How to do startup analytics: a complete selection of indicators. Sales Analytics: Intangible Motivation

  • 13.11.2019

Yulia Perminova

Trainer training center Softline since 2008.

A basic tool for working with a huge amount of unstructured data from which you can quickly draw conclusions without fiddling with filtering and sorting manually. PivotTables can be created with a few steps and can be quickly customized depending on how you want to display the results.

Useful addition. You can also create PivotCharts based on PivotTables that will automatically update when they change. This is useful if, for example, you need to regularly generate reports on the same parameters.

How to work

The initial data can be anything: data on sales, shipments, deliveries, and so on.

  1. Open the file with the table whose data you want to analyze.
  2. Go to Insert tab → Table → PivotTable (for macOS, on the Data tab in the Analyze group).
  3. The Create PivotTable dialog box should appear.
  4. Customize the display of the data that you have in the table.

Before us is a table with unstructured data. We can organize them and customize the display of the data that we have in the table. We send the “Amount of orders” to “Values”, and “Sales”, “Sale date” - to “Lines”. According to different sellers for different years, the amounts were immediately calculated. If necessary, you can expand every year, quarter or month - we will get more detailed information for a specific period.

The set of options will depend on the number of columns. For example, we have five columns. They just need to be positioned correctly and choose what we want to show. Let's say the amount.

You can detail it, for example, by country. We transfer "Countries".

You can see the results by sellers. Change "Country" to "Sellers". For sellers, the results will be as follows.

This geo-referenced data visualization method allows you to analyze data, find patterns that have a regional origin.

Useful addition. Coordinates do not need to be written anywhere - it is enough just to correctly indicate the geographical name in the table.

How to work

  1. Open the file containing the table whose data you want to visualize. For example, with information on different cities and countries.
  2. Prepare data for display on the map: "Home" → "Format as table".
  3. Select a range of data for analysis.
  4. On the Insert tab, there is a 3D map button.

The points on the map are our cities. But we are simply not very interested in cities - it is interesting to see information tied to these cities. For example, amounts that can be displayed through the height of the column. Hovering the cursor over the column shows the amount.

Also quite informative is the pie chart by years. The size of the circle is given by the sum.

3. List of predictions

Often, seasonal patterns are observed in business processes, which must be taken into account when planning. The Forecast Sheet is the most accurate forecasting tool in Excel than all the functions that have been before and are now. It can be used to plan the activities of commercial, financial, marketing and other services.

Useful addition. To calculate the forecast, you need data for more than early periods. Forecasting accuracy depends on the amount of data by period - better than no less than a year. You require equal intervals between data points (for example, a month or an equal number of days).

How to work

  1. Open a table with data for the period and the corresponding indicators, for example, from a year.
  2. Highlight two rows of data.
  3. On the Data tab, in the group, click the Forecast Sheet button.
  4. In the Create Forecast Sheet window, select a graph or bar chart to visually represent the forecast.
  5. Select an end date for the forecast.

In the example below, we have data for 2011, 2012 and 2013. It is important to indicate not numbers, but time periods (that is, not March 5, 2013, but March 2013).

For the forecast for 2014, you need two sets of data: dates and their corresponding indicator values. Select both rows of data.

On the Data tab, in the Forecast group, click on Forecast Sheet. In the Create Forecast Sheet window that appears, select the forecast presentation format - a graph or a histogram. In the "End forecast" field, select the end date, and then click the "Create" button. The orange line is the forecast.

4. Quick analysis

This functionality is perhaps the first step towards what can be called business analysis. It's nice that this functionality is implemented in the most user-friendly way: the desired result is achieved in just a few clicks. You don't have to count anything, you don't have to write down any formulas. It is enough to select the desired range and choose what result you want to get.

Useful addition. You can instantly create various types of charts or sparklines (micrographs right in the cell).

How to work

  1. Open a table with data for analysis.
  2. Select the range you want to analyze.
  3. When a range is selected, the "Quick Analysis" button always appears at the bottom. She immediately offers to perform several possible actions with the data. For example, find the results. We can find out the amounts, they are put down below.

