Sick leave in electronic form. Registration of an electronic sick leave: procedure, conditions, actions of the employer. Interaction on the exchange of information in order to form an ELN

  • 27.11.2019

An electronic sick leave is a sick leave sheet with classic fields, which is a complete analogue of the paper version and is filled out in a special computer program. Such a sheet was introduced by federal law, which came into force on July 1, 2017. You can find out more about electronic sick leave below.

The legislative framework

The electronic version of the disability certificate is regulated by Federal Law No. 86-FZ of May 1, 2017, according to which, from July 1, it began to be issued everywhere in clinics and hospitals. But at the same time, it is important to note that this sheet is issued with the consent of the employee, so if you wish, you can continue to receive paper versions of sick leave.

It is important to note that the law was adopted after a successful pilot project, which was implemented from 2015 to 2016. The Tambov, Astrakhan, Belgorod and Samara regions, as well as the Khabarovsk Territory, Tatarstan and Crimea took part in the project. The essence of the experiment was that specialists filled out two types of sick leave at once - paper and electronic. As a result, it was clearly determined that the digital version is much more convenient, so it can be introduced throughout the country.

Paper disability certificate on this moment cannot be completely withdrawn from circulation, which is due to poor technical equipment in some regions.

An e-mail is issued by medical institutions that are connected to the Medical Information System. When the specialist fills out and closes the patient sheet, all information is transferred to the employer and to the FSS department. The employer, in turn, sees the following data in the database:

  • the name of the medical institution;
  • sheet number;
  • date when the sick leave was issued;
  • sick days;
  • surname, name and patronymic of the employee;
  • cause of disability, however, without an accurate diagnosis. This allows you to protect the rights of an employee who may not want to spread his diagnosis, but at the same time, the employer will be sure that he is not being deceived, and the employee was really on sick leave.

An electronic sick leave certificate cannot be faked, since it is signed by the electronic signatures of a doctor and a medical institution, and is also transmitted via secure channels.

When a person is discharged, he must be informed of the sick leave number, which is later transferred to the accountant at the place of work. He enters the number into the database, according to the information received, issues benefits on the sheet.

The principle of operation of the electronic sick leave

When a patient first visits a medical institution, information about him is entered virtually into an electronic database or electronic medical record, so in the future the doctor does not have to re-record it - just open the virtual office, find the patient's electronic sheet and choose to work with it. When closing the card, you only need to tick the box according to the instructions and secure the data with a digital signature.

The algorithm for working with a virtual card is as follows:

  1. The patient comes to the doctor in the clinic or hospital.
  2. The doctor opens the form and fills in all its fields.
  3. The doctor sends the completed sheet to the FSS by centralized system.
  4. The patient undergoes a course of treatment and comes back to the doctor.
  5. The doctor closes the card, putting an electronic signature.
  6. The Fund writes out an allowance for violations in sick leave.

At the moment, the official paper is processed for about 10 days. On the workplace can access the card only after digital signatures have been affixed.

The information received in the database when filling out an electronic card is available to employees of the FSS, specialists of a medical institution and the employer.

How to fill out an electronic sheet?

As noted above, the electronic map is a complete prototype of the paper version, therefore. So, enter the following information:

  • Company name and position.
  • Type of work - permanent or part-time.
  • if an employee goes on leave due to pregnancy or childbirth.
  • Insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS), which is issued by the Pension Fund.
  • Insurance experience, that is, the total number of years during which deductions were made to the FSS.
  • Non-insurance periods (if any), that is, those periods when the employee served.
  • Average salary.
  • The amount of benefits - payments that were made during the first 3 days of sick leave, as well as the amount that was presented to the FSS.
  • The amount of money received by the employee.
  • Accrual conditions, which are indicated by special codes from 43 to 51, and several codes are possible.

In addition to the fields in which you will need to enter the above data, there are also fields on the sheet that are intended to be filled in by a doctor. They include the following information:

  • Name of the medical facility.
  • FULL NAME. and position as a doctor.
  • : 01 - disease, 02 - injury, 03 - quarantine.

All required fields must be filled in correctly, otherwise the sheet will be invalid.

If the card is issued for 15 days or more, it is also digitally signed by the head physician of the medical institution and the chairman of the medical commission.

What will the employer need?

