Sample weekly work report. How to write an analytical report: step by step instructions. By what criteria is the report evaluated?

  • 13.11.2019

I approve
Deputy Director for Science

V.V. Cayuzhny

"___" _____________ 20__

Progress Report

On the basis of NIKFI JSC (order of the State Standard of Russia dated October 13, 1999 No. 429), the Technical Committee for Standardization "Cinematography" (TK 015) was established, which is entrusted with the functions of a permanent national working body of ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in committees TC 36 Cinematography and TC 42 Photography; and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) in the TC 100 Audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment committee from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. Obligations for organizing, preparing and holding the next 21st international meeting of TC ISO 36 "Cinematography" in 2009 in Moscow were assumed by NIKFI OJSC. The institute's initiative was approved by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rostechregulirovanie) and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Since 1950, through the graduate school of OJSC NIKFI, it has been training scientific personnel in the system of postgraduate vocational education specialty 05.11.18 - "Instruments and methods for converting images and sound." OJSC NIKFI has a fundamental scientific and technical library.

In 2007, JSC NIKFI developed a fundamentally new method for the formation of undistorted stereoscopic images simultaneously for two or more pilots, on the basis of which the display system for the two-pilot in-flight refueling simulator TU-160 was made. In the same year, a mobile station for audiovisual monitoring in operating television systems was developed for the State Clinical Hospital. Botkin.

Competing with the world's leading cinematographic powers, the Institute is working on the development of a specialized screen for glasses-free viewing of stereo films, lighting fixtures diffused and shadowless light for film studios, technological processes, providing long-term storage of original film materials, a 70mm scanner is being developed for digitizing films.

JSC "NIKFI" has experience in carrying out work related to the development and operation of a single electronic system ticket sales (the UES-PKB system), which made it possible for the first time to connect a cinema network with a single center, ensuring, in automatic mode, regular receipt of reliable and accurate information on ticket sales to the center. OJSC NIKFI, on behalf of the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography, is an official participant in the development of a unified federal system "Electronic Cinema Ticket", created in accordance with the instructions of the President Russian Federation and by order of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Institute is working on the development of microphones, digital processors, cinema loudspeakers, lighting devices, the creation of reference books that eliminate the gap in the existence of literature in the fields of film production and educational institutions.

OJSC NIKFI is an official participant in the project "Development of a regional network of digital cinemas in the Russian Federation to develop a system for managing (controlling) the quality of digital film screening, creating means and methods of control and an industry metrological service to ensure the uniformity of measurements of technological and quality parameters.

The Institute has a mobilization plan approved by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, according to which OJSC NIKFI is to manufacture and supply to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation equipment for equipping more than fifty sets of cinema installations, including movie screens, loudspeakers of several modifications of more than 1000 pieces; power amplifiers of several types, about 200 pieces, racks for sound equipment, 7-channel sound processors, sound control systems in the control room, test films of more than 1000 pieces.

Science department.

There is no leader who does not demand from his subordinates a report on what has been done at least once a year. And the problem is that with routine employment, it seems quite enough to develop such a document. challenging task. And for some reason we are embarrassed to ask for examples of reports on the work done from the authorities. What if he decides that we do not correspond to the position we hold?

Who needs it

This question is asked by the performer who received the task to report. Most often, employees of firms feel almost offended by such requirements. But everything has a meaning.

Firstly, a report on the work done is needed by the contractor himself. Not a formal, but an interested attitude to this process will allow you to find bottlenecks and weaknesses in your qualifications. So, the directions in which it is possible (and necessary) to develop are determined. After all, we all learn from our mistakes.

Secondly, the leader needs it. The report on the work done allows you to objectively assess the quality and speed of solving the tasks. Thanks to this document, many questions will disappear - from the most primitive “what do you do all the time” to the complex “why should I change your computer for a more modern one”. Because the report will indicate that it takes a long time to save changes to the document. And it does not depend on the performer - outdated office equipment cannot work faster. Actually, this is why the feeling is created that the employee drinks tea all the time - he just waits for the operation to be completed.

