Corporate events for employees. Corporate events: what documents will be needed. Choosing an event organizer

  • 13.11.2019

It was creative and left the best memories for all guests, you should take care of the format of its holding.

We bring to your attention stylish and unusual ideas for unforgettable corporate parties for every taste.

1 // office party

Corporate event that takes place in the format social networks. It features performances by animators in capes with logos of popular apps, installation fences for writing messages, wall newspapers with the ability to place photos with comments on them.

With the help of special guns, the foam show can be held both indoors and outdoors.

If the company employs young and energetic employees, they are guaranteed delight and pleasure!

3 // In the format of the Eurovision Song Contest

Best suited for a team that has "singing talents". Each of the participants performs, after which the "jury" evaluates the performance and determines the winner.

The main condition is not to be afraid from head to toe to be in paints of all colors, with which, according to Indian tradition, participants sprinkle each other, while pouring water.

5 // In body art style

To create fantasy images of guests, face painting is applied to their faces during the evening, and a professional photographer and cameraman capture the created beauty on camera.

6 // Mafia game

An entertainment for a corporate holiday that has already become traditional, which allows you to show intuition and psychological qualities of participants.

Employees are divided into several teams and take part in a test of intelligence and decision-making speed, answering interesting questions.

A musical game to recognize a famous hit by the first notes of its fragment. The team that guesses the song the fastest wins.

To immerse yourself in the world of economic strategies, you will need a giant copy of the famous board game. In an enlarged format, some details will look very realistic.

10 // Trick Secrets

First, the magician demonstrates tricks to the audience for half an hour, inviting the audience as assistants.

During the next part of the program, he reveals the secrets to the audience and teaches some numbers.

11 // Interactive science show

In the company of "mad scientists" it will also be interesting for adults to look at chemical experiments and tricks, as well as to participate in scientific experiments themselves.

12 // Sixth Sense Game

Amusing props are used for entertainment, and players during the game need to use their 5 senses along with the sixth - intuition.

13 // Costume photo session

With the help of a dresser with props (costumes, wigs, accessories), colleagues are reincarnated into new images, in which the photographer captures them against the backdrop of the corresponding interior. And the captured photos can be placed on office calendars.

14 // With cartoonist

If employees are not devoid of a sense of humor, you can invite a cartoonist. A cheerful mood and a funny gift in the form of a self-portrait are provided for everyone.

15 // Dance Marathon

An experienced teacher of one of the types of dance is invited to the corporate party, who teaches those present his basic movements. And then all the guests, to the sound of music, demonstrate their skills to each other.

16 // Culinary duel

Two in one - both entertainment and treats for the holiday. Under the guidance of the chef, guests will prepare delicious dishes and have plenty of fun.

17 // Wine tasting

An invited sommelier will teach you how to properly use wine accessories and choose glasses for various kinds wines, as well as share stories from the life of winemakers.

18 // Creative workshop

A great opportunity to have a good time and gain new knowledge at the same time. For women's groups, carving, decoupage, scrapbooking are suitable, for men - drum training, a master class on making cocktails, etc.

19 // Movie quiz

Movie buffs will love this one. They will be asked to remember Interesting Facts about domestic and world cinema, quotes and soundtracks from famous films.

20 // Olympic style

Skiing and sledding, snowboarding, team biathlon, winter football are the components of the corporate party, which is held by especially "hot" and sports teams. Instead of standard outdoor banquet tables, "warming stations" are installed for them.

21 // Promenade Theater

This type of acting performance, in which the viewer both observes the ongoing action and is freely involved in the interactive process as one of the characters.

With the help of professional decorators, an office space or a room specially rented for a corporate party is styled as a communal apartment, a pioneer camp, etc. The dress code is set according to the theme of the past.

23 // Joke Auction

During it, serious “for sale” lots wrapped in wrapping paper alternate with comic ones. The participant who offers the highest price for the mysterious item buys it and shows it to the curious public.

24 // With animals

The trend of invitations to corporate parties of trainers with animals in last years gain popularity. Spectacular culmination new year event will be the appearance of the symbol of the coming year.

25 // Eco-corporate

Natural food and drinks on the tables, natural materials in the decoration of the hall, the style of clothes of the guests a la "rustic chic" - all these are elements of one of the latest festive trends.

26 // Wellness-corporate

trend idea healthy lifestyle life can be realized in corporate celebration. For example, you can organize a trip to a Turkish hammam or a Finnish bath, where you can enjoy the taste of herbal teas and healthy food in between sessions.

27 // ATV

Those wishing to feel the excitement of speed and adrenaline rush can be recommended to turn the ignition key, squeeze the gas pedal and go on a trip through the meadows, fields or forests. Vehicle rental services are offered by various quad clubs.

28 // Hot air balloon

Air flights for companies of colleagues are usually arranged at dawn or at sunset, when the sky around strikes the eyes of ballooning participants with unusual colors. At the end of the flight, everyone is given a commemorative certificate of participation in such a euphoric event.

29 // Exotic corporate party

Such a corporate party is good to hold on the shore of a reservoir or near a pool, surrounded by real or artificial palm trees and invited people in bathing or beach suits.

If the venue is an indoor venue, an alternative to sunbathing can be the use of tanning lamps.

30 // Musical

You can order a musical with the participation of employees from holiday companies. With the help of professional stage directors, a dynamic and spectacular dance and singing show will be presented to the attention of the audience.

31 // Shooting a movie

With the assistance of the coordinators of the film process, colleagues create their favorite film, the editing and premiere of which take place on the day of the corporate party. The result of the shooting becomes an unexpected surprise not only for the audience, but also for the participants in the story.

32 // Corporate Disco

The team is divided into 3 teams, each of which, for several rounds, together represents different musical eras: the 50s (dudes), 60-70s (hippies) and 80-90s (disco). Charge Have a good mood everyone will get from beautiful music!

