Autumn ball in style. Autumn ball in historical style. Scenario of the autumn ball for primary school children

  • 13.11.2019
Topic : Autumn ball in the style of "Kinopati"

Targets and goals: Creationfestive atmosphere, friendliness, developmentcreative activity of students, the development of spiritual, moral, aesthetic education.

Age group : 7-11 grades

Equipment: computer, task cards, cloth, safety pins, movie star posters.

The hall is decorated with posters of movie stars, autumn leaves. While the guests are gathering music is playing.

1 presenter : Good evening, Dear friends! Hello!
The students respond randomly.
2 Leading . Oh, no, no, no, that's not good! It seems that you are not happy with our meeting. You need to greet cheerfully, loudly, distinctly. Shall we try again? Hello dear high school students!
2 leading . Yes, but this is more convincing. This is how you greet.

1. Presenter:

Tonight we have a movie night. When do we most often watch movies? That's right, in the fall, when it's raining outside.

2 Leading: Autumn is a beautiful time of the year that has been the subject of many films.

1. Presenter: Tell me, and without whom not one film festival can do. Of course, without a respected and competent jury.

2. Presenter: We present to your attention our jury (the members of the jury are listed)

1leader: Take a look around, how many stars have gathered at our evening today, and what is a film festival without a red carpet. We invite everyone to defile along our red carpet, and our esteemed jury asks you to vote in the nomination "Red Carpet Star"

2. Presenter: Thanks to all participants. So in the nomination "Star of the red carpet" wins ________________

1. Presenter: Next nomination «"Best Dance Episode"

2. Lead : Competition "Waltz of star couples"

Now I ask everyone to once again pay attention to their postcards and read the names written on them. All of you know very well that in the history of cinema there are such inseparable names as Romeo and Juliet, Bill and Monica, Scarlett and Rhett, Chip and Dale. There are many of these couples. Now we will try to break up into the same pairs. I name one name, you suggest the second in chorus, and those who have these names on postcards come here to us. So, let's begin!

Presenter 1

Romeo - Juliet

Scarlett and Rhett

Wolf - Little Red Riding Hood

Basilio - Alice

Eugene - Tatiana

Hamlet - Ophelia

Bill - Monica

Carlson - Kid

Pierrot - Malvina

Ruslan - Lyudmila

And now, friends, you have to take part in the filming of a real music and dance video. You have to find your partner and dance with her.

Presenter 2 Slow music, light, camera, motor, start!

In the nomination« "Best Dance Episode" wins couple_______

1. Presenter: Raise your hands, those who dream of becoming an artist, who want to act in films. Today you will have the opportunity to show your abilities. Right now, right here, on the spot, a film will be shot, in which you will be assigned to play the main roles. You see these cameras, you have postcards in your hands. Postcards indicate your role. I will read the script, name the characters who have this role in the postcard - welcome to the stage!So: camera, motor, started!
Buffoonery: "A movie is being made!"

2. Presenter: Reads, calling one by one the participants in the production and forcing them to "enter the image"

One day, old Grandfather started his Black Boomer and went into the forest for a Christmas tree. I drove into the forest. And it's autumn in the Forest: The wind is rustling, The leaves are rustling, The wolves are howling, The eagle owl is screaming. Lonely Doe ran. The Bunnies jumped out into the clearing and began to drum on Stump. Grandfather came to the clearing, the Hares got scared and ran away. Grandfather sat down on Stump, looked around. And around - Christmas trees grow. Grandfather came up to the first Christmas tree and looked at her. He did not like the Christmas tree. Went to another. I looked - I liked it. I watched it again - I really liked it. I looked more carefully, and this is not a Christmas tree, but an oak! Grandfather sighed and went to the third. I looked at it, shook it - for sure, Yolochka! Grandfather swung his ax, looking - but there was no ax! Then grandfather swung just like that. The Christmas tree prayed: “Don’t cut me, old man, I’ll be useful to you. Because everything is as it is - beautiful, slender. Look in the Forest for autumn, The wind is rustling, The leaves are rustling, The wolves are howling, The eagle owl is screaming. Lonely Doe ran, Bunnies in the clearing drum on Stump. Grandfather Yolochka obeyed, and he himself was saddened, he sat down again on Stump and thought. And he thought: “Why cut the Christmas tree? I'd rather invite Yolka to school at the film party. Grandfather and Yolka got into the Black Boomer and drove away. End of the first series.
Wait for the continuation of the series!

