The presence of a personnel worker in any company is not a privilege, but a necessity. When is HR Day? When is Personnel Day celebrated in

  • 29.05.2020

Several dozens of professional holidays are celebrated in Russia. This tradition mainly appeared in the Soviet years, however, the events that marked the beginning of certain holidays could have taken place in previous periods of our history.

Some dates are celebrated only on the territory of our country, and some have international status. It happens that the definition of the date of the celebration causes discrepancies. This happened with the Day of the personnel officer, which we often celebrate twice.

When is HR Day celebrated in Russia?

Story personnel service the pre-revolutionary period began in our country. On May 24, 1835, the royal decree “On the relationship between the owners of factory establishments and working people” was issued, which determined the legal relations between employers and employees.

The document became one of the first legal acts on the work and obligations of the parties. He was the first to introduce such concepts as “employment contract”, “compensation upon dismissal”, “compensation for loss of working capacity”, established minimum size wages.

In 2005, at the initiative of the All-Russian Personnel Congress, a holiday dedicated to this date was established. And to the question: “What date is Personnel Officer Day in Russia?” many answer - "May 24". Currently, the National Union of Personnel Officers celebrates the holiday on this day.

What holiday do personnel officers celebrate on October 12?

But there is another day when we honor personnel officers, paying tribute to the traditions that developed in Russia during the Soviet years. Shortly after the establishment Soviet power in the RSFSR, new professional structures began to be created.

So, on October 12, 1918, the People's Commissariat of Justice approved the "Instruction on the organization of the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia." Under this organization, the first personnel apparatuses (personnel departments) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were created.

Later, when many new plants and factories were opened in the country, old enterprises were reorganized, and the need for personnel officers increased. Most enterprises have developed rules for hiring and firing employees, and job descriptions are provided for each position.

Later in the Soviet years, a tradition developed to celebrate the Day of the personnel worker on October 12th.

Do not forget to wish your acquaintances to personnel officers.

What is the correct date to celebrate Personnel Day in Russia?

This holiday is officially Russian Federation is not approved, therefore in different cities of the country and at different enterprises it is celebrated on different days. April 27 can also be considered a contender for the official date of this professional holiday. On this day in 1993, a resolution on work books was adopted in the Russian Federation.

Whenever HR Day is celebrated in Russia, we pay tribute and gratitude to these workers. Among them are recruitment and training specialists, HR managers, HR inspectors, benefits and compensation specialists, heads of human resources departments.

The management of enterprises and organizations highly appreciates the work of personnel officers, because it is on them that the qualitative composition of the staff of companies depends.

The duties of personnel officers, who last years, in accordance with Western tradition, began to be called HR specialists, are not limited to hiring and firing staff.

They calculate the need for specialists, develop job descriptions, evaluate the results of the work of employees (conduct certifications, questionnaires, assess the socio-psychological microclimate in the team), participate in the development of the corporate culture of the enterprise, take part in resolving various labor disputes and conflicts.

HR officers build links between departments of enterprises and individual employees, are engaged in the distribution of areas of responsibility of personnel.

These specialists must have knowledge in many areas - such as law, economics, management, psychology, etc. They must have analytical warehouse mind, be able to conduct a dialogue with people, be purposeful, friendly, responsible and punctual.

On May 24 and October 12, 2018, when the Day of the HR worker is celebrated in Russia, the authorities reward the best employees of the HR departments with diplomas, thanks and memorable gifts.

Television and radio broadcast programs about the profession of a personnel officer and employment of the population, such materials are published in newspapers, magazines and on websites on the Internet.

Regardless of what date the HR Day is celebrated at a particular enterprise, congratulations on both the spring and autumn dates of this holiday will be a pleasure to receive for every specialist employed in this professional field.

Every person at least once in his life turned to employees of recruitment agencies, talked with personnel officers at enterprises, in various organizations, and there are probably such specialists among your acquaintances. Do not forget to congratulate them on their professional holiday, wish them success in their work and personal happiness!

See the most beautiful congratulations on the day of the personnel officer.

Unfortunately or fortunately, no one will give an exact and unambiguous answer to the question of what date Russia celebrates HR Day in 2019. It so happened that Russian personnel officers are a more than unique profession in this sense. Not having an officially approved professional holiday, they, nevertheless, celebrate a day that formally does not exist, as many as twice during the year. How did it happen? Let's take a closer look. Day of personnel officer in 2019: what date is the holiday of personnel workers in Russia, why representatives of this profession can celebrate the holiday twice.

