Celebration of the new year corporate. New Year's scenarios for corporate parties are cool. What are the master classes

  • 05.06.2020

Most of us meet not only in the family circle, but also at work. Employees of reputable companies usually celebrate a holiday in a restaurant, a funny script for a corporate party, a luxurious banquet and professional hosts are provided for them. And in organizations it’s easier to try on their own to prepare a New Year’s corporate party 2018: they download a cool script from the Internet, distribute roles among colleagues.

The first merry fellow and joker invariably gets the position of toastmaster. And difficult duties: to find funny competitions for a corporate party, pick up New Year's toasts, learn, "actors" to persuade comical scenes for a corporate party to perform. We will try to help him.

Fun corporate party - without much hassle

The greatest difficulties arise when the team is of different ages, there are few young people who want to entertain the audience “once or twice and counted” all evening. Nobody wants to change clothes as Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden either, they are embarrassed. We offer a humorous script new year holiday without these fabulous characters, in the end, in 2018 the Yellow Dog rules the ball, although he will not be at the celebration either. On the eve of winter holiday it is problematic to get a scarce outfit of the Dog, and it is unprofitable to invite a real symbol of the year, a live dog. In general, our corporate party scenario for New Year has only three actors.

And a funny scenario for a corporate party does not require special decorations, even a dressed-up Christmas tree, traditional New Year's paraphernalia is enough: garlands, tinsel, serpentine, silver rain. The costumes of the participants of the "performance" can be made in 15 minutes. For example, for a snowman - an orange carrot nose made of paper and a plastic bucket on his head, and for an African - a banana in his jacket pocket and a Tumba Yumba badge around his neck. As incentive prizes for a comic New Year's corporate party 2018, a cool script advises using fruits (tangerines, bananas, oranges, apples).

The scenario of the corporate party "New Year 2018"

Moderator: Hello, dear colleagues! I invite you to a fun corporate party dedicated to the celebration of the New Year 2018. After all, only a few days (hours) remained before meeting with him ...

On these words to the middle of the hall (to the stage) with a cry of “Help! Save!" a Snowman jumps out, followed by a picturesque African. They make a couple of circles around the entertainer, then stand to the right and left of him.

Host of the holiday: Snowman, what happened? Why are you running like crazy?

Snowman: This strange citizen made an attempt on my life! I'm not kidding, he wants to eat me!

Host: Really? (Turning to the guest) Who are you, exactly? And why are you hunting our Snowman Ivanovich?

Guest from Africa: (proudly) I came on an important mission. I am an oriental sign, a symbol of the coming year. And I didn’t eat your Bigfoot, I just wanted to try it, lick the snow once.

Snowman: Yeah, now, I found a popsicle on a stick. Completely crazy, the symbol of the year ... You, the symbol of the year? I don't understand anything.

Host: Indeed, why do you call yourself the symbol of the year? It seems that in 2018 the Earth Dog should be the host. (Looks at the visitor.) You don't look like her at all. Relative?

African: No, the leader appointed me instead of her, as a deputy. Everyone hid the cockerels, they are afraid, such a safari began on them. Dragons, I remember, were also once symbols, but they floated away. Now only lizards run.

Host: Well, dragons, all sorts of dinosaurs, died out during the Ice Age. And we were waiting for the dog, we wanted to have fun together, to celebrate (). And then we would send her back home to the African continent.

African: Anyway, since my esteemed leader, guru, said that I am the symbol of the year, then so be it.

Host: Okay. Then, symbol, enough to cool off, get down to your duties.

African: Friends! As the authorized representative of the Yellow (Earth) Dog, I congratulate all those present on the New Year. Please do not relax, an important operation to search for a person will be carried out now. My fellow tribesman disappeared, left in an unknown direction. However, our secret services have established that he is here, in this room.

Host: Very interesting! Do you have a photo of him?

African: Of course not. I will calculate him by a special sign, by height.

Host: And how tall is he?

African: Exactly 12 bananas.

Host: Understood. Will seek. Men, come here, help the guest.

The script for holding a corporate party for the New Year recommends that the African not only measure the growth of the representatives of the strong half with the help of a banana, but also ask comic questions about distant Africa in order to quickly find the fugitive. Finally, a suitable man is found, the rest return to their places. A New Year's corporate party 2017, cool script continues.

