What documents are needed for the internship. Training practice is more than just additional knowledge Change the place of practice after the order

  • 13.08.2020

For the result to be successful, five rules must be observed.:

1. Choose carefully and carefully topic(What does this mean? See answer to question 21).

2.Choose the right one base(organization, institution) to collect practical material.

3. Stick to it schedule.

What is the responsibility of the student when performing the WRC?

For the reliability of the submitted material;

For the quality of the submitted text of the diploma, its compliance with the requirements for graduation qualifying work VVAGS students;

For shortcomings that remain in the work after the supervisor points out to them;

For receiving and processing an external review;

For the use of materials of other people's research without reference to them (in other words, for plagiarism).

What is the role of the leader in relation to the graduate at each stage of the diploma and in preparing it for defense?

At all stages of work on the diploma, the student must be in close contact with:

With the pulpit to which it is attached;

With a supervisor;

With the dean's office (in the person of a methodologist, and, if necessary, in the person of a deputy dean or dean).

Let's see how these contacts should be carried out.

The activities of the scientific adviser of the diploma include a whole range of areas:

assistance to the student in choosing the topic of the diploma;

definition of tasks for the diploma - goals, objectives, expected results;

assistance in developing a work plan for a diploma;

assistance in choosing research methods;

consultations on the selection of literature and factual material;

systematic control of the process of completing the diploma in accordance with the developed plan;

assessment of the quality of the diploma in accordance with the requirements for it (writing a review of the supervisor);

organization of the pre-defense of the diploma at the department in order to identify the student's readiness for his defense.

What is the role of the department in organizing the process of preparing a diploma?

The department, as a key element of the academy, plays an important role in the process of preparing a student's diploma. Its functions include:

offer approximate topics for diplomas;

appointment of a supervisor;

ensuring a stable connection between the supervisor and the graduate student (through the methodologist of the department);

advising on the search and selection of sources in the course of work on the diploma;

Graduating departments in the relevant specialties should:

approve a specific topic of the diploma;

organize the pre-defense of the diploma at the department and, based on its results, present conclusions and recommendations to the author of the diploma;

submit the admission of the diploma to the defense.

The role of the educational and methodological department in organizing the defense of a diploma

When organizing the process of preparing a diploma, the duties of the dean's office are as follows:

holding an organizational meeting with students on the choice of a diploma topic, pre-diploma practice and organization of defense;

preparation of application forms for approval of the topic of the diploma and issuance of them to students;

preparation of task forms for the diploma, forms of the schedule for its implementation;

registration of directions for undergraduate practice and issuance of them to students a week before the start of practice (for students of FUEP and FZO);

preparation of a draft order on the approval of diploma topics 1 month before the defense;

admission of students to the defense of a diploma on the basis of the implementation of curricula, pre-diploma practice and passing the state exam;

acceptance and registration of finished diplomas from graduate students;

preparation of documentation for the SEC meeting: training cards, record books, statements, books of minutes of meetings of the SEC;

ensuring the appearance of students for protection.

How to choose a thesis topic?

Students are given the opportunity to independently choose the topic of the diploma. The graduating departments develop an approximate theme of diplomas.

If the same topic is chosen by several students, then the department leaves it only to those of them who justified their choice in the most reasonable way. The rest of the students are invited to choose another topic.

When choosing a topic, it is important to consider:

their individual inclinations and interests;

current place of work or employment opportunity: knowledge of what problems exist in the organization at the place of work, what are the needs for development and improvement of the organization;

the practical significance of the work for a particular enterprise, organization, institution, which can be confirmed by the organization's order for the development of a diploma on a specific topic;

place of industrial and undergraduate practice;

the possibility of obtaining specific materials on the chosen topic;

availability and accessibility of special literature on the research problem;

previously studied problems when writing other written works: term papers, abstracts, practice reports.

Within the terms determined by the relevant dean's office, you coordinate with the head of the graduating department the specified topic of the diploma. The head of the department appoints a supervisor and, in some cases, a scientific consultant.

Is it possible to change or adjust the theme of the selected diploma?

In exceptional cases, you can change or correct the previously selected topic of the diploma, but no later than 2 months before defense. For this you need:

Present convincing arguments for the need to change or adjust the topic (newly emerging needs of professional activity, or an order from a future employer, taking into account the specifics of the specialty);

Coordinate changes with the supervisor;

Bring the new name of the topic to the dean's office.

