Scenario summary Christmas fairy tale theatrical performance. Scenario of the theatrical program "Once upon a time for Christmas". Christmas mystery script

  • 13.11.2019

Characters: Director, Methodist, she is also a Muse, Artist - a young man, Artist, Manager, in the rest roles - extras.
The design of the concert emphasizes the romanticism, fabulousness of the situation. This is an option to create an unusual environment, emphasizing the magic of all winter holidays. The proscenium is designed as part of the office of the director of the Palace of Culture with decorated columns. At the moment of meeting with the Muse, the curtain rises, revealing a landscape with Christmas trees and huge foamboard toys decorated with reflective film. The basis for attaching toys is a light cord. At the beginning of the performance, the silhouettes of the Christmas trees move backstage, the toys rise up. Perhaps a simpler design of the scene. At the moment of farewell to the Muse, the stage is again filled with Christmas trees and toys, then the curtain closes, revealing the original scene of action.

Two technicians appear with buckets, mops and rags. They begin to wipe the table, move the chairs. The Director enters.

Director (technical). So, girls, we finish cleaning, it should have been done before I arrived.

The technicians are trying to object something.

That's it, there will be no discussion about this. I have an important meeting. (Goes to the door.) Come on, comrades.

DC employees enter.

Have a seat. I have brought you here to inform...
manager (interrupting, with irony). The inspector is coming!
Director (scared). Auditor? To us? From the tax office? (Convulsively begins to look for something in the folders. Realizing that she has been played, she calms down, takes her former stern look. To the manager.) This joke, Petrov, is outdated. Please don't interrupt me. I would like to inform you that tomorrow, January 7, all progressive mankind celebrates, I am not afraid of this word, a big and, so to speak, bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ!

Someone begins to applaud, someone crosses himself, the artistic director yawns. The director stops the applause with a gesture.

There is a directive... (Raises a finger to the ceiling, looks at the ceiling, to the secretary.) Whitewash the ceiling today. What was I talking about? .. There is a directive to celebrate this holiday cheerfully, on a grand scale, on a high, so to speak, cultural and artistic level! What will be the considerations?
manager Since the morning we wanted to "figure out", so you said that it was not time yet. We are waiting for your command.
Director. Leave your "thoughts" behind! I repeat once again for the savvy like you, Petrov. We are talking about a cultural event for the entire population, and not for a narrow circle of dubious acquaintances of the aforementioned Petrov. Does everyone understand?

Everyone present nods in unison.

I don't hear offers.
Methodist. Allow me? You can gather grandmothers, arrange gatherings, let them bring rugs, pancakes, bake pies ...
manager Moonshine is a must, we’ll have a great walk ...
Director. Petrov, are you back to yours again?
manager I mean… let's have a folklore evening.
Director. Old and irrelevant. It was last year.
Methodist. And let's hold the contest "Miss Village - 2012"!
Director. What other village? We live in the village. Do you feel the difference? Your offer doesn't work!
Painter. And let's announce a Christmas themed poster contest.
Director (angrily). What pies, what posters? Don't you read the press, don't watch TV? I see that you can’t cook porridge with you, you have to decide everything yourself. In short, I state the fact that there are two opinions on this issue: one is mine, the other is wrong. We'll put on a great musical show!

Everyone starts talking among themselves - first quietly, then louder, arguing.

Where can we get so much money? Lighting equipment needs cool! What will the performers wear? Who will write the script?
Director. Speaking of the script... (Looks round at everyone. Stops at the sleeping artistic director.)

The Methodist sitting next to him pushes Khudruk in the side.

Here the Artistic Director will write it to us.
artistic director (woke up, looks around). BUT? What? What I should do?
Director. Firstly, at work you have to work, not sleep, and secondly, you are entrusted with a very responsible task - writing a script for a Christmas show.
Artistic director. I'm sorry, by what date should I write this?
Director. I repeat once again: not by some date, but specifically by tomorrow morning.
artistic director (stuttering). Y-what are you? Not one of the best, you know, the writer will not have time in a night ...
Director. Have time, you have a lot of time - the whole night ahead. So, there can be no objection. All in places, comrades, we are working!

Everyone leaves, stays Artistic director.

Artistic director. Found the last one! (Mimics the Director.)"You have the whole night ahead of you!" Wow, mum! Here I will take it and I will not write! I wonder what will happen? (thinks.) What will be, what will be? I will write a letter of resignation own will Directors. (Grumbling.) Look what you came up with: give her a show! How do I know how to do it! And no one can tell! And until the morning is already at hand! The fact is, I can't. Stop, somewhere I have already heard this ... or seen, I don’t remember. Ahh, Cinderella! She was also ordered to sew dresses for her sisters in one night! So after all, the Fairy helped her! And who will help me? But I wonder who the writers come to the rescue? (He scratches the back of his head.) How is it, this… Centaur?.. King Kong?.. Pegasus?.. No, no, it looks like some kind of woman… Oh, I remembered! Muse! With wings like that. (Sings.) And Muse with wings byak-byak-byak-byak, and her sparrows shmyak-shmyak-shmyak-shmyak ... Muse, where are you? Come to me, help me write this damn script, and I won’t stay in debt, I’ll repay it with kindness ... For example, I’ll marry you! That's what he said! Okay, as they say, rely on the Muse, but don't make a mistake yourself. You just have to sit down and start writing. (Sits down at the table, takes paper, pen, thinks.) Turn on the tape recorder? Maybe I'll hear something there. (Turns on tape recorder.)
Voice. On the radio wave "Mayak" the program "For those who do not sleep."
Artistic director. You see, as ordered! (He leans back in his chair, yawns.) It would be nice if the Muse appeared now ... (Falls off.)

The lights go out, the curtain rises. Fanfarists enter the stage, fanfares sound, Muse appears with her retinue, performs a song.

Muse (retinue). Thank you my dears, you are free.

Fanfarists come out again, fanfares sound.

(To fanfarists.) Completely stunned! That's enough, fanfarists go with a bang.

Fanfarists are going to blow again. The muse stops them with a wave of her hand.

I said: with a bang, fanfarists pass, in the sense - they went out and left silently!

Fanfarists leave.

What kind of people! Two hundred years of playing the same thing. (After the fanfarists.) The repertoire needs to be changed periodically, according to the time. No development! Take an example from me.

