Workplace certification includes. Carrying out certification of workplaces according to working conditions: procedure, terms, goals, documents. How is the certification

  • 04.05.2020

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Certification of workplaces of various companies and LLCs

Until 31.12. 2013

The company "United Consulting Holding" offers certification of places for working conditions at a low cost. Our company is ready to carry out certification on your request, the price is affordable, all the details can be found on the phone number listed on the website. Since January 1, 2014, certification has been replaced by a Special Assessment of Working Conditions. (From January 1, 2014, the federal law dated December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On a special assessment of working conditions” came into force) Our company has a professional level of holding such events, and the price for the services provided is lower than in similar companies.

The purpose of this procedure is a professional assessment of the working conditions of each employee of various companies and LLCs, as well as the identification and elimination of possible factors that pose a danger to the health and life of an employee.

All the rules and procedures for conducting legal attestation of workplaces, on legal terms for LLCs, were introduced into the legislation Russian Federation. Certification of places of working conditions has the right to conduct only the employer. Carrying out certification of working conditions in order to identify various harmful factors that are present in the workspace of all employees of an LLC is a mandatory check at each enterprise (LLC).

During the implementation of these measures for the LLC, certain rules and procedures for attesting places for each employee will be established. If necessary, employees are provided with protective equipment and accessories. Conducting a scheduled assessment will allow you to accurately determine which employees should undergo a medical examination. You can also determine who falls under the category of benefits and additional compensation.

The commission, which will carry out all activities, includes the head of the enterprise, specialists from the trade union and labor protection. Employees of the enterprise are obliged to familiarize themselves with all the results that the commission receives.

The employer, instead of himself, can entrust the management of the commission to a lawyer, a specialist in working conditions and personnel.

Organizations conducting attestation for an LLC should have nothing to do with the employer. This firm is a legal entity that is accredited in the Register of the Russian Federation for Moscow and all of Russia and has all the powers for this procedure. Contact a reliable organization that conducts certification of workplaces. To determine the cost of a workplace in the company "EKX" and find out the price - call the phone number indicated on the website. Our experts will tell you about the procedure and price of certification and what prices for individual services. Our reasonable prices and quality of services are unbeatable. The difference between the prices of our company and similar ones has already been appreciated by many of our customers.

Step-by-step stages of certification of each place of work for LLC in Moscow and in other cities of the Russian Federation (specify the price for the provision of the service by phone)

  • creating an order with which employees should be familiarized;
  • creation of a commission and appointment of the head of this commission;
  • determining the timing and procedure for verification;
  • creation and signing of the relevant document;
  • departure of specialists to the place of inspection;
  • processing and receiving all results;
  • creation of a protocol in the prescribed manner;
  • creation of planned works to improve working conditions in LLC;
  • (The price of services depends on the form of ownership of the enterprise and the number of jobs. Changes in prices in the foreign and domestic markets do not affect our prices)
  • creation of reports on the work carried out.

Before the employer decides to order a service from a third-party company that conducts attestations for an LLC, he has every right to demand from them such documents as

  • confirmation that the LLC has the right to conduct a quality certification of working conditions (in compliance with the rules and not exceeding the prices for the provision of services);
  • a document that confirms that the company is accredited in the Register of the Russian Federation for Moscow and other regions of Russia, has the right to conduct such checks.

Employer Responsibilities for Inspection:

Conducting a labor test implies that the employer is obliged to help and assist the certifying party in everything. Provide all necessary documentation. If necessary, request the necessary documentation and information from third parties. It is forbidden for the employer to hide documents or information, to take actions that will lead to a decrease in questions on the AWP and must be checked as carefully as possible.

Tasks to be performed by the attesting party

  • choose the necessary method for assessing working conditions
  • at the time of conducting, accurately determine the number of employees who need a special assessment of working conditions
  • carefully study all the necessary documentation
  • if necessary, ask the employer for all the necessary information

The certification of workplaces and conditions is carried out in accordance with necessary requirements and government regulations.

Certification for the workplace - a list of conditions

  • determination of the level of labor injury hazard
  • determination of compliance with hygiene indicators
  • availability of personal protection
  • general assessment of certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions of employees

Verification at an enterprise or LLC with hazardous conditions labor is carried out at 20% of workplaces, the minimum number of such places is 2. If non-compliance with the standards is revealed at one workplace, the check must be carried out at other workplaces. After carrying out the legal attestation of workplaces, an updated list of working spaces is obtained. For similar jobs, one AWP card is filled out. All activities that are necessary to improve working conditions are common to all similar jobs.

Checking on a workspace that changes its territorial location is carried out by analyzing standard technological operations. In this case, the timing of the inspection, in which the audit will be carried out, is indicated in the regulations. All features and details of the workstation must be regulated by the employer's regulations and comply with the rules for the implementation of the workstation. Our company will provide you with services at the highest level, the price is democratic, and the level of inspection is professional. The price for services depends on the form of the enterprise and the number of jobs.

You can also get acquainted with our other services and materials on them.

From January 1, 2014, in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013, the attestation of workplaces was replaced by a special assessment of working conditions. Due to lack of experience and lack of necessary equipment, many enterprises do not have the opportunity to carry out certification of workplaces for working conditions on their own, which is why they turn to specially created services, among which the SOTARM company is one.

By contacting SOTARM for certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions, you can count on the following benefits:

  • Exact match of test results state norms and standards;
  • Identification of all harmful factors affecting the health and safety of personnel working at their workplaces;
  • Drawing up the most optimal and effective plan to improve working conditions;
  • Free consultation on possible measures aimed at reducing production risks.

The importance of certification work

Carrying out attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions in the organization is aimed at ensuring that the working conditions of working personnel comply with state requirements. Timely identification of unsafe and harmful factors makes it possible to reduce the risk of injury to employees, and in case of detection of hazardous production, compensate the employee for harm to health by providing additional holidays, departure to sanatoriums, cash prizes, etc. ways. An employer who has attested workplaces reduces the risks of criminal and administrative penalties in the event of accidents at work that caused injury or death to an employee.

With the tightening of laws and the increase in fines for violating the working conditions of employees, certification of working conditions is becoming increasingly relevant. Using the services of SOTARM, you will not only be able to assess the compliance of the working conditions of your employees with the required standards and norms, but also quickly develop a set of measures to improve these conditions. Also, certification of workplaces will avoid possible fines and sanctions from state supervisory authorities.

The cost of certification of jobs

The price of certification of workplaces for working conditions depends on following factors:

· The total number of jobs in the enterprise, as well as the number of jobs that are exactly the same in terms of their functions;

· Features and specifics of the enterprise;

· Quantity of the used equipment at the enterprise and their characteristics;

· The number of measured parameters in the certification process;

· The need for a plan to modernize workplaces to ensure they meet government regulations.

The cost of certification of workplaces in the company "SOTARM" is one of the most affordable, this is due to the use of highly efficient equipment and extensive experience of employees, which allows us to perform the entire range of certification work in the shortest possible time. All specialists of our company have the appropriate education and work experience of more than 3 years in their positions, and also regularly take refresher courses and knowledge testing.

Our company conducts certification of workplaces in Moscow and throughout Russia of organizations in various fields of activity - household, industrial, educational, etc. In the process of certification, all the features of the organization's activities, as well as the specifics of the work of personnel, are taken into account, which allows us to determine with the greatest accuracy the compliance with the conditions labor to the required standards. Our main task is to find solutions and their implementation aimed at reducing the price of workstations, as well as drawing up an action plan to improve working conditions with minimal time and material costs.