1. Presenter: I thank all the participants in the shooting, I present you with these wonderful souvenirs and the titles of Honored Artists of the MBOU secondary school in the village of Kormezhka.

2. Presenter: Everyone has long known that it is necessary to show individuality and resourcefulness to look irresistible and attractive.

1. Presenter: For the next competition we will need several girls, we will participate in pairs. The nomination is called Best Design costume." Participants are given a piece of fabric with a set of pins and are invited to make a costume without thread and needle. You need to beautifully wind, drape or tie the fabric on yourself or on your partner.

When the costumes are ready, a fashion show is held to the applause of the audience. All participants, of course, need to distribute prizes, but there can be only one winner in the nomination (or two, if they participate in pairs).

You can choose the winner according to the criterion, "the most unusual outfit." According to this criterion, the jury determines the winner, who receives a film award in the nomination "Best Costume Design".

2. Lead : Thank you to all the participants of this competition. You did a great job in this role. The winner is presented with a wonderful souvenir and the title of "Best Costume Designer" of the MBOU secondary school in the village of Kormezhka.

1. Presenter: Next nomination "Best Film Musician"

To do this, we invite 6 people (3 girls and 3 boys) who love and know music well.

2. Lead explains the purpose of the contest: You will be given different soundtracks in turn, randomly. You need to remember the name of the movie from the soundtrack.

If you could not recognize the melody sounding for you or did not remember the name of the film, the right to answer passes along the chain to the next one. For each correctly named film, one token is given (in the form of a maple leaf). Whoever collects the most tokens is awarded the "Best Film Musician" award.

So, the winner in the nomination “Best Film Musician” becomes ………………… (the winner is awarded a statuette and the title of “Best Composer Musician” of the MBOU secondary school in the village of Kormezhka.

1 leader. They say that autumn is sadness, continuous rains, cloudy weather ... Do not believe it, friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. It brings generosity to the soul, warmth from human communication to the heart, brings unique beauty into our lives!

Dance "Musical potpourri"

2 leader. Autumn has fully come into its own today and we will celebrate its arrival. We thank this autumn for bringing us all to the autumn ball. Ahead of winter, spring, summer ... And then autumn again. How many more will be in our life! We hope that golden lights will be lit for all of us in our school more than once.autumn ball . See you soon!(slow music playing)


The school always has extracurricular activities for children of all ages. Children usually carefully prepare for them - they rehearse songs, dances, learn poems, play whole performances, make costumes. One such event that requires such preparation is the Autumn Ball. It is held in late October or early November, when autumn is in full swing. If you are also planning to hold an autumn ball now, then this article will help you prepare everything for it.

Having prepared for the autumn ball, be sure to invite all the students of the school to it or only those classes for which the script you have prepared is designed. For an invitation, you do not need to make separate postcards, you can create a poster and place it in the lobby or on the information stand.

We suggest you make this version of the poster:

  1. First, you need to cut out as many leaves as possible from colored paper. Take different paper - yellow, red, orange, yellow, brown, pink (you can even brown).
  2. Write with a pencil on whatman paper the title: "Autumn Ball".
  3. Under the inscription, write the date and time when the holiday should take place. You can use either gouache paints or felt-tip pens for this.
  4. On the side of the title, draw a bunch of viburnum. Point the branch with a brown felt-tip pen. Use the green colored paper blanks that you prepared for the header for the leaves (the green ones will just need to be made a little more).
  5. Take red napkins, crumple them so that you get balls. Glue them to the places where, according to your idea, viburnum berries should be located.
  6. It remains only to glue the main inscription with multi-colored leaves. It is best to use dry glue for this.

Don't rely solely on this option. per century information technologies you can make beautiful posters graphic editors on the computer. It's more modern and beautiful. However, if your goal is to give free rein to children's imagination and creativity, then a do-it-yourself poster on paper will be relevant.

Name and motto of the autumn ball, photo

The autumn ball can be themed. This means that just against the backdrop of autumn, you can hold a beautiful literary evening or a classical dance competition. Some can even hold beauty contests, which is very important, not only among girls, but also guys.

Here are a few options for how you can call the autumn ball:

School autumn ball

The fall ball at school is an event that children look forward to after Teacher's Day. At this holiday they can show themselves, show the best sides, arrange a disco for yourself and forget about school affairs for a short time.