And the question: “Why do I need to write a report on the work done for the month?” itself is incorrect. Because the accumulation and filling of databases makes sense for strategists, and not for them. It is just easier for them to solve a problem than to talk about methods for solving it.

What to write

Examples of progress reports show that you need to write in great detail. Anything that seems like a small thing or a minor gesture can be a key element in the execution. specific functions. But understanding of this will come only after studying several written reports.

If the work is of a routine nature, for example, reconciliation of documents and identification of inconsistencies, then it makes sense to develop a tabular form. In this case, again, at first the table should be very detailed and contain many columns; over time, the need for some columns will disappear, and the form of the report will take on a normal (read - reasonable) look.

In some cases, when compiling a report on the work done (teachers, for example), one cannot formally approach the issue of introspection. Indeed, in addition to the planned educational and methodological load and the study of the necessary material, the school is also engaged in educational activities. This requires a special approach to the preparation of the document: it is necessary to understand the reasons for the lagging behind a number of students, to find ways to interest children in their subject. And at the same time, we should not forget about successful (and even gifted) schoolchildren.

Goals of reports

For correct compilation and minimum time costs, it is necessary from the very beginning to decide for what purpose and why a report on the work done for the year is written. Let's name the most popular:

Justification of the real benefits of a particular position in the organization;

Confirmation of the qualifications of an employee;

Demonstration of effective work to management;

Obtaining funding for the next reporting period;

Obtaining consent for the development of a direction (idea);

Justification for spending allocated resources and finances, etc.

Well-known wording correct setting task provides 50% of the solution - it works in this case too. The better we understand why a report is needed, the easier it is for us to write it. Up to the fact that the document “for show” does not require a creative approach from us at all. And the cost of time.

Document structure

If the enterprise does not have a developed one, then you have to develop it yourself. Knowing the purpose of the document, it is necessary to think over its structure. Examples of progress reports suggest that a clear and simple outline is needed.

At the very beginning, the purpose and logic of presenting information should be explained. Explain the order of presentation and make a table of contents. For the table, it is necessary to give brief explanations why such a form was chosen.

Within sections and subsections, one should also adhere to the unity of presentation. So the document will be more understandable, as a result, it is easier to perceive. In a report for a long period of time, illustrations and graphs are quite appropriate, which will facilitate perception. But here you need to adhere to the rule of the “golden mean”: solid text, as well as exclusively visual materials, tire very quickly.


For an ordinary employee, perhaps the most difficult thing to write is the terminology and wording. A bombastic report will look unnatural and will cause a negative reaction from management. Too simple wording (for example, 25 documents were xeroxed) will also repel the reader.

However, templates should be avoided. The only exception is the document that no one will ever read. We sometimes encounter such tasks, but in this article we are interested in real (not pro forma created) reports.

In any case, you should not talk only about achievements. To emphasize them, it is necessary to talk about the difficulties that had to be encountered in the course of work. Among other things, the complexity analysis is about the optimization of work for executives. Examples of progress reports indicate that you should not use vague phrases like “unsatisfactory condition”, “difficulties encountered”, etc. It is better to call everything by its proper name: “broken copier”, “lack of access to the Internet”, “lack or untimely receipt of information from the associated department. All this allows us to adequately and objectively assess the current situation in the company.

Evaluation of results

Each result obtained must be confirmed by numbers. Such concretization provides an understanding of the dynamics of development.

In addition, it is necessary to set the criteria for evaluating the results. It will be the previous one (if it is a quarterly report, for example) or, conversely, the percentage of the achievement of the goals set, it is up to the author of the document to decide.

In general, indirect indicators can tell a lot about the process of solving the tasks. There is also a wealth of information here for further analysis. From determining labor costs to understanding the correctness of setting goals.

From problem to solution

Most reports are prepared on the principle of describing the progress of work. A document that clearly shows the problem-solution relationship is more advantageous. The reader immediately understands what methods and techniques (if necessary) the performer used to complete the task in a timely and high-quality manner.

