Functions of labor resources in the economy of the enterprise. Labor resources of an organization (enterprise): concept, composition and structure. Theoretical aspects of the analysis of labor resources

  • 12.05.2020

Human Resources enterprises- this is the numerical professionally qualified composition of employed workers (cadres). The personnel of the enterprise is understood not only as employees, but also as owners or co-owners of the company, if they take part in the activities of the enterprise with their labor and receive appropriate payment for this. The grouping of personnel in accordance with the types of activities, functions performed and categories of positions is reflected in its statistical structure. It distinguishes: 1. personnel of the main activities (persons working in the main and auxiliary, research units, management apparatus, etc.); 2. personnel of non-core activities (employees of repair, housing and communal services, subdivisions social sphere). According to the nature of the labor functions, the personnel is divided into workers and employees. Workers create material values ​​and provide production services. Workers are also classified according to professions, age, forms and systems of remuneration, length of service. Employees carry out the organization of people's activities, production management, administrative, economic, financial, accounting, supply, legal, research and other types of work. Employees belong to the professional group of people engaged mainly in mental, intellectual work. Within the framework of specific firms, workers are divided into main workers and auxiliary workers.

Labor resources of an organization (enterprise): concept, composition and structure

Human Resources represent the able-bodied part of the country's population, which, due to their psycho-physiological and intellectual qualities, is capable of producing material goods or services. Labor resources include people both employed in the economy and not employed, but able to work.

The concept of "labor resources" is used to characterize the working-age population throughout the country, region, sector of the economy, professional group. Within the framework of a separate enterprise, the most used concept is personnel.

Enterprise personnel- this is a set of individuals who are with the enterprise, as a legal entity, in relations regulated by a contract of employment. The main characteristics of the staff are: number and structure.

Personnel structure enterprises by the totality of individual groups of workers, united by any sign. All employees according to the degree of participation in production activities are divided into industrial and non-industrial personnel.

Industrial and production personnel are directly involved in the creation of material values: in production and its maintenance (these are employees of the main workshops, auxiliary and service units, plant management apparatus, research and development departments and services of the enterprise).

Non-industrial (non-production) personnel - employed in servicing the household, socio-cultural sphere (medical, sanitary, housing and communal services), schools, kindergartens, subsidiary farms Oh.

By the nature of the functions performed, the categories of industrial production staff(IFR):

1. workers are directly involved in the production process. The division of labor according to the nature of participation in the production process classifies workers into main and auxiliary.

2. Leaders- perform the control function:

senior level - general directors, deputy. director;

middle level - shift, section, workshop supervisors;

lower level - foreman, foreman.

3. Specialists(work in plant management services, workshops) are engaged in engineering training, conduct research, develop technology, organization of production and labor:

top level - Chief Specialist, head of department, department, sector, their deputies;

middle level - engineers, economists, lawyers and others;

lower level - junior specialists, technicians, timekeepers, work distributors.

4. Employees perform Maintenance production (copiers, draftsmen, accountants, clerks).

Senior employee - accountant, statistician.

Junior employee - secretary, courier, etc.

The structure of personnel can be considered according to the following features:

1. The professional structure of the organization's personnel- this is the ratio of representatives of various professions or specialties (economists, accountants, engineers, lawyers, etc.) who have a set of theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of training and work experience in a particular area. The professional division of labor is used for managers, specialists, employees, workers. Profession- genus labor activity working, associated with the implementation of a set of works, characterized by a certain method of influencing the object of labor through the use of appropriate tools. Speciality- a type of labor activity that differs from the profession in a more clearly limited range of work (toolmaker).

There are two concepts: profession and position. Under position understand a certain official place in the enterprise system associated with the performance of relevant work, characterized by certain rights, duties, responsibilities, powers. Professions are distinguished by the nature of the work performed.

2. Personnel qualification structure- this is the ratio of workers of different skill levels (i.e., the degree of professional training) necessary to perform certain labor functions. In our country, the skill level of workers is characterized by a category or class (for example, for drivers), and for specialists - by category, category or class. For example, according to the level of qualification, design engineers can hold the positions of “chief”, “leading”, “senior” designer of I, II and III categories.

3. Gender and age structure of the organization's personnel- this is the ratio of staff groups by sex (men, women) and age. The age structure is characterized by the proportion of people of the corresponding ages in total strength personnel. When studying the age composition, the following groupings are recommended: 64, 65 years and older.

4. Personnel structure by length of service can be considered in two ways: general experience and length of service in the organization.

5. Personnel structure by level of education characterizes the selection of persons with higher education, including the level of training - bachelor, specialist, master; incomplete higher education (more than half of the term of study); specialized secondary; average general; lower secondary; initial.

  • Question 7. The quality of working life as a criterion for the development of social and labor relations.
  • Question 8. Labor market: its main elements, functions and features. Types of labor markets.
  • 4. The presence of a large number of institutional structures of a special kind that regulate the activities of agents in the labor market, such as:
  • Question 10. The main trends in the development of labor relations in developed countries.
  • Question 11. Employment and unemployment as important characteristics of the labor market.
  • Question 12. Mobility in the Russian labor market.
  • Question 13. Discrimination in the labor market and its consequences.
  • Question 14
  • Question 15. State regulation of the market and its boundaries.
  • Question 16. Essence and forms of wages in a market economy.
  • Question 17. Features and problems of wages in modern Russia.
  • Question 18. Organization of remuneration in modern conditions and its elements.
  • Question 19 Labor rationing: essence, role and methods.
  • Question 21. Labor productivity and factors of its growth.
  • Question 22
  • Question 23 Division and cooperation of labor.
  • Question 24. Principles of income generation in a market economy. The structure of personal incomes of the population and workers.
  • Question 25
  • Question 26. Labor adaptation of workers: content, structure, factors.
  • 9.2 Objective and subjective factors of labor adaptation
  • Question 27. Labor organization as a social system.
  • Question 28. Cohesion of the primary labor collective. Socio-psychological climate in the labor organization.
  • Question 29. Humanization of labor.
  • Question 30. Labor behavior: content, structure, functions.
  • Question 31. Stabilization of the labor collective.
  • Question 32
  • Question 33. Types of motives and incentives, their relationship and interaction.
  • Question 34. Methods of sociological research of labor activity.
  • Question 35
  • Question 36 The essence of motivation and stimulation of labor activity.
  • Question 37. Working conditions. The system of benefits and compensations for employees employed in adverse working conditions.
  • Question 38. Labor collective: types, goals, functions.
  • Question 39. Needs, interests and values ​​of the individual.
  • Question 40
  • Question 41. Leadership in the labor organization.
  • Question 42. Social functions of labor.
  • Question 43
  • Question 44. Quality and standard of living. Factors that determine them.
  • Question 45. System of social partnership: its elements, principles, problems.
  • Question 46
  • Question 47: The system of social protection of workers.
  • Question 48. Social partnership in Russia.
  • Question 49
  • Question 50 Job satisfaction.
  • Question 3. Labor resources: their composition and number. Characteristics of the labor resources of the Russian Federation.