Frequency of certification of workplaces

Certification of workplaces for working conditions (AWP) should be carried out at least once in a five-year period. During the five-year period, the employer himself has the right to choose at what time it is more convenient for him to conduct the next inspection. The starting point of the new period will be the end date of the previous check, which is specified in the order "On the completion of certification of workplaces for working conditions." The date of the next inspection will be the date of issuance of the order "On the formation of a new commission and the approval of the certification schedule."

The same happens with unscheduled certification of workplaces, which is carried out in cases where new workplaces, new equipment have appeared at the enterprise, or collective protective equipment has changed. Then, within a period of at least 60 working days, the employer must proceed to the certification of new jobs. An unscheduled workstation can be carried out both on a mandatory basis and at the initiative of the employer.

The task of any enterprise is to ensure safe working conditions for its employees, it is for the organization to comply with these conditions that a set of documents on labor protection is used. The SOTARM company provides certification services for labor protection, which allows management to avoid the consequences of non-compliance with safety standards at the enterprise. The certification procedure for labor protection must be mandatory for all employees, as well as the management team. Additional certification measures are provided for when employees are hired, change their type of activity or go on a business trip.

Before passing the certification, all employees of the company must study the code normative documents on labor protection, which includes requirements for the condition of workplaces, overalls, hygiene standards, conditions for granting holidays, rules for passing a medical examination and other regulatory forms. Knowledge in these areas will help the worker to carry out their tasks safely. official duties, avoid accidents, reduce harm to health in case of work in conditions of increased harmfulness, know and use their rights to provide benefits, time off and vacations, and also successfully pass certification. Our company not only carries out certification of employees and management personnel, but is also ready to conduct training on labor protection.

Benefits of working with SOTARM

2. 212-FZ "On insurance premiums to the Pension Fund"

3. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 342n "On approval of the procedure for conducting AWP on working conditions"

4. Draft Federal Law "On Amendments to 426-FZ"

Object types

Arm in the office

Arm at school

Arm in a medical facility

Arm in production

Arm in the store

AWP in a private security company

our clients

Feedback from our clients

A. A. Minaev

Cooperation with your company has shown the high professional level of your employees. I would like to note the competent work of experts, the well-coordinated work of specialists and the high professional level of the company as a whole.

We look forward to a long and fruitful collaboration with your company.

General Director A.N. Pischurov

Minaev A.A.
In the course of the Special Assessment of Working Conditions (SOUT) in our company ASTRAYA LLC, I would like to note the competent work of experts, the high level of specialists. Employees of SOTARM LLC are polite, pleasant in communication, always ready to give additional explanations.

Director of ASTRAYA LLC Safronov D.P.

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

In accordance with the terms of the Agreement, in 2016, SOTARM LLC carried out work on a special assessment of working conditions at the workplaces of MUP AiG.
The work was performed at a high level in accordance with the Federal Law No. 426 "On a special assessment of working conditions" dated December 28, 2013. Based on the results, reporting documentation was received, prepared on the basis of the results of the work and executed in accordance with the current legislation.
We express our gratitude to SOTARM LLC for the professional solution of issues that arose in the course of our joint work.
We are satisfied with the work performed by the specialists of SOTARM LLC and are ready to recommend this company as a reliable and responsible partner.

And about. director E.M. Gorokhov

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

In December 2016, SOTARM LLC conducted a special assessment of working conditions in the private institution Atomstandard.

The specialists of SOTARM LLC showed high professionalism and efficiency in solving the tasks. A favorable impression was made by the willingness of employees to respond quickly to circumstances. This confirms that SOTARM LLC has an extensive practice in conducting SOUT and uses an individual approach when working with clients.

The works were carried out in accordance with the current legislation. A good presentation of the results of the work carried out was noted.

We are satisfied with the work of SOTARM LLC and are ready to recommend this company as a reliable and responsible partner.


Director V.V. Morozov

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

In the course of the Special Assessment of Working Conditions (SUT) in our enterprise (JSC MKB DOM-BANK), the competent work of experts and the high level of specialists were noted.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were presented in accordance with the requirements. federal law dated October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On a special assessment of working conditions”.
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.


Executive Director of JSC MCB "DOM-BANK" S.B. Rygin


The Federal Autonomous Institution "Center for the Development and Support of Space Activities" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation expresses its gratitude to SOTARM LLC for the quality special evaluation working conditions

Head of the Federal autonomous institution"Center for the Development and Support of Space Activities" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

M. Surikov

Thank You Letter

Society with limited liability"Usinsk Road Repair and Construction Department" expresses its deep gratitude and sincere gratitude to the staff of the Limited Liability Company "Service of Labor Protection and Certification of Jobs" for mutually beneficial cooperation, conscientious attitude and professionalism, manifestation during work on a special assessment of working conditions at our enterprise.
We express our special gratitude to the experts Komarova Maria Vitalievna and Titor Andrey Gennadievich, who were directly involved in the study and analysis of harmful, dangerous factors in the production environment and the labor process for their serious and thoughtful attitude to work.
We highly appreciated joint work with your company
We wish you and your company success and prosperity,
economic and financial well-being.
We express confidence in maintaining the existing friendly
relations and look forward to further
mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation.
Director of LLC "Usinskoye DRSU" Slasten I.A.

General Director of SOTARM LLC

Dear Andrei Anatolyevich!

Non-governmental institution The editorial office of the newspaper of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia "Soyuznoe Veche" expresses its gratitude to the employees of the company "SOTARM" LLC for the prompt and high-quality work on conducting a special assessment of working conditions, the high level of experts of the organization.
All work was completed on time. Reporting materials are presented in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013 No. No. 426-FZ "On a special assessment of working conditions".
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.


Chief editor L.P. Rakovskaya

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.


In the course of the Special Assessment of Working Conditions (SUT) in our enterprise LLC "Center" Second birth ", competent work of experts, a high level of specialists were noted. We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.

General Director Romanyuk E.V.

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of RB Logistics LLC expresses its gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for the prompt and high-quality work on conducting a special assessment of working conditions. I would like to note the competent work and the high level of the organization's experts.

We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.


General Director A.A. Budkin

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of OPTIKOM Region LLC expresses its gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC, the head of the laboratory Maksemenyuk E.V. for the prompt and high-quality work on conducting a special assessment of working conditions. A favorable impression was made by the willingness of employees to respond quickly to circumstances.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions”.
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.

Best wishes to you and your organization
Art. shift S.N. Sirotkin

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrei Anatolyevich!

We thank the staff of SOTARM LLC for the service of conducting a special assessment of working conditions in our organization. It was very pleasant to feel the efficiency and technically competent attitude to work on the part of the employees of your company during the entire period of our cooperation.
I would like to give a special mention to the chief testing laboratory Elena Valerievna Maksemenyuk and specialist Victoria Biryukova. I thank them for their professionalism and sensitive attitude in resolving all the issues that arose.

We look forward to further cooperation with you and your company.

Mosexpert LLC A.L. Voronin

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of the Central Branch of LLC "Company Metall Profile" expresses gratitude to the employees of the company "SOTARM" LLC for the prompt and high-quality work on conducting a special assessment of working conditions. I would like to note the competent work and the high level of the organization's experts.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions”.
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.