An even more detailed chain of "a specific problem - the reasons for its occurrence - setting tasks - a solution" immediately suggests the need to present a daily report in tabular form. Moreover, the names of the graphs are already known. The information presented in this way is easy to read and analyze.

Presentation of quantitative indicators

In cases where the report consists mainly of numerical data, the tabular form can just be very difficult to understand. A continuous stream of numbers literally tires the reader after a few minutes. Another thing - colorful charts and graphs. They are clear, understandable and easy to read.

Each diagram must be commented on. In addition, it is necessary to indicate how the various graphs are interconnected; clarification of causal relationships will further facilitate the analysis of the report.

If during work were spent material resources Don't just list them all. Instead, the benefits acquired should be listed. A dry phrase: “Office equipment purchased” will sound completely different if you write: “2 jobs were created, which allowed to increase the output of the department.”

How to draw up a document

Despite the fact that there is no single form of compilation, a report on the work done can be drawn up in accordance with GOST, which defines the main criteria scientific work. It spells out the requirements for formatting, font type and size, etc.

As for the readability of the document, here are some tips:

Try to have no more than 5 sentences in one paragraph;

Key indicators can be highlighted in font or color;

Break the text so that the table or graph does not take up the entire page; be sure to leave space for comments on them;

Write a clear and concise summary of the report.

These tips will help facilitate the perception of your report, which means that they will initially set up the reader for a loyal attitude towards the author of the document. Imagine that you are the boss. And make the report in a way that would be useful and interesting for you to read.

(the material was prepared by I. Kurolesov, Leading Legal Counsel of SPAR RETAIL CJSC)

Increasingly, employers require their employees to report on the work performed, and it does not matter what kind of work they do, what positions they hold, how long they have been working in the company. And, as a rule, such a right of the employer is not prescribed in any internal documents companies. Despite this, employees unconditionally draw up reports for the month, for the quarter, for the year - depending on the purpose of their preparation (after all, it is extremely difficult to object to the employer). In the article we will talk about why a progress report is needed, who and under what conditions can require it to be submitted, what it should contain, whether it is necessary to approve
its form and store it according to all the rules.

What is the report for?

It is known that the need to attract personnel should be economically justified, because the remuneration of employees for the organization is an expense item, and quite significant. Almost every leader structural unit organizations through personnel service employees, must justify the following important points to the management:
- staffing divisions;
- subdivision wage fund;
- the organizational structure of the unit;
- functionality of the employees of the department;
- requirements for candidates (education, qualifications, work experience, professional skills, etc.).
Only after the motivated proposal of the head of the structural unit to hire employees is approved by the management, it will be possible to open vacancies and look for candidates. However, the rationale for the need to "maintenance" a particular employee is not
ends after he is hired. On the contrary, it is just beginning. So, he will need to perform the amount of work determined by his immediate supervisor. I must say that in a rare organization, production rates are calculated (this is usually done by economists and financiers, who, even if they work in a company, always have more important work). In practice, the task of distributing the amount of work between employees of a structural unit, as a rule, lies on the shoulders of the head of the unit, who must act on the principle "every employee should be in business." At the same time, the head of the department must plan the work of his wards. In turn, the employee, in order to work more efficiently, must plan his own working time. After the plan is drawn up and approved by the head of the structural unit in the manner established in the organization, it must be adhered to by the head
structural unit, and subordinate employees. Of course, in order to take into account the work done both by the unit as a whole and by its individual employees, when comparing it with the approved plan, there is a need for a report.
Thus, the employee's report is necessary for:
- substantiation of expenses for remuneration of employees of the structural unit;
- using it as a basis for the purpose of submitting reports to contractors under civil law contracts for the provision of services / performance of work by their personnel (including outsourcing and outstaffing agreements);
- creating a kind of order and discipline in the unit;
- quick communication: which of the employees, when and what kind of work performed (for example, in the event of conflict situations related to non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the employee of his job duties).

When is a report required?

It is important to note that the issue of providing employees with reports on the work performed is regulated by law only if the employee is sent on a business trip.