Quick Analysis also has several formatting options. You can see which values ​​are larger and which are smaller in the cells of the histogram.

You can also put multi-colored icons in the cells: green - the largest values, red - the smallest.

We hope that these tricks will help you speed up your work with data analysis in Microsoft Excel and quickly conquer the heights of this complex, but so useful in terms of working with numbers application.

Hello dear friends!

Very often in our verbal everyday life we ​​use phrases like: “logical mindset” and analytical thinking. But what this kind of thinking means and what exactly the terms mean, we can not even guess.

In fact, this kind of construction of thought can be disassembled from two sides at once. Both with the theoretical part of the question, and with the practical one. If in the first case analytical thinking denotes a high ability of an individual to make decisions with the help of dry calculation, then in practice the situation is much more interesting.

Not everyone knows exactly what analytical warehouse gray matter implies dominance over. That is, reason completely controls emotions, and logic controls the images that are born.

This does not prevent personalities from showing themselves as world-class mathematicians or even musicians! But how to learn to analyze incoming information? In today's article, I would like to give some effective tips for pumping the skill of analytical thinking. And before that, I will throw an essay on the practical side of the above thought process.

Description of the mechanism of analytical thinking

  • A person is able to skillfully structure incoming information into logical blocks. It may look like separate components that form a general picture of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe problem or topic of the question;
  • personality is able to quickly produce qualitative analysis newsbreak, and then thoroughly study the rubrics separately;
  • in case of lack of arguments or facts, an individual with analytical thinking can resort to restoring the missing puzzles with the help of logical conclusions, constructive conjectures and counterarguments;
  • a prerequisite is to always calculate and see several ways to solve the situation at once;
  • evaluates the pros and cons of each of the possible outcomes of the action taken;
  • chooses the most optimal solution that satisfies the highest number of his requests.

Man and types of thinking

A person, depending on the circumstance that has arisen, uses a different type of thinking:

  • for example, thanks to the logical type, a person is able to find the relationship between the events that occur in his life and discover the sequence;
  • deduction has significant differences between logic. Thus, the deductive method of thinking does not compare what is happening, but independently determines the bundle of seen processes for inference;
  • but the analytical mind can be described as the most advanced way to determine one of the most best options dilemma solutions;
  • abstract thinking (creative), allows a person to generate countless amazing ideas and creative endeavors.

In addition to the successful switching between types, it is thanks to the analysis of incoming information that people of an analytical way of thinking are able to achieve high performance both in the professional field and in their personal lives.

They are less quick-tempered and rather laconic. They hide in themselves powerful qualitiesmarked by high productivity. But it is worth noting that the "science of the analyst" accompanies the individual until the last days. Or rather, until a person completely ceases to exist.

Developing Opportunities

Who needs an analytical mindset, you ask? It is useful to sellers, and artists, and physicists, at the ready with bloggers. And all because with its help you can see the success and effectiveness of the work performed.

Oddly enough, it is not difficult to develop the skill of thinking analytically in children. To do this, they will need to systematically attend lectures in mathematics and simply attend classes. Plus, pay attention to the technical fundamentals and directions.

But with adults, things are much more complicated. Now I want to present you with several effective ways to develop the necessary superpowers.

1. Workout or food for thought

Chess and mathematics

Analytical games are a great workout for the mind. So, chess and mahjong are excellently recommended. During the lesson, you can feel the pleasure and the real pumping of the gray matter.

You have to independently develop a strategy, monitor the enemy and calculate your moves in advance. Since the development of logic is directly related to analytical thinking, I strongly recommend that you perform all kinds of computational operations in your mind.

Computer games

And here computer games helpful as ever. Of course, this type of activity is designed for very lazy people, but nevertheless, quests and strategies perfectly develop analytical skills.

You have to quickly respond to situations, calculate the risks and opportunities, and be patient for an in-depth analysis of the situation.

Own program

In this type of training, everyone is his own master. You can personally choose the topic and flow of information for comparing arguments and facts. Perhaps you will like the study of scientific programs or magazines, familiarization with complex literature for a thorough construction of a logical chain.