The artistic director wakes up, looks at Muse in surprise.

And what are we looking at? Music ordered?
Artistic director. Muse? What Muse? Excuse me, who are you? I don't recognize you in makeup...
Muse. Allow me to introduce myself: Muza Petrovna Extraordinary - CEO"Factories of Extraordinary Dreams". Our company provides extraordinary services in the field of show business: we organize exciting events, hold presentations, enchanting shows, gala concerts. Our firm cooperates with many well-known producers from all over the world.
Artistic director. Here-here-here! This is what I'm on this moment required. (Takes Musa by the arm, takes her aside.) Dear Muza Petrovna, you are really so unusual, so pretty, one might even say - a beauty! You were sent to me by the Lord God himself! But... You say that your company has existed for more than 200 years, and in this regard, your technical progress is of interest, so to speak: do you have a computer, DVD, do you access the Internet?
Muse (offended). You, (name), seemingly like an advanced young man, but you argue like an ancient exhibit. Our company is equipped with the most modern technology. Here, take a look here, please. (He takes out his laptop, opens it, starts typing something quickly.)
Artistic director. Virtual reality?
Muse. Let's go?
Artistic director. And, yes, yes, of course, let's go! Virtual reality is cool!

Dance "Virtual Reality" is performed.

Muse(proudly). What do you think?
artistic director (admiringly). Yes, virtual art is a terrible force! I mean - great!
Muse. What else interests you?
Artistic director. Do you have these ... well, how to say ... girls?
Muse(surprised). In what sense?
Artistic director. In the literal sense: girls who sing, that's how it is at the "Star Factory"!
Muse. The desire of the client is the law for us!

The vocal trio perform the song.

Artistic director. Great, I'm starting to like it, but...
Muse. Is something bothering you?
Artistic director. No, but it seemed to me that I saw the faces of these artists somewhere just the other day.
Muse. Never mind, we continue our excursion.
Artistic director. You are right, let's not get distracted, but let's look deeper.
Muse. In the old days, right? Anything popular?
Artistic director. Folk is also possible, but preferably in modern rhythms. Is there such a thing?
Muse. What topics are you interested in?
Artistic director. I am interested in all topics: winter-cold, love-carrots ...
Muse. Enough, I understand, let's turn it on.

New Year's song is being performed.

Artistic director. What a wonderful New Year's Eve! My most favorite holiday. By the way, dear Muse, where are you this New Year noted?

The music is embarrassed.

Okay, you don't have to answer. I have a suggestion for you: why don't we take a walk?
Muse. I gladly accept your offer!

Winter themed number.

Artistic director. I like winter, when soft fluffy snow slowly falls and creaks so pleasantly underfoot. The soul is waiting for the holiday. New Year, Christmas, Epiphany… The mood is… In general, the New Year's mood.
Muse(suitable for laptop). By the way, I just opened a new file, it's called "Christmas mood".

The song "New Year's mood" is performed.

Artistic director. Dear Muse, I want to sing, and even more I want to dance ... with you. Somewhere in a cozy cafe: slow music sounds, and always a saxophone. Do you love saxophone?
Muse. Yes, especially when he makes sounds with such a pleasant hoarseness, it evokes romantic thoughts.
Artistic director. I invite you to tango.

The composition is performed on the saxophone.

Muse. What happened with me? I feel dizzy, the ground is leaving under my feet, but for some reason I feel so good! Shall we skip official ceremonies? Look, (name), the star has fallen.
Artistic director. And there's another one! Let's see if it hasn't gone out yet.

A choreographic number is performed.

Muse, did you make a wish?
Muse. Yes and you?
Artistic director. I had so many desires that by the time I chose, the star had already gone out.
Muse. Don't worry, on Christmas all wishes come true even without shooting stars.
artistic director (excitedly). Ah, Christmas, the show... That's it, I'm gone!
Muse. So what happened? Explain thoroughly.
Artistic director. I have to write a script for a Christmas show. Morning is coming and I have nothing ready yet! No, she will definitely fire me!
Muse. What am I for? Do you need a Christmas song? All will be.

The song "Christmas" is performed.

artistic director (walks around the stage with sheets of paper). So, we will put this song at the beginning of the concert, this song is the final one, but here we need to include some more funny number.
Muse. By the way, good idea. Take a look here. (Pointing to laptop.)

Joke number.

Artistic director. Music, now what?
Muse. You can go to the site "Love" ...
Artistic director. We, men, are really very amorous ...
Muse. Don't make excuses, because we women still love you.

The song is performed in English.

Artistic director. A little confusing, but still nice. Look, you spoke in verse! What does love do to people? So, we again deviated from the topic. Only a few minutes remain until morning. Muzochka, tune in to the festive wave!
Muse (works with laptop). So, just a minute, we open it, we go here, we set it up, everything is ready!

The song "New Year's toys" is performed.

Artistic director. My dear Muse, I have to tell you something very important… what are you to me… what am I… Christmas holiday… (Inadvertently presses a computer key with his elbow, everything starts whistling, buzzing, flashing.) Oops, looks like something went wrong.
Muse. Yes, I pressed it! An error has occurred in the program. I'll try to reload now. (Works on a computer.)

Lights flicker and snow begins to fall from above. A choreographic number is performed.

And which, in my opinion, turned out well, just on topic. As you requested...
Artistic director. Actually, I wanted to talk about something else. About you, about me, about us...
Muse. It's time for me to leave.
Artistic director. What already? That's how it always is. But I wanted to tell you, I wanted to thank you. (Sorrowfully.) Why so dizzy, what's going on? I don't understand anything. (Sits down in an armchair, closes his eyes.)
Muse (leaving). It was nice to meet you (name). We will definitely meet again, but not in a dream, but in reality.

The romance is being performed Goodnight, gentlemen. Full lights come on, the curtain falls, the stage turns into an office again.

Director (appearing). No, just look at him! He's sleeping at work again! And he certainly didn’t even take on the script! (Hurts Khudruk.) Wake up, finally!
artistic director(in a dream). Oh Muse, I love you!
Director. Are you out of your mind?! What do you allow yourself?!
artistic director (wakes up, scared). What? Where I am?! Ahh, Comrade Director, why scare a person like that! (To the side.) Ruin this dream!
Director (angrily). What dream?! All the people are already working, and he sleeps here! (With a sneer.) Where is the script?
artistic director (stuttering). You see, this is the thing... (Takes sheets of paper from the table, hides behind his back.)
Director. What are you hiding there? Give it here! (Looks through sheets.) Here you can if you want! And they said there was not enough time! Now you can start rehearsing. Come on, comrades!

