The organizational structure of the scientific and technical preparation of production provides. Regulations on the department of technical preparation of production. technical preparation production

  • 22.05.2021

The rational organization of the processes of creating new products is based on general patterns of organization of production. compliance of the organization of production with the goals set for the enterprise; compliance of forms and methods of organizing production with the characteristics of its material and technical base; orientation to specific production, technical and economic conditions; mutual correspondence between the characteristics of the organization of production processes and the characteristics of the organization of work of workers, etc.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the processes of creating new products, it is necessary to be guided by a number of specific principles when building and improving the production preparation system.

The principle of complexity presupposes carrying out work on the preparation of production according to a single plan, covering all processes - from scientific research to the development of new technology and taking into account the complex of technical, organizational, economic and other problems that arise in this case.

The principle of specialization requires that each division of the enterprise be assigned such types of activities for the creation and development of new products that correspond to the nature of the specialization of these divisions.

The principle of scientific, technical and industrial integration is considered as a set of conditions that ensure the achievement of individual and general goals as a result of the activities of a certain set of specialized units and performers.

The principle of completeness of documentation and components of products requires the simultaneous implementation of a set of works by the time when their further continuation is possible only if there is a complete set of documentation or components of products.

The principle of continuity of work on the creation of new products requires the elimination of significant time gaps between the phases of the preparation process, and within them - between stages, works, and operations.

The principle of proportionality can be seen as a requirement production possibilities(capacity) of all divisions of the association or enterprise engaged in the preparation of production.

The principle of parallelism in the organization of work on the preparation of production is expressed in the combination in time of various phases, stages, works.

The next principle is to ensure a strict sequence of work and direct flow. Observing this principle, it is necessary that the development and development of new products be carried out with a sequence of work inherent only to this type. Straightness is taken as providing the shortest route for the movement of technical documentation and the shortest path traversed by a new product through all stages of its development and development.

The creation of a rational organizational structure of the production preparation system is based on the use of scientific principles of its organization.

One of the main areas of work on the formation of the structure of the pre-production system is to determine the composition of the units that should function at the enterprise during the development and development of new products.

The structure, being the form of the system, is determined by its content, i.e. processes running in the system. It follows that the development of the structure of production preparation bodies should be based on the study of the processes of creating and mastering new products. The main classification groups of processes for creating new products must comply with structural units where these processes will take place.

Organizational structure pre-production system is characterized not only certain composition its parts, but also the features of the connections between them. The principle of a strict sequence of work and directness implies the need to improve the spatial arrangement of the structural units of the pre-production system and ensure rational interrelations between the divisions of the enterprise.

When designing the system structure preparation of production, it is necessary to proceed from the following basic provisions: divisions of preparation of production should be located in close proximity to each other, next to the technical and experimental production divisions. Production units should be located in the course of the sequence of work performed.

Equally important and complex is the problem of establishing relationships between departments. The main provisions for rationalizing the relationship between departments involved in pre-production processes are based on the following principles: the document should, if possible, be formed in one department; the number of coordinating and approving authorities should be kept to a minimum; the route of movement must exclude returns, loops and movements in the direction opposite to its route.

The use of the principle of proportionality in organizing the preparation of production requires ensuring equality of production capabilities (throughput, capacities) of all departments involved in the creation of new products. In this case, three types of resources should be taken into account: people (workers, engineering and technical and scientific workers), fixed assets (space, production and scientific equipment), material resources(materials, special literature, standards, etc.).

A fairly complete picture of the throughput of departments can be obtained by determining their load factors, which are calculated by labor resources, equipment, space.

When designing the production structure, the actual throughput of departments is compared with the planned one and leveled off due to the redistribution of resources and work, increasing the productivity of workers, and increasing the shift work of equipment.

The pre-production time is the length of stay of the means of production of developing organizations and enterprises in the preparatory stage of the production process. It consists of the working period and the time of breaks.

working period called the time of creation of new types of products, during which labor processes are performed. In the course of these processes, scientific research, engineering development, development of new products in production and operation are carried out.

Break times characterizes the calendar period of time during which one or another object does not experience labor efforts. The break time is divided into breaks due to the design and technological features of the products and shortcomings in the organization and planning of production.

The pre-production time is calculated in calendar days or hours, during which the entire range of work is carried out to develop and master the release of a new type of product. The cycle of preparation for the production of new products includes the duration of all stages of work and the time of breaks between them.

Processes of preparation of production in time can be organized by different methods: sequential execution of operations, works and phases without a break between them; sequential execution and the presence of breaks between operations, works or phases; by organizing parallel-combined execution of operations, works and phases of pre-production. Depending on the chosen method of organizing the preparation of production, its duration will be different.

Concrete measures to reduce the time of preparation of production provide for a high level of its organization, based on the application of scientific principles.

Reducing pre-production time is a top priority organizational activities when creating new types of products. The implementation of this task is designed to ensure the acceleration of scientific and technological progress in all sectors of the national economy.

The main directions of this work can be: reducing the time of the working period by taking measures to reduce labor costs; reduction of time of breaks in the process of preparation of production; introduction of a parallel-combined method of organizing work.

The approximate structure of the service for preparing the production of new products is shown in fig. 7.1.

test questions

  • 1. What are the tasks of pre-production?
  • 2. What are the types of pre-production work?

Rice. 7.1.


  • 3. How are the pre-production processes formed in time and space?
  • 4. What is the sequence of phases of a single pre-production process?
  • 5. Describe the principles of production preparation.
  • 6. How is the structure of the production preparation system designed?

Added to site:

1. General Provisions

1.1. The department (bureau) of technical preparation of production, being an independent structural subdivision of the enterprise, is created and liquidated by order of [name of the position of the head of the enterprise].

1.2. The department (bureau) of technical preparation of production is headed by the head, appointed to the position by order of [name of the position of the head of the enterprise] upon presentation technical director.

1.3. The department (bureau) reports to the technical director of the enterprise.

1.4. Employees of the department (bureau) of technical preparation of production are appointed to positions and dismissed from them by order of [name of the position of the head of the enterprise] on the proposal of the head of the department (bureau) of technical preparation of production.

1.5. In its activities, the department (bureau) is guided by:

the Charter of the enterprise;

By this provision;

Legislation of the Russian Federation;

1.6. [Enter as required].

2. Structure

2.1. structure and staffing department (bureau) approves [name of the position of the head of the enterprise], based on the specific conditions and characteristics of the enterprise's activities on the proposal of the technical director and head of the department, as well as in agreement with the [human resources department, department of organization and remuneration].

