Vacation schedule in any form sample filling. How to schedule vacations - possible mistakes and their solutions. Calculation of vacation days to be included in the schedule

  • 27.11.2019

The vacation schedule is one of the most important local regulations of any organization. It is the responsibility of the employer to draw up a schedule for determining the priority of vacations for employees. Recall that this local act must be approved no later than December 17 (2 weeks before the end of the year). And do not forget about the new rules introduced by articles 185.1 and 262.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. A sample of filling out the vacation schedule for 2019 and step by step instructions for drafting and approval can be found in the article.

According to article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the schedule should be approved two weeks before the new year. In order not to make a mistake in filling out, we recommend that you focus on the vacation schedule for 2019 presented in the article (excel can be downloaded for free at the end of the article). Approving it during the last two weeks of December will be a violation of labor laws. Thus, in order to determine the terms of rest of employees for 2019, it must be approved no later than 12/17/2018.

There is a unified form T-7 “Vacation Schedule” (we will show a sample of the filling below), contained in the album of unified forms (Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 01/05/2004 No. 1). However, from 01/01/2013 these forms are not mandatory for use (clause 4, article 9 of law 402-FZ, information of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. PZ-10/2012). Each enterprise can independently develop a primary organization with the obligatory inclusion in it of the details established by paragraph 2 of Art. 9 of Law No. 402-FZ.

The completed form can be approved by order of the head, but his signature in the “Approve” field of the T-7 form will be enough.

New in legislation!

We remind you that appeared in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with it, employees who have three or more children under 12 years of age are given the priority right to choose the time of rest. Therefore, before distributing vacation days for all employees, you need to ask when these privileged workers plan to rest.

In addition, additional days of rest appeared for employees to undergo medical examinations (for "ordinary" employees - 1 day every 3 years, for pre-pensioners - 2 days annually) ( Art. 185.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Clinical examination schedules are determined by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia of October 26, 2017 N 869n. In 2019, citizens of 2001, 1998, 1995, 1992, 1989, 1986, 1983, 1980, 1977, 1974, 1971, 1968, 1965 have the right to undergo medical examination. So far, there are no clear departmental instructions as to whether these days should be included in the vacation schedule for 2019, but this circumstance must be taken into account.

Fill in the chart step by step

The form must be approved with columns 1-6 completed. Consider how to draw up a vacation schedule for 2019 (we will consider a sample filling step by step). For an example of filling, we use the unified form T-7 “Vacation Schedule” (the form, as already mentioned, was taken from the album of unified forms). But you can also use the vacation schedule in Excel (the template for 2019 is given for download at the end of the article).

Step 1

Fill in the "Organization name" field. To do this, we prescribe the full name of the organization without abbreviations.

Step 2

If there is a trade union, fill in the field “Opinion of the elected trade union body”: the date and the inscription “Considered” are affixed. In the absence of such, it is indicated "The primary trade union organization has not been created (or is absent)".

Step 3

We assign a number to the document, the date of compilation, indicate for which year it is compiled.

Step 4

Fill in columns 1-6: names structural divisions, title of position, as well as full name. we write employees without cutting. In the 5th column, the numbers indicate the duration in calendar days. In gr. 6 put the date on which it starts.

If the rest period is divided into several parts, each part is written on a separate line.

It is also possible to indicate the duration in column 6 instead of the start date.

The document is signed by the head of the personnel department.

We approve the schedule and familiarize employees with it

After filling in the considered fields and columns, it is necessary to approve the document. You can do this on the document form itself - the T-7 form contains a special field for approval. Or you can issue an order approving the vacation schedule for 2019 (sample below).

This is how the order “Vacation schedule for 2019” may look like; the sample filling shown above is not unified, it can be drawn up in any form, but if you like our wording, then you can download the text of the order in word at the end of the article.

You can familiarize employees with it under the signature in a special statement. Also, for familiarization, it is possible to supplement the schedule with a column where employees will sign and put down the date of familiarization.

Columns 7-10 of the schedule are filled in manually during the year as employees actually go on vacation. If there have been changes and the rest time is not provided when it was planned, column 8 indicates the reason for the transfer - the details of the transfer order or the employee's statement. Column 9 indicates the planned start date of the holiday.

Gr. 10 "Note" is filled in if there are necessary notes, for example, you can indicate the reason for the postponement of the holiday (at the request of the employee, another reason), the grounds for recall, etc.

So, we examined step by step how to fill out a vacation schedule form for 2019; You can download a sample for free for use in your work below.

Storage periods and liability for lack of

The schedule (original) is usually stored in the personnel department for one year (paragraph 693 of Order No. 558 of August 25, 2010). The storage period is calculated from January 1 of the year following the year of the end of its record keeping. So, it is stored until 12/31/2019.

For the lack of a document, the perpetrator may be held liable under Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the form of a fine:

It is also possible for legal entities to suspend activities for up to 90 days.

Vacation schedule - a sample of filling in 2019 will be needed by both businessmen starting their business and companies with experience. How to draw it up and avoid fines, we will tell in our article. In it, you can also download a form and a sample vacation schedule for free.

You can accurately draw up a vacation schedule using our video instructions:

What is a vacation schedule, who needs it and why

The vacation schedule is an internal company document that allows you to take into account the interests of the workforce and the employer. Schedule maintains continuity production process at the enterprise, and employees exercise their right to annual rest.

The vacation schedule is equally important for employees and for the company's administration. The better it is compiled, the less conflicts and confusion will arise in the future regarding the departure of employees on regular vacations.

NOTE! Mention of the vacation schedule as a document that determines the order of annual rest for members of the workforce is contained in Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Labor legislation does not specify the number of employees required for a merchant to draw up this document. It is logical to assume that individual entrepreneur carrying out commercial activity alone, scheduling vacations is pointless. He has no one to argue with about the timing of his rest - he plans the labor process himself.