Workers of the Palace of Culture come out, among them the artistic director sees the Methodist, turns to her.

Artistic director. (Name) so it was you?
Methodist. I? Where I was?
Artistic director. It doesn’t matter anymore, now I’ll have time to say the most important words. (Takes her by the hand, they go backstage.)
Director. So, comrades, we are rehearsing the final song. All in place!

The song "When the clock strikes" is performed. For the last chorus, all the artists come on stage with sparklers lit.

Program tasks :

Introduce children to the basics of Orthodox culture,

To generalize and consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers about the feast of the Nativity of Christ,

To instill in children respect for the Orthodox traditions of the Russian people,

Activate creativity, imagination, memory and attention of children,

To consolidate the ability of children to move rhythmically to characteristic music, as well as the ability to use the received music lessons proper singing skills

Improve performance skills in puppetry,

Cultivate a sense of camaraderie

On concrete examples, to reveal to children such moral categories as kindness, modesty, care.

preliminary work :

Explanation of such concepts as "Christ", "Christmas", "Angel", "nativity scene", "magi", "manger", "friendliness", "dislike",

Examination of reproductions of the icons "Nativity of Christ" and conversations on them,

Learning songs about Christmas and the Christmas tree, themed dances, sketches with theatrical toys,

Reading Christmas stories

Making Christmas gifts-surprises for the audience.

Materials and equipment :

Christmas decoration of the hall,

Two multimedia screens at the edges of the stage,

A spinning nativity scene divided into three segments,


The central screen depicting a winter night and a starry sky with one eight-pointed star,

Puppets based on the plot of a fairy tale,

Double sided puppets

Children's suits,

Phonogram of the performance,

Surprise gifts for children senior group.


Dasha and Masha - girls - graduates kindergarten(they are the Angel in pink and the Angel in blue),

Puppeteers, puppeteers

Flowers (Rose, Lily, Mimosa) - girls of the group preparatory to school,

Stars are puppeteers

- Yolochka is a girl of the middle group.

The course of the holiday:

Children of the older group are invited as spectators.

The light is muted. On the screens - a starry night with twinkling stars. The intro to the song "It's cold in the winter for a little Christmas tree" sounds. Two curly-haired girls in blue and pink dresses, stylized as nightgowns, with tinsel in their hands, enter the hall, holding hands.

They sing a song, decorating a segment of a nativity scene depicting a Christmas tree. The final verse of the song sounds like our great-grandmothers sang it:

The Christmas tree likes our celebration,

Merry, merry Christmas

Merry, Merry Christmas!

The girls go to the window.


Dashenka, so we waited for Christmas. The only pity is that there is no snow outside. And what is Christmas without snow? Why did Winter forget about him?


Winter only does what God commands. Nothing happens by accident. We only get what we deserve. So, Masha, have you been listening to your mother all year?


Just one time I didn't listen.


That's why there is no snow!


And what to do now?


Good deeds must be done. Let's tell the kids a story ... Christmas ...



Under the magical ringing of bells, children-puppeteers run into the hall.

1 child

Come on, come on

And look at us.

2 child

The whole world:

Both big and small children

Consider happy

This day on the planet!

3 child

Now we will tell you everything

And even get back a little show.

Children-puppeteers take their places near the nativity scene. The music "Night" sounds - an instrumental sketch.

1 child(turning the nativity scene with a segment decorated for the night with a “burning fire”, lowers the shepherd puppet)

The wind is walking

The fire is flickering

The sky is beautiful

Like a star tent.

2 child(lowers the second shepherd doll)

Near the campfire

Shepherds say

All about herds

About sheep and lambs.

1 child(turns doll)

Suddenly they hear

In the forest behind the village

Quiet, soft

Glorious singing.

2 child(shaking the doll)

What's this? Stars

Sing to us from heaven?

1 child(shaking the doll)

Or plays

Forest leaves?

Masha(comes out with angel wings: then she is an Angel in blue)

Listen, people!

I bring you news:

Born in the night

Savior Christ!

2 child(puppeteers lead their puppets out of the segment)

So that on Christ

Take a look out of the corner of your eye

All shepherds

They are on their way…

An angel in blue turns the nativity scene with a segment depicting a cave with a sitting figure of a mother with a baby in a manger.

1 child

Here they come

All to the cave they

Honey and herbs

They brought it as a gift to Christ.

1 and 2 children

Standing and praying

Christ was bowed down.

Merry Christmas!

3 child(lowers the puppets-magi, shakes them to the beat of speech)

Wise men from the East

They came to Christ

And a lot of gifts

They brought different people.

Standing and praying

Christ was bowed down.

Merry Christmas!

Puppet puppets are fixed on a screen, puppeteer children sit near the nativity scene. Dasha comes out - she is now an Angel in pink.

Angel in pink

Ah, our little Christ sleeps in a cave in a simple manger! No, that's not possible. It is necessary to decorate the cave, let it be as beautiful and elegant as possible.

Angel in blue

I know what to do! You fly south, and I'll fly north and we'll bring something to decorate the cave with.

The angels run away. Screensavers appear on the screens: blooming multicolor on one and white silence on the other.

Yes, it is always warm in the south, flowers always grow, so it was not difficult for the Angel in pink to collect a lot of scarlet roses, blue lilies, bright yellow mimosas and bring it all to the cave. Just look how beautiful!

Flower girls dance "Waltz of the Flowers" by P.I. Tchaikovsky. Then they sit down near the nativity scene.

And in the north at that time it was winter, and the Angel in blue, not finding any flowers, was about to fly back, when suddenly he saw a Christmas tree green in the snow. So the modest northern beauty ended up in a sacred cave among self-praised flowers.

The song "Verses of Flowers" (music by Yudina, lyrics by the author)

1. Rose:

I am a magnificent beauty

Everyone should like me.

I am proud and bright

I will be a gift to Christ!

2. Lily:

And I'm so tender

Pleasant and fresh!

And my cheerful, sonorous laughter

The baby loves the most!

3. Mimosa:

To tell you the truth, friends,

The most beautiful of all, of course, I am!

