The main features of the labor process include. Labor process, its types. The evolution of ideas about essence. Development of labor processes

  • 06.03.2023

Topic 4. Labor process. labor method.

The concept of "labor process" is closely related to the concept of "labor". Often they are not distinguished: labor, as a process taking place in time and space, is called the labor process.

However, there are some differences between these concepts, although when solving certain problems, the possibility of considering them as synonyms is not excluded. In general terms, “labor” is a broader concept. It can be considered from various angles (occupational health, labor culture, labor physiology, labor psychology, labor sociology, labor economics, etc.), act as a generalized characteristic of the production process.

The concept of "labor process" is most often associated with human actions to change the subject of labor. In its narrow sense, the concept of "labor process" is directly related to the solution of problems in the field of organization, regulation and standardization of labor.

In modern educational literature, the authors offer a fairly broad interpretation of the labor process, depending on the setting of those targets that determine the isolation of one or another aspect of the labor process as a defining one.

So, in the textbook edited by V.V. Adamchuk, the labor process is understood as a set of actions of employees necessary for an expedient change in the object of labor. In the textbook edited by Yu.G. Odegov, the authors consider the labor process as a set of actions of the performer or group of performers to transform the objects of labor into its product, performed at the workplace. From the point of view of G. E. Slesinger, the labor process is a cycle of actions consistently carried out by a person, which are necessary and sufficient to obtain intermediate and final results of work. The team of authors of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University is considering another option, where the labor process means a set of interrelated human actions in the course of creating material wealth or providing services aimed at achieving the finished result of labor at a specific workplace and within a clearly defined period of time.

But any interpretation of the labor process comes down, ultimately, to a set of actions of the performer for a predetermined transformation of the objects of labor, the final result of which is the receipt of economically justified and necessary marketable products.

From an economic point of view, the labor process is the process of consuming labor power in order to produce material goods or provide services.

From the definitions of this concept, it follows that any labor process is characterized by a set of specific actions of performers aimed at implementing a complex technological process. The technological process determines content, order actions of performers, as well as their certain subsequence, both in the production of material goods, and in the course of performing specific functions in areas of activity other than material ones.

This means that the labor process implements (mediates) the developed technological process. It is no coincidence that K. Marx wrote: "... in the process of labor, human activity with the help of means of labor causes preplanned change object of labor."

Classification of labor processes.

In the sectors of the economy, a wide variety of labor processes are carried out. Labor processes can be considered in relation to individual jobs, as well as in a broader sense (team, department, workshop, etc.), i.e. in the narrow and broad sense of the word.

Labor processes differ in:

The nature of the object and product of labor;

functions of employees;

the degree of human participation in the transformation of the object of labor;

form of work organization.

Classification of labor processes according to such criteria as the degree of human participation, the form of labor organization, the nature of the object and product of labor In general, it can be represented by the following diagram:

According to the nature of the subject and product of labor, two types of labor processes are distinguished - material and information. Material labor processes are typical for workers, since the subject and product of labor of workers is matter (raw materials, machine parts, etc.) or energy (electrical, thermal, hydraulic, etc.). Information labor processes are typical for employees, since one of the main subjects and products of labor of employees is information (economic, technological, design, etc.).

As scientific and technological progress increases, the proportion information labor processes. With the invention of computers, there have been much more labor processes, which, to one degree or another, are related to information processes.

Further differentiation of the labor processes of workers and employees is carried out according to their functions. Currently, the labor processes of workers are divided into main and auxiliary.

Core Processes aimed at changing the basic objects of labor and giving them the properties of finished products.

Helper Processes aimed at creating conditions for the normal course of the main production process. The purpose of auxiliary processes is the manufacture of products that are used in the main production, but are not part of the finished product of the enterprise (products for internal consumption). The composition and complexity of auxiliary processes depends on the characteristics of the main processes.

A separate group is service processes, i.e. maintenance processes for equipment and workplaces through transportation, storage, control, logistics.

In the main production, where the main products of the enterprise are produced, the main and auxiliary labor processes, including service ones, take place, while in the auxiliary production, which provides the main production with the necessary types of components, tools, repairs, etc., only auxiliary and service processes take place .

It is these three types of processes that are usually singled out for the purposes of labor rationing, since they are aimed at the production of products in the main workshops, the production of products in auxiliary workshops, and the maintenance of jobs in the main and auxiliary workshops.

