Restoration of additional leave in psychiatry by court order. The procedure for issuing additional vacations for medical workers. How are holidays calculated?

  • 12.12.2019
  • Additional leave for medical workers

1. I am a psychologist, I have a higher pedagogical education, now I got a job in a medical institution, a clinical psychologist is needed there, on my own initiative I entered additional education-clinical psychologist. Am I entitled to study leave with the preservation of wages, or I need to take a vacation for 2 weeks at my own expense, a call certificate is provided, educational institution accredited. Thank you in advance!

1.1. If the employer is ready to conclude an educational contract with you and pay the average wages, travel allowances, to compensate for the rental of housing - this is the right of the employer.
If this is your first education, then the certificate-call will be the basis for you to be granted study leave, and in other cases - at the discretion of the employer.

2. I work as a psychologist in narcology, I do not have a medical psychologist education, but I went for additional education in the specialty of clinical (medical) psychologist, is the employer obliged to provide educational paid leave while maintaining the average salary.

2.1. I understand that you have a higher education?

2.2. ---Hello dear visitor, of course not, it's your choice, not the employer's. Good luck and all the best, with respect lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

2.3. Guarantees and compensations for employees who combine work with education are provided upon receiving an education of the appropriate level for the first time.
Those. if this is the second higher education, then the employer is not obliged.

3. What additional leave is due to a medical psychologist in the palliative care department of a hospital.

3.1. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 8, 1993 N 133 "On additional leave for work with harmful conditions work of medical and other personnel involved in the provision of psychiatric care" establishes an additional leave of 30 working days for psychologists and physiologists who work directly with mental patients.

3.2. Hello! In accordance with the Government Decree of 2013, a Table for the provision of additional holidays has been developed. Medical psychologist ((from the category medical workers involved in the provision of psychiatric care) is entitled to an additional leave of 35 days. Good luck and good!

4. On the basis of what document it is possible to give additional leave to a medical psychologist.

5. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.06.2013 N 482 “On the duration of the annual additional paid leave for work with harmful and (or) hazardous conditions labor provided certain categories employees” in the vacation section The medical psychologist of the HIV infection office is entitled to 14 additional days, but when the institution conducted a special assessment of working conditions in the hospital, then the medical. instead of 14 days, the psychologist was left with only 7 days for vacation. Is it legal?

5.1. For this you need to look.
Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of October 25, 1974 N 298 / P-22
(as amended on 05/29/1991)
"On approval of the List of industries, workshops, professions and positions with harmful working conditions, work in which gives the right to additional leave and a shorter working day"

6. What is the length of leave (basic, additional) for a medical psychologist?

6.1. Hello Svetlana!
Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the main vacation, lasting 28 calendar days. Also, Article 350 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that certain categories of medical workers may be granted additional annual paid leave. The duration of additional leave is determined by the Government Russian Federation.Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 08.07.1993 N 133 "On additional leave for work with harmful working conditions of medical and other personnel involved in the provision of psychiatric care" establishes additional leave for work with harmful working conditions lasting 30 working days for psychologists and physiologists directly and completely working day - for those working with the mentally ill, for medical directors (with irregular working hours) of psychiatric (psycho-neurological), neurosurgical, narcological treatment and prevention institutions, departments, wards and offices, homes for the disabled (departments) for the mentally ill and their deputies, as well as chief psychiatrists of health authorities directly involved in the provision of psychiatric care.

And hazardous to health work, periods of additional leave were retained. The amount of such paid vacation periods is established by government regulation number 482, issued in July 2013.

These changes are relevant for all healthcare organizations without exception., but they relate to professions included in a special list, characterized by special working conditions for workers.

According to Article 116 of the Labor Code, additional vacation periods are provided only to some specialists and their general list is rather small. So, :

  • employees forced by the nature of their service to be in harmful conditions;
  • people employed in special, specific jobs;
  • persons forced to engage in irregular labor activity;
  • workers of regions characterized by harsh conditions of the local climate;
  • employees who are granted such leave by decision of the management of a particular enterprise.

As can be seen from the list, some preferential categories are established according to territorial features or regime labor activity.

In the case of medical workers, preferential accrual of additional vacation days caused by the nature of the work or the content of the work, directly related to professional activity.