As for the other cases, it is obvious that it is necessary to submit reports on the work done on a mandatory basis only to those employees whose job duties include this, i.e. who has it written in employment contract and/or job description. Here are excerpts from these documents as an example.

Who can request a report?

The question arises: to whom exactly should the employee report? To answer it, it is important to understand to whom the employee directly reports. As a rule, in the employment contract, as well as the job description (if any), this information is indicated. Consequently, this immediate supervisor of the employee has the right to demand a report from him. Moreover, he has the right to demand a report not only on the implementation of the planned work, but also on any other.
Please note: an employee's report on the work performed can be used as the basis for a bonus system, i.e. incentives for employees of the organization. Then its content may indicate the following indicators for the appointment and payment of bonuses:
- fulfillment of the standard;
- performance of additional work within the framework of official duties employee;
- high-quality and prompt execution of especially important tasks and especially urgent works, one-time tasks of management within the framework of the employee's job duties, etc. And vice versa: if the employee was assigned to perform certain work, but for some reason he did not complete it, the report will help the immediate supervisor identify the reasons (more precisely, you yourself must demonstrate them to him in the report).

If the report is missing

"But what if an employee refuses to submit a report on the work performed," managers sometimes ask, "is it possible to punish him for this?" Theoretically possible. Article 192 Labor Code The Russian Federation provides for disciplinary liability for non-performance or improper performance by an employee of the labor duties assigned to him. Accordingly, if the submission of a report on the work performed is the duty of the employee (i.e., it is enshrined in the employment contract and / or job description), then the employer has the right to apply the following disciplinary sanctions for failure to perform or improper performance of this duty: a remark or a reprimand (depending on on the seriousness of the disciplinary offence).

Of course, it is unlikely that any employer in practice will punish an employee in this way for not submitting a work report by the right time. Moreover, the employer, rather, needs not the report itself, but the performance of the work. And usually an employee who has not submitted a report at the request of the employer has problems not with the report itself, but with
performance of assigned work. Therefore, it is more correct for the employer to apply disciplinary action specifically for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the employee of his direct labor duties, rather than for failure to submit a report.

What is included in the content of the report?

The employee's report may contain:

- work performed (can be listed in quantitative or percentage terms, indicating the time of work performance and without it, etc.):
- planned work;
- unscheduled work;
- FULL NAME. and the position of the person who is the customer of the work (or the name of the customer organization);
- the status of the work (completed in full or only some part);
- the result of the work (a document was prepared, a meeting was held, etc.);
- to whom the result of the work was transferred;
- with whom the employee interacted in the performance of work;
- whether the work performed corresponds to the approved plan;
- the date of the report, as well as the period following the results of which the report was compiled.
Of course, these are only approximate components of the report. It may not be as detailed.

A simplified version of the report is appropriate in cases where an organization or a specific structural unit has a system for submitting daily reports by employees. In a simplified version, the report mainly contains the following elements:
- FULL NAME. and position of the employee;
- the structural unit where the employee works;
- work performed (scheduled and unscheduled);
- the date of the report, as well as the period on the basis of which the report was compiled.
Please note: the report must be signed by the employee and handed over to the immediate supervisor.

Do I need to approve the report form?

As you know, there is no unified form for reporting an employee on the work performed.
Firstly, because the legislation does not oblige employees to make such reports.
Secondly, each organization has its own specific activities and leadership style. This means that in principle it is not possible to approve a single report form for all.
However, if the organization has established a workflow, properly recorded and stored documents, then it will be quite adequate to approve the form of employee reports on the work performed. You can approve it in one of the following ways:
- as part of the local normative act, for example, office instructions or staff regulations (if employees centrally report on the work done);
- by order (if employees of only certain structural divisions are engaged in this).

Should a report be kept?

Regardless of whether the form of the employee's report on the work performed in the organization is approved or not, such reports are subject to storage. The question is, how long should they be stored? Regulatory legal acts do not provide for the rules for storing reports on
work performed, the compilation of which is not mandatory. Nevertheless, here are some excerpts from the List of typical managerial archival documents of 2010.
We recommend, based on the above items of the List, to adhere to the following storage periods for reports:
- an employee's report on the work performed by him (except for "business trip") - within 1 year;
- a summary report on the work of the structural unit - within 5 years.