What date is HR Day 2019 in Russia

So, in Russia there are two popular dates for celebrating HR Day: May 24 and October 12. Both dates are quite equivalent and at present they are actually fighting for the right to become the main date of the year for the country's personnel officers.

So why May 24th? On this very day in 1835, the government of the Russian Empire published a document that for the first time defined the legal intricacies of the relationship between employers and employees in our country. In fact, from the publication of that resolution, it is quite possible to count the existence of personnel services in Russia.

However, there is a second date - October 12th. In 1918, exactly 100 years ago, on this day, the first Soviet personnel departments appeared. True, they were departmental, police. And the appearance of personnel departments in the police was only an element in the creation of the worker-peasant police these days

It is difficult to judge which date is more correct. Perhaps, of course, May 24 is more suitable for the meaning of this holiday today. Personnel officers in Tsarist Russia worked in similar economic conditions to modern ones (adjusted for time). Then the enterprises in the country were partly private, partly state-owned, and economic activity was freer than under Soviet rule. On the other hand, the organization of the work of personnel officers at many modern enterprises and organizations, especially large ones, was largely inherited from the Soviet personnel departments.

Curiously, even these two dates are not the only ones when Russian personnel officers celebrate their day.

Without leaning towards any of these days, often the personnel services of an organization celebrate their holiday either on the day when this organization itself was founded, or when the personnel service appeared there.

Modern personnel services are, of course, not only personnel departments at enterprises, as it was in Soviet times. Now working with the personnel of companies and organizations has become more complex. Personnel officers are also employees of recruitment agencies, recruitment agencies, companies and training centers advanced training, etc. Often the work of a personnel officer is given to an organization for outsourcing. In such cases, specially trained professionals, “headhunters”, select workers for the organization that ideally meet the requirements of the employer.

The personnel officers of Russia in 2019, on the one hand, are deprived of an official holiday, on the other hand, they have a unique opportunity to consider several dates on the calendar as their own at once.


Since 2005, May 25 in Russia has been celebrated as the Day of Personnel Officer by decision of the All-Russian Personnel Congress. In 1835, on this day, the first document was issued regulating the relationship between the employee and the employer, it was called "On the relationship between the owners of factory establishments and working people entering these for hire."

Each company has one or more serious and responsible people responsible for working with personnel. Heads of personnel service, personnel managers, personnel inspectors. All these workers have devoted their lives to a very important cause - the employment of citizens, the regulation labor relations, protection labor rights workers. Human resources specialists are needed not only for large enterprises with thousands of employees, but also in any small labor collective.

May 24 HR Day history, postcards, congratulations: congratulations in verse

Although HR Day in Russia is an unofficial holiday, it is celebrated in almost all companies and at all enterprises where there are personnel services. The best employees are encouraged with valuable gifts and cash bonuses, labor collectives spend corporate events in their honor.

Your service is both dangerous and difficult?!
Not the police, but in the frames, because she is!
Why is it dangerous and difficult?
Because she's in the office!

We congratulate you today from the bottom of our hearts,
And we wish the personnel accountable to everyone to grow!
May this day bring joy
And with smiles will bring miracles to everyone!

People rush to the personnel department with papers,
And everyone dreams of a small miracle:
About a couple of days off, about a vacation in May,
To agree on the dates.

Any personnel officer will cope with the matter quickly,
Kohl can find at least a modicum of meaning there.
In their hands is our career,
Therefore, you need to love this area:

Appreciate their work, do not bother
And give a busy hour of rest on the day,
Give coffee, tea, cake and chocolate,
So that during the day the personnel officer is kind, cheerful and happy.

Let me congratulate you
Happy Personnel Day!
Let the work be
Pleasant and easy.

Let the boss be happy
Intelligent team
And encourage generously
For your painstaking work.

We wish you health
beautiful intuition
And holidays in a big way
Cannes or Nice.

We sincerely congratulate you
Happy HR Day.
We invite you to health
Happiness - so that for centuries!

Let people respect you
Appreciate your talent and work.
Let the salary increase
Your nerves are protected.

In your personal life, you are lucky.
Let happiness await you in business.
positive, mood,
All good things in life!

Happy holiday to congratulate you
I want my personnel officer.
Your contribution to the common work
Very important and great.

