposals of the self-photographers, a draft action plan is drawn up to improve the organization of work and the maintenance of workplaces.


Through timing working time are studied when, for organizational and technical reasons or in connection with special rules for production work, it is not possible to conduct timing.

Photochronometry is a combined method of studying working time, based on the combination of timekeeping and photography of working time. Its essence is that the photograph of working time in certain periods of time is supplemented by timekeeping.

A significant advantage of separate timekeeping and FRV is that for the same period of time it is possible to obtain data on the advisability of using shift time, and on the structure of operational time and the rationality of techniques when performing the main work.

This method is of particular importance when studying the work time of performers employed during a shift in several types of work, characterized by cyclical repetition, when it is impossible to predetermine the time and sequence of their performance.

Depending on the objectives of the observation, the number of observed objects, the number of observers and the nature of the production process, individual, group, duplicated and complex photochronometry is distinguished.

Individual photo timing, which studies the work of one performer, is used when increased accuracy of time measurements and a greater degree of detail in the workflow are required.

The main purpose of group photo timing is to study the coherence of the work of the team members, the degree of their workload, the organization of work, identify the causes and duration of lost working time, and explore other issues that do not require accurate time measurements.

Duplicated supervision means that two timekeepers simultaneously observe the workflow. In this case, both observers can work independently or one of them fixes the time, and the other describes the working methods.

Comprehensive observations make it possible to reveal the relationship between individual production processes, study the production rhythm of work, determine the degree of rational use of machines, and develop specific measures to improve work and increase labor productivity. With this type of observation, a group of observers studies the work of a team, workshop, department or enterprise as a whole, allowing you to cover the entire set production processes or a significant part of them.

Profit is the end product of an organization's life. To achieve this result, a lot of material and production resources are expended. One of these material resources is the physical strength of people, the human factor. The more efficiently and with maximum benefit this factor is used, the higher the productivity of labor, the higher the profit. Therefore, each manager strives to use this indicator in his activities with maximum efficiency. What does this mean?

According to statistics, almost every employee of the organization effectively works at his workplace for about 30% of his working time. He spends the rest of his working time without any benefit to the organization. To eliminate this gap, the timing of the employee's working time is used. This is a kind of record of the working day on paper, where each operation (action) performed by this employee per day is reflected minute by minute.

Example 1 Zakharova R.I. works as a cashier. On the day she draws up ten incoming and ten outgoing cash transactions. Fills out the book of the cashier-operator and hands over cash to the bank to the organization's current account.

The timing of the cashier's working day is as follows:

  1. Start of shift. Turning on the cash register, recalculating cash

cash on hand - 10 minutes

2. Registration of incoming and outgoing transactions at the cash desk - 40 transactions.

One operation takes an average of 3 minutes.

Total time spent: 1 hour 20 minutes.

  1. Cash withdrawal for a shift - 5 minutes
  2. Making a cash book 30 minutes
  3. Registration of the book of the cashier-operator - 8 minutes
  4. Closing the shift. Turning off the cash register, recalculating cash

cash on hand - 10 minutes

  1. Cash deposit Money to the bank - 1 hour

In total, in our example, the cashier spends an average of 3 hours and 23 minutes per day on processing cash register transactions. This is 42.3% of working time.

In practice, there are situations when the employee himself expresses a desire to time his working time. In order to show and prove to the management that he is excessively overloaded with the operations performed during the day.

Example 2 . Ivanova Z.I. works in the organization as an accountant. Her job responsibilities include accounting with suppliers of products (works and services), accounting with buyers and customers, maintaining a settlement account and posting on it. On average per day, Ivanova Z.I. performs the following operations:

  1. Shipment of products to customers - 35 operations.

One operation takes 3 minutes.

Total time spent: 1 hour 45 minutes

  1. Registration of a postal envelope for sending to buyers - 35 operations

1 operation - 3 minutes

Total: 1 hour 45 minutes

  1. New customers are added to the program - 6 transactions.

1 operation-3 minutes.