33 // "Like Guinness"

5-6 active and passive zones are placed on the site to set professional records. Thematic records of the company are thought out in advance, which will be broken at the corporate party by its participants.

For these and many other corporate ideas, welcome to the agency " »!

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"Event Consulting Service"- modern b2b event-company of full cycle. We are trusted biggest brands and government structures.
Corporate events, hr-events are an effective way to form and develop a corporate culture, a tool for solving business problems.
Organization of corporate events is a solution tool for us business tasks supplied by the Customer.

An excellent team, clear logistics, creativity and proven partners, a solid material and technical base - all this allows us to create bright, interesting, modern and effective events.

"Event Consulting Service" cares about the quality of organized events. Remote questioning of participants following the results of the event with the presentation of a report is a free service for the Customer.

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Where to celebrate a corporate party in Moscow

Corporate parties are often the most long-awaited events for employees of any organizations, because they are great way relax, take a break from difficult working days and just have fun in the circle of a friendly company of your colleagues.

With the holidays approaching, both the bosses and the employees themselves are asking questions, where can they celebrate a corporate party? Where to order a corporate party? Who can be entrusted with the organization and holding of a corporate holiday? These issues are of particular concern to the residents of our capital, because in Moscow there are a huge number of establishments, as well as companies that organize holidays and corporate parties. Finding among all the variety of those who are able to really do their job with high quality from start to finish is quite difficult.

If you and your team are looking for a company that will organize and hold a memorable corporate event in the Moscow region or Moscow, contact Event Consulting Service! Here you can order the organization of a corporate party, an anniversary of your company, a winter or summer corporate party, a New Year's celebration and any other corporate holiday.

"Event Consulting Service": high-quality organization and conduct of corporate events

"Event Consulting Service" works exclusively in the b2b sector. Responsible approach and creativity allow organizing corporate holidays at the highest level, creating truly interesting and memorable events.

You no longer have to rack your brains over where and how to hold a corporate holiday, where to find original scripts holding a long-awaited celebration. On our site you can choose finished script holiday from the catalog or order the development of an individual script for a corporate event in Moscow. When preparing the holiday, we will definitely take into account all your wishes and financial possibilities. With our company, no event will turn into a dull gathering at the festive table.

When organizing large-scale holidays in Moscow and the Moscow region, we are ready to offer a wide range of interesting events, and we are also ready to take on all the necessary approvals.

Organization of corporate parties

As a rule, a corporate party differs from a full-fledged corporate holiday. It has a short duration, a more modest budget and is devoid of a long official part. Thus, holding corporate parties is not the easiest thing to do, because the organizers need to overcome many restrictions in order to hold a small holiday worthy.

Organizing a corporate party even according to a standard scenario, our specialists strive to make it individual, as interesting as possible for guests. Imagine receiving a mini-bottle of Cuban rum in sealing wax as an invitation to a Cuban party, and entering a cowboy party and seeing yourself as a cowboy on a WANTED! poster. These are just small examples. Such trifles create a positive mood and are part of a good corporate holiday.

Are you planning to organize and hold a corporate party on your own? We recommend starting from familiar images and associations. This is due to the fact that in a short period of time guests should be immersed in the atmosphere of a certain theme. In our catalog of programs you will find many offers for theme parties. The main advantages of choosing a ready-made program include savings Money on scripting and program development. For little money, you get a tried and tested option.

Why choose us?

Since 2010 Event Consulting Service has been a successful organizer of corporate events and corporate holidays in Moscow. Our specialists know exactly where to hold a corporate party, which will delight all employees of your company. We are ready to offer you:

  • holding a corporate party in Moscow;
  • holding corporate holidays in the Moscow region;
  • holding New Year's, anniversary and other corporate events;
  • organizing a summer corporate party;
  • development of an individual scenario;
  • equipment rental

and not only.

"Event Consulting Service" saves you time and effort

Time is an irreplaceable resource. Optimization of business processes, modern technical solutions allow us and the Customer to significantly reduce the time spent on preparing and holding a corporate event.

Event preparation:

Organization and holding of the event:

  • Large selection of ready-made event programs in the catalog on the website
  • Knowledge of the main corporate platforms in Moscow and Moscow Region
  • Operational preparation of the CP
  • Detailed estimates
  • Various options for contractual and reporting documentation
  • Documentation package for security services
  • Skype consultations and meetings
  • Phone conferences
  • Project Cloud Folder
  • Preliminary information*
  • Reference and information phone for event participants
  • SMS informing
  • Online registration
  • On-line anjenda on the site or in PPT
  • Mobile applications
  • Site navigation
  • On-line survey - feedback

The company's many benefits include:

  • a wide range of tested copyright programs;
  • excellent recommendations and reviews;
  • favorable prices;
  • verified leaders;
  • possibility of PR-support;
  • solid material and technical base;
  • own venues for corporate events;
  • clear logistics, modern technologies;
  • loyalty programs

Conducting corporate events is not only aimed at entertainment for employees, but is a necessity for the management of the company, HR-specialists. Through internal PR, it is possible to achieve more coordinated and efficient work of the team, increase the non-material interest of employees in vigorous activity aimed at a common goal.

Why are corporate events important?

Everything that takes place within the company - from business meetings to happy Holidays, - designed to solve important tasks organizations. the main objective corporate events - team building, in other words, increasing team spirit, employees' trust in each other, motivation to work in a team. It is necessary that employees develop a sense of their personal involvement in the company, have an interest in the development of the company.

Let's note what other tasks are facing the events aimed at forming a corporate culture within the company: 1. Retaining employees in the company, increasing their loyalty to the organization. 2. Intangible motivation of employees through awards, birthday greetings, organizing free concerts, etc. 3. Strengthening the relationship between management and staff. Corporate events provide an opportunity for informal, more confidential communication between top managers and other employees. 4. Identification of internal problems of the company, its shortcomings personnel policy. 5. Familiarization of employees with changes in the enterprise: new solutions, employees, plans. 6. Promoting the traditions and values ​​of the company. 7. Improving the emotional background in the team.