I want great shots
And salaries of a hundred thousand.
So that in work and personal life
Certainly lucky.

May 24 HR Day history, postcards, congratulations: beautiful pictures of the holiday

Another day of the personnel officer can be safely celebrated on October 12th. On this date, the day of the personnel worker is celebrated. In principle, these are one and the same and there is practically no difference between these two holidays. The main difference is only that the day of a personnel worker is soviet holiday, born in 1918, and the date of May 24 appeared almost a hundred years earlier, under the tsarist regime.

Employment books and contracts,
A pile of documents every day in the morning.
Who will go to the courses, how many years of experience -
You are our personnel officer for sure!

On the day of personnel professions, we want to wish
Stay the same dear person.
Let the work be loved forever
Colleagues please for many years.

To write orders you need to know all the laws
Under what article to dismiss, encourage and punish.
We now congratulate you on the glorious HR Day
All employees of the department are sent on vacation!
So that you forget about work books for a while,
Stretch, smile and be happy.
After all, spring weather will not let you get bored
Try to have fun and not to know the worries of others!

Today is an unusual holiday
Today is Personnel Day!
Let's have a great time
We are this holiday, with a bang.
So that sincere wishes
Gave warm moments
And a whole year of memories
We were cheered up!

HR - what a word!
How much warmth, trust, care is in it
You are neither bad nor evil,
You honor the staff, love, call!
The staff swears allegiance to you today,
Problems can't be solved without you
So let it be easy to work and live happily
And there will be time to love the shots!

Happy personnel officer day, perfection day,
After all, you are perfect in all your deeds,
Let work give you bliss
Gives hope for the field in the clouds!
Let the frames are selected properly,
Such that everyone is proud of them,
Let life and work run quietly, smoothly,
So that you are not happier on earth!

Every company has a person -
He knows everything about the workers of all.

Accepted, director, fired someone,
It won't get past him.

In a simple way, everyone calls him "personnel officer".
Accept our congratulations today.

Health, good luck in everything and always,
Let luck never recede.

In work, let success be a companion,
And let joyful laughter sound every day.

And his work is not so easy,
We heartily congratulate the personnel officer.

If you have found a job of your choice,
So I immediately went to the personnel department in this company.

They will draw up documents, tell everything, explain,
And at working moments they will carefully dedicate.

And today is a special day, a holiday for all personnel officers.
More valuable, new personnel, experts in their field.

Be happy and healthy, let your work be a joy.
And with fun and fun on this holiday to relax.

HR today is a holiday,
Your professional day.
Colleagues we do not know more beautiful
We've been proud of you for a long time!

We wish to walk to work
With the same joy as in the house.
Ready to take care
And help you in everything.

No wonder they say that all cadres decide
And you choose the best for us.
The responsibility of the personnel department is great,
How happy we are to congratulate you now!

Let the year be profitable, the schedule convenient,
Let your office become as cozy as home.
You do so many good deeds for us,
For this we appreciate and protect you.

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D day of the personnel worker - professional holiday employees of personnel departments in Russia. This holiday is unofficial. It is customary to celebrate it every year on the twelfth of October. This date is due to the fact that it was on October 12, 1918 that the first personnel apparatus appeared. Initially, this equipment was used by internal affairs bodies, then by other organizations.

History of the holiday.

This holiday began to emerge in the internal affairs bodies, whose activities largely depend on personnel services. However, later the rapid development of the holiday began to be noted. Today, human resources departments successfully exist in any enterprise.

It should be noted that the employees of the personnel department know that the professional holiday exists on October 12, as well as on May 24. Both holidays are unofficial, but they are truly important.

Nowadays, HR officers are becoming HR managers. People in this profession have a variety of responsibilities and take real responsibility.

What is a profession?

Nowadays, people who receive education in the human resources service are becoming sought-after specialists. This is not surprising, because every company needs good staff able to successfully complete assigned tasks. Otherwise, the organization will not be able to withstand the high level of competition that is noted in every niche of the modern market.

Every manager understands how important cooperation with HR is. It is on these people that the success of the organization largely depends. If the personnel officer selects employees incorrectly, the level of efficiency of the company will immediately decrease, as a result of which it will have to face serious financial losses.

Each personnel officer must show increased responsibility for the work performed. It should be noted that the scope of duties includes not only the hiring of various employees, dismissal, but also numerous routine duties. For example, personnel officers must draw up different documents. Employees of the company must apply specifically to them in order to obtain permission to take sick leave. In addition, they are responsible for the benefits provided, as well as social guarantees.

