“Week of apples” in a library way… - Centralized library system of Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region. Apple Day at the Library World Apple Day at the Library

  • 02.05.2020

With a blush, golden, bulk,

Orange, yellow and red...

So fragrant and lively

On a platter - apples are wonderful!

One of the main Orthodox holidays is about to come - Apple Spas. It is believed that this holiday reminds people of the need for spiritual transformation. The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord is also called the Second, or Apple, Savior. Eating apples before the Transfiguration was considered a great sin. In the people this day is called the Apple Savior, since it was on August 19 in Russia that it was customary to pick and consecrate apples and other fruits of the new harvest.

The celebration of the Apple Savior, the Russian folk holiday of the harvest, will be held in the library. Leninsky Komsomol (St. K. Marx, 21) August 19 at 11 am. There are many attendees waiting for the event. interesting tasks- riddles, tongue twisters and proverbs with "apple" words, an educational quiz " The Scarlet Flower”, it will be necessary to recall the “apple tales”.
Everyone will be able to take part in the competitions "Apple in a circle", "Floating apple", etc., where it is necessary to show not only ingenuity, but also dexterity. The children will be able to get acquainted with the origins and traditions of celebrating the Apple Savior in Russia, the most important of the three Spas - Honey, Apple and Walnut. AT creative competition"Apple kaleidoscope" in a playful way, participants will be able to show their talents and imagination, the ability to draw.

At the book exhibition "Nature's generous gift" you can learn more about the beneficial properties of apples for our body, as well as find a variety of recipes for dishes from this wonderful fruit and surprise your family and friends. Apple fruits are considered an excellent dietary product due to their nutritional and energy properties. No wonder the English say: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away", which means, eat at least one apple a day and you won't need doctors. Of course, because apples contain glucose, which is so necessary for the brain to function.

They also contain a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, sugars, amino acids. Apples are rich in vitamins C, B2, B6, which is especially abundant in green apple varieties. Like many other fruits, apples contain potassium and zinc. Well, in terms of iron content, apples are superior to many fruits and vegetables. Iron is the first assistant to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. And for a restful sleep, children are advised to drink a glass of milk or eat an apple in the evening.

Apple Spas has its own signs - it is believed that on this day all apples receive magical properties. And if you make a wish while eating apples on this holiday, it will soon come true.

Apple Spas in Russia was traditionally celebrated widely and nationwide. It was customary to treat as many people as possible with apples: relatives, relatives, friends, and it was also considered a special charitable deed to treat deprived people on this day - the poor, the poor, orphans, the elderly. First, it was necessary to distribute as many apples as possible to all those in need, and then only try the apples and dishes from them yourself.

All kinds of apple dishes were prepared at Apple Spas - it was believed who could cook a large number of dishes with apples - a rich harvest year awaits. They baked a pie with apples, cooked apple jam, invented all kinds of desserts based on apples - marshmallows, sweets. They brewed apple drinks - cider, compotes, liqueurs.

At the Apple Spas, the girls communicated with the apple tree so that it would endow them with its freshness and beauty. To do this, they led a round dance, and the leaves of the apple tree were woven into wreaths. Hair for density and beauty was combed at sunset with a special comb made of apple wood.

In the evening, the whole village people went out into the field and saw off the summer.

According to the weather at Apple Spas, they judged the next January - the same January as Apple Spas. If the weather was dry on Apple Spas, then the autumn is the same, if it rains, then the autumn is wet.

Chizhova- Solojentseva Olga
Scenario of the event "Day of the Apple"

Name:« apple day»


Introduce children to the history apples, expand children's knowledge about its beneficial properties, form in children moral qualities based on folk traditions.


Expand the horizons and vocabulary of students;

Encourage children to participate in the program;

Give every child the opportunity to express themselves;

Create an atmosphere of friendliness and creativity.

value awareness apples

Cultivate an understanding of the benefits apples in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, respect for them.