Types of corporate events:

Depending on the specific purpose, situation and tone, corporate events are classified into a number of varieties: business (reception with the head, meetings, presentations, summing up the year); developing (seminars, master classes, trainings, conferences); team-building, or team-building (cohesion training, business games, competitions, rope course, hiking); sports (games, competitions, races, tournaments); entertaining (corporate holidays, receptions, concerts, corporate events in nature);

Solemn (rewarding employees, conferring titles) Often, the features of various kinds of events are combined in one. For example, corporate events in nature can combine a team-building game, a sports competition and a picnic. In any case, all elements of what is happening should be aimed at one result and strictly organized.

Planning of corporate events

Without a well-thought-out script and clearly defined goals, a training or party can turn out to be chaotic and frustrating for employees. At the stage of drawing up a plan for a corporate event, it is imperative to take into account the following points: the interest of employees in the upcoming event (preliminarily clarified through a survey); voluntary participation in the event; clear time frames; the date of the event should suit the majority; carefully and pre-selected premises, suitable in terms of capacity and comfort, corresponding to the conditions of the event (conference, holiday); preparation of a clear, detailed scenario of a corporate event, its coordination with everyone who takes part in the organization, speaks; responsible approach to design: from corporate invitations to hall design. The organization of a corporate event is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to involve each participant in it. It should be borne in mind that some like to help organize the event, others like to participate in competitions, others like to give a speech, and the fourth like to receive prizes.

Tamara Chukardina, Vice President, People's Insurance Company "Recon", Moscow

  • What corporate events in the company bring maximum benefit
  • How to organize a corporate event for staff
  • How to motivate employees

Practice shows: the smaller the team of the company, the more united and friendly it is. At the same time, on corporate events in the company do not spend too much money - usually employees just drop off and celebrate the event right in the office or all together go to an entertainment venue. With the growth of the company and the formalization of all aspects of its life, certain goals are set for corporate events for the staff, respectively, new problems arise related to the organization of holidays.

Purpose of corporate events

Formation of a single corporate spirit, support of the company's ideology. First of all, corporate events in the company should be held for top and middle managers. If a common goal is clearly set for these people and particular tasks are agreed upon, they will be able to convey them to subordinates. To feel like a team, sometimes it’s enough just to do game exercises together.

For example, in our company, we invited psychologists from the corporate training center to a field event organized for the best salespeople and directors of network territorial agencies. They held a training, the main task of which was to unite people. The teams were given the task to play with a certain topic (“accident insurance”, “animal insurance”, etc.). The participants were given whatman paper, colored paper, felt-tip pens, and in an hour they had to make a drawing on their topic.

Establishing relationships between employees and between departments. If management spares money for corporate events, negative changes may begin in the company. For example, the strengthening of isolated groupings between which there is an unhealthy competitive struggle. For information on how to identify an informal subculture that has developed in a company, read the material in the "Problem - Solution" section. Unnecessary competition greatly interferes with work. At any event (training, reporting, etc.), in addition to the “mandatory program”, people should have the opportunity to communicate in an informal setting.

Incentive for better results. When a person feels that the company is interested in him, he adjusts accordingly. For example, after holding corporate events for agents, sales volumes increase. And not only for experienced agents, but also for beginners. You can focus the team on the best results with the help of various events, for example, open competitions, corporate training, internal conferences, etc. (see Types of corporate events).

  • Corporate governance in an enterprise: examples of effective implementation

Types of corporate events

Educational: team interaction trainings (on the formation of internal communications), corporate seminars and conferences.

Business: presentations, meetings of dealers, award ceremonies. The main thing in such events is to withstand strict business style, emphasize the importance of partners and friends of the company.

Entertainment parties: all corporate holidays. Plays a key role interesting scenario, which unites all employees and colleagues of the company. Recently, the minds of Russian organizers of corporate holidays have won the direction of team building - (English team building) - games and trainings specially designed for corporate holidays.

Intellectual - events based on the personal development of each employee. This can be a trip organized by the company to historical places (for example, along the Golden Ring), intensive tours, competitions between departments, etc.

To What corporate events in the company bring maximum benefit

The answer to the question about the benefits of corporate events for staff depends on the type of activity of the company, the number and average age of its staff. All companies, including large manufacturing enterprises with a large staff, it is worth holding general events at least once a year (for example, a holiday or sports competitions). Small and medium-sized companies have more choice: with a small number of employees, employees can participate together in almost any event.

The sales division will benefit from competitive activities (sports, team tournaments, karting, paintball). For the managerial level, a “rope course” is suitable, which allows you to show leadership and organizational skills. For IT employees, perhaps the best option it will be easy to get together at the same table to chat in an informal setting. The effectiveness of the event is affected by the correct attitude of the staff. It is necessary to prepare employees morally (to arouse interest, form positive expectations) and technically (participants must imagine what awaits them).

Some types of corporate events for staff and the cost of organizing them


Average cost of third-party organization services

Examples of companies practicing the event

Holiday in a restaurant

Hall rental (with menu) - from 15,000 USD (external organizer selects a restaurant free of charge)
Food, drinks - from 10 USD per person
Concert program: Host - $250
Music - from 350 USD
Dance numbers (2 people) - from 200 USD
Show ballet (8 people) - from 350 USD
Parodists - from 100 USD
Rooms with animals (crocodiles, monkeys, pythons, dogs, weasels, cats, pigeons) - from 70 USD (for each block of rooms)
Butterfly rain - from $20 per butterfly
Sound equipment, lighting equipment, radio microphone, etc.) - from 300 USD
Photography: One film (with proof print) - from $30
digital photo - from $50 per hour
studio photo - from $200
photo album - from 200 USD
photo printing - $0.5 / piece
Video Recording: VHS format - from $15 per hour
Digital Video (DV, DV Pro, Betacam) - from $25 per hour
Editing footage - from $100
DVD production - from $30
Multi-camera shooting with broadcast - from 1500 USD
Video greetings famous people- from 500 USD
Interior decoration: Flower arrangement for buffet line - from $40
Floral decoration of columns, balconies with garlands - 60 USD per meter
Flower Arrangement Floor Stand - from $80
(company data: Focus art studio, Maximum Show Group, Solnechny Day agency).