2.2. The department (bureau) of technical preparation of production may include structural subdivisions.

For example: analytical bureau (sector, group), design bureau (sector, group), information and computing bureau (sector, group).

2.3. Regulations on the subdivisions of the department of technical preparation of production (bureaus, sectors, groups, etc.) are approved by [name of the position of the head of the enterprise], and the distribution of duties between employees of the departments is carried out by the head of the department of technical preparation of production.

2.4. [Enter as required].

3. Tasks

The following tasks are assigned to the department (bureau) of technical preparation of production:

3.1. Use of modern technologies.

3.2. High-quality and timely preparation of the enterprise for the production of new competitive products.

3.3. Cost savings for the enterprise through effective planning and preparation of the enterprise for production.

3.4. [Enter as required].

4. Functions

The department (bureau) of technical preparation of production performs the following functions:

4.1. Comparison of the proposals of the marketing department for the production of new products and the technical capabilities of the enterprise.

4.2. Definition of technical policy and direction of technical development of the enterprise.

4.3. Identification of the level of specialization and diversification of production in the future.

4.4. Determination of ways of reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the existing production.

4.5. Ensuring the required level of technical preparation of production.

4.6. Improving production efficiency and labor productivity.

4.7. Development of measures (when planning production) to prevent the harmful effects of production on the environment, the careful use of natural resources.

4.8. Cost reduction (material, financial, labor).

4.9. Rational use of production resources.

4.10. Operational calculation of the capacities of the enterprise as a whole and individual production lines.

4.11. Analysis of the needs of the enterprise in opening a new production.

4.12. Development and management in carrying out activities for the reconstruction and modernization of production.

4.13. Control over compliance with project, design and technological documentation, rules for labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety, environmental requirements, sanitary norms.

4.14. Carrying out organizational and technical measures, research and development work on their topics.

4.15. Ensuring the effectiveness of design decisions.

4.16. The study of foreign and domestic experience in the technical preparation of production. Organization of consultations on solving certain preventive issues.

4.17. Preparation of materials for the economic justification of the need to upgrade production.

4.18. Drawing up applications to the relevant structural divisions of the enterprise for expendable materials and household inventory.

4.19. Coordination of activities between structural subdivisions of the department.

4.20. Methodological guidance in filling out the passport of the enterprise.

4.21. Organization of interaction with research institutes, organizations.

4.22. [Enter as required].

5. Rights

5.1. The department (bureau) of technical preparation of production has the right to:

Give instructions to the heads of the technical departments of the enterprise on preparation for the production of new products;

Participate in the overall planning of the enterprise;

Require the heads of technical and production departments to comply with design, design and technological documentation, rules and regulations for labor protection and safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety, environmental and sanitary standards; providing information necessary for the work of the department;

To entrust separate structural subdivisions of the enterprise with carrying out work on the technical preparation of the enterprise for the production of new products;

Conclude agreements with research, design (design and technological) organizations for the development of new equipment and production technology, projects for the reconstruction of the enterprise and modernization of equipment, automated production control systems.

5.2. The head of the department (bureau) of technical preparation of production has the right to submit proposals to the management of the enterprise on rewarding distinguished employees, on imposing penalties on employees who violate production and labor discipline.

5.3. [Enter as required].

6. Relationships (service relations) **

To perform the functions and exercise the rights provided for by this regulation, the department (bureau) of technical preparation of production interacts:

6.1. With the department of the chief technologist on:


Applications for equipment;

Proposals for the rational placement of equipment;

- [fill in as needed].


Plans for placement of new equipment;

Proposals for changing production capacities at individual sites;

- [fill in as needed].

6.2. With the department of the chief designer on:


product drawings;

Technical documentation for approval;

Detail specifications;

Technical conditions;

Information on compliance with design discipline;

Other technical documentation necessary to determine the technical policy of the enterprise;

- [fill in as needed].


Coordination of individual preventive operations;

Proposals on technological issues;

Instructions for tightening design discipline in certain areas of production;

- [fill in as needed].

6.3. With the production and dispatching department on:


Information about production volumes;

- [fill in as needed].


Schedules for the execution of work on the technical preparation of production;

Plans for the release of new products;

- [fill in as needed].

6.4. With the workshops of the main production on:


Reports on the installation of new equipment;

Proposals for improving production technology;

- [fill in as needed].


Instructions on making changes to the production technology;

Drawings, specifications;

- [fill in as needed].

6.5. With the standardization department on:




Technical conditions;

Conclusions on technical documentation for compliance with the current legislation on standardization;

Work plans for standardization, normalization, unification;

Information about the transfer of the enterprise to new standards;

Notifications about changes and additions to standards and specifications;

- [fill in as needed].


Documentation for the maintenance and repair of equipment;

Proposals for carrying out work on standardization;

Proposals for the transfer of the enterprise to new standards;

Information about violation of standards and technical specifications;

- [fill in as needed].

6.6. With the quality control department for:


Instructions of the OKC on making technological changes to the submitted technological projects for the production of new products;

Generalized analysis of the quality of prototype products;

Consultations on improvement of product quality;

- [fill in as needed].


Technological documentation for control;

Reports on the implementation of OCC instructions;

- [fill in as needed].

6.7. With the Department of Patent and Inventive Work on:


Applications for expert assessment rationalization proposals and inventions (on the expediency of their implementation);

Plans for the implementation of rationalization proposals and inventions;

- [fill in as needed].


Conclusions on rationalization proposals and inventions;

Assistance in the technological solution of individual issues;

Assistance in the implementation of drawings, making models;

Opportunities for experimental verification of inventions;

- [fill in as needed].

6.8. With the labor protection department on the following issues:


Information about the requirements of labor protection legislation;

Conclusions on the plans for the placement of equipment necessary for the production of new types of products;

Conclusions on compliance with the requirements of labor protection and safety regulations for projects for equipping new workplaces;

- [fill in as needed].


Information on compliance with labor protection legislation;

Applications for conclusions on equipment placement plans for compliance with safety regulations;

Projects for equipping new jobs;

- [fill in as needed].

6.9. With the technical information department for:


Technical documentation;

technical literature;

Applications for copies of technical documentation of the department;

Consultations on related issues;

- [fill in as needed].


Copies of technical documentation of the department;

Original documents for registration, accounting and storage;

Applications for technical literature;

- [fill in as needed].

6.10. With the logistics department on:


Consultations on material and technical resources;

Coordination of technological conditions for the use of special consumables;

- [fill in as needed].


Norms of consumption of material and technical resources for planning the volume of supplies;

- [fill in as needed].