There's nothing to guess -

I will decorate the manger!

On a losing streak herringbone says: But I have nothing to decorate myself and decorate the cave with. I'd rather step aside.

The sad Christmas tree steps aside, the flower girls laugh softly.

Angel in blue

How are you not ashamed?

The flower girls lower their heads.

Angel in pink

Wait, Yolochka, we will call the most beautiful stars here and they will help you dress up.

To the magical music, the Angels wave their hands, scattering shiny confetti. The Stars run out into the hall - double-sided shifting dolls, which have a pictogram of positive emotion on one side, and a negative one on the other.

"Dance of the Stars" P. Moriah.

Angel in blue

Hello dear stars, please introduce yourself.

1 star

Kindness! (curtsy)

2 asterisk

Joy! (curtsy)

3 asterisk

Friendliness! (curtsy)

Angel in pink

Dear stars, could you decorate our Christmas tree?


With pleasure!

Angel in blue

Well, put yourself in order, the most worthy of you will shine at the top of the Christmas tree.

The angels go behind the screen.

1 star(pulls out fake mirror)

Well, I will be the most worthy!

2 asterisk

No, I don't, your dress is ugly!

3 asterisk

Give me the mirror - I'm the most worthy!

Sounds like Schumann's Impulse music. The stars push and flip their pictograms to the opposite ones. Angels run into the hall.

Angel in pink

What happened? Who do you look like?

Angel in blue

Where is Kindness, Joy, Friendliness? I see only Anger, Contempt and Dislike. You are not needed for Christmas.

The stars ask forgiveness from each other, turning their doll over to the positive side.

1 star

Forgive me, sisters, so icy and prickly.

2 asterisk

Don't be angry with me, I'm so guilty before you!

3 asterisk

Never, never again will I offend you by word or deed!


Oh, look, the stars have become beautiful again!

Angel in pink

You see, as soon as you asked forgiveness from each other, you became more beautiful than before.

Angel in blue

Let's decorate our Christmas tree!

To the music of "Waltz on Ice" by Petrov, Flowers and Stars surround the Christmas tree, put on her crown, a shiny mesh with rhinestones.


Look, the Baby in the cradle woke up and reaches for the Christmas tree!


Of course, all children will like such a pretty elegant tree.


And such a wonderful holiday - Christmas!

Song "Christmas" by T. Shorygina.

1. We will decorate the spruce with a star

And a golden garland.

Tomorrow will be a celebration -

Christmas! Christmas!

2. Christmas trees are beautiful outfit,

The lights on it are on.

Tomorrow will be a celebration -

Christmas! Christmas!

3. Let's sing and have fun,

Spin around the Christmas tree.

Tomorrow will be a celebration

Christmas! Christmas!

The time of the Nativity of Christ is the time of miracles and Christmas gifts.

The nativity scene turns to the side decorated with a Christmas tree, there are gifts. Children participating in the performance deliver surprises made by their own hands to their younger friends, sit next to them. At the time of the distribution of gifts, the Angels go behind the screen and return from there already Masha and

Dasha. The lights are dimmed, a video of falling snow appears on the screens.


Look, Dashenka, it's snowing!


So we did a good deed...

A general bow against the background of the bell ringing.

Theatrical performance "Once upon a time for CHRISTMAS".

Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of a sense of joy from participation in joint creative activities of all participants in the event, a sustainable interest in Russian folk culture in the process of getting acquainted with the calendar holiday "Nativity".


    Expand interest in Russian folk art, customs, rituals, folk calendar holidays;

    To enrich the vocabulary of children using all types of folklore: fairy tales, songs, round dances, carols, riddles - since folklore is a source of cognitive and intellectual development of the child's personality;

    Introduce parents and children (at available level) with folk games, folk calendar, the basics of Orthodox culture, work, life, with the customs and traditions of the holiday "Christmas"

    Create a joyful, festive mood for children, parents, guests of the holiday.


(In the foyer there is a screen in the form of a door to the house, the presenter comes out, fabulous music sounds).

(music stops)

Leading: Guess what we're talking about? One of the most beloved national holidays is coming. When everyone is cheerful and smart, and the tables are bursting with food. All around triumphant love and harmony. What kind of holiday is this? That's right - Christmas! Our ancestors spent this holiday smoothly and cheerfully, and not at all because they knew many anecdotes and fables. They knew - they knew their secret of fun. However, what is there to interpret, let's have fun and rest from the heart.

(The host leaves, music sounds, two saints come out in the foyer, the music of buffoons sounds).

1 saint: Hello, brother!

2 saint: It's good if you're not kidding!

1 saint: Where are you from?

2 saint: From Sintsov.

1 saint: So is he whole? They said it was on fire!

2 saint: It was business. The water has all turned brown.

1 saint: How so?

2 saint: The two were just walking around. Look - the bridge, got up, smoked, the bulls were thrown into the river. Well, the water went crazy like oil, got tanned, would have boiled away to the bottom, if it weren’t for the butterfly alone. She flew, waved her wing, the fire and died out ...

1 saint: Wow! Isn't it a lie?

2 saint: Other lies live, so I won’t dry out.

1 saint: Okay! What did you bring to town?

2 saint: Carried, brother, silver. The bags just tied up badly. The silver was falling and falling. I arrived and the cart was empty. “We hear how we sing songs, we don’t hear how we howl.”

1 saint: It's your business!

2 saint: It’s bad, but not quite: he lost silver - he scored coppers. I put it in the bank - I earned interest.

1 saint: Well, it's your business!

2 saint: Well, but not quite: the bank has burst, there is no credit - to be beaten ...

1 saint: It's your business!

2 saint: It’s bad, but not quite: I found those bankers, took them by the scruff of the neck and took the money away.

1 saint: Well, it's your business!

2 saint: Okay, but not really: just a penny of money. I blew that penny, then stole the neighbor's fur coat, they beat me, beat me.

1 saint: It's your business!

2 saint: Yes, not quite. They love a "beaten" one, have you heard: "for one beaten one they give two unbeaten"? Just about me!

1 saint: Well, it's your business! You will go to work. You will return the money. Who did not know grief, happiness will not smile at him Let's have fun!

2 saint: And who was discouraged?

1 saint: Look at the house. Let's go caroling! It's time for work!

Saints Together: We wish you all a Merry Christmas, we wish you success, joy and health.