"Afisha" organizes holidays twice a year in a restaurant for employees for 2000-3000 people with several concert venues
Publishing House "Kommersant" marks each New Year in a restaurant with concert program
Alfa-Bank celebrates the New Year in the restaurant
Insurance Company"Garmed" celebrated its tenth anniversary at the restaurant "Actor" with all the attributes: a birthday cake, a show ballet, congratulations to the artists and a launch into the sky balloons
The company "Artlife" celebrated its eighth anniversary in the restaurant "Festival of Success"

Catering (off-site restaurant)

Cocktail, coffee break - from 5 USD per person
Buffet - from 10 USD per person
Buffet - from 40 USD per person
Banquet - from 40 USD per person
Comprehensive option: from USD 20 per person (the price includes the menu, chefs, transportation, cutlery rental)
You can separately order for the holiday in the office:
Loaf - from 15 USD
Classic cake - from 15 USD / kg, multi-tiered or with a logo - from 20 USD / kg, exclusive - from 30 USD / kg

Catering is practiced by many companies, such as MTS, ROSNO, Rusal, Sibneft, AFK Sistema, Sistema Telecom, Slavneft, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, Independent Media, Philip Morris

Sport competitions

Single lane rental - from $10 per hour
Field rental - from 500 rubles. in hour
Entrance ticket for one person - 100 rubles.
Equipment rental - 400 rubles.
You can also rent (buy):
Box with balls (2000 pcs.) - 3000 rubles.
Grenade - 200 rubles.
Camouflage, body armor, helmet, weapons - free of charge
Rent a tent, barbecue, volleyball court - free of charge
(data from the paintball club Sabotage)
Hourly payment(playing field, equipment for the team) - from 3000 rubles. in hour.
American - 50 rubles. per token
Russian - 200 rubles. in hour.

LLC "Tomsktransgaz" holds winter sports days with the participation of all divisions
Gradient Alpha Group organizes a rally
"Belomortrans" organizes competitions in football, volleyball, motorsport; the company established its own football cup "Belomortrans"
Weld holds paintball competitions
Kommersant publishing house holds weekly football matches, has its own team
EuroChem holds a volleyball sports day
On Metallurgist's Day, Rusal held a mini-golf game, organized a pig race with a tote

Picnic in nature

Bus order - from 40 USD per hour
Boat order - from 200 USD per hour
Food - from USD 20 per person per day
Boat and bicycle rental - from 80 rubles. and from 130 rubles. respectively
Rent a tent (includes tables, chairs, disposable tableware, barbecue, skewers, coal, firewood, toilet, washbasin) - from 3000 rubles. (for a maximum of 20 people)
Cook services - from 800 rubles.
Rent of a part of the beach (includes barbecue, skewers, disposable tableware, coal) - from 1000 rubles. (for about 10 people)
Guarded parking - 100 rubles.
(data from Paintball club)

Moregrand employees go on picnics in the suburbs on the banks of the Pirogovskoye reservoir
Grand Cherokee held a festive picnic on the occasion of the presentation of a new car model, pop stars and photojournalists were invited
In honor of the company's birthday, Laura Group of Companies held a festive picnic in a beach restaurant on the shores of the Gulf of Finland

Team-building training (team building)

One-day training program (scenario development, costumes, equipment) - from $50 per person
(Super Team data)
If a buffet is added to the game, the cost will increase by $20 per person

The trainings were ordered by the following companies: GC "Apex", "Rosgosstrakh", "Rosinter", "Rusal", TV company "TNT", IKEA

Departure to the rest house

Rest in boarding houses of the Moscow region - 1500-3000 rubles. per person per day
Transport rental - from 750 rubles. in hour
(data from the travel company Dreams Tour)
The average cost of renting a meeting room is $30.

The company's birthday was celebrated in rest houses by Garant, Russian Coal, etc. Some companies, such as Audio Visual Systems, include paintball, bowling, a visit to the water park, a banquet, fireworks in the holiday program

Holding an internal conference

The average cost of the event (including rental, coffee breaks, lunch, mineral water, service) - from 40 USD per person
(data from InfoProstranstvo)
Rent of conference rooms in Moscow (from 25 sq. m.) - from 250 USD per day (from 9:00 to 18:00) or from 45 USD per hour
Additionally you can order:
Screen - $10
Flipchart with paper and markers - $15
Sound reinforcement system (with one wireless microphone) - $150
Wireless Microphone - $50
Plasma Panel - $150
Internet access - from $90 per day
Technical support (one service manager per hour) - $25

Many companies (for example, Rehau, VEKA Rus) hold employee meetings to summarize the results of the year
The Avers-Vet company (veterinary services) holds internal conferences on therapeutic practice

Tourist trip

River cruise - from 500 USD per person (six-day, with meals, on the route Moscow - Yaroslavl - Uglich (Rostov) - Moscow)
Bus tour (two days) around the cities of the Golden Ring - 3400 rubles. per person (travel by tourist bus with coffee maker and video, hotel accommodation, meals, excursion program, guide accompaniment)
Excursion trip to St. Petersburg (two days) - from 3400 rubles. (railway (compartment), excursions, accommodation in a three-star hotel)
(data from the Aizorel travel agency)

Employees of Kelly Services annually go on a joint tour abroad
CompuTel celebrated the company's 10th anniversary with a tour around the cities of the Golden Ring
The St. Petersburg Electrotechnical Company arranged a premium tour "to the three seas" in Israel for a group of employees

Holidays. We, like most companies, celebrate two traditional holiday: New Year and birthday of the company. The optimal form of the holiday is a feast and entertainment. We tried other options, like going to the theater together. But this is a waste of money, because in the auditorium everyone is on their own anyway: this event does not bring people together. In addition, people have different tastes and it is very difficult to please everyone. If, nevertheless, the choice fell on such an event, then it is worth getting together and sharing your impressions of what you saw.