In order to be able to access electronic hospital employees, the employer must open a personal account on the portal. So, after registration, the employer can:

  • Receive notifications of admissions of hospital workers.
  • View electronic sheets of disability of employees, and if necessary - print.
  • Export the sheet data to a file with an .xml extension with the ability to later load it into the policyholder's software in order to create and sign a registry for sending to the FSS.
  • Search and view data in the FSS digital hospital registries.
  • Enter data in the "Filled in by the employer" section.
  • Generate appeals to the FSS, and then find submitted requests by code, subject, status and date.
  • View alerts that come from representatives of the FSS when working with the registry and benefits, and so on.

It is worth noting that if you do not create a personal account and do not connect to the virtual exchange of disability cards, the employer will have to deal only with paper sick leave. The fact is that if you do not enter your data into a single information base, FSS employees will not be able to redirect the employee's electronic sheet.

If both the medical institution and the employer are included in the electronic exchange, the employee independently chooses what format the sheet wants to receive - paper or electronic.

Table of advantages and disadvantages of electronic sick leave

To evaluate how attractive the electronic version is sick leave Here is a table of pros and cons:

Positive sides Negative sides
In terms of content, electronic paper is no different from paper paper, being a confirmation of a person’s unhealthy condition and the basis for compensation by the employer of the lost part wages. It is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of errors, equipment failures, etc. In addition, it is impossible to completely exclude human incompetence when using special software.
The doctor no longer needs to manually fill out the sheets, wasting his time. It will be necessary to reorganize some departments and structures that are responsible for working with digital documents. This will entail certain financial costs.
Reading data from an electronic sheet is much more convenient, because you don’t have to deal with the doctor’s incomprehensible handwriting. Healthcare workers will need to learn how to use the new computer programs. Of course, this can only be a disadvantage for older professionals.
A person no longer needs to transfer a paper version to an employer if he supports electronic data interchange.
The employer, if desired, no longer needs to keep a paper archive, because all information can be received and processed in electronic format.
Companies and individual entrepreneurs may not be connected to the exchange of electronic sheets. There are no penalties for using paper sick leave.
The e-sheet cannot be faked because it is fixed digital signatures, and also transmitted over secure channels.

So, despite the fact that new system virtual disability certificates has certain disadvantages, it is modern and has many advantages for all parties - the patient, the employer and the doctor.

Video: Electronic sick leave 2017

In the second reading, the State Duma adopted a law on the introduction of electronic sick leave. What kind of law it is, how it was adopted and what innovations it involves, you will learn from the following video:

The transition to digital securities is carried out gradually, but is an irreversible process. This also applies to certificates issued in medical institutions, including sick leave. So, since July 1, an electronic card has been introduced everywhere, which allows both doctors and employers to save themselves from paperwork.

From July 1, 2017, companies and medical institutions are switching to a digital interaction format - electronic sick leave will appear. The company, the cloud provider of the 1C program No. 1 in Russia, will help you figure out all the nuances.

What does the Government say?

Dmitry Medvedev told us a lot about how convenient it would be. As the main advantage of "electronics", Dmitry Anatolyevich pointed to the guaranteed safety of the medical history of each of the employees, even if he moves to another city or region. Moreover, he hinted that from now on it will be almost impossible to fake sick leave due to the fact that officials intend to store information about diseases on state servers.

Among our colleagues, according to a good tradition, the flames of discussions again flared up: why are they introducing all this, how do we work now, do we need to buy additional software, is it possible to combine the use of electronic sick leave with the “classic”, etc. You can understand them - there are too many changes in the legislation in last years. Well, well ... If there are questions, then we will look for answers to them.

How interesting is the problem?

When we hear about another “high-profile” topic, we always try to check the interest in it from the general public. So, the wordstat service helps us in this like no other. Various requests have been introduced: “sick leave 2017”, “electronic sick leave”, “electronic sick leave. How it will work ”and received quite impressive numbers. The number of total impressions for them this month "exceeded" 500,000... This is quite a serious amount. Looking at it, there is nothing left for us to do but look and look for answers again. Fortunately, we have found everything that is known about them today.

But it was still interesting to know what personnel officers and accountants think about these innovations, what do they already know? Despite the general interest, it turned out that everyone has different information.

