Job description for a locksmith of a gas boiler room. Job description of a locksmith bale. Production instruction for a boiler room mechanic

  • 23.05.2020

\Standard job description of a Locksmith for instrumentation of the 6th category

Job description Locksmith for instrumentation of the 6th category

Job title: Mechanic for instrumentation of the 6th category
Subdivision: _________________________

1. General Provisions:

  • The locksmith for control and measuring devices of the 6th category directly reports to ..........................
  • Mechanic for control and measuring devices of the 6th category follows the instructions .............................................. ..............

  • (instructions of these employees are carried out only if they do not contradict the instructions of the immediate supervisor).


  • Mechanic for control and measuring devices of the 6th category replaces .............................................. .........................................
  • Replaces locksmith for control and measuring devices of the 6th category .............................................. ................................................
  • Recruitment and dismissal:
    The locksmith for control and measuring devices is appointed to the position and dismissed by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.

2. Qualification requirements:
    Must know:
  • device, interaction of complex devices, the technological process of their assembly and methods of adjustment
  • electrical thermal diagrams of thermal automation devices
  • device and methods of alignment of complex control and adjustment devices
  • block diagrams and circuit diagrams tested devices, the principle of operation of the tested measuring instruments, rules for their operation
  • device, principle of operation of measuring instruments and installations used as exemplary
  • the relationship of instrument readings with the operation of units, the calculation of corrections, the rules for reading complex automation drawings, processing complex diagrams
  • properties of optical glass, metals and auxiliary materials, conductors, semiconductors used in instrumentation
  • the basics of calculating gears of various gearing profiles
  • requirements of the standard, instructions and procedures for the tested measuring instruments
  • fundamentals of physics, mechanics, remote control, heat engineering, electrical engineering, metrology, applied and physical optics
  • radio engineering and electronics in the amount of work performed.
3. Job responsibilities:
  • Repair, adjustment, installation, testing, adjustment, adjustment and calibration of experimental, experimental and unique heat-measuring, automatic and electronic equipment of projection and optical systems, radioactive devices, radio station units, direction finders, radar installations.
  • Checking electrical measuring instruments of all types and systems, including exemplary accuracy classes of 0.01 and higher.
  • Checking and configuring automation units with complex electronic circuits; amplifiers, control units on automatic machines with program control.
  • Checking radio measuring instruments of all types and systems designed to measure physical quantities.
  • Carrying out arbitration measurements.
  • Verification of installations for measuring the parameters of electronic, semiconductor devices, integrated and logic circuits.
  • Identification and elimination of problems in the operation of equipment.
  • Determination of the degree of wear of parts and assemblies.
  • Adjustment and comprehensive testing after wiring diagrams for thermal control and automation of boilers, turbines and process equipment.
  • Assembling circuits for testing thermal automation devices.
  • Removing the gradient from high-precision heat engineering equipment and its further certification.
  • Mathematical processing of measurement results and registration of the necessary materials.
p. 1 Job description Mechanic for instrumentation
p. 2 Job description Mechanic for instrumentation

4. Rights

  • The instrumentation fitter has the right to give instructions to his subordinate employees, tasks on a range of issues that are part of his functional duties.
  • The instrumentation fitter has the right to control the implementation production tasks, timely execution of individual assignments by employees subordinate to him.
  • The instrumentation fitter has the right to request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the issues of his activities and the activities of his subordinate employees.
  • The instrumentation fitter has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues that are part of his functional duties.
  • The locksmith for instrumentation has the right to get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise's management regarding the activities of the Division.
  • The instrumentation fitter has the right to propose for consideration by the manager proposals for improving the work related to the duties provided for in this Job Description.
  • The locksmith for instrumentation has the right to submit proposals for the consideration of the head of the proposal to encourage distinguished employees, imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • The instrumentation fitter has the right to report to the manager on all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
5. Responsibility
  • The instrumentation fitter is responsible for the improper performance or non-performance of his official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined labor law Russian Federation.
  • The instrumentation fitter is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the operation of the enterprise.
  • When transferring to another job or dismissal from office, the Instrumentation Mechanic is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of cases to the person taking up this position, and in the absence of such, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.
  • A locksmith for control and measuring instruments is responsible for offenses committed in the course of carrying out his activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The instrumentation fitter is responsible for causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The instrumentation fitter is responsible for complying with applicable instructions, orders, and orders to maintain trade secrets and confidential information.
  • The instrumentation fitter is responsible for the implementation of the internal regulations, safety rules and countermeasures. fire safety.
This job description was developed in accordance with (name, number and date of the document)

Head of structural



[Job title]



[Name of company]

________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"____" ____________ 20__


Locksmith for instrumentation and automation of the 5th category

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job duties, rights and responsibilities of a 5th grade instrumentation and automation fitter [Name of organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. A locksmith for instrumentation and automation of the 5th category is appointed to the position and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. Mechanic for instrumentation and automation of the 5th category belongs to the category of workers and reports directly to [position title of immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Company.