CEO speaking

Alexander Reznik, General Director of Trial Market LLC, Moscow

Experience shows that the most beloved and effective (in terms of team building) are two annual holidays - the New Year and the birthday of the company. In addition to these events, employees, gathering in a narrower circle, celebrate their local events. This usually happens within the same division or with the participation of employees occupying approximately equal positions in the company structure. For example, the whole department goes to bowling. Maintaining friendly relations outside the company is well reflected in the work - the team becomes more cohesive.

Competitions and awards. Such events are an important method of non-material incentives. For example, we traditionally announce competitions for sales departments. So, at the end of last year, tough and largely unfair competition for the sale of OSAGO policies was outlined in the insurance market. We were faced with the task of maintaining the portfolio and increasing sales volumes in these conditions. We did not raise the commission for agents, but chose a different path. For the agent who has renegotiated (prolonged) the largest percentage of OSAGO contracts, we have established a prize - a plasma TV. In parallel, the second competition was announced - the sales volumes of CASCO agreements were taken into account - also with prizes (laptops, digital cameras, Cell phones). The objective of this competition was to orient the agents not only to the sale of OSAGO, but also to a more complex type of auto insurance. Once a quarter, we gather agents to sum up their activities (the so-called agent club), and sum up the intermediate results of competitions.

  • Organization of corporate training: 13 steps from idea to implementation
Practitioner tells

Natalia Orlova,

Our company had the experience of holding the "Fight of the Wits" competition. Any employee could put forward a decision or idea regarding the development of the company, the development of a new product or service. A jury consisting of managers and key employees chose the winner whose solution was interesting and applicable in practice. We aimed not so much to get a valuable business idea as to involve employees of different departments in the development of the company's strategy and decision-making process. As a result of such competitions, the employee experiences a sense of ownership, develops the ability to develop, evaluate business solutions and think creatively. From experience I can say that it is advisable to hold such a competition no more than once a year.

We celebrate common holidays, and also try to congratulate employees on their personal memorable dates: the anniversary of the start of work in the company, the successful completion of the probationary period, the implementation important project. Each enterprise has its own traditions, but the very fact of attention to the employee is important. Our congratulations are usually accompanied by gifts (a corporate souvenir, a book, a certificate for a sum of money).

Trainings, education and professional development. Training should be organized periodically for different categories of personnel. For example, for insurance agents, this is a powerful incentive to work. To sell something, you need to be well versed in the product or service and its updates, which is impossible without regular professional development.

CEO speaking

Alexander Shumovich,

Events with elements of team building is an insufficiently mastered topic. Despite the opportunity to get a high effect (rallying, raising team spirit), such events should be approached with sufficient caution. It is necessary to clearly understand the objectives and goals of the training, correctly assess the situation. For example, it makes sense to carry it out when one of the departments noticeably does not go well with team interaction or there has been a massive change of employees, an expansion of the team.

Sports events. Sports competitions are one of the most exciting types of corporate events. Their tasks, as well as other events, are positive emotions, rallying, raising the morale of the team, inspiration for high achievements.

Practitioner tells

Natalia Orlova, Head of the training center NutUniversity of the Moscow Nut Company

Bowling and volleyball tournaments are held annually in our company, there was experience in karting and football competitions. The choice of sport depends on the goals of the tournament. If the goal is to increase the commitment of the company's employees, then bowling or karting tournaments are suitable. If the task is to strengthen the team spirit, you can hold football or volleyball tournaments.

It is worth announcing in advance about the upcoming sports tournament, regulations, then the event will bring more benefits. The list with the names of the teams and the names of the captains can be placed on information boards, on the intranet, sent to e-mail. You can even organize a corporate "bookmaker" to increase the overall interest in the event. Information about the passage of the tournament and photos of the winners can be placed in the corporate newspaper or on the corporate website.

Corporate holidays, cultural and sports events play an important role in shaping the corporate solidarity of employees, their sense of commitment to the company and pride in its achievements, as well as in spiritual and physical development. When organizing them, the company tries to take into account the traditions and wishes of the people that have developed in the teams.

A special place in this series is occupied by the annually celebrated day of the company, in which the best workers, New Year, and professional holidays and anniversaries of subsidiaries. As part of the celebration of the company's day, corporate awards are given to employees who have achieved the highest results.

There is a large proportion of young people among the company's employees, and Special attention is given to the development of youth creativity.

For six years, a children's club has been operating, which unites the children of employees of enterprises. The objectives of the club are to show the younger generation the distinctive features and advantages of the main professions of the company's employees, to instill a sense of pride in the work of parents.

Became traditional corporate competition children's creativity "Road to tomorrow". More than two thousand children take part in it. Work kids club is covered on a special children's site, the number of visitors of which reaches 5000 people per month.

An important aspect of strengthening the corporate culture is to assist employees in physical education and sports, and to promote a healthy lifestyle. This direction finds full support from the top management of the company. Holding of corporate sports events is coordinated by the council for the development of physical culture and sports of the company. It consists of representatives of enterprises, the sports community and administrations of the regions of economic activity. Based on the results of employee surveys, people's preferences regarding a particular sport are revealed and the types of upcoming competitions are determined.

Almost all employees take part in mass sports events held in the company and its subsidiaries.