Analytical articles on politics, economics and cybernetics may be suitable. Also, you can improve the skill of determining the main from the secondary. I mean, right.

2. Constructive criticism

To get comfortable with analytical thinking, you need to get used to challenging any news that comes in. Doubt everything! I advise you to act as an avid debater. This will help you learn to ask logical and reasoned questions first to yourself, and later to the state, society and the framework.

I propose to pay attention to the detailed consideration of absolutely opposite points of view. As you begin to try to combine them into one continuous layer of material, simultaneously developing each of the hypotheses, you will be able to increase your level of tolerance.

3. Train yourself to plan

Be sure to plan your life ahead. Create a calendar that clearly separates long-term perspectives and goals from short-term ones. After passing through each of the completed stages, analyze the results to derive general adjustments.

It is worth highlighting key events and important dates for accomplishment in bright colors. Thanks to this way of life planning, you develop and improve not only analytical thinking, but also your activities as a whole.

4. Communication and organicity

Be sure to remember about training the ability to think analytically at the time of communication with people. Before speaking, try to calculate in your mind possible options the interlocutor's response or the course of his thoughts.

This perfectly trains attentiveness and involvement in the conversation. Also, the technique is very useful in the event of a heated dispute.

And at the same time, do not focus on the development of one of the hemispheres. Man is a multifaceted and harmonious being. And its success depends only on the versatile development of professional and personal skills, the level of intelligence, communication skills and the symbiosis of types of thinking. Just!

On this point!

Subscribe to updates, a lot of amazing topics and discoveries await you ahead! In the comments, share games to develop analytical thinking or interesting tasks for logic!

See you on the blog, bye bye!

To adequately assess the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns, you need to analyze the data on the site. Only in this way will you understand which visitors come to you, what language they speak, what they are looking for, which advertising channel is most effective, whether your content works or not.

Use Google Analytics to analyze site data. This system offers great opportunities for collecting and analyzing a wide variety of data. Including - standard reports from which you can learn a lot useful information by site.

But often standard reports are not enough, or vice versa, they contain a lot(Most often you come across the latter). Based on the needs of your business, and yourself, as the site owner, create your own custom reports in the system. In this way,you will be able to select only those data that you are really interested in.

The difficulty with reports in Google Analytics is that it is difficult for a beginner or business owner to understand the confusing interface of the service. . It is not always clear which data to select to get the desired report. Getting lost in Analytics and digging into a ton of unnecessary data is actually a breeze.

In this article, we will show you how to create custom reports for your business with a series of examples.

In order for the reports to work correctly and show the real picture, several important conditions must be met:

  • to track data contextual advertising in Google Adwords, need ;
  • must be set on all pages that a visitor can land on - and for which you want to collect statistics;
  • check redirects, data may be incorrect due to redirects;
  • check the filters at your dealerships. Weed out the visits of your employees and your own;

Now you are ready to create your own custom reports. But first, let's figure out what types of reports there are in Google Analytics.

There are two ways to go: modify the main one (if this information is not enough for you) or create custom reports from scratch.

It is very easy to modify the main report.

We take any standard report and set an additional parameter:

For example, I was wondering what is the depth of page browsing from different devices:

As you can see, the report has changed immediately.

But it's better to create your own reports and set the parameters you need.

Custom reports are created on the Custom Reports - My Reports - Add Report tab.

I want to reassure you right away: you don’t need to set the settings every time. If you have already created a report once, this template remains with you in the "My Reports" section. And every time you can go and check the data that you need. The screenshot shows that I already have several reports created.

So, we clicked "Generate Report". You will see this form:

  • specify the name of the report;
  • name the tab (if necessary, there can be several such tabs);
  • select the type of report - analysis (there will be graphs and diagrams), a table or overlay on a map (good for geography reports);
  • add indicators;
  • specify the parameters for analysis;
  • add a filter to cut off unnecessary data;
  • specify the view;
  • save the report.

Now it will always be available (if not deleted) on the "My Reports" tab.

Yes, you say, how simple it is! And what parameters and indicators to choose?

I will share with you some reports that I make myself and which may be useful to you - primarily for owners of corporate websites with a blog.

