Locksmith for the repair of technological installations. Buy a certificate of a mechanic for the repair of technological installations Based on the results of certification, a

  • 06.03.2023

You can sign up for the training of mechanics for the repair of technological installations at a specialized educational center. It is possible not only full-time, but also a distance form, which allows you to study in your free time. The development of basic theory and the passage of practical classes are provided.

The locksmith works in the oil and gas industry, so he must take into account the specifics of the equipment. He maintains and repairs the installations, monitors the condition of the components and performs diagnostic measures. After training, he has access to the maintenance of complex mechanisms and units, including the repair of complex oil and gas systems.

Depending on the initial level and the required knowledge, you can choose one of the following programs:

  • basic training for those who do not have initial training and experience;
  • training;
  • retraining;
  • uninterruptible power supply course;
  • occupational Safety and Health;
  • special energy research to improve the efficiency of energy saving.

After successful completion of the training program, the student receives a certificate of assignment of a category and a certificate of a specialist. The category is assigned in accordance with the experience and the level achieved. At primary training, 2nd category is assigned. And in subsequent cases, you can improve your knowledge and apply for 3-7 digits.



To dismantle, repair, assemble and test simple components and mechanisms of machines, apparatus, pipelines, fittings. Carry out repairs of simple installations, assemblies and machines, as well as repairs of medium complexity under the guidance of a more highly qualified locksmith. Perform metalworking of parts according to 12-14 qualifications (5-7 accuracy classes). Wash, clean and lubricate parts. Mark and drill holes on flanges. Perform straightening, filing and cutting threads on pipes. To make simple fixtures for the assembly and installation of repaired equipment. Handle tools and machinery with care, use materials and energy sparingly. Rationally organize the workplace. Comply with the requirements of labor safety, industrial sanitation, fire safety and internal regulations.

Mechanic for the repair of technological installations of the 2nd category MUST KNOW:

The device, purpose and principle of operation of individual devices and components, and repaired equipment. Operating conditions of the serviced equipment. Basic locksmithing techniques. General rules for welding and soldering. Rules for testing pipelines of small diameters. Basic concepts of tolerances and landings, qualifications, classes of accuracy and cleanliness of processing. Purpose and rules for the use of devices and tools. Pipe marking methods. Rules for the use of oils, detergents and lubricants. Drawing elements. Production, job description and internal labor regulations. *Fundamentals of economic knowledge. The economic policy of the country and, especially development at the present stage, tasks for the coming years, the main indicators of the production plan of the enterprise, workshop, team. Modern methods of organizing labor and workplace. Requirements for industrial and fire safety, industrial sanitation.



Dismantle, repair, assemble and test the average complexity of units and mechanisms of machines, apparatus, pipelines and fittings. Carry out repairs of medium complexity installations, machine assemblies, as well as complex ones - under the guidance of a more highly qualified locksmith. Perform disassembly and assembly of piping devices, pumps, compressors. Perform locksmith processing of parts according to 11-12 qualifications (4-5 accuracy classes). Manufacture medium complexity fixtures for assembly and installation of repaired equipment.

Mechanic for the repair of technological installations of the 3rd category MUST KNOW:

The device, purpose and principle of operation of the repaired equipment, fittings. Specifications for pipes, profile steel, fixing materials. Fundamentals of welding business, properties of welded metals. Rules for the operation of equipment. Rules for laying pipelines. Principal technological scheme and communication scheme of the serviced installation. Tolerances and fits, qualifications, roughness parameters.



To dismantle, repair, assemble complex installations, machines, devices, pipelines and fittings using lifting mechanisms. Perform metalworking of parts according to 7-10 qualifications (2-3 accuracy classes). Remove and install operating and control safety valves from capacitive equipment. Test, adjust and commission equipment after repair. Manufacture complex fixtures for the assembly and installation of repaired equipment. Prepare defective repair reports.

Mechanic for the repair of technological installations of the 4th category MUST KNOW:

Purpose, arrangement of complex equipment. Specifications for the repair, testing, adjustment and delivery of repaired equipment. Fundamentals of scheduled preventive maintenance. A system of tolerances and fits, qualifications and roughness parameters. Methods for marking and processing simple various parts. The device of load-lifting mechanisms and the rules for using them. Fundamentals of rigging. Rules for checking repaired and assembled units and devices.