    Work - this is an expedient human activity, in the process of which material and spiritual values ​​\u200b\u200bare created. The process of labor is the process of man's influence on the elements of nature in order to adapt them to his needs. The process of labor includes the following elements: the means of labor, the object of labor and the labor itself. Without the means of production, the process of labor is unthinkable, but even without human labor, the means of production are dead and cannot create anything. Only the labor of people puts into action the means of production, contributes to the realization of their goals. Creating means and objects of labor and influencing nature, a person changes himself, developing his skills and knowledge.

    Labor is an economic category and its nature is determined by production relations. The transformations carried out in the agro-industrial complex of Russia are aimed at changing production relations, turning a significant part of hired workers into owners of land and other means of production, and at developing initiative and entrepreneurship among the peasants. Conditions are being created so that a person does not treat his work with indifference, not as a hired day laborer, but in a businesslike way, with responsibility for the final results.

    Human Resources- this is a part of the population of the country, which has a set of physical capabilities, knowledge and practical experience for working in the national economy. The labor force includes the entire working-age population aged 16 to 55 for women and 16 to 60 for men, as well as persons older and younger than working age actually employed in the national economy (working pensioners and schoolchildren).

    Labor resources, as the main and productive force of society, are an important factor of production, the rational use of which ensures the growth of production in the agro-industrial complex and its economic efficiency.

    Economically active population (labor force) called a set of persons potentially able to participate in the production of goods and services. It includes both the employed and the unemployed; as of January 1, 2001, its number was 72.4 million people, or about 50% of the country's population.

    Employed population- These are persons involved in production and non-production activities. These include employees, entrepreneurs, freelancers, military personnel, full-time vocational students; their number at the beginning of 2002 was 65 million people.

    To unemployed include able-bodied citizens who do not have work and earnings, are registered with the employment service in order to find a suitable job and are ready to start it.

    Agriculture currently employs 7.7 million people, or 12% of the total number of employed in industries National economy. Of these, 3.8 million people work at agricultural enterprises (50% of all those employed in agriculture).

    The labor resources of agricultural and processing enterprises are divided into production personnel and personnel employed in non-production units (employees of housing and communal services, cultural and community and children's institutions, etc.).

    Production personnel These are workers engaged in production and its maintenance. By industry, they are divided into workers in agriculture, industry, etc.

    Labor resources include several categories of workers: managers, specialists, workers, employees, junior service personnel. The largest category of production personnel are workers- employees directly involved in the creation of material values ​​or work to provide production services; they are divided into main and auxiliary.

    The main ones include workers who directly create products and are engaged in the implementation of technological processes, to auxiliary - workers engaged in servicing the main production, as well as all workers of auxiliary units.

    According to the length of stay at the enterprise, workers are divided into permanent, seasonal and temporary. Permanent employees are considered to be employed without a time limit or for a period of more than 6 months, seasonal - those received for the period of seasonal work (for a period of not more than 6 months), temporary - for a period of up to 2 months, and when replacing temporarily absent employees - up to 4 months.

    Permanent workers are subdivided according to professions (tractor drivers, combine operators, machine milking operators, cattlemen, etc.), qualifications (tractor driver class I, II, III, etc.), age, gender, length of service, education, etc. d.

    Managers and specialists organize production process and their guidance. Managers at agricultural enterprises include the director (chairman), chief economist, accountant, engineer, agronomist, livestock specialist, mechanic and other chief specialists, as well as their deputies.

    Specialists are workers with higher or secondary specialized education: economists, agronomists, livestock specialists, engineers, mechanics, accountants, etc.

    Category employees include employees involved in the preparation and execution of documents, accounting and control, economic services (cashiers, clerks, secretaries-typists, statisticians, accountants, timekeepers, etc.)

    Junior service personnel takes care of for office premises, as well as for servicing other employees (janitors, cleaners, couriers, etc.).

    The labor resources of an enterprise have certain quantitative, qualitative and structural characteristics, which are measured by the corresponding absolute and relative indicators: the structure of the enterprise's employees; average and average annual number of employees; coefficient of you-existence of frames; staff turnover rate; recruitment rate; staff stability coefficient; average length of service for certain categories of workers.

    Structure of labor resources enterprises is the percentage of different categories of workers in their total number. In the structure of the personnel of agricultural enterprises, workers employed in agricultural production occupy 85-90%, including permanent workers 70-75% (of which tractor drivers - 13-18%), seasonal and temporary workers 5-8%, managers and specialists 8 -12%. This structure is determined by many factors: the size and specialization of the enterprise, the degree of participation in integration processes, natural conditions, etc. It can also be calculated according to such characteristics as age, gender, level of education, work experience, qualifications, etc.

    Average number of employees for the year is determined by summing up the same indicator for all months and dividing the amount received by 12. Similarly, the average number for the month is calculated by summing the number of employees on the payroll for each calendar day of the month and dividing the amount received by the number of calendar days of the month (this information is available in accounting registers).

    Average annual number of employees determined by dividing total hours worked by farm workers per year (in man-hours or man-days) for the annual fund of working time.

    Attrition rate (Kvk) is the ratio of the number of employees laid off for all reasons in a given period to average headcount workers for the same period.