1.4. Mechanic for instrumentation and automation of the 5th category is responsible for:

  • timely and high-quality performance of tasks for their intended purpose;
  • compliance with performance and labor discipline;
  • observance of labor safety measures, maintenance of order, compliance with fire safety rules at the work site (workplace) entrusted to him.

1.5. A person with an average professional education in this specialty and work experience of at least 1 year.

1.6. AT practical activities a locksmith for instrumentation and automation of the 5th category should be guided by:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Company;
  • internal work schedule;
  • rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions of the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description.

1.7. A locksmith for instrumentation and automation of the 5th category must know:

  • design features of repaired complex and precise instruments and methods of their adjustment and alignment;
  • arrangement of precise measuring instruments;
  • causes of defects in the operation of devices and automatic machines, measures to prevent and eliminate them;
  • kinematic diagram of self-recording devices of all types;
  • rules for the repair, verification and adjustment of complex instruments and automata and rules for the selection of basic surfaces that guarantee the required accuracy.

1.8. During the period of temporary absence of a locksmith for instrumentation and automation of the 5th category, his duties are assigned to [deputy position].

2. Job responsibilities

The locksmith for instrumentation and automation of the 5th category performs the following labor functions:

2.1. Repair, adjustment, testing, adjustment, installation, adjustment and delivery of complex heat-measuring, optical-mechanical, electrodynamic, counting, automatic and other devices with an automatic control unit with a summing mechanism and remote transmission of readings.

2.2. Identification and elimination of defects in the operation of instruments, manufacture of laboratory instruments.

2.3. Drawing scales, grids and drawing up complex sketches.

2.4. Conversion of electrical appliances to other measurement limits.

2.5. Adjustment and verification of qualifications of all types of thermal and electrical instrumentation, automatic regulators and automatic power supplies.

In case of official necessity, a mechanic for control and measuring instruments and automation of the 5th category may be involved in the performance of duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by law.

3. Rights

A locksmith for instrumentation and automation of the 5th category has the right to:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.

3.3. Notify the immediate supervisor of any deficiencies identified in the course of the performance of their duties in production activities enterprise (its structural subdivisions) and make proposals for their elimination.

3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from the heads of enterprise departments and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

3.5. Involve specialists from all (separate) structural divisions of the Company in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions if not, with the permission of the head of the Company).

3.6. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. A locksmith for instrumentation and automation of the 5th category bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure or improper performance of labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to enforce labor discipline.

4.2. The assessment of the work of a locksmith on instrumentation and automation of the 5th category is carried out:

4.2.1. The immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the daily implementation by the employee of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Certification Commission enterprises - periodically, but at least once every two years based on the documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of a locksmith in instrumentation and automation of the 5th category is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The mode of work of a locksmith for instrumentation and automation of the 5th category is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Company.

5.2. In connection with the production need, a mechanic for instrumentation and automation of the 5th category is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).

Acquainted with the instruction __________ / ____________ / "____" _______ 20__

For an ordinary citizen, at the thought of a locksmith, the image of a man in bad clothes with large keys and a sledgehammer in his hand arises.

His work is so hard and dirty that it can never interest an educated boy or girl. The negative attitude was developed on the example of a public utility plumber or a car service worker, who are most often encountered in everyday life. This is due to the fact that many do not even know what the work of an instrumentation and automation technician is.

Work as a mechanic instrumentation and automation - prestigious

To fully understand the essence of the issue, it is first necessary to make an explanation for the abbreviation of the mysterious word. This is the abbreviated name of one industry in production that performs the installation and repair of equipment of modern instrumentation and automation. Many will find this too difficult for the first time. In fact, the specialty is good and very interesting, which is very attractive to modern youth. It is prestigious to engage in automation today, but the profession of an instrumentation and automation fitter is quite serious and requires a high education.