What parts does a school autumn ball usually consist of:

  1. During school day during breaks, you can arrange drawings of various prizes, give gifts to all students or to a particular age group.
  2. After the lessons are holiday concert, to which, in addition to children, you can also invite adults - teachers, parents, employees of the educational institution.
  3. After the concert, it is quite acceptable to hold a sweet table, so that everyone who performed and stays for the continuation of the holiday can eat.
  4. After tea drinking, a disco should follow, where children can already change into their usual clothes. If the disco is themed, then you can stay in costumes.
  5. After the holiday is over, be sure to notify everyone about its results. It can be a wall newspaper with photographs.

Today's students spend most of their time in in social networks, therefore, it is not necessary to draw up a wall newspaper, it is enough to post information in the school community on a social network.

Decoration for the autumn ball:

In order for the holiday atmosphere to be correct, you need to decorate the hall and the school in autumn. For this, today you can use anything, as long as the decorations at least remotely hint at the fact that the autumn ball is being celebrated.

We will present you with several options for decorating the school and the hall in which the event will be held. We recommend sticking to one style when decorating so that the look is complete and logical.

schools, photo

  1. You can take a herbarium, mix it with bright artificial or seasonal fresh flowers and put it in bright vases. Vases, by the way, can be made from pumpkins or colored cardboard.

  1. Decorate the inside of transparent vases with leaves, and put a small candle inside. It will turn out a very beautiful flashlight that will add magic to any interior.

  1. You can make a composition of seasonal vegetables and flowers, put it all in old barrels. Arrange these blanks on window sills, along corridors and foyers.

  1. Hang the herbarium on threads, which is treated in advance with phosphorus. You can simply attach the prepared leaves to the rope for clothespins.

  1. Buy a New Year's serpentine and glue an autumn leaf of a fairly large size to one end of each ribbon. Such decorations can be attached to the ceiling throughout the school.

hall, photo

Dresses and costumes for the autumn ball, photo

The King and Queen of the Autumn Ball, photo

As we already mentioned, beauty contests are often held for autumn balls. An event is organized where boys and girls compete in beauty and talent. The task of such a competition is to choose the King and Queen autumn ball.

Such competitions can be held in any grade, but the most interesting events are viewed if they are held among high school students.

How to make a crown for the autumn ball with your own hands

The winners of the beauty contest at the autumn ball must definitely wear victorious crowns on their heads. Of course, you can purchase plastic options in the store, these accessories will look beautiful. But the autumn ball is a creative event, so it’s better to try to make crowns with your own hands.

We offer you such crown options:

Option number 1 :

  • Cut out a template for the crown from thick cardboard:

  • Wrap it in gold wrapping paper.
  • Decorate the crown in the right places according to your idea with artificial stones (they can be purchased at the hardware store).

Use a heat gun when making the crown. It will help you make a durable product.

Option number 2 :

This option is more suitable for a girl, because such a crown looks elegant and feminine:

  • First you need to make a crown frame from golden wire. To make the product durable, take either a dense wire, or wind the frame several times.
  • String beads on different wires, and then wrap the crown with the resulting blanks.
  • On each point it is necessary to attach an artificial stone or a golden bead.

Scenario of the autumn ball for primary school children

Cheerful scenario of the autumn ball for high school students at school

Interesting fun competitions for the autumn ball at school

Option number 1

Option number 2: "Who can eat apples faster"

All apples are tied with ropes. The task of the participants is to eat the apples, but they are forbidden to use their hands to support the fruit.

Option #3: "Harvest a Potato Harvest"

Potatoes are scattered on the floor. Participants are blindfolded and given a bucket. They need to fill their buckets with potatoes during the time the music is playing. Whoever ends up with the fullest bucket wins.

Option #4: "Fear Factor"

The participant needs to run to the music in galoshes many sizes larger with a broken umbrella. He needs to run around the trees (you can take people as trees), return to the starting position and eat the dish in the plate. To make everything look very funny, you can pour corn sticks into a plate, but pour them not with caramel, but with mustard.

Modern songs alterations for the autumn ball at school

Option number 1: To the motive of the song of the group "Mushrooms" - "The ice is melting between us"

Open your eyes, everything gradually and let everyone notice you here.

The holiday will give us this moment and the rain on the street is not a hindrance.

While we're here on this stage, let your hair stand on end.

We will all perform in front of you, we have prepared what we have wanted for a long time.