For such employees, the size of the well-deserved annual leave is regulated on the basis of Article 118 of the Labor Code. However, this law does not provide an exact list of specialists. But at the same time, he specifies the minimum values ​​for the additional vacation period. They are three days and are relevant for nurses and family doctors (therapists) who are at least three years old.

As for persons involved in specific work, characterized by harmfulness of the second, third and fourth categories (according to Article 117 of the Labor Code), they are credited with at least seven days of additional leave.

And for some employees, additional leave is established in accordance with the regulations in force in a particular industry. For example, this applies to the field of psychiatry and the provision of medical care in this area (according to the Federal Law under the number 3185-1). At the same time, according to government decree number 482, the duration of the vacation period is directly related to the position held. For example, for doctors, the additional period is thirty-five days, and for nurses, twenty-eight.

Characteristically, employees of the veterinary industry involved in the fight against tuberculosis infection also have a special status (according to Federal Law number 77).

Also, similar benefits apply to employees of enterprises, due to their work activities, related to the processing or storage of livestock products, including those infected with tuberculosis bacillus. For them, the vacation period is extended by two to three weeks (14-21 days).

in a separate category federal law Number 38, adopted in March 1995, refers to specialists involved in HIV samples (diagnosticians, attending physicians and laboratory staff). They are given an additional two weeks of vacation.

It should be noted that if a special trade union audit was not carried out at a particular medical enterprise to assess the working conditions of working personnel, the provision of extended vacations is still one of the major responsibilities guides.

As you know, additional vacation days are set according to the list specified in government decree number 482, and in agreement with trade union organization if the company has one. And if the assessment of working conditions was not carried out, the management faces an administrative penalty in accordance with the current articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Who can't count on extra vacation days?

Employees who do not have a minimum length of service of three years cannot count on additional vacation days.

However, this rule does not apply to employees who are forced to put their lives in danger every day:

  • related to the HIV virus;
  • working with people who have been diagnosed with tuberculosis;
  • working with animals and livestock products infected with tuberculosis bacillus;
  • employees of psychiatric institutions related to direct assistance to patients (leading persons, doctors, housewives, orderlies).

The duration of the additional vacation period is directly related to the position held. Minimum values ​​set for physicians general practice or so-called family doctors - this is an additional 3 days off. Maximum amount days is provided to psychiatrists and psychologists - for them, 35 days are added to the vacation period.

How is it arranged?

At each enterprise, the manager approves a specific one for all working personnel. Such a document is drawn up taking into account the interests of the enterprise and all the features of labor activity. Document is being prepared personnel department, after which it is submitted for signature to the head.

All employees should familiarize themselves with the signed and approved schedule, since vacation periods are established by agreement and agreement between the employee and the employer. If an employee is not satisfied with the schedule set for him, he can draw up a separate application with a request to postpone the planned vacation, for example, to another time of the year.

Vacations are provided according to the established schedule from the second year of the employee's labor activity at a particular enterprise.

Registration of additional vacation days is not much different from registration of the main vacation period. In order to receive additional rest, it is necessary to submit an appropriate application to the employer, which will be the basis for issuing an order. In practice, health workers who go to annual leave, seek to combine the main rest time with additional. In this case, the application contains a request to provide additional days in addition to the main vacation.

If an employee wishes to arrange a vacation period according to the schedule, the algorithm of actions for him is as follows:

  1. Prior to the formation of the schedule at the beginning of the current year, it is necessary to draw up an application and submit it to the management so that the employer can correctly plan vacation periods for all staff, taking into account the personal wishes of employees.
  2. The personnel department in the T-7 form draws up a vacation schedule, which, after its approval by the management, is introduced to all employees.
  3. The employee is notified in writing by the manager about the approaching annual leave two weeks in advance.
  4. Within two weeks after the notification is sent, an appropriate order is issued, drawn up in the T-6 form. Column A of this document indicates the name of the vacation period and its duration in digital terms. If the employee asked in the application to provide additional days at the same time, they are indicated in column B.
  5. After that, on the basis of the order, it is drawn up in a special form and accrued. At the same time, in the timesheet, opposite the name of the employee, the mark “OD” is affixed.
  6. Information about the additional days provided is entered into the employee's personal card (section 8) and his personal account (T-54), if any.

fee 33%


There is a Government Decree No. 482 dated 06/06/2013, which provides a detailed list of professions and positions that are entitled to additional paid leave. When providing an employee with additional leave, the employer must be guided by Art. 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Based on the current Decree No. 482, additional leave in 2017 is provided to some health workers who hold certain positions in healthcare.

