The Google AdWords Bible - Brian Todd, Perry Marshall. Contextual advertising that works. The Google AdWords Bible

  • 04.12.2019

If the internet is important to your business, then no book you've ever bought will help you make or save as much money as this one.

This is one of the world's most popular books on the context system. google ads AdWords. She will teach you how to create effective sales ads and hooks, strengthen relationships with your customers, win in your market and earn money with Google. You will be able to see the results as you read.

book characteristics

Date of writing: 2012
Transfer date: 2014
Name: contextual advertising which works. Bible Google AdWords

Volume: 440 pages, 150 illustrations
ISBN: 978-5-00057-116-3
Translator: Olga Lobacheva
Copyright holder: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber

Preface to the book "Contextual advertising that works"

Stop! Before reading this book...

If you are a complete newbie to Google AdWords, you MUST read this short preface first.

They say you can't learn to ride a bike in a workshop, and that certainly applies to AdWords. AdWords and everything that is done in direct marketing is absolutely applied stuff. This is not a theory. This is the real world. This is something that can only be understood through bitter experience.

By the way, about the bitter experience: When AdWords was brand new, it had a lot of inexpensive options and you could experiment with a lot of easy mistakes. Well, those days are long gone - today such a strategy will kill you.

When will you open Google account AdWords, go ahead and enter your keywords, write ads and set prices. Nothing, if you do not fully understand what you are doing - you will learn. The first couple of chapters in this book will show you exactly how. But here's the most important thing:

Set a small daily budget - say $5 or $10 - so that your first AdWords experience is POSITIVE, not painful.


Worse What you can do in your new Google advertiser career is accidentally get $2,500 worth of clicks that you don't have. Most advertisers try and hit the bumps before things start to fall into place. Google makes a lot of wrong suggestions about how best to set up your account, and if you blindly follow them, you'll make a lot of costly mistakes.

The best what you can do is watch the clicks come in and enjoy the fruits of your labors.

One of the most important AdWords strategies we teach is called "Drop and Paste". Be sure to master it - it is outlined in chapter 4.

So, act! Roll up your sleeves and get started. Going from one chapter to another, make changes to your Google account. You will really see the difference in performance in just a few hours.

And before you spend even $10 on Google clicks, please make sure you follow the guidelines in this book. Otherwise, you will make many common mistakes and waste a lot of money that you could have saved to grow your business.

Also make sure you have access to the Fanalytix™ service, read the special reviews and check out the video and audio material in the book bonus section at

If you are an experienced Google advertiser…

Here are some of our favorites:

. Use of social media. It's not about likes, tweeting, bookmarking, or how to be social. This will make your Google ads work better, but not in the way you think. How? In a special way. See chapter 17.

. The dark side of Google. You must be aware of the risks in order not to get into trouble. See Chapter 14. And in Chapter 15, my colleague Phil Alexander will help you learn something about Google using Las Vegas casinos as an example.

. Image advertising. Compared to the good old banner ads of the 1990s image advertising is a brand new toy at Google. Less than 10% of advertisers use it, so if a content network is important to you, you can reap significant benefits. See chapter 11.

. Remarketing (lead tracking). Chapter 26 is about remarketing (aka retargeting) - promotional messages aimed at people who have already visited your site but have not bought anything.

. Google Place. Chapter 27 tells you how to skyrocket the performance of local address pages. In the age of smartphones and spontaneous decisions, this is extremely important for any local business.

. Guide to essentials software . For savvy advertisers, we've added new, improved content at, including a guide to the Google Conversion Optimizer ) , as well as software tools that will give them invaluable information about the personal oddities of their clients.

And the last.

Frankly: Google is really a starting point for advertisers and information providers worldwide. From the point of view of ordinary people who go about their business day after day around the world, Google is the most reliable brand for business. If you meet Google standards, you meet international standards.

I'm not saying it's easy. But I promise: it will REALLY pay off, don't doubt it.

Follow the directions we give in this book and you will become a world class promoter in your market, in your niche, in your profession. I wish you dizzying success.

How to get a customer to choose your site and buy from you, not from your competitor

Google receives over a billion searches per day and approximately 720,000 searches per minute.

Google can bring thousands of visitors to your site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It can work for you while you are showering, eating breakfast, driving to work, picking up the kids from school, talking on the phone, sleeping, meditating in the bathroom, daydreaming, tearing your veins to meet deadlines, chasing a client, writing an email. …

And it can run on autopilot: 100% predictable and precise, like clockwork.