Quite different consequences arise in the absence of this document in labor collectives with more workers. As statistics show, most people want to relax in the summer and early autumn. This fact poses a difficult task for the management of the company - to take into account the interests of the team and not cause damage to the business. And it doesn’t matter if 5 people work under the supervision of a merchant or several thousand, you can’t do without a vacation schedule.

In addition, untimely registration of the vacation schedule can lead not only to vacation confusion, but also material losses in the form of a fine.

NOTE! The punishment for the director of the company, who ignored the requirement of labor legislation to draw up a vacation schedule, is provided for under Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and can range from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. The firm will lose even more - from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

If the violation is repeated, the directors of the company may be disqualified for 1-3 years or punished with an increased fine from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. In this situation, a legal entity may be levied a penalty in the amount of 50,000 to 70,000 rubles.

Who, how and when draws up the schedule

The vacation schedule is one of the personnel documents, so the responsibility for its preparation and timely approval lies with the specialists personnel service and company administration.

Until recently, all companies issued a vacation schedule according to a single unified form T-7, the form of which can be downloaded on our website.

10 columns of Form T-7 were filled in with the following information:

  • column 1 - the name of the structural unit (office, department of the chief mechanic, department of labor protection, financial department etc.);
  • column 2 - position according to the staffing table (director, secretary, locksmith, etc.);
  • columns 3 and 4 - last name, first name, patronymic and personnel number of the employee;
  • columns 5-9 - vacation data (duration, start dates of vacation - planned and actual);
  • column 8 - the basis for changing the planned vacation periods;
  • column 9 - the date of the proposed vacation;
  • column 10 - note.

Today use unified form the schedule is optional, but the legislation does not contain a ban on the use of the usual format of this document. So the personnel department has a choice: fill out the T-7 form or develop a new document with the same name and purpose.

The main thing is to approve the drawn up vacation schedule on time, that is, no later than two weeks before the start of the new calendar year (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). That is, the schedule for 2019 should be approved no later than 12/17/2018.

After the manager approves the vacation schedule, this document must be familiarized with the employees against receipt (Articles 22, 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To do this, it is advisable to supplement the schedule with another column or create a statement where each employee will set the date of familiarization and sign.

The vacation schedule is kept for one year (clause 693 of the List, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558).

IMPORTANT! Do not forget to warn the employee in writing (against receipt) about the start of the vacation no later than two weeks before it starts (clause 3 of article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

"Children's" nuances of the schedule

Labor legislation influences the settlement of vacation periods in the schedule. For example, the following categories of employees have the right to rest at a convenient time for themselves:

  • spouses during their wives' maternity leave (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • a parent or guardian working in the regions of the Far North, to accompany a child under 18 years old to another locality to the place of his admission to a university or college (Article 322 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  • one of the parents raising a disabled child under the age of 18 (Article 262.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The category of "children's" aspects of the vacation schedule can also include the mandatory consideration of the opinion on the period of rest of an employee who has not reached the age of majority (under the age of 18). For this group of working employees in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, vacation features are highlighted in a separate article. 267.

In addition to vacation benefits for employees with children, we must not forget about the restrictions. For example, in paragraph 20 of the definition Supreme Court dated 01/28/2014 No. 1 indicates the inadmissibility of the simultaneous use of 2 or more holidays for various reasons.

For the scheduler, this means that the vacation schedule should not include the holidays of employees who are on parental leave and work part-time.

See the FSS opinion on double vacations in the article “Vacation can be one: either annual or to care for a child” .

"Preferential" vacation schedule regulators

In addition to the above "children's" vacation nuances, the vacation schedule can take into account 1 more group of employees, in respect of which the employer is obliged to agree with any periods of rest they choose.

Among these employees:

  • honorary donors (Law of the Russian Federation "On the donation of blood and its components" dated July 20, 2012 No. 125-FZ);
  • Heroes of Russia and holders of the Order of Glory (law of the Russian Federation "On the status of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes Russian Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory "dated 01/15/1993 No. 4301-I);
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory (law “On the provision of social guarantees to Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory” dated 09.01.1997 No. 5-FZ);
  • Chernobyl victims (law of the Russian Federation "On social protection citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant” dated 15.05.1991 No. 1244-I);
  • persons who received a certain amount of radiation in Semipalatinsk (the law "On social guarantees Citizens Exposed to Radiation as a Result of Nuclear Tests at the Semipalatinsk Test Site” dated January 10, 2002 No. 2-FZ).
  • employees of the internal affairs bodies, if they have not exercised their right to basic leave, scheduled(Law "On service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" dated November 30, 2011 No. 342-FZ).

If the company practices external part-time work, the part-time employee has the right to go on vacation at the same time as the next rest at the main place of work (Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How to arrange vacation for a part-time worker, find out .

When drawing up a vacation schedule, the employer will also have to take into account the opinion of the employee - the spouse of a serviceman who has the right to go on vacation during the period of time coinciding with the spouse's vacation (Law "On the Status of Servicemen" dated May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ).

Vacation schedule and newcomers

When compiling the vacation schedule for 2019, approved in December 2018, it is impossible to foresee the probable periods of rest for employees who joined after the start of the calendar year. Nevertheless, the absence of a newcomer's planned vacation in the schedule does not relieve the administration of the obligation to provide it.

NOTE! In accordance with Art. 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee who has worked for this employer six months, is entitled to leave.

In such cases, the personnel officer responsible for the vacation regulations can act in one of the following ways:

  • without changing the approved schedule, take a vacation by order(based and administration decisions).
  • supplement the schedule with a separate appendix, which reflects information about the vacations of beginners (leaves are issued in the usual way).

An article will help you when calculating vacation for an employee "Unified form No. T-60 - form and sample" .

The impact of the transfer of days of rest on the vacation schedule

The employee has the right to change the period of his rest in agreement with the employer. This is allowed by Art. 123 and 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Information about the transfer of vacation is reflected in the vacation schedule in columns 8 and 9 specially designed for this. The employee will have to write leave application, in which you will need to indicate the new dates of the postponed vacation and the reasons for changing the vacation period.