Here we will not find problems, only we are now in this world.

Time will freeze at this moment, everything that happens, I will remember forever.

Applaud us loud, loud, that's all we need.

We will take everyone to the ends of the world to repeat everything again in a new way.


We will melt the ice in our hearts, let everyone recognize us now.

We will dance in the rain, and in the snow, and under an umbrella.

Option number 2: To the motive of the song by F. Kirkorov - "The color of the mood is blue"

And we ran away from the ridiculous fuss,

Not a drop of embarrassment, because we are standing on the stage.

Ball, we were gathered by the autumn ball.

Let's start the carnival!


We will sing many songs, play and dance with all our hearts.

Autumn mood color. We are all in suits and make-up.

We will sing many songs, play and dance with all our hearts ..

Option number 3: To the motive of the song by S. Loboda - "I'm a super-star"

Today we will show so many good scenes to you.

And we are new, new, we will sing songs today, we will conquer you.

You will find us in gloss. We are almost foreigners there.

You wanted to come and watch us perform now

Show your talents.


Today, today, today we, and tomorrow you.

Let's remember our holiday

Today let everyone be a Superstar.

Star! Superstar! Star!

Option number 4: To the tune of Ani Lorak's song "Crazy"

Every one of you in this room today knows our name.

We are not like everyone else. We want it to be

Today at the holiday everything is beautiful and cute -

To make the ball turn out just amazing.

And you do, draw conclusions -

And give us a big clap.


All right, raise your hands!

Wave to us, chase sadness and boredom.

Have fun shaking the sky.

We invite you to the autumn ball!

Option number 5: To the motive of the song of the group "Time and Glass" "And we are in style"


And we are at the ball!

Don't even think about canceling it

And stay with us.

We will be this ball today

Decorate, and we are at the ball!

Don't even think about canceling it

And stay with us.

They put on clothes, ate, drank tea.

The negative was removed, everyone was invited to the hall.

We will be in style at the autumn ball.

Option number 5:

Autumn balls are always remembered by children, so be sure to include such a bright event in your educational plan! School is not only educational everyday life, it is also interesting years creativity, holidays and love!

Video: "Autumn ball at school"

Kazakova Yulia Vasilievna

OGKOU SKOSHI No. 2 VI type, Ulyanovsk

Teacher primary school

Scenario of the autumn ball "Dandies"

Goals: organize children's leisure; develop their creativity.

Decor: dry Maple leaves, balls, records, saxophone, patifon.

Event progress

Leading: Good evening, dear friends! The theme of our evening is autumn, we are holding an Autumn Ball!. So, good evening! Hello guys!
The students respond randomly.

Leading: Oh, no, no, no, that's not good! It seems that you are not happy with our meeting. You need to greet cheerfully, loudly, distinctly. Shall we try again? Hello fellow high school students!

Leading: We do not recognize gray
Our world plays with the whole rainbow.
Chanson, we don't sing romances,
We are attracted to jazz, boogie.
When we walk down the street
You turn around to follow us.
We are dudes, which is good
After all, we are not like everyone else.

Leading: And now, friends, you have to take part in the filming of the most real music and dance video in the repertoire of Stilyag, we will dance boogie-woogie and rock and roll. Music, light, camera, motor, started! (On screen dance video)
dance block. Style music.

Leading: Great, great clip! I hope you liked it. Applause to the artists! Thank you
Dear friends! What ball can pass without beautiful outfits? The next competition is the podium! Pay attention to how our girls tried today! They are smartly and stylishly dressed, they have hair and makeup. Efforts should not be in vain! Now our podium is working for them! Moreover, for those who will be here, we have prepared prizes! If anyone wants to show off please come here! If not, let me invite... (Invites) Maestro, music please! So, our stylish collection! (On the screen is a photo of girls in outfits of the 60s)
Fashion show.

Leading: Who do you think should win the prize? Let's announce the winner with applause.

I completely agree with you. She is appointed by general recognition as the queen of the ball! (Tie a scarf around the neck of the winner)

Leading: And now gentlemen are inviting our fashionistas to a slow dance.

dance block. A slow dance

Leading: For the next competition, I invite the guys, we will choose the most stylish king of the ball. But since we have a disco, then the competition will be dance. Now music will sound, and I will name some part of the body, and the task of the dancers is to start dancing with it after the name of the body part is heard. For example, I say: "right leg!" - the dancers begin to use only the right foot and dance to it. Maestro, please music!