(According to the old custom, they throw grain at the guests).

Saints: I sow, I sow, I sow

Merry Christmas everyone!

For a new happiness

Freak out, wheat,

Peas, lentils.

On the field - shocks,

On the table with pies.

To be healthy!

To live long!

(referring to the screen - the door).

1 saint: On the porch in the hay

The month of Ovsen has arrived.

2 saint: Are you at home, are you at home

The mistress of the house?

Both together: We wish happiness and health to this home. Is the hostess at home, at home?

(Silence in response).

Both together: we wish happiness and prosperity, go away, grief, without a trace. Is the hostess at home, at home?

(The mistress of the house runs in.)

Mistress: Oh guys! I ran, I ran. Out in the dark you can't see anything. Why don't you go to the hut?

Saints: It's closed there!

Mistress: How closed? Who closed there? Unlock now! What kind of jokes?!

(No one opens).

Mistress: Ah, how I forgot! At Christmas, all the evil spirits rise, they gather for the Sabbath. Not like a hut - you can’t leave a pot, even cover it with a splinter. Any rubbish is looking for a place, what is empty is hers. It was necessary to guard the hut more than the eyes.

1 saint: And now we will drive this evil spirits away by force!

2 saint: Ah, well, step aside, hostess!

Mistress: No, well done! Though you are heroes, but “why break the chairs”, here you need cunning! Evil spirits also have slack, they are eager for someone else. Let's put something under the door.

(The saints put a nativity scene under the door and pretend to leave. The door opens a little, a hand shows up, tries to grab what comes across, but in vain, then Kikimora's head sticks out, the Saints grab it and pull it out of the house).

Kikimora: Guard! They are evicted from the house. I will complain! That's all for you - you won't get into the house anyway, the Devil won't let you in.

1 saint: And now we will eradicate it, will you help us, dear guests? Then repeat after us in Old Church Slavonic!

2 saint: Thy Nativity, Christ God, shine to the world the light of reason. Today the Virgin gives birth to the Pre-Essential, the angels with the shepherds glorify ...

(Devil runs out screaming, grabs Kikimora).

Crap: Let's run away from here, they know the cherished words, we'll find another house, but don't flatter yourself, we'll be back next Christmas!

(The devil and Kikimora run away, the doors open).

Mistress: Well, now you can have some fun.

(The bells, pipes, rattles sound, the mummers enter: a bear, a dog, a rooster).

Mistress: Ah, mummers! Hello. Where are you on your way?

Bear: Let's go joke, make people laugh, sing songs, and praise Christ!

Mistress: Come visit us! Oh, and we love caroling at Christmas! All night long they praise God in all the courtyards, amuse the owners. Greet the naughty ones, smooth surface, and you deserve the merit - everything will go smoothly in the economy. Chickens are rushing, horses are foaling, bread is earing, peace and harmony in the family ... What else does a peasant need? Sing, mummers!


Good aunt, give me a sweet pie.

Don't cut, don't break, serve whole.

Two, three. We've been standing for a long time.

The stove is heating up. Pie as you like.

Open the chest, give a snout.

Though a pancake, though fat a wedge.

Kolyada, carol on the eve of Christmas.

Kolyada came, brought Christmas.

Carol, carol, grief - it does not matter.

Here came the carol - in the village a holiday of kinship.

Mistress: What good fellows! And what is this box that you slipped Kikimore under the door?

Saints: This is not a box - this is a nativity scene that tells the story of the birth of Christ.

Mistress: Dear guests, do you know the story of the birth of Christ? Then let's try to recreate the picture and repeat the story. We will give you roles, we will read a poem, and as soon as you hear the name of your character, go out and perform the action that will be assigned to you.

Saints and mummers: In a manger I slept on fresh hay

Quiet tiny Christ.

The moon, emerging from the shadows,

I stroked the flax of his hair ...

The bull breathed into the baby's face

And, rustling straw,

On a flexible knee

I looked around, breathing a little.

Sparrows through roof poles

They rushed to the manger in a crowd,

And the bull, clinging to the niche,

The blanket was wrinkled with his lip.

The dog, sneaking up to a warm leg,

Licked her secretly.

Everyone was more comfortable with a cat

In a manger to warm a child sideways ...

Subdued white goat

Breathed on his forehead

Just a stupid gray donkey

He pushed everyone helplessly.

"Look at the child

even for a minute to me"

and cried loudly

in pre-dawn silence...

And Christ, opening his eyes,

Suddenly parted the circle of animals

And with a smile full of affection,

Whispered: "Look quickly!"

Mistress: So we remembered everything, and whoever did not know will certainly never forget the story of the birth of Christ. What's the most exciting thing about Christmas Eve? Of course - guesswork! The peasant was interested in the future harvest. The girl is the name of the betrothed, the young man - successes and achievements in the coming year. Of course, the girls attached the greatest importance to fortune-telling.

Mummers: Once a Epiphany Eve

The girls guessed:

Shoe behind the gate

Taking off their feet, throwing

Snow weeded under the window

listened to, fed

Counted chicken grain,

Burnt wax was heated.

In a bowl of clean water

They put a golden ring,

Earrings are emerald.

Spread out white boards

And they sang in tune over the bowl

Submissive songs.

Mistress: And we also invite you now to tell fortunes about the future and the coming year. Together with our mummers, you will move from office to office and learn more and more new things about the future. And at the end of your journey, we will see which of you will be the luckiest and most cheerful next year, although we are sure that all of you will be. Happy journey!

Lyubov Erokhin

Prepared and hosted musical leaders: Erokhina L. I., Vdovichenko I. V., instructor in physical education Katunina G. A., teacher speech therapist Lutseva O. N.


At night, a young woman, Maria, and her elderly husband, Joseph, were walking along a dusty road. Long haul they traveled under the twinkling of the stars until they came to the city of Bethlehem. They were very tired and wanted to rest, so they knocked on the door of the inn. (Knocking)


Who's knocking on my door? Can't you see - the hotel is full! With so many guests, I'm about to go crazy! Go away good people! Look elsewhere for lodging. There is no place for you here!

Joseph: Do not return to us in Nazareth. Maria is very tired. Let us into the house as soon as possible. Is there really no free bed left in it?

Master: Where can I put you? Well, perhaps in the cave to the cattle?

