How to find out your payroll number at work. Why do you need a payroll number. Assignment order. The procedure for assigning a personnel number

  • 07.05.2020

With a concept like Personnel Number employee”, not every employee faces. Often this is known to those who lead their own labor activity in a large or medium-sized enterprise. The accounting department of a small scale LLC usually does not notify employees. Large factories always tell employees their personnel numbers. Whether employees know about it or not, the assignment of a serial number is carried out by the personnel department or the accounting department. This is regulated by applicable law, and the absence of this paragraph is a violation.

Personnel number - what is it?

In principle, from the name itself it becomes clear what a personnel number is. This is a kind of numerical value that is assigned to a specific employee. This is a cipher that denotes an employee.

The peculiarities of personnel numbers include the fact that they are individual. That is, there are no employees whose code would completely match. At the same time, the personnel number is retained for the dismissed employee. If he continues labor Relations with this employer, then he is assigned his old number.

It is also worth noting that the personnel number of an employee is assigned to him during employment, in the future it does not change. That is, applying for a job fixes a certain code, which in the future remains the same, regardless of a change in position or an increase in salary.

The need for personnel numbers. What are they needed for?

Still, it’s better to figure out why the employer needs personnel numbers. The employee does not receive anything from this. As mentioned above, the employee may not be aware of the presence of such a cipher. However, why was the employee's personnel number originally introduced then? How is this cipher assigned and what does it carry?

Personnel numbers help the accounting department of an LLC or enterprise. They make it easier to carry out electronic document management. Although it is worth noting that personnel numbers at large factories have been used for a long time, even before the emergence of the 1C program.

What are the main points that allow you to use this cipher? This is, first of all:

  • Facilitate the work of HR professionals. This is due to the fact that tracking the personnel number helps not to "lose" an employee when he changes positions.
  • Assisting the accounting department with payroll and issuance wages. Here personnel numbers in 1C are directly related. It is this program that helps to choose an employee not by name or position, but by personnel number.
  • Tracking the presence of an employee at the workplace. Relevant for enterprises that are equipped with electronic system passes.

Specific examples. Why do you need a payroll number?

In order to understand by whom and how a personnel number is assigned to an employee, it is necessary to fully understand why this parameter is needed.

First of all, it helps to avoid unnecessary gossip. So, if when calculating wages, an accountant or a specialist in rationing and remuneration sees only personnel numbers. He cannot understand exactly what amount Ivanov received, and what amount - Petrov. That is, it allows you to further enhance secrecy.

Also, the personnel number helps not to be mistaken. This is another parameter that allows you to check the correctness of the document. This is especially true when there are namesakes or full namesakes. Of course, you can also check the parameters by position or date of employment. However, personnel numbers should not be discounted.

Who can assign?

Personnel numbers are assigned to employees by a specialist in the personnel department. However, it should be noted that the legislation does not regulate the position of an employee engaged in the assignment of ciphers. However, when applying for a job, it is HR engineers who are directly present.

This can also be done by the heads of structural divisions or even the head of the enterprise. In the absence of a personnel worker, an accountant can take his place in this matter.

Who can be assigned a personnel number

Can all employees be assigned a code? Accounting for personnel numbers is usually kept for all employees of the enterprise. Namely:

  • Employees working on a permanent basis.
  • Temporary or seasonal workers.
  • External collaborators.
  • For those who work part-time.

In fact, each employee has his own personnel number, regardless of how long he is employed. It is noteworthy that even students who apply for practice in any department receive their own code.

It is worth noting that if an employee has any combination of jobs or professions within the same enterprise, he still receives one personnel number. An employee who works part-time in two firms has his own, individual code in each of them.

How is an employee's payroll number assigned? What does the law say?

It should be noted right away that the legislation is rather vague about the assignment of a personnel number at an enterprise. In fact, no specific articles in Labor Code or federal laws regulating how a personnel number is assigned to employees, no. Each employer develops for himself the system that helps him to keep a competent and convenient record of these ciphers. Here, internal documents of the organization play an important role. In them, for example, you can define the position of the employee involved in the assignment of numbers.

It is generally accepted that a personnel number is assigned to each employee, and you should start with the first number. In fact, it becomes identical to the concept of "serial number".

Such accounting can be carried out in two ways:

  • With the use of special programs.
  • Manually by an employee.

The latter method is used less and less. This is due to the fact that the most popular 1C program allows you to automatically assign numbers to each newly employed employee of the enterprise.