You will find this and other consultations on topical issues in the information bank "Accounting Press and Books" of the "ConsultantPlus" system.

As a rule, the practice takes place three times during the entire time of the student's training. First they go through training practice, then production. The final stage, which shows all the knowledge of the student and the skills he has mastered for the entire period of study, is the passage of pre-diploma practice.

Each of these practices has its own characteristics. Teaching practice takes place in the second or third year. It does not imply direct immersion in the work environment. Rather, it is an external acquaintance with the work of the enterprise by listening to lectures and visiting excursions.

Industrial practice is a more serious stage of training. During the passage industrial practice the student is immersed in the work process and performs the functions of a full-fledged worker, but under the guidance of a curator.

Undergraduate practice is a crucial stage of education. In addition to the fact that the student fully fulfills the duties of a specialist, he must also show himself with the best side. Not only writing a diploma, but also further employment depends on this. If you are noticed during the undergraduate practice, you may well be offered a worthy profession after graduation.

No matter how all types of practice differ from each other, the goals and objectives of their passage, as a rule, are the same:

  • Summing up the training course;
  • Consolidation of theoretical knowledge;
  • Mastering practical work skills;
  • Awareness of the activities that will have to be faced after graduation;
  • Studying the work of the enterprise from the inside.

At the end of each stage, the student is required to write a report on the practice. This is a document that shows what the student has learned, what skills he has mastered and what professional quality acquired during the internship. This is a very important work, since it is on its basis that a conclusion is made about the professional preparedness of the student.

As a rule, practice involves placing the student in conditions that will be usual for him after graduation, during direct employment. So, in order for the practice report to turn out to be as competent, high-quality as possible and contain all the necessary information, you need to carefully study the workflow of the enterprise where the student is doing the practice, all its documentation and regulations.

It is also desirable to fully describe your activities at this enterprise, talk about your achievements, give recommendations on how to improve the work of the enterprise. The report must be drawn up in accordance with all norms and generally accepted standards for the execution of documents.

How to write a practice report: where to start

Writing any practice report begins with the receipt of a methodological instruction at the university. This is a kind of instruction for writing a practice report.

The manual must be obtained from the department. It contains all the necessary information on the tasks of the practice, writing and formatting reports.

Example of a guidance note

The basis for writing a practice report is the practice plan. It reflects the key tasks of the student during practice. As a rule, the plan contains 3-4 tasks.

Sample Practice Plan

A competent, structured practice report implies a thorough collection of information about the enterprise, analysis of this information, development of a plan to improve and improve the activities and workflow of the enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to start writing a practice report, first of all, with frequent visits to practical classes.

Take your internship seriously, as writing a report isn't hard unless you really know what you're doing. If you have not mastered any material or did not understand any process, do not hesitate to contact the curators of the report. As a rule, there are two of them: from the enterprise and from the educational institution.

After you have collected all the information that you could collect about the enterprise, proceed to its analysis. Carefully study any documents and legal acts- they will be useful to you.

When the work with the information is over, you can start presenting it. Carefully structure the text, make it readable and understandable, so that it is easy for the teacher to read it and just as easy to give you an excellent mark.

The structure of the practice report is always the same. These are generally accepted rules that you need to be guided by when ordering your information.

Practice Report Structure

In general, if the educational institution has not put forward any of its requirements, the structure of the practice report looks like this:

  1. Title page, which is drawn up according to all the rules. Usually, the following information is indicated on the title page: the name of the educational institution and specialty, the topic and type of the practice report, the surname and initials of the teacher who checks the report and the student who performs it, the name of the group in which the student studies, the name of the enterprise where practical classes are held , the city in which the educational institution is located and the year of writing the practice report.
  2. Content with section numbering.
  3. Introduction, which indicates the goals and objectives of passing practical classes. They are usually already given in guidelines to writing a report. In addition, the introduction indicates the expected result of the internship.
  4. Main part. This section must be divided into theoretical and practical parts. In addition, the theoretical part should be divided into sections, and the practical part, as the educational institution sees fit. In this part, all calculations are made, the activities of the enterprise are described, all the necessary information about the organizational structure is told, analysis and comparative characteristics are carried out.
  5. The conclusion is perhaps the main section of the practice report. The conclusion includes all the conclusions made by the student during the practical training. Here is an assessment own work, and the effort put in is adequately assessed. In addition, in the conclusion, it is necessary to give your recommendations for improvement. professional activity enterprises.
  6. Applications are the latest structural section report. This is all sorts of data that can be referenced from the body of the report. The application is not numbered. This is mainly various documentation, interviews, extracts from legislation and other useful information.

Of course, reports different types Practices differ from each other, albeit slightly.

Types of practice reports

Practice Report

Since the training practice is the easiest type of practical training, the structure of the report on it also does not present any particular difficulties. It differs from the standard practice report structure in that, as a rule, it does not have a practical part.

Training practice takes place in group classes, so you need to use the opportunity and collect as much theoretical knowledge as possible about organizational structure of this enterprise. Targets and goals educational practice exclude the student's immersion in the working environment, this should not be forgotten when writing the introduction and conclusions.

Field Practice Report

Industrial practice is a more serious stage than practical training. The report on production practice is drawn up exactly as indicated in the generally accepted standards, with the exception of cases when the educational institution puts forward its own rules for formatting the report.

Remember that the field trip is aimed at independent work and the student's own reasoning, so your opinion and your recommendations are very important in the report.

Report on undergraduate practice

Pre-diploma practice is the most important stage for the entire period of study. The structure of the report on undergraduate practice is preserved, but in the main part of the report or in the conclusion - at the choice of the educational institution - information about your thesis.

The fact is that during the undergraduate practice and writing a report, you must choose the topic of the graduation project, which must necessarily overlap with your specialty.

Do not forget to mention this information in the report, as your admission to the defense of the thesis and your grade in undergraduate practice, which also affects the final grade, depend on it.

To correctly write a practice report, we advise you to view examples of such reports on the site in order to follow them to create a competent work.

Certain documents must be attached to each type of report. This is a mandatory rule for every educational institution. The role of documents is usually an internship diary, a description from the place of internship and an explanatory note.

Explanatory note to the practice report

An explanatory note is a short, written by a student, summary of the practice report. It should contain all the actions of the student and information about the internship in general.

Explanatory note to practice - an example

The explanatory note should be one sheet of A-4 format and written in the same style as the practice report, that is, in the scientific one.

Characteristics for the practice report

A description of the report is not required for all types of practice. Usually a report on educational practice is submitted without this document.

Characteristics for the practice report - an example

Characteristics from the place of internship implies short review representative of the enterprise about the work of the student in this enterprise. As a rule, the characteristic indicates the student's attendance at practical classes, his participation in the organizational process, the benefit of this student for the enterprise, the student's readiness to join the ranks of professional employees.

Special attention is always paid to the characteristics, especially in pre-diploma practice.

Practice diary - example

The practice diary is a record of the student's practical training every day. The diary indicates the date, the work done for that day and the result of the work done. It is easy to fill in the practice diary, however, if you have not attended practical classes, then show your imagination and write down the invented actions in the practice diary.

Do not forget that this document must be signed by the enterprise and signed by the curator from the organization.

Practice diary example

Protection of the practice report

When the practice report is completed, it is time to defend it. We say right away that it is very easy to defend a report if you have had an internship and responsibly approached the tasks. You don’t even have to learn anything, because the skills you have worked out will surely remain in your memory.

You must navigate your report and know where to look if there is a lack of information.

Often, when defending a report, many teachers require a presentation made specifically for defense. There is nothing complicated in making a presentation. Its structure looks like this:

  1. The first slide, which contains all the information that is written on the title page. This, in a way, is the title page of the presentation.
  2. The second slide contains the name of the enterprise where the practice took place and the name of your supervisor from the enterprise.
  3. The third slide is kind of an introduction. It should indicate the goals and objectives of the internship.
  4. The fourth slide plays the role of a conclusion. It should cover all the results and conclusions made by the student.
  5. In the next slides, you should briefly describe all the information that you consider necessary to cover from the main part. Whether it's relevance, your advice or recommendations, keep it short and smart.
  6. The last slide shows the results of the presentation.