    Frame acceptance rate is determined by dividing the number of employees admitted to the enterprise for a certain period of time by the average annual number of employees for the same period.

    Staff turnover rate- the ratio of the number of dismissed employees of the enterprise who left for a given period for reasons of turnover (of their own free will, for absenteeism, for violation of safety regulations, unauthorized care etc. reasons not caused by industrial or national needs) to the average number for the same period.

    Frame Stability Ratio(Кс) is recommended to be used when assessing the level of organization of production management both at the enterprise as a whole and in individual departments.

    A widespread form of redistribution of labor resources is labor migration- mass displacement and resettlement of the able-bodied population. Depending on whether the country's border is crossed, internal and external migration is distinguished. Internal migration of the labor force (between the regions of the country, from the countryside to the city) is a factor in changing the composition and distribution of the population; while its number does not change. External migration affects the country's population, increasing or decreasing it by the size of the migration balance. The latter is the difference between the number of people who moved out of the country (emigrants) and the number of people who moved into the country from outside (immigrants).

    Russia's labor resources now make up about 50% of the country's population. The average annual number of employees of agricultural enterprises has decreased over the years of reform, and there have been significant changes in their composition. In connection with the creation of peasant (farm) enterprises, more than 700 thousand workers moved from large agricultural enterprises to this sector. As a result of the expansion of personal subsidiary plots of the population, the number of workers employed in them also increased.

    The labor force includes:

    able-bodied population of working age;

    actually working adolescents under 15 years of age;

    actually working pensioners.

    The number of labor resources is calculated by two methods:

    1. Demographic: population of working age minus disabled people of groups I, II, including working teenagers and pensioners.

    2. Economic: actually working population (employed), including those employed in personal, auxiliary and farms, plus out-of-work students, the unemployed and other unemployed persons of working age.

    Human Resources -϶ᴛᴏ part of the country's population with the necessary physical development, education, culture, abilities, qualifications, professional knowledge to work in the field of socially useful activities. The material is published at http://taskbook.rf Labor resources are the most important productive force of society, characterized by the potential mass of living labor, which the state has in a given period.

    Labor resources can be assessed from demographic, economic, sociological and statistical positions.

    Demographic aspect of labor resources demonstrates the dependence of these resources on the reproduction of the population and takes into account such characteristics as gender, age, settlement, marriage, migration, etc.

    How economic category labor resources express economic relations in the formation, distribution and use of the able-bodied population in social production and other areas of human activity. The material is published at http://asset.rf Economic relations - ϶ᴛᴏ that social form in which the ability to work is realized.

    Sociological aspect labor resources should be considered as the formation and use of labor resources within a historically defined social formation and under its influence.

    Statistical aspect labor resources is characterized by the able-bodied working age of the population.

    The labor force is formed mainly from the working-age population, excluding the disabled and pensioners with benefits, the labor force includes the working population of retirement age and working adolescents (the number of the ϶ᴛᴏth population group is not statistically taken into account).

    Age is the main criterion in determining the number economically active population, i.e. that part of the able-bodied population that participates, or may participate, in material production and the non-productive sphere.

    Economically active population- ϶ᴛᴏ part of the population offering ϲʙᴏth labor for the production of goods and services. By the way, this category covers all persons (employed and unemployed) who create a labor market (in terms of labor supply) for the production of goods and services.


    1 General part. 6

    1.1 Labor resources, personnel and personnel of the enterprise. 6

    1.1.1 Labor resources.. 6

    1.1.2 Frames.. 6

    1.1.3 Personnel of the enterprise. eight

    1.2 Composition and structure of labor resources. 9

    1.3 Determination of the required number of employees of the enterprise. eleven

    1.4 The concept of labor productivity. 12

    1.5 Methods for measuring labor productivity. fourteen

    1.6 Calculation of labor productivity increase according to the main technical and economic factors. fifteen

    1.7 Analysis of changes in labor productivity of production workers with a reduction in the number. 17

    2 Estimated part. 19

    2.1 Calculation of indicators of labor productivity. 19

    2.2 Calculation of the reduction in the number of employees for all categories of PPP 27

    Conclusion. 31

    Literature. 32


    The task of this term paper is the calculation and analysis of labor productivity.

    Labor productivity is the most important economic indicator characterizing the efficiency of labor costs in material production as individual worker and the company as a whole. The main purpose of performance analysis is to identify reserves for its growth.

    In the process of analysis find out:

    The degree of implementation of the plan for labor productivity;

    The degree of influence on labor productivity of various factors;

    The degree of influence of labor productivity on various economic and social indicators.

    The information base for the analysis is the data of the annual and periodic reports on labor (statistical reporting, financial statements, personnel department data, audit and inspection reports, personal comments).

    When calculating performance for the purposes of the final analysis, it is more expedient to use the ratio clean production(income) to the average headcount. For operational control over productivity, it is more expedient to use the coefficients for fulfilling the norms of time or output.

    Using different performance calculation methods can lead to different results, which will not allow you to draw the right conclusions about the level of performance. Therefore, when analyzing, one should always remember that the real, and not the calculated, growth in labor productivity is carried out due to:

    Absolute savings in the number of employees;

    Reduction of direct and hidden losses of time;

    Improving the quality and competitiveness of products

    Termination of production of products that are not in demand.

    a common part

    Labor resources, personnel and personnel of the enterprise

    Human Resources

    Labor resources as an economic category includes the population of working age, both employed in social production and not employed. The limits of working age are established by the current legislation, taking into account the physiological factors (capabilities) of a person.

    The essence of labor resources lies in the fact that they express the social relations that develop regarding their formation, distribution and use in social production.

    The labor resources of the enterprise are represented by employees who have passed special training who have experience and skills in work and are employed at the enterprise.


    The staff of the enterprise is the main composition of qualified employees of the enterprise, firm, organization.

    Typically, the personnel of the enterprise are divided into production personnel and personnel employed in non-production units.

    Production personnel - workers engaged in production and its maintenance - make up the bulk of the workforce of the enterprise.

    services and movement of goods. Workers are divided into main and auxiliary.