Tips for the manager on organizing corporate events for staff

The choice of the "face" of the event. The event is often remembered thanks to one or another person who has become the "face" of the holiday.

It can be the General Manager, the entertainer or even the security guard. I was at the presentation in the photo gallery. Everything was organized very well. But the "face" of the event for me was a two-meter guard in black camouflage. At first he grimly asked if I had an invitation card. It was minus 20°C outside, I was wearing a coat, the invitation was in the inside pocket of my jacket, I could not find it right away. The guard asked me to leave (although there was no queue). When I found the invitation, it was obvious that he doubted whether it was worth letting such a strange type of event. The security guard remained for me the “face” of that event.

Think about who will greet guests. Will it be a silent security guard or a company leader shaking hands with the participants.

  • Internal personnel marketing: a step-by-step algorithm for implementation and implementation
CEO speaking

Alexander Shumovich, General Director of Eventum, Moscow

The frequency of corporate events generally depends on national and local holidays.

It is best to have two to four events per year. It is obligatory to celebrate the New Year, a summer field trip with elements of team building, as well as joint trips, for example, to play bowling or billiards, karting competitions (once or twice every six months).

Oddly enough, staff need to be encouraged to participate in corporate events. This is especially true for non-holidays. Incentives can be:

  1. Rewards. Our mentality is particularly sensitive to praise and moral encouragement. That is why on the birthday of the company we reward employees in various comic nominations, which necessarily reflect the merits or personal qualities of a person.
  2. For example, at the last event we had the nominations "Discovery of the Year" (the best novice agent won), "Mighty Handful" (the best territorial agency). For full-time employees - "Hope and support" (VP for property risks), "Skillful Hands" (head of the economic department), "Golden Lady" (financial director), "Perpetual Motion" (energetic head of the personnel department). We present diplomas and gifts that reflect the essence of the nomination.
  3. Present. Commemorative gift, especially if it is well thought out and selected for a particular person, it is much more pleasant to receive for a holiday than money in an envelope. If desired, the envelope can be attached to the gift.
  4. Interest. If we are not talking about a feast, but, for example, about training, it is worth considering how to interest employees in what they have to study. After all, sometimes you have to assign training during non-working hours. For example, when we took agents to the rest home for training, they expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that they had to sit in the hall with notebooks at nine in the morning. They said: "Let's sit for a couple of hours and go skiing, the weather is amazing." But during the training it became so interesting that we worked for two days in one breath, without even remembering that we were going to do something else.

How to get rid of uninteresting corporate events

In small companies, various kinds of "gatherings" are common on the occasion of March 8, February 23, birthdays. But with an increase in the number of staff, an increase in the volume and requirements for the quality of work, “friendly ties” can turn into just “bonds”. How to get away from this tradition painlessly?

Step one. The next "gatherings" to spend at the dacha of the employee. The management will actively assist in organizing the event so that everything goes “at the level”, the first leader will also take part in the celebration.

Step two. The next collective holiday will be held again not on the territory of the enterprise, but, for example, in nature. The management again participates in the organization, but the first leader can no longer attend the holiday "due to understandable employment."

Step three. The leadership friendly approves the initiative to hold the next holiday, but if the employees organize everything themselves. And the tradition, taken out of the company, will disappear by itself. And if it remains, then as a private matter of a group of enthusiasts.

  • Corporate culture of the organization: examples and formation

Tamara Chukardina Graduated from the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute. She began her career at the Admiralty and Baltic plants. Served as Deputy General Director CJSC Guta-Insurance. Vice-President of the NSC "Recon" since 2005. Personally supervises the organization of corporate events.

LLC "People's Insurance Company"Recon» works for Russian market since 1993. Offers 75 types of insurance services to legal and individuals. Authorized capital- 700 million rubles. There are 24 branches in 19 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. According to RBC.Rating, in the list of the Top 500 largest insurance companies in 2005, NIC Recon took 28th place.

OOO"Trial Market" formed in 2001. Distributor in the field of packaging and Supplies, household chemicals, stationery and household goods for businesses and offices. Works in Moscow and regions. The number of employees is more than 160 people.

Moscow Nut Company- one of the leading manufacturers of packaged nuts, sunflower seeds, dried fruits. Founded in 1994. The following are on the market today trade marks: "Jazz", "Gifts of Nature", "Skorozub", "Kuban Seeds", X-treme, etc. Staff - 700 people. The company operates Training Center NutUniversity. The company has awards in the field of personnel management: in 2005 it won the "Golden HR (Human Resource)" competition in the "Development and personnel planning" nomination.

Company eventum has been operating on the Russian market since 2002. Organizes consulting seminars, conferences. Acts as an organizational partner large enterprises holding conferences for their own purposes. Engaged in consulting in the field of organizing business events (event management).

Typical activities of intracorporate PR are usually divided into the following groups. Various forms of official intracorporate communication. For example, the regular appeal of management to their subordinates with an explanation current situation and perspectives of the organization; solemn summing up of the results of the year (month, quarter, etc.) in the form of collective meetings (which often continue in an “informal setting”, but more on that below); intra-corporate means of communication - from wall newspapers to well-known in the old Soviet times production newspapers - "multi-circulation"; the very creation of an environment of openness, when the subordinate is not afraid of the director's office more than anything in the world, but knows that on certain days and hours he can turn to the manager "directly" (of course, this should be the exception rather than the rule - after all, no one in the production hierarchy did not cancel). Various forms of informal communication. First of all, these are corporate holidays in various forms - from "all-corporate" celebrations to modest "corporate picnics". However, as domestic experts say, within the framework of “management in Russian”, picnics sometimes turn into something that is embarrassing to remember in the morning ...
The main thing in all these events is to clearly indicate their goal (strategic) team building, and not on a negative basis (everyone dislikes the authorities equally), but on a positive basis - everyone believes in the organization's victory over competitors and personal benefit from