Employees selected by personnel officers must be able to successfully cope with the tasks set, because the prospects of companies largely depend on this.

The holiday can be celebrated on any day, but at the same time it always becomes important and enjoyable. Usually the celebration falls on October 12 or on the day the personnel service was created in the enterprise. Personnel officers can receive congratulations from colleagues, superiors and officials. Moreover, it is customary to hold concerts and presentation of diplomas. Every year the holiday becomes more and more famous and widespread. The organization is ready to achieve its goals only thanks to the presence of the right, professional team. The personnel service conducts its activities in various directions, therefore a certain versatility is emphasized. In most cases, it is she who should contribute to the development of the company's personnel, the regulation of wages, and certification. In addition, the above responsibilities are only part of a multifaceted labor activity.

Previously, a personnel worker could perform work duties without special higher education. To date, this situation has changed dramatically. Now you should choose only real professionals for work.

Features of the work of personnel officers.

Without fail, the employee who occupies the relevant position must perfectly know the labor code.

There are numerous nuances in the work activity, which are revealed gradually. An inexperienced personnel officer cannot understand the important features of the existing activity, which leads to the constant making of mistakes.

Work involves communication with other people, which is mandatory. Among the existing tasks, it should be noted the conduct of certification and interviews, the adaptation of personnel. For this reason, HR personnel must be sociable and open, be able to show respect, responsibility and organization, and have knowledge of psychology. The adaptation of the company's employees to work activity is supposed, therefore, understanding and interaction with them is necessary.

Computer skills required.

In many situations, personnel officers must perform the duties of other services. This is due to economic benefits. Unfortunately, even today, not every head of the company is able to understand the value of personnel services. Lack of such understanding leads to serious problems with the personnel. It is necessary to constantly improve the level of qualification by attending seminars, courses, trainings, reading regular print and online media. Increasing the level of qualification allows you to successfully complete the tasks, regardless of their level of complexity. Experienced personnel officers are the pride of any company, because they will definitely lead it to success, despite the existing competition.

The holiday, which has the name "Day of the personnel worker", is not officially recognized, but is desired, loved, long-awaited and celebrated everywhere. The choice of the date, most often used as an occasion to congratulate employees of personnel departments, October 12, is dictated by the accomplishment of the historical fact of 1918 - the creation of the first personnel service of the internal affairs bodies. However, there are a few more days on the calendar that bear the festive imprint of HR Day. As the professions of personnel officers spread to all known industries and areas, the need for these specialists increased, and with it the tradition of celebrating this date took root.

It is difficult now to even imagine what would happen if organizations did not have a human resources department, where employees in charge of everything and everything do a huge amount of work to control compliance with laws labor code, personal records of personnel, labor organization, office work. Therefore, a qualified personnel officer is considered a kind of gold bar in the team, whose work is very much appreciated and is encouraged on a professional date by various kinds of congratulatory festive events, all kinds of gifts from superiors and colleagues and general gratitude.

HR Day 2017 - congratulations

You today, personnel officer,
I wish the best!
You are accustomed to being scrupulous -
'Cause it helps

Skillfully select shots,
Big responsibility!
Here you need to show wisdom,
It doesn't happen otherwise!

We wish you business with your
Well managed!
More energy and strength
And smile more often!

Staff worker notes
Your holiday, and I want to say -
We wish you happiness today
And in all matters to succeed!

Personnel - you are always paramount,
And in any enterprise
We need a personnel officer, by all means,
Without him, we will not pick up people!

The personnel officer knows how to look through,
Feels lies and truth a mile away!
May luck always warm you,
You radiate kindness into the world!

Accept congratulations
Today, recruiter!
Good luck and be patient!
I dedicate a verse to you!

May happiness be endless
Fate will give you!
And carefree joy
The world will reward you!

Miracles to you, inspiration,
Thank you for your hard work!
May the joys of the moment
This life is waiting for you!

Postcard for HR Day 2017

Click on the repost to copy to social. net

When is this holiday held? Day of the personnel worker in our country is celebrated on May 24 and October 12.

History and traditions of HR Day

We will talk about how this holiday appeared, about the traditions of celebrating it, and why HR Day is celebrated twice in our country.

The history of personnel service in Russia began in the 19th century. On May 24, 1835, the tsar issued a decree "On the relationship between the owners of factory establishments and working people."