6.11. With the department of organization and remuneration on the following issues:


Consultations on labor legislation;

approved staffing table;

Approved calculations of the labor intensity of products;

staffing schedule;

- [fill in as needed].


Calculations of the labor intensity of products;

Proposals for the most rational placement of workers on new equipment;

- [fill in as needed].

6.12. With the planning and economic department on:


production plans;

Approved changes to the product range;

Agreed deadlines for the release of new products;

- [fill in as needed].


Plans for the introduction of new production technologies, new types of products;

Information needed to determine economic efficiency production of new products;

Other materials at the request of the planning and economic department;

- [fill in as needed].

6.13. From [name of the structural unit] on the following issues:


- [fill in];

- [fill in as needed].


- [fill in];

- [fill in as needed].

7. Responsibility

7.1. Responsibility for the quality and timeliness of the performance by the department (bureau) of the functions provided for by this regulation shall be borne by the head of the department (bureau) of technical preparation of production.

7.2. The head of the department (bureau) of technical preparation of production is personally responsible for:

Compliance with the law in the process of managing the department;

Providing reliable information about the technology of equipment maintenance;

Timely and high-quality execution of management orders;

- [fill in as needed].

7.3. The responsibility of employees of the department (bureau) of technical preparation of production is established by job descriptions.

7.4. [Enter as required].

Head of structural unit

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]


[official with whom the regulation is agreed]

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

Head of the legal department

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

The creation of a rational organizational structure of the production preparation system is based on the use of scientific principles of its organization. One of the main areas of work on the formation of the structure of the production preparation system is to determine the composition of the units that should function at the enterprise during the development and development of new products.

The structure, being the form of the system, is determined by its content, i.e. processes running in the system. It follows that the development of the structure of production preparation bodies should be based on the study of the processes of creating and mastering new products. The main classification groups of the processes of creating new products must correspond to the structural units in which these processes will be carried out.

The main groups of production preparation processes and their corresponding structural units of a large enterprise.

Production preparation processes.


Needs Study Department, Research Thematic Departments, Feasibility Study Department (Bureau), Results Implementation Department.


Design thematic departments, technological service, standardization and normalization department, normal factory laboratory, labor organization and management department


Model workshops, experimental production, small series workshops, production workshops


Service scientific and technical Information Department, Human Resources and Training Department, Logistics Department, Tool Facilities, Chief Mechanic and Power Engineering Departments, Non-Standard Equipment Department and Workshop, Quality Management Service


Bureau of technical documentation, warehousing, transport.


Computing Center, Development and Production Management Department, Economic Planning and Production Departments, Labor and Wage Department, Rationalization and Invention Bureau

The organizational structure of the pre-production system is characterized not only by the composition of its parts, but also by the peculiarities of the links between them. The principle of a strict sequence of work and directness implies the need to improve the spatial arrangement of the structural units of the pre-production system and ensure rational relationships between the divisions of the enterprise.

When designing the structure of the production preparation system, it is necessary to proceed from the following basic provisions: the preparation and production units should be located in close proximity to each other, next to the technical and experimental production units. Production units should be located in the course of the sequence of work performed.

Equally important and complex is the problem of establishing relationships between departments. The main provisions of the rationalization of the system of relationships between departments involved in the pre-production processes are based on the following principles; the document should, if possible, be formed in one unit; the number of coordinating and approving authorities should be kept to a minimum; the route of the document must exclude returns, loops and movement in the direction opposite to its route.

The use of the principle of proportionality in organizing the preparation of production requires ensuring equality of production capabilities (throughput, capacities) of all departments involved in the creation of new products. In this case, three types of resources should be taken into account: people (workers, engineering and technical and scientific workers), fixed assets (space, production and scientific equipment), material resources (materials, special literature, standards, etc.).

A fairly complete picture of the throughput of departments can be obtained by determining their load factors, which are calculated by labor resources, equipment areas.

When designing the production structure, the actual throughput of departments is compared with the planned one and leveled off due to the redistribution of resources and work, increasing the productivity of workers, and increasing the shift work of equipment.

The structure of the training and production bodies largely depends on the existing system of training. There are three types of such systems at mechanical engineering enterprises: centralized, in which all work on design, technological and organizational design is carried out in factory services and other departments; decentralized, in which the main burden of work on technological and organizational training transferred to shop organs; mixed, when work on the preparation of production is distributed between the central and shop departments.

At mechanical engineering enterprises with mass and large-scale production, preparation for the production of new products is carried out, as a rule, centrally. At serial production plants, a mixed preparation system prevails, while at enterprises of a single and small-scale type, a decentralized one.

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technical preparation production


1. Organization of technical preparation of production at the enterprise

1.1 The composition and tasks of the technical preparation of production at the enterprise

1.2 The main stages of the design of new products and its organization in the enterprise

1.4 The main directions for improving the technical preparation of production at the enterprise

2. Practical part

2.1 Characteristics of the enterprise

2.2 Carrying out scientific, technical and design work

2.3 The sequence of the technological process for the production of large format plywood 1220x2440

2.4 Methods for the implementation of organizational and technological preparation at the enterprise



Application 1. Linear calendar chart technical preparation of production

Appendix 2. Need for staff

Annex 3. List and specifications technological equipment for the production of large format plywood

technical production plywood


The level of scientific and technical preparation of production determines the efficiency of manufacturing products by the main production, determines the possibility of the rhythm of its release with given consumer properties.

Technical preparation of production can be considered from the point of view of the production of a product on the basis of an existing one or from the point of view of organizing a new production.

The solution of economic, social and other tasks of the enterprise is directly related to the rapid technical progress of production and the use of its achievements in all areas. economic activity. At the enterprise, it is carried out the more efficiently, the more perfect the technical preparation of production, which is understood as a complex of design, technological and organizational measures that ensure the development and mastering of the production of new types of products, as well as the improvement of manufactured products. The launch of products that have undergone full technical training makes it possible to achieve high profitability their release in 1-2 years.

The level of scientific and technical preparation of production determines the efficiency of manufacturing products by the main production, determines the possibility of the rhythm of its release with given consumer properties. The production of products without proper technical training lengthens the development time (reaching the planned profitability) by 2-2.5 times. In this case, the profitable period is reduced, because. obsolescence of products occurs, a drop in demand for it and often a decrease in its price.

The main tasks of the technical preparation of production for industrial enterprise are: the formation of a progressive technical policy aimed at creating more advanced types of products and technological processes for their manufacture; creation of conditions for high-performance, rhythmic and profitable work of the enterprise; consistent reduction in the duration of technical preparation of production, its labor intensity and cost while improving the quality of all types of work.