Produce, repair, installation, dismantling, assembly, testing and adjustment of especially complex unique installations, devices, machines and assemblies using mechanisms. Identify and eliminate defects during the operation of the equipment when checking during the repair process. Check for accuracy and load testing of repaired equipment. Handle tools and machinery with care, use materials and energy sparingly. Comply with the requirements of labor safety, industrial sanitation, fire safety and internal regulations.

Mechanic for the repair of technological installations of the 5th category MUST KNOW:

Design features of especially complex equipment. Specifications for the repair, testing and commissioning of especially complex unique equipment. Metal technology. Methods for restoring particularly complex and critical nodes. Permissible loads on operating parts, components and mechanisms of equipment. Modern methods of organizing labor and workplace. (*)

The last few years allow us to draw an unambiguous conclusion about the gradual increase in the popularity of working professions in our country, which at one time was brought to naught. At a certain stage, many experts began to note a trend of increasing shortages in relation to representatives of working specialties. On the one hand, this situation can be explained by the stereotype that has developed in society - especially for young people - about the lack of prestige of specialties that relate to working professions.

Several factors contributed to this opinion, one of which is the popularization in the media of a lifestyle associated with a successful career, "star" success in show business, as well as big business. These goals are worthy of all respect and worth achieving, but not everyone can be successful lawyers, singers and businessmen. There is nothing shameful to work with your hands within one of the working specialties, especially since any work performed professionally is worthy of respect. The situation has somewhat leveled off thanks to social advertising and other projects implemented in the past few years. Moreover, at many enterprises for workers who do not retire, there was no worthy change.

How to get trained

To sign documents

Based on the application, we will prepare a contract

Pay bill

After signing the contract, we will issue an invoice for payment

Get trained

Complete training, Obtain a certificate of the established form.

Full text of the article

In addition, many young people set themselves the goal of higher education, regardless of whether they plan to link their lives with this profession or not. Everything is decided by the prestige and the current fashion for higher education for the sake of the very fact of having a diploma. Meanwhile, the acquisition of professional skills in one of the educational centers, for example, studying at the courses of a mechanic for maintenance and repair of equipment, allows you to confidently look into the future. Moreover, the indisputable advantage of studying at the courses of a mechanic for maintenance and repair of equipment, compared with obtaining a specialty at a university, can be considered the acquisition of professional skills within a short time. In addition, as practice shows, in the labor market the demand for representatives of working specialties is constant and unchanged due to the growth of industry, production and the national economy. In addition, you can get training as part of professional retraining courses for a mechanic to maintain and repair equipment specifically for a specific customer or position. Another undoubted advantage of training in the courses of a mechanic for maintenance and repair of equipment can be considered several ways in which this can be implemented. For example, you can study full-time, as well as remotely. Both the first and the second method have their supporters, however, the distance learning method has recently become incredibly popular. As part of such training, the student can independently choose a comfortable schedule and pace of learning, thanks to modern means of communication.

As already noted, training in the courses of a mechanic for maintenance and repair of equipment can be carried out by choosing the appropriate training center, of which there are a large number in our country. Each enterprise, including an educational institution, which remains in demand for a long time, has passed the test of competition, which is invisibly present in a market economy. Centers that consider it a matter of honor to provide quality training services try to attract highly qualified teachers, who in turn are able to produce qualified specialists.

Thanks to skilled labor, not only the production process is optimized, but also certain problems related to industrial safety are solved. It happens that part-time workers can do some work. In fact, they are forced to work without having the professional skills acquired through training, which is why quite often there are traumatic situations associated with accidents. To avoid this, responsible employers do not allow persons without professional training to perform work activities. Training in the courses of a mechanic for maintenance and repair of equipment takes place in stages. If the first stage concerns theoretical training, then the second one is completely devoted to practice, during which future specialists are taught to apply theoretical information in practice. In particular, during the theoretical stage, the program provides for the assimilation of the following sections:

  • introduction;
  • special information regarding the profession of a mechanic for maintenance and repair of equipment;
  • occupational Safety and Health;
  • fire safety and industrial sanitation;
  • industrial safety;
  • provision of first aid in case of injury at work.

In addition, during the theoretical stage, future specialists learn plumbing; pass materials science; learn to read drawings; section of mechanics, electrical engineering; device, equipment, operation and repair of equipment; mechanization and automation of the production process; fundamentals of the economy.