Someone says only that they will be introduced on July 1 and no longer know. Someone says that in the second half of the year it is allowed to work with paper sick leave until the end of 2017. Some have never heard of them at all, but would love to know. Is it correct? I hardly want to answer in the affirmative. Changes are “on the nose” and you need to know about them everything that the legislator has already told us.

Can everything stay the same?

In view of (the websites of the Federal Tax Service, the Ministry of Labor, the Social Insurance Fund and other departments do not count), where every accountant can get all the latest clarifications to the legislation, guesses and conjectures begin to appear in the corporate environment, which eventually turn into convictions. So, using the example of an electronic sick leave, someone started a rumor that each company is required to purchase some kind of licensed program to account for them (this is a myth). By the way, it will allow you to attach enhanced electronic signatures to them (partially not true). They also said that nothing would work on July 1 (and this is not true).

Plus, many people have a prejudice that the current innovation is a kind of pilot project, and if it fails, then in the future they will have to work in the old way (highly unlikely). By the way, for the first time electronic sick leave in test mode was introduced in some regions of Russia already in 2014. As a result of the experiment, residents of Moscow, Crimea, Sevastopol, Novosibirsk, as well as the Belgorod and Astrakhan regions have successfully received electronic sick leave. Accordingly, the technology has already been tested and it is not necessary to wait for its cancellation. Moreover, it functions to this day.

What is the sick leave situation now?

Let's take an example. Employee Sidorov V.A. from Yur-line LLC finds himself unwell, takes time off from work and turns to medical institution. After passing the examinations, the doctor makes a diagnosis, prescribes a course of treatment and issues a certificate of temporary disability. Further, the employee notifies the personnel department or the accounting department of Yur-line LLC, which subsequently contacts the FSS and reports that citizen Sidorov V.A. due to the circumstances, is unable to work. Further, the FSS gives the green light to the payment of compensation upon the fact that Sidorov provided the document.

What will change from July 1st?

Sidorov turned to a medical institution and, after going through the necessary procedures, he receives not a certificate of temporary work capacity, but a kind of notification that his appeal is registered in an electronic database. When he returns to work, the specialists from the accounting department of Yur-line LLC will be aware of what is happening, because. the medical institution sent the electronic sick leave directly to the company. After that, the accounting department sent the sick leave to the FSS and received permission for compensation (it makes no sense to verify the authenticity of the sick leave).

Will there be problems?

Based on two examples, we conclude that in the new conditions, a sick employee ceases to be a link between the medical institution and the company in which he works. This state of affairs automatically solves a number of problems:

1. Without access to the sick leave, he will not be able to fake it, lose it, spoil it, etc.;

2. He won't need to spend his working time upon arrival at the workplace in order to transfer the document to responsible specialists;

3. The accounting department will not have to “knock out” a document from an employee if he constantly “forgets it at home”;

4. The company and the FSS should have no doubts about the authenticity of the document, which is why compensation payments must be guaranteed.

Are there any benefits for the employee?

The legislator did not deprive the sick person of the opportunity to personally check what data the doctor entered about his illness when he drew up the document. To do this, he will need to go to the personal account of the Public Services Portal and select the appropriate section (not yet on the site, but will soon appear).

If they find any errors, then he has the right to re-apply to the clinic so that this defect is eliminated.

What will the employer need?

Contrary to many prejudices about the purchase of additional software, the state made sure that interaction with electronic sick leave was convenient, and most importantly, not a costly event for companies.

Some programs for working with electronic sick leave are not required. It is only assumed that the company has in its arsenal an enhanced electronic signature and access to the Portal of public services for legal entities. That's all. Therefore, you do not need to spend money on buying something else.

The processing of data received from a medical institution has been brought to maximum simplicity. Simultaneously with the clinic, the company will see the new document in its Personal Account, which it can easily send to the FSS through the same portal. Time costs are minimized and execution efficiency is maximized.

Are government spending justified?

When investigating this issue, it would be wrong to ignore the fourth participant in the “Employee” - “Company” - “FSS” link. We are talking about a state whose efforts in recent years have been aimed at reducing state budget expenditures.

According to experts, in a three-year period from 2017 to 2020, due to the introduction of electronic sick leave throughout the country, it is expected to save about 42 million rubles, possibly more. In a rather difficult economic situation, this measure will be justified. This is a classic example of saving money and doing something good for end users. Among other things, the current innovation can be safely called the requirement of the time. Please note that in European countries this issue has been resolved for a long time.