Assigning a personnel number can seem like a time-consuming process. However, it is not. It is worth sticking with a few simple rules, and this action will be performed automatically.

First of all, the internal documents of the organization should fix this obligation for a specific employee. This will help avoid conflicts in the future. It will also eliminate the situation when no one is responsible for this operation.

Secondly, the direct assignment of the number to the employee should be carried out on the first working day of the employee, and ideally - at the time of conclusion employment contract. In this case, the numbering will be correct and without gaps.

A specific numerical code must be conveyed to employees, as this not only increases their importance in their eyes, but also helps to avoid errors in payroll. This is due to the fact that when writing any applications for financial assistance or for taking a vacation, the employee will indicate, among other things, his personnel number.

Also, this parameter must be indicated without fail in the order for employment. It can be typed into the program or handwritten by a Human Resources representative.

Logbook. Fixing personnel numbers

Enterprises that are forced to use personnel numbers for their employees often use such a document as a personnel number register.

This internal enterprise document can specify the following parameters:

  • Passport data of the employee, including his last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the number and series of the document.
  • The date on which the employee was hired to his main workplace.
  • The number of the employment contract, as well as the date of its preparation.
  • Specialist position.
  • The department in which the employee will work.
  • Payroll number directly.

The personnel number is mandatory for large enterprises. However, smaller companies also use this way make life easier for employees of the personnel department or accounting department. In a general sense, this is the numbering of employees. Since each number is unique, it helps to ensure that cash were given to the right person. This is especially true when employing namesakes or namesakes. Keeping a record of personnel numbers is not a complicated or time-consuming procedure. Basically, it is assigned to a specialist in the personnel department. However, the law allows you to assign this mission to another employee. This fact is written in the documents directly to the organization.

Many, when getting a job, have no idea what an employee's personnel number is and what it is for, but this thing is needed to carry out documentary operations.

At the present time, entrepreneurs have begun to practice assigning an individual personnel number to an employee when hiring. A personnel number is a special digital code that allows you to reduce and facilitate the processing of an employee's personal data related to the time spent at the workplace and not only.

If you do not know what a personnel number is and why it is necessary to assign it, then we will talk about this below. We will also consider the order in which it is issued to an employee of the enterprise and such an innovation as biometric accounting.

What is an individual digital employee number?

All working people in the enterprise are assigned individual numbers, consisting of different combinations of numbers, which subsequently help the accounting staff to process internal movement data. Also thanks to this number computer system all data on wages, holidays, sick leave and time spent at work. All this information may later be needed by an employee who will retire or travel outside the country.

The personnel number is assigned once and for all, even if there is a situation of re-employment in the same place, the system will instantly show it. Based on this, we note that it can be assigned only once at the time of admission of the worker to his first position, and subsequently working time it is not changed, in any case there is no need to do so.

This number is unique for each employee and becomes the main requisite throughout the entire time of work. It is also used as an automatic calculation and all kinds of marks that help to correctly calculate earnings and calculate from it all taxes due to the state.

Individual numerical values ​​are assigned in order, starting with a single value. Usually the number 1 is the chief executive of the enterprise. There are instances in which businesses start assigning exit numbers to newly arrived workers, but it's worth noting that confusion and confusion can result from this. This is not practiced by all firms and enterprises.

How is the number assigned?

As it turned out, personnel numbers of employees help accounting departments to keep special records for the issuance and calculation of wages. In the accounting department, these individual figures appear in every case filed against a worker. But it's worth knowing how these individual digital ciphers can be used to keep records of them and everything else that is connected with them.

There are no specially developed regulations for the correct assignment of individual digital ciphers. Based on this, each organization has the right to create its own rules for the development of ciphers and further correct them.

You should also take into account the basic rules for accounting for labor and wages, which are used in the construction and industrial fields: each employee who is employed for a permanent, temporary, seasonal stay at the workplace is assigned an individual personnel code consisting of several digits. The numbers subsequently serve to process reliable information about the employee. The main provisions and rules may allow for 1-2 years to assign previously used personnel combinations of departed employees to other workers.

For the correct assignment and accounting of time sheets, you need:

  1. Each organization that practices the establishment of personnel numbers when hiring is required to have a worker in its staff who will exercise full control over the assignment, accounting, the registry being created and maintaining all the basic rules for issuing an individual document.
  2. Assigning individual digital combinations to employees who are first hired is required when the entire package of documents is submitted. In extreme cases, the assignment can be made on the first business day.
  3. Assignment occurs in chronological order.
  4. The individual number of the employee must appear in the order, which confirms the employment.
  5. It is impossible to change the number for any reason, as it is assigned once.
  6. In the case of a second device, the worker can get his old personnel number, which is located in the database under his initials. But if, of course, for 1-2 years it was not given to another employee.
  7. Mandatory condition: the employee number must be in the form of Arabic numerals, cannot consist of letters, contain dashes and other separating characters.