Additional leave is granted after special evaluation work of medical workers. The results of the assessment must be agreed with the trade union of the institution.

If the profession of some health workers is not in the specified list, then additional leave is granted on a general basis. According to Art. 117 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the minimum duration of additional leave for medical workers who work in harmful and dangerous working conditions is 7 calendar days. This period may be extended by a collective agreement or other local act medical institution.

According to Decree No. 482, additional leave is granted:

Health care workers who provide mental health care: Physicians on leadership positions, housewives and other medical personnel who provide medical care mentally ill - 35 calendar days;
Laboratory workers - 21 days;
Registrars, nurses and dietitians - 14 days.

Doctors who provide assistance to TB patients: All medical staff of TB dispensaries - 14 days;
TB doctors who perform X-ray examinations - 21 days;

Doctors working with HIV-infected people and in contact with drugs that contain the virus - 14 days.
Junior medical personnel, that is, nurses working in such institutions, are also entitled to an additional leave of 7 to 12 days.

In the event that a medical worker is entitled to additional leave for several reasons, it is granted only for one of them.

If the head of a medical institution does not bother to conduct a special assessment of working conditions that reveals the degree of harmfulness of the working conditions of his employees, he violates labor laws. But he is obliged to provide additional holidays for medical workers.

Due to the fact that there have been changes, and the attestation of workplaces has been canceled, and instead of it, a special assessment of labor is now being carried out, an opinion has appeared that additional leave for medical workers will be canceled. This is not true! During a special assessment, the degree of harmful working conditions and the degree of danger are revealed, on the basis of which additional leave is granted.

AT medical institutions a special assessment of working conditions is carried out by the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia. But the FMBA of Russia cannot issue an order to cancel additional leave, since even if dangerous and harmful working conditions of certain medical workers were not identified, in accordance with Art. 117 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, they still have the number of days of additional leave indicated in the article.

Any medical staff works in harmful and dangerous working conditions, so no one can deprive them of the right to at least 7 calendar days of additional leave. The List approved by Decree No. 482 lists all professions of medical workers. In addition, some positions and specialties were added that are not entitled to 7 calendar days, but to a longer additional vacation. These positions and specialties of medical workers are presented above. Link I recommend writing a collective complaint to the labor inspectorate and the prosecutor's office. Good luck.

According to:


On Approval of the Procedure for Considering Disagreements on Issues of Conducting an Expertise on the Quality of a Special Assessment of Working Conditions, Disagreements of Employees, Trade Unions, Their Associations, Other Representative Bodies Authorized by Employees, Employers, Their Associations, Insurers, Territorial Bodies of the Federal Executive Body Authorized to Conduct Federal State Supervision for compliance labor law and other regulatory legal acts containing norms labor law, organizations that conducted a special assessment of working conditions, with the results of an examination of the quality of a special assessment of working conditions

2. In order to consider disagreements on the issues of conducting an examination of the quality of a special assessment of working conditions, disagreements of applicants with the results of an examination of the quality of a special assessment of working conditions, the applicant submits to the Ministry of Labor and social protection of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry) a statement stating:

a) name of the applicant (for legal entities), last name, first name, patronymic (if any) - (for individuals);

b) the postal address of the applicant, address Email applicant (if any);

c) the applicant's arguments, on the basis of which he does not agree with the conclusion of the state examination of working conditions.

3. A copy of the conclusion of the state examination of working conditions is attached to the application, with the conclusions of which the applicant does not agree.

4. If there is a need to review the documents on the basis of which the state examination working conditions in order to assess the quality of a special assessment of working conditions, copies of such documents may be requested by the Ministry, including through the use of a system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

5. The application and the documents attached to it can be submitted to the Ministry on paper in person by the applicant or sent by registered by mail with acknowledgment of receipt or electronic document through the information and telecommunications network "Internet", including using the federal state information system « Single portal state and municipal services(functions)" (hereinafter referred to as the Single Portal). An application sent in the form of an electronic document must be signed by that type electronic signature, which is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for signing such documents.