Total: 18 minutes

  1. Products (goods, services) are purchased from suppliers -15 operations

1 operation - 3.53 minutes

Total: 53 minutes

  1. Registration of a postal envelope for sending to suppliers - 35 operations

1 operation - 3 minutes

Total: 1 hour 45 minutes

  1. New suppliers are included in the program - 6 operations

1 operation - 3 minutes

Total: 18 minutes

  1. New positions for goods are entered - 15 operations

1 operation - 3 minutes

Total: 45 minutes

  1. Posting on bank statements - 45 transactions

1 operation - 2 minutes

Total: 1 hour 30 minutes

  1. Drawing up an act of reconciliations with suppliers and buyers - 5 operations

1 operation - 2 minutes

Total: 10 minutes

  1. Phone calls to debtors of the organization - 6 people

1 operation - 8 minutes

Total: 48 minutes

Total per day, the accountant spends on average to complete official duties 9 hours 57 minutes. This is more than 100% of the working time.

Timekeeping of working time employee allows you to identify gaps, shortcomings, useless time and optimize his working time. Allows you to properly distribute the workload among employees. Allows you to identify operations (actions) that require more time, which in the future can be automated, rationalized and minimized losses when performing a particular operation. That is why it is very important to time the employee's working time.

Properly keep and secure the working hour to help keep the working hour. An example of writing these records can be read at the tannery, or undertaking, where it is necessary to normalize the working day. Freeze for an hour for additional timekeeping - it’s a way to spend an hour on zdijsnennya like-nebud diy. When tsimu vimіri imply a description of the technological process, the minds of the worker, the methods of virobnitstva.

Freeze up to help fix the working hour

Timing as a way to achieve the working hour to lie down in the minds of your mind and purpose, with which you can work. For example, in addition to timekeeping, for the help of which they will pay for the wages and the price of services, they will work quietly, which it is necessary to take care of when folded timekeeping to increase the efficiency of the staff.

The correct time for spending an hour on the work day helps to put together the correct schedule for the appearance of the working hour, and also to bring to full attention the unoccupied tension as a living force, as well as a vicarious possession.

Who is to blame for the rationing and demise?

Call out to roble professional norms, as if they are being trained in undertakings. Good advice and additional information from the standard worker as an indispensable guide, which helps to control the working hours of the staff, as well as correctly distribute the priority.

What better to start?

The first thing to consider is timing. For example, you will need wine in order to put together a schedule for the appearance of the working hour of any worker, the payment of labor for which you do not lie in the future, but simply for the one-year tariff rate.

Remember that such personnel do not work more efficiently. There is no incentive to work more efficiently, so that it is not possible to directly deposit the salary salary. Because of the vibrated timekeeping, the productivity of the work of such workers will lie.

If you are talking about great undertakings, then for the working staff there will be a work order, demonstrating a job, as the viscount spivrobitnik is to blame. Vivchit yoga respectfully, marvel at the robot, how they will be zdiisnyuvatisya. Since you have no idea about whether it looks like a robot, you need to know the technological map of such a working process. Basically, on skin administration, either technical management, or virobnichiy vіddіl, what kind of cym is involved. You can contact them with a request for a technological map, as well as consult on robots, as they will be consulted.

After that, as appointed with the change of work and the order of their initiation, it is necessary to write down a description of the working processes, as they will freeze. Add up those criteria, on which it is necessary to focus on freezing: set a point on the cob of the process and a point on which process to end, the working hour, the cyclical nature of the work, and also other nuances.

After collecting all the necessary theoretical information, proceed to the end of freezing. You need to have the timekeeping forms prepared ahead of time, or you can keep records in black (so it’s easier to make comments before recording).

Sposterigati is guilty of the normative commission

It takes more than one person to fix a working hour - applying such a fixation will not be more effective, so that a worker, being without additional control, can drag out the working process. Viconnya Robit’s post -ethnicity. And such a thing is recommended to be a quantity of Kerivnitva Tі -ї, at the spіvobilnik, at the deputy vicoristan, if it is in the same way, the tape of it works as well as the productive, and the muzzle of Menchi is more than the exposure.

When zdіysnennі vimіrіv need to be respected. Є robots, yakі zdіysnyuyutsya on cycle. And є th tі, yakі zdіysnyuyutsya only once. In robots that work according to a cycle (for example, drawing pipes), not all robots can be lined with such a cycle. Preparing the work area, setting up the layout and other possessions, installing rіztsіv - all the work will be necessary after vimіrіv rіvnomіrno razdіliti on the skin detail, yak bula viroblena.