The rest period may also change due to illness of an employee. Art. 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges the employer in this case to extend the vacation or reschedule it for another period, recalculating vacation pay in the latter case.

You will also have to extend the vacation if the employee fell ill before the start. If an employee received a sick leave while on vacation, then the employer is recommended to clarify which option for extending the vacation will suit the employee: extending the current or future vacation.

In any case, the employee writes a statement, and information about its transfer is entered into the vacation schedule. Special marks in the schedule for extending leave due to illness are not provided.

How to make changes to the vacation schedule, see. .

Adjustment of the terms of rest can occur not only for the personal circumstances of the employee, but also in connection with the production need.

For example, a company needs to carry out a large-scale reconstruction of the production line in connection with the development of new activities and the introduction of improved technologies. The specialists involved in this process and each responsible for a certain set of activities in their area are required to be present at the workplace for a long time, so they will not be able to go on vacation for an industrial reason.

In this case, Art. 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: on the basis of the consent of the employee, expressed in writing, and the order of the management, the vacation is transferred to the next working year.

Read about the nuances of the transfer of vacation in the article. "Art. 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: questions and answers" .

You can download a sample vacation schedule on our website.


Vacation schedule is an agreed and approved schedule of rest periods for company employees, binding on both parties. employment contract.

The vacation schedule - a sample filling is posted on our website - must be drawn up annually, and penalties are provided for its absence.

A little more than a month is left to draw up and approve the vacation schedule. How to properly prepare it and what points should be taken into account, we will tell in the article.
According to paragraph 5 of Article 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizen working under an employment contract is guaranteed annual paid leave. The order in which vacations are granted to employees of one organization is determined by the vacation schedule (part 1 of article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


In many organizations, vacation schedules are not drawn up; employees go on vacation in agreement with the manager. This practice violates the rights of the worker, since he is deprived of the opportunity to plan rest time and organize it most in an effective way. Sometimes an employee cannot use the guaranteed right to rest during the calendar year at all.

Responsibility for the absence of a vacation schedule

Drawing up a vacation schedule is prescribed by the Labor Code (parts 1 and 2 of article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The vacation schedule refers to those documents that are primarily checked by employees of the Federal Labor Inspectorate. If the organization does not have it, the employer may be fined from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles for non-compliance with labor laws. or suspend the company's activities for up to 90 days (Clause 1, Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Why does an employer need a vacation schedule

The scheduling of vacations not only ensures the right of employees to annual rest, but also provides a number of advantages to the employer.

Firstly, if the vacation is provided in accordance with the schedule, this allows you to arrange it in advance and prepare for the payment of vacation pay. They are issued at least three days before the start of the vacation (part 9 of article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Secondly, the employer, if necessary, will have time to find a replacement for the employee going on vacation.

Thirdly, the schedule allows you to control the timeliness of providing employees with vacations. Subject to its observance, employees of the mines will not accumulate unpaid vacations.


Before scheduling vacations, you need to consider:
— the provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation on holidays;
— the specifics of the organization's activities (for example, the presence of harmful or dangerous working conditions, giving the right to additional leave, distribution of full-time employees by departments, the possibility of interchangeability, plans for the development (folding) of production);
- wishes of employees.

Vacation entitlement

The duration of the annual paid leave is 28 calendar days (part 1 of article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employee's right to use it arises after six months of continuous work with one employer (part 2 of article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


Engineer N.A. Gaikin started work on April 23, 2008. From what date does he have the right to take the first vacation?

SOLUTION. The right to leave for the first year of work will arise for N.A. Gaikin October 23, 2008.

The vacation schedule is drawn up for the next calendar year (from January 1 to December 31), taking into account when the working year of each employee began. Leave for the second and subsequent years of work may be granted at any time in accordance with the order established by the schedule (part 4 of article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


Engineer N.A. Gaykin, who started work on April 23, 2008, did not use his right to go on vacation in 2008. In the vacation schedule for 2009, three vacation periods are planned for this employee:
- from January 12, 2009 - 28 calendar days for 2008;
- from March 16, 2009 - 14 calendar days for 2009;
- from August 31, 2009 - 14 calendar days for 2009.

Is the vacation schedule correct?

SOLUTION. It is incorrect to grant leave for a working year that has not yet begun (its beginning falls on April 23, 2009), since it is granted for a worked, so-called working year, and not a calendar year.

The first leave from January 12, 2009 will be legally granted for the period from April 23, 2008 to April 22, 2009.

The second vacation for 14 calendar days from March 16, 2009 was planned illegally, since the period for which it is granted (the second working year from April 23, 2009 to April 22, 2010) has not yet come by the time the vacation starts. The employee will not have the right to leave for the second working year.

Vacation from August 31 for 14 calendar days is legally planned, because in accordance with labor law leave for the second and subsequent years of work may be granted at any time during that working year.

It is necessary to make changes to the vacation schedule and postpone the start date of the second vacation period to a later time (after April 23, 2009).

Vacation experience

According to part 1 of article 121 of the Labor Code, the length of service giving the right to annual paid leave includes:
-time actual work;
- the time when the employee did not actually work, but the place of work (position) was retained for him;
- forced absence time illegal dismissal or suspension from work and subsequent reinstatement in the former organization;
— the period of suspension from work of an employee who has not undergone a mandatory medical examination (examination) through no fault of his own;
- time of unpaid leave granted at the request of the employee wages not exceeding 14 calendar days during the working year.

Please note: in the previous version of Article 121 of the Labor Code, it was said that vacation time at one's own expense is not included in seniority if its total duration exceeds 14 calendar days during the working year. Experts have interpreted this in different ways. Some believed that if the total number of days off taken by the employee at his own expense exceeded 14 days, they are not fully taken into account when calculating the length of service. Others insisted that only the days after the 15th should be excluded. AT new edition this ambiguity has been eliminated: it is now clearly stated that holidays at their own expense exceeding 14 days are not taken into account in the length of service.