A student who wants to complete a diploma on a topic that is not provided for by an exemplary topic must justify his choice: prove its relevance, the availability of practical material, the relevance of the topic to the specialty and specialization. The topic must be approved by the head of the graduating department.

The process of completion of diplomas by students of VVAGS can be used in solving the problems of university development. You can specify the research problem through the heads of departments, vice-rectors or the rector of the academy.

The issue of appointing a supervisor is decided by the department to which the student's application for the choice of topic is sent.

The supervisor is appointed, as a rule, from among the teachers of this department in agreement with him, based on his scientific interests and specialization in the department.

By the decision of the head of the department, not only the teacher of this department, but also teachers of the departments of the Academy and other universities can be appointed as the scientific adviser of the diploma. Also, scientific advisers can be practitioners (for example, from state, municipal and business structures), who are specialists in the field of state and municipal government, economics, management, law, etc.

The student can express wishes about assigning a specific supervisor to him in agreement with the latter. If these wishes correspond to the capabilities of the department and the requirements for the supervisor, the head of the department can take into account these wishes of the student.

After the approval of scientific supervisors at each department, a schedule of implementation is drawn up. thesis. This schedule is posted on the department or on the information stand near the department.

In addition, the dean's offices annually hold organizational meetings with graduate students, at which they organize meetings with leaders.

Further interaction between the graduate student and the supervisor is determined at a personal meeting.

With what information should a graduate student come to the first meeting with the head?

The first meeting with the supervisor will be more constructive if the student comes:

with suggestions to clarify the topic;

with proposals for the place of undergraduate practice or the base organization or institution, with justification of the reasons for choosing this base.

At the first meeting, the leader should:

1. Help the student.

clarify the wording of the topic of the diploma;

determine the object and subject of research;

formulate the initial goals and objectives (task for the thesis).

2. Indicate the main literature and sources for obtaining practical information;

3. Determine the basic requirements for the preparation of a schedule for the implementation of the diploma;

4. Help determine the type of organization or institution for undergraduate practice or the base on which the practical part of the diploma will be written;

5. Set a time for the next meeting and give a task that the student must complete by that time (for example, draw up a schedule, find specific literature and practical material).

Is it possible to change the supervisor? If so, how?

As well as the topic of the diploma, the supervisor can be changed only in exceptional cases:

When changing the topic of the diploma, if it is outside the sphere of interests of the previously approved supervisor;

When it is impossible for the approved manager to carry out his functions.

A new leader, at the suggestion of a student or a previously approved supervisor, is appointed only by the department. Corresponding changes are brought by the methodologist of the department to the dean's office and made to the student's application on the topic of the diploma.

What information for writing a diploma can a student get within the walls of his native university?

To work on the WRC, a student can receive the following information within the walls of the university:

In the library: educational, scientific and reference literature, which can be found by contacting the card indexes of the reference and bibliographic department; materials of the electronic catalog of information, about the content and mechanism of work with which you can find out by contacting the specialists of the reference and bibliographic department.

On the Internet, where large banks of legal and practical information are located.

You can get acquainted with this information with the help of a supervisor.

What can pre-diploma practice give for writing a diploma?

In the course of pre-diploma practice, the student collects material for the practical part of the diploma, based on the main provisions of the theoretical part of the work, which by the time of choosing the place of pre-diploma practice should be mostly written.

In pre-diploma practice, the student, in accordance with the tasks set, gets acquainted with the structure of a given organization or institution, with the legal framework and the main areas of activity and its results.

Based on the analysis of the collected material, achievements and problems in the activities of a given organization or institution are identified and proposals (project) are developed to solve them.

At the place of practice, the graduate coordinates with the head of practice from the organization the schedule for the internship, the conditions for obtaining the necessary practical material for writing the diploma, as well as the possibility of obtaining an external review of the final work.

In the course of pre-diploma practice, a student can change the topic of the diploma on the recommendation of the employer and in agreement with the supervisor.

The head of practice from the host organization may submit an external review of the completed diploma.

How to choose a place of undergraduate practice?

On the basis of the chosen topic of the diploma, the student is sent to pre-diploma practice in an organization, on the basis of whose materials the practical part of the diploma will be carried out. This organization is determined either by the individual application of the student, or by the dean's office on the basis of the specialty and the chosen topic of the diploma. Students who study under targeted contract training, or who have signed a contract with future employers, or who are already working, do pre-diploma practice, as a rule, in the relevant organizations.

When and where to take the finished diploma?

Your fully completed diploma should go through the following path:

1. You provide the text of the diploma to your supervisor For checking no later than 1 month before defense, for the initial assessment, corrections and submission of it for pre-defense at the department.