Workflow Cycles

We will then need to correctly fill in the form with visas. In order to keep it simple, you can write down the statements below, just filling in the timing of the working hour. Fold yoga awkwardly, so as to understand the basic principles of freezing. During this process, buti divisions for the period of the working hour are to blame: promptly, for the maintenance of the manufacturing process, the preparation and final stage, and also the varto vrakhovuvaty hour for repairs and water consumption.

The operational hour of work is a gap in the hour, which the robots need to know for vikonannya set tasks. At this point, it is necessary to take care of the hour, which was necessary for the workers, for example, without flooding the work space, without being asked, and all the possessions were in one place and already in the work mode.

An hour for the maintenance of the manufacturing process is added up with time spent on additional work, as necessary, so that the manufacturing process does not stop. For example, replace the possession, as it was worn out, remember the drill bit, replace the machine oil too thin.

Preparatory-final stage includes preparatory operations, setting up accessories and other robots from preparing the work space. Correctly write down all the values ​​for you, in addition to the casts below, fill in the timing of the working hour.

Having done a detailed analysis of the records on the workflows, you will find the work, which is not included in the technological map of the working process. Likewise, it will not be possible to carry them until the re-examination of the vitrates.

Those who do not appear before the process of vikonannya work, it is necessary to turn them on. In the main, these are the moments, like: call on a mobile phone, see the summary work, see the terms of the help of the kerіvnitsva and other diї, do not appear "from the vikonnannya freeze the work.

How to fill in the form correctly?

In order to grammatically represent the number, it is necessary to complete the timing of the working hour. The form and butt of the yogo backing should be placed lower.

Robot code Naming a workflow Name the ordinal number of the timekeeping Average value
12.01.15 13.01.15 13.01.15 13.01.15 14.01.15
1 2 3 4 5
Trivality, h
1 Take the task from the master40 15 15 15 38 24,6
2 Bring a pipe from the warehouse61 24 24 24 55 37,6
3 Prepare work space65 21 21 21 74 40,4
4 Make the work of verstat work41 17 17 17 60 30,4
5 Preparing to verstat before resurrection20 9 9 9 25 14,4

Cut the pipe

25 15 17 21 17 19,0
7 Put the blanks on the plate10 12 10 11 12 11,0
8 Clear the work area and tidy up the work space35 10 10 10 27 18,4
9 Give the robot a master40 17 17 17 30 24,2
Total seconds 337,0 140,0 140,0 145,0 338,0 220,0

As a way to show a glimpse of the timing of the working hour, freezing the view of the work of cutting pipes. Three zamirs were crushed in one day. So, as the stench vibrated in the past, the worker did not spend an hour on the skin detail to finish the job of the maister, go to the warehouse for pipes, prepare the work area, etc. For that hour, staining on the first detail for such types of work, split into two wimir.

It is necessary to enter the average value in person-years

After that, as it freezes, the average value is displayed. Zgіdno z dannymi, yakі pokazyvaya dannyi zrazok zapovnennya timekeeping of the working hour, the average triviality of such a work is more than 220 seconds. If you translate into godini, then viide 0.061 chol. / Godini.

When folded graphics labor day you can win the data. For example, if you want to 100% zavantazhit svіrobіtnik given robot, then you can pokahuvat, skolki vin is guilty of cutting pipes. To protect those that a working day is made up of eight years, then:

8: 0.061 = 131.15 pcs.

Come out, the practitioner is guilty of nearly 131 times to call the pipes.

Vary all factors while vikonannі work

So the views are straight-forward rozrahunok and pidkhid until the end of the working hour. Ale, planning a schedule for a spivrobitnik, it is necessary to insure other factors. A person simply physically cannot, like a robot, stand behind the 8:00 workbench for mining. Vіn bude vіdluchatsya z special needs, vіdpochivati, vіd chto mozhe podvoryuvatisya timing of the working hour. The butt of the offensive: with folding robots, it is necessary to carry out at least 5 quills after the skin year of the work.