The length of service giving the right to annual paid leave does not include time (part 2 of article 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):
- Absence of an employee at work without good reasons;
— leave to care for a child until he reaches the age established by law.

The length of service, which gives the right to additional annual paid leave for work with harmful (dangerous) working conditions, includes only the time actually worked under the appropriate conditions (part 3 of article 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Vacation experience affects the end of the next working year. If an employee, for example, took a long vacation at his own expense, the end of the working year will shift by more than 14 calendar days.

If the last day of the working year is moved to a later date, the number of calendar days of annual paid leave that an employee can claim changes. If the vacation period is not interrupted, then at the end of the working year, the employee will be able to take 28 calendar days off. Otherwise, he is entitled to less vacation days. How to calculate them? There is no specific methodology for this. In practice, two options are used.

First option. First you need to determine the number of full months that are included in the vacation period for a particular working year. For each of them, the employee is entitled to 2.33 vacation days (28 calendar days: 12 months). The difficulty arises when calculating vacation days that an employee is entitled to for an incompletely worked month of the working year. In this case, you can apply another calculation method.

Second option. It makes it possible to more accurately calculate the number of vacation days to which the employee is entitled at a certain moment. The calculation is based not on the basis of calendar months, but on the basis of calendar days. The number of calendar days falling on the time worked during the working year is determined. In a fully worked working year - 365 (366) calendar days. During this time, the employee is entitled to 28 calendar days of vacation. If in the working year there were periods excluded from the vacation period, then the employee has the right to a smaller number of calendar days of vacation. For example, 326 calendar days out of 365 possible, falling on the time worked in the working year, give the right to 25 calendar days from the start (28 calendar days: 365 calendar days x 326 calendar days). Consider an example.


K.S. Bublikov joined Slasti LLC on May 2, 2007. In June 2008, he was on unpaid leave for 20 calendar days.

From May 2, 2009, the employee plans to go on vacation. It is necessary to determine how many calendar days of vacation the employee is entitled to as of May 1, 2009, inclusive, if he used the vacation for the first working year in full.

SOLUTION. The employee's first working year ended on May 1, 2008. During this period, he used his annual paid leave in full.

Now we need to find out when the second working year ends. If K.S. Bublikov did not take unpaid leave in 2008, the second working year would have ended on May 1, 2009. But in this situation, the working year will shift by six calendar days (20 calendar days - 14 calendar days). That is, 14 calendar days of vacation at their own expense are not excluded from the length of service. Thus, for the period from May 2, 2008 to May 1, 2009, the employee's vacation period will be 359 calendar days. days (365 calendar days - 6 calendar days).

For one calendar day of hours worked in the second working year, the employee earned 0.0767 vacation days (28 calendar days : 365 calendar days). Therefore, for 359 calendar days, the employee is entitled to 27.54 calendar days of vacation (359 calendar days x 0.0767 days). In fact, an employee can be granted 27 calendar days of vacation, since he has not yet earned 0.46 days (1 day - 0.54 days) by the specified date.

Vacation time is increasing

The duration of the vacation planned for the next calendar year depends not only on the date of occurrence of the relevant right and the vacation period. To the calculated duration of annual paid leave, the number of calendar days of leave not used by the employee for the previous period should be added.

In addition, it must be taken into account that some employees are entitled to additional paid holidays (Articles 116-119, 173-176 and 350 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). According to part 2 of Article 120 of the Labor Code, when calculating the total duration of the annual paid leave, additional paid holidays are added to the annual basic paid leave. This means that the total duration of paid leave is indicated in the start schedule.


For some employees, the employer is obliged to provide leave at any time convenient for them (even before the expiration of six months from the start of work for this employer). The list of such persons is given in the table on page 1, page 2.


As a rule, employees want to rest in the summer or early autumn. But when scheduling vacations, the employer must not only take into account the wishes of employees, but also ensure the continuous operation of the organization. For this reason, the manager has the right to evenly distribute the employees of the organization from the start-up throughout the year. He can establish that during each month no more than 8.33% of the staff (100%: 12 months) can be on vacation, or apply another basis for the distribution of the start time of vacations. It makes sense to establish a certain order of vacations among employees of related professions (positions) of one unit, for example, among shop assistants, department specialists, workers of the same specialty of a separate workshop (section).

We take into account the wishes of employees

In some cases, when preparing the schedule, the employer has the opportunity to take into account the wishes of employees regarding vacation planning.

The form in which employees can express their wishes regarding the start date of the vacation, dividing it into parts and transferring it is not legally established, so the personnel department decides this issue on its own. You can ask the employee to write a statement indicating the expected start date of the vacation in any form. This is convenient when the number of employees in the organization is small (up to 20 people) (see sample application).

The immediate supervisor of the employee must put his visa on the application.

In an organization with large numbers It is more convenient for employees to draw up a vacation planning sheet for each unit. It must provide for free columns in which employees can state their wishes (see sample statement).


The schedule is compiled according to the unified form No. T-7, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia No. 1 dated 05.01.2004.

Information on the timing of the distribution of vacations for employees of all structural divisions for the calendar year is reflected in the schedule by months in accordance with the Instructions for the Application and Completion of Forms of Primary Records for Recording Labor and Its Payment, approved by Resolution No. 1 of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1.

The vacation schedule must be approved no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year (part 1 of article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, the schedule for 2009 is no later than December 17, 2008.

The schedule is signed by the heads of the personnel service and structural divisions and approved by the head of the organization or an authorized person.

If the organization has a trade union body, the schedule must be coordinated with it without fail (part 1 of article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The procedure for taking into account the opinion of the elected body of employees is established in Article 372 of the Labor Code.

The schedule storage period is one year (Article 356 section 8 of the List of standard management documents generated in the activities of organizations, indicating the storage periods, approved by the Federal Archive of October 06, 2000).

What types of vacations are reflected in the schedule

Additional annual paid holidays. In addition to the main annual holidays, the schedule reflects additional annual paid holidays.