Difficulties in finding a job

Only persons over 18 years of age are allowed to apply for a job, and you will also need:

  1. Medical certificate;
  2. Certificate of vocational education;
  3. Professional education;
  4. Briefing - safety precautions;
  5. Certification according to the rules and regulations.

What does the workplace of an I&C professional look like?

A specialist spends most of his time in equipment repair, which has to be constantly checked and repaired. Devices with AC and DC regulators must be installed on the desktop. At hand is always a soldering iron with solder, acid and rosin. Often on the top of the table you can see a small removable vise. The work is mostly painstaking and small, so there should always be x Good lighting in the form of a lamp. A rack with compartments is placed in front of the table, where it is easy to lay out all the small parts, as well as tools. Lightweight and comfortable swivel chair with backrest is not fixed to the floor.

What should an instrumentation mechanic and his duties be able to do

  1. Good understanding of complex automation schemes;
  2. Under the guidance of an engineer, correct defects in them;
  3. Knowledge of wiring and hardware installation.
  4. Repair and install appliances relay protection;
  5. Know the subtleties of setting all sensors and counters.
  6. Carry out installation of wiring and connections according to the scheme;
  7. Identify defects in all automation devices and troubleshoot them;
  8. Have the skills of metalwork assembly of all parts of instruments and devices;
  9. Calculate the errors of automatic lines during verification;
  10. Compile a defective list for each device;
  11. Fill in certificates and passports for any automation device;
  12. Solder various contacts and connections;
  13. Determine the categories and properties of metals;
  14. Use all repair tools.

Specialist field of activity

Automation has penetrated into all areas of production and therefore a modern instrumentation and automation fitter must not only have good skills in his specialty, but also have extensive knowledge in all areas of industry and construction. Often situations arise when instrument manufacturers do not include instructions or a diagram for connecting devices.

Each instrumentation and automation fitter is obliged to always perform high-quality work and in this case they can only help out high professional knowledge. His workplace can be in any industry, from a small dining room to a submarine. Maintenance and repair of automatic devices sometimes have to be carried out in the most difficult environment away from the main work.

Many today tend to go to the northern regions of the country in order to earn good money. Our people are not afraid of the harsh climate and cold, but it is very difficult to work in such an environment. Modern automation devices, manufactured in a relatively warm countries, do not always withstand frost. Often, in order to start the control line, it is necessary to completely change the entire design of the devices. And this requires serious knowledge in cybernetics and automation, where it will be almost impossible to do this without an engineer.

Control apparatus - instrumentation engineers

Large enterprises always organize engineers control apparatus with sufficient professional experience. Highly qualified specialist good knowledge everything related to the debugging, start-up and control of automatic lines must be an engineer with higher education. He will always be able to easily determine the specific data of measuring instruments and get a complete analysis of all control systems. His responsibilities include:

  1. Managing the staff of the I&C departments;
  2. Detailed description of job descriptions and tasks;
  3. Participate in the training of employees in the latest technologies;
  4. Plan and implement new control and management tools;
  5. Prepare and develop draft technical documentation;
  6. Collect data for the design of new technological processes;
  7. Monitor the qualified process of operation of all control systems;
  8. Supervise and constantly monitor technical documentation;
  9. Promote the rapid introduction of modern programs in automation.

Salary of CI&A specialists

To the question about wages differences in explanations will be extremely controversial. The answer lies in position and region, as well as in which company the person works. For example: in gas and oil industry earnings are well above average. Do not forget that most of the specialists work in the difficult conditions of the north on a rotational basis. In other regions, except for Moscow, material incentives are approximately the same.

The President has already announced the average salary in the country this year from the rostrum. Of course, the rate of an engineer will always be higher than the salary of a locksmith, and rightly so. Responsibility and deep knowledge of I&C management specialists are always valued much higher.

(KIPiA - instrumentation and automation)

General characteristics of the profession

A person who first gets on the control panel of a large enterprise is struck by the abundance of a wide variety of instrumentation, sensors, analyzers, regulators and other automatic equipment. This whole complex of instrumentation and automation provides the operator with information about the flow mode technological process.

Without a well-established work of instrumentation and automation, normal operation, high quality products, safety and trouble-free work are inconceivable.

A locksmith for instrumentation and automation is a universal specialist who performs maintenance, repair and operation of various instrumentation and automatic control systems. The instrumentation and automation fitter deals with rapidly becoming more complex and improving equipment, which requires constant professional growth from him. Representatives of this profession often become active innovators and inventors.