    The main workers include workers who directly create marketable products enterprises and those engaged in the implementation of technological processes, i.e., changing the shape, size, position, condition, structure, physical, chemical and other properties of objects of labor.

    Auxiliary workers include workers engaged in the maintenance of equipment and jobs in production workshops, as well as all workers of auxiliary workshops and farms.

    Ancillary workers can be subdivided into functional groups: transport and loading, control, repair, instrumental, economic, warehouse, etc.

    Managers - employees occupying managerial positions at the enterprise (director, foreman, chief specialist, etc.).

    Specialists - employees with higher or secondary specialized education, as well as employees who do not have special education, but occupy a certain position.

    Employees - employees involved in the preparation and execution of documents, accounting and control, economic services (agents, cashiers, clerks, secretaries, statisticians, etc.).

    Junior service personnel - persons holding positions for the care of office premises (janitors, cleaners, etc.), as well as for servicing workers and employees (couriers, messengers, etc.).

    The ratio of various categories of workers in their total number characterizes the structure of the personnel of the enterprise, workshop, section. The structure of personnel can also be determined by such characteristics as age, gender, level of education, length of service, qualifications, degree of compliance with standards, etc.

    The professional and qualification structure of personnel is formed under the influence of the professional and qualification division of labor. A profession is usually understood as a type (kind) of labor activity that requires certain training. Qualification characterizes the extent to which employees master this profession and is reflected in qualification (tariff) grades and categories. Tariff categories and categories are also indicators characterizing the level of complexity of work.

    In relation to the nature of the professional preparedness of workers, such a concept as a specialty is also used, which determines the type of labor activity within the same profession (for example, the profession is a turner, and the specialties are turner-borer, turner-carousel). Differentiation in specialties according to the same working profession most often associated with the specifics of the equipment used.

    Enterprise personnel

    The personnel of the enterprise (personnel, labor collective) - a set of employees included in the payroll of the enterprise.

    Depending on the nature of participation in production activities, two groups are distinguished in the composition of the personnel of the enterprise:

    Industrial and production personnel;

    Personnel of non-industrial divisions;

    By the nature of the functions performed, industrial production personnel (PPP) are divided into workers and employees. Workers are those directly involved in the process of creating wealth, as well as those engaged in repairs, the movement of goods, the transport of passengers, the provision of material services and other works. They also include cleaners, janitors, cloakroom attendants, security guards.

    Depending on the nature of participation in the production process, the “workers” group, in turn, is divided into main (producing products) and auxiliary (servicing the technological process) workers. Employees, in turn, are divided into managers, specialists and other employees. Managers - employees holding positions of heads of organizations and their structural divisions, they are endowed with the right to make decisions and are responsible for their consequences. Specialists - employees with higher and secondary specialized education, possessing fundamental scientific knowledge, as well as special knowledge and skills sufficient to carry out professional activity. These include engineers, economists, accountants, sociologists, legal advisers, raters, technicians, etc.

    Composition and structure of labor resources

    The labor resources include that part of the population that has the necessary physical data, knowledge and skills in the relevant industry. Sufficient provision of enterprises with the necessary labor resources, their rational use, and a high level of labor productivity are of great importance for increasing production volumes and improving production efficiency.

    The study of labor resources can be divided into two interrelated groups: the study of its own labor force, that is, the number and composition of employees and their dynamics, and the consideration of working time, that is, the total amount of available and actually spent time, as well as the use of working time.

    The personnel of the enterprise is a set of individuals who are with the enterprise, as a legal entity, in relations regulated by an employment contract. Such relationships can include not only employees, but also individuals- owners or co-owners of the company, if they, in addition to the part of income due to them, take part in the activities of the enterprise with their personal labor and receive appropriate payment for this.

    The composition of the staff of any organization, as a rule, is heterogeneous, since even in the smallest one you need to perform many types of activities, and this requires people with a variety of professions, experience, qualifications, occupying various positions.

    The grouping of personnel in accordance with the types of activities, functions performed and categories of positions is reflected in its statistical structure. It highlights:

    Personnel of the main activities (persons working in the main and auxiliary, research units, management apparatus, etc.)

    Personnel of non-core activities (employees of repair, housing and communal services, social services units).

    According to the nature of the labor functions, the personnel is divided into workers and employees.

    Workers create material values ​​and provide production services. Workers are also classified according to professions, age, forms and systems of remuneration, length of service.

    Employees carry out the organization of people's activities, production management, administrative, economic, financial, accounting, supply, legal, research and other types of work.

    Employees belong to the professional group of people engaged mainly in mental, intellectual work.

    Only self-employed persons and persons employed in so-called family businesses, although registered as legal entity are not included in the composition of employees working for hire, since remuneration for their labor participation they receive from the income remaining at their disposal after the payment of taxes and other obligatory payments.

    Labor force, employment and unemployment

    Labor resources - this is the part of the country's population that has physical and intellectual abilities in labor activity, capable of producing material goods or providing services.

    Economically active population Economically inactive population

    employed unemployed

    Figure 2 Composition of labor resources by international standards

    The economically active population (labor force) is the part of the population that provides the supply of its labor for the production of goods and services and includes the employed and the unemployed.

    Employed persons include persons of both sexes who, during the period under review:

    a) were engaged in employment or other income-generating work, regardless of the timing of receipt of payment for their activities;

    b) temporarily absent from work due to illness, nursing, various holidays, strikes and other similar reasons;

    c) did work without pay in a family business.

    The unemployed are persons aged 16 and over who, during the period under review:

    a) had no job or gainful employment;

    b) were looking for work or taking steps to start their own business;

    c) are ready to start work;

    d) were trained in the direction of the employment service

    The economically inactive population is the part of the population that is not part of the labor force, including persons younger age(under 16 years old). It includes:

    1. Pupils and students, listeners and cadets studying in daytime educational institutions, including full-time graduate schools;

    2. Persons receiving old-age pensions and on preferential terms;

    3. Persons receiving disability pensions;

    4. Persons engaged in housekeeping, caring for children or sick relatives;

    5. Persons who are desperate to find a job and have stopped looking for it, having exhausted all the possibilities of obtaining a job, but who are able and willing to work;

    6. Other persons who do not need to work regardless of the source of income.

    Employment is a socio-economic category that expresses the state of a part of the economically active population involved in activities related to the satisfaction of personal and social needs, which does not contradict the law and, as a rule, brings income.