As a rule, more time is devoted to practical training in courses for a mechanic for maintenance and repair of equipment than theoretical. This is due to the fact that the future professionalism of a locksmith depends on the acquisition of practical skills. After the entire training program for the equipment maintenance and repair course has been exhausted, students must pass a certification exam. Based on the results of certification, a specialist is issued a certificate of a specialist, in which his qualification category is indicated. It is important to remember that, according to the current labor legislation, persons who do not have the appropriate certificate cannot perform professional activities within the framework of the profession. Without special skills and mastered information regarding occupational safety rules, any person is a ticking time bomb. Without proper training, such a self-taught specialist is likely to make a mistake or oversight, which will lead to disastrous consequences.

Training onmechanic for the repair of technological installations - a mandatory requirement for specialists who are engaged in monitoring, diagnostics, maintenance and repair of components, mechanisms and units of oil and gas processing equipment (Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2014 No. 944n). The course is recommended for specialists as an additional professional education, but on its basis it is also possible to improve qualifications.

Course Information

Find out the terms and cost of training or call 8 800 555-93-71 (toll-free in Russia)

What does the training of a mechanic for the repair of technological installations include?

Training of a working profession with the issuance of a certificate of a mechanic for the repair of technological installations allows you to study in detail modern methods of ensuring the operability of units, mechanisms and units of oil and gas processing equipment.

Reference! The crust of a mechanic for the repair of technological installations indicates that the specialist has undergone regular training - at least once every 5 years; understands technological updates; familiar with safety rules. It is necessary for mechanics, fitters and fitters for repair of industrial equipment.

The course allows you to get a certificate of a mechanic for the repair of technological installations of 2-7 categories. It addresses a wide range of issues that allow the applicant to immediately start working in the specialty after graduation:

  • performance of maintenance operations and preparation for repair of oil refinery equipment;
  • maintenance of mechanisms, equipment, units and machines of medium complexity;
  • repair of components and mechanisms, equipment, units and machines of medium complexity;
  • maintenance and repair of complex, large-sized, unique, experimental and experimental refinery equipment.

Certificate sample

ETKS (Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers)

Important point! Depending on the category assigned to the student, the timing of theoretical and practical classes may vary.

The training program for a Mechanic for the repair of technological installations covers the following issues of a theoretical and practical nature:

Select category

Training course for a mechanic for the repair of technological installations, 2nd category

Characteristics of works.

Disassembly, repair, assembly and testing of simple components and mechanisms of machines, apparatus, pipelines, fittings. Repair of simple installations, units and machines, as well as of medium complexity under the guidance of a more highly qualified locksmith. Locksmith processing of parts according to 12 - 14 qualifications (5 - 7 accuracy classes). Washing, cleaning and lubricating parts. Marking and drilling holes on flanges. Straightening, filing and cutting threads on pipes. Manufacture of simple fixtures for assembly and installation of repaired equipment.

Must know:

device, purpose and principle of operation of individual devices and units of equipment being repaired; operating conditions of the serviced equipment; basic locksmithing techniques; general rules for welding and soldering; rules for testing pipelines of small diameters; basic concepts of tolerances and landings, qualifications, classes of accuracy and cleanliness of processing; purpose and rules for the use of devices and tools; pipe marking techniques; drawing elements; rules for the use of oils, detergents and lubricants.

Work examples

1. Manhole covers of machines and devices - removal and installation.
2. Protections - removal and installation.
3. Gaskets - production.
4. Heat exchangers of the "pipe in pipe" type - disassembly.
5. Pipes of the cooling and lubrication system - cleaning.
6. Gas nozzles - revision.

Sign up for a course (2nd grade)

Training course for a mechanic for the repair of technological installations, 3rd category

Characteristics of works.

Dismantling, repair, assembly and testing of the average complexity of units and mechanisms of machines, apparatus, pipelines, fittings. Repair of medium complexity installations, assemblies and machines, as well as complex ones under the guidance of a more highly qualified locksmith. Locksmith processing of parts according to 11 - 12 qualifications (4 - 5 accuracy classes). Disassembly and assembly of piping devices, pumps, compressors. Manufacture of medium complexity fixtures for assembly and installation of repaired equipment.