This document, which regulated relations between employers and employees, defined such concepts as “employment contract”, “compensation upon dismissal”, “compensation for loss of working capacity” and others, and also established the minimum wage.

Therefore, the Day of the personnel worker is celebrated on this day. The holiday was established in 2005 at the initiative of the All-Russian Personnel Congress. Today, the date of May 24 is an unofficial holiday for employees of personnel departments.

Why is HR Day celebrated twice in Russia?

Another date of celebration is connected with the traditions that developed in the Soviet years. During this period, the personnel service in our country has undergone significant changes.

On October 12, 1918, the People's Commissariat of Justice approved the "Instruction on the organization of the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia." In the RSFSR, the first personnel apparatuses (personnel departments) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were created.

Certain rules for hiring and firing workers were introduced at all enterprises in the country, and job descriptions were developed for each position. And personnel officers began to celebrate their official professional holiday on October 12.

How is HR Day celebrated?

How is the celebration going? On the Day of the personnel officer, the management of enterprises and colleagues congratulate employees of the personnel departments on the holiday. best workers are awarded with certificates and valuable gifts.

The quality of the work of personnel officers depends on how the organization is able to achieve its goals. Personnel departments employ people with special education. They must have knowledge in many areas - such as law, economics, management, psychology, etc.

In recent years, we have begun to call personnel officers HR-specialists, as in the West. They are not only engaged in the selection and hiring of personnel, but also build effective relationships between various departments at enterprises, distribute the areas of responsibility of employees.

Personnel officers develop job descriptions and evaluate the performance of employees. The work of these specialists is very important, and it is not surprising that in Russia the Day of Personnel Department workers is celebrated twice.

If you want to know what date is HR Day and everything about this holiday, read this article.

There is not a single large and small enterprise in which such people would not work who are responsible for the selection of personnel, the regulation of work between different departments, and are responsible for protecting the rights of workers working in the enterprise. It is this kind of workers that are called personnel officers, or, as it is now fashionable to say, a recruitment manager. When is HR Day? 12 October.

Who is a staff member

It is from the personnel officers that the qualitative composition of the specialists who were hired depends. Because, it is the personnel officer who will be able to discern in any employee a good or bad specialist.

Any personnel worker must quickly respond to various changes in the state and in production. Sometimes, the well-coordinated work of the entire enterprise depends on it. Therefore, any director always appreciates such a cool specialist.

There is a simple and wonderful truth; "Cadres decide everything." And there is logic in this. Qualified personnel depend on the personnel worker. The ability to discern a classy specialist is not an easy task. Therefore, only people with extensive work experience and knowledge of human psychology are taken to such a responsible position.

HR is always on in good standing

As for when is the day of a cadre worker in Russia? The following can be said about this. There is no official holiday of a personnel worker in the Russian Federation. But personnel officers celebrate their professional holiday twice a year - on May 24 and October 12. Why is it so? Now let's explain.

As for May 24, in 1835, a circular was issued in Russia "On the relationship between the owners of factory establishments and working people ...". It was this paper that became the basis that regulated all relationships and interaction between workers and employers.

On October 12, 1918, in Soviet Russia, a decision was made by the People's Commissariat of Justice "On the organization of the Soviet-peasant militia", in which the first personnel apparatuses of law enforcement agencies were created.

That is precisely what is being reported on these dates, on the creation of such services as personnel workers.

So, one can speak with confidence in the literacy and qualifications of the personnel service in Russia. Our cadres have always stood for the protection of the rights of workers, and also regulated the entire process in the work of the enterprise.

The main thing is that the correct and well-calibrated actions of personnel workers, recruitment managers have never made it possible to produce low-quality or defective products. And this is a powerful argument for any enterprise.

We note right away that in Russia there is no official fixed date for celebrating the Day of a personnel worker or the Day of a personnel officer. Often at large enterprises this professional holiday is celebrated on the day of the formation of the first labor collective, a change in management policy or another event that seriously affected the organization of production (see - what date).

Date of celebration of the Day of personnel officer in 2017

Despite this, there is an unofficial date (and not even one) on which most personnel officers celebrate their holiday for historical reasons. On May 24, 1835, back in the days of the existence of the Russian Empire, a government decree promulgated the first legalized agreement between the employer and the work team, called “On the relationship between the owners of factories. establishments and working people who come to them for hire. This document regulated the relations between hired personnel and their management. This document became the progenitor employment contract with a description of official powers, fixed wages and compensations issued to the employee for disability or upon dismissal. Therefore, this particular date May 24 It is customary most of all to refer to a professional holiday - the Day of the Personnel Officer.