9. The term for consideration of the application should not exceed 45 working days from the date of its registration.

10. Based on the results of consideration of the application, a conclusion is prepared on the consideration of disagreements on the issues of conducting an expert examination of the quality of a special assessment of working conditions, disagreements of employees, trade unions, their associations, other representative bodies authorized by employees, employers, their associations, insurers, territorial bodies of the federal executive body, authorized to conduct federal state supervision over compliance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, organizations that conducted a special assessment of working conditions, with the results of an expert examination of the quality of a special assessment of working conditions (hereinafter referred to as the conclusion on the consideration of a disagreement (disagreement).

11. If the application is satisfied, the conclusion on the consideration of the disagreement (disagreement) indicates the need for a free re-examination of the quality of a special assessment of working conditions.

(number is anonymous)


name of the Russian Federation

(date anonymised)

Kstvo City Court (address anonymized) consisting of:

presiding - Judge Eliseeva N.V.,

with the secretary - G,

with the participation of plaintiffs K, V, D,

their representative K, acting on the basis of a power of attorney,

the representative of the defendant K, acting on the basis of a power of attorney,

having considered in open court a civil case on the claim of K, V, D against the State budget institution health care (address anonymized) "Kstovo Central district hospital» on granting annual additional paid leave. making changes to employment contract, recognition of the fact of a special assessment of working conditions and an order to cancel the annual additional paid leave as illegal, the recovery of compensation for moral damage and court costs,

u s t a n o v i l:

Plaintiffs K, C, D filed a lawsuit with this claim and asks, subject to Art. , oblige GBUZ NO "Kstovskaya CRH" to provide the plaintiffs with additional annual paid leave in the amount of 35 calendar days due to the special nature of the work, as well as harmful (or) dangerous working conditions, with the introduction of appropriate amendments to the employment contract, to recover from the defendant in favor of each claimant compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the amount of 3,000 rubles, court costs in the amount of 8,000 rubles (case files 85-88), recognize the fact of a special assessment of working conditions and the order to cancel the annual additional paid leave illegal.

Their claims are motivated by the following.

In accordance with paragraph 5.5 of the employment contracts, the plaintiffs were granted an additional annual paid leave of 35 working days due to harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, irregular working hours, special nature of work, and other grounds.

In accordance with Art. 22 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated (date anonymized) N 3185-1 (as amended on 10/14/2014) "On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision", medical and other workers involved in the provision of psychiatric care are entitled to a reduced working hours time, annual additional paid leave for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The duration of working hours and annual additional paid leave of medical workers involved in the provision of psychiatric care is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated (date anonymized) (as amended on (date anonymized) ) "On the duration of the annual additional paid leave for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions provided to certain categories of workers, the duration of the annual additional paid vacation is 35 days for a doctor (regardless of the normalization of the working day), as well as for nursing staff (which includes nurses) involved in the provision of psychiatric care to the population.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated (date anonymized) No. 566N “On Approval of the Procedure for Providing Medical Care for Psychiatric Disorders and Behavioral Disorders”, the office in which the plaintiffs provide psychiatric care to the population belongs to medical organizations providing medical care in psychiatric disorders.

Thus, the right to additional leave is based on work in a certain specialty, profession, position, work in difficult and adverse conditions work, increased workload, responsible nature of work, long experience work and other circumstances.

To establish compensatory measures and guarantees for medical workers, the provisions of Art. . , and other normative legal acts.

In addition, at present, the List of industries, workshops, professions and positions with harmful working conditions continues to operate, work in which gives the right to additional leave and a shorter working day.

Annual additional paid leave is granted to an employee employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions (the list of such jobs, the duration of the leave and the conditions for granting it must be approved by the Government of the Russian Federation).

In accordance with clause XL of this list “Healthcare, clause 26, a psychiatrist and 43 paramedical personnel are entitled to additional leave without any attestation of jobs.

According to the plaintiffs, at the level of legislation there is a chain that establishes their right to receive an additional annual paid leave of 35 days.

In connection with the violation by the employer of the rights of the plaintiffs, they suffered moral damage, which they estimate at the rate of 3,000 rubles each.

Plaintiffs DYV., K, V, their representative K, acting on the basis of a power of attorney, supported the claims in full.

The representative of the defendant K, acting on the basis of a power of attorney, asks to dismiss the stated claims.

The representative of a third party of the Ministry of Health (the address is anonymized) did not appear at the court session, asks to consider the case in his absence, providing the court with a written response to the claim.