Scenario of the autumn ball "Jazz Party"

Author Polukarova Daria Sergeevna - Teacher additional education
MAU DO DDT "City" them. S.A. Shmakova, Lipetsk

The event is a themed disco in the style of the era of the 20s-30s of the XX century and is designed for students of middle and senior school age. The event was held in the House of Creativity during the autumn holidays, but can be used by teachers and teachers of additional education in camps, centers of creativity and schools. It is not tied to a specific period of time and can be organized anywhere at any time of the year.

Target: Creation of conditions for the socialization of students of middle and senior school age of the House of Children's Art "Gorodskoy" them. S.A. Shmakova.
1. Introduce the novel by F.S. Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby"
2. Develop students' communication skills, activate their imagination.
3. To cultivate respect for the culture of the past, classical literature, to cultivate a team spirit.

Event progress:

Jazz tunes in modern and classical arrangement sound 20 minutes before the start.
The lobby is equipped with a photo corner: a background stylized as a jazz era, a camera on a tripod. Everyone can take a photo before the start.
At the entrance, the presenters ask everyone who enters the question: “What do you think, who is Mr. Gatsby?”. Answers are recorded.
In the hall along the walls there are several tables where you can play board games.
The composition "Charleston" sounds, indicating the beginning of the holiday. 1 host enters the hall through the doors - Nick Carraway. Walks with an invitation from one guest to another, until he stumbles upon golfer Jordan Baker (2nd host)

Nick (B1): Are you a famous golfer, Jordan Baker? I'm Nick Carraway. You don't know Mr Gatsby? Do you know where he is? I live next door, they sent me this invitation to his party.
Jordan (B2) (moves to the center of the room): Feel free to throw him out. At Mr. Gatsby's parties, the whole town shows up uninvited. Look who's not here! Here, by the way, is very entertaining. You can not only dance, but play games at the gaming tables.
Nick (looks around): And yet ... who is he, Mr. Gatsby? Why are there so many people here and the owner doesn't show up?
Jordan: He's always around here somewhere, among the guests. Gatsby is a mysterious person and people place bets trying to guess who he is. In any case, it's stupid to just stand there and reason - since we're here, we should be dancing, right? Music!

Music sounds, and the presenters drag the guests to the center of the hall so that everyone starts dancing. The students of the City Council of Leaders and the "Children's Academy of Journalism" come out first and set an example.
5 melodies sound, then again the microphones are taken by the leaders. Enter the hall, in the hands of Nick newspaper.
The melody "Ain" t She Sweet" sounds in the background

Nick: Look at the Gatsby gossip column. In the war he was a German spy!
Guest 1: And I heard that he killed a man! And it's free, for nothing!
Guest 2: They say he comes from a royal family and he is richer than the Lord God.
Jordan (jokingly): You're wrong, I'm the mysterious Mr. Gatsby!
Guest 3: You won't find him. There is no Mr Gatsby! This house and everything in it are part of a gigantic set.
Jordan: That's nonsense!
Nick (thoughtfully): But if you're right, why all this?
Guest 3: And this is it main question!
Jordan: These conversations make me a little uncomfortable. Let's dance better!

Then Nick and Jordan are back in the center.
The melody "Ain" t She Sweet" sounds in the background
Nick (fanning himself): These modern dances... whatever... the Charleston, the foxtrot, the shimmy... I'll never master this subtle science.
Jordan: Come on, Nick. It's simple. Repeat after me.
(Shows movements, Nick repeats). Now let's try it all together!
Connect guests to try with them.

Nick: It seems that I have already learned enough that I can compete with you.
Jordan: You, Nick?
Nick: Don't you believe me? Check me. Come on, this half of the audience is dancing with you, and this half is dancing with me.
Jordan: Now the music will play, and we will take turns doing the Charleston movements, and you repeat after us. Whose group will be more active, she will win!
The hosts take turns dancing with the audience. At the end, everyone dances together.
The dancing begins. 5 jazz compositions.
The tune changes (Hey Pachuco) and Daisy Buchanan appears. Runs out to the center of the hall, makes rotations around him.