Accordingly, according to the nature of the functions performed, groups of main, auxiliary and service workers are distinguished. Employees according to their functions are also divided into three groups, which were discussed above.

Features of labor processes in terms of labor rationing are determined by:

√ type of production (mass, large-scale, serial, small-scale and individual);

√ the purpose and nature of products, as well as the nature of the functions performed by employees in the labor process (production of basic products and general-purpose products, preparation of production and its maintenance);

√ the nature of the flow of the technological process in time (continuous, discrete).

According to the degree of human participation allocate labor processes depending on the means of labor used.

Manual processes carried out by one worker or a group of workers manually or using the simplest tools (axe, planer, shovel, hydraulic tool, etc.). In such processes, the objects of labor change under the influence of the physical efforts of workers.

In machine-manual processes, the object of labor is processed by the mechanism with the direct participation of the worker (sewing on a sewing machine, processing parts on a machine with manual feed, etc.).

In machine processes, the object of labor (shape, type, size, position) is changed by the mechanisms of the machine, and the worker manually or with the help of machine control mechanisms performs elements of auxiliary work (fixing and removing parts on the machine, changing tools, etc.).

Automated processes are carried out under the control and supervision of the worker without his direct participation. The main work on the transformation of the subject of labor is fully automated. With partial automation of the process, the auxiliary work of the performer is partially automated (semi-automatic), with full automation, it is fully automated (automatic).

In connection with the specifics of automated production, the question arises: what is the object of labor, labor itself and tools in automated production?

If in traditional production (manual, machine) a person creates a useful product by directly influencing the object of labor with help means of labor, then in the conditions of automated production, living labor already interacts with machines, to which human efforts are directed. Under these conditions, the subject of labor is automated equipment, the tools of labor are means of automation (robotics) and computerization, and the labor itself is the maintenance and management of equipment.

The functional content of the worker's labor as a result of production automation changes as follows (see table):

Working functions Function busyness
Mechanical means of labor Partially automated means of labor Fully automated work tools
Familiarization with the content of the task partially occupied partially occupied busy
Preparation for the execution of the technological process busy partially occupied not busy
Direct impact on the object of labor busy partially occupied not busy
Interoperational movement of the object of labor busy partially occupied not busy
Monitoring the progress of the technological process busy busy busy
Control, adjustment, repair of labor means not busy busy busy
Product quantity and quality control busy not busy not busy

The above classification of labor processes is important for determining the requirements for the accuracy of established labor standards.

The content of the labor process is formed under the influence of a number of factors, namely, depending on: technical means intended for the implementation of a given work; technologies; organization of production and labor; sanitary-hygienic and other conditions for its implementation; the main features of the performers of the work. It is always associated with specific labor on specific workplace.

Elements of labor processes. In the practice of labor rationing, labor movement is considered to be the primary element of the labor process.

Under labor movement is understood as a single movement by an employee in the process of performing work of the body, arms, legs or other parts of the body (reach out to the tool, take the tool).

Labor movements are the most universal elements of the labor process. They have high repeatability. For example, when manually placing marmalade in trays, the labor action “take marmalade” can be repeated 4550 times per shift.

Studies conducted by the Research Institute of Labor in several industries have shown that under the same conditions, composition and sequence of movements, the time to perform them is almost the same. For example, the time to perform the labor movement “to take an object weighing up to 3 kg with one hand” was (sec): in mechanical engineering - 0.56; in the textile industry - 0.5; in the clothing industry - 0.6; in the food industry - 0.55.

Under labor action is understood as a logically completed set of labor movements continuously following each other, carried out by one or a group of workers with unchanged objects and means of labor (take a tool, put a part).

Under employment is understood as a set of labor actions that continuously follow each other, constituting the completed part of the work carried out by one or a group of workers on one or more objects of labor (install a part in a lathe chuck).

Labor methods, depending on the purpose, are divided into basic and auxiliary. Basic (technological) techniques are designed to achieve the goal of changing the object of labor. The purpose of auxiliary techniques is to provide preparation for the implementation of basic techniques.

Complexes of labor practices are a set of labor techniques that are part of the labor operation (install the part in the chuck and clamp it).

Under labor operation is understood as a set of labor practices or their complexes carried out by one or a group of workers at one workplace, including all their actions to fulfill units given work above one subject of labor.