Accounting for time spent at work

The assigned number can help in keeping track of working hours. Labor in our life is the only factor of survival and existence on earth. It can only be measured by the time spent. For a more convenient measurement of working time, it is customary to use a personnel number, which will record the time of arrival and departure from the workplace.

The main categories of time accounting are its value and the prescribed norm. The amount of working time can be calculated based on the work performed and the amount of time spent at the workplace. But as practice shows, many employees of enterprises sacrifice their personal time for the timely fulfillment of the goals set by the enterprise. Due to this, the actual hours worked and the prescribed rate diverge.

The worker during the whole year or several months has the opportunity to earn rest and wages. But to correctly calculate the prescribed number of days allotted for rest, and to receive an honestly earned salary, the assigned personnel number will help.

Nevertheless, it is not in vain that personnel numbers are assigned to employees. They, in turn, can instantly give out all the information about the employee and calculate the length of time that was spent at the workplace. There are three main types of time spent at work, such as:

  1. Normal. The amount of time established by law must comply with the 40-hour norm.
  2. Abbreviated. Reducing the time for work can be practiced in the case of admission of individuals who have not reached the age of majority. In this case, the time can be reduced from 1 to 4 hours.
  3. Incomplete. At the time of employment, the employer and worker may agree on an incomplete labor day or shortened week. Typically, such cases occur if the person being arranged is: a student, a pensioner, a disabled person, a housewife. It is also worth emphasizing that this arrangement for vacation and seniority does not affect. The only thing that this can affect is only the payment of vacation days.

Biometric accounting systems

At the present time, new technologies amaze with their characteristics. After all, now you can do without a personnel number, as they came up with new system- biometric. The biometric system is a new method of recording working hours and collecting all personal data about an employee. Such identifiers are unique, as they cannot be destroyed, lost or deceived.

Using them is quite simple and convenient. On the this moment practiced fingerprint recognition. Thanks to such terminals, you can easily fix the time of leaving and coming to work, as a personnel number does. In order for the information to enter the database, you just need to touch the sensor with your finger to scan.

At the same time, such systems include intermediate events during the working day, for example, a lunch break, a business trip, a business trip, and much more, you just need to press a special button that will fix it. Many terminals have cameras that take pictures of the employee after identification. This will only increase the security level of the company.

Employees of enterprises and organizations are far from always faced with such a concept as a personnel number. Moreover, ordinary workers may simply not even know about its existence. But specialists of personnel departments are obliged to keep time records of personnel. And that's just part personnel office work, which is a real science that has its own laws, rules and regulations. At the same time, the section on personnel numbers occupies in it, although not quite official, but quite a significant place.

What is a personnel number

As the name suggests, in fact, Personnel Number is a special digital code of the employee. It is assigned to a person from the moment he begins to perform job duties. Personnel numbers are not repeated and for each employee such a cipher is strictly individual. Throughout the entire period of a person’s work in a particular company, his personnel number remains unchanged.

Even if an employee at some point left the organization, but then decided to return to it, he will be assigned the same personnel number.

I must say that timekeeping is rarely used in small firms, but, as a rule, it is mandatory for medium and large enterprises.

What are payroll numbers for?

Assigning special digital combinations to employees of an enterprise has several goals at once:

  • facilitating the work of accounting department specialists in processing and recording data on internal movements of employees;
  • the personnel number is used to make various marks for a particular employee, which allow in the future to more simply and correctly calculate parameters such as wages and related taxes;
  • these figures make it easy to find all the information about salary, sick leave, time off, overtime, vacations, etc. for one employee or another.

But, nevertheless, the main purpose of the personnel number is to record the time spent by the employee directly at the workplace. To do this, authorized employees of the enterprise record the time of arrival of personnel from work and departure home, all kinds of absences for lunch, on personal matters, etc. In the future, this information makes it possible to determine whether a person worked the allotted time or maybe he had processing, and, based on this, calculate his wages.

If we talk about the time that an employee must spend at the workplace, then there are three main options.