We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.


Branch Director L.A. Mikhailov

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of Brunel Rus LLC expresses its gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for the prompt and high-quality work on conducting a special assessment of working conditions. During the execution of the work, the specialists of SOTARM LLC were attentive to all the needs of our company and quickly found the best solutions to the questions that arose. I would like to note the competent work and the high level of the organization's experts, as well as their conscientious attitude to business.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions”.
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.

We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.

Brunel Rus LLC General Director Andrea Lukkin

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of Leogon Trading LLC expresses its gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for the timely and high-quality work on conducting a special assessment of the pile conditions. I would like to note the competence and literacy of the experts of the organization.
All work was completed on time, and the materials were submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ "On a special assessment of working conditions."
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.

We look forward to successful fruitful work in the future.


Director S.V. Lyulikova

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of GE Project LLC expresses gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for the prompt and high-quality work on conducting a special assessment of working conditions. I would like to note the competent work and the high level of the organization's experts.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions”.
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.

Head of GE Project LLC A.A. Zuikin

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of GBPOU MO "Roshal Technical School" expresses gratitude to the employees of the company "SOTARM" LLC for the prompt and high-quality work on conducting a special assessment of working conditions. I would like to note the competent work and the high level of the organization's experts.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions”.
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.


Director of the technical school V.Yu.Kashlev

General Director of SOTARM LLC
A.A. Minaev

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of JSC "Economic Department of VDNKh" expresses its gratitude to the employees of the company "SOTARM" LLC for the prompt and high-quality work on conducting a special assessment of working conditions and the high level of the organization's experts.
All works were completed on time, the materials were submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On a special assessment of working conditions”.
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.
We look forward to long-term and fruitful work in the future.

Director A.V. Korolev

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrey Anatolyevich!

The management of Ramenskaya Teploset JSC expresses gratitude to the employees of SOTARM LLC for the prompt and high-quality work on conducting a special assessment of working conditions. I would like to note the competent work and the high level of the organization's experts.
All work was completed on time, and the necessary materials were submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of October 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions”.
We are ready to recommend SOTARM LLC as a reliable and obligatory partner working at a high professional level.
We hope for long-term fruitful work in the future.

General Director A.M. Sinitsky

General Director of SOTARM LLC
Minaev A.A.

Dear Andrei Anatolyevich!

The management of JSC "OptiCom" expresses its gratitude to the employees of the company "SOTARM" LLC for the prompt and high-quality work on conducting a special assessment of working conditions.
We note that the results of the work of SOTARM LLC on SOUT provided to us meet the high quality standards in this area.
Separately, I would like to thank the head of the laboratory Maksemenyuk E.V. and employees who performed the work under the contract with high quality and on time, promptly and competently resolved all the issues that arose, both at the stage of the SOUT and after its completion, as well as to note their high level of communication culture with customer representatives, sociability and professionalism.
We wish you and your company new achievements and financial prosperity.

Head of the warehouse complex M.Yu. Chistov

Carrying out certification of workplaces according to working conditions allows the employer to determine how safely the activities of his employees are organized. At present, all employers, with the exception of individuals without the formation of an individual entrepreneur, should carry out this event.

Evaluation of working conditions and certification of workplaces

It should be noted right away that at present, such a concept as “workplace certification” is not used in legislative acts, it was replaced by “special assessment of working conditions” from 01/01/2014. But in everyday life, the phrase “worker certification” is still more often used places."

At their core, these two concepts are identical, and one and the other implies a special set of measures aimed at identifying harmful and dangerous factors in a particular workplace.

Currently, the current law on attestation of workplaces is the Federal Law “On the Special Assessment of Working Conditions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Law).

Certification of workplaces: validity period

The frequency of certification of workplaces is as follows:

  • Scheduled special assessment once every 5 years.
  • Unscheduled as needed.

Unscheduled certification of workplaces can be carried out in the following cases:

  • the emergence of new jobs,
  • an accident or occupational disease due to exposure to hazardous factors,
  • changes in the technological process,
  • order of the GIT inspectors or at the suggestion of the representative body of workers.

For such situations, Article 17 of the Law establishes a deadline of 6 to 12 months for an unscheduled special assessment, depending on the reason that caused it.

Another question that arises for employers who, prior to the entry into force of the Law, had attestation of workplaces: for how many years is such an inspection valid, is it necessary to conduct a special assessment instead? The law states that if there are no prerequisites for an unscheduled assessment, the attestation will be valid for 5 years. That is, if enterprises conducted it before the end of 2013, they need to conduct a special assessment for the first time only in 2018.

Certification of workplaces: who conducts

According to Article 8 of the Law, a special assessment of jobs is organized by the employer with the participation of a company that has the right to carry out such work.

The organization involved has a number of requirements:

  • The list of activities must contain the OKPD code for attestation of workplaces: (according to the classifier OK 034-2014).
  • The company must employ at least 5 certified experts.
  • The structure of the company should include a special accredited laboratory for measurements and samples.

In order to be sure that the company entrusted with the inspection meets the stated requirements, you need to check its presence in a special list, which is located on the ]]> website of the Ministry of Labor ]]> .

How to conduct a workplace assessment yourself

Currently, employers are not entitled to carry out certification of workplaces without the involvement of employees of a company that has the appropriate license. Otherwise, the results of such a special assessment will not be valid.

How is workplace certification carried out?

The procedure for attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions involves the following activities:

  • Issuance of an order for certification, in which a commission and deadlines are appointed.
  • A list of jobs subject to special assessment is determined. Here it is necessary to take into account the frequency of certification of workplaces. Only those places are checked, the period of the previous evaluation of which expires.
  • Direct work is carried out to study the documentation, measurements and sampling.
  • A report is drawn up, which includes an attestation card and a summary sheet. All the activities carried out are entered into them and a conclusion is made about the safety of the workplace with the assignment of a certain class.

The results of the special assessment should be made known to interested employees.

Workplace attestation card for working conditions

This is a consolidated document in which all information about the workplace being checked is entered, and indicate the level (degree) of exposure to certain factors, for example, the level of APFD (in the certification of workplaces, this abbreviation combines all aerosol substances that may be in the air).

Penalty for the lack of certification of workplaces in 2018

If the employer evades the special assessment or violates its procedure, an administrative penalty is imposed on him. The penalty for the lack of attestation of workplaces is charged under paragraph 2 of Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and amounts to:

  • 5000 - 10,000 rubles. for officials and IP.
  • 60,000 - 80,000 rubles. for organizations.

At the same time, the payment of a fine does not relieve the perpetrator of certification.

How to pay for certification and return part of the funds spent on it

As a rule, the question of cost accounting arises with budget organizations, which pays for the certification of jobs. KOSGU (Classification of Public Sector Operations) in this case refers to Article 220 “Payment for works, services” (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 1, 2013 No. 65n).

Another question is how can certification of workplaces be partially compensated? The FSS allows you to pay for it from contributions for "injuries". To do this, you need to submit the appropriate package of documents to the Fund. You can receive funds both for the work already done and for the planned one. The main condition is the absence of debts on insurance premiums.

Certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions includes a set of procedures, measurements and calculations that make it possible to determine how safe a particular workplace is. This procedure should be carried out by all employers with a certain frequency. What are the deadlines for certification of workplaces regulated by Law No. 426-FZ (On conducting a special assessment) . Its types are divided into planned and unscheduled.

According to Article 209 Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 1 (part 1), art. 3; N 30, art. 3014, 3033; 2003, N 27 (part 1), art. 2700; 2004, N 18, 1690; N 35, item 3607; 2005, N 1 (part 1), item 27; N 13, item 1209; N 19, item 1752; 2006, N 27, item 2878; N 41 , item 4285; N 52 (part 1), item 5498; 2007, N 1 (part 1), item 34; N 17, item 1930; N 30, item 3808; N 41, item 4844; N 43, item 5084; N 49, item 6070; 2008, N 9, item 812; N 30 (part 1), item 3613; N 30 (part 2), item 3616; N 52 (part 1), items 6235, 6236; 2009, N 1, items 17, 21; N 19, item 2270; N 29, item 3604; N 30, items 3732, 3739; N 46, 5419; N 48, item 5717; N 50, item 6146; 2010, N 31, item 4196; 52 (part 1), item 7002; 2011, N 1, item 49) and subparagraph 5.2 .65.2. Regulations on the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 N 321 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 28, Art. 2898; 2006, N 19, Art. 2080; 2008, N 11 (part 1), 1036; N 15, item 1555; N 23, item 2713; N 42, item 4825; N 46, item 5337; N 48, item 5618; 2009, N 3; item 378; N 2 , item 244; N 6, item 738; N 12, item 1427, 1434; N 33, item 4083, 4088; N 43, item 5064; N 45, item 5350; 2010, N 4; item 394; N 11, item 1225; N 25, item 316; N 26, item 3350; N 31, item 4251; N 35, item 4574; N 52 (part 1), item 7104; 2011, No. 2, item 339; No. 14, item 1935, 1944), I order:

1. Approve the procedure for attestation of workplaces for working conditions in accordance with the appendix.

2. To put into effect the Procedure for attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions, approved by this order, from September 1, 2011.

3. Carrying out attestation of workplaces for working conditions before the entry into force of this order is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for attestation of workplaces for working conditions, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 31, 2007 N 569 "On approval of the procedure for attestation of workplaces for working conditions labor" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 29, 2007 N 10577). The results of certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions, carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 31, 2007 N 569, are valid until the next certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions.

4. Recognize invalid from September 1, 2011 the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 31, 2007 N 569 "On approval of the procedure for attestation of workplaces for working conditions" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 29, 2007 N 10577).

Minister T. Golikova


The procedure for attestation of workplaces for working conditions

I. General provisions

1. The procedure for attestation of workplaces for working conditions (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) establishes the requirements for attestation of workplaces for working conditions (hereinafter referred to as certification), registration and use of certification results.

The requirements of the Procedure apply to employers - legal entities and individuals (with the exception of employers - individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs) (hereinafter referred to as the employer), as well as to organizations providing services for attestation of workplaces (hereinafter referred to as the attesting organization), regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

2. Certification is carried out in order to assess working conditions in the workplace and identify harmful and (or) dangerous production factors.

3. The results of certification are used for the purposes of:

development and implementation of measures to bring working conditions in line with state regulatory requirements labor protection;

establishment of workers employed in hard work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions, reduced working hours, annual additional paid leave, increased wages;

informing employees about working conditions in the workplace, about the existing risk of damage to health, about measures to protect against exposure to harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and relying on employees engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special conditions labor, compensation;

monitoring the state of working conditions in the workplace;

occupational risk assessment;

providing employees with personal protective equipment that has passed mandatory certification or declaration of conformity, as well as collective protective equipment;

training statistical reporting on working conditions and compensation for work in harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions;

confirmation of compliance of the organization of work on labor protection with state regulatory requirements for labor protection;

preparation of contingents and a list of names of persons subject to mandatory preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic (during labor activity) medical examinations (examinations) of employees;

calculation of discounts (surcharges) to the insurance rate in the system of compulsory social insurance of employees against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

resolving the issue of the relationship of the disease with the profession in case of suspicion of an occupational disease, as well as in establishing the diagnosis of an occupational disease;

consideration of issues and disagreements related to ensuring safe working conditions for employees;

sanitary and medical support for employees in accordance with the requirements of labor protection;

substantiation of labor restrictions for certain categories of workers;

bringing the names of positions (professions) into line with the names indicated in the All-Russian Classifier of Professions of Workers, Positions of Employees and tariff categories;

justification for planning and financing measures to improve working conditions and labor protection at the employer, including at the expense of funds for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

collection and processing of information on the state of conditions and labor protection of employers.

4. All workplaces of the employer are subject to certification.

5. The attestation commission, created by the employer and functioning in accordance with Section II of the Procedure, has the right to make a reasoned decision not to measure and evaluate the factors of the working environment and the labor process (hereinafter referred to as measurements and assessments), if the implementation of these measurements and assessments threatens the safety of employees when performing by them of the main work or specialists of the certifying organization performing measurements and assessments. The said reasoned decision shall be drawn up in writing and signed by the members of the attestation commission and is attached to the certification materials.

If a decision is made not to carry out measurements and assessments, the working conditions at these workplaces are classified as hazardous working conditions.

6. Responsibilities for ensuring the certification are assigned to the employer1.

Certification is carried out jointly by the employer and the certification organization involved by the employer to perform certification work on the basis of a civil law contract.

Certifying organization - entity accredited in accordance with the established procedure2 as an organization providing attestation services and performing, on the basis of a civil law contract with an employer, measurements and assessments, as well as an assessment of the compliance of working conditions with state regulatory requirements for labor protection, carried out in accordance with section III Order, registration and preparation of the certification report.

The attesting organization must be an independent person in relation to the employer, at whose workplaces this attesting organization conducts attestation.

The employer has the right to attract several certification organizations to perform certification work. At the same time, certification work can be distributed between certification organizations both by the number of workplaces subject to certification, and by the types of work performed at these workplaces.

7. When conducting certification, the employer has the right to demand from the certification organization:

documentary confirmation of accreditation for the right to provide services in the field of labor protection in terms of certification of workplaces by providing a notification (copy of the notification) on the inclusion of the attesting organization in the register of organizations providing services in the field of labor protection;

carrying out measurements and assessments in accordance with the current regulatory legal acts.

During certification, the employer must:

assist the certifying organization in the timely and complete conduct of certification, provide the necessary information and documentation, provide oral and written explanations at the request of the certifying organization on issues related to the purposes of certification, and also request information necessary for certification from third parties;

not take deliberate actions aimed at narrowing the range of issues to be analyzed and assessed during certification, as well as at hiding (restricting access) to information and documentation on issues related to the goals of certification requested by the certification organization;

not to approve the attestation report containing the documents specified in paragraph 44 of Section V of the Procedure, not signed by representatives of the attesting organization that are members of the attestation commission.

During certification, the certifying organization:

determines the methods for carrying out measurements and assessments on the basis of the current regulatory legal acts and this Procedure, as well as the quantitative and personal composition of specialists conducting measurements and assessments;

examines in full the documentation related to the organization of work to ensure the requirements of labor protection at the employer, at whose workplace certification is carried out;

requests and receives from the employer (his representative) clarifications on issues that have arisen during the certification;

refuses to conduct certification in case of failure by the employer necessary documentation or the refusal of the employer to provide the conditions required by regulatory documentation for measurements and assessments.