So chimalu played the role of mastery of that chimal practitioner. It is necessary to calm down among dekilkoh robіtnikіv, to show the real average value. It is not possible to focus on the results of one "following" one. If you talk about slusarіv, turners, repairmen, then most often you will beware of the onset of the law: the more the new rank, the more the robot wins. An important role is played by the guardian.

Іnshі timchasі spend

Buy different hours of work. For example, a slyusar can cut records, and come before a new one from other services and ask for some tools, or help vikonat as a terminology work, as it is impossible to add.

Sound like this and use it to describe it well. It is best to enter the cost coefficient and multiply yogo by the norm for an hour, while giving the opportunity to the workers to take a breath for an hour of work.

For example, at the enterprises, if they are engaged in the manufacture of parts at the workshops, standard workers allow 8-10% of the cost per hour and during the standard working day and pay them at the schedule.

Also, before completing the bag timing, it is recommended to read all the wines at the already approved standard hour - sound there those nuances that are necessary to correct, and draw the specifics of the standardization of a specific work.

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Labor rationing is a type of production management activity. It is aimed at determining the necessary time spent to achieve certain results of labor. Based on the data obtained, the size of the salary of workers (salary and additional payments, bonuses of a stimulating nature), as well as the cost of services provided by the organization, is calculated.

Labor rationing is an important element of the organization's personnel management system. With it, it is possible to establish the need for:

  • increasing the efficiency of using the labor potential of employees;
  • optimization of their numerical composition;
  • other possible changes, taking into account the specifics of a particular organization, as well as the situation on the market.

Who is a timekeeper

The labor activity of any specialist, especially if it is a production process, can be divided into operations and elements. The purpose of attracting a timekeeper to the organization is to develop standards for the main and additional time, check the validity of the production standards, determine and subsequently consolidate the most rational mode of operation for this division of the organization.

This employee must have certain skills and knowledge, in particular, to know how to study the labor process, what kind of chronometric observations are suitable in this case, the procedure for their implementation, be able to process and analyze the results of their work. Be able to use time tracking devices. Understand the basics of physiology and psychology of work, understand the organization of work.

As the name implies, the duties of this employee include chronometric observations of the execution of individual elements of operations. technological process. By measuring, processing and analyzing the labor process, the timekeeper receives data that form the basis for the regulation of individual operations.

The result of the timekeeper's work is an analytical report on the results of observations. On its basis, the most rational elements of operations are selected for inclusion in time standards, it is possible to trace where the losses of working time occur, establish the causes of their occurrence and give an opinion on necessary costs time, as well as propose measures to eliminate the loss of working time.

The modernized essence of this position is the so-called photograph of the working day, when the employees themselves keep a temporary record of their work operations for a certain time. Then all this is analyzed, and conclusions are drawn regarding the costs of a particular operation of the labor process.

How to define labor standards

Labor standards are determined using timekeeping. We list the main procedures in organizing the timing of working time:

  • a document form is being prepared in which the results of timing will be entered. For a specific job or labor function a certain form can be drawn up;
  • data collection is organized. It is conducted by an observer who monitors the work of the employee and enters information about his labor activity in the prepared form;
  • the systematization of the data that were obtained in the process of timing is carried out.

The workflow is analyzed based on the standard of the work being performed. are chosen best options technologies of work, organization of the workplace, allowing to obtain the best results of labor. The work and rest regime of workers is also being reviewed.

At the end of the procedure, the employer establishes the necessary labor standards for the normal operation of the organization.

How to take a picture of a working day

The employer can develop its own rules and procedure for determining labor rationing. One of the options for determining labor standards is a photograph of the workplace.

It is a system for studying the cost of working time that an employee needs to perform a certain amount of work. At the same time, in practice, there are different kinds“photographing”: individual (i.e., one employee), group (groups of employees), self-photography.

Sample group photo of a work day

In the case of compiling a self-photo, this work is carried out by the employee himself. Throughout the working day, he must enter in a separate document information about the types of work for which his working time was spent (the time period must be indicated). Also included are data on time spent on personal needs and on lost working time (for example, problems with equipment or those associated with waiting for customers). After that, the analysis of the obtained results is carried out (using graphing and calculations). The form of the document in which the results of the observation will be recorded can be developed by the employer independently.