Complex of operations call a group of operations for the manufacture of one product at one production site with the same composition of performers.

So, from the point of view of labor rationing, the components of the labor process that is performed by an employee or a group of workers during the working day are labor operations, which consist of the methods, actions and movements of the employee.

The labor operation is characterized by the constancy of the object of labor, workplace and performers. When the last two conditions (workplace and performers) change, work on one object of labor is divided into separate operations. A labor operation, as a complete cycle of labor actions to change the subject of labor, performed by one or a group of workers at one workplace, is the main structural element of the labor process. Because of this, it is the labor operation that is the object of analysis and regulation of labor, and for this purpose it is divided into labor methods, actions and movements.

The structuring of the labor process with bringing its content to individual movements is carried out in order to study and measure the cost of working time, identify factors on which the duration of each element depends, and establish a rational sequence for the implementation of elements.

Detailed structuring of the labor process is typical for constantly recurring operations, which usually takes place in mass and large-scale production. In other areas of activity and types of production (serial, single production), its structure may be more enlarged.

In the innovative field of activity, the labor process consists of operations within each stage of research and development, and in the managerial and entrepreneurial fields - within each management function.

labor method.

Labor movements, actions and techniques, their composition and sequence of implementation determine labor method on which the efficiency of the work of employees depends to a large extent.

Traditionally, the concept of “labor” is defined as the expedient activity of people aimed at creating material and cultural values.

The main properties of labor:

Consciousness of actions, since before starting to work, a person creates a project in his mind, that is, mentally represents the result of labor;

The expediency of actions, that is, a person knows how to produce goods and what resources and technology must be used;

The effectiveness of actions is manifested not just as a result, but in a socially useful result;

The social usefulness of actions is characterized both by the cooperation of labor and by the means of satisfying not only personal but also social needs;

Energy consumption of actions, i.e., the expenditure of human energy in the implementation of labor activity.

Labor has the following functions:

A way to satisfy needs, the main means of life;

Creation of public wealth;

Formation of society and stimulation of social progress (labor is the basis of all social development - it forms the social strata of society and the basis for their interaction);

The basis of human development and improvement.


2. Classification of types of labor

The diversity of the nature and content of labor determines the diversity of types of labor.

Depending on the content of labor distinguish the following types.

1. Mental and physical labor. It is known that it is rather difficult to draw a clear line between mental and physical labor, therefore it is more correct to speak of predominantly mental and predominantly physical labor. Nevertheless, mental labor is characterized by the ability of a person to create in his mind a prototype of the result of labor. Physical labor is characterized by the expenditure of human muscle energy.

2. Simple and complex labor. Simple labor is the work of an employee who does not have professional training and qualifications. Complex labor is multiplied simple labor, it is the labor of a skilled worker with a certain profession.

3. Functional and professional work. Functional labor is characterized by a certain set of labor functions characteristic of a particular type of labor activity. Professional labor is a kind of concretization of functional labor, forming a broad professional structure within a certain set of labor functions. For example, a doctor is a functional type of labor, a surgeon is a professional type of labor.

4. Reproductive and creative labor. Reproductive labor is distinguished by the standardity of reproducible labor functions, its result is known in advance and does not carry anything new. Creative work is not characteristic of every worker, it is determined both by the level of education and qualifications of the worker, and the ability to innovate. Therefore, creative work results in something new, not planned in advance.

Depending on the nature of the work, there are:

1. Concrete and abstract labor. Concrete labor is the labor of a specific worker who transforms an object of nature in order to give it a certain utility and create use value. Abstract labor is commensurate concrete labor, which is abstracted from the qualitative heterogeneity of various functional types of labor. Specific labor allows you to measure the productivity of the enterprise as a whole, to compare the productivity of various industries and areas of activity. Therefore, abstract labor creates the value of a commodity.

2. Individual and collective labor embody various forms of labor organization. Individual labor is the labor of a single worker or an independent producer, while collective labor is the labor of a team or a division of an enterprise, i.e., it characterizes the form of cooperation of labor of workers.

3. Private and public labor. Private labor is always a part of social labor, since it has a social character and its results are equal to each other in value. Private labor is due to the industrial and legal independence of entrepreneurs.