Country Report

For whom:for those who are advancing international market, and wants to understand where the most engaged audience is.

For what:to understand how traffic and conversions are distributed by region, how high the conversion and interest is.

Creation:select the type of report - "Overlay on the map." Set the scaling options.

As a result, you will get a report that shows you from which country you are most active in getting new users, and how interested these new users are in the content of your site.

Similarly, you can make a report on the cities or regions of one country.

For whom:for everyone who uses content marketing to attract new customers; for anyone with a blog. Informational sites, in particular, cannot do without such a report.

For what: if you create useful content and want to understand how well it works, this is the report you need. You can immediately see which article or material is not only the most interesting of all, but also ensures the achievement of goals and is useful for your business.

Creation:select the report type - "Analysis". We set the following indicators and parameters:

As a result, we will see the name of the page, entries, and the number of unique visitors, the number of bounces and page views, the average duration of a page view, the number of goals achieved and the value of the goal per session.

For whom: for everyone who practices independently and wants to see the result of their efforts.

For what: This report answers the burning question - does the right keyword lead to the right page? The report will also show other data such as page load time, conversion rate, and more.

Creation:select the type of report - "Simple table". Specify "Page Title" and "Keyword" in the parameters. In terms of:

  • Users
  • Conversion rate
  • Achieved goals
  • Average page load time

If you are interested in something else - add.

And now the most interesting - filters. Look at the screenshot.

And here is the report itself:

In a simple table, page titles and keywords, by which users get to them. Thanks to indicators for achieved goals, you will be able to understand whether it is worth changing your strategy or not.

For whom:for everyone who is engaged in SEO promotion and wants to evaluate user engagement.

For what:to evaluate the performance of pages in terms of unique views, bounce rate, exit rate, conversions achieved.

Creation.The report type is "Analysis". Again, you need to set filters, as in keyword research. See the screenshot for the settings:

As a result, we get the following report:

Here are the ten most effective pages on your site. You can immediately see which page has the highest bounce rate - that's something to think about and work on.

For whom:for those who advertise using contextual advertising.

For what:to understand what keywords are in your advertising campaigns Adwords is the most effective.

Creation:select the type of report - "Simple table". Set parameters and filters:

At the end, get a report with a list of the ten most effective keywords. Also evaluate their cost, number of conversions, and cost per conversion. For convenience, the ad group in which this keyword is located is also indicated.

Social media report

For whom:for those who use social networks to promote the site.

For what:to understand which social networks give more traffic, where you need to invest more profitably.

Creation:report type - "Simple table". Set parameters:

The most interesting thing here is in the filters. Turn on the Source, and in the "Regular Expression" field add the following:

facebook\.com|twitter\.com|linkedin|del\.icio\.us|delicious\.com|technorati|digg\.com| hootsuite|stumbleupon|netvibes|bloglines|faves\.com|aim\.com|friendfeed|blinklist|fark| furl|newsgator|prweb|msplinks|myspace|bit\.ly|tr\.im|cli\.gs|zi\.ma|poprl|tinyurl|ow\.ly|reddit

These are the reports that are enough for you to get started. If you want to dive deeper, try creating reports yourself by setting different parameters or extending the standard ones.

What reports in Google Analytics say

Custom or custom reports in Google Analytics can contain only the data that you need, and only you. Create a few templates for yourself, and they will always be at hand, you can always check the current state of affairs.

There are simpler reports, you can also create complex ones with additional settings and variables - we have already seen this in the example of the last report.

When creating reports, always think about your business goals first. What tasks should your site solve? What questions do you want answered?

Combining different indicators you can get the right answer.

Save the article for yourself and try to create reports from the given examples. Believe me, analytics will suck you in 🙂

Hi all! A new article from the cycle "self-promotion of sites" - analysis of the site and the site of competitors. If you are looking for ways to optimize your own website, this article is for you.

Pre-read the introductory article on how to promote the site yourself, and only then proceed to study the topic site analysis.All people who have been promoting and monetizing their sites for a long time probably know that the most difficult task- this is a struggle for leadership in search results for some specific key queries. And here it is not enough just to optimize content for these same search queries. Indeed, it is not enough just to fill the site with optimized articles, it is important to use all possible ways promotions to gain an advantage over other sites.

