Order on the procedure for transferring annual paid holidays. How is the transfer of vacation due to production needs processed? What holidays are allowed to be transferred

  • 07.12.2019

How to draw up an order to postpone the vacation and how to store it? In the article you will find a sample of filling out an order and you can download a ready-made document form.

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When is an order to postpone the vacation for another period required?

The employer is obliged to carry out the transfer of leave for an employee if:

  • During the vacation according to the schedule, the employee was actually at the workplace and performed the civil service.
  • Vacation pay was accrued and paid out of time.
  • The employee was not warned about the vacation at least 2 weeks in advance.

You can also transfer if:

  • The employee fell ill (which is confirmed by a certificate of incapacity for work) while on vacation according to the schedule.
  • Following a vacation schedule can negatively impact the performance of an organization.

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If it is necessary to postpone the vacation, the employee is obliged to write a statement in which he indicates the reason for such a desire. If the management wants to postpone the employee's vacation, a written notice is drawn up, which must be answered with a refusal or consent.

When a consensus is reached and the dates of the transfer satisfy both parties, the agreement is fixed by an order to postpone the vacation. Already on its basis, clarifications are made to the vacation schedule at the enterprise.

How to issue an order to postpone the leave at the initiative of the employee

The order to postpone the vacation is issued in accordance with the traditions of the organization; the legislation does not require any single universal standard for filling out. On the letterhead indicate:

  • The exact name and details of the company, including codes.
  • Date of issue of the order.
  • The number of the order in the document flow.
  • Data on the employee who postpones the vacation: full name, position.
  • Exact vacation dates according to the vacation schedule and rescheduled.
  • The basis for the transfer of rest.

Order text example:

Due to production needs, I order:

1. Transfer the annual main paid leave of economist A.S. Kondratiev for the duration of 14 calendar days (from July 1 to July 14, 2019 inclusive) for the period - August 2019.

2. Human Resources represented by E.E. Gromova to ensure timely and complete changes to the personal card of A.S. Kondratiev and in the vacation schedule dated December 16, 2016 No. 113

3. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

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Sometimes it happens that an employee asks to postpone the vacation, but the vacation order has already been drawn up and published according to the schedule, and Section VIII has already been filled out in the employee’s personal card. In this case, it is necessary to make clarifications in the documents. This applies to both public and commercial enterprises.

Who signs the order to postpone the leave at the request of the employee

As with other documents on personnel, the “first person” of the organization or an employee authorized by him has the right to sign on the order to postpone the leave.

The vacationer must be familiarized with the order, get his signature and the date of familiarization on the document.

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It is often asked whether it is necessary to put a seal on the order. The answer to this question is in the Labor Code (Art. 8) and the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ (Art. 7, 9). It depends on how the order was issued. If a personnel department institutions have developed their own document form and puts a seal on it, then the seal will be affixed. If this is not part of the tradition of document management, then there is no need for printing.

How long is the order kept?

The order to postpone the vacation is classified as part of the workflow for the staff of the enterprise. Accordingly, the period of storage of this order is 5 years in case of separate storage.

If the order to postpone the vacation is placed together with other documents as part of personal files, then the storage period depends on the date the order was created. If the order was issued before 2003, it must be kept for at least 75 years. If after 2003, then no less than 50 years.


If the employee was employed in a non-civilian public service, no matter when the order was issued, its shelf life will be 75 years.

At the initiative of the employee or due to peculiarities production process rest periods may vary. The basis for personnel changes is the order to postpone the vacation date.

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The internal document is drawn up 14 days before the start of vacation time with the obligatory notification of the subordinate.

Norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

To understand the essence of the document, we attach a visual example:

You can download a form suitable for all types of enterprises below.

Where is the order registered?

Registration of a document is carried out in the manner prescribed by a particular enterprise. The entry is made in the register of internal acts.

Terms and place of storage

Orders are stored in the archive for 5 years. They are assigned a registration number with a corresponding entry in the journal.

Access to the document is available to the employee whose vacation was postponed, the archive worker, auditors and management.