    Types of employment:

    1. Productive - this is the employment of the population in social production. It corresponds to the employed part of the economically active population.

    2. Social employment - is determined by the number of people not only employed in social production, but also full-time students of working age, employed in housekeeping, caring for children or sick relatives.

    3. Rational employment - is determined by the ratio of the value of productive employment to the value of socially useful employment.

    4. Efficient employment - is defined as the ratio of the working time fund of the employed minus the loss of working time to the working time fund of employment.

    5. Full employment - the state of society, when everyone who wants to have a paid job has it. There is no cyclical unemployment, but at the same time its natural level, determined by frictional and structural unemployment, is preserved.

    6. Partial employment is such a state of the working population, when part of it is forced to work less than the legally established working hours.

    7. Flexible employment - a form of employment that uses non-standard ways of working, such as home work, part-time work, work on short-term contracts and self-employment of the population without establishing formal labor relations with an employer.

    Employment indicators:

    1. Employment rate is calculated in two ways

    1.1 share of employed in the total population;

    1.2 share of employed in the economically active population.

    2. The level of economic activity of the population is the share of the economically active population in the total population.

    3. Employment efficiency:

    3.1 Proportion of distribution of society's labor resources according to the nature of their participation in socially useful activities;

    3.2 The level of employment of the able-bodied population in the public sector;

    3.3 The structure of the distribution of employees by sectors of the national economy;

    3.4 Professional qualification structure of employees.

    In order to take into account the characteristics of employment of the population by sex and age, it is advisable to single out the following groups:

    1. youth (working-age population from 16 to 29 years old)

    2. middle-aged persons (from 30 to 49 years old)

    3. faces pre-retirement age(working-age population over 50)

    4. persons of retirement age.

    One of the problems of social society due to economic reasons is unemployment.

    Unemployment conditions, firstly, public resources are underused, and secondly, part of the population has low incomes. Unemployment is inversely proportional to macroeconomic indicators.

    Unemployment is a socio-economic phenomenon, which means that part of the economically active population who wants to work and is looking for work cannot find it for some time, and sometimes permanently.

    Main types of unemployment:

    1. Frictional - voluntary unemployment, when a person leaves a job on his own initiative in order to find a more suitable another and at the same time remains unemployed for some time. This type of unemployment is unavoidable and often has a positive effect, since there is a more rational distribution of labor resources and more satisfied with the needs of people.

    2. Structural unemployment is caused by a change in the structure of the economy due to scientific and technological progress, the emergence of new industrial specialties and obsolescence of activities. This kind is also inevitable, but generally leads to progress in society.

    3. Cyclical unemployment is caused by violations of stability in the economy, a decline in production, economic crises, leading to mass layoffs of workers. This is the most severe form of unemployment.

    4. Hidden - this unemployment is characterized by the fact that the employee is forced to agree to work part-time.

    Depending on the time spent without work, unemployment is:

    1. Long lasting

    2. Long lasting

    3. Stagnant

    Long-term unemployment occurs when there is no work for 4-8 months.

    It is characterized by:

    Start of dequalification of workers

    Loss of some degree of labor

    The appearance of self-doubt, not wanting to look for a job on their own

    Getting used to a low standard of living.

    Long. 8-18 months, the general dequalification of the employee begins, the loss of labor skills, the ability to work intensively for the required time, there is a loss of psychological self-confidence.

    congestive. More than 18 months, there comes a degradation of human labor potential. At this time, a person is difficult to rehabilitate, an individual approach to each person is necessary.

    Unemployment analysis indicators:

    1. The unemployment rate is equal to the ratio of the number of unemployed to the economically active population, multiplied by 100%

    2. The natural level of unemployment is quantitatively equal to the sum of frictional and structural unemployment (the norm is 4-6%).

    3. Characteristics of unemployment on the following grounds:

    3.2. age

    3.3. social group

    3.4. the level of education

    3.5. professional and trainee group

    3.6. level of income and security

    3.7. reasons for dismissal

    3.8. mental groups

    It is advisable to analyze the structure of unemployment on the basis of a combination of economic-statistical and sociological research methods.

    The main "price" of unemployment is unreleased products. When the economy fails to create enough jobs for all who are willing and able to work, the potential production of goods and services is lost forever. According to Okun's law, which mathematically establishes the relationship between the unemployment rate and the lag in the volume of gross national product, every 2% by which real output exceeds its natural level reduces the unemployment rate and, conversely, every 2% decrease in real national output below the natural level increases the unemployment rate by 1% compared to the natural rate of unemployment.

    Unemployment also has serious social consequences. Since work is, on the one hand, a source of income, and on the other hand, a means of self-affirmation of a person in society, the loss of employment means not only the loss of these statuses.

    The decision of a person to offer his labor is most influenced by the standard of living of the population and a particular individual. A special place here is occupied by wages. Its impact is manifested in two aspects. First, the value wages is capable of influencing at the micro level the individual's decision to participate in social production, if the proposed earnings are able to increase his standard of living. The difference in wage rates in certain areas of activity in a certain way affects the decision of the individual about the possible sphere of application of his labor. Secondly, it should be borne in mind that even having made a decision on the supply of labor, an individual can vary its quantity, that is, the amount of man-hours worked. If, up to a certain point, an individual is inclined to increase the number of man-hours along with an increase in the wage rate (the so-called "substitution effect"), then at further growth wages, there may be a reduction in the supply of labor, because for the individual, as a result of increased income, the value of leisure increases (the “income effect”). For the population of individuals in the labor market as a whole, the dependence of supply on the remuneration rate will have a classical form, since the level of wages, followed by the income effect, is purely individual.

    The substitution effect occurs when high wages free time considered as a potential excess. Leisure hours are more and more expensive, and the worker prefers to work instead of leisure.

    The income effect occurs when high wages are seen as a source of opportunity to increase one's leisure, free time. The increase in free time reduces the supply of labor.