4. Wage labor and self-employment. It is known that hired workers make up about 90% of the total employed population of the country. Wage labor occurs when a person who does not own the means of production, being personally free, is hired under an employment contract (contract) to the owner of the means of production to perform a certain set of labor functions in exchange for wages. Self-employment involves a situation where the owner of the means of production himself creates a job for himself.

Depending on the results of labor, the following types are distinguished.

1. Living and past work. Living labor is the work of the worker, which is expended by him at a given moment in time. Past (materialized) labor is embodied in such elements of the labor process as objects of labor and means of labor, which were created earlier by other workers and are products for production purposes. The most important task of improving the organization of labor and optimizing labor processes today is to change the ratio between living and past labor in favor of increasing the share of past labor and reducing the cost of living labor.

2. Productive and unproductive labor differ in the form of the created good. The result of productive labor is in-kind goods, and the result of unproductive labor is social and spiritual goods that are no less valuable and useful to society.

The means of labor used in labor activity also predetermine the division of labor into various types.

1. Manual labor is carried out either entirely by hand or with the use of elementary hand tools.

2. Mechanized labor involves the use of mechanized tools. At the same time, the energy expended by the worker is distributed both to the tool of labor and to the transformation of the object.

3. Machine labor - the transformation of the object is carried out by the machine itself, and the worker controls it and performs auxiliary functions.

4. Automated labor sets the task for the worker to control the operation of the equipment, which, in turn, fully performs the functions of transforming the object without human intervention.

According to working conditions with varying degrees of regulation, they are distinguished.

1. Stationary and mobile labor, due to the specifics of the technological process and the type of manufactured products.

2. Light, medium and hard work. This division is due to differences in the physical activity of the worker, the amount of energy expended.

3. Free and regulated labor, depending both on the style of management and on specific working conditions.

There are types of labor and methods of attracting people to work.

1. Labor under non-economic coercion, when a person is included in the labor process not of his own free will, but by direct coercion and without appropriate remuneration for labor (for example, slavery).

2. Labor under economic compulsion to earn the necessary livelihood. In fact, all employees are engaged in labor under economic coercion.

3. Voluntary, free labor. Its characteristic feature is the need of a person to realize his own labor potential for the benefit of society, regardless of the amount of remuneration for work.


labor process is the activity of man in production and resources.

The main characteristics of labor processes are: the usefulness of the results, the expenditure of time and energy of workers, their income and the degree of satisfaction from the content of the functions performed.

Labor processes differ in the following main features:
  • the nature of the object of labor and the product of labor;
  • functions of employees;
  • the degree of human participation in the impact on the object of labor (the degree of mechanization and automation of labor);
  • the severity of labor.

Classification of labor processes

Classification signs

Process classes

The nature of the object and products of labor

  • Material and energy (labor processes of workers);
  • Informational (labor processes of employees)

Functions performed

Labor processes of workers employed:

  • output of products of the main workshops (productions);
  • output of auxiliary workshops (productions);
  • we service equipment and workplaces in the main and auxiliary workshops (productions);

Labor processes of employees:

  • leaders;
  • specialists;
  • technical performers.

Participation of workers in the impact on the object of labor (level of mechanization)

  • Manual
  • Machine-manual
  • Machine
  • automated

Types of labor processes by the nature of the subject and product of labor

According to the nature of the object and product of labor, two types of labor processes: material-energy and information.

Substantial-energy labor processes are typical for workers, Informational - for specialists and employees. The object and product of workers' labor is substance(raw materials, parts) or energy (electrical, thermal, hydraulic). The subject and product of the labor of specialists and employees is information(economic, design, technological, etc.).

Types of labor processes by functions of workers and employees

Currently, it is customary to divide the labor processes of workers into main and auxiliary and, accordingly, workers - on the main and auxiliary. The first includes workers of the main shops directly involved in the production of products of this enterprise, the second - all workers of auxiliary shops and those workers of the main shops who are engaged in servicing equipment and jobs (repairers, pickers, etc.).

Employees of the enterprise according to their functions are divided into three categories: managers, specialists and technical performers.

Functions of leaders businesses are about making decisions and ensuring their implementation, functions of specialists consist in the preparation of information on the basis of which managers make decisions. Technical performers provide the necessary conditions for the work of managers and specialists.

Labor processes according to the degree of impact on the object of labor

According to the degree of human participation in the impact on the object of labor, labor processes are divided into manual, machine-manual, machine and automated.