Guest from Africa: (looking at the found tribesman) Tell me, friend, what did you miss? After all, your wife is a beauty (shows a comical photo). And you got the best car, the leader gave it (a wooden cart decorated with branches). Or maybe they did not please with housing? (Shows a picture of a hut). Or a mortgage for 150 years did not pull?

Host: And what kind of escape will he have? Will you take me back to the tribe?

African: No, our ruler is very kind, just his own father, he ordered the deserter to be released. And he sent a message from his homeland. Here! (Holds out a bunch of bananas.) Don't forget your roots, son.

Host: I see you have fun there in Africa.

African: Yep. Every week we hold competitions, smart people compete with beautiful ones.

Host: (looks surprised) Don't you understand?

African: It's simple: men are all as one, smart, and girls are beautiful, some more, some less. This is in the competition and it turns out.

Scenario of a corporate party for the New Year: games and contests

Funny competitions for a corporate party are selected "for the company", however, like funny scenes for a corporate party, the proposed game can be replaced with something else. The entertainer forms two different-sex teams of 4 people. Each participant is given one card with the number (6, 2, 1, 0). The host reads riddles-poems for a corporate party, team members immediately raise a sign with a number. For a correct answer - 1 point. If the opponents made a mistake, the right to answer passes to the second group.

The account has a point, they start from it.
And this number is simply ignored.
It is invisible, as if it does not exist.
I'm sure you know the right answer! ("0")

Everyone knows this number
But we sincerely wish
So that you don't pick it up
They did not know the numbers of those needs. ("02")

Readers want to understand:
There was a lot of things
Now no one is visible.
So how many were there in total? ("ten")

The people froze with wine glasses.
Waiting for the "rooster" New Year.
Did you forget to make a wish?
And how many times did the chimes strike? ("12")

We've been friends for a long time
Where you are, there I am.
They say they ate a pood of salt.
In kilograms, how much did you overcome? ("16")

Reading the novel of the famous Jules Verne,
You dreamed of traveling too, right?
He and I have dived thousands of leagues.
And they swam ... And at what depth? ("twenty")

There are many numbers in the cards,
We can't count them all.
One stands out
It's called a "point". ("21")

Host: Comic corporate parties are over. It's time to count the points and reward the smart winners. And next in line is a musical warm-up.

Incendiary rhythmic music sounds. For the New Year's corporate party 2018 (cool script), the toastmaster must prepare a dance, a composition of simple movements. It shows the team members repeat. The most dexterous and artistic one is chosen by general vote. He gets a delicious prize - . And the scenario of the New Year's holiday is continued by the "intellectual" game with the audience.

An approximate list (question-answer) of riddles with humor:
What do they usually do when they see a little green man? The road is being crossed.
- There is a head, but no brain. , garlic (), onion.
- A hunter was walking along the town square. He saw the clock on the tower, took off his gun, fired. Where did you get? To the police station.
- Who always sleeps in shoes? Horse.
- The goat is seven years old. What then? The eighth will go.
- A word that contains seven identical letters. A family.
- One hundred letters stopping vehicles on the road. Stop.
- Which peninsula “tells” about its area? Yamal.
- Flying city? Eagle.
- Can an ostrich call itself a bird? No, he can't talk.
- The capital of which European state is spread out on dried grass? France, Paris stands on the river Seine.

As you can see, it is not difficult to organize a wonderful New Year's corporate party 2018: a cool scenario can be supplemented with amateur performances and contests. The disco will continue the festive evening. Everybody is dancing! Happy New Year!

It seems that the new year is still far away, but autumn is already coming into its own. And it's not far from winter. Many responsible companies have already booked places for corporate parties for their employees. If you haven't done it yet, now is the time to jump in.

If you prefer to celebrate the upcoming holidays in a close circle of colleagues right at the workplace, then a comic scenario of the holiday, which we bring to your attention, will help rally the team. This scenario New Year's corporate party 2017 is also suitable for celebrating in a restaurant.

Recall the main rules of the New Year's corporate party:

it must correspond to the symbolism of the coming year;

It must contain jokes that are directly related to the specifics of your office;

Finally, remember that you still have to work with these people, and the most important person after any corporate party (especially New Year's) is the one who has photos.

The concept of the New Year's scenario of the corporate party

It would be most logical to use the “hero” of the occasion, the fiery Rooster, as the main character of the party. Considering that he is also one of the favorite heroes of Russian fairy tales, we propose to arrange a real performance with the participation of Russian fairy tale characters, which the presenters will choose among their colleagues.