Please note: additional unpaid leave is not reflected in the schedule. The categories of persons entitled to such leave are listed in Article 263 of the Labor Code.

Non-vacation holidays. Vacations that were not used by employees during the current year, including those transferred to the next year, are also taken into account when drawing up the schedule.

Vacation granted to external part-time workers. The possibility of accounting for such holidays in the schedule in the Labor Code is not mentioned. But if the external part-time worker reports the start date of the vacation at the main job, then the personnel department will take this into account when drawing up the schedule, and the employer will be able to decide when to grant vacation to other employees.

We fill out the form No. T-7

At the stage of vacation planning, the personnel officer fills out only columns 1-6 of form No. T-7.

The names of positions in column 2 are indicated in accordance with staffing. If the organization does not assign employees personnel numbers Column 4 is not completed.

Columns 7, 8 and 9 are filled in by hand as employees go on vacation. In column 7, marks are made after the actual end of the vacation. Column 8 indicates the document on the basis of which the vacation is transferred (personal statement of the employee, order of the manager to postpone the vacation due to operational necessity, etc.).

See an example of filling out a vacation schedule.

Please note: the vacation schedule should reflect the vacation time of all employees without exception, including those who have the right to leave at any time convenient for them. The start date for the vacation of such employees is indicated in column 6 of the schedule, and its change is recorded in columns 8 and 9.


The employer is obliged not later than two weeks before the start of the vacation to notify the employee against signature (part 3 of article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In order for the employee to plan his vacation in advance, the approved vacation schedule can also be brought to his attention in one of the following ways.

Make additions to Form No. T-7. To inform employees about the start of the vacation, the vacation schedule can be supplemented with column 11, in which employees will put marks that they know the start date of the vacation.

See sample order to amend the form "Vacation schedule".

Compose a notice. You can also inform employees about the start date of annual paid leave using a notice (familiarization sheet) drawn up in any form. Such a notification will be an annex to the vacation schedule (see sample notification).


According to part 2 of article 123 of the Labor Code, the approved start-up schedule is mandatory for both the employer and employees. However, by agreement of the parties, the start date of the vacation can be changed.

Each change must be reflected in the appropriate columns of Form No. T-7. Changes are made with the permission of the person who approved the schedule, or a person authorized by him.

Changing the start date of the vacation at the initiative of the employee

Changing the date. If the employee is not satisfied with the vacation time set in the schedule, he can ask the employer to change it. In this case, the employee must write a statement in any form. If the head agrees to postpone the vacation, he puts his resolution on the application. See sample application for postponement of leave at the initiative of the employee.

Breaking the vacation apart. Sometimes an employee does not want to use all 28 calendar days of vacation, but prefers to break the vacation into parts.

In this case, the employee must also write an application in any form, on the basis of which the necessary changes are made to the vacation schedule.

We issue an order. Based on the employee's application, the head of the organization issues an order either to amend the vacation schedule, or to amend the order to grant the employee another annual paid leave.

The order must specify:
— on what basis is the vacation postponed (at the request of the employee, in connection with his illness, etc.);
- How long does it take?

Please note: in some cases, the order of the head to postpone or extend the vacation is not needed. These include (part 1 of article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):
—temporary incapacity for work of an employee that occurred during vacation;
— fulfillment by the employee of public duties during the vacation, if the law provides for exemption from work for this.

We make changes to the schedule. To reflect the transfer of vacations in the current calendar year in the form No. T-7, columns 8-9 are used.

The details of the order of the head to change the start date of the vacation are indicated in column 8 "Basis for the postponement of the vacation" of the schedule.

Column 10 "Note" the employee of the personnel service fills out if:
- in the current year, the employee was not granted leave (part 3 of article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
- the employee was recalled from vacation and part of it is transferred to the next year (part 2 of article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
— the leave to the employee was extended (part 1 of article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In this case, in column 10, the personnel officer indicates the grounds for recall from vacation, its postponement or extension.

Changing the vacation schedule at the initiative of the employer

The order in which vacations are granted can also be changed at the initiative of the employer, if, for example, an employee's vacation in the current working year may adversely affect the work of the organization (part 3 of article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In order for the employer's actions to change the schedule to be lawful, he must:
— obtain the written consent of employees (part 2 of article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (see the sample application for the employee's consent to postpone the vacation);

- issue an order or order on the postponement of vacations (see sample order).

Please note: the employer is obliged to provide the employee with the unused part of the vacation at any time convenient for him during the current working year or add it to the vacation for the next working year (part 2 of article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

And now consider an example of filling out the vacation schedule for 2009.


Pastoral LLC employs nine people. When planning vacations for 2009, the HR specialist found out the following:
- none of the employees of the organization has the right to additional leave;
— there are no employees who have the right to leave at any time convenient for them;
- due to production needs Chief Accountant E.A. Ovechkina in 2008 was on vacation for only 14 calendar days;
CEO I.V. Pastukhov and manager of the telephone sales department E.L. Rabbit decided to break annual leave into parts, so their names are included in the chart twice.

During 2009:
— marketer A.N. Gorny fell ill during his vacation, on the basis of sick leave his leave was extended by five days;
— head of the customer service department I.R. Baranov wrote a statement about the postponement of leave for family reasons;
— freight forwarder V.O. Ruchev was recalled from vacation due to production needs.

There is no elected trade union body in Pastoral LLC, therefore the line reflecting its opinion is not filled in. Additional column 11 is not included in the schedule. What should the holiday schedule look like at the end of 2009?

SOLUTION. Consider how you need to fill out the vacation schedule during the year. Note that the employees got acquainted with the start date of the holidays by signing the notice. This document was attached by the personnel officer to the schedule. The vacation schedule for employees of Pastoral LLC is shown in the table.

For 2019, in order to avoid complaints and fines from the state labor inspector? In the article, we offer you a practical guide on how to correctly form a vacation schedule, a sample of filling out 2019, download a standardized document form.