Maria: Let's not argue Joseph, let's spend the night there!

Leading: And that night a miracle happened - the Lord was born. Maria swaddled him and put him in a manger.


On a holy night in a fat field

Not knowing rest and dreams.

Herds roaming free

Paslo family of shepherds

1 Shepherd: The night is dark, we would not lose our herds

2 Shepherd: Look how strong bright light suddenly poured from heaven!


Sent by God I bring

Happy news to people!

Celebration on earth and in heaven

Christ our God Christmas!

1 Shepherd:

We'll go, shepherds

marvel at the miracle

marvel at the miracle

Bow down to God.


I, an angel, will show you the way

I will show you the way to Christ God!

2 Shepherd:

Thank you for wanting to see us

But what can we give Him?

1 Shepherd:

We are simple people

Here's bread, cheese and honey...


And let everyone take the faith on the road!

2 Shepherd:

And I am fresh hay from fragrant grass

I'll put him in a manger

He is the best in the world!

Music (come to the cave, look in)

1 Shepherd:

Everything came true according to the Angelic word!

We went into the barn and saw there:

The regal baby in the straw

Lying and smiling at us (shepherds bow, leave gifts and leave)


A golden star lit up in the sky

This asterisk was not simple

The Almighty God Himself lit that star

The star is burning, shining

We are illuminating the path to salvation! (Magi appear)


Have you seen a bright star?

What ancient scriptures predicted?


Yes! I saw you, I'm just waiting.

To share the holy rejoicing!


Let's get on the road

May each Holy Baby

Get something as a gift!


He is the King - of kings, and therefore it is necessary

Bring him gold as a gift!


In the vessel I carry something else -

Here myrrh and aloe.


He is a Deity, and from that

I carry incense for him!


By the command of God

Led by a bright star

Through deserts and villages

Through forests and cities

And in Bethlehem, the Magi carried their gifts after her.

And on the straw they found the King of kings!

(Magi bow, leave gifts and leave)


Chicken, you understood, of course, a long time ago,

The day of sorrow is far away, but joy is out the window

Knocking at us with a spruce branch.

And the news, for every year a new one ...

Our Christ has been born!


And for you chicken

Gift in Christmas

I found your mother

Meet her...


Ko-ko-ko! my favorite chicken

O! How have you grown!

We are together, thank God!

Christ save you all!


Shine a star, shine with eight rays

Grow for all born Christ

We pray with lit candles

To serve you we had a chance!

Song "We are small candles" music unknown author

1-2-3 Christmas tree - burn!

Music (children go caroling

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Theatrical performance based on the fairy tale by N. Yusupov “A True Tale” Processed by the educator MBDOU No. 63: Khonina E. I. Makhachkala Scenery.

Scenario of the Christmas fairy tale "Morozko"

(There are two stars on the stage, they are talking.)

Star 1.

Darkness thickened in the sky
Night has fallen to earth.
Only a shepherd's fire
Burning in misty haze.

Star 2.

All people rest
They don't know yet
That the Savior was born
Today on earth!

(A small star runs out.)

Little star. Sisters! I'm still very small! Tell me how it happened?!

Star 1. A little more than two thousand years ago, in the distant country of Palestine, in the city of Bethlehem, an amazing miracle happened: an extraordinary Baby was born. The predictions of the prophets have come true: the Savior has come into the world!

Star 2. The Roman emperor Augustus wanted to know how many subjects he had, and ordered a census of the people.

Star 1. Each person had to register in the city where he was from. The Blessed Virgin Mary and the holy Elder Joseph lived in those days in Palestine. The city of their ancestors was Bethlehem, where they went.

Star 2. The road was long and the travelers were very tired. In Bethlehem, they could not find a home to give them shelter. Already almost on the outskirts of the city, Joseph and Mary saw a cave where shepherds and their cattle hid during bad weather.

Star 1. Delighted travelers entered the cave. There, the Divine Infant, our Lord Jesus Christ, was born to the Blessed Virgin. The Most Holy Mother of God swaddled Him and laid Him in a manger.

Star 2. The night was quiet and clear. And in the sky, among ordinary stars, a completely new, especially bright star shone.

(The song “Ding-dong…”, the Christmas star appears on the stage. Dance of the stars.)


Under cover of soft, snowy
The Russian village is dormant.
All paths, all paths
Covered with white snow.
The snow shines under the sun
A clear light streams over him,
And the words sound:
“Hello, bright, clear holiday,
majestic and beautiful,
Feast of Christmas!”

Hello dear children and parents! So the brightest day on earth has come, the most beloved Christian holiday - Christmas!

In the evening in the snowflakes
Wonder stars lit up.
Angels in capes
Gathered at the edge.
This day is beautiful
Miracles happen.
Wonderful on this day
The fairy tale begins!

Star 1. Morozko, what kind of fairy tale will come to us now?

Morozko. Today, an old fairy tale came to us for the Christmas holiday, which will teach us goodness and justice.

Star 1. Teach us to rejoice and grieve with the heroes.

Star 2. He will show how the evil and greedy are punished, and the meek and humble in a fairy tale will always live and live, not to know grief.

Morozko. And this fairy tale will lead us to a village covered with snow, to a hut where an old man and an old woman, and a stepdaughter, and an old woman's daughter live. And further, into the winter forest, where I, Morozko, manage. But hush, hush ... The fairy tale came very close ... Look and listen ...

(On the stage, Nastenka sweeps the hut, sings.)

Nastenka. What days are: bright, joyful! Christmas time! Everyone rejoices in the holiday, Christmas! Everyone congratulates each other. So we have Christoslavs with a star walking around the village, our village guys, they sing songs about Christmas - they glorify Christ! Yes, here they are, coming to our hut!(A knock is heard.) Please come in, it's open!

(Christoslavs enter with a star, cross themselves on the icon, bow to Nastenka. Waits. Peace to your home!

Nastenka. Enter in peace!

Waits .

Hey, beautiful hawthorns!
Hey, naughty girls!
Open doors wider!
And let the guests in!
And we came to you with a hindrance,
And with fun and joy!

Christoslav 1.

Peaceful angel, heavenly spirit
Light, joyful rays.
Today an angel came down to us
And he sang: "Christ is born."
We came to glorify Christ
And congratulations on your holiday!

Christoslav 2.

From the east with the wise men
The star is traveling.
With precious gifts
Christ has come to bestow!