Advice! It is not difficult to get the costumes of the heroes - they can be rented at the Theater of the Young Spectator, which is available in almost every city.

So, to organize a holiday, you will need the following costumes:

Frog princesses.

Advice! You can also introduce other characters from old Russian fairy tales, which will make the evening even more interesting.

At the same time, it is by no means necessary to follow the traditions of only one fairy tale. It will be more interesting if you make a performance based on several Russian folk epics at once. Another plus of such a scenario for the 2017 New Year at a corporate party is that you don’t need to study a lot of fairy tales. Nobody needs accuracy here, the main thing is fun and enthusiasm.

An exemplary scenario for a corporate party for 2017 Year of the Rooster

The script for the New Year 2017 for a corporate party with jokes is a great option to please colleagues at work. The presenter appears before the audience in the costume of a fiery rooster, which in itself should bring smiles to colleagues.

Leading: Good evening, Dear guests! How should one celebrate the New Year, the patron of which is the noble bully the Fire Rooster and the most warlike planet in the galaxy - Mars? We will arrange "Cockfights"!

Dear friends, now you need to split into two teams. The guests sitting on my right hand will enter the first team called KOKE (rooster in Japanese), respectively, on my left hand, the second team will be formed - Qiqi (rooster in Chinese).

So, the first challenge! We check the proud landing of the head of the Rooster. From each team I invite three participants. Pairs of opponents stand opposite each other, straighten their shoulders, stretch their necks and, looking into the opponent's eyes, loudly pronounce the name of their team. Of the pair, the one who does not laugh first wins.

The award "for perseverance" - a keychain with the image of the symbol of the holiday.

Leading: And you, I see, the guys are not a miss! Well, I have a more difficult contest for you. Each team must choose a captain who goes to the center of the hall.

The rooster is a bright bird, rarely in nature you can meet two representatives of the feathered order with a similar color.

Teams, attention! In a minute you have to dress up our main "Roosters" in traditional colors A: black, red, orange, yellow, green, etc. Don't skimp on clothing and jewelry! The team with the most colorful captain will win.

The award "for the right stage image" - a gift certificate for the purchase of clothes in one of the shops in the city.

Presenter (with a mock displeased look, looking at his plumage): I don’t know who came up with this whole circus, but I didn’t sign up for the role of a chicken! (Further - in a dramatic tone). For what kind of my “jambs” in my work is such a fate destined for me ?! However, if you remember...

While the Rooster frowns, remembering the flaws of his working days, a host dressed as a princess comes to his aid.

Host (in a whisper, hissing at the Rooster with displeasure): What are you doing! We didn't agree! (further - loudly, addressing the audience with a smile): Good evening, dear guests! Try our New Year's Eve treat! While there is still an opportunity to enjoy this year, do not miss it! May the next year bring fruitful success to all of us in our work, unite our friendly team even more so that the acting leader can be proud of us!

Host (finally coming to her senses): Don't listen to her! She says so to find the Prince faster! 2017 should be devoted exclusively to yourself! Wasting time, money, focus only on yourself! Don't run after anyone or anything!

Host (blocking the Rooster): Since we touched the Prince, we need to find him! Prince! Prince, where are you! Let's all call him together!

Colleagues modestly begin to chant: "Prince."

Host (parodying): Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

Host: Look! Yes, here he is! Crawled into the crowd so that no one would find him!

Everyone present looks around in confusion. Most of all, the young man who is approached by the Host is perplexed!

Host: Yes, there you are, old man! Why are you letting our princess down like that? Or not good-looking? Or not a peg on the tongue? And dressed up in what - you will not be recognized! No, friend, this is not the way to celebrate the New Year! Come on, get changed.

The rooster takes the newly minted prince backstage, where he changes into a prince costume. As props, he is given a bow with arrows.

Meanwhile, the princess entertains the audience:

Host (dreamy): Earlier, before joining our wonderful team, I was bewitched by an evil wizard and was in the form of a frog. But the arrow, well-aimed by the brave prince, saved me, and now I am with you. Let's remember how it was.

Leading (approaching the most cheerful representative of the team (preferably a man)): Follow me!

Backstage, the host gives him a frog costume.

The prince and the frog come out from behind the scenes under the stormy aviation of the audience.