After hearing the plaintiffs, their representative, the objections of the defendant's representative on the merits of the stated claims, having examined the written materials of the case, the court comes to the following.

(date anonymized) between GBUZ "Kstovskaya CRH" and K concluded an employment contract, under the terms of which K is accepted as a nurse in a psychiatric office with a qualification of 2PKG 3KU (start date from (date anonymized)).

(date anonymized) between GBUZ "Kstovskaya CRH" and V concluded an employment contract, under the terms of which K is accepted as a nurse in a psychiatric office with a qualification of 2PKG 3KU (start date from (date anonymized)).

In accordance with clause 5.5 of the employment contract, the employee is provided with an annual additional paid leave of 30 working days due to harmful working conditions.

(date anonymized) between GBUZ "Kstovskaya CRH" and D signed an employment contract, under the terms of which D is admitted to the clinic for the position of a district psychiatrist with a qualification of 2PKG 3KU (date of work from (date anonymized)).

In accordance with clause 5.5 of the employment contract, the employee is provided with an annual additional paid leave of 30 working days due to harmful working conditions.

By order of the Acting Chief Physician dated (date anonymized) No. (number anonymized), the provision of annual additional leaves to employees whose positions have passed a special assessment of working conditions from (date anonymized) (case file 58) has been canceled.

This order was issued based on the results of a special assessment of working conditions, which were not recognized by the court as invalid, and the plaintiffs themselves did not dispute the results of the assessment of working conditions.

Consequently, the claims of the plaintiffs for the recognition of the order to cancel the annual additional paid leave as illegal are not subject to satisfaction.

The plaintiffs filed claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage. Since the claims of the plaintiffs for the provision of additional annual paid leave, amendments to the employment contract, recognition of the fact of a special assessment of working conditions and the order to cancel the annual additional paid leave as illegal were left by the court unsatisfied, the claims for the recovery of compensation for moral damage are not subject to satisfaction.

In view of the foregoing, the court does not have legal grounds to satisfy the claims

Based on the above, guided by Article.Article. - , court

I decided:

Claims K, V, D against the State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare (address anonymized) "Kstovo Central District Hospital" for the provision of annual additional paid leave, amendments to the employment contract, recognition of the fact of a special assessment of working conditions and an order to cancel the annual additional paid leave unlawful, the recovery of compensation for non-pecuniary damage and legal costs to leave without satisfaction.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision", the Federal Law "On the prevention of the spread of tuberculosis in the Russian Federation" and the Federal Law "On the prevention of the spread in the Russian Federation of the disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection) )" The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the duration of the annual additional paid leave for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions for medical workers involved in the provision of psychiatric care, directly involved in the provision of anti-tuberculosis care, diagnosing and treating HIV-infected people, as well as persons whose work is related with materials containing human immunodeficiency virus, according to the list according to the appendix.

2. To the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry Agriculture of the Russian Federation to approve the duration of reduced working hours and annual additional paid leave for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions for veterinary and other workers directly involved in the provision of anti-tuberculosis care, as well as employees of organizations for the production and storage of animal products, serving patients with agricultural tuberculosis animals.

medical workers involved in the provision of psychiatric care, directly involved in the provision of anti-tuberculosis care, diagnosing and treating HIV-infected people, as well as persons whose work is related to materials containing the human immunodeficiency virus, who are provided with annual additional paid leave for work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions

Job title
(specialties, categories of workers)
Duration of annual additional paid leave (calendar days)
I. Health professionals involved in mental health care
Doctor (including a doctor holding the position of head, deputy head, whose labor (official) duties include the provision of psychiatric care and who has an irregular working day, the head of a structural unit is a specialist doctor), middle and junior medical personnel (except for medical statistics ), medical psychologist*(1), *(2) 35
home nurse*(1), *(2) 28
Doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics, laboratory assistant (including the head of the laboratory), laboratory assistant, medical laboratory technician (laboratory assistant), laboratory orderly *(1), *(2) 21
Dietitian, dietary nurse, medical registrar, housewife*(1), *(2) 14
Nurse directly involved in patient care*(2) 35
II. Health workers directly involved in TB care*(3)
Doctor (including a doctor holding the position of a head, whose labor (official) duties include direct participation in the provision of anti-tuberculosis care, the head of a structural unit - a specialist doctor), middle and junior medical personnel, a medical psychologist 14
A phthisiatrician who systematically performs X-ray diagnostic studies 21
III. Health care workers who diagnose and treat HIV-infected people, as well as people whose work is related to materials containing human immunodeficiency virus
A doctor (including a doctor holding the position of a head, whose labor (official) duties include the diagnosis, treatment of HIV-infected people, the head of a structural unit is a specialist doctor), paramedical personnel who diagnose and treat HIV-infected people, a medical psychologist * (four) 14
Doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics, laboratory assistant (including the head of the laboratory), laboratory assistant, medical laboratory technician (laboratory assistant), laboratory orderly * (5) 14
Nursing staff caring for people with HIV*(4) 14
Persons whose work is related to materials containing human immunodeficiency virus*(4), *(5), *(6) 14