Materials and equipment:

baskets, apples of different varieties and sizes;

Games "Fold Apple» , knives, plates

"Song about apples» , Barbariki, music for competitions

The form of the event is unusual: educational and entertaining program with elements of research.

Event progress:

Leading. Dear Guys! Today is our event dedicated to one familiar item that lies in my basket, why guess my riddle:

I have something here

It's something to eat!

it "something" sweet,

Round and smooth.

I found him in the garden

I want to find more.

I'll bring a lot,

I will feed you all!

Leading. Guys, what is this? Of course, these are all your favorite apples.

I invite you today to apple show

Holiday apples announce

Ripe, juicy, liquid,

That ripen on the branches.

Who among us does not love them!

Well, let's celebrate the holiday

Red apple dignify!

Did you know that October 21 is World Apple Day! It is celebrated in many countries around the world. This is a holiday of colors, taste, harvest!

Story: But as an apple hit our table?

Even in ancient times, in the forest, a person paid attention to a low tree, which in spring is covered with milky pink flowers, and by autumn its fruits ripened, were tasty and fragrant. It was wild Apple tree. The man brought it and planted it in his garden.

Images that have come down to us apples on the surviving monuments of ancient Egypt show that Apple tree cultivated for at least three thousand years.

The game "Collect pieces of apples»

Offered 4 cut into pieces apples, they need to be put together.

Competition for parents: “Who will name more dishes from apples»

The game "Hedgehog and Apple»

The players stand in a circle and quickly pass apple to each other. The hedgehog walks around the circle, stops in front of the player, who, as it seems to him, should have at that moment Apple,and says: "Give Apple» . If this player has Apple, he must give it to the hedgehog and change roles with him, if not, the game continues on.

Competition for children and adults: "Name the story"

Remember fairy tales where Apple- the main character.

1. In what fairy tale apple tree saves children from the chase?

- Apple tree mother, hide me!

Eat my forest apple!

The girl quickly ate and said thank you. Apple tree she shielded it with branches, covered it with sheets ... (Fairy tale "Swan geese")

2. “... The girl buried the bones in the ground, each watered them all day. And grew out of them apple tree, yes what! apples liquid ones hang on it, golden leaves rustle, silver twigs bend. Whoever rides past - stops, whoever passes close - looks in ... "

(Story "Tiny - Khavroshechka")

3. And the king had a magnificent garden, grew in that garden apple tree with golden apples. Someone began to visit the royal garden, golden steal apples.

sweet apple flavor

Lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And light in the night, as in the day.

(Story "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf")

4. ... but looked

All on Apple. It

Full of ripe juice

So fresh and so fragrant

So ruddy - golden,

Like honey poured!

You can see through the seeds...

(A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs")

5. “... The king is very outdated and impoverished in his eyes, but he heard that far away, in the farthest kingdom, there is a garden with extraordinary apples. If an old man eats this Apple then he will get younger.

- Tie your horse and go to the garden. You will see apple tree with rejuvenating apples. Three pluck apples and take no more. (A. Tolstoy "The Tale of Youthful apples and living water» )

6. Rolling apple on a saucer, poured on silver, and on a silver platter all the cities are visible one after another, ships on the seas and shelves in the fields ... "( "The Tale of the Silver Saucer and the Liquid bullseye» )

7. “... And the Crow is everything croaks:

Carr! Carr! Everyone handed out apples, and at least one of me treated me to an apple! The Hare was embarrassed, shook out the last Apple:

Here. The best! Peck on health! ( "Bag apples» Suteev)

Fun charger.

Let's go and we'll grow apple tree!