3. After completion, the diploma is signed by the student on the last page of the Conclusion and submitted to the supervisor for writing recall.

4. Further, the diploma is transferred to external review, as a rule, to the organization on the basis of which the practical material was collected. Download the canonical sample of the thesis review.

5. Together with recall of the head, review and assignment for the graduation project (work), the bound text of the diploma is transferred to the department, where it was carried out to receive recommendations from the head of the department, and then to the graduating department, where the head of the department signs the admission of the diploma to the defense. Appendix 6 shows the layout of documents in the thesis.

6. After admission to the defense, the methodologist of the department transfers the diploma with the specified documents to the dean's office (no later than three days before the defense).

What is the "pre-defense" of the diploma and how to pass it?

In order to control the quality of the prepared diploma, the department where it was carried out organizes its pre-defense, i.e. discussion of the content of the work and listening to the speech of a graduate student.

The decision to conduct pre-defense is made by the department on the proposal of the supervisor.

Pre-defense is carried out, as a rule, 2 weeks before the deadline for passing the diploma to the appropriate dean's office, taking into account that for the remaining period the student can correct the existing shortcomings in the text of the diploma and in the content of the speech at the defense.

Also, during the pre-defense, the student can imagine what questions can be asked to him during the defense of the diploma, and prepare to answer them. The results of the pre-defense are recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the department.

In the event that the department finds it impossible to recommend a diploma for defense and submits the corresponding extract from the decision of the department to the dean's office, the student is not allowed to defend the diploma before the state attestation commission.

How to find an external reviewer and what paper will he write?

An external reviewer, as a rule, should be a representative of the organization on the basis of which the student's pre-diploma practice took place and on the materials of which the practical part of the diploma was completed. A reviewer can also be a representative of an organization whose activities are related to the topic of the diploma, or a teacher (associate professor, professor) of a specialized department of another university specializing in studying the problems considered in the diploma.

The external review should substantiate the practical significance of the recommendations and conclusions presented in the diploma for the activities of organizations and institutions in the relevant field, the reliability of the information and the realism of the developed proposals. The reviewer also determines what assessment the author of the diploma deserves for the work done.

The relationship of a graduate student with a potential employer can be carried out through pre-graduation practice. During the practice, student interns who have proven themselves with positive side, can receive a job offer at the place of its passage.

Adding a question

How many hours per day should a team leader work? And if in reality he works more, then how is this actually worked time paid?
According to the Labor Code working time teaching staff of education is set at a reduced rate and amounts to 36 hours per week. I want to draw the attention of readers that, regardless of the level of education, a counselor in a children's health, sports, etc. camp - a pedagogical position, all the requirements for it are presented as a pedagogical worker; All benefits correspond to the benefits of teachers. The administration of the camp can accept any worthy worker for the position of a leader under its own responsibility; in this case, these are students with initial pedagogical training. Thus, with a five-day working week, the working day will be seven and a half working hours, and with a six-day working week, respectively, six hours. The work schedule of the counselor should be drawn up by the administration so that at the end of the week he can take advantage of two days off. However, according to the working conditions, it is advisable to distribute working time for the entire shift, take it into account in summary and provide the counselor with days off at the end of the shift, if there is no urgent need to use the day off during the shift. With this summarized accounting, it is possible to determine which standard the counselors had to work out, and most likely there should not be overtime. All these questions about standard working hours, work schedules and accounting procedures should be resolved when hiring with the participation of the administration, workers and the trade union. If some processing time has formed (i.e. actual work over the schedule), then it must be paid at one and a half times the daily or hourly rate. Again, this question should be discussed before work begins.

How many pupils should be in the detachment as much as possible if the leader and educator work in the detachment? And how many children, if only one counselor? And if the children are still more than the norm, is this time paid in full?
The number of pupils is determined by the regulation on educational institution. As a rule, if the camp is for ordinary children, the number of pupils in the group does not exceed 25 people. If the work is carried out by only one counselor, then his workload is doubled and must be paid accordingly. It should be noted that it is possible to instruct to carry out an increased amount of work within a certain period only with the consent of the employee. Exactly the same situation arises with an increased number of pupils in the group: payment is made in an increased amount in proportion to the increase in the number of pupils and hours worked.