Must know:

device and principle of operation of the repaired equipment, fittings; specifications for pipes; profile steel, fixing materials; fundamentals of welding; properties of welded metals; rules for laying pipelines; equipment operation rules; the basic technological scheme and the scheme of communications of the serviced installation; tolerances and landings; quality and roughness parameters.

Work examples

1. Low pressure fittings - removal, repair, installation.
2. Compressors - disassembly and removal of valves, seals, oil deflectors, crossheads, bearings, valve covers and cylinders.
3. Oil pumps, lubricators - dismantling, repair.
4. Piston, plunger, centrifugal and gear pumps disassembly, repair.
5. Oil seals - stuffing.
6. Pipelines and devices of the cooling and lubrication system of compressors and pumps - disassembly.
7. Furnace pipes, plates and inter-plate space of columns, tubes and annular space of heat exchangers, tubes of refrigerator condensers - cleaning from coke and deposits.

Sign up for a course (3rd category)

Training course for a mechanic for the repair of technological installations 4th category

Characteristics of works.

Dismantling, repair, assembly of complex installations, machines, devices, pipelines and fittings using lifting mechanisms. Locksmith processing of parts according to 7 - 10 qualifications (2 - 3 accuracy classes). Removal and installation of working and control safety valves from capacitive equipment. Testing, adjustment and delivery of equipment after repair. Manufacture of complex fixtures for assembly and installation of repair equipment. Preparation of defective repair reports.

Must know:

purpose, arrangement of complex equipment; technical conditions for repair, testing, adjustment and delivery of repaired equipment; basics of preventive maintenance; system of tolerances and landings, qualifications and roughness parameters; methods of marking and processing simple various parts; arrangement of load-lifting mechanisms and rules for their use; basics of rigging; rules for checking repaired and assembled units and devices.

Work examples

1. Air coolers - disassembly of the gearbox.
2. Column type devices - repair, assembly of internal devices, removal and installation of covers, heads.
3. Heat exchangers - assembly.
4. Granulators, crystallizers, mixers, filters - disassembly, repair, assembly.
5. Piston compressors - disassembly, repair and assembly of cylinders, crankshaft, crosshead assembly, valves, pistons.
6. Centrifugal compressors - disassembly of the rotor, repair of bearings and gear couplings.
7. Centrifugal, double-casing and multi-stage pumps with more than four impellers - disassembly.
8. Tubular furnaces - replacement of pipes, doubles.
9. Reactors - replacement of the lantern, removal of heads, removal and installation of the zone thermocouple pocket, assembly of the seal assembly and coupling joints.
10. Reducers - repair, assembly, adjustment.

Sign up for a course (4th grade)

Training course for a mechanic for the repair of technological installations 5th category

Characteristics of works.

Disassembly, repair, assembly of particularly complex installations of machines, devices, units, pipelines, fittings using mechanisms and delivery after repair. Locksmith processing of parts and assemblies according to 6 - 7 qualifications (1 - 2 accuracy classes). Dismantling, repair and assembly of components and equipment in conditions of intense and dense landings. Technical certification of equipment.

Must know:

device and design features of complex equipment; technological sequence and organization of labor during the repair, assembly, installation of equipment; all types of materials used in the repair; methods for determining premature wear of parts; static and dynamic balancing of machines; geometric constructions with complex markup; ways to restore worn parts; methods of repair of equipment and apparatus operating under high pressure.

Work examples

1. Apparatus - repair of the body (not requiring heat treatment), checking the plates for bubbling.
2. Shut-off, safety and control valves - disassembly, repair, grinding, assembly and adjustment.
3. Ventilation ducts - assembly.
4. Blowers, blowers and superchargers - repair, testing.
5. Compressors, pumps - scraping of bearing shells and other machine parts, repair of safety and check valves.
6. Piston compressors - adjustment and commissioning.
7. Gas engine compressors - repair.
8. Condensers-refrigerators - removal and installation of sections.
9. Ball mills, roller mills, crushers, screens, smoke exhausters, granulators - overhaul, testing, commissioning.
10. Centrifugal, double-casing and multi-stage pumps with more than four impellers - repair, assembly, commissioning.
11. Tube furnaces - control, rejection of pipes.
12. Reactors - repair.
13. Heat exchangers (raw materials) of hydrotreatment, catalytic reforming, hydrocracking and other over 200 atm repairs.
14. Centrifuges - repair.