Manual processes - the impact on the object of labor is carried out by employees without the use of additional energy sources or with the help of a hand tool, which is driven by additional energy sources (electric, pneumatic, etc.).

Machine-manual processes- in which the technological impact on the object of labor is carried out using the actuators of the machine (machine), but the movement of the tool relative to the object of labor or the object of labor relative to the tool is carried out by the worker.

At machine processes change in the shape, size and other characteristics of the object of labor is carried out machine without the physical effort of the worker, whose functions are to install and remove the object of labor and control the operation of the machine.

Automated processes are characterized by the fact that the technological impact on the object of labor, its installation and removal are carried out without the participation of the worker. Depending on the degree of automation, the functions of workers in automated production can be to monitor the operation of machines, eliminate failures, set up, change tools, provide the necessary stocks of objects of labor and tools, and draw up a program for the operation of machines.

production The process of converting raw materials into finished products is called. Usually, a distinction is made between the main production processes, the purpose of which is to release products for the market, and auxiliary processes (repair, transport, etc.) that ensure the normal functioning of the enterprise.

Each production process can be considered from two sides: as a set of changes that objects of labor undergo, and as a set of actions of workers aimed at expediently changing the objects of labor. In the first case, they talk about the technological process, in the second, about the labor process.

Technological processes are classified according to the following main features: energy source;degree of continuity;way of influencing the subject of work.

According to the source of energy, technological processes can be divided into passive and active. The former occur as natural processes and do not require additional

energy transformed by a person to influence the object of labor (for example, natural hay drying.) The latter occur either as a result of direct human impact on the object of labor, or as a result of the impact of means of labor set in motion by energy (drying hay by active ventilation).

According to the degree of continuity of impact on the object of labor, technological processes are divided into continuous and discrete. At the first technological process

is interrupted (loading potatoes into the bunker when the potato sorting station is running). The second ones are characterized by the presence of interruptions in the course of the technological process (stopping the seeder for the time of loading the seeds).

According to the method of influence on the object of labor and the type of equipment used, mechanical and hardware technological processes are distinguished. Mechanical processes are carried out manually or with the help of machines (machines, assembly machines, etc.). In these processes, the object of labor is subjected to mechanical influences, i.e., its shape, size, position change.

During hardware processes, the physical and chemical properties of the object of labor change under the influence of chemical reactions, thermal energy, various types of radiation or biological objects. They occur in devices of various design forms - ovens, chambers, baths, vessels, etc. (typical for the processing industries of the agro-industrial complex).

All types of technological processes at the enterprise can be carried out only as a result of the work of its employees.

labor process- a consistently performed set of labor actions carried out by the performer (performers) of work in the production of material goods or the performance of certain functions. labor process is the primary link in the creation of any product or product, and the level of its organization depends on labor productivity. A rationally organized labor process represents a precisely calculated and established relationship between the means of labor, labor force, their interaction in the process of changing (moving) a given object of labor up to its technological completeness.

The organization of labor processes should be based on certain principles arising from the objective laws of production.

At present, it is customary to divide labor processes: by the nature of the participation of workers in the production process, by the purpose and nature of the products produced, by the type of organization of production (Figure 6).

By the nature of the participation of workers in the production process labor processes are divided into manual, machine-manual, machine and automated.

Manual processes are processes in which workers act on the object of labor without the use of additional mechanisms or with the help of a hand tool.

Machine-manual processes include processes in which the impact on the object of labor is carried out with the help of mechanisms, but there are also manual works.

With machine processes, the entire process is carried out without physical effort. Installation, removal of a detail and management is carried out by the worker.

In an automatic process, the worker only controls the work.

According to the purpose and nature of the products labor processes are divided into main and auxiliary. Such a classification affects the choice of forms of organization of work of workers, labor standards, methods of their establishment.

By type of organization of production labor processes are divided into individual, small-scale, serial, large-scale, mass. This classification is of decisive importance for the choice of forms of organization, both the production processes themselves and labor processes, systems for servicing workplaces, requirements for the accuracy of standards and norms.

In conditions of market competition, it is of particular importance for each company to reduce costs and extract more income due to this. The key direction in this activity is the correct organization of labor processes.