1. What we want to grow an apple tree? Show! (sipping, showing with hands)

2. Apple tree grows from seed. Let's plant a seed in the ground! (sow, slopes)

3. We go for water to the well. We twist at the gate well (right hand and left hand)

4. Tilt and water apple tree.

5. Show which tree will grow? What branches will spread?

6. It was very small (sit down, and now (pull up) big will be.

7. The wind blew - we swing to the right - to the left, but we do not bend and do not break.

8. That's it ripe apples in the garden, jump up and pluck the fruits. (on the right and on the left legs)

Leading. Ripened apples fall to the ground, and so that they do not disappear, we decided to hold a competition, which is called "Merry Apple»

Competition: "Merry Apple»

Children pass Apple from hand to hand to the music. Who Apple left in the hands at the end of the music, goes to the center of the hall, there should be 6-8 people)

And now these guys will break into pairs and perform a fun dance for us, which is called « apple»

(a couple of participants dance while holding apple foreheads, stomachs, shoulders. Who drops Apple, is out of the competition)

Leading: And how good that apples present in our lives! Apples are wonderful fruits, their charm, taste and aroma give us health, beauty, youth, and just a good mood, a taste for life!

Let's sum up our meeting and make a delicious fruit salad together with the parents.

Leading: Be healthy

Live richly

And eat apples

Both in the house and in the house.

Event progress:

Organizing time. The parents are seated. Children come in to cheerful music and sit on chairs. Presentation - 1 frame.

Presenter: Good evening! We begin our unusual event. Today our holiday is dedicated to international day apples! Yes, yes, it turns out that there is such a completely unusual and very fun party! We will talk about the traditions of celebrating this holiday, talk about the unusual beneficial properties of this fruit, which has long been familiar to us, and, of course, show what our kids have already learned in the short time that they go to the Rostok!

Before we continue, we, as polite people, first, say hello to our guests!

Greeting song "Hello, palms!"

presenter A: Now we can continue. Come on, children, guess the riddle!

Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch!

Adults and kids love me!

Children: Apple!

presenter: Correctly! I declare the apple holiday open! Let's celebrate the holiday, call the red apple! And where are the heroes of the occasion? Where are the apples? (take out apples)

Good, so good! Apples are ripe, red, sweet, crunchy apples, with smooth skin.

I have already said that the day of apples is international, that is, the world! It is celebrated in many countries around the world. This is a holiday of colors, taste, harvest!

And let's find out how this day is celebrated in England!

English block. (2 frame)

(teacher Paraskiv E.A.)

Presenter: (frame 3) Russia also celebrates the day of apples. This holiday is called Apple Savior and is celebrated on August 19th. Apple Savior is celebrated and very much loved in Russia. By this time, the first harvest of apples is harvested. According to Orthodox tradition, a sacred liturgy takes place on this day and the illumination of apples and other fruits is performed. After that, apples were distributed to all the poor, destitute and holy fools, so that they could eat enough. In addition, on this holiday they arranged a farewell to the summer, made treats and other dishes and treated them to all the neighbors. started autumn fairs. Today, on this day, mass festivities are held, a wide variety of apple dishes are prepared, funny songs are sung, amusing contests are held, it is also necessary to eat at least one apple with honey on this day - health is guaranteed for the whole year!

So our holiday will not do without a cheerful song! The song is called "We are nesting dolls."

The girls are given handkerchiefs. The song "We are nesting dolls." (4 frame)

(teacher Ryauzova T.A., accompanist Duvanova N.N.)

Presenter: Well done! But what, can only girls sing in our country? Can boys sing?

The song "Musicians, more fun" (for E, Yu, I - "Droplets")

(teacher Ryauzova T.A., accompanist Duvanova N.N.)

Presenter: Thank you! Great songs!! What else interesting do we know about apples? (5 frame)

Apples are not only delicious, but also very healthy. Apples are rich in vitamins and are considered the best natural medicine. It is enough to eat one apple a day to provide the body with natural protection against bacteria and viruses. Do you like riddles?

Children: Yes!

Presenter: Let's solve fun riddles! Just be careful!

Funny riddles. (6 frame)

(teacher Korshunova M.E.)