Vacation schedule: Labor Code of the Russian Federation on mandatory requirements

The issues of granting certain types of vacations to employees are considered by the norms of Chapter 19 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Basic and additional holidays are provided to employees according to the vacation schedule, the maintenance of which is imputed to the employer by the norms of Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to the provisions of this article:

    the presence of a schedule is mandatory for the employer and employee;

    the formation of the schedule for the next working year is carried out no later than two weeks before the end of the current year;

    the schedule is formed taking into account the wishes and in agreement with the employees and the trade union (if any).

The absence of a schedule threatens the employer with a fine under Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: 1-5 thousand rubles. for individual entrepreneurs and officials, 30-50 thousand rubles. for legal entities.

December 17 is the last day for the approval of the vacation schedule, because it must be signed by the head of the organization no later than two weeks before the calendar year (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). There is very little time left to have time to compose it correctly.

Organize the scheduling

The graph reflects information on the distribution of annual paid vacations of employees of the organization for the calendar year by months. Developing a vacation schedule takes a lot of time for the personnel department. It is possible to organize the work on collecting and processing the necessary data in different ways. It is convenient for someone to entrust this to a separate HR specialist who will be busy with the “from and to” schedule. It is more convenient for others to distribute responsibilities: assign one or more structural divisions to each employee of the personnel department.

Drawing up a schedule is a responsible matter, many things need to be taken into account in it: the wishes of employees about vacation dates, the needs of the production process, and the norms of labor legislation. It is advisable to reflect the procedure for developing a schedule, the conditions and rules for granting holidays in the local regulations of the organization (rules of internal work schedule or collective agreement). In the instructions for personnel office work it is possible to describe in detail the procedure for filling out the vacation schedule both at the stage of its creation and in the process of maintaining it during the year. If the procedure for developing a vacation schedule is not prescribed in the local regulations of the organization, it is worth starting its preparation by issuing an order in which you need to specify:

  • who is responsible for preparing the vacation schedule (the schedule is signed by the head of the personnel service, but the preparation work can be carried out by a personnel specialist);
  • within what time period employees must submit their wishes regarding vacations;
  • the deadline by which the heads of structural divisions must agree on the wishes of employees with production plans departments;
  • the deadline by which the draft schedule must be submitted for approval to the manager.

The vacation schedule should take into account the peculiarities of the organization's production process, ensure its continuity and the interchangeability of employees. Labor Code gives every opportunity for this, because the order in which vacations are granted is determined by the employer (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In order to avoid disputes and disagreements with employees, the procedure for determining the order of vacations should be prescribed in a local regulatory act (PVTR or a collective agreement). So, for example, it should provide that the heads of structural units should not be on vacation at the same time as their deputies. In some organizations, it may be established that annual leave is provided to employees only in certain months (for example, in an educational institution, providing leave in the autumn-winter-spring period will negatively affect the learning process). A situation is possible when it is beneficial for the employer to send on vacation large group employees at the same time (for example, a manufacturer of window structures, due to low demand for products, can schedule vacations for all employees of the production department for the period from January 12 to February 8). For most organizations the best option is the even distribution of vacations of employees during the year.

The draft vacation schedule is prepared by the personnel department of the organization. It is most convenient to do this using a modified vacation schedule form (Appendix 1). First of all, it is necessary to analyze the “vacation stories” and determine how many days of vacation each employee is entitled to expect next year, whether there are employees of privileged categories who enjoy the benefits in establishing the order of vacations. After that, data on employees is transferred to the heads of structural divisions, who must find out the wishes of employees about the time of going on vacation and dividing the vacation into parts, and also coordinate these wishes with the plans of the unit for the year, setting the optimal order of vacations. Based on the projects of structural divisions, the personnel department prepares a consolidated vacation schedule for the organization and submits it for approval to the head.

By the way! To accurately schedule vacations, use the online service "My Business". Also, the service will help you automatically calculate advances, salaries, benefits, compensations, taking into account all legal requirements. Carrying out step-by-step actions, you will not make mistakes and you will not have to pay fines. Reporting is generated step by step based on your data and is controlled at every step. Compiled reports can be submitted online. Without special knowledge and skills, you can keep even the most complex personnel records. Document templates contain tips for filling out, key forms are generated automatically. AT personal account you will find all the necessary instructions and tips. You can get free access to the service right now at the link.

What to include in the schedule

Your vacation schedule should include:

  • annual basic paid leave;
  • annual additional paid leave;
  • vacation that was not used by the employee during the current year and was carried over to the next year.

The duration of the annual basic paid leave, as a rule, is 28 calendar days (Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For some categories of employees, the legislation provides for holidays of longer duration - extended basic leave. These categories include in particular:

  • workers under the age of 18. They are entitled to a vacation of 31 calendar days (Article 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • invalids. They are given leave of at least 30 calendar days (Article 23 federal law dated November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”);
  • pedagogical workers. The duration of their vacation depends on the position and type educational institution and ranges from 42 to 56 calendar days (Article 334 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 01, 2002 No. 724 “On the duration of the annual basic paid leave provided teaching staff»);
  • state civil servants have the right to leave from 30 to 35 calendar days, depending on the position (Article 46 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”).

In addition to the main one, some employees may be provided with annual additional paid holidays (Article 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Such leave is granted to employees:

  • employed in work with harmful and (or) hazardous conditions labor;
  • having a special nature of work;
  • with irregular working hours;
  • working in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas;
  • in other cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

In addition to the holidays provided for by legislative acts, employers, taking into account their production and financial capabilities, can independently establish additional holidays for employees by approving the procedure for their provision in a collective agreement or other local regulatory act, which are adopted taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization(part 2 of article 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

When calculating the total duration of annual paid leave, additional holidays are added to the main one (Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Example. Civil servant Tropinin The.The. is entitled to:

  • extended vacation (30 calendar days);
  • additional leave for length of service (8 calendar days);
  • additional leave for irregular working hours (3 calendar days);
  • additional leave for work harmful conditions labor (7 calendar days).