Sign up for a course (5th grade)

Training course for a mechanic for the repair of technological installations, 6th category

Characteristics of works.

Repair, installation, dismantling, assembly, testing and adjustment of especially complex unique installations, devices, machines and units using mechanisms. Identification and elimination of defects during the operation of the equipment and when checking during the repair process. Accuracy and load testing of repaired equipment.

Must know:

design features of especially complex equipment; technical conditions for the repair, testing and commissioning of especially complex unique equipment; metal technology; ways to restore especially complex and critical nodes; allowable loads on operating parts, components and mechanisms of equipment; equipment maintenance and repair systems.

Work examples

1. Air coolers - assembly and alignment of the gearbox.
2. Drum vacuum filter - replacement of intermediate bearing shells, repair of the faceplate, adjustment of the distributor head, commissioning.
3. Granulators - sorting of parts, repair and assembly of the drive head, shtober, alignment of the main drive electric motor, alignment of the knife support.
4. Centrifugal compressors - repair of labyrinth seals and rotor; rotor balancing, alignment, assembly.
5. Gas engine compressors - adjustment, adjustment, testing.
6. Waste heat boilers - overhaul, hydraulic tests. Lens seals for high pressure pipelines (700 - 2500 atm) - repair.
7. Tubular furnaces - test (hydraulic or pneumatic) of the coil.
8. Reactors - hull repair, hydraulic testing.
9. Catalytic cracking reactors - replacement of the stuffing box sleeve, lens compensator and straight section of the pressure riser, separation plate glass, side pipes and outlet manifold collector.
10. Reactors for catalytic reforming and hydrotreatment - repair and assembly of a glass, switchgears, pocket of zone thermocouples.
11. Reactors with a stirrer - installation of a stirrer and bottoms in a high-pressure reactor, alignment and assembly of coupling joints, hydraulic testing.
12. Catalytic cracking regenerators - replacement of the coil, defective sections, distribution grid, production of an air box, replacement of defective sections.
13. Planetary gearboxes and with complex tooth profile - assembly.
14. Heat exchangers (raw materials) of hydrotreating, catalytic reforming, hydrocracking and other units over 200 atm assembly, testing.
15. High pressure pipelines for any liquids and gases, as well as pipelines of reactor blocks of catalytic reforming, hydrotreatment, hydrocracking units - repair, assembly.
16. Steam turbines - checking the gap between the blades, housing, rotor; repair and establishment of gaps in diaphragm seals, stuffing box seals, in thrust and thrust bearings, alignment, adjustment.
17. Turbochargers - overhaul and delivery.
18. Centrifuges - pressing clutch couplings, shaft alignment, pressing out and assembly of the mechanical seal housing, disassembly and assembly of probes, scraping of bearings, bushings, sorting of parts, commissioning.

Sign up for a course (6th category)

Training course for a mechanic for the repair of technological installations, 7th category

Characteristics of works.

Adjustment and complex adjustment of complex technological complexes, combined and large-capacity plants. Maintenance and diagnostics, including vibration diagnostics of machinery during operation and during repairs. Load testing and tuning of particularly complex machinery and refurbished equipment. Maintenance of technical documentation for the operation and repair of equipment, participation in the launch of complex technological complexes and installations. Management of lower-skilled workers.

Must know:

ways to adjust complex technological complexes and installations; design features of especially complex equipment; technical documentation for the repair, testing and commissioning of especially complex equipment; metal technology; system of admissions and landings; modern methods of restoring parts and assemblies - plasma spraying, the use of metal-layers and others; a system of scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment of oil refineries.

Sign up for a course (7th grade)

Who is vocational training aimed at?

Applicants who meet the following requirements can get a useful, and most importantly, a working profession in demand in the labor market in Moscow:
    age from 18 years; the state of health corresponding to the profession; the presence of a certain qualification (when assigning categories of the highest level).
Reference!An employee can enroll in courses of his own free will or at the direction of the employer.

Required documents

In order to enter courses for the development of a working profession, it is important to take care of the preparation of such documents :
    copy of the passport; (passport data) a copy of the document on education (secondary, secondary special, higher); medical certificate depending on the chosen profession (not always required); listener's request
If an organization sends a trainee to the profession "Mechanic for the repair of technological installations" for training, then a card with its details is attached to the package of papers.