Who picks apples with his back? (hedgehog) for children (frame 7-8)

According to legend, an apple fell on the head of which scientist, after which he discovered the law of universal gravitation? (Newton) ) for parents (8-9 frames)

What does half an apple look like? (for the second half) for children (frame 10-11)

In English, the fruit of this plant sounds like "pine apple". These fruits really look like big cones growing on the ground. Name the plant.(A pineapple) for parents (frame 12-13)

What is the worst thing you can find in an apple? (worm) for children (frame 14-15)

"Apple of love" or "golden apple" - this is how this vegetable was called in Italy, where it came at the beginning of the 16th century. This plant is from the nightshade family, its homeland is South America. Remember him. (Tomato)for parents (frame 16-17)

How many apples can you eat on an empty stomach? (one) for children (frame 18-19)

Which scientist went down in history thanks to the work on crossing and distributing apple trees? (I. V. Michurin)for parents (20-21 frames)

What is inside each apple? (core) for children (frame 22-23)

Presenter: What good fellows and children, and parents, and grandmothers, and grandfathers! And I want to tell you more interesting fact about apples. (24 frame)

Apples are included in the mandatory diet of astronauts. They endure space velocities well, remaining intact, while lemons and oranges in the stratosphere "explode", scattering into patchwork pieces.

It seems to me that our children have been sitting too long. Let's Dance!

Dance "I draw the sun" (frame 25).

Finger warm-up of children with parents.

(teacher Lazareva E.A.)

Presenter: Well done! You dance well, but do you know poems about apples?

Poems about apples. (26 frame)

(teacher Popova O.V.)

Presenter: Now it's time for the game.

Game - relay race "Pass the apple." (27 frame)

(teacher Korshunova M.E.)

Children line up in two lines, the first child from the line takes an apple from the basket and passes it to the next player, and so they pass it down, the last one puts the apples in a bag. Whoever puts all the apples in the bag first wins.

The first time the game is played with children, the second time the team of children competes with the team of parents.

Presenter: What all good fellows! At the end of our holiday, we would like to please our guests with a cheerful musical orchestra!

Musical orchestra with spoons "Oh, you, canopy, my canopy." (28 frame)

(teacher Ryauzova T.A., accompanist Duvanova N.N.)

Presenter: (29 frame) Thank you all very much! And to the children who performed, sang, played, read poetry, danced today, and to the parents who supported our little artists so wonderfully! Children, we congratulate you once again on the International Day of Apples! We have delicious treats for you!

Teachers treat children and parents with apples.

An unusual meeting took place in the library named after VG Belinsky. It was dedicated not to a writer or poet, not to an artist or actor, but to APPLE! The most common and such a favorite fruit. The meeting of the "Sunday" club was called just that - the evening of rest "Apple Day".

Apples are loved by both children and adults. Holidays are even dedicated to him. Did you know that October 21st is Apple Day? It is celebrated in many countries. This is a holiday of colors, taste and harvest! It appeared thanks to the British, who in 1990 first held this holiday. This day is held a large fair where you can not only try hundreds of varieties of apples, but also buy seedlings, get advice on all "apple" issues. You can taste dozens of different apple dishes and get recipes for some of them. All sorts of "apple contests" have become a traditional attribute of the holiday, such as archery for apples or a contest for the longest apple peel.

The tasks of the competitions for our club members made it possible to once again make sure that an apple is a wonderful and healthy fruit. With the first task "Who will remember the most names of apple dishes?" everyone did great. Everyone named their favorite apple dish, these are pies and baked apples with cinnamon, compote and jam, marshmallow and marmalade, soaked apples and apple charlotte.

Many legends and myths have been created among different peoples about the apple tree and its fruits. In the second round, it was necessary not only to remember the three famous apples: "Forbidden Fruit", "Apple of Discord", "Newton's Apple", but also to explain the meaning of the statement related to the apple. After a musical pause, a comic "apple" quiz and a "game - shifters" followed. The answers were "apples" that needed to be collected in a basket. Traditional tea drinking and a surprise from the "casket" Have a good mood were the end of the evening.

The evening is over, it remains only to wish: "So be healthy, live richly." No wonder the well-known proverb says: "An apple a day - and the doctor is not needed."