Nick (as she dances): It's Daisy Buchanan! Queen of fast dances. What is she doing here?
Daisy: The dance queen couldn't miss the party. It seems to be really fun here, as they say. But it's still not enough until I show up. It's time to have some fun. So now I'm going to need some young men for a very simple contest.
The leaders go to the hall and gather the boys in the center.
Daisy: Well, who among us can dance the cancan? Jordan, honey, let's try together.
The hosts make several can-can movements for the show.
Daisy: As you can see, it's pretty funny. And it's easy. So, now our young men will have the responsible task of dancing the cancan. But! First we need to organize a real vaudeville. So parse those attribute props.

Leaders distribute feathers, boas, hats.
Daisy: And now, as soon as the music starts, you should start your dance. And the girls will support you. So, are you ready? Dear Nick, we ask you to stand in the center.
Competition. Ovation of the guests.

Jordan: Oh, I should have seen that Gatsby!
Daisy: Gatsby, what Gatsby?
Nick: Do you know him?
Daisy: Was...once...
Nick: So you should know what he looks like? Can you tell all the guests in more detail?
Daisy: He is always very elegant. And he wears such a conspicuous ring. And if you suddenly heard someone pronounce the word “old man” or put his hand on your shoulder in a friendly way, then this is most likely him.
Jordan: Guys, did anyone even notice the person with the signs that Daisy named today? There are such?
(If yes, then the hosts call these people to the center, if not, they still hold the Rumba contest)
Then come out to us.
Nick: For your observation you will get the main thing - the opportunity to dance rumba with me!
(Makes an incendiary movement, like in the movie "Mask")
Now we will go with you by train. Follow me and repeat all the movements.

First, the guys who were called to the center follow him, and then the hosts invite the rest to follow their example.
5 dance compositions.
Then "Hi De Ho" sounds and Gatsby appears.
Gatsby (walks and shakes hands): Good evening, old man! Good evening! How do you like my party? It was a pleasure to please. I've been watching you and I hope you had fun here. You also entertained me a lot. But first of all, I want to note your costumes. It's just a firework of outfits! On this occasion, I would like to single out the best.
Gatsby presents medals to the representatives of the brightest costumes.

Gatsby: And we don't stop there, I suggest we dance a little more, while there is such a possibility.

Music is playing, Gatsby is the first to dance. The song “Hi De Ho” should sound first, and on the choruses, Gatsby asks the guests to raise their hands together and repeat after him.
Several musical compositions and without warning, the leaders in the center begin to dance a pre-prepared dance (under Lelio Lurazzi).
On the replicas of Nick and Gatsby, Sidney Bechet - Si Tu Vois Ma sounds in the background

Nick: And yet, why did you throw this party, Mr. Gatsby?
Gatsby: That's a really interesting question, old chap. And what do you think?
Nick: I think you have some kind of secret.
Gatsby: Right, old chap. I arranged it for one person. (referring to the audience). And what do you think, for whom? I'm guessing it's one of your presenters.

The guests name the answers. The first person to guess Daisy's name gets a gift from Gatsby.
Gatsby: You're right, old chap, it's all for a girl I haven't seen in years. And for her sake, I'll arrange one last surprise for you. This piñata with a secret inside is for you! Come and try to break it.
The guests are trying to break the piñata. As planned, sweets should fall out of it.

Nick: We hope that today's autumn holiday will be remembered by you for a long time.
Jordan: Thanks to the mastermind behind our party, Francis Scott Fitzgerald and his novel The Great Gatsby.
Daisy: Don't forget to take a photo in the photo booth!
Gatsby: And we say goodbye to you before the New Year's ball!
Together: See you soon!

The last tune ends. End.

The scenario of the school-wide event - the autumn ball - "Dandies".

Target: to introduce students to the youth subculture of the late 40s - early 60s.
-studying the fashion of dudes, their music and dances;
- Familiarity with the causes of the emergence of subculture, their relationship with society.
Each class participating in the event receives a task - to prepare a dance corresponding to the era.

The song from the movie "Sun Valley Serenade" - "Train to Chattanooga" - is a kind of anthem of dudes.