Main content professional activity:

The instrumentation engineer must know:

about fundamentals of physics, mechanics, electrical engineering, electronics, applied and physical optics, metrology and radio engineering, methods of regulation and calibration of instruments;

- device, purpose and principle of operation of repaired devices and apparatuses;

specifications and design of the Committee of Standards for Measures and Weights for testing and delivery of individual instruments, mechanisms and apparatus;

- the main properties of metals, alloys and other materials used in the repair;

— electrical properties of conductive and insulating materials;

- methods of heat treatment of parts with subsequent fine-tuning;

— influence of temperature on measurement accuracy;

- symbols for shut-off, control, safety valves in thermal circuits;

- rules for installing service devices;

- types of laying impulse pipelines;

— installation of leveling and separating vessels;

- tolerances and fits, qualifications (accuracy classes) and roughness parameters (machining cleanliness classes)

- designations of thermal and electrical circuits and drawings of the properties of optical glass, metals and auxiliary materials, conductors, semiconductors used in instrument making;

— basics of calculation of gears of various gearing profiles and optical systems.

The instrumentation engineer must be able to:

– perform metalwork processing of parts according to 11-12 qualifications (4-5 accuracy classes) with fitting and fine-tuning of parts;

- wind springs from wire in a cold and hot state;

- to carry out locksmith and assembly work;

- perform electrical work;

- perform soldering with various solders;

- ensure compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, norms and rules for labor protection;

- analyze economic information necessary for orientation in their professional activities;

– repair, assemble, adjust, adjust heat-measuring, electromagnetic, electrodynamic, counting, optical-mechanical, pyrometric, automatic, self-recording and other devices of medium complexity;

- draw up connection diagrams of medium complexity and carry out their installation;

- perform a protective smear of parts and coloring of devices;

- determine the hardness of the metal with calibrated files;

– perform heat treatment of low-responsibility parts with their subsequent fine-tuning;

- to determine the causes and eliminate malfunctions of devices of medium complexity;

— test repaired instrumentation and automation;

Compile tests and correction of technological programs and stands using computer technology;

- commissioning, adjustment and commissioning complex systems devices and equipment control systems based on microprocessor technology with the implementation of recovery repair work elements of these systems;

— carry out delivery after repair and testing of instrumentation and automation.

Requirements to individual characteristics specialist

Professionally important qualities:


operational thinking;

sensory memory;

good vision;

clear coordination of movements;


good visual memory


Medical contraindications:

poor eyesight, poor hearing, diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Related professions

Adjuster of equipment and machinery, mechanic-repairman, electrician, electrician.

Mechanic for instrumentation and automation.



(4th TIER)



P. Zeleny Bor




(4th TIER)


1.1. A locksmith for instrumentation and automation belongs to the category of workers.

1.2 . A locksmith for instrumentation and automation is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the director of Snekpro LLC on the proposal of the chief power engineer.

1.3. The locksmith for instrumentation and automation reports to the chief power engineer.

1.4. In his activities, a mechanic for instrumentation and automation is guided by:

— labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus;

- current sanitary rules and regulations, instructions for labor protection and fire safety;

- orders, orders and other administrative and local regulations operating in the Company;

— current QMS and FSMS documents;

— the Company's policy in the field of quality and safety;

- internal labor regulations;

- these operating instructions.

1.5. A locksmith for instrumentation and automation of the 4th category must know:

— safety and labor protection rules;

- rules of norms and instructions for labor protection, safety, fire safety, electrical safety, safe working methods and techniques;

- instructions for sanitation, requirements for personal hygiene;

- rules, methods, techniques and means of preventing and extinguishing fires, preventing and eliminating the consequences of accidents, other incidents at their workplace (section, workshop);

- rules and methods of providing first aid to victims;

— fundamentals of labor legislation, contractual regulation labor relations, including in the field of remuneration and labor rationing, the procedure for negotiating its conclusion;

- internal labor regulations.

- device, principle of operation and methods of adjustment of repaired and adjusted complex devices, mechanisms, devices;

- purpose and methods of adjustment of control and measuring and control and adjustment instruments;

- methods of adjustment and calibration of instruments and apparatus and the rules for taking characteristics during their testing;

- rules for calculating resistances;

- diagrams of complex connections;

- rules for calculating absolute and relative errors in the verification and testing of instruments;

- designations of thermal and electrical circuits and drawings;

— system of tolerances and landings;

— grades and parameters of roughness;

- Fundamentals of mechanics and electronics.