From October 20 to October 25, an unusually interesting "apple" week was held at the Family Reading Library. Readers were able to visit thematic events, participate in competitions and taste ripe bulk apples.

The past week in the Family Reading Library was dubbed "apple". And all of it was dedicated to exhibitions, literary reviews, competitions, entertainment, master classes for readers of all ages related to the theme of apples. This connection is not accidental. October 21 is marked on the calendar as World Apple Day. But the library staff went further and decided to dedicate not one calendar day to apples, but a whole working week, which they called "Book-apple platter" Apple - from "A" to "Z".

From Monday to Friday, large and small readers of the Family Reading Library were in for numerous surprises, and each visitor was symbolically given a delicious apple as a gift. The atmosphere of the holiday could be felt in everyone who came these days to the library. From the very threshold of readers met spilled in the library the magical aroma of ripe apples ...

For young needlewomencreative development studio "Cinderella workshop" (with Family Reading Library) arranged a real “I block "master class. Under the guidance of senior library mentors, the students started making topiary (decorative "Trees of Happiness" in the shape of a ball, made from all kinds of natural and artificial materials). Children made their own Trees of Happiness from multicolored corrugated paper and artificial apples. Each of the resulting topiary apple trees was original and unique.

And on Thursday at the "apple" week, girls and boys primary school made a literary journey into the world of fairy tales. AT The magic apple tree came to the children with a rich harvest of bulk apples. It was hard for the Apple tree - under the load of ripe fruits, the branches bent to the ground - and the children decided to help her, to collect wonderful apples. This was the challenge for the competition. Having plucked the first apple - FABULOUS, the guys named fairy tales in which these fruits are mentioned. Having “tasted” the apple of WISDOM, the children began to remember popular expressions, proverbs, sayings with the word “apple” and explain their meaning. The third apple was - CREATIVE, so the guys cut out parts of the apple from colored paper and quickly made an application out of them - who is faster. The DELICIOUS fourth apple made schoolchildren remember many apple dishes and "taste" apple jam among others (from raspberries, strawberries, plums and gooseberries). Having "tasted" the fifth apple - DANCE, the children showed their ability to dance in pairs (at the same time, the dancers had to "hold" one apple with their foreheads together). And having picked the last, sixth apple - GOOD - the guys came up with many, many good wishes for each other.

A pleasant surprise for all the participants of the game were original gifts in the form of apples.

And the “apple week” ended with festive library gatherings with the “delicious” name “A simple, tasty and pouring apple”, where guests could enjoy apples, sweet apple pastries and jam.

Little needlewomen of the library studio "Cinderella Workshop" celebrated the "Apple Week" by making topiary apple trees, which were made together by librarians-mentors Ekaterina Giss (pictured left) and Anna Kirilova (pictured right) . Their decorative "Trees of Happiness" (that's what the topiary is called) young craftswomen take them home, where they will become an excellent decoration of the interior.

Numerous "apple" competitions caused a lot of fun and vivid emotions among children and adults ... It's not so easy to perform pair dance when you and your partner are of different heights, and even have to “hold” with your foreheads what a round object, like an apple! ..


World Apple Day is celebrated on October 21st. In the traditions of its celebration, buying apples, treating relatives and friends with them, cooking and eating all kinds of apple dishes. Various competitions are held with apples, game programs and themed shows.

The birthplace of the holiday is Great Britain. Apple Day was established in 1990. one of the world-renowned British organizations "Common Ground". On this day, the British traditionally emphasize the importance of apples and orchards and draw public attention in every way to their preservation and improvement of culture. There are also annual funny competitions, for example, to peel the longest strip of peel from an apple ...

The most popular fruit tree in the world, the apple tree is a symbol of physical, cultural and genetic diversity.

Apples are a natural source of healthy phytonutrients and antioxidants that are good for human bones. They contain natural fruit sugar and a lot of healthy fiber. Studies by American scientists have shown that apples help fight Alzheimer's disease, breast cancer and obesity.