  1. Full time (40 hours a week).
  2. Shortened working hours (20 hours per week or less).
  3. Part-time work (number of hours determined by individually separate agreement between employer and employee).

Most often, the last two paragraphs apply to students, minors, pensioners, people with disabilities and some other categories of citizens.

Who assigns a personnel number to an employee

In each organization that maintains such records of personnel, there must be a specialist who is entrusted with this responsibility. As a rule, this is either the head of the department or an employee personnel department, which subsequently transmit data to the accounting department, either directly to the accountant or a special timekeeper. The latter is especially common in large industrial enterprises. An authorized employee maintains a register and records of assigned ciphers, control over the correctness of their assignment and use

To whom are employee codes assigned?

Personnel numbers must be assigned to all employees of the enterprise where personnel records are kept. In particular:

  • those who are employed on a permanent basis;
  • temporary employees;
  • external partners;
  • seasonal workers.

Attention! If an employee combines positions within the same structural unit or department, it is not necessary to create a separate personnel number for him. However, if his second job is outside this organization or in another department, then assigning a personnel number is quite appropriate.

How a personnel number is assigned

According to the generally accepted rules of personnel and accounting, personnel numbers should be assigned from a single value. As the number of employees increases, this figure, respectively, grows in chronological order, without gaps. To encrypt the personnel number, only Arabic numerals, without introducing any other characters, such as dots, quotes, hyphens, etc.

However, the above information is not strictly binding. The fact is that the law does not contain any special clauses or any regulations governing the assignment of personnel numbers. So, purely theoretically, each enterprise has the right to independently decide how to develop and apply these digital codes to employees, as well as adjust them in the future.

Since personnel records allow you to keep order in maintaining internal documentation, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations when assigning personnel numbers:

  1. A strictly defined employee should be engaged in time accounting;
  2. It is necessary to assign a personnel number immediately after the newly hired employee submits all required documents for registration or on its first working day;
  3. When assigning personnel digital combinations, chronology must be observed, excluding gaps;
  4. It is necessary to bring to the attention of the employee the digital code assigned to him;
  5. Be sure to enter an individual number in.

Assignment of personnel numbers of retired newly hired employees

Sooner or later, almost all specialists involved in personnel accounting at enterprises and organizations ask themselves the question: is it possible to re-assign personnel numbers? Since this is not regulated by law, it is necessary to rely on established practice here. And it is such that usually already used numbers either do not find further use, or are assigned to new employees after at least one year has passed since the employee who was previously listed on it was fired.

Where is payroll accounting recorded?

Enterprises that use the timesheet of employees, as a rule, conduct and payroll journal. It records the following data:

  • surname, name, patronymic of the employee;
  • the date of his employment;
  • position and specialty;
  • the number of the employment contract and its date;
  • structural subdivision in which it is listed;
  • the payroll number itself.


Summing up the above information, we can say that timekeeping is a fairly important part of personnel and accounting records management. However, when assigning personnel numbers, one should be guided by some rules that each enterprise has the right to develop independently. However, their violation does not lead to any sanctions from the regulatory authorities. Nevertheless, an impeccable time sheet greatly facilitates and optimizes the work of personnel and accounting departments, allowing you to avoid errors in payroll and other payments.

Personnel Number

Personnel Number- a unique number of an employee of an enterprise, institution, organization or its major structural unit, under which the employee appears in internal documents, primarily in a personal file, a report card (from which the name comes) and documents for the payment of wages.

The personnel number of an employee is unique within an organization or structural unit that has its own personnel department and accounting department, it is assigned once when applying for a job, it never changes. In some organizations, after the dismissal of an employee, he can no longer be assigned to other employees who come to work later, while in others this is allowed. Usually, personnel numbers are assigned starting from one (the first head of the enterprise usually appears at number 1), each next number is one more than the previous one.

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See what "Personnel number" is in other dictionaries:

    Personnel Number- for days (not counting the time spent on the road) from "" 20 years to "" 20 years Valid upon presentation of a passport Head position signature transcript signature Marks on departure on a business trip, arrival ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    NUMBER, PERSONNEL- the number assigned to each employee when hiring. It is affixed to all documents on the accounting of personnel, output and wages. In the event of dismissal or transfer to another job, the personnel number, as a rule, cannot ... ...