Rules for setting and regulating the control and measuring tool;

- safety regulations in the scope of the qualification group for electrical safety IV;

- setting the parameters of frequency converters;

Rules for working on equipment;

Ways and methods of saving fuel and energy resources.


Characteristics of the work performed

2.1.1. The locksmith for instrumentation and automation of the 4th category is instructed to:

— repair, adjustment, testing, adjustment, installation and commissioning of complex electromagnetic, electrodynamic, heat-measuring, optical-mechanical, counting, automatic, pyrotechnic and other devices with fitting and fine-tuning of parts and assemblies.

— setup and adjustment of the device of relay protection, electroautomatics, telemechanics.

— determination of defects of repaired devices and their elimination.

— metalworking of parts according to 7-10 qualifications and assembly of gear and worm gears.

— drawing up and installation of complex schemes of connections.

— calculation of the absolute and relative error in the verification and testing of devices.

— drawing up defective statements and filling out passports and certificates for devices and machines.

2.1.2. Examples of work performed:

- film projection equipment - replacement of individual components and parts.

3. Adding machines and typewriters of all systems - overhaul and restoration.

— Analytical accurate scales — repair, adjustment.

– hopper scales for elevators – current, medium and major repairs, adjustment and verification.

— commodity and automobile scales with yoke indicating instruments — overhaul.

- Scales for commodity and automobile scales with a dial indicating device - overhaul, medium and current repairs.

– mortise commercial mobile and stationary scales – current, medium and major repairs, installation, adjustment, verification.

— sights — repair, adjustment.

- water meters of all systems and all diameters in wells - installation with switching to other diameters, performing medium repairs.

— rectifiers — revision and repair.

— self-recording galvanometers and logometers — disassembly and repair.

— film and photographic equipment — repair of synchronizers; diaphragms of deceleration mechanisms, rangefinder adjustment.

- gear wheels - fine-tuning of the keyway with a nozzle on the axle

- magnetic contactors, starters of marine design - medium repair.

— clock mechanisms of all kinds of instruments (pressure gauges, traction gauges, etc.) — overhaul with the manufacture of parts and adjustment.

- microscopes - repair with fine-tuning of parts and adjustment.

- pressure gauges and indicators - disassembly, repair, assembly and adjustment.

— electric bridges — repair.

– horizontal and vertical optimeters – disassembly, repair, assembly and adjustment of quill turbines with the manufacture of caps, springs and tables.

— axles with tubes — final processing with refinement.

Periscopes - repair and alignment.

— optical and radiation pyrometers — overhaul.

– devices of the electromagnetic system – repair with disassembly of the kinematics mechanism and the movable system.

— electronic regulating devices — repair.

- polarized relay - revision, repair and adjustment.

— systems of mobile devices — balancing.

— voltage stabilizers — revision and repair.

— assembly tables — current repair.

— thickness gauges ultrasonic electromagnetic — average repair.

— electric drives of all types — installation and adjustment.

General duties of a mechanic for instrumentation and automation.

locksmith for instrumentation and automation.


Comply with the rules of internal labor regulations;

Comply with the requirements of instructions (on fire safety, on sanitation and personal hygiene, on labor protection, etc.) in force in the Company;

Treat the property of the Company with care, use equipment, devices and auxiliary inventory in strict accordance with the purpose;

Observe personal hygiene requirements, including:

- when leaving the workshop, he must take off his overalls;

When returning to the workshop - put on overalls, disinfect hands;

During work with direct contact with the product, hands must be in appropriate gloves;

During work, overalls must have a neat and clean appearance;

- do not try the products.

Realize labor activity in an ethical and moral standards supporting the image, reputation and interests of the Company in all situations, events and circumstances;

Treat equipment, accessories with care, use only for work.

Take measures to prevent damage to equipment and fixtures;

Notify the chief power engineer in advance in case of occurrence of diseases that limit or prevent the worker's activity in order to be able to replace the employee in advance.

Follow the instructions of the company's leaders.

In case of non-compliance of the manufactured products with the requirements of regulatory documentation, violations of the technical process, equipment malfunctions, immediately inform the chief power engineer. Take measures to prevent the release of defective products.