" Technical preparation of production is a set of normative and technical measures that regulate the design, technological preparation of production and the system for putting products into production " .

These measures ensure the full readiness of the enterprise for the production of high quality products.

According to its content, technical preparation of production is divided into research, design (product design) and technological stages. The purpose of the first stage is to conduct applied research, experimentation, study of the possibilities of using new design solutions, materials, technological processes, forecasting demand for products, etc.; the second covers all the necessary types of work on the design (project development) of new products, the manufacture of prototypes, and the improvement of manufactured products; the third stage has as its task the development of new and improvement of existing technological processes, technological equipment, means and methods of quality control, standards of labor and material costs, improvement of the organization of production in workshops and production sites.

Thus, we see that the process of carrying out the technical preparation of production is not in itself just the installation of equipment, but is complex complex related activities. In fact, this is a radical restructuring of production, starting with equipment and ending with the specialization of workers.

The purpose of this work- consider the organization of technical training in production - the organization of a new production or a separate enterprise (workshop).

In writing this paper, I set myself the following tasks:

Consider the concept of technical preparation of production and its content;

The main stages of designing new products; organization of technical training at the enterprise, the main directions of its improvement.

The object of the study is CJSC "Pinskdrev".


1.1 The composition and tasks of technical training at the enterprise

The activity of the enterprise for the development of its material and technical base, organization of production, labor and management is technical preparation of production . It includes:

· conducting applied research related to the improvement of manufactured products, equipment, technology, the composition of the materials used, the organization of production;

Designing new products and upgrading previously produced; development of the technological process of manufacturing products; purchase of special equipment, tools and semi-finished products from outside;

· logistics of production;

training, retraining and advanced training of personnel;

· development of norms and standards, technological, technical and organizational structure of the management apparatus and information support.

Technical training is carried out in order to effectively master a new or modernized product, introduce new complex machines and equipment, new technological methods and changes in the organization of production. The task of technical preparation of production includes the creation of technical, organizational and economic conditions that fully guarantee the transfer of the production process to a higher technical and socio-technical level based on the achievements of science and technology.

Technological preparation of production (TPP) is a set of measures that ensure the technological readiness of production, i.e. the presence at the enterprise of complete sets of design and technological documentation and technological equipment necessary for the production of a given volume of products in accordance with the established technical and economic indicators. The production of products without proper technical training lengthens the development time (reaching the planned profitability) by 2 - 2.5 times. In this case, the profitable period is reduced, as obsolescence of products sets in, a drop in demand for it and often a decrease in its price. Thus, the complexity of technological preparation in relation to the total labor intensity technical project products in a single production is 20-25%, in serial production - 50-55%, and in large-scale and mass production - 60-70%. This is due to the fact that if we move from single production to serial and then to mass production, then the degree of technological equipment increases, and, consequently, the amount of work on the Chamber of Commerce and Industry increases.

Technological preparation of production at the enterprise is carried out by the departments of the chief technologist, the chief metallurgist, as well as the technological bureaus of the main workshops, which are in charge of the foundry, forge, mechanical and assembly workshops. The material base for them is the tool and model workshops, technological laboratories, and pilot production.

Prior to the start of work on the CCI, as a rule, technological control of the drawings is carried out, which is necessary for the analysis and verification of the designed products (parts) for the manufacturability of their structures, the correct assignment of processing accuracy classes, the rationality of assembly schemes, etc.

Main tasks technical preparation of production at an industrial enterprise are:

* the formation of a progressive technical policy aimed at creating more advanced types of products and technological processes for their manufacture;

* creation of conditions for high-performance, rhythmic and profitable work of the enterprise;

* Consistent reduction of the duration of technical preparation of production, its labor intensity and cost while improving the quality of all types of work.

Technical preparation of production - this is a set of normative and technical measures that regulate the design, technological preparation of production and the system for putting products into production. Technical preparation of production according to its content is divided into research , design (product design) and technological stages .

Purpose first stage- conducting applied research, experimentation, studying the possibilities of using new design solutions, materials, technological processes, forecasting demand for products, etc.

ATtoray covers all the necessary types of work on the design (project development) of new products, production of prototypes, improvement of manufactured products.

task third stage is the development of new and improvement of existing technological processes, technological equipment, means and methods of quality control, standards of labor and material costs, improvement of the organization of production in workshops and production sites.

In turn, technical training is part of the product life cycle, including: scientific and technical training, the actual production and operation of the product.

The level of technical preparation of production depends on many factors. They can be divided into groups. Including technical, economic, organizational and social aspects.

Technical factors- development and implementation of typical and standard technological processes, the use of standardized and unified technological equipment; application of automated design systems for technological equipment; the use of machine tools, progressive modes of mechanical and technical processing of parts; use of progressive technological methods of processing; introduction of progressive blanks in order to reduce labor intensity for mechanical processing and material consumption of products, improve metrological support; application of means of active and objective technical control quality; execution control automation network charts design and production of technical equipment.

Economic forces- stage-by-stage advancing financing of works of technical preparation of manufacture; provision of soft loans; creation of a fund to stimulate the development of new technology.

Organizational fact ory - development and deepening of the specialization of production; certification of the quality of technological processes and manufactured means of technological equipment, non-standard equipment based on quality results prototype or the first industrial batch of products of the main production, improvement of the organization of auxiliary production; improvement of relations between auxiliary and main production; expansion of intrafactory, interfactory, intrabranch cooperation.

Social factors- advanced training of performers; mechanization and automation of production and support operations in order to improve working conditions, development of the social sphere; improvement of the psychological atmosphere in the team.

Technical preparation of production may include technical re-equipment, reconstruction and expansion of individual production sites, as well as equipment modernization. The implementation of a unified technical policy at the enterprise is led by Chief Engineer(first Deputy CEO associations), relying on the apparatus of technical preparation of production. The organizational forms and structure of its bodies are determined by the one adopted at the enterprise, in production association production preparation system.

In enterprises, there are three organizational forms of technical training : centralized, decentralized and mixed. The choice of form depends on the scale and type of production, the nature of the manufactured products, the frequency of its renewal, and other factors. For large enterprises, mass and large-scale production associations are characterized by a centralized form of training, in which all work is carried out in the plant management apparatus. For this purpose, departments of the chief technologist, a general factory laboratory, and a department for planning the technical preparation of production are being created. At some enterprises, two design departments are organized: an experimental design department, which develops new products, and a serial design department, which has the task of improving products.