    In quantitative terms, the supply of labor is equal to the number of persons entering the open labor market and applying for employment to employment services or directly to enterprises and organizations. For the prospective period, it should include persons who are not employed and job seekers, as well as individuals who will enter the labor market during the forecast period. The latter include: laid off workers; dismissed employees (for reasons of turnover and in connection with the expiration of the contract); Graduates educational institutions; persons arriving from other regions; persons entering the labor market from household and personal subsidiary plots.

    The supply of labor force should be determined taking into account statistical information on the size and age and sex structure of labor resources, the economic activity of various categories of the population, and the level of employment of older people and adolescents.

    Demand for labor is formed by industry and in quantitative terms should coincide with the total additional need of enterprises and organizations for workers (regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership). When calculating the demand for labor force, the need of enterprises for new employees and the need of enterprises for employees necessary to replace those leaving (regardless of the reasons) are determined. Thus, it is possible to establish the number of persons who can be employed.

    The data of current statistical accounting and special surveys conducted directly at enterprises are used as initial information. On this basis, taking into account structural changes, an analysis of the prospects for the development of individual areas of employment is carried out. The sectoral section of information is characterized by two groups of indicators: the structure of those employed in the national economy and the structure of those employed in industries.

    For a comprehensive assessment of the state and prospects of regional employment, it is necessary to collect information on the needs of enterprises in the labor force, not only in general, but also by profession (specialty), grouping them if necessary. Using data on the needs for workers of specific professions (specialties) and on the basis of balance calculation methods, the total value of the labor force demand of the region's economy or individual industries is established with much greater accuracy.

    The most important stage in the assessment and forecasting of the regional labor market is the comparison of these indicators, through which it is possible to assess the actual and expected situation in the labor market, to establish the presence of a shortage or excess of labor, and already on this basis to develop a system of measures to improve regional employment.

    The labor resources include that part of the population that has the necessary physical data, knowledge and skills in the relevant industry. Sufficient provision of enterprises with the necessary labor resources, their rational use, and a high level of labor productivity are of great importance for increasing production volumes and improving production efficiency.

    In general, the term “labor resources” is an “extensible” and outdated concept. The concept of “labor force” (economically active population) is more applicable to the enterprise, although it also includes “employed” and “unemployed”.

    We need a term that would exclude the "unemployed" from the labor force. “Personnel of the enterprise” and “staff” is what you need. Thus, using the concepts of “labor resources of an enterprise” and “labor force” in my work, I think it would not be so rude to identify them with the composition of those employed at an enterprise, since. For some reason, all textbooks on enterprise analysis use these imprecise terms.

    The staff of the company is a set of individuals who are with the company as a legal entity in a relationship regulated by an employment contract. Such relations can include not only employees, but also individuals - owners or co-owners of the company, if they, in addition to the part of income due to them, take part in the activities of the company with their personal labor and receive appropriate payment for this.

    Only persons engaged in self-employment and persons employed in so-called family enterprises, although registered as a legal entity (farms, for example), are not included in the composition of employees working for hire, since they receive remuneration for their labor participation from the income remaining at their disposal after paying taxes and other obligatory payments.

    In large firms carrying out activities related to various sectors of the national economy, all personnel are divided into persons employed in the main activity and persons forming personnel for non-main activities. Regardless of the scope of labor application, all the personnel of the company are divided into categories. Currently, it is customary to distinguish the following categories of personnel: workers, employees, specialists and managers. Depending on the nature of the functions performed, managers can be classified as specialists if their activities require special technical knowledge, or as employees if the functions they perform do not require such special knowledge.

    Within the framework of specific firms, workers are divided into main workers and auxiliary workers. This division is important because, firstly, workers constitute the most numerous category; secondly, because the labor functions performed by the main and auxiliary workers are very different, and at the stage of intra-company planning, the determination of the need for the number of workers in these groups is based on different approaches.

    Staff ( labor personnel) enterprises - the main composition of qualified employees of an enterprise, firm, organization.

    Usually, the labor personnel of an enterprise are divided into production personnel and personnel employed in non-production units. Production personnel - workers engaged in production and its maintenance - make up the bulk of the workforce of the enterprise.

    The largest and main category of production personnel is the working enterprises (firms) - persons (workers) directly involved in the creation of material values ​​or in the provision of production services and the movement of goods. Workers are divided into main and auxiliary.

    The main workers include workers who directly create commercial (gross) products of enterprises and are engaged in the implementation of technological processes, i.e. a change in the shape, size, position, state, structure, physical, chemical and other properties of the objects of labor.

    Auxiliary workers include workers engaged in the maintenance of equipment and jobs in production workshops, as well as all workers of auxiliary workshops and farms.

    Auxiliary workers can be divided into functional groups: transport and loading, control, repair, tool, economic, warehouse, etc.

    Managers - employees holding the positions of heads of enterprises (directors, foremen, chief specialists, etc.).

    Specialists ~ employees with higher or secondary specialized education, as well as employees who do not have special education, but occupy a certain position.

    Employees - employees involved in the preparation and execution of documents, accounting and control, economic services (agents, cashiers, clerks, secretaries, statisticians, etc.).

    Junior service personnel - persons holding positions for the care of office premises (janitors, cleaners, etc.), as well as for servicing workers and employees (couriers, messengers, etc.).

    The ratio of various categories of workers in their total number characterizes the structure of personnel (personnel) of the enterprise, workshop, site. The structure of personnel can also be determined by such characteristics as age, gender, level of education, work experience, qualifications, degree of compliance with standards, etc.

    1.1 The composition and structure of the personnel of the enterprise

    The success of an organization (enterprise) is largely determined by the skill level of its employees, the degree of team cohesion working on one idea. Therefore, the labor resources of the organization are the object of constant concern on the part of management. Everything ultimately depends on people, their skills and desire to work. Within the framework of one enterprise, instead of the term "labor resources", the term "enterprise personnel" is used.