When carrying out attestation, the attesting organization is obliged to provide, at the request of the employer, justifications for the conclusions made by the attesting organization based on the results of attestation.

8. The timing of certification is established by the employer based on the fact that each workplace must be certified at least once every five years.

The specified period is counted from the date of completion of the previous certification.

The start date of the next certification is the date of issuance of the employer's order on the approval of the composition of the certification commission and the certification schedule.

Certification of newly organized workplaces must be started no later than 60 working days after they are put into operation.

II. The procedure for preparing for the certification of workplaces for working conditions

9. To organize and conduct certification, the employer creates an certification commission, and also determines the schedule for the certification work.

10. The certification commission includes representatives of the employer, a labor protection specialist, representatives of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other representative body of workers, representatives of the certification organization.

Managers may be included in the attestation commission as representatives of the employer. structural divisions organizations, lawyers, human resources specialists, labor and wages, the main specialists of the organization, medical workers and other workers.

When carrying out certification in organizations classified in accordance with the current legislation as micro-enterprises and small businesses, the certification commission includes the employer (his representative), representatives of the certification organization, representatives of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other representative body of employees (if any), representatives organizations or a specialist engaged by the employer under a civil law contract to carry out the functions of the labor protection service (labor protection specialist).

The certification committee is headed by a representative of the employer.

11. The composition of the attestation commission, as well as the schedule for the attestation work, are approved by order of the employer.

12. Attestation commission:

carries out management and control over the certification at all its stages;

forms a set of regulatory legal and local regulations, organizational, administrative and methodological documents necessary for attestation, and organizes their study;

draws up a list of jobs subject to certification, a sample of which is provided for in Appendix No. 1 to the Procedure, with the allocation of similar jobs3 and an indication of the factors of the working environment and the labor process, the risk of injury and the provision of the employee with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment (hereinafter referred to as PPE) , which need to be measured and evaluated based on the characteristics technological process, composition production equipment, used raw materials and materials, the results of previous measurements of indicators of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, the requirements of regulatory legal acts, as well as the places where these measurements were taken;

prepares proposals to bring the names of professions and positions of employees in line with the requirements of the Unified Tariff qualification handbook jobs and professions of workers and the Unified Qualification Directory for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees4;

assigns a number to each workplace5;

fills in and signs attestation cards;

prepares proposals (if necessary) on introducing amendments and (or) additions to the employment contract in terms of the employer's obligation to provide the employee with PPE, establish an appropriate work and rest regime, as well as other guarantees and compensations established by law for working with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions;

based on the results of certification, develops an action plan to bring working conditions in line with state regulatory requirements for labor protection6.

III. The procedure for assessing the compliance of working conditions with state regulatory requirements for labor protection

Assessment of compliance of working conditions with state regulatory requirements for labor protection

13. Assessment of compliance of working conditions with state regulatory requirements for labor protection includes:

assessment of compliance of working conditions with hygienic standards;

assessment of the injury risk of workplaces;

assessment of the provision of employees with PPE;

a comprehensive assessment of working conditions in the workplace.

Assessment of compliance of working conditions with hygienic standards

14. Assessment of the compliance of working conditions with hygienic standards is carried out by specialists of the certification organization.

15. During certification, all factors of the production environment and labor process available at the workplace, characteristic of the technological process and equipment used at this workplace, are subject to assessment.

The list of factors of the working environment and the labor process to be assessed is formed on the basis of state regulatory requirements for labor protection, the characteristics of the technological process and production equipment, the raw materials and materials used, the results of previous measurements of indicators of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, as well as suggestions from employees .

16. Assessment of the compliance of working conditions with hygienic standards is carried out by instrumental measurements and assessments of the levels of factors of the production environment and the labor process in the course of the implementation of regular production (technological) processes and (or) regular activities of the organization.

When carrying out the assessment, the measurement methods provided for by the current regulatory enactments, as well as the measuring instruments verified in the prescribed manner, must be used.

17. Assessment of compliance of working conditions with hygienic standards is carried out in accordance with the criteria for assessing and classifying working conditions.

18. Measurements and assessments are drawn up in a protocol. Measurement and assessment protocols are drawn up for each factor to be assessed.

The protocol must contain the following information:

full or abbreviated name of the employer;

the actual address of the location of the employer;

identification number of the protocol7;

the name of the workplace, as well as the profession, position of the employee employed at this workplace, according to All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and wage categories (hereinafter - OK 016-94);

date of measurements and assessments (their individual indicators);

name of the structural unit of the employer (if any);

the name of the certifying organization, information about its accreditation (registration number in the register of accredited organizations providing services in the field of labor protection, and the date of entry into the register), as well as information about the accreditation of the testing laboratory of the certifying organization (date and number of the accreditation certificate);

name of the measured factor;

information about the measuring instruments used (name of the device, tool, serial number, validity period and number of the verification certificate);

methods for carrying out measurements and assessments, indicating the regulatory documents on the basis of which these measurements and assessments are carried out;

details of regulatory legal acts (name of the type of act, name of the body that issued it, its name, number and date of signing) regulating maximum allowable concentrations (hereinafter referred to as MAC), maximum allowable levels (hereinafter referred to as MPC), as well as standard levels of the measured factor;

place of measurements, indicating the name of the workplace in accordance with the list of workplaces subject to certification, with the application, if necessary, of a sketch of the room in which measurements are taken, indicating the location of the equipment and drawing on it the point (s) of measurements (sampling);

normative and actual value of the level of the measured factor and the duration of its impact at all measurement sites;

class of working conditions for this factor;

conclusion on the actual level of the factor at all measurement sites, the final class of working conditions for this factor.

For each factor or group of factors, measurement and assessment protocols are drawn up for a separate workplace, which are an integral part of the Workplace Certification Card for working conditions (hereinafter referred to as the Card), the sample form of which is provided for in Appendix No. 2 to the Procedure, and Recommendations for filling out the Workplace Certification Card on working conditions - Appendix N 3 to the Order. At the same time, in the upper right corner of the protocols, the inscription "to line 030" is made. It is allowed to register the results of measurements and assessments for one specific factor or group of factors in one summary protocol for a group of workplaces. In this case (in the case of drawing up a protocol for measurement points), the names of workplaces (professions, positions), the duration of exposure to production factors, classes of working conditions and a conclusion on the actual levels of factors may not be included in the consolidated protocol. In this case, the table of the actual state of working conditions is additionally filled in the Map.

19. The protocol of measurements and assessments is signed by the specialists of the certifying organization who carried out them, as well as by the responsible official of the certifying organization and certified by the seal of the certifying organization.

Workplace injury risk assessment

20. Assessment of the injury risk of workplaces is carried out by specialists of the certification organization.

21. The objects of assessment of the injury risk of workplaces are:

production equipment;

fixtures and tools used in the implementation of technological processes;

Compliance of employee training on labor protection with the established requirements8.

22. The assessment of the injury hazard of workplaces is carried out for the compliance of the objects specified in clause 21 of the Procedure with labor protection requirements, failure to comply with which may lead to injury to workers, including:

requirements for protection against mechanical impacts;

requirements for protection against the effects of electric current;

requirements for protection against exposure to high or low temperatures;

requirements for protection against toxic effects of chemicals.