If the counselor falls ill, does he have the right to take a sick leave and is he paid on a general basis or in some other way?
We are talking about the fact that any employee in case of illness, on the certificate of a doctor who has the right to issue documents on temporary release from work for health reasons, can take a sick leave from a medical institution. Compensation for the sick leave to the counselor is paid in full in accordance with the rules approved by the social insurance fund. At the same time, it should be taken into account that when hiring trainees, they should be included in the list of insured workers. Similarly, they must be insured for compulsory medical insurance and pension insurance: the camp administration must pay the required contributions. If insurance documents are not issued and premiums are not paid, payment sick leave may be illegal.

How days off the counselor has the right to take over the shift? Although shifts in all camps are different in duration, but there must be some kind of norms, right?
As already mentioned, the number of days off that an employee is entitled to with the summarized accounting for the used working time is determined by the duration of the shift worked. These days are provided after the end of the shift. Such restrictions are necessary in order for the administration to be able to ensure the planned employment of employees and a rhythmic schedule.

Does the salary of people working in the city and those working outside it differ?
Wage education workers is established according to the position, qualifications and length of service. If the work is performed outside the permanent location of the enterprise, i.e. on a business trip, the employee is paid the compensation provided for by law. Differences in wages, pay rates or labor standards for urban or rural residents are not provided for by law.

Does the student have the right to change the place of internship (i.e. work in another camp, and not in the proposed one)?
Everything that is necessary must be completed before the start of the practice. At the same time, one should not rely on such arguments as “in camp B they pay more than in camp A”. Where to practice is determined by the educational institution, practice is part of curriculum. The terms of practice, the volume of work performed, the reporting procedure - all this must be done by the student in accordance with the requirements educational institution. Changing the place of practice will always require appropriate methodological support, therefore, there can be no change in the place of practice when the practice has already begun, but before it starts, with the permission of the educational institution and with the consent of the organization where the practice will be held, the student can change the place of practice.

Do counselors always have to bear full financial responsibility for things lost by children: for bedding and various props (sports, games)? After all, in schools, parents pay for lost and damaged things.
In this case, you need to be specific. Any employee under the Labor Code, any citizen under the Civil or Criminal Code can bear responsibility only in case of guilt or other unlawful act. You can lay responsibility on the counselor if he did not create the conditions for ensuring the safety of property. However, whether this will be full responsibility is doubtful. Obviously, here we are talking about the incomplete fulfillment of labor duties.
In conclusion, answering the questions posed, I would like to remind you that students should study and know labor law. Therefore, we would like them to refresh their memory of the Labor Code, the Law “On Education”, and the orders of the Ministry of Education while preparing for practice.

Our reader from Buryatia turns to the editor of the Documents application with a question about the correct procedure for scheduling final certification exams. She believes that a one-day break between exams is a violation of the regulations or requirements for scheduling exams and a violation of children's rights, given the size of the course covered by the exam. Our reader is a class teacher, and in this regard, she "had a question with the head teacher."
Actually, I don't think there is any issue. Every year, the Ministry of Education publishes recommendations on how to schedule exams in a letter. Such recommendations are all the more important because they also take into account the order passing the exam. There were relevant recommendations this year as well. They must be guided.

A number of questions are asked by our readers about the periods included in the experience that gives the right to early exit for a retirement pension. At the same time, readers are surprised every time: the pension authorities do not take into account the time of study at a higher educational institution, the period maternity leave etc; missing two or three years - what to do?
And that's how you should do it. Check with your local pension fund office normative document its employees use, whether this document is valid at the time of registration of pension documents and whether it was valid during the period for which work is taken into account. The difficulty is that in legislative documents there are uncertainties, and the pension authorities often add arbitrariness, and then wait to correct them or not. So, for example, by the decision of the legislator, the federal law was changed, and the period of study is included in seniority, which was obvious to everyone (except for the Pension Fund), but a special instruction was required from the body that has the authority to interpret and clarify laws. A citizen can receive further clarifications from a higher authority or file a lawsuit and defend his right in court. Therefore, it makes no sense to send your documents to Moscow, and even more so to a newspaper (ours or any other). As we have repeatedly written, in this way the resolution of issues is not accelerated.

I am a pensioner of the 3rd group and I work as a teacher in a secondary special educational institution on a full-time basis. I know that since 2002, according to article 115, three days are additionally paid for annual leave persons with a disability of the 3rd group. Am I eligible for this benefit? labor law?
You did not indicate in your letter which piece of legislation you are referring to. Most likely, we are talking about the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which came into force on February 1, 2002. Article 115 of this code “Duration of the next main paid vacation” establishes that the annual main paid leave is granted to employees for a duration of 28 calendar days. Holidays of more than 28 calendar days (extended) are granted to employees in accordance with the Labor Code and other federal laws. In particular, annual basic extended vacations lasting from 42 to 56 calendar days are established for educators in accordance with Article 35 of the Law "On Education" and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 1, 2002 No. 724. With the presence of a disability and its group, the article you mentioned Labor Code does not link the duration of the main or additional leave.