Practice Report Examples

How to write a practice report: rules and examples updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Teaching practice for a student is a common thing. Many perceive it as another adventure. Some take it quite seriously and hope to gain invaluable experience. And here's the surprise: most often, expectations are not justified. But this does not negate the fact that students will have to somehow decide how to write a practice report.

A lot has been said about the writing and competent design of other types of work in our telegram channel. And here we will tell you how to correctly write and format a report on educational practice for a student, and provide a sample.

How to write a report on educational practice

The report itself rarely raises questions. It is enough to simply describe how someone practiced, what goals were set and what results were achieved. Most students start to get excited when starting to design. They are concerned with the following questions:

  • How to draw up, write and issue a report on production practice in accordance with GOST?
  • How to write a diary, testimonial and defense report?

There are other problems for young professionals who seek to practice. Often, more experienced employees do not allow the young to production processes. Collect little by little useful information in practice is extremely difficult.

There are also reverse situations. Imagine: you ended up in an educational practice, and they are trying to hang all possible responsibilities on you. They think: young, everything will be in time, everything will be able to. Then there is so much material collected that simply bringing it into at least some expedient form is something from the category of fantasy. What to do when it is very difficult or unrealistic to write and arrange the work correctly?

You need to start from the very beginning. We read and memorize how to write a report on industrial practice at the enterprise, look at a sample and learn practical recommendations.

General rules for preparing a practice report

Despite the presence of its own requirements at each university, which can be found in the methodological literature of your university, there are standard rules for preparing an internship report:

  1. The total amount of work must not exceed 40 standard A4 sheets.
  2. Practice report should be numbered on all pages(except for the title page and application to practical work).
  3. There are strict requirements for what font to write a practice report. The text is printed in black Times New Roman 12-14 size. Between the lines is given double or one and a half interval.
  4. The indent from the new line should be 1.25 pt.
  5. Each section must have its name. The new section starts with newline.
  6. Before creating a document, set acceptable page indents: left margin 30 mm, right margin 20 mm, top and bottom margin 20 mm.
  7. When preparing a report on practice according to GOST words are not allowed. However, many university departments allow word wrapping, so check this point with your department.

If you study in technical university, you may need a frame for the report.

How to design the title page of the practice report

The title page of the training practice is practically no different from the title pages of other works.

The sheet header, as usual, contains information about educational institution and student.

By the way! If you have more important things to do than a practice report, our readers are now receiving a 10% discount on any kind of work.

Competent design of the practice report: a sample of filling information blocks

Practice report structure:

  • title page;
  • content or plan of work;
  • the main part with a description of the work done;
  • conclusion;
  • bibliographic list or list of references;
  • applications.

By clearly understanding what sections this document consists of, you can easily figure out what to write in the introduction of the practice report, in the conclusion and other parts of it.

General requirements for the content of the training report on practice

If you are going to do this part in the report, do it right. Since the content is the second page of the work, teachers pay close attention to it. Even the main part cannot boast of such honors.

To learn how to correctly compose content, you should refer to GOST. AT state standards the rules for the design of any scientific work and its sections are clearly spelled out.

However, each university has its own standards and requirements, so do not be lazy and go to the methodical office - this The best way avoid mistakes.

To make auto-table in Word, in the menu "Insert" you need to select an item "Link", then - "Tables and Indexes". In the tab "Table of contents" select "Structure Panel" and set the parameters of the table of contents in the window that opens.

Internship report introduction

If everything is less and less clear with the title page and content, then the introduction must not only be correctly formatted, but also know what can and should be written there. In this part of the work, it is necessary to set goals and objectives, to justify the relevance of the practice report.