Presenter 1: Wow! What do we hear? The anthem of all styles!
2nd host: The era of “Dandy” is a huge era, filled with strength, energy, tenderness, dignity and faith, despite all its difficulties. Let's remember today, if not everything, but a lot: created, sung, played, lived, felt.
1st host: It gave the opportunity to be sensitive and beautiful people.
2nd leader: Tonight is for those who remember and who want to know the country where gasoline was cheaper than soda with syrup!!!
1st presenter: We invite you to return to the USSR! To visit the holiday of memories and nostalgia ...
2nd leader: Feel the time of change, the first freedom and the spirit of pioneering! Dive into the golden age!
1st host: Today, throughout this evening, we invite you to find out what was popular during the Soviet Union!
2nd leader: And, of course, no evening will be really bright in the evening without Have a good mood. So, are you ready?
1st presenter: Then we start our evening.
(speech by teachers - dudes)

Presenter 1: Who do you think has the most stylish guy today?
Host 2: And from the girls?
Presenter 1: Hard to say. I like everything. But still, let's choose the most stylish dudes tonight.
Lead 2: Everyone present at this evening is invited to vote for the girl and boy they like, writing the name on paper and throwing it into the ballot box.
Presenter 1: We will sum up the results at the end of the evening.

1st presenter: Well, since we are talking about the 60s, tell me, what dances did they dance then?
2nd host: Well…….(trying to remember)….let's continue our evening!
1st presenter: Yes, the popularity of dances of those years is difficult to exaggerate!
2nd host: “Twist and Charleston! You have filled the globe!” the poet wrote. And this, indeed, was the case. “Twisted” the whole world. As if someone threw a cry: “Dandies of all countries, unite!”
1st presenter: And they united! They put on ties of unimaginable colors, tight trousers - pipes, long-toed shoes, black glasses, the girls made a bouffant ... and ?!
2nd host: And “to dance!” Of course; to the dance! They were real fans of the dance floor!
1st presenter: Perhaps, just like the dance floor, they loved the compositions of Benny Goodman, Duke Ellington, jazz music, and with the advent of rock and roll - Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard and Buddy Holly.
2nd host Don't believe me?.. Ask your grandparents - after all, they are the same dudes. They met, fell in love, were jealous, parted on the dance floor.
(dance number 11 "A" class)

1st presenter: “Oh, times! Oh manners!” Yes, the 60s was the most dancing decade of the century.
2nd host: Well, so, to the dance?!
1st host: To the dance!
2nd leader: Among the dances in the late 40s, boogie-woogie was relevant. Moreover, Soviet dudes were not limited to meager knowledge in this area and invented their own variations on the theme of fashionable dance.
1st presenter: So, there were "atomic", "Canadian" or "triple Hamburg" styles. The first two were not much different from each other, but the “triple Hamburger” was a slow dance, similar to slow fox.
(competition 1)
2nd host: A dance competition is announced. Everyone is welcome. The task of the dancers is, after the name of the body part is heard, stop using it in the dance. For example, after the leader says: “right leg!” - dancing in no case can not use the right leg.

1st presenter: In the 1950s and 1960s, a a large number of musical comedy films. The songs that sound in them become, one might say, “folk”.
2nd host: Let's go over the songs with you. I name the phrases of the songs - you are the film in which it sounds.
And a smile without a doubt will suddenly touch your eyes - “Carnival Night”.
In the dark blue forest, where the aspens tremble - "Diamond Hand".
Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence - "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession."
Somewhere in the world - "Prisoner of the Caucasus".
Your Honor, Lady Separation - "White Sun of the Desert."
If you don't have an aunt - "Irony of Fate".
There are so many golden lights - "It was in Penkovo."
2nd host: Of course, everyone knows these kind, naive and noble films and a lot can be said about them.
1st leading y: And in the 60s, it was almost impossible to get records with recordings of fashionable performers.
2nd host: But dudes found a way out - the so-called "rock on the bones" appeared.
1st presenter: Don't be scared, the music was just recorded on x-rays.
2nd leader: The dudes had another name for such "records" - "the skeleton of my grandmother."
(Dance number 10 "A" class)