Relevance of the issue

When creating products, materials, semi-finished products and raw materials are transformed into finished products. Three components are used in this case: the instruments of production, the object and the labor force. With the help of the former, a person changes the shape of an object, its physical and chemical characteristics, appearance, location. The tools of production are used in the control of the manufacturing process of the product, in the implementation of other activities. Collectively, all operations form the activity of the enterprise. Thus, the content of the labor process includes the operations of personnel necessary for the expedient change of the subject. The effectiveness of operations depends on various factors. Among them are the nature of the production process, the specifics of the task, and the degree of human participation in its implementation.

Features of manufacturing products

In the course of working activities, materials, raw materials and semi-finished products are transformed into products ready for use / use. This is carried out with the participation or under the control of a person. In practice, the following classification of production processes has been adopted:

  1. Basic. Their purpose is to manufacture goods for the market.
  2. Auxiliary. These include, for example, transport, repair operations. They ensure the normal operation of the enterprise.

The classification is of significant practical importance. Any of them can be viewed from two sides. First of all, production processes are complexes of changes that occur with objects. At the same time, they are a set of actions of employees aimed at obtaining a finished product. In the first case, we are talking about technological, and in the second - about the labor process.

Operation categories

Technological processes are classified according to:

  • degree of continuity;
  • source of energy;
  • method of influencing the subject.

Depending on the energy source, active and passive operations are distinguished. The latter are considered natural and do not require additional energy transformed by a person to act on an object. An example of a passive operation is the cooling of a metal under normal conditions. Active processes take place with the direct impact of either a person on an object, or set in motion by the energy transformed by the worker. Technological operations can be continuous or discrete. In the first case, it does not stop during the loading of materials, the issuance of products, during control activities. Accordingly, the second category is distinguished by the presence of breaks. Depending on the method of impact on the object and the type of equipment used, the technological process can be hardware or mechanical. The latter is carried out by the employee manually or with the help of machines, machine tools, etc. In this process, the object is subjected to mechanical stress. As a result of it, there is a change in the shape, position, size of the object. Hardware processes involve exposure to thermal energy, chemical reactions, biological elements or radiation. Such operations take place in chambers, ovens, vessels, baths, etc. As a result, a product is obtained that may differ from the original material in its chemical properties, state of aggregation, and structure. Hardware operations are most often used in the food, metallurgical, microbiological, and chemical industries.

Study of labor processes

All technological operations at enterprises are carried out with the participation of a person. In industrial conditions, the labor process is the activity of personnel aimed at converting certain resources into specific products. Its key features are:

  • energy and time costs;
  • the usefulness of the results;
  • income;
  • the degree of satisfaction with the performance of functions.

The essence of the activity is determined by the totality of operations and personnel movements that are required to complete all stages. The organization of labor processes should ensure:

  • receiving tasks;
  • information and material preparation;
  • direct participation in the transformation of raw materials into a finished product, according to technology;
  • delivery of the result.


The labor process and its rationalization are provided by the methods used to perform individual operations that help reduce physical activity, create convenience in the implementation of activities, and eliminate unnecessary and repeated actions. The methods used also facilitate control and accounting activities. The classification, content and composition of labor processes are closely related to the technology used in the enterprise. In this regard, the effectiveness of the activity will depend not only on its direct executor. Equally important is the design of the equipment used, the organization of labor processes and workplaces. These elements play an increasingly important role in modern conditions.

Features of work activity

The labor process, the principles of its organization are considered one of the fundamental elements of any enterprise. In the conditions of automation and mechanization, the requirements for the quality of the activities of personnel engaged in equipment maintenance are significantly increased. This is due to the fact that the efficiency of the enterprise will depend on it.

Classification of labor processes: scheme, table

The structure of activities depends on the task, the technology used and the logistics. To study its diversity, a classification of labor processes is carried out. Various types of activities are combined into groups according to specific characteristics. Depending on the objectives of the study, certain criteria are chosen that characterize the labor process and its organization. The classification of personnel activities can be carried out according to:

  • features of the raw materials used in chemical, metal and woodworking operations, and others;
  • functions performed (the classification of labor processes in this case provides for the division into basic, servicing, management operations);
  • type of production: it can be mass, serial, individual (single);
  • the nature and content of operations: they can be processing, thermal, mining, physical and chemical, and so on;
  • the form of organization of labor activity: it can be individual, subject-closed, collective;
  • frequency and duration.