this. You should also clearly set goals and tactical tasks, that is, when organizing any event, ask yourself - what do we want to achieve with this? - and check ssbya - did it succeed? So common options like “relax, get together, drink, talk” do more harm than good!
And remember, by the way, that love for the authorities can not be brought up in every team, but in every team such love can be earned. Thoughtful and purposeful system of events including.
According to a survey conducted by one and:* Russian marketing agencies, 75% of the companies participating in the study have a regulated (open) system of employee motivation. The larger the firm, the higher the likelihood of such a system. Among companies with more than 300 employees, 83% of organizations have an employee motivation system. A slightly smaller number of companies have a separate item of expenditure on staff motivation in their annual budget. Only 57% of respondents noted the existence of such a position in the budget of their company.
At what here, apparently, actions? After all, we considered the main directions of staff motivation in the previous chapter. But the fact is that most of the companies studied as means of non-material motivation use corporate events for employees (94% of surveyed organizations) and staff training (70% of surveyed). Moreover, if corporate events are organized in companies more often than employee training, then the effectiveness of these methods of non-material motivation is estimated approximately equally. Corporate events are considered effective by 53% of respondents, training - by 55%.
The most popular are corporate holidays, which include: calendar holidays, company birthdays, weekend programs with field trips, sports competitions, etc. 80% of the organizations participating in the study hold business events: conferences, seminars, presentations, or meetings of dealers. 80% of the surveyed companies train their employees. Team building events are organized only in 33% of companies, but this trend, being fashionable today, is gaining momentum (we will discuss the team-building system in more detail below).

Nevertheless, corporate celebrations have a particularly serious effect on the loyalty of company employees - this is the opinion of many domestic HR managers. Accordingly, such events should be given special attention, conducting them on a grand scale and with imagination. For example, the Norilsk Nickel company organizes corporate races from the capital of Taimyr, Dudinka, to Norilsk on its birthday. Top management also participates in the race with banners, torches and T-shirts with company logos.
But it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on such promotions. Many corporate stocks can be inexpensive. For example, a competition demanded very little cost children's drawing“My parents work for Norilsk Nickel” (in the same way you can enter your company here). At Norilsk Nickel, everything, including the solemn ceremony of awarding children, cost the company $60,000 (everything can cost you 60,000, and on a smaller scale, even 6,000 rubles!). The effect of such actions is invaluable, because many will come with their whole families to see how a child will receive a toy bear for a painted zantsa. And positive emotions will be associated with the company that arranged this holiday. In other words, as experts say, thanks to corporate holidays, a person begins to work not just for money, but also because he is pleased to receive bears as a gift, run with torches and, in general, work with such wonderful people.
And the Megafon-Moscow company rides its employees on a steamboat and takes them to picnics, calling it loyalty programs and spending on it from 0.1% of annual turnover. MTS employees are taken on charter flights to Tunisia. The staff of the company "Rust" - to Sardinia...
But this is rest. And he, but in the opinion of many, does not contribute to team rallying. Whether it's team-building, that is, team building exercises, when managers are taken outside the city to climb rocks or climb trees for the sake of developing a team spirit. Moreover, it is estimated that, say, a trip to the Moscow region for a company with a staff of 400 people costs from $ 20 to $ 100 thousand. This is equivalent to an increase in the monthly salary of each employee 320. But, according to metropolitan experts, such a meager (for Moscow, with its regions consider additionally) many employees would consider an increase in salaries as a mockery, but after corporate picnics, HR managers note a steady increase in labor productivity.

Of course, it is necessary to clearly understand the tasks and goals of such training, to correctly understand the situation in which it makes sense to conduct it: for example, when teamwork in one of the company’s divisions noticeably goes wrong, or there has been a massive change or expansion of the team. Many experts deny professional effectiveness to such trainings, because climbing rocks together (the so-called rope course) and ensuring sales dynamics are still different things!
There is also experience in conducting more complex trainings, i.e., scenario team-buildings (they are based on long-term teamwork with a common idea, for example, a game like "Mission" by analogy with a computer one, etc.). Such events are intended due to their complexity and cost mainly for top management. The responses to them, however, turn out to be diametrically opposed: from enthusiastic memories of solving a detective story by the whole team for a long time with full getting used to the role to warnings about the dangers of scenario training and their incompatibility with the mentality and realities of doing business in Russia.
Of course, the increasingly complex forms of team events necessarily raise the question of attracting!;! third-party professionals, especially since in many large cities of Russia there are firms offering services for holding corporate "parties" of varying complexity and orientation (or specialized divisions of travel companies). Such outsourcing has a swap of pros and cons, however, according to practitioners, if the scale of your organization has not surpassed interregional ones, it is better to cope on your own (perhaps with the help of external consultants). ... and especially picnics and holidays
In the expanses of corporate Russia, picnics and holidays are still the most popular types of corporate events.
Characteristically, according to surveys, the frequency of corporate holidays most often directly depends on national and local holidays. Monthly parties in the surveyed companies are quite rare (1%), many respondents answered that they relax in this way no more than once every six months (31%) and even no more than once a year (11%).