Making changes to personnel documents

The order to postpone the vacation time is accompanied by adjustments to the vacation schedule.

For this operation in the T-7 form, two columns are allocated:

  • No. 8 - grounds for changing the date of rest;
  • No. 9 - the date to which they were postponed vacation days.

Changes are also displayed in the time sheet upon the fact that the employee goes on vacation.

Familiarization procedure

The employee is notified free form. Her personnel specialist draws up on her own or can download the form below:

The final consent to the transfer of vacation is the signature of the person.

Grounds for refusal by the employer and employee

The main reason for refusing to transfer leave by the employer is a production necessity.

The subordinate is allowed to use the wording “Acquainted, but does not agree”, indicating the reason for the refusal.

Postponing the date of the vacation period is a normal occurrence in the enterprise. Its causes are unforeseen situations and the impossibility of solving production problems by other employees.

In the event of conflict situations, the employee is recommended to contact the trade union or the Commission for the resolution of labor disputes.

Questions and answers

Is it possible to reschedule if the vacation is not on schedule?

The employer may refuse to leave if the reason for the transfer is not valid, and the employee has worked in the company for less than 6 months.

Exceptions exist for honorary donors of Russia, part-time employees and men in case of maternity leave spouses.

What if the days are already paid?

The transfer is allowed on the basis of .

The subordinate returns the money paid to the cashier, uses it as it is, or writes a statement asking to deduct funds from wages.

How many days before vacation do you need to make an order?

Leaving for the main vacation is determined by the order established in. The transfer is possible in cases stipulated in labor laws, as well as with the mutual consent of the employer and employee. When can you reschedule vacation according to the schedule, what to do if sick leave occurs during vacation? What documents need to be issued to transfer the main vacation? The article provides step-by-step instructions for the actions of the employee and the employer to postpone the vacation period, as well as forms and samples of filling out documents that need to be completed by both parties - an application for postponing the vacation and an order.

See vacation pay calculator.

The transfer of vacation must be documented, changes to the T-7 schedule can only be made if there is documentary justification. In general, the transfer procedure can be divided into 4 steps.

Step by step design instructions:

  1. Writing by the employee or consent to this action;
  2. Preparation by the employer of an administrative paper on the transfer;
  3. Making changes to the current T-7 schedule;
  4. Making changes, if necessary, to the personal card of the T-2 employee.

Read more about each step in the article below.

To correctly arrange the transfer, you need to know the cases in which this can be done. For proper execution, you should analyze the reasons for this action. In this case, you should refer to Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which is also devoted to the transfer of the vacation period. This article defines the list of cases when the employer is obliged to postpone the rest period.

When can a vacation be postponed at the request of an employee?

In 124 Art. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation spelled out cases of possible transfer of the vacation period to another period. The initiative may come from the employee or the employer.

Reasons for postponing leave at the initiative of the employee:

  • Finding an employee on sick leave - if at this time the employee is resting, then the vacation is either extended or postponed. The transfer of vacation due to sick leave is the most common reason for changing the vacation period, this is done on the basis of. Sick leave during vacation allows it to be rescheduled only if it is open due to the disability of the vacationer himself, and not his family members;
  • Implementation of labor state duties during vacation;
  • The onset of the moment when the right to appear at the time of being on the main vacation, you can either interrupt the vacation with its subsequent transfer to another period, or take it to the end and draw up a decree at a later date;
  • At the initiative of the employee - if the employer did not pay vacation pay on time (no later than 3 days before the 1st vacation day) or did not notify the beginning of this period 2 weeks in advance, then the employer, at the request of the employee, is obliged to issue a postponement for a period agreed by the parties , as a rule, family circumstances of an unplanned type are indicated as the reason;
  • Other cases that are stipulated in legislative acts, as well as established by the employers themselves by internal local documentation.

Reasons for postponing leave at the initiative of the employer

The reason for making changes to the schedule may be not only the personal desire of the employee, unforeseen circumstances, but also the initiative of the employer. As a rule, this is a production necessity.