    The personnel of the enterprise is a set of employees of various professional and qualification groups employed at the enterprise and included in its payroll. The payroll includes all employees hired for work related to both core and non-core activities. Under the personnel of the enterprise, it is customary to understand the main (regular) composition of the employees of the enterprise. Its main features are:

    The presence of an employment relationship with the employer, which are formalized employment contract(contract);

    Possession of certain quality characteristics(profession, specialty, qualification, competence, etc.), the presence of which determines the activity of an employee in a particular position or workplace;

    Target orientation of personnel activities, i.e. ensuring the achievement of the goals of the organization by establishing adequate goals for an individual employee and creating conditions for their effective implementation.

    The very concept of "professional qualification structure of personnel" is ambiguous. It includes three independent, although closely related aspects: the professional structure of the labor force; its qualification structure; qualification content. At the same time, under professional structure the labor force is understood as the ratio of representatives of various professional groups, under the qualification structure - the ratio of workers of different skill levels. The content of the qualification of various professions is a set of skills, knowledge, experience, and other components required to perform a particular job. In the most direct way qualification requirements to workers determines the nature of the applied technology.

    As a result of development technical means, the emergence of new types of products and services, the introduction the latest technologies, changes in the social structure of society, structural restructuring of the economy in the composition of the labor force, professional and qualification shifts are constantly taking place. Therefore, in every this moment the structure of employees according to the main professional and qualification groups is rather conditional.

    According to the professional qualification structure, the personnel (personnel) of the organization are divided into three enlarged groups in accordance with international statistics:

    1) "white collar", i.e. focused primarily on non-physical labor;

    2) "blue collars", i.e. workers of various professions and skill levels;

    3) service workers (the last group in international statistics includes cooks, waiters, medical attendants, police officers, firefighters, household workers - servants, cleaners, etc.).

    The second and third groups form the labor force engaged mainly in physical labor. These enlarged groups include various subgroups. So, workers of predominantly non-physical labor include: managers, technical specialists. Workers predominantly of manual labor are divided into highly skilled, low-skilled and simply skilled; in addition, workers in the so-called cross-cutting professions stand out in this group.

    The above classification is partly valid in Russia. In addition, all employees Russian Federation are divided according to the following features:

    1) according to the functions performed in the production process, the personnel is divided into six categories: workers (main and auxiliary), engineering and technical workers, employees, junior service personnel (MOP), students, security;

    2) by the nature of the actual activity (occupation): the basis for classifying an employee in a category is not education, but the position held; the classification of occupations is based on a combination of professional and industry characteristics;

    3) according to the principle of participation of workers in technological process: for the production of products, workers are divided into main and auxiliary, and engineering and technical workers - into managers, specialists and technical performers;

    4) by term of work: permanent, seasonal and temporary workers.

    All workers in the sphere of material production are divided into two groups:

    1) personnel employed in the main activity (in industry, these employees constitute industrial and production personnel);

    2) personnel engaged in non-core activities or other personnel.

    To industrial personnel include workers directly involved in the production of goods or services.

    Non-production personnel include employees serving non-industrial facilities and enterprise organizations. These include employees of housing and communal services, children's and medical institutions, cultural and educational institutions, etc., as well as belonging to the enterprise.

    In turn, industrial and production personnel depend on the functions performed in production and are divided into:

    1) workers (main and auxiliary);

    2) engineering and technical workers (ITR);

    3) employees;

    4) junior service personnel (MOP);

    5) students;

    6) security workers.

    Workers include persons directly involved in the implementation of the production process. With a significant scale of production complex in structure, a correct assessment and orientation in the directions of its development is impossible without a clear division and accounting of labor costs by type and purpose of work. For this purpose, a classification arose that divides workers into five groups depending on their participation in the production of basic products.

    Category "B" - auxiliary workers directly serving the workplaces of workers of category "A". These include adjusters, controllers, crane operators, work distributors and auxiliary workers employed directly at production sites.

    Qualification - a set of knowledge and practical skills that allow you to perform work of a certain complexity.

    By skill level, workers are divided into:

    1) unskilled;

    2) low-skilled;

    3) qualified;

    4) highly qualified.

    The qualification of workers is determined by the ranks or class for drivers.

    The administrative-legal principle supposes to distinguish employees according to their position: plant director, shop manager, chief planner, Chief Accountant etc.

    The functional principle divides management employees into groups according to professions (specialties).

    A profession is a set of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to perform a certain type of work in any industry.

    Specialty - division within the profession, requiring additional skills and knowledge to perform work in a particular area of ​​production.

    The division of employees according to the technological features of work (depending on the role of the employee in the decision-making process) makes it possible to distinguish between those who carry out information service management (technical performers):

    1) heads of enterprises, institutions, departments engaged in the selection and placement of personnel, coordination of the work of individual performers, various parts of the management apparatus, control and regulation of the course of production, administrative and administrative functions, etc.;

    2) specialists - scientists, engineers, technicians, economists, etc., who develop and introduce into production new or improved types of products, technical and economic standards, as well as forms and methods of organizing production, labor and management, etc.;

    3) technical performers: accountants, accountants, typists, draftsmen, clerks, etc.

    With the development of technology, based on the requirements of the scientific organization of labor and modern office equipment, she developed another approach to dividing management personnel into categories of workers according to the nature of work:

    1) performing work repetitive, mechanical, regulated by certain rules and specifications. These include the functions performed by the personnel responsible for office work and part of the responsible executors (for example, registration of documents, typing);

    2) performing a complex of repetitive works that make up basically identical cycles. Many types of activities of responsible executors are of this nature (for example, payroll for employees, development of a labor plan, etc.);

    3) performing non-repetitive work or those whose execution cycle is very long. They are carried out mainly by managers and some of the responsible executors (for example, research at subordinate objects).

    To engineering - technical workers(ITR) include specialists who perform the functions of technical, organizational and economic management, as well as enterprise management: engineers, economists, accountants, legal advisers, etc. Specialists are divided into categories: specialist 1, 2, 3 categories and specialist without a category.

    Employees are those people who are engaged in accounting, statistical, office work and administrative and economic functions: clerks, cashiers, timekeepers, accountants, etc.

    Leaders are distributed by structures and management units. According to the management structures, managers are divided into linear and functional.