To what extent is the measure applicable to the conditions of Russia?

If in large cities there are practically no problems with computers and the Internet, then how are things in the outback, where the material and technical base public institutions in some cases leaves much to be desired? Regions may not be ready to immediately switch to a new format of work, and solving the problem will require both time and financial costs. However, no one canceled the incentive for development either. Not ready? So it's time to start preparing - update the equipment and connect the Internet.

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The main reason lies in the unprepared legal framework. The only regulatory document that exists today is the mentioned Federal Law “On Amendments to Article 13 federal law"On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood" and articles 59 and 78 of the Federal Law "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in Russian Federation"". But the law only says that electronic sick leave is possible, and in order to establish a specific procedure for working with electronic sick leave (ELN), additional documents are needed. Currently under approval are:

  • draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for information interaction between the insurer, policyholders, medical organizations and federal state institutions of medical and social expertise";
  • draft regulations for information and technological interaction between ELN participants within the framework of the draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Without a doubt, these documents will someday be approved, and with their appearance, many issues that worry all participants in the process today should be resolved. But you can already work with electronic sick leave, which means it's time to sort out the issue.

General scheme of interaction on ELN

First of all, let's designate the participants in the interaction: this is an employer organization, an employee, a medical institution and the Social Insurance Fund. An employee of the organization, when applying to the hospital, signs a document stating that he agrees to receive a certificate of incapacity for work in electronic form and to the processing of his personal data (the standard form of this consent is not currently approved).

The medical institution issues a certificate of incapacity for work in in electronic format, places it in the EIIS "Sotsstrakh" (Unified Integrated Information System "Sotsstrakh") and gives the patient only a sick leave number. The employee sends this organization number. According to the ELN number, its registration number in the FSS and SNILS of an employee, the organization uploads a file with a sick leave through the FSS document acceptance gateway or the policyholder's personal account.

The steps for processing an electronic certificate of incapacity for work are exactly the same as if it were a paper version: post the data in the time sheet, make a calculation. Only in the case of ELN, the employer also transmits information about the accrued benefit to the FSS. The obligation of the insured to fill in the ELN with the results of the calculation in the EIIS "Sotsstrakh" is currently not recorded anywhere; perhaps it will be spelled out in the documents that are being prepared for release.

General scheme of work with ELN (slide taken from the official website of the FSS of the Russian Federation)

Getting started with ELN

As mentioned above, there is no approved regulation yet - the document is under consideration. Until the document is approved, the organization signs with the FSS supplementary agreement on information interaction in the formation of an electronic disability certificate. After that, she is considered a member of the information system and gets access to work with ELN.

In addition, the employer will need a certificate to create a qualified electronic signature (QES), otherwise he will not be able to receive an electronic sick leave from the UIIS Sotsstrakh or send information about the calculated allowance. On the computer where the work with the ELN will be carried out, a certified information cryptographic protection tool (CIPF) must be installed, because during information exchange with the FSS gateway, the data is signed by the CEP and encrypted. The most common CIPF are CryptoPro and ViPNet.

And, of course, there should be free access to the Internet.

Unloading ELN

AT personal account of the insured, a special tab will appear on the FSS website, it will list all the organization's ELP. To get them, you must enter the employee's SNILS and the ELS number that the employee will receive at the medical institution. After that, you can download the sick leave file to your computer, it will be considered a legally significant document, on the basis of which the necessary calculations are made.

Another option is to receive ELN directly from the program by personnel records. Many people already have this opportunity. The user in his program selects an employee and enters only the ELS number. It is assumed that the employee's SNILS and the organization's registration number in the program have already been filled in. In this case, the receipt of the ELN file from the website of the FSS of the Russian Federation occurs automatically.

Important! Batch download of all ELN related to the organization from the system is not yet provided. An ELN can only be obtained with all three numbers: the number of the ELN itself, the SNILS of the employee, and the registration number of the organization in the FSS. Perhaps in the future it will be different.

The allowance for electronic sick leave is issued in the same manner as for paper: 10 days for calculation and accrual, payment - with the next transfer of wages. At the same time, the results of the calculation, the organization must (according to the FSS, which is not currently supported by normative documents) enter on the website of the FSS.