A scene is played out between the frog and the prince, who do not understand what to do, which only makes it funnier. The hosts leave the stage.

Presenter (approaching the frog): And now you can compare! It was - it became. Or the expectation is reality. Whoever likes it. Take pictures faster!

Host: Residents of the kingdom! A new order has arrived! Starting from the new year, we shorten the working day, cancel the dress code!

Host (shushing at the Rooster): Don't listen to him! He deliberately misleads you in order to set you up, and do everything right himself. And now we invite our acting head of the company to tell us all parting words for the New Year 2017!

Speech of the head of the company.

Moderator (looking sidelong at the manager): Dear IO leader, you understand that all my words about work and work are all true, jokes. And finally, I would like to wish that working time all fairy tale characters turned into hardworking bees working for the benefit of the team!

Games and contests for the New Year 2017 - the year of the Rooster

Of course, the New Year's corporate party 2017 will not do without a script, but cool games and contests will not interfere either. So, any scenario can be diluted with a couple fun games and contests to diversify the party. We also recommend making pauses to continue the buffet table, which are best done with musical accompaniment.

For all competitions, you need to stock up on prizes in advance - lollipops in the form of cockerels.

Competition "Mr. World"

The rooster, as you know, loves to show off. Therefore, it is advisable to hold a beauty contest among men. They will have to parade along an impromptu catwalk in front of the women's team, which, after conferring, will choose the most sophisticated dandy. Everything is taken into account - the ability to present oneself, gait, costume, smile, comments and gestures of the contestant.

Competition "The most unusual outfit"

The rooster is still a dandy, so we suggest dressing up for this contest as brightly and awkwardly as possible. To do this, you must first stock up on the necessary props:

ladies' hats;
straw hats;
colored scarves;
shawls, etc.

Each contestant walks down the catwalk in the chosen outfit, and a strict jury lifts up the rating plates. The owner of the most awkward outfit receives a cool prize - an ice cockerel.
Competition "Material well-being in the family"

Everyone knows that the Rooster is an inveterate family man and guardian of the family budget. For the next competition, it is necessary to put a sheet of paper in a circle. Everyone present writes down his recommendations on it - what needs to be done so that the family always has prosperity. Then the Rooster reads out the list and gives gifts to the most original advisers.

When holding contests at a New Year's corporate party, keep in mind that this is not a wedding, for which very controversial contests are suitable. Contests among colleagues should be more innocent, but this does not mean that they are boring.

The original scenario of the New Year's corporate evening.

The element is fire. Color - red.

Scenario of the New Year's corporate party: opening speech of the presenter

INTRODUCTION SPEECH: This year is worth devoting to yourself, spending time, money and attention only on yourself and not chasing anyone.

For example, the Slavs, when entering a new dwelling, usually let a live rooster into the room, and not a cat.

It is advisable to do so.

This is one of the most ancient creatures, the only bird in the horoscope that combines the 5 most significant positive qualities: Military courage. Loyalty. Bravery. Generosity. Nobility.

Let today's competitions be held under these signs - Military courage. Loyalty. Bravery. Generosity. Nobility.
Let our men demonstrate military courage. Bravery. Generosity, and women - Fidelity and Nobility.
And not only today. And not only this year.
This year it is worth paying attention to yourself, spending time, money and only on yourself and not chasing anyone.

Scenario New Year's corporate party: division into two teams and the choice of team names

Split into two teams KOKe(rooster in Japanese) and Qiqi(rooster in Chinese). Along the long table. The first team is the one on the left, the second team is the one on the right.

  1. The rooster is ready to fight in any case of introduction into its territory or sphere of influence. Armwrestling
  2. When the Rooster is upset, then those around you can expect a blow with a "beak"! A battle with wooden rapiers between women. A battle on wooden rapiers in a pair of a woman-man. Defeated hug and kiss
  3. The rooster is always the head of a large family! Or always strives to have one. Find out who of those present has the largest family. Give a prize - COCK.
  4. The rooster has many children (chickens). Find out who has a photo of a chicken (child) in their wallet. Give a prize.
  5. Rooster is a good family man - caring, serious, responsible. Recall a case at work when one of the colleagues took care of another. Prepare two prizes and give the best story to the one who cares more than others.
  6. Only he (or she, if the Rooster is she) knows what needs to be done so that the family lives in abundance. A piece of paper is thrown around. Where advice is written - what needs to be done so that the family lives in abundance - the last one wins. The entire list is loudly announced.
  7. The rooster carefully monitors the order in the chicken coop. By this time, a lot has already been drunk and eaten. Choose two people from each team. They receive an unspoken task to observe who has the most accurate "eater" at the table. Explain in detail. Give a prize.
  8. It's sad, but the Rooster can have more than one favorite hen! The rooster loves to be the only one for several hens at once, and the fairer sex may obviously not like this.
  9. Pre-prepared participants perform Masha Rasputina's song " Divorce«.