    According to the levels of management, managers are divided into:

    1) higher (director, CEO manager and their deputies);

    2) middle (heads of the main structural divisions- departments, departments, workshops, as well as chief specialists);

    3) the lower level (working with performers - heads of bureaus, sectors; masters).

    In the context of the transition to market economy in domestic terminology, new elements have appeared in the classification of personnel - managers different levels. These include heads of all levels of management, as well as specialists in management services: managers for advertising, personnel, sales, etc.

    To the younger service personnel employees can be classified

    carrying out the functions of caring for office premises, servicing workers, engineers and employees.

    The watchdog and fire department monitor the safety of material assets and property of the enterprise.

    The ratio of the listed categories of workers in their total number, expressed as a percentage, is called the structure of personnel corresponding to the applied equipment and technology, the conditions for ensuring the processes of production of labor, the established management regulations. The frame structure is a collection of individual

    groups of workers united on any basis.

    The professional and qualification structure of personnel is formed under the influence of the professional and qualification division of labor. A profession is usually understood as a type (kind) of labor activity that requires certain training. Qualification characterizes the extent to which employees master this profession and is reflected in qualification (tariff) grades and categories. Tariff categories and categories are also indicators characterizing the level of complexity of work.

    With regard to the nature of the professional preparedness of workers, such a concept as a specialty is also used, which determines the type of labor activity within the same profession (for example, the profession is a turner, and the specialties are turner-borer, turner-carousel). Differentiation in specialties for the same working profession is most often associated with the specifics of the equipment used.

    Under the influence of scientific and technological progress, there is a change in the number and specific gravity individual professions and professional groups of production personnel. The number of engineering and technical workers and specialists is increasing at a faster pace than the growth in the number of workers, with a relative stability in the share of managers and technical performers. The growth in the number of these categories of workers is due to the expansion and improvement of production, its technical equipment, changing industry structure, the emergence of jobs that require engineering training, as well as the increasing complexity of products. Obviously, this trend will continue in the future.

    Guide scale is the number of employees reporting to the boss. This characteristic structure, sometimes also called scale of control, determines how tightly bosses can control their subordinates. According to traditional views on the organization of activities, the scale of leadership should be about seven people per manager. However, in many poor companies, this figure reaches 30, 40 or more people. Studies show that the scope of leadership can vary considerably and is influenced by several factors. In general, when superiors are closely involved in the work of subordinates, the scale should be small, and vice versa. The factors that are associated with the insignificant involvement of superiors in the process of work of subordinates and, consequently, with an increase in the scale of control, include the following:

    1) the work performed by subordinates is unchanged and routine;

    2) employees are entrusted with similar labor tasks;

    3) subordinates are concentrated in one place;

    4) employees are sufficiently well trained and need little directives when performing a task;

    5) rules and procedures governing activities are readily available;

    6) support systems and personnel are available to the manager;

    7) activities not related to control, such as coordinating work with another department or planning, take little time;

    8) the manager's style of work and his preferences correspond to the broad scope of management.

    The scale of control that prevails in a company determines whether its structure will be layered or flat. Layered structure characterized by a small scale of leadership and many hierarchical levels. flat structure characterized by a large scale of leadership, is horizontally dispersed and has a relatively small number of hierarchical levels.

    Another important characteristic organizational structure is departmentalization(structuring), which means the principle of grouping employees into units, and units - into the organization itself. Two other modern approaches involve the formation of networks and teams (groups). A brief illustration of the five structural alternatives is provided below.

    1. Vertical (multilevel) functional approach. Employees are grouped into departments based on criteria such as shared skills and activities. So, for example, they create technical department and accounting.

    2. divisional approach. Departments are grouped into separate autonomous divisions based on criteria such as a common product, program, or geographic location. Here, the main structuring factor is the diversity rather than the similarity of skills.

    3. Matrix approach. Functional and divisional chains of command coexist in the same departments and overlap. There are two chains of command, and some employees are involved in both chains and report to two bosses.

    4. Team (group) approach. The organization creates several teams to perform specific tasks and coordinate the work of the main departments. Teams can exist, ranging from the level of the president to the level of the main link, shop workers.

    5. network approach. The organization becomes a small central point that establishes an electronic connection with other organizations that perform vital important features. Branches (departments) are independent, they provide the central point paid services contracts and can be located in different parts of the world.

    In addition, some companies are using a virtual approach. New methods such as networking, teams and virtual organizations have been developed to adapt companies to the increasing levels of globalization and the volume of knowledge-based business. Each approach to structure serves a specific GOAL for the organization and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main differences between the structures are related to the ways of grouping employees and their subordination to one or another boss. Differences in structures lead to different consequences for the motivation and goals of employees. The advantages and disadvantages of the team approach are summarized below.


    Retaining some of the benefits of a functional structure.

    Reducing barriers between departments, increasing the possibility of reaching compromises.

    Accelerating adaptation to change external environment, fast decision making.

    Improved morale, enthusiasm of employees involved in projects.

    Reduction of the administrative apparatus.


    Dual subordination and conflicts.

    Large expenditure of time and resources for meetings and coordination.

    Unplanned decentralization.

    Majority modern approaches departmentalization takes horizontal coordination and collaboration beyond corporate boundaries. Formation network structure means that the organization outsources many of its core functions to subcontracting firms and coordinates their activities from a small command center that acts as headquarters.

    There is another, similar to the network approach, called modular approach, in which manufacturing companies use external suppliers to provide a complete set of product elements, from which a few workers then assemble the final product.

    The advantages and disadvantages of the network approach are listed below.


    Global Competitiveness.

    The flexibility of the workforce and the ability to change it quickly.

    Small administrative office.


    No direct control.

    The danger of losing part of the business.

    Weak employee loyalty.

    The logical continuation of the network approach was the creation virtual organizations, which temporarily unite various specialists in order to use special abilities, and after achieving the goal, dissolve them.

    The advantages and disadvantages of the virtual approach are as follows.


    Hiring the best professionals from all over the world.

    Flexibility and ability to adapt quickly.

    Reduction of overhead costs.


    Weak control, blurry boundaries.

    More stringent requirements for managers.

    Communication problems and risk of misunderstanding.