Christoslav 3 .

Forever holy, forever new
Christmas is for us.
Many years from year to year
This holiday pours joy.
Praise God old and small -
He gave us a Savior!

Christoslav 4.

Christmas miracle
Again, God brought us!
So let in every heart
Christ is born!

Christoslav 5. Why was the Lord born?

All. To save us sinners!

Christoslav 5. Why did I come to you?

All. Merry Christmas to congratulate you!

Nastenka. Thank you, Christoslavs, for bringing joyful news to our home! And this is a treat for your holiday table!(Puts a pie in the basket. The Christoslavs leave, Nastenka in pursuit.)

Nastenka. Nikolenka! Wait a bit. How is your mother feeling?

Nikolenka. Lies. She can't.

Nastenka. Come on, here's a pie, pass it to her. Tell me that I'll run to you, how I manage things.

Nikolenka. Nastenka! How do you live with your stepmother? People say that she scolds you, shrinks from the light!

Nastenka. Nothing, Nicholas! She will say, but I will not say anything, I will suffer a little.

Nikolenka . Are you not offended at all?

Nastenka. Sometimes the heart goes cold. So I will immediately stand in front of the icon and pray until I forget all the bad things and start loving my mother and sister again.

Nikolenka. Dear Nastenka! Come visit us! We will be waiting for you and your mother. Goodbye.(The stepmother enters.)

Stepmother. What are you doing doing nothing? Are you looking out the window? Is there nothing to do? What songs were heard here?

Nastenka. This, mother, the children came to us - they glorified Christmas. So happy, so good! I brought them a pie - as it should be.

Stepmother. What? Pie? What kind of pie, for sure, is big? So I knew, I gave the biggest one. Leave us hungry! There will soon be nothing to eat! Look, what a good one! I would have given a smaller pie!

Nastenka. Why, what a holiday, mother! The whole world rejoices, the angels in heaven sing.(The doxology “Glory to God in the highest…” is heard.)

Stepmother. I know, I know... Did you do everything I told you to? A cow...?

Nastenka. Watered, fed, mother.

Stepmother. Firewood and water...

Nastenka. Inflicted in the hut.

Stepmother. A stove, a stove?

Nastenka. Has melted.

Stepmother. Chalk hut?

Nastenka. Even before the world.

Stepmother. I'll check everything, I'll look at everything, everything, go, is not the way it should be! Everything is bad! Look at me, old man's daughter! (Goes to the table, tastes cabbage soup.) So it is, cabbage soup oversalted!(Takes the pie.) The pies are on fire! Get out of my sight, you bum!

Nastenka. Forgive me, mother, if something is wrong.(Nastenka leaves, Marfa enters.)

Stepmother. And here comes my dear daughter! Daughter, come here!

Martha. What, what do you need?

Stepmother. How did you sleep, did you rest?

Martha. Slept badly, rested badly! The pillow is stuffy, the blanket is biting, the bed is creaky - there is no way to fall asleep! She twirled, twirled, fell asleep. She just opened her eyes...(Yawns. ) Oh, what a bore, oh, what a bore!

Stepmother. Do you want to eat, Marfushenka? Here are warm ruddy pies, Nastka just took them out of the oven!

Martha. I do not want!!!

Stepmother. Well, have a bite. Shchi is fatty and rich!

Martha. What are you doing, mom, since the morning?!

Stepmother. What morning is it? The day has long been standing in the yard! The Christians also came to us. The guys have been running under the windows for a long time. And you would go for a walk.

Martha. It's cold, mother. Throw snowballs!

Stepmother. Well, go get some rest.

Martha. Yes, I slept. Oh what a bore! What would you take on?

Stepmother. Yes, what do you work for, spoil white pens? The stepdaughter has already done everything. Let her tear herself up. Wow, I don't like her!

Martha. And yes, mother! And I don't love her! You can't go out to the village. You can only hear how she is praised from all sides(Mimics.) : "Affectionate, handsome, hardworking." And they only shake their heads after me, no one will say a kind word! Ooh, I don't like her! At least get rid of it completely!

Stepmother. And what, daughter! It's possible to get rid of it. Now, if you bring it into the forest ... and leave it there in the cold ... Let Frost turn it into an icicle!

Martha. Let it freeze hard!(They whisper. They go backstage. The stars come out.)

Star 1. Yes! ... There are good people in the world, there are worse, there are those who are not ashamed of their brother and are not afraid of God.

Star 2. The poor stepdaughter lived with such people. And what about father? He was afraid of the evil old woman, grieved, but did not dare to disobey. That's because the stepmother Nastenka came up with the idea to get rid of the world.

Father. (Exits.) “Take her, take her, old man,” he says, “wherever you want so that my eyes do not see her. Take me to the forest, to the bitter frost.”(Crying.) However, there is nothing to do, you can’t argue with an evil woman. Nastenka! Nastya, come here!

Nastenka. Yes, daddy.

Father. Go, my dear daughter, get into the sleigh. Let's go to the forest. (They leave. A star comes out.)

Star 2. He took the poor woman to the forest, planted her under a large spruce, and returned to the village himself. Nastenka sits alone under a spruce. It's cold, chills run through her. And not far away Morozko walks through the forest, crackles, clicks.(Song Morozko. He comes out surrounded by Christmas trees.)

Morozko. Hey, you are my little ones! This is where I screwed you. You are now the most beautiful in my forest! Dance to the joy of the old man!(Dance of Christmas trees. Lesovichok enters the stage, surrounded by animals.)

Morozko. Oh, who's coming?

Hello buddy, I'm so happy for you!
We haven't seen each other for two years!
Tell me, how is your job?
Is it okay in the forest? How is the animal family?


We have a good meeting today.
I remembered you, brother, more than once.
What can I say about my work?
It's easier in summer, harder in winter.
All this summer I've been preparing feed,
So that winter does not beat the animals.
Hay in store for long-legged elks,
Hares - cabbages, beets - wild boars.
The house is in order, the animals are healthy.
Look how they play in the forest at the edge!

(Dance of the animals.)

Morozko. Your animals are good!

Lesovichok . It's time for me to do forest work! Farewell, Frosty!

Morozko. Farewell, friend - forester!

Star 1. And Frost keeps pacing in the forest, crackling, clicking.