  1. Rooster is conservative. We all know that "conservative" comes from the word "canned". Let the men open the cans. Who will open the canned food faster and more beautifully.
  2. The rooster works all day to get food. Reward those who covered holiday tables. Give prizes by name - cockerels.
  3. Roosters are successful top-level organizers: directors, businessmen, military personnel, as well as general teachers. Competition of teachers of a wide profile - first ask those present who does not understand which word, and then invite others present to explain their meaning. The winner is the smartest explainer.
  4. The rooster believes that gifts should be useful (do not voice this at the beginning). The teams must tell who and what gave the children for the New Year - the most practical gift wins.

Scenes for the New Year

  • It is possible and necessary to acquire any equipment, especially if it is new developments.- Make a list of necessary office equipment for management in the new year. The winner is the one whose list is better substantiated and whose application the management promises to fulfill.
  • Monogamy in family life. - List all the advantages of a monogamous life, a life without change. The most faithful woman wins. Because she performs more than others and knows exactly these pluses.
  • The ability to control yourself. There is a moment of complete silence. Everyone literally takes matters into their own hands. The team whose members break the silence first loses.
  • Look for reasons for self-realization. List who worked on what other jobs - read the list not personally, but from the team, in turn. The team with the longest list wins.
  • Completely fence yourself off from flattery. — Choose one member from the team and say nice flattering words to him. The most unflappable wins.
  • As often as possible to be in noisy companies. It is necessary to create as much noise as possible. The loudest team wins. Noise is generated by callsigns KOKe and Qiqi.
  • Ability to listen to your inner voice. Show three characters and ask: “Which one means COCK?” The correct answer is the same hieroglyph.

Games, riddles for the New Year

(always extravagant and extraordinary)

  • Fold the puzzle "Rooster" for a certain time - 12 minutes. The team that completes the Rooster puzzle faster or most of it in 12 minutes wins.
  • Draw a rooster with a few strokes, looking at the watercolor. The most accurate and similar pattern wins.
  • Fire Rooster in verse. Guess the last rhyme.

I am stronger than anyone in the world,
I'm bolder than everyone in the world
I'm not afraid of anyone
No one (I will not submit).

The red beast sits in the oven,
He eats firewood out of anger,
A whole hour, maybe two
Don't touch him with your hand
Bites everything (palm).

He's ready to dine.
You see: how many languages!
He quickly eats firewood in the oven,
Heating bricks.
Don't touch him with your hand
Can bite (fire)

Red Cat
The tree gnaws
The tree gnaws
Lives happily.

And drink water
He hisses, he dies.
Don't touch him with your hand
This red cat (fire)

Can't be sniffed and plucked
This flower is scarlet.
It happens big, big,
It happens very small.

And he doesn't drink water at all.
And if he drinks, then (dies)

Video: Cool New Year's contests

Time goes by so fast that you won’t have time to look back when it’s time to celebrate the next New Year’s corporate party. In order not to be caught off guard and have time to adequately prepare for the upcoming event, you need to think in advance about solving the following issues.

Where and how to hold a New Year corporate party 2017?

The place for meeting the New Year with colleagues depends on the budget of your company.

If it is limited, then the celebration can be organized in the office. You will only have to order catering services, DJ.

A more expensive option is to hold a corporate party in a restaurant. First you need to choose a specific room (preferably with a spacious dance floor), decide on the menu, and then order a professional presenter, musicians and entertainment program. But in this format, the holiday will surely be remembered by all employees.

You can celebrate the holiday with the whole team and not quite in a standard way- in nature, for example, in a rest home or boarding house.

The main thing is to provide that there are conditions for both quiet leisure and active recreation, so that everyone can find something to do with their interests.

How to celebrate the year of the Fire Rooster?

For next year to be successful in every sense, you need to choose the right outfit for his meeting. And for this you need to have an idea about the symbol of the coming year.