2.2. General responsibilities:

2.2.1. Comply with the rules of internal labor regulations;

2.2.2. Comply with the requirements of the instructions (on fire safety, on sanitation and personal hygiene, on labor protection, etc.) in force in the Company regarding the activities of a locksmith for instrumentation and automation;

2.2.3. Take care of the property of the Company, use equipment, devices and auxiliary equipment, tools, protective equipment, in strict accordance with the purpose;

2.2.4. If symptoms of diseases, ailments, signs of gastrointestinal diseases, suppuration, fever and symptoms of other diseases occur, the instrumentation and automation fitter is obliged to notify the head - the chief power engineer;

2.2.5. Follow the instructions of the leaders of the Company;

2.2.6. Provide first (pre-medical) aid to victims of injury, poisoning, in emergency situations.

2.3. Responsibilities before starting work:

2.3.1. Report on arrival at work;

2.3.2. Change into clean overalls, shoes, carefully tuck your hair under a headdress, and at the entrance to the production area, wash and disinfect hands cleanly;

2.3.3. Arrive in the room of electricians;

2.3.4. Get a task from the chief power engineer;

2.3.5. Check the availability and serviceability of the tool;

2.3.6. Put on personal protective equipment (if it is provided for by the Safety Rules and PUE) and get to work.

2.4. Responsibilities while working:

The locksmith for instrumentation and automation of the 4th category is obliged:

2.4.1. Comply with fire safety rules, electrical safety rules, safety regulations, industrial sanitation requirements and internal labor regulations;

2.4.2. Timely repair equipment;

2.4.3. Carry out scheduled preventive maintenance (PPR) of equipment according to the schedule;

2.4.4. Identify the causes of premature wear of equipment, take measures to prevent and eliminate them;

2.4.5 Keep a record of the available tools (measuring instruments, fixtures, etc.) and timely submit information to the chief power engineer about ordering spare parts;

2.4.6. Perform work using protective equipment, special devices and tools;

2.4.7. Perform operations related to the preliminary adjustment of equipment;

2.4.8. Collect electrical panels as directed by the chief power engineer;

2.4.9. Report to the chief power engineer about shortcomings in the quality of equipment;

2.4.10. Maintain equipment in working condition and cleanliness, do not leave operating equipment unattended;

2.4.11. To carry the tool necessary for work in a special box.

2.4.12. Maintain cleanliness and order in the workplace and assigned area.

During a regulated (technical) break, the instrumentation fitter:

2.5.1. After visiting the toilets, the mechanic for instrumentation and automation must wash his hands twice: in the vestibule after visiting the toilet before putting on sanitary clothing and at the entrance to the workshop (before entering the workplace) immediately before starting work;

2.5.2. After each break, a mechanic for instrumentation and automation is required to sanitize hands with an antiseptic;

2.5.3. Clean up the workplace;

2.5.4. Summing up the intermediate result of the work done, outline a plan for further actions;

2.5.5. Make preparations for the start of the next phase of activity.

2.6. It is forbidden for a mechanic for instrumentation and automation:

2.6.1. Enter production facilities without sanitary clothing;

2.6.2. Wear personal outerwear over sanitary clothing;

2.6.3. Bring in and store small glass and metal objects in the production premises;

2.6.4. Fasten sanitary clothing with pins, needles, and store personal items (mirrors, combs, rings, badges, matches, cigarettes, and more) in the pockets of sanitary clothing;

2.6.5. Smoking in production, auxiliary, household premises, except for places specially designed for this purpose.

2.6.6. Use unverified protective equipment and the wrong tool

Production Director
OJSC "Company"
____________ V.V. Umnikov

"___" ___________ 2013.

Working instruction
instrumentation fitter

The instrumentation and automation fitter performs maintenance, repair, adjustment, testing, preparation of measuring instruments for delivery for periodic verification of all measuring instruments and indicators located in the production shops of OJSC "Company".

The instrumentation engineer must know:

Design features of repaired complex and precise instruments and methods for their adjustment and alignment;

Causes of defects in the operation of devices and machines, measures to prevent and eliminate them;

Kinematic scheme of self-recording instruments of all types;

Rules for the repair, verification and adjustment of complex instruments and automata and the rules for choosing basic surfaces that guarantee the required accuracy;

Job Description:

Repair, adjustment, testing, adjustment, installation, adjustment of complex heat-measuring, opto-mechanical, electrodynamic, counting, automatic and other devices with automatic control installation, measuring unit of balancing machines, pressure devices;

Identification and elimination of defects in the operation of devices, drawing scales, grids and drawing up complex sketches;

Recalculation of electrical appliances to other measurement limits;

Adjustment and verification by accuracy classes of all types of thermal and electrical instrumentation.

1.Getting started

1.1 Check the serviceability of the working tool, control and measuring instruments. If faults are found, replace or repair the fault.