At enterprises of single and small-scale production, a predominantly decentralized or mixed form of production preparation is used: in the first form, the main work on technical preparation is carried out by the corresponding bureau of production workshops; in the second case, the entire scope of work is distributed between the factory and shop bodies. In this case, design preparation is most often carried out in the department of the chief designer, and technological preparation - in the shop production preparation bureaus. In small enterprises, all technical training is concentrated in a single technical department.

Thus, we see that the process of carrying out the technical preparation of production is not in itself just the installation of equipment, but is a complex set of interrelated activities. In fact, this is a radical restructuring of production, starting with equipment and ending with the specialization of workers.

There is a certain system of technical preparation of production . It is a set of interrelated scientific and technical processes that ensure the technological readiness of the enterprise to produce products with specifications quality. In the conditions of the formation of industry in the period of transition to the market, the preparation of enterprises to enter the market with their products international market will get more difficult. The amount of labor spent on setting up new technology will increase significantly due to the complexity and many details of the final product. In order to reduce labor costs, a system of unified technical documentation for the technical preparation of production (ESTPP) is used. ESTPP is a system of organization and management of technical preparation for production established by state standards, continuously improved on the basis of the achievements of science and technology, managing the development of technical preparation for production at the levels: state, sectoral, organization, enterprise. primary goal ECTPP - provision necessary conditions to achieve full readiness of any type of production for the production of products of a given quality, in the optimal time at the lowest labor, material and financial costs.

The tasks of technical preparation of production are solved at all levels and are grouped according to the following four principles:

Ensuring the manufacturability of products;

Development of technological processes;

Design and manufacture of technological equipment;

Organization and management of technical preparation of production.

basis ESTPP are: system-structural analysis of the CCI cycle; typification and standardization of technological processes of manufacturing and control; standardization of technological equipment and tools; aggregation of equipment from standard structural elements.

One of the main indicators of the CCI is the duration of the CCI cycle. It is necessary to establish the structure of the CCI first.

Structure CCI is the ratio of costs to certain types works as part of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry to the total cost of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, expressed as a percentage.

Cycle duration TTP is the calendar time from the beginning to the end of the TPP of a new product or an entire production. It is determined by the formula:

D qtpp = q1 T c 1 + q2 T c 2 + q3 T c 3 + ... + qn T c n , (1.1)

where q1, q2, q3 - time correction coefficients, taking into account the parallel and parallel-sequential execution of work in the process of TPP; T c 1, T c 2 - time to obtain design documentation, develop technological documentation, manufacture technological equipment, non-standard equipment, technical and organizational restructuring of production, training and retraining of personnel, manufacturing and testing, etc.

The duration of the CCI cycle has a huge impact on the amount of resources expended, unfinished auxiliary production, and the acceleration of turnover working capital, the cost of work on the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The main directions of its reduction are: an increase in the volume of work in parallel and parallel-sequential execution and a decrease in labor intensity at each stage.

1.2 The main stages of designing new products and its organization at the enterprise

Milestones design new products are:

1) development of technological processes;

2) design of technological equipment and non-standard equipment;

3) manufacturing of technological equipment (rigging and non-standard equipment);

4) alignment and debugging of the designed technology and manufactured technological equipment.

At the first stage make the choice of rational ways of manufacturing parts and assembly units, development of new technological processes. This work is based on:

Drawings for a newly designed product;

· GOST-s, industry and factory standards for materials, tools, as well as for tolerances and allowances;

reference books and normative tables for cutting modes selection;

· the planned sizes of release of products.

interdepartmental routes; determining sequence and content technological operations; determination, selection and ordering of technological equipment; establishing the procedure, methods and means of technical quality control; appointment and calculation of cutting conditions;

technical regulation of operations of the production process; determination of professions and qualifications of performers; organization of production sites (production lines); formation of working documentation for technological processes in accordance with the ESTP.

On the second stage, firstly, they design the designs of models, dies, fixtures, special tools and non-standard equipment, and secondly, they develop a technological process for manufacturing technological equipment, which should be quite universal, but at the same time progressive, perfect and ensuring high quality of manufactured parts .

The development of tooling designs is carried out by design bureaus for tooling and tools in close cooperation with technologists who design technological processes for processing parts of a new product.

At the third stage of design manufacture all tooling and non-standard equipment. This is the most time-consuming part of the design of new products (60-80% of the labor and funds of the total CCI). Therefore, as a rule, these works are carried out gradually, limited, at first, to the minimum necessary equipment of essentials, and then increasing the degree of equipment and mechanization of the production process to the maximum economically justified limits. At this stage, redevelopment (if necessary) of existing equipment, installation and testing of new and non-standard equipment and equipment, production lines and areas for processing and assembling products are carried out.

At the fourth stage verify and debug the designed technology; finally work out the parts and assemblies (blocks) for manufacturability: verify the suitability and rationality of the designed tooling and non-standard equipment, ease of disassembly and assembly of the product; establish correct sequence performance of these works; carry out timing of machining and assembly operations and finalize all technological documentation. For serial and mass production, in addition to route technology, technological process with an operational description of shaping, processing and assembly. At the same time, for single technological processes, an operational technological

map, for typical (group) technological processes - a map of a typical (group) operation. They indicate all the transitions for this particular operation and the methods for performing each, technological modes, data on technological equipment, materials and labor costs. Usually, sketch drawings are placed in operating cards, depicting parts or parts of parts and containing those dimensions and instructions for processing that are necessary to perform a given operation (method of fixing parts on the machine, tool location, fixture, etc.).

In addition, for certain products, maps of typical technological processes for applying electrolytic coatings, chemical treatment, applying paint and varnish coatings, lists of specific consumption rates of solvents, anodes, chemicals, lists of itemized waste and other documents are developed.

The initial information for the development of technological processes can be basic, guiding and reference. Basic Information includes the name of the object, as well as the data contained in design documentation. Guidance Information- these are industry and factory standards that establish requirements for technological processes, equipment, tooling, documentation for existing standard and group technological processes, manufacturing instructions, documentation for the selection of standards for safety and industrial sanitation.

reference Information includes documentation of pilot production, descriptions of progressive manufacturing methods, catalogs, reference books, albums of layouts, layouts, etc.

1. 3 Cmaintenance of technological preparation of production at the enterprise

Under technological process is understood as a set of methods for manufacturing products by changing the state, properties, shapes and dimensions of raw materials, raw materials and semi-finished products.

In the process of technological preparation of production, methods of mechanization and automation of production processes are developed, and some issues of organizing production are solved, namely: the introduction of in-line methods, the organization and equipment of workplaces and sites, the choice of vehicles and means of storing raw materials, semi-finished products and products, etc. P.