Are there other options?

If for some reason an organization is not ready to work with ELN, no one can force it to do so. And in this sense, the law equalizes the three participants in the interaction: a medical institution, an employer and an employee. Now any of them can make it impossible to issue an ELN if he does not have such an opportunity.

The personnel department must necessarily warn its employees if the organization does not yet plan to process ELS, so that they receive a paper version of the sick leave in the medical institution. In order to receive an ELN, an employee also needs to take certain actions: give the medical institution written consent to receive the ELN and to process his personal data. If the employer is not connected to the electronic interaction system or does not have the technical ability to process the ELS, and the employee brings the ELS number, then he will have to spend time on an additional visit to the hospital for a paper copy of the disability certificate.

We automate the process

Automated accounting programs, including Kontur-Personal, help to facilitate work with ELN. Getting started with ELN in Contour-Personnel is easy. You can download a sick leave file to your computer through the menu items Current work / Download ELN.

The system will automatically create a sick leave order and enter all the data into it: the period of illness, the sick leave number, the type of sick leave (illness, injury, maternity leave, etc.), the number of the extended sick leave, etc. with maternity leave, the program will automatically create an order not for sick leave, but for vacation.

After the order is approved, you can check whether the data in the employee's personal card and the time sheet are correctly posted.

Instead of an afterword

The absence of an officially approved document that would regulate the procedure for working with electronic sick leave, of course, complicates the situation for all participants in the system. But it is worth noting that the idea of ​​transferring sick leave to electronic format is interesting and, if properly implemented, will greatly simplify data processing for organizations, reduce the number of errors, and remove the issue of fake sick leaves from the agenda. And besides, it will facilitate the work in the regions participating in the pilot project on direct payments from the Social Insurance Fund.

Officials introduced electronic sick leave records in 2017. Read the article about how this will work, what an accountant needs to know, what actions are assigned to the employer under the law on electronic sick leave, and how to pay them.

Electronic sick leave in 2017: what has changed

Federal Law No. 86-FZ dated 05/01/2017, officials obliged medical organizations and institutions to issue electronic sick leave. Since July 1, 2017, sick leave certificates have become electronic and now there are two formats for a certificate of incapacity for work:

When issuing a sick leave, the doctor should ask the patient in what form he would like to receive a certificate of incapacity for work. After receiving the patient's response, the physician draws up a document on paper or in electronic format.

The medical organization transmits the data of the electronic sick leave to the FSS database, and the patient is informed of the sick leave number. At the same time, a paper document is not issued to the patient.

Employers also have access to the same FSS database. The accounting department of the organization through a special service of the FSS fills out its part of the sick leave, and then sends it to the Social Insurance Fund.

Electronic sick leave in 2017: changes for employees

As early as 2014, officials began gradually converting disability certificates into electronic format. In 2015-2016, electronic sick leave certificates were issued in 7 pilot regions. More than 150 organizations took part in the experiment, and more than half a million people received electronic sick leave.

Citizens who have issued an electronic sick leave felt its advantages:

  • You don't have to report sickness to work. As soon as the electronic sick leave is created in the FSS database, the employer receives a notification and knows about the reason for the absence of the employee,
  • You do not have to walk around the offices and wait in lines to collect all the necessary signatures,
  • Employees no longer worry about the correctness of filling out the document. Eliminating errors in an electronic sheet, unlike a paper one, does not require the employee to contact a medical institution. The presence of errors does not result in a denial of payment of an allowance,
  • The patient ceases to be a courier between the physician and the employer, the risk of loss or damage to the document is excluded.

Electronic sick leave in 2017: employer's actions

Despite the fact that from July 1, 2017, officials obliged medical organizations to issue electronic sick leave certificates, no one canceled the paper form. The procedure for the employer depends on the type of sick leave.

Switching to electronic sheets: accountant's actions

The transition to electronic sick leave is very simple. To work with electronic sick leave, register a personal account in the FSS service.

You can go to the FSS service page to register your personal account at

You can not register your personal account, in which case your employees will be able to issue sick leave only in paper form. Even if the employee asks the doctor to issue an electronic document, the doctor will not be able to do this, since he will not find your organization in the database of registered users of the FSS.