The economist answered the questions

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"First of September"

Each student must complete industrial, educational and pre-diploma practice. This is an integral part of the educational process, one might say, a verification stage of applying the acquired knowledge in practice in an educational institution. After the first internship, students have a deeper understanding of the intricacies of the chosen profession, delving into the details of the production process itself.

The bases for the internship of students can be various organizations that are connected in any way with their future professional activity. If a student works and studies on the job, then he can also do an internship at the place of work, but only if the organization has a department corresponding to the specialty in which the student is studying.

How is student practice organized?

From the teaching staff of the educational institution, the heads of the departments are appointed, who, in coordination with the enterprise, develop a plan for the internship by students. The transit time, the number of hours are calculated, and all the features of the enterprise's work are taken into account.

The nature of the work to which the trainee will be involved must correspond to the chosen specialty, as well as his scientific work. A student can submit a personal application to the department from an organization that is ready to take him to practice, such an application is considered by the department and approved if an appropriate decision is made at the meeting.

If the student will have an internship at the place of work, then he must submit a certificate from the place of work to the department along with the application.

After compiling the lists of students with recommendations on the place of internship, this document is approved by the meeting of the department and submitted to the dean's office. According to the data in the dean's office, students are given directions for internships. The institution or organization serving as the base of practice is approved by the order of the faculty for each student.

Documents for internship

Before starting the practice, you need to know what documents the student needs for practice. You should prepare:

  1. practice program
  2. referral from the dean's office
  3. internship schedule.

Practice reporting

At the end of the internship, you must submit a report on the practice to the educational institution. The student must bring the following documents about the internship:

  1. program execution report
  2. practice diary
  3. a characteristic with a response to the practice report, which is compiled by the head of the organization or enterprise.

Report is built in accordance with the student's individual plan for practice and should be drawn up during the practice. It analyzes and summarizes the results of the work, in which the student must demonstrate his knowledge and ability to conduct research.

The report should contain full answers to the questions that are provided for by the practice program. Copies of documents, reporting and accounting documentation, tables, illustrations, diagrams, photographs may be attached to it.

In the report, the student must describe how he studied the task assigned to him, what additional sources of information he used.

An internship diary can be provided to a student by an educational institution in the form of a ready-made form that must be filled out during internship, but very often the student has to compile it on his own.

Practice Diary completed every day, it includes a listing of the work performed by the student, which fits in as they are completed. There should be a work number, date, its title, summary, a place for comments of the head of practice from the enterprise, his signature. The diary is certified by the seal of the organization or enterprise, and at the end of the diary the head of the trainee from the educational institution puts his signature.

The title page of the diary should contain the following information: the name of the educational institution, the name of the faculty, the course, specialty, the student's full name, the type of practice and the timing of its passage.

Characteristics about the trainee written by the head of the institution on a separate sheet and certified by his signature and seal. It should contain a reasonable recommended assessment of the work done.

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Young people often fall into the so-called vicious circle. They have an education to offer potential employers, but no experience, which makes it difficult for them to prove their professionalism. Therefore, practice while studying is a great opportunity to gain experience and get out of this circle.

An internship is definitely a great way to prove yourself and start climbing the career ladder while still studying or immediately after graduation.

Although this is not mandatory, there are enterprises that receive remuneration for practice - such a desire can sometimes be expressed by the management of the enterprise.

Opportunity to get to know the profession

It seems that the greatest benefit of practice lies in the opportunity to learn the profession being mastered. Often, young people do not have a complete understanding of what it really means to work in their chosen specialty. This can best be understood by being in a real work environment and in close daily contact with specialists in the chosen profession. This is the best way to assess whether you really like and are interested in this profession, or you need to change the direction of study.

work experience

An important acquisition during the practice is the opportunity to gain real practical experience. The item that an internship was completed should definitely be included in your CV, because immediately after graduation, the “Work Experience” section will objectively not be so extensive. After graduation, when you need to look for a job, a CV indicating the time of internship completed at specific enterprises, as well as a description of the duties performed, will definitely be more interesting to a potential employer. Don't forget to ask practice leaders for feedback!