Why do you need site analysis?

First, you need to define a few concepts, for example, what is site analysis and why is it needed. If, what is SEO, we have defined: SEO is a search marketing tool that is able to attract customers from search results. Site analysis is done not only in the context of the site promotion stage, but rather as a holistic mechanism. Website analysis affects the creation of a website promotion strategy and the creation of a semantic core.

The difference between the concepts of "website analysis" and "SEO site analysis".

If you try Google, you will see that in different blogs they write exactly the same thing about site analysis as about seo analysis, although these are completely different things! And when preparing an analysis of sites online, you should not forget that there is a difference. A little lower you will see a checklist for site analysis and understand what, in fact, is the difference.

The importance of site analysis and competitor sites.

In fact, the meaning of promoting your site to some extent comes down to just fighting with competitors. After all, you can get into the top of the results only with a resource that, according to certain criteria, is the most attractive for both search robots and ordinary users. Therefore, the highest quality resources get into the top, or those that were able to achieve a certain advantage over other projects.

However, the bottom line is the most important. There is a simple list of requirements as an indication of the importance of conducting site analysis.

  1. Site analysis helps to understand the existing errors in the site,
  2. Site analysis helps to understand positions (not keywords) of validity,
  3. Website analysis helps to create the correct checklist for optimization,
  4. Website analysis will help you make high-quality technical specifications for a programmer and SEO optimizer.

That is, site analysis, or rather a qualitative analysis of sites, is the key to building a successful website promotion strategy on your own. Therefore, treat it more responsibly and get better results in the future.

Plan for future site analysis

Before you start any site analysis, you need to determine the plan by which you will move in this difficult matter. The plan is needed because there are many tools for analyzing the site, such as analyzing sites online and with the help of programs. Depending on the stage, it will be possible to take different tools.

Goals and objectives of site analysis

It is important to understand that each analysis should begin with setting goals, depending on the goals and objectives of the site analysis, you are building a plan.

Site Analysis Plan

  1. Technical analysis of all pages of the site
  2. Website SEO analysis

After you set goals, you will understand what stages to break the plan into in a hierarchical order. For example, if you are going to do an analysis to increase search results in the first place, your plan will start with everything related to seo and website analysis.

Practice. How to analyze the site yourself

So, the most interesting thing is practice. We will move through the stages that we have compiled above, and the first stage is Website technical analysis. To conduct a technical analysis of the site, we will take my site as an example - .

Website technical analysis

  1. Number of indexed pages
  2. Main website mirror
  3. What does the search robot think about the site?
  4. Duplicate pages
  5. Double title
  6. Duplicates descriptions
  7. Image optimization
  8. Optimization of robots.txt and sitemap files
  9. Server response codes

Well, this is not all, but these are the main points that should be checked first of all when conducting a technical analysis of the site. There are many services for online site analysis. But we will use for example only the standard and free methods conducting and collecting analytics from search engines.

The number of indexed pages in Google and Yandex

Search engines and webmaster tools make it easy to check the presence of pages in the index by parameters: how many pages are loaded by the robot, how many are indexed and where to look for errors.

Example from Google for Webmasters

My site has recently moved to a new domain, so there is a big gap in the indexed pages, and some pages are closed in the robots.txt file, which we will talk about below.

An example from Yandex. Webmasters

Yandex gives more presentable site page statistics, which can be studied in more detail if you go deeper into Yandex webmaster tools.

Main website mirror

The main mirror is the main domain of the site, make sure that the search robot knows where to look for you. In the new Yandex. Webmaster, you can find this data in the "site relocation" section.

It is not so easy to find this data on Google, but when registering, you can set this parameter in the "view in search" section. But there you can only specify what is primary with or without www. In order to move to a secure https site, you need to add it again, and Google will merge domains automatically. Don't forget to set up a 301 redirect from the old domain to the new one.

What does the search robot think about the site?

Everything is simple here. Information can be found both in Yandex.Webmaster and in a similar tool in Google, on the corresponding page.