Ten or fifteen years ago, this was not even a dream, but today it is an everyday reality.

How far do all of us - entrepreneurs, business owners, sales managers - not have to go to get the company on its feet, or even just close a deal.

I can tell in painful detail about the years of my life that I spent knocking on thresholds and tormenting the phone with cold calls. I participated in endless trade shows and constantly made appointments that turned out to be a waste of time.

But now everything is different. I no longer chase clients: clients come to me on their own. This has been happening to me for a long time and I'm completely used to it.

And they will come to you too.

For many, attracting new customers is a real hard labor.. This is the number one hurdle for those who want to get started. new business. But all this can be left in the past. Instead of chasing customers, you can get them to voluntarily come to you - day and night.

Time has shown that the Google AdWords service has been the most significant breakthrough in advertising over the past quarter century. This has never happened before: you pay five bucks, create an account, and in a few minutes you are enjoying a stream of completely new, precisely matched customers who begin to visit your site.

Google can help you in many ways. For example, you want to add an online element to your trading that will provide a more stable cash flow and big discounts from your suppliers. Perhaps you need to cut staff costs or improve the positioning of your consulting services.

Maybe you already have ad traffic, but the free listings are too unreliable. Or you're successfully selling on eBay, but you feel like you're ready to play with the big guys. Or maybe you've messed around with social media and decided it's time to cash in on it. Or maybe you're a working mom and you want to finally get home in time for dinner.

If you are privy to the mysteries of online marketing, all of these possibilities are open to you. Every morning, sitting down at your desk, you will receive e-mail fresh ideas and outreach to potential buyers. Customers will buy your product day and night, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Contextual advertising that works. Google AdWords Bible - Brian Todd, Perry Marshall (download)

(introductory fragment of the book)

And finally, we offer you to watch an interesting video

If you are a complete newbie to Google AdWords, you MUST read this short preface first.

They say you can't learn to ride a bike in a workshop, and that certainly applies to AdWords. AdWords and everything that is done in direct marketing is absolutely applied things. This is not a theory. This is the real world. This is something that can only be understood through bitter experience.

By the way, about the bitter experience: When AdWords was brand new, it had a lot of inexpensive options and you could experiment with a lot of easy mistakes. Well, those days are long gone - today such a strategy will kill you.

Once you open a Google AdWords account, go ahead and enter your keywords, write ads, and set prices. Nothing, if you do not fully understand what you are doing - you will learn. The first couple of chapters in this book will show you exactly how. But here's the most important thing:

Set a small daily budget - say $5 or $10 - so that your first AdWords experience is POSITIVE, not painful.


Worse What you can do in your new Google advertiser career is accidentally get $2,500 worth of clicks that you don't have. Most advertisers try and hit the bumps before things start to fall into place. Google makes a lot of wrong suggestions about how best to set up your account, and if you blindly follow them, you'll make a lot of costly mistakes.

The best what you can do is watch the clicks come in and enjoy the fruits of your labors.

One of the most important AdWords strategies we teach is called "Drop and Paste". Be sure to master it - it is set out in.

So, act! Roll up your sleeves and get started. Going from one chapter to another, make changes to your Google account. You will really see the difference in performance in just a few hours.

And before you spend even $10 on Google clicks, please make sure you follow the guidelines in this book. Otherwise, you will make many common mistakes and waste a lot of money that you could have saved to grow your business.

Also make sure you have access to the Fanalytix™ service, read special reviews and check out the video and audio material in the book bonus section at .

Here are some of our favorites:

Use of social media. It's not about likes, tweeting, bookmarking, or how to be social. This will make your Google ads work better, but not in the way you think. How? In a special way. Cm. .

The dark side of Google. You must be aware of the risks in order not to get into trouble. Cm. . And my colleague Phil Alexander will help you learn something about Google using Las Vegas casinos as an example.

Image advertising. Compared to the good old banner ads of the 1990s, image advertising is a brand new plaything at Google. Less than 10% of advertisers use it, so if a content network is important to you, you can reap significant benefits. Cm. .

Remarketing (lead tracking). is dedicated to remarketing (aka retargeting) - advertising messages aimed at people who have already visited your site, but have not bought anything.

Google Place. tells you how to skyrocket the performance of your local address pages. In the age of smartphones and spontaneous decisions, this is extremely important for any local business.