By the way, if this legal practice, then most likely you will need to provide sample documents that were created by you. When the goals and objectives for an educational or even undergraduate practice are clear, it is very easy to create a report and its main part.

The main part of the practice report

This is a kind of practical part of the production practice, the project. Here it is necessary to clearly and clearly describe the structure of the enterprise. It is not so easy to characterize the host, especially if you were not really allowed anywhere. But it is in this part that you try avoid critical subjective evaluation.

After the company you were assigned to is described, you need to summarize the material and cover in detail all the processes in which you were involved. It is also necessary to indicate what kind of support you received during your internship.

Conclusion of the internship report

At the end of the main part, a conclusion follows, in which the main conclusions and proposals of the practice report are formulated. How can you quickly and beautifully write a conclusion in a practice report so that the teacher does not ask additional questions, and the student can finally breathe deeply?

It is enough to know that the main conclusions of the work and the results of practice are summarized here. In order not to miss anything, remember the goals and objectives set in the introduction.

When the report is ready, it's time to carry it for the signature of the head of the organization. Don't expect someone from the enterprise to read your manuscripts cover to cover. Rather, your teachers will do it. So keep it up!

References and characteristics

The list of literature when preparing a report on practice should be done in the following order:

  • legislative acts and other legal documents;
  • methodological and educational resources, Internet resources.

And if you want, here step by step guide on how to correctly compile a bibliographic list in a practice report:

  1. Open the menu Links, select the tab Bibliography. Select the desired list option from the drop-down list. The created insert will not show anything but the blank, with which we will work further.
  2. Now place the cursor at the end of the paragraph where you want to link to the source. Open the Links/Insert Link/Add New Source menu again.
  3. You will see a window where you just have to fill in the required fields (author, source name, place, year, publisher, and so on). Please note that in the column Source type maybe not only a book, but also electronic resource, article and other types of sources.
  4. As soon as you add a source, brackets will appear at the place where you placed the cursor with a reference to the bibliography. If no changes have been displayed in the bibliography itself by this moment, go to its settings and click the button Update of references and bibliography.


If possible, be sure to attach attachments, as they will help you better understand the essence of the work of the enterprise and your work on it in particular. These can be photocopies of any documents or reference materials, annual reports, graphs, diagrams. The quality of application design in the practice report plays a huge role.

Knowing how to properly design applications, you can correctly summarize your work, make it more understandable.

What is the principle behind the formation of appendices to the report? Any job application includes:

  • drawings,
  • tables,
  • graphic materials.

There are certain standards that must be observed when creating annexes to the practice report. Here are the main ones:

  1. Every new application starts with a clean page. The title “APPENDIX” is written at the top in the center with a serial number assigned to it, corresponding to the reference in the text of the work. Below it is the title of a table, figure or other graphic object (starts with a capital letter from a separate line in the center).
  2. The numbering of applications can use the letters of the Russian (except for o, ё, d, z, b, h, ъ, s) or the Latin alphabet (except for the letters I, O). If the number of applications exceeds the number of letters in one of the alphabets, you can use Arabic numerals. If only one annex is attached to the diploma, it is indicated by a capital letter A.
  3. Application pagination should be continuous. Numbering starts with the first digit from the first page of the application.

Pay special attention to how tables should be formatted. This graphic element allows you to improve the visibility of examples and calculations. We want to tell you just how to do it right. Each figure, graphic object and table must be numbered in one of the following ways:

  1. Through numbering in the course of the practice report.
  2. New numbering with the beginning of each new chapter.

When creating applications, also scroll through the materials on how to draw up diagrams correctly if your work is technical in nature. And if everything is clear with other types of information provision, then scheme pose the most questions to students.

The diagram must be clear and illustrative. All labels must be clearly visible and in the same style as other graphic objects in the practice report. The lines of the diagram must be clear. All elements should have well-defined borders.

In a properly designed diagram, connections and sequences can be easily distinguished. The inscriptions should capaciously reflect the essence of the scheme and all the ongoing processes that you want to describe.

Practice report templates

Here are samples and templates to help you complete your report faster:

How to create a report on educational practice in one click?

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