Technical training ensures the full readiness of the enterprise to release new products with a given quality, which, as a rule, can be implemented on technological equipment that has a high technical level, ensuring minimal labor and material costs. Technological preparation of production is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the standards of the Unified System of Technological Preparation of Production and provides for the solution of the following tasks :

ensuring high manufacturability of structures, which is achieved by a thorough analysis of the manufacturing technology of each part and a feasibility study of possible manufacturing options;

design of technological processes, including the development of traditional processes (main for of this type production) processing, as well as programs for machine tools with numerical program management, individual technological processes, the development of technical specifications for special equipment and special technological equipment (the design of technological equipment is carried out in the manner adopted for the design preparation of production);

Structural analysis of the product and, on its basis, the compilation of intershop technological routes for processing parts and assembling products;

· technological assessment capacity of workshops, based on the calculation production capacity, throughput, etc.

· development of technological standards of labor intensity, consumption rates of materials, modes of operation of equipment;

manufacturing of technological equipment;

debugging of the technological complex (performed on the installation series of products) - the technological process, tooling and equipment;

· development of forms and methods of organization of the production process;

· development of methods of technical control.

Based on the designed technological process and the choice on this basis of equipment and its mode of operation, the main standards for the consumption of working time, raw materials, materials, fuel, energy and other elements of production per unit of output are determined.

Stages of technological preparation

Technological design begins with the development of route technology. Its content consists in determining the sequence of performing the main operations and assigning them in the workshops to specific groups of equipment. At the same time, the tool is selected, the time norms are calculated and the category of work is established, the specialty of workers with the appropriate skill level is indicated. According to the route technology, processed types of products are assigned to each workshop and section, which determines their specialization, place and role in the production structure of the enterprise.

Then, for each workshop and section, an operational technology is developed, the content of which is made up of operational technological maps. They contain instructions and parameters for the execution of each production operation.

In individual and small-scale production, as well as in enterprises with relatively simple technology, the development of technological processes is usually limited to route technology. In mass and large-scale production, after the route, a more detailed step-by-step technology is being developed.

From all the possible technologies offered at this stage, the optimal one is then selected. At the same time, natural indicators are compared, and the cost of production and work is compared for different options.

The selected production technology should provide an increase in labor productivity, the required workmanship at the lowest cost of production compared to other options. The best option technological process is taken as a typical for given production conditions for a certain period of time until the development of a more promising option.

The use of standard technological processes helps to limit the number of technological operations. They allow you to establish the uniformity of the method of processing the same type of products and the technological equipment used, create conditions for the termination of costs and the duration of the design of technologies.

The development of typical technological processes involves the following steps: determining the technological route for processing a product of this group; choice of operational technological process; establishing methods for processing individual elements (performed technological operations) for a product of this group.

Technological preparation of production also provides for the development of projects, the manufacture and adjustment of special technological equipment, technological equipment necessary for the production of a new (modernized) product. This is a very time-consuming and costly work, since when mastering a number of new models (for example, cars and other machines), several thousand stamps, fixtures, models, dozens of automatic lines are manufactured. In this regard, in the sectors of large-scale and mass production that produce products of a technologically complex profile, the transition to the manufacture of a new product, as a rule, is combined with the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of enterprises.

When carrying out work on the technological preparation of production, it must be taken into account that the organization of the production of new types of products, the modernization of products and production processes require material and organizational preparation.

Material preparation of production involves the acquisition, installation and adjustment of new equipment, the manufacture or purchase of tools and fixtures, raw materials and materials, that is, the provision of production with all material and technical resources. Organizational training includes the improvement of the organization of production and labor, and their adaptation to the conditions for the manufacture of new products, new equipment and technology. This also includes the selection and placement of personnel in accordance with the new nature of production, the introduction of adjustments into the structure of the administrative apparatus, into the functional and hierarchical distribution of labor.

High manufacturability helps to reduce production costs and therefore serves as a criterion for an economically more profitable technological option. This choice is made by jointly solving two equations:

Cm1 = с1N + V1, (1.2)

Cm2 = c2N + V2, (1.3)

reflecting, respectively, the technological costs Cst1 and St2 of two manufacturing options. As a result, the critical volume of production is determined

N cr = (s2 - s1) / V1 - V2, (1.4)

serving as the boundary of the economic feasibility of their application.

At the same time, c1, c2, V1, V2, respectively, are conditionally fixed and variable costs in the structure of the cost of options, N cr is the critical volume of output.

With a production volume less than N cr, equation 1.2 will be beneficial, with a release greater than N cr - equation 1.3. For example, if it is possible to manufacture parts on lathe or automatically compare the corresponding costs (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1. Equipment performance indicators


Machine operator salary

The cost of operating the machine

Tool operating cost

Machine depreciation

Average setup cost

The cost of operating equipment

Substituting the table data into the formula, we get that

N kr \u003d ((3 + 10 + 6) - (2 + 5) / (10 + 1 + 1) - (2 + 3 + 1)) * 100 \u003d 200 parts

Therefore, with this or a greater value of N kr, it is advisable to use a lathe. This calculation method is suitable when technological processes (at the site, shop level) are evaluated that do not require significant capital costs. In cases related to the introduction of technological processes that require significant capital investments, the choice of the most economically advantageous option is made using the reduced cost method.

To improve the efficiency of technological preparation of production, typification and normalization of technology elements are of great importance. The typification of technological processes is built on the basis of technological series. Such a series includes parts whose configuration and main parameters allow them to be manufactured or processed along one common technological route. Typification is preceded by the development of a constructive-technological classification, in which the parts are preliminarily grouped into classes according to their service purpose. Further division into groups (for example, on the basis of the commonality of the material and the method of its processing) and subgroups (for example, according to the dimensions of parts) leads to maximum unification, which makes it possible to implement the principle of group processing, which is based on the structural and technological similarity of parts, followed by the selection of a complex a part that has all the machining surfaces found in the parts of this group. This allows you to create a special fixture with interchangeable settings for such a part and use it to process all the parts of this group on one machine setting.

Typification, normalization, technological unification give a particularly great effect if they are carried out at the level of the standards of enterprises and industries. To ensure a high organizational and technical level of production and the quality of products, strict adherence to technological discipline plays an important role, i.e. accurate implementation of the technological process developed and implemented at all operations, sections and stages of production.