1st host: In the era of dudes, young people rewrote accidentally obtained records on reel-to-reel tape recorders, got records for a lot of money and eagerly listened to modern, at that time, music. Music that fascinated them and made them enjoy life in those distant times, the times of the USSR.
2nd leader: They simply did not know many performers because an iron curtain hung over a great country, and great foreign performers were under the strict ban of the USSR Ministry of Culture.
1st host: The radio signals of foreign radio stations operating in Russian were constantly jammed. But some desperate radio amateurs still managed to pick up a signal for a short time and listen to uncensored news and rock music. In those relatively distant years, traveling abroad, and especially in Western Europe and America for the common man was impossible.
Host But still, artists and athletes, as well as children of the top of the CPSU, could visit the “imperialist countries” and somehow, by hook or by crook, they still managed to get records and tapes with foreign popular performers through the Soviet customs.
1st host: This music gradually, through acquaintances and friends, spread throughout the country. There was no need to talk about the quality of the music re-recorded for several times, but still the youth eagerly listened to them and were delighted.
2nd host: Of course, now everything is available. On the Internet you can find everything you want. The youth of today are very lucky about this. But still, now there is no adrenaline - to eat the forbidden fruit. Afraid that someone, having heard unfamiliar music behind the wall, will report to the right place ...
1st host: Let's have fun and try to "style", which in the jargon of dudes meant - to dance in style, imitating foreign ones or inventing your own movements.
Competition 2
2nd host: It is necessary to form several groups of students, in each group to select the main one. Groups line up one after another, the leader is in front. Dance music of different styles and eras sounds, the main one shows dance moves - the rest should repeat after him

1st presenter: We continue to acquaint you with the era of dudes.
2nd host: Do you know what you could buy for 1 kopeck?
A girl passes with a poster (a glass of gas water without syrup, matches).
1st host: A glass of gas water without syrup, matches.
2nd leader: And for 2 kopecks?
A girl passes with a poster (call from a pay phone).
1st presenter: Call from a pay phone.
2nd host: And for 3 kopecks?
A girl passes with a poster (a glass of gas water with syrup, a notebook, travel by tram).
1st host: gas water with syrup, a notebook, travel by tram.
2nd host: And for 5 kopecks?)
A girl passes with a poster (bun - saika, travel in the subway, bus, trolley bus).
1st host: bun - saika, travel in the subway, bus, trolleybus.
2nd host: And for 30 kopecks?
Passes a girl with a poster (lottery ticket).
1st presenter: lottery ticket.
2nd host: The most difficult question: how could you spend 56 kopecks?
Passes a girl with a poster (buy an American dollar).
1st presenter: buy american dollar.
2nd host: For 5000 rubles.
A girl passes with a poster (it was possible to buy ... a Zhiguli car).
1st presenter: you could buy .... Zhiguli car.
2nd host: For 10,000 rubles.
Passes girl with a poster (car "Volga").
1st presenter: car "Volga".
2nd host: These were the prices during the era of dudes.
(dance number 9 "A" class)

Presenter 1: It was important for dudes not only to distinguish themselves from the crowd, from the “gray mass”, with the help of clothes or lifestyle, but also with the help of a special language that was understandable only to them.
Lead 2: Some of this slang was adopted from jazz players. For example, the word Broadway or Broad - meant, as a rule, the central street of the city, which served as a meeting place for dudes.
Presenter 1: In Moscow, "Broadway" was Gorky Street, and in Leningrad - Nevsky Prospekt, in Kazan - Sverdlov Street.
Lead 2: "Shoes" - fashion shoes, with high rubber soles.
Presenter 1: The invariable attribute of the dudes, in addition to trousers-pipes, a whipped "coke" on the head, a jacket with broad shoulders, was a narrow tie - "herring" of the "jungle fire" color.
Contest 3
Lead 2: Those who wish to take part in the next competition (4-5 people) are invited.
Presenter 1: Participants wear funny wide ties (cut out of paper) around their necks, and their partners in the competition receive felt-tip pens. It is necessary to paint the tie so that it becomes more interesting and colorful than others.

(Dance number 9 "B" class)

Presenter 1: Today we have already seen several dances that were popular in the 60s. Among them are jive, foxtrot, slowfox, twist.
Lead 2: Jive is an African-American dance that originated in the United States in the early 1940s. Jive is a type of swing with fast and free movements.
Presenter 1: Foxtrot from English means "fox steps" - pair dance, which appeared in 1912 in the USA. There is a version that the dance was invented by Harry Fox to perform at the 1913 New York Show.
Presenter 1: Slowfox is the same foxtrot, only slower.
Lead 2: 8 "A" class prepared a dance - tango for tonight.
Presenter 1: Tango - Argentine folk dance; pair dance, characterized by an energetic and clear rhythm. Originally performed exclusively by men.
(Dance number 8 "A" class)

Presenter 1: Well, I think all of you have fully plunged into the atmosphere of the 50s. And what would you do if you got to those times?
Lead 2: I would find my young granny, thank her for the story they left us as a legacy, give her pink tights and go back to the 21st century to (tone raises) light today our way!

(Dance number 8 "B" class)