Practical Knowledge

An invaluable acquisition, which also gives practice, is knowledge and advice from existing experts in a particular field. There are things that are difficult to learn while sitting on the university bench. They can only be mastered in practice, so during practice it is important not to be shy to ask, strive to learn more, and also show initiative and a desire to do more than is required in the university regulations on practice.

Given that the purpose of the practice is to expand the student's circle of knowledge, work at the enterprise is not paid. An exception may be individual cases if the student somehow showed himself in a special way, but this depends on the leader of the practice. An internship is definitely a great way to prove yourself and start climbing the career ladder while still studying or immediately after graduation.

Benefit for the enterprise

Of course, not only the students themselves benefit, but also the company that offers internship opportunities. Mainly, the enterprise can assess the level of training of future industry professionals and how it meets the needs of the market. Enterprises can make suggestions to universities, which, based on observations, can make changes to the curriculum in order to improve the training of future specialists. Also, the benefit that a student can bring to a particular enterprise is to reduce the amount of work or in extra hands during the holidays of colleagues.

How to find each other?

Typically, students are encouraged to independently search for and select businesses of interest to them in the relevant industry study program. Universities can offer possible internship places at enterprises with which close cooperation has already been established. For example, the Riga Technical University cooperates with the company Lattelecom, the Stockholm School of Economics cooperates with the SEB bank, and the Faculty of International Tourism of the Turība Graduate School of Business cooperates with hotels in Latvia and abroad.

However, in the event that the university does not offer an internship place, the student must go in search of it himself. When looking for an internship, it makes sense to look through job ads and student portals, because they sometimes also post internship ads. If nothing is found, it is recommended to start researching enterprises and specialists in the selected professional field. Feel free to send them your CV with an application for an internship. Perhaps one of them will be your future practice leader or employer.

In search of an internship place, contact many companies; if the practice is offered in several places, choose the one that you like the most, but do not rush to refuse the rest. Arrange for an internship with them later, and go to this enterprise as an optional internship that is not required by your university. Thus, you will not be tied to the implementation of a specific practical task, as universities often require, but you will be able to devote time to those tasks and work that interest you most.

The formal side of the practice

Documents required for practice and other requirements may differ from university to university. In some enterprises, the work required during the practice is strictly defined in the regulations on practice, in others the opportunity is given to the free choice of tasks that the student must complete. Most often, a student concludes an agreement with an enterprise, agreeing on the conditions of practice, tasks, as well as the duration of practice. The time that you need to spend in practice may differ depending on the year of study, as well as on the individual requirements of universities. Practice can last from several weeks to several months. Although this is not mandatory, there are enterprises that receive remuneration for practice - such a desire can sometimes be expressed by the management of the enterprise.

Liene Circene,

SEB Bank is one of the best employers

The customer comes first, responsibility, cooperation and simplicity are values ​​that are important to both our clients and colleagues. If they match your values, become part of our team!

This is the announcement for the government internship competition in the Ministry of Economics, Finance, Justice and Foreign Affairs in Astana in May – June 2017.

The competition is open to all students of KIMEP university received 80 credits and GPA not less than 3.0.

To participate in the competition you must submit the following documents:

– A completed application form, which can be downloaded
– 1 letter of recommendation (from professors or internship supervisors from a place of internship (if any), or current/previous workplace).
– 1 motivation letter.
– Unofficial transcript.
– Copy of national identity card.

The application deadline is Friday, December 9 (inclusively), 2016 till 17.00. All files should be submitted in one single email with the subject of the e-mail: Government Internship _Last Name _Application and all the attachments titled as: Government Internship _ Last Name _Application, Government Internship _ Last Name_ Reference 1, Government Internship _ Last Name _Reference 2, Government Internship _ Last Name _transcript, Government Internship _ Last Name _ID.

The selection process is organized and conducted by the independent selection committee. The selection committee includes representatives from each department of CSS: public administration, journalism, economics and international relations, as well as a member from students association of KIMEP. The selection committee will conduct individual interviews with the admitted to the competition candidates starting December 2 to December 14, 2016. The results will be announced on December 18, 2016

Students, who will successfully pass the competition, need to register for a preparatory course "CSS 3001.1 Introductory Internship" in the spring semester of 2017 academic year which is estimated as 3 credits. Besides, the government practice is evaluated separately by three credits. As a result, over the course of government internship students will receive 6 credits and two grades.

For more information and questions please contact: Professor of the Government Internship Didar Kassymova – office 133v.b., or CSS Internship Coordinator Yelena Petrukhina – office 509 v.b.,