These are exceptional situations when the employer cannot release the employee for a well-deserved rest due to a threat to the normal operation of the enterprise (the consent of the worker is required to postpone the vacation period) - it is important that the transfer of vacation due to production needs is carried out for a period no later than 12 months from the expiration of the working year for which the leave must be granted.

If within two years the employee does not rest, then he, however, the employer may face a fine for non-compliance with labor law.

When is vacation transfer not possible?

Failure to provide basic paid leave is not allowed:

  • for consecutive two years;
  • failure to provide persons underage(up to 18 years old);
  • workers in adverse conditions(harmful and dangerous).

Violation by the employer of these prohibitions entails the imposition of administrative liability on him:

  • For the first detected violation - 1000-5000 rubles. on the executive and IP, 30,000-50,000 rubles. to the organization;
  • For a repeated violation - 10,000-20,000 rubles. for an official and individual entrepreneur, 50,000-70,000 rubles. to the organization.

How to transfer a vacation - step by step instructions

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Receiving a statement from an employee;
  2. Issuance and approval of the order;
  3. Editing vacation schedule;
  4. Fixing the corresponding entry in the personal card, if necessary.

Sample application for transfer

The first step of this instruction is to receive an application from the employee. It is imperative to obtain a document from the employee, by signing which he will confirm the intention or consent to postpone the work holiday for another period. Sample applications for various reasons for the transfer can be downloaded free of charge below.

Depending on the reason for the transfer, the content of the text of the application may vary, explanations are collected in the table below. In general, the form in any case must contain the details of the person to whom it is addressed (data about the employer), from whom it is drawn up (data about yourself), title and heading, signature and date.

Reason for transfer What to write in the text of the application
Hospital employee during vacation A personal request for the postponement of vacation due to sick leave, indicating the reason and the desired period for granting labor rest. The application contains the details of the disability certificate, the original sick leave certificate is attached to the application.
Fulfillment of state obligations during the vacation period A personal rescheduling request containing the reason, start date, and end date for the rescheduled vacation. The annex contains the details of the document confirming the fulfillment of these obligations.
Vacation pay not paid on time

Leave not granted on time

The employee was not warned about the start date 2 weeks in advance

Request to reschedule the vacation, indicating the reason and the desired dates, limiting the period of grant.

No documentary evidence is required to be attached to the application.

Employer's initiative due to operational necessity Consent to the postponement, indicating the first and last day of the postponed vacation as agreed by the parties.

Documents do not need to be attached.

Employee initiative (personal and family circumstances and desires) Transfer request indicating good reason if there are documents confirming the reason, then they must be attached.

Postponement of family leave is possible if the employer considers the reason important enough and agrees to amend the T-7 schedule.

Sample order to postpone vacation according to the schedule

second step step by step instructions on registration of the transfer of the vacation period is the formation of an administrative document based on the application of the employee.

The order is binding document with the order of the head, on the basis of which the transfer and amendment of the T-7 schedule is carried out.

The order can be issued in free form, there is no standard form. Sample Sample can be downloaded for free just below in word.

What should be included in the transfer order:

  • Name of the company (you can draw up a document on the letterhead of the company);
  • Document title and title;
  • Publication date;
  • Number assigned during registration in the journal;
  • The basis for issuing the order form and the reason for its preparation. As a basis, you can specify an article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the reason is taken from the application form received from the employee;
  • An order to reschedule the vacation period indicating a new start and end date, if the dates are not determined, then it is indicated in the order form that the rescheduling dates will be determined later on the basis of an application from the employee;
  • Details of the document of the basis for the formation of the order - the statement of the employee;
  • Approving signature from the head of the company;
  • Acknowledgment signature from the employee whose vacation is subject to transfer to another period.

The approved order must be brought to the attention of the future vacationer. If this is not possible, then an appropriate entry is made on the order form.

Sample order to postpone the vacation according to the schedule - (in connection with the sick leave of the employee).

Changing vacation dates in the vacation schedule

Schedule T-7 is a form in which the vacation periods of all employees are distributed. If any employee changes the period of rest, then you need to make changes to the T-7 form.