Form of an individual photo of working time

A photograph of working time allows the manager to establish how much time the employees actually need to complete a certain task, whether they use their working time rationally.

Such a tool will identify unproductive costs of working time and improve time management.

The procedure for taking photographs of working time must be fixed in the local normative act organizations (for example, in instructions). It should be approved by order and familiarized with the document of all employees under a personal signature. The instructions must indicate that the photograph is taken only on the special instructions of the head.

Each enterprise, both newly created and long-standing in the conditions of competing firms, strives to efficient use of production resources to achieve the highest labor productivity, profitability of the company.

Only a strict accounting of the funds spent, an analysis of the ongoing actions of everyone involved in the implementation of their professional duties employee, will allow achieve good results. This is done by a separate group of employees working in the division for the organization of labor and wages. They explore the rational use of time by workers for a specific operation using timekeeping.

Experts seek solutions to problems:

  • reveal the fact of productive functionality of employees;
  • the amount of time spent on a particular task during a shift.

Often, some specialists analyze the work of others and give an opinion on the functioning cycles of the organization, identify shortcomings to eliminate them.

The need for and purpose of compiling

The main goal of the head of the company in conducting the timing of work procedures is increasing the efficiency of production processes, economical involvement of personnel.

With the help of a specialized source, specialists record a wide range of information, allowing you to regulate production functions. To do this, a competent employee records the actions performed by the employee in a certain area, describes their content, duration.

During the holding period, a specific task is assigned to the worker, during which:

  • study time costs;
  • measure the duration of the action performed;
  • determine what the time is spent on;
  • identify a period that is not busy with business, increasing the time for production;
  • find a useful time reserve.

Having received the information employer can evaluate:

  • the degree of workload of the equipment;
  • implementation management decision on a separate site, will correct the need for additional mechanization;
  • performance of work by both an individual and a team in percentage terms;
  • amount of wasted time.

Timing perform an inventory of the working temporary space, identify quantitative production and management indicators.

After choosing the purpose for which the monitoring of the cyclic, preparatory work is carried out, they are determined with the appointment of the implementation of activities:

  • find out how long certain operational actions last, taking into account the techniques and movements;
  • calculate the application of the norms;
  • identify the possibility of using the best method and training of all employees.

From here do conclusions, which method of analysis is better to apply, with object observation:

  • With individual timekeeping examines the time spent on the actions of an individual, this method allows you to evaluate the skill of the performer and maximize the detail of the work;
  • by using group research reveals the result of performing one volumetric operation, rationally distributes the alignment of forces involved.

You can get the effective values ​​of the work done with the help of two independent timekeepers, so that at the end of the study, check the measurements. Practitioners are advised to choose the most appropriate for the current moment, used in production chronometric view:

  • solid measurement to study all production operations;
  • selective research is used for a specific element;
  • cyclical the measurement reveals the time spent on individual techniques, lasting up to 4 seconds, they are grouped, measured again to determine the duration of each grouping.

The methods help to determine the head of the department the time spent on the manufacture of products by manual labor, the preparation and final part of this production, the costs at the workplace.

Timekeeping is carried out using digital or combined records. Observations carried out to determine the best or superfluous movements of an employee are carried out by photographing, graphic recording, stopwatches are used.

The specialist monitors the actions of the employee and the arrow of the device, enters the readings into the chronocard.

Before the operation, the observer gets acquainted with it, describes phased implementation, fills out the front part of the form by:

  • artist's data;
  • actions taken;
  • the equipment used;
  • data of tools and materials;
  • the state of the place and the enterprise.

The preparatory phase and subsequent work consists of dividing the observation into following details:

  • familiarity with the subject under study;
  • identification of moments of fixation;
  • definition of workflow elements;
  • providing conditions for the selected type of observations;
  • card entries.

To perform sequential actions it is necessary to combine certain requirements with the rules:

  • the current specialist must have sufficient qualifications, he will be able to share, describe in detail the process, conduct an assessment;
  • be positioned so as to facilitate the performance of work without interfering with the worker, have convenient access, a visual representation of the procedure;
  • avoid side conversations.