The training of a locksmith for the repair of technological installations is carried out in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2014 No. 944n “On approval of the professional standard “Locksmith of technological installations”, “List of professions of workers, positions of employees for which vocational training is carried out”, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 513 dated July 2, 2013, the requirements of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers, the All-Russian Classifier of Workers' Professions, Positions of Employees and Wage Categories.

Technological installations - a production complex of structures and equipment located in a building or on a separate site of an enterprise and intended for the implementation of a technological process.

The profession of a mechanic for the repair of technological installations requires the following skills: disassembly, repair, assembly and testing of components and mechanisms of machines, apparatus, pipelines, fittings of varying complexity; repair of installations, units and machines of varying complexity; locksmith processing of parts according to qualifications; washing, cleaning and lubricating parts; marking and drilling holes on flanges; straightening, filing and cutting threads on pipes; production of simple fixtures for assembly and installation of repaired equipment, etc.

A mechanic for the repair of technological installations must know: the device, purpose and principle of operation of individual devices and components of the equipment being repaired; operating conditions of the serviced equipment; basic locksmithing techniques; general rules for welding and soldering; rules for testing pipelines of small diameters; basic concepts of tolerances and landings, qualifications, classes of accuracy and cleanliness of processing; purpose and rules for the use of devices and tools; pipe marking techniques; drawing elements; rules for the use of oils, detergents and lubricants, etc.

To perform work, a mechanic for the repair of technological installations must undergo professional training, no more than once a year and at least once every 5 years, take short-term refresher courses in the amount of at least 72 hours in order to acquire new knowledge and skills and increase their rank, have a medical book with no contraindications. It is important that persons under the age of 18 are not allowed to work as a mechanic for the repair of technological installations.

Tuition fees and terms of development

ANO DPO "Comprehensive Training Center for Retraining Personnel" conducts vocational training in the following programs:

Form of study: full-time, part-time, remote with the use of "Internet" technologies.

What is included in the training program

In the process of mastering the training program, developed taking into account the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2014 No. 944n “On approval of the professional standard “Mechanic of technological installations”, Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 513 of July 2, 2013 “On approval of the List of professions of workers, positions of employees for which vocational training” for mastering working profession of a mechanic for the repair of technological installations the following questions are being studied:

  • Industry economics
  • Materials Science
  • Fundamentals of electrical engineering and electrical equipment of the NPS
  • Fundamentals of technical mechanics
  • Reading drawings and process flow diagrams
  • Tolerances and landings. Technical measurements
  • plumbing
  • Instrumentation
  • Industrial, fire safety and labor protection
  • environmental protection
  • Composition and properties of oil
  • Equipment of main oil pipelines
  • Pumps, fans and their device
  • Maintenance and repair of pumps and fans
  • Pressure regulators, dirt filters. Maintenance and repair
  • NPS tanks and their device
  • Maintenance and repair of tanks and main tank equipment
  • Pipelines, their maintenance and repair
  • Pipeline fittings: gate valves, valves, taps, safety lever valves, electric drive gearboxes. Maintenance and repair
  • Auxiliary equipment of the PS: oil system, cooling system, leakage pumping system, ventilation, sewerage, water supply. Maintenance and repair
  • Repair and restoration of equipment parts
  • Emergency stop analysis

Classes are held in the classroom of ANO DPO "Comprehensive Training Center for Retraining Personnel", as well as through the "Internet" portal of the site of the Training Center.

Upon completion of training issued

  • A certificate for each employee who has passed certification;
  • Minutes of the attestation commission with a list of employees who have passed attestation.

How to get trained as a mechanic for the repair of technological installations

After completing vocational training (either in a specialized school or training center), a mechanic for the repair of technological installations needs to take annual short-term refresher courses in the amount of at least 72 hours, no more than 1 time per year and no less than 1 time in 5 years.

Benefits of working with ANO DPO "Integrated Training Center for Retraining Personnel"

  • all training programs are developed by teachers, taking into account modern educational and methodological materials using new technologies in teaching;
  • a convenient form of an electronic library for the educational material of the course has been developed for you;
  • the cost of training as a mechanic for the repair of technological installations is significantly lower than that of other training centers;
  • training takes place at a convenient time for you and in the form that is required for your organization.

Required documents