The main information is presented in the table below.


Depending on the purpose of the product, the activities of the personnel are divided into auxiliary and main. Such a classification of labor processes influences the choice of norms for employees, the methods of their establishment. It also affects the choice of methods for creating the necessary conditions for people to carry out their professional activities. The classification of labor processes is also carried out depending on the degree of participation of personnel in them. Manual operations are performed manually or using non-mechanized tools. For example, it can be painting the workpiece with a brush. Manual mechanized operations are performed using more complex tools. For example, it can be drilling holes with an electric drill. Machine-manual operations are performed by mechanisms with the participation of an employee. In this case, the specialist makes certain efforts to control the elements of the equipment. Machine operations include processes that are performed on machine tools and other units. In these cases, the participation of the employee is reduced solely to the management of the equipment. Automated processes are called processes that are performed by machines, the movement of the working bodies of which, as well as control, is carried out according to a given program using computers. The tasks of the employee are reduced to monitoring the progress of operations.

The nature of the product and subject

There is a classification of labor processes, within which operations are divided into information and material-energy. In the latter case, the product and subject of professional activity is a substance (parts, materials, raw materials) or energy (hydraulic, thermal, electrical). Accordingly, such labor processes are typical for workers. Product and subject in the first case - information. It can be design, technological, economic. Information operations are carried out by employees (specialists).

The specifics of creating conditions for activities

One of the key components of the organization of labor in the company is the improvement of planning and improvement of the maintenance of existing jobs. This is necessary to create conditions for performing high-quality and high-performance operations at the lowest possible physical costs. Jobs - the primary link in the structure of the enterprise. Each of them is a zone of application of the physical and mental efforts of a person. The workplace should be equipped with the necessary tools used to perform the tasks set by one or more subjects. It determines the conditions for the implementation of activities (heavy, normal, harmful), modes of rest and employment, the nature of operations (monotonous, diverse, and so on).

Key areas of administration

The workplace acts as one of the most important categories studied in the framework of management theory. This is due to the fact that the zone in which a person performs his professional tasks has a direct impact on the effectiveness of the activity. From it, in turn, depends on the effectiveness of personnel management and the enterprise as a whole. In the process of organizing work places, the following tasks are solved:

  • optimal use of the area of ​​the enterprise;
  • rational arrangement within a limited area of ​​​​all elements of the workplace;
  • creation of convenient and comfortable conditions for employees;
  • prevention of negative impact on people of internal and external factors;
  • uninterrupted high-quality maintenance of each workplace, ensuring the rhythmic, continuous and synchronous functioning of the sites.

Purpose of administration

At the workplace, the components of the labor process are combined: means, subject and direct efforts of employees. The main task within the framework of administration is the functional placement of elements to reduce time and physical losses. Particular attention is paid to ensuring safety when equipping workplaces. Competent management is characterized by an adequate justification for the regulation of professional activities. This is achieved if standards are developed:

  • experienced professionals;
  • according to the recommended method;
  • using labor standards.

Time Analysis

It is necessary to establish adequate standards. The analysis is carried out in accordance with the classification of the time spent by employees. The criteria may be:

  • direct physical efforts of the personnel;
  • subject of activity;
  • equipment.

Working time is a measure of labor costs.

Importance of site maintenance and provision

Timely delivery of raw materials, tools and materials, repair and adjustment of equipment should be arranged at workplaces. The enterprises create and implement a system of integrated provision of sites. It provides:

  • preparation and communication of planned targets to the staff and distribution of operations;
  • instrument equipment;
  • equipment setup;
  • energy supply, overhaul maintenance of devices and installations;
  • maintenance and preventive maintenance of equipment;
  • quality control of tools and objects of labor;
  • acceptance of finished products to warehouses.


It allows you to detect jobs that do not meet modern requirements, where low-skilled heavy, manual labor is used, or tasks are performed in dangerous conditions for the employee. All deficiencies identified during the certification must be eliminated as soon as possible. Bringing workplaces up to date is the responsibility of managers. Implementation allows you to improve and optimize the activities of enterprises.


Labor processes and their classification are the basis of any enterprise. In modern conditions, with the ever-growing role of automation, the requirements for the quality and speed of operations are growing. As part of management activities, models for optimizing the workspace are developed and implemented, obsolete and worn-out equipment is eliminated.