This means that in the schedule you need to plan a vacation lasting 48 calendar days (in full or, by agreement with the employee, dividing the vacation into parts).

When drawing up a schedule, you need to check whether there are employees in the organization who are entitled to the provision of annual paid leave at a convenient time for them - their vacation is planned in the schedule in the first place. These employees include in particular:

  • minors under the age of 18 (Article 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • part-time workers (leave is provided simultaneously with leave for the main job) (Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • employees whose spouses are military personnel (vacation is granted simultaneously with the spouse’s vacation) (clause 11, article 11 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the Status of Military Personnel”);
  • women before maternity leave or immediately after it, as well as at the end of parental leave (Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • employees whose wives are on maternity leave (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

However, it is worth remembering that even if the vacation was planned in the vacation schedule strictly in accordance with the wishes of an employee belonging to the above category, he has the right to change his mind at any time of the year and write an application to the employer asking him to grant vacation from another date . It is impossible to refuse to transfer the vacation to such an employee.

Vacation schedule is a summary document. And although it is compiled for a calendar year (in this case, for 2015), the planned vacation period of each employee refers to his individual working year.

Example. Secretary Petrova I.V. hired June 19, 2014. In the vacation schedule, her vacation should be planned for the period from 06/19/2014 to 06/18/2015. Vacation for the next working year (from 06/19/2015 to 06/18/2016) can be provided at any time of the working year (Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It can be scheduled:

  • in the vacation schedule for 2015 (after 06/19/2015);
  • part of the leave, by agreement with the employee, can be included in the schedule for 2015 (after 06/19/2015), and part can be left for 2016;
  • in the vacation schedule for 2016 (until 06/18/2016).

As you can see, an employee's vacation can be planned both in full and in parts. When dividing the vacation into parts, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Firstly, at least one part of the vacation must be at least 14 calendar days. This requirement is due to medical reasons: in order to recover from labor achievements, a person needs a full-fledged long rest. Secondly, the division of vacation into parts is possible only if an agreement is reached between the employee and the employer. If one of the parties labor relations against this, then it is impossible to split the vacation. The consent of the employer to the division of vacations is confirmed by the signature of the manager in the schedule (or in the order for vacation, if the vacation is not provided according to the schedule). In what document the consent of the employee should be reflected is not established by law. In practice, organizations use different methods to obtain confirmation of employee consent:

Method 1. Prior to the approval of the vacation schedule, the employee writes an application with a request to divide the vacation into parts, indicates the start dates and duration of the parts of the vacation, and the employer puts the resolution “Allow. Signature. The date". Good way if the initiative to share the vacation comes from the employee. Otherwise, we are talking about coercion, which is unacceptable.

Method 2. When developing a vacation schedule, the employer sends the employee a proposal to divide the vacation into parts, indicates the dates of the vacation parts and their duration, and the employee puts the mark “I have read and agree. Signature. Full name. The date". This option is preferable when the initiative to share the vacation comes from the employer, and is fully consistent with the spirit of the law: there is a proposal, there is an answer to it, there is an agreement between the parties. Unfortunately, this method is the most time-consuming.

Method 3. The vacation schedule form is supplemented with the column “I have read and agree. Signature. Full name". It is assumed that with one of his signatures, the employee agrees with the start dates of the vacation, and with the very fact of dividing the vacation into parts. This is a fairly common method that requires minimal time. However, it is not entirely correct. Imagine: ten employees of the department signed in the column, and one categorically refuses, does not want to divide the vacation into parts. You have no right to force him. What to do? Make a new schedule? Re-collect employee signatures? Moreover, the schedule has already been approved by the head (after all, they are introduced to the document that has entered into force). And how can a document be approved if the legal requirement to reach an agreement between the employee and the employer is not met?

Some organizations prescribe clauses in the Internal Labor Regulations that employees are granted leave twice a year for a duration of 14 calendar days. It is assumed that the signature of the employee on familiarization with the PWTR is his consent to the division of the vacation into parts. However, this worsens the position of the employee in comparison with labor legislation, and therefore cannot be applied in accordance with Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Do not forget that the PWTR is a document containing the rules established by the employer and expressing his will, and not at all an agreement between the parties to the employment relationship. The fact that it is adopted taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers does not change the situation, because, for example, dismissal orders issued taking into account the opinion of the trade union still remain administrative documents of the employer, and do not become agreements on termination of the employment contract.

Question. Saveliev A.V. hired 12/12/2014. Should it be included in the vacation schedule for 2015?

Answer. The right of an employee to paid leave arises after 6 months of his continuous work in the organization (Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). By agreement of the parties, the employer may grant annual leave even before the expiration of this period. For some categories of employees, the employer is obliged, upon their application, to provide annual leave, regardless of the length of service in the organization (minors, part-time workers, etc.). In this case, the employee will have the right to leave from 06/12/2015. In the vacation schedule for 2015, you need to plan his vacation after the above date. Vacation can be planned in full (28 calendar days) or, by agreement with the employee, divided into parts (for example, 14 calendar days can be planned in 2015, and the remaining days in 2016).

Question. How to plan a part-time vacation?

Answer. It can be difficult to plan a vacation for a part-time worker, because the exact date of his departure on vacation at his main place of work is not always known (for example, if the development of vacation schedules is carried out in organizations in parallel or at the main job they formally approach the issue of vacations). The Labor Code in this case is categorical: leave must be provided simultaneously with leave for the main job (Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Schedule the start of the vacation according to the employee, but be prepared for the fact that it may have to be rescheduled, and take this into account when planning vacations for other employees in the same department.

Question. Is it obligatory to include in the vacation schedule women who are on parental leave?

Answer. Many organizations include in the vacation schedule all employees, including women on parental leave. It is not prohibited by law, but it is not required either. In fact, it is not possible to realistically plan their holidays, as they can interrupt their parental leave at any time, and it is not known when they want to use their annual leave. If such a woman goes to work, it is more convenient to provide her with leave on application.