23. When assessing the injury hazard of production equipment, the presence and compliance with regulatory requirements is checked:

set of operational documentation;

means of protecting workers from the impact of moving parts of production equipment, as well as flying objects;

fencing of elements of production equipment, the damage of which is associated with the occurrence of danger, including the presence of clamps, interlocks, sealing and other elements;

signal coloring and safety signs;

signaling devices for violations of the normal functioning of production equipment, means of emergency stop, including the presence of devices that make it possible to exclude the occurrence of dangerous situations in the event of a complete or partial interruption of power supply and its subsequent restoration, as well as damage to the power supply control circuit (spontaneous start-up upon restoration of power supply, failure to execute an already issued command to stop );

protection of electrical equipment, electrical wiring from various kinds of influences.

24. Assessment of the injury risk of production equipment is carried out by analyzing technical documentation containing safety requirements for the performance of work, external inspection of production equipment during normal operation for compliance with its condition with the requirements of current regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

25. The assessment of the injury risk of tools and devices is carried out by external examination and verification of the compliance of their condition with the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

26. When assessing the injury hazard of production equipment, as well as tools and fixtures, the availability of certificates or declarations of compliance with safety requirements may also be checked.

27. The results of the assessment of the injury risk of the workplace are documented in the protocol for assessing the injury risk of the workplace, a sample of which is provided in Appendix No. 4 to the Procedure.

When assessing the injury hazard of workplaces that have facilities controlled by federal executive authorities authorized to conduct state supervision and control in the established field of activity, the protocols for assessing the injury hazard of workplaces should additionally indicate the presence of the necessary permits for the commissioning of production equipment and (or) its individual components. parts into operation, passing technical examinations.

The protocol for assessing the injury hazard of the workplace is signed by the specialists of the certifying organization who carried out the assessment, as well as by the responsible official of the certifying organization and certified by the seal of the certifying organization.

28. According to the results of the injury risk assessment, working conditions are classified as follows:

1 class of injury risk - optimal (no non-compliance with labor protection requirements has been identified at the workplace; work related to the repair of production equipment, buildings and structures, high-risk work and other work requiring special training in labor protection, or there is no production equipment and tool)

2nd class of injury risk - acceptable (at the workplace, not a single non-compliance with labor protection requirements has been identified; work is being carried out related to the repair of production equipment, buildings and structures, high-risk work and other work requiring special training in labor protection; production equipment is operated with an exceeded service life (depleted resource), however, this is not prohibited by special safety requirements for this equipment; damage and (or) malfunctions of protective equipment have been identified that do not reduce their protective functions);

3rd class of injury hazard - dangerous (one or more non-compliance with labor protection requirements was revealed at the workplace).

Assessment of the provision of workers with special clothing, special footwear and other means

personal protection

29. The assessment of the provision of PPE employees is carried out by specialists of the certification organization.

30. An assessment of the provision of PPE employees is carried out if there are results of an assessment of the compliance of working conditions with hygienic standards and an assessment of the injury risk of the workplace.

31. The assessment of the provision of PPE employees is carried out through the consistent implementation of the following procedures:

comparison of the range of actually issued PPE with the corresponding standard norms for the free issue of PPE to employees;

checking the availability of certificates (declarations) of compliance with PPE issued to employees;

verification of the established procedure for providing employees with PPE9;

assessing the compliance of the issued PPE with the actual state of working conditions at the workplace.

32. The assessment of the provision of PPE workers at the workplace is documented by a protocol for assessing the provision of PPE workers at the workplace, a sample of which is provided for in Appendix No. 5 to the Procedure, except for cases when the issuance of PPE is not provided for by the standard norms for the free issue of PPE to employees and is not required by the actual state of conditions labor.

33. When assessing the availability of PPE for employees, an additional assessment of the effectiveness of the PPE issued to the employee10 can be carried out.

34. The workplace is considered to meet the requirements for the provision of employees with PPE, subject to the requirements of this section of the Procedure. In the presence of one or more non-compliances, the workplace is considered not to meet the requirements for providing employees with PPE.

35. The protocol for assessing the provision of workers with PPE at the workplace is signed by the specialists of the certification organization who conducted the assessment, as well as the responsible officer of the certification organization and is certified by the seal of the certification organization.

Comprehensive assessment of the state of working conditions at the workplace

36. A comprehensive assessment of the state of working conditions at the workplace includes the results of assessments:

a class (subclass) of working conditions established based on the results of an assessment of the compliance of working conditions with hygienic standards;

class of working conditions according to injury risk;

provision of workers with PPE.

37. If the working conditions at the workplace comply with hygienic standards, if the assessment of the injury risk of the workplace does not reveal non-compliance with the requirements of labor protection and the compliance of the workplace with the requirements for the provision of workers with PPE, the workplace is recognized as certified with a comprehensive assessment of working conditions "complies with state regulatory requirements for labor protection".

38. If the working conditions at the workplace do not comply with hygienic standards and (or) when assessing the injury risk of the workplace, the workplace does not meet the requirements of labor protection, and (or) does not meet the requirements for providing employees with PPE, the workplace is recognized as certified with a comprehensive assessment of working conditions "does not comply with state normative requirements of labor protection".

39. When classifying working conditions at the workplace as hazardous working conditions, the employer immediately develops and implements a set of measures aimed at reducing the level of exposure to hazardous factors in the working environment and the labor process or at reducing the time of their exposure.

IV. Features of certification certain types work places

40. Assessment of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors at similar workplaces is made on the basis of data obtained during the certification of 20% of such workplaces from the total number of workplaces (but not less than two).

If at least one job that does not meet the criteria of similarity is identified, 100% of these jobs are evaluated. After this assessment, a new list of jobs is determined, taking into account the results of measurements and assessments. For similar jobs, one job attestation card for working conditions is filled out, a sample of which is provided for in Appendix No. 2 to the Procedure.

Working conditions and measures to improve them, established for at least one workplace out of 20% of similar workplaces, are the same for all similar workplaces.

41. Certification with territorially changing working areas (hereinafter referred to as non-stationary jobs), where working area a part of the workplace is considered to be equipped with the necessary means of production, in which one or more workers perform work or an operation of a similar nature, is carried out by preliminary determination of typical technological operations with a stable set and magnitude of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and subsequent evaluation of these operations. The execution time of each operation is determined by an expert (based on local regulations), by interviewing employees and their immediate supervisors.

42. When performing work at the workplace that is not contained in qualification characteristic a specific profession (position), but included by the order of the employer or employment contract in the official duties of an employee of this profession (position), all types of work performed by the employee at this workplace are subject to assessment.

43. Peculiarities of attestation are established by the local normative act employer, developed on the basis of the Procedure, agreed with the primary trade union organization or other representative body of the employee.