The rooster is an ambiguous and unpredictable animal: on the one hand, calm and important, on the other, bold and fearless.

Taking into account the motley color that the bright handsome man flaunts, preference in clothes can be given to the red palette, emerald and sand shades. And be sure to complete your look with golden jewelry and shiny accessories - this will certainly please the smart host of the year. A headdress decorated with feathers will look beautiful and symbolic.

What exactly should be avoided when choosing a festive dress is leopard prints on it and predatory colors, since the rooster really does not like felines.

With what to raise glasses to the chimes?

  • Champagne- a traditional sparkling drink, without which it is difficult to imagine any New Year. Pairs well with fruits, seafood, white meats.
  • Vodka. When choosing the second most popular drink, there should be a sufficient amount of fatty snacks on the table that reduce the rate of alcohol absorption into the blood.
  • Wine. Red wine is usually served with meat (pork, lamb), vegetables, mushrooms. Cheese, fish, seafood, poultry meat are suitable as snacks for white wine.
  • Whiskey. An excellent choice can be one of the types of the world's best-selling strong drink: malt, grain, bourbon. Cola or soda will help make it less strong in taste.
  • Rum. Suitable for drinking neat or with ice cubes. An interesting option for making cocktails.
  • Gin. It is strong in itself, so it is often used as an ingredient for cocktails. It is good to eat gin with cheese, fish, smoked meats, citrus fruits.

How to have fun at a New Year's party?

A corporate event should be held in a relaxed, fun atmosphere that is conducive to communication and promotes team building.

It seems that the new year is still far away, but autumn is already coming into its own. And it's not far from winter. Many responsible companies have already booked places for corporate parties for their employees. If you haven't done it yet, now is the time to jump in.

If you prefer to celebrate the upcoming holidays in a close circle of colleagues right at the workplace, then a comic scenario of the holiday, which we bring to your attention, will help rally the team. This script for the New Year corporate party 2017 is also suitable for celebrating in a restaurant.

Recall the main rules of the New Year's corporate party:

  • it must correspond to the symbolism of the coming year;
  • it must contain jokes that are directly related to the specifics of your office;
  • finally, remember that you still have to work with these people, and the most important person after any corporate party (especially New Year's) is the one who has photos.

The concept of the New Year's scenario of the corporate party

It would be most logical to use the “hero” of the occasion, the fiery Rooster, as the main character of the party. Considering that he is also one of the favorite heroes of Russian fairy tales, we propose to arrange a real performance with the participation of Russian fairy tale characters, which the presenters will choose among their colleagues.

Advice! It is not difficult to get the costumes of the heroes - they can be rented at the Theater of the Young Spectator, which is available in almost every city.

So, to organize a holiday, you will need the following costumes:

  • Rooster;
  • princesses;
  • Prince;
  • Frog princesses.

Advice! You can also introduce other characters from old Russian fairy tales, which will make the evening even more interesting.

At the same time, it is by no means necessary to follow the traditions of only one fairy tale. It will be more interesting if you make a performance based on several Russian folk epics at once. Another plus of such a scenario for the 2017 New Year at a corporate party is that you don’t need to study a lot of fairy tales. Nobody needs accuracy here, the main thing is fun and enthusiasm.

Approximate version for 2017 of the Rooster

The script for the New Year 2017 for a corporate party with jokes is a great option to please colleagues at work. The presenter appears before the audience in the costume of a fiery rooster, which in itself should bring smiles to colleagues.

Host: Good evening, dear guests! How should one celebrate the New Year, the patron of which is the noble bully the Fire Rooster and the most warlike planet in the galaxy - Mars? We will arrange "Cockfights"!

Dear friends, now you need to split into two teams. The guests sitting on my right hand will enter the first team called KOKE (rooster in Japanese), respectively, on my left hand, the second team will be formed - Qiqi (rooster in Chinese).

So, the first challenge! We check the proud landing of the head of the Rooster. From each team I invite three participants. Pairs of opponents stand opposite each other, straighten their shoulders, stretch their necks and, looking into the opponent's eyes, loudly pronounce the name of their team. Of the pair, the one who does not laugh first wins.

Award "for perseverance" - a keychain with the image of the symbol of the holiday.

Leading: And you, I see, the guys are not a miss! Well, I have a more difficult contest for you. Each team must choose a captain who goes to the center of the hall.