Tell the employees of your organization in what form they can draw up a sick leave:

  • Only on paper, if your company has not connected the FSS personal account,
  • In paper or electronic form, if the FSS personal account is connected and you are ready to work with electronic documents.

note: the employer does not have the right to force the employee to issue a sick leave only in electronic form. The patient must always have a choice between paper and electronic versions, this is required by the law on electronic sick leave.

FSS personal account

The functionality of the personal account allows the accountant to perform all the necessary actions with the sick leave:

  • Receive data on sick leaves created by medical organizations,
  • View and print disability certificates,
  • Upload the data of a completely completed sheet into an xml file for sending to the FSS via electronic channels,
  • View the archive of disability certificates accepted by the FSS,
  • View the status of payment of benefits directly paid by the FSS to an employee,
  • View the history of document flow with the FSS, receive notifications, create registers of appeals to the FSS.

After recovery, the employee informs the accountant of the sick leave number, and the accountant finds the document in the FSS database. The employer's actions include three main stages:

In the future, the accountant can see in his personal account whether the document was received by the Social Insurance Fund, whether it passed the test, whether the benefit was paid to the employee.

Benefits for the employer

Companies from the pilot regions have already experienced the benefits electronic document management with medical institutions and FSS:

  • The organization promptly receives information from doctors about the employee’s illness, the reason for the employee’s absence from the workplace is immediately clear,
  • The possibility of receiving fake documents is excluded,
  • Electronic sick leave is more convenient to fill out, because you do not need to worry about the color of the ink, legibility of handwriting, the likelihood of blots is excluded,
  • Reduced complexity of working with electronic documents,
  • The processing of documents, their transfer to the Social Insurance Fund and the adoption of decisions on the payment of benefits are accelerated,
  • The number of additional requests and checks by the FSS has been reduced.

Once new law about the sheets were accepted, it became clear that from July 1, 2017, all sick leave sheets will become electronic. Choose from two options:

Electronic sick leave has advantages for both the employee and the employer. However, electronic sick leave is an alternative to paper, but an incomplete replacement for it. The final choice of the sick leave is up to the employee.

A law came into force providing for the possibility of using a sick leave in the form electronic document signed by an enhanced qualified electronic signature authorized persons. This sick leave has equal legal force with a certificate of incapacity for work, drawn up on a standard form. Consider the procedure for issuing electronic sick leave.

Pilot project

Electronic sick leave certificates were introduced by Federal Law No. 86-FZ dated May 1, 2017 “On Amendments to Article 13 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Social Insurance in Case of Temporary Disability and in Connection with Motherhood” and Articles 59 and 78 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Health Protection citizens in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - Law No. 86-FZ).

The first electronic sick leaves were issued back in 2014 for sick citizens from among the medical staff. After all, it was necessary to work out not only the "extract" of the sick leave, but also the procedure for the personnel department and the employer's accounting department.

The technology of electronic interaction of medical organizations, employers and territorial bodies of the FSS of the Russian Federation was massively tested within the framework of the pilot project "Electronic sick leave certificate" in the Republic of Crimea, Astrakhan, Belgorod regions and in Moscow. In the future, other regions joined the experiment. More than 500 thousand electronic sick leave certificates were accepted.

From July 1, 2017, electronic certificates of incapacity for work, at the request of the patient, must be issued in all regions of the Russian Federation (Article 3 of Law No. 86-FZ). However, for the normal functioning of the electronic hospital system, the regions must be prepared not only technically, but also organizationally.

The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation has prepared a draft Rules for the information interaction of the insurer, policyholders, medical organizations and federal state institutions of medical and social expertise for the exchange of information in order to form a sick leave certificate in the form of an electronic document (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for Information Interaction).

Benefits of electronic sick leave

The introduction of electronic sick leave will bring undoubted advantages. First, the simplification of the interaction between structures: the formation digital bases information about patients, organizations do not need to send each other information on paper. Simplifying the work of doctors: they will be able to devote more time to patients.

Secondly, electronic sick leave is easier to fill out. No need to follow the size of the letters, the color of the ink, the location of the print. Easier to fix mistakes. Patients do not have to run around the offices with requests to correct inaccuracies in sick leave sheets.

Thirdly, budgetary savings - there is no need to produce and purchase forms of disability certificates.