V. The procedure for processing the results of attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions

44. The results of the attestation are drawn up by the attestation commission in the form of an attestation report, to which are attached:

an order to create an attestation commission and approve the schedule for the attestation work;

a list of jobs subject to certification in terms of working conditions, a sample of which is provided for in Appendix No. 1 to the Procedure;

workplace attestation cards for working conditions, a sample of which is provided for in Appendix No. 2 to the Procedure, drawn up in accordance with the Recommendations for filling out a workplace attestation card for working conditions in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to the Procedure, with protocols of measurements and assessments;

a summary sheet of the results of attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions, a sample of which is provided for in Appendix No. 6 to the Procedure;

a summary table of classes of working conditions established based on the results of attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions, compensations that must be established in this regard for employees, a sample of which is provided for in Appendix No. 7 to the Procedure;

an action plan to improve and improve working conditions11, a sample of which is provided for in Appendix No. 8 to the Procedure;

minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission based on the results of attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions (final), a sample of which is provided for in Appendix No. 9 to the Procedure;

information about the certifying organization, a sample of which is provided for in Appendix No. 10 to the Procedure, with a copy of the documents for the right to carry out measurements and assessments by the certifying organization (accreditation certificate with an appendix establishing the scope of accreditation of the testing laboratory; copies of the notice of inclusion in the register of accredited organizations providing services for attestations);

minutes of meetings of the attestation commission;

conclusion(s) based on the results of the state examination of working conditions (if any);

order (s) of officials on the identified violations of the Procedure (if any).

The attestation commission considers the attestation report within ten calendar days from the date of its receipt, signs the minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission based on the results of attestation of workplaces for working conditions (final) and transfers it along with the attestation report to the employer (his representative).

The employer, within ten working days from the date of receipt of the specified protocol and the attestation report, signs an order to complete the attestation and approve the attestation report, and also acquaints the employee with the results of the attestation of his workplace against signature.

45. After the certification, the employer, within 10 calendar days from the date of issuance of the order to complete the certification and approve the certification report on paper and electronic media, sends a summary sheet of the results of certification of workplaces for working conditions, as well as information about the certification organization to the state labor inspectorate in subject of the Russian Federation.

46. ​​The documents specified in paragraph 45 of the Procedure, on electronic media, are transferred in the prescribed manner by the certifying organization to the federal system for collecting, processing and storing data.

Certification reports are kept by the employer within the time limits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The place and order of storage of reports is determined by the employer.

VI. The procedure for conducting unscheduled certification of workplaces for working conditions

47. Unscheduled certification is carried out:

in case of commissioning of newly organized workplaces;

according to the results of the state examination of working conditions, conducted in order to assess the quality of certification.

48. The employer is obliged to conduct an unscheduled certification also in the following cases:

implementation of measures to bring working conditions in line with state regulatory requirements for labor protection, as well as measures to improve working conditions;

replacement of production equipment;

technological process changes;

changes in the means of collective protection.

49. The results of unscheduled certification are drawn up in accordance with paragraphs 44 - 46 of the Procedure. At the same time, a new attestation card is issued for each workplace, taking into account changes and additions.

50. In the case of the commissioning of newly organized workplaces, the assessment of the factors of the production environment and the labor process, the assessment of the injury hazard of the workplace and the provision of workers with PPE are carried out in full in accordance with the Procedure.

51. In the event that, based on the results of the state examination of working conditions, conducted in order to assess the quality of certification, non-compliance of certification materials with state regulatory requirements, the certification commission develops and implements a set of measures to bring the certification materials in line with the expert opinion.

VII. Final provisions

52. Responsibility for the certification, reliability and completeness of the provision of information to the state labor inspectorate in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation rests with the employer. Responsibility for the reliability of measurements and assessments rests with the employer and the certifying organization.

53. State supervision and control over compliance by the employer with this Procedure is carried out by the federal executive body authorized to conduct supervision and control over compliance labor law and other regulatory legal acts containing norms labor law, and its territorial bodies (state labor inspectorates in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation).

54. State examination working conditions in order to assess the quality of certification is carried out by the federal executive body authorized to conduct state supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, and by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection in the manner prescribed by law .

55. Control over compliance by employers with the Procedure in subordinate organizations is carried out in accordance with Articles 353 and 370 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and bodies local government, as well as trade unions, their associations and technical labor inspectors under their jurisdiction and authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection.

1 Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2002, N 1 (part 1), art. 3; 2004, N 35, art. 3607; 2006, N 27, art. 2878; 2008, N 30 ( part 1), article 3613; 2009, N 1, article 21).

2 Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 1, 2010 N 205n "On approval of the list of services in the field of labor protection, the provision of which requires accreditation, and the Rules for the accreditation of organizations providing services in the field of labor protection" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 29, 2010 N 17648), as amended by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated September 10, 2010 N 794n "On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 1, 2010 N 205n" On approval of the list of services in the field of labor protection, for the provision of which accreditation is required, and rules for accreditation of organizations providing services in the field of labor protection" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 4, 2010 N 18605).

3 Similar jobs for the purposes of the Procedure are jobs that are characterized by a combination of the following features: professions or positions of the same name; performing the same professional duties when conducting the same type of technological process in the same mode of operation; use of the same type of production equipment, tools, fixtures, materials and raw materials; work in one or more similar premises or outdoors; use of the same type of ventilation, air conditioning, heating and lighting systems; the same location of objects (production equipment, vehicles, etc.) in the workplace; the same set of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors of the same class and degree; equal provision of personal protective equipment.

4 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2002 N 787 "On the procedure for approving the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers, the Unified Qualification Guide for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 44, art. 4399; 2003, N 52 (part.

2), Art. 5066).

5 Each workplace is assigned a unique serial number (no more than 8 characters: from 1 to 99 999 999).

6 The action plan to bring working conditions in line with the state regulatory requirements for labor protection indicates the sources of financing for measures, the timing of their implementation, performers and eliminated harmful and (or) hazardous production factors for specific jobs.

7 The protocol identification number must be unique for a given workplace. The protocol coding system is determined by the certifying organization.

8 Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 N 1/29 "On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 12, 2003 N 4209).

9 Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of June 1, 2009 N 290n "On approval of the Intersectoral Rules for Providing Workers with Special Clothing, Special Footwear and Other Personal Protective Equipment" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 10, 2009 N 14742), as amended by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated January 27, 2010 N 28n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 1, 2010, N 16530).

10 The effectiveness of the PPE issued to the employee is confirmed by the fulfillment of the requirements of labor safety standards, which define a set of measures to ensure the effective use of PPE in the workplace.

11 The action plan for improving and improving working conditions is signed by the chairman of the attestation commission and, after agreement with the labor protection committee (commission), trade union or other representative body authorized by employees, is submitted to the employer for approval.

Appendix N 3 to the Procedure

1. The Workplace Appraisal Card for working conditions (hereinafter referred to as the Card) is a document containing information about the actual working conditions at the workplace, applied compensation, as well as recommendations for improving and improving working conditions at a given workplace or a group of similar workplaces.

2. For all similar workplaces of the same name, one card is drawn up for the first workplace from the list of similar places.

3. When filling out the card, indicate:

1) in the address part - the full name, actual and legal address of the employer, last name, first name, patronymic of the head, telephone, fax, address Email, TIN of the organization, organization code according to OKPO, body code state power according to OKOGU, species code economic activity according to OKVED and the code of the territory according to OKATO;

2) in the interlinear "name of the profession (position) of the employee" - the profession (position) of the employee in accordance with the organization's staffing table approved by the employer. Codes of professions (positions) of employees are filled in in accordance with OK 016-94. The profession (position) code may contain an additional facet indicating that given profession(position) is a derivative.

In the absence of a profession (position) in OK-016-94, in the subline of the line "code according to OK-016-94" the entry is made: "None".