In general, the entire development process involves:

* inspection and analysis of the system of technological preparation of production existing at the enterprise;

* development of a technical project of the system of technological preparation of production, in which the purpose is determined, and the requirements are formed that must be satisfied both by the system as a whole and by its individual elements;

* creation of a working draft, providing for the development information models solving problems, the whole complex of technological processes based on typification and standardization, documentation on the organization of workplaces and sections of the main and auxiliary production based on standard and standard technological processes.

The result of work on the technological preparation of production is the development of rules for ensuring the manufacturability of the design of products.

The most widespread at enterprises are such systems of unified equipment as collapsible, universally collapsible, universal adjustment devices, universal non-attacking, non-separable special, specialized adjustment.

Having considered the options for technological processes that provide approximately the same quality of products that meets the requirements terms of reference, the technologist is obliged to choose the most economical of the options and develop it in detail.

The technological process of manufacturing a product (part, assembly) is a strictly defined set of technological operations performed in a given sequence. These operations change the shape, size and other properties of a part (product, unit), as well as its state or the relative position of individual elements. The same operation can be performed in many ways, on different equipment. Therefore, the choice of a resource-saving technological process consists in optimizing each operation to minimize the consumption of material, labor, and energy resources.

An important indicator of the efficiency of these resources is the cost reduction (resource saving) associated with the use of the best technological process. To determine the cost reduction (savings), it is required to calculate the cost for each of the compared options for the technological process. The calculation of the total cost of production when applying each of the options is complex. He demands a large number initial data and time. To simplify the calculations of savings, it is possible, without compromising accuracy, to determine and compare not the full, but the so-called technological cost, which includes only those cost elements for manufacturing the product, the value of which is different for the compared options. Cost elements that are the same for these processes or change insignificantly are not included in the calculation. Thus, the technological cost is a conditional cost, the composition of its articles is not constant and is established in each individual case.

Comparison of options for technological cost gives an idea of ​​the cost-effectiveness of each of them. It should be noted that the value of the technological cost of manufacturing individual products (assembly parts) largely depends on the volume of production. Consequently, all costs for the manufacture of products, according to the degree of their dependence on the volume of production, it is advisable to subdivide into variables, the annual size of which varies in direct proportion to the annual volume of output, and conditionally permanent, the annual size of which does not depend on the change in the value of the volume of production.

To variable costs include: the cost of basic materials for

net of sold waste, UAH/unit; fuel costs for technological purposes, UAH/unit; costs for different kinds energy intended for technological purposes, UAH/unit; the cost of basic and additional wages main production workers with contributions to the fund social protection population, UAH/unit; costs associated with the operation of universal technological equipment, UAH/unit; costs associated with the operation of the tool and universal equipment, UAH/unit.

Conditionally fixed costs include: costs associated with the operation of equipment, tooling and tools specially designed for the implementation of the technological process according to this option, UAH/unit; expenses for payment of preparatory and final time, UAH/unit.

If the comparison of technological process options is carried out graphically, it will be obvious that the critical volume of production is the abscissa of the point of intersection of two straight lines with the initial ordinates, expressed for each option by the equation of its technological cost.

Thus, the determination of the abscissa of this "critical point" serves as the final stage of technical and economic calculations, establishing the areas of the most expedient application of each of the compared options, limited to certain program sizes.

If it is necessary to make a choice of a technological process not from two options, but from three, four, etc., then a directed graph is constructed, the arcs of which represent technological operations. To assess the use of resources for options for the manufacture of a part (product), an objective function is introduced, i.e. the sum of technological costs for each of the designed operations, so that their sum is minimal.

1. 4 The main directions for improving the technicalpreparation of production at the enterprise

The cycle of the emergence of an idea before the organization of the release of products to consumers should not exceed three years for the most complex models of equipment. Longer periods will result in new technology morally obsolete even before the start of its serial production. The foundation of the technical development of any enterprise is all the priority areas of scientific and technological progress. Technical development reflects the process of formation and improvement of the technical preparation of an enterprise, which must be constantly focused on the final results of production, economic, commercial or other activities. Technical development as an object of organizational and economic management covers a variety of forms, which should reflect the relevant stages of the development of production potential and provide a simple and advanced display of the fixed assets of the enterprise. From the totality of forms of technical development, it is advisable to single out those that characterize, on the one hand, the support of the TTP of the enterprise, and on the other hand, its direct development through the improvement and increase in production (Fig. 1.1).

To reduce the SONT cycle, increase the economic efficiency of the created products, the main directions are the integration of design and technological solutions, unification, normalization, standardization, the use of personal computers, workstations, etc.

Rice. 1.1. Forms of technical development of the enterprise

1. Integration of design and technological solutions (KTR) at all stages of design. KTP is a set of structural elements of a designed product made from specific materials, assembled from certain parts, assemblies, and specific technological operations and processes that meet the requirements for a new product. Under the KTP system, the designer works together with technologists and workers, which eliminates the existing barrier between the design, development of technology and the manufacture of new products. At the same time, the number of errors also decreases, since everyone directly feels his personal responsibility to the applicants.

2. Wide application of unification, normalization, standardization and typification of design, technological and organizational solutions.

Normalization involves the use of well-known and previously developed parts in the design of the product - normals (bolts, nuts, etc.), which are manufactured in a wide range at specialized factories or the company's own workshops according to existing working drawings and technological processes.

Unification and normalization are the basis for the creation of new products by assembling them from a limited number of unified elements and structural continuity.

Standardization- this is the establishment of norms and requirements for the physical and dimensional values ​​​​of manufactured products, semi-finished products. Raw materials. These norms and requirements are formalized in the form of documents called standards. One of the forms of standardization is typification - reduction to an expedient minimum of the most rational types, types, brands of products, designs of machines, equipment and other products, as well as technological processes.

3. Conducting a multivariate comparative technical and economic analysis, including functional-value (FSA).

FSA is a technical and economic method for finding, under a special program, reserves to reduce the costs of production and operation of products by studying the main and auxiliary functions of the object of analysis and an engineering search for the most economic technical solutions for their implementation.

4. Automation of design and technological works, the use of computer-aided design CAD systems and modeling of SONT processes. To increase the productivity of design and technological work, their general computerization is necessary, as well as the use of various means of mechanization and automation. Since in the total costs of technical preparation of production a large specific gravity occupy various calculations, calculations, the implementation of the graphic part of the project, often of a routine nature.

5. Integration of pre-production with market research. The main function of marketing is to coordinate research and development, comprehensive research of the sales market, service, demand formation and sales promotion to achieve main goal- conquering the largest possible market share and extending the life cycle of products.