Question. How to deal with unused vacations? For example, process engineer Petrov V.G. I haven't been on vacation in two years. Can these holidays be included in the schedule? And is it true that vacation not used for two years “burns out”?

Answer. Previously unused vacations can be included in the vacation schedule or provided by agreement with the employee upon his application (letter of Rostrud dated 03/01/2007 No. 473-6-0). Inclusion in the schedule is more convenient, as it allows you to visually assess how many such holidays have accumulated in the organization. Leave must be granted to the employee annually (Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), in exceptional cases of transferring the leave to the next working year, it must be used no later than 12 months after the end of the working year for which it is granted (Part 3 of Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For example, if an employee was hired on 02/01/2014, he must be granted leave (and the employee must use it) no later than 01/31/2016. It is prohibited not to provide annual paid leave for two consecutive years, and workers under the age of 18 and workers employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions must use leave annually (part 4 of article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Of course, if the leave was not granted for some reason, it will not “burn out” at all, the employee will retain the right to it, but the employer in this case may be punished when checking the GIT or in judicial order.

After the vacation schedule is approved, it becomes mandatory (part 2 of article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This means that the employer is obliged to provide the employee with leave within the period specified in the schedule, and the employee is obliged to use this leave. Any deviations from the schedule must be formalized by the appropriate organizational and administrative document and a note in the schedule. Employees hired after the approval of the schedule can be included in the vacation schedule on the basis of an order or such employees can be granted leave upon application.

We draw up a document

The organization can develop the form of the vacation schedule on its own, while it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Article 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-ФЗ “On Accounting”. This article contains a list of required details of the primary accounting document. When developing your own schedule form, it is advisable to take as a basis the unified form No. T-7, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 01/05/2004 No. 1, if necessary, removing unnecessary information from it and supplementing it with the necessary columns. For example, you can remove codes for OKUD, OKPO and the details of taking into account the opinion of the trade union body (if it is absent) from the vacation schedule form. You can supplement the schedule with a visa for agreeing a document with legal service or other structural units of the organization. The letter of Rostrud dated July 30, 2014 No. 1693-6-1 states that it is permissible to supplement form No. T-7 with columns 11, 12. In one of them, the employee will be able to sign that he knows the start date of the vacation, and in the other - indicate the date notice of the beginning of the vacation (a sample of filling out such a form is given in Appendix 2). The developed form must be approved by the head of the organization on the proposal of the accountant (clause 4, article 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting”).

At the stage of scheduling, the personnel worker fills out columns 1-6. The name of the organization, structural subdivisions, positions, surnames, names and patronymics of employees are indicated without abbreviations. Column 5 reflects the duration of the vacation in calendar days. If the vacation is granted in parts, information about each part of the vacation is drawn up in a separate line. In column 6, put the start date of the vacation. In some organizations, it is customary to indicate not the start date of the vacation, but its entire period, for example, 04/01/2015–04/28/2015. This is not a violation.

The vacation schedule is signed by the head of the personnel service, and approved by the head of the organization. If there is a trade union, it is necessary to take into account the motivated opinion of the elected trade union body (part 1 of article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The procedure for taking into account the opinion of the elected body of employees is established in article 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The Labor Code does not directly oblige the employer to acquaint employees with the vacation schedule. Expert opinions differ on this issue. Some experts consider the vacation schedule to be a local normative act, and therefore, it is necessary to familiarize employees with it. Others believe that local normative act establishes general norms for an indefinite circle of persons, and in the vacation schedule we indicate the names of specific employees, therefore, the schedule cannot be attributed to local regulations and it is not necessary to familiarize employees with it. In practice, most organizations still collect employee signatures, because this makes practical sense: familiarization with the approved schedule gives the employee the opportunity to find out if his opinion on the vacation date was taken into account and, if not, plan the vacation differently. You can familiarize employees in different ways: by including an additional column in the schedule, by collecting signatures on a separate familiarization sheet, or by posting the schedule on the information stand of the organization.

Columns 7–10 are filled in by hand during the year as vacations are granted. In case of granting vacation not according to the schedule, column 8 indicates the name and date of the order on the basis of which the vacation is postponed. In some organizations, it is customary to indicate his statement as the basis for the transfer of leave at the initiative of the employee. This is not true; in order to make changes to the approved schedule, an administrative document, that is, an order, is required. In column 9 indicate the date of the proposed vacation (in the current year or next). Column 7 is filled in as the employees actually use vacations (after all, in different situations, vacations can be provided earlier than the schedule, according to the schedule, or later than the deadline set by the schedule).

Column 10 "Note" can contain any information, as long as it is understandable personnel worker. Here, in particular, you can indicate the reason for postponing the vacation (for example, at the request of the employee; part 2 of article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - recall from vacation; part 3 of article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - if the vacation is not granted, because this will adversely affect the normal course of business of the organization).

The original vacation schedule is stored, as a rule, in the personnel service. A copy of the schedule may be required by the accounting department or the financial service for the needs of accounting or management accounting (in order to estimate how much money needs to be reserved for paying vacation pay in different periods of the year). For other structural divisions of the organization, extracts from the schedule can be prepared - so it will be more convenient for them to organize their activities throughout the year.

The period of storage of the vacation schedule is one year (paragraph 693 of the "List of typical managerial archival documents generated in the course of activities government agencies, bodies local government and organizations, indicating the terms of storage”, approved. Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558). This period is calculated from January 1 of the year following the year of the end of its office work, that is, the vacation schedule for 2015 must be stored until December 31, 2016.

In the absence of a vacation schedule, the perpetrators may be held administratively liable under Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for violating labor and labor protection laws. This article provides for punishment:

  • for officials - a fine from 1000 to 5000 rubles;
  • for legal entities - a fine from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. or suspension of their activities for up to 90 days.

Attachment 1

Note: columns 1–7 are filled in by an employee of the personnel service, columns 8–10 by employees

Annex 2

An example of a vacation schedule

Maria Lapina