1.2 Check the serviceability of the grounding on the measuring instruments (hereinafter referred to as SI).

1.3 Get an assignment from the head of the electrical laboratory.

1.4 Get started.


2.1 The locksmith's workplace is all workplaces in the production divisions of the enterprise where the measuring instruments are located.

2.2 The desktop of the instrumentation and automation fitter is located directly in the electrical measuring laboratory of the CLIT.

2.3 On the desktop of the instrumentation and automation fitter are:

Electric soldering iron (voltage ~ 220V0;

- tool with insulating handles in accordance with the rules of the PTB;

Regulatory and technical documentation of repaired measuring instruments;

SI required for repair;

Control and measuring devices;

3. During work

3.1 At the beginning of the shift and periodically during the working shift, the instrumentation and automation engineer inspects and maintains all measuring instruments located in the subdivisions, which includes:

Replacement of chart discs on self-recording devices;

Checking the serviceability and reliability of SI readings;

SI setting;

Replacement of SI if necessary;

Repair of measuring instruments, parts and assemblies;

Preparation of measuring instruments for periodic verification (calibration) according to verification (calibration) schedules;

3.2 If a malfunction is detected, the instrumentation mechanic repairs the MI on the spot or replaces it with a similar one.

3.3 The locksmith carries out subsequent repairs at the workplace in the electrical laboratory. All information about the repair of measuring instruments is recorded in the journal in accordance with STP QMS.

3.4 The order of MI repair is established by the head of the electrical measuring laboratory.

3.5 The repair of measuring instruments is carried out by the instrumentation and automation fitter, guided by the regulatory and technical documentation for the SI, technical description and verification methods.

4 Completion of work

4.1 At the end of the shift, the instrumentation mechanic inspects the measuring equipment in the production departments of the enterprise.

4.2 Reports to the head of the electrical measuring laboratory on the state of MI in the divisions of the enterprise and on repaired MI.

4.3 Cleans the workplace.

5 Rights and responsibilities of the instrumentation fitter

5.1 The instrumentation fitter is responsible for:

Timely repair of measuring instruments in accordance with the requirements of the NTD;

Violation of technological discipline;

Violation of safety regulations;

Violation of the internal labor regulations;

5.2 Mechanic of instrumentation and automation has the right to:

For free provision of overalls, footwear, personal protective equipment;

- to a workplace protected from harmful and dangerous factors;

- to demand from the administration the fulfillment of the terms of the collective agreement and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Head of CLIT I.I. Ivanov


Head of the CTC P.P. Petrov

Head of Personnel Department I.I. Mirolyubov

Head of the Legal Department S.S. Sidorov

Lead QMS engineer V.V. Vasiliev

One of the main characteristics of measuring instruments is the accuracy class (an indicator that describes the permissible error). This value is not static, it changes during operation. As a result, over time, the error may go beyond the permissible limits.

This threatens with many troubles, ranging from disruption of the technological process and ending with the threat of an emergency. Therefore, devices, sensors, measuring mechanisms and other specialized equipment must be regularly calibrated in the instrumentation and control department. Let's talk about the organization of this service and its main tasks.

What is KIPA?

This definition includes all control equipment and automation used in almost various industrial areas and in everyday life. Examples include electricity and water meters, pressure regulators in oil and gas industry, automation for boiler rooms, etc.

Abbreviation decoding

The abbreviation of this term stands for quite simply - instrumentation and automation. The service with the same name performs the following tasks and functions:

  • implementation of metrological supervision;
  • maintenance, adjustment and repair of measuring equipment;
  • introduction of new automation systems at the enterprise, for example, automated control systems.

In some cases, foremen and adjusters of the "Instrumentation and A" department may be involved in the commissioning of electrical equipment, if there is by necessity.

Types of instrumentation

The classification of measuring equipment is made depending on the physical and technical characteristics of the instruments, as well as their qualitative and quantitative indicators. By the name of the group, it is easy to determine the purpose of the measuring devices included in it:

  • instruments for measuring temperature - thermometers (A in Fig. 2);
  • devices for determining pressure - pressure gauges (B);
  • flow meters of the working medium or other substances - flow meters (C);
  • determinants of the composition of gas mixtures - gas analyzers (D);
  • tank filling level sensors - level gauges (E), etc.
Figure 2. Different kinds measuring instruments

Each of the groups, in turn, is divided into several subgroups, according to the design and principle of operation. For example, manometers, among them there are devices for measuring excess pressure, its difference, or displaying the absolute value. The design of these devices can be electrocontact or mechanical.