    TIME RECORDING Legal Encyclopedia

    Accounting for the working time of each employee. It is carried out in a time sheet, which indicates the personnel number of each employee, his last name, first name, patronymic, information about working hours for each day of the month ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

    room- a; pl. numbers/; m. (from lat. numerus number) see also. number 1) The ordinal number of an object in a series of other homogeneous ones. House number. Phone number. Document Number. N… Dictionary of many expressions

    BUT; pl. numbers; m. [from lat. numerus number] 1. The ordinal number of an object in a series of other homogeneous ones. N. at home. N. phone. N. document. N. flight, route. N. ticket. N. tasks. Tram n. eight, forty two. Learn, write down, remember, remember, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    ACCOUNTING, TIMETABLE- accounting with the help of the primary document of the time sheet for work and the use of working time, covering all employees of the organization. Each employee is assigned a specific personnel number, which is indicated in all accounting documents ... ... Big accounting dictionary

    ACCOUNTING, TIMETABLE- accounting for attendance at work and the use of the working time of each employee for each working day, carried out using the primary document of the time sheet. That. produced by the method of registering deviations (absences, lateness, etc.). The table shows... Big Economic Dictionary

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    And (outdated) number, a, pl. numbers and (obsolete) numbers, m. 1. The ordinal number of an object in a series of other homogeneous ones. House number. Phone number. Document Number. □ [Voynitsyn] took the ticket, showed the number and went to sit down by the window, while his predecessor… … Small Academic Dictionary

Employees themselves rarely encounter personnel numbers, and often do not even know about their existence. However, many enterprises (often medium and large) use the employee's personnel number in personnel documentation. How this number is assigned and why it is needed, we will tell in this article.

What is a personnel number (TN)?

This is a digital code that is assigned to an employee when applying for a job in an organization once and for the entire period of work, used for the convenience of maintaining personnel records. Even if the employee quits and then re-employs in the same company, he will be assigned the same TN. As a rule, personnel numbers of previous employees are not assigned to new employees, so as not to cause confusion.

TN is used in all documents on accounting of working (worked) time, wages and others and is a unique employee code that allows personnel worker quickly and efficiently process information related to this employee - calculate wages and tax deductions, sick leave, vacations, keep records of hours worked.

How is a payroll number assigned?

The procedure for assigning these codes to employees is not legally established, however, some provisions are contained in the Letter of the USSR State Labor Committee N 75-AB, the USSR Ministry of Finance N 89, the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR N 10-80 dated 04/27/1973 "On the Basic Provisions for Recording Labor and Wages in Industry and construction" (p. 18). According to this Letter, a TR is assigned to each employee hired:

  • constantly;
  • temporarily;
  • for seasonal work.

The TN of a dismissed employee is not assigned to another employee within 1-2 years.

The rules for assigning TN are developed by the organization itself. As a rule, TN consists of numbers, but the company has the right to use other symbols in the numbering. There are no restrictions on this legislation.

The basic principles of TN assignment should be fixed in a document reflecting personnel policy enterprises so that the numbering is uniform.

We list the main points that are common in the issue of assigning TN to employees:

  • responsibilities for the assignment of TN and the corresponding control and accounting should be assigned to one employee;
  • TN is assigned on the day the person applying for a job submits all the necessary documents;
  • TN is indicated in the order for employment;
  • numbering starts at 1 and continues in chronological order. The first TN is assigned to the head of the organization, for example to CEO. However, if the CEO is fired and a new person takes his place, the latter will not be assigned the first TN, but the number following the last hired employee;
  • TN does not change for any reason, is assigned once and for all;
  • when an employee is transferred to another unit within one organization, his TN remains the same, and if he is sent for some period to another enterprise, he will be assigned another TN there in accordance with the rules established at this enterprise.

TN are fixed in the journal of personnel numbers. This document contains the following information:

  • FULL NAME. employee;
  • date of employment of the employee;
  • position or specialty of the employee;
  • details of the employment contract (number and date);
  • structural unit in which the employee is registered (department, shop, etc.);
  • Personnel Number.

TN and accounting of working hours

In enterprises where the amount of wages depends on the time spent by the employee at the workplace, TN is used to record and record the hours of work of a particular employee. If the employee has spent more than the prescribed time at work, he must be given days off or paid for working hours in excess of the norm.

The amount of rest or additional payment will depend on which employee has the working hours:

  • normal - 40 hours a week;
  • reduced - up to 4 hours a day, for example, for minors;
  • part-time - by agreement with the employer, for women with minor children, the disabled, pensioners, etc.

So, despite the fact that the assignment of TN is not mandatory and has not been established by the legislator, TN is actively used by many organizations to this day, which means that TN is a really convenient and effective tool for maintaining personnel records.