Guide to required software. For savvy advertisers, we've added new, improved content at , including a guide to the Google Conversion Optimizer ) , as well as software tools that will give them invaluable information about the personal oddities of their clients.

And the last.

To be frank, Google is truly the starting point for advertisers and content providers around the world. From the point of view of ordinary people who go about their business day after day around the world, Google is the most reliable brand for business. If you meet Google standards, you meet international standards.

I'm not saying it's easy. But I promise: it will REALLY pay off, don't doubt it.

Follow the directions we give in this book and you will become a world class promoter in your market, in your niche, in your profession. I wish you dizzying success.

Perry Marshall

Chicago, Illinois

How to get a customer to choose your site and buy from you, not from your competitor

Google receives over a billion searches per day and approximately 720,000 searches per minute.

Google can bring thousands of visitors to your site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It can work for you while you are showering, eating breakfast, driving to work, picking up the kids from school, talking on the phone, sleeping, meditating in the bathroom, daydreaming, tearing your veins to meet deadlines, chasing a client, writing an email. …

The opportunity to make money on the Internet is the dream of millions. Often, users read with envy articles about Internet entrepreneurs who receive huge money for advertising on the site. It seems that the work is not particularly difficult, does not take much time, but in reality there are many subtleties that a beginner cannot always figure out. This book is specially designed for those who want to learn how to be independent, to make a profit from advertising. One of the bestselling authors, Perry Marshall, is a major expert on Google AdWords. He is able to help you understand all the nuances of this system for placing ads. With the help of this book, you can learn how to create interesting ads that users will notice. You will learn how to plan an advertising campaign, how to use Google tools to grow your business and make a profit.

Google AdWords is a rather complex mechanism with its own peculiarities. The competition is high, because many Internet entrepreneurs use this particular system. Google is reliability and a brand. However, newcomers who want to build a career as an advertiser may encounter unforeseen difficulties and lose their investment. Perry Marshall says anyone can get their head around Google AdWords, but with this book, the newcomer will get rid of unnecessary expenses. If you follow all the tips, you can reach unprecedented heights. "Context advertising that works" helps not only beginners, but also experienced advertisers. It describes such tools as image advertising, social media, remarketing and so on. Even an advanced advertiser will be able to find new ways to increase their profits. The book is a collection of instructions, useful tips for developing your business.

Attraction of new clients

If before the life of a successful businessman was a real hard labor - calls, meetings, emails, meetings, now everything has changed. You can earn money by doing your favorite or everyday activities. Thanks to a good and well-designed advertising company Google can constantly bring customers to your site. But to achieve such success, you need to understand the intricacies of Google AdWords. The authors of the book say that today entrepreneurs no longer need to stray off their feet in search of new customers. Today, customers are ready to come to the site themselves. And this applies to start-up businessmen selling their goods on eBay, and large stores, and even multinational corporations. Google search engine receives more than a billion requests from users every day. All these users want something, the task of the entrepreneur is to present to them what they desire. The main thing is that users come to you, open your site. This book will tell you how to beat the competition. Helpful Hints will help not only attract customers, but also strengthen relationships with them. “Context advertising that works” will show by examples how to avoid pitfalls, how not to waste your savings, how to protect new projects and startups. The authors help to understand the psychology of clients, teach you how to manipulate them, make them do what you need.

The essence of search queries

Every day we enter dozens of search queries and we know what we need at this moment. The main principle of attracting customers is to give them what they need. Many newcomers to the online business find it difficult to become a leader in this business. In reality, it is not. Give the user what he is looking for - and he will be with you.

One of the active tools advertising campaign- keywords. It is by them that the user can find your site in search engine. Creating a list of keywords individually for each site, it depends on the field of activity, on potential customers and their psychology. The book will teach you how to keywords help you make your own list. Also, Contextual Advertising that Works offers opportunities for writing interesting headlines, teaches you how to track conversions, optimize traffic, use image ads or social media. From this bestseller, you will learn what a USP is, how email marketing works, and how to properly use Google tools.

In addition to the book “Context advertising that works. Google AdWords Bible" you can get the online application from Perry Marshall's official website. Here are links to resources to help you set up a domain name and website, a Google AdWords account, and an email marketing service. The book by Perry Marshall and Brian Todd is not a manual that will give you useless theory, it is real advice that works in practice. And these tips will help you become a successful online businessman.

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