Nastenka. (Sits in the middle of the stage.) I blame my mother! I tried a little, without diligence I fulfilled her instructions, and now I bear the punishment! It was necessary to have a hut cleaner than revenge and hotter to drown, but it’s better to go after a cow, love your sister more.(Morozko enters.)

Morozko. What a marvelous wonder? A girl in the forest, at such a time! Now I'm having fun!(Approaches Nastya from one side.)


Morozko. Miracle! I freeze her, and she is warm. Come on, I'll add the cold!(Sounds like fast music. Frost runs around Nastenka, approaches from the other side.) Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red?

Nastenka. Warmly, Morozushko, warmly, father.

Morozko. Well, miracles! What kind of girl is this? He doesn’t scold me, doesn’t scold me for having a cold at all, doesn’t get angry. What if we add more frost?(Running around Nastenka to fast music.) Hey snowflakes, give me some more chill!(Dance of snowflakes.) Are you warm, honey?!

Nastenka. Oh, it's warm, my dear Morozushko.

Morozko. The girl was completely cold. However, I feel sorry for her. So humble and affectionate: Frost and father calls me. I won't bully her anymore. Warm up and reward for such humility.(Goes up to Nastenka, helps her to get up.) Get up, baby, get up, baby. You are kind to me, and I am grateful to you. (He hands her a bag. ) This is for you, girl. Accept a gift from me. You will remember me, Morozko. You consoled me, old man, pleased me. I have to go. And you go. Good luck to you, daughter.(Exits.)

Nastenka. Farewell, Frosty! Thank you, thank you! Gone. And what a beautiful chest he gave me!(Sits on a stump.) And what gifts! Semi-precious pebbles, elegant beads, and bags of gold and silver! And a silk handkerchief to cover your head. After all, they say that Morozko is prickly, that Morozko is angry and crackling. And he is kind! Responsive to a kind word. Thank you, thank you Morozko!(Stands up.) However, it's time for me. I will go home, I will please my sister with gifts for the holiday. And I will take the silk handkerchief to the sick mother Nikolenka - let her have a present for Christmas. I'll go, and the star will show me the way home.

Star 2. Nastenka returned home cheerful, ruddy, with gifts. The old woman and her daughter gasped. The old woman, without delay, equipped her daughter and ordered the old man to harness the horses and take her daughter to the forest, and to put her in the same place. (Marfa sits by the Christmas tree on a stump with baskets.)

Martha. Here, I came for gifts! This basket is for gold and silver, and this one is for precious stones. And I will also ask the old man for a chest with a rich dowry.(Song of Martha.) Cold, how cold! So you can freeze! If it wasn’t for gifts, I wouldn’t come to the forest for anything! And where is Morozko, really?(Walks pats himself on the side. Frost appears.)

Morozko. Who's calling me here? Look, another girl. Yes, she looks unhappy. Now I'll click and have fun.(Running around.) Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red?

Martha. Are you laughing at me, old man? Legs, hands will freeze now. Morozko. What an impudent and impolite girl! Well, I'll hit harder!(Running around again.) Are you warm girl? Are you warm, honey?

Martha . Oh, the old man has completely caught me! I came for gifts, and you are freezing, having fun!(shakes his chest) Pour gold and silver into this basket, and semi-precious stones into this one! And I also need a chest with a dowry, but quickly, I froze!Morozko. Eco wonder! Well, girl! No one has ever spoken to me like that in the forest! However, you made me angry! For your rudeness and insolence, you will have a gift: you were simple, but you will become icy! Hey snowflakes! Give it a chill!(Dance of snowflakes. Martha freezes. Morozko leaves. Nastenka runs onto the stage.)

Nastenka. Where are you, sister? Her heart is not at peace! (Sees Martha. ) Here she is!(Touches her.) What's up with her? What a cold! Sister, dear, wake up, wake up, open your eyes, my dear! Let me warm you up!(Takes off himself handkerchief covers Martha.) Here, it will be warmer. Well, Marfusha? Say a word! (Marfa opens her eyes, moves. ) Eyes opened! That's good! Come on, Martha, get up, let's go home!

Martha. Oh what's wrong with me? Who is there? Is that you, Nastya?

Nastenka. Me, sister, me. Yes, what happened to you?

Martha. Morozko got angry with me, did not give gifts. Nearly froze completely. Yes, apparently, I myself am to blame: I uttered rude words to him, called him an old man.(Nastya shakes his head.) Thank you sister, you saved me. I almost froze to death, and you warmed me with your love and warmth, and with a kind word. Now I feel ashamed to remember how I envied you and wished evil, wanted to get rid of you. If you can, forgive, do not remember evil.

Nastenka. What are you, sister! God will forgive you, but I'm not angry with you. I am only glad that your soul has warmed up, and your heart has become joyful and light. So your eyes look different, kinder. However, we need to go. Mother must be worried. Let's go, let's go, Marfusha, go home!(They leave in one direction. The stepmother appears on the other side.)

Stepmother. I'm coming, girl, I'm coming! I will help you bring your gifts home. Is it a joke, a basket of gold and silver, and stones, and a chest with a dowry!(Suitable for girls.) But where are the gifts?

Martha. I don't have any gifts, mother. I didn't deserve them! And she deserved only punishment for her rudeness: Morozko turned me into an ice girl. Yes, Nastya warmed me with her love and kindness. You see, I'm alive and well.

Stepmother. Here's how it happened. I almost killed you from the world, and you saved my daughter from death. It was my idea to take you to the forest and leave you there. I am very angry at your kindness. You scold you, and you answer: “Forgive me, forgive me” - and not a word more. And there was nothing to forgive. Yes! As if my eyes were opened, and my heart says that it is I who should ask your forgiveness.

Martha. Let us, mother, ask God for forgiveness.

Nastenka. Mother, sister! Let's not remember the past. I still love you. Today is a holiday!

Star 1. The Nativity of Christ in the Bethlehem cave was once, the Nativity of Christ in human hearts takes place constantly, bringing joy, peace, happiness. Let us accept the Lord in our hearts and give Him Faith, Hope, Love!(Everyone enters the stage.)

Martha. The angel brought us great joy! The Savior Christ was born today!

Stepmother. Let's hurry to worship him now! There is none higher than Him among the great peaks!

Nastenka. Let's glorify God together, friends!

All. There is no greater happiness than to praise Christ!