Supervisory actions are not held secretly, the personnel are warned about timing in advance when and for what it will be performed. Necessarily ensuring absolute safety at workplaces, regardless of their specialization.

In order to prepare an acceptable form for records, the observer is required to decide on following points:

  • how much work is subject to direct timing;
  • choose a unit of measure, in the dimensions of which reflect certain activity for a time span.

For example, an office employee object is selected, which means that the map indicates:

  • the work of a specialist with the help of a computer program;
  • telephone conversations;
  • electronic messages;
  • call to a meeting or planning meeting;
  • rest at lunchtime.

During the observation, every little thing is recorded up to the personal changing of the employee and waiting for the computer to reboot.

If the verification of the duration of actions occurs relative to the technological process, then the time is measured for:

  • loading and unloading of commercial products;
  • assembly of parts;
  • quality reconciliation;
  • release of the finished product.

The unit with which to calculate the observations, the specialist chooses the most convenient for this case:

  • minutes;
  • seconds;
  • watch;
  • weeks.

The choice depends on the purpose of the event, what the management wants to achieve: effective management or performance.

Implementation of data collection

The timekeeper can perform his observational task manually or automatically by filling out the most appropriate form. The observer uses the device, monitors the actions of the worker, takes measurements and enters data into the table.

The application of the method and additional devices depend on object which is being tested. If the management is trying to find out the speed of the work of specialized specialists, they use automated time recording. The parallel program will perform these actions and return data on the frequency of software requests.

What is automatic timing of working time, you can learn from this video.

Interpretation of results

The transfer of the valid meaning of the collected information to the chronocard is carried out through:

  • visualization of working functions;
  • comparative analysis of actual movements;
  • dependence of indicators reflecting the actions of the employee and the result obtained in the form of marketable products.

Timing from the collected values ​​​​by two specialists will be more effective, this allows you to get more accurate information. On its basis, they carry out the movement of personnel, publish methods with recommendations.

Examples in practice

According to the completed table, we can conclude about the abilities of one of the workers who cuts metal blanks.

Completed workDuration of operations by datesAverage amount
Total180 180 195 197 186 189 207 199 191,62
1.02 2.02 3.02 4.02 5.02 6.02 7.02 8.02
1. Got an outfit30 25 20 35 28 23 25 33 27,37
2. Brought material to the workshop20 22 23 24 21 28 30 25 24,12
3. Prepared the working area15 16 18 17 13 20 22 21 17,75
4. Set up cutting equipment20 25 30 25 28 33 40 25 28,25
5. Made the markup35 30 40 35 38 30 36 39 35,37
6. Cut according to the drawings of the part60 62 64 61 58 55 54 56 58,75

The execution of the work of one sample occurred in seconds, in a production mode with a rolling schedule.

To determine the hours you need:

191.62 / 60 / 60 = 0.053 person/hour

Since the week of work consists of 8 days, the duration of each shift is 5 hours according to the standard, it follows:

5 / 0.053 = 94 pcs

An employee per week will be able to cut on average 94 details. In order to accurately calculate the productivity of a turning, locksmith or repair team, you need to make an observation of several people of different preparedness and professionalism, take into account the exit for a smoke break, lunch and other absences, since a person cannot be at the machine for 5 hours.

Observations are carried out at a certain production site by order of the head in an order. Personnel acquaint all participants and interested persons with the order.

It states management's decision regarding:

  • the department in which the measurements will take place;
  • establishing a commission responsible for monitoring;
  • deadlines for the implementation of activities;
  • appointment of observers who will be responsible for the execution of the order.

When the time comes for the execution of the order, the performers go to the facility and carry out all the measures required by the requirements, the data is entered into the time card.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of observing and fixing work processes, identifying weaknesses that hinder productivity growth- all this speaks of the benefits of performing timing work.

But not all enterprises have taken root, people have lost the habit of manually filling out documentation. With reliability, too, not everything is going smoothly in this area, no one has yet canceled the human factor and peace agreements that negatively affect the facts.

If the manager competently manages his staff, it means that it will not be possible to increase the fictitious working capacity of employees, and he will find out the real picture of the state of his enterprise.

A video on how to run the timing is shown below.