The rooster is a bright bird, rarely in nature you can meet two representatives of the feathered order with a similar color.

Teams, attention! In a minute, you have to dress up our main "Roosters" in traditional colors: black, red, orange, yellow and green, etc. Don't skimp on clothing and jewelry! The team with the most colorful captain will win.

The award "for the right stage image" is a gift certificate for the purchase of clothes in one of the city's stores.

Presenter (with a mock displeased look, looking at his plumage): I don’t know who came up with this whole circus, but I didn’t sign up for the role of a chicken! (Further - in a dramatic tone). For what kind of my “jambs” in my work is such a fate destined for me ?! However, if you remember...

While the Rooster frowns, remembering the flaws of his working days, a host dressed as a princess comes to his aid.

Host (in a whisper, hissing at the Rooster with displeasure): What are you doing! We didn't agree! (further - loudly, addressing the audience with a smile): Good evening, dear guests! Try our New Year's Eve treat! While there is still an opportunity to enjoy this year, do not miss it! May the next year bring fruitful success to all of us in our work, unite our friendly team even more so that the acting leader can be proud of us!

Host (finally coming to her senses): Don't listen to her! She says so to find the Prince faster! 2017 should be devoted exclusively to yourself! Wasting time, money, focus only on yourself! Don't run after anyone or anything!

Host (blocking the Rooster): Since we touched the Prince, we need to find him! Prince! Prince, where are you! Let's all call him together!

Colleagues modestly begin to chant: "Prince."

Host (parodying): Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

Host: Look! Yes, here he is! Crawled into the crowd so that no one would find him!

Everyone present looks around in confusion. Most of all, the young man who is approached by the Host is perplexed!

Host: Yes, there you are, old man! Why are you letting our princess down like that? Or not good-looking? Or not a peg on the tongue? And dressed up in what - you will not be recognized! No, friend, this is not the way to celebrate the New Year! Come on, get changed.

The rooster takes the newly minted prince backstage, where he changes into a prince costume. As props, he is given a bow with arrows.

Meanwhile, the princess entertains the audience:

Host (dreamy): Earlier, before joining our wonderful team, I was bewitched by an evil wizard and was in the form of a frog. But the arrow, well-aimed by the brave prince, saved me, and now I am with you. Let's remember how it was.

Leading (approaching the most cheerful representative of the team (preferably a man)): Follow me!

Backstage, the host gives him a frog costume.

The prince and the frog come out from behind the scenes under the stormy aviation of the audience.

A scene is played out between the frog and the prince, who do not understand what to do, which only makes it funnier. The hosts leave the stage.

Presenter (approaching the frog): And now you can compare! It was - it became. Or the expectation is reality. Whoever likes it. Take pictures faster!

Host: Residents of the kingdom! A new order has arrived! Starting from the new year, we shorten the working day, cancel the dress code!

Host (shushing at the Rooster): Don't listen to him! He deliberately misleads you in order to set you up, and do everything right himself. And now we invite our acting head of the company to tell us all parting words for the New Year 2017!

Speech of the head of the company.

Moderator (looking sidelong at the manager): Dear IO leader, you understand that all my words about work and work are all true, jokes. And finally, I would like to wish that during working hours all fairy-tale characters turn into hardworking bees working for the benefit of the team!

Games and contests

Of course, the New Year's corporate party 2017 will not do without a script, but cool games and contests will not interfere either. So, any scenario can be diluted with a couple of fun games and contests to diversify the party. We also recommend making pauses to continue the buffet table, which are best done with musical accompaniment.

For all competitions, you need to stock up on prizes in advance - lollipops in the form of cockerels.

Competition "Mr. World"

The rooster, as you know, loves to show off. Therefore, it is advisable to hold a beauty contest among men. They will have to parade along an impromptu catwalk in front of the women's team, which, after conferring, will choose the most sophisticated dandy. Everything is taken into account - the ability to present oneself, gait, costume, smile, comments and gestures of the contestant.

Competition "The most unusual outfit"

The rooster is still a dandy, so we suggest dressing up for this contest as brightly and awkwardly as possible. To do this, you must first stock up on the necessary props:

  • feathers;
  • ladies' hats;
  • straw hats;
  • colored scarves;
  • shawls, etc.

Each contestant walks down the catwalk in the chosen outfit, and a strict jury lifts up the rating plates. The owner of the most awkward outfit receives a cool prize - an ice cockerel.