*(1) Working:

in psychiatric, neuropsychiatric, neurosurgical, narcological treatment and preventive medical organizations, structural divisions(including in departments, offices, medical and production (labor) workshops) other medical and preventive medical organizations providing psychiatric care, inpatient facilities social service for the mentally ill (boarding houses for the elderly and the disabled, neuropsychiatric boarding schools);

in clinics (clinical departments) of scientific (research) organizations and educational organizations higher education providing psychiatric care;

in the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (expert teams of the Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise, expert teams of the Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise, formed to examine people with mental disorders).

*(2) Employees working in children's psychiatric, neuropsychiatric treatment and preventive medical organizations, including in orphanages for children with damage to the central nervous system with mental disorders, structural units (including departments, departments, offices) of other treatment and prevention medical organizations providing psychiatric care, except for those intended for the treatment of children with damage to the central nervous system without mental impairment, stationary social service institutions (orphanages for mentally retarded children), educational organizations that train mentally retarded children and children suffering from mental illness, educational organizations whose structural units implement educational programs for mentally retarded children and children suffering from mental illness.

*(3) Working:

in tuberculosis (anti-tuberculosis) treatment and preventive medical organizations, including in sanatoriums, structural subdivisions (including departments, offices, clinics, sanatoriums) of other treatment and preventive medical organizations providing anti-tuberculosis medical care;

in clinics (clinical departments) of scientific (research) organizations and educational organizations of higher education providing anti-tuberculosis medical care;

in the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (expert teams of the Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise, expert teams of the Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise, formed to examine patients with tuberculosis);

in educational organizations, including sanatoriums for students who are mastering basic general education programs and in need of long-term treatment, in which the necessary medical, rehabilitation and recreational activities are carried out for patients with tuberculosis.

*(4) Working:

in specialized treatment and preventive medical organizations, including centers for the prevention and control of AIDS, structural divisions (including offices, departments, centers for the prevention and control of AIDS) of other treatment and prevention medical organizations providing medical care for HIV -infected;

in clinics (clinical departments) of scientific (research) organizations and educational organizations of higher education providing medical care to HIV-infected people.

*(5) Working in laboratories (departments, departments, groups) that carry out laboratory diagnostics HIV infections.

*(6) Working in scientific (research) organizations and their structural subdivisions, work in which is related to materials containing human immunodeficiency virus, as well as in organizations and their structural subdivisions engaged in the production of immunobiological medicinal products.

Notes: 1. Medical and other workers who are provided with annual additional paid leave for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions also include medical workers involved in the provision of psychiatric care, directly involved in the provision of anti-tuberculosis care, diagnosing and treating HIV-infected, and persons whose work is related to materials containing the human immunodeficiency virus, carrying out relevant activities in organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Federal Service execution of punishments, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

2. Medical workers who are provided with annual additional paid leave for work in harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions on other grounds are granted leave on one of the grounds in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Document overview

Some medical workers are given annual additional paid leave for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions. We are talking about people who provide psychiatric care, are directly involved in the provision of anti-tuberculosis care, are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of HIV-infected people, and work with materials containing HIV.

The duration of the specified leave by positions (specialties, categories) of employees is established. It ranges from 14 to 35 days.

The Ministry of Labor of Russia was instructed, in agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, to establish the duration of reduced working hours and annual additional paid leave for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions for 2 categories of persons. The first is veterinary and other workers directly involved in the provision of anti-tuberculosis care. The second - employees of organizations for the production and storage of livestock products, serving TB patients with agricultural animals.