Structure of the I&C department

The structure of I&C departments is formed taking into account many factors, of which two key ones can be distinguished:

  • the number of measuring instruments used by the enterprise;
  • service complexity.

Based on these factors, a centralized or decentralized structure of the service is formed. Briefly about each of them.

Features of a centralized structure

This method of forming a unit is suitable for enterprises that have technological schemes many measuring devices, sensors, etc. are not involved. This allows you to combine the operation and maintenance department into one service, which is managed by the head of the instrumentation shop. In small enterprises, this managerial person can combine the position of the chief metrologist.

One of the groups of specialists of the service is assigned to certain production areas for regular maintenance of instrumentation (including accounting for instruments and their repair) located on the territory specified in the job description. If necessary, by order of the head of the workshop, this group of specialists can be reinforced by other employees of the service, for example, to carry out extensive repair or installation work.

This structure allows you to create teams of narrow specialization (for example, installers, electricians, electricians, electricians, electricians, electronics engineers, etc.). They are engaged in the repair, adjustment and installation of complex equipment, as well as the commissioning of new systems. After commissioning is completed, the equipment is serviced by a team in charge of the workshop where the installation was made.

Features of a decentralized structure

This method of organization is practiced in large enterprises. The peculiarity lies in the fact that the repair (methodical) unit is a separate service, while the tasks of operation are assigned to the technological workshop. Each of these divisions has its own leadership. Specialists methodological division headed by chief metrologist, and the employees of the operation department are subordinate to the head of the shop.

The duties of the methodological service include all types of planned, overscheduled and scheduled preventive repairs. Payment for the services rendered is transferred to a separate current account, it is deducted from the funds allocated to the technological workshop of instrumentation and automation.

Depending on the characteristics of production, the operation of the operation service is organized taking into account the specialization of work, or according to technological features.

In the first option, groups of specialists are created who are responsible for the operation of certain types of instrumentation (signaling, automation, controls, etc.). In the second - teams of craftsmen responsible for the operation of equipment of certain technological flows.

In a decentralized structure, a methodological service in financial terms depends entirely on technological shop, because from its budget there are payments for the work done.

If a production need arises, operational service can be strengthened by employees of the repair unit or crews responsible for the installation of automation and control systems. The order for this must be issued by the chief instrument operator of the enterprise (metrologist). The operation service must cope with the majority of regular commissioning works on its own.

Main goals

Regardless of the structure of the instrumentation and control service, its main tasks include:

  • creation of conditions under which the uninterrupted operation of all systems for which the unit is responsible will be ensured;
  • ensuring the availability of spare parts, backup equipment for measuring equipment and automation;
  • checking the correct operation of devices located in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the service;
  • regular instructions and training of personnel on the rules and regulations for the operation of automation and control equipment;
  • commissioning of new specialized projects.

Responsibilities of an Instrumentation Mechanic

In accordance with the requirements of the professional standard, the instrumentation and automation fitter must know the principle of operation of the equipment he controls, be able to repair and maintain it. For example, for the maintenance of electrical equipment, it is necessary to obtain an appropriate specialized education, general knowledge the basics of electrical engineering will not be enough.

Depending on the specifics of the equipment being serviced, the locksmith’s workplace may have the following fixtures and sets of tools: an instrumentation cabinet, shields, equipment installed on consoles, measuring devices, sockets for connecting electrical appliances, etc.

This specialty requires the employee to understand both the equipment entrusted to him and the general technology of the process.

What does an I&C engineer do?

This job has the following responsibilities:

  • organizational work related to ensuring the smooth operation of equipment;
  • responsibility for the introduction of automated equipment;
  • management of instrumentation and automation services, in particular, coordination of teams of specialists;
  • metrological support;
  • preparation of technical documentation routing, schedules for maintenance, verification, calibration);

  • long-term planning (action plan for a month, quarter, year);
  • acceptance of completed work;
  • drawing up prescriptions, in accordance with the identified shortcomings and comments;
  • organization of control over the fulfillment of tasks.

An example of decoding the stigma of verification

After verification of the device by the instrumentation and control service, the device is marked with an appropriate designation (stamp), as a rule, it carries a certain information component. We give an example of decryption.


  • Verification date (quarter).
  • Image of the Gosstandart sign.
  • The year is encrypted with two digits, in our case 09 - 2009.
  • A code that allows you to determine the service that tested the device;
  • Sign assigned to an employee of the instrumentation and automation equipment.