There is a second, no less important date for celebrating the Day of a HR worker - October 12. This day has its roots in 1918, the time of the soviets and the formation of a new working society. This is what contributed to the adoption of a special document called "Instructions on the organization of the workers' and peasants' Soviet militia." It was during the formation of such a militia that the Bolsheviks first introduced personnel departments MIA.

The importance of the HR profession

The work of the personnel officer is very responsible and branched. It is on the shoulders of a worker in this profession that the organization of a professional and cohesive team, satisfied with the working conditions and the guarantees and benefits due to him, falls. The personnel officer monitors office work and organizes the training and retraining of working personnel, is responsible for the motivating aspects of working life and wages. Therefore, at some enterprises in 2017, HR Day will be celebrated even twice - on May 24 and October 12.

Also see: what date will be celebrated.


HR Day in 2017, what date is this professional event celebrated in Russia? First, it must be emphasized that the holiday was officially included in the calendar of memorable dates of the Russian Federation only in 2005. Until that moment, the unofficial Personnel Day was celebrated. This is the explanation of why this holiday falls on different days.

When to celebrate?

HR Day in the Russian Federation is celebrated on May 24, but additionally this holiday also falls on October 12. It is the second date that is official and fixed at the legislative level. Why was the celebration moved from May to October? So it was more logical to coincide with the events of 1918. What then happened?

In that distant year, the People's Commissariat of Justice adopted a special instruction. According to it, the first militia, made up of peasants and workers, was created in the new country. Yes, it is not yet clear what the HR Day has to do with it. But it was precisely according to this instruction, among other things, that the establishment of the first personnel apparatus was prescribed. They also thought that April 27 could be a contender for the official date of this professional day, the site reports. Because, on this date in 1993, a resolution on work books was adopted in the Russian Federation.

But it so happened that many personnel officers of our country celebrate their professional day on May 24 in the old fashioned way. Here, too, the date was not chosen by chance, because in 1835 a decree was issued on the relationship between working people and places (factories, plants) where they worked for hire. That is, then it was approved legal form relationship between employer and employee.

About the profession of a personnel officer

Now why and when is HR Day in 2017, what date is it in Russia in October. But not many people know, especially for the younger generation of people, what exactly personnel officers do. They are responsible for hiring and firing employees. They work according to the approved job descriptions. Today, most people are legally literate and know how the relationship between a subordinate and an employer should be built correctly.
It is clear that at the heart of the success of any enterprise lies precisely the staff. The HR manager is responsible for recruiting motivated and dedicated people who will work for the prosperity of the company. At first glance it seems that this simple work, but here you need to understand that it is extremely difficult to find a suitable applicant for a vacancy in all respects. It is required not only to select people on the basis of resumes, but to interview everyone and make the right choice, not to make a mistake.

In honor of the holiday, you can cook delicious minced hedgehogs with rice and gravy in a pan.

It doesn’t matter what date the HR Day in 2017 in Russia is celebrated by a specific specialist, everyone wants to receive congratulations on this professional holiday. These should be kind and pleasant words about how much the profession of a personnel officer in modern world important. And this is how it really is, because today it is extremely difficult to select a good and interested specialist, in Soviet times everything was much simpler and clearer.

HR in Russia

It is probably no coincidence that in our country this professional holiday is celebrated twice a year. Because, at large and small enterprises, they understand how important it is to have a specialist in their staff who knows how to select employees, helps new employees adapt and maintains the integrity, interest and motivation of the team.

So, the work of a personnel officer is responsible and branched. Today, this is especially evident when the task of organizing a professional team united by a common goal and motivated to work even better falls on the fragile shoulders of this specialist. The personnel officer controls, among other things, office work, training and retraining of personnel, wages and other options for motivating modern employees. So, celebrate this professional holiday twice, and on May 24 and October 12, just to make personnel officers happy.

More about the double date

To finally understand the issue, HR Day in 2017, what date is it in Russia (a postcard on any day will be relevant and will cause a smile), let's summarize. The unofficial HR Day is celebrated on the 24th of May. As for the official date, it falls on October 12th. The document on holding the holiday on this day has been strictly regulated since 2005.