This way you will understand that no sanctions were applied against your site.

Duplicate pages, titles and descriptions

This is the important part. The presence of duplicates (anything) negatively affects the ranking of the site in search results, so take this issue carefully and thoroughly.

You can check duplicate pages both in Google and Yandex (page "Diagnostics -> Site Diagnostics"), and in Google on the "HTML Optimization" page.

Since I don’t have any special errors, it makes no sense to show both screenshots. If there are errors, you will see recommendations in both services for correcting them. This block covers the following items:

  1. Duplicate pages
  2. Double title
  3. Frequency of occurrence of H1 - H6 headings
  4. Duplicates descriptions
  5. Analysis of pages with content and search for pages without content

Website image optimization

Unfortunately, there is no option to check image optimization in free services, I will say that you need to check ALT - image tag and their loading speed. Important parameters:

  1. How much does the image weigh
  2. How long does it take to load an image
  3. Does the image have an ALT tag?

In the future, I will write an article on how to check your images for these parameters, but today we will analyze the standard methods for analyzing sites.

Parsing the robots.txt file

In Yandex, you can upload an existing file and check it for correctness.

Google is similar.

Sitemap Analysis

Similar sitemap verification tools are present in both tools; in google, under the robots.txt checkpoint, you can find and analyze sitemap files after adding it.

I will not provide screenshots for security reasons, but the interface of both services is intuitive.

Server response codes

Most often, server response codes are a technical element of the site, the indicators will be the same, since if the site is working, you will receive 200.ok in both systems, if not, the conclusion suggests itself.

That's all I wanted to write about technical analysis sites. Let me remind you that there are a lot of services for online and offline website analytics, so it is not necessary to use only free ones. basic services about search engines.

On this 1 Part of the article Website analysis finished. In the following sections, we will discuss equally important issues:

  1. Website page optimization analysis
  2. Website SEO analysis
  3. Website Competitiveness Analysis

Thanks for reading me. Subscribe to updates and do not miss new and interesting blog articles.

In conclusion to the article "Site Analysis - Part One"

If you doubt your own abilities or think that site analysis should take you more time and effort than described here, you are right. I invite you to take part in online seo training, on specially prepared courses. You can choose a module from seo kusa - analysis of sites and competitors and in a short time learn how to analyze sites like a professional optimizer.

There are different modules available in online learning, which you can read about in a special section of my website.

If a company has been on the market for a long time, then by default it already has several departments, people clearly understand their tasks, and the owner seeks to systematize this process. Work in startups often goes under the motto: “let’s burn”, where the owner resembles a novice skier on a difficult track: he seems to have taught the theory, but for some reason it’s scary in reality and other skiers overtake. Today we will talk about analytics in startups - a lantern that can brightly illuminate the path to a systems business.

Many owners whose company is at the start-up stage are sure that working with the market begins with advertising. In fact, this is only the third stage.

Starpap starts from the fact that the company forms a message to the external market. Look carefully at the picture below.

People will never buy what they don't know about. If you remember the basic principles of marketing, then first there is interest, then a person begins to look for information about what interested him, realizes the need to buy, compares offers, and only after that he purchases a product or service.

That is why the work of a startup begins with the formation of a need among consumers with the help of marketing communication, after that the demand is increased through three channels (Web, offline and Mobile) and finally the advertising is launched. When that moment arrives, it's time to start collecting metrics and doing analytics.

Why can't you run ads right away? Look at Tesla. At first, the shortcomings of gasoline and diesel cars were actively discussed on the network, large-scale campaigns were launched to preserve environment– and when eco-friendly cars made a splash in the market. However, if Elon Musk had launched car ads at a time when consumers were not even thinking about an alternative to gasoline and diesel, it is likely that the new product would have failed.


The customer journey through your funnel consists of several basic stages, at each of which you need to measure a number of indicators.


A lead is a person who has shown primary interest in your company - for example, left an email on the landing page in exchange for a trap product.

  • Contact details (name, email, phone number);
  • Advertising channels where the lead came from (context, social networks, search);
  • Marketing influences, where the lead came from (meeting, webinar).