Fourth, patients will have access to information about issued sick leave. In their personal account on the website of the FSS of the Russian Federation, they will be able to track data on the benefits accrued to them. The employer, by logging into his personal account on the website of the FSS of the Russian Federation, in turn, will be able to track open and closed sick leave for his employees. There is no need for an employee to confirm his absence from work due to illness.

Fifthly, the accounting department of the organization will not have to send disability certificates to the FSS of the Russian Federation.

And finally, sixthly, the electronic sick leave cannot be damaged or lost. The possibility of forgery is excluded (for example, in 2015, 3060 fake certificates of incapacity for work were identified).

Right, not duty

If the medical organization and the employer participate in an electronic exchange, then the employee can choose which sick leave to ask for - paper or electronic. Both versions of the disability certificate have equal legal force.

Meanwhile, employers have the right not yet to connect to the electronic exchange of sick leave certificates. There are no penalties for this.

If the company does not participate in the electronic exchange, then electronic sick leave certificates will not be available to employees. These employees will only be able to receive paper copies.

We believe that at the first stage, the functioning of electronic disability certificates will be very limited due to the lack of the necessary technical equipment for medical organizations and employers.

Patient Consent

The consent of a citizen to the formation of a sick leave in the form of an electronic document and the processing of personal data is confirmed by filling out standard form informed voluntary consent to the formation of a disability certificate in the form of an electronic document and the processing of personal data. The specified form is given in the appendix to the Rules of Information Interaction (see Example).

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Order of information interaction

The procedure for the formation, transmission, reception and processing of information and its composition are determined by the regulations for information interaction, which must be approved by the FSS of the Russian Federation.

Interaction is carried out using the Federal State Information System "Unified Integrated Information System "Sotsstrakh" of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - EIIS "Sotsstrakh") and information systems participants. When organizing interaction, qualified certificates of electronic signature verification keys are used.

The medical organization, using software, enters information, the composition of which fully corresponds to the composition of the certificate of incapacity for work, as well as the procedure for filling it out, which are prescribed in the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n.

The employee informs the employer that he has been issued an electronic certificate of incapacity for work.

The employer, using special software, completes it, certifies it with an enhanced qualified electronic signature and sends it to the EIIS Sotsstrakh.

The appointment and payment of benefits for temporary disability and for pregnancy and childbirth is carried out by the territorial bodies of the FSS of the Russian Federation on the basis of information contained in the UIIS "Sotsstrakh" (see Figure).


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To work with electronic sick leave certificates, employers and employees will need access to their personal accounts (

Payment for an electronic sick leave is similar to its paper version.

Personal accounts of the employer and citizen

For login to the employer's personal account uses the username and password of his account on single portal public services provided that it is confirmed.

The personal electronic account of the employer performs the following functions:

  • receipt of data from a new electronic certificate of incapacity for work, closed in medical organization;
  • viewing and printing of electronic certificates of incapacity for work;
  • entering information into existing disability certificates;
  • export of data from electronic sick leave certificates to an xml file with the possibility of subsequent loading of this file into the employer's software for creating and signing registers for sending to the FSS of the Russian Federation;
  • search and review of sick leave registers submitted to the FSS of the Russian Federation;
  • search and view benefits paid by the FSS of the Russian Federation as part of direct payments;
  • viewing the log of data exchange between the employer and the FSS of the Russian Federation with the ability to save requests and received responses to an xml file;
  • viewing and uploading to an xml file (for further processing in software employer) a list of errors in checking the registry and benefits;
  • formation of appeals to the FSS of the Russian Federation (in terms of direct payments) with the ability to search by number, subject, status and date of the submitted request;
  • viewing notifications generated by an employee of the FSS of the Russian Federation when working with the register and benefits;
  • applying for admission to regional office FSS of the Russian Federation (on the issue of consultations regarding direct payments).

For entrance to the personal account citizen uses the login and password of his account on the unified portal of public services, provided that for identification he confirmed it personally in one of the authorized centers.

The office has the following functions:

  • search, viewing and printing of electronic certificates of incapacity for work;
  • viewing information on accrued benefits in the context of electronic and paper certificates of incapacity for work, as well as benefits paid by the FSS of the Russian Federation as part of the Direct Payments project;
  • viewing and printing of the reference-calculation of benefits;
  • viewing the personal data of a citizen.