An assessment of the technical level of development of diversified enterprises must be carried out periodically (once every few years) in the process of analyzing and summarizing a certain system of indicators that reflect the degree technical equipment personnel labor, the level of progressiveness of the technology used, the technical level production equipment, the level of mechanization of the main and auxiliary production.

The most important and typical indicators for all enterprises (regardless of industry affiliation) are shown in Table 1.2.

The objectivity of such an assessment can be ensured only if not only the correct calculation of the relevant indicators, but also a comparison of their dynamics at a given enterprise over several years, as well as a comparison with the level achieved at other similar enterprises.

Table 1.2 Main indicators of the technical level of the enterprise

Signs of grouping indicators


The degree of technical equipment of labor

Capital armament of labor

Energy armament of labor

Level of progressiveness of technology

The structure of technological processes by labor intensity

Part of new technologies by volume or labor intensity of products

Average age of use of technological processes

Coefficient of use of raw materials and materials

Equipment technical level

Productivity (power)

Reliability, longevity

Specific metal consumption

Average service life

Part of progressive types of equipment in total

Part of the technically and economically obsolete equipment in the general fleet

The level of mechanization and automation of production

Degree of coverage of workers with mechanized work

Part of the automated means of labor

For an in-depth analytical assessment of the level of technical development of an enterprise, the need for which, as a rule, arises during the development of a special long-term program, it is also necessary to use other indicators, including those that characterize the industry-specific features of production, namely:

mechanical equipment of labor (the ratio of the average annual cost of machinery and equipment to the number of workers in the largest shift);

coefficient of equipment physical equipment;

coefficient of technological equipment of production (the number of used fixtures, equipment and tools per one original part of the final product);

the level of utilization of production waste;

level of pollution environment;

part of environmentally friendly products.

One of the decisive directions for improving the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the creation and effective use of automated systems based on the widespread use of computers.

Automated system of technological preparation of production (ASTPP) is a subsystem of APCS (automated control system enterprise) and consists of functional subsystems of a lower level, allocated in accordance with the tasks solved in the process of CCI: systems automated design of technological processes (CADP), computer-aided design of technological equipment (SAPRTO), computer-aided design systems for production units (SAPROP) and control systems for technological preparation of production (APCS).

In the computer-aided design system, the formalization of the processes of choosing and designing technology, equipment and methods of organizing production is carried out by engineers - specialists in the use of computer technology and design automation. Depending on the level of automation design work distinguish systems with partial automation, automated systems that solve more complex tasks of the CCI, automatic, as well as self-tuning and self-organizing systems high level.

The exchange of information between systems occurs through direct and feedback. In the process of transmission over communication channels, information can take various forms, be presented on various media.

The effectiveness of the functioning of the ASTPP is determined by the quality of the construction and use of a single data bank for technological purposes, the procedure for the formation and composition of the documentation. As a rule, the ATPP data bank contains four groups of documents:

* design and technological characteristics of the designed products that determine the specialization of the enterprise, the parameters of parts, assembly units, the product as a whole;

* operational and technical characteristics of equipment and technological equipment used at the enterprise or in the design stages;

* organizational and technological documentation, including technological routes, operational maps, technological processes for manufacturing parts, assembling products, design and technological specifications, projects of lines, sections, productions;

* normative and reference documentation regulating the content, the procedure for working in the CCI, the requirements imposed on them by state and industry standards, the regulatory documentation of the enterprise.

Economical effect ASTPP is determined by comparing the cost of creating a system (Ks) and annual operating costs for work on the CCI before the implementation of the ASTPP (S1) and after the implementation (S2). The economic effect can be determined by reducing the SONT cycle and in the field of production by improving product quality and reducing its cost.

In the process of economic management of the technical development of an enterprise, the key is the task of high-quality development and correction, ensuring necessary resources, continuous monitoring of the implementation of programs (plans).

The main drawback of the current procedure in Ukraine for developing a program (plans) for the technical development of an enterprise is a mechanical "summing up" different offers, the lack of their real integration into a single purposeful set of measures. To solve this shortcoming, the previous processing of the program (plan) of technical improvement in the mode of group work makes it possible. The purpose of such work lies in a thorough review and coordination of proposals that are recommended for inclusion in the draft program (plan). It is desirable to carry out the work in the form of a problematic meeting, the participants of which should be the heads of the enterprise and a group of experts.

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One of the main areas of work on the formation of the structure of the production preparation system is to determine the composition of the units that should function at the enterprise during the development and development of new products.

The structure, being the form of the system, is determined by its content, i.e., by the processes taking place in the system. It follows that the development of the structure of production preparation bodies should be based on the study of the processes of creating and mastering new products. The main classification groups of the processes of creating new products must correspond to the structural units in which these processes will be carried out.

The organizational structure of the production preparation system is characterized not only by a certain composition of its parts, but also by the peculiarities of the links between them. The principle of a strict sequence of work and directness implies the need to improve the spatial arrangement of the structural units of the pre-production system and ensure rational interrelations between the divisions of the enterprise.

When designing the structure of the production preparation system, it is necessary to proceed from the following basic provisions: the preparation and production units should be located in close proximity to each other, next to the technical and experimental production units. Production units should be located in the course of the sequence of work performed.

Equally important and complex is the problem of establishing relationships between departments. The main provisions of the rationalization of the system of relationships between departments involved in the pre-production processes are based on the following principles: the document should, if possible, be formed in one department; the number of coordinating and approving authorities should be kept to a minimum; the route of the document must exclude returns, loops and movement in the direction opposite to its route.

The use of the principle of proportionality in organizing the preparation of production requires ensuring equality of production capabilities (throughput, capacities) of all departments involved in the creation of new products. In this case, three types of resources should be taken into account: people (workers, engineering and technical and scientific workers), fixed assets (space, production and scientific equipment), material resources (materials, special literature, standards, etc.).

A fairly complete picture of the throughput capacity of departments can be obtained by determining their load factors, which are calculated by labor resources, equipment, and areas.

When designing the production structure, the actual throughput of departments is compared with the planned one and leveled off due to the redistribution of resources and work, increasing the productivity of workers, and increasing the shift work of equipment.

The structure of the training and production bodies largely depends on the existing system of training. There are three types of such systems at mechanical engineering enterprises: centralized, in which all work on design, technological and organizational design is carried out in factory services and other departments; decentralized, in which the main burden of work on technological and organizational preparation is transferred to shop bodies; mixed, when work on the preparation of production is distributed between the central and shop departments.

At engineering enterprises with mass and large-scale types of production, preparation for the production of new products is carried out, as a rule, centrally. At serial production plants, a mixed system of preparation prevails, and at enterprises of a single and small-scale type, a decentralized one.