By general rule annual paid leave is provided to the employee in accordance with a pre-compiled and agreed vacation schedule. Such a schedule is mandatory for both the employer and the employee (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, in some cases, at the initiative of the employee or employer, the leave may be rescheduled for another period. We will tell you how to draw up an order to postpone the vacation in our consultation.

When is vacation postponed?

Cases when an employee's vacation can be postponed are indicated in Art. 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. These include, for example, temporary incapacity for work of an employee that occurred during the vacation period, performance by the employee during the vacation of state duties, if this provides for release from work. Vacation is postponed at the request of the employee if he was not paid vacation pay 3 calendar days before the vacation or he was warned about the start time of the vacation later than 2 weeks in advance.

In addition, in exceptional cases, when the employee's departure on vacation may adversely affect the normal course of work of the organization or individual entrepreneur, the employer, with the consent of the employee, may postpone the vacation to the next working year.

Of course, vacation can be postponed for another period and at the initiative of the employee himself (for example, for family reasons), if the employer does not mind.

We talked in more detail about cases of postponement of vacation and the form of an application that may be required from an employee in ours.

We draw up an order to postpone the vacation

Since the employee's departure on vacation affects the reflection of information about him in the time sheet and payroll, changes in vacation plans also need to be documented. For this, an order is drawn up in an arbitrary form. It reflects information about the employee whose vacation is postponed, the reason for the postponement, as well as the new vacation dates. Considering that the consent of the employee is usually required to postpone the leave, it is usually the basis for drawing up an order. With the order to postpone the vacation, it is necessary to familiarize the employee against signature.

Information about the change in vacation periods must be reflected in the vacation schedule.

Here is a sample of filling out an order to postpone an employee's vacation due to the fact that he was not paid vacation pay in a timely manner.

Having received an application from the employee to postpone the vacation for another period, the employer must respond with a refusal or consent. In the second case, an order is drawn up to postpone the vacation according to the schedule. A sample order can be downloaded below.

The order will be needed not only when transferring leave at the initiative of the employee, but also the employer. When planning employee vacations and entering their dates in the T-7 schedule, the employer may not foresee possible changes in the next year - a change in personnel, production needs, for example, increased customer needs, may delay employees during the season. In this case, the leave previously scheduled for this time may be rescheduled for another period more convenient for the employer.

However, the transfer requires the consent of both parties. Therefore, before drawing up the corresponding order, the employer needs to receive either a statement from the employee or his other written consent with the new vacation dates.

If the application is received, then an order is drawn up in an arbitrary form containing an order for the personnel specialist to make adjustments to the existing vacation schedule - to postpone the dates to a new date. To do this, a special column is allocated in the schedule, in which you can fix changes.

How to draw up an order to postpone the vacation for another period

Below are several examples of the design of this document for various reasons for the transfer of vacation time. In practice, the most popular reasons for issuing such an order are:

  • sick leave, which occurred during the period of serving the rest by the employee (vacation days on which disability occurred can be postponed to any other period as agreed with the employer) - a statement from the employee about the transfer with the attached sick leave;
  • the employee's initiative due to family circumstances - a mandatory application from the employee for the transfer;
  • production necessity - the initiative of the employer, it is required to obtain consent from the employee in writing.

In the order in the administrative part of the form, you must indicate which orders are given by the head:

  1. carry out the transfer of the vacation of a certain employee for another period;
  2. make changes to the T-7 schedule;
  3. notify the employee of the changes made;
  4. control the execution of the order properly.

Be sure to specify:

  • the reason for making changes to the vacation schedule - due to sick leave, production needs or otherwise;
  • Full name and position of the employee in respect of which the transfer is being carried out;
  • the number of vacation calendar days requiring transfer to another period according to the schedule;
  • specific dates from which and to which you need to transfer vacation days;
  • Name and position of responsible persons.

The order is put into effect by the signature of the head. There is no need to stamp this form. Further, the employee gets acquainted with the order under the signature, whose rest time changes. After that, the responsible employee makes changes to the existing schedule, as a rule, this is a personnel service specialist.