However, there were also answers, according to which holidays in the company are organized quite spontaneously, without reference to any periodicity, when it becomes necessary to relieve work stress or just chat in an informal setting.
At the same time, it is typical that the majority of corporate events today are held outside the company's offices (78.1%), most of the wishes regarding future parties (82%) are associated with the same time. Traditionally popular are city cafes and restaurants, country boarding houses and recreation centers, as well as field trips. Interestingly, 8% of respondents have already celebrated holidays outside of Russia...
But whether abroad or in a suburban boarding house, the patterns do not change. “The best entertainment is gingerbread and cookies,” says the proverb, but without an organizing beginning, without a “mass entertainer”, any feast, and even more so a feast in nature, runs the risk of turning into a banal booze. Usually customers make a variety of requirements for this part of the picnic. Some want to sit at the table and listen, for example, to Syutkin's speech, others want to run around the paintball field, sending clouds of gelatin paint balls towards the enemy.
Experts emphasize how important it is to understand the purpose of the event when organizing a picnic.
“Maybe the management is seeking employee loyalty, or perhaps the picnic is organized to create a corporate spirit. In the latter case, sports competitions are good, better with division into teams. In this case, T-shirts of different colors are ordered to enhance the element of rivalry and emphasize the division into friends and foes. However, each event should have a twist, so the approach is always individual.”
At the same time, we can safely say that the picnic program is limited only by the imagination of the organizers and their financial capabilities. The set of entertainment may include a concert on a mounted stage, fireworks, jet ski racing, and you never know what else ...
Here is a description, gleaned from the Internet, of one of the typical corporate picnics, which is not limited to banal kebabs and at the same time is moderately expensive (for large corporation, smaller ones, respectively, adjust their costs to this benchmark).
“The annual event was organized in a picturesque place in the city of Pavlovsk - at the bastion of Emperor Paul. Corporate

The holiday was designed in the style of the popular program “The Last Hero”. After the official part and awarding the best employees, the guests were divided into six teams to pass the “survivability test”. Team games, sports competitions and competitions of the host (artist of the theater “Buff”) revealed the strongest team and the “last hero1” of the company. The festive day ended with a fun disco”.
As you can see, the practice of team-building is also used here, but in the most gentle form.
Corporate holidays are held almost everywhere. Moreover, according to polls, financial structures pay special attention to this event. According to psychologists, this is due to the fact that work in the banking sector is one of the most stressful, and the atmosphere is more conservative than anywhere else. However, by the end of the year, the dissatisfaction of employees with their work and their company everywhere increases significantly (almost by 55%). The most common conversations before new year holidays: "There is too much work, the authorities do not appreciate and are not available ...". At the same time, after corporate parties, these moods disappear and the employee no longer perceives his activity in such gloomy tops.
Hence the conclusion - corporate holidays krappe useful to coincide with the New Year! This also applies to the company's birthday (especially since this date is most often very vague, because it is not clear what is considered a birthday: the date of registration, the date of the first transaction, etc.).
Such a celebration brings a feeling of a team, removes many accumulated working issues in relationships. However, we remind you that it is important that such parties do not turn into banal feasts with an unlimited number of drinks, or, conversely, into formal events.
The team principle will be effective only if the bank employees are already involved in the organization of the event itself. This is achieved different ways: competitions, amateur performances, carnival costumes, etc.
Thus, Probusinessbank has already established a tradition that new year celebration takes place over several days with a trip out of town (for example, two days at Brezhnev's former dacha in Kuntsevo). The initiators and authors of the New Year's program are the employees themselves. They write scripts and come up with numbers for skits, in the form of which they pass corporate parties. Forays into nature have another very important consequence - after the first
corporate party in the open air in the bank formed six married couples ...
In general, the venue of the holiday is of great importance. It's good if it takes place in an elite, closed and very fashionable club. It is unlikely that most employees will be able to visit it at another time - the more interesting it will be for them at a corporate celebration.
The involvement of employees in the holiday begins long before it starts. For example, in Soyuzobshchemashbank competitions "Mr. Bank", "Miss Bank", "The most charming employee" are held. Bank employees express their opinion in advance, and the names of the winners are announced at the celebration. And since the choice cannot be predicted in advance, the employees are looking forward to the results of the competition. The winners receive gifts, but the main thing is the realization that they are not just good employees, but also attractive people.
An integral part of corporate holidays are various lotteries and competitions, the purpose of which is again to involve all those present in what is happening. Just spectators standing on the sidelines, should not be!
Chapter Summary: 10 Tips for Teamwork Remember that employees need to be treated not just “well,” but responsibly and seriously, making an effort to ensure that the person benefits both the organization as a whole and himself personally. The team should be considered as the human component of any organization, without which the organization is only a formal shell. And intra-corporate PR should be built as a system for debugging communication links within the team. Firmly understand that the team wants its contribution to the organization, as well as the contribution of each member of the team, to be adequately evaluated. And not only financially. Respect both within the team (from management and colleagues) and outside it (the status given by work in this organization) is the most important motivation for active participation in the affairs of the organization. The less formal channels are loaded, the more information goes through informal channels, which are weakly amenable to
regulation, in which negative information circulates most often: about layoffs, tightening of the working regime, etc. There is only one way out of this - to use, upload formal channels to the fullest! Hang a bulletin board in a conspicuous place and keep it up to date. The bulletin board gives orders, directives and other types of management documentation a touch of informal appeal: in any case, the level of official “instruction from above” is reduced by the very fact that
the tone of the same board, next to the last order, may well contain an ad of an interest club. Have regular face-to-face meetings between management and employees. Such meetings, which provide first-hand information, according to experts, are the most highly valued by employees among all sources of obtaining management information. The employee feels his involvement in the development of corporate policy, important management decisions. Organize the release of a corporate publication, supplementing it with a corporate website, available only for "internal use". A reliable “hook” for a company employee is the opportunity to study at her expense. Use this opportunity! Establish and maintain a system of additional rewards that will apply only to your employees, making their employment in this organization exclusive. Develop a system of corporate events, such as corporate picnics, team-building, holidays, etc. Hold these events regularly!
Task five: peace, friendship, detente
Description of the situation
The head of the bank is an authoritarian person by nature. So is upper management. Communication with the team is reduced to a formal minimum. Perhaps because of this, the situation among the employees began to heat up. There is talk that the bank may burst, that the management is stealing, that salaries in neighboring banks are many times

higher... Such sentiments gradually penetrate beyond the bank. The most interesting thing is that the rumors are completely untrue - in all respects, including salaries and prospects, the situation in this bank is more advantageous than that of neighboring competitors.
Task Formulation
Eliminate tension in the team by communication methods.