To the name of the profession (position) it is allowed to add clarifying information in brackets to facilitate the identification of the workplace;

3) in the line "Name of the structural unit" - the name of the structural unit, which is filled in in accordance with the naming system available to the employer. If the employer does not have structural divisions, a record is made - "Absent";

4) in the line "Number and numbers of similar jobs ("PM")" - the number of similar jobs, including the job for which the Card is filled out. The numbers of workplaces must correspond to the numbers given in the list of workplaces;

5) in line 010 - the number and name of the issue of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS), as well as the name of the section of the Unified Qualification Handbook for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees (EKS);

6) in line 020 - the number of employees staffing or actual number employees for the month preceding the completion of the Card, including women and persons under 18 years of age;

7) in line 021 - a list of equipment, materials and raw materials used at the workplace;

8) in line 030 - information on the assessment of working conditions (based on the results of the assessment of working conditions in terms of the degree of harmfulness and danger of factors in the working environment and the labor process, in terms of injury risk, in terms of the provision of workers with PPE):

in the table to subparagraph "a" "according to the degree of harmfulness and danger of factors of the working environment and the labor process":

In the column "Name of the factors of the working environment and the labor process" the factors of the working environment (chemical, biological, physical) and the labor process (severity, tension) are indicated;

The column "Class of working conditions" contains the final assessments of the factors of the production environment and the labor process inherent in the corresponding workplace from the relevant protocols of instrumental measurements.

With the effective use of personal protective equipment, an assessment of the factors of the working environment (chemical, biological, physical) and the labor process (severity, tension) is indicated, taking into account the use of effective PPE that meets the requirements state standards, defining methods for assessing the effectiveness of the use of PPE.

In the subline "Work is performed in special working conditions or work is performed in special working conditions associated with the presence of emergency situations", the entry "yes" is made if work is performed at the workplace in special working conditions or work is performed at the workplace in special working conditions, associated with the presence of emergency situations, the entry "no" - if the above work is not performed;

in the interlinear subparagraph "b" "in terms of injury risk" the class of injury risk from the protocol for assessing the injury risk of workplaces is indicated;

in the interlinear of subparagraph "c" "on the provision of PPE" the assessment from the protocol for assessing the provision of workers with PPE at the workplace is indicated - whether they correspond or do not correspond to the requirements for the provision of workers with PPE;

9) in line 040 - information on compensation to employees for hard work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions.

The table indicates the actual data and data on the need to provide compensation based on the results of the assessment of working conditions with the appropriate justification:

in the column "Types of compensation" the name of the compensation provided to employees employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions is indicated;

the column "Actual Availability" shows the actual size of the increase in wages, annual additional paid leave, working hours (if any), and also reflects the fact of the issuance of milk or other equivalent food products("yes" or "no") to employees engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions; in the absence of compensation, the entry "no" is made;

the column "Based on the results of the assessment of working conditions" provides data on the need to establish compensation for employees employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as the basis for providing compensation:

The first tier "need to establish compensation" of the column reflects the need to provide appropriate compensation and an entry "yes" or "no" is made;

In the second tier "base" of the column, the relevant current regulatory legal acts are indicated with reference to sections, chapters, articles, paragraphs, in their absence, the entry "absent" is made.

Compensation established by the current regulatory legal acts certain categories employees, as well as when performing certain types of work that take into account the specifics of the working conditions of such work, including in areas with special climatic conditions, are retained by the employee regardless of the actual assessment of working conditions and are entered in line 040;

10) in line 041 - information about the right to early appointment of a labor pension, the entry "no" or "yes" is made indicating the chapter, article, paragraph of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, N 52 (part 1.), Art. 4920; 2002, N 30, Art. 3033; 2003, N 1, Art. 13; 2004, N 27, Art. 2711; N 35, item 3607; 2005, N 8, item 605; 2006, N 23, item 2377, 2384; 2007, N 40, item 4711; N 45, item 5421; N 49, item 6073; 2008 , N 18, item 1942; N 30 (part 1), items 3602, 3612; N 52 (part 1), item 6224; 2009, N 1, item 27; N 18 (part 1) 2152; N 26, item 3128; N 29, item 3265; N 30, item 3739; N 52 (part 1), item 6454; 2010, N 31, item 4196) and normative legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

If the right to preferential pension provision is established by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of January 26, 1991 N 10 "On approval of the lists of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators giving the right to preferential pension provision" (Collection of Resolutions of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1991, N 21-22, article 85; N 25-26, article 100), then the list number, type of production, type of work, profession (position) code in the list are indicated;

11) in line 050 - information on the need for medical examinations, indicating the relevant regulatory legal acts with reference to sections, chapters, articles or paragraphs, if necessary, conducting these examinations;

13) in line 070 - the conclusion of the attestation commission based on the results of attestation of this workplace.

The card is signed by the chairman, members of the attestation commission indicating their position. The card is also signed by employees working at this workplace.

Why do you need job certification? Certification of workplaces for working conditions is an assessment of working conditions at workplaces, which is carried out to identify harmful or dangerous production factors and bring working conditions in line with state regulatory requirements for labor protection. The established classes (subclasses) of working conditions affect not only the amount of additional contributions to the PFR, but also the amount of guarantees and compensations provided to employees in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Since 01/01/2014, the concept of "attestation of workplaces" has been replaced by the term "special assessment of working conditions" or "special assessment of working conditions". And if earlier the issues of attestation of workplaces were regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of April 26, 2011 No. 342n, now the special assessment is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ.

But given that the attestation of workplaces and their special assessment are essentially the same, despite the replacement of the term “attestation” by the term “special assessment” in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, these concepts are often still used as equivalent. As synonymous concepts "special assessment" and "certification" will be used in our consultation.

Is job certification required or not?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that the employer is obliged to ensure a special assessment of working conditions in accordance with the legislation on special assessment (part 2 of article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, a special assessment is mandatory for the workplaces of all employees, except (part 3 of article 3 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ):

  • homeworkers;
  • remote workers;
  • employees who have entered labor Relations with employers-natural persons who are not individual entrepreneurs.

Absolutely all employers are required to conduct a special assessment before December 31, 2018 (part 4 of article 8, part 6 of article 27 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ).

If before 01.01.2014 the employer carried out certification of workplaces according to the old rules, he may not conduct a special assessment of working conditions in relation to such workplaces within 5 years from the date of completion of the last certification (part 4 of article 27 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426 -FZ). This rule does not apply to cases where the employer has an obligation to conduct an unscheduled special assessment (for example, when newly organized workplaces are commissioned, upon receipt of an order from the state labor inspector, or when replacing production equipment that may affect the level of exposure to harmful or hazardous factors) ( article 17 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ).

We talked in more detail about the procedure for assessing working conditions and attesting jobs in a separate one.

Job attestation: how many years is valid?

In general, a special assessment of working conditions at the workplace is carried out at least once every 5 years. Such a period is calculated from the date of approval of the report on the special assessment (part 4 of article 8 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ). Thus, the period of validity of the attestation (special assessment) of jobs according to general rule is 5 years.

Penalty for the lack of certification of workplaces 2018

Violation of the procedure for conducting a special assessment of working conditions or its failure to conduct (part 2 of article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • a warning or a fine on officials from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles;
  • a fine on the employer-individual entrepreneur from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles;
  • a fine on the employer-organization from 60,000 rubles to 80,000 rubles.