At the contact stage, the lead goes to the sales manager and regular communications with the client begin, a need is formed, pains are identified, objections are processed.

What indicators to fix:

  • Personal data - the more the better (age, birthday, gender, interests, for B2B - the decision maker);
  • Client status (new, client, refuser). The less time has passed since the client entered the funnel, the higher the chances of closing the deal.
  • History of communication (number of calls, meetings). Recorded in the CRM system.


The stage at which there is already an agreement. However, it is still at the planning stage, that is, the invoice has not yet been issued.

What indicators to fix:

  • Probability and amount (calculated depending on the product that the client is targeting).
  • Stage of the contact transaction (first contact, negotiations, closed and not implemented, makes a decision);
  • Responsible seller.


The stage at which there is an agreement. The account has already been posted.

What indicators to fix:

  • Invoice status (new, issued, paid). By the way, it is best to remind the client about payment in the morning. We already wrote about this in the article. ;
  • Payment details;
  • Purchased goods, products.


The moment when a customer pays for a product or service.

What indicators to fix:

  • Payment status (accrued, paid, canceled, changed).
  • Payment methods (how the client pays: in cash, non-cash, through partners, through electronic money, etc.)
  • Amount, currency (partial payment, full payment)


A second deal is always more important than the first one, because at the start you get a loyal client, for which you do not need to pay extra.

What indicators to fix:

  • Probability and amount (if your products or service involve repeat purchases or uses, set the probability and amount to be the same as the first purchase);
  • Client category (VIP, premium, standard). At this stage, you indicate the solvency of consumers.
  • Purchase history.


A CRM system is an application that records customer data and the history of interactions with them, which allows you to optimize marketing, improve sales quality and service levels, and set up a transparent work of the sales department.

In a single CRM system, you can combine all the data described in the previous section, as well as conduct analytics. You do not have to maintain dozens of tables at the same time and manually create reports.

The basis of analytics is the availability of exact numbers. They are just what the CRM system allows you to collect.

Benefits of using a CRM system:

  • Collecting information about the client (by going to the client’s profile, you can see his personal data, communication history, place in the sales funnel, the likelihood of a transaction, and so on);
  • Quality control of the work of sales staff;
  • Obtaining operational reporting about the client in the sales channel;
  • Saving the history of communication with the client;
  • Automation of business processes.

The CRM system removes most of the routine work from sales managers, freeing up working time for calls and meetings. For more tips on optimizing your sales team, read this article. .


To move to the stage of a system business, it is important to establish a reporting system in the company at the startup stage. There are several types of them:


Daily reports on marketing, leads, sales, shipments, which are necessary for the full existence of the company. They allow not only to monitor the state of the business, but also quickly identify shortcomings in any functional area and correct them.


Reports to help track employee performance. It is advisable to check on the day of submission of the report. There will always be those who do a poor job. If you arrange a debriefing the next day, then this will be an “after the fact” action, where you will not achieve anything other than offending employees. Speaking the results on the day of submission of the report, you get:

  • you can quickly respond to what is not done - and correct the situation;
  • the employee will have a night to comprehend the situation and find options for solving the problem;
  • there is no demotivation due to public criticism of an employee.

Reports on the results are always generated in the context of "plan-actual".


Analytical report shows why this or that situation occurred. In addition, with the help of analytical reports, you can prioritize the project. These reports have several basic differences:

  • they are based on solid statistics with concrete numbers;
  • comparison is made with the same period (for example, Tuesday-Tuesday, May 1 - April 1, March 2017 - March 2018, etc.)

At the same time, when studying analytical reports, you must determine the factors of influence (which affect the achievement of the result) and evaluate the work on a point scale. What it will be - five-point, ten-point or hundred-point - you can set yourself. For business growth, in addition to the above, it is important to keep a marketing report, a lead generation report, and a logistics report.


Financial reports are associated with numbers, and their main indicators are income and expenses. Provides the opportunity to analyze and calculate for the future financial flows and results. You can evaluate how much you actually deviated from the plan. If you have no experience in reporting, read the article .

That business becomes successful, the owner responsibly treats